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Culture 1969-1978: Retrenchment & Reaction

Chapter 8: Culture
Retrenchment & Reaction
President Richard Nixon
1968 was a year of confrontation between students and government
Tet Offensive- left more Americans opposed to the continuation of the war
Richard Nixon witnessed achievements in foreign diplomacy despite his reputation for abuse of
Richard Nixon set a goal of ending the war through “Vietnamization”
Vietnam & Domestic politics
Anti-war demonstrations
4 Students killed at Kent State University
2 students killed at Jackson State College
South Vietnamese government fell to communists; U.S. embassy was evacuated
Post-economic boom of WWII was coming to an end
Energy shortage
China, Soviet Union & 1976
Success of Nixon administration
Relaxation of tensions with the Soviet Union
Opening up of relations with China
Nation’s bicentennial in 1976
Civil Rights
Civil rights movement continued
Mandatory busing was used
Feminist movement
Equal rights amendment
Roe vs. Wade
By end of 70s more than half of college graduates were women
Social life
Passage of Title IX as part of 1972 Educational Amendment
Environmental movement
Led to “earth style”
Challenged ideas about time, size, and space
Consumer movement led by Ralph Nader
Men’s interest in fashion increased
Caused changes to diversity of products
Led many designers to enter men’s business
Sunbelt / Technology
Southern cities were fastest growing in the U.S.
Advances in technology
Pocket calculator
Digital Watches
Video games- Atari
Floppy Disk
Climax of Space Race 1969- Apollo 11
Medical advances- Ultrasound, test tube baby
Literature reflected period of social unrest and volatility
Personal fulfillment and self expression books
Jonathan Livingston Seagull- parable about a seagull
All the President’s Men (1974)- detailed Watergate investigation and was made into a film in
1976 by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
(photo of Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford)
Healthy living promoted
Jogging related apparel began popular with new trends and fashions
Running shoes accounted for 50% of all shoes sold
Nike founded in 1972
Steve Prefontaine was first athletic endorsement
Nike Waffle Iron
Earth Art
Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson
Sears Tower, East Wing of the National Art Gallery
Wearable art movement started in 1970’s
Combined clothing with weaving , painting, embroidery, and dyeing
Dominant entertainment medium
By 1978, 98% U.S. households had a TV
TV Guide, most widely read publication
Saturday Night Live
Charlie’s Angels inspired loose, curled hairstyle—two Texas girls—Farrah Fawcett, Corpus Christi
(back) and Jaclyn Smith, Houston (right), the third is Kate Jackson
Hollywood stars began dressing more casually, wearing jeans and blazers to events where
evening dress would typically be worn in the past
Jaws and Star Wars
Pantsuits inspired by The Godfather & The Sting
Disco became popular
Saturday Night Fever- popularized the floral knit shirts and 3-piece white suits John
Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney
Eclectic Mix of Rock & Roll, Heavy Metal, and Funk--Kiss
Torn shirts, jackets decorated with heavy chains and safety pins
Popularized London designers
The Supremes – their dresses, make-up and wigs were
featured in an exhibit in the African American Museum
in Philadelphia in 2013. See link on BlackBoard
Manufacturing/ Retailing
1971- business worth $13 billion wholesale
1.4 million employees
Many companies only offered one product at a certain price point
Dallas was ranked 3rd in apparel production, behind NYC and LA
Companies moved south to save money on space and transportation
Laser-beam cutting of pattern pieces
Computer-aided pattern making
Electronic storage of patterns
Automated pattern and marker making
Data and Credit Cards
Electronic data processing at POS (Point of Sale)
Retailers could measure sales of items
Dates of merchandise delivery in computer allowed better use of promotions
Americans had 275 million credit cards in 1971
1967- $1 billion charged/ 1971- $7 billion charged
2006- $1,950 billion charged
Department Stores & Catalogs
Department store hours expanded- 7 days a week
Catalog sales rose
More self-service in stores
Manufacturing and Advertisements
Buying shifted to main office
Markets held in NYC, Chicago, LA, Dallas
Later Denver, Miami, Charlotte, Atlanta
Couture departments dropped by stores
Bloomingdale’s remade the store to be trendier
Neiman Marcus began showing ads on TV in 1974
Department stores expanded certain departments due to customer demand
custom departments, home-sewing areas, millinery departments