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Grade 9 Curriculum Guide 2022-2023

Grade 9 curriculum guide
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Grade 9
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Middle Years
The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) is the
ideal framework and skill base for students
entering the IB Diploma Programme. It has been
taught at CIS since 2003, cementing CIS as one
of the leading MYP schools in Southeast Asia.
The philosophy and objectives of the MYP reflect
those of the CIS community, to provide our
students the opportunity to actively participate
in their learning through inquiry-based
programmes, meeting the needs of our culturally
diverse community and preparing them for their
future, no matter what that entails.
Our teachers and subject teams ensure students
are well prepared to meet the challenging needs
of the Diploma Programme by developing our
four-year MYP curriculum to focus equally on both
content and universally transferable skills. We
benchmark our curriculum against four countries
(Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United
States) to assure students are well prepared for a
wide range of future academic programs.
For more information on our current
MYP units, please check your child’s
subject pages in ManageBac.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
The MYP has a commitment to conceptbased teaching and learning. Conceptual
learning places the focus on ideas, specifically,
understanding the concepts that underpin the
content and skills being taught. These concepts
are universal, and understood globally to build
connections between students and across
The MYP identifies prescribed key concepts and
related concepts in each subject area. These
create coherence within the curriculum, build a
student’s capacity to engage with complex ideas,
and encourage students to apply these concepts
between subject areas.
The inquiry and student-centered learning
experience creates personal meaning and an
understanding of concepts in context, which is at
the core of the MYP learning model.
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
As the MYP is an international learning model, it
is important for students to make connections
between the real world and classroom learning.
At the heart of the MYP is the goal to develop
internationally minded learners who consider the
world around them, and their role within it. The
global contexts in the MYP are:
• identities and relationships;
• orientation in space and time;
• personal and cultural expression;
• scientific and technical innovation;
• globalization and sustainability; and
• fairness and development.
These six global contexts are explored in units and
lessons across all grade levels and subject areas of
the MYP.
The MYP is often considered a value-added
programme, as there is considerable emphasis on
both the content and the skills that help students
“learn how to learn”, setting them up for future
success in the Diploma Programme (DP) and
beyond. Many of these skills are introduced in the
Primary Years Programme (PYP) and continue until
the end of the DP, as developmentally appropriate.
Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills empower
students to develop the self-awareness and
specific skills they need to engage in a lifetime of
The five ATL skill categories, expanded into ten
developmentally appropriate skill clusters are as
I. Communication skills
II. Collaboration skills
III. Organization skills
IV. Affective skills
V. Reflection skills
VI. Information literacy skills
VII. Media literacy skills
VIII. Critical thinking skills
IX. Creative thinking skills
X. Transfer skills
Every MYP unit identifies a specific ATL skill that
students will develop through their inquiry, often
demonstrated in the summative assessments.
Some of our ATLs, specifically focusing on selfmanagement, are taught throughout our advisory
Thorough assessment is essential to effective
teaching and learning, as it helps to identify the
most effective strategies and activities that will
encourage student learning. A key advantage
of the MYP is that assessment takes two forms,
allowing teachers to adjust and design curriculum
with the current needs of students in mind. Both
formative and summative assessments take place
throughout the course of a unit and school year.
Formative assessment is used to determine what
information students know and identify where the
teachers can delve further. It can take many forms,
including conversations, quizzes, self and peer
assessment, class discussions, etc.
Summative assessments are the formal evaluation
of each student’s success. They measure what each
child has learned, using subject specific criteria,
and the IB MYP rubrics translate these results into
a final grade on a scale of 1 to 7. Each summative
assessment has a task specific worksheet that
explains the task and describes exactly what is
being assessed and how.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
For each summative assessment, teachers of the
same subject work together to standardise marks
to ensure fairness for students, and to verify that
all classes are successfully meeting the course
objectives. This internal standardisation evaluates
a number of assignments from other classes
(and sometimes grade level) and reviews results
to ensure everyone has similar expectations. It
is good professional practice to help subject
teams continuously refine and improve, to ensure
students are appropriately prepared for the rigours
of the DP.
Producing text
Using language
Knowing and
Knowing and
Knowing and
Thinking critically
Inquiring and
Processing and
Physical and health
Knowing and
Planning for
Applying and
Reflecting on the
impact of science
mathematics in
real-world contexts
Inquiring and
Developing ideas
Language and
Individuals and
MYP projects
Applying Skills
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Creating the
and improving
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
MYP general grade descriptors.
To arrive at a criterion levels total for each student, teachers add together the student’s final achievement
levels in all criteria of the subject group. Schools using the MYP 1–7 scale should use the grade boundary
guidelines table that follows to determine final grades in each year of the MYP. The table provides a means
of converting the criterion levels total into a grade based on a scale of 1–7.
Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant
misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts.
Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using
knowledge or skills.
Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant
gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently
demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of
knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.
Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of
many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or
gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is often
inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar
classroom situations.
Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with some
flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar
Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of
concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes
with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and realworld situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.
Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive
understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative
thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar
and unfamiliar classroom and real-world situations, often with independence.
Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates
comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently
demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers
knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex
classroom and real-world situations.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Although formal examinations are not required
by the IB at the MYP level, an important goal
for the MYP is to guide and support students
in preparing for the Diploma programme. It is
therefore important that MYP students learn the
skills required to succeed in examination situations.
Students in grades 9 and 10 participate in written
exam-style summative assessments in May for the
subjects: Language & Literature (English, Chinese
and English Modified), Mathematics (standard and
extended), Sciences, Individuals & Societies and
Language Acquisition (Chinese, English,
French, Spanish). MYP exams in Grade 9 and 10
take place in formal exam settings and are 90
minutes in length.
The MYP model focuses on the holistic nature
of education, exposing students to all subject
areas broadly, before specialising in the Diploma
Students study 8 subjects and participate in an
advisory group that supports them throughout
grades 7 and 8. Flexibility comes in the form of
language selection, where students may choose
Language and Literature in either English or
Chinese. If Language and Literature in English is
chosen, students may choose to learn Chinese,
French or Spanish as their additional language. If
Chinese Language and Literature is chosen, they
will also have Language and Literature in English.
Students also cycle through a semester of each of
the following subjects: Visual Arts, Theatre, Music,
and Design.
In grades 9 and 10, students take 8 subjects and
continue to participate in an advisory group. They
continue with their language options from grades
7 and 8 and choose an arts focus (theatre, music,
visual arts, or film).
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Language and Literature.
Subject learning lead: Peter Anderson (English), Yongkai Ni (Chinese)
” “Literature is the art of discovering something
extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying
with ordinary words something extraordinary.”
- Boris Pasternak
MYP Language and Literature courses
equip students with linguistic, analytical and
communicative skills that help to develop
interdisciplinary understanding. Students develop
skills in six domains – listening, speaking,
reading, writing, viewing and presenting – both
independently and with others.
Unit 3: Finding Your Voice
Key concept: Connections
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: Communication helps form
identities and relationships
Unit 4: Tragic Perspectives
Key concept: Perspective
Global context: Orientation in space and time
Statement of inquiry: Different perspectives on
identities and relationships can be explored through
literary characters and themes.
CIS offers two options for the core subject of
Language and Literature. Students may study
Language and Literature in either English or
The summative assessments range from close
reading activities, essays, creative writing, oral
commentaries and class presentations. Teachers
assess students against objectives throughout
each unit. These assessments may be in the form
of a quiz, class discussion, presentation, homework
assignment or short writing assessment. Teachers
provide ongoing formative assessment on the
objectives throughout the units, in the form
of quizzes, participation in class discussions,
presentations, homework assignments and short
writing assessments.
Language and Literature in English
Unit 1: Here is the NEWS!
Key concept: Perspectives
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Perspectives are expressed
in various ways
Unit 2: Power Up!
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Fairness and development
Statement of inquiry: Themes make connections to
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Glenda Ray
Ashli Carte
Greg Cusbert
Hannah Fletcher
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Language and Literature in Chinese
Unit 1: Youth
Key concept: Identity
Global context: Identity and relationships
Statement of inquiry: We use different literary
genres to do self-expression and identity
Unit 2: Values and Beliefs
Key Concepts: Connections
Related Concepts: Point of View, Self-expression
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Cultural connections exist
across time and texts. and they are reflected
through various literary styles.
Unit 3: Works in translation
Key concept: Culture, Identity
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: The characters in the texts
reflect the perspective and purpose of creating
the text. Cultural context shapes the style of the
language usage.
Unit 4: Poetry
Key concept: Connections
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: Writers establish
connections between characters and their social
context to convey identities and relationships to
reveal themes.
Zou Jing
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Language and Literature English Modified.
Subject learning lead: Peter Anderson
MYP Language and Literature English Modified
courses equip students with linguistic, analytical
and communicative skills that help to develop
interdisciplinary understanding by using ELL
strategies and scaffolds to provide access to the
curriculum. ELL students develop skills in six
domains – listening, speaking, reading, writing,
viewing and presenting – supporting students
to gain independence and increase confidence
as they progress in English language proficiency.
This course is designed to equip students with
appropriate skills and knowledge for a simple
transition into the MYP Language and Literature
and into the Diploma Programme.
The summative assessments range from close
reading activities, essays, creative writing, oral
commentaries and class presentations. Teachers
provide ongoing formative assessment on the
objectives throughout the units, in the form of
quizzes, participation in class discussions, PEAS
paragraphs, presentations, homework assignments
and short writing assessments.
Unit 1: Coming of Age in film
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Directors use film
conventions to communicate a narrative that
impacts an audience.
Unit 2: Choices and Decisions (Animal Farm)
Key concept: Creativity
Global context: Fairness and Development
Statement of inquiry: Critical readers understand
that authors’ creative choices affect readers’
interpretations of literary texts and themes.
Unit 3: Public Speaking
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Identities and relationships
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Statement of inquiry: Reflecting on real-life stories
of success or failure inspires authentic connections
that can influence sharing our personal stories.
Unit 4: A Twist in the Tale
Key concept: Perspective
Global context: Orientation in Time and Space.
Statement of inquiry: Fiction can teach us
important lessons in humanity and how we should
treat others.
Christina Markowski
Chris Herring
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Language Acquisition Chinese, French, Spanish.
Subject learning lead: Armelle Tainsh (French & Spanish), Yongkai Ni (Chinese)
Language is critical in the development of
globally-minded students and CIS offers students
an opportunity to learn a number of different
languages as part of our Language Acquisition
course. Upon entry into the MYP, students select
an additional language to study. We offer French,
Spanish and Chinese from grades 7 to 10, ranging
in phases from beginner (phase 1) to more
proficient language speaker (phase 6).
Teachers provide ongoing formative assessment
throughout the units in preparation for the
summative assessments. These may come in the
form of quizzes, group work, participation in class
discussions, informal presentations and homework
assignments. Summative assessments are generally
completed in class, focusing on comprehension
of text (either visual or written) and responding in
either written or oral form.
As languages and phases may have
different learning content and objectives,
please check Managebac or speak to your
child’s teacher for more information.
Jen Wu
Shawn Chen
Weiwei Wang
Joo San Chong
Qiang Ma
Zhai Meiling
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Armelle Tainsh
Severine Fumoux
Pilar Fernandez
Neus Crespo
Sandra Fiannaca
Severine Fumoux
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Language Acquisition English.
Subject learning lead: Christopher Herring
Language is critical in the development of
globally-minded students and CIS offers students
an opportunity to learn English as part of our
Language Acquisition courses. Upon entry into the
MYP, students who require English support take
LAQE at each phase as they progress in English
language proficiency.
Teachers provide ongoing formative assessment
throughout the units in preparation for the
summative assessments. These may come in
the form of quizzes, group work, participation in
class discussions, informal presentations and
homework assignments. Summative assessments
are generally completed in class, focusing on
comprehension of text (either visual or written)
and responding in either written or oral form.
Unit 1: Medical Breakthroughs
Key concept: Creativity
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Language and message are
intimately connected to scientific and technological
innovation and development.
Unit 2: Shocking Disasters
Key concept: Connections
Global context: Scientific and Technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: In communities affected
by natural disasters, mitigation through the use of
science and technology relies heavily on clearly
expressed, purposeful messages.
Unit 3: Demography & the Ties that Bind
Key concept: Connections
Global context: Globalization and sustainability:
Statement of inquiry: Our choice of words in
written and oral communication affects both the
quality of connections between people and the
sustainability our globalized world.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Unit 4: What’s all the fighting for?
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Orientation in Space and Time
Statement of inquiry: Communication and word
choice play a crucial role in both the creation and
resolution of wars and conflicts.
Chris Herring
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Individual and Societies.
Subject learning lead: Piers Tainsh
The MYP Individuals and Societies subject group
incorporates disciplines traditionally studied under
humanities and social sciences. Individuals and
Societies encourages learners to respect and
understand the world around them, and equips
themselves with the necessary skills to inquire into
historical, geographical, political, social, economic,
and cultural factors that affect individuals,
societies and environments.
CIS’s approach to teaching Individuals and
Societies includes a strong focus on inquiry and
investigation. Students collect, describe and
analyse data; test hypotheses; and learn how
to interpret increasingly complex information,
including original source material. This focus on
real-world examples, research and analysis is an
essential aspect of the course.
The summative assessments range from debates,
creating videos, decision making scenarios with
the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
magazine production and traditional examinations.
Please check ManageBac for assessment dates.
Unit 1: Advances in Medicine (interdisciplinary)
Key concept: Change
Global context: Scientific and technical Innovation
Statement of inquiry: Changes in the
understanding of medicine and public health have
been brought about by a range of scientific and
societal innovations.
Unit 2: Natural Hazards and disasters
Key concept: Change
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Studying patterns of damage
caused by hazards allows us to develop solutions to
change their effects.
Unit 3: Population
Key concept: Time, place and Space
Global context: Globalization and sustainability
Statement of inquiry: Population policies are
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
determined by the demographic conditions in time
and space.
Unit 4: War and Conflict resolution
Key concept: Global interaction
Global context: Globalization and sustainability
Statement of inquiry: Peace and conflict resolution
is crucial due to increased global interactions.
Grace Nah
Jonathan Naylor
Greg Cusbert
Justin Sarich
Blake Richardson
Rachel Jewell
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Subject learning lead: Michelle Lee
The MYP Sciences curriculum at CIS explores
the connections between science and everyday
life. As they investigate real examples of scientific
application, students discover the tensions and
dependencies between science and morality,
ethics, culture, economics, politics, and their
environment. Students at CIS follow an integrated
science model, with units based in Biology,
Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Physics, following
the standards outlined in the UK Science
Scientific inquiry fosters critical and creative
thinking about research and design, as well as
the identification of assumptions and alternative
explanations. Students learn to appreciate and
respect the ideas of others, gain solid ethicalreasoning skills and develop their sense of
responsibility as members of communities that are
both local and global.
Students begin writing lab reports in grade 7, and
build on these skills throughout the MYP. Other
summative assessments may include tests and
formal examinations, presentations, essays and
Unit 3: Get Reactive
Key concept: Relationships
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Scientists observe patterns
to make connections and construct models that
explain how the world works.
Unit 4: Under Control
Key concept: Systems
Global context: Orientation in space and time
Statement of inquiry: The relationship between
systems affects overall function.
Unit 5: I have the Power
Key concept: Change
Global context: Scientific and Technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Understanding energy
transformations can lead to scientific innovation
and drive change
Cody Graham
Jeff McLean
Kelsey Doiron
Michael Broadhead
Unit 1: Advances in Medicine (Interdisciplinary)
Key concept: Change
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Changes in the
understanding of medicine and public health have
been brought about by a range of scientific and
societal innovations.
Unit 2: Shocking Stuff
Key concept: Systems
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Modelling allows us to better
understand a variety of complex systems which
leads to the development of scientific and technical
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Peter Mitchell
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Physical and Health
Subject learning lead: David Stewart
MYP physical and health education (PHE) aims to
empower students to understand and appreciate
the value of being physically active and develop
the motivation for making healthy life choices.
To this end, PHE units foster the development of
knowledge, skills and attitudes that will contribute
to a student’s balanced and healthy lifestyle. PHE
also focuses on both learning about and learning
through physical activity. Both dimensions help
students to develop approaches to learning skills
across the curriculum.
In PHE at CIS, students participate in a wide
variety of activities to provide them with a range
of experiences and opportunities. Through PHE,
students can learn to appreciate and respect the
ideas of others, and develop effective collaboration
and communication skills. PHE also offers many
opportunities to build positive interpersonal
relationships that can help students to develop a
sense of social responsibility. Through opportunities
for active learning, units in PHE embody and
promote the holistic nature of well-being. Students
will explore a variety of concepts that help foster
an awareness of physical development and health
perspectives, empowering them to make informed
decisions and promoting positive social interaction.
Students participate in a wide variety of activities
as part of assessment in PHE. Summative
assessments cover factual and conceptual
knowledge of activities, goal setting and planning
for improvement, practical application of skills
and strategies, and reflection on plans and
performances. Each of these areas is assessed
several times over the course of the year, in both
individual and group assignments.
To make efficient use of our space, students will
follow a rotation schedule of units.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Unit 1: Communication through Movement
Key Concept: Communication
Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression Practice & Competency
Statement of Inquiry: Competent use of time,
energy and space may allow people to communicate
through movement
Unit 2: Adapting in Invasion Games
Key Concept: Change
Global Context: Orientation in Space and Time Constraints & Adaptation
Statement of Inquiry: Systems may need to change
or be adapted depending on the constraints of
Unit 3: Interaction during Aesthetic Rituals
Key Concept: Relationships
Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression Ritual & Play
Statement of Inquiry: Effective interaction during
rituals and play may be related to the energy
Unit 4: Enhancing team performance through
Key Concept: Communication
Global Context: Identities and Relationships Teams
Statement of Inquiry: By using effective
communication strategies the interaction and
functional role of individuals can be enhanced to
establish team cooperation
Unit 5: Refining Movements to Improve
Key Concept: Development
Global Context: Fairness and Development Human Capability & Development
Statement of Inquiry: Developing and refining
movements may improve our inherent capabilities
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Unit 6: Managing Conflict in Invasion Games
Key Concept: Development
Global Context: Fairness and Development - Peace
& Conflict Management
Statement of Inquiry: Leaders should be able
to understand differing perspectives in order
to manage conflict and successfully develop a
balanced team
Chris Lee
Sinead O’Neill
David Stewart
Milan Micic
Jessie Scott
Chris Wheeler
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Subject learning lead: Andrew Scott
Design, and the resulting development of new
technologies, has given rise to profound changes
in society, transforming how we access and
process information, adapt our environment,
communicate with others, solve problems, work
and live. MYP design challenges students to apply
practical and creative-thinking skills to solve
design problems; encourages students to explore
the role of design in historical and contemporary
contexts; and raises students’ awareness of their
responsibilities when making design decisions
and taking action.
Design students at CIS have access to a wide
variety of up to date equipment, materials and
resources to creatively solve design challenges.
Design in the MYP is driven by the design cycle
and encompasses physical and digital design. As
a pathway to the Diploma programme, our design
units of study draw on a variety of disciplines
with direct links to Diploma Design Technology.
These include sustainability, user centred design,
innovation, modelling, materials and human
Design is a portfolio course. Students will
document their research and design plans in
their portfolios, outlining the steps taken to solve
design problems. Summative assessments judge
all strands of each criterion of the design cycle.
Unit 1: Design for Dignity
Key concept: Communities
Global context: Identities & Relationships
Statement of inquiry: Designers must consider the
needs of all members of society in order to ensure
that products and services respect the dignity of all
users and recognize their humanity.
Unit 2: Identity Design - Branding a Nation
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Identities and Relationships
Statement of inquiry: Identities can be captured
(and created) in clever visual communication.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Alfred Ocana
Serge Dagher
Chris Smith
Ben Cooperman
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Subject learning lead: Rob Afonso
” “Neglect of mathematics works injury to all
knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot
know the other sciences or the things of the
- Roger Bacon (1214–1294)
The framework for MYP Mathematics outlines
four branches of mathematical study: Numerical
and abstract reasoning (numbers and algebra);
Thinking with models (functions); Spatial reasoning
(geometry and trigonometry); and Reasoning
with data (statistics and probability). The MYP
Mathematics and extended mathematics courses
promote both inquiry and application, helping
students to develop problem-solving techniques
that transcend the discipline and are useful in the
world outside school.
Mathematics in the MYP is tailored to the needs of
students, seeking to intrigue and motivate them to
learn its principles by applying theory to authentic
examples of how mathematics is useful and
relevant to their lives.
Throughout the year, students will be assessed
against the four MYP Mathematics criteria.
Assessments will include tests and examinations
(Criterion A), investigations using a given pattern
(Criterion B), communicating their knowledge
in written form (Criterion C), and applying
mathematical knowledge to real life contexts
(Criterion D).
Unit 1: Being specific
Key concept: Form
Global context: Globalization & sustainability
Statement of inquiry: Representing numbers
in different forms to simplify them can help
understand human-made systems.
Unit 2: Decisions, decisions
Key concept: Logic
Global context: Scientific & technical innovation
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Statement of inquiry: Using logic to make and
validate generalizations enhances the development
of models
Unit 3: Mathematically speaking
Key concept: Logic
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: Understanding health and
validating lifestyle choices results from using logical
representations and systems
Unit 4: Back to the beginning
Key concept: Relationships
Global context: Scientific & technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Discovering relationships
in patterns and studying equivalence between
representations can lead to better models
Unit 5: Spacious interiors
Key concept: Form
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Representing transformed
objects and studying their form helps us enjoy their
creativity in space
Chelsea Young
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Unit 1: Being specific
Key concept: Form
Global context: Globalization & sustainability
Statement of inquiry: Representing numbers
in different forms to simplify them can help
understand human-made systems.
Unit 2: Decisions, decisions
Key concept: Logic
Global context: Scientific & technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Using logic to make and
validate generalizations enhances the development
of models
Unit 3: Mathematically speaking
Key concept: Logic
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: Understanding health and
validating lifestyle choices results from using logical
representations and systems
Unit 4: Back to the beginning
Key concept: Relationships
Global context: Scientific & technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Discovering relationships
in patterns and studying equivalence between
representations can lead to better models
Unit 5: Spacious interiors
Key concept: Form
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Representing transformed
objects and studying their form helps us enjoy their
creativity in space
Rachel Wheeler
Kathy Dagher
Kiruthiga Sharavanan
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Arts (Theatre, Music, Visual Arts
and Film).
Subject learning co-leads: Ann Therese Zellhoefer, Elizabeth Sarich
In MYP Arts, each student functions as an artist
as well as learner of the arts. Artists have to be
curious; by developing curiosity about themselves,
others and the world, students become effective
learners, inquirers and creative problem-solvers.
Students create, perform and present arts in ways
that engage and convey feelings, experiences
and ideas. Through this practice, students acquire
new skills and master those developed in prior
Students in grades 7 and 8 are exposed to all three
arts subject areas: theatre, music and visual arts,
before choosing one of these subjects to study
for grades 9 and 10. All three subject areas use
process journals to record and reflect on their
All three of the MYP arts courses are accessible
to all students. No knowledge of a musical
instrument is required to participate in our music
programme, as students learn keyboard, guitar and
vocal skills as part of the course. Instruments can
be used in the performance of their created works,
but are not mandatory. Band and strings occur
as part of CIS’ extra-curricular activities but are
supported in our classroom instruction.
Unit 1: Voice and Sound
Key concept: Aesthetics
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: The aesthetics of language
and sound communicate tension, emotion,
atmosphere and meaning.
Unit 2: Improvisation, Communication and
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Orientation in space and time
Statement of inquiry: Communication has always
impacted others’ creativity through time.
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Unit 3: Non-Naturalism and Script Work
Key concept: Communication
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Innovative and abstract
communication can increase audience
Unit 4: Monologues
Key concept: Change
Global context: Identities and relationships
Statement of inquiry: We change our identity
according to audience and culture.
Denise Mireau
Unit 1: STOMP
Key concept: Creativity
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: Adaptation and
ingenuity contribute to creative and innovative
Unit 2: Music of SE Asia & Oceania
Key concept: Form
Global context: Orientation in space & time
Statement of inquiry: Form and structure of
traditional art can be directly influenced by social
history and heritage.
Unit 3: Film Music
Key concept: Aesthetics
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: Composers create aesthetic
movie environments by expressing the personal
ideas, beliefs, and values of the characters and
Grade 9 curriculum guide 2022-2023
Unit 4: The Blues
Key concept: Relationships
Global context: Fairness and development
Statement of inquiry: Lack of fairness in civil
society and inequality in racial relationships
significantly influenced the development of the
Tom Anderson
Jasmine Heath
Visual Arts
Unit 1: Natural Forms
Key Concept: Aesthetics
Global context: Personal & Cultural Expression
Statement of Inquiry: Balance and harmony found
in nature are considered to be the foundation of
Unit 2: Cultural Identities
Key Concept: Identity
Global context: Personal and Cultural Expression
Statement of inquiry: Understanding our identity
is critical in influencing and expressing our
relationship to changing styles over time.
Unit 3: Metamorphosis
Key Concept: Change
Global context: Identities and Relationships.
Statement of Inquiry: Juxtaposing unrelated
objects communicates new contexts and
Unit 4: Cultural Identities
Key concept: Change
Global context: Personal and Cultural Expression
Statement of inquiry: Understanding our cultural
identity is critical in influencing and expressing our
relationship to changing styles over time.
Lizz Rossi
Helen Bramely
CPE Registration No: 199002243H | Period of Registration: 8 June 2019 to 7 June 2023
Unit 1: Introduction to Cinematography
Key concept: Change
Global context: Orientation in space and time
Statement of inquiry: The history and techniques
of filmmaking use composition and structure to
express ideas.
Unit 2: Introduction to Editing
Key Concept: Communication
Global context: Personal and cultural expression
Statement of inquiry: The style and techniques
of editing allow filmmakers to communicate and
express meaning to viewers.
Unit 3: What’s that sound?
Key concept: Aesthetics
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry: The innovations and beauty
of sound design allow for artists to create nuanced
experiences for their audience.
Unit 4: Back to Basics
Key concept: Form
Global context: Orientation in space and time
Statement of inquiry: Materials can influence
how forms are constructed and represented in an
innovative way.
Alfredo Ocana Nisa