UTILITARIANISM/ CONSEQUENTIALISM Consequentialism An act is good in reference to its consequence or result. Act is good if the result is good and the act is bad id the consequence is bad Also known as teleological ethics. Consequentialism Elaboration: Telos- end Egoism, hedonism, pragmatism, utilitarianism. “I” EGOISM. “PRACTICAL” Consequentialism PRAGMATISM: HEDONISM “NOW” UTILITARIANISM “MAJORITY” UTILITARIANISM UTILITARIANISM UTILITARIANISM John Stuart- Mill “it is not enough to base the goodness of the action from the act alone. (if we do so, we can only get quantity of pleasure). UTILITARIANISM John Stuart- Mill It is through actions conforming the rules, will it produce greatest pleasure. Hedonic Calculus (1) its intensity. (How intense is the pleasure or pain?) Hedonic Calculus (2) its duration. (How long does the pleasure or pain last?) (3) its certainty or uncertainty. (How probable is the occurrence of pleasure or pain) (4) its nearness or remoteness. (Also known as Propinquity: How far off is the pleasure or pain?) (5) its fecundity, i.e. its chance of being followed by sensations of the same kind (pleasure by pleasure, pain by pain) Hedonic Calculus (6) its purity, i.e. its chance of not being followed by sensations of the opposite kind (pleasure by pain, pain by pleasure). (7) its extent, i.e. the number of persons to whom it extends or (in other words) who are affected by it. The Greatest Happiness Principle Utilitarianism That principle, of course, is the principle of utility. desirability: that happiness is desirable as an end, exhaustiveness: that nothing but happiness is desirable as an end, and impartiality: that each person’s happiness is equally desirable.