si WJELDOX an OXElOSUND it HMDOX 1 Read this first WELDOX - EHS and HS steels in plate structurer HARDOX - AR steel as protection against abrasion Extra High-Strength (EHS) and Abrasion Resistant (AR) steels are the steel industry's answer to the demands of markets,and designers for steels that permit lighter, more durable and more wear -resistant structures. . In order to permit lighter and more durable structures, the steels, and especially the EHS steels, must have a high yield stress. Despite their great hardness, they permit satisfactory production economy. It is, for example, possible to drill in the AR steels - a small number of holes with high-speed steel drills and larger numbers with special high-speed drills (20% more expensive). Yield stress, N/mm2 MS (Mild Steels) e.g. S 235, BS 40, St 37 ................................ 200 - 300 HS (High Strength steels) e.g. S 355, ASTM A 572-50, BS 50, St 52-3.... 300 - 500 EHS (Extra High Strength steels) e.g. WELDOX 600, WELDOX 700, WELDOX 900, WELDOX 960 ........................... 600 - 960 Demands for abrasion resistance have led to the development of the AR (Abrasion-Resistant) steels, which are abrasion resistant steels that can also be used as structural steels. Brinell hardness HB MS ................................................................. 100-150 HS .................................................................. 150 - 210 EHS ................................................................ 240 - 320 AR HARDOX 400, HARDOX 500 ........................ 360 - 560 The principal area of application for the EHS and AR steels is within sectors where a premium is placed on reducing: - the dead load of the structure -wear - the effects of impacts and shocks - surface damage (by increasing the hardness of the component) These steels are used very widely today within the transport sector, on construction vehicles, mobile cranes, forestry machines, within the process industry (cement and timber processing), in the mining and minerals industry etc. The Heavy Plate Division of SVENSKT STAL has sold more than 700 000 metric tons of EHS and AR plate (1986). Svenskt SteWs vast and long experience with EHS and AR steels has been compiled in this design manual. The manual is primarily intended to serve as a valuable aid to designers and, hopefully, to encourage creative thinking and unconventional design approaches. EHS and AR steels have fundamentally the same analyses as MS and HS steels and exhibit roughly the same weldability as these steels. Their high strength and toughness have been achieved through heat treatment. The steels are very pure and therefore possess good bending properties in the cold state. WELDOX and HARDOX steels actually involve nothing new in design work. The usual formulae for stress and strain can be used and additional design data are given in this manual. The design manual does not cover the entire field of welded structures, concentrating instead on aspects of special interest pertaining to the use of EHS and AR steels. The purpose of the manual is to provide: - extensive information on EHS and AR steels - design data - answers to questions that can arise when first working with these steels - a deeper understanding of important subjects such as: fatigue, buckling, torsion, impact stress, wear etc, in which instruction provided at present is inadequate The contents of the manual are not bound to Swedish building codes and standards, in part because the work of codification and standardization is lagging behind engineering practice and only partially covers EHS steels today, and in part because EHS and AR steels are primarily used within areas where codes and standards are not needed. Another reason is that the same design data should be applicable also in export markets. Wherever portions of standards have been used, they have been adapted to international practice and standards such as ISO, ECCSand IIW. This handbook has been produced at the initiative of the Heavy Plate Division of Svenskt Stal in Oxel6sund, Sweden, in cooperation with Dr. Arne Johnson Ingenj6rsbyra AB in Stockholm and SIKOB in Stockholm. The principal author and chief editor of the d~sign manual has been Lennart Bergqvist, M. Eng. After this Design Manual was published in 1981, developments in the production of heavy plate have forged ahead, and so has effective utilization of this product in the engineering industry. Steels with yield strengths of up to 1100 N/mm2 have been developed in Oxelosund, and they have also found appropriate applications. The WELDOX family has been expanded by the iclusion of steels in the "intermediate range" with yield strengths of 420 • 500 N/mm2. The development of these steels has been ·guided by the groving demands of the engineering industry for steels that are favourable in production. Weldability and bendability have been assigned priority in the development work. HARDOX steels have developed further within the existing framework, but are now being produced to closer tolerances on hardness, etc. This 4th edition has been relatively extensively revised by the inclusion of new steels. Claes Lowgren, M.Sc., the head of our Applications Development Group, has been responsible for the revision work. We wish to thank those who have submitted valuable views on various occasions concerning the contents of the manual. These have led to certain amendments and additions. Oxelosund, June 1991 SSAB OxeliSsund AB , ., Key to symbols used in this manual As a rule, the SI system of units is used and N/mm2 is used for mechanical stress. A area of cross section R stress ratio a . throat thickness for weld, crack length, length s standard deviation dimension critical crack size Sf T safety factor ac b temperature, time, transverse (shear) force width t plate thickness c coefficient, length dimension U potential Cv impact strength u displacement D Palmgren-Miner cumulative damage sum, plate V voltage stiffness v velocity d diameter W overall width e eccentricity, impact coefficient, shear centre Wv section modulus in torsion ex, ey distance from the centroid of a cross section to an actual section Ww w warping resistance displacement E Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity), energy x position, displacement F fu nction of ..... y position, displacement G shear modulus z position, displacement, utilization factor H horizontal force a angle, parameter for determination of permissible h height, depth (of section) stress=~ radius of inertia (u su = ReL ) uel I second moment of area, current fJ angle, parameter J J integral cp angle, function of a K stress intensity ~,o deflection. COD value kB material factor f strain Kc Kf fracture toughness i: strain rate fatigue factor (fatigue strength reduction factor) fA parameter kH factor for Hertz surface pressure A d/W"lug" kR stress alternation factor v Poisson's ratio = 0.3 density, radius ka ky. buckling coefficients (! Kt stress concentration factor Us upper yield point = ReH Kv section factor with respect to torsional stiffness uO.2 proof stress (proportional limit) Kw section factor with respect to warping stiffness UB ultimate tensile strength = Rm Kx joint factor ur stress range m mass, mean value u ru endurance limit stress intensity coefficient for weld ua stress amplitude exponent in Norton's creep law um mean stress N normal force, load cycles Uw warping normal stress Nd nj design load cycle number ueL Euler critical stress load cycles, number of uH Hertz surface pressure Nk P buckling load Uj initial stress point force Uj equivalent stress p spectrum parameter, gas or liquid pressure, bearing uk critical stress stress up necessary stress amplitude for propagation shear stress due to torsion Mk n Pm maximum plastic deformation Tv Q total load Tw shear stress due to warping q load per unit length cp angle QB probability of failure !p angle radius w angle 1:2 2 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? Quenched and tempered steels.. ........ 2.1 • Direct-cooled steels ........................... 2.2 Classification of the steels ................ ,. 2.3 Chemical analysis, strength values ...... 2.4 Comparison with ordinary steels .: ....... 2.5 Lean chemical composition for excellent weldability ......................... 2.5.1 Strength ......................................... 2.5.2 Toughness ...................................... 2.5.3 Machinability .. ' ................................ 2.5.4 Economics ...................................... 2.5.5 2 What are WELDOX and HARDOX? WELOOX - 'quenched and tempered' or 'direct-cooled' structural steels. HARDOX - 'quenched' or 'quenched and tempered" abrasionresistant steels. 2.1 Quenched and tempered steels WELDOX quenched and tempered structural steels have very high yield strengths and are known as Extra High Strength (EHSI' steels. HARDOX is an Abrasion-Resistant (AA) steel. High-strength steels are not difficult to produce. But refined technology is needed if EHS and AR steels are to be made tough, veldable and bendable. Modern EHS steels such as WELDOX and AA steels such as HAADOX are imparted this combination of strength and toughness by metallurgical purification and harde· ning in a continuous roller-quenching plant. The 'grade steps' shown in Figure 2.1 can be used to compare these quenched and tempered steels with conventional structural steels of lower strength. 2.1.1 Brief history - quenched and tempered steels Quenched and tempered steel plate is nothing new. Armour plate has been made in this way for decades. These steels had high contents of carbon and alloying elements and were very difficult to weld. It was not until the early 1950s that US Steel launched a quenched and tempered steel with better weld ability. This was known as T1 steel. The company then developed its static quenching presses (see Figure 2.2a) and achieved better cooling capacity. Figure 2.2a Figure 2.1 ReH Nlmm' ,..... ) I~'----------------.------------- Static quenching plant New research findings revealed that extremely small quantities (0.002%) of boron (B) produced considerably increased hardenability. The contents of carbon and alloying elements could thus be greatly reduced, and steels with much better weldability could be produced by the addition of boron. The real "breakthrough came in the mid-1960s when Bethlehem Steel, together with the Drever & Co. consultancy company, developed a continuous quenching process in a 'roller quench" plant. The principle is shown in Figure 2.2b. 5OO.~----------------- Figure 2.2b High-pressure zone The classification of steels into EHS and AR steels conforms to the practice that has long been accepted on the" market. In the past, abrasion-resistant plate was regarded as plate intended for chutes, troughs, buckets, etc. for which hardness was the only requirement. Modern abrasion·resistant plate has been developed so that guaranteed high hardness can be combined with guaranteed toughness and strength. In addition, most of these hard steels are readily bendable in the cold state. The boundary between structural steel and abrasion-resistant steel plate is therefore becoming increasingly diffuse. Modern abrasion-resistant steel plate should therefore be regarded as structural steel plate which is also highly resistant to abrasive wear. The high strengths are put to use today for: - designing structures with low deadweight - designing more wear-resistant structures - lowering the total cost by shortening the welding times The mechanical properties of these steels are achieved principally by heating to approx. 900°C and then quenching to room temperature (hardening). This determines the maximum yield strength and hardness. During subsequent heating to 400 700°C (tempering), the yield strength and hardness gradually decline to a predetermined level, but the toughness simultaneously increases. Low-pressure zone Continuous roller quench plant The hot plate is quenched continuously as it is fed out of the furnace." . In the roller quench plant, the plate is quenched directly and at a cooling capacity which is far higher than that of the static quenching press. In 1969, a roller quench plant was built in Oxel6sund with the assistance of Drever, and production was in full swing in 1970. Since that date, more than one million tonnes of EHS and AR plate have been produced in Oxel6sund. 2:1 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? 2.2 Direct-cooled steels A direct-cooling plant was completed in 1988. This is used for cooling plate directly after rolling to achieve yield strength levels between 420 and 500 MPa. The entire strength range between high-strength, micro-alloyed, grainrefined steels such as S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3) and the quenched and tempered EHS steels are covered by the directcooled WELDOX 420 and WELDOX 500 steels (see Figure 2.3). 2.3 Classification of the steels Structural steels can be classified according to strength into MS, HS and EHS steels. The strength is achieved by varying the fundamental chemical composition and by employing different manufacturing processes. Yield stress, N/mm2 Figure 2.3 HS R.H H/mnl (MP.) 1000 - -_.-- MS (Mild Steels) e.g. S 235 (BS 40, St 37)...................................... 200 - 300 HS (High Strength) steels e.g. S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3), WELDOX 420, WELDOX 500 .. ........ ................... .......... ...... ..... ..... 300 - 500 EHS (Extra High Strength) steels e.g. WELDOX 600, WELDOX 700, WELDOX 900, WELDOX 960 ................... ....... ........ 600 - 960 150 Modern AR steels are sometimes used as structural steels. AR steels are classified principally according to hardness. These steels also have a very high yield strength. A controlled rolling process produces high toughness due to the fine-grained structure achieved in this way. The strength is achieved by cooling the steel directly after rolling (see Fig. 2.4). The cooling procedure can be controlled within a wide range. The new WELDOX 420 and WELDOX 500 steels have av microstructure which differs from that of the quenched and tempered steels which have a martensitic hardened structure. WELDOX 420 and WELDOX 500 are mainly ferritic and are thus related to the normalized, grain-refined steels. Figure 2.4 Direct cooling 2:2 Hardness, Brinell MS ..................................... 100-150 HS ..................................... 150 - 210 EHS .................................... 240 - 320 AR HARDOX 400, HARDOX 500 ............... 360 - 560 What are WELD OX and HARDOX steels? 2.4 Chemical analysis Table 2.b Chemical analysis - typical values for WElDOX structural steel plate NI B Mo I CE Thickness mm C Si Mn WELDOX420 8 -50 (50)-80 .13 .14 .30 .30 14 14 .36 .38 WELDOX460 8-30 (30)-50 (50)-SO .09 .09 .25 .15 .43 14 1.55 1.4 35 .36 41 8-50 (50)-80 .09 .15 .25 .43 1.55 1.4 37 41 WELOOX 600 6 -25 .13 45 1.4 WELOOX 700 6 -12 (12)-20 (20)-45 (45)-SO .13 .15 .16 .17 .45 .45 .22 .22 lA lA lA lA .60 .25 .25 .50 WELOOX 900 6-60 1.4 .25 .50 6 -13 (13)-25 .17 .17 .22 WELOOX 960 .22 .22 1.4 1.2 .25 A5 1.0 .50 .50 Cr NI Mo B CE" 1.4 - 1.3 - - .9 .60 .25 .60 .002 .002 .002 .002 .37 .50 .56 .62 1.2 1.2 .9 .60 .50 .60 .002 .002 .002 .57 .59 .66 WELDOX 500 .17 .25 Cr .10 .002 39 .002 .002 .002 .002 .37 41 .56 .56 n i \ .002.56 S6 .002 .64 Table 2.1b Chemical analysis - typical values for HARDOX steel plate -Thickness mm C Si 6-20 (20)-30 (32)-51 (51)-SO .13 .16 .17 .24 .45 .32 .22 .25 6 -20 (20)-50 (50)-SO .25 .25 .28 .50 .50 .25 HAROOX400 HAROOX 500 .) CE = C Mn lA .50 .50 .35 - - - .20 .35 .50 + ~ + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu 6 5· 15 Table 2.2a WELDOX structural steel plate Thickness mm ReH N/mm' Rm N/mm' A5 % Impact toughness min J by Hardness Typical values HB -40°C Bending recommendations Min. internal radius ---- Perpendicular' Parallel' WELDOX420 S-16 (16)-60 (60)-SO 420 3S0 3S0 500- 650 4S0- 650 4S0- 650 19 19 19 40 40 40 190 180 ISO 1,0X! 1,OXt 1,OX! 1,5Xt 1,5XI 1,5Xt WELOOX460 S-16 (16)-40 (40)-SO 460 440 420 530- 730 530- 720 510- 720 17 17 17 40 40 40 200 200 190 1,0Xt l,OX! I,OX! 1,5Xt 1.5Xt 1,5XI WELDOX500 8-16 (16)-40 (40)-80 500 480 460 570- 720 570- 720 550- 720 16 16 16 40 40 40 210 210 200 I,OX! l,OX! 1,0Xt 1,5Xt 1,5Xt 1.5XI WElDOX 600 6-25 600 700- 850 14 40 240 1,5Xt 2,5Xt WELOOX 700 6 -64 (64)-80 700 630 7S0- 930 690- 930 14 14 40 40 260 250 2Xt 2Xt 3Xt 3Xt WELDOX900 6-50 (50)-60 900 830 940-1100 850-1100 12 12 40 40 310 300 3Xt 3X! 4Xt 4Xt WELDOX 960 6 -25 960 980-1150 12 40 320 3Xt 4Xt Table 2.2b HARDOX steel plate Hardness HB Re N/mm' Rm N/mm' A5 Toughness % Bending recommendations Min. internal radiUS Perpendicular' Parallel' HAROOX400 360-440 ca 1050 1250 ca 10% ca30J, -40'C 3XI 4Xt HAROOX 500 450-560 ca 1300 1550 caS% ca 20JI, - 40 'C - - *) Orientation of the bend line in relation to the direction of rolling. 2:3 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? 2.5 Comparison with ordinary steels 2.5.1 lean chemical composition for excellent weldability A primary goal at Oxel6sund is that our steel must be readily weldable, i.e. that it should have the lowest possible content of alloying elements. On the other hand, a steel that is to be hardened must have a certain amount of alloying elements to ensure through hardening. So our philosophy is: Use as lean an analysis as possible and quench rapidly. This produces a less expensive steel with better weldability. Table 2.3 shows an analysis comparison (typical analyses) between WElDOX 700, HARD OX 400 and S 355 (SS 50), which demonstrates that WElDOX 700 und HARDOX 400 are ordinary steels. in terms of composition. In plate thicknesses below 20 mm, these steels therefore offer the same weldability as ordinary steels. For heavier plate, preheating of the workpiece is necessary for welding, in the same way as for ordinary steels (see our welding brochure). 2.5.2 Strength - High yield strength and high yield/ultimate tensile strength ration. WElDOX and HARDOX steels have high yield strengths. It may be of interest to see the appearance of the tensile test curve as compared to that for ordinary steels such as S 355 (SS 50, St 52-3) This comparison is shown in Figure 2.5. The tensile test curve shows that WElDOX and HARDOX steels have a high yield strength, a smooth transition to a yield plateau and low strain hardening. The vurves show that the yield/ultimate strength ratio is higher and the rupture strain is lower than those of ordinary steels. Even though the rupture strain (-,) of WELDOX and HARDOX steels is lower, the values are perfectly acceptable. This has been clearly demonstrated by the experience gained from practical operation of our steels in many demanding applications. The strength values are shown in Table 2.2. The modulus of elasticity (E) is the same as that of ordinary steels, i.e. 21· 10· N/mm2. Figure 2.5 Cl N/mm' 1000 Table 2.3 Typical analysis at t ~ 20 mm 800 Si Mn 0.16 0.25 LlO C Cr Mo B WELDOX 700 <45 mm CE 600 S 235 WElDOX 500 0.34 S 355 0.16 0.43 1.36 0.38 WELDOX 500 0.09 0.25 1.55 0.37 WELDOX 700 0.15 0.45 1.40 0.10 0.002 0.41 HARDOX400 0.13 0.45 1.40 0.002 0.37 S 355 400 200 o 10 20 30 E% "Carbon equivalents" (CE or El are the weightings of certain alloying elements that have been obtained from experience. The carbon equivalents describe the effects of various alloying elements on the ability of the steel to harden during the fast temperature changes that occur during welding. Various formulae have been developed for this purpose, although the most common is the one from the International Institute of Welding (IIW): CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + lli.±...CJ.! 6 5 15 If the CE is lower than 0.41 %, the steel is considered to be 'very readily weldable". Our welding brochure includes further information. 2:4 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? Figure 2.7 2.5.3 Toughness WELDOX and HARDOX steels are manufactured to very close tolerances on composition and also have very low inclusion contents. Freedom from inclusions is particularly characteristic of steels that must have a high guaranteed toughness and of steels for which we give bending recommendations. Sulphur (S) readily combines with manganese (Mn) to form manganese sulphide (MnS). Manganese sulphide is soft during the rolling process and is rolled out into long streaks, which results in impaired toughness and bend ability of the steel. We expect our WELDOX and HARDOX steels to have excellent toughness and bendability. To achieve this, we desulphurize them. We carry out desulphurizing in our TN (silicon calcium, SiCa) or our ASEA-SKF (cerium, Ce) plant. In these plants, the sulphur combines with Ca to form CaS or with Ce to form CeS, and is removed with the slag, i.e. the sulphur content drops radically. The CaS or CeS residues that remain in the steel are hard during rolling and retain their nodular shape. This shape is much more, favourable from the toughness and bending viewpoints than the long MnS streaks. The sulphur contents of the steels for which we guarantee the toughness and give bending recommendations is around 0.004%. The bending recommendations for WELDOX and HARDOX steels are summarized in Table 2.2, and a comparison with ordinary steels is made in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.6 • r----+_ _ w _-+-----,~ t -t Steel grade r/t 1. wit 1. r/T /1 wit /1 S235 S 355 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 7.5 6.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 2.5 3.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.5 8.5 7.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 WELDOX500 WELDOX 700 WELDOX 900 WELDOX 960 HARDOX400 The steels are also fundamentally grain-refined, although actual grain refinement takes place by the quenching and tempering process which results in high yield strength and high toughness. Are hardened steels not brittle? Materials technology textbooks often state that if a material is made hard, it will also be brittle. But what this statement does not take into account is that the hardness of martensites depends on the carbon content (see Figure 2.7), and that low-carbon martensite is very ductile and lends itself readily to forming. The graph applies to pure, untempered martensite and shows the hardness test results for our WELDOX and HARDOX steels. The microstructure of our steels consists of virtually pure martensite. We can therefore produce abrasion-resistant steels, particularly HARDOX 400, which has a guaranteed hardness of at least 360 HB combined with a typical impact strength of 30 Joules at -40°C. For WELDOX 700, for instance, we can guarantee 40 J at -60°C, if required. Brinell hardness 600 500 400 300 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 %C 2.5.4 Machinability WELDOX and HARDOX steels can be gas-cut in the same way as ordinary steels. Certain HARDOX steels should be gas-cut at elevsted workpiece temperatures (150 - 200°C). In machining operations, WELDOX structural steel plate can very well be machined with high speed steel tools, although the cutting data should be adjusted to suit. High speed steel drills can be used for WELDOX and, on a limited production scale, also on HARDOX 400. Special Coalloyed high speed steel drills designated "HSS-E" (about 20% more expensive than ordinary drills) are recommended for abrasionresistant steels. Cemented carbide tools can be used if the machine tool is appropriately stable. Machining costs can readily be maintained at a reasonable level provided that the right machines, the right tools and the right cutting data are used. For more detailed information, please refer to our machining brochures. 2.S.S Economics WELDOX and HARDOX steels are more difficult to manufacture than ordinary steels, and thereby have a greater technology content. As a result, these steels are more expensive in terms of price per tonne (see our price list). . . Considering the price/unit of yield stress (Figure 2.8) or pnce/ unit of hardness (Figure 2.9), it will be obvious that WELDOX and HARDOX steels are profitable provided that the strength and/or hardness can be exploited. In most WELDOX and HARDOX steel applications, the deadweight of the structure is extremely important to the end user and thus also to the competitiveness of the manufacturer. In earthmoving vehicles, for instance, an expenditure of more than 1 GBP/kg can be justified for making the structure lighter. The same reasoning can be applied to the hardness of HARDOX steels. In most wear applications, increased hardness results in reduced wear. A longer useful life reduces the number of stoppages for replacement and repairs. It can be said in summary that WELDOX and HARDOX steels are profitable to use provided that the designer and user can really exploit their advantages. . Some of the techniques for achieving this are explained in thiS manual. Some clarifying examples of applications for which WELDOX and HARDOX steels have been put to use are given below (see Figure 2.10). :5 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9 GBP/guaranteed yield stress GBP/typical Brinell hardness The steels meet the same toughness requirements S 275 (SS 43) 30mm M S 355 (SS 50) 22mm Plate thickness = 12 mm '<t WELDOX 7000 ()') !B 1.0 ..... 11 mm 6 C'I 1.0 en ()') !B 1.0 . 1.0 ('/') ()') 0 0 0 ..... ~ 0 ....J IJ.J ~ 0 0 '<t X 0 0 Cl:: :f 0 0 1.0 X 0 0 «Cl:: :::c 2:6 What are WELDOX and HARDOX steels? figure 2.10 \ Dumptrucks/Tippers Suitable steel grades: HARD OX 400, WELDOX 700 in body, chassis, bumpers, protection plates, joint lugs. Mining equipmentjloaders/Buckets Suitable steel grades: WELDOX 700, HARDOX 400, HARDOX 500 in lift arms, buckets and skips. R Crushers/Bins Suitable steel gra~~s~~:rR~~~s:OO, HARDOX 500 ~; • • • • • • •EiiI.F~'1dNBI'.1:'lw.·iI.ltl'''lIi_~i Mobile cranes Suitable steel grades: WELDOX 700, WELD OX 900 in jibs, outriggers and chassis. Cyclones/pipelines Suitable steel grades: HARDOX 400, in certain IWIIIIIII cases WElDOX 700. in dosl colleclo". bark and wood ship cyclones and dredging pipes .. 2:7 3 3 Factors of safety Risks and probabilities, general.......... 3.1 Failure criteria ................................... 3.1 Safe-Life - Fail-Safe ............................ 3.1 Calculation of probability of failure and coupling to factors of safety ......... 3.2 Choice of factors of safety .................. 3.2 Factors of safety for WELDOX ............. 3.2 Table of strength results ..................... 3.4 3 Factors of safety Risks and probabilities, general "Acceptable risks of failure" used in design Enlightened people today know that 100% certainty doesn't exist and cannot be expressed in mathematical terms. We expose ourselves daily to risks of various kinds. The concept of "probability of failure" is actually not particularly associated with WELDOX and HARDOX steels. But because, the steels are new to many and will often be used in completely new structures with high stresses where experience may often be lacking, it may be of benefit to introduce this approach. Moreover, the market is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of availability (= the percentage of the time a product can be used) and will increasingly demand precise guarantees of function from the manufacturer. Indeed, high availability will become a very important selling argument (and has already done so in some industrial sectors). Below is a breakdown of the influence of various factors on the availability of a product: Objects Product development and design Improper use Fabrication and quality control Other factors 40% 30% 20% 10% In other words, the design department plays an important role. One measure of risk is probability of failure, i.e. the probability that a given structure will fail or "break" at a given point in a given fasion. In general, the entire system in a structure is included in the concept of "Probability of failure" and this branch of science is called "Reliability engineering" and is an interdisciplinary subject. In this Simple treatment, we must limit ourselves to studying a few details. Readers who wish to find out more are referred to (2), which contains many interesting references and is easy to read. Government regulations for building structures often specify permissible stresses, factors of safety or partial coefficients for load and bearing capacity. These often stand in direct relation to the desired probability of failure. Standards, codes and government agencies often specify loads in the form of load assumptions. Some examples of probability of failure or risk of death (from e.g. reference 1) are given in table 3.1. Risk during period of service Car components not vital to safety Car's steering mechanism, suspension Military airplanes Passenger airplanes Nuclear power plants (vital safety part) 5· 10-2 10-3 10-3 3· 10- 5 10- 10 - lO- 11 /hour Load-bearing structures (experience and recommendations) Risk during period of service Very limited material damage Limited material damage Bodily injuries or very extensive material damage Probability of extensive bodily injuries Regulations for Welded Steel Structures StBK-N2 (fatigue) 10- 2 10- 3 10-4 10- 5 <10- 5 Failure criteria Under former standards and codes, structures were designed for the most dangerous load to which they could be expected to be subjected. The term "failure" in a wider sense means that the promised function cannot be achieved. Some typical failure criteria are, for example, when the structure reaches a given stress yield point maximum deflection ultimate strength fracture toughness greatest permissible crack length fatigue fractu re instability (overall or local buckling) Safe-Life - Fail-Safe Two principles of design can be worth mentioning in connection with fatigue: - Safe-life - Fail-safe Table 3.1 Reference levels Disease, average Natural disaster, snakebite, etc Risk of death per hour per year W-o 10-2 High risk 10- 10 10-0 Negligible risk Accident statistics (resulting in death) Risk Risk during period of service Passenger car (all causes) 10-6 4· 10-3/4000 hours Passenger airplane (all causes) 10-6 40· 10-3/40000 hours Passenger airplane (fatigue) 0.4· 10-6 8· 10-3 /20000 hours The Safe-Life principle requires that the structure be simple and isostatic. The risk of fatigue failure is kept extremely small during the intended useful life of the structure. In order to prolong the useful life of the structure, the component must be replaced with a new one. If a fatigue crack should nevertheless occur, it is catastrophic, since it will probably propagate and lead to fracture before it is discovered. This method can be suitable for inexpensive, easily replaceable components (for example vital bolts). The Fail-Safe principle requires that there be alternative paths for the loads (hyperstatic structure). The structure is designed in such a manner that fatigue cracks are prevented from propagating and do not lead to failure. Furthermore, periodic inspection of the structure must be possible. In such a structure, the stress level can be kept high and the material can be better utilized, although not so high that cracks appear before half of the useful life of the structure has been reached (rule of thumb). Before it is repaired, the residual static strength of a unit with cracks must never be less than the maximum load (max. test load). :1 Fadors of sarety Examples of Safe-Life and Fail-Safe principles: Figure 3.1 Forged fork Safe-life laminated fork o Fail-safe Solution: m = 797 - 500 = 297 s= V602 + 23 2 = 64 QB = 1 - 1>( ~ ) <i> ( ~ ) = <i> ( 2il ) 1> (4.60) = The table 3.5 gives cP (4.60) = 0.9 5 7888 QB = 1 - 0.999997888 = 0.000002112 i.e. the probability of failure is 2· 10- 6 Our "factor of safety" Sf = m2/ml = 1.59. Factors that influence overall probability of failure a. b. c. d. e. Material strength (inci. surface treatment) Fabrication (weld classes etc.) External loads. Accuracy of design calculation Possibility of inspection a, band c are statistically determined; we cannot analyze band d here, but rather the individual designer must evaluate these factors himself in the light of his own fabrication operation (or that of sub-suppliers) and previous design experience. Calculation of probability of failure We shall only consider material strength and external loads under the assumption that we have very good calculation accuracy. We know that loads are statistically distributed, both when it comes to static loads (loading and unloading) and fatigue loads. They are often normally distributed with a mean value m and standard deviation s. Material strength such as as, a B, fatigue strength etc. is also statistically distributed. Figure 3.2 shows the relationship between load, material strength and probability of failure. Figure 3.2 Frequency e.g. tensile stress due to external load We have made one error in this example. We have not taken account of the fact that the steels have a guaranteed yield strength. The steels are tested by means of tensile testing, and if any plate is found to be below the guaranteed yield strength, the plate is rejected and never reaches the customer, being instead replaced in the consignment by a flawless plate. In other words, the strength distribution of the steel plate in a consignment to a customer is as shown in figure 3.3, giving an even lower actual probability of failure. Table 3.3 shows the scatter in material strength (static data). What is difficult now is to determine the scatter in load. Here we can only provide a few simple hints. From experience, we know that load has greater scatter than the material strength, and a rough rule of thumb is that the standard deviation of the load is twice as great as that of the material strength. Try therefore to determine the various applications of the structure and the scatter of the loads in these different applications. In most cases, there are two load cases that the designer must take into consideration in his calculations: extreme load and fatigue load We have only dealt with extreme load, i.e. static load. A similar probability of failure line of reasoning applies for fatigue load. See the section entitled "Fatigue". Figure 3.3 Frequency This risk is the steel manufacturer's headache and never reaches the customer. Data on our steels (m2, S2) are presented in table 3.3. The dangerous region represents the probability of failure (QB) in this case and is calculated as follows: Choice of factor of safety m = m2- ml s= Vs1 + S2 2 2 The function 1> (~ ) is obtained from table 3.5 Example 3.1 Assume a steel WELD OX 700 t = 10 mm with guaranteed yield stress 700 N/mm2 and with a mean value m2 = 797 N/mm2 and s2 = 23 N/mm2. See table 3.3. The external load causes a tensile stress whose mean value ml = 500 N/mm2 and s = 60 N/mm2. What is the probability of failure? 3:2 The purpose of a factor of safety is to provide a safeguard against an undesirable consequence. Despite the fact that stresses and strains can be calculated and the steel has a guaranteed yield strength, great uncertainty exists with respect to factors such as scatter of loads, fabrication etc. Furthermore, we cannot take all factors into account in design. In other words, we do not feel secure about allowing the design stress to be equal to the yield stress of the material. In order to provide a margin of safety, we have introduced factors of safety, which are often based on many years of experience. There are different factors of safety in different industries, for example in steel construction in Sweden the factor of safety is Sf = 1.5 against as, for road vehicles Sf = 2 against as, for vehicles on poor roads Sf = 3 against as. In any case, it is understood that a probability of failure is associated with the factor of safety. Factors of safety The factor of safety can be divided into four components: Kj : Material strength, often determined via a guaranteed value, i.e. = 1.0. K2: Fabrication factor, which is dependent upon practice in production, scope of inspection, inspection requirements and production control (the right steel in the right place). The more thorough the inspection, the higher the level to which the material can be stressed. Normal workshop practice 0.6 Extensive inspection 0.9 K3: Load factor 1.0 - 1.2 for static load, depending on how well the conditions'are known. For fatigue under known conditions 1.5 For fatigue under unknown conditions 2.0 K4 : Calculation accuracy The accuracy in design calculations is dependent upon the knowledge, experience and skill of the designer. In the case of new structures where there is no experience to call. on, or where measurements cannot be carried out, deviations of 30% are not unusual, i.e. factor = 1.3. Even where experience is available and conditions are favourable, the deviation can be 10%, i.e. factor = 1.10. The factor of safety can be expressed as It is essential in this connection for the designer to have a feeling for all these factors. He must, for example, be intimately familiar with his own fabrication operation. Example 3.2 Estimate the factor of safety against as for a construction vehicle that is manufactured in long production runs with small scope of inspection, with varying load conditions (fatigue) under known conditions, and with experience from previous manufacture and design calculation. Solution: Kj = 1 K3 ,", l.5 Sf == --,,1__.5~·_1._2--= 3.0 i.e. agrees well with previously 1 . 0.6 mentioned rules of thumb. Factor of safety against what? In most cases, a margin of safety is desired against bodily injuries in connection with failures. These failures stem from plastic deformation (yield), fatigue, buckling, brittle failure etc. For the most part, we associate the factor of safety with safety against plastic deformation, and this is right for many cases. In this context, however, we would like to point out a possible risk where a non-linear relationship exists between, for example, moment and stress at a point in the structure, in other words the factor of safety against an overload moment is not as great as Sf indicates (see figure 3.4), Figure 3.4 Moment Ms-+--------------~ Mperm - + - - - - 7 f ' Factor of safety (static) for WELD OX steels Of the more than one million tonnes of WELDOX and HARDOX steel plate supplied thus far by Svenskt Stal, approximately 50% is WELDOX. Most is used in highly stressed and advanced structures that are not subject to national standards or regulations. It has therefore been up to each fabricator to select this own factors of safety in accordance with the principles outlined above. As far as we know, WELDOX steel has not been treated differently from HS (S 355, SS 50) in static design calculations. We have not received any reports of failures with WELDOX steel due to the fact that the same factors of safety have been used as for ordinary steels. Nevertheless, we often encounter doubt on the part of future users of WELDOX steel, and especially on the part of national authorities, when it comes to factors of safety. Doubt is understandable, since the steels often have new and different characteristics - higher stress, higher yield/ultimate strength ratio and lower elongation - compared to ordinary steels, and since the experience of the indiViduals concerned IS based on C and CMn steels. Previous design criteria were based on ultimate tensile strength, yield strength or/and the yield strength to ultimate tensile strength ratio. This is associated with the fact that it was formerly (1940s and 50s) believed that brittleness was related to the yield strength to ultimate strength ratio. This view was supported by the evidence from tests and use of C and CMn steels, namely the fact that low toughness was associated with a high yield/ultimate strength ratio. Furthermore, it was known that the strain and ageing of such steels results in a high yield/ultimate strength ratio and reduced toughness. In view of this, it is not surprising that certain designers and authorities are negatively disposed towards quenched-and-tempered steels with a high yield/ultimate strength ratio (approx. 0.80 - 0.95, compared to 0.50 - 0.70 for ordinary steels) We now know that this correlation does not generally hold. In quenched-and-tempered steels, as the yield/ultimate strength ratio increases with rising tempering temperature, toughness increases as well. The quenched-and-tempered steels exhibit excellent toughness, despite their high strength (see chapter entitled "Toughnessbrittleness'). Good evidence is provided by applications with WELDOX 700 for the handling of LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas at - 55°C). The lower values of A5 (elongation) say nothing about the ductility of the steel. For example, it is just as easy to bend WELDOX 700 (os = 700 N/mm2, A5 = 14%) as S 355 (os = 350 N/mm2, A5 = 22%). .. There seems to be only one case where As can be a Critical factor. This is when it is necessary to have high rotational capacity in a plastic hinge in the event of e.g. the collapse of a structure and the course of failure is dependent upon whether or not the desired rotational capacity exists, provided that buckling does not occur. . .' Using the ultimate tensile strength as a deSign criterion cannot be right in view of what we know today about fracture mechanics. The ultimate tensile strength applies for a steel without any stress-raisers, and as soon as we have a stressraiser, fracture mechanics should be used (more about this in the chapter entitled "Toughness-brittleness" l. It is therefore not so strange that factors of safety for WELDOX steels vary between different government authorities and countries. . The following are some examples of factors of safety against yield stress in Sweden: Table 3.2 Steel grade W500 P W500 W 700 W900 L - - - - - L - - - - L - - i _ Stress operm = as/Sf Os Always choose a factor of safety against the most critical variable! -Pressure vessels Storage tanks Building structures Cranes 1.5 1.5 - - - 1.7 - 1.65* 1.75* 1.66 - 1.7 1.72 '----- * Preliminary Equivalent German steels all have a factor of safety of 1.5 for cranes and pressure vessels in relation too s' ::1 Factors of safety Table 3.3 Example 3.3 Typical strength values for OX steels What is the actual probability of failure for Sf = 1.5 for S 355 and WELDOX 700? Steel grade Plate thickness mm Us guaran- teed N/mm2 N/mm2 Standard deviation N/mm2 S 355 (SS 50) 8 -10 (10) - 20 (20) - 40 350 350 350 396 383 381 22 20 22 6 -12 (12) - 20 (20) - 40 (40) - 50 (50l- 70 700 700 700 700 700 797 768 779 774 780 23 29 38 41 47 6 -20 (20) - 40 (40) - 75 900 900 900 1150 1030 1056 50 51 43 WELDOX 700 HARDOX 400 Us mean Assume normal distribution of load = and s = 60 N/mm2 (standard deviation). Table 3.4 Z grade Us UB Sf=~ .. U perm N/mm2 S 355 W700 W700 350 520 700 780 700 780 1.5 1.5 1.75 0' perm Us-Uperm UB -Uperm 233 467 400 117 233 300 287 320 380 Figure 3.5 S 355 (SS 50l m=383 N/mm2 WELDOX 700 700 750 m=]68 N/mm2 It is important to note that steel with a yield strength below the guaranteed level is never released to customers, but is scrapped internally. The curves reflect the results at Svenskt SteWs production unit in Oxelosund. 3:4 ~; Solution: S 355 (BS 50) ml = 350 = 233 N/mm2 1.5 SI = 60 N/mm 2 m2 = 383 N/mm 2 S2 = 20 N/mm 2 m = m2- ml = 150 N/mm2 s = vi 602 + 202 = 63.2 (~) = <I> ( s 150 63.2 ) = <I> (2.37) (Table 3.5) = = 0.991106 (0.92 11(5) The probability of failure OB = 1- <I> = 0.009, i.e. 9· 10-3 WELD OX 700 ml = 700 = 467 N/mm2 1.5 SI = 60 N/mm 2 m2 = 768 N/mm2 S2 = 29 N/mm 2 m = m2- ml = 301 N/mm2 It can also be of interest to study the appearance of the curves of actual yield stress distribution obtained at Svenskt StAI, Oxelosund for S 355 and WELDOX 700, e.g. 12-20 mm (values taken from table 3.3.). The curves are shown in figure 3.5. 350 = We further assume that the strength values of both steels are normally distributed. <I> Table 3.4 shows a comparison between different steels with respect to yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, most commonly occurring factors of safety, permissible stress and difference between yield stress and permissible stress on the one hand and ultimate tensile strength and permissible stress on the other hand. ~ s = vi 292 + 602 = 66.6 <I> ( ~~~ ) = <I> (4.52) = 0.956908 The probability of failure OB = 1-<1> = 0.0000030, i.e. 3 • 10" We see that the relationship between the mean value and the guaranteed value has great significance with regard to the probability of failure. Nor do any grounds exist for burdening WELDOX steels with higher factors of safety when it comes to instability (see chapter on static strength and buckling of columns and plates). In conclusion, the above shows that there is no reason to demand higher factors of safety for WELDOX steels than for ordinary steels. Factors of safety Table 3.5 Normalized normal distribution <fl ~) x .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .0 .4 .5000 .5398 .5793 .6179 .6554 .5040 .5438 .5832 .6217 .6591 .5080 .5478 .5871 .6255 .6628 .5120 .5517 .5910 .6293 .6664 .5160 .5557 .5948 .6331 .6700 .5199 .5596 .5987 .6368 .6736 .5239 .5636 .6026 .6406 .6772 .5279 .5675 .6064 .6443 .6808 .5319 .5714 .6103 .6480 .6844 .5359 .5753 .6141 .6517 .6879 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .6915 .7257 .7580 .7881 .8159 .6950 .7291 .7611 .7910 .8186 .6985 .7324 .7642 .7939 .8212 .7019 .7357 .7673 .7967 .8238 .7054 .7389 ' .7703 .7995 .8264 .7088 .7422 .7734 .8023 .8289 .7123 .7454 .7764 .8051 .8315 .7157 .7486 .7794 .8078 .8340 .7190 .7517 .7823 .8106 .8365 .7224 .7549 .7852 .8133 .8389 1.0 1.1 .8413 .8643 .8849 .90320 .91924 .8438 .8665 .8869 .90490 .92073 .8461 .8686 .8888 .90658 .92220 .8485 .8708 .8907 .90824 .92364 .8508 .8729 .8924 .90988 .92507 .8531 .8749 .8944 .91149 .92647 .8554 .8770 .8962 .91309 .92785 .8577 .8790 .8980 .91466 .92922 .8599 .8810 .8997 .91621 .93056 .8621 .8830 .90147 .91774 .93189 1.9 .93319 .94520 .95543 .96407 .97128 .93448 .94630 .95637 .96485 .97193 .93574 .94738 .95728 .96562 .97257 .93699 .94845 .95918 .96638 .97320 .93822 .94950 .95907 .96712 .97381 .93943 .95053 .95994 .96784 .97441 .94062 .95154 .96080 .96856 .97500 .94179 .95254 .96164 .96926 .97558 .94295 .95352 .96246 .96995 .97615 .94408 .95449 .96327 .97062 .97670 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 .97725 .98214 .98610 .98928 .921802 .97778 .98257 .98645 .98956 .9 2 2024 .97831 .98300 .98679 .98983 .9 2 2240 .97882 .98341 .98713 .92 0097 .922451 .97932 .98382 .98745 .920358 .922651 .97982 .98422 .98778 .920613 .922857 .98030 .98461 .98809 .920863 .923053 .98077 .98500 .98840 .921106 .923244 .98124 .98537 .98870 .921344 .923431 .98169 .98574 .98899 .921576 .923613 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 .9 2 3790 .9 2 5339 .9 2 6533 .9 2 7445 .9 2 8134 .9 2 3963 .9 2 5473 .9 2 6636 .9 2 7523 .9 28193 .9 2 4132 .9 2 5604 .9 2 6736 .9 27599 .9 28250 .9 2 4297 .9 2 5731 .9 2 6833 .9 2 7673. .928305 .9 2 4457 .9 2 5855 .9 2 6928 .9 2 7744 .9 28359 .9 2 4614 .9 2 5975 .9 2 7020 .9 2 7814 .9 2 8411 .9 2 4766 .9 2 6093 .9 2 7110 .9 2 7882 .9 2 8462 .9 2 4915 .9 2 6207 .9 2 7197 .9 2 7948 .928511 .9 2 5060 .9 2 6319 .9 2 7282 .9 2 8012 .9 2 8559 .9 2 5201 .9 2 6427 .9 2 7365 .9 2 8074 .9 28605 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 .9 2 8650 9 30324 .933129 93 5166 .93 6631 .9 2 8694 ,930646 .9 3 3363 .9 3 5335 .93 6752 .9 2 8736 .9 30957 .9 3 3590 .9 3 5499 .9 3 6869 .9 2 8777 .9 3 1260 .93 3810 .9 3 5658 .9 3 6982 .9 2 8817 .9 3 1553 .93 4024 ,935811 .9 3 7091 .9 2 8856 .9 3 1836 .93 4230 .93 5959 .93 7197 .9 2 8893 .93 2112 .93 4429 .93 6103 .9 3 7299 .9 2 8930 .9 3 2378 .9 3 4623 .9 3 6242 .9 3 7398 .928965 .9 3 2636 .9 3 4810 .9 3 6376 .9 3 7493 .9 2 8999 .9 3 2886 .9 3 4991 .9 3 6505 .9 3 7585 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 93 7674 .93 8409 .9 3 8922 .9 4 2765 .9 4 5190 .9 3 7759 .93 8469 9 3 8964 .9 4 3052 .9 4 5385 .9 3 7842 .9 38527 .9 4 0039 .9 4 3327 ,945573 .93 7922 .93 8583 .9 4 0426 .94 3593 .94 5753 .9 3 7999 .93 8637 .94 0799 .94 3848 .94 5926 .93 8074 .93 8689 .9 4 1158 .9 4 4094 .94 6092 .93 8146 .93 8739 .9 4 1504 .9 4 4331 .94 6253 .9 3 8215 .9 38787 .94 1838 .94 4558 .9 4 6406 .9 3 8282 .9 3 8834 .94 2159 .9 4 4777 9 4 6554 .9 3 8347 .9 3 8879 .94 2468 .9 4 4988 .9 4 6696 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 .94 6833 .94 7934 .94 8665 .9 5 1460 .95 4587 .9 4 6964 ,948022 .94 8723 .95 1837 .9 5 4831 .94 7090 .94 8106 .9 4 8778 .9 5 2199 .9 5 5065 .94 7211 .94 8186 .94 8832 .95 2545 .95 5288 .947327 .948263 .948882 .952876 .955502 .947439 .948338 .948931 .953193 .955706 .947546 .948409 .948978 .953497 .955902 .9 4 7649 .94 8477 .9 5 0226 .9 5 3788 .9 5 6089 .9 4 7748 .9 4 8542 .9 5 0655 .9 5 4066 .9 5 6268 .9 4 7843 .9 4 8605 .9 5 1066 .9 5 4332 .9 5 6439 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 .95 6602 .9 5 7888 .9 58699 .96 2067 .96 5208 .9 5 6759 .9 5 7987 .95 8761 .96 2453 .96 5446 .9 5 6908 .9 58081 .9 58821 .96 2822 .96 5673 .9 5 7051 .9 5 8172 .9 6 8877 .96 3173 .96 5889 .95 7187 .9 58258 .9 58931 .96 3508 .96 6094 9 5 7318 .9 5 8340 .9 5 8983 .96 3827 .96 6289 .9 5 7442 .9 5 8419 .96 0320 .96 4131 .96 6475 .9 5 7561 .9 58494 .96 0789 .9 6 4420 .9 6 6652 .9 5 7675 .9 5 8566 .96 1235 .96 4696 .96 6821 9 5 7784 .9 58634 .96 1661 .9 6 4958 .9 6 6981 .1 .2 .3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 I I ----- (Example: <1> (3.57) = .93 8215 = 0.9998215. 3:5 4 Static strength Load application ................................ 4:2 Lighter can be stiffer .......................... 4: 12 Buckling of columns ........................... 4:14 Buckling of plates .............................. 4:20 4 Torsion ............................................. 4:28 Location and strength of welds ........... 4:39 High-temperature strength .................. 4:47 4 Static strength General WELDOX and HARDOX steels possess high strength and can be directly utilized to reduce the dead load or to increase the maximum live load capacity of a structure. Material cost in relation to strength (GBP/yield strength) decreases with increasing strength. If we can exploit the high strength of the WELDOX and HARDOX steels, it is clearly economical to employ these steels. Reduced dead load in most structures is of very great importance for the end user. For manufacturers who appreciate the marketing advantages of lighter-weight products and structures and take this into account when choosing a material, the WELDOX and HARDOX steels present an inspiring challenge to exploit these characteristics to full advantage. Table 4.1 presents the guaranteed yield strengths of the most common steels. Table 4.1 Steel minimum plate thickness in mm' MS: HS: EHS: AR: S 235 (BS 40A,St 37-2) S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3) WELDOX 420 WELDOX 500 WELDOX 600 WELDOX 700 WELDOX 900 WELDOX 960 HARDOX 400 8 8 8 8 6 4 4 4 4 Guaranteed yield strength ReH (N/mm') 220 350 420 500 600 700 900 960 900 • If you wish to have other plate thicknesses, contact us! For typical values and the scatter of strength values in our production, see chapter 3. High-temperature yield strengths are given in section 4.7. The formulas for stress and strain of classical Materials Science can be used in designing with WELDOX and HARDOX steels. Permissible stresses have to be determined from case to case with the aid of chapter 3, which shows that WELDOX and HARDOX steels do not have to be treated differently from ordinary steels. The modulus of elasticity for WELDOX and HARD OX steels is the same as for ordinary steels (21 . 10' N/mm2). This means that if the second moment of area (I) is not adjusted in proportion to reduced plate thickness, greater elastic deformation will be obtained. Elasticity in design can have many advantages, as the word "resilient' implies! . When WELDOX and HARDOX steels are used for the first time, a number of questions naturally arise, especially when plate thickness is reduced. The following are the most common questions, with reference to the pertinent section in the manual: - How can load appliction best be arranged? - Can stiffness be greater despite the choice of thinner WELDOX steel? - When can WELDOX steel be used in structures susceptible to overall buckling? - When does local buckling become critical? - Twisting of open thin-walled sections gives rise to large stresses that are added to bending stresses. How are these stresses calculated? - What is the strength of a welded joint in WELDOX or HARDOX steel? Which welding electrode is suitable? 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 The sections contain data and calculation methods for evaluating the situation at hand . 4: 1 4.1 Load application Page No. Some fundamental principles ." ......................................... 4:2 Normally·loaded and in-plane-loaded plates A normally-loaded plate is a flat plate loaded by forces perpendicular to its plane, so that bending moments tend to deflect the plate out of its plane, see figure 4.1.1. Figure 4.1.1 Extreme load - Fatigue load .............................................. 4:4 Examples of load applications ........................................... 4:4 Lugs on panels - Calculation method .. ,............................. 4:5 Displacements caused by small deformations are perpendicular to the plane of the plate. The normal stresses in normally-loaded plates are caused by the bending moment. They vary in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate and can be very large - in most cases larger than the shear stresses. An in-plane-loaded plate is the oPPosite of a normally-loaded plate. The forces act in the plane of the plate, and the moments tend to rotate the plate in its plane, see figure 4.1.2. Figure 4.1.2 OM y Some fundamental principles A great deal of knowledge and experience is required to apply loads .correctly in and between structural elements in such a manner that the result is low local stresses and deformations. The subject is difficult to treat generally. Few textbooks deal with it, and the knowledge possessed by designers is usually based on experience (usually bitter). An understanding of the principles of load application is essential. As a rule, this is where the greatest stresses are created. The purpose of designing with WELDOX and HARDOX steel is often to reduce plate thickness. The idea is to apply forces in such a way that local stresses are as small as possible and are channeled in a manner that creates small stress concentrations (fatigue!). On the other hand, we know that stresses at the points of load application are very high. Since these stresses are often crucial in determining whether or not we will have plastic deformation in the structure, the WELDOX and HARDOX steels are the natural choice due to their high yield strength! If is difficult to cite any general rule for load application, but the following is a broad philosophy of design: Determine function Calculate the size and direction of the forces Channel the forces together largely as tension and compression Avoid bending moments! Us~ plate like skin on a load-bearing skeleton. Design intelligently to simplify production and minimize plate thickness. In a properly designed structure, the final design will reflect the play of forces. This results in a very attractive structure! The normal stresses are constant in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate and are of the same order of magnitude as the shear stresses. The displacements take place in the plane of the plate. A flat plate loaded with a general force system is simultaneously subjected to both in-plane and normal loads. Why make this distinction? The reason is that a plate loaded in its plane is a rigid structural element than can take heavy loads with small deformations, while the opposite applies to a normally-loaded plate (i.e. small loads and large deformations). When we design a structure - espe~ially a thin-walled one we must endeavour to make the components function as much as possible as in-plane-loaded plates and as little as possible as normally-loaded plates! Compare: Struts - in-plane-loaded plates Beams - normally-loaded plates Static strength - load application Some examples Figure 4.1.5 As an example, we can take a welded I beam acted upon by a bending moment, see figure 4.l.3. The normal stress at the lower edge of the flange is almost as great as at its upper edge. The flange thus acts almost as an in-plane-loaded plate. The web acts purely as an in-plane-loaded plate. Figure 4.1.3 I beam a At the points of attachment, the stresses in the flanges of the cross beam are small, so that their curtailment does not have any great effect. If, instead of a cross beam, we have a cantilever (see figure 4.1.6a), we cannot use the same technique, since the web will then act as a normally-loaded plate. Curtailment of the flanges reduces the load-bearing capacity and lateral stability of the beam considerably. The technique illustrated in 4.1.6b should be used instead. The web and flanges then act as in-planeloaded plates. This stress configuration is disrupted close to pOints of load application, such as a pOint force near the outer edge of the flange, see figure 4.1.4. Figure 4.1.4 Figure 4.1.6a Point load on I beam flange p Figure 4.1.6b B .. I Correct design Here, the flange acts locally as a normally-loaded plate. The force P produces large deformations and stresses. The maximum bending stress at the web directly opposite the force is, according to (27) omax==0.5 and the deflection at P b = 0.05' p·o b2 LIB> 8 where 0 is the plate stiffness defined as It is very common for forces from e.g. a hydraulic cylinder, struts etc to be applied via a cantilever (lug) in a beam or panel Figures 4.1.7a, b, c and d (taken in part from (26)) illustrate how this can be done and how the maximum stress varies between the different cases. Figure a shows the flanges and web being used as in-plane-loaded plates. Figure b shows how the web absorbs the vertical force by membrane action, while the moment creates a couple perpendicular to the web, so that the web acts both as an in-plane-loaded plate and a norrnallyloaded plate with large normal stresses. Figure c does not give any improvement compared to a. Finally, in figure d, the lug has been replaced by a tube that gives slightly lower normal stresses than the lug in figure b. This is because the load has been spread out over a larger area and because the round shape of the tube produces a smaller stress concentration. AgU",@ I~bv p E· t3 o = ---=---=--=-2 12 (1 _v ) ax v = 0.3 for steel In other words, the point of load application on the flange should be moved to a point directly above the web. The web then functions as an in-plane-loaded plate with respect to load application. When a short rigid cross beam is fastened between two torsionally flexible main beams (see figure 4.1.5), it is virtually only transverse force (vertical force) which is transferred to the main beam. This gives rise to in-plane stresses (membrane stresses) in the web. O = 10 N/mm2 max = 30 N/mm2 Zmax p 2 0Xmax = 350 N/mm 2 a Zmax -- 410 N/mm 11 I~dv o Xmax = 5 N/mm2 o Zmax = 30 N/mm2 p 0Xmax = 150 N/mm2 o Zmax = 300 N/mm2 Static strength - Load application What is critical, Extreme load or Fatigue load? There are many excellent analyses that describe how loads should be applied statically in such a way as to give rise to low stresses. Such methods may also be mistakenly applied to the design of components, frames etc. that are subjected to fatigue load. As explained in the section "Fatigue", welds cause very steep stress concentrations in conjunction with fatigue, even when they are not load-carrying! A small weld bead laid on the flange of a beam that is subjected to fatigue load reduces its fatigue strength by 50%! From this, it is clear that the optimal design for static loading is not necessarily the optimal design for fatigue loading. As an example, we can take the lug in figure 4.1. 7a. This solution is good for static loading. But if the channel beam is subjected to bending fatigue (M br ), the weld at the lug will completely determine its fatigue strength. The design shown in figure 4.1. 7b is then preferable. If the force or, the lug is so great that the stresses in the web exceed the permissible level, stiffeners must be welded on, for example as shown in 4.1.8a. If we are to have the same fatigue strength for the lug's weld as for the flange when the beam is subjected to bending, C must be "" OA . H if the flange is sheared or gas-cut. If the edges of the flange are machined and rounded, C must be "" 0.25' H. An alternative approach may be to put a plate underneath the lug as shown in figure 4.1.8b. Figure 4.1.9 a b / bulkhead that simultaneously serves as backing bar bulkhead (cannot be welded in RHS) Figure 4.1.8a Example of optimal design for both extreme static load and fatigue load. Pmax ...-_ ...------- e and f are suitable in cases where many point loads must be applied. r::::=~ g H Figure 4.1.8b / Alternative -~ deSignL:::====::::" •••••••• -•••••••• ~ Cast component for application of load due to two side-mounted hydraulic cylinders. h I , , , I --....., I I I I I I : ,, -----, "'::' I I I 1. _____ .1 , Box beams Box beams made of plate, often bent, or RHS (rectangular hollow section) members have been used widely in frames, cranes, excavator booms etc. A great deal of attention must be paid to load application in all structures incorporating box beams, especially when the beams consist of moving parts. In the case of beams with moving parts, forces from hinge joints and hydraulic cylinders must be applied. The same principle still applies, i.e. an endeavour must be made to channel the forces into the webs, utilizing the webs as in-plane-loaded plates. There are many ways to in which this can be done. Some examples are shown in figure 4.1.9. 4:4 ~ - - - t-.-! .. ___ • .J - - , , ,I ,I , I I I I I I •I ;,,' '" One way to apply forces due to two side-mounted cylinders when the forces act at a point where the stress in the boom is high and the section is of small depth. The point of load application is moved by means of this solution. Static strength - load application Box beams for telescopic members These telescopic members are used in crane jibs, frames (variable-length vehicle frames), masts on fork-lift trucks etc. The bending moment in the extension member must be transmitted in the form of a couple to the member which the extension member slides into. This can be done, for example, by means of rollers or plastic blocks (see figure 4.l.1O), the dimension L being of great importance. Figure 4.1.10 Some crane manufacturers have chosen a cross-section as shown in figure 4.1.13. In this way, the risk of flange buckling is reduced (the width of the free panel is smaller), and at the same time the flanges are utilized as in-plane-loaded plates for load application into the webs. In order to prevent lateral buckling of the webs, a rigid frame is fitted around the outer section at the point where load application takes place. Naturally, compromises between the alternative designs are possible. Principle of telescopic action L Figure 4.1.13 Hexagonal beam /,~ -..: ~ rollers or blocks The precise shape of the cross-section is of essential importance. Where loads are moderate, it is possible to make use of the very attractive section shown in figure 4.1.11, which consists of two bent channels. Since the forces from the roller act a slight distance away from the webs, the flanges will act as normallyloaded plates and will consequently be bent. The bending properties of the steel are of the utmost importance in minimizing the radius at the corners. The larger the radius, the larger the bending moment on the flange. figure 4.1.11 Box beam made up of bent channel sections The welds on the box beam must be located in the webs. If they are located in the flanges, fatigue cracks will quickly be initiated from the root of the weld. The figure also illustrates the theoretical load distribution on such a beam. It might be assumed during design that the flange will be subjected to uniformly distributed contact pressure. This is wrong. In actual fact, the flange will be subjected to much higher pressures than we have assumed, and unless sufficiently hard plate is used, such as EHS or AR plate, we will be in trouble. figure 4.1.12 outer beam inner beam (extension member) Load application in shells Forces can be taken up easily and elegantly with !tie aid of shell structures. Nature learned this prinCiple long ago and applied it to skulls, bones, ball jOints, egg shells etc. We use shells ourselves in buildings, ships, motor vehicles, airplanes, pressure vessels etc. The stresses in an in-plane-loaded plate are a special case of the membrane stresses in a shell. A shell is in the membrane stress state if the stresses are not dependent upon the coordinate in the direction normal to the shell. A great advantage will be gained if loads can be applied as membrane stresses. Example of a cylindrical shell. A force acts on a cylindrical shell as shown in figure 4.1.14 left. In this case, the shell IS subjected to flexure, and M = F1 . e. With a longer lug, as shown in figure 4.1.14 'right, the bending moment is avoided and the force is applied elegantly as a membrane stress. Figure 4.1.14 ~xample of load application in cylindrical shel Alternative to deSign shown in 4.1.11 t + tt --------+----; H~D Another design for a cross-section as described above is shown in figure 4.1.12. Here, better use is made of the material, with thick flanges and thin webs. This means that the bending stresses in the flange caused by the roller are reduced by about 1 and the def ' "2 ormatlons are reduced by about - 1 -3' and at t t the same time the webs "support" the flanges better than in the former case. Lugs on panels Demonstration of calculation methods for a large number of different load application problems would require a special book. For the purposes of this manual, we have therefore chosen a case, which we know is widespread and can giverise to problems, namely load application in panels with welded-on lugs. Lugs on panels are widely used for such structural elements as hinge joints, hydraulic cylinders, lifting lugs, coupling devices ~c. . 4:5 Static strength - Load application We have already discussed how loads should be applied and how structural elements should be utilized as in-plane-loaded plates. This is sometimes impossible, and the plate must be subjected to normal loads. In such cases, it is of great importance to know the local stresses underneath the lug in the plate. The plate often carries other stresses as well, and these stresses will be added to the local stresses created by the load in the lug. A calculation method is demonstrated below for determining the maximum local stresses approximately at the ends of the lug in the case when load is applied to a plate beam via one lug, both when the longitudinal direction of the lug coincides with that of the beam and when it is perpendicular to this. b) Beam with transverse lug The length of the panel is at least 10 times greater than its width. Figure 4.1.16 Symbols a) Beam with longitudinal lug The length of the panel is at least 10 times greater than its width. Figure 4.1.15 y Symbols: If - -1' I I I I I ~ B I T I I I I I ',> I- ( ., I I ) /--------- -------- y ( '- j - I· I I I x I I I I I -I a Calculation method: 1. Divide the force into the components F and P. 2. Superimpose a coordinate system as shown in figure 4.1.16. 3. Calculate c = 112 (a - l) 4. Calculate cIa. 5. Obtain the following values from the graphs in figures 4.1.25-30 for the appropriate values of cIa and y/a: Calculation method: lOlog S; 1OIog Sy' lOlog S.;' lOlog 5." lOlog Sy" 1. Divide the force into the components F and P. 2. Superimpose a coordinate system as shown in figure 4.1.15. lOlog Sxy" 6. Interpolate if necessary. 3. Determine the value of x for the desired point. 7. Calculate the above logarithms. 4. Calculate x/a. 8. Calculate the stresses for the appropriate value of y as follows: 5. Calculate d/a 6. Obtain the following values from the graphs in figures 4.1.19 -4.1.24 for the appropriate values of xla and d/a. S'x S'y S'xy S"x S"y S"xy (S' for forces parallel to the plate surface) (S" for forces perpendicular to the plate surface) F· H a.t ax=~' S' P t x+~' S .. x 7. Interpolate if necessary. 8. Calculate the stresses for the appropriate value of x as follows: ax= ay = r xy = a. t t F. H ·S'+_P_· S " x t2 x d . t2 F. H d·e F·H d·e Example 4.1.1 ·S,+-p_· S " y t2 y P Sxy" . S' xy+~' t This calculation method gives the maximum stress in the y direction, which occurs near the corners, i.e. y = ±d. This method gives an estimated accuracy of ± 10%. If greater accuracy is required, FEM programs can be used. 4:6 S' P S .. r XY = -F·H - 2 - ' xy+--z-' xy A box beam as shown in figure 4.1.17 is to take up the force from a superstructure, and the designer plans to apply the load via a lug on one web as per figure 4.1.29. Calculate the maximum stresses at the lug. Static strength - Load application figure 4.1.17. "x - ay t c R = 50000 N (5 tonnes) a = 35° H= 100 mm t = 12 mm a = 400 mm L == 160 mm B= 20 mm b = 180 mm L a b T xy = 597 N/mm2 = 485 N/mm2 = 43 N/mm2 Of these, cry is of great interest, since it is added to the bending stresses in the beam. Assume that we have chosen S 355 steel with cr s == 350 N/mm2 and cr perm in the beam: 350 _ 233 NI,mm 2 -1.5 This stress is assumed to exist in the flange, and the bending stress at the point x = c == 120 mm is Gperm=233 ay bend = 233· 160 2 400 = 93 N/mm Gytot{x =C } = 93 + 485 = 578 N/mm2 > a sl As we see, it is very easy for high stresses to occur. In order to guard against plastic deformation, steel with a high yield strength should therefore be chosen. In this case, BS 50·D is not enough, WELDOX 700 with O's = 700 N/mm2 is clearly superior. It is evident from the formulas that 0' = x + t i.e., that if we can just get by with S 355, then for static loads, we can use WELDOX 700 with a plate thickness of Solution: Beam with transverse lug Divide R into the components F and P F = 50000· cos 35° = 40957 N P = 5000 . sin 35° = 28678 N Superimpose the coordinate system as shown in figure 4.1.16 Calculate c = + V 350 "" 0.7 of the plate thickness for S 355 700 In the case of fatigue, more information is required before the size of the thickness reduction can be determined. It is also evident from the graphs (figure 4.1.25-30) that wide and elongated lugs reduce the stresses. (a - U = 120 mm Calculate cIa = 120/400 = 0.30 Obtain from graphs 4.1.25-30, for cIa = 0.3 and yla = Example 4.1.2 8~2 = 41~ = 0.025 A hydraulic cylinder that operates the bucket is mounted on the dipper arm of an excavator. The hydraulic cylinder is attached to the dipper arm via a lug as shown in figure 4.1.30. Calculate the maximum stresses in the dipper arm around the lug for the extreme loading case when maximum load is lifted and cylinder Cl holds the load under maximum pressure, i.e. R = 75000 N (7.5 tonnes). Maximum bending stress in section A-A = 120 N/mm 2 . 1OIog Sx' = 0.68 Sx' = 10°·68 = 4.78 10log Sy' = 0.55 Sy' == 10°55 = 3.55 1OIog Sxy' = - 0.33 Sxy '=. 10 - 033 = 0.47 1OIog Sx" = 0.11 Sx" == 10°11 = 1.29 = 0.07 Sy" = 10°°7 = 1.17 10log Sy" 1OIog Sxy" == - 1.35 Sxy"= 10-1.35 = 0.05 Figure 4.1.18 The stresses are calculated as follows: ax=_F_'"H,-. S'+ P . S" a.t2 x T x a x = 40957· 100 . 4.78 + 28678. 400· 144 144 1.29 a x = 340 + 257 = 597 N/mm2 F. H P a Y= ' S '+--' S" 2 a. tY t2 Y a = 40957· 100 . 3.55 y 400· 144 + 28678. 1 17 144 . ay = 252 + 233 = 485 N/mm2 rxy = r xy = F·H r . t --2-' S' P Sxy" xy + -2-' Section AA t 40957· 100 . 047 + 28678. 005 400· 144 . 144' rxy = 33 + 10 = 43 N/mm2 4:7 Static strength - load application Solution: Beam with longitudinal lug F· H Oy=--" . d·t~ 1. Divide the force into F and P F = 73860 N p = 13023 N 2. S~perimpose the coordinate system as in figure 4.1.18. Even though the lug is not symmetrical, we can place the origin in the middle of the lug. This will give too Iowa value of the maximum stress due to P, but as P is only 17% of F, the error in a will be acceptable. ay = , P e Sy+ - - ' S" 73860 . 60 100. 102 = 363 + 65 y . 0.82 + 13023. 0.5 = 102 = 428 N/mm2 .xv= 0 3. Value of x = 100 i.e. maximum stress in section A - A 4. x/a = 0.5 Ox ay 5, d/a = 0.5 6. The following values are obtained from graphs 4.1.19-24 for x/a;" 0.5 and d/a = 0.5: S'x = 1.06 S' = 0.82. S.Yxy = 0 S"x = 1.1 S" = 0.5 S"Yxy -- 0 7. Interpolation is not necessary. 8. Calculate the stresses as follows F· H °x= (l:t2' a x= S' x+ 73860· 60 100· l(j- P S' T' x . l.06 + 131~3. 1.1 = = 470 + 143 = 613 N/mm2 4:8 v- = 613 N/mm2 = 428 + 120 = 548 N/mm 2 Le. so high that plastic deformation occurs in the area when S 355 is used, and WELD OX 700 provides good insurance against this. Static strength -, load application figure 4.1.19 Figure 4.1.20 lug parallel, force parallel to plate lug parallel, force parallel to plate 1.12 d/a 1.12 /0.15 //,020 /0.25 /0.30 1.04 1.04 0.96 ~0.35 ~0.40 0.96 0.88 __ 0.10 0.88 ~0.45 080 -............0.05 0.50 0.80 0.72 >< 0.72 0.64 In 0.64 >. 0.56 d/a -Ul 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.56 0.48 0048 0.40 0040 0.32 0.32 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.00 U) 0 0 0 U) 0 ci 0 U) N N 0 0 0 LO et) ci ro: 0 0 '<t LO ci 0 '<t 0 U) U) 0 ci x/a U) 0.00 j If) 0 0 Figure 4.1.21 0 ci LO N 0 If) N et) et) 0 0 0 0 0 '<t 0 LO I 0 t£l '<t lD l!") 0 0 0 x/a lug parallel, force perpendicular to piate 1.12 2.8 1.04 2.6 0.96 2.4 0.88 2.2 0.80 2.0 -0.10 1.8 -0.15 1.6 -0.20 lA -0.25 -0.30 -0.35 0.72 d/a {Wrt+\+H- O. 50 0.64 _?;: ci 0 Figure 4.1.22 lug parallel, force parallel to plate V> LO ~tT+\+H-OA5 \\\+~+t--n 0.56 40 \\H,H+I-t\--() 35 d/a -0.05 x 1;, \\ \ \ Irtttll+--() 30 0.48 \\\\\.~r--0.25 1.2 20 .15 .10 .05 1.0 0.40 0.32 0.6 0.16 004 0.08 0.2 LO 0 ci 0 ..... LO ci ci o ci N lD N 0 0 et) ci o U) ci -0.50 0.8 0.24 0.00 -0040 -0.45 0.0 LO lD ci x/a lD 0 0 0 ci lD ci 0 If) N N ci ci 0 ro: 0 lD 0 '<t l!") '<t 0 l!") et) If) lD 0 0 ci 0 ci x/a 4:9 Static strength - load application Figure 4.1.24 Figure 4,1,23 lug paraliel, force perpendicular to plate lug parallel, force perpendicular to plate 2.8 0.28 2.6 0.26 2.4 0.24 2.2 0.22 2.0 0.20 d/a -0.05 1.8 0.18 ,.,x 0.16 ,., 1.6 'in '", 1.4 1.2 d/a 0.14 ....."..---0.05 '0---''1---0.10 0.12 15 1.0 0.10 0.8 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.02 ~-\--0.15 \+-\-+-0.20 -~-I---O. 25 , .......T\-\rI--- 0.30 \.\.\~cTtt-O. 35 \Wr't\+\-O .40 ~t\m-0.45 0.0 ID 0 0 0 ID 0 0 o ID N N o o 0 ID ("f) ("f) 0 o:t 0 o 0 o ID o ~ffit--O. 50 0.00 ID ID ID 0 0 0 0 ..... U'l 0 0 x/a lug transverse, force parallel to plate 1.8 1.4 cia Ol) 1.2 ~0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 1.0 ~O.25 0.20 0.8 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.6 " 0.4 U'l N o o ("f) U"l o o o U'l U'l 0 1.2 1.6 0 o lug transverse, force parallel to plate 1.6 '", N Figure 4.1.26 2.0 x o x/a Figure 4.1.25 1.4 ...... 1.0 0.8 Ol) o " U"l o:t o 0 U'l 0 y/a -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 4·10 Static strength - load application Figure 4.1.27 Figure 4.1.28 lug transverse, force paralle! to plate >>< ·111 OIl 0.40 0.7 0.35 0.6 0.30 0.5 0.25 0.4 0.20 0.3 0.15 0.2 0.10 0.1 x 1n 0.05 -00 • 0 0- Lug transverse, force perpendicular to plate 0.8 o lCl 0 lCl lD 0 "<l" lD "<l" 0 ci y/a M If) ci ci ci ci ci .q -0.1 .q 0 y/a -0.2 -0.3 cia -0.4 -0.20 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 ·-0.5 -0.6 cia 0.45 0.40 0.35 -0.25 -0.30 ~ 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.05 Figure 4.1.30 Lug transverse, force perpendicular to plate o o -0.6 ci Figure 4.1.29 lCl 0 ci 0 0 N ci o ci I i lCl N 0 I 0 lCl (Y) 0 "<l" lCl (Y) 0 ci ci ci I I I "<l" , y/a o lCl o I 0.4:; lug transverse, force perpendicular to plate -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 ,:;:~~:::~~~~~~~~0.40 -0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 ",,0.10 ,,0.05 0.00 -1.1 -1.2 >,x <JI -1.3 OIl 0 ~ -1.4 -1.5 -1.6 -1.7 -1.8 -1.9 -2.0 ';11 4.2 Lighter can be stiffer Page No. What is stiffness? ............................................................ 4:12 Different second moments of area can be obtAined with the same or smaller amount of material...... ......... ..... 4: 12 Two examples ................................................................. 4: 12 The fact that different values of I can be achieved with the same amount of material stems from the definition of the second moment of area about an aXIs x, dI x = j.dA, where y is the distance from the axis x to the area element dA. in other words, all that is necessary to obtain a large value of I is to move the material as far as possible outwards from the x axis. How far the material can be moved outwards depends upon how much stress the material can take, which is where WELDOX and HARDOX steels come in. The bending stress at the point of attachment in figure 4.2.1 can be written p. L· emax ob max = I where emax is the largest distance from the centroid of the section (the X axis) to the extreme fibre. This means that the bending stress increases if the magnitude oB is constant (= same bending stiffness) but the material is moved out, i.e. emax increases. The examples below illustrate the relationships involved and demonstrate the fact that it is possible to design both lighter and stiffer structures with WELDOX and HARDOX steels. Naturally, local buckling must be taken into account when working with large, thin panels. Experience shows that buckling is normally not a problem in machine structures, but more about this in the section entitled 'Buckling of plates'. Example 4.2.1 Which simple approximate relationships apply to the bending of a beam when a change is made from milder steels to WElDOX, loading conditions remaining the same as shown in figure 4.2.2? It is quite possible to create both lighter and stiffer structures and fabrications by using WELDOX and HARD OX steels instead of ordinary steel. Figure 4.2.2 p L What is stiffness? When you try to get someone to use WELDOX steel in a structure, you often hear to following objection: 'There is no point in using WELDOX. You get the same or greater elastic deformation and a flimsier structure." The person recalls the formula for the elastic deflection of a cantilever from his studies of Materials Science (see figure 4.2.1) --- ----=::: -- -- } ---~-::::~"':..":.:7 l"Jo b = constant If t < < band h, then Figure 4.2.1 h E, I I==b·t·JL 2 W=b· t· h p L -- -::.]}6. ::. -::. - - ==::: - - _ 6. = PL3 3El deflection .......... Solution: He also recalls that the modulus of elasticity (E) is roughly the same for all steels. His objection is only valid if the WELDOX beam has the same overall dimensions and shape and the same or smaller plate thickness as the ordinary steel beam. Bending stiffness is the product of E . I, and different second moments of area (I) can be achieved with the same or lesser amount of material! Analogously, torsional stiffness for "ordinary twisting" is the product of G· Kv , where G is the shear modulus (for steel G = ~,6 ) and Kv is the section factor with respect to torsional stiffness. Bending stresses: MS 1 WELDOX 2 p. L P. L (4.2.1) Static strength - lighter can be stiffer Elastic deflection: Example 4.2.2 Two beams, made of WELDOX 700 and S 355, have the following dimensions: 3 . E· h/ . o· t 1 · -2- Figure 4.2.3 WELDOX 700 S 355 (SS 50-0) as = 700 N/mm2 a, = 350 N/mm2 (4.2.2) Combine equations 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 _L 1 oor :er a ,- - - - - - - -t-' 0 ~ - ~ ---_._-" r-' (4.2.3) if we have two given types of steel with different yield stresses (permissible stresses), 02 > 01> deflection can be changed by varying the depth of the beam. ~I. 280 ~r- ~I. 280 ~r The thickness of the flanges is determined by Beam data: (4.2.1) Ix Wx = 16.2· 105 mm 3 Wx = 19.8' 105 mm3 A Will the WElDOX beam be heavier? = 397· 106 mm4 Ix = 422· 106 mm 4 = 10528 mm 2 A = 14848 md The section area A= 2 . b . t (disregarding the thin web) The WELDOX beam is: (4.2.4) Equation 4.2.3 gives 422 397 = 1.06 i.e. 6% stiffer 10528 14548 = 0.70 i.e. 30% lighter 1.5* . 700· 16.2 . 105 1.5* . 350· 19.8' 105 =: 1.64 i.e. 64% larger bending moment and substituted in equation 4.2.4 • Sf = 1.5 for both steels. With beam spans of 3000 mm between two supports, local buckling is prevented when Sf = 1.5. If we wish to have the same deflection AwElDOX =: ~S' ( 01 2 -a;-) e.g. a 1 =: 350 N/mm2 02 = 700 N/mm2 S 355 WElDOX 700 AwELDOX "" 0.26 . AMS In other words, we can build much lighter beams of WElDOX than of MS while keeping deflection the same! Note that deflection is dependent upon both material and shape! In other words, for the same section area, different second moments of area can be obtained! 4:13 4.3 Buckling of columns Examples of imperfections are: Page No. Buckling of columns, general 4:14 Design procedure for column in axial compression with regard to in-plane buckling .................. 4: 16 Influence of welding residual stresses .............................. 4: 15 Example calculation ........................................................ 4: 16 Are WELDOX columns economical? .................................... 4: 17 Simultaneous bending and buckling ................................ 4: 17 - initial curvature Wo - initial eccentricity - deviation in cross-sectional geometry - scatter in material properties - residual stresses (from the fabrication process) For a column with wo> 0, a theoretical load deflection curve is obtained as shown by the lower curve in figure 4.3.l. Nk = the critical load is determined from (4.3.1 ) Nk = ak' A whereak = limit stress with respect to buckling (critical stress) A = section area Ok is dependent upon the member's slenderness ratio, crosssectional shape, steel grade and residual stresses. The following definitions are first necessary: Elastic critical stress ("Euler critical stress") Instability phenomena such as column buckling (overall buckling), plate buckling (local buckling) and interaction between the two are becoming increasingly important as the trend goes towards increasingly high material utilization and advanced structural designs. Columns occupy space, and an attempt is therefore made to make them as slender as possible. Slender columns have a smaller stress-absorbing area, and WELDOX steels become interesting. In many cases, it is economical to use WELDOX in columns, see below. When a column becomes critical with respect to buckling, the cause is to be sought in the following factors: load, cross section, column length, restraint, yield strength and modulus of elasticity. It is difficult to specify general limits when it comes to the risk of overall buckling. Long and slender columns must be checked. Limits are given below in mathematical form, and the examples provide some information. °el (4.3.2) I min = minimum second moment of area of the section (the column buckles towards the side where it is weakest) A = section area E = modulus of elasticity L = effective length as per table 4.3.1 Table 4.3.1 Euler's buckling cases IN Buckling configuration it' In~plane buckling, general When a straight column (wo = 0) is acted upon by a compressive force N as shown in figure 4.3.1, no buckling wm takes place until the theoretical load NE has been reached. The perfectly straight column does not exist. In practice, all columns are subject to imperfections. 2 1 L= ~ 4 3 ~ , \ t ; / \ ,, -< I 1 -~ nm~ 2L L 0.7 L 0.5 L Table 4.3.2 Figure 4.3.1 N N Curve ao a b c d y 0.125 0.206 0.339 0.489 0.756 Wo = 0 Slenderness parameter a a= ~=; .+0twhere i is the radius of gyration L-------------------~Wm N 4:14 '- - ~ I -YA in some literature, a is calledI (4.3.3) Static strength - Buckling of columns The value of a determines how large a percentage of the yield stress the critical stress Ok may amount to, see figure 4.3.2. in figure 4.3.2, which is taken from the recommendations of the ECCS (European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, ref. 68), there are different curves aa, a, b, c and d, depending upon the type of section, plate thickness, residual stresses etc., see table 4.3.3. The curves in figure 4.3.2 can be expressed in mathematical form. whena':;; 0.2 ~= 1 Residual stresses As is well known, welding gives rise to large residual tensile stresses in the longitudinal direction of the weld. In order for the cross-section to be in equilibrium, residual compressive stresses therefore arise in other parts of the cross section. These residual compressive stresses are added to the external compressive stresses due to applied load, and Ok is reached earlier than if there had been no welding residual stresses. The distribution of the residual stresses for corner-welded box sections is illustrated in figure 4.3.3. as J whena> 0.2 :: = F - F2 - Figure 4.3.3 -;7 (4.3.4) whereF= 1+1' (a-O 2l+a 2 2'a z (4.3.5) I' is dependent upon which curve is to be used, and the value ofI' for the different curves is given in table 4.3.2. Figure 4.3.2 a) real Ok . &l as 1.0+--_==------- e b I;. T 0.5 -:;- I :1L.J b) idealized o 2.0 a (X) 1.0 In addition to the five different buckling curves, the ECCS also gives recommendations for utilization of the material's yield strength. as" is therefore SUbstituted fora s in order to determinea and Ok. see table 4.3.3. With knowledge of the welding parameters, it is possible to calculate a/as for corner-welded box columns. -;-~ = -'v-,'b-' 1-.- 0 - -;:-t 0.15' U' (4.3.6) 1- 1 which is taken from ref. (64). Table 4.3.3 Guidelines for choice of buckling curve and notional yield stress as· for EHS shapes Cross-sectional shape Curve a 5* [$1 .-_1_. I ~ Rectangular and round tubes .Bent in flanging machine and welded Roll formed and welded v = welding rate m/s I = current A U = voltage volts Typical welding parameters are given in table 4.3.4. a Table 4.3.4 Typical welding parameters for submerged-arc welding, one pass. ---- f' Welded box section '-li,'Yy- BUC;i~g;abou' High proportion of welding residual stresses 0/02> 0,2 Welded I -section Buckling about: x - x Gas-cut flange Rolled flange y - y Gas-cut flange Rolled flange Stress-relieved box section a a b y-y Thick-walled sections t ;;::: 40 mm 0.90 5 0.90 s 0.90 5 0.90 5 0.90 5 0.90 s 0.90 s aa as aa a as as 0,90 5 - I Amperes V m/h 4 6 7 34 34 35 800 850 875 50 35 25 a 6 8 10 35 36 36 700 850 925 35 30 27 <pa 5 6 7 35 35 35 35 450 500 600 650 46 42 38 35 ~ ~ ""'.. ./ 8 d -- volts 70° a a a b ._- a = throat thickness Joint type Stress-relieved I-section Buckling about x -x --- - U For manual arc welding, it can be assumed that U ~ I in formula (4.3.6) = 5· 10- 7mIJ 4:15 Static strength - Buckling of columns For box columns made of welded and bent channel sections, it can be assumed thata;la 5 = 0.1. Table 4.3.3 shows for welded box sections that, in order that curve a may be used, it is necessary thata/a 5 < 0.2. A rule of thumb states that a throat thickness < 6 mm generally givesa;los < 0.2 for most corner-welded columns. It is desirable to minimize the area of the weld, and this can easily be done if the columns are only to be acted upon by a compressive force. The purpose of the weld will then be largely to hold the plates together. lf, however, transverse forces act on the column, the area of the weld must be adjusted to this condition. Calculation procedure After all these definitions, it may be useful to outline the calculation procedure, the main purpose of which is to calculate what load the column can take and to compare this with the actual load. Gel = ;1t2. Gel = 467· lO6 21 . 104 - - - - - . . , , 18048· 30002 5958 N/mm2 -J a - 0.9' 700 5958 a = 0,323 1. Determine cross section and curve (y) as well as 0 5 * from tables 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. 4. F = 1 + Y (a - 0.2) + a 2 2a 2 Calculate: 2. 0 el from (4,3.2). 3, a from (4.3,3). F= 4. F from (4.3,5) if a > 0,2. 5, Ok/Os from (4.3.4). 6, 1 + 0,339 (0.323 - 0.2) + 0.323 2 2· 0,323 2 F = 5.492 Nk (critical load) from (4,3.1), 7, The permissible compressive force is obtained by dividing Nk oWk by a factor of safety Sf, which can be put equal to 1.5 for steel structures under ordinary load cases, and to 1.3 for exceptional load cases. For rapid overload of short duration (max. 35), Sf= 1.1. Otherwise, rely on experience and section 3. Example 4.3.1 Adesigner has to design a box column of WELDOX 700 (as= 700 N/mm2) and chooses between two fabrication types: a ) corner-welded box column b) bent and welded box column Assume the following dimensions: l = 3000 mm (Euler "2") 0400 mm Nk = 0.9' 700· 0.956' 18048 Nk ::: 1087 . 104 N ::: 1087 tonnes t = 12 mm. Bend radius = 3 . t = 36 mm, Throat thickness of corner welds = 7 mm. The section area and the second moment of area are as follows: a) A = 18048 mm 2 b) A = 17511 mm 2 I = 467· 106 mm 4 I = 398· 106 mm 4 Alternative b) 1. Curve a ando s * = Os according to table 4.3.3 y = 0.206 according to table 4,3.2 Solution: Alternative a 1. Before the curve and 0 s * can be determined, we have to checkoilo s' According to table 4,3.4, throat thickness = 7 mm (automatic submerged arc welder) gives U = 35 volts, I = 875 A, v = 25 m/h. 2. Oel=;r2. 21· Ht· o el = 5234 N/mm ~ = ---::-::----:-c~__:_1:::---=-=-=--__ as 25· 400· 12· 700 3600· 0,15' 35· 875 ~= 0,25> 0.2 Os i,e. curve b and a 5 * = 0.9 Os according to table 4.3.3 y = 0,339 according to table 4.3.2 4, lE) (4.3,6) 3. a = _1700 y-523'4 a = 0.366 2 398· Id' 17511.30002 Static strength - Buckling of columns 4. F= 1 + 0.209 (0366 - 0.2) + 0.366 2 2· 0.3662 F = 4.362 There is an area in the lower part of the graphs in which the wall thickness for WELDOX is less than 4 mm. According to ECCS E.R.. the cross section has been given such a shape that the condition ~:;;; 1.52 t / E V0k'aJ 1/2 is satisfied. The columns are assumed to have the same overall dimensions. Figure 4.3.4 As welded 6. Nk = 690· 0.962' 17511 M~ Nk / S 355 (curve b)os= 0.94·o s iWELDOX700 (curvea)os= 0.90'0 5 6 .. ' Alternative b should be chosen. Because bending is employed instead of welding. it is usually the cheapest alternative. 5 4 Example 4.3,2 3 If the column according to alternative a) in example 4.3.1 is stress-relieved, how large a buckling load can it take then? 2 Solution: According to table 4.3.3. a stress-relieved box section gives curve aa. as * = as and y = 0.125 according to table 4.3.2. Figure 4.3.5 3) a = _(700 V 5958 = 0.340 4) F == 1 + 0.125 (0.340 - 0.2) + 0.3402 49 2· 0.3402 = . 5) ok/as = 4.9 _ V 1492 _ O~__~__. -__.-~~-.__- .__- .__- .__- .__-.~L 7 8 9 10 fTl 6 3 4 2 5 MN 7.0 1 = 0.979 0.3402 6) Nk = 690 . 0.979' 18048 == 1220· 104N == 1220 tonnes Stress-relieved Nk WELDOX 700 6.0 S355 (curvea)os' =0 5 5.0 4.0 Compared with 1071 tonnes 3.0 .. ' Residual stresses play a large role. Therefore. use the least possible weld metal area. 2.0 1.0 L Are WElDOX columns economical? It is difficult to lay down set limits for the economic use WELDOX steel in columns, since a large number of factors are involved. Naturally, one important parameter is the price ratio between WELDOX and competing materials. It is important to take all functional requirements into account when making economic assessments. When it comes to buckling, the high strength of WELDOX steel is applied to best advantage in columns with a low value of the slenderness parameter «, i.e. in stiff columns. In the case of slender columns, load-bearing capacity is primarily determined by the modulus of elasticity, which is independent of steel grade. Figures 4.3.4 (welded) and 4:3.5 (stress-relieved) present in graphical form the results of a technical and economic study of welded square box columns made of WELDOX 700 and S 355 (BS 50 D). The study is based on the 1978 ECCS recommendations. The price is given per kg of finished box column. The figures are used as follows: Given: Nk, L and price WELDOX/price S 355 finished box column. Problem: Is it economical to use WELDOX? Solution: WELDOX is economically advantageous if the point (N k, L) lies to the left of the curve for the given price ratio. O~--r--'---r--.---'---.---r--'---.---r--- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 fTl Example 4.3.3 The price ratio for welded box columns made of WELD OX 700 in relation to S 355 is about 1.50. The column length is 4 m af)d Nk = 3 MN. Is WELDOX 700 economical, despite its higher steel price? Solution: Use figure 4.3.4. The point 3 MN, 4 m clearly lies to the left of the curve for 1.50. .. ' It is very economical to use WELDOX 700. Simultaneous compression and bending The stress situation under simultaneous compression and bending is more complicated than under axial compression owing. among other things. to second order effects. out-of-plane buckling and transverse load. 4:17 Static strength - Buckling of columns If bending only occurs in one plane and the beam is braced so that lateral torsional buckling cannot occur, the following relationships hold true: {3 . M + M + N . e* a + --' 0 oE;a s p. -1 W p. M a + W oE; as (as a check) (4.3.7) (4.3.8) An automatically welded box column of square cross section is made of WELDOX 700 (as'" 700 N/mm2). The column is pinjointed at both ends and is acted upon by an axial force N = 3 MN, see figure 4.3.6. Afterwards it is stipulated that the column should also resist a uniformly distributed transverse load q kN/m. How large a value of q can be permitted? l Figur4.3.6 where: a= - Example 4.3.4 N· 3 MN N A p. =ael (4.3.9) a 2 I/A ael=jf . E 7 (4.3.2) /' (4.3.10) Vq -15 E o..... MJ/M 2 = ratio of bending moments at beam ends! Ml! ~! M2! '15 .... M= M2 Mo = largest bending moment due to transverse load. In determining Mo, the member is regarded as being simply supported. If Mo and M2 have opposite signs and if ! Mo! ~ ! 2M2! ' Mo = 0 is sUbstituted. W = section modulus A = cross-sectional area I = second moment of area I- 0300 -I IN = 3 MN 5° (4.3.11) For the general case (bending in two planes), see ECCS recommendations 1978. Solution: = jf2 . 21. 104 . a First, a/a s has to be calculated in order that the appropriate buckling curve may be determined. From table 4.3.4, we obtain the value for a fillet weld of throat thickness 7 mm and multiply the welding rate v by 2 (half fillet weld). el 232.1· 106 :: 281 N/mm2 17100. 1OO~ a = ./630 V 28f = 1.497 F= 1 + y (a - 0.2) + a 2 2. a 2 u = 35 volts F = 1 + 0.206 (1.497 - 0.2) + 1.4972 2· 1.4972 I = 875 A v = 2· 25 mlh _a_i = _-:--1...,.-_ F = 0.783 v·b·t·a s _ 1 ~0'""";'.1-;:-5-.-:-:U-·7--1 !i= 1 012< 02 as -=2-'-:2=-=5-'-:3:'::0-=-0-'-=-1-:::5-'-=7:=00=- = . . 3600· 0.15' 35· 875 -1 '.' curve a anda s*= 0.9a s according to table 4.3.3 y = 0.206 according to table 4.3.2 as = 0.9' I ak = 0.375 • 630 = 236 N/mm2 700 = 630 N/mm2 = (3004 - 2704 )112 = 232.1' 106 mm4 1061150 = W = 232.1' 1.548· A = 3002 - 27~ = 17100 mm2 a el = jf2. E. 11 A 7 4:18 ak/as = 0.375 e*'= 106 mm3 (4.3.2) (.!l -1 ). (1-~)~ ak a~ A e* = (630 _ 1 ) . 236 e* = 24,2 mm (4.3.11) (1 _ 236 ). 1.548· 106 281 17100 Static strength - Buckling of columns 0= N -= A fl = °el a 3· 106 17100 = 175.4 NJmm 175.4 + 21.5q + 129.;;;621 2 q = 14.7 N/mm = 14.7 kN/m = ~ = 1.6 Equivalent value of q if the column had been made of S 355 (crs= 350 N/mm2) 175.4 M = 0 since the end moments are zero .. Mo = qss 50 D = 5.05 kN/m ~8 L2 (uniformly distributed load) 0 +fl - - ' f3'M+M 0 +N·e* ';;;0s fl -1 175.4 + W 1.6 1.6 -1 i.e. considerably less. 4.3.7 q. 190002 + 3. 106 . 25 -----~~-- 1.548. 106 .;;;621 4,4 Buckling of plates Page No. Buckling due to normal stress ......................................... 4:20 Buckling due to shear stress ........................................... 4:21 4:21 Simultaneous shear stress and normal stress When must the influence of local buckling be taken into account? .................................................... 4:21 Stiffeners ........................................................................ 4:22 Postcritical region .... ...... ...... ..... ..... .......... ........ .... ....... .... 4:22 Examples ........................................................................ 4:22 Interaction between local buckling and overall buckling ............................................................... 4:27 The buckling of a plate is fundamentally different from the buckling of a column. In this manual, a differentiation is made between local buckling (i.e. plate buckling) and overall buckling (column buckling). Figure 4.4.1 schematically illustrates the relationship between load (N) and deformation (ll) for a column Cl and for a panel b supported along its edges so that these remain straight during loading. The graphs in figure 4.4.1 show that the panel can support a load considerably in excess of the bifurcation load Ncr , unlike the column, which cannot withstand higher loads than NE' The dashed curves show what happens in actual practice. - When the buckling stress is exceeded, a considerable reduction of the stiffness of the panel also takes place. This is of importance in cases where the panel forms part of other structural elements such as columns and beams etc. - Conventional calculation methods for estimating load-bearing capacity are generally related to the critical buckling stress. In the following, instructions are first given for determining the critical stress for plates (panels) for some common cases, after which methods for determining load-bearing capacity are discussed. Buckling due to normal stress The critical buckling stressoel is calculated as follows: o el = k" . 0.905 E (Vb)2 where k" = the buckling coefficient, which is dependent upon the stress distr.ibution, conditions of support and the geometry of the plate. See table 4.4.1 E = modulus of elasticity t = plate thickness b = plate width Table 4.4.1 The buckling coefficient ka for some common cases. *) Load Figure 4.4.1a N N a I~ ~I r -, I I I I I L _________ J r-t:. I I I I I I I I I a/b > 1; - 1 ~ 1/1 ~ 1 NE :::..-=--:-,.-_-",~ N L \ \ I \ \ k" = 4 + 2 (1 -l/d + 2(l-l/Jl l/J =1~ka=4 l/J = -1 ~ ka = 24 ideal column err--,. I/~ actual column I I a al N r ideal panel Figure 4.4.1b ; " / ..- ..- I I I I ." ; ".f \actual panel 1 I I J V'a) b I Free edge I I 1 --<l/J~ 1 3 'Pal ka= 1 +43tp [(b/a}2 + 0.426] !pal a lr - The buckling stress is important in cases where freedom from buckling is a requirement, since the amplitude of the buckles grows considerably when the buckling stress is exceeded. I I I I Free edge j a) 1/'a) I I I The extent of this postcriticalload-bearing capacity is chiefly dependent upon the panel's slenderness, material properties and imperfections such as initial buckles and residual stresses. It may therefore appear to be relatively uninteresting to determine the buckling stress associated with the bifurcation load (NE in figure 4.4.1). But this is not the case, as is evident from the following points. -I .., - 1 3<l/J~1 ka = _4_ [(b/a)2 + 0.426] 3+1/1 *) For other cases, see ref. No. (71) and (72). 0) Static strength - Buckling of plates The above expressions are based on the assumption that the plate is simply supported. When the panel is incorporated in section walls in beams and columns, there is generally some restraint in adjacent panels. This means that the above table 4.4.1 usually gives values on the safe side in cases where there is some form of restraint. where a eh l' el '" the buckling stress for the panel when acted upon only by normal stress (a el) or shear stress (reil. OJ = V a/ + 31'2 s* = coefficient that expresses the combined influence of the normal and shear stresses on the buckling load. See figure 4.4.4. Buckling due to shear stress The critical shear stress rei is calculated as follows: rei = kr . 0.905 E(tlb)2 (4.4.2) where s· 1,1 ~ = the buckling coefficient under shear stress. See figure 4.4.2 ~ = 5.34 + 4 (b/a)2 b/a::;:; 1 Figure 4.4.4 Diagram for determining the coefficient s* under combined loading. (4.4.3) Figure 4.4.2 Buckling due to shear stress r °1 to' i °1 1 I I 1,0 'Pal -- - I I -- - - tjJ0l 0,9 b I. When must the influence of local buckling be a pi taken into account? The expression for ~ given in equation 4.4.2 applies for a simply supported panel. If the panel is clamped at all edges, then ~ = 8.98 + 5.6 (b/at (4.4.4) Generally, the greater the width-thickness ratio bit, the greater the risk of local buckling. In order to determine whether local buckling should be taken into account, the value of the slenderness parameter a must be studied. In the case of buckling due to normal stress (b/a)::;:; 1 (4.4.7) Simultaneous shear stress and normal stress In general, this problem is very complicated. Approximate solutions have, however, been derived for certain less complicated cases. Here, the treatment of this problem is restricted to a single case: Shear stress and linearly varying normal stress. See fig. 4.4.3. Figure 4.4.3 Simultaneous shear stresses and normal stresses. I~ a r -~I "l I I I I I I L .....J I when <:l.. ~ ;:, 1 r ~ rr;:Vr;- a = - (4.4.8) t = a sf'V3 rei = critical buckling stress as per equation 4.4.2 b t In the case of simultaneous normal stresses and shear stresses (4.4.9) In the treatment, it is assumed that the loading is proportional, i.e. thala and r increase to the same degree. The approach in treating this case is to calculate a "critical equivalent stress" = ajel' This is done in the following manner: ajel = ael ~ s· al In the case of buckling due to shear stress 1's I I as = yield stress of the material ael = critical buckling stress as per equation 4.4.1 where t I I where (4.4.5) (4.4.6) whereajel = critical equivalent stress as per equation (4.4.5) or (4.4.6). If the panel were free of imperfections, buckling would not have any influence on load-bearing capacity when a ::;:; 1. In view of the residual stresses and initial buckles that are present in actual practice, however, the limiting value a 0 (when a ::;:; a 0 it is assumed that buckling does not have any influence) must be put::;:; 1. Depending upon the extent of existing imperfections, a 0 can be estimated to lie in the interval 0.6::;:; a 0::;:; 0.8. In the current Swedish Regulations for Steel Structures StBK-Nl,a o is around 0.7 -0.8. 4:21 Static strength - Buckling of plates What do we do when a > a o? As in the case of overall (column) buckling, the conventional method for taking into account the influence of local buckling on strength is to reduce the design value of strength with reference to a buckling curve. The postcriticalload-bearing capacity which is a characteristic of slender panels is thereby taken into account to only a small extent. This design method is simple to use, but leads in the case of slender panels to an underestimate of load-bearing capacity. A model that better describes the behaviour of the panel in the postcritical region is described further on. Table 4.4.2 contains design values - fundamentally the same as in StBK-N 1 - for normal, shear and equivalent stress in the case of a plate supported on all four sides. Table 4.4.2 Design values of O,! and OJ with respect to local buckling of plate supported along all four edges. a od/Os 0~a~0.67 0.67<a~0.80 0.80<a~ l.49 1 1 a> 1.49 wherea = 1.557 -O.696a 1.154/a 2 !d/Us Ojd/Os 0.577 1.1 1.557-O.696a 0.577 0.9-0.403 a 1.557-O.696a 1. 154/a 2 0.666/a 2 y 0s/Oel or~' Y Us/Ojel according 10 equations 4.4.7 - 9 Table 4.4.3 applies for panels with a free edge. Table 4.4.3 Design values of 0 with respect to local buckling of plate with free edge. a = V 0s/Oel o ~a ~ 0.70 0.70 < a ~ l.36 a> 1.36 - A box section can, instead of one 90' bend, have two 45° bends spaced close together. This reduces the flat surface on both the web plate and the flange plate. t 2 - Rememberoel - (b) Postcritical region A detailed analysis of the behaviour of plates in the postcritical region is highly complicated and is therefore avoided in practical design work. For this reason, simplified models have been developed based on the concept of effective width in panels subject to normal stress and tension field theories for panels subject to shear stress. These concepts were originally developed in aeronautical engineering during the 1920s and 19305 and have since been applied within other fields as well. Here, we will deal only with panels subject to normal stress when l/! = 1 (i.e. uniformly distributed over the width of the plate). In the postcritical region, the panel does not have a uniformly distributed normal stress over its width, even if the externally applied stress is uniformly distributed. The stress is greatest at the boundaries, and a common failure criterion is when the stress along the edges is equal to the yield stress. The maximum load-bearing capacity Nmax of the panel in figure 4.4.1 can be written: Nmax = 0mB . b· t umB. which is the mean ultimate stress, can be expressed with the aid of Winter's formula, which can be approximated as follows: 0.78 (44.10) 0mB ~ Os 3~ wherea = Od/Os 1 1.53 - 0.75a 0.938/a 2 V Us/Oel Uel = 4· 0.905' E t 2 (I)) Note that 0 mB is proportional to as213! If a mB/Os according to (4.4.10) is compared with a diu s according to table 4.4.2 for different values of a, table 4.4.4 is obtained. Table 4.4.4 Stiffeners When we encounter limitations due to local buckling or when we wish to stiffen up our structure, we can make use of stiffeners. Here, we have a great deal to learn from sheet metal designers and others. Hints: Study household appliances, car bodies, ship hulls (30 m wide plates of 20 mm thickness are actually sheet metal structures), airplanes, steel buildings etc. Some examples: - Bend the free edge of e.g. flanges. - Longitudinal stiffeners on beam webs are often adequate and more economical than transverse ones. - Holes in the web of a beam can be strengthened with longitudinal stiffeners or transverse stiffeners, or with both (longitudinal on one side and transverse on the other side of the web). - The holes can also be strengthened with a cover plate so that the panel is made thicker locally around the holes. - The load-bearing capacity of a beam web with holes is particularly important if the transverse force is large. The influence of holes on the bending moment is relatively small. - Eccentric location of holes in the vertical direction increases the load-bearing capacity of the web under transverse force. - The holes should not be spaced more closely than 1110 of the web depth and should not be larger than 3/4 of the web depth. - Care should be taken when applying loads near holes! 4:22 a 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 amB/a s 0.905 0.780 0.691 0.623 0.570 0.527 0.491 1 Od/as 0.861 0.722 0.583 0.451 0.356 0.289 The table demonstrates what was mentioned earlier, namely that use of table 4.4.2 underestimates the load-bearing capacity of slender panels. On the other hand, table 4.4.2 gives higher ultimate values at a < 1.3. Equation 4.4.10 should provide a better estimate of the loadbearing capacity of a panel subjected to uniformly distributed compression. If there are initial stresses in the plate, the value of 0 m8 is reduced. The following expression - based on results from, among others, Dwight (69) and Little (70) - can be used to estimate the panel's load-bearing capacity: amB = os' 0.78' (1-0.8' o;los)/~ where aj = initial compressive stress (cf. figure 4.4.3). The expression fOrOmB also includes the yield stress of the plate and mB - Os213. a Example 4.4.1 A simply supported beam with a span of 7 m is made of WELDOX 700 (cr s = 700 N/mm2). The beam is acted upon by a point load (P d) at midspan. Determine Pd with respect to local buckling. The beam is provided with stiffeners at the supports and the load is applied in the middle of the beam. The beam has the dimensions shown in figure 4.4.5. Static strength - Buckling of plates r ,I figure 4.4.5 Pd = 0.966' 106 N with respect to flange buckling. d i L-I .I. 3500 Web buckling: The web is acted upon by both normal stresses and shear stresses, and is considered to be freely supported. 3500 a1 = - ltf 12 = 1750 Pd 622.3' 106 t -- :-- tL = 6 I 0 0 ~--+- - I.C) 11 ::I: M (H/2 - tf) I T T"" - - 2Aweb (500/2 -12)= 669.3' 10-0· Pd Pd = ----"---- 2· (500 - 2· 12)' 6 2· (H - 2 . tf )· tL I Owing to a symmetrical linearly varying bending stress, tp = - 1, which gives ka = 24 according to table 4.4.1 I kr according to equation (4.4.3) I I· B = 360 kr = 5.34 + 4 Section I -I ~. ~ = Critical section at midspan under the load Pd' when (3~060 )2 = 5.41 = 0.862 (4.4.5) ~. ~ < 1 willajel be according to equation (4.4.6) I<u T Bending moment M = ~ = Pd' 7000 = 1750 Pd Shear force P -f = 0.5 P T= 4 a· a Je1= T eI' ..::::.L. at s' 4 Flange buckling: The top flange is acted upon by a uniformly distributed load, therefore tp = 1, and according to table 4.4.1, ka = 4 Gel= ka' 0.905· E· t )2 (T Gel = 4 . 0.905 . 21 . 104 • ( 360 ~22 . 6 yI 5.34 + 4 Figure 4.4.4 for tp = - 1 gives s* = 0.76 Solution: a = 2= 669.3' 10-0 . 5.41 175· 10-0 24 I<u T (+ ) yl700 = as = ael Y= 903 N/mm2 = kr . 0.905' E· T el = 5.41 . 0.905· 21 . 104 ajel = 163· 0.880 903 t )2 (T T el = a = 734.7· 10-6· Pd 175 . 10-6· Pd yI as = ajel (4~6 Y= 163 N/mm2 yl700 520 . 0.76 = 520 N/mm2 = 1.16 According to table 4.4.2 when a = 0.880 according to table 4.4.2 adlaS = l.557 - 0.696 . a ad = 700 (1.557 - 0.696· 0.874) = 663 N/mm2 The mean stress over the flange ajd = 700· 1.557 - 0.696' 1.16 = 525 N/mm2 M . (H/2 - t f /2) I a=- aj I = 360· 663 = 500 12 3 - 1750· Pd 622.3' 106 348· 476 12 3 = ajd give 734.7· 10-6· Pd = 525 N/mm2 = 6223· 106 mm4 (500/2 _ 12/2) . Pd = 0.714' 106 N with respect to flange buckling . .' web buckling is crucial and max. Pd =0.714· 10' N =72 tonnes 4:23 Static strength - Buckling of plates Example 4.4.2 Figure 4.4.6 The main members of a vehicle frame consist of box beams made of 8 mm S 355. It is desired to reduce the dead load of the frame by using 6 mm EHS steel grade WELDOX 700. The same overall dimensions are retained in order to obtain as high rigidity as possible. Is it possible to use WELDOX 700 in view of the risk of buckling when the frame members are loaded as shown in the figure? Stiffeners are provided at the points of load application. The maximum forces are 2.5 times the static forces. 2 tonnes ~ 6 tonnes ~ 2 tonnes ~ ~~~~~~.~1~OO~o___*~I.__~20~O~O___'4!_ti~lO~O~c~J 4.57 tonnes 5.43 tonnes t:: 8 ! = 54.6' 106 mm4 W = 390· 103 mm 3 A = 5.76· 103 mm 2 H = 280 -rJ- t :: (; l/R;=3' t WElDOX 700 (cr s = 700 N/mm2) I = 43.4· 106 mm 4 B = 120 W = 310· laJ mm3 A = 4.44· 103 mm 2 Solution: Critical section directly underneath the force of 6 tonnes. M = 2.5' 48.6' 106 N mm Flange buckling: The mean stress over the flange is calculated from M -1- (H/2-t/2) T = 2.5' 3.43 tonnes = 2.5' 34.3' 103 N al = S 355 (BS 50) WElDOX 700 al - 2.5' 48.6' 106 54.6' 106 . (280/2 _ 8/2) al= 2.5' 48.6' 106 43.4· 106 . (280/2 _ 6/2) a 1 = 302.5 N/mm2 ko = 4 according to table 4.4.1ljl = 1 ael = ael 4·0.905·21· 104. ( 8 120-16-48 )2 ael = 15514 N/mm 2 = 4· 0.905' 21· 104. ( 120- ~2-36 )2 ael = 5279 N/mm2 a= a = vi 350 15514 = 0.15 < 0.8 a= vi 700 5279 = 0.36 < 0.8 i.e. no risk of flange buckling Web buckling: The web is acted upon by both normal and shear stresses M a1= I 4:24 (H/2 - t - Ri) (only the flat surface) Static strength - Buckling of plates WELDOX 700 S 355 (BS 50) 2.5 . 48.6' 106 (280 _ 6 _ 18 ) 2 43.4' 106 2.5' 48.6' 1<f (280 -8 -24 ) 2 6 54.6' 10 al = 324 N/mm T r==~-=-- 2· Aweb r= 2.5' 34.3' 103 2.b.8 2.5 . 34.3' 103 2·b·6 r b = 280 - 2·8 - 2· 24 = 216 b = 280 - 2 . 6 - 2 . 18 = 232 r = 24.8 N/mm2 r = 30.8 N/mm2 Symmetrical linearly varying bending stress 1/1 = - 1 gives ko = 24 according to table 4.4.1. kr = 5.34+ 4' (+ y kr = 534 . + 4· (~)2 1000 kr = 5.34 + 4 ( :;~ kr = 5.52 kT = 5.55 .!:!....~ = = 2.80 r ko y 383 . 5.55 = 2.88 30.8 24 Figure 4.4.4 for 1/1 = - 1 gives s* s* = 0.94 s* = 0.94 aj . S* a·leI = a. eI' --'al 4. ( 8 )2 216 ael = 24.0.905. 21· 10 ael = 24 ,0.905, 21· 104 . ael = 6256 N/mm2 ael = 3050 N/mm2 aj = ajel = 6256· 306 302.5 . 0.94 = 5746 NI mm2 a = .1350 V 5746 = 0.25 < 0.67 V 3832 + 3 . 30.82 = 387 NI mm 2 ajel = 3050· , (2~2 )2 387 2 383 . 0.94 = 2896 N/mm a--[Ci; V 0;a = .fTciO V 2s96 = 0.49 < 0.67 No risk of buckling and WELDOX 700 can be exploited to the full. The frame members are 2· (5100' (5.76-4.4)'103· 7800'10-9 )= 108 kg lighter/vehicle 4:25 Static strength - Buckling of plates =500 Os = 700 N/mm2 Nd =2.46.10 N Example 4.4.3 b A stiffened 5 x 2 m panel consists of a number of smaller 500 x 1000 mm "free panels" of 14 mm SS 50 D steel. The panel is subjected to a compressive load in its own plane and in the longitudinal direction. The entire panel weighs 1.5 tonnes, of which the plate (14 mm) weighs 1.12 tonnes. Dead load is a great problem. Is it possible to reduce the dead load by using WELDOX 700 without reducing the load-bearing capacity? which gives t = 10,3 mm, Le. t = 12 mm 6 The entire panel will be (14 -12)·8· 10 = 160 kg lighter (8 kglm2 • mm) or"" 11% reduction How much of the yield strength of WELDOX 700 is exploited? Gel = 4·0.905· 21· 104 (5~ Y= 437 N/mm2 oo = 1.264 ~ 437 Solution: a = WELDOX 700 permits the use of thinner plate. Will buckling be the limiting factor? Analysis of original free panel: adlas = 1.557 - 0.696' 1.264 = 0.687 Figure 4.4.7 Le. about 70% a = 1000 Thus, WELDOX gives a lighter structure, despite the fact that its yield strength cannot be fully exploited. b = 500 Example 4.4.4 - - -__4 -____________________~__~_ S 355 t = 14 mm ael = k,,' 0.905' E· ka = (+ Y A panel made of S 355 in a structure subjected to a uniformly distributed compressive load will be subjected to severe overload. Is it possible to sustain the overload better by switching to WELDOX, despite the fact thatlthere is already a risk of buckling with" S 355? The panel has the following dimensions: Figure 4.4.8 . 4 according to table 4.4.11/1 = 1 ael = 4·0.905· 21· 104 a = 1600 . (~)2 = 595 N/mm2 b = 980 t = 10 a • . ra; = -)350 = 0.766 Va; 595 a = . according to table 4.4.2, a dla s = 1 when a. < 0.8. We can therefore fully exploit the yield strength of SS 50 D. The total load-bearing capacity of the panel is then Nd = ad' t· b = 350· 14· 500 = 2.46· 106 N Solution: First calculate a for S 355 WELDOX 700 In order to be able to use WELDOX 700 (os = 700 N/mm2), we must make the panel more slender, i.e. a > 0.8. Assume 0.8 < a 0::; 1.49, then adlas = 1.557 - 0.696' a. according to table 4.4.2. ka = 4 according to table 4.4.1 (1/1 = 1) Gel =4' 0.905·21· 104 (91~0 Y= 79.1 N/mm2 r;;; = -) 350 = 2.1 (Le. fairly slender panel). Va; 79 a. = . The failure stress in the postcritical region G mB according to (4.4.10) is This is then substituted in the equation from table 4.4.2 GmB = G s ' 2 Nd =1.557-0.696'.jG S 'b 42 t'b'a s 4·0.905·21·1O·t 0.78 3y;;2 GmB = 350 0.78 3v2.i:2 _1_ ~ + 0.696' b - / as 4 t (b'a s ) V 4·0.905·21·10 4:26 = 1.557 = 166 N/mm2 Nmax = amB . b· t = 166·980· 10 = 1.63· 106 N Static strength - Buckling of plates Assume that we choose WELDOX 900 (as'" 900 N/mm2) as a suitable WELDOX steel. _/900 V 79.f = 3.37 a = If a comparison is made between corner-welded and bent box columns with a slenderness parameter of aab "'" 0.6, the bent columns have an approximately 10% higher load-bearing capacity than corner-welded columns of the same plate thickness and overall dimensions. Example 4.4.5 A column of WELDOX 700 (as = 700 N/mm') is to have a length L =: 3000 mm and overall dimensions of 0400 mm t = 12 mm. Nmax = 312·980· 10 = 3.07 . looN i.e. 88% greater load! Bending radius R = 36 mm A = 17511 mm 2 . Calculate the maximum load with respect to local buckling l Solution: Interaction between !ocal buckling and overall buckling The interaction between local buckling and overall buckling is relatively complicated. When a column fabricated from welded plates undergoes overall buckling, we suspect that the "buckling failure" must start locally. Overall buckling is initiated by local buckling. The buckling of e.g. a box column is a typical case of the interaction between local buckling and overall buckling. A simple calculation method for box columns based on Ingvarsson's studies (63) of welded and bent columns of WELDOX 700 (as = 700 N/mm') is given below. alb= 0.5259' ~ [ ~ -(2-\12)· (~-+ 1)] alb= 0.5259- V alb = 0.94 a/as = 0.1 bent corners t = 12 mm aob= v'6. v'6 Ib = local buckling. aob = -;;-' 2. Calculate or estimate the influence of welding residual stresses a/a s. aob = 0.34 3. Calculate aob ob == overall buckling. 4. Use one of the diagrams in figures 4.4.10 -11 in order to determine Ok/as' These diagrams are taken from (63) and apply for the EHS steel WELDOX 700 (as'" 700 N/mm'). A II The calculation procedure is as follows: 1. Calculatealb - ~ (3+ 1) ] -700 - - [400 --(2-v2)· 21· 104 12 ~~ w V T V 700 21· 10 4 3000 400 Figure 4.4.10 givesokios = 0.78 0s* = as = 700· 0.78 N/mm2 Ok Nk = 700 . 0.78' 17511 = 9.55 . looN 5. Max. column load Nk = Ok' A, where A = the cross-sectional area. Figure 4.4.10 Local buckiingalb is calculated from the formulas in figure 4.4.9 for the relevant section. Ok/as - r- 1.0 Figure 4.4.9 -., 0 1 \ ~ I I I 0.1 r- - as r- ....... " r- -. -......:: f:S ::.... '--- Euler 0.5 u,o ~ 0.5259' /R I~ ~ " w I: w < t ·1 "(j ~ ~ ~ " ~ ::--.. f::: ~ ~, 1,'/ alb = y?j.!i E -" O':f; L 1.0~ f ""f-1.4//~ §::: ::::-- r::::::::::: ~ o.~~ 0.8 - l.\~ i - f-1.~1 l.8 0.9 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 "'=: ~ ~ .... - - "'" 2.0 1.5 Cl ob Figure 4.4.11 - r- -., The influence of welding residual stresses can be calculated as described in the section "Buckling of columns" or estimated as foHows: For box columns with bent corners t max = 12 mm, a/as"'" 0.1 For box columns with welded corners with a maximum throat thickness of 6 mm welded in one pass t max = 16 mm, 0.5 a/as ~ 0.2 alb = < aob for a square box column is calculated from: aob= v'6. II V where L = critical length as .~ E W \ -=0.2 r-. ~ as , , r- t-.. r- ~ ::---. ' / ' Euler \ - I I r-.....; r-~ .... -..; F:: :::-...' s: ~ ~ . i""~ ~ r---; ~ ~ ~ -l.4/,/ 0.8 r-- l.qZ LV r-- -1.~/ l.2 0.9 l.8 g:l~ ~ a: -. .... f:: :::::: b- ""- 0.0 0.0 0.5 l.0 1.5 2.0 aob 4:27 The warping u is heavily dependent upon the cross-sectional shape of the beam - cL figure 4.5.1. In this connection, it is common to speak of 4.5 Torsion - warpfree cross-sections that consist of radially symmetriC shapes Page No. General discussion of torsion ........................................... 4:28 - quasi-warpfree cross-sections, including solid box, Tand L-beams Formulas and diagrams for calculation ............................ 4:28 Calculation examples 4:31 - warping cross-sections, including 1-, channel, C-, Z- and hat sections. Torsionally stiff - torsion ally flexible structures ...... ...... ..... 4:34 If free warping of the end cross-sections of the beam in figure 4.5.1 b) is prevented by means of some device such as an end plate, this will give rise to normal stresses a w along the beam. In the case of thin-walled sections, the warping normal stresso w is calculated as follows: 0w = 0w (x,y,z) = EqJ "(x)w (y,z) (4.51) where E w = Modulus of elasticity = the warping function, which in this case is equal to the sectorial coordinate (more about this below) "Ordinary torsion" (Saint-Venant torsion) is well known to most designers and does not normally cause any problems in design. What are almost completely unknown to most designers are the secondary stresses that arise in connection with torsion especially in open sections, at holes in closed sections etc. ' These secondary stresses are often very high and frequently crucial in determining the strength of e.g. a welded jOint in the corner of a frame. These high stresses call for the use of WElDOX steel in order that plastic deformations in the structure may be prevented. This may seem at first glance to be a somewhat murky and difficult subject, but with the aid of an analogy with 'ordinary" beam bending, we have tried to simplify the analysis as much as possible. General discussion of torsion If a beam is loaded with a twisting moment (torque), a rotation Ijl = Ijl (x) of the cross-section of the beam occurs, see figure 4.5.1.a. In addition to this torsion, a displacement also takes place perpendicular to the cross-section of the beam (except in the case of radially symmetric cross-sections). This phenomenon i~ called warping and is designated here by u = U (v,y,z), see figure 4.5.l.b. Figure 4.5.1 a) The external torque MT is generally taken up as Saint-Venant shea~ stress~s 'tv and as Vlasov shear stresses two The corresponding. portions of t~e torque MT are designated Mv and Mw, respectively. If both kinds are present at the same time this is called mixed torsion. ' The shear stresses 'tv and 'tw behave in fundamentally different ways, tv forming closed shear stress trajectories and 'tw open ones - cf. figure 4.5.2 Figure 4.5.2 'Csv y---Msv Shear stresses in connection with a. Saint-Venant torsion b. Vlasov torsion Cl' (xl The following relationships apply for the partial torques Msv and Mw: , MSY= GKyqJ' (4.5.2) Mw = - (EKwp")' (4.5.3) where b) ~;:::::==~--------------7~ G· = Shear modulus = E12Cl + v) E = Modulus of elasticity Kv = Section factor with respect to torsional stiffness (see table 3.1) Kw = Section factor with respect to warping stiffness (see table 3.2.) qJ = Angle of twist qJ', qJ ", qJ '" ':" dp/dx, etc. The following relationship applies for mixed torsion: MT = Mv + Mw = GKvqJ' - (EKwqJ")' a) Radially symmetric closed cross-section - no warping (SaintVenantl. b) Open thin-walled cross-section - considerable warping (Vlasov). 4:28 (4.5.4) In special cases, either My or Mw is almost completely dominant. In such cases, the analysis can be performed on the basis of equation (4.5.2) if Mv is dominant and equation (4.5.3) if Mwis dominant. Beams with a solid or closed thin-walled cross-section can be assumed to undergo only Saint-Venant torsion, which means that the analysis can be based on equation (4.5.2). Static strength - Torsion The value of the following parameter is studied for beams with open thin-walled cross-sections: VI<l50\l torsion: (4.5.5) Equation (4.5.3) gives the following equilibrium relationship cf. equation (4.5.6): (4.5.10) (EKwcp ")" = mT Akesson (67) recommends the following limits for application of the simpler relationships (4.5.2) and (4.5.3t Equation (4.5.2) - only Saint-Venant torsion - can be assumed to apply when {J vL;;;. 15. Equation (4.5.3) - only Vlasov torsion - can be assumed to apply when fl yL < 0.7 When 0.7 < {J v L < 15, mixed torsion is assumed to exist and equation (4.5.4) is used. In figure 4.5.3, the ratio Mw/Mwfl v L = 0 is given as functions of {J v L, which can also be characterized by different crosssection types. The symbol B = bimoment is used for the quantity - EKwlf'''. The following relationship applies between Mw and B: Mw = B' Equation (4.5.10) is the same type of relationship that applies for bent beams: Figure 4.5.3 Mw MwllvL=O Warping with warping restraint (Vlasov) 1.0 Warping without warping restraint (Saint-Venant) ....... 0.8 0.6 o.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 -- 0.6 Shape C [ Vlasov torsion An analogy exists between Analogue "bent" beam and w M T El q P Deflection Bending moment Transverse force Bending stiffness Uniform distributed load Point load ti£.fff.f..&:. 4 6 810 2 (4.512) Angle of twist B Bimoment Mw Torque EKw Warping stiffness mT Uniform distributed torque Mo Concentrated torque mo I'\. 04 0.2 (EIW")" = q If' ~ "" , (4.511) Mixed torsion 20 4060 100 80 I o In this case also, an analogous structure in the form of a bent beam under tension with a tensile force = GK v, bending stiffness EKw and transverse load = mr can be studied. For a closer analysiS of this case, see Akesson (67). See also example = 4.5.3. The torque ratio Mw/Mwflv L = 0 as a function of{Jv L according to Kollbrunner, Basler 1969 (72). Example 4.5.1 A C-beam is fixed at one end and has a clevis joint at the other end. The beam is acted upon by a concentrated torque Mo at midspan. Determine the maximum rotationcp if Mo = 100 kNIT! Solution of the equations Certain analogies with bent beams can be used to solve the above equations. Figure 4.5.4 Saint-Venant torsion: A My = GKvCP' (4.5.2) If the beam is acted upon by a distributed torque mT D1T(x), the following equilibrium relationship applies: 1=4000 = (4.5.6) Solution First determine whether a simplified analysis according to equation (4.5.3) can be performed. In order for this to be possible,fiv L~ 0.7. which, together with .(4.5.2), gives m1 = - (GKvcp'), (4.5.7) At constant torsional stiffness GK v, equation (4.5.7) can be written (4.5.8) flv L = L V GK/EK w t3 103 Ky = + 300)+ 400] = 3 l II = -[2000 3 = 4· 105 mm4 The following equilibrium relationship applies for a bent beam: M" =-q (4.5.9) The equations (4.5.8) and (4.5.9) are analogous, and for the same boundary conditions, the angle of twist <p and the torque My can be obtained as the bending moment M and the shear force T in an analogous bent beam acted upon by a notional load q mT/GKv and q = mT, respectively. The concentrated torque Mo is replaced by notional point loads <p' MoIGKy and P = Mo, respectively. This analogy means that tables and diagrams for bent beams given in handbooks can be used in the analysis. = = Kw is determined with the aid of figure 4.5.20 ~ = 100 = 0.25 a 400 ~= 300 = 0.75 a 400 From the figure, we obtain ~ = 0.085 5 ta Static strength - Torsion Kw = 0.085' 10· 400 5 = 8.7· 1012 mm 6 VI .. so\, torsion for thin-walled open cross-section G = E/2(1 + v) = E/2(1 + 0.3) = E/2.6 Both shear stresses Twand normal stresses a w arise in connection with Vlasov torsion as a result of the torque Mw and the bimoment B = - EKwcp ", respectively. flv L = Lv'GKy/EK w = In general, the following applies: = 4000 V4· 105 /2.6' 8.7· 1012 = 0.53 B(x) a w (x,s) = -K- W (s) When {:J v L < 0.7, the beam undergoes virtually only Vlasov torsion, and a calculation can be based on equation (4.5.3). Mw = - EKw qJ '" (4.5.14) w where a w = the warping normal stress (assumed to be constant over (EK w = Constant) the wall thickness t (s) ) The following boundary conditions apply: qJ (0) = 0 • qJ' (0) (l) = 0 qJ =0 qJ" (l) = 0 = longitudinal coordinate of the beam s = curvilinear coordinate of the cross section B = - EKwqJ "= the bimoment The beam analogy is used to solve the problem. The boundary conditions for the analogous beam are: Kw = section factor with respect to warping stiffness w = standardized sectorial coordinate of the cross section =0 w (0)= 0 w w' (0)= 0 w" (l) = 0 (l) x The largest warping normal stress which, expressed in verbal terms, means a beam which is rigidly clamped at one end and simply supported at the other. The maximum angle of twist is now obtained as the deflection wmax of the beam with El = EKw which is loaded with a point load P = Mo at midspan. a \!]ax is calculated from: max (4.5.15) Ow where Ww = Kw~ w I max Figure 4.5.5 8 ! EI=EKw I~ real beam Values of Ww are given for some different cross sections in table 4.5.2. P=M o ~ (4.516) 715};- L ./ The warping shear stresses Tw caused by the torque Mw can be calculated from: TW(X,S)= - (4.5.17) analogous beam where From a handbook we obtain: Sw = the sectorial static moment. PL3 w max = 107E I -> qJ max = Substituted numerical values give: qJ max = Tw = the warping shear stress (assumed to be constant over the wall thickness t (5) ) 100· 106 . 40003 107· 2.1' 105 . 8.7· 1012 The sign convention for Tw is that Tw (s) is considered to be positive when it is in the direction of the positive curvilinear coordinate. Expressions for the calculation of extreme values of Sw are given in table 4.5.2. The directions of TW are also given in the diagrams in table 4.5.2. = 0.033 fad = 1.9° Mixed torsion Tv • T wand 0 ware calculated after M v' Mw and B have been determined. Calculation of stresses caused by a torque Saint-Venant torsion The maximum shear stress T ~ax occurs somewhere along the boundary of the cross-section and is calculated from: M T max = _v_ v Wv Mv = torque Wv = elastic section modulus in torsion of the crosssection Table 4.5.1 gives values of Wy and the position ofT~ax for some common cross-sections. 4:30 Summary of calculation procedure for beam torsion - Determine the type of loading and the end conditions (boundary conditions). - Determine the type of torsion involved - Saint-Venant, Vlasov or mixed torsion. - Determine the section forces (My, Mw etc) and deformation (rp ). - Determine the stresses (r y. Tw,Owl. Static strength - Torsion Example 4,5.2 Sw31 = 0.25(0.163 + 0.456)/2 = 0.0774 la Determine the maximum shear stressT~ax and the maximum warping normal stressa~ax for the beam in example 45.1. SW32 = 0.0774 + [(0.75 -0.425)/2]0.163 = 0.1039 la Solution: The beam analogy gives the following torque and bimoment distributions (Mw corresponds to the shear force T in the analogous beam and B corresponds to the bending moment M). SW33 la = 0.1039 - 0.425· 0.213/2 = 0.0586 The following is obtained from a handbook: 0.213 _ 0.0586 = _ 0.0054 SW4 = ta 3 4 Figure 4.5.6 t Equation (4.5.17) now gives r=M o tEl.", L 1-------=-----<--1 11 Largest torque 1:6. 100· 106 . 0.1039' 10· 400= = 53 N/mm2 T max = 11 16' Mo 11 Mo 16 8.7 . 10 12 . 10 w Mw (T) Equations (4.5.15) and (4.5.16) give 3 a ~ax = ill = 16". 100· 10 4000 = 629 N/mm2 6 . 119· 106 Ww B (M) 3 .l.. MoL I B Imax = 16 Mo' L 16 Example 4.5.3 Rectangular hollow section, with opening in wall, acted upon by a twisting moment. Figure 4.5.8 5 32 Mol The following is obtained from table 4.5.2, case 4, and figure 4.5.19 (a = h): -- ~ = 0.425 e = 0.425· 400 = 170 Mo a I .. Figure 4.5.7 b=300 ,------ •I Section A-A I" a ~~ e = 170 I. ~ = 0.425 = 0.213 i 2 (0.75-0.425) 2 =0.163 Wia = 0.163 + 0.25 (0.75 + 0.425) = 0.456 b .. I The part of the section that contains the opening can be regarded as a beam of open cross section which is prevented from warping at the point of transition to the parts of the beam with a closed cross section. This is a simplified approach. since adjacent parts of the beam are not completely rigid in practice and therefore permit some warping. This simplified approach causes the warping normal stresses to be overestimated while the rotation is underestimated. In applying the beam analogy, the case is equivalent to a beam rigidly restrained at both ends, at one of the supports of which there is settlement. 4:31 Static strength - Torsion Figure 4.5.9 ~ Mo EI=EKw .... __ , 2 J ~2 In the case in question, N = GKv A better value OfqJ2 is now obtained from 1 1+ which, after substitution in the above expression for the bimoment B, gives If,By L ~ 0.7 (cf. example 4.5.1), the case can be treated as one of pure Vlasov torsion. Owing to symmetry, the following is obtained directly: Figure 4.5.10 For the stated limit,Bv l = 0.7, the above expression becomes B = 0961 Mo' 11 . B 2 i.e. the bimoment is overestimated in this case by 4 % if pure Vlasov torsion is assumed. The following applies for the torque: Mw 11 I 11 I lfJ I I I 11 I If mixed torsion is assumed to be involved, i.e. 0.7 <,Bv L < 15, the case can be analyzed using the beam-column analogy, see Akesson (67). In the beam-column analogy, the analogous beam is also acted upon by an axial tensile force = GK y, and changes in the geometry of the system are taken into account (a problem of the second order). An approximate variant of this analogy will be shown below. SinceqJ' = 0 at the support, we therefore have a situation where M~ax = Mo M v reaches a maximum at midspan qJ '3 can be determined from the relationship qJ'3=8 1 +8 2 The left half of the beam is studied. The following applies approximately: Figure 4.5.11 8 1 + 8 2 "" B (1/2) + B (1/2) = ~= Mo 121 3EKw 6EKw 4EKw 8EKw which gives An equilibrium equation that takes into account the changes in the geometry of the system gives B = Moll!2 -GK vqJ2!2 In order for the bimoment B to be determined, qJ 2 must be known. If the axial load GK y is not taken into account, the following relationship applies: I1 qJz _ Mo (-2-) 3EKw 2- 3 _ -->qJ2- Mo 113 12EKw Owing to the axial tensile force GK v , however, the displacement qJz is reduced. The following relationship can be used here: which applies approximately to beams acted upon simultaneously by axial and transverse load. Wo is the deflection due to transverse load alone, N is the normal force and NE is the buckling load. 4:32 After B, Mw and Mv have been determined, the stresses can be calculated in the same way as illustrated in example 4.5.2. A numerical example of 'Cl case with a hole in the beam wall (see example 4.5.4) is given below. Static strength - Torsion Example 4.5.4 When we have pure Vlasov torsion, example 4.5.3 shows The frame of an off-road haulage vehicle consists of a closed tube of dimensions given below. A crane is mounted on the front of the frame and the axle suspension on the rear. The crane gives rise to a moment (15 tonne-metres) in the frame, which is to be transmitted to the ground via the frame and the axle suspension. The crane also causes a shear force of two tonnes and the load 10 tonnes. A hole has been made in the frame as shown in figure 4.5.12 in order to provide access to equipment located inside the frame tube. Calculate the stresses at the edge of the hole! B = Mo' Ll 2 The warping shear stress is Mw . SWmax r max w Kw' t The warping normal stress is Figure 4.5.12 _ I BI a max W - WWmin First calculate Sw max from table 4.5.2, case 4, and figure 4.5.19 (a = h). E = ela = 0.490 y = cia = 0.125 FtJO~m:~. I.. .1 b P = bla = 1.0 From table 4.5.2, case 4 (a = h): a = 400 mm ~ = 0.490 i 2 b = 400 mm = 0.245 2 50 mm c= 1.0 - 0.49 = 0.255 2 Solution Which type of torsion dominates? Investigate the parameterpy' L = L1 · f Kv = 3"" . I li = W3 = w2 + y V GK y EKw (P + E) i Wia = 0.255 + 0.125(1.0 + 0.49) = 0.441 83 y . a' t ""3 (50 + 400 + 400 + 400 + 50) = 2 = 2.219' 105 mm 4 -+ s.u Kw is obtained from figure 4.5.21 cia = ~ = 0.125 400 bla = 1.0 ta 0.125 = - - (0.255 + 0.441) = 0.0435 2 s.u2 = ~ 1+ [ (f3 -E) a . tl2] . W 2 ~2 - = 0.0435 + ta 3 ~ = 0.092 5 ta ( 1.0-0.49 ) . 0.255 = 0.109 2 Kw = 0.092' 8· 4005 = 7.536' 10 12 mm6 s.u E G = 2.6 for steel Pv' L = 400· 0.49 ~ = 0.109 - - - . 0.245 = 0.0490 ta 2 2.219' 105 -2.-6-'-7-.5-36-'-1-0"12;- = 0.042 < 0.7 .: Pure Vlasov torsion. ~4 0.245 ta 3 4 - = - - -0.0490 = 0.0123 433 Static strength - Torsion -~- = 0.109 is greatest and occurs in the middle of the t· a3 horizontal parts, see figure table 4.5.2, case 4 w Kw' t w 3 WXA2 = ~ = 2.155' 106 mm3 15· 107 • 0.109'8.4003 T max [t. c 12+ t· c· == 3.233' 108 mm 4 Mv' ~umax T max t . a3 a2 Ix"" ---r2+ 2· b· t 4+ 2 T- c = 138 N/mm2 7.536' 10 12 • 8 M abA2= Sw 1 applies at points A 1 and A2 0.0435 TwAI, A2 = 138, a max = w _ == 55 N/mm 0.109 atotA2 = 38.6 + 281 = 319 N/mm2 2 We see that the torsion makes the greatest contribution tOOtotA2' _I_BI_ ° Wwmin Kw Wwmin - w max ~ = 38,6 N/mm2 WXA2 If we had not included w, we would have made a large underestimate ofa at point A2! _ ~= 7.536'10 12 W3 0.441· 400" Hint: do not locate any welds in sections through Al and A2. Do as shown in figure 4.5.14, for example. - Figure 4.5.14 = 281 N/mm2 15' 107 . 400 ow max = 1.068· 108 . 2 / W3 applies at the point AI, A2 Large radii .,' the following applies for the points Al and A2 o max = 281 N/mm2 w The frame is simultaneously subjected to bending, and the normal stresses can be added. Our warping normal stresses will therefore be added to the bending normal stresses! Calculate the bending moment Mb in the section through Al and A2 , No transverse joints within this region .\ Figure 4.5.13 5000 .. 2200 2 ton . 1500 1000 . Torsionally stiff - torsionally flexible Careful thought and planning is important when connecting or anchoring beams subjected to torsion, The example in figure 4,5.15 is taken from reI. (65). "1400 300 10 tonnes t i ! ! I t Front wheels Al A2 Bogie centre 3.28 tonnes I I 8.72 tonnes .,' The bending moment is greatest in the section through A2. Calculate ob at the point A2 I x (section through A2) 4,3;1 Figure 4.5.15 Static strength - Torsion Design a) appears natural, since the flanges are "available". This design results in a beam that is alternately open and closed with very high warping stressesa w at the points marked x. This often results in fatigue cracks as shown in figure b. The design has relatively high torsional stiffness. Design c) permits warping and does not give at all the same G w as design al. Design c) is extremely torsionally flexible. The designer should give careful thought to which solution is best from a functional point of view, the torsional!y stiff or the torsionally flexible alternative. If torsionally stiff elements are to be used, the transitions must be gradual and the stresses must be checked. A transition between an open and a closed section should be made as shown below. Figure 4.5.18 The designer can choose between stiff and flexible alternatives at points of attachment as well, as illustrated in the case below, taken from ref. (66). Figure 4.5.16 x h Figure 4.5.19 C - section of constant wall thickness I. b .. I In other words, welded all around. In the alternative shown below, only the web and the wedges have been welded to the end plate and the flanges have been cut at an angle to permit warping. a Figure 4.5.17 =t +-.----~I 23.5 1 . 5 , . - - - - - , - - - - - y - - - - , - - - - , - - - - , b/a 0.0524 rad l _ _--,2.5 e a L_----12.0 I. 1.0-l----+~..:::::;.-+---_+--__!r_-__I .. - 1 _ - - - ; 1. 5 lx _~--"""Il. 0 c::::::::::+-=-_F=====l 0.5-+----b~.:::::::::=-b___ .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 The case with the flanges free gives approx. 50% lower a max and an approx. 40% more torsionally flexible beam + attachment. 0.0;-----11----+----1----+------1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 c 0.5 a 4:35 Static strength - Torsion Figure 4.5.20 figure 4.5.21 C - section of constant wall thickness C - section of constant wall thickness 5.00 4.00 3.00 Kw Tii5 .0 50 -t-~t_-<...c....,-+",c-+_-?"'I---lf_7"'-t--+:rL_-t---; 2.00 .040+---;;~~-/~~~-~~--_+~-t--+-~ 1.50 .030+---~~r-~--;;~",c-+_--~-+---r~T-~ . 500+--+--::7'-F--+-:::".-qr--;jo~ 4 OOI-F'--+_--lr""'-t--::o'f£--t-:7'''4- ,-J:,--t---;;>F--:;:j .300-F'--+--b"""-t---l".-q-t-:ri-- .050+----""'-t---t£--t-''''----r--'''''t---+-'''---t--+'''--t--; 0.2 o 0.3 0.1 0.4 c O.S a . OOOS'i--'--t--I-"---l---t---t---t--+--t---lr--l o 0.1 0.2 0.3 04 c O.S 11 4:36 Static strength - TO;SIon Table 4.5.1 I KVI Wv and Zv for beam cross sections Excerpt from reference 67. I I Symbols Kv W, lv f max t's M Mr Mp d<p1dx = M/GKy = section factor of Saint-Venant torsional stiffness GK, Oength4 ) '" elastic section modulus in torsion (length 3 ) = plastic section modulus in torsion (Iengtth '" maximum shear stress according to elastic theory (iorce/length 2 ) = shear stress at yield = Saint-Venant twisting section moment (force' length) '" twisting section moment at incipient yield = yield moment for elastic - ideally - plastic material Cross-section with the position of 'max = M/W, Mf = W,Ts Mp = l,.s Z, W, K, and description of position ofT max T rnax marked 1 Solid circle d = 2r 0h=2,j nd4 132 =.n:f 12 2 Solid rectangle cl hf Oi \-!-l 3 Open cross section composed of arbitrary number of thin-walled parts, each of constant wail thickness t :,~~ ~ \l1.J I, 4 Thin-walled circular ring of constant wall thickness t .~ 5 Thin-walled rectangle of constant wall thickness t ~ .,:;" 7 Thin-walled rectangle of varying wall thickness g13 I1 I...-LlJ ;rd 3 1l2 = m~ 13 c2 hi' In the middle of the long sides (hi' 12)(1 - tl3h) hit 1 1,5 2 4 8 20 '" Cl c2 c3 0.141 0.208 1.000 0.196 0.231 0.858 0.229 0.246 0.796 0.281 0.282 0.745 0.307 0.307 0.743 0.323 0.323 0.743 0.333 0.333 0.743 c2lhi t,2 12 cjlh j ti3 13 K,/t max The factor cl corrects for the conditions at the connection between parts of the cross-section. If the parts of the cross-section are rectangular and more than two in number, the following is obtained for steelbeams of normal wall thickness: Cl = 1.05 -1.15. For L-sections, cl"'" LOO, for U-sections Cl "" 1.12 and for H-sections Cl "" 1.30 Stress concentration in concave corners at the connections between parts of the cross-section has been ignored. Along the boundary on the thickest part. ;rd3 tl4 = 2n~ t .n:d2 tJ2 = 2nr2 t Along the entire wall. = W, 2a2b2 tI(a + b) 2abt Stress concentration at the inside corners has been ignored. Along the entire wall. = W, Bredl's second formula: 4A2 1<1> (l/tlds A is the area within the dashed midline Bredt's first formula: = W, ~3 I-L...l 6 Thin-walled ring of arbitrary shape, of varying wall thickness t .n:d3 116 =.n:~ 12 Along the entire circumference 4ib2 !(blt 1 + alt 2 + blt3 + a/(4) c2 = 1,0 - 1,2 2Atmin At the thinnest part of the wall 2abt min = W, Stress concentration at the inside corners has been ignored. Along the entire thinnest wall. I I 8 Symmetrical two-celled thin-wailed cross section with wall in plane of symmetry S~m DOl The cross section behaves in torsion as if the midwall did not exist. Use the formulas for cross sections 4,6 and 7. 4:37 Static strength - Torsion Table 4.5.2 Kw, WW1 Zw, (jJ (s) and Sw (5) for open thin-walled beam cross sections Excerpt from ref. 67 Symbols = section factor with respect to warping stiffness (length 5 ) = elastic warping resistance (length 4 ) = plastic warping resistance (length 4 ) '" standardized sectorial coordinate (length 2) = sectorial static moment Oength4) = centroid = centre of torsion w Sw TP VC Three end views of a positive cross-sectional surface are shown below for each type of cross section. The geometry of the cross section is defined in the first; thew (s) diagram is shown in the second and the Sw (5) diagram is shown in the third. A positive bimoment B gives tensile stressesow (5) where the w (5) diagram has been marked with plus signs and compressive stresses where the diagram has been marked with minus signs. A positive Vlasov twisting moment Mw gives shear stresses r w (s) which on the positive cross-sectional surface are directed as shown by the arrows in the 5", d iagra m. The diagrams are drawn for the case where the given algebraic expressions for the ordinatesw; and 5",;. i = 1.2 ... give a result with a positive sign. The formulas for Kw apply even il these expressions give a result with a negative sign. Bisymmetric I-section l _ bh~:,aIbOla _~,htbfl6 w(s) _ Sw~s) Kw = b3 h2t b 124 = I, (h/2t Ww = b2 htb/6 = W2 h/2 Zw = b2htb 14 = Z, h/2 Kw =Ioh~+Iuhu2 = to ba 112 ha =[lu/(Ia+1u)Jh = tu b u3 112 hu = h - ha , bh/4 b,ht./16 2 Unisymmetric I-section ~~o J: t'l~ :vvccY-; TIP hu h tu :,:r~:~la _ b 2,hoto/B Sw(s) W(S) Ww = minimum of 2Kw Iba ha and 2Kv/b u hu h , buhu/2 ~ 10 b'uhutu/B Zw = minimum of hb/ tu f4 and hb u2 tu 14 3 Symmetrical channel section of constant wall thickness in each part patrabOlaS.. 1 Wl + + e W(S) 5",2 - W2 t e-- S.. (S): e Ww = K.,Iw2 = 3b2 tb 1(6btb + hth ) S",1 Zw = hb2 tb 12 and e p = 0 for 4bt h .;; hth Zw = ep h2 t h /4+ !htb/21[ep2+ (b-epfjand ep = (4btb - hth) 18tb for 4bt b > hth = eh/2 5",1 = (b - S",2 + r)2 S,,,2 wl Kw = b2 h2tb (2b-3e)/12 w2 =\b-e)h/2 er htb 14 5",2 = (b - 2e) bhtb 14 4 Symmetrical channel section with turned-in edge stiffeners and constant wall thickness (C-section) E ' C=:~h + TP V t Y Parabola Kw = (htl3)[(1 + 2,) Wj 2 + 2 ({3 + l' -dw22 '" + 21'w3 (W2 + (3)] h ",(S) l e 12 - =.8[21'(3-41'2)+ 3.81 f[l + 21'(41'2-61' + 3)+ 6{3] Ww = Kw1w3 (1'1 ~I e=. b=/I h 5",1 = (1'htl2) (W2 + (3) wl = fh2 12 W2 = (.8 -e) h2 /2 W3 = W2 + l' (.8 + El h2 5",2 = 5",1+ [(.8 -Elhtl2] w2 5",3 = 5",2 - (ehtl2)w 1 5",4 = (htl4)Wl-~3 5 Polar-symmetric Z-section with turned-in edge stiffeners and constant wall thickness Kw =(htl3[(3+2~)wI2+2!.8+1'-~)wl + 21'w 3 (W2 +(3)] ~ =.8[.8 + 21'(1 +1')]/[1 + 2(.8 +l'~ = ~h Ww =Kw 1w 3 WI = ~h2/2 5",1 = (1'htl2)(W2 + (3) W2 = (.8 -~ lh2 12 5",2 = 5",1 + [(.8 -~)ht 12Jw 2 w3 =wz+1'.8h 2 5",3 = 5",2 - (~ht 12)w 1 Kw = b2 h2 tb .(2b - 31) 112 = b2 tI(2bt b + hth) Ww = K.,Iw2 6 Polar-symmetric Z-section 01 constant wall thickness in each part ~~ Y-VC=TPr: t~h!2\ I'b I b I 4:38 If'2 Zw =hb2 tb 12 and Ip.= 0 for 2btb ';;ht h Zw = Iph 2 t h/2+ !htb/21[fp2+ (b-fptl and Ip = (2bt b - hthl 14tb lor 2bt b > hth wl = Ih 12 5", I = (b - It htb 14 W2 = (b-flh/2 5",2 = (b - 21) bhtb 14 Splicing of beams with different web depths 4.6 Location and strength of welds Figure 4.6.3 Page No. General discussion of weld location and weld design ....... 4:39 Static strength of welds ....................................... :........... 4:40 Calculation of stresses in welds ... .................................... 4:40 Soft zones ...................... .............. ............................ ....... 4:41 Filler material for WELDOX and HARDOX steels................... 4:42 Tensile test results with different welded joints, filler materials, heat inputs and plate thicknesses for WELDOX and HARDOX steels...................... .............. 4:43 Formulas for different types of welded joints .................... 4:45 Dynamic normal load Predominantly static normal load Design and location of welds What is said below is applicable to all weldable structural steels, but jf WELDOX and HARDOX steels are to be utilized to the greatest advantage, even more thought must be given to weld location and weld design than in the case of ordinary steels. This is mainly because of the problem of fatigue at welds, the possibility of using welding electrodes intended for softer steels (undermatching) and the fact that location of welds in areas with lower stresses reduces the danger associated with weld defects. The structure should be designed with smooth, gradual transitions for the flow of forces, and the welds should be located in regions of low stress and designed to give a low notch effect. The structure should be designed so that it is easy to determine the pathways for the flow of forces, which often results in an attractive appearance and also facilitates calculations. Access must be provided for both welding and the inspection of welds during the service life of the structure in order to permit the early detection of fatigue cracks. Some examples of the above: Predominantly static moment Dynamic moment Figure 4.6.1 Figure 4.6.4 -,--- Welding defects resulting from welding in inaccessible positions. Figure 4.6.2 Example of favourable welding conditions r /\ Better weld design Ordinary weld design Static strength - location and strength of welds If excessive deflection is a problem, this qm be counteracted by cambering, for example by means of a suitable welding sequence. Good information on welding sequences and weld deformations is provided in (23). Figure 4.6.5 unloaded p ~Ioaded ~ t 15 There are many reasons for this: - The designer has succeeded in locating the welds in regions of low stress. - Softer filler materials are less susceptible la cracking during welding and do not require preheating to the same extent. - Filler materials with lower yield strengths are cheaper per kg of weld metal, and the assortment is wider, especially for submerged-arc welding. - Welding shops are familiar with electrodes for ordinary steels, and their assortment of electrodes in stock does not have to be broadened just because they start to use WELDOX and HARDOX steels. When quenched and tempered or hardened steels are welded, a certain zone adjacent to the weld will be tempered (softened) by the heat of welding. Many designers have therefore asked whether it is really possible to utilize the high strength of the parent metal in the welded joint. These questions are dealt with in this chapter. Figure 4.6.6 Weld close to the neutral layer on beams in flexure. See the chapter on load application and the chapter on fatigue (examples 5.5.5,5.3.7,5.112). Calculation of stresses in welds in general ) Stresses in welds can be calculated in two principal ways: a) For butt welds and complete penetration fillet welds see figure 4.6.8. b) For fiUet welds, see figure 4.6.9. Figure 4.6.8 Figure 4.6.7 Note that welds that do not transmit any appreciable force can nevertheless cause fatigue failure for example in the beam on which they are placed. Figure 4.6.9 Fatigue cracks a = throat thickness -'--_ _ _ _-+_--':: G, Static strength of welds A load is' considered to be static in accordance with most standards and codes when the number of load cycles is less than 103 - 104 . Information on the static strength values of welds is therefore needed. The yield strength of the mixed weld metal obtained when welding C and CMn steels is often around 500 N/mm 2 . This makes it easy to meet the requirement of many standards that "The weld metal shall have a strength at least equal to that of the parent metal", since the yield stresses of the standardized structural steels are < 500 N/mm 2 • The situation is different when WELDOX and HARDOX steels are welded, since these steels can readily be welded with filler material intended for C, CMn and grain-refined steels as well as with electrodes that give a yield strength of 700 N/mm2 and, in som cases, higher. Basic rule: Don't choose a filler material with a higher strength than is absolutely necessary. 4:40 Figure 4.6.10 Static strength - Location and strength of welds Thus, according to a) the stress in joints with complete weld penetration which are in tension is equal to the nomiilal stress in a structural cross section. In the case of fillet welds, the stress components have to be added together according to some formula to arrive at an equivalent stress or similar. 2 crj _.? =Ou<+0J..--ou·0J.. + 3TH 2 + 3TJ.. 2 ref8 the stipulation being that 0i :::; a perm and, at the same time, no individual stress components may exceed a perm' Formulas for stress calculation for the most common types of welded joints are presented in table 4.6.1, which is taken from (65). When it comes to the welding of WELDOX and HARDOX steels, and when it is absolutely necessary to have the same strength in the weld as in the parent metal, filler material can be selected with the aid of figure 4.6.15, which is taken from our welding brochure. Figure 4.6.13 WELDOX 700, 20 mm Submerged arc NiCrMo 2.5, {3 4 mm OK 10.61 h CA:l1 1.7 kJ/mm 4 passes 350~------~--------~------------ OB = 880 N/rnrn2 10 mm (weld reinforcement left on) Since a certain relationship exists between hardness (HB) and ultimate tensile strength Soft zones As was mentioned above, it is possible in many cases to use filler metal of lower strength than the parent metal (undermatching). These undermatched weld metals, together with the heat-affected zone created by the welding process, form soft zones in the welded joint, which bring to mind the concept of the "weakest link". What strength do we get when we weld hardened and quenched-and-tempered steels, and what strength is it possible to achieve with undermatching weld metal in WELDOX and HARDOX steels? A soft zone can be compared to a piece of rubber glued between two pieces of steel, as shown in figure 4.6.11 a. Under a tensile load, the piece of rubber assumes a shape as shown in 4.6.11 b. It has basically the same shape in cross section as well. Figure 4.6.11 the hardness curve (HVlO) also reflects the strength. Tensile tests with the weld reinforcement left on gave OB = 880 N/mm2, which well covers the guaranteed value for WELDOX 700 (780 N/mm2). The strength requirement is met even at a higher heat input of 2.5 kJ/mm, as is evident from figure 4.6.14. At higher heat inputs, the toughness of the welded joint is lower (see also section entitled "Toughness-brittleness"). As was mentioned above, there can be certain advantages to using undermatched filler material. As has also been shown, smaller plate thicknesses give softer and wider heat-affected zones. Figure 4.6.14 WELDOX 700 Submerged arc NiCrMo 2.5, {3 4 mm OK 10.61 h ~' ____ ~~L ~t _ _ _ ___ -_ -P We can see that the state of stress is triaxial, and sense instinctively that the pieces of steel help to prevent excessive constriction of the piece of rubber. We also understand that if the soft zone is narrow in relation to the plate thickness, the joint can sustain a greater load than if it is wide. Thus, many factors are involved in determining the strength of the soft zone. These factors are enumerated in figure 4.6.12. Figure 4.6.12 LO-J lOmm 2.5kJ/mm OB = 805 N/mm2 (weld reinforcement left on) OL----------------------------------Approximately 400 tensile tests have been carried out with varying plate thickness, filler metal, heat input and joint type on WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400 (no preheating) to provide a body of data to serve as a basis for design work. - The ultimate tensile strength of the parent metal a Bp' - The ratio of the ultimate tensile strength of the soft zone to that of the parent metal, a Bsla Bp' - The size of the soft zone in relation to the other dimensions, hit and h/w. - The capacity of the soft zone to undergo strain hardening a - Efl. The strength and size of the heat-affected zone is influenced by the plate thickness and the heat input (kJ/mm). The thinner the plate, the wider and softer the zone. Figure 4.6.13 shows that the heat-affected zone is about 3 mm wide for the submerged-arc welding of 20 mm WELDOX 700, at a rate of 1. 7 kJ/mm, In 4 passes. Static strength - location and strength of welds Figure 4.6.15 Figure 4.6.1501 GAS METAL MC WElD!NG Wire electrode! (MiG-MAGl Filler materials for WELDOX and HARDOX. Note! Only when filler material and parent metal must be of same strength. ... ... ., ~~~ ... ... Approximate yield atrenqth (MPa) 500 ERaOS-X ER70$.X Mmnuteetul1H' 100 EA12(JS..X !:A110S·X EA100s ERIOS-X BOHlEA EMK8 2.5Ni-!G NiCrMo2,5-\G X70-!G EtGA ElgamaliC 100 EJgaml!llie130 E1oamatk: 135 ESAB OK Autrod 12.51 OK Autrod 12.64 OK Autrod 13.00 OK Autrod 13.12 OKAutrod 13.13 FILARC PZ eooo-S PZ eooo FlIare PZ 6042 MVAEX Soslrand aWl Bostrand 20 LINCOLN' LNM-25 NiMo1·!G X90-IG OKAlrtrod 13.29 Bo-strsnd41 ~tr.ndLWl BoS1rand42 SMITWELO lNM-28 lNM·12 LNM-H!1 OEAUKON C.rbofll 100 CarbolifMo SAF NK: 70S NlC 701.. CllrbofilNIMoCr Carbofi! NiMo-1 N!C .. N!C" Figure 4.6.1Sb GAS METAL ARC WELDING Flux cored electrodes (fCAW) .. el... ~: A.. ManufaeluRr .. TI52:·FD ElGA ESAB DWA55E DWA55L OK Tubrod 15.00 OK Tubrod 15.17 OK Tubrod 15.11 OK Tubrod 15.14 OKTubrod 15.25 7.. E1oxr-x E9XT-X eOHLEA E12XT-X E11XT·X OK Tubrod 15.27 OK Tubrod 15.26 FILA~C Filarc PZ 6125 Fil.rc PZ 6138 Filan: PZ 6130 MUREX Coroflt955 CCfOftt R56 Fitere PZ 6145 Corofil NO 1 Corof!! B65 LINCOLN! SMITWElD Outershield 71 C-H 0ut9f$hl9ld 81 N11-H OutershleJd T55-H Oul9rshi~ld 91 K2-H lrtn~/ekJ NR 203 Nil OERUKON Fluxofll30 AUJl.ofil:31 S8.ldulll 1tSA Saldual100 Flu){QflI40 Flu){ofil20 SAF ... ApptOJl!m.ta yield Ilrengih IMP.) 5.. EaXT·X Enr-x Filarc PZ 6147 Fllare PZ6148 FnarePZ8149 Fluxofil41 Fluxofl142 FJuxofll4S Safdua1128 Satdual121 Figure 4.6.1Sc GAS METAL ARC WELDING Metal powder cored electrodes (MCW) cl... ~~S. .. ... ERXT·X ... £IXT-X Manufacturer ... Approximate yteld llrength (MP.) 7.. EHIXT-X E11XT·)( £12XT·)( E9XT·X :8~~~= Hl52·FO HL 5O-FO ElGA MXA100 MXA55T ESAB OK Tubrod 1•. 00 OK Tubrod 14.12 OK Tubrod 1-4.02 FILARC Filarc PI 6102 MUREX COl'Omlg57 LINCOLN! SM!TWElO OI1l&rshield MC-.7t().H OERLlKON SAF AurofllM10 Seldu!l! 206 OK Tubrod 14.03 Fiflrc PZ6103 Coromlg NI 2,5 Coromig Mo 0,5 Safdua12S5 Safdua1270 FluxofllM42 figure 4.6.1Sd SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SAW) .. ... cia.. ~~ .. Approximate yield strength. (MP.) 500 F7A(s4)-EM12 100 Fl0A( s4-)EXXX.X FIA{s4)-EXXX.X SOHlEA B825!EMS2 BB25INi2-UP BB25!3NICrMo2.5-UP ESAB OK Flul( 10.711 OK Aux 10.B2I OK Autrod 12.24 OK Autrod 12.34 OKAux 10.62/ OK Aulrod 13.40 OK Aulrod 12.20 OK Autrod 12.22 LlNCOLNI SM!TWELD F11A(s4)-EXXX·X ... F12A(s4rEXXX.X F9A(s5)-EXXX·X "enu'.etur"r MUREX CoromlgN1Mo S3tinare BX3001 8os!umdWeQ Satll'l3rc 8X4OO1 SaUnare BX400l Bo!Ilrand S3Mo BostTand S4Mo lNS 129-P230 OK Flux 10.621 OK Autrod 13.43 L 61-Uncoln Weld 960 LNS 140A-P230 LA 9O-P240 LA 100-P240 OERLlKON OP41 TTfRuxocord 31 OP121IOE-SD3 OP121TT/Oe·S2Mo OP41TT/Fluxoooni 40 OP41nfFtuxocord 42 OP41TIIFtuxocord 45 OP41TIIFIUXOCOfd 41 OP121TTfOe-S3N1Mo1 Of'121TTfFluxocoro 42 OP121TIlAuxOCQfd 45 SAF ASS89IAS 36- AS 5891AS40 AS sag/AS 81 LNS 164·P240 lNS 166-P230 AS S891SAFCORE 6501 Figure 4.6.15e MANUAL METAL ARC WELDiNG (MMA) i~~~ el••a Manufacturer BOHlER ELGA ES~B Approximate yield etrength (MPa) 390- ,90- 4so.S50 530-820 800-890 740--130 E7G1S E7016 E'TtI28 EIOt8 EP01. Etot8-M E10018-M E11018-M E1201l-M FOX EV SO FOX ev 55 FOX HL 180 Kb FOXEV60 FOX EV 63 FOX EV 70 FOXEV75 FQXEV85 Max~!.21 Ne P48K P70 P62MA Maxel.22 P110MR Mave1a 110 OK 48.00 OK Femu: 38.48 OK Femax 38.85 OK~.68 OK 74".78 OK 75_75 OK 76.92 FHerc C6 Fllarc75S F\larc98 Fitarc 108 FilllfC SSS FHarc 765 Fi!arcS1H FilarcCSH FHare C6HH Fllerc B8S Fllllrc 27P Fortr8X 7019 Fttrromax Fortrel( 8018C1 OK48.08 FILAAC MUAEX Filare 35 Filare 36S Filllre98 FlIarc 118 Flb,.-e 108MP Fortrs" 9018 Fortrel( N02 FortrexNQ1 Ferex 7016 4:42 OK 75.76 LINCOLN' SMITWELO Conare 49C Baso 100 ConareV 180 K')'03 Conarc 600 C011tl1'C 70 G E 100 18-M E11018-1;( C011are 80 e 120 13·M OeALIKON Extra T4!'naclto Fabaclto 160S Tenacllo 10 Tenacllo 708 Ten,elloeS Tenacllo7S SAF Safer N 48 Safer NF 510A Sa!er NF 58 Safer NF 59A Safer NF 52 SalerMD 56 SIl'erND65 SaferNF 59 Conatc 85 Tenaefto 100 Tenaelto90 Safer NO eo SalerNO 100 Static strength - Location and strength of welds Butt welds Only ultimate tensile strengths are given, and it may be assumed that the yield strength is about 0.95 of the ultimate strength. As can be seen, it is advisable not to exceed 1.0 kJ/mm for 8 mm WELDOX 700 if the guaranteed values of the parent metal are to be maintained. 2.4 kJ/mm can be permitted for 16 mm WELDOX 700. It is perhaps surprising that undermatched filler materials such as PhC6 and OK 12.51, which are intended for much softer steels, have such high strength in welded joints with WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400. For example, Ph C6 in 16 mm WELDOX 700 in a double-V butt joint gave CJ = 765 N/mm2, and the same filler material in HARDOX 400 (single-V butt joint) gave 797 N/mm2! Figure 4.6.16 shows clearly that it is often possible to produce satisfactory joints with filler material of lower strength. -I Figure 4.6.16 ~ Butt weld with weld reinforcement left on Joint uB(Rm) uB(Rm) Parent mtrl N/mm2 B mm Electrode 8 8 8 8 50 50 50 50 Ph 118 (EllO 18-M) Ph 118 (E110 18-M) Ph C6 (E7028) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 6 x 3.25 1 x 3.25+ 2 x 4 5 x 3.25 2 x 1.0 V V V V 0.8 1.6 0.9 1.3 812 760 763 598 827 827 827 WELDOX 700 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Ph 118 (E110l8-M) Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph 118 (EH018-M) Ph 118 (EH018-M) Ph 98 (E9018-M) Ph 98 (E9018-M) Ph C6 (E7028) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 2 x 3.25 + 5 x 4 4 x 3.25 + 2 x 4 2 x 3.25 + 3 x 4 2 x 3.25 + 3 x 5 2 x 3.25 + 5 x 4 4 x 3.25 + 2 x 4 2 x 3.25 + 2 x 4 3 x 1.2 V X· V V V X X V 1.7 1.4 2.3 2.4 1.7 1.5 1.5 2.6 835 829 789 778 795 822 765 643 828 828 817 817 828 828 828 817 HARDOX400 8 8 8 8 8 50 50 50 50 50 Ph 118 (EH018-M) Ph 118 (El1018-M) Ph 118 (Ell018-M) Ph C6 (E7028) OK 12.51 (E70S6)+ SK 203 6 x 3.25 2 x 3.25 + 2 x 4 2 x 3.25 + 1 x 5 5 x 3.25 3 x 1.0 V V V V V 0.8 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.2 856 777 766 797 828 1324 1308 1308 1324 1324 HARDOX400 16 16 16 100 100 100 Ph 118 (Ell018-M) Ph 118 (El1018-M) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 2 x 3.25 + 3 x 4 2 x 3.25 + 3 x 5 3 x 1.2 V V V 2.3 2.5 2.5 850 854 694 1276 1276 1276 WELDOX 700 Number of passes HI kJ/mm t mm Steel N/mm2 BOl • X = double -V butt joint Non-load-carrying fillet weld i.e. a bar welded across the test rod with two fillet welds, figure 4.6.17. With this type of joint, the filler material makes no difference. only the heat input is important. In this case also, 'some caution should be observed, and the heat input for 8 mm WELDOX 700 should be max. 1.3 kJ/mm if the guaranteed values are to be met. With 16 mm WELDOX 700, 3.4 kJ/mm may be used without adverse effects. Il Figure 4.6.17 ~CI====~~====::::JI--- Non-load-carrying fillet weld across the test rod (bar left in place) Steel t mm B mm Electrode Number of passes l ) throat thickness mm HI kJ/mm u.2 (Rel) u.2 uB (Rm) N/mm2 Parent mtrl N/mm2 N/mm2 uB Parent mlrl N/mm2 WELDOX 700 8 8 8 50 50 50 Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph 118 (E11018-M) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 4 x 4.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 1.2 5 5 5 1.3 2.0 1.7 715 664 727 770 770 770 803 791 813 B01 B01 B01 WELDOX 700 16 16 16 100 100 100 Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph 118 (E110l8-M OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 12 x 4.0 4x 5.0 4 x 1.2 10 10 10 1.2 3.4 2.4 786 795 766 775 775 775 825 832 832 817 817 817 HARDOX400 8 8 50 50 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 4 x 1.2 2 x 1.2 5 5 0.9 1.7 853 790 972 972 987 936 1308 1308 16 16 100 100 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 12 x 1.2 4 x 1.2 10 1.0 2.4 1053 1096 1096 1284 1203 1276 1276 HARDOX400 10 ') Two fillet welds. 4:4 Static strength - Location and strength of welds Non-load-carrying fillet weld along the test rod This is where heat input is of the greatest significance, 8 mm WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400 being most affected. The test rods here are relatively narrow, and with wider joints, the soft zone is naturally of less importance. Plate thickness above 16 mm causes no problems up to 2.5 kJ/mm. Cf. figure 4.6.18 Figure 4.6.18 Non-load-carrying fillet weld along the test rod (bar left in place) Number of passes!) aB (RmY) a.22 )(ReU Throat HI 0'.2 aB Parent mtrl. thickkJ/mm Parent mtrl. ness mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 Steel t mm B mm Electrode WELDOX 700 8 8 8 50 50 50 Ph 118 (Ell0l8-M) Ph 118 (Ell018-M) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 4 x 4.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 1.2 5 5 5 1.2 2.5 2.1 578 560 590 776 776 776 760 741 746 803 803 803 WELDOX 700 16 16 16 90 90 90 Ph 118 (E110l8-M) Ph 118 (E11018-M) OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 12 x 4.0 4 x 5.0 4 x 1.2 10 10 10 1.1 2.5 2.5 703 721 703 767 767 767 839 808 796 805 805 805 HARDOX400 8 8 50 50 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 4 x 1.2 2 x 1.2 5 5 1.1 2.3 716 571 937 937 839 749 1315 1315 HARDOX400 16 16 70 70 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 OK 12.51 (E70S6) + SK 203 12 x 1.2 4 x 1.2 10 10 1.3 2.6 918 787 972 972 1059 897 1274 1274 1) Two fillet welds 2) Stress = force area (Le. bending is not included). The actual maximum stress will be considerably higher. Load-carrying fillet weld Figure 4.6.19 shows that for a throat thickness"" 0.7 . tin WELDOX 700, there is no need for filler material and parent metal to be of the same strength. The load-carrying capacity of the welded joint is determined by the throat thickness and the strength of the weld metal. I.e., the softer the filler material, the greater the throat thickness must be. But even this has a marginal effect if the throat thickness "" 0.7' t. A heat input of up to 2.1 kJ/mm is quite permissible for 8 mm WELDOX 700. . The corresponding, data for HARDOX 400 are presented in figure 4.6.20. Figure 4.6.19 Load-carrying fillet weld - OX 812 Steel WELDOX 700 WELDOX 700 WELDOX 700 t mm Electrode mm Number of passes l ) Throat thick ness mm 0'.2 (Rel) HI kJ/mm 0'.2 Parent mtrl aB (Rm) N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 8 8 8 100 100 100 Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph 118 (E110l8-M) Ph PZ 6132 (Ell018-M) 12x3.25 4x4.0 4x 1.6 6 6 6 1.2 2.1 1.8 737 784 775 766 800 798 8 8 8 100 100 100 Ph PZ 6130 (E70 T-5) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph C6H (E7028) 4x 1.6 4x4.0 12x4.0 6 6 9 1.8 2.1 2.0 781 756 765 797 768 788 12 12 12 100 100 100 Ph 118 (ll018-M) Ph 118 01018-M) Ph PZ 6132 24x3.25 , 12x5.0 12x 1.6 8.5 8.5 8:5 1.2 2.0 1.9 813 815 823 843 846 850 12 12 12 100 100 100 Ph PZ 6130 (E70 T-5) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph C6H (E7028) i2x 1.6 12x4.0 12x4.0 8.5 8.5 12 1.9 1.75 2.2 810 811 818 837 844 848 16 16 16 100 100 100 Ph 118 (Ell018-M) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph C6H (E7028) 24x5.0 12x4.0 40x4.0 11.5 11.5 18 1.8 2.1 2.1 772 1) Four fillet welds 4:44 B .. 780 812 744 807 Static strength - Location and strength of welds Figure 4.6.20 Load-carrying fillet weld - HARDOX 400 HI Os (Rm) Throat thickness N/mm2 mm Electrode Number of passes ll 100 100 100 100 Ph 118 (Ell018-M) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph PZ 6130 (E70 T-5) Ph PZ 6130 (E70 T-5) 12x3.25 4x4.0 4x 1.6 12x 1.6 6 6 6 9 1.2 2.1 1.8 2.0 1070 849 752 1036 12 12 12 12 12 100 100 100 100 100 Ph 118 (EH018-M) Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph PZ 6130 (E70 T-5) Ph PZ 6130 (E70T-5) 24x3.25 12x5.0 12x4.0 12x 1.6 12x 1.6 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 12 1.2 2.0 1.75 1.8 2.0 1100 920 777 893 928 16 16 16 16 100 100 100 100 Ph 118 (E11018-M) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph C6H (E7028) Ph C6H (E7028) 24x5.0 12x4.0 40x4.0 24x5.0 11.5 11.5 18 18 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.4 1023 812 1053 988 B t mm mm HARDOX400 8 8 8 8 HARDOX400 HARDOX400 Steel 1) Total number of passes for four fillet welds In summary: - Filler material of the same strength as the parent material is only needed in butt welds where the guaranteed values of the parent material must be met. - Be careful with heat input at smaller plate thicknesses. - It is best to use tried-and-tested filler materials for softer steels. They give the best production economy. TabeI4.6.1 Formulas for different types of welded joints. Excerpt from reference 65. a...c:,........ S...., TenSion. compression a - f- Loadonidia&<am I r - A 2 r 0b- • " M, W, " 8 7 6 5 4 f.- - DII·~ Mbo;'X Notes M, M.. M" !!. 3 Torsion Benchna Q f My ;' L/t=¥ ~ M. ~ ,?\ ~ I' q 2 F-c- ~ ~fr-F I~ X Yj ~ ~ tFq M r~2 r-X /iy ,-- aZ 4 ,-- 5 ,-- 6 r-- .E~'7tJ)· ,X a -f- r ... ~ .,1 all- flQ-~ A" 6a~~~ ."1 f ill' 1', + 12'1'2 f- f, Ob- MbI'Xlor~ a,'11 + az'l'z 1.. 1.& Ob-~or~ 1.. looy iI,· ill 1',< I> 1'1 Incomplete weld penelr ahon akW8 enllte ItOilh f a-- r.~ a---ta, + r.~ 2· ,-I' a,· i2 1',- 1'2- I' 2'0'1" ~ F-f- § §§ ;: == t Fq 1 r-- a_ 3 6'M ba f, a -FA" f ,f-F .I' Xy i2)' 1 (a,+ a2)-1 Ob-~ (al + '2'- 1 o.~ • I .. Incomplele .eld pentllahon a __ f _ 2, 1 a· ,,+a2- 1 (1-~ 2·,·1 ab - 3,·.~r (1t1- (1b- ;~1' (1.,- ~L I .. Iy a-f .,1 r _ !a..' I 6a~~r "1" il2 - a - l 4:45 Static strength - Location and strength of welds rcrmull} She;y TenSiOn, Bending compres~" C loading dIagram 1 0'" !..... A 2 9 ~F !-11 t, 12 13 14 15 Ob'" r"'~ (1b '" 62·.~r ",2 ~ a -, ,. f, (a,+ a2 + 1'3'" c.!I1 1 Ob'" M'.l~· )(1., MI;n" KZ ,.---'~ (a,+3]+2'a]) 1 Ob'" Mtp:·X,.Me.·Xz 1. 1. cb' v. _ _ ' __ 2· la, + .121 I 1'''~ Ob" ", o ...-~- r .. ~ {al -+ a.. 1 1 ab- o• FQY t I Iy ~4 a4 Structural cross section 16 FQ, , F (31+ 32+ 2 a)l 1 lal + al)- I 0 ___ ' __ r .. ~ 2- a\, 1 2- "I 1 c. _ _ ' __ 2· al' I r.~ O"'~ f .. 2· a)· 1 18 .---'-2-a(H+Bl a 6·M!1x . 6·M!?l 11'11+"2+ 2 -<13) <lJ"" 34 l' 3· ~'c. al ,.., <li ~-+;-<\7 "1 .. 0, • ~ c, • :3. Mbr l' a] ,.. 3; qb"'~ Oh"" 'I -1 " 0 _ _' _ 4· a H Connecbon cross se<:!;on 61·'~Y' " Structural cross sedan 21 T.~ o~- ~'.~~ 0,' 6'H~b;1 Qb'S ,.4- 2· Am' a B- H M, c, _ 0,- !7"'-W ', __M_,_ 2' a· tH+al-tB-+al f""~ S-H . iN,M, ',' 2· B' a B- " , 3'M!!t:'{S+2-a) a'S 3 +a J 'H-+3 a-B-1B+ar ~ 2· H· a c._'- 20 - 0 011"" dZ = G i'l]'" a2 ob' 3· MM' (H + 2, a) := 11) = 3'~ " Ob"'~ 33' ]L 3· M!»'tl " - I·fal + 3· tll-a}J 1!~ a~ '" ]J~ '" 0 {IJ\ + .121- l~ 1. a'Hj'a3oB+3'~ I -IS\- f-!i-l !-- ~~. MI,a" X? 3 Mtl."H!+2'311 0, - rDEbJ~ 19 MbJ;' X " 1·1a1'+3·itl~ 0,' Single fdlet . .Id la! + 32+ "3+ i!4)'1:! I. c· 8 5;.,?11t c,~ I. I. 7 My Fqy - .£.L 1", ~F xi yl !-- 1. 2 la! + all· I 1 I) ~~' II ,- 1 (al -+ "l+ a3+ a~l'l c- g. !-!-- IFq'IY'" L W, 6t.~J~ o ... ~ _ a· 1 !i 5 5 0t."" '-I ~M 1- 10 t"l"'- 1, !a.. t"" I-I My Ub""~ I, Not", M, M", Mbx' X 4 OIE~_ {IO!>!; !-eCtion !-- Ob"" 3 Structural 8 !S. A r'" Torsion M.. Q 3· M.' (8 -+ 2· ~l a· H3 + a'· H + 3· a· H· (H -+ Qb"'" a-f 3· M!?I· (B -+ 2· a) ,s. H3+ a)' 8 + 3'3' B· tB-+ af M, ',' 2· A,.,., - a B""H ~~'1 1','"" !i W, S-H H ~ r"O_~'Hj e~H fI?l ~x My --~F ~~ 22 1', ... 2L2 - Am -. , 0"-O,lt" Cl 1'''''~ 0,' iT:- (J1l- O'lI"' Cl 16· Mm: (0+ 2· a) tro({D+ 2 oaf_oi J Ob' 32· MbJ, O)'n o!) ... ',m __2_-",,_ _ 16'Mpz'(O+2'4) rr"{{D+ 2· )l_OJl) ro+a~·a·1f D' Connection cross section a Y2 27 4:46 Tension. compressiOn 0, - y~ xli. P--I 32" Mby Shear stress due to transverse forces ft" ~ It?·.~t Equivalent stres~ Mbl · YI .. Mbo ' Yz 1, I, ILl rr ~m i() 1 YI !-- f - under bendmg 25 26 ° '" or;- Beam 2' - ., Structural cross section 23 hH 0, " Me.' y'! .. Meo" y'2 I, I, T"~"'~ 1~' 2· a 11 " 2· a o~"'''s,2+ 2-r Z "OdM Slatic l02d (u::. )~+ (k-)2~ Dynamic load w ab'" Mbi:" y'\ .. MI)I:" Y2 1. l~ t,..~ ,- h 1.1 o~- "0/ + 2f2"'Ol!~W Static !Q3O (~)'+ (!...}' a.!,n r,,. .. 11 Dynamic IMd 4.7 High-temperature strength Page No. Strength data at high temperatures ................................. 4:47 Creep data ..................................................................... 4:47 WELDOX and HARDOX steels are not intended for use at temperatures above 400°C. They can, however, be used to advantage at temperatures up to 400°C, owing to their high yield strengths. Note that at temperatures above 350°C, creep must be taken into account. The yield strength of a steel decreases with increasing temperature, and at a limiting temperature Tg that is = 0.4' the melting temperature (oK), a viscous deformation also takes place, which is of considerable importance ab~ve Tg. During this viscous deformation, the steel deforms continuo~ usly under a constant state of stress. The steel is said to creep. The region above Tg is called the creep region, and in this region there is no lower limit of the stress state below which creep does not occur. Of our WELDOX and HARDOX steels, the WELDOX steels are delivered in the quenched (hardened) and tempered state with tempering temperature = 600°C, while the HARDOX steels are delivered in either the hardened or the quenched and tempered state. We know through testing that creep first appears at about 350-400°C for these steels, which does not entail any additional tempering for WELDOX steels, but bear in mind that HARDOX steels lose both in hardness and in yield strength at these temperatures. Contact us in special cases for HARDOX steels. WELDOX and HARDOX steels are not heat-resistant in the normal sense but can well be used at temperatures up to Tg, owing to their high yield strength. See table 4.7.1, which shows yield strength at high temperatures (design values). In the case of hot forming or in other special cases, it can be useful to know yield strengths at even higher temperatures. These typical values are shown in table 4.7.2. Note that creep must be taken into account at temperatures above 350°C. Creep can be described and classified in accordance with figure 4.7.l. If a steel e)(hibits a pronounced secondary period when the creep rate £ is constant (a = constant), the steel is said to be stabie with regard to creep. This secondary period is of the greatest interest, since it can have a duration of several years. Data of interest in this respect are the creep modulus and the creep rupture limit. The creep modulus a c7 (N/mm') is defined as the stress that gives rise to a creep rate of E = 10-7 l/hour, i.e. the stress that gives rise to 1% creep in 100.000 hours. Similarly, 0c6 is the stress that gives rise to 1% strain in 10.000 hours. The exponent n in Norton's creep law is also of interest. Some values are given in table 4.7.3. The creep rupture limit cB m (N/mm') is the stress per original area that gives rise to rupture after creep for 10'" hours at a given temperature. Values for WELD OX steels are given in table 4.7.3. This table shows that WELDOX 700 t>45 mm is the steel that has the best creep properties. WELDOX and HARDOX steels have found their widest use at high temperatures below Tg, by virtue of their high hardness and yield strength, in applications such as flue gas fans, cyclone cleaners and pipelines where highly abrasive particles occur in combination with temperatures below Tg. ° E strain rupture Figure 4.7.1 secondary tertiary time Table 4.7.1 °0.2 Design values N/mm2 Steel 20"C 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 OX 520 P 355 WELDOX 700 350 343 338 329 319 309 299 289 270 240 216 196 Data sheei 690 643 620 600 595 590 585 580 570 560 550 540 Ref44 Table 4.7.2 Typical 0.2% proof stress a 0.2 at temperatures> 400°C. Creep must be taken into account. Steel 450"C 500"C 550"C 600"C WELDOX 700 t> 45 WELDOX 700 620 550 580 470 530 350 410 230 Table 4.7.3 Creep data for Extra High Strength (EHS) steels Steel WELDOX 700 t mm temp °C O~B 6-20 400 450 500 400 450 500 400 450 500 640 330 205 640 450 300 645 520 365 21-45 46-75 3477 °cB 610 300 180 615 410 250 615 485 315 4 o cB 555 375 220 600 460 275 5 o cB 404 263 132 nl ) °c6 °cl 450 205 400 128 4.9 445 320 180 395 220 80 6.1 2.8 242 90 1) Estimated values 4:47 5 Dynamic strength Fatigue. general ................................. 5:2 Practical design against fatigue failure ......................... 5: 15 Examples - Fatigue ............................ 5:24 Something about crack propagation ....................................... 5:31 Design of panels against impact ............................................... 5:37 5 5 Dynamic strength The sections in this chapter can be used independently of each other with the exception of "Examples - fatigue" which must be used together with "Practical design against fatigue failure." Section 5.1 "Fatigue, general" has been included to provide explanations of this complex phenomenon - fatigue - and thereby, hopefully, fill a knowledge gap. This section is recommended as it gives the user a better understanding of the factors, which are of importance for fatigue strength, especially of welded joints. Section 5.4 "Something about crack propagation" provides a simplified presentation of a method by means of which the propagation of cracks can be calculated so that the life of structures containing cracks or flaws (e.g. root defects) can be estimated. Section 5.5. "Design of panels against impact" presents a simple design method and data to permit the design of panels against impact effects due to pieces of rock being dropped on them from a height, etc. 51 b. The subject is very complex and interdisciplinary (covers the entire chain of design - manufacture - use). 5.1 Fatigue, general c. It can be difficult for a designer to know enough about the service loads on the structure. Page No. 5:2 Why is it so important to understand fatigue? d. Weld defects and stress-raisers of various types cause the most problems, and the welder is not aware of this. Initiation - propagation .................................................. .. 5:3 What is special about fatigue failure is that the phenomenon is very local. A fatigue crack can form at a single point! It is therefore necessary to know which point or points will be critical for a given load case. Before this can be answered, it is necessary to have a drawing of the part in question. Furthermore, design against fatigue extends to all stages in the design and production of the product: Welds - a problem of geometry ...................................... . 5:4 Fatigue - WELD OX and HARDOX steels .......................... . 5:5 Influence of welding residual stresses ............................. . 5:6 Notch effect, tables etc. .. ............................................... . 5:7 Advantages of WELDOX and HARDOX steels ..................... . 5:8 a. Selection and purchase of the "right material" Importance of the load spectrum ..................................... 5:8 b. Correct structural design (e.g. location of welds) Methods of improvement ....... ................ ............ ............. 5: 11 c. Acceptable analytical model Some special cases: ....................................................... 5:12 Axial misalignment, Angular errors, Stress relieving, Throat thickness In fillet welds, Influence of plate thickness, Gascut edges, Practical conversions, Multiaxial state of stress strain cycle fatigue ' d. Correct information to workshop e. Choice of shop methods (welding method, filler material etc.) and production parameters (current, feed, flow etc.) f. The individual operator (the welder)! g. Surface treatment (not just for the sake of appearances l ) By fatigue failure we mean a type of fracture (rupture) that can occur far below the static ultimate tensile strength of the material if the loading consists of repeated applications of a stress a sufficient number of times. Example: You wish to cut a piece of wire, but you have no wire clippers. If you bend the wire back and forth, a crack will form, and after a sufficient number of bendings, the wire will break. This is a fatigue failure. It is known that machines and other kinds of structures are subjected to fatigue loads and that 80-90% of all fractures that occur are fatigue fractures. However, it is easy to understand why this happens, since the structure is usually designed against plastic deformation (yielding) and not against fatigue! h. Inspection and quality control Inspection routines and design drawings are all well and good, but strength control is not complete until the person who has carried out the fatigue calculation has inspected and approved the part! What is said above demonstrates that everyone who participates in the development and production of a product has a direct influence on the fatigue strength of the product. Designing against fatigue - is it science or engineering art? The precise fatigue diagrams and load data that are needed are almost never available, and it is almost always necessary to extrapolate or interpolate a bit. Extrapolating or interpolating correctly is an engineering art! This demonstrates once again that we are dealing with a complex process and that it is extremely important that designers and engineers should be able to visualise the stresses in their structures. There are several reasons for this: a. Instruction concerning the design of welded structures to withstand fatigue is often inadequate in engineering schools. Figure 5.1.1 infinite life ----". C ----v' iinite life ==========~> 1 m s=< ~ u 100 mm '"E 10mm '" U o U to be detected by N.D.T. starting from defect ~efect does not grow 1 mm -'" u ~ u E \\O~\ s\l}\\\(\'& 0 U 10mm \'1>c,'<- ~ ~ u - o'/~' - -- t - ---} non-- } propagating cracks ---- -;;;in sizes ~S 1000 A 0 ,::;\ ~ ,<-0<; 1 mm c - \\)S\o~ .~(, 100mm \\0 . ,,'l, ~~ c}.'1> 100 A :J C 10 A -------- ---------- no crack nucleation atomic distance 1A 20 40 - 52 60 80 percentage fatigue life 100% ~~~~~:~~ Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Fatigue general The total number of cycles to failure can be written N = Ni + Np = number of cycles to initiate a crack = number of cycles for the crack to propagate (grow) until it reaches critical size, at which the final failure occurs. We know that crack initiation occurs readily in the local stress concentrations found on surfaces, such as scratches, pores, radii, welds etc., but surface defects also arise in very pure and smooth materials as a result of microstructural dislocations (movements of lattice defects) after a certain number of load alternations. Or N/mm2 Blast-cleaned and primed x = fracture x/= survivor 1000 700 :>. I"" ~ 400 300 Figure 5.l.1 shows the different starting points of a microcrack, and demonstrates that the crack can result in either finite or infinite life. Whether life will be finite or infinite depends upon the stress concentration factor Kt t WELDOX 7008 mm amin = 30 N/mm2 500 In the vast majority of cases, we will initiate a crack. How the crack will propagate and possibly lead to fatigue failure is illustrated by figure 5.l.1, taken from (5). local stress nominal stress Figure 5.1.3 r--.. NOTE! The prerequisite for crack initiation: Surface defect! (including internal surfaces, pores, etc.) (K = There are different ways of depicting the results of a fatigue test graphically, but for welded joints (which are of greatest interest to us), the S-N diagram is the most suitable. When the crack has been initiated and the stress amplitude and stress concentration factor are sufficiently large, all that remains is propagation until the crack is large enough for the component to break. 200 100 103 ) 10 5 10 6 107 Number of load cycles and the stress amplitude a , figure 5.1.2 (6). The manner in which propagation takes place is illustrated by figure 5.1.4. Each time the crack opens up, it propagates a bit, and when the stress at the tip of the crack is high, a plasticization also takes place, resulting in a rounding of the crack tip. Figure 5.1.2 Figure 5.1.4 a - - a- - I ~I 1 1 ::::> I All cracks propagate to complete fracture :=j ===b Q) -0 :2 -01 0. E 1!1 u gl '" :31 ~ Critical alternati ng stress amplitude required to propagate a crack oil III (/) Q. tl I I ~ I ~~ I I I 1 I I I I Ktcrit I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Kt I.e, we can "live with" fatigue cracks as long as Kt and/or a a < a p are sufficiently low (a). The phenomenon of infinite and finite life is also illustrated by an S-N curve from a fatigue test, figure 5.l.3. The endurance limit is usually plotted in the graph horizontally at the level where none of the speCimens go to failure. The sloping part of the curve is the one that shows finite life (fatigue strength) and represents the "mean fracture curve", i.e. 50% probability of fracture. When the crack closes. the crack front folds and we obtain a very sharp notch. The crack has then propagated a small distance Ll a for one load cycle. The figure shows how the characterisitic striations arise. These striations can only be seen in an electron microscope. The striations that are often seen with the naked eye on a fracture surface are called "oystershell" or "beach" markings and are formed when the stress amplitude changes. A fatigue fracture at constant amplitude exhibits a completely smooth surface. The size of the final fracture in relation to the entire crosssectional area shows whether the load at the time of the fracture was high or low. (Large final fracture = high load.) A fatigue crack always grows perpendicular to the direction of the largest principal stress. It is possible to observe how the crack is oriented at a fatigue fracture and to compare this with computations and assumptions. . 5:3 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Fatigue fractures are not desirable in any way, but when they do occur, we should try to learn from them - they do provide a sort of test record, and give us a chance to learn from our mistakes! As always, progress often proceeds by trial and error, and, unfortunately, nothing teaches us as much as our failures. Figure 5.1.7 Welds - a problem of geometry It took a relatively long time before it was established that the geometry of the weld at the transition between the parent metal and the weld metal (the weld toe) is the primary factor that determines the fatigue strength of the weld. As late as the mid-1960s, it was assumed that fatigue in welded joints was primarily a metallurgical phenomenon. When a weld is examined under a microscope, the weld toe can been seen to contain microcracks originating from cold flows or hydrogen. Non-metallic inclusions may also be present just below the surface, see figure 5.l.5. Figure 5.1.5 i ----'~-I'------,---<.\JLF--r-Figure 5.1.8 Figure 5.1.9 Figure 5.1.10 These inclusions are slag particles that have not had time to float up to the surface of the weld pool during the welding procedure before being "frozen fast" due to rapid heat dissipation through the plates. The inclusions have a size of 10-200 microns and are located at a depth of about 200 microns below the undercut. These slags are created in most welding methods, since the impurities originate from the parent material. Naturally. a welded joint does not exhibit this apperance along the entire length of the weld, but the presence of such stress raisers cannot be completely disregarded. It has been clearly proven that the microgeometric stress raiser at the transition between weld metal and parent metal constitutes the crack initiation. The interaction between microgeometric and macrogeometric stress raisers will ultimately determine the fatigue strength of the welded joint. This in turn demonstrates who has the greatest influence on the result: the welder! Figure 5.1.11 Figure 5.1.12 The welder or production engineer is usually unaware of this! It is therefore not so strange that "bad welds" account for the majority of fatigue failures. as was mentioned above. The welds are often poorly executed from the viewpoint of fatigue because the welding personnel lack training. A great deal would be gained ifthe welder could be taught to understand fig. 5.1.5. It is important to understand why and how the fatigue strength of welded joints can be improved. This improvement can be brought about by welding in a manner that produces smaller undercuts or by using the improvement methods that are available, e.g. TIG dressing or grinding. In addition, it is of the utmost importance to choose suitable places for electrode changes or welding stops. At corners (external and internal), transitions etc., for example, it is advisable to weld the most difficult part without stopping and to make the stop further on. Figures 5.1.6-14 show the positions of the critical points with respect to fatigue fracture for different welded joints. Note that welds that are not load-carrying are nevertheless just as critical for fatigue fracture in the component on which they are located if this component is load-carrying. (Figures 5.1.8-12.) Instruction of welding personnel in these matters does pay, as shown by experience from numerous companies. 5:4 Figure 5.1.13 ( Figure 5.1.14 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general The macrogeometric notch effect is dependent upon the shape of the weld reinforcement and the type of welded joint. This is shown by fig. 5.1.15, which applies to a butt weld. The higher the reinforcement, the poorer the fatigue strength of the weld. It is thus the interaction of microgeometric and macrogeometric stress raisers that determines the fatigue strength of the welded jOint. We can therefore conclude that crack initiation in welded joints is already predetermined. The life of the joint therefore consists solely of propagation to critical size. This is why in-service inspection is so important. Figure 5.1.15 Some important definitions Figure 5.1.16 o Fatigue strength at 2· 106 cycles N/mm2 time G r = G max -0' min stress range Gm = mean stress 0' a = stress amplitude R = 0' min stress ratio G max In order to be able to define the stress situation in connection with fatigue, we need to define the stress variation and the absolute stress leve\. This can be done in a number of ways. Here are the most common ones: G max and G min a r andO'min 50 O'r and R (and sometimesam1nl amaxand R 0~--------+--------4---- lOO' 120' 140' aa anda m We will usea p R ____~________~ 160' e 180' Why is knowledge of fatigue so important in connection with WElDOX and HARDOX steels? There are three reasons: 1. Fatigue cracks propagate at roughly the same rate in all steels, and since the life of welded joints is dependent upon crack propagation, welded WELDOX and HARDOX steels exhibit the same fatigue strength at around 2 . 106 load cycles as ordinary welded steels. 2. The reason for choosing WELDOX instead of HS steels is to reduce plate thickness. When this is done, the stresses in the steel - both static and fatigue stresses - will naturally increase for a given load case. This means that design against fatigue is more important when WELDOX steel is used in welded structures, since fatigue strength does not increase at the same rate as static strength. 3. WELDOX and HARDOX steels are often used in structures subjected to high fatigue loads. The above may give the impression that WELDOX and HARDOX steels are not at all suitable for use in structures subject to fatigue loads, but this is not the case! We need only look around at the applications in which WELDOX and HARDOX steels are used to find that these are indeed subject to high fatigue load and that they are clearly functioning satisfactorily! Why? The answer to this question will be given later, but first we have to introduce certain concepts and show the importance of the welding residual stresses. Figure 5.1.17 The importance of different values of R R = a mm O'max +0 3~--------------------------------,,~~ 2~--------------~~n-~",~---+rH~~ 0~----~~--+H~--4+~~~~~--------~ _l~~~~UL~~---Y~~~ ____________~ -2~WW~------------------------------4 -3~~~------------------------------~ R=3 -0 Observation on the use of 0 r instead of a max R = - 1 and a max is the "worst case". When it comes toa r = 0max - amino the worst case occurs when a, has the greatest effect on crack propagation. 0 r has the greatest effect when there is no compressive stress during the cycle, i.e. when the load consists of pulsating tension. The crack does not propagate under compression. Figure 5.1.18 R= -1 R= 0 Ifa q = 0"2' thena'2 (R = 0) is worse from the viewpoint of fatigue than a,) (R = -1 1 5:5 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Influence of welding residual stresses in connection with fatigue ° Consider a welded I -beam. After welding, the residual stresses are on a level with the yield strength of the weld metal (which is often on a level with that of the parent metal). r~s s Assume that the parent metal and the weld metal have the following tensile test curve. o U'L The stress in the two welds will vary from the yield stress downwards byo 1, i.e. the only load variation felt by the welds is a 1, and this stress variation is called the stress range r' As is evident from the earlier line of reasoning, fatigue cracks can very well be initiated in welds on the "compression side", which often seems surprising, but is quite natural owing to the welding residual stresses. This means that it is the stress range or that is the significant variable in conjunction with the fatigue of welded structures! The ° r philosophy has been verified by the testing of beams (about 2000 as of this time) and has been generally accepted internationally. with a few exceptions. This represents a considerable simplification in design, insofar as knowledge of r is sufficient when it comes to welded non-stress-relieved structures. As far as small specimens or short welded joints are concerned, the residual stresses are often small, with some influence of the mean stress, i.e. the stress ratio R. This can be illustrated by means of a Haig diagram, which applies for a certain number of load cycles and shows the stress amplitude as a function of the mean stress. ° f Assume further that the beam is loaded in flexure with a fatigue load that gives the following stress distribution. Figure 5.1.19 Amplitude kvww 0. N/mm2 -y- 160 b=~==========:::;r:d+0 1--A+ 120 p -01 Fillet welds small specimens 2· 106 load cycles 01 External and internal stresses can be added. This has the following consequences: Top flange Bottom flange The weld against the top flange will be unloaded The weld against the bottom flange will be overloaded and will yield slightly (°5+°1=°5) see tensile test curve At 1st loading (I (1, -rio.,---------- 11, r+-....- - - - - - (), '" 80 ..... I 40 11 0:: Mean O+-_ _ _ R,=_+_l_ _...-_ _- r_ _---._ _ _-r-_ stress o 40 80 120 160 200 am N/mm2 Figures 5.1.19 and 5.1.20 are taken from (7) and figure 5.1.19 shows a dependence on R for small specimens, while figure 5.1.20, which applies for beams, does not show any dependence on R. Usingo r consistently means working on the safe side. With good knowledge of the mean stress (external + internal stresses), higher stresses can be allowed. At unloading Figure 5.1.20 Amplitude Oa N/mm 2 Fillet welds beams 2.10 6 load cycles 160 At 2nd loading 120 80 and after unloading 40 ..... I 11 0:: \) qj R= +1 40 5:6 80 120 160 200 Mean stress am N/mm2 Dynamic strengtll - Fatigue, general Figure 5.1.21, taken from ref. (8), gives an idea of how much the stresses can be increased. The figure shows a factor kR that is multiplied by a (perm' This is assuming that the stress ratio R (external + internal stresses) has been clearly established and determined. The result is better material utilization for components subjected to external stress ratios < 0 and low residual stresses e.g. "short welds", rolled beams, stress-relieved structural elements etc. whereo lJ3 , (2' 106 ) is the median stress range for fatigue failure at 2· 10 load cycles and R = O. Ref. {8l sets out a number of classes for K x, see table 5.1. I. Table 5.1.1 Kx: 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.6,3.0, 3.5,4.0 and 5.0 = = e.g. mill scale Kx 1.3, butt weld 2.3, fillet weld"" 4.0. See table 5.2.3. In table 5.2.3, r is the nominal stress range and is calculated in a section without the influence of stress concentration (approx. 0.2 . plate thickness from the weld reinforcement). The weld causes diHerent stress concentrations in relation to the stress direction over the weld, Kx -L perpendicular to the weld and Kx 11 when the stress runs parallel to the direction of the weld. With figure 5.1.5 in mind, we understand that the quality of the weld means a great deal for the fatigue strength of the jOint. Now comes the difficult part; classification of a finished weld. There are a number of different international weld classification systems and even more applied in the internal standards of diHerent manufacturers. We feel that it would be wrong to use the internal standard of a given company, so we base our approach on StBK-N2 Regulations for Welded Steel Structures (8). ° Figure 5.1.21 1.3 I--' I--' i-' V V 1.2 V V V /' 1.1 / / See table 5.1.2. 1.0 V o -0.5 -1.0 R -l.~ -2.0 Representation of notch effect Geometric stress raisers (notches) give rise to stress concentrations. Such a stress raiser is defined by a stress concentration factor Kt. K _ local stress t- nominal stress Kt is based on elastic theory, often obtained through calculation, photostress analysis and experimental verification. Good and practical tables are provided in references (3) and (10). Note that Kt is determined only by geometry and that material properties have no bearing. Welded jOints can be classified with respect to their notch effect, and figures 5.1.6 - 14 show where this is greatest. A traditional method of specifying the reduction of fatigue strength due to the notch effect is by means of a fatigue factor K f (also known as the fatigue-strength reduction factor or the factor of stress concentration in fatigue), which is defined as the ratio of the fatigue strength of a plain, unnotched specimen to the fatigue strength of a specimen containing a stress concentration at a given number of load cycles. However, it is difficult to determine fatigue strength if Kt is used. A value of Kf would be needed for a given material, Rvalue, a r' number of load cycles and stress raiser! . This would make it difficult and complicated to design against fatigue. It would be very difficult to find any particular case in reference tables. Approximate methods would have to be resorted to Table 5.1.2 Quality requirements for weld classes in accordance with StBK-N2. Weld class Requirement concerning surface, shape and hornogeneity. SvO The surface of the weld shall not contain cavities which render cleaning, painting or galvanization difficult. Svl The surface of the weld shall be free from cavities. surface pores, intrusions and overlaps. In Construction Class 2, large weld reinforcernent. root defects, penetration beads or sharp discontinuities shall not occur. The homogeneity of the weld shall substantially satisfy the requirements applicable to radiographic grading No 3 (green" l. SvOT SvlT The weld shaH be fluidtight. In other respects, requlrernents for SvO and Svl respectively shall apply. In the case of SvO, there is the additional requirement that the surface shall be free from surface cavities. Sv2 Fillet and T-butt welds shall preferably Ilave a concave or flat surface. A slightly convex surface Will however be approved. A butt weld shall have a flat or convex surface at both the top and the root. The height of the weld reinforcernent shall not exceed 15% of the width. The height of the penetration bead shall not exceed 30% of the width of the penetration bead, but shall not in any case exceed 2 mm. The transition between weld and parent material shall be smooth and free from sharp discontinuities such as undercuts. Craters shall be filled and irregularities removed. Apart from these requirements, the appropriate parts of the requirements for Svl, concerning surface finish and shape, shall apply. (1) The homogeneity of the weld shall substantially satisfy the requirements applicable to radiographic grading No 4 (blue"). However, subsurface pores and non-contiguous slag entrapments corresponding to radiographic grading No 3 (green") will be approved. Considerable simplifications are possible when working with welded jOints. In practice, it is quite adequate to proceed on the basis of a single steel. a mm ) can be disregarded owing to °max the welding residual stresses, and fatigue cracks propagate at a largely equal rate in all types of steel. When the R-value is known, we can multiply the permissible stresses by the factor kR in accordance with the above line of reasoning. The R-value (stress ratio Sv3 Fillet and T-butt welds shall have a concave or flat surface. The transition between weld and parent material at fillet and T-butt welds shall be dressed to a smooth and rounded shape. In the case of butt welds, the top and bottom reinforcernent shall be dressed flush. Kx-value Apart from these requirements, the appropriate parts of the requirements for Svl and Sv2, concerning surface finish and shape, shall apply. It has been found convenient to classify the notch effect of welds by means of a material-independent joint factor Kx. The homogeneity of the weld shall satisfy the requirements for radiographic grading No 4 (blue"). referred to in (8) and defined as Kx = 315 (N/mm:l OrB' (2,10) a See Collection of Reference Radiographs of Welds in Steel, published by the IIW. 5:7 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general One possibility is, of course, to determine Kx for a weld by means of fatigue testing and to use the definition of Kx. It should also be borne in mind that most test results that are available come from different laboratories where the weld has been made in the most favourable position under favourable conditions (no piecework system, good working premises etc.). The welding position, for example, is especially important. Table 5.2.3 contains Kx factors, and more detailed design instructions are provided in section 5.2 "Practical design against fatigue failure". WElDOX and HARDOX steels in structures subjected to fatigue loading Despite everything that has been said previously, there are five areas where WELDOX and HARD OX steels can be used with success in structures subjected to fatigue loading: 1. Parent material unaffected by weld 2. High stress levels 3. Low load cycle numbers 4. Suitable load spectra 5. When it is possible and desirable to increase the fatigue strength of the welds. l. Parent material unaffected by weld (sharp notches) If the designer has succeeded in locating welds in areas of low stress in the structure., the fatigue conditions for the parent material and for the welds are somewhat different. Here, the crack initiation phase must be dealt with first, which results in an increase of the fatigue strength of the structure. The fatigue strength of the parent metal is proportional to the ultimate tensile strength of the steel. This is valid for a polished test specimen. a rB = k· aB k = OA - 0.6, see figure 5.1.22, which applies for mill scale. Figure 5.1.23 is an S-N diagram for three different steels with blast-cleaned and primed surfaces. 2. High stress levels There are many structures where the load consists of a high static load and a smaller fatigue load, for example stands, certain frames, bridges, penstocks etc. Here, it is easy to exceed the permissible static stresses or the yield strength of ordinary steels. WELDOX and HARDOX steels can therefore be utilized to great advantage and we can permit the same 0" r at maximum high stress levels as at low ones, which has been proved by the O"r - philosophy for welds and experimentally for WELDOX and HARDOX steels (11, 12) 3. low load cycle numbers The region for the permissible stress range is limited by the S-N curve and by the yield stress (or permissible static stress) of the steel. In other words, WELDOX and HARDOX steels are advantageous when the number of load cycles is less than 10', there is a full load spectrum (constant amplitude) and R = O. This is illustrated by figure 5.1.24 (13.14J, which applies for butt welds. Figure 5.1.24 Or N/mm' Butt weld 1000 700 WELDOX 7 ..... 500 Figure 5.1.22 Fatigue strength at 2· 106 cycles, R =0 Mill scale 400 N/mm' 300 Or S 355 S 275· 600 200 450 300 100 102 150 150 300 450 800 950 N/mm2 Ultimate tensile strength Mill scale is a very vague definition of a surface, which is why we prefer to test blast-cleaned and primed surfaces, since they are more precisely defined and because this is the mostcomman service condition of the plate surface. N/mm' 750 Cv0" Figure 5.1.23 fir 600 I)).' • Blast-cleaned affd primed surface R=O p= 1 1000 700 500 ""- ~ 400 ~, // ~ " WELDOX ]00 S ~52. (BS 50) --300 - S 275 (BS 40) 200 100 10' 5:8 10' 10' 107 10· 10' 10' 10' 10· The diagram shows that below a certain load cycle number Ng, it is only the yield stress (static permissible stress) which imposes a limitation. For R = - 1, Ng decreases buta r is doubled. 4. Suitable load spectra This area is perhaps the most important one. The actual fatigue load on a structure is usually not of constant amplitude. For example, the work cycle of a haulage vehicle consists of: loading - off -road driving with load - onroad driving with load - dumping - off-road driving without load - on-road driving without load - off-road driving without load - loading etc. If a fatigue test is carried out for a butt weld first with constant load amplitude (ka) and then with a load spectrum (spJ, e.g. p = 112 (more about this later), we will get two different S-N curves. The S-N curve for the load spectrum is displaced towards a load cycle' number which is more than an order of magnitude higher! See figures 5.1.25, 26 and 27, which are taken from (14). In other words, it is absolutely wrong to design with constant amplitude data if the load is of variable amplitude. Describing load spectra is a science in itself. Trying here to penetrate more deeply into the subject would only complicate matters unnecessarily. This section may be regarded as an introduction to design against fatigue using load spectra instead of constant load amplitude. Some simplifications are therefore necessary. Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Figure 5.1.25 Or N/mm' R=O Mill scale 1000 700 r- - ~LQOJ<; TQO ca r WELDO~ ~~O sp l'ol '" 500 400 ;:..:: / " ~S 355 sp Figure 5.1.28 l~~~~~~::::============~~~P=l - - S 355 ca 300 III III Point 3 will give us something called the spectrum parameter p. A histogram is then plotted with declining values of a,la rref along a base of values of log N. A straight line can now be drawn from (a r/a rr f = 1, N t = 100), in such a way that it is tangential to the tops of the histogram, and the spectrum parameter can be read off at the right of the diagram, see figure 5.1.28. 5/6 200 ca p sp p 100 10' 10· 105 1 Or 1/2 1/2 Or rei 10' 107 1/3 Figure 5.1.26 Or N/mm 2 1/6 R=O Butt weld 1000 O~ 700 500 400 WELDOX - I- ~ The choice of straight lines is practical. and it is also found that most of the load spectra of interest to us are close to being straight lines. Some standard regulations, for example Swedish bridge regulations and crane regulations (74), give us values of p for different service classes. The standardized stress spectra in the crane regulations are not linear, but follow a gaussian normal distribution, see figure 5.1.29. These spectra are based on the German crane standard DIN 15018, which is in turn based on experiences from LBF (Laboratorium fur Betriebsfestigkeit in Darmstadt, Germany), where it was believed in the 1950s that crane spectra closely followed a gaussian distribution. S 355 sp 300 200 S 355 ca ca p sp p 100 10' ID· 1 1/2 107 10' i'TO-()"_m r i"""iO::::==:::::c:::--,---,---rc--,----,3/3 S3 R=O Fillet weld bo-am Figure 5.1.29 Figure 5.1.27 ° N/mm2 ~O 1 log N log Nt 700 sp WELDOX 700 ca ...... -- ______________________________ 1000 700 WELDOX 700 sp 500 "'--, 400 - III III III en S 355 sp 1 300 200 WELDOX 700 ca 100 10' 0 I;; 'I;; ca p sp p S 355 ca I 9'o 19' ~ 1 1/2 i! III III 10" 107 10· For example: - Disregard the mean stress; it is primarily the welds that are of interest. - Use the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule. - Pay no attention to the sequence of the loads. In order to describe in a simple manner how "heavy" (the heavier, the closer to constant amplitude) our load spectrum is, we choose the same method as that used in the Swedish Regulations for Welded Steel Structures (8). It is then necessary to know: 1. The largest stress range in the spectrum, a rref' 2. The total number of load cycles Nt . 3. The way the different stress ranges a r are distributed among different load cycle numbers. ~_-..l. o _ _-L-_-:---L-_ _L -__--L_----lI 0/3 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 ~ I! l IgN _ _ ____._ Ig N Despite more than 100 years of fatigue testing, most design data derive from constant amplitude testing, while our structures are subjected to variable amplitude (spectrum) loads. This has its rools both in inadequate testing equipment - it is considerably more expensive to carry out a spectrum test - and in the fact that investigators have often contented themselves with comparative testing, therefore considering constant amplitude to be adequate. Furthermore, uncertainty has prevailed with regard to the testing procedure (i.e. how actual load spectra should be simulated, actual spectra being in turn difficult to measure). What is therefore needed is a theory that makes possible the use of the results of constant amplitude test for estimation of the life of a structure under variable amplitude load. 5:9 J I 1 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Such a theory is the linear cumulative damage rule originally proposed by Palmgren in 1924 and restated by Miner, usually known as the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule. It is the simplest and least data-demanding cumulative damage rule and is no less accurate than the others. If we assume that one stress cycle with 0 ri is independent of the changes in the material caused by the preceding load cycles, then it causes a partial damage of 6.D=_l_ Ni where Ni = expected life at constant amplitude foro w If a structure is subjected during a service time To to a mixture of stress cycles of varying size: There are now two ways to proceed: a. Start with the load spectrum and use the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule for each case, using permissible stress ranges at constant amplitude. b. Compute new SoN curves for permissible stress ranges for each Kx and p-value with the aid of the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule. The latter is the most convenient method, but if it is difficult to obtain a load spectrum sufficiently accurate to carry out a cumulative damage calculation, we will have to settle for making an estimate of the spectrum parameter p. Method b is used in section 5.2 "Practical design against fatigue failure". Something about the shortcomings of the Palmgren - Miner cumUlative damage rule nl cycles ofo q , which at constant amplitude gave NI' n2 cycles of 0 r2' which at constant amplitude gave N2. Figure 5.1.31 (1) shows what happens to crack propagation when the stress range changes. When the change is "Low ~ High", crack growth increases immediately, whereas when the change is "High ~ Low", crack growth stops suddenly, only to start up again after a certain delay at a rate corresponding to the new stress range! ni cycles of 0 ri' which at constant amplitude gave Ni' then the total life of the structure j ni D = I6.D = I i = 1 Ni Figure 5.1.31 Crack length will be expended during the time To. The life of the structure is then exhausted when D= I ~ reaches unity. To The estimated life will be T = I ~ N See also figure 5.1.30. Time Crack length Figure 5.1.30 "r Time Or Time (Number of load cycles) 10gN The sequence in which the different levels come is therefore of the utmost importance. The reason why a crack retardation occurs in the High ~ Low case is that when the crack is propagating (growing). 0 s is always reached in the crack tip and in a small region in front of Table 5.1.3 Fatigue life in 103 cycles 0 max overload = 0 min + 1.67· 0 r N/mm2 Constant amplitude One overload 144 144 144 177 177 177 220 220 220 1676 1020 3780 727 1062 640 223 441 325 10000* 10000 10000 1294 719 616 670 1050 410 Or *Survivor 5:10 Number of cycles between overloads 6. N 105 10000* - 4692 919 1962 1604 1014 435 104 7800* 10000* 6200* 1333 5049 1418 718 799 685 1~ 1~ 4215 1126 1673 1339 1367 1741 623 326 628 3260 1586 1130 590 410 685 238 503 251 10 850 1332 980 391 260 422 150 142 163 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general this. When the load is removed, this region will contain compressive stresses. Both the size of the region and the magnitude of the compressive stresses depend on the size of the preceding stress range. Strain hardening also occurs in this region. This means that if a smaller stress range is then imposed, its influence on crack propagation will decrease by the compressive stress caused by the preceding higher stress range. The duration of this effect will depend upon the size of the compressive stress region. From this it follows that even occasional high a r have a favourable effect. If, on the other hand, an external compressive stress is imposed, the effect is reduced sharply. The same effects have also been found with regard to crack initiation in notches with radii of between 1 and 5 mm (16). The effect of the delay for welded jOints (non-load-carrying cruciform weld) under overload is described in (17) and applies for R "" O. Table 5.1.3 shows the results. As can be seen, if the number of cycles between overloads is ~ Hi, there is a reduction of fatigue life, while for> Hj cycles there is a clear increase. Fora r = 144 N/mm2 and L\N > 103 , none of the speCimens failed. Thus, the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule does not take into consideration High ~ Low or Low ~ High and the distance between these events. Load cycles that are smaller than the endurance limit (ar5 in figure 5.1.30) make no contribution to I n/N, since according to the definition N ~ 00. In practice, these small a r also shorten the fatigue life of the structure by accelerating the growth of previously formed cracks. This situation can be rectified by modifying the S-N curves either by disregarding the endurance limit and extrapolating the S-N curve downwards or by introducing a new level of the endurance limit that corresponds to a threshold value (L\ Kth ) at which a certain .size of the crack does not propagate. It is also possible to give the S-N curve another slope below the endurance limit (k' = 2k - 1). Stress ranges with Iowa min (compressive stresses) are more damaging than what corresponds to ~. This unfavourable Ni effect will be greater if such events occur periodically throughout the entire service time. It would seem as if the Palmgren - Miner cumulative damage rule is a good approximation and gives values on the "safe side" for R ~ 0, but can give highly uncertain results if R <0, i.e. cycles with compressive stress. The best way to check a component is to record an actual load spectrum in service and then mount the component in a rig and feed the testing equipment with the spectrum in question. This is known as service simulation testing. The reader who wishes to find out more about load spectra is referred to (1). The practical part of the calculation work will be dealt with in the section "Practical design against fatigue failure". We have two basic options: a. Improve the design of the joint so that we get larger radii and smoother transitions between the weld and the parent material (undercut). b. Introduce compressive stresses in the critical region (a crack can only propagate under tensile stresses). There are a number of methods where these mechanisms are involved either singly or in combination. Among these, three stand out as being the most practical: Peening, grinding and TIG dressing. Peening is a cold working process in which a pneumatic tool (slag hammer) with a rounded tip is used to work harden the transition between the weld and the parent material. In this manner, compressive stresses are introduced and crack initiation is delayed. This works excellently until the welded joint is overloaded, whereupon the compressive stress state is eliminated. The results of the peening process are nearly impossible to check and considerable environmental problems are associated with peening (noise). Figure 5.1.32 As - welded Figure 5.1.33 Ground 5. When it is possible and desirable to increase the fatigue strength of welds When it has been found that technical/economic advantages can be gained by using WELDOX and HARDOX steel plate in a structure, it is often discovered during design that a few welded joints are completely critical with respect to fatigue in determining whether or not WELDOX and HARDOX steel plate can be used. In such cases, it can be well worthwhile to increase the fatigue strength of such critical welded jOints in some way. The section "Fatigue, general" clearly shows that the problem ~f fatigue in welded joints is a problem of geometry, and from figure 5.1.5 we can see that we must in some way prevent or prolong the initiation phase and "suppress" crack propagation ~n ord~r to be able to increase the fatigue strength of the welded JOint; In other words we must increase the influence of the term Ni in Figure 5.1.34 TIG-dressed Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Grinding is the most widely used method at present, but it is often used at the wrong place. Correct grinding involves grinding of the transition between the weld and the parent material (the weld toe) so that microcracks and slag inclusions are removed. At the same time, a smoother transition with a large radius is created. Important! The undercut must be ground down to about 0.5 mm below the surface of the plate in order to make sure that all stress raisers have been removed, see figure 5.1.5! Care should also be taken in grinding to make sure that the score marks caused by the grinding process are not oriented across the flow of stress. If they are, they will act as new stress raisers. In prattice, grinding imposes high demands on the operator. Bringing about a measurable improvement in fillet welds with only a grinding disc is very difficult. It is often necessary to use a burr. Grinding of the top or root weld reinforcements is meaningless and only arouses suspicions as to the quality of the weld. See figures 5.1.32 and 5.1.33. TIG dressing is a relatively new method that is rapidly gaining more and more adherents. A TIG torch is used to re melt the weld metal in the weld toe without the use of filler material. A TIG torch consists of a tungsten electrode surrounded by argon shielding gas. In this manner, a very smooth and fine transition between the weld metal and the parent metal is obtained, and at the same time the entrapped slag inclusions are released and can float up to the surface. See figure 5.1.34. Properly executed weld dressing using the above methods greatly extends fatigue life at approx. 1()6 load cycles, for example by a factor of 2 - 3 for butt welds of types Sv 2 and 3 and by a factor of 3 - 4 for fillet welds of type Sv 2; alternatively, a r can be increased by about 20 and 40%, respectively. TIG dressing is the preferable method of the two with respect to environmental hygiene and ease of execution and inspection. The environmental advantages of TIG welding over grinding are obvious. Accessibility is very good! In principle, TIG dressing can be performed everywhere it has been possible to weld. Its degree of difficulty is equivalent to that of ordinary gas welding. The results are very easy to check by means of visual inspection. The evaluation method is the same as for welds. Experience shows that TIG dressing is the method that gives the most reliable results. TIG dressing is about 3 times faster than grinding. Important! Note that only those parts of the welded joint that are critical for fatigue failure should be dressed. Figures. 5.1.6 - 14, and above all practical experience, should serve as a guide. For design I(urposes, an Sv 2 class weld can be counted as an Sv 3 class weld, provided that dressing has been carried out as described above, see table 5.2.3. The improvement can sometimes be considerably greater, but a thorough analysis is necessary in order to be sure of this. If the risk of fatigue is reduced in this manner at one point, this means that there will be an increase of the fatigue risk at another place. The way in which a possible failure situation is altered must, of course, be carefully analyzed. Some special cases and results from experience Gas-cut free edges can be dealt with in the same manner as welds (a r) with Kx = 1. 5 for the best cutting class Sk3 as per StBK-N2 (8) and Kx = 1.7 for Sk2, see table 5.1.4. . It is very important that the transition between the as-rolled surface and the gas-cut surface along the edge be chamfered, since the gas-cut surface is critical, and experience shows that crack initiation often occurs in this transition. Cutting defects reduce fatigue life by 50% and should be ground off with very smooth transitions. All chamfering and grinding shall be done in such a way that the score marks are aligned along the edge. See also ref. 18. 5:12 Table 5.1.4 Quality requirements for cutting classes as per StBK-N2 Cutting Application class Dressing of surface Quality requirement Dressing Surface roughness of free mm edge ~I • \ The surface shall be dressed so that the necessary corrosion protection can be applied (see StBK·N4) SkO Structural element not designed for transmission of force (non·load· carrying) Ski Construction a.; 1.0 class I in struc· tures subjected to small number of load cycles or load cycles of small magnitude Sk2 Construction classes 1 and 2 a..;; 0.3 Edges shall be deburred Sk3 Construction a..;; 0.2 classes 1 and 2 Edges shall be chamfered tos;!< 2mm Stag and spatter As for SkO shall be removed from edges Cutting defects. surface cracks and other surface , defects shall be removed by grinding. In construc· tion class 1. a surface defect may be repaired by welding and subsequently ground. Apart from these requirements. the specifi· cations given for SkO shall apply As for Sk2 Influence of some defects of geometry 1. Axial misalignment in butt welds has been studied in (19) with pulsating tension and bending, see table 5.1. 5. - - - - - - ~---t+~ +, The stress concentration factor for a butt weld with axial misalignment and under pulsating tension can be approximated as follows: e Kt = 1 + 3 t Table 5.1. 5 Pulsating tension 25 50 75 100% 38 46 65 72% Grinding does not have much effect 50 25 elt 11 increase ofa r at 106 10 75 100% 28% elt Reduction of a r at le! cycles 13 Deposition of additional filler material in order to improve the geometry of the weld does not bring about any appreciable improvement. In pulsating bending, axial misalignment has very little negative effect. 2. Axial misalignment in load-carrying fillet welds Kockums has investigated this in (20) and found that axial misalignments of 5 mm in incomplete penetration jOints did not lead to any reduction of fatigue strength at 106 load cycles (t = 35 mm). Axial misalignments of 10 mm and greater caused a marked reduction. This could be compensated for to some extent by increasing the root gap! Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Figure 5.1,36 B it was also shown - and this has also been found by other investigators - that the same fatigue strength can be achieved for a fillet-welded joint as for a complete penetration joint if the throat thickness is correct. See below, optimum throat thickness. Tp H/Tp 1.4-.-----~--,.----._--._-__, 50 Angular misalignm~nt in butt welds Figure 5.1.35 shows what a great influence an angular misalignment has on the stress range. 1.2 25 19 Figure 5.1.35 12.5 1.0 8 L = 350 mm Or 6.25 = 20mm = 200 N/mm2 0.8 0.6 Fracture in A 0.4 ar 0.2 1 a (0) .16 3 .5 Increase afar ('Ye) 14 43 Simply supported h (mm) 5 8 .8 1.3 72 116 O+-----.-----r----.-----.----~ Stress relieving of the welded joint for the purpose of increasing its fatigue strength is only worthwhile for those welded joints that are subjected to an external a r which includes compressive stress (i.e. R < O!) some time during the stress cycle. The increase in a r corresponds to kR in fig. 5.l.21 and is verified by (21 and 22). The increase is greatest when N > 106 load cycles. Up to 25 % increase in allowable stress range is possible. Influence of test load (overload) has been dealt with in the section on spectrum load and has been shown to have a favourable effect. a. Angular misalignments are straightened out b. Crack tips are rounded c. After unloading, compressive stress is obtained around the cracks that have been subjected to tensile stress. It has been demonstrated (23) that an optimum throat thickness in statically loaded structures does not give an optimum result under fatigue loading. This is especially true at large throat thicknesses. To resist fatigue, the welded jOint should be made uniformly strong so that there is an equally great risk of initiation from the root and from the undercut. From the viewpoint of inspection, initiation from the undercut is easier to detect. Figure 5.1.36 A and B shows how throat thickness should be chosen for different plate thicknesses and penetrations. In actual practice, throat thicknesses are usually too small! This is also shown by actual fatigue failures, where the fracture usually initiates at the root l 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2a,/T-p Influence of plate thickness In the case of smooth components, the greater the material volume, the higher the probability of failure. The critical material volume for welds is very small. The influence of e.g. plate thickness is statistically negligible. For fillet welds, on the other hand, it has been shown that the thicker the plate, the larger the region of high stress where fatigue cracks initiate. In practice, fatigue strength is reduced by about 10% be· tween 10 mm and 30 mm plate thickness. Practical conversions at 2· 106 load cycles a r (R = 0) "" 0.8· Or (R = - 1) a rtension (R = 0) = 0.8' a rflexure (R = 0) Multiaxial states of stress are very common, and research results here are almost non-existent. A multiaxial state of stress is defined by three principal stresses a), a2, a3 and their corresponding directions ~.rl and ~. In the general case, all six components vary with time and in a way that need not be at all regular, nor need the components be interrelated. This entails an enormous complexityl It is therefore understandable why there is no simple, or even complex, theory that accurately describes the situation. The following steps are recommended, in the order given, in order that reasonable progress may be made in design. Figure 5.1.36 A - 0.2 - - - - - Increased penetration Prototypes versus mass-produced specimens Prototypes made by hand-picked personnel often exhibit a longer life than mass-produced specimens. The difference can be a factor of 2. Optimum throat thickness in load-carrying fillet welds 0_ o l. Try to calculate or estimate the prinCipal stress in combina- - a tion with a stress raiser that is most critical for fatigue failure at a given pOint. Assume a uniaxial state of stress. (Remember! A fatigue crack always propagates perpendicular to the largest prinCipal stress.) 2. Use an approximate method, for example the one given in StBK-N2 (8). 3. Consult the special literature and start with (1) part 2, special methods. 5:13 Dynamic strength - Fatigue, general Strain cycle fatigue can be involved in two main cases: 1. When the component is subjected to loads that are controlled more by strains than stresses, for example a flexible component between two rigid components subjected to thermal variations etc. 2. When the component is subjected to an extremely small number of high loads N < 1000 - 10000 (Iow cycle fatigue). In this life range, the S-N curve is nearly horizontal, so stress is a poor parameter (cf. the tensile test curve at (J s)' Strain is therefore a more sensitive measure of the state of the material in this region. This subject is a very extensive one, so we shall confine ourselves to a few approximate formulas only. For unnotched steel Kt = 1, the total strain amplitudeE:ta can be written in accordance with Coffin-Manson: 5:14 eta = 0.5' 0°.6 • N-O·6 + 1.75 (a: ). N -0.12 where 0 = el og _1_ I-tjI N aB E tp = number of load cycles = ultimate tensile strength of the steel = modulus of elasticity of the steel reduction of area at rupture in tensile test = The notch effect in connection with strain cycle fatigue can, as a first approximation, be put equal to the stress concentration factor Kt, and in many cases gives a result on the safe side. Those who wish to find out more are referred to (1 ) part two, special methods, and ASME Ill. 5.2 Practical design against fatigue failure. 7. Compareo rmax withorperm Iformax~arperm OK. If a fmax > 0rperm' change dimensions or welded joint and carry out new calculation. (Note that the position of the critical point may be changed!) life? Page No. Calculation procedure ..................................................... 5:15 Typical load spectra ........................................................ 5:15 Comments and hints on the calculation metrlod .............. 5:16 Load analysis .................................................................. 5:16 Evaluation of load spectra ............................................... 5: 17 If it is instead desired to determine the expected life N, proceed according to points I, 2 and 3, and 0 rmax gives N from the appropriate S-N curve. If either of points 5 or 6 is met, correct the SoN curve. P.S. Check that the finished structure conforms to the designer's intentions with regard to stress concentrations etc. ProbaQility of failure QB .. ................... ..... ........ ................. 5: 17 Table 5.2.1 Typical spectrum parameters lip values" Efficient and convenient calculation methods for designing welded jOints have long been lacking, but with the introduction of the stress range philosophy (0 r) in 1974, simplifications were possible so that designers had a practical calculation method to work with. The Swedish Regulations for Welded Steel Structures StBKN2 (8) took a first step in this direction. The method used here is largely based on these regulations. The differences lie, first and foremost, in the permissible stresses. Since the publication of StBK-N2, extensive reviews and supplementary tests have been carried out. In our tables, we have taken these newer results and international viewpoints into account. For the most part, the failure curves agree with StBK-N2 at 2· 106 load cycles, but the slope has been adjusted to WELDOX and HARDOX steels and to the slopes that have been adopted internationally. As has been illustrated earlier, in order that the fatigue strength of a component may be calculated, the design of the component must already have been largely determined, so that this type of calculation is actually more of a check calculation. The reader will undoubtedly find the calculation method simple after having gone through a few examples in section 5.3. Calculation procedure (see also comments below) Given: Statically designed structure, i.e. steel and dimensions given, welded joints positioned and designed in the most favourable manner. Required service life Nd (load cycles) given. Determine the maximum permissible stress range Or perm'I Nd P 2. 106 1/3R Bridges 1/2R Steel structures 2.105 ON MObile crane, hook operation 1/2 R Mobile crane, hook operation Overhead travelling crane 2/3 -IN at steel mill 2/3 N Container crane 108 OR Ship bottom Excavators (boom, dipper 4 - 5 years 112 - 2/3 N arm) Vehicle frames: 2· 106 4 - 5 years 2/3 R Dumptrucks, tippers 4 - 5 years 1/2 - 2/3 R Forestry machines 0- 112 R Mobile crane chassis Forks on forklift trucks at sawmills Lift arms on wheel loaders, hard duty, regular cycle Lift arms on wheel loaders, normal varying duty 2· 106 1/3 R 114 N 0- 116 R Nd == Design load cycle number = Linear load spectrum, see figure 5.1.28 == Normally distributed load spectrum, see figure 5.1.29 R N 1. Choice of point for analysis. Determination of weld class etc., stress direction. Determination of K., table 5.2.3. Or 2. Load analysis N/mm2 Measure, calculate or estimate the load spectrum and calculate 0 rmax' Determine the spectrum parameter p, table 5.2.l. 3. Determine the required probability of failure QB Kx, P and QB give the appropriate SoN curve, table 5.2.5 a or b (depending upon which value of QB is desired). 4. With the aid of the SoN curve, Nd gives 0 r erm' figures 5.2.1 - 5 or table 5.2.5 a or b. Figure 5.2.1 1000 ...... III!i;>.l. 500 300 200 6. If the point in question is not a gas-cut edge or heat-affected material, 0 rperm can be multiplied by ks, depending upon the steel, see table 5.2.2. ...... ......... ~ ~R' Kx 1.3 P 5. If the structure does not contain any residual stresses, or if it can be contains known residual stresses and R < 0,0 r multiplied by kR' depending upon the R value, ~i~1igure 5.l.2l. Assumed SoN curves (failure curves) ~ 100 50 20 10 3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 10 4 10 5 106 10 7 5:15 Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure Figure 5,2.2 Comments and hints on the calculation proce~ dure a, N/mm' 1000 ...... "" 500 .:...; 200 Kx 100 1.7 ~~ 1.3 1.5 iZ 20 10 3 1 ~ 300 50 Qs 10- 2 v( ~rm -p t!oo. 2. 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 • 5.l.6-14_ iO' Figure 5.2.3 N/mm' 1000 OB .10- 3 p=l ;:0.,; 500 :'" ~ 300 :-;; 200 :--... ? it 100 '? ~. ~. 50 'i Watch out for fillet welds, even if they are not load-carryingl The joint factor Kx is determined table 5.2.3 on the basis of weld class etc. and principal stress direction. Note where the design sections are located (marked in the table l. A combined stress concentration effect from holes and welds is not considered to exist if the distance between the hole and the weld is greater than the diameter of the hole. If the distance is less, the nominal stress range is multiplied by Y KXhole and the Kx factor of the welded joint is used. In the case of intersecting welds, the largest Kx value increased by one step from the series 1.3, l.5, 1.7,2.0,2.3,2.6,3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 5.0 is used. If more than two welds interact, the largest Kx value is increased by two steps_ If Kx is greater than 5.0, a higher weld class is chosen or the joint is redesigned. If the desired Kx value is not found in table 5_2.3, test results can be used or an attempt can be made to estimate the Kx value, some appropriat~ factor from the Kx series being used. to- " 20 10 3 L Choice of points The choice of point(s) for analysis is the most important part. The wrong point will yield a meaningless calculation. The secret here is to find the most severely stressed region ((J r, principal stress direction, stress gradient) in combination with existing stress raisers (K x), which together give the most criticql point with respect to fatigue failure_ As a safeguard, preliminary calculations should be carried out for a number of likely points before it is possible to determine which is the most critical. Studies of failures and personal experience are very valuable. Some idea of which points are critical is provided by figures 5.0 10 4 315 N/mm2 107 10 5 (definition) Figure 5.2.4 <1, Nlmm' UUU "Pl"m p 500 ~ 08=10--' Certain welded joints can be improved from Sv 2 to Sv 3 if the weld is TIG-dressed. 1 ~ 300 2. 200 IP 11. 100 I~' 50 §~ 11 I?· .0 - ') liQ 20 10 7 10' Figure 5_2.5 0, Nlmm' 1000 500 OB 10 5 ~ ~. 300 = .::--. 200 100 n 50 :? 1 :? 20 103 5:16 III ~.C 10 4 105 106 - 10 7 load analysis Load analysis is the weak link in the calculation chain and the most difficult to get a grip on. Load~ are calculated with the aid of the laws of mechanics to start with. In many cases, this is all that can be done. It can sometimes be very valuable to carry out some simple measurement as a check. Complex measurements are difficult to evaluate. Experience shows that the effort is seldom thought to be worthwhile_ Comparative calculations performed on satisfactorily functioning, similar structures can be very valuable. It is even more difficult to deal with the load spectrum. The best method is to record a spectrum covering several operation cycles on a tape recorder and have a computer evaluate it. This is expensive, and few designers have access to such equipment. A simpler method is to use a pen recorder and evaluate manually. Here, one must often settle for a single operation cycle . Typical spectrum parameters p ana Nd exist for certain structures, see table 5.2.1. These p values should be used with circumspection. In the case of cranes, for example, the Swedish crane regulations (74) should be observed. Experience has shown that severe (above-normal) service gives a fuller, often normally distributed spectrum, while normal use gives a linear spectrum. Furthermore, a normal spectrum becomes linear on a vehicle frame during haulage driving. Load spectra from manoeuvring, steering, cranes and excavators are often normally distributed_ Dynamic strength - Practical design agaill:st fatigue failure A recorded spectrum can be evaluated in a number of ways. In the case of welded structures, Range-Pair Exceedance Count, often called simply Range-Pair, seems to be the most popular method. This is because the minimum stress can be disregarded for welded jOints (except in the case of stressrelieved jOints). Some caution should be observed in using this method in the case of Signals that resemble a pure sinusoidal Signal, see ref. (l). A spectrum is evaluated in the following manner: l. Choose a number of suitablea r1' a r2' .... a rj levels. 2. Count the number of Nj for each a r by going through the spectrum for each a fj' tin practice, la template with an opening corresponding to each a fj is used.) 3. Plot the histogram. The 100 cycles with the highest a r may be disregarded (favourable), but shall be checked to make sure that they are less than a 5 ora permstat" 4. Determine the p value and place greater emphasis on the curve having a good fit at high N/Nd values. Figure 5.2.6 Evaluation of load spectrum a important! Do not confuse the load spectrum diagram in fig. 5.2.6 with an SoN curve! In other words, a load spectrum with a given p value, Nd , Kx and a rmax is represented by one point in the SoN diagram for the same Kx and p value. 3. Probability of failure GB When the Kx and p values have been determined, the next step is to determine,the probabiiity of failure, i.e. the desired factor of safety. As in the case of static load, discussed in the chapter "Factors of safety", there is also a scatter in the load and strength data in connection with fatigue. The SoN curve (the failure curve) represents a median curve for 50% probability of failure in fatigue testing (where there is a very small scatter in load). If a curve for a lower probability of failure is desired, e.g. 10-3 , it is necessary to move the SoN curve along the N axis a sufficient number of standard deviations so as to obtain a 10-3 probability of failure. The distance the curve has to be moved is thus dependent upon the standard deviation for the curve. This varies with different Kx values. The scatter is often greater at low Kx values and less at high ones. As a practical value for this type of joint - mill scale, gas-cut, welded joint etc. - it can be assumed that SN = 0.20 in 10 log N. Scatter in spectrum testing is often less than in constant amplitude testing (especially at low Kx). Symmetrical spectra give considerably greater scatter than asymmetrical spectra (1). As far as the choice of probability of failure is concerned, 10-3 is usually obtained with the use of a safety factor along the a r axis of Sf a = 1. 5-2.0, or along the N axis of SfN "'" 4. f It is often very difficult to know the scatter of the load, and it is common to disregard it and to choose a probability of failure of 10-4 _ 10.5 . For our recommended values of a fperm' we have chosen the following probabilities of failure: 10-3 Total number of operation cycles = 103 0" 0, 0, N 10-4 10-5 N,.. corresponding to 3.10 standard deviations. corresponding to 3.72 standard deviations corresponding to 4.27 standard deviations N'mm' Ollfla.l 0,4 0,3 0, °1 400 300 200 100 I 075 05 025 Many factors influence the choice of probability of failure, but here are some rules of thumb: IO l - 100' 900 3.9· 10l 3· 10 3 5· 10 3 89·lO l 8.10 3 169· IO l Very limited bodily injuries Limited bodily injuries Bodily injuries or very extensive material damages Risk of extensive bodily injuries • The 100 cycles with the largest Or may be disrega,'ded, but must be "" a 5or 0 perm.lal' 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 In the Swedish Regulations for Welded Steel Structures StBK-N2 (8) a probability of failure of < 10-5 is used. Assumed SoN curves and curves for permissible stress range GrlOrmax a rperm for different probabilities of failure are presented in 1.0....,,------,..------------, figures 5.2.1-5 for p = 1, i.e. constant amplitude. For p < 1, see tables 5.2.5 a and b for linear spectra and different probabilities of failure. For parent material unaffected by welding, gas-cutting or very sharp notches, a rperfT) may be multiplied by a material factor of kB' as given in the taole below. 0.5 Table 5.2.2 Steel p=1/6 103 104 log N S 235 (BS 40, St 37-2) S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3) WELDOX 500 WELDOX 600 WELDOX 700 WELDOX 900 HARDOX400 1.0 1.2 1.3 lA 1.5 1.5 1.5 ! 5:17 Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure Table 5.2.3 No Constructional detail In the figures, - - - marks the areas affected by the constructional detail for which the stated values of K, are applicable. The arrows indicate the direction of the stress and not the type of stress (normal stress - shear stress, tension - compression). lJ Butt weld in single V joint Weld K" class K'l Svl 3.0 2.0 1.5 Sv2 Sv3 a) Where Ihe root of the weld is nol given a sealing run, the value of K, shall be increased by one step for K"" and by two steps for K, l' in the series of K, values in table 5.1.1 page 5:7. 2.3 1.7 1.5 a~all b) The value of K, for Sv3 may, in this case, be applied also to TIG dressed welds in Sv2. OU""'- --01 Butt weld in single V jOint Sv1 Sv2 Remarks With root with a sealing run, alternatively welded against a backing strip which is removed cl The connection is capable of transmitting shear lorce. Remarks No Constructional detail Quality elc K, O! Parent material, n.O) 12 ground surface 02 1.5 Rough rolled surface of finish corresponding to a surface rougher than Cutting Class Sk3, see table 5.1.4 1.3 Surface finish corresponding to Sk3, burrs and surface defects removed Parent material. rolled surface Parent material, shot blasted surface 04 Parent material, hot-dip galvanised surface 1.7 Parent material, 1.3 Surface irregularities removed. Edges chamferecl according to Sk3 05 sawn surface 13 011__ --01 Butt weld in single V joint with backing strip left in position Svl Sv2 011 14 Butt weld with incomplete penetration Svl Sv2 OB Thermally cut surface Sk2 Sk3 1.7 I.S Open circular holes 1.5d< c< 3d 2.6 Stress range may be calculated over the gross area. For reamed holes with chamfered edges, the value of K, may be reduced by one step. 2.3 For values of K, for bolted connections, see StBK-N3. ~(J ~ . ---. (1-- c> 3d 2.6 2.0 1.7 3.5 2.6 2.0 Root with sealing run a) 01.-~DJ. __--~-a1. 01 .,;;; 1:2 16 Butt weld at change of plate thickness 2.3 1.7 1.5 3.0 2.3 1.7 Root with sealing run a) ,;:; 1:3 ,;:; 1:4 01. Sv1 Sv2 Sv3 -~ __--~-(Jl (JJ. 0J. ,;:; 1:3 Blitt weld at change of plate width Svl Sv2 Sv3 - 3.0 2.3 1.7 - OJ.-r::li:\ Root with sealing run a) Butt weld in double V joinl K," 2.3 1.7 1.5 ~Oll -01 K,J. 3.0 2.0 1.5b ) 18 Butt weld at g'rder splice __ (JJ. ~ 1:3 OJ.--Svl Sv2 Sv3 5:18 Svl Sv2 Sv3 ___...JJJ. ~,;:; 1:3 ~(J 011--- - R "" 6b 0--- 10 - .,;;; 1:2 3.0 Automatic flash welding Composite connections (studsf 2.6 2.0 011""'- 17 09 4.0 3.S ~Oll ,;:; 1:3 07 2_6 2.0 -01 1.3 See No OS Parent material, sheared surface No sealing run on root. but quality reQuirement applies to the root side also ~all 15 Butt weld al change of plate thickness 06 4.0 2.6 ~all See Nos 02 and 04-07 03 2.6 2.0 ,;:; Svl Sv2 Sv3 - nCIJn Ht::r:ln 3.0 2.3 1.7 Butt weld with sealing run on root a) Rolled or welded girder. The K, value for Sv3, however. applies only to a welded girder. On a welded girder, other sections, see e.g. No 30, shall also be checked. Dynamic strength - Pf'lu:tica! design against fatigue failure No Constructional detail Weld K'n class 19 Butt weld at girder splice Svl Sv2 Sv3 (rolled girder) - K.l. Remarks No Constructional detail 3.0 2.3 2.0 Root with sealing run a). Drilled or ground hole. For Sv3, edges of hole must also be dressed (see No 08) (See Nos 25 and 33 ior welded girders) 27 uCI:Jll 20 Continuous single V T-butt weld Svl at attachment of circular or Sv2 rectangular hollow section Sv3 to stiff plate Svl Sv2 Sv3 5.0 4.0 - Root with sealing run 21 28 5.0 4.0 Svl Sv2 Sv3 a1 t I I--T t-----tau , -I all ~all 4.0 3.5 2.6 5.0 4.0 3.5 all~---a1 Root with sealing run 29 T-butt weld at edge of, or parallel to, stressed plate Svl Sv2 Sv3 Single V T -butt weld -I an' Svl 2.3 3.5 Sv2 Sv3 1.7 2.6 1.5 2.0b) all-"'-"- 30 a1 Svl Sv2 2.6 2.0 4.0 3.0 t Sv3 1.7 2.3 '--T I - 25 Svl Sv2 Sv3 3.0 2.6 23 - T -butt weld, e.g. at beamcolumn JOint a1t -, A-A rBtb~~8 !b . a a1 ~tA-l B-~·t -+ - Manual weld 4.0 3.5 3.0 Automatic weld !~! ,all I I Fillet weld Svl Sv2 Sv3 2.3 2.0 1.7 -I 32 Svl Sv2 Sv3 3.0 2.6 2.3 - - - Section b-b Svl 2.3 3.5 Sv2 1.7 2.6 Sv3 1.5 2.0 Force at Section b-b may be assumed dispersed over 45' as in figure (applies also to rolled column of I section. in which case the values of K, for Section b-b may be put equal to 2.01 I--T Fillet weld on one side only Svl Sv2 5v3 3.0 2.6 2.3 - 3.5 3.0 2.3 - 3.5 3.0 2.3 - - - 1--1 --IL ___: __ -I-all Drilled or ground hole K, values apply to ends of T -butt weld all 33 Section a-a Svl 3.5 Sv2 2.6 Sv3 2.0 ' all-i- __ _~---i all Penetration shall be equal to at least half the plate thickness (bottom plate in the figure 1 OiIEfj +- -.-l-JfrjOUT ---+ 26 1.7 4.0 3.5 3.0 tal I T -butt weld at girder splice (welded girder) 2.6 2.3 +------t- 31 -I.+- __ '___ -f" I--T all 3.5 tal t Incomplete penetration weld 2.6 /~4~a1 Svl Sv2 Sv3 a1 24 5.0 4.0 _~ ~all --~ Fillet weld --I all' Root with sealing run, Symmetrical cross section. I-girder or box girder 'all --t------+ 4.0 3.5 tal a1 23 5.0 4.0 Sv1 Sv2 T -butt weld at edge of, or parallel to, stressed plate all~al T-butt weld 5.0 4.0 I~ 250 mm tal ___ all 22 5.0 4.0 3.5 Sv3 -a1 Butt weld at edge of stressed plate - Remarks -~~~~~:~~~~~~- a ~all all--- - K,l. I a Butt weld at edge of stressed plate Weld K"ll class Fillet weld at girder splice Svl Sv2 Sv3 - - OiImJrj~'T -1-- -+ --134 Intermittent fillet weld between flange and web in I girder --I I,all -1-------+ all' 0-I -- Svl Sv2 Sv3 Drilled or ground hole. Stated K, values apply to ends of fillet weld. Other sections shall also be checked. see e.g. No 12 - t 5:19 Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure Weld K," class No Constructional detail 35 - Svl Sv2 Sv3 Fillet weld at edge of. or parallel to. stressed plate 5.0 4.0 tal K,J. Remarks No Constructional detail - Stated K, values also apply to section through the weld metal 44 5.0 4.0 .....-an - all36 ~ Svl Sv2 Sv3 Fillet weld at edge of. or parallel to. stressed plate 4.0 3.5 2.6 5.0 4.0 3.5 ~~ Stated K, values also apply to section through the weld metal 45 Box girder with stiffeners ii "" - / 450--. al Fillet welded longitudinal cleatc) ~~ f-4 ..~ h= !I'&:II -a' I ' 11: . I':.1 '-la r---It--l;-; t Svl Sv2 Sv3 For I.. 100 mm. values of K, 5.0 may be reduced by one step 4.0 3.0b) Svl Sv2 Sv3 U Iia ~ i I -4+.I, -I a. ttl I 5.0 If width of cleat is less 4.0 than half the plate width. 3.0b) K, values may be reduced by one step. If I > lOO mm. No 48 shall be applied 3.0 2.6 2.0 Manual weld Svl Sv2 Sv3 2.6 2.3 2.0 Automatic weld Svl Sv2 Sv3 - It~ I I . 47 Girder with longitudinal web stiffeners I 1 I~ 100 mm HI I Svl Sv2 Sv3 Fillet weld at transverse attachment c) 5.0 3.5 2.3 i Weld not returned at the ends. Stated K, values may also be applied to T-butt weld ~a !~, I 48 Girder with cover plate aSvl Sv2 Sv3 40 Fillet weld at transverse attachment c) 4.0 Weld returned at the ends. 3.0 Stated K, values may also be 2.0b) applied to T-butt weld I ~a . 49 Girder with cover plate Fillet weld at longitudinal attachment c) Svl Sv2 Sv3 5.0 4.0 3.0 For I .. 100 mm. values of K, may be reduced by one step. Weld not deSigned for transmission of force ;::::::::::::::... a- ~ ~ 0.~ Svl Sv2 Sv3 4.0 3.5 2.6 ~(J Good contact between rail and top flange. Rail and girder are assumed to interact when fll is determined. but not when"lI is determined (fm~mlilIl - With transverse fillet weld. 5.0 For Sv3. transverse weld and 4.0b) at least 50 mm of longitudinal welds nearest the corners shall be dressed. . 50 Girder with cover plate Sv3 3.0 ~o Transverse fillet weld shalt be dressed to taper of 1:3 or less. At least 50 mm of longitudinal fillet welds nearest the corners shall be dressed to Sv3 a--- aContinuous beam with stiffeners Svl over intermediate supports (the Sv2 figure shows three alternatives) Sv3 Svl Sv2 Sv3 ~a ~ -!::-~~(J ~~ --~~ Intermittent fillet weld between crane rail and crane girder With or without transverse 5.0 fillet weld to Sv2. 4.ob) For Sv3. transverse weld and at teast 50 mm of longitudinal welds nearest the corners shall be dressed. a- ~a a- 5:20 Svl Sv2 Sv3 I!) 46 Girder with longitudinal web stiffeners I 38 Fillet welded transverse cleatC) 43 Weld returned at the ends. Stated values of K, also apply to single stiffeners ~ all--- 42 3.5 3.0 2.6 1 1 .~ 41 Svl Sv2 Sv3 Il1 ,D ttl _all ~= ....~ 39 '" (f, iff, < 0.6",) shall be calculated at edge of stiffener. Weld returned at the ends. Stated values of K, also apply to single stiffeners -al tal 37 Remarks 3.5 2.6 2.0 Svl Beam with web stiffeners in the span and over end supports Sv2 (see also No 43) Sv3 ffWI)mJIl! ----~>II'Ii!' Weld K, class 4.0 3.0 2.3 ", (f, iff, > 0.6",) shall be calculated at edge of stiffener. Weld returned at the ends 51 Girder with cover plate Svl Sv2 Sv3 2.3 2.0 1.7 ~a a- Refer to section at least one flange width from the end of the flange plate Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure No Constructional detail Weld K. class 52 Fillet welded connection of member Svl 5v2 Sv3 ' , --I +~ ! :. '-a ! JI +-53 5.0 4.0 3.5 Remarks Kx values for pressure vessel nozzles under pulsating internal pressure, from ret (43). Table 5.2.4 Type Joint Fatigue strength N/mm at Kx N = 2· 104 105 Svl 5v2 5v3 fillet welded connection of member 2· 106 5.0 1 ~ 3.5 140 102 49 2 rlEh 2.5 152 120 71 3.0 180 177 58 4.0 ! • ·--a fa +~ +- 54 Fillet welded symmetrical Svl Sv2 Sv3 lap Joint a-I ~ : i I 55 11 : i-a 11 11 I : , ~, 5.0 4.0 Sv3 3.5 i_a ~ I! I ! at attachment of circular or rectangular hollow section to stiff plate a Sv2 11 56 Contir,uQus single fillet weld Svl 5v2 5v3 - n 4 AA 3.0 167 116 50 5 ~ 1.9 160 112 52 6 ~ 2.2 195 140 77 I -;::1::::~--1I~ a ~ 250 mm 3 ! Svl Fillet welded symmetrical lap joint a-I 4.0 3.5 3.0bl 5.0 4.0 The arrow indicates the area for the kx value. 5:21 Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure Table 5.2.5 a Permissible stress rangeu r N/mm2 at probability of failure QB = lo-l Kx N p 10' 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 900 636 357 228 201 169 1.5 900 598 321 197 172 143 p = 5/6 104 105 6· 105 106 2.106 107 755 425 271 239 201 135 711 382 235 204 170 110 664 344 206 178 146 92 628 306 175 149 120 73 535 248 137 115 92 62 472 219 121 102 81 55 430 200 110 93 74 45 389 181 99 84 67 39 361 168 92 78 62 36 305 142 78 66 52 31 p = 2/3 104 105 6· 105 2.106 107 lOS 900 522 334 294 247 165 874 469 289 251 209 135 817 423 254 219 180 114 772 376 215 183 148 89 658 306 168 142 112 70 581 270 149 125 99 61 529 246 135 114 91 55 479 222 122 103 82 48 444 206 114 96 76 44 376 175 96 81 64 38 p = 1/2 104 105 6· 105 106 2.106 107 900 643 471 428 387 308 900 607 347 326 271 175 900 548 328 284 233 147 900 488 279 238 191 116 854 396 218 184 146 95 754 350 193 162 129 82 687 319 176 148 118 75 621 288 159 134 106 69 576 268 147 124 99 58 488 226 125 105 83 49 p = 113 104 105 6· 105 106 2· Hr 107 900 793 582 555 496 415 900 735 512 480 439 358 900 713 469 416 354 243 900 689 393 335 270 163 900 560 308 260 206 l35 900 494 272 230 182 118 900 451 248 209 166 109 877 407 224 189 150 93 815 378 208 176 l39 81 689 320 176 149 118 69 p = 1/6 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 900 900 804 753 688 559 900 900 711 662 602 481 900 900 700 636 558 412 900 900 635 563 479 328 900 777 483 422 351 240 900 813 448 378 300 205 900 741 408 344 273 185 900 670 369 311 247 144 900 622 342 289 229 l34 900 526 290 244 194 113 104 105 6.105 106 2· 106 107 900 900 900 900 861 690 900 900 900 900 839 645 900 900 900 900 816 594 900 900 900 900 772 521 900 900 876 758 623 395 900 900 789 683 561 356 900 900 811 684 543 318 900 900 679 581 470 288 900 900 634 543 440 269 900 1.3 p =1 p=o 5:22 1.7 559 289 176 149 123 2.0 900 529 258 147 125 101 2.3 900 450 209 115 97 77 2.6 856 398 184 101 86 68 3.0 781 362 168 93 78 62 3.5 705 327 152 84 71 56 4.0 655 304 141 78 66 52 5.0 554 257 119 66 55 44 900 900 560 473 375 220 Dynamic strength - Practical design against fatigue failure Table 5.2.5 b Permissible stress rangeo r N/mm2 at probability of failure Ga = 10-5 P N 900 481 249 150 129 106 2,0 900 450 219 125 107 86 Kx 2,3 /81 363 168 93 78 62 2.6 692 322 149 82 69 55 3.0 642 298 138 76 64 51 3,5 592 275 128 70 59 47 4,0 554 257 119 66 55 44 5,0 491 228 106 58 49 39 p= 1 103 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 900 557 312 199 176 148 1.5 900 514 276 170 148 123 p = 5/6 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 661 372 238 209 176 118 612 328 202 176 146 95 572 296 178 154 126 80 535 261 149 127 102 62 431 200 110 93 76 55 382 177 98 82 69 44 354 164 91 76 61 38 327 152 83 70 56 33 306 142 78 66 52 31 271 126 69 58 46 27 p = 2/3 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 813 457 292 257 216 145 752 404 249 217 180 ll6 704 365 218 189 155 98 658 321 183 156 126 76 530 246 135 114 93 63 470 218 120 101 84 56 436 202 94 75 48 402 186 103 87 69 40 376 175 96 81 64 38 333 155 85 72 57 33 p = 1/2 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 900 592 378 333 280 187 900 522 322 281 233 151 900 472 283 245 201 127 853 416 237 202 163 99 687 319 176 148 118 83 609 283 156 131 108 73 565 262 144 122 97 64 520 241 133 112 89 55 488 226 125 105 83 49 432 201 llO 93 74 43 P = 1/3 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 900 710 50G 470 433 358 900 680 430 397 356 278 900 620 398 344 282 178 900 586 335 286 230 139 900 450 248 209 186 119 861 400 220 186 149 106 799 370 204 172 137 93 736 342 188 159 126 80 689 320 176 149 118 69 610 284 156 132 105 61 p = 1/6 104 105 6· 105 106 2. 106 107 900 900 673 630 577 469 900 892 665 611 545 419 900 850 579 528 466 348 900 831 536 473 399 269 900 741 408 344 273 205 900 658 362 305 242 180 900 610 336 283 225 150 900 562 309 261 207 131 900 526 290 244 194 116 900 466 257 217 172 101 p=o 104 105 6· 105 106 2· 106 107 900 900 900 900 833 644 900 900 900 900 789 554 900 900 900 893 760 522 900 900 900 794 665 439 900 900 811 684 543 333 900 900 668 572 462 298 900 900 623 533 432 270 900 900 599 505 401 234 900 900 561 473 375 220 900 900 497 419 333 195 1.3 1.7 III 5:23 5.3 Example 5.3.2 Examples - Fatigue A welded joint in a crane jib is loaded as shown in figure 5.3.2 Page No. Example 5.3.1 ....... ........... ... ...... ........ ...... ...... ............ ... 5:24 Example 5.3.2 ............................................................... 5:24 Example 5.3.3 Example 5.3.4 5:25 Example 5.3.5 5:26 Example 5.3.6 5:26 Example 5.3.7 5:27 Example 5.3.8 5:27 Example 5.3.9 5:28 Example 5.3.10 5:29 Example 5.3.11 5:29 Example 5.3.12 5:29 Figure 5.3.2 5:25 and designed with the following data: a r = 125 N/mm2 p = 112 Nd = 2· 106 load cycles Weld class Sv2 Probability of failure Qs = 10-5 Example 5.3.1 A frame is spliced with a butt weld as shown below. Weld class Sv 2. The joint is designed to withstand 2· 106 load cycles. Full spectrum, i.e. p = 1. During fabrication, an additional request is made: to put a light on the jib. The fabricator, who wishes to oblige the customer, drills a hole as shown in the figure. What happens to the joint now? What stress range can be. permitted when the probability of failure Qs is: a. 10-2 b. 10-5 Solution: Hole* Weld Figure 5.3.1 case 08 case 13 table 5.2.3 table 5.2.3 Kx = 2.6 Kx = 2.0 'The distance between the weld and the hole is less than the hole diameter. so the two stress-raisers are considered to interact. To adjust for a hole, the nominal stress range shall be multipliE'd by V Kxhole .: a r = 125· v'2.6 = 201 N/mm2 . a rperm in accordance with table 5.2.5b (10-5 ) Solution: Stresses: Mainly bending stresses Critical point: The corner A. Note! Intersecting welds i.e. the highest Kx value is increased by one step in the Kx series Kx.L = 3.5 (Case 13, table 5.2.3) } -+ KXA = 4.0 KXII = 2.0 (12) 5:24 Qs Figure a rperm N/mm2 a) 10-2 b) 10-5 5.2.2 5.2.5 57 43 Kx = 2.0 p 112 Nd = 2· loG = I a rperm = 163 N/mm2 . : a r > a rperm What is the probability of failure now? If we compare with table 5.2.5a, which applies for Qs = 10-3 , we getarJ?e!11J. = 191 N/mm2, so it can be said that QB lies between 1()" and lQ-J Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue Example 5.3.3 A welded joint for a tipping cylinder lug is to be designed against fatigue, and the lug is to be welded to a frame as shown in figure 5.3.3. What throat thickness should be chosen, and will the joint hold? Figure 5.3.3 p = 1 Nd = 6· 105 Weld class Sv2 Q B == 10-3 W, 10· 106 mm 3 Pr = 40 tonnes = The frame is naturally subjected to other loads as well, so this point must be checked for the total load spectrum (including the tipping cycle) that acts on the frame. Example 5.3.4 Assume that someone wishes to load more on his vehicle than the frame permits. The frame must then be reinforced with a cover plate on the flanges. How thick and how long should the reinforcement be? QB = 10-5 Weld class Sv2 p = 2/3 Nd == 2· 106 load cycles 3000 Figure 5.3.4 50 "'I Present design: 2000 IPr = 12 tonnes t 2000 A-o ~ N Pr = 40 tonnes t = ?-l---I------r Solution: Section modulus W = 1.26' 106 mm 3 In the case of a load-carrying fillet weld, cracks can initiate either at the root or in section A-A. Desired design: We check that the lug will hold in section A-A a rl = KXl = P Pr 350· t 40· 104 350. 20 2 = 57 N/mm 4.0 =1 Nd = 6· 105 QB = 10-3 ~ according to table 5.2.5a a rperm = 78 NI mm 2 OKa r < arperm The throat thickness is selected from figure 5.l.36, which gives optimum throat thickness. Assume a certain penetration. Take 2a)/T p = 0.8 Tp = 20 mm~ H/Tp = 0.98~ H = 19.6 throat thickness (a)= ~ = ~ = 13.8 V2 V2 Will the frame hold under the stress concentration effect of the lug? KXII = 2.0 case 51 table 5.2.3 QB = 10-5 Nd = 2/3 = 2· 106 W = new The bending stress in the frame member is: -> (according to table 5.2.5b) a rperm = 126 NI mm 2 18· 104 . 2000 2. 126 = 1.43. 106 mm 3 = 60 N/mm2 The most critical point is at the ends of the weld jOining the lug to the frame member K'II p Nd QB There are two critical points for fatigue here: a. In the middle of the beam along the weld on the cover plate b. At the end welds on the cover plate Point a. determines the required thickness t. P i.e. throat thickness = 14 mm 4 Pr· L a rbend =2. - - = 40· 10 • 3000 W 2· 10· 106 Solution: t:. W "'" (t· 100)' (130 + _t_ ) 2. 2· _1_ = 0.17' 106 mm 3 2 130 t"= 6 mm i.e. 6· 100 mm (case 36 table 5.2.3) = 3.5 = 1 ~ according to !able 5.2.5a = 6· 105 = 10-3 a perm = 84 N/mm2 a r bend < a rperm OK at least for tip loading. End weld (case 48) Kx = 5.0 10-5 p = 2/3 Nd = 2· 106 QB = ~ arperm = 57 N/mm2 5:25 Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue The design section for the cover plate is such that we must calculate where a r = 57 N/mm2 is located for the desired load, but with original W. Example 5,3.6 The fabricator is unfortunately forced to weld a socket to a frame flange with dimensions as shown in figure 5.3.7. a. How much must the stress be reduced? Figure 5.3.5 b. If we TIG-dress the weld, how much must we then reduce the stress? OB = 10-3 Weld class Sv 2 p = 2/3 Figure 5.3.7 For end weld: Mmax = arperm' W = 57·1.26· 106 Nmm 57· 1.26' 106 . 2 . Distance from support L = 4 18· 10 Nd = 2· 106 ) o co 90 78 = 798"'" 800 mm 12 1.. 100 .1 i.e. the length of the cover plate = 4000 - 2 . 800 = 2400 mm Solution: The critical point is the transition between the flange and the weld for the socket. Example 5.3.5 A socket for a hydraulic tube is to be welded onto a vehicle frame. If the frame has the dimensions shown in figure 5.3.6, how high can the socket be made if it is welded at the neutral layer and the frame is designed against fatigue? Os = 10-5 Figure 5.3.6 Weld class Sv 2 p = 1/3 Nd = 2· 106 - ~C::::;;:::::;;:J [} ) The following applies for the longitudinal weld on the beam: KXII = 2.0 case 31 table 5.2.3 OB = 10-3 = 2/3 = 2.106 P Nd -> arperm (table 5.2.5bl = 148 N/mm2 For the top surface of the flange 90 2 armaxperm= 148· 78 = 171 N/mm a. But when we weld the socket on, Kx = 3.0 (case 40) and 0rmaxperm = 91 N/mm 2 , i.e. 47% reduction! o N N 20 Thus, this socket, whir::h is non-load-carrying, completely determines the fatigue strength of the beam! b. TIG dressing, whose purpose is to improve the geometry of the weld, can be employed to great advantage here Figure 5.3.8 Solution: TIG dressing The height of the socket shall match a rperm for the longitudinal weld. I Case 32 table 5.2.3 gives: KXII = 2.6 5 OB = 10p = 1/3 Nd = 2.106 -> according to table 5.2.5b a rperm = 149 N/mm2 The socket gives Kx case 39 = 3.5 andorperm = 126 N/mm2 h is calculated from 220/2 - 20 149 h/2 126 - - - - - = - - -> h = 152 mm A TIG-dressed weld of class Sv 2 may, for certain joints (where TIG dressing brings about an improvement), be counted as Sv 3. Case 40 Sv 3 Kx = 2.0 Owing to the stress gradient, a rmax perm = 148 NI mm2 armax perm = °rmax 148 = 0.86 148. 90 78 Le. 14% reduction with TIG dressing compared to 47% without TIG dressing' In order to obtain the same strength in the beam after welding of the socket, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the flange to 23 mm in case a. and 14 mm in b. 526 Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue Example 5.3.7 A skilled designer has located his welds where the stresses are low in the structure. Accordingly, the maximum stress is located where the material is unaffected. How much lighter can the structure (the beam) be made of WELOOX 700 than of S 355 (BS 50) with the same overall dimensions? Figure 5.3.9 o Mr( (((!(((((((((((l(((((((((({ )Mf N no = WELDOX 700 as = 700 N/mm2 What is the difference in weight between the two steel grades? 3 Moment of inertia I "" 2· [ t'100 12 + 30· t· 452 ] = = t· 2.88' 105 (mm4) __ t= 10 mm CV) ------- Two steels are usually considered: as 350 N/mm2 < arperm! S 355 Required section modulus W = ~ orperm -W§QJ, 1.8· 104 . 1650 = 8.49. 104 mm3 350 Ws 355 Solution: w"", 2· t' 6320' + 2· _1_ ·160· t· 160'zt'85335 1.8· 104 . 1650 439 W WELDOX 700 = = 6.77' 104 mm3 160 W= _1_ 50 Mr = 0rperm' W For material unaffected by welding, a rperm = kB . a rperm with k8 obtained from table 5.2.2 Kx mill scale case 02 table 5.2.3 = 1.3 5 OB = 10- =1 Nd = 2· 10° p S 355 1 a fperm = 148 N/mm2 (table 5.2.5b) Kx = 1.3 kB = 1.2 WX 700 Kx = 1.3 kB = 1.5 t\'IX 700' k 1 · 222 t= W' 50 2.88.105 t BS 50 D = 8.49· 104 . 50 2.88' 105 = 14.7, i.e. 16 mm tWELDOX 700 = 11.7 mm i.e. 12 mm What is the difference in weight for two forks? a rperm = 148· 1.2 = 178 N/mm2 a rperm = 148· 1.5 = 222 N/mm2 = 10· k 1 · 178-> tWX700 = 8 mm The cross-sectional areas m = Ltot ' 2 . 260· t . 7800· 10-9 [ kg] mBS 50 0 = 3300·2· 260· 16· 7800· 10-9 = 214 kg mox 812 = 160 kg t.m "wx 700 (640 + 320) . 8 = 54 kg or 25%! ABS 50 D (640 + 320) . 10 i.e. Awx 700 ABS 50 0 = 0.8 i.e. 20% lighter! Figure 5.3.10 A Example 5.3.8 A designer has to choose a material for a log grapple mounted on a forklift truck. The log grapple must be able to withstand 3 tonnes (1.8 tonnes on each of the two tines, since the load may be unbalanced). The profile of the grapple shall be as shown in figure 5.3.10. The fabricator can weld to class Sv 2, and a probability ot failure of OB = 10-3 is considered adequate. Ltot = 3300 mm 3 ton K, 11 = 2.0 / Sv 2 - __ Gas-cut, cutting class 3 Sk3-K x = 1.5 / Solution: First, we have to know the load spectrum and the required service life. = 2· 106 for Use e.g. table 5:2.1, which gives p = 1/3 and Nd forks on forklift trucks at sawmills. The critical point is the gascut surface in section A-A. Kx = 1.5 case 07 table 5.2.31 OB = 10-3 P = 1/3 Nd = 2· 106 o o :c :c o o 0"1 ~t * gives equal fatigue strength when Kx gas-cut = 1.5 and KXII welded = 2.0 -> a rpe(m = 439 N/mm2 (table 5.2.5a) 5:27 Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue Example 5.3.9 A stress spectrum on the frame (S 355) of an industrial truck (prototype) has been measured as shown below during 10 hours of typical operation at a point where a risk of fatigue failure is considered to exist. (After some time, the frame broke here.) The frame has the dimensions specified in the figure and must be spliced due to limitations in fabrication technology. Have the right steel and plate thickness been chosen to achieve a life of 104 hours (4 years) with a probability of failure QB = a fmax E; as 1O-3? Nd ". 1.019· 106 load cycles and the value of p lies between 0 and 1/6. choose p = 116. since the largest contribution to the cumulative damage takes place at N > 105 . The value of Kx at point Dis then determined. Sv 2, intersecting welds! Kxll "'" 2.0 case 12 table 5.2,3 (can be compared to longitudinal butt weld) Kx.l = 3.5 case 13 Kx tot { Kx increased by one step} = 4.0 Figure 5.3.11 = = 4.0 10-3 1 P = 1/6 Kx a rperm = 289·N/mm 2 (table 5.2.5a) QB Nd "" 106 We havea r ax = 500 N/mm2 and 10 mm plate thickness. So it wasn't so sFrange that the frame broke at this particular point. Increase the plate thickness to 500. 10 = 17.3 mm 289 Take 18 mm plate thickness a rperm < O's for S 355 (BS 50) .,' S 355 is adequate here. We also check point E. Only longitudinal weld Sv 2, Kx 11 = 2.0 Kxll = 2.0 I ~B : ~?: -+according to t~ble 5.2.5ao rperm Nd B-B Weld class Sv 2 at E. D, S, A Sv 1 at C = 106 The maximum stress range at point E after the increase in plate thickness = 289· 2540 = 489 N/mm 2. (It was even 1500 larger before!) Measured stress spectrum ar N/mm2 aria rmax 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 N 10 hours Ntot N 104 hours 1· 163 1 2 3 6 25 52 75 183 235 437 This means that the actualarmax = 489 N/mm2 is less than arperm = 563 N/mm 2 . 1· 163 2 3 6 25 52 75 183 235, 437 3 6 12 37 89 ',' 18 mm WELD OX 100 164 Now we also check the weld for the buckling stiffener at point C, a - (section depthf approximately 347 582 Nd = 1019 a r maxc = (650)2. 600 . 289 = 76.3 N/mm2 800 1500 Sv 1-+ Kx = 5.0 case 39 (Note! not intersecting welds) First we determine the value of p from the measured spectrum by plotting the histogram. Note that we may disregard the 100 largest a r-values. ~~ ~ ~ "-. 1-"'" 0.5 i"-.. ~ 1 -........ i'l """ '" 5:28 Nd = -+table 5.2.5aa rperm = 244 N/mm2 106 .,' Steel WElDOX 700, plate thickness 18 mm! ~ ~ r-....l ....... ~~ 102 ~~ : !~-31 OK sincearmaxC= 76.3 <a rperm = 244 N/mm2 Figure 5.3.12 Ur/ur max o OK. Bur larger than 0' 5S355 = 350 N/mm'. Not enough! WElDOX 700 must be used here! Solution: 1.0 = 563 N/mm 103 104 r-... 105 p= 1/3 ............ ~ L 1/6 ~ 106 Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue Figure 5.3.13 Example 5.3.10 or/omax A critical point in a welded structure has the following data: Kx = 3.0 QB = 10-3 P == 2/3 Nd = 107 R = a min --> table 5.2.5aorperm = 53 N/mm2 = _ 0.6 °max a min = - 20 N/mm2 i.e. we have an external stress which becomes compressive some time during the load cycle. Question: Is it possible to increaseorperm by means of stress relieving so that we meet the conditionormax = 65 N/mm 2 ? oL---~----~--~~===d 10 3 102 104 10 6 10 5 Nd = 10 5 Which steel can be used when QB = 10 -5? Solution: Use figure 5.1.21, which gives the factor kR = 1.13 for R = -0.6 a rpermstress.rel. = kR . a rperm Solution: Table 5.2.5b p = 0 and 105 givesorperm = 900 N/mm2 a rpermstress-rel. = 1.13' 53 = 60 NI mm 2 < a rmax i.e. WELDOX 900 up to and including Kx = 5.0! Answer: No (Note: This is an actual application today!) Example 5.3.11 Example 5.3.12 A mobile crane only utilizes its maximum capacity about 250 times during its life. It frequently utilizes its lifting height, how- The frame for a forwarder (an articulated forestry machine for hauling felled timber cross-country) is considered to be too heavy. The material that has been used in the frame is S 355. It has not been thought possible to utilize a higher yield strength, owing to the stress-raising effect of the welded joints. The rear frame is now to be redesigned. ever. A typical load spectrum is shown in figure 5.3.13. Figure 5.3.14 Mk ~ I P210ad Present design Log bunk Crane moment Mk ~ Crane mount 3.5 5.0 Bogie mount Moment and Transverse force from front section O KXll=1.7 t=10 320 A-A o Marks critical points for fatigue failure The numbers indicate Kx values in Sv 2 120 Proposed design Frame length 4300 mm o Section 0-0 Section E-E 5:29 Dynamic strength - Examples - fatigue The loads come for the most part from the front section, the crane, the log bunks and the bogie (the 'rear axle'). Experience shows that extreme loads can easily arise in connection with e.g. loading and driving over very rough terrain. It has been necessary to utilize S 355 up to its yield stress (350 N/mm2) for such cases. A probability of failure Qs 10.3 , a load spectrum p 1/3 and a life Nd 2 . 106 are assumed. The fabricator can weld to class Sv 2, but does not accept grinding. How much lighter can the frame be made? Can steel with a higher yield strength be utilized? The present design of the frame is shown in figure 5.3.14. = = = Now we only have the longitudinal weld on the frame beams as the limiting Kx. It would also be possible to move this weld to the web and utilize the ks factor and be able to use steel with a higher yield strength. In this situation, all welds must be moved even more towards the middle of the web and be located on an area of 0.2 . H (beam depth) in order that e.g. WELDOX 700 may be utilized to its limit. If we can do this, we have come a long way! Usually, it proves difficult in practice to come below 0.4 . H, and then we should be able to permit stresses as shown in figure 5.3.15. Figure 5.3.15 Solution: Mark the most probable positions of the critical points and indicate the Kx values. Calculations, testing or experience will show where the most critical points are. This analysis is not carried out here. The result is that we have largely the same high fatigue stresses along the entire frame on the top and bottom flanges. It is then relatively easy to identify the most critical points, those with the highest Kx values. The bogie mount, Kx = 5.0, determines the maxa rperm which, according to table 5.2.5a, is: Kx = 5.0 p = 1/3 Nd = 2· 106 orperm = 118 N/mm2 This was, .of course, known, and a plate thickness in the frame beams of up to lD mm was therefore chosen. We redesign the frame and try to move the welds to areas of low stress and simultaneously reduce the Kx values. A proposed design is shown at the bottom of the figure (fig. 5.3.14). Section B-B: The crane mount has been welded to the vertical plates instead of directly to the beams. The reinforcement wedge has been pulled up on the beam web and the vertical weld against the beam web goes only so far down that it is of the same strength as the longitudinal weld on the beam. Note also the vertical plate's weld against the beam. Section C-C: Mount for bottom and top protective plate is combined and plug-welded to the beam web. Section D-D: No weld on beam flanges! Section E-E: The log bunks are fastened with bolted jOints and the tubes are positioned so that the Kx value and o rperm match Kx and 0 rperm on the flanges of the frame beam. 5:30 0 , " {,;"-_-; K. = 3.5- 0, = 15.0 N/mm2 Orperm= 375 N/mm2 Assume that Kxflange = 1.7 is limiting, thenorperm = 354 N/mm2. Compare this to the original permissible stress range of 118 N/mm 2. We can then reduce the thickness of the plate in the beams to 118 - - 'lD= 3mm! 354 This is an unrealistic plate thickness in practice. Choose therefore t = 6 mm! There is a risk here now! In the original proposed design, the yield stress 350 N/mm2 had been utilized for extreme loads. The stress from these loads now increases to: 10 "'6 . 350 = 583 N/mm 2 Therefore choose WELDOX 700 (as = 700 N/mm2) t = 6 mm, then the frame can withstand both fatigue and extreme 10ads.WELDOX 700 is also better able to withstand unforeseen extreme loads in fatigue. When the frame is 4300 mm long, the weight reduction is then: dm = M· L· (2B' 2H)' 7800· lD-9 dm = (10 -6)' 4300 (2·120 + 2· 320)' 7800· lD-9 = 118 kg i.e. about 100 kg lighter, which means when the frame weighs a total of about 800 kg, about 12% lighter! 5,4 Something about crack propagation Page No. Calculation method for crack propagation under fatigue load If we examine figure 5.1.4, which shows how a crack propagates a distance A a during a load cycle I:!. N, we can see that there must be some relationship between the steel, a r' A a and I:!. N in order that the way in which a crack grows may be described. Such a relationship is the Paris fatigue crack propagation equation: Calculation method for crack propagation under fatigue load .............................................. ,', .. ,....... 5:31 Example ................................ ,.... ', ........... " .. ,........ ,.... " ... 5:33 Design data ....................... " ........................................... 5:35 ~~ - crack propagation per load cycle in mm/cycle This section is not specific to WELDOX and HARDOX steels, but is nevertheless of great interest in dealing with fatigue and in evaluating how rapidly a crack propagates under fatigue load. Crack propagation is one of the areas of Material Scienc(i! in which large advances have been made recently. C and m are material constants I:!.K == variation in stress intensity N/mm 3/2 , MN/m3/2 What is meant by stress intensity? If we are to describe the stress of a sharp notch using elastic theory, the maximum stress is: G max = anominal (1 + 2 ~ ) where a is the depth of the notch r is the radius of the notch Introduction So far, our treatment of fatigue has been aimed mainly at determining what happens at the end of a component's life: Failure or no failure, This is not enough in some cases; it is also necessary to be able to determine how a crack initiates and how rapidly it propagates, Different phases during fatigue are of interest in connection with different structures. 1. Automobile engines: "Cracks must not form." Infinite life is aimed at. Crack propagation is of little interest here. Design and production eliminate all factors th-at promote the initiation of cracks, 2, Welded structures, e,g. bridges, offshore drilling rigs, reactor vessels: "It is unrealistic to assume that welded structures are free of defects." We must therefore assume that cracks already exist and the initiation phase is of no interest. Crack propagation is, however, of great interest. How long is the safe life of the structure? 3, Airplanes: "Finite life is accepted," Both initiation and propagation of the crack are of interest. Where our steels are involved, it is usually point 2 that attracts the greatest interest. In fatigue cracks, r is extremely small, so that a max ---> 00, The state of stress must therefore be described in some other way, for which purpose the concept of stress intensity is excellent. K==a nom == stress intenSity MN/m 3/2 , N/mm 3/2 a nom = nominal stress in undisturbed region M NI m2 == NI mm 2 a == crack depth m, mm f ( ~, 8 , ,. ) = geometry function that describes the size w of the crack in relation to other dimensions, location etc. Stress intensity can be described in this form for all cracks, It is only f(:,8 ... ) that is more or less complicated. For a central crack in a very large plate as shown in figure 5.4.1, for example t( Figure 5.4.1 (Jnom ~LLlLl_ULltlJ~ I I I I I I I :,8 ... ) 1 == L\. K is then the variation of the stress intensity when the stress varies by L\. a Since we are talking about crack propagation and a crack only propagates under tensile stress, we must impose a restriction when it comes to L\. a, l:J.a = a max -a min. a > 0 I I ! ~'f (:,8 ... ) I· 2, ·1 i I If we take the log of the Paris equation da - C (!:J. K dN r, we have da log = m' log L\. K + log c dN I I I I T1T1TfTlTfTrnr anom K = a nom . ~ for a through crack which is the equation of the straight line in a log-log diagram, where m is the slope, This is also the line of regression obtained in crack propagation experiments, see figure 5.4,2, What is interesting here is the coupling to the SoN diagrams of welds. As was pOinted out previously, the fatigue of welded jOints consists mostly of crack propagation, If the slope of an S-N curve (n) for a welded joint is compared with the slope of the line of regression in crack propagation experiments (m), we find that n = - m. See figure 5.4,3. 5:31 Dynamic strength - Something about crack propagation 5.4.2 We know from section 5, L that below Cl given notch effect in combination with low stress, a crack cannot propagate. An endurance limit exists here. This is represented in the crack propagation diagram in the form of an asymptote. Below about 10~ mm/cycle, the curve is almost vertical. At very small da/dN, we can determine the threshold value 6. Kth . 11 K < 11 Kth thus results in no crack growth. 11 Kfu for WELDOX 700 8.9 MN/m3/2 and for HARDOX 400 8.7 MN/m3/2, perpendicular to the direction of rolling, and R = O. The endurance limit (1ru can be obtained from the definition of 11 K: log~ dN mm/cycle = = _ a ru - 6.K th ~o'f (~, e .. ) Note that this equation contains ao - the actual crack length. Thus, an S-N diagram can, in principle, be plotted on the basis of crack propagation, see figure 5.4.4. 1O-5+----~ figure 5.4.4 log Or \ Omax = Rm log 11 K N/mm 312 N =_1_ k or" n Figure 5.4.3 logo, n o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 log N S-N curve derived from theories of fracture mechanics. log N log~ dN m =- n Near the threshold value, the stress ratio R = 0 min/O max exercises an influence which can be very great in some cases. This is disregarded in this general treatment. At large values of 6. K, we will approach a critical value 6. K--> Kc (fracture toughness) when the crack propagates unstably and a "final fracture" is obtained. Handbooks exist with tables of different values of K for different geometries, for example in ref. (29), and a collection is provided in ref. (30). (Cf. fig. 5.4.10-17). When it comes to welded joints, the geometry is special and the crack lengths are small (for most of the life of the joint). Maddox (Welding Institute) has proposed that the geometry function f (~ ... ) be multiplied by the factor Mk. When it comes to very short cracks, f (~ ... ) for most crack geometries "'" 1 and can thus be replaced with this value. For welds: 6.K = Mk '6.0' \Ga log I!J. K 5:32 Mk is dependent on weld geometry and relative crack depth and is a function of a. In most cases, we can put Mk equal to a constant. Dynamic strength - Something about crack propagation Figure 5.4.5 when ao « Mk ai, we can leave out the term containing at l-~ Approximate values of Mk (a/t '" 0.01, a = crack depth, t = plate thickness) Butt weld Nf = 2 ._ao~___ C (M k . do . film ~_ 1 for m,* 2 0>0 2 The constants C and m are dependent upon microstructure, environment and, to some extent, R value. The variation of C has the greatest influence. According to Gurney, ref. (31), the approximate values for structural steels and their welds are: Load-carrying fillet weld C;: 1.832· 10-13 and m = 3.0 Mk = 2.5-3.5 N-mm system These values have also been verified for WELDOX and HARDOX steels. The initial size of the crack (defect) is obtained from nondestructive testing. When it comes to welds, it can be assumed that the notch at the weld toe gives a typical average value of ao = 0.15 mm and a typical max. value of ao '" 0.40 mm. Calculation procedure for estimation of life 1. Determine the size of the initial crack. If this has to be Non-load-carrying fillet weld' l- Mk = 2.0-2.8 estimated, choose one that is sufficiently large to be improbable. 2. Calculate do 3. Select Mk 4. Select C and m if these are not known from similar tests, or assume as above. 5. Use the Paris fatigue crack propagation equation· 6. Fatigue life factor >3 (usually 4, depending on scope of inspection) in view of scatter in data. 7. Compare with desired life. *If we have several levels of do, the calculation can be carried out in steps. - Mk = 2.0-2.8 Example 5.4.1 A connecting rod made of WELDOX 700 for a compacting machine that compacts refuse has been deeply scored (score depth 2.2 mm). See figure 5.4.6. Figure 5.4.6 Approximate values are given in figure 5.4.5. The Paris equation can now be written: ~ = C (M k ' do' "I/liar dN And this can be integrated in accordance with the following formula from an initial crack ao to critical crack size. And since C, Mk , do and m are constants, the following is obtained: l-~ 2 1 l-~ 2 N, = -----=,.--. _af'--_ _-_a-"!o___ for m C (M k ' /la. fir 1_~ 2 '* 2 The customer doesn't dare operate the machine, since he thinks there is a risk of fatigue failure, which would lead to very extensive damage. It takes 6 weeks to get a new connecting rod, and a mountain of refuse quickly starts to grow. Question: Can he run the machine without risking fatigue failure during the 6 weeks while he is waiting for the new part, during which time he compacts 2000 times/day a.nd a max = 180 N/mm2 and a min = - 30 N/mm2 in the cross section in question? The plate is 20 mm thick. Solution: The initial crack is known to be 2.2 mm deep do = 180 N/mm2 There is no weld here. 5:33 Dynamic strength - Something about crack propagation The function f (~ ) can be tal<en from figure 5.4.17, and f (! ) ~ C "" 1.832· 10-13 m= 3.0 1 _ 18-0·5 + 8.5-05 1.832· 10-13 n.5· 120· v'iYo 0.5 1.5 for an elliptical surface crack gives K = 1.12'0 v;ra 1.832· 10-13 C= N f = 3.71 . 104 cycles m= 3.0 NI = ----------------------~13 1.832· 10- 0.12' 180· Vn to 2.2 3 1-2 With a fatigue life factor of 3, we may expect the life to be 1.24, 104 cycles. 3 --1 2 NI = 3.18' 105 cycles With a fatigue life factor of 3, we can permit"'" 105 cycles 2000 compactions/day in 6 weeks = 2000· 7· 6 = 8.4· 104 cycles '.' we can use the machine for 6 weeks and then replace the connecting rod. Example 5.4.2 Example 5.4.3 A weld on a manhole cover has dimensions according to figure 5.4.9 Figure 5.4.9 20 Load-carrying fillet welds have been made with insufficient throat thickness, and there is no S-N diagram for this case. -H- ~ What is the approximate fatigue life? am., = 120 N/mm2 Omln = 0 A-~ 0max= 150N/mm2 0min = 0 Kx { section A-A} = 4.0 What life is obtained with a) Crack propagation theory b) S-N diagram Solution: The crack initiates from the root and propagates through the weld metal. Here, 2a o "" 2af, so the value of af must be estimated. Solution: What throat thickness is needed to ensureo max = 120 N/mm2 to prevent plastic yielding? /),,0 = °max . t = 2· athroat thickness' as' Y2 120·20 - - - == athroat thickness' 500 . Y2 2 athroat thickness = 1.69 mm"" 2 mm af = 10 + 8· v'2 - 2 . v'2 == 10 + 6· Y2 = 18.5 mm f ( ~ ) :Central crack in finite in-plane-loaded plate, fig. 5.4.10 a/w = ao 10 + 8Y2 == ~ "" 0.4 Figure 5.4.8 C = 1.832· 10-13 Nr = m = 3.0 0.15-05 1 1.832· 10-13 (2.5' 150· v'ir"t 0.5 NI = 9.6' 104 "" 105 b) S-N diagram figure 5.2.1 (fracture curves) for p = 1 ~ N f = 3· 105 cycles = 4.0 = 150 N/mm2 Agrees fairly well with a) 21.3 ~ = 0.7 as an average value during propagation w a) Assume initial crack a o == 0.15 mm 150 N/mm2 Mk == 2.5 "well made" weld (little stress concentration) Example 5.4.4 If, in example 5.4.3, we also require a residual strength that gives a maximum permissible crack depth = 3 mm, how many load cycles will the structure withstand then? Solution: The S-N diagram, which only gives the number of cycles tu failure, cannot solve this problem. ao = o.i 5 mm co + _3-05 + 0.15-05 1 o 1.832· 5:34 af = 3 mm With the same data as above, we obtain: 10-13 (2.5' 150· fit 0.5 NI = 3.72' 104 load cycles. Compare with example 5.4.3. NI = 3· 105 .: Most of the fatigue life is expended at the start of crack propagation. Dynamic strength - Something about crack propagation Figure 5.4.10 Figure 5.4.11 00 i i Kr= 0 0' Via fl (W'~) t == ~ • I~ I1 (W·~) l ao -I 2W Mo 14 2h K1= 00' vJia· fi6 0.4 (W) 6 Mo 3.5 oo=~ h W f l 6 (~) 3.0 1.15 V 0.7 1.10 2.0 1----+--+----l---+--;---cF---;<-+-7"~.." 0.8 1.0 1.05 1. 5 t---+---t--7f---:J'£--:;;./""-:;~7f""-----::?f---7I 00 1.0 OLIIIIIiiii~0~.1~~0~.2~==oE.3:::::==0[.4=--oL.5--0L.6--.-J0. 7 1.00 a V / ;/ o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 a 0.5 W W Figure 5.4.13 Figure 5.4.12 2a a L- ..c I-- N 14 2W ·1 3.0 00 15 (t· if) 2.5 1.15 W 11 2.0 LlO W 11 1.05 1.00 16 4 2 1 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 c 11 2.0 1.5 \\ '--2 t-- 4 6 8 a 10 r 5:35 5.0 1.4 h/W=y 1.3 1.2 ------- 1.1 0.1 0.2 ,/"" ./ :/ /' < ~ 4.0 // l.---"" W - 3 0.3 0.4 0.5 / 3.0 2.0 0.6 a 0.7 1.0 o 0.1 W -- ~ 0.2 V 0.3 / 0.5 0.4 -M Surface crack: 6M (c) I nternal crack: ( a) Kr = (10 v'lTii' f 10 C TW2 (10 = a KI= 1.12 (1o·Vi'a·!lQ a t = thickness J 2.5 / 2.0 1.5 --5:36 0.1 0.2 -- :/ ------- 0.3 0.4 1.0 / 0.5 - I - -r-- 0.5 0.6 a W 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 a W Figure 5.4.17 Figure 5.4.16 / / ---- 0.6 0.8 a c 1.0 0.7 5.5 Design of panels against impact. Page No. Table 5.5.1 Yield strength N/mm2 guaranteed typical value Steel Mild Steel (MS) S 235 (BS 40, St 37-2) 220 250 High-Strength Steel (HS) S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3) 350 380 Extra High-Strength Steel WELDOX 700 700 750 Abrasion-Resistant Steel (AR) HARDOX400 900 1050 Problem description and consequences .................. ........ 5:37 Mechanics .... ....... ...... .............. .......... .............. ............... 5:37 When elastic theory can be used ..................................... 5:38 Plastic theory must be used for extreme loads ................ , 5:39 Design data and formulas for extreme loads .................... 5:39 Examples ....... .... ........ ...... ............ ........ ........................ ... 5:38 Problem description When panels are subjected to abrasive wear, impact stresses also frequently arise, for example in bins and hoppers, truck bodies, feed tables, pioe bends, underbody protection plates, loader buckets etc. As we all know, impact stresses cause undesirable dents in the panels. A higher yield strength indirectly means that the steel is harder, which is extremely important in most cases of abrasion. When new structures are to be designed or a better material is to be chosen, it is necessary to proceed by trial and error. This costs a great deal of time and money. There is a need for: - Comparison between different steels under impact - Design philosophy - Design data - Analytical models Figure 5.5.1 A simple approach for the low-speed « 10 m/sI impact phenomenon is given below. Mechanics As a result: - The abrasion will be concentrated primarily to the peaks on the panel, leading to rapid wear. - The transported material will stick more readily to the panel. - Friction increases. - The structure gives an impression of weakness. The concentration of abrasion to the peaks is disastrous for stiffened panels (such as dumptruck bodies), since the plate will rapidly wear out over the welded joint. Sticky material will collect in the "valleys" ,(the dents) and thereby provide a substrate for additional sticking. When the material slides along the panel (e.g. during dumping) this will give rise to very high friction (which in practice often requires a steeper tipping angle). Even without material adhesion, friction will increase owing to the wavy surface, and this is often a very great disadvantage, for example on underbody protection plates (on off-road vehicles). In general, a structure with pents and heavily deformed panels looks weak in the eyes of the end user! The dents are most obvious on the side of the plate that is not subjected to impact and abrasion. This side is usually painted, and the paint is brittle, so that the impact marks appear as ugly "sunbursts". After some time, the cracks rust and the "sunbursts" stand out even more. In order to be able to tackle the problem correctly, it is important to be familiar with the mechanics of impact. If, for example, we study the loading of a vehicle, the entire system can be regarded as a "mass-spring system". See figure 5.5.2. Often, a certain mass m (kg) is given, for example a stone falling from a specified height h (m). The energy input to the system is Etot = m' g' h (Nm), (g = 9.81 m/s2). Figure 5.5.2 h "mx+kx=F" mXl-klX ... m2x2+ klXj-... x m3 3+ .. . m4 x4+ .. . m/e.g. rock The dents often irritate the end user more than wear! The designer must therefore try to minimize the plastic deformations to a level that can be accepted by the end user. We know that plastic deformation can be reduced if we choose a steel with a high yield strength. It is also known that the thicker the plate, the less plastic deformation there will be. Thick plate weighs more and costs more! The best technical-economic solution is to use a plate with a high yield strength! A comparison of the yield strengths of different steels is given in table 5.5.1. kl spring constant of panel m2 mass of body k2 spring constant of body mounts m3 mass of frame k3 axle spring constant m4 mass of axles and wheels k4 tyre spring constant 5:37 Dynamic strength - Design of panels against impact Such a system can be described by force equations Solution: and the result is a system of differential equations that is solved with the aid of numerical methods and a computer. It is the contact force (PI) between the stone and the panel, i.e. the force in spring kl' which is of the greatest interest during the impact. along with the parameters which influence its magnitude. Usually m and m2 are of r.oughly the same order of magnitude, in which case almost all of the energy of m will be transmitted to m2 before m2 can start to move, at which point the maximum force (P1maxl in spring kl has already been reached. Due to the inertia of m;t. Pmax in spring kl is largely independent of the resilient mounting k2 of m2. which can be proven by calculations. While a softer spring k2 spares the frame and underlying parts in the system, it does not appreciably affect PImax ' Interest should therefore be concentrated on the parameters m, h, m2 and k} when studying the force Plan the panel. The influence of the size and fall height of the falling mass is obvious. Reducing m2 reduces P1max slightly, but for practical reasons, it is only possible to reduce m2 by about 20%, in which case the reduction of Pimax will only be marginal. A weaker spring kl could, however, lead to an appreciable reduction of P1max' If kl (the body) is made too weak, the risk of plastic deformation will increase. Thanks to the high yield strengths of the WElDOX and HARDOX steels, kl can be made fairly small without a risk of plastic deformation (but not for extreme loads!), e.g. HARDOX 400 in the plating and WElDOX 700 or WElDOX 900 in the ribs. Experience shows that the deformation of the plate will be circular as vieyved from above, which means that we can approximate the panel as being circular and rigidly clamped. (mx + kx = P (xl l, We further assume the propagation of the load to be 2· ro= 30 mm. The stress will be greatest directly underneath the load, and the stressor can be calculated from (3) case 7, page 218: Or = ~ [(m + 1) log ~+ (m + 1) r 2n m Iro 4a When designing panels against impact, we assume the most stringent load case that the structure is guaranteed to withstand. An elastic approach involves the assumption that the given energy (E = mgh) is to be absorbed elastically. This is represented 'by the area underneath the curve in a load displacement diagram (P -!:J.) in figure 5.5.3. p Ps+-------f p+-----Jf 0: ] 3 . p. (m 2 _ 1) . a2 Deformation !:J. = 4 . n . E· m2 . e For the elastic case 2 ro = 30 mm m The elastic case Figure 5.5.3 300 . ra dIUS a = - 2 a k 1 v 1 0.3 300 -2- = 150 mm = 210000 N/mm2 lOmm E P !:J. 4n E m2 ~ 3 (m 2 -1) a2 k p2 4.2961 . 104 N/mm p2 4288· 1aJ· 4.2961 . 104 • 2 P 6.06' 105 N i.e. 60 tonnes! Eel' 2 k With substituted values, 0 = 8670 N/mm2. This is greater than Os = 700 N/mm2 (for WELD OX 700), which means that the panel will be plastically deformed. 155 kg falling from 2.82 m on a panel made of 10 mm 700 N/mm2 steel is not a particularly high requirement. How large a mass will such a panel just be able to withstand if the mass is released from about 3 m? p.!:J. Eel = -2- i.e. (v = v'2gh~ v = 7.67 m/s). k!:J.2_ p2 2k = -2- - 0rmax=os= 690N/mm2~ Pmax= 3.3346·105 N p2 = Eel' 2· k . Eel = Ps corresponds to 0 = 0 s p2 2k (3.3346' lOS? 2· 4:2961' 104 = 1.294. 104 N ~ m = 43.9 kg! Example 5.5.1: A panel of 10 mm WElDOX 700 (os = 700 N/mm2) must withstand a mass of 155 kg falling from a height of 2.82 m. Figure 5.5.4 u 1) I· 300 Calculate the maximum stress in the plate. 5:38 ·1 With knowledge of realistic plate thicknesses and conditions of service, it can be said directly that design on the basis of elastic theory is not feasible. The result would be far too heavy structures. Such a result may be correct if no plastic deformation whatsoever is the requirement. The elastic theory does not appear feasible in practical design work. Dynamic strength - Design of panels against impact This proves not to be a limitation, since very large values of !J.. Pm are usually of no interest. The formula has been checked by means of fall tests (see ret. 62). 80 fall tests were performed in Oxelosund (62) on rigidly clamped 600· 600 mm panels. The falling body (radius 50 mm) had a mass of 155, 300, 500 and BOO kg and was released from a height of 2.B2 m. The maximum plastic deformation !J.. Pm was measured. Three steel grades were included in the study: Design philosophy From the above, it would appear difficult in practice to design panels with the aid of elastic theory to withstand borderline loads. It should be possible to permit some plastic deformation, but it is our job to keep it within the framework of what the end user (or other specifying party) can accept. In other words, we must use plastic theory. S 355 (BS 50, St 52-3) WELDOX 700 (StE 690, RQT 700) HARDOX400 The nominal plate thicknesses were 6, B, 10, 12 and 16 mm. The results are presented in figures 5.5.7-10, which can be used as design guides. The plastic case We can examine the tensile test curve for the steels in question as shown in figure 5.5.5 which is elastic - perfectly plastic. Just as in the elastic case with the P-!J.. curve, the energy is represented by the area underneath the U -f curve. Figure 5.5.5 Figure 5.5.7 a Plate thickness in mm 15 Epl E We consider once again the problem of the falling mass and the given input energy Einput that is to be absorbed by the plate. Let us see how two different steels - WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400 - the same plate thickness sustain this load. See figure 5.5.6. \ "\ 10 ~DOX400~ ~ HARDOX400 ar900 N/mm2 6Pm Plate thickness in mm =Einput 1\ \ 15 j Epl.WX 700 E plastic HX 400 = 40mm 30 20 10 Figure 5.5.8 I I j I~ (> a I I' 5 o f '\ m=155kg h=2.82 m Figure 5.5.6 WELDOX 700 a ,WElDOX 700 HARDOX400\ E 700 . f plasticwx 700 = 0.77 . f plastic wX700 900 10 The result is approx. 25% less plastic deformation if HARDOX 400 is used instead of WELDOX 700! The corresponding figure for S 355 (BS 50) and HARDOX 400 is about 60%! Usually, when it comes to calculating extreme loads, Ep.I» Eel, and the elastic contribution can therefore be neglectea. .~ I\WElDOX7~ 1\ ~ \ \ m=300 kg h=2.82 m S 355 (BS 50. St 52·3) ""'""- ~ 1\ ~ '\ 5 6Pm "( o 10 20 40mm 30 Figure 5.5.9 Plate thickness in mm Calculation of required plate thickness A formula has been derived (62) from reference (4) for calcula- ting the required plate thickness t (mm) when the following are known: Einput = Input energy (mgh) N mm Us = Yield strength of the steel NI mm2 !J.. Pm = Maximum plastic deformation mm -~ ~ 15 HARDOX400 ~lDOX 700' " ~ " ~ '" "'- '" I'... 10 "'- I Einput -~!J..p 2,!J..p < 1.3 (EuinpsuI )113 V If·Us·!J..Pm 36 m m t= - The formula is sufficiently accurate when ~ ~S355 (BS 50, St 52·3) m=500 kg h=2.82 m 5 6Pm (> o 10 20 30 40 mm 5:39 Dynamic strength - Design of panels against impact Solution: Figure 5.5.10 HAROOX400 WElDOX700 Plate thickness in mm Figure 5.5.7 gives :\ 15 "\. HARDOX4oo\ ' \WElDOX 700 Of the fall height had been only 2 m, what would the plate thicknesses have been then? Solution: m=800 kg h=2.82 m 5 (> LlPm o 40 mm 10 20 30 As these diagrams show, Ll Pm decreases with increasing strength, and especially upon changing from WELDOX 700 to HARDOX 400. t = 10 mm, t = 9.8 mm t:: 10 mm i.e. (slightly too thin, but the next thickness in the stock list is 16 mm) 1\ '\ 10 I t = 13 mm t = 12 mm i.e. 34% for m = 155 kg 29% m = 300 kg 37% m = 500 kg 18% m = 800 kg The decrease is roughly the same (25%) as was obtained by a comparison of the tensile test curves. Figure 5.5.11 shows a comparison of the deformation of different steels of 16 mm plate thickness subjected to 500 kg falling from 2.82 m. Here, the fall height differs from the one in figure 5.5.7 (2.82 m) and a correction must be made with the aid of figure 5.5.12. HAROOX400 WELDOX 700 12 mm"""", - 4.0 mm/m reduced fall height 2_82 - 2_0 = 0.82 i.e_ - 4.0 . 0.82 = - 3.28 mm 10 mm"""", - 3.0 mm/m reduced fall height - 3.0' 0_82 = - 2.46 mm But 6. Pm = 10 mm 'is a requirement, which means that if figure 5.5.7 is to be used, then 6. Pm = 10 + 3.28 = 13.28 6. Pm = 10 + 2.46 = 12.46 mm mm the plate thicknesses are then t = 11.2 mm t = 8.2 mm i.e. 12 mm i.e. 8 mm Figure 5.5.11 Figure 5.5.12 ON:~----------------------+---~ 1------"""'""::::--=-=-----t---I-1 HARDOX 400 WElDOX 700 10~------------~~--~~~~~ LlPm carr mm!m(reduced fall height) -4.0 / 1--------------~--~~~~S355 20~-----------------~~ -3.0 / 30t-------------------+~-~ -2.0 40L-------------------+--~ Llpmm Parameters: t= 16 mm m=500 kg h=2.82 m -1.0 / / Influence of fall height This has also been investigated, but on a smaller scale, and it has been found that at constant energy, the maximum plastic deformation decreases with decreasing fall height. This is of no importance when comparing two steels and the same m and h. However, the fact that the deformation is always less when the fall height is reduced is important to bear in mind when sizing the plate_ Figure 5.5.12 can be used to correct for different plate thicknesses when the fall height deviates from the one assumed here (2.82 m). Example 5.5.2 In designing a dumper body for a haulage vehicle, the designer has two steels to choose from: WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400. The body must be able to withstand 155 kg, from a height of 2.82 m, and the customers complain when the dents (~Pm) are larger than 10 mm. What plate thicknesses are required for the two steels? 5:40 Plate thickness in mm o I I 6 8 1 I 10 12 Example 5.5.3 A tipper for very heavy duty has to be able to withstand boulders weighing 800 kg falling from 2.5 m without the maximum plastic deformation in the bottom exceeding 20 mm. What plate thicknesses are required for grades WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400? The body has the following dimensions: R~re5.5.1~ ...---- 3000 ,. ____ ~ Dynamic strength - Design of panels against impact Solution: Solution: Input energy Einput := 300·9.81· 1500 = 4414· 103 Nmm WELOOX 700 HARDOX400 Input energy Einput = mgh = 800· 9.81 . 2500 = 19620' 103 Nmm as typ = 750 N/mm2 700 N/mm2 steel =WELDOX 700 HARDOX400 as typ = 750 N/mm2 as typ = 1050 N/mm2 as typ = 1200 N/mm2 Check of accuracy of calculation Check of accuracy of calculation I t.Pmperm == ( (Einput ) 1/3 as I 29.7 mm 26.5 mm Einput ) l/~ " as t.'l.Pmperm = 18 mm OK, since t.'l. Pm = 20 mm I I I t= - 5 I Einput V :It. as' t::.. Pm 36 t = 15.6 mm Agrees well with diagram! 16 mm according to our standard 1920 kg Plate mass 2400 kg _ ~ . t.'l. Pm 2 36 t = 7.6 mm t = 9.7 mm t= 19 mm i.e. 20 mm t.'l.Pmperm = 16.1 mm I OK, since t::.. Pm = 15 mm these thicknesses must still apply after 5000 hours Thickness allowance due to wear Difference = 480 kg (see our price list) Plate price _ _ /tonne _ _ /tonne Plate price _ _ apiece _ _ apiece HARDOX400 WELD OX 700 5000 1.5· 2000 = 3.75 Wear is in reverse proportion to hardness: 250 HB for WELD OX 700, 360 HB (typical value 400) for HARDOX 400 t = 13.45 mm Difference: 1.5. 250. 5000 = 2.6 mm 360 2000 Example 5.5.4 A leading dumptruck manufacturer wishes to introduce a new body on the market. The body was previously made of 700 N/mm2 steel (e.g. WELDOX 700), but the customers are now starting to demand more wear-resistant bodies. The dumptruck manufacturer has carried out measurements of wear, and in the middle of the body, wear amounts to about 1.5 mm/2000 hours on the 700 NJmm steel. The dumptrucks are intended for use in road haulage, which means that their unladen weight is very important. The dumptruck manufacturer intends to guarantee that the body will be able to withstand boulders weighing 300 kg falling from a height of 1.5 m without creating dents larger than 15 mm, even after 5000 hours. What plate thickness should be chosen and what is the most economical alternative if saving of 1 kg of weight is worth GBP 1,00 and if the designer has to choose between WELDOX 700 and HARDOX 400? The body has the following dimensions (figure 5.5.14). t = 14 mm (new rolling) t = 10.2 mm t = 10 mm Plate mass 1075 kg 768 kg Difference: 307 kg Plate price (see our price list) (Prices May '81) 15,90 + 18,20 = 34,10 GBPI 15,90 + 17,40'" 33,30 GBPI tonne tonne GBP 25,58 Plate cost GBP 36.66 Difference GBP n,20/body Taking into account value of weight reduction at GBP 1,00 per kg: Difference GBP 384,20/machine Figure 5.5.14 counted as bottom during e.g. loading from side with loader. 5:41 Dynamic strength - Design of panels against impact Example 5.5.5 A dumptruck owner has sustained a large dent Ll Pm = 30 mm in his new body made of 10 mm HARD OX 400. The customer claims that the new bodies are of poorer Quality than the old ones WELDOX 700 and demands a new body from the dumptruck supplier. He has one loader, and this can only lift 2.0 m above the bottom of the body. The body is the same as in 5.5.4, Le. it is supposed to withstand 300 kg from 1.5 m. There is no doubt that the customer has loaded his new body very hard. How hard? I S 355 WELD OX 700 HARDOX400 typical values 1050 380 N/mm2 750 16mm 14.7 mm !J.. Pmperm 20 mm OK, larger than 10 mm max, value according to the stipulation. In other words, the formula can be used. Os = V t= 5 2 - - ' 6. Pm 36 Einput :n; • os' I':. Pm Solution: I 11112mm mm t = 16 mm i.e. 16 mm 9.3 mm 10mm according to our standard range 10 mm I':. Pm = 30 mm Plate weight: 960 kg Differences: HARDOX400 After having glanced through 5.5.7-10, we see that 10 mm and /':, Pm = 30 mm agree with the curve for HARDOX 400, i.e. 800 kg from 2.82 m. The boulder that hit the body from max. 2.5 m was of the following size: 800· 2.82 == 900 kg 2.5 [600 kg [720 kg 120 kg 240 kg Example 5.5.7 so the claim is rejected! Example 5.5.6 A manufacturer of loader buckets is intending to introduce a new bucket that he calls "Controlling Stones' on the market. The bucket is particularly suitable for large boulders weighing about 1 tonne, and is supposed to be able to withstand a collision with such a boulder at a speed of 10 km/hour without suffering larger dents in its shell than 10 mm. What plate thickness should be used for S 355, WELD OX 700 and HARDOX 400? How great is the difference in the weight (mass) of the bucket when it has the dimensions shown in figure 5.5.15? Designing underbody protection plates (to protect the undersides of off-road vehicles) is often difficult owing to the complex mechanics involved, for example, in collisions with stones. A forwarder drives up onto a stump with one front wheel while straddling a stone, slips on the stump and falls onto the stone, the underbody protection plate absorbing the force of the collision. Normally, underbody protection plates are made of S 355 (SS 50); sometimes they are made of 700 N/mm2 steel, i,e. WELD OX 700. The thicknesses are usually 10 mm for S 355 and 8 mm for WELDOX 700. What would the plate thickness be with HARDOX 400? Solution: The easiest way is to perform a comparative calculation with a known case, e.g. 8 mm WELDOX 700, and assume that maximum dents of 15 mm are permitted, considering the same machine and te same load case. The known case gives: -r ) 5 !J..p 3 Einput = :n; • as' f (I':. Pm + 36 . Solution: 10 km/h Figure 5.5.15 2 Einput =:n;' 750· 8 5 (15 + 36" 15 (4) (Nmml 3 Einput = 3.366' 106 Nmm With HARDOX 400, the plate thickness is: t= ,V . Einput :n;·1050·15 t = 6.06 Le. 6 mm The velocity of the boulder plus loader after the collision is: v = ]2 . 10 = 9.3 km/h = 2.58 m/s 16 i.e. the boulder was imparted an energy of m; = 1000· 2.582 2 2 = 3328 Nm Or, conversely, the boulder "hit the bucket" with 3328 Nm = 3328· 1()3 Nmm Check of accuracy of calculation: !J.. 5:42 Pmperm = (Einput ) 1/3 Os Check of the formula: !J.. Pmperm = (Einput ) 113 = (3.366' 106 )1/3 = 14.7 mm 1050 Os OK in this case, since it is only a comparative calculation. If the surface area of the underbody protection plate is 2.8 m2 , the weight difference is 45 kg! Same example but with S 355. t = 10 mm and the difference in weight between HARDOX 400 and S 355 is 90 kg! 6 Toughness - brittleness What is brittle fracture? ...................... 6:1 Conditions for brittle fracture ............... 6: 1 Design philosophies ............................ 6: 1 Different measures of toughness ......... 6:2 Fracture mechanics ............................ 6:2 Comparison between ordinary steels - WELDOX and HARDOX steels ... 6:4 Toughness requirements ..................... 6:5 Examples ........................................... 6:5 Fracture mechanics data for parent material and welded joints ................... 6:7 6 6 Toughness - brittleness Many people cherish the belief that steels of very high strength must be more brittle than ordinary steels. We now know that this is not the case; on the contrary, WELDOX and HARD OX steels exhibit very high toughness in relation to their high strength and hardness. This section contains a comparison between ordinary steels on the one hand and WELDOX and HARDOX steels on the other with respect to toughness. As a tool for this comparison, we will use fracture mechanics a relatively new branch of Materials Science, with the aid of which it is possible to determine whether defects in structures are critical from the viewpoint of brittle fracture. Introduction Nothing (unfortunately) advances engineering science as much as failures and catastrophes. An example of this is provided by brittle fracture research, which received new impetus on Monday, March 14, 1938, when the all-welded Hasselt bridge in Belgium collapsed due to brittle fracture. Over the years, many famous brittle fractures have occurred with very tragic consequences, such as the Liberty ships that snapped in the middle, ammonia tanks, steam domes etc. Nowadays, happily, the steel industry can offer extremely tough steels down to -196°C, and the fact that brittle failures occur at all today - fortunately very rarely - is due more to economic than technical factors: Tough steels are more difficult to manufacture and therefore more expensive. It is therefore of great importance for the designer to select a steel with exactly the toughness level that provides the safety against brittle fracture that he needs. Toughness costs money! Brittle fracture is absolutely not unique to WELDOX and HARDOX steels, but since these steels are harder and possess higher yield strengths than ordinary steels, it is only appropriate! that we take a closer look at how tough the WELDOX and HARDOX steels actually are. What is brittle fracture? A brittle fracture is characterized by the fact that the failure is preceded by negligible plastic deformation immediately adjacent to the fracture surface and that the fracture propagates at high velocity (750-2000 m/s)*. Crystal cleavages can be seen under the microscope, which means that the fracture is transcrystalline (cuts through the crystals). Macroscopically, a chevron pattern (something like a herring bone pattern) can be seen, and the chevrons point towards the point of initiation. *The fracture proceeds unstably, and brittle fracture is therefore a type of unstable fracture propagation. Three fundamental conditions must be satisfied in order for a brittle fracture to be initiated (45): l. Sufficiently high nominal stress in the material. 2. Sufficiently low temperature. 3. Sufficiently high degree of triaxial state of stress. Beyond these conditions, the strain rate (i) is of great importance in that an increase of the strain rate can be equivalent to an increase of the nominal stress, a decrease of the temperature or an increase of the degree of triaxiality in the state of stress. Plate thickness is also of importance for the initia'.':Jn of brittle fracture, since the degree of triaxiality is greater in a thick material (plane strain) than in a thin one (plane stress). Some of the circumstances in which these three conditions may be critical for a welded structure are as follows: Condition 1. High stresses due to high permissible stress, overload or welding residual stresses of the same order of magnitude as the yield stress. Condition 2. Low service temperature. Condition 3. High degree of triaxial state of stress at notches and around defects. It is unrealistic to imagine a welded structure completely free of defects. Figure 6.1 a / / /a, = f (Temp) / / / a, = f (Temp) Temp It is easy to satisfy the three conditions given above. This is illustrated by figure 6.1, which shows two curves: the yield stress (as) and the initiating stress (a ,) as a function of the temperature. The welding residual stresses are of the same order of magnitude as the yield stress. At the same time, the stress required for initiation decreases with declining temperature. This means that below the critical temperature (T c), the nominal stresses are greater than those required to initiate the fracture. aj is also a function of the degree of triaxiality. It is the 0j curve that is dependent upon the toughness of the steel (the weld). The defects do not have to derive solely from fabrication. They can propagate owing to fatigue or they can be "pure" fatigue cracks. The cracks can then initiate brittle fracture. Design philosophies Two philosophies can be applied in order to avoid brittle fracture. a. Accept the fact that cracks can form in certain zones, but that the surrounding (parent) material is tough enough to stop propagation. This results in the propagation testing of, chiefly, parent material. b. Make sure that the material in all zones is tough enough to prevent the initiation of a brittle fracture from a defect. Defect size is determined by the fabrication procedure and by what can be detected by non-destructive testing. This leads to the initiation testing of all zones. 6:1 Toughness - brittleness Often, both philosophies are applied in practice, with the emphasis on b. In order for the condition in b. to be satisfied in practice, the parent material must also, in most cases, be relatively tough. Different measures of toughness Over the years, a large number of test methods have seen the light of day, but it would take us too far afield to describe them here. We shall concentrate on only a few. The Charpy V notch test This is by far the most widespread method of testing impact toughness (also called notch toughness in reference to this test). The test cannot be counted as a pure initiation test or propagation test; rather, the energy absorbed in initiating and propagating the crack through the specimen is measured. As a result of the use of this method, the number of brittle fractures in ships during the 40s and 50s was considerably reduced. It was found that when the energy absorbed in the impact test at low service temperatures was under 20J, problems were experienced with brittle fracture in soft steels (such as S 235). When energy absorption was 27J or more, the frequency of brittle fracture was very low. Note that this body of experience is limited to ships (plate thickness = 15-20 mm, loading conditions, shipyard practice etc.). To convert these data to other thicknesses, the curve in figure 6.2 (which is taken from SS 4741) can be used. The Charpy V test is the simplest and cheapest type of pre-delivery test, and has proved highly useful for ships in particular. There is a risk involved in extrapolating these experiences to other types of steel, plate thicknesses and loadings. The Charpy V test tells us nothing about how dangerous a defect is. Nor is it advisable to allow large numbers of catastrophic in-service failures to occur in order to accumulate more experience that could eventually provide Charpy V values for new structures and steels. On the other hand, it is quite unrealistic economically to employ supertough steels. A more reliable and refined method is needed in order to be able to determine what defect size should be specified, and what toughness should be demanded, of the structure in a given load case and at a given temperature. Such a method is called fracture mechanics, and is not at all as complicated as it sounds. Fracture mechanics Brittle fracture often start from defects, especially sharp ones. The state of stress in front of a stress-raising defect (notch) can be written as follows according to elastic theory: o max=o nominal (1 + 2 V+) where a = notch depth r = notch radius The radius of e.g. a fatigue crack is less than 0.01 mm, which means that 0 max > > 0 s' This will mean plasticization of the crack tip at very low nominal stresses. If r approaches 0,0 max approaches ! The state in front of the crack tip must therefore be described in some other way. This is done by means of the stress intensity factor K, which can be expressed as follows in front of a through crack in a large plate (se figure 6.3): (X) Figure 6.3 o --I.. Figure 6.2 2a o +20~-----------------------r------~ K=o'~'f f= 1 Note that the unit is stress' length 1l2 = force' length-3!2 e.g. N/mm3!2 or MN/m3!2. ~ For stress intensity: -20 ~ 1 MN/m3!2 = 31.623 N/mm3!2 = 0.9101 ksi viii .a IV iii Co E .! -40 For stress: ...u 1 MN/m2 = 1 N/mm2 = 0.1449 ksi '1...: The stress intenSity of all cracks can be described as follows: VI C ~ K=o·\f'3ta·f -60 C and CMn steels in the welded state 27J for steels withoB < 450 N/mm2 40J for steels with oB > 450 N/mm2 -80 9 // 6mm -1001-1------'-:....-------,----+------1 -60 -40 -20 0 +20 Testing temperature·C 6:2 It is only f which expresses the crack's relative size, position, interaction with other stress raisers etc, that is a little tricky. There are handbooks olK values for different geometries, see ref. (29, 30), and charts of the most common ones are shown in figures 5.4.10-17. If K increases, it eventually reaches a critical value Kc at which unstable crack growth (brittle fracture) occurs. Kc is called fracture toughness. Compare different fracture criteria: o = OB plain specimen K = Kc sharply notched specimen Toughness - brittleness In other words, Kc is a material characteristic that depends on temperature, microstructure, location in plate, environment etc. The equation K = (J • length a vn:a. f provides a measure of the crack Figure 6.5 Toughness I load load ~l~ I displacement displacement Critical crack size ac occurs when K = Kc for a given stress (J: I I a- )2. (-f-1 )2 . _ 1 (K c ac - 1C displacement a yield,f max f is usually"'" 1, and for a through crack (2 ac ) in a large plate, the following formula applies: a =~(~)2 c 1C (J ductile brittle behaviour Here, then, is a method of calculating the size of cracks which can be permitted when the values of Kc and a and the location of the crack f are known. Fracture toughness exhibits a temperature dependence similar to that of Charpy V toughness, and its dependence on thickness is illustrated by figure 6.4. Above a given thickness (te l, Kc is independent of thickness and is called K1C if the crack is loaded perpendicular to its plane, for example as shown in figure 6.3. Figure 6.4 Temp. plastic collapse I n the brittle region ~/ (1 _v 2 ) 2'(Js' E KI2 (l _v 2 ) E Jlc = 2 'a s ·oc v = 0.3 for steel E = modulus of elasticity In the ductile region: Temp = constant I Oc "" I I K2 c 2a s ' E K/ J c "'" -E- -----------------K~ Plate thickness Table 6.6 presents some fracture toughness data for parent material and welded joints in ordinary steels and in WELDOX and HARDOX steels. Figure 6.6 provides explanations for table 6.1 regarding the location of the specimens. The scatter of the values is about ± 10%. Kc The consequence of this is that at plate thicknesses less than tc (and this is usually the case), the value of Kc must be that appropriate to the plate thickness concerned. Fracture toughness works best for thick plates and materials that behave in a relatively brittle fashion, e.g. at low temperature, but it can also be used for materials with a ductile fracture behaviour, as long as the appropriate value of Kc is used. There are other fracture mechanics methods that are more suitable for ductile fracture modes, for example Figure 6.6 COD (Crack Opening Displacement), which is a semi-empirical method and describes the critical valueo c (mm) that the crack tip is capable of opening before unstable crack growth occurs. COD can be used for non-linear relationships. Jet the J integral, which is an energy method and can describe non-linear relationships. Unstable growth takes place when J "" J c . These methods complement each other depending upon the fracture behaviour of the material, see figure 6.5. COD and J c are also thickness-dependent! The following approximate relationships apply between Kc, COD (o c) and J c: WM = Weld Metal HAZ = Heat-Affected Zone (junction + 1 mm) SA = Submerged-Arc MSA= Manual Shielded-Arc, covered stick 6:3 Toughness - brittleness Comparison of the toughnesses of ordinary steels - WElDOX and HARDOX steels. We will compare the Charpy Vvalues and critical crack size ac when the steels are loaded up to their respective yield strengths (see figure 6.7, whose values are taken from table 6.6). The table shows that the WELDOX materials are very tough and can withstand defects in the parent material as well as the HS steels (e.g. Domex 390 or S 355), despite the fact that the steels are loaded up to their respectiv'e yield strengths! Figure 6.7 a c mm 70 60 Parent material t = 20 mm along the specimen (l-T) WELDOX 500 Q 50 a, = l.. (~)2 40 o.,......---D as ;r /; --- ,,'" , // ,- " Domex 390/ " , /WELDOX 700 20 10 X ./ / 30 WELDOX 700 < 45 mm ,//1 /" " /,,-/ ,,- Table 6.4 . . Toughness in: Parent material r;f/ -120 -100 The steels are welded with roughly the same heat input. Comparisons show that roughly the same defect sizes can be withstood! This is very importantinformation when WELDOX and HARDOX steels are to be welded with the same welding methods, personnel, equipment etc. We know that we will obtain the same types of welding defects and problems as with ordinary steels, since WELDOX and HARDOX steels are fundamentally equivalent to ordinary steels with regard to weldability. Furthermore, we have access to the same equipment for nondestructive testing. Since defect size is largely the same when the steels are loaded to their respective yield strengths and is of an order that can be detected, it must be evident that WELDOX and HARDOX steels are no more prone to brittle fracture than ordinary steels. The most important information is provided by experience. It tells us that in more than one million tonnes of WELDOX steel plate delivered and used in advanced structures, there have been no brittle fractures to our knowledge. The toughness of the weld metal can vary within very wide limits, as is evident from ref. (38) and table 6.6. At -20°C, for example, Kc can vary between 46 and 180 MN/m3!2, the corresponding ac values for S 355 J2 being 5 and 84 mm, respectively, depending upon filler material, heat input and number of passes! It seems as if the weakest link at the present time is the weld metal, which is, of course, where the most welding defects occur. -80 -60 -40 -20 ±O 'c Table 6.1 WELDOX 500 P WELDOX 700 -120' 25 - 80' - 60' 155 Steel manufacturer Welding shop Heat treatment Weld metal Manufacturer of filler material, powder flux, gas etc. Welding shop Heat treatment Steel manufacturer to some extent (melting) - 40' - 20' + 0' + 20' WELDOX 700 t < 45 mm 20 60 80 128 170 180 60 157 90 170 182 210 122 130 190 Steel manufacturer Heat treatment HAZ Charpy V Longitudinal specimen (L-T) Typical values, Joules Domex 390' Influenced by: This is illustrated in figure 6.8, which shows the impact toughness of different zones in WELDOX 700 welded by means of the submerged-arc method with two different heat inputs. Figure 6.8 221 WELDOX 700 217 20mm Submerged-arc NiCrMo 2.5, 0 4 - OK 10.61 *) Y.P. 390 N/mm2 1Ox 10 Charpy-V 2.5 kJ/mm Table 62 Yield strength (guaranteed value) Steel N/mm2 390 500 700 900 Domex 390 WELDOX 500 WELDOX 700 WELDOX 900 The following comparison can be made as in figure 6.7 for the heat-affected zone (HAZ). See table 6.3. Table 6.3 20 HAZ ac mm S 355 J2 WELDOX 500 8 19 -60'C -30 -20 6:4 I WELDOX 700 20 16 -40 ±O +40 I I I -40 ±O +40 Co Toughness - brittleness Toughness requirements It is almost impossible to provide general rules for the selection of toughness to avoid brittle fracture. It is, of course, possible to design with a large margin of safety, but toughness costs money. On the other hand, so does brittle fracture. In the case of simpler structures, what is mainly required is experience and judgement. When it comes to more complicated structures (e.g. offshore drilling platforms) and structures where human life is at stake, extensive tests are sometimes necessary. The following are some of the faetors which influence the choice of toughness: Design Temperature Plate thickness Steel type Load, stress, state of stress, strain rate etc. Welds (heat input, filler metal, electrode care, welding environment etc.) Heat treatment Scope of inspection etc. For structures regulated by standards and specifications, the toughness level is usually specified. See table 6.5, which is taken from ref. (73). Table 6.5 taken from the most recent edition of the Swedish Regulations for Cranes (73). Quality class requirements for steel in welded structures. lowest quality class at respective material thickness, mm t, mm Operating temperature T,GC Steels except EHS steels 5.;;T -40 ... T <5 EHS steels t ... 20 20 <t ... 40 40 <t ... 100 B B C B B 0 5 ... T 0 0 0 -40 ... T <5 E E E A value of 39 Joules applies for EHS steels There is no guaranteed value of K" for S 355 J2 in table 6.6. Estimate Kc! S 355, 27J at - 20°C. Kc 5355 "" 50 + 0.9 . 27 = 75 MN/mm3/2 ac = _1_ (~ n 390 )2 = 0.011 m = 11 mm Required Kc for WELDOX 700 Kowx 700= ;700, ~ Kcwx 700= 133 MN/mm 3l2 this means that the required Charpy V value is Cvwx 700= 133 -50 0.9 = 92 J According to Table 6.1, the typical value for WELD OX 700 at -20°C = 210 J, and there doesn't appear to be any problem. The thickness reduction entails a reduced degree of triaxiality, and according to figure 6.2, the testing temperature for WELDOX 700", O°C when the service temperature is -30°C. 92 J at ± O°C is a less stringent requirement than 92 J at -20°C. It would be completely impractical for the steel mills if they were all to specify individual Charpy V values. Therefore, 27 J has been established for S 235 JR - S 355 JR and 40 J for EHS. We are trying to find a testing temperature that has 40 J and corresponds approximately to 92 J at ± O°C. For This material and this thickness, it has been calculated that a reduction of the temperature by 20°C is equivalent to a reduction of the toughness by 50 J. .. 92 J - 50 J = 42 J at -20°C. 40 J at -20°C can be accepted WELDOX 700 D. If the structure is such that human lives are at risk in the event of a brittle fracture, then 40 J at -40°Cshould be chosen (WELDOX 700 E). .. WELDOX 700 0 and if a greater margin of safety is required, WELDOX 700 E. Example 6.1 A manufacturer has used S 355 JO (27 J at ± 0°) in his welded structures. The company has been buying from a very good steel mill for 10 years and has in actual fact been getting much tougher steels than requested, often 27J at - 40°C! The company is therefore building up its experience with tougher steels than they realize and may be in trouble if they switch steel suppliers, for example. Example 6.3 Which defect is the most dangemus? a) Surface crack of elliptical shape as shown in figure 6.9 Figure 6.9 Example 6.2 A designer has found. reason to switch material in a welded structure exposed to -30°C from S 355 JO (as = 390 N/mm2) to WELDOX 700, and he wonders what toughness he should choose in his structure that will enable him to reduce plate thickness from 19 mm to 390/100·19= 11 mm, i.e. 12 mm. He knows the relationship between service temperature and testing temperature as illustrated in figure 6.2 and an empirical relationship between Charpy V and Kc. Kc= 50 + 0.9' Cv Cv in J, Kc in MN/M3I2 Cv;;o27J Solution: Proceed via the same critical crack size ac=_l (~) n Os Os because the designer exploits the full yield strength of the steel, and there are welding residual stresses here! Toughness - brittleness b) Internal crack of elliptical shape as shown in figure 6.10 Solution: Figure 6.10 Figure 5.4.17 gives 15 5 As the plates are not stress-relieved, a = as is reached in the weld. alc = 0.5-+flO (+)= 0.82 Compare the stress intensities a) Ka is obtained from figure 5.4.17 a=5 alc = 2c = 15 ~ = 0.67 = -+110 (-ca )= 0.76 ac = 0.377' 7.5 (~y as Ka 1.12·a o v;r:5·0.76= 3.37ao b) 2a = 5 2c = 15 ~ = 2.5 = 0.33 = -+flO (~c )= 0.90 c -2CY'C 7.5 Kb = ao' ~. 0.90 = 2.52ao Ka/Kb = 1.33 '.' Surface cracks are the most dangerous and visual inspection should be taken seriously. If we have bending stress in the plate, the surface defects are even more dangerous and the internal defects less dangerous. Example 6.4 What defect sizes in the form of surface cracks of elliptical shape 2 . c = 4 . a . a, Le alc = 0.5, can a welded joint (welded by means of the submerged-arc method) resist at -20°C with WELDOX 700 and S 355, respectively, when the structures are not stress-relieved? Plate thickness = 20 mm. 6:6 Kc from table 6.6 S 355 <1s = 350 N/mm' HAZ Weld Parent material WElDOX 700 ':;5=700 N/mm' Parent material HAZ metal Weld metal 167* 22 113** 10 Kc MN/m 3l2 190 88 46 200 acmm 111 24 7 40 * -30° for WELDOX 700 ** No data available. Must be estimated e.g. via Charpy V. The Charpy V value for 1.7 kJ/mm weld metal at -20"C is taken from fig. 6.8, which gives 70J. Kc is estimated from Kc=50+0.9·Cy Cy ";i!:27J Kc =50 + 0.90' 70 = 113 J. The example shows that we can tolerate the same defect size in WELDOX 700 as in S 355 at -20°C and 20 mm plate thickness when the welded joint is loaded to the yield strength of the respective steel! Toughness ~ brittleness Table 6.6 Cl Some fracture mechanics data. Typical values for parent meterial. Explanations of locations, see fig. 6.6 Steel BS 43 D, S 275 J2 BS 50 D, S 355 J2 G3 Domex 390D' WELDOX 500 Q T mm Loca· Temp. lion ·C MN/m3/2 kN/m 20 20 20 L-T T-l - 20 - 20 - 20 210 141 190 215 54 96 30 112 -120 - 40 - 20 + 20 + 20 -120 - 80 - 40 - 20 -120 - 80 - 40 -120 - 80 - 40 - 20 - 40 - 20 ± 0 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 60 140 140 140 60 130 130 130 87 20 20 20 20 50 20 40 L-T L-T L-T l-T l-T L-T L-T L-T WELDOX 700 > 40 mm 20 L-T WELDOX 700 20 L-T HARDOX 400 20-40 50 60 20 20 L-T L-T L-T L-T T -L WELDOX 900 Kc 80 180 230 . 195 45 70 200 85 160 230 225 155 200 210 110 75 60 160 147 Je COD dcmm 175 Cv J 60 90 132 Weld· iog method Filler metal Number of passes 1\ Heat Rei. input KJ/mm / 128 170 190 Parent material 80 130 270 260 25 155 180 0.10 0.26 0.29 100 210 110 • Y.P. 390 N/mm2 / 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 33 33 33 33 37 \ Table 6.6 b Some fracture mechanics data. Typical values for welded joints. Steel T mm Loca· lion Temp. ·C Kc MN/m3/2 Je kN/m COO dcmm Cv J BS 43 D, S 275 J2 25 L - TI HAZ -20 105 55 0.75 20 BS 50 0, S 355 J2 G3 25 L - TI HAZ -20 88 39 0.79 30 SS 50 0, S 355 25 L - TI WM -40 44 0.05 10 -20 ± 0 46 66 0.08 0.07 22 38 -40 90 0.22 18 -20 ± 0 III 0.18 0.30 42 200 -40 115 0.13 60 -20 ± 0 180 124 0.23 0.23 91 143 0.67 70 SS 50 D, S 355 L - TI Weld· ing method Filler metal OK 12.24 25 L - TI WM De· scending vertical Ref. Heat input KJ/mm 2 5 36 2 5 36 2 6.2 38 OK 1061 OK 21.82 MSA 77 MSA 38 38 PhC 6H 5 5 38 PhC 6H PhC 6H 5 5 5 5 38 38 Ph 27 21 0.8 38 Ph 27 Ph 27 21 21 0.8 0.8 38 38 2 5 36 WM BS SOD, S 355 of passes SA OK 12.24 On both OK 10.61 sides SA OK 12.24 On both OK 10.61 sides SA Number SA OK 12.24 On both OK 10.61 sides WELDOX 500 25 L- TI HAZ -20 llO WELDOX 700 > 40 mm 20 T HAZ -u -60 108 0.03 SA S3NiMoCr 6 2.7 39 -30 167 SA SA OK 10.61 OK 10.61 OK 10.61 6 ? 2.7 7.0 39 39 20 7.0 2.7 39 39 62 20 T HAZ -u -60 88 0.18 0.02 -30 50 T -U HAZ -60 98 109 0.03 0.03 SA SA OK 10.61 OK 10.61 143 140 0.04 0.06 39 T -SI HAZ -30 -80 2.7 40 SA OK 10.61 4.5 39 -40 198 0.24 SA OK 10.61 4.5 39 ? 20 6:7 7 High surface pressures Introduction, where the problems occur anr how they can be solved with WELDOX and HARDOX steels ......... 7:1 Design principles ................................. 7:1 Guidelines and examples ..................... 7:2 Lugs and how to design them against: play, fatigue failure and crack propagation ........................ 7:2 7 7 High surface pressures Introduction Figure 7.1 High surface pressures are frequently encountered, are often critical design criteria, and can cause problems in some cases. Steel against steel P N/mm (width) Roll against flat surface The problems can take the form of: Surface fatigue Pitting Mangling Surface deformation Cylinder against cylinder Surface fatigue occurs in e.g. roller races in rolling-contact bearings, trunnions on cement kilns and drum barkers. The failure often starts at the location of a maximum shear stress (a little below the surface) and near a defect (often slag). The result is spalling with subsequent pitting. oH=0.591· -JP.E' Pitting occurs in gearing in the presence of lubricants and high surface pressures, according to Niemann when the Hertz surface pressureoH =0.27' HB. (HB = Brinell hardness.) oH=0.591· - J P ' E ' Mangling occurs when the yield stress of the steel has been exceeded and the steel is "kneaded out", e.g. rollers, roller races. Surface deformation involves deformation of the surface on both a microscopic scale i.e. the peaks of the surface profile are flattened (smoothing) and a macroscopic scale, i.e. the entire hole, for example, is deformed plastically. Some rules of thumb for avoiding spalling or pitting A factor kH that has been found empirically to work for permissible Hertz surface pressureoH in N/mm 2 is often given 0Hperm"" kH ' HB . 10 where HB is the Brinell hardness of the softest rolling body. - Stationary and slow movement (static 0.5 - 0.6) EHS and AR steels have been used very successfully to combat all these problems. EHS and AR steels have high yield strength - counteracts mangling and surface deformation High hardness - counteracts surface damage such as pitting high hardness through their entire thickness - counteracts spalling High purity - counteracts fatigue failures in the surface zone Telescopic jibs with rollers kH = 0.10 - 0.15 Pure fatigue loading must be avoided when the pOint of contact is completely fixed over a long period of time. - Railway rails (OH"" 1100 N/mm2) kH =0.5 (V max -'=30 m/s) - Bridge bearings kH = O. 5 static - Cranes (wheel contact) kH = 0.2 - 0.3 - The lower the travelling speed, the higher the value. - Gears, precision-made and well lubricated 10 < V <20 m/s ref. (41) Some design principles Rolling contact occurs between rollers and roller races/ways (e.g. cement kilns and drum barkers, railway wheels-rails, bridge bearings, rolling contact bearings). If adequate lubrication is not provided between the surfaces, the Hertz surface pressure is a relatively good parameter for design. Some formulas for the Hertz surface pressureoH (N/mm 2 ) are given in figure 7.1. - Roller races for steel furnace, unlubricated in very dusty environment (Kaldo in Oxeliisund) kH = 0.14 HB = 320 V = 11 m/so - Roller races for cement kilns and drum barkers - For rolling bearingsoH = v = 1.5 - 3 m/s 0.5 HB W = total number of 6VW revolutions, accroding to ref. (41). 7:1 High surface pressures Surface deformation The hardness of the bolts must not be lower than that of the plate. is brought about by plastic flow at the peaks of the surface profile and, if the surface pressure is very high, a deformation of underlying material. This phenomenon can be related to the yield strength of the material, and a hardness measurement is, after all, nothing but a quantification of the resistance of the surface to plastic deformation. Problems of this kind can arise in connection with: 8.8 10.9 12.9 14.9 225 280 330 390 of e.g. roller races occurs frequently when the Hertz surface pressure exceeds the yield stress of the steel (surface). This occurred in S 355 (HB '" 150 cr styp = 380 N/mm2) at crH = 410 N/mm2. and in this case, kH was'" 0.3. EHS and AR steels, of course, possess high yield strength and great hardness (see table 7.1). In other words, the designer must also check that the Hertz surface pressure does not exceed the yield strength of the steel. WELDOX and HARDOX steels can,beused with success here. In this case, a warning concerning the soft zone created by the gas cutting of WELDOX and HARDOX steel is in order .. Since gas cutting involves heating above the tempenng temperature (overtempering), a heat-affected soft zone will ~e created in the plate. Figure 7.2 shows how hardness vanes at different distances into the plate from the gas-cut edge. A hard zone is created immediately adjacent to the edge. This is caused by enrichment with carbon and alloying elements, which 10c~11y increase the hardenability of the steel and harden upon coohng, thereby giving rise to the hardness. . 2-5 mm into the plate, we encounter the soft zone. Since e.g. WELDOX and HARDOX steels have the same basic analysis as S 355 (BS 50), they will have the same hardness in this region after overtempering as S 355 (BS 50). In order to be able to exploit the high hardness of the WELDOX and HARDOX steels in edges that have been gas-cut, we must machine these edges to a depth of 3 - 6 mm, depending upon the degree of heating involved in the gas cutting process. Such an edge has to be machined anyway in order to provide good roller contact, for example. Some guidelines and examples Bearing pressure can sometimes be completely decisive in determining which plate thickness should be used. To permit full exploitation of the strength of e.g. bolts, the plate and the bolt should have roughly the same hardness, which is not the case with 8.8 bolts and ordinary steels, for example, where the bolt is much harder than the steel. The Swedish Regulations for Bolted Connections StBK-N3 (42) give the following permissible bearing stresses for ordinary and exceptional combinations of loads for two different bolted connection classes SI and S2, see table 7.2. SI is intended for structures under static loads. 8.8 bolts can be used for both SI and S2. Table 7.2 Permissible bearing pressure p according to StBK-N3 in N/mm 2 . Class of bolted connection ord. exc. ord. exc. ord. exc. SI, S2 260 300 380 440 390 450 V.P. 390 NI mm' S 355 HBmin according to SMS 2265 Mangling Excessively high bearing pressure in e.g. bolted joints. Mangling of roller races. Fatigue load or extreme loads in lugs of various types give rise to play, which can be very troublesome. S 235 Bolt Lugs Recommended bearing pressure for EHS and AR steel in N/mm 2 • Class of bolted connection WElDOX 500 WElDOX 700 HARDOX 400 ord. exc. ord. exc. ord. exc. SI, S2 490 570 690 800 900 1040 Lugs for hydraulic cylinders, articulation jOints etc. are structural elements that are subjected to very heavy loads and to which special attention must be devoted. .. . .. Problems associated with lugs can be very serious and Irntating. Play leads to poor precision, high impact stresses, noise, insecurity on the pert of the operator, gives a poor impression of quality etc. Table 7.1 : (J sguaranteed (J styp (J Bguaranteed HBtyp HBguaranteed N/mm2 Steel t - 6 60 mm 350 min 510 380 150 - WELDOX 500 500 590- 750 540 210 - WELDOX 700 700 780-930 750 260 - WELDOX 900 900 940-1100 950 310 - WELDOX 960 960 980-1150 1000 320 - HARDOX 400 900 - 1000 400 360-440 - 1300 480 min 450 S 355 (BS 50) HARDOX 500 Choosing the right steel is a simple way of solving many problemsl 7:2 High surface pressures Figure 702 Hardness after gas cutting WELDOX 700 Hardness after gas cutting S 355 (SS 50. St 52-3) HVlO 450 HVlO 450 , 40 0 35 0 ''." \'\ 30 0 400 ... - - - Just below the plate surface - - - Middle of the plate thickness I ~ WELD OX 760 > 40 mm ~ \\ "\ \ \ 35 0 \ \ \ \ \ 30 0 I \ I \ \ \ 25 0 20 0 \ / ..::;.= 25 0 i/'-I' \ V\ \ I'-- " \ \ \. I ) \ :..:: 20 0 ~ NWELDOX 700 < -40 mm 150 T - - - Just below the plate surface - - - Middle of the plate thickness "" ~ t' __ = 15 0 2 4 6 Distance from the cut edge, mm T 2 4 6 Distance from the cut edge, mm Locations for hardness measurements Hardness measured in the middle of the Fatigue causes the structure to fail in service, which can somtimes be catastrophic. Figure 7.3. Failure under extreme load is at least as serious as fatigue failure. The major industries, and especially the aviation industry, have studied lugs thoroughly, and this has resulted in design standards. Small companies may have difficulty finding suitable rules. Here are some: Prevention of play Tlie holes in lugs that are subjected to fatigue load have a tendency to become loose, i.e. develop play. This is due either to deformation of the whole lug under extreme load or to plastic deformation of the peaks of the surface profile (and possibly the underlying material). Abrasive corrosion is very common in these contexts and greatly accelerates the process. Lugs are often fabricated from heavy plate by means of gas cutting, with a subsequent drilling operation to complete the hole. Reaming is less common. The roughness of the surface after drilling can be very large "" 10 - 100,u m. Machine reaming gives about 6-16,u m. A higher tolerance grade than ITl2 (i.e. 250,u m on 040 mm) is seldom achieved by twist drilling. This means that tlie "surface" is very readily deformed on steels with low yield stresses. A link bearing is often built into the lug, see figure 7.3. SKF specifies M7 in the lug for link bearings in hydraulic cylinders, which requires reaming. This is not done for cost reasons, however; instead, the link bearing is simply pressed into a drilled hole and often develops play after a while. Increasing the interference of the fit makes the bearing very difficult to fit. 7:3 High surface pressures The use of WELDOX 700 steels in lugs to reduce play has been highly successful! In most cases, the problem has been completely eliminated! The lugs are usuallYimade of WELDOX 700, gas-cut with Cl radial machining allowance of about 5 mm (due to the overtempered zone) and then simply drilled. Since WELDOX 700 has a much higher yield stress (twice as high) than S 355 which is normally used, the risk of plastic deformation of the whole lug is also drastically reduced. This is evident from figure 7.4, which shows the plastic deformation of the hole as a function of the stress in the hole crosssection crnet' from ref. (47), (48), (49), (50) and (51). Note that the holes used in the tests for figure 7.4 complied with a tolerance of H7 (Le. reamed), and if the holes are only drilled with e.g. H12, the deformation will be about 10011 m greater. Most fatigue failures occur at section C-C, where it is common to have changes of section with high stress concentrations (Kt) and, not too uncommonly, poor welds! The design of this section must therefore be given special attention. It can be designed in accordance with the principles of chapter 5. At sections A and B, the fatigue crack often starts from the edge of the hole. For this reason, a chamfering of the hole to about 1.5· 45 is very beneficial. This is also verified in figure 7.6, which shows the dimensions and principal stress distributions of a lug. The figure shows that stress concentrations are caused by the hole and the pin. The maximum stress a max is of interest and can be calculated according to (46): 0 a max = a net • Kt °net = Figure 7.4 N/mm2 Plug t· (w-d) as per fig. 7.6 A = d/w d/w"" 0.4-0.6 I'l did", 0.3-0.4 "10 (diametral play) 1000~------~~~----------r----------.~ w WELDOX 700 500·4f------~~~----------r_--------~~ -P/2 S 355 (BS 50, St 52·3) There are also calculation methods that take into account uneven pressure distribution in the hole (along the pin) according to (46), but further studies are required in order to verify these methods. I'J d H7 p Figure 7.7 O+-----------+---------~r_--------~~ o 50 100 150 I'l pl.,um G rmax a rmax = anot . Kt ). = dfw N/mm2 1000 Kt =). + 1/). R = 0, p = 1 700 Fatigue in lugs is, naturally, of frequent occurrence and the consequences are often serious, since it leads to a failure of function of e.g. a hydraulic cylinder. Figure 7.5 shows different pOints of initiation for the fatigue failure of a longitudinally loaded lug (more interesting and often more critical than a transversely loaded lug). 500 t--.. 400 - WELDOX 700 '""i.", I III S 355(BS 50) - 300 200 Figure 7.5 100 104 - r - - - - - - -+--- P 10 5 106 108 10 7 Figure 7.7 can be used in design against fatigue. The graph in figure 7.7 has been plotted from ref. (44), (46), (47), (48), (49), (50), (51), (52) and on the basis of experience. Note that the graph has been transformed too rma in the hole according to the above formula and applies for p = i.e. a full load spectrum. t Observations in connection with lugs subjected to longitudinal tension and compression. 7:4 High surface pressures Lugs subjected to tensile and compressive loads (see figure 7.5) are usually said to be suhjected to alternating load since the nominal stress a nom changes sign, see figure 7.8. The stress distribution when + a nom acts towards the right and gives a max 1 is shown at the top of the figure. Figure 7.8 3. Calculate a r ma. = a r net' Kt 4. Compare with figure 7.7 and put a maXdiagram 2 a maxperm This gives a probability of failure"" 10-3 if we have spectrum (variable amplitude) loading, use the Palmgren-Miner cumulative damage rule and put .r ~ = 1 as a criterion Ni Example 7.1 w Check a lug as per figure 7.9 for fatigue. The lug is to sustain 2 . 106 load cycles. It is incorporated in an ejector mechanism for flour sacks, load spectrum p = I, and according to the designer, the bearing pressure is 60 N/mm2. Unoml Solution: Checking the bearing pressure Pi °nom::::;: w:t a p max = _P_ = 4.8' 104 = 60 N/mm2 d ·t 40 . 20 Critical paint A 4.B· 104 20 (BO -40) 0rnet = -:--:-c-~:-:- = 60 N/mm2 o nominal °max The compressive force does not contribute to a r net at point A Kt = 40lBO + _~l:-::- = 2.5 40/80 a r max = 2.5' 60 = 150 N/mm 2 0rmaxdiagram = 150· 2 = 300 N/mm2 according to figure 7.7, we can readily permit 2· 106 load cycles. Will the weld hold? Assume QB = 10-3 Weld class Sv2. Kx = 5.0 case 28 Nd = 2· 106 According to table 5.2.5a, this givesa perm = 44 N/mm2 When a nom changes direction, most of the stresses will not have to go past the hole, but will rather be taken up by the pin directly. The stresses that go past the hole will return and, upon passing the edge of the hole, will give rise to tensile stresses 0max2! See the lower figure. This means that the edge of the hole on longitudinally loaded lugs will not be subjected to compressive stress (in the tangential direction)! (4.8 + 0.3)' 104 a rnorm {weld } = BD. 20 = 31 N/mm2 OK' Example 7.2 How much can the radius R of the lug in example 7.1 be reduced if WELDOX 700 is used instead of S 355, and Nd = 10'? '.' The stress ratio ~ O. If the lug is connected by a welded jOint, the joint will naturally be subjected to alternating stress if a nom changes sign. Other rules apply to transversely loaded lugs. Solution: Rwx 700 = 40· Calculation procedure for checking longitudinally loaded lugs: W Plug I 1. Caculatearnet=arnom'--= -----'=-w- d t· (w - d) Note: onlya~O is included! 2. Calculate Kt = l + III wherel = d/w a rmaxdiagram S 355 OrmaXdiagrarnWELDOX 700 300 = 40 - - - - 27 mm 450 i.e. 40 - 27 = 13 mm Example 7.3 The lug in figure 7.9 is also used in a street sweeper, which has the following estimated load spectrum during its expected life. Fatigue failure occurs. What should be done? 7:5 High surtace pressures (J min N/mm2 I All three points must be checked according to re!. (53). °max ni 180 144 128 110 0.4 . 105 10 · 105 20 · 105 25 · 105 N/mm2 0 0 0 -110 1. Pperm = 0.9' (w-d), i'a perm Failure load a perm = as "Yield load" a perm = a s' Note that this load gives plastic deformations as per figure 7.4 2. Pperm = k2 ' C . a perm k2 as per figure 7.10 Figure 7.9 3. Pperm = d· t· Pperm Pperm as per section "Bearing pressure". Figure 7.10 o o 4.8 tonnes 0.3 tonnes 1.5-t------,:------'----,:-----7'--1 R = 40 t = 20 1.4+-----t----->~-t-_¥-----i Solution: Use the Palmgren-Miner cumulative damage rule and only include a rnom whose l.3~+-----+-----1-~-__\_---1 a min >-: O. Kt = 2.5 a rmax = Kt 'a rnom 1. 2 -t--.---r--.,----.--i-,.-.-......-.--t--.--.--.-,--t--o 0.5 1.0 1.5 cid ni a rmax2 N/mm arnom2 N/mm 0.4· 105 10 · 105 20 · 105 25 · 105 450 360 320 275 180 144 128 llO Ni (as per graph in fig 7.7 for 1:~ S 355 Ni 1.7. 105 16 . 105 45 .105 200 . 105 * 0.23 0.625 0.444 0.125 -- Cracks in lugs Fracture mechanics can also be applied to lugs, and ref. (54) gives the following expressions for the stress intensity factor for a through crack. K = a nom' V If a' [5.38 - 12.3 1.43 ++ (+ y19.1 * extrapolate the curve for safety's sake. for wld = 2.40 ' .. 1: ~i > 1 and we quite definitely get fatigue failure I The function (+) in tabular form Change the material to WElDOX 700 aIr a rmax 450 360 320 275 ni 0.4· 105 10 · 105 20 · 105 25 · 105 Ni WELDOX 700 100· 105 1000· 105 2800· 105 - ni Ni 0.004 0.010 0.007 --0.021 This gives a much better result. since 1: ~i. < 1. I o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (5.38 - .... ) 5.380 4.327 3.574 3.052 2.698 2.464 2.312 2.214 2.152 2.123 2.103 For corner cracks, the following approximation can be used: Extreme loads Three points have to be checked when it comes to the extreme K = a nom' fu· f load that a lug can bear. (+ ) 1. Width - diameter ratio d/w 2. Edge distance C according to figure 7.6 3. Bearing pressure 7:6 (+) a = 2 mm a = 3 mm 2.58 2.64 8 8 Wear Wear, general ..................................... 8: 1 Choice of material ............................... 8:2 Design principles rules of thumb .................................... 8:2 Some hints concerning constructional details .......................... 8:3 8 Wear Wear, general Figure 8.1 Knowledge of the physics of wear scarcely extends beyond a narrow circle of specialists. In practice, many designers have proceeded by trial and error, with more or less success, in their attemrts to reduce wear, without really knowing what they have been dOing in terms of the physics of wear. Even though we are still in the early stages of research into the phenomenon of wear, it may be of interest to examine briefly what has been found so far and to show how many wear problems can already be tackled today through a suitable choice of material. Some basic concepts When solid bodies come into mechanical surface contact, phenomena occur that can be grouped under the heading tribology - the science of friction, lubrication and wear. The phenomenon of friction has been known since ancient times, and we are all familiar with the law of friction F = fI . N from mechanics. What is less well known is that the actual area of contact between two bodies is several orders of magnitude smaller than the nominal contact area, and when movement occurs between the bodies, projecting micro-irregularities (asperities) collide with each other and give rise to considerable plastic deformations and very high temperatures in the surface layer. The object of lubrication is to separate the surfaces and to prevent contact between the asperities. In practice, this is impossible owing to the fact that the asperities break up the lubricant film and owing to the imperfect stability of the film itself. Wear can be defined as the loss of material from the surface layer of a body under mechanical·contact. Mechanisms of wear The fundamental phenomenon for all wear is fracture due to a. shearing-off of adhesive contact bridges b. chip cutting action c. impact d. fatigue These fundamental mechanisms of wear seldom occur in isolation, but interact with each other. In addition, other phenomena such as heating, plastic deformation or corrosion interact with the fracture mechanisms. In addition, a practical tribological system is controlled by system parameters such as forces, movements, design etc. In other words, practical cases of wear are extremely complex, so it is perhaps not so strange that the literature contains references to an abundance of "wear mechanisms" with imaginative names, many of which try to describe the entire system rather than verifiable wear mechanisms. A good rule of thumb in analysing wear problems is to consider the actual wear process in terms of one of the types of fracture listed above. Abrasive wear Abrasive wear is the type of wear that is of most interest to us. If a hard particle is dragged across a softer surface, it can act as a cutting tool- a so-called 'abrasive element'. Material removal takes place by the formation of chips, leaving a scratch in the surface, figure 8.1. However, most of the fric- tional energy is always converted to heat, and the temperatures in the surface layer become so high that phase transformations take place. Figure 8.2 illustrates schematically what happens during abrasion. Corrosion increases abrasive wear, since the corrosion products are often brittle and therefore sensitive to abrasion. Corrosion must be included in the analyses, and if the corrosive medium is very aggressive or the period of service is very long, corrosion and abrasion can play a decisive role. Figure 8.2 Direction of abrasion Severe deformatIOn and phase transformatIOn "Friction martensite"m9!J!IJ;:mH!l!l 700 Hv max Deformation and temperature effects Strain-hardened 600 Hv Deformation Strain-hardened to a lesser degree ' 400 Hv 200,,01 As-supptied Depth Erosion Erosion occurs when a surface is bombarded by a stream of particles. Two types of fracture dominate: chip cutting and impact. Cutting predominates at small angles of incidence, impact at large angles. In the extreme case of glanCing incidence, erosion grades over into abrasion. 8:1 Wear Material aspects of the wear of wear parts Figure 8.4 The predominant wear mechanism in e.g. construction, forestry and transport equipment is the abrasive-erosive and, to some extent, corrosive wear of wear parts, The most common material that is exposed to the wear in such applications is AR steel. AR (Abrasion Resistant) steels are steel alloys based on Mn, Cr, Mo, W, B and heat-treated to great hardness. Modern AR steels have found many successful areas of application because they: - possess their great hardness from the start - exhibit considerable toughness, despite their great hardness - are readily weldable - are bendable - resist abrasion-erosion very well - can take hard impacts without cracking - function simultaneously as structural steels. Tonnes loaded 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 None of the competing materials - such as 13% Mn steel, Nihard, cemented carbide and wear rubber - can boast such a wide range of usage as AR steels. On the other hand, these materials can perform better than AR steels in special cases of wear. 100 200 300 400 500 Brinell hardness Choice of material Faced with this complex picture of wear, it might be useful to review some si!l1ple guidelines for material selection. For many applications, it has been found that hardness is a very good material parameter for determining the wear resistance of the material. Figure 8.3 provides a good overview and guidance. The fact that hardness is a good measure of wear resistance is evident from figure 8.4, which is taken from a study conducted by the Swedish Mine-Owners' Association on loader buckets for loading iron ore. The curve shows almost exact proportionality between life and hardness. Design principles We all understand now that wear is a complex problem, making it difficult to give any general rules for deSign. The following guidelines must therefore be applied with discretion and some caution. In doubtful cases, consult the steel manufacturer. - Try to ascertain which wear mechanism dominates - If corrosion is a serious problem, allow for a reduction of plate thickness (one-sided material loss, uniform corrosion) 0.5 mm in 10 years 0.75 mm per year Figure 8.3 The importance of different factors in the abrasive wear of steel. ~ STRUCTURE· DEPENDENT I -- small soft IMPULSE PIECE SIZE MATERIAL HARDNESS ~ large. - hard I WEAR NOT CORRELATED WITH HARDNESS Table 8.1 NOT STRUCTURE· DEPENDENT WEAR CORRELATED WITH HARDNESS Industrial air, coast, urban area Structure operating alternately in water and air - Learn from experience of previous installations (actual plate thickness at start, n;Jmber of tonnes loaded, hours, trips, hardness of material, reduction of plate thickness). - If experience is available from previous installations, extrapo· late to the hardness of the new material if abrasive-erosive wear is involved. - If experience is not available, use some of the following typical values and extrapolate to the hardness of the new mater a1. 1. Truck body (tippers, dumptrJcks, hcfulage vehicles): WELDOX 600 (240 HB) 3 mm/lOOO hours HARDOX 400 (400 HB) 0.65 mm/lOOO hours The hardness of different steels S 355 (SS 50) WELDOX 500 WELDOX 700 WELDOX900 WELDOX960 HARDOX400 HARDOX500 OSguaranteed N/mm' OSguaranteed N/mm' 350 500 700 900 960 900 min 510 570-720 780-930 940-1100 980-1150 aStyp HBtyp HBguaranteed N/mmz 380 540 750 950 1000 1050 1300 150 210 260 310 320 400 480 360-440 450-560 Table 8.1 shows that the AR steels have very high yield stresses and are thus better equipped to withstand shocks and impacts (see section entitled "Design of panels against impact). 8:2 Wear 2. Loader buckets (shelll...,truck body multiplied by 5. Figure 8.6 3. Bucket cutting edges, 480 HB, working in iron ore, 50 mm, Wear plate + (e.g.) Philips C6 300 - 600 hours life, depending on design of cutting edge. 4. Bark pipelines S 235, BS 40 A, St 37-2 (140 HB) WELDOX 600 (240 HB) HARDOX 400 (400 HB) 0.16 mm/month 0.10 mm/month 0.05 mm/month 5. Rotating drum barkers shell lifters HARDOX 400 0.75 mm/year HARDOX 400 2.25 mm/year ~\~ 6. Loading bin for iron ore, opening 1000 x 500 (mm 2 ) HARDOX 400 (400 HB) in bottom (450 slope) 20.5 mm worn off after 107 000 tonnes (piece size 0-50 mm). - The wear must not be allowed to reduce the plate thickness beyond the minimum required for strength reasons (stress, stiffness, impact stress, fatigue etc. ). - Carry out an economic comparison of different alternatives, and don't forget repairs and downtime costs for the replacement of wear parts. Note: It is unquestionably economical to switch from e.g. S 355 (BS 500) to HARDOX 400 in cases involving abrasive wear. This is clearly shown by our experience. Figure 8.7 Some hints concerning constructional details Shape Shape is very important when it comes to sliding materials. A change of direction of the sliding material causes local wear. Softly rounded corners are therefore important in cyclones and pipes. Pipe joints must not cause misalignment of the pipes. Flatness is therefore an important requirement for wear plates! Increase the thickness where wear is greatest, for example if the wear looks like that shown in figure 8.5. Service life can then be extended considerably by, for example, choosing a more appropriate shape for a new part, for example as shown in figure 8.5. Gas-cut edges subjected to abrasive wear suffer very little wear at first owing to the very hard surface layer. After this layer has been worn through down to the overtempered soft zone (3-5 mm wide), wear proceeds more rapidly, eventually slowing down to the wear rate that is specific for the steel. Figure 8.5 , \ I \ e.g. OK 48.30 HARDOX 400 Stud welding can often be a good alternative for fastening wear plates that have to be replaced quickly. Naturally, bolted joints are also acceptable. Drilling recommendations are provided in our metal-working booklets. Fan and pump impellers, as well as their housings, intended for the transport of dust or slurry can be made of AR steel for best results. When fabricating the irnpellers, it is important to locate the welds (jnci. heat-affected zones) in such a way that they do not wear out faster than the unaffected plate. One way of tackling this problem is shown in figure 8.8. I , \ Figure 8.8 I , Proposed shape of \~new part \ \ \ \ \ \ -~--~ A right! B wrong! Worn part The importance of this phenomenon must be judged from case to case. The antidote is milling of the gas-cut edge to remove the soft lone, see figure 7.2. Fastening of wear parts The easiest way to fasten wear parts is by welding, since EHS and AR steels offer very good weldability. Filler material is to be chosen on the basis of the real need for hardness. It is usually possible to use filler metal intended for much softer steels (undermatchingl. Therefore, make sure that the welds are protected against wear, for example as shown in figure 8.6. If the welds are exposed to wear, sealing runs should be made with hardfacing metal, see figure 8.7. Soft zone - Rapid wear 9 References 9 9 List of references 1. Jarfall, Dimensionering mot utmattning dell och 2 Mekanresultat 77004. 2. Schnittiger, TillfOrlitlighetsanalys fOr Mekanister Inst. for Maskinelement KTH 1972. 3. Roark, Formulas for Stress and Strain 4th edition, McGrawHill. 4. Johnson, Impact Strength of Materials, Arnold. 5. Schijve J, Proceedings Rimforsa, Sweden Aug 1977. 6. Gurney T R, Fatigue of welded structures Cambridge Univ. Press 1968. 7. Olivier R. und Ritter W. Wohlerlinienkatalog fUr Schweissverbindungen au~ Baustahlen. Teil 1 und 2, DVS Bereichte 56/1 und 56/2.' 8. Swedish Regulations for Welded Steel Structures 74 StBKN2. National Swedish Committee on Regulations for Steel Structures, 1974. (Distr. by Swedish Institute of Steel Construction. ) 9. 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