SESSION PLAN Sector Qualification title Unit of competency Module title : Agriculture and Fishery Sector : Organic Agriculture Production NC II : Raise Organic Hogs : Raising Organic Hogs LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Select healthy domestic hog breeds and suitable housing 2. Feed hogs 3. Grow and finish hogs A. INTRODUCTION This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to raise organic hogs effectively and efficiently. It includes selection of healthy domestic hogs, determination of suitable hog house requirements, proper feeding and managing health and growth of hogs, and finish hogs. B. LEARNING ACTIVITIES LO 1. Select domestic hogs breeds and suitable housing (11 hours) Learning Methods Presentation Practice content Industry Self-paced Read Answer Self- acceptable learning/modular Information Check 1.1 indicator for Lecture Sheet 1.1-1 on healthy “Industry piglets acceptable indicator for Feedback Compare the answers to the answer key 1.1-1 Resources Time CBLM 30 mins. 1 Housing designs and equipment Demonstration Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Demonstration Demonstration healthy piglets” Perform task sheet 1.1-1 “Select healthy domestic hog breeds” Perform Evaluate task sheet performance 1.1-1 “select based on healthy performance domestic criteria hog breeds” checklist 1.1-1 Facility/area Boots Gloves Scrub suit Stocks 2 hour Read Information Sheet 1.1-2 on “Housing designs and equipment” Perform task sheet 1.1-2 “Install cage equipment” Answer SelfCheck 1.1-2 Compare answers to the answer key 1.1-2 CBLM 30 mins. Perform task sheet 1.1-2 “Install cage equipment” Evaluate performance based on performance criteria checklist 1.1-2 4 hour Perform job sheet 1.1 “ Select healthy domestic hogs and suitable housing” Perform job sheet 1.1 “ Select healthy domestic hogs and suitable housing” Evaluate performance based on performance criteria checklist 1.1 Facility/area Water drinker Feeder Brooder Boots Scrub suit Gloves Facility/area Stocks Hog pens Boots Scrub suit Gloves 3 hour 2 LO 2. Feed Hogs (6 hours) Learning content Feed materials Feeding methods and management Methods Presentation Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Read Information Sheet 1.2-1 on “Feed materials” Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.2-1 “Identify feed materials” Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Read Information Sheet 1.2-2 on “”Feeding methods and management Practice Feedback Resources Answer SelfCheck 1.2-1 Compare answers to the answer key 1.21 Perform task sheet 1.2-1 “Identify feed materials” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.2-1 Answer SelfCheck 1.2-2 Compare CBLM answers to the answer key 1.22 Time CBLM 30 mins. Facility/area Boots Gloves Scrub suit Trichantera Corn Rice Copra meal Fish meal Banana Cassava 1 hour 30 mins. 3 Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.2-2 “Perform feed formulation” Perform task Evaluate sheet 1.2-2 performance “Perform using feed performance formulation” criteria checklist 1.2-2 Facility Calculator Pen Paper Worksheets 2 hours Demonstration Perform job sheet 1.2 “ Perform feeding of hogs” Perform job sheet 1.2 “ Perform feeding of hogs” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.2 Facility/area Feeds Stocks Boots Gloves Scrub suit Pail 2 hours Practice Feedback Resources Time LO 3. Grow and finish hogs (7 hours) Learning content Health care program Methods Presentation Read Information Sheet 1.3-1 on “Health care program” Answer SelfCheck 1.3-1 Compare answers to the answer key 1.31 CBLM 30 mins. Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.3-1 “Acclimatize newly-arrived stocks” Perform task sheet 1.3-1 “Acclimatize newlyarrived stocks” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.3-1 Facility/Area Boots Gloves Scrub suit Stocks 1 hours 4 Sanitation and cleanliness program Organic waste Read Information Sheet 1.3-2 on “Sanitation and cleanliness program” Answer SelfCheck 1.3-2 Compare answers to the answer key 1.3-2 Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.3-2 “clean and sanitize pen” Perform task sheet 1.3-2 “clean and sanitize pen” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.3-2 Facility/Area Boots Gloves Scrub suit Disinfectant Broomsticks Pail CBLM Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Read Information Sheet 1.3-3 on “Organic waste” Answer SelfCheck 1.3-3 Compare answers to the answer key 1.3-3 Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.3-3 “Collect organic waste” Perform task sheet 1.3-3 “Collect organic waste” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.3-3 CBLM Facility/area Gloves Scrub suit Boots Shovel Sacks Wheel barrow 30 mins. 1.5 hour 30 mins. 1 hour 5 Market specification Self-paced learning/modular Lecture Read Information Sheet 1.3-4 on “Market specification” Answer SelfCheck 1.3-4 Compare answers to the answer key 1.3-4 CBLM 30 mins. Demonstration Perform task sheet 1.3-4 “Determine ideal weight of hogs for market” Perform job sheet 1.3 “Grow and finish hogs” Perform task sheet 1.3-4 “Determine ideal weight of hogs for market” Perform job sheet 1.3-4 “Grow and finish hogs” Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.3-4 Evaluate performance using performance criteria checklist 1.3-4 Facility/area Calculator Pen Paper Stocks 30 mins. Facility/area Boots Scrub suit Gloves Concoctions Weighing scale Disinfectant Sacks Shovel Broomsticks Rice hull Calculator Pen Paper Stocks 2 hours Demonstration 6 C. Assessment Plan Written assessment: Trainee/s will be assessed on their knowledge in the following: o Selection of heathy and suitable breeds o Selection of suitable housing and equipment o Feeding management o Health management; and o Finishing of hogs for market Performance assessment: Trainee/s will be assessed base on the following tasks; o Perform selection of healthy stocks and suitable housing o Identify feed materials o Perform feed formulation o Perform isolation of newly-arrived stocks o Perform sanitation and cleanliness program o Perform collection of organic waste; and o Perform finishing of hogs D. Teacher’s Self-Reflection in the Session Prepared by: ROMALLY ANTONETTE B. TAGNIPEZ Trainer 7