Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CATCH - UP FRIDAY ACTION PLAN / ACTIVITIES Activities Timeline Person Involved Materials/Financial Requirement Mark of Success Remarks 1. Identify the level of literacy of the learners. (phonemic awareness, initial letter sounds, fluency etc.) and identifying the struggling learners. -Profiling of kindergarten learners. Administer literacy assessment test. Parents Orientation Home Visitation Preparation of Reading Monitoring Tool. 1st Quarter of the S.Y School Heads, Teacher, Kindergarten, Parents Assessment Tool Bond Paper, Ink, Printer, laminating film/machine Result of Literacy Assessment of Learners. Regular Home Visitation schedule. 2. Improve the reading ability of the learners. -Preparation of the strategic learning plan and Instructional Materials. 1st -4th Quarter Of the S.Y Improved the reading ability of learners. Developed and upgraded teaching devices and Reading Materials. Objectives -Group learners according to their reading level for -MOOE Teacher, Kindergarten, Parents/Guardian Reading materials, Reading Monitoring Tool, Bond Paper, Ink, Printer, laminating film/machine -MOOE Instructional Materials are being provided and utilized. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education For easy administration. More funlearning games to address the reading deficit of the learners. -Provide reading materials based on their level of reading. -Conduct regular reading activities. -Monitor the reading ability of the learners using the reading monitoring tool. 3. Reinforcement activities through home-based reading. - Upgrading of homelearning partners’ skills in teaching reading like members of the family. -Conduct regular reporting of the progress of the learners. All Year round Teacher, Kindergarten, Parents/Guardian Reading materials, Reading Monitoring Tool, Bond Paper, Ink, Printer, laminating film/machine -MOOE Improved teaching ability of home learning partners Cooperation of home teaching partners; Continuous monitoring of reading development of the learners and involvement of home Republic of the Philippines Department of Education -Conduct Reading literacy test (post-test) attendance to regular meetings. Result of Reading Literacy post-test. Prepared by: Noted by: Teacher II Principal lII learning partners.