www.aktuonline.com Printed Pages: 3 RMB-I02/RMT-102 {Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Books) Roll No. MBA/I\,IBATM Regular Theory Examination (Odd Sem - I),2076-17 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Max Marks: 100 www.aktuonline.com Time: 3 Houts Note : 1. Answer all questions from Section - A. 2. Answer any three questions from Section - B. j. Answer all questionsfromsection- C using interrual choiee. Section -A Write Short Notes on following in not more than 50(8x2.5:20) 75 words. 1, ,t Cardinal utility. L. Opportunity cost concept. 3. Departmentation. 4. Income elasticity of demand. 5. Supplyelasticity. 6. Lawofdiminishingretums. 7. Fixed costsvls Variable cost. 8. Skimming price. 102t12t2816i21580 (1i www.aktuonline.com [P.T.O. www.aktuonline.com RMB-IO2iRMT.102 Section'B 'lVrite notes on following in not more than 100 to 200 www.aktuonline.com words.AttemPt3 outof 5 (3x10:30) 1. What is the significance of managerial economics? , What do you understand by movement aiong the demand curve? J. Define Marginal Propensity to consume (MPC)' 4. Describe why Long Run Average Cost (LAC) curve is called as Planning Curve and envelope clrrve' 5. Explain Demand-Putl inflation. How it can be controlled? Section - C Attempt all5 questions using internal -|!'XiO=UO, l. Explain in detail the nature and scope of Managerial Economics. How Micro Economics differs from Managerial Economics? OR 7 What is Elasticity of Demand? Explain Price, Cross and Income Elasticity ofDemand used inmanagerial decision making process. What is Empirical Production Function? Explain the optimum combination ofinputs with diagrams' r02t1212*16i21580 0) www.aktuonline.com www.aktuonline.com RMB.IO2IRMT-102 OR a1d outnyt What do you mean by Monopoly? How nr]ce Monopoly is determined in slort and long run in Competition? What is Cost of Capital? Explain its inter-national competitivene ss' 3. structure and role in OR Describe the Oligopoly Model in detail' important regarding some of the introduction of io*p"tition' Discuss reference to the important pricing issues with special Tourism industrY. OR of 'Bundling' has emerged as an important-aspect pricing'. Di*t"t this with special referenc'e Issues related to pricing are very www.aktuonline.com 4. '.*ru*J to the Tourism sector. 5. may influence tfe What are the various factors which cables? Explain the demand for intermediate goods like the demand for most appropriate method;f forecasting such an item. OR What is National Income? Explain the various methods of its measurement' ++++ 102ft212016/21580 (3) www.aktuonline.com concept and discuss