Chapter 3 Particles in Semiconductor Processing D. Martin Knotter * and Faisal Wali y * y NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands University of Twente, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1. Introduction 1.1. Impact of Particles in IC Manufacturing 1.2. Yield Calculation Models 1.3. Origin of Particles 1.4. Determination of Particle Removal Efficiency (PRE) 1.5. Methods to Remove Particles 2. Theory 2.1. Particle Removal Mechanism 2.2. Model of Particle Removal 2.3. Liquid Particle Counter (LPC) Measurements 2.4. Metal-Ion Core Particles 3. Particle Removal Study 3.1. Tank Dynamics, Impact of Particle Counter, and Particle Composition 3.2. Particle Diffusion Out of the Boundary Layer 3.3. Particle Detachment 4. Conclusions Acknowledgements References 1. INTRODUCTION Advances in integrated circuits (ICs) have a high impact on society. These advances result in continuously increasing performance of home personal computers, higher density flash memory chips, faster wireless communication in combination with smaller antennas, and all kinds of combinations of the aforementioned components. The main characteristic of these advances has been the shrinking dimension of the features of which the ICs are made. 1.1. Impact of Particles in IC Manufacturing Every two years the feature size of the new generation of microprocessors is reduced with a O2 factor [1]. Since 2004 the smallest size is in the nanoscale Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning Copyright Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 81 82 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning range which is defined by the 100-nm limit. Simultaneously, particles that can cause device damage and that are deposited on the product during its manufacturing are smaller in size. In early road maps, the critical dimension of the particles was assumed to one-tenth of the minimum device feature size. Later, this was relaxed from one-third to currently half of the feature size. Today, it means detection and removal of particles in the range of 10–20 nm. The manufacturing of microprocessors consists of hundreds of process steps, many of which can be sensitive to particle contamination. The process steps that are sensitive to particle contamination can be grouped into several categories (see Figure 3.1): a. b. c. d. Particles in holes or trenches In-film particles Particles as mask (not related to pattern) Patterning deviations where particles become part of the photo mask. a c e- d b s g + ++ d e- s g + ++ d e- FIGURE 3.1 Cross-sectional details of an IC with different impact of random particles on device performance. Color coding: white is the insulator; light gray is the semiconductor; dark gray is the conductor; black is a particle with unknown properties. (a) Particle in a contact hole before the hole is filled up with metal results in an ‘‘open’’ circuit. (b) Particle on the gate area (g) prior to gate definition results in poor transistor performance (s ¼ source, d ¼ drain). (c) Particle on an area that is implanted with low-energy dopants. (d) Patterning problem where the particle is located in the photo mask pattern, resulting in a masked etch and a ‘‘short’’ circuit. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 83 These categories do overlap, but they all result in different kinds of failure in the final device. The commonality is that all these particles can result in random yield loss. 1. Particles in holes or trenches. The most prevalent failure mode in manufacturing is category (a), where a particle obstructs the conductivity between two metal layers. The reason is the process weakness in the previous steps, i.e. poor definition of holes and trenches in the dielectric layer. This plasma etch step is contaminating and the subsequent cleaning step has a relatively small process window. Plasma etching results in so-called ‘‘sidewall polymers’’ that are actually polymers deliberately deposited on the sidewall to attain a high degree of anisotropy in the etch process (sidewall passivation). Furthermore, the sidewall polymers can contain residue of the reaction product between the plasma gas and the metal layer that is exposed on the bottom of the hole. Exposure of the metal to the plasma gas is poorly controlled, resulting in an unpredictable amount of metal salts in the sidewall polymers. Compared to the cleans earlier in the process, the clean between the plasma etch and the deposition of the next metal layer (to fill the hole) has reduced chemical etch activity as well as physical power, because it is not allowed to etch the exposed metal nor the dielectric material which, in the latest technologies, is made of porous silica-based material. 2. In-film particles. Category (b) process failure has been driving the roadmap for semiconductors with respect to cleaning and cleanliness performance of the manufacturing facilities. The critical area here is defined as the area where the gate is going to be made and it is the number of transistors in the device multiplied by the gate area in each transistor. Surprisingly, this has remained constant over the years, because the gate area has been halved with each new generation while the number of transistors has doubled. This means that the number of allowable particles to achieve a 99% device yield remains constant. However, the challenge here is that the particles now are of a smaller size. Except for the deposition tool itself, there are no typical process-related particles depositing on the wafer before and during these process steps. In the deposition tool the material to be deposited is not only deposited on the wafer but also on the sidewall of the chamber. Several depositions in a row without a layer-removal step can cause these multilayers to crack from the stresses, resulting in airborne particles. These particles will be deposited on the wafer either in the beginning of the deposition, resulting in in-film particles that are non-removable, or at the end of the deposition. If the particles are not yet within the film, a relatively robust cleaning process can be used to remove these particles. It can make use of mechanical forces such as megasonic energy without too much concern for pattern damage. Also, at this stage under-etching is still allowed. 84 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 3. Particles as mask (not related to pattern). This process failure is similar to the previous example, where particle contamination is present on a wafer without a photoresist pattern, but structures can also be present on the wafer. The critical processes involved can be implantation, oxidation, or a film-removal step. The particles mask the underlying substrate and they will leave a ghost pattern in the final device even after the particle has already been removed. 4. Patterning deviations where particles become part of the photo mask. Before or during the definition of the patterned photoresist layer, particles can deposit and can be positioned such that they are on a location where no photoresist should have been (failure mode d in Figure 3.1). Particles on photomasks that are used to define the patterned photoresist layer can result in a similar failure, but this will be picked up as a systematic yield loss because the image of the particle will be printed on every product at the same position. As in the previous case, the particle acts as a mask, but in this case it will inhibit the etching process on a patterned wafer. The position of the particle defect can occur anywhere and the particle imprint can no longer be removed. In the given example (Figure 3.1), the particle results in an electrical short because the etched metal was not removed completely and the imprint is short-circuiting two metal lines that should have been separated. Other failure scenarios are also possible that can result in an open circuit, if, for example, a dielectric layer is not etched away and the deposited metal layer later cannot fill that space. 1.2. Yield Calculation Models The degree of success in IC manufacturing is measured by yield (Y) that is defined as the ratio of usable devices in respect to potentially usable devices before starting its manufacturing [2]. Usable devices are defined as those that pass several physical and electrical tests during or after completion of the multistep manufacturing process. Knowledge of yield performance of a manufacturing facility or process is used to predict the yield of new products that has a higher degree of integration. The economics of the introduction of such production processes helps in making the decision to build a new fab, upgrade the existing fab, and the identifications of problematic process steps. A large portion of the yield loss is caused by contamination present in the wafer environment and, in this category, particles are the major contributor. To be able to reduce the impact of contamination on manufacturing, defects have to be detected. These defects are initially measured after each process step. The long-term defect probability and yield prediction are related by statistical probability distribution models. There are several yield prediction models in the literature. Most of these models require the detection of defects on the product wafer during the Particles in Semiconductor Processing 85 multistep process flow and the confirmation of successful or unsuccessful fabrication of the affected product. This assumes that a wafer consists of a number of ICs that are sawed out of the wafer at the end of the process. Each IC consists of a number (N) of transistors. If a single transistor in an IC is not working, the whole IC is malfunctioning and is considered scrap. Finally, defects, especially particles, can be deposited randomly on the wafer, which is a stochastic process. 1.2.1. Wallmark’s Model In 1960, the first yield prediction model was proposed by Wallmark [3] and is described by: Y ¼ ð1 S=100ÞN (1) His model was based on the assumption that the percentage (S) of working transistors that could be produced by a certain process was known from an existing manufacturing process or was determined experimentally. As the number of transistors in an IC was in the range of one to several hundred, determination of such numbers was reliable. The model is based on probability calculations: if one out of ten transistors is not working, then nine out of ten are working. Thus, the probability that a device is made out of two working transistors is 0.92 ¼ 0.81, but with ten transistors the yield would drop to 0.910 ¼ 0.35. An economist could tell if this yield is sufficient to bring such a product to the market, or that the yield has to be improved first before going on to integrate the next generation IC into the device. As the number of transistors in the newer generation of ICs rapidly increased and the integration climbed to a higher level, this model was no longer suitable. The main problems were that the method did not identify the yield-determining process steps and it was not able to predict the impact of the reduction in transistor dimensions. 1.2.2. Poisson Model In 1963, Hofstein and Heiman [4] presented some theoretical characteristics of the ‘‘insulated-gate field-effect transistor’’ (see Figure 3.2). The transistor was described as a control electrode (gate) insulated from a thin conducting channel in the surface of a silicon substrate by an oxide film. They proposed the critical area to be the area under the gate (AG): if a defect occurs in this area, the transistor will fail and a defect outside this area has no or minor impact. The probability that a defect occurs in the critical area is considered to be totally random and thus independent of surface structure, differences in local surface composition, or the presence of other defects. Under these conditions, the Poisson probability function can be used to calculate the yield of a process for which the defect density (D) is known (equation (2)). This model has proven 86 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning gate L SiO2 channel Source drain W Silicon wafer FIGURE 3.2 A typical layout of a field effect transistor (not to scale). W is the gate width that is considered the critical dimension of a transistor and L is the gate length. The critical area AG ¼ WL. to be very accurate in predicting yield for products with a total die area below 0.25 cm2.1 Y ¼ eNAG D (2) It is the definition of defects resulting in device failure that has been the topic of dispute. D is composed of a measured defect density, where a certain size is considered to be critical, and of the kill ratio of the defect. The kill ratio is the number of particles that causes a defective product divided by the total number of particles in the critical area. Defects are measured and sized with optical techniques. Bare or patterned wafers are scanned with a laser beam and when the beam illuminates a defect the light is scattered. The scatter intensity is a measure for the defect size. However, the scatter intensity not only depends on the defect size but, among other things, it also depends on the defect composition. Defects measured are particles, pits and asperities, and pattern deformation. Only the first category, particles, is of interest in this chapter. Their composition remains unknown. The size at which particles become a killer is rather arbitrary. As mentioned before, the size depends on the most critical dimension (i.e. W) of the device and is defined as a fraction of that size. This fraction is currently 0.5. In fact, it does not matter what fraction is chosen, because the kill ratio will compensate for errors in the chosen size. The kill ratio is determined by actually measuring a certain number of defects of the same category and it determines the number of devices that failed due to these defects. It is a calibration factor. It becomes clear that if the size at which a defect was measured is chosen to be smaller, more defects will be measured and the kill ratio will decrease accordingly. Besides the size 1 Instead of one specifc critical area, the gate area (NAG), most yield models are more general and use A as total area in a certain process step. Therefore, for NAG also read A. 87 Particles in Semiconductor Processing compensation, the kill ratio is also needed because the tools to measure defect density do not measure the composition of the defect. Some defects are not killer, e.g. organic particles will disappear in a furnace oxidation. Since in manufacturing the compositions of defects in most process steps are unknown, the kill ratio has to be determined for each process separately. 1.2.3. Murphy’s Model The Poisson model is correct for one process with a known fixed defect density. However, the defect density is not constant in time nor is the defect density uniform over the wafer. It is subject to random variation that results in some clustering of defects. The effect of such clustering is that the chance that an IC in such area or time frame is affected by two defects will increase. This IC can only fail once. If these clusters had spread out over the whole wafer or in time these two defects would have hit two ICs and both would have been scraped. Since the relation between defect density and yield is not linear, the long-term yield will be underestimated (see Figure 3.3). Murphy [5] included the long-term variation in defect density in the longterm yield calculations by using a (normalized) distribution function f(D) that describes this variation: ðN eNAG D f D dD (3) Y ¼ 0 1 0.8 Yield (fraction) 0.17 0.6 -0.13 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Defect density (AU) FIGURE 3.3 Relation between defect density and yield according to the Poisson model. If the average defect density is 10 and it fluctuates randomly between 5 and 15, then the long-term yield will be underestimated by a maximum of 2%. 88 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning The function can be determined from the manufacturing history or it can be assumed to have a certain shape, such as rectangular, bell curve, triangular, box, or line. Murphy chose the triangular shape and obtained: 2 NAG D (4) Y ¼ 1e NAG D 1.2.4. Negative Binomial Model A more physical meaning can be given to the variation in defect density. Incidents are the reason that defects cluster in place or time. Wafers are hit by splashes, dry-in marks, scratches, or some other localized random events, causing many defects to be created in a localized area. Also, one of the many processes or process tools can run out of control at some moment in time. The key property is that the final defect count is the sum of many processes that can run out of control, adding a little to the total defect count. Since most processes and tools run within control, the defect distribution becomes skewed with a maximum close to zero defects. The statistic that best describes such nonsymmetric variation is the gamma distribution. Therefore, Stapper [6,7] expressed the variation in defect concentration by a gamma distribution function and used that function for f(D) of equation (3). After integration, he derived: NAG D a (5) Y ¼ 1þ a The new parameter a is a clustering parameter that is equal to D2/s2, where s2 is the variance in the defect density. According to Stapper [6], a varies from 0.3 to 5, but is typically between 2 and 3 [8]. More clustering (more incidents) results in a larger variance, smaller values of a and, thus, a larger predicted yield than predicted with Poisson’s model with the same average defect density. As an effect of the gamma distribution function, this model becomes a sort of unifying model. If a becomes larger than 10, this models starts to overlap with the Poisson model (i.e. no clustering). When a is between 4 and 7, the yield prediction is similar to Murphy’s model. With a ¼ 1, this model is equal to Seed’s model [2], which is often used as an alternative to Poisson’s model. In 1991, Stapper [9] emphasized that the negative binomial yield model has found general acceptance in semiconductor manufacturing in Canada, Europe, and the USA. The Poisson yield model is the model of choice for comparing data from single process steps and is used in ITRS roadmap discussions [1]. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 89 1.2.5. Random Defects and Non-Random Deposition Model In all yield models defects are systematic, identified with in-line defect inspection tools, and well classified. Furthermore, the defects are assumed to deposit randomly on any area of the whole wafer. In a recent study [10], defect density in the wafer environment was related to yield. This means that the measured particles in ultra-pure water (UPW), which is used for device manufacturing, relate to the in-line measured defect density on the respective devices. The defect density (D) due to particles present in UPW can be described by our predictive model: D ¼ Np SKR Pd (6) Here Np represents the particle concentration (particles cm3 in UPW), S (L cm2) is the amount of UPW that contacts the wafer during the fabrication at the critical process steps, KR represents the fraction of killer particles, and Pd is the probability that particles deposit on to critical areas. The value of Np and S can be measured. The unknown value KR varies with the particle composition and size. Pd depends on the process settings of the manufacturing process step generating contamination, particle composition, and wafer surface composition. It is Pd that is the subject of our further investigations as it can have a large impact on yield, if the particle would have a preference to deposit on critical areas. It was shown [11] that particles do deposit on specific areas during the drying sequence of a cleaning procedure. 1.3. Origin of Particles The composition of the particles is diverse and it depends on location and time. Failure analysis of particles using SEM-EDX that resulted in a device failure shows, in many cases, the presence of Si, but whether it is Si, silica, silicon nitride, or organosilicon compounds (e.g. dimethylsiloxane) remains unknown in many cases. Another category of particles detected in failure analysis is particles related to photoresist residue. Organic material is difficult to discern, but fluoride residues can be measured and they are very likely related to the fluoride used in the plasma to etch patterns. These residues are either not removed after the plasma etch step, or they are redeposited out of the cleaning solution used to do the post-etch cleanup. The non-process-related particles originate from the wafer environment, such as cleanroom air and process liquids (chemicals and water), or from the wafer edge. Cleanroom air. Manufacturing of ICs is done in cleanrooms, but the handling of wafers is done in an even cleaner microenvironment. Process tools are completely enclosed with their own filter system and the wafers are stored and transported in closed pods that have standard interfaces to connect the pod to the tool. This enables the loading and unloading of 90 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning wafers into the tool without exposing the wafer to cleanroom air. Thus, the probability that particles come from the cleanroom air is relatively low. Process liquids. This is an important source of particles. If particles are present in the liquids they have plenty of opportunity to end up on the wafer surface (see Figure 3.4) [11]. During the immersion of the wafers into the liquids, hydrodynamic forces act on particles floating on the liquid whereby the particles are ‘‘stamped’’ on the wafer surface [12]. When the wafers are in the submerged state, particles are deposited due to electrostatic forces and van der Waals forces [13]. The withdrawal of the wafers from the liquid determines the amount of liquid left to dry on the surface [14]. All contamination in the drying liquid will be left on the surface. The final step, drying, does not determine the number of particles left on the wafer, but rather the location on the wafer [11]. Wafers are exposed to liquids during lithography, cleaning, wet etching, galvanic deposition, spin-on layers, and polishing steps. These process steps make up more than 50% of the total number of process steps. Wafer edge. The edge of the wafer is a known source of contamination. At the edge contamination is accumulated and generated. Accumulation can occur because many cleans do not target the cleaning of the wafer edge. Generation is due to mechanical mishandling of the wafer that is done with grippers manipulating the wafer, or during transport where wafers often bump into solid surfaces. Particles are also generated at the edge, because the deposited layer ends at the edge in an uncontrolled way and the layers can peel and flake off. If these wafers are immersed, particles can dislodge and redeposit on the wafer. Usually, the pattern of deposition is recognizable with inspection tools as it occurs as a smear from the edge. Besides the aforementioned resist residues the major source of process-related particles are deposition tools. During deposition, material is deposited on the wafer and on the wall of the reactor. If the layers on the reactor become too thick, these layers can crack and flakes will come loose. In some cases, it is the gas mixture at the start of the deposition process that is of incorrect composition which causes particles to form in the gas. In all these cases, particle deposition 1 3 4 2 FIGURE 3.4 Opportunities for particles to deposit on a wafer during the bath cleaning process: (1) immersion; (2) submersion; (3) withdrawal; (4) drying. 91 Particles in Semiconductor Processing is unanticipated and the risk can be reduced by increased tool cleaning sequences, or by adding an extra wafer-cleaning step after the deposition step. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is another process step that adds particles to the wafer. However, this is anticipated and there are dedicated postCMP cleaning tools and processes available. Many of these processes do not target the wafer edge properly. If particles deposit on the wafer, it is assumed to be a random process. Yield models are using this boundary condition (see Section 1.2). It has been shown that particles coming out of a liquid do not deposit randomly [11]. If a surface has mixed areas that are hydrophobic and hydrophilic, particles tend to deposit on the hydrophilic areas, depending on the nature of the particles. If the surface has structures, the particles will tend to deposit next to the sidewalls. Convection flows and lateral capillary forces during the drying step drive these processes. A problem for technologies with smaller feature sizes is that the smaller particles that might be critical have a higher tendency to deposit preferentially. 1.4. Determination of Particle Removal Efficiency (PRE) In order to evaluate a cleaning process, a method is required to determine the particle removal efficiency of the process. This has to be done with particlecontaminated wafers. In early manufacturing, these wafers were prepared by putting the wafers through a process or tool that was known to contaminate the wafer. Subsequently, the number of particles was measured (pre-count), the wafers were cleaned, and the number of particles was re-measured (postcount). The PRE was calculated from: PRE% ¼ 100% ðPre-count Post-countÞ Pre-count (7) This was a very pragmatic approach that could indeed give some indication of the performance of two processes under evaluation at the same time. The weakness of this approach is that the particles are of unknown origin and the composition can change on a day-to-day basis. Also, the amount of deposited particles could vary from wafer to wafer. Thus, for scientific purposes, this method is unsuitable. A second drawback of the method is that it does not account for particles added by the cleaning process itself. This means that if the pre-count is relatively small, the determined PRE will be offset by these added particles. An improvement is to use a series of particle-contaminated wafers with variable particle concentrations. If the pre-count and the post-countpre-count differences are plotted on an x–y plot, the slope of the linear regression represents the PRE and the intercept represents the amount of particles added by the clean itself. An example of such an experiment is given in Figure 3.5. 92 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning Pre-count–post-count 1100 900 y = 0.93x - 24 700 500 300 100 -100 0 250 500 750 1000 Pre-count FIGURE 3.5 Example of a particle removal test: PRE ¼ 93% and added particles by the clean is 24. The methods to contaminate the wafers have been improved by contaminating wafers with particles of known composition. In manufacturing, suspensions are generated by breaking silicon wafers in/above water (to generate silicon particle suspension) or by diluting slurries that are used for the polishing process (silica particles). These suspensions are applied on to wafers by spinning, or the wafers are immersed in these suspensions. For scientific studies, silicon nitride particles tend to be preferred, because these particles are believed to be more difficult to remove than silica or silicon. Problems related to this particle-application method will be discussed in Section 3.3.1. It is not common practice in the industry to monitor particle removal efficiency with particle-contaminated wafers on a regular basis. Instead, practical clean wafers are processed in cleaning tools and the amount of added particles (D[x]) by process and tool is monitored. It is wrongly assumed that the small amount of particles already present on the wafers is not removed. It was demonstrated that from such a monitor program the particle removal efficiency could be determined [15], because the small amount of particles is partially removed. By describing the cleaning process as an equilibrium reaction between particle attachment and detachment the following equation can be derived: (8) D x ¼ Ad 1 ekr t Here the parameter Ad describes the amount of particles that are added by the process at infinite process time minus the initial particle count. kr is the removal rate constant of the particle detachment process. This formula makes more sense with the following definition of particle removal efficiency: PRE% ¼ 100% 1 ekr t and PRE ¼ 1 ekr t (9) Particles in Semiconductor Processing 93 The performance of the cleaning process could be calculated by taking Ad and kr to be normally distributed [15]. 1.5. Methods to Remove Particles Particle contamination accounts for 90% of the contaminants and is responsible for 80% of the defects [16]. The easiest way to avoid the impact of particles is to prevent the particles from depositing on the wafer. If this is not possible, the particles have to be removed. In the semiconductor industry there are many methods to remove the particles. They are based on chemical principles, physical forces, or a combination of these. Since the structures made on the surfaces are so small and fragile, there is a delicate balance between particle removal and structure damage. The main chemical principle is undercutting of the particle by etching the substrate. Additionally, surfactants can be added to either aid the detachment or prevent the redeposition of particles. Physical methods that aid the chemical processes are ultrasonics or megasonics [17], brush cleaning [18], or centrifugal forces [19]. More or less pure physical methods are bombardment of the contaminated surface with high-speed droplets [20,21], or with ice particles [22,23], or with laser-assisted cleaning [24,25]. Many other methods are under investigation, but have not found serious application in semiconductor manufacturing. Solutions that are used to remove particles are aqueous based. Solutions such as HF etch silicon oxide but not silicon, while such solutions as ammonia– hydrogen peroxide mixture etch silicon and silicon oxide at more or less the same rate. The problem with the latter is that it can etch silicon in an uncontrolled way, resulting in increased silicon surface roughness [26]. A disadvantage of the HF solution is that the electrostatic double-layer thickness is minimal and repulsive forces that prevent redeposition of particles are weak. Furthermore, using megasonic cleaning in combination with HF can cause pitting of the substrate [27]. The first systematically developed silicon wafer cleaning process is the RCA clean introduced in 1965 by Kern and Puotinen [28]. It is called the standard clean (SC) and is based on a two-step process with intermediate water rinses. The first step is aqueous ammonium hydroxide–hydrogen peroxide–water mixture (APM), also called standard clean 1 (SC1), and the second step is hydrochloric acid–hydrogen peroxide mixture (HPM), or standard clean 2 (SC2). It is the APM step that targets the removal of particles and the HPM step that adds particles. APM has been the major workhorse for particle removal in the semiconductor industry and has been upgraded throughout the years. Both APM and HPM were originally used at 75–80 C which resulted in excessive hydrogen peroxide decomposition. For this reason, nowadays APM is used at 94 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning lower temperatures and hydrogen peroxide is left out of the HPM. Also, the concentration has been a target of improvement. APM was originally used in a mixing ratio of 1:1:5–8 (NH4OH (25%)–H2O2 (30%)–H2O) and this has gone down to as low as 1:1:500 [29]. The addition of ultrasonic energy or megasonic energy allowed higher dilution ratios and lower operating temperatures [30]. Megasonic and ultrasonic cleaning are both acoustic cleaning methods. Megasonic cleaning uses a higher frequency (typically 800 kHz up to 2 MHz) than ultrasonic cleaning (<100 kHz). The principal mechanism of acoustic cleaning is pulsating gas bubbles moving across a particle-contaminated surface and thereby initiating the liftoff of particles [31,32]. Furthermore, these gas bubbles together with the sound waves cause micro-streaming which is a relatively non-harmful mechanism to enhance particle diffusion. However, these same gas bubbles can also collapse completely, creating high-energy hot spots, so-called cavitation [33]. Cavitation causes structure damage. Since in ultrasonic cleaning cavitation bubbles are larger than in megasonic cleaning, the damaged area is larger. Brush cleaning can be applied in two modes: contact mode and non-contact mode. In the contact mode, the brush directly touches the surface and applies a force on the particles present on the surface of the substrate. In the noncontact brush-cleaning mode, the spinning brush generates a fluid velocity that removes the particles by shear forces. Contact brush cleaning is mainly used on flat surfaces, for example, after the chemical mechanical polishing process, since full contact of a brush will damage the device structure. The mechanism of removal by high-speed droplets or high-speed ice particles is slightly different. High-speed ice particles (usually made up of solid CO2 or argon, formed by a sudden rapid expansion of the respective gases) require direct collision with the particle on the surface, whereby impulse is transferred and the particle is knocked away, or explosive evaporation detaches the particle from the surface. In the case of droplets, this mechanism is also possible, but it is also likely that the advancing front of an impinging droplet close to the particle generates enough shear forces to detach the particles. Highspeed droplets are created by aerosol formation with a high pressure of N2 in a dedicated spray nozzle. The most important parameter to obtain high particle removal efficiencies and low substrate damage is the control over the droplet or ice-crystal size distribution [34]. A laser can heat a localized spot very rapidly, which can cause an explosive expansion of the material. It induces either an explosive evaporation of a condensed liquid film between the particle and the substrate, or it generates a shock wave by heating the liquid just above the particle. Commercial tools are available for so-called laser cleaning that use the explosive evaporation mechanism. Some believe that the liquid film is not required and the particle is ejected from the wafer by the rapid expansion of the substrate [35]. Laser shock wave cleaning is in development [25]. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 95 2. THEORY 2.1. Particle Removal Mechanism In order to remove particle contamination from wafer surfaces, the removal forces that act on the particles should be greater than the attractive adhesion forces. Adhesion forces are extensively described in many textbooks [36,37]. However, the most important adhesion forces are van der Waals forces and electrostatic forces [38]. The strength of the van der Waals forces depends on the particle material as well as the particle size. Electrostatic forces depend, in addition to material properties, on the pH of the solution and can be attractive or repulsive. It is a longer range force than the van der Waals force. The major challenge of particle contamination in a semiconductor manufacturing environment is that particles are made up of a collection of different materials (see Section 1.3). Furthermore, some particles are deposited from liquid and others from air; some particles adhere chemically, others adhere purely physically; and some particles dissolve, while others are insoluble in the cleaning liquids. Therefore, the adhesion strength varies and the required force to remove them can be excessive for the majority of the particles. It is the detachment process that gets the most attention of researchers. As described in the previous paragraph, both chemical and physical forces are used to remove particles. There are many ways to apply a force on a particle, but the most important one is by shear forces. Shear forces are forces that act in the plane of the substrate, while the particle moves perpendicular to this plane. Due to the shear forces, the particle can break the strong chemical bonds and can start to roll or slide. The required liftoff forces are introduced if a sliding or rolling particle contacts a surface asperity or structure [39]. A mechanism that is underestimated by the industry is due to surface tension when a particle on a surface passes through a liquid–gas interface. This is the case during the immersion of wafers into a liquid (Section 3.2), cleaning with high-velocity droplets, and also megasonic cleaning where gas bubbles move over the wafer surface. A very instructive description is given by Leenaars [40]. In his patent application, a laser creates a gas bubble and this gas bubble is moved over a contaminated surface (see Figure 3.6). The forces generated by the advancing and receding contact angles can result in enough liftoff force to overcome the adhesion force (FA). The maximum lift force (Fl,max) that acts on the particle is given in equation (10), where R is the particle radius, g is the surface tension of the liquid, q is the wetting angle of the particle, and a ¼ the contact angle of the liquid on the substrate. 96 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning Fl FH gas gas liquid Fl FH liquid FA FA a: particle moves into liquid b: particle moves out of liquid FIGURE 3.6 Particle removal mechanism with a gas bubble (only the gas–liquid–solid interface is depicted). When a particle goes through a gas–liquid interface it will feel two major forces. FA is adhesion force between particle and substrate and FH is force caused by the surface tension difference at the liquid–air interface [41]. q Fl;max ¼ 2pRg sin cos a 2 2 (10) From this equation three conclusions can be drawn about the cleaning system: 1. Best cleaning is done with liquids with high surface tension, e.g. water, and without surface tension-reducing agents (surfactants) added. 2. Substrate surface should be wetted by water and thus should be as hydrophilic as possible. Surface with contact angle larger than 90 will draw the particles to the surface. 3. It is much easier to remove hydrophobic particles. Leenaars [40] noted that the speed of the gas bubble should not exceed 10 cm s1, because the interface of the liquid cannot adapt faster and the cleaning becomes less effective. On the same principle, Kittle [41] used a very large amount of gas bubbles as foam to remove particles. 2.2. Model of Particle Removal The removal of particles is considered to be a three-step process (see Figure 3.7). Physical and chemical parameters, such as temperature, viscosity, pH, and the presence of surfactants, can impact each step differently. The first step (ka) is the detachment of the particle from the surface, which brings the particle into the boundary layer. The second step (kb) is the diffusion of the particle through the boundary layer into the bulk of the process liquids. If this does not occur before the wafer is dried, the particle will redeposit on the wafer surface. Finally, the particle has to be carried away from the wafer environment (kc) by filtration or draining of the contaminated process liquid [42]. 97 Particles in Semiconductor Processing Boundary layer ka Bulk liquid kb kc Silicon wafer Filter Measure concentration FIGURE 3.7 The particle removal process is described by three consecutive process steps: ka, the detachment; kb, the diffusion; kc, the removal out of the system. Physical–chemical processes control the detachment process. The rate at which particles are detached from the surface (ka) depends on a number of factors: Forces acting on the particle. The higher the force, the faster the particles will start to move and detach. Etch rate. The higher the etch rate of the substrate surface, the faster the undercutting process and the subsequent particle detachment. Redeposition. The lower the redeposition rate, the better the average particle removal efficiency. Making use of repulsive electrostatic forces between the substrate surface and the particles by selecting the proper pH can prevent redeposition. Addition of surfactants can also reduce redeposition. Once the particles are detached they have to diffuse through the boundary layer into the bulk liquid with a linear diffusion rate constant kb. The thickness of the boundary layer determines, to a large extent, the residence time of the particles. Thinner boundary layers will reduce the migration distance, which can be achieved by applying higher liquid flows, for example by using higher flow rates, applying megasonic energy, or using centrifugal forces. The rate of diffusion is also determined by the size of the particles, as well as viscosity and temperature of the liquid. The last process step is the actual removal of particles from the process (kc). For example, in a tank process where wafers are fully immersed in a process liquid, the process liquid is agitated and pumped around in a recirculation loop. It leaves the top of the tank and re-enters the bottom of the tank after passing a pump and a particle filter. If mixing in the tank is thorough, then the particle concentration will decrease exponentially over time. The time constant of this decay is determined by the flow rate and the particle filter efficiency. 98 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning This full process can be monitored by measuring the particle concentration in the bulk of the liquid with a liquid particle counter (LPC). The LPC uses light scattering for particle detection. To avoid any possible quantification and sizing issues, a monodisperse silica suspension is used for this purpose [43]. It is possible to measure the effect of the above-mentioned physical and chemical parameters on the rate constants ka, kb, and kc. 2.3. Liquid Particle Counter (LPC) Measurements The total removal process of particles can be considered as a chemical reaction process, where the particle concentration on the surface is expressed as [A], in the boundary layer as [B], and in the bulk liquid as [I]. First-order reaction kinetics are assumed and the respective reaction rate constants, k, can be determined from dedicated experiments. kc. If only the bulk of the liquid is filled with particles, some of the particles will diffuse into the boundary layer, but most of them are removed by the filtration action. The removal can be expressed by the differential in equation (11) using the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) model and neglecting the particles that diffuse into the boundary layer: d½I ¼ kc ½I dt (11) where kc is the tank turnover frequency, which is determined by the flow rate divided by the tank volume. In this experimental setup, kc for a tank filled with ultrapure water is 0.0098 s1. In subsequent experiments, kc can vary since the flow rate depends on the viscosity of the cleaning liquid, but it can always be determined independently from the other rate constants. kb. If the boundary layer is filled with a number of particles [B]0, some particles will precipitate on the surface (and become the particle concentration A), but most of them will diffuse out of the boundary layer, where they are subsequently removed. The concentration as a function of time that we are able to measure, [I], can be expressed by equation (12), which makes use of linear diffusion rates: kb kb t ekc t e (12) ½I ¼ ½B0 kc kb In our experiments, we found that we needed two types of corrections to fit the experimental data with the theoretical model: the fraction of particles removed upon immersion and non-ideal CSTR behavior. During the immersion process of the surface into the cleaning liquid, a fraction (f) of the particles is immediately removed by the shear forces 99 Particles in Semiconductor Processing of the liquid, causing intermixing of a part of the boundary layer and the bulk liquid. Unfortunately, in this experimental setup f is not a constant, as it depends on the speed and the angle at which the wafers are immersed into the liquid. This was done manually. A tank filled with 25 wafers does not behave as an ideal CSTR. ki is a time constant that is a measure of the rate of the system to come from a non-ideal CSTR state to the ideal state. Equation (13) describes the corrected particle concentration in the bulk of the liquid as measured with a liquid particle counter: kb k t kc t kc t b þ 1f e e 1 eki t (13) ½I ¼ ½B0 f e kc kb It appears that many parameters are necessary to fit some experimental data, but some of the parameters (ki ¼ 0.0166 s1, kc ¼ 0.0098 s1) are determined only one time and are kept constant for all experiments. In Figure 3.8, an example is given with kb ¼ 0.00503 s1, f ¼ 0.432, and [B]0 ¼ 18,135 particles mL1. The need to use a non-ideality constant appears obvious from these results. 5000 Exptl. data non-ideal CSTR particles (n/mL) 4000 ideal CSTR 3000 2000 1000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 t (s) FIGURE 3.8 Example of experimental data fitted (least squares) by a model with ideal CSTR behavior and one that is corrected for non-idealities; n is the number of particles. ka. Similar to the previous derivation, the concentration of particles in the bulk could be modeled by equation (14) if the particles on the surface would immediately start to detach as a kind of first-order reaction rate: ka kb eka t ekb t þ ekc t eðka kb þkc Þt (14) ½I ¼ ½A0 ðkb ka Þðkc kb Þ Also, this can be corrected for the non-ideal CSTR model and for the fraction of particles this is immediately sheared off during the immersion of 100 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning the wafers into the cleaning liquid. The complete model that describes the process in Figure 3.7 is given by: ka kb ½I ¼ ½A0 f ekc t þ 1 f eka t ekb t þ ekc t ðkb ka Þðkc kb Þ ðka kb þkc Þt (15) e 1 eki t The results we have obtained so far for the removal of particles from a silicon surface cannot be fitted with equation (15). The reason is that the removal process (going from A to B) is not correctly modeled. In Figure 3.9, data from a typical removal experiment are depicted and the particles are removed in two steps. The best fit is obtained by a model that assumes that a fraction (f) is removed by shear forces and a second fraction (1 f) is removed according to a stochastic process. A Gaussian distribution with an average particle cleaning time and a standard deviation (s) describes the latter process, but the distribution becomes skewed by the process mentioned earlier. The correction for the skewness and determination of the correct average cleaning time is done with equation (13), but in this case [B]0 is replaced by the Gaussian error function that was approached by summation over time. The fitting parameters are given in the caption of Figure 3.9. It should be noted that ki and kc are identical (these were kept fixed) to what was previously measured, kb is slightly smaller (perhaps due to the slightly longer average diffusion path), and f is larger. Exptl. data best fit Particles (n/mL) 400 300 200 100 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 t (s) FIGURE 3.9 Example of experimental data fitted (least squares) by a model with non-ideal CSTR behavior whereby particles are detached after an average cleaning time of 2280 s with s ¼ 228 s. Other parameters: kb ¼ 0.0048 s1; kc ¼ 0.0098 s1; ki ¼ 0.0166 s1; f ¼ 0.93; background offset ¼ 17 n/mL1; [A]0 ¼ 1290 n/mL1; n ¼ number of particles. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 101 2.4. Metal Ion Core Particles Removal of nanosized particle contamination from the surface of the substrate is an essential requirement for IC manufacturing with critical dimensions smaller than 100 nm. However, for an effective particle removal study, proper detection of the particles is important. The conventional and previously described method to detect the particles is based on light scattering. The problem with this method is that it has size limitations (>100 nm) and it cannot distinguish between the signals of nanoparticles and background noise or surfactant micelles. To circumvent this problem, particles for use with an alternative detection method were synthesized. In 1968, Stöber et al. [44] developed a method known as the Stöber synthesis capable of producing nanosized monodisperse silica particles using ammonia, ethanol, and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS). Van Blaaderen et al. [45] described the so-called seed technique to synthesize particles with a luminescent core. First, particles were formed together with the luminescent material and, second, the particles were grown further by adding clean TEOS to the suspension. The net effect is a silica particle with a pure silica shell and a slightly contaminated core. UV detection tools are not sensitive enough to measure the four to five orders of magnitude of concentration changes required for the particle removal study. The seeded technique was used to make metal-ion core particles. Instead of the luminescent material, a diluted scandium nitrate solution was added. Scandium was chosen because it is rarely used in the microelectronic environment (low background intervention) and this metal ion attaches very strongly to silica. The size of the particles is controlled by varying the reactant quantities [46]. Quantification of the particle concentration can be done by measuring the metal ion concentration, either in the solution or on the wafer surface with inductively coupled plasma–mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). It was found that the scandium does not leach out of the particles even at pH 1 [47]. 3. PARTICLE REMOVAL STUDY 3.1. Tank Dynamics, Impact of Particle Counter, and Particle Composition In the previous section, a differential equation was derived to measure the tank dynamics in a CSTR (equation (11)). Solving this equation results in a function where the particle decay is exponential with time: I ¼ ½I0 ekc t (16) To establish the parameters that describe this process, a tank was filled with particles and homogenized before the recirculating liquid was filtered. As the goal was to use HF-based cleaning solution, particles with a low etch rate in 102 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning HF were used for this study. They were composed either of a mixture of different size polystyrene latex spheres (PLS) or Si3N4 particles with a wide size distribution. It was found that the apparent removal rate of particles depends on the particle composition and the particle size. Figure 3.10 summarizes the results of particle removal experiments using PLS and Si3N4 particles. The removal rate is expressed in half-life time, t½, that relates to kc as t½ ¼ ln 2/kc. In this case, the theoretical half-life time, which is based on the measured tank volume and flow rate, would have been 49.6 s. In the data supplied by the liquid particle counter, this value is only measured for the large Si3N4 particles. After correction of the data for optical coincidence, all sizes of Si3N4 particles are removed at the rate expected on the basis of tank dynamics, while PLS is filtered out much faster than expected. This does not change much after a second correction for optical coincidence resulting in size promotion (two particles coincide, resulting in a measurement of one particle of the next larger category). As the filter used had a capture efficiency >99% for particles with sizes larger than 0.05 mm, this effect could not have been caused by the difference in filter efficiency. An explanation for the faster than theoretical removal of PLS out of the recirculating liquid and the filter tank is that there is an extra transport mechanism for the particles towards the surface of the liquid. Since the tank overflows and the liquid leaving the tank comes from the surface, a higher than average concentration of particle-contaminated water leaves the tank. A particle with an apparent weight smaller than the total pull of the meniscus 60 0.1−0.12 µm 0.12−0.15 µm 0.15−0.25 µm 55 t½ (s) 50 45 40 35 PLS raw Si3N4 raw PLS cor Si3N4 cor FIGURE 3.10 Half-life time of the filtration process of particles out of a recirculated tank. Raw data represent data as given by the measurement tool; ‘‘cor’’ is the same data after correction for optical particle coincidence in the measurement tool. The solid black line is the theoretically expected t½ with 100% filter efficiency (49.6 s) [44]. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 103 around it will float, or it will have a high tendency to be located at gas–liquid interfaces [48]. Since PLS is organic in nature, it will have low surface tension and its preference for location at the gas–liquid interface will be much higher than that of the hydrophilic Si3N4 particles. Furthermore, small gas bubbles that are present due to agitation of the liquid will be the extra transport carrier for the particles to become submerged, as particles will attach to the gas–liquid interface of the bubble. This property makes PLS unsuitable as model particles in particle removal studies in liquids. Additionally, if these particles would have deposited on the silicon surface, the lift forces induced by the advancing contact angle will significantly aid the detachment of PLS from the surface (equation (10)). Indeed, PLS deposited on silicon have been found to be removed in large part upon the immersion in water, while particles that are present on product surfaces are not removed in such a step. The disadvantage of Si3N4 is that it is commercially not available as a monodisperse suspension. Silica has similar surface properties as Si3N4 and is available as monodisperse suspensions [49]. However, besides the fact that silica is etched in HF solutions, experiments with the removal of silica ran into a completely different problem. As the refractive index of silica is so much closer to water than Si3N4, the scatter intensity becomes less efficient. Therefore, particles with a nominal mean diameter of 0.16 mm are invisible to a detector with a detection limit lower than 0.1 mm latex sphere equivalent (LSE), while 0.33 mm particles will appear at 0.15 mm and smaller, which is close to the detection limit. Still, silica will be the particle of choice for further particle removal studies, because they can be made with a marker that allows alternative detection methods. The preference for Si3N4 for particle removal studies is based on the more challenging conditions for its removal compared to that of silica [50]. This difference can be caused by the methods of detection, which are all based on light scattering. The scatter cross-section of Si3N4 is much larger than that of silica for a particle of the same size. In water the difference is almost three times (see Figure 3.11) and in a vacuum it is 1.3 times. Consequently, a study using a liquid particle counter in which 100 nm (LSE) Si3N4 and silica particles are being removed is actually removing 70 nm Si3N4 and 200 nm silica particles. It is easier to remove larger particles and therefore Si3N4 seems more difficult to remove [51]. It is important in these kind of experiments to check the presence of dead volume, which is areas in the tank where liquid is only refreshed by diffusion. If a dead volume becomes filled with a significant amount of particles, it will deliver particles to the bulk slower than the removal of particles out of the bath. Consequently, the determined ka value will be larger than it actually is. It was found that a full batch of 25 wafers placed in a specific way into the tank behaves as a semi-closed box. The flow through the wafers was limited. If the particle level in the tank was reduced to nearly zero and the wafers were taken out of the solution, a peak in particle concentration could be observed. 104 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 0.3 PLS 0.25 Si3N4 LSE (µm) 0.2 0.15 SiO2 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Particle diameter (µm) FIGURE 3.11 The scatter cross-section of particles in water (nliq ¼ 1.34) using the Rayleigh approximation expressed as latex spheres equivalent (LSE) [44]. Reducing the number of wafers to avoid flow restrictions between wafers was not an option, because a large contaminated surface area is required to enable a particle concentration 1000 times above the background level. 3.2. Particle Diffusion Out of the Boundary Layer The boundary layer is a mathematical concept and describes the thickness of the liquid layer on top of a solid surface where the liquid is not flowing, while the bulk of the liquid is flowing. However, the velocity of the flowing liquid does not decrease abruptly from maximum velocity to zero on approach to a solid surface. Therefore, the boundary layer is defined as the distance in the liquid from the solid surface where the velocity is smaller than 99% of the velocity at infinite distance. In the boundary layer approximation, the boundary layer thickness is assumed to be constant over the whole wafer surface, which is only true when the liquid velocity is constant over the whole surface. Since the boundary layer is a liquid layer with almost zero velocity, within the boundary layer the only mass transport mechanism will be diffusion. In the laminar flow regime, the boundary layer thickness depends reciprocally on the square root of the water velocity at infinite distance and is around 1 cm in most semiconductor applications. A second layer that is of interest is the carry-over layer. This is the layer that is left behind on the surface after taking the surface out of a liquid (Figure 3.12). The carry-over layer is much thinner than the boundary layer and, in most cases, 105 Particles in Semiconductor Processing v (cm/s) Carry-over layer ~ 0.0007 v 2/3 ~ 20 µm FIGURE 3.12 of the liquid. Carry-over layer is the liquid that remains on the surface after removal of the bulk is of the order of 20 mm. All the contaminants that are left in the carry-over layer will remain on the wafer surface when the liquid is evaporated. It is assumed that the concentration of contaminants in the boundary layer is uniform and, therefore, the same as in the carry-over layer. Therefore, by using an LPC that enables the measurement of the cleaning rate of the boundary layer, it also measures the cleaning rates of the carry-over layer. Besides the distance a particle has to travel, its velocity also determines the residence time in the boundary layer. Particles are placed in motion due to random collisions with liquid molecules, which results in so-called Brownian motion. The average kinetic energy of the particles, {1/2}mv2 with v ¼ average velocity and m ¼ particle mass, is discrete values of {1/2}kT (here k is the Boltzmann constant). The resulting diffusion rate of particles is described by Einstein’s law of diffusion. This law, combined with the Stokes friction factor, results in: D ¼ kT 3phd (17) This equation shows that the diffusion coefficient (D) depends linearly on temperature (T) and relates reciprocally to the viscosity (h) and the particle diameter (d); the latter can also be used to convert to the mass of the particle. To determine the effect of all variables on diffusion rates of particles out of the boundary layer, the boundary layer is filled with particles by making use of the carry-over layer. Immersing a batch of dry silicon wafers in a slightly alkaline suspension of silica particles, and subsequently taking them out, will result in a carry-over layer on the wafers filled with particles. Alkalinity stabilizes the suspension and prevents the particles from depositing on the wafer surface. During reimmersion of these wafers in a clean process tank, a fraction (f) of the carry-over layer with particles will be rinsed off immediately, but a significant fraction will remain in the boundary layer from which particles slowly diffuse into the bulk of the liquid. Measuring the particle concentration in the bulk results in a concentration profile ([I]) described by equation (15). An example of such a measurement was previously given in Figure 3.8. 106 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 3.2.1. Effect of pH on kb The effect of pH on the linear diffusion rate of particles leaving the boundary layer was measured for 0.33 and 0.43 mm diameter silica particles [41]. The pH of the cleaning solution was adjusted with ammonia and nitric acid and the diffusion rate constants were calculated from the average of three to five particle concentration measurements. The method described in Section 2.3 has been used to fit the data and establish the one-dimensional diffusion rate constants. Figure 3.13 summarizes the results. The smaller silica particles indeed diffuse faster than the larger silica particles. Surprisingly, there was a strong effect of the pH on the linear diffusion rate. For both particle sizes, the diffusion rate is highest at a pH of 1.8, which is also known to be the point of zero charge for silica surfaces. This leads to the conclusion that the thickness of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) around the particles affects the effective radius of the particle and effectively slows down the diffusion rate. In this case, the EDL thickness would be thinnest at the point of zero charge unless the EDL is compressed by a high salt concentration. 3.2.2. Effect of Salt Concentration on kb The hypothesis of the impact of the compressed EDL can be tested by adding extra salt to the aqueous solution while keeping the pH fixed and subsequently determining kb. The results of such an experiment are summarized in Figure 3.14. The pH of the solution is fixed with ammonia at 9.5. By adding extra NH4NO3 the salt concentration increases. Particles diffuse faster out of the boundary layer with high salt concentration than with low salt concentration. This confirms that 20 330 nm 430 nm kb (ms-1) 15 10 5 0 1 1.8 3 6-7 10 11.5 12 pH FIGURE 3.13 Linear diffusion rate constant for 0.33 and 0.43 mm silica particles in aqueous solution at different pH values [43]. 107 Particles in Semiconductor Processing 18 15 kb (ms-1) 12 9 6 330 nm 3 430 nm 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 [NH4+] (mmol/L) FIGURE 3.14 Linear diffusion rate constant of 0.33 and 0.43 mm diameter silica particles in aqueous solution at pH 9.5 and various salt concentrations (NH4NO3). The dashed line is the maximum measured diffusion rate at pH 1.8. the thickness of the EDL has an effect on the diffusion of particles out of the boundary layer. However, the maximum diffusion rate at pH 9.5 with increased salt concentration is still lower than the diffusion rate at a pH of 1.8. Several explanations can be proposed for this phenomenon. 3.2.3. Effect of Temperature and Viscosity on kb According to equation (17), increasing temperature will accelerate the diffusion process and thus the removal of the particles out of the boundary layer. This is due to the higher velocity of the particles, but also due to the reduced viscosity of the liquid resulting in thinning of the boundary layer. Consequently, the distance through which the particle has to migrate is shorter. The measured diffusion rate in this experimental setup is a combined effect. To study the effect separately, a constant viscosity at different temperatures is obtained by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the cleaning solution. The side-effect of adding PEG, although concentrations are kept low (0.005–0.04 mmol L1), is that the dielectric constant of the liquid medium changes as well, which in turn influences the EDL. The results for 0.43 mm particles are summarized in Figure 3.15. It was no surprise that the diffusion rate increased with increasing temperature and decreased as the viscosity increased by the addition of PEG. However, looking at the data points marked with an asterisk in Figure 3.15, which have an identical viscosity at different temperatures, the diffusion rate does not increase with increasing temperature, instead it decreases by 24%. This means that the PEG, which is also a non-ionic surfactant, chemically or physically interacts with the particles, which results in an increase in the effective radius/mass of the particles and thereby decelerates the diffusion process. 108 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 18 15 kb (ms-1) 12 PEG (g/L) 0.00 9 1.62 4.63 6 13.89 3 0 * 20 * * 25 30 * 35 T (ºC) FIGURE 3.15 Linear diffusion rate constant of 0.43 mm silica particles as functions of temperature and PEG 8000 concentration. Bars marked with an asterisk have identical viscosity at a fixed pH of 3.5 [43]. 3.2.4. Effect of Surfactant on kb Surfactants are considered to aid the particle removal process, while in the previous experiments it was shown that the surfactant properties of PEG reduce the diffusion of the particles out of the boundary layer. Therefore, smaller surfactant molecules were used to study the specific effect of surfactants on kb. The selected surfactants were a cationic surfactant, benzalkonium chloride (BAC; 0.02 mmol L1), and a non-ionic surfactant, polyoxyethylene(12) tridecyl ether (0.006 mmol L1), which is similar to PEG but with a much lower molecular weight. The same experiments as with PEG were repeated, but now in the presence of a surfactant (BAC) whose concentration was kept well below the critical micelle concentration (CMC). At pH 3.5 the diffusion rate is considerably reduced by the addition of a surfactant (compare Figure 3.16 with Figure 3.15). The effect of PEG in the solution containing BAC has become insignificant and the only remaining effect is the impact on viscosity. In solutions with constant viscosity, the diffusion rate now tends to increase slightly with increasing temperature. In the solution without any PEG, the effect of surfactant is greater than if PEG was present. To visualize this effect, the change in diffusion rate constant has been plotted as a ratio of kb with surfactant to kb without surfactant (Figure 3.17). The effect of temperature was removed by taking the average value of the four temperatures. At pH 3.5, both the cationic and non-ionic surfactants decrease the diffusion rate in solutions without PEG, while at pH 10 the addition of the surfactants seems to have no effect. Increasing the PEG concentration, the effect of 109 Particles in Semiconductor Processing 18 15 kb (ms-1) 12 PEG (g/L) 0.00 9 1.62 4.63 13.89 6 3 * 0 * 20 * 25 30 * 35 T (ºC) FIGURE 3.16 added [43]. The results of the same experiments as in Figure 3.15, but with 7 mmol L1 BAC additional surfactant at pH 3.5 is canceled out, whereas at pH 10 the diffusion rate initially is accelerated with increasing PEG concentration, but this effect subsequently also fades. All these observations are explained by a mechanism that impacts either the effective particle radius, i.e. the particle diameter and some part of the electrostatic double layer, or the effective particle mass, i.e. the particle mass plus the material adsorbed on it. No surfactant and no PEG. The pH impacts the effective radius of the particle (see Figure 3.13). At pH 3.5, the zeta potential of the silica particle is smaller than at pH 10 and, therefore, the electrostatic double layer at pH 10 (R5 in Figure 3.18) is thicker than R1. With surfactant and no PEG. If only a cationic surfactant is adsorbed on the surface, the surface charge is shielded, resulting in a thinner electrostatic double layer compared to no adsorption (R1 and R5 versus R2 and R6 respectively). Also, the effective mass of the particle slightly increases. The net effect on the diffusion rate is that at pH 3.5 it is significantly reduced, and at pH 10 there is a balance and no effect is measured (Figure 3.17 at zero PEG concentration). With surfactant and with PEG. Surfactants and PEG have different impacts. These molecules are in a competition for adsorption sites on the silica particle. Replacing a surfactant molecule with PEG implies less charge shielding and thus an increased effective radius, but the total mass of the particle will increase. For this reason, the diffusion rate constant increases when the PEG concentration is not too large (between 0 and 10 g L1 in Figure 3.17). 110 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 1.2 cationic kb + surf / kb no surf non-ionic 1.0 0.8 0.6 pH 3.5 0.4 0 5 10 15 PEG (g/L) 1.6 kb + surf / kb no surf cationic non-ionic 1.4 1.2 1.0 pH 10 0.8 0 5 10 15 PEG (g/L) FIGURE 3.17 Ratio of kb with surfactant and kb without surfactant at different PEG concentrations (average overall temperatures). Left figure is at pH 3.5. Right figure is at pH 10 [43]. No surfactant and with PEG. PEG adsorbed on the particle surface will have only a minor effect on the effective radius, but it will increase the effective mass. Besides the increased viscosity, the higher mass also reduces the diffusion rate (Figure 3.15). In the presence of the surfactant, PEG competes for surface sites. If the PEG concentration is high enough, the surfactant molecules are expelled from the surface by PEG. Therefore, the effect of the combination of surfactant and PEG at 14 g L1 is essentially negligible (Figure 3.17). One of the contributing actions of megasonics, spinning, or droplet bombardment is that it reduces the thickness of the boundary layer. A thinner boundary layer means that the particles are removed away faster from the wafer surface. This results in increased particle removal efficiency. + - - - - + -+ R2 + + + + pH = 10 - + R5 + -- + - - + - + + + + + + - m6 + - + + R7 + + - - - - - - - - + - + - + m7 R8 + + - - + = cationic surfactant + + + m8 = PEG Impact of pH, surfactant, and PEG on the thickness of the electrostatic double layer and the effective mass of the particle. Sizes are relative and 111 FIGURE 3.18 notional. - R6 - m5 + + + + - + m4 + + - + + + + - - m3 R4 - + + m2 m1 - - - + R3 - - - - + + + PEG, no surfactant + + + + - - + R1 - + + PEG, + surfactant + + pH = 3.5 no PEG, + surfactant Particles in Semiconductor Processing no PEG, no surfactant 112 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 3.3. Particle Detachment Once all rate constants have been determined, the first step of the removal process can be studied, i.e. the detachment of particles from the surface by chemical processes. To this end, monodisperse silica particles (average size 0.33 mm) were deposited from an aqueous suspension on to wafers. Using a diluted APM solution at 35 C as a slow-etching cleaning solution [52], the freshly deposited particles came from the dried wafer surface in two waves (Figure 3.9). In the first wave, the loosely bonded particles come off upon the immersion of the wafers in the cleaning solution. This is probably due to hydrodynamic forces (either surface tension or drag forces) acting on the particles at the gas–solid–liquid interface. The second wave started much later. This peak is almost Gaussian in shape, but is slightly skewed because of the earlier-determined diffusion (kb) and filtration (kc) processes (Figure 3.19). The time scales of the detachment process and the subsequent diffusion and filtration are so much different that the integration of the respective time function (equation (15)) is not required. This can change if the detachment process is accelerated by higher etch rates or more physical power. 3.3.1. Impact of Deposition Condition on ka The measurement system to determine the particle removal rate is strongly impacted by the storage conditions of the particle-contaminated wafers prior to the cleaning process [53]. The effect on the process is observed in the height of the first peak and the average removal time of the second peak. If the Hydrodynamic Forces 4000 delays caused by kb(diffusion), kc (filtration) 3000 height Number of particles (/mL) 5000 2000 Etching of SiO2 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 time (s) average removal time FIGURE 3.19 Two key parameters, height of first peak and average removal time, used to described the particle aging process. 113 Height 1st peak (1000 particles/mL) Particles in Semiconductor Processing 6 40% 70% 100% 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Storage time (h) FIGURE 3.20 Intensity of first peak as a function of storage time of particle-contaminated wafers (RH ¼ 40%, 70%, and 100%). Average removal time (s) particle-contaminated wafers were stored for longer times, the height of the first peak decreases and the average removal time of the second peak changes. Under normal cleanroom conditions (relative humidity (RH) between 40% and 70%), the first peak disappears within 10 hours of storage (Figure 3.20). If RH during storage was set at 100%, the intensity of the first peak remained constant for the first 24 hours, after which the peak slowly decreased. The dependence of the average removal time on the storage conditions is depicted in Figure 3.21. The time to maximum of the peak increased at RH 40–70% from 2000 to 3000 seconds within the first 6 hours. After 6 hours the average removal time remained constant at around 3000 seconds. This means that more etching is required to remove all particles. During the first 24 hours of storage at RH of 100% (Figure 3.22), the removal time remained constant at around 1700 seconds; thereafter it increased to around 2300 seconds from 36 hours’’ storage onwards. Although in the experiments under dry conditions 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 Storage time (hours) FIGURE 3.21 Average removal time as a function of storage time of particle-contaminated wafers (RH ¼ 40%, 70%). The dots are 70% RH and the triangles are 40% RH measurement points. 114 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning Average removal time (s) 3000 2000 1000 0 1 10 100 1000 Storage time (hours) FIGURE 3.22 Average removal time as a function of storage time of particle-contaminated wafers (RH ¼ 100%). (RH < 6%) the humidity conditions decreased during the first few hours, the average removal time was high and remained high (between 3000 and 4000 seconds) right from the start. With the assumption that longer etching means stronger particle–substrate interaction, the experiments seem to indicate that removal of particles becomes more difficult upon storage. After the application and dry-in, particles are attached to the surface with certain strength, which will not be equal for all particles. On the basis of Figure 3.9, this strength is considered to be normally distributed over the particles (Figure 3.23). If external forces are applied during the immersion, the more weakly bonded particles will yield and detach from the surface, resulting in the first particle wave. During the subsequent etching process, the remainder of the particles will be removed, giving rise to the second particle wave. The effect of aging/storage is that the average adhesion Number of particles aging Immersion forces 2nd peak particles 1st peak particles Particle adhesion force FIGURE 3.23 Adhesion force distribution of particles attached to a surface. 115 Particles in Semiconductor Processing strength increases and that the immersion forces are not sufficient to remove particles. As a result, the first peak will vanish and the second peak that is fed by the slightly weaker bonded particles could show up initially a little earlier in the etch process, but eventually it will shift to longer etch times for complete removal. The effect of moisture on aging can be understood by the capillary forces causing a thin condensed water layer to exist between the particle and the wafer surface (Figure 3.24). Dry-in of such a condensation layer results in a shorter particle–substrate distance up to an extent that the two interfaces are in the range of the van der Waals force. Subsequently, capillary forces acting on the particles cause the particles to deform, whereby a larger contact area is created and thus stronger adhesion is established by van der Waals forces. In the case of 100% humidity, the condensed layer is too thick to cause capillary forces to act on and deform the particles. However, in the first step, evaporation/condensation is likely to occur at 100% RH and, therefore, the first particle wave also disappears under these conditions (Figure 3.24). These results can be explained by assuming the first particle wave is due to particles floating on a thin water layer between the particle and the substrate. In the second wave, particles are detached from the surface, which are in the range of van der Waals forces. The increase in the adhesion force of the particles in the second wave is due to the particle deformation induced by capillary forces. Additionally, as explained later, the increase in adhesion can be a result of dissolved and subsequently precipitated silicates, which create actual chemical bonds between the particle and the substrate during the aging process. We have shown that the storage conditions during the time the particles are applied and removed have a great impact on the adhesion strength of particles on a silicon surface. This implies that particle removal studies using this kind of model system will have a problem with reproducibility and repeatability. This will depend on the laboratory, or even on the researcher, as to what the absolute outcome will be of a particle removal study. However, general trends will remain evident if the contamination part of the cleaning experiment remains exactly the same. evaporation / condensation van der Waals forces capillary forces aging FIGURE 3.24 Evaporation of the condensation layer will result in stronger particle adhesion and eventually lead to a deformed particle having a larger contact area. 116 Average removal time (s) Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 pH FIGURE 3.25 Effect of pH of the particle suspension used to contaminate the wafers on the removal process. 3.3.2. Impact of Deposition Conditions Particles that are deposited from a dry aerosol are relatively easy to remove. This is disadvantageous for particle removal studies because the method does not discriminate between a good and a better clean [54]. To make this more challenging, these particle-contaminated wafers can be immersed in a liquid, dried, and subsequently used for a cleaning experiment. The particles become more difficult to remove, which means that the deposition conditions impact upon the adhesion of the particles. In the previous experiments, silica particles were deposited from a neutral or slightly alkaline solution. If the deposition is done from a particle suspension at pH 2, the particles are very easy to remove. All the particles were removed or detached by immersion of the wafers into the liquid, i.e. there was no second peak. Increasing the pH of the particle suspension, the second peak appeared again and the average removal time increased with increasing pH (Figure 3.25). The first peak from the experiment with particles deposited at pH 2 was broader than expected for a process controlled only by ka. This indicates that a fraction of the particles ends up in the boundary layer upon immersion, which causes kb to become dominant in the removal rate. An explanation for the effect of pH on the adhesion strength of the deposited particles is that particles deposited at higher pH could be ‘‘glued’’ on the surface [55]. By dissolution and redeposition of silica at the particle–substrate interface (Figure 3.26), the particles become chemically bound to the surface. SiO2 + OH- FIGURE 3.26 SiO3H- Particles are glued to the surface. Particles in Semiconductor Processing 117 FIGURE 3.27 SEM picture (left) of a surface formally covered with 1.5 mm sized silica particles leaving residues that have also been measured with AFM (right). (see colour plate section at end for coloured version) Courtesy of Frank Holsteyns [57]. This would not happen at low pH, because the solubility of SiO2 is much lower. Holsteyns [55] has obtained SEM images of the residue of such ‘‘glue’’ after the particles were removed (Figure 3.27). 4. CONCLUSIONS Particle research in the semiconductor industry is very pragmatic, but also very challenging. A state-of-the-art complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) manufacturer is interested in the removal of particles with no or minimal substrate loss, while in mature manufacturing the goal is to have ‘‘zero defects’’, i.e. less than one out of a million products that are allowed to fail. Due to this competitiveness, advances in fundamental research on particle removal are commercially implemented within a couple of years. Research is focused on mechanical and/or chemical enhancement of particle removal, but with minimal substrate etching. Addition of surfactants to cleaning solutions to aid particle removal might inhibit efficient particle removal if surface tension forces are required to lift the particle, or if particle diffusion away from the surface is a rate-limiting step. Prevention of particle deposition is not yet a major research topic. Particles in the wafer environment causing random yield loss are not part of current yield models. It is our intention to do so in future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge all the students who have worked on this particle project throughout the years: Yolaine Dumesnil, Sander Wolters, Roy te Brake, Michiel Enkelaar, Melvin Kasanrokijat, Romuald Roucou, Remi Peyrin, Florian le Goupil, Federic Michel, Adrien Maurel, Michel van Straten, Wybe Roodhuizen, and Clement Sieutat. 118 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning REFERENCES [1] The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 2008 edition, International Sematech, San Jose, CA;, 2009. 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