and Assessment Explain the essence of OBE and OBTL; Compare Understanding by Design, OBE and OBTL; and Explain the meaning of constructive alignment in the instructional cycle. context of the It is education based on outcome. This outcome may refer to immediate outcome or deferred outcome. Transformational OBE is concerned with longterm, cross-curricular outcomes that are related directly to students’ future life roles. In transformational OBE, learning is not significant unless the outcomes reflect the complexities of real life and give prominence to the life roles that learners will face after formal education. Biggs and tang 2007 make use of the term Outcome-Based Teaching-Learning (OBTL) which in essence is OBE applied in teaching-learning process. In Biggs’ statements and of Tang’s what we OBTL, expect outcomes are students to demonstrate after they are taught (learning outcomes). Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) Teaching and learning activities (TLAs) Assessment tasks (ATs) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Knowledge / skills / attitude which are developed. expected to be Teaching and learning activities (TLAs) Learning activities which are designed to support the students’ development of the corresponding ILO(s). Assessment tasks (ATs) Assessment tasks / activities which are designed to measure how successful the students have developed the ILO(s) and evidence of their achievement of the ILO(s) can be provided. This is Biggs’ term of “designing down” as given by Spady. It is a process environment that of creating supports a learning the learning activities that lead to the achievement of the desired learning outcomes. In the constructive that context of alignment assessment, also means the assessment tasks, and the specific criteria as based of judgment of students’ performance are aligned to the intended learning outcomes. Wiggins and McTighe (1998) UbD is OBE and OBTL in principle and in practice. UbD operates on the same principles that OBE and OBTL operate on. Why is it that we must determine the assessment task/s first before we plan learning experiences and organize instruction? 1. Intended Instructional Outcomes 2. Teaching and Learning Activities 3. Assessment