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Social Relationships: Animal & Human Behavior

Social relationship 1
Animals have di erent involvement in human life
About 100 words for one of the topic
What are your expectations of your university life
Think and discuss
1. Penguin, dolphins, elephants, lions, honeybees (Animals prefer living in numbers so they
can take care of group and survive)
2. Prefer to live in groups, child bearing/take care of young and group
Explore the theme
1. Monkeys and apes (bigger and smaller apes) are nonhuman primates
2. Basic communication such as human sign language, inventing and using tools to get food
and complete other tasks. Both of them tend to live in social groups and have similar
characteristics of their social behavior.
Treat (v.) - to behave toward someone in a particular way
• E.g. some countries treat men and women in di erent ways.
Interact (v.) - to communicate with someone or something
• to do things with other people (communicate as they work or spend time together)
• Interaction (n.); interactive (adj.)
Care for (v.) - to look after someone (usually a young, sick, or old person)
Behavioral characteristics
Preparing to read
1. Con ict (n.) - a serious disagreement
• If two people or groups are in con ict, they have had a serious disagreement or
argument and have not yet reached agreement
2. Behaviour (n.) - the way someone acts
• customer behavior, patient behavior
3. Aggressive 好 的(adj.) - acting in a forceful or competitive way
• E.g. Some children are more aggressive than others.
4. Motivation (n.) - a feeling or being excited to do sth
• E.g. his motivation was at a high level.
5. Criticise (v.) - to speak badly of someone or sth (you express your disapproval by saying
what you think is wrong with someone or sth)
• Criticise (v.); criticism (n.)
• E.g. Take credit for other’s work
6. Ambitious (adj.) - wanting to be successful (has a strong desire to be rich or powerful)
• Ambition (n.)
• E.g. Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do all the assignment.
7. Status (n.) - an individual’s position within a group
• Social status, professional status
8. Glooming
9. Cunning
10. Intimidate
11. Smuggle
12. Social networking skills/strategies
13. Cooperation
14. Hierarchy
15. Pound
16. get ahead
17. social bonds
18. alliance
19. isolate
People in o ce and primates in the jungle have similarities in con ict and cooperation
(Although con ict sometimes can be e ective, both humans and apes usually tend to
They also use social networks and hierarchies to gain status
The ape in the o ce
Understanding the reading
A. 1, 4
1. cooperate (with one another)
2. (avoid) con ict
3. (social) networking (skills)
4. (both groups organise themselves into) hierarchies (, which a ect how they behave in a
5. (primates sometimes use) aggressive (behaviour to assert themselves.)
‘Chimps spend… day grooming each other’;
‘chimps often create bonds… to go ahead.’;
‘young people may… as they can’;
when bosses criticise… other apes away.’
In university, making a strong bonds with group members is bene cial for the process and
performance of a group work.
In relation to an organisation, aggressive behaviour may break up relationship between
Elephant orphans
Before viewing
1. Because jewellery and art objects that are usually made from ivory show an individual’s
1. Maternal (adj.) - like a mother (relate to characteristic of a mother)
• E.g. women generally process natural maternal instrincts for their child.
2. Slaughter(ed) 屠宰 (v.) - to kill in a large number (in a way that is cruel or unnecessary)
• ppl - slaughterer; slaughterous (adj.)
3. Caretaker (n.) - a person responsible for looking after someone or sth (e.g. a person who
is disabled, ill, or very young)
4. Reintroduction (n.) - the act of putting sth back into an an environment where it once was
• animal reintroduction, species reintroduction
• reintroduce (v.)
• E.g. the government try to avoid the reintroduction of the disease.
While viewing
-formulated milk for infants
-social life (like playing - human baby)
Preparing to read
1. Generally (adv.) - usually; as a rule; mostly; normally; commonly
• E.g. I generally have lunch at one.
2. Intense (adj.) - very great or extreme
• Intensive (adj.); intensity (n.); intension (n.)
• Intense emotion; intense exercise
3. Extended families (n.) - a group that includes uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.
• big family (consist of blood relatives)
4. Social structure (n.) - the way if a group of people or animals is organised
5. Gender (n.) - the characteristics of being male or female (sex)
6. Establish (v.) - to creat or start with that will last a long time
• E.g. the company intents to establish a reliable payment system.
• synonymous: build, constitute
7. Discipline (v.) - to train someone to follow rules or code of behaviour (by instruction and
• E.g. parents must discipline their children
8. Observe (v.) - to notice with after looking closely (make mention of)
• E.g. Nurse observes the course of treatment side e ects.
• Synonymous: Look into, watch
9. Replace (v.) - to have sth new or di erent instead of the original (substitute/shift
someone or sth)
• E.g. he buy a new computer, which replaces the old one.
• Replaceable (adj.); replacement (n.)
10. Previously (adv.) - before the time period that you are talking about (earlier or formerly)
• E.g. his statement is di erent with what was previously said.
Get a turn
Get in line
Pecking order
Have little to say
Bachelor: a single male animal; a married man
As if
Motherhood Fatherhood Brotherhood (treat someone as if he/she is your brother; as if
friendship) Neighbourhood (refer to community)
Evolve Evolution
Antarctic (southern) Arctic
Understanding the reading
1. B
2. A
3. A
Paragraph D
• Female geladas have (the real power) in family groups.
• Female geladas decide what the family does (day to day/ during the day)
• Female geladas choose their (family male)
Paragraph E
• Nonfamily male geladas live in (separate groups)
• Bachelor males wait for a chance to challenge the (family males)
• Female geladas (invite) bachelor males when they want to
Paragraph E
• Most family males are (replaced) after a few years
• The old family males (stay) in the family group
1. each member knows his (responsibility/role/status)
2. (Older males) discipline young male elephants
3. In a typical gelada family, there is one (family male)
4. When the family male is replaced, he usually takes on a (grandfather) role
5. young males tend to prefer (active play)
6. prepare young chimps for (motherhood)
1. The article describes a (study) in Kibale National Park as evidence
2. The expert who did the chimp study is Richard Wrangham, a (primatologist)
3. female chimps’ stick play was similar to (caretaking) behaviour
4. study last (14) years… observed the same behaviour more than (a hundred) times
1. (pecking order). One female has the most power and makes all of the decisions for the
2. a baby chimp (mimicked) her mother’s behaviour
3. A mother emperor penguin protects her (o spring)
4. it is easy to study animals (in captivity)
Exploring written English
A. S, S, D, S, D
1. In contrast,
2. Similarly,
3. , while/ whereas
4. , on the other hands,
5. Likewise,
Writing tasks
Human and lion
-di erence in the type of food they eat; human(human, lion) that eat both plants and other
animals (plant and animal eaters / omnivores)
-di erent in the ways they move; humans walk and run with their 2 legs, whereas lion usual
posture is on all fours, though they are capable of standing on their 2 hind legs
-similar in the ways they communicate (verbal: use sound and vision)
-Like human, lions live in family groups. The members of a group typically spend the day in
several scattered groups that may unite to hunt or share a meal. A group consists of several
generations of lionesses, some of which are related, a smaller number of breeding males, and
their cubs. Female lions live in group but are taken over by groups of male lions from time to
(Family group: what are the family member; how they group together; the similar role of
female vs male)
8 of them (examples or sentences)
• Matriarchal (adj.)
• Matriarch (n.): a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state
• Patriarchal
• Orphaned(adj.)
• Orphan (n.): a child/animal deprived by death of one or usually both parents
• Orphan (v.): to cause to become an orphan
• Orphanage (n.) 孤兒院
• Previously (adv.)
• Previous (adj.): prior, going before in time/ order
• Mutation
• Mutate
• Induce
• Perceive 察觉 ; 感知 ; 知觉 (v.): to regard as being such; become aware or conscious of sth;
come to realise or understand
• Perception (n.)
• Mediator (n.)
• Mediate (v.)
• Discipline (n. v.)
; 希有的 (adj.): not easy to nd or get
• Scarce 缺乏的 ; 罕
• Scarcity (n.)
• Get in line: to become straight
• Get a turn
• Remote (adj.): far away in distance/ time
• Remote possibility = slight possibility (unlikely for it to happen)
• Observe (v.)
• O spring (n.)
• Have little say in/over
• Have a say
• Graze 吃草:放牧 (v.): to cause animals to eat glass; to break the surface of the skin by
rubbing against sth rough
• Replace (v.)
• Bachelor 学 ;单
• Bachelor’s party
汉;(尚未交配的) 雄兽
• Chase somebody away 赶走;驱逐: force to go away
Discipline problems can be observed at any level of education and cause stress for the
educators. Previous study suggests that children’s perception about discipline was usually
a ected by their teachers followed by their family and the school administration respectively.
The teachers are trying to change attitudes of the people towards orphaned children.
The strongest learning bond occurs between the mother and o spring.
The grazing lands are increasingly scarce due to climate change.
Mediator can be done remotely. Most mediators' preferred platform for conducting a remote
mediation is Zoom.
The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.
The best thing about working for a smaller company is that it nally feels like everyone has a
say in how it should operate.
Almost half of the group had previously been heavy smokers.
She did not perceive herself as disabled. Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute
international leader.
Previously, food and fuel were scarce and expensive in this region.
Just get in line and wait for your turn like everyone else.