Race can’t be seen as a biological category because people that are in the same racial can be as genetically different compared to people in different racial groups. Race is not the reason for different patterns of genetic variation. The way humans have moved and mated throughout our history explains genetic variations. Human populations have not been isolated for a long time in order to create a subspecies and different groups have intermingled for so many years. Cultural appropriation is the act of popularizing elements of a minority culture that those minorities were once ridiculed for. To avoid it you have to educate yourself about those cultures and the purpose of those objects or actions. There needs to be mutual respect, understanding, and equality on both sides when sharing cultures. As well as double checking with yourself if things you are doing disrespectful and are you wearing it out of self-intere Colorblindness will not end racism, acting like race doesn’t exist cannot erase the many years of trauma, racism, prejudice, discrimination, or stereotypes. Racism is real and prevalent in order to combat it, we need to identify the social policies and institutional practices. I like how the guide brings the attention that it is not for just white people, but this guide can help anyone. It also brings up different ideas that can be applied to everyone, not just white people, that everyone can blush, bruise, or tan. I thought these things I could never do, but I can it just simply shows up differently because of skin color. I think the guide highlights the typical stereotypes of different races very well and brings attention that those people of color are not exotic, mythical creatures. At the end of the day, we are all human. Race is simply a social construct and people have made it seem real.