Oral Communication in Context Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication LESSON 1.2 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Table of Contents Introduction 1 Objectives 2 DepEd Competency 2 Warm-Up 3 Learn about It The Various Types of Nonverbal Communication Proxemics Kinesics Chronemics Paralanguage Haptics 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 Key Points 7 Check Your Understanding 8 Let’s Step Up! 9 Photo Credit 10 Bibliography 10 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Lesson 1.2 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Fig. 1. Aside from using words, we also communicate through nonverbal cues like a firm handshake. Introduction When receiving good or bad news, it is but natural for us to react with a smile or a frown. This kind of feedback is an important part of communication that we tend to overlook. In communication, there are verbal and nonverbal elements present. We have to understand that both make up an effective means of communicating. 1 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Objectives In this lesson, you should be able to do the following: ● Distinguish verbal from nonverbal communication. ● Identify various types of nonverbal communication. ● Gain an appreciation for the importance of both verbal and nonverbal communication. DepEd Competency At the end of this lesson, you should be able to distinguish verbal from nonverbal communication. 2 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Warm-Up Buddy Charades Materials ● pad paper ● writing materials Procedure 1. Wait for your teacher to give you a piece of paper containing three different situations that are similar to the following examples: a. running late for work b. riding a packed MRT train c. riding a turbulent plane for the first time d. hearing one’s name being called as the winner 2. Find a partner. One of you will act out the phrases you had written down without using words or sounds, while the other guesses the situations being acted out. 3. Take turns with acting out the situations and guessing the answer until you get it all right or until the designated time runs out. Guide Questions 1. What techniques did you and your partner use? 2. How important are gestures, facial expressions, and body language in communicating the answer to your partner? 3 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Learn about It Verbal communication refers to the use of words or speech in sending messages and transmitting ideas or feelings. When we communicate verbally, we use words or language to convey what we would like others to know. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, refers to the act of expressing ideas in ways that do not involve or go beyond using words. We do this through indicators like gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and posture. The tone and speed by which someone talks, as well as their particular environment, are also part of nonverbal communication. Vocabulary verbal communication (noun) the use of words or speech in sending messages and transmitting ideas or feelings nonverbal communication (noun) the act of expressing ideas in ways that do not involve or go beyond using words Essential Question Why are verbal and nonverbal communication equally important? 4 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication The Various Types of Nonverbal Communication We convey meaning through nonverbal cues in different ways. Take note of the following types of nonverbal communication and observe how they apply to your own interactions with other people. Proxemics This refers to the space or distance between the sender and the receiver. This includes intimate distance (less than 6 inches to 18 inches), for embracing, touching, or whispering; personal distance (1.5 to 4 feet), which is for interacting with good friends or family; social distance (4 to 12 feet), which is for interacting with acquaintances; and public distance (12 to 25 feet or more), which is used for public speaking. Example: standing close to someone you are very familiar with It is quite natural to be in or maintain an intimate distance when you are with your best friend or someone you are very close to. Kinesics This refers to the use of body language in communication. This includes gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions. Example: leaning forward while listening to someone The action of leaning forward while listening to someone may be interpreted as openness and interest in the other person’s message. 5 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Chronemics This refers to the role of time in the communication process. Since various cultures may have different perceptions of time when it comes to punctuality or in interactions, chronemics may greatly affect communication. Example: arriving early to a job interview Arriving early to a job interview may be interpreted as a sign that one is eager to work in the company and that he or she respects the interviewer’s time. Paralanguage This refers to the tone, speed, and volume of a speaker’s voice. Sighs and gasps are also considered as paralanguage. Example: speaking slowly and using low volume When someone is using low volume in speech and is speaking more slowly than usual, that person may be sad or tired. Haptics This refers to the use of touch to convey meaning in a conversation. This is often dependent on culture. In some countries, friendly touching is encouraged, but in others, it is considered an invasion of one’s personal space. Example: tightly hugging someone 6 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication An exchange of tight hugs between individuals conveys that they have a close relationship with each other. The act of hugging is also a way to comfort someone or to let that person know that he or she is loved or appreciated. Let’s Check In Review the concepts of verbal and nonverbal communication by answering the following questions: 1. What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication? 2. What are the different types of nonverbal communication? 3. What makes nonverbal communication as important as verbal communication? Key Points ● Verbal communication refers to the use of speech or language in sending messages and transmitting ideas or feelings. The words in a conversation are considered verbal communication or verbal cues. ● Nonverbal communication refers to the act of expressing ideas in ways that do not involve or go beyond the use of words. Body language, appearance, voice, and environment are some of the nonverbal cues that greatly affect the meaning of our message. ● The five different types of nonverbal communication are proxemics, kinesics, chronemics, paralanguage, and haptics. 7 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Check Your Understanding Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. 1. _______________ refers to the tone, speed, and volume of a speaker’s voice. 2. The use of body language in communication is called _______________. 3. _______________ communication refers to the use of words or speech in sending messages and transmitting ideas or feelings. 4. The space or distance between the sender and the receiver is termed as _______________. 5. _______________ is the role of time in the communication process. Give two examples of each of the following nonverbal types. 1. Proxemics: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Kinesics: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Chronemics: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Paralanguage: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Haptics: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Let’s Step Up! Choose a five-minute video of any conversation in a video-sharing site. Identify at least five nonverbal cues used during the communication and categorize them according to their specific type. Then, write a short essay explaining how the use of these nonverbal cues enhanced the message being shared in the conversation. 9 Oral Communication in Context ● Grade 11/12 • Unit 1: Unit 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Photo Credit Fig. 1. Handshake by Flazingo is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr. Bibliography Hybels, Saundra, and Richard Weaver II. 2011. Communicating Effectively. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Indiana State University Press Sites. “4.3: Differences Between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication.” Accessed October 4, 2021. http://kell.indstate.edu/public-comm-intro/chapter/4-3-differences-between-verbal-a nd-nonverbal-communication/. Marteney, Jim. “2.4: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication.” Social Science LibreTexts. December 4, 2020. Accessed October 4, 2021. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Communication/Argument_and_Debate/A rguing_Using_Critical_Thinking_(Marteney)/02%3A_Communicating_An_Argument/2.0 4%3A_Verbal_and_Nonverbal_Communication. Sheppard, Mike. “Proxemics.” The University of New Mexico. July 1996. Accessed December 14, 2016. http://www.cs.unm.edu/~sheppard/proxemics.htm. Steinberg, Shiela. 2007. An Introduction to Communication Studies. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta & Co., Ltd. 10