TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Curriculum and Assessment (TLS3003, 07E, 17E) Lecturer as of 28 December 2024 Dr. CHIU, Suk Mei Eva (Tel: 69765750; email: Venue D4-G/F-01 Date & Time 7 January 2025 - 8 April 2025 (Tue); 12:30-15:20 Course Schedule Session Date Mode Content Images of curriculum Curriculum orientations Global trends in curriculum and assessment Context of curriculum construction Current curriculum and assessment reform policies, priorities and practices Directions of ongoing curriculum reform Models of curriculum design and planning Curriculum implementation & evaluation Information Literacy and Curriculum Integration Guest Speaker: Mr. Kelvin On, Kam Tin Mung Yeung Public School Curriculum integration Curriculum organisation Definitions and functions of assessment Traditional and alternative assessment Assessment Literacy (Assessment of/ for/ as learning) School-based assessment Online National Security Education (Completion of Moodle Assignment by 18 Mar 2025) learning Assignment 1 Planning Tool Preparation for Assignment 1 1 7 Jan ML-1 2 14 Jan ML-2 3 21 Jan ML-3 4 28 Jan ML-4 5 11 Feb ML-5 6 18 Feb ML-6 7 25 Feb 8 4 Mar 9 11 Mar ML-8 Assignment 1 (Group presentation) 10 18 Mar ML-9 Assignment 1 (Group presentation) 11 25 Mar ML-10 Catering for diversity 12 1 Apr ML-7 Tutorial Preparation for Assignment 2 Use of assessment data to improve learning, teaching and curriculum Roles of teachers in changing school curriculum and assessment End of course evaluation ML = mass lecture Tutorial: individual/group (attendance requirement: at least 8 mass lectures + online learning + 1 tutorial) 13 8 Apr ML-11 Note: The minimum attendance requirement for full-time students is 80%. Students who fail to fulfill the minimum attendance requirement will be given an F (fail) grade for the course. 1 TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Assignments Assignment 1: Assignment 2: Group Presentation Extended Paper (Individual Essay) Class participation: Participation in class and online learning tasks (30%) (60%) (10%) Assignment 1 – 30% of course grade Group Presentation Working with group members, identify a policy related to curriculum and/or assessment released by the Hong Kong government. Create a presentation and PowerPoint slides about the policy’s implications to school contexts. To gain exposure to the broad range of topics covered by the presentations, you are expected to be present for all the presentations by the other groups and engage in discussions following the presentations. Students will be organized into major/discipline groups (5 students per group) to give a 20 to 25minute presentation. To prepare for the presentation, groups will read about the selected policy, focusing on specific aspects (for example, catering to student diversity). Groups will draw on the references listed in the course outline, as well as other resources, to expand knowledge of the topic. They will collect resources (handouts, worksheets, videos or other media) that can be shared with the class. The group presentation will be comprised of two parts: A) Demonstration Present an overview of the topic, addressing the following as appropriate: 1. The approach/model’s purpose 2. Principles related to curriculum and/or assessment 3. The role of teachers and students 4. A brief evaluation. Students can draw upon and reflect on their own school experiences (e.g., in alma mater) to discuss the model’s implementation in the local context. B) Discussion The purpose of the discussion is to enable the audience to clarify the model’s features and reflect on how these converge with their personal understanding of teaching, learning, assessment, and the role of schools in society. Towards this end, the group is expected to (a) prepare reflective questions and (b) respond to questions from the audience. 2 TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Assignment 1 Rubrics Grade (global grade descriptors) Understanding of topics/key concepts (40%) Group Work (20%) Critical and creative thinking (20%) Organization and skills of presentation (10%) Discussion: Responses to questions & suggestions (10%) A 1. Thorough understanding and interpretation of topics/arguments and underlying theories 2. Makes good references to support arguments 3. Provides suitable examples to facilitate understanding The group effectively utilized on-line and/or face- toface platforms to collaborate on the project and build on each other’s knowledge and understanding. There is much evidence of exchange of ideas. Innovative, logical, good reasoning 1. Well-organized and structured 2. A good flow is witnessed 3. Good presentation skills with clarity, interaction and articulated tone 1. Outstanding responses to students’ and tutor’s queries 2. Well-thought suggestions made to address curriculum problems The group utilized on-line and/or face-to-face platforms to collaborate on the project and build on each other’s knowledge and understanding. The group utilized on-line and/or face-to-face platforms to collaborate on the project. Logical, good development 1. Presents an effective synthesis of the topics 2. The flow is sometimes stagnant 3. Sometimes interaction and clarity is lacking Fair presentation skills 1. Sensible responses to students’ and tutor’s queries 2. Reasonable suggestions made to address curriculum problems C-D 1. A high level of understanding and interpretations 2. Some references are made but not exhaustive 3. Some examples are given but not exhaustive 1. Adequate understanding and interpretation of topics/ arguments and underlying theories. 2. A few references are given but they lack breadth 3. Examples given do not support the main argument. Partial Weak Disjointed and ineffective No evidence F (Fail) No evidence The group barely utilized on-line and/or face-toface platforms to collaborate on the project. No evidence of collaboration. No evidence Poor organization/ extrapolation No evidence (Outstanding) B (Good) C (Satisfactory) 1. Lacks extension 2. Flaws in logical sequence 3 1. Some of the responses made are irrelevant 2. Some of the suggestions made are off the focus TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 To facilitate your preparation for Assignment 1, please refer to the following examples of policy documents (dated 2000 or afterwards) related to curriculum and/or assessment. Curriculum Development Council. (2001). Learning to Learn: the way forward in curriculum development. (Accessible by chapters) URL: Curriculum Development Council. (2014). Basic Education Curriculum Guide – Building on Strengths (P1-P6) URL: Education Commission. (2000). Learning for life, learning through life: Reform proposals for the education system in Hong Kong. HKSAR. URL: Education Bureau. (2009). New Academic Structure “334” bulletin. URL: Assignment 2 – 60% of course grade (deadline: 11:59pm on 29 April 2025 ) Extended Paper (1800 words +/-15%) This assignment builds on your learning from Assignment 1. Write an essay on a topic relevant to a curriculum and/or assessment issue that you are likely to deal with as a new teacher in Hong Kong. You may select one of the following topics to focus the assignment discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identify different concepts, definitions, or orientations of “curriculum” and show how they can be related to what you do as a teacher in the classroom. Select one aspect of the current curriculum reforms and show what its implications are for changing classrooms in Hong Kong. What is the current and future situation for developing integrated curriculum in kindergarten/ primary school /secondary school? Select one aspect of the current assessment reforms and discuss its implementation in classrooms in Hong Kong. As a prospective teacher in primary/secondary schools, how would you go about establishing an “assessment for learning” culture in your classroom? In the course of curriculum or assessment development, why is it necessary to cater for diversity in Hong Kong classrooms? What are some practical ways you can do this? What role will you play as a teacher in curriculum and assessment reform? What changes do you think a beginning teacher can make to support curriculum reform in the current situation in Hong Kong? OR You may like to discuss with the lecturer if you would prefer to write about other topics. Please refer to the assignment instructions to decide the topic in the case of self-initiated topics. 4 TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Reminders: A. The topic of Assignment 2 must be approved by the lecturer. B. The topic of Assignment 2 can be a topic relevant to your own group’s presentation (i.e., Assignment 1). C. Must not use the same case(s) presented by your group or other groups in Assignment 1. D. Refer to the citation system in the student handbook. Use APA (7th ed.). E. Times New Roman font 12, 1.5-line spacing is recommended. Please submit a PDF file. F. Refer to the rubrics when writing the essay. G. Your file name should be ‘TLS3003Assignment 2_(name)_(student no.)’ e.g., TLS3003Assignment 2_Chan Tai Man_11199888 H. Leave ample time for Turnitin and declaration of using AI-enabled tool. I. In the Turnitin report, the percentage of similarity should be less than 15%. J. Students are responsible for ensuring that their utilization of AI-enabled generative tools complies with EdUHK's policies on academic honesty. The relevant policies can be found at this link: K. Submit your PDF file via moodle with Turnitin checking and declaration of using AI-enabled tool. L. Submit a completed AI-enabled tools declaration form. Students who fail to submit this form will result in mark deduction. M. Late submission without filling out the ‘Application for Late Submission of Assignment’ form and getting the lecturer’s approval BEFORE the deadline will result in an ‘F’ grade. 5 TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Assignment 2 Rubrics Grade A+ A Understanding Analysis & Critical Research/ Language/ of Theories & Synthesis Thinking Literature Organization Concepts 25% 20% 20% Review 15% 20% Thorough Outstanding and Innovative and Relevant research/ Well- organized, understanding & thorough analysis original literature, fluent and correct interpretation and synthesis comprehensive coverage AB+ B General Good and understanding & interpretation Evidence of Organized, fluent appropriate relevant and correct analysis and research/literature synthesis BC+ Reflective Superficial grasp Little or no of interpretation C Logical Some errors in Reasonably fluent attempt at documentation of with some analysis and relevant research mistakes Little evidence of Frequent errors synthesis C- Partial grasp of & Illogical analysis interpretation and ineffective D Weak relevant research organization of materials F Little Interpreted understanding & interpretation No evidence Little or no Major and incorrectly and evidence of frequent errors poorly organized relevant research materials Guidelines for Criteria: Understanding of Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the topics? Does it demonstrate the use of relevant topics/ arguments readings/literature to support the arguments? Analysis & Does the work demonstrate sound analysis of issues and synthesis of ideas from various sources or synthesis perspectives? Critical thinking Does the work represent the student’s own thinking and critical reflection to come to grips with the problem or to sort out the issue? Does the work demonstrate reflective application of educational concepts? Research/ Does the work include references and citations to pertinent sources? Are the cited sources credible? Does Literature review the work reflect a range of sources and media (i.e. journal articles, books, textbooks. web-based sources)? Language/ Does the work show systematic organization, and fluent and proper use of language? Does it have a clear Organization: rational structure in synthesizing the arguments? 6 TLS3003 (07E, 17E) 2024-2025 Sem 2 Teaching and Learning Platform You may enter Moodle at: Home | Moodle Y2024 ( Personal login ID and password are required to enter moodle. After login moodle, you are able to: • • • • • Communicate with the lecturer and group members; Read and download relevant course information; Take part in online discussions and learning tasks; Receive feedback from the lecturer; Use Turnitin to check if there is plagiarism in your assignment. You should make appropriate revision to your assignment if there is plagiarized content to avoid disciplinary consequences. Please make use of moodle to enrich your learning. General Academic Regulations ⚫ Students are to follow the attendance requirement set by C&I Dept. – i.e. 80% of attendance requirement should be observed (please refer to C&I T&L Handbook); ⚫ For Leave of Absence, participants should submit the “Leave Notification Form” for endorsement by the course lecturer concerned and approval by Programme Leader via the Programme Office; ⚫ Students are reminded to observe the regulations/guidelines set by EDUHK regarding late submission, plagiarism and academic honesty (also refer to C&I T&L Handbook) Attendance Tracking The attendance reader (beside the door inside the room) is designed to capture the number of participants using the room. Participants simply present their EdU Cards over the attendance reader to take record. Academic Honesty and Copyright Students are required to carry out all academic activities honestly and in good faith. Any act that contravenes standards of academic honesty such as plagiarism, impersonation, cheating in examinations and collusion is strictly prohibited by the University. Please visit the session “Academic Honesty and Copyright” in the Student Handbook: 7