7/15/2023 CHAPTER 1 In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions: What kinds of questions does economics address? Basic Principles of Economics What are the principles of how people make decisions? What are the principles of how people interact? What are the principles of how the economy as a whole works? 1 © 2009 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, all rights reserved 0 1 What Economics Is All About The principles of HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s resources Economics: the study of how society manages its scarce resources, e.g. how people decide what to buy, how much to work, save, and spend how firms decide how much to produce, how many workers to hire how society decides how to divide its resources between national defense, consumer goods, protecting the environment, and other needs TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 2 2 3 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Principle #1: People Face Tradeoffs Principle #1: People Face Tradeoffs All decisions involve tradeoffs. Examples: Example continues: Going to a party the night before your midterm Study Economics vs Statistics Spending on Cloth/Food vs Vacation Guns vs Butter leaves less time for studying. Having more money to buy stuff requires working longer hours, which leaves less time for leisure. Efficiency vs Equality Protecting the environment requires resources that could otherwise be used to produce consumer goods. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 4 4 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 5 5 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Principle #1: People Face Tradeoffs Principle #2: The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get It Society faces an important tradeoff: efficiency vs. equality Making decisions requires comparing the costs Efficiency: when society gets the most from its and benefits of alternative choices. scarce resources The opportunity cost of any item is Equality: when prosperity is distributed uniformly whatever must be given up to obtain it. among society’s members It is the relevant cost for decision making. Tradeoff: To achieve greater equality, could redistribute income from wealthy to poor. But this reduces incentive to work and produce, shrinks the size of the economic “pie.” TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 6 6 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 7 7 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Principle #2: The Cost of Something Is What You Give Up to Get It Principle #3: Rational People Think at the Margin Examples: The opportunity cost of… Rational people systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objectives. …going to college for a year is not just the tuition, books, and fees, but also the foregone wages. make decisions by evaluating costs and benefits …seeing a movie is not just the price of the ticket, but the value of the time you spend in the theater. of marginal changes – incremental adjustments to an existing plan. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 8 8 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 9 9 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS Principle #3: Rational People Think at the Margin Principle #3: Rational People Think at the Margin Examples: Examples: When a student considers whether to go to Diamond-water paradox An airline taking an extra passenger when the college for an additional year, he compares the fees & foregone wages to the extra income he could earn with the extra year of education. flight isn’t full When a manager considers whether to increase output, she compares the cost of the needed labor and materials to the extra revenue. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 10 10 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 11 11 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS ACTIVE LEARNING 1 Principle #4: People Respond to Incentives Applying the principles Incentive: something that induces a person to You are selling your 1996 Mustang. You have already spent $1000 on repairs. act, i.e. the prospect of a reward or punishment. At the last minute, the transmission dies. You can pay $600 to have it repaired, or sell the car “as is.” Rational people respond to incentives. Examples: When gas prices rise, consumers buy more hybrid cars and fewer gas guzzling SUVs. When cigarette taxes increase, teen smoking falls. In each of the following scenarios, should you have the transmission repaired? Explain. A. Blue book value is $6500 if transmission works, $5700 if it doesn’t B. Blue book value is $6000 if transmission works, $5500 if it doesn’t TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 12 12 13 13 ACTIVE LEARNING 1 ACTIVE LEARNING 1 Cost of fixing transmission = $600 Observations: A. Blue book value is $6500 if transmission works, $5700 if it doesn’t The $1000 you previously spent on repairs is Answers Answers irrelevant. What matters is the cost and benefit of the marginal repair (the transmission). Benefit of fixing the transmission = $800 ($6500 – 5700). It’s worthwhile to have the transmission fixed. The change in incentives from scenario A to scenario B caused your decision to change. B. Blue book value is $6000 if transmission works, $5500 if it doesn’t Benefit of fixing the transmission is only $500. Paying $600 to fix transmission is not worthwhile. 14 14 15 15 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE INTERACT The principles of HOW PEOPLE INTERACT Principle #5: Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off Rather than being self-sufficient, people can specialize in producing one good or service and exchange it for other goods. Countries also benefit from trade & specialization: Get a better price abroad for goods they produce Buy other goods more cheaply from abroad that could be produced at home TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 16 17 HOW PEOPLE INTERACT HOW PEOPLE INTERACT Principle #6: Markets Are Usually A Good Way to Organize Economic Activity Principle #6: Markets Are Usually A Good Way to Organize Economic Activity A market economy allocates resources through Market: a group of buyers and sellers the decentralized decisions of many households and firms as they interact in markets. (need not be in a single location) “Organize economic activity” means determining what goods to produce how to produce them how much of each to produce who gets them TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 18 17 Famous insight by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations (1776): Each of these households and firms acts as if “led by an invisible hand” to promote general economic well-being. 18 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 19 19 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE INTERACT HOW PEOPLE INTERACT Principle #6: Markets Are Usually A Good Way to Organize Economic Activity Principle #6: Markets Are Usually A Good Way to Organize Economic Activity The invisible hand works through the price system: The interaction of buyers and sellers determines prices. Each price reflects the good’s value to buyers and the cost of producing the good. Prices guide self-interested households and firms to make decisions that, in many cases, maximize society’s economic well-being. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ERbC7JyCfU TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 20 20 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 21 HOW PEOPLE INTERACT HOW PEOPLE INTERACT Principle #7: Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes Principle #7: Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes Important role for govt: enforce property rights Market failure: when the market fails to allocate society’s resources efficiently (with police, courts) Causes: People are less inclined to work, produce, invest, Externalities, when the production or consumption or purchase if large risk of their property being stolen. A restaurant won’t serve meals if customers do not pay before they leave. A music company won’t produce CDs if too many people avoid paying by making illegal copies. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 22 21 of a good affects bystanders (e.g. pollution) Market power, a single buyer or seller has substantial influence on market price (e.g. monopoly) In such cases, public policy may promote efficiency. 22 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 23 23 7/15/2023 HOW PEOPLE INTERACT ACTIVE LEARNING 2 Discussion Questions Principle #7: Governments Can Sometimes Improve Market Outcomes In each of the following situations, what is the government’s role? Does the government’s intervention improve the outcome? Govt may alter market outcome to promote equity If the market’s distribution of economic well-being a. Workplace safety regulations is not desirable, tax or welfare policies can change how the economic “pie” is divided. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 24 b. Patent laws, which allow drug companies to charge high prices for life-saving drugs 24 25 25 The principles of HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS Principle #8: A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods & services. Huge variation in living standards across countries and over time: Average income in rich countries is more than ten times average income in poor countries. The U.S. standard of living today is about eight times larger than 100 years ago. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 26 27 27 7/15/2023 HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS Principle #8: A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods & services. Principle #9: Prices rise when the government prints too much money. Inflation: increases in the general level of prices. In the long run, inflation is almost always caused by The most important determinant of living standards: productivity, the amount of goods and services produced per unit of labor. excessive growth in the quantity of money, which causes the value of money to fall. Productivity depends on the equipment, skills, and The faster the govt creates money, technology available to workers. the greater the inflation rate. Other factors (e.g., labor unions, competition from abroad) have far less impact on living standards. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 28 28 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 29 29 HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS Principle #10: Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment Principle #10: Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment In the short-run (1 – 2 years), Most economists describe the short-run effects of many economic policies push inflation and unemployment in opposite directions. monetary injections as follows: Higher demand may over time cause firms to raise their prices, but in the meantime, it also encourages them to hire more workers and produce a larger quantity of goods and services. More hiring means lower unemployment. Most economists describe the short-run effects of monetary injections as follows: Increasing the amount of money in the economy stimulates the overall level of spending and thus the demand for goods and services. Other factors can make this tradeoff more or less favorable, but the tradeoff is always present. TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 30 30 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 31 31 7/15/2023 Class Discussion Class Discussion Describe some of the trade-offs faced by each of You win Tk 10,000 in a basketball pool. You have the following: a family deciding whether to buy a new car a member of Parliament deciding how much to spend on national parks a company president deciding whether to open a new factory a professor deciding how much to prepare for class a recent college graduate deciding whether to go to graduate school a choice between spending the money now and putting it away for a year in a bank account that pays 5 percent interest. What is the opportunity cost of spending the Tk 10,000 now? TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 32 32 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 33 Class Discussion Class Discussion The company that you manage has invested Tk Explain whether each of the following government activities is motivated by a concern about equality or a concern about efficiency. In the case of efficiency, discuss the type of market failure involved. a. regulating cable TV prices b. providing some poor people with vouchers that can be used to buy food c. prohibiting smoking in public places d. breaking up Standard Oil (which once owned 90 percent of all U.S. oil refineries) into several smaller companies e. imposing higher personal income tax rates on people with higher incomes f. enacting laws against driving while intoxicated 5 million in developing a new product, but the development is not quite finished. At a recent meeting, your salespeople report that the introduction of competing products has reduced the expected sales of your new product to Tk 3 million. If it would cost Tk 1 million to finish development and make the product, should you go ahead and do so? What is the most that you should pay to complete development? TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 34 33 34 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 35 35 7/15/2023 Class Discussion Class Discussion Discuss each of the following statements from A 1996 bill reforming the federal government’s the standpoints of equality and efficiency. a. “Everyone in society should be guaranteed the best healthcare possible.” b. “When workers are laid off, they should be able to collect unemployment benefits until they find a new job.” TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS antipoverty programs limited many welfare recipients to only 2 years of benefits. a. How does this change affect the incentives for working? b. How might this change represent a tradeoff between equality and efficiency? 36 36 TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 37 37 HOW THE ECONOMY AS A WHOLE WORKS Thank You! TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 38 38 39 39