Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A comprehensive guide to assist design professionals on the design and detailing of reinforced concrete buildings. Based on ACI 318-19 2020 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Publication No: DG-ACI318-19 ISBN: 978-1-943961-52-8 Copyright © 2020 By Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute First Edition 2020, First Printing Contains errata material, December 2020 All rights reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. Printed in the U.S.A This publication is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute reports the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or for the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute. Founded in 1924, the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is a technical institute and an ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organization (SDO) that stands as the authoritative resource for information related to steel reinforced concrete construction. Serving the needs of engineers, architects and construction professionals, CRSI offers many industry-trusted technical publications, standards documents, design aids, reference materials and educational opportunities. CRSI Industry members include manufacturers, fabricators, material suppliers and placers of steel reinforcing bars and related products. Our Professional members are involved in the research, design, and construction of steel reinforced concrete. CRSI also has a broad Region Manager network that supports both members and industry professionals and creates awareness among the design/construction community through outreach activities. Together, they form a complete network of industry information and support. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation i Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Foreword The purpose of this Design Guide is to assist in the proper application of the design and detailing requirements in Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) for cast-in-place concrete buildings with nonprestressed steel reinforcement. Many design aids and worked-out examples are provided to make designing and detailing reinforced concrete members simpler and faster. The goal is to acquire an understanding of the code UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGWRDSSO\WKHPSURSHUO\DQGHI¿FLHQWO\ In addition to structural engineers, this Design Guide is a valuable resource for educators, students, individuals VWXG\LQJIRUOLFHQVLQJH[DPVDQGEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDOV 6LQFHWKH¿UVW&56,'HVLJQ+DQGERRNLQXVHUVRI&56,SXEOLFDWLRQVKDYHEHHQFRRSHUDWLYHLQVXJJHVWLQJWR WKH'HVLJQ$LGV&RPPLWWHHDQG&56,6WDIIPDQ\LPSURYHPHQWVFODUL¿FDWLRQVDQGDGGLWLRQDOGHVLJQVKRUWFXWV This professional assistance is very helpful, and is appreciated. Comments on this design guide are welcome so that future editions can be further improved. Please direct all comments to Amy Trygestad, P.E., F.ACI, CRSI Vice President of Engineering. Acknowledgements Special recognition is due to the following individuals who provided a review of the publication and made insightful comments and suggestions for improvement: David A. Fanella, S.E., P.E., F.ACI, F.ASCE, F.SEI, Senior Director of Engineering, is the author of this Design Guide. Amy Trygestad, P.E., F.ACI, Vice President of Engineering Nathan Westin, P.E., Technical Director Special recognition is also due to Dave Mounce, Director of Communications, ZKRZDVLQFKDUJHRISURGXFWLRQDQGOD\RXWRIWKLV'HVLJQ*XLGH+LVGHGLFDWLRQ and expertise is greatly appreciated. Photo Credits Front cover image courtesy of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, SEOR 3URMHFW1DPH0LVVLRQ Client: Kilroy Realty General Contractor: Webcor Builders Back cover image courtesy of DeSimone Consulting Engineers Project Name: Panorama Tower Client: Florida East Coast Realty (FECR) General Contractor: Florida East Coast Realty (FECR) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation ii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Contents Foreword Chapter 3 Acknowledgements Design Loads and Load Combinations 3.1 Overview 3-1 3.2 Design Loads 3-1 Chapter 1 3.3 Seismic Design Category 3-1 Introduction 3.4 Live Load Reduction 3-3 Photo Credits 1.1 Overview 1-1 3.5 Load Factors and Combinations 3-4 1.2 Example Buildings 1-2 3.6 Determination of Wind Forces 3-8 %XLOGLQJ±6WRU\2I¿FH%XLOGLQJ 3.7 Determination of Seismic Forces 3-8 %XLOGLQJ±6WRU\(PHUJHQF\ Operations Center 6HLVPLF)RUFHVRQWKH6)56 1-6 6HLVPLF)RUFHVRQ'LDSKUDJPV&KRUGV and Collectors 3-11 %XLOGLQJ±6WRU\5HVLGHQWLDO%XLOGLQJ %XLOGLQJ±6WRU\2I¿FH%XLOGLQJ 1.3 Organization of This Design Guide 3.8 Examples 1-10 Chapter 2 Material Requirements and Strength Reduction Factors 2.1 Overview 2-1 2.2 Material Requirements 2-1 &RQFUHWH'HVLJQ3URSHUWLHV 6SHFL¿HG&RPSUHVVLYH6WUHQJWK 0RGXOXVRI(ODVWLFLW\ 0RGXOXVRI5XSWXUH /LJKWZHLJKW&RQFUHWH0RGL¿FDWLRQ)DFWRU 1RQSUHVWUHVVHG6WHHO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 0DWHULDO3URSHUWLHV 'HVLJQ3URSHUWLHV +HDGHG6KHDU6WXG5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'XUDELOLW\RI6WHHO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SHFL¿HG&RQFUHWH&RYHU 1RQSUHVWUHVVHG&RDWHG5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2.3 Strength Reduction Factors 2-10 3-16 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI:LQG )RUFHV%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI:LQG )RUFHV%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI:LQG )RUFHV%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI:LQG )RUFHV%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKH 6HLVPLF'HVLJQ&DWHJRU\%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKH 6HLVPLF'HVLJQ&DWHJRU\%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKH 6HLVPLF'HVLJQ&DWHJRU\%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKH 6HLVPLF'HVLJQ&DWHJRU\%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6HLVPLF )RUFHV6)56RI%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 6HLVPLF)RUFHV6)56RI%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 6HLVPLF)RUFHV6)56RI%XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 6HLVPLF)RUFHV6)56RI%XLOGLQJ 2YHUYLHZ 6WUHQJWK5HGXFWLRQ)DFWRUV%DVHG2Q $FWLRQRU6WUXFWXUDO(OHPHQW 6WUHQJWK5HGXFWLRQ)DFWRUV)RU0RPHQW Axial Force, Or Combined Moment and $[LDO)RUFH ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of %XLOGLQJ 6WUHQJWK5HGXFWLRQ)DFWRUV)RU6KHDU,Q Structures Relying On Special Moment )UDPHVDQG6SHFLDO6WUXFWXUDO:DOOV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation iii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of %XLOGLQJ 4.7 Design Procedure 4-22 4.8 Examples 4-25 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, %XLOGLQJ1RUPDOZHLJKW&RQFUHWH ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, %XLOGLQJ/LJKWZHLJKW&RQFUHWH Chapter 4 One-way Slabs 4.1 Overview 4-1 4.2 Minimum Slab Thickness 4-1 4.3 Required Strength 4-2 $QDO\VLV0HWKRGV &ULWLFDO6HFWLRQVIRU)OH[XUHDQG6KHDU ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HTXLUHG Reinforcement: One-way Slab System, %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI/DS Splice Lengths: One-way Slab System, %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Reinforcement Details: One-way Slab 6\VWHP%XLOGLQJ 4.4 Design Strength 4-4 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO)OH[XUDO6WUHQJWK Chapter 5 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK Two-way Slabs 4.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 4-7 5.1 Overview 5-1 5HTXLUHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5.2 Minimum Slab Thickness 5-2 0LQLPXP6KULQNDJHDQG7HPSHUDWXUH 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 4.6 Reinforcement Detailing 4-8 &RQFUHWH&RYHU 0LQLPXP6SDFLQJRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV 0D[LPXP6SDFLQJRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV 6HOHFWLRQRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HYHORSPHQWRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HYHORSPHQWRI'HIRUPHG%DUVLQ7HQVLRQ 'HYHORSPHQWRI6WDQGDUG+RRNVLQ7HQVLRQ 'HYHORSPHQWRI+HDGHG'HIRUPHG%DUVLQ 7HQVLRQ Development of Mechanically Anchored 'HIRUPHG%DUVLQ7HQVLRQ Development of Positive and Negative )OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SOLFHVRI5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ /DS6SOLFHV 0HFKDQLFDO6SOLFHV :HOGHG6SOLFHV 6WUXFWXUDO,QWHJULW\5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HFRPPHQGHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOV 2YHUYLHZ )ODW3ODWHV )ODW6ODEV 7ZRZD\%HDP6XSSRUWHG6ODEV 7ZRZD\-RLVWV )ODW3ODWH9RLGHG&RQFUHWH6ODEV 5.3 Required Strength $QDO\VLV0HWKRGV &ULWLFDO6HFWLRQVIRU)OH[XUH &ULWLFDO6HFWLRQVIRU6KHDU 2QHZD\6KHDU 7ZRZD\6KHDU 6HFWLRQ3URSHUWLHVRI&ULWLFDO6HFWLRQV 'LUHFW'HVLJQ0HWKRG 2YHUYLHZ Determination of Factored Bending 0RPHQWVLQD'HVLJQ6WULS Determination of Factored Moments in &ROXPQVDQG:DOOV Determination of Factored Shear in Slabs ZLWK%HDPV /DWHUDO/RDGV 5.4 Design Strength 5-36 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO)OH[XUDO6WUHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation iv 5-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1RPLQDO2QHZD\6KHDU6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO7ZRZD\6KHDU6WUHQJWK 2YHUYLHZ Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs without Shear 5HLQIRUFHPHQW Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs with Shear 5HLQIRUFHPHQW Two-way Shear Strength Provided E\6LQJOHRU0XOWLSOHOHJ6WLUUXSV Two-way Shear Strength Provided E\+HDGHG6KHDU6WXG5HLQIRUFHPHQW Summary of Nominal Two-way Shear 6WUHQJWK5HTXLUHPHQWV 2SHQLQJVLQ7ZRZD\6ODE6\VWHPV 5.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 5-46 5HTXLUHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HTXLUHG6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6WLUUXSV +HDGHG6KHDU6WXG5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5.6 Reinforcement Detailing 5-49 &RQFUHWH&RYHU 0LQLPXP6SDFLQJRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV 0D[LPXP6SDFLQJRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV 6HOHFWLRQRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW &RUQHU5HVWUDLQWLQ6ODEV 7HUPLQDWLRQRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SOLFHVRI5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6WUXFWXUDO,QWHJULW\5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW'HWDLOV 5.7 Design Procedure 5-53 5.8 Examples 5-56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System with Edge %HDPV%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: Two-way Beam-Supported 6ODE6\VWHP%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ& ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP 7KLFNQHVV7ZRZD\-RLVW6\VWHP %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ( ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HTXLUHG Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HTXLUHG Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System :LWK(GJH%HDPV%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ% 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI5HTXLUHG Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Beam6XSSRUWHG6ODE6\VWHP%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ' 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Required Flexural Reinforcement: 7ZRZD\-RLVW6\VWHP%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ( 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Required Flexural Reinforcement: )ODW3ODWH6\VWHP%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&% ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI6KHDU6WUHQJWK Requirements: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&% ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI6KHDU6WUHQJWK Requirements: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&% 6KHDU&DS ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI6KHDU6WUHQJWK Requirements: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&% 6ODE2SHQLQJ ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI6KHDU6WUHQJWK Requirements: Flat Slab System With (GJH%HDPV%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ' 6'&$&LUFXODU&ROXPQV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&% 6WLUUXSV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ 6'&%+HDGHG6KHDU6WXGV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI0LQLPXP Slab Thickness: Flat Slab System With Edge %HDPV%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ' @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation v Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 6 Beams 6.1 Overview 6-1 6.2 Sizing the Cross-Section 6-2 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH%HDP'HSWK 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH%HDP:LGWK *HQHUDO*XLGHOLQHVIRU6L]LQJ%HDPV IRU(FRQRP\ 6.3 Required Strength $QDO\VLV0HWKRGV 2YHUYLHZ %HQGLQJ0RPHQWVDQG6KHDU)RUFHV Torsional Moments 6-6 &ULWLFDO6HFWLRQVIRU)OH[XUH6KHDU and Torsion 6-8 6.3.3 Redistribution of Moments in Continuous Flexural Members 6-9 6.4 Design Strength 6-10 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO)OH[XUDO6WUHQJWK Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only Rectangular Sections with Tension and &RPSUHVVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with 7HQVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6-11 6.6 Reinforcement Detailing 6-30 &RQFUHWH&RYHU )OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW6SDFLQJ Minimum Spacing of Flexural 5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars for Crack Control Distribution of Tension Reinforcement in Flanges of T-Beams Crack Control Reinforcement in Deep )OH[XUDO0HPEHUV 6HOHFWLRQRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6-33 6-33 'HYHORSPHQWRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ 'HYHORSPHQWRI'HIRUPHG%DUVLQ7HQVLRQ 'HYHORSPHQWRI6WDQGDUG+RRNVLQ7HQVLRQ 'HYHORSPHQWRI+HDGHG'HIRUPHG%DUV LQ7HQVLRQ Development of Mechanically Anchored 'HIRUPHG%DUVLQ7HQVLRQ Development of Positive and Negative )OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SOLFHVRI'HIRUPHG5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ /DS6SOLFHV 0HFKDQLFDO6SOLFHV :HOGHG6SOLFHV /RQJLWXGLQDO7RUVLRQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ 6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7RUVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK Overview Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete Nominal Shear Strength Provided by 6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6-16 6WUXFWXUDO,QWHJULW\5HLQIRUFHPHQW 1RPLQDO7RUVLRQDO6WUHQJWK 6.6.9 Flexural Reinforcement Requirements IRU6'&% 5HFRPPHQGHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOV 6-16 6.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 6-21 5HTXLUHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW Rectangular Sections with Tension 5HLQIRUFHPHQW2QO\ Rectangular Sections with Tension and &RPSUHVVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with 7HQVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HTXLUHG6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HTXLUHG7RUVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HLQIRUFHPHQW5HTXLUHPHQWVIRU &RPELQHG)OH[XUH6KHDUDQG7RUVLRQ 'HÀHFWLRQV 2YHUYLHZ ,PPHGLDWH'HÀHFWLRQV 8QFUDFNHG6HFWLRQV &UDFNHG6HFWLRQV (IIHFWLYH0RPHQWRI,QHUWLD $SSUR[LPDWH,PPHGLDWH'HÀHFWLRQV 7LPH'HSHQGHQW'HÀHFWLRQV 0D[LPXP3HUPLVVLEOH&DOFXODWHG 'HÀHFWLRQV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation vi Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI%HDP 6L]H(GJH%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ%HDP LV1RW3DUWRIWKH/)566'&& ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Flexural Reinforcement: Edge Beam LQ%XLOGLQJ%HDPLV1RW3DUWRI the LFRS, SDC C 6-111 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Shear Reinforcement: Edge Beam in %XLOGLQJ%HDPLV1RW3DUWRIWKH LFRS, SDC C 6-113 6-66 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Torsion Reinforcement: Edge Beam LQ%XLOGLQJ6HFRQG)ORRU/HYHO %HDPLV1RW3DUWRIWKH/)566'&& 6-69 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQIRU&RPELQHG Flexure, Shear, and Torsion: Edge Beam LQ%XLOGLQJ%HDPLV1RW3DUWRIWKH /)566'&& ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Reinforcement Details: Edge Beam in %XLOGLQJ%HDPLV1RW3DUWRIWKH /)566'&& 6.8 Design Procedure 6-57 6.9 Examples 6-63 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI%HDP 6L]H%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Single Layer of 7HQVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Reinforcement Details: Beam in %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'HÀHFWLRQV%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Not 3DUWRIWKH/)566'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI)OH[XUDO 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Multiple Layers of 7HQVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of WKH/)566'&$ 6-63 Chapter 7 7.1 Overview 7-1 7.2 Dimensional Limits 7-1 7.3 Required Strength 7-1 $QDO\VLV0HWKRGV 2YHUYLHZ /LQHDU(ODVWLF)LUVW2UGHU$QDO\VLV /LQHDU(ODVWLF6HFRQG2UGHU$QDO\VLV ,QHODVWLF$QDO\VLV )LQLWH(OHPHQW$QDO\VLV 6HFWLRQ3URSHUWLHV )DFWRUHG$[LDO)RUFHDQG0RPHQW 6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV 2YHUYLHZ &ROXPQVLQ1RQVZD\DQG6ZD\)UDPHV &RQVLGHUDWLRQRI6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV 0RPHQW0DJQL¿FDWLRQ0HWKRG 7 5HTXLUHG6KHDU6WUHQJWKIRU&ROXPQVLQ Buildings Assigned to Seismic Design &DWHJRU\% ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Reinforcement Details: Beam in %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& %HDPLV3DUWRIWKH/)566'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'HÀHFWLRQV%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Includes &RPSUHVVLRQ5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI-RLVW 6L]H-RLVWLQ%XLOGLQJ-RLVWLV1RW Part of the LFRS, SDC C 6-96 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI )OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW-RLVWLQ %XLOGLQJ-RLVW1RW3DUWRIWKH /)566'&& ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW-RLVWLQ%XLOGLQJ -RLVWLV1RW3DUWRIWKH/)566'&& Columns ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 5HLQIRUFHPHQW'HWDLOV-RLVWLQ %XLOGLQJ-RLVWLV1RW3DUWRIWKH /)566'&& ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'HÀHFWLRQV-RLVWLQ%XLOGLQJ 7\SLFDO)ORRU-RLVWLV1RW3DUWRIWKH /)566'&& 7.4 Design Strength 7-14 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO$[LDO6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO$[LDO&RPSUHVVLYH6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO$[LDO7HQVLOH6WUHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation vii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1RPLQDO6WUHQJWKRI&ROXPQV6XEMHFWHG WR0RPHQWDQG$[LDO)RUFHV 2YHUYLHZ 5HFWDQJXODU6HFWLRQV &LUFXODU6HFWLRQV ,QWHUDFWLRQ'LDJUDPV %LD[LDO/RDGLQJ 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK 2YHUYLHZ Nominal Shear Strength Provided E\&RQFUHWH Nominal Shear Strength Provided E\6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW %LD[LDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO7RUVLRQDO6WUHQJWK 7.5 Reinforcement Limits 7-30 /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7.6 Sizing the Cross-Section 7-31 $[LDO&RPSUHVVLRQ &RPELQHG0RPHQWDQG$[LDO)RUFH 6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV 7.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement 7-32 5HTXLUHG/RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW $[LDO&RPSUHVVLRQ &RPELQHG0RPHQWDQG$[LDO)RUFH 5HTXLUHG6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7.10 Design Procedure 7-61 7.11 Examples 7-62 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 3UHOLPLQDU\&ROXPQ6L]H%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily $[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily $[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI7UDQVYHUVH 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column 6XEMHFWHGWR3ULPDULO\$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'RZHO Reinforcement at the Foundation: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected WR3ULPDULO\$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 3UHOLPLQDU\&ROXPQ6L]H%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column 6XEMHFWHGWR3ULPDULO\$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column 6XEMHFWHGWR3ULPDULO\$[LDO)RUFHV 7.8 Reinforcement Detailing 7-33 &RQFUHWH&RYHU 0LQLPXP1XPEHURI/RQJLWXGLQDO%DUV 6SDFLQJRI/RQJLWXGLQDO%DUV 2IIVHW%HQW/RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 3UHOLPLQDU\&ROXPQ6L]H%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily $[LDO)RUFHV 6SOLFHVRI/RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ /DS6SOLFHV (QG%HDULQJ6SOLFHV 0HFKDQLFDODQG:HOGHG6SOLFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily $[LDO)RUFHV 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ 7LH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SLUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI7UDQVYHUVH 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column 6XEMHFWHGWR3ULPDULO\$[LDO)RUFHV 7.9 Connections to Foundations 7-53 2YHUYLHZ 9HUWLFDO7UDQVIHU &RPSUHVVLRQ 7HQVLRQ +RUL]RQWDO7UDQVIHU ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'RZHO Reinforcement at the Foundation: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% &LUFXODU Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily $[LDO)RUFHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation viii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ([DPSOH±&RQVWUXFWLRQRI1RPLQDO and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, 6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV ([DPSOH±&RQVWUXFWLRQRI1RPLQDO and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% 5HFWDQJXODU7LHG&ROXPQ*UDGH /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 1RQVZD\RU6ZD\)UDPH%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied &ROXPQLV3DUWRIWKH/)566'&$ ([DPSOH±&RQVWUXFWLRQRI1RPLQDO and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% &LUFXODU7LHG&ROXPQ*UDGH /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 3UHOLPLQDU\&ROXPQ6L]H%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending DQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 1RQVZD\RU6ZD\)UDPH%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied &ROXPQLV3DUWRIWKH/)566'&$ ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, 6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, 6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV ([DPSOH±&KHFNLI6OHQGHUQHVV (IIHFWV0XVWEH&RQVLGHUHG%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, 1RQVZD\)UDPH ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to 8QLD[LDO%HQGLQJDQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to 8QLD[LDO%HQGLQJDQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'RZHO Reinforcement at the Foundation: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial )RUFHV6OHQGHUQHVV(IIHFWV Chapter 8 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'RZHO Reinforcement at the Foundation: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending DQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to %LD[LDO%HQGLQJDQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to %LD[LDO%HQGLQJDQG$[LDO)RUFHV ([DPSOH±&KHFNLI6OHQGHUQHVV (IIHFWV0XVWEH&RQVLGHUHG%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, 6ZD\)UDPH Walls 8.1 Overview 8-1 8.2 Design Limits 8-1 0LQLPXP:DOO7KLFNQHVV ,QWHUVHFWLQJ(OHPHQWV 8.3 Required Strength 8-1 8.3.1 Analysis Methods 8-1 )DFWRUHG$[LDO)RUFH0RPHQWDQG6KHDU 8.3.3 Slenderness Effects Overview 0RPHQW0DJQL¿FDWLRQ0HWKRG Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Slender Wall Analysis 8-3 8-3 8-6 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation ix Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 8.4 Design Strength 8-9 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO$[LDO6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO$[LDO&RPSUHVVLYH6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO$[LDO7HQVLOH6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO6WUHQJWKRI:DOOV6XEMHFWHGWR Moment and Axial Forces Overview Rectangular Sections I-, T-, and L-Shaped Sections 6LPSOL¿HG'HVLJQ0HWKRG 8-11 8-11 8-11 8-11 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK ,Q3ODQH6KHDU 2XWRI3ODQH6KHDU 8.5 Reinforcement Limits 8-17 8.6 Determining the Wall Thickness 8-17 8.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement 8-19 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI5HLQIRUFHG &RQFUHWH:DOO%XLOGLQJ([WHULRU Wall is Not Part of the SFRS, Alternative 0HWKRGIRU2XWRI3ODQH)RUFHV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI7ULDO Wall Thickness of Reinforced Concrete :DOO%XLOGLQJ6'&&,QWHULRU:DOO LV3DUWRIWKH6)56 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI5HLQIRUFHG Concrete Wall for Combined Flexure DQG$[DO)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ6'&& ,QWHULRU:DOOLV3DUWRIWKH6)56 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI5HLQIRUFHG Concrete Wall for Shear Forces: %XLOGLQJ6'&&,QWHULRU:DOOLV 3DUWRIWKH6)56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'RZHO Reinforcement at the Foundation of a 5HLQIRUFHG&RQFUHWH:DOO%XLOGLQJ 6'&&,QWHULRU:DOOLV3DUWRIWKH6)56 /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW Chapter 9 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW Diaphragms 8.8 Reinforcement Detailing 8-21 9.1 Overview 9-1 &RQFUHWH&RYHU 9.2 Minimum Diaphragm Thickness 9-1 6SOLFHVRI5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ /DS6SOLFHV 0HFKDQLFDODQG:HOGHG6SOLFHV 9.3 Required Strength 9-2 *HQHUDO 6SDFLQJRI/RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6SDFLQJRI7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW /DWHUDO6XSSRUWRI/RQJLWXGLQDO 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HLQIRUFHPHQW$URXQG2SHQLQJV 'LDSKUDJP'HVLJQ)RUFHV 2YHUYLHZ ,Q3ODQH)RUFHVGXHWR/DWHUDO/RDGV ,Q3ODQH)RUFHVGXHWR7UDQVIHU)RUFHV Connection Forces Between the Diaphragm and Vertical Framing or 1RQVWUXFWXUDO(OHPHQWV Forces Resulting from Bracing Vertical RU6ORSHG%XLOGLQJ(OHPHQWV 2XWRI3ODQH)RUFHV Collector Design Forces 8.9 Connections to Foundations 8-30 2YHUYLHZ 9HUWLFDO7UDQVIHU &RPSUHVVLRQ 7HQVLRQ +RUL]RQWDO7UDQVIHU 8.10 Design Procedure 8-35 8.11 Examples 8-35 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI5HLQIRUFHG &RQFUHWH:DOO%XLOGLQJ,QWHULRU :DOOLV1RW3DUWRIWKH6)566LPSOL¿HG 'HVLJQ0HWKRG ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI5HLQIRUFHG &RQFUHWH:DOO%XLOGLQJ([WHULRU Wall is Not Part of the SFRS, Moment 0DJQL¿FDWLRQ0HWKRG2XWRI3ODQH Forces 9-6 9.3.3 Diaphragm Modeling and Analysis 9-6 Overview 9-6 In-Plane Stiffness Modeling 9-6 Analysis Methods 9-8 Equivalent Beam Model with Rigid Supports 9-9 Corrected Equivalent Beam Method with Spring Supports 9-13 Diaphragms with Openings 9-16 9.4 Design Strength 9-19 *HQHUDO 1RPLQDO0RPHQWDQG$[LDO)RUFH6WUHQJWK 8-38 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation x Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWK 1RPLQDO6KHDU6WUHQJWKRI'LDSKUDJPV 6KHDU7UDQVIHU &ROOHFWRUV 9.5 Reinforcement Limits 9-22 9.6 Determination of Required Reinforcement 9-22 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ SDC C, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the 9HUWLFDO(OHPHQWVRIWKH6)56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI'LDSKUDJP ,Q3ODQH)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ6'&& Collectors Required, Collector Width Wider than the Width of the Vertical (OHPHQWVRIWKH6)56 &KRUG5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'LDSKUDJP6KHDU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6KHDU7UDQVIHU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 5HLQIRUFHPHQW'XHWR(FFHQWULFLW\RI &ROOHFWRU)RUFHV &ROOHFWRU5HLQIRUFHPHQW 2YHUYLHZ 6ODEV %HDPV Chapter 10 9.7 Reinforcement Detailing 9-28 10.1 Overview 10-1 9.8 Design Procedure 9-29 10.2 Design Criteria 10-1 9.9 Examples 9-29 10.3 Footings 10-1 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP,Q3ODQH)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors 1RW5HTXLUHG ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors 1RW5HTXLUHG ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP,Q3ODQH)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of WKH/)56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS 9-36 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP,Q3ODQH)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS 9-39 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of WKH/)56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP,Q3ODQH)RUFHV%XLOGLQJ SDC C, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the 9HUWLFDO(OHPHQWVRIWKH6)56 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI 'LDSKUDJP5HLQIRUFHPHQW%XLOGLQJ SDC C, Collectors Required, Collector Width Wider than the Width of the 9HUWLFDO(OHPHQWVRIWKH6)56 Foundations 2YHUYLHZ 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH%DVH$UHDRID)RRWLQJ 2YHUYLHZ ,VRODWHG6SUHDG)RRWLQJ &RPELQHG)RRWLQJV 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH7KLFNQHVVRID)RRWLQJ 2YHUYLHZ Minimum Thickness Based on Flexural 5HTXLUHPHQWV Minimum Thickness Based on Shear 5HTXLUHPHQWV 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOLQJWKH)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HYHORSPHQWRI)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW )RUFH7UDQVIHUDWWKH%DVHRI6XSSRUWHG 0HPEHUV 2YHUYLHZ 9HUWLFDO7UDQVIHU±&RPSUHVVLRQ 9HUWLFDO7UDQVIHU±7HQVLRQ +RUL]RQWDO7UDQVIHU 'HVLJQ3URFHGXUH 10.4 Drilled Piers 10-24 2YHUYLHZ 'HVLJQ0HWKRGV 2YHUYLHZ $OORZDEOH$[LDO6WUHQJWK 6WUHQJWK'HVLJQ 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH3LHU6L]H $OORZDEOH$[LDO6WUHQJWK 6WUHQJWK'HVLJQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xi Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 'HWHUPLQLQJWKH%HOO'LDPHWHU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW'HWDLOV 10.5 Examples 10-28 11.5 Transfer of Column Axial Force Through the Floor System 11-15 11.6 Examples 11-16 ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU Strength, Edge Column is Not Part RIWKH/)56%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option C), SDC A 11-16 ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU Strength, Edge Column is Part RIWKH/)56%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ& 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID5HFWDQJXODU Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to $[LDO&RPSUHVVLRQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% 6'&$ ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU Strength, Corner Column is Part RIWKH/)56%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option B), SDC A 11-19 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID6TXDUH Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression and Flexure: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& 6'&$ ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU Strength, Edge Column is Part RIWKH6)56%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ% 6'&% ([DPSOH±$GHTXDF\RI7UDQVIHU of Column Axial Force, Interior &ROXPQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ% 6'&$ ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID:DOO)RRWLQJ Subjected to Axial Compression: %XLOGLQJ ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID6TXDUH Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to $[LDO&RPSUHVVLRQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), SDC A ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID6TXDUH Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression and Flexure: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% 6'&$ 1-33 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID&RPELQHG Rectangular Spread Footing Subjected WR$[LDO&RPSUHVVLRQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% 6'&$ Chapter 12 Earthquake-Resistant Structures – Overview 12.1 Overview 12-1 12.2 Seismic Design Category 12-1 12.3 Design and Detailing Requirements 12-1 12.4 Structural Systems 12-2 Chapter 11 2YHUYLHZ Beam-Column and Slab-Column Joints %HDULQJ:DOO6\VWHPV 2YHUYLHZ 6'&% 6'&& 6'&'(RU) %XLOGLQJ)UDPH6\VWHPV 2YHUYLHZ 6'&% 6'&& 6'&'(RU) 0RPHQW5HVLVWLQJ)UDPH6\VWHPV 2YHUYLHZ 6'&% 6'&& 6'&'(RU) 'XDO6\VWHPV 2YHUYLHZ 6'&% ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID'ULOOHG3LHU Subjected to Axial Compression: %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% 6'&$ 11.1 Overview 11-1 11.2 Design Criteria 11-1 11.3 Detailing of Joints 11-2 %HDP&ROXPQ-RLQW7UDQVYHUVH 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6ODE&ROXPQ-RLQW7UDQVYHUVH Reinforcement 11-3 11.3.3 Longitudinal Reinforcement 11-3 11.4 Strength Requirements for Beam-Column Joints 11-7 5HTXLUHG6KHDU6WUHQJWK 2YHUYLHZ -RLQWVLQ0RPHQW)UDPHV6XEMHFWHG WR*UDYLW\/RDGV2QO\ -RLQWVLQ0RPHQW)UDPHV6XEMHFWHG WR*UDYLW\DQG/DWHUDO/RDGV 'HVLJQ6KHDU6WUHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6'&& 6'&'(RU) 6KHDU:DOO)UDPH,QWHUDFWLYH6\VWHPV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI7RUVLRQ 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C 13-33 ([DPSOH±'HVLJQIRU&RPELQHG Flexure, Shear, and Torsion: Beam in %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% %HDP is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate 0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&& Chapter 13 Earthquake-Resistant Structures – SDC B and C 13.1 Overview 13-1 13.2 Ordinary Moment Frames (SDC B) 13-1 2YHUYLHZ %HDPV &ROXPQV %HDP&ROXPQ-RLQWV 13.3 Intermediate Moment Frames (SDC C) ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Longitudinal Reinforcement: Column LQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C 13-39 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Transverse Reinforcement: Column LQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate 0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&& 13-4 2YHUYLHZ %HDPV 2YHUYLHZ )OH[XUDO6WUHQJWK5HTXLUHPHQWV 6KHDU6WUHQJWK5HTXLUHPHQWV 13.3.3 Columns Overview Shear Strength Requirements Columns Supporting Reactions from 'LVFRQWLQXRXV6WLII0HPEHUV 13-8 13-8 13-9 7ZRZD\6ODEV:LWKRXW%HDPV 2YHUYLHZ $QDO\VLV0HWKRGV 5HTXLUHG)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOLQJWKH)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6KHDU6WUHQJWK5HTXLUHPHQWV 13-25 13.5 Examples 13-29 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate 0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&& ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU 6WUHQJWK&ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment )UDPH 6'&& ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI7ZRZD\ Shear Strength Requirements: Two-way 6ODELQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ Two-way Slab is Part of the SFRS ,QWHUPHGLDWH0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&& 13.4 Foundations ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way 6ODELQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ Two-way Slab is Part of the SFRS ,QWHUPHGLDWH0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&& -RLQWV %HDP&ROXPQ-RLQWV 6ODE&ROXPQ-RLQWV Shear Strength Requirements for %HDP&ROXPQ-RLQWV ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI/DS 6SOLFH/HQJWK&ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment )UDPH 6'&& ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI)RXQGDWLRQ 6HLVPLF7LH&ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment )UDPH 6'&& Chapter 14 Earthquake-Resistant Structures – SDC D, E and F 14.1 Overview 14-1 14.2 Beams of Special Moment Frames 14-2 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option B), Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), 6'&& 2YHUYLHZ 'LPHQVLRQDO/LPLWV /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW Determining the Required Flexural 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOLQJWKH)OH[XUDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xiii Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW Determining the Required Transverse 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOLQJWKH7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 14.3 Columns of Special Moment Frames 14-15 2YHUYLHZ 'LPHQVLRQDO/LPLWV 0LQLPXP)OH[XUDO6WUHQJWKRI&ROXPQV /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW Determining the Required /RQJLWXGLQDO5HLQIRUFHPHQW Detailing the Longitudinal 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW Determining the Required Transverse 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HWDLOLQJWKH7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 14.4 Joints of Special Moment Frames 14-29 2YHUYLHZ 7UDQVYHUVH5HLQIRUFHPHQW 6KHDU6WUHQJWK 'HYHORSPHQW/HQJWKRI%DUVLQ7HQVLRQ 14.5 Special Structural Walls 14-36 2YHUYLHZ 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 0LQLPXP5HLQIRUFHPHQW5HTXLUHPHQWV Tension Development and Splice 5HTXLUHPHQWV 'HVLJQ6KHDU)RUFH 6KHDU6WUHQJWK 'HVLJQIRU)OH[XUHDQG$[LDO)RUFH %RXQGDU\(OHPHQWVRI6SHFLDO 6WUXFWXUDO:DOOV 2YHUYLHZ Displacement-Based Approach $&, Compressive Stress Approach $&, Design and Detailing Requirements IRU6SHFLDO%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV Design and Detailing Requirements Where Special Boundary Elements $UH1RW5HTXLUHG Summary of Boundary Element 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRU6SHFLDO6WUXFWXUDO:DOOV &RXSOLQJ%HDPV 2YHUYLHZ 'HVLJQDQG'HWDLOLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV :DOO3LHUV 'XFWLOH&RXSOHG6WUXFWXUDO:DOOV &RQVWUXFWLRQ-RLQWV 'LVFRQWLQXRXV:DOOV 14.6 Diaphragms 2YHUYLHZ 0LQLPXP7KLFNQHVV 5HLQIRUFHPHQW 0LQLPXP5HLQIRUFHPHQW 'HYHORSPHQWDQG6SOLFHV &ROOHFWRUV )OH[XUDO6WUHQJWK 6KHDU6WUHQJWK &RQVWUXFWLRQ-RLQWV 14.7 Foundations 2YHUYLHZ 14-63 )RRWLQJV)RXQGDWLRQ0DWVDQG3LOH&DSV *UDGH%HDPVDQG6ODEVRQJURXQG )RXQGDWLRQ6HLVPLF7LHV 2YHUYLHZ 'HVLJQDQG'HWDLOLQJ5HTXLUHPHQWV 'HHS)RXQGDWLRQV 14.8 Members Not Designated as Part of the SFRS 14-69 2YHUYLHZ %HDPV &ROXPQV -RLQWV 6ODE&ROXPQ&RQQHFWLRQV :DOO3LHUV 14.9 Examples ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in %XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special 0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' 14-76 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI6KHDU 5HLQIRUFHPHQW%HDPLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI&XWRII Points of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam LQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special 0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Longitudinal Reinforcement: Interior &ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS 6SHFLDO0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xiv 14-60 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Transverse Reinforcement: Interior &ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS 6SHFLDO0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' Appendix A References ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU 6WUHQJWK,QWHULRU&ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Longitudinal Reinforcement: Corner &ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS 6SHFLDO0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' A-1 Appendix B Reinforcing Bar Data Table B.1 ASTM Standard Reinforcing Bars B-1 Table B.2 Overall Reinforcing Bar Diameters B-2 Appendix C Section Index C-1 ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQRI Transverse Reinforcement: Corner &ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS 6SHFLDO0RPHQW)UDPH 6'&' ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI-RLQW6KHDU 6WUHQJWK&RUQHU&ROXPQLQ%XLOGLQJ (Framing Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI6SHFLDO 6WUXFWXUDO:DOO%XLOGLQJ:DOOLV Part of the SFRS (Building Frame System), SDC D, Displacement%DVHG$SSURDFK ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI6SHFLDO 6WUXFWXUDO:DOO%XLOGLQJ:DOO is Part of the SFRS (Dual System), SDC D, Compressive Stress $SSURDFK ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRID&RXSOLQJ %HDP 'XDO6\VWHP %XLOGLQJ 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQ of Diaphragm Reinforcement: %XLOGLQJ6'&' ([DPSOH±'HVLJQRI)RXQGDWLRQ 6HLVPLF7LH%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ 2SWLRQ& 6'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQ of Required Reinforcement: Beam LQ%XLOGLQJ%HDPLV1RW3DUW RIWKH6)566'&' ([DPSOH±'HWHUPLQDWLRQ of Required Reinforcement: Column LQ%XLOGLQJ&ROXPQLV1RW3DUW RIWKH6)566'&' ([DPSOH±&KHFNRI6ODE Column Connection: Column in %XLOGLQJ&ROXPQLV1RW3DUWRI WKH6)566'&' @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xv Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation xvi Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLVGHVLJQJXLGHLVWRDVVLVWLQWKHSURSHUDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHSURYLVLRQVLQWKHHGLWLRQRIBuilding Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary (ACI 318R-19) for cast-in-place concrete buildings with nonprestressed steel reinforcing bars (Reference 1; see Appendix A for a list of references in this design guide). The main goals of this publication are to provide: • DVLPSOL¿HGURDGPDSWKDWFDQEHXVHGWRQDYLJDWHWKURXJKWKH$&,UHTXLUHPHQWV • step-by-step design procedures and design aids that make designing and detailing reinforced concrete buildings simpler and faster. 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQFDQEHXVHGIRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJVRIDQ\VL]HDVVLJQHGWR Seismic Design Categories A through F. Throughout this publication, emphasis is placed on how to correctly apply the ACI 318 requirements, and explanatory material is provided to supplement the requirements. Readers who are interested in the origins of the provisions FDQ¿QGDZHDOWKRILQIRUPDWLRQLQWKH$&,&RPPHQWDU\DQGDFFRPSDQ\LQJUHIHUHQFHV 2YHUZRUNHGRXWSUDFWLFDOGHVLJQH[DPSOHVDUHSURYLGHGWKDWLOOXVWUDWHWKHSURSHUDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKH$&, UHTXLUHPHQWV7KHH[DPSOHVDUHGHULYHGIURPWKHIRXUEXLOGLQJVLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQZKLFKUDQJHLQ KHLJKWIURPWRVWRULHV7KHVHEXLOGLQJVLQFOXGHDZLGHDUUD\RIJUDYLW\DQGODWHUDOIRUFHUHVLVWLQJV\VWHPVDQG examples are given throughout the chapters of this design guide that systematically show the design and detailing of WKHVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVLQWKHVHV\VWHPVXVLQJWKHH[SODQDWRU\PDWHULDODQGGHVLJQDLGVLQWKH¿UVWSDUWRIWKHFKDSter. A number of the examples address certain requirements in ACI 318 not covered in any other reinforced concrete resources. The titles for the examples are purposely very descriptive so users can quickly locate what they are looking for in the table of contents of this publication. 7KHVHFWLRQLQGH[LQ$SSHQGL[&FDQEHXVHGWRTXLFNO\ORFDWHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVGHVLJQJXLGHRQDVSHFL¿F$&, 318 provision: ACI 318 section numbers are given in the left column of the index and the corresponding chapters and page numbers in this design guide are given in the right column of the index. This method of cross-referencing between ACI 318 and this design guide is a very useful feature for users who are interested in a particular requirement. Throughout this publication, section numbers from ACI 318-19 are referenced as illustrated by the following: SecWLRQRI$&,LVGHQRWHGDV$&,6LPLODUO\VHFWLRQQXPEHUVIURPWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO%XLOGLQJ&RGH ,%& >5HIHUHQFH@DQG$6&(6(, 5HIHUHQFH DUHUHIHUHQFHGDVIROORZV6HFWLRQIURPWKH,%& DQG6HFWLRQRI$6&(6(,DUHGHQRWHGDV,%&DQG$6&(6(,UHVSHFWLYHO\ 1RWH7KH HGLWLRQRI$&,LVUHIHUHQFHGLQWKH,%&EXWWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHIHUHQFHGLQWKLVGHVLJQJXLGHLVDSSOLFDEOH regardless of the edition of the IBC). 7KHQRWDWLRQXVHGWKURXJKRXWWKLVGHVLJQJXLGHFRQIRUPVWRWKHQRWDWLRQJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRI$&,:KHUH DGGLWLRQDOQRWDWLRQLVQHHGHGLWLVFOHDUO\GH¿QHGZKHUHLWLV¿UVWLQWURGXFHG In addition to practicing engineers, this design guide is a valuable resource for educators, students, individuals VWXG\LQJIRUOLFHQVLQJH[DPVDQGEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDOV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1.2 Example Buildings 1.2.1 Building #1 – 5-Story Office Building 1A 2A 3A 4A ᇱ ᇳ ᇱ ᇳ 5A 6A 7A 5A 6A 7A 14ᇱ -0ᇳ 4 @ 11ᇱ -6ᇳ ൌ 46ᇱ -0ᇳ 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ ۳ܖܗܑܜ܉ܞ܍ܔ 1A 2A 3A 4A A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ A E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D A N A C A B A ۴ۯ ܖܗܑܜܘ۽ ܖܑܕ܉ܚ Figure 1.1 Building #1 – 5-story office building. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A A 25ᇱ -0ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D A N A C A B A ۴ ܖܗܑܜܘ۽ ܖܑܕ܉ܚ۰ 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A A 25ᇱ -0ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D A N A C A B A ۴ ܖܗܑܜܘ۽ ܖܑܕ܉ܚ۱ Figure 1.1 Building #1 – 5-story office building (cont.). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ 8ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A 8ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D A N C A 5ᇱ -3ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A B A ۴ ܖܗܑܜܘ۽ ܖܑܕ܉ܚ۲ 1A 2A 3A 4A A 50ᇱ -0ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A 31ᇱ -4ᇳ D C A 31ᇱ -4ᇳ N A 31ᇱ -4ᇳ B A ۴ ܖܗܑܜܘ۽ ܖܑܕ܉ܚ۳ Figure 1.1 Building #1 – 5-story office building (cont.). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 1.1 Design Information for Building #1 Design Data Location Latitude Occupancy , Longitude Business Group B Topography Not situated on a hill, ridge, or escarpment Exposure category C 6RLOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Site Classes C and D (default) Load Data Superimposed dead load Live load Roof Floor Live load Superimposed dead load (includes for partitions) Cladding Structural Systems )ORRUURRI 7ZRZD\VODEV\VWHPV>ÀDWSODWHÀDWSODWHZLWKHGJHEHDPV WZRZD\EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEÀDWVODEDQGWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHP ZDIÀHVODE @ Lateral Moment-resisting frames in both directions @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1.2.2 Building #2 – 12-Story Emergency Operations Center 1A 2A 3A 4A 35ᇱ -6ᇳ 42ᇱ -6ᇳ A 42ᇱ -6ᇳ A G A F E ᇱ 30 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ ᇳ Wide-module joist system ሺtyp.ሻ A N A D A C A B Pan depth Slab Thickness A Rib width 12 1 Pan width Section through wide-module joist system Figure 1.2 Building #2 – 12-story emergency operations center. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͳA ʹA ͵A ͵ͷᇱ Ǧᇳ ͶA Ͷʹᇱ Ǧᇳ ͳͺᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͳͳ̷ͳͳᇱ ǦͲᇳ ൌ ͳʹͳᇱ ǦͲᇳ Ͷʹᇱ Ǧᇳ Figure 1.2 Building #2 – 12-story emergency operations center (cont.). Table 1.2 Design Information for Building #2 Design Data Location Latitude , Longitude Occupancy Essential facility Topography Not situated on a hill, ridge, or escarpment Exposure category B 6RLOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Site Class D (stiff soil; determined) Load Data Roof Superimposed dead load Live load Floor Superimposed dead load Live load Cladding Structural Systems )ORRUURRI Wide-module joist system Lateral Building frame system in both directions @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1.2.3 Building #3 – 16-Story Residential Building 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A A 22ᇱ -0ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A ᇱ 19 -0 ᇳ D C A ᇱ 20 -6 ᇳ N A ᇱ 19 -0 ᇳ B A Story heights ൌ 9ᇱ -6ᇳ Figure 1.3 Building #3 – 16-story residential building. Table 1.3 Design Information for Building #3 Design Data Location Latitude , Longitude Occupancy Residential Group R Topography Not situated on a hill, ridge, or escarpment Exposure category B 6RLOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Site Class D (stiff soil; determined) Load Data Roof Superimposed dead load Live load Floor Superimposed dead load Live load Cladding Structural Systems )ORRUURRI Flat plate system Lateral Building frame system in both directions @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1.2.4 Building #4 – 30-Story Office Building 1 2 40ᇱ -0ԣ 3 30ᇱ -0ԣ 4 40ᇱ -0ԣ G F Wide-module joists ሺtyp.ሻ 18ᇱ -0ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ 25ᇱ -0ᇳ E N 9ᇱ -0ᇳ 8ᇱ -0ᇳ D C B A Story heights ൌ 11ᇱ -0ᇳ Figure 1.4 Building #4 – 30-story office building. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 1.4 Design Information for Building #4 Design Data Location Latitude , Longitude Occupancy Business Group B Topography Not situated on a hill, ridge, or escarpment Exposure category B 6RLOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ Site Class D (default) Load Data Superimposed dead load Live load Roof Floor Live load Superimposed dead load (includes for partitions) Cladding Structural Systems )ORRUURRI Wide-module joist system Lateral Dual system in both directions 1.3 Organization of This Design Guide Properties of concrete and nonprestressed steel reinforcing bars permitted to be used in the design of reinforced conFUHWHPHPEHUVDUHFRYHUHGLQ&KDSWHU$&,VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDOVRFRYHUHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU Presented in Chapter 3 are typical loads and required load combinations applicable in the design of reinforced concrete buildings. Methods are given to determine the Seismic Design Category (SDC) of a building and live load reduction on structural members. Step-by-step procedures on how to determine wind forces on the main wind force resisting system (MWFRS), seismic forces on the seismic-force-resisting system (SFRS), and seismic design forces on diaphragms (including collectors) are also presented along with examples illustrating the load calculations for each of the example buildings. 'HVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRURQHZD\VODEVDUHFRYHUHGLQ&KDSWHU,QFOXGHGDUHPHWKRGVWRGHWHUPLQH PLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVDQGWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW7\SLFDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVDUHDOVRJLYHQDQG examples are provided for a one-way slab that is part of a wide-module joist system. &KDSWHUFRQWDLQVWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWZRZD\VODEVLQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&$DQG% Design aids are provided on how to determine the slab thickness based on serviceability and two-way shear strength UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUÀDWSODWHVÀDWVODEVWZRZD\EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEVDQGWZRZD\MRLVWV ZDIÀHVODEV $JHQHUDO method to determine the section properties of any critical section for two-way shear is also given, including properties for polygon-shaped sections, which are required where shear reinforcement is provided. Examples include analysis and design for two-way slabs systems subjected to both gravity and lateral load effects, two-way shear design for slabs with headed shear studs and stirrups, and analysis for two-way shear with a slab opening adjacent to a column. The design and detailing requirements for beams are covered in Chapter 6 and are applicable to buildings assigned WR6'&$DQG%,QDGGLWLRQWRGHVLJQDLGVIRUVL]LQJWKHVHFWLRQDQGVHOHFWLQJWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUÀH[XUHVKHDU DQGWRUVLRQPHWKRGVWRFDOFXODWHERWKVKRUWDQGORQJWHUPGHÀHFWLRQVDUHSURYLGHG,QFOXGHGDUHJXLGHOLQHVIRU economical detailing and design examples for wide-module joist systems and beams subjected to combined gravity and lateral load effects. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete &KDSWHUFRYHUVWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFROXPQVLQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&$DQG%,QFOXGHG DUHPHWKRGVWRVL]HWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDQGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDODQGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW WLHV and spirals) for both nonslender and slender columns. Examples include the determination of nominal and design strength interaction diagrams for rectangular and circular columns, columns subjected to combined gravity and latHUDOORDGHIIHFWVDQGWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIDFRUQHUFROXPQVXEMHFWHGWRELD[LDOÀH[XUHDQGVKHDU Structural walls in buildings assigned to SDC A, B, or C are covered in Chapter 8. Information is given on the moPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGWKHDOWHUQDWLYHPHWKRGIRURXWRISODQHVOHQGHUZDOODQDO\VLVDQGWKHVLPSOL¿HGGHVLJQ method. Typical reinforcement details are provided, including details for walls with openings, and examples are given for nonslender and slender walls subjected to axial forces and in-plane and out-of-plane lateral forces. Design and detailing requirements for diaphragms are given in Chapter 9 for buildings assigned to SDC A, B, or C. Diaphragm modeling and analysis, in-plane stiffness modeling, and analysis methods for diaphragms with and without openings are the primary topics covered. Methods are presented on how to determine the center of rigidity, how to distribute the in-plane forces to the vertical elements of the lateral force-resisting system, and how to determine the required diaphragm and collector reinforcement. &KDSWHUFRQWDLQVWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRULVRODWHGVSUHDGIRRWLQJVZDOOIRRWLQJVFRPELQHG spread footings, and drilled piers (caissons) supporting buildings assigned to SDC A and B. Procedures are presentHGRQKRZWRVL]HWKHIRXQGDWLRQPHPEHUDQGKRZWRGHWHUPLQHDQGGHWDLOWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUPHPEHUV subjected to axial forces and combined bending and axial forces. Design and detailing requirements for beam-column and slab-column joints in buildings assigned to SDC A and B are covered in Chapter 11. Step-by-step procedures are given on how to determine joint forces in moment frames subjected to gravity loads only and to gravity and lateral loads. Examples are provided illustrating application of the requirements. An overview of the design and detailing requirements for structures assigned to SDC B through F is given in ChapWHU7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVEDVHGRQ6'&DUHSURYLGHGDORQJZLWKWKHDSSOLFDEOH$&,VHFWLRQQXPEHUVWKDWPXVW EHVDWLV¿HG,QFOXGHGLVDQRYHUYLHZRIVHLVPLFIRUFHUHVLVWLQJV\VWHPVIRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJVWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJGHVLJQFRHI¿FLHQWVDQGIDFWRUVDQGWKHVWUXFWXUDOV\VWHPOLPLWDWLRQVIRUWKHVHV\VWHPV The design and detailing requirements for frame members and foundations in buildings assigned to SDC B and C DUHJLYHQLQ&KDSWHU$FRPSLODWLRQRIXVHIXOGHWDLOVLVSURYLGHGWKDWFOHDUO\VXPPDUL]HWKHSURYLVLRQVIRUEHDPV columns, and beam-column joints in intermediate moment frames and for drilled piers (caissons). Included are examples for the design of the structural members in an intermediate moment frame and a foundation seismic tie. &KDSWHUFRQWDLQVGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHIROORZLQJVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVLQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR SDC D, E, or F: • beams, columns, and beam-column joints in special moment frames; • special structural walls; • coupling beams; • wall piers; • diaphragms; • shallow and deep foundations (including foundation seismic ties); • and members not designated as part of the SFRS. 1XPHURXVGHVLJQDLGVDQGDFDWDORJXHRIXVHIXOGHWDLOVDUHSURYLGHGWKDWVXPPDUL]HWKH$&,UHTXLUHPHQWV along with examples illustrating the proper application of the provisions. References in this design guide are given in Appendix A. Appendix B contains properties of currently available steel reinforcing bars. The section index described in Section 1.1 above is in Appendix C. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 2 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS AND STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTORS 2.1 Overview Properties of concrete and nonprestressed reinforcement permitted to be used in the design of reinforced concrete PHPEHUVDUHFRYHUHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU$FFRUGLQJWR$&,GHVLJQSURSHUWLHVRIFRQFUHWHPXVWEHVHOHFWHGLQ accordance with the requirements in ACI Chapter 19. Similarly, the design properties of reinforcement must be VHOHFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,&KDSWHU $&, play a key role in the Strength reduction factors, which are commonly referred to as resistance factors or determination of the design strength of a reinforced concrete member. ACI strength reduction factors are given in $&,&KDSWHUDQGDUHDOVRFRYHUHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU 2.2 Material Requirements 2.2.1 Concrete Design Properties Specified Compressive Strength Stress-strain curves for compression tests on concrete mixtures of varying compressive strengths are given in FigXUH ͳͶǡͲͲͲ ͳʹǡͲͲͲ ሺሻ ͳͲǡͲͲͲ ͺǡͲͲͲ ǡͲͲͲ ͶǡͲͲͲ ʹǡͲͲͲ Ͳ ͲǤͲͲͲ ͲǤͲͲͳ ͲǤͲͲʹ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͲͲͶ ሺǤȀǤሻ Figure 2.1 Stress-strain curves for compression tests on concrete mixtures of varying compressive strengths. /LPLWVRQWKHVSHFL¿HGFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWH DUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHZKLFKDSSO\WRERWK QRUPDOZHLJKWDQGOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH>$&, D @7KHOLPLWVRQ for cast-in-place structural members based on Seismic Design Category (SDC), including foundations supporting concrete structures with other than UHVLGHQWLDODQGXWLOLW\XVHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 2.1 Limits for Concrete Compressive Strength Minimum f 'c (psi) Application General Foundations for structures assigned to SDC A, B, or C Foundations for structures assigned to SDC D, E, or F Special moment frames 6SHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVZLWK*UDGHRUUHLQIRUFHPHQW 6SHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVZLWK*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW A minimum RISVLIRUVSHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVZLWK*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVVSHFL¿HGEHFDXVHWHVWGDWD are not available for lower concrete strengths. In general, minimum concrete strengths are increased for special VHLVPLFV\VWHPV VSHFLDOPRPHQWIUDPHVDQGVSHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOV ZLWK*UDGHDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW to enhance reinforcing bar anchorage and to improve structural performance by reducing the neutral axis depth. 7KHGXUDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,PD\KDYHDQLPSDFWRQWKHPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK WKDWPXVWEHVSHFL¿HG>$&, E @([SRVXUHFDWHJRULHVDQGFODVVHVDUHGH¿QHGLQ$&,7DEOHDQG structural members must be assigned an exposure class for the applicable exposure category. Based on the severity based on durability requirements may be higher than that required for strucof the anticipated exposure class, tural purposes. Structural strength requirements may also have an effect on the minimum >$&, F @7KHRQO\ZD\WR satisfy certain strength requirements for a structural member is to increase the compressive strength of the concrete. No upper limits on DUHVSHFL¿HGH[FHSWIRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHLQVSHFLDOPRPHQWIUDPHVVSHFLDOVWUXFWXUDO walls, and their foundations; in such cases, PXVWEHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRSVL>$&, G @7KLVOLPLW LVLPSRVHGEHFDXVHRIWKHYHU\OLPLWHGDPRXQWRIH[SHULPHQWDODQG¿HOGGDWDDYDLODEOHRQWKHEHKDYLRUDQGSHUIRUPDQFHRIPHPEHUVPDGHZLWKOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH+RZHYHUYDOXHVRI JUHDWHUWKDQSVLDUHSHUPLWWHG if it can be shown that members made with lightweight concrete provide strength and toughness levels equal to or exceeding those of comparable members made with normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHVSHFL¿HGFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKPXVWEHXVHGIRUSURSRUWLRQLQJFRQFUHWHPL[WXUHVLQ $&,DQGIRUWHVWLQJDQGDFFHSWDQFHRIFRQFUHWHLQ$&, Concrete compressive strength is typically determined for a concrete mixture on the basis of compression tests of F\OLQGHUVPROGHGDQGFXUHGIRUDVSHFL¿HGQXPEHURIGD\VLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$670VSHFL¿FDWLRQV6WDQGDUGF\OLQGHUVDUHXVXDOO\WHVWHGDWGD\V,I LVGHWHUPLQHGRWKHUWKDQDWGD\VWKHWHVWDJHPXVWEHLQGLFDWHGLQWKH FRQVWUXFWLRQGRFXPHQWV $&, Modulus of Elasticity The modulus of elasticity of concrete, ZKLFKLVXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIFRQFUHWHPHPEHUV LQFOXGLQJGHÀHFWLRQV DQGVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVLQFROXPQV LVSHUPLWWHGWREHGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D RU E >$&, @ For concrete with EHWZHHQDQGOEIW3: (2.1) For normalweight concrete (2.2) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,Q(TXDWLRQ is the density (unit weight) of normalweight concrete or the equilibrium density of lightweight has the units of pounds per square inch (psi). concrete. In both equations, It is permitted to specify EDVHGRQWHVWVRIFRQFUHWHPL[WXUHV $&, 7HVWLQJPD\EHZDUUDQWHGZKHUH IRUH[DPSOHZKHQFDOFXODWLQJWKHGHÀHFWLRQRIDEHDPVXSSRUWdesign conditions are sensitive to the value of LQJDQRQVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVHQVLWLYHWRGHÀHFWLRQVRUYLEUDWLRQRUZKHQFDOFXODWLQJWKHODWHUDOVWLIIQHVVRIDWDOO EXLOGLQJVHH$&,5 Modulus of Rupture LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ The modulus of rupture for concrete, (2.3) In this equation, has the units of pounds per square inch (psi) and LVDPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHHWKH following section). 7KHPRGXOXVRIUXSWXUHLVXVHGLQGHÀHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQVRIEHDPVDQGVODEV Lightweight Concrete Modification Factor The term LVWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODtive to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength, and is determined based on either (1) the equilibrium density, RIWKHFRQFUHWHPL[WXUHRU WKHFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKHDJJUHJDWHLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[WXUH VHH$&, 9DOXHVRI based on DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH D @DQGYDOXHVRI based on composiWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH E @1RWHWKDW LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVIRU OLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, DQGLVHTXDOWRIRUQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, Table 2.2 Values of Ȝ Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc Table 2.3 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete All-lightweight /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG Sand-lightweight Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Composition of Aggregates )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG$670& &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG$670& Ȝ WR(1) WR (1) Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. (2) Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 2.2.2 Nonprestressed Steel Reinforcement Material Properties Yield Strength 7KHWHQVLOHVWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYHZLWKDZHOOGH¿QHG\LHOGVWUHQJWK for a steel reinforcing bar is given in Figure 7KLVJHQHULFVWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYHKDVWKUHHGLVWLQFWVHJPHQWVZKLFKLVFKDUDFWHULVWLFRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVZLWKD \LHOGVWUHQJWKRISVLRUOHVV • $QLQLWLDOOLQHDUHODVWLFVHJPHQWXSWRDZHOOGH¿QHG\LHOGVWUHQJWK • $UHODWLYHO\ÀDW\LHOGSODWHDXXSWRWKHRQVHWRIVWUDLQKDUGHQLQJWKHVWUDLQDWZKLFKLVGHVLJQDWHG • A rounded strain-hardening segment ͳͲͲ ܧ௦ ൌ ܧ௦ ൌ Ǧ ݂௨ ͺͲ ܛܛ܍ܚܜ܁ሺܛܘܑܓȀܑܖǤ ሻ ܧ௦ ݂௨௬ Ͳ ݂ ݂௨ ൌ ߝ௨ ൌ ݂௬ ͶͲ ܧ௦ ʹͲ ߝ௬ Ͳ ͲǤͲͲͲ ݂௬ ൌ ݂௨௬ ൌ ߝ௬ ൌ ߝ௦ ൌ Ǧ ݂ ൌ ߝ ൌ ߝ௨ ߝ௦ ͲǤͲʹͲ ͲǤͲͶͲ ͲǤͲͲ ߝ ͲǤͲͺͲ ͲǤͳͲͲ ܖܑ܉ܚܜ܁ሺܑܖǤȀܑܖǤ ሻ Figure 2.2 Stress-strain curve of a steel reinforcing bar with a well-defined yield strength. :KHUHWKHVWUHVVVWUDLQGLDJUDPLVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\DVKDUSNQHHGRUZHOOGH¿QHG\LHOGSRLQWVXFKDVWKHRQHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHWKHKDOWRIIRUFHPHWKRGFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKH\LHOGVWUHQJWK>$&, E @,QWKLV PHWKRGDQLQFUHDVLQJIRUFHLVDSSOLHGWRDWHQVLOHWHVWVSHFLPHQDWDVSHFL¿HGXQLIRUPUDWH7KHORDGDWZKLFKWKH force hesitates corresponds to the yield strength of the reinforcing bar. Test values of The slope of the initial linear segment of the stress-strain curve is the modulus of elasticity, PD\EHRIWKHRUGHURIWRSVLEHFDXVHWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUDUHDLVQRWFRQVWDQWGXHWRWUDQVYHUVHGHIRUPDWLRQVRQWKHEDUV+RZHYHUIRUGHVLJQSXUSRVHV LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVSVL VHH $&, is the slope tangent to the initial portion of the strain-hardening segment of the The strain-hardening modulus, VWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYH,WLVYDULDEOHDQGQRWVSHFL¿HGLQDQ\RIWKH$670VSHFL¿FDWLRQVQRUGHVFULEHGLQ$&, The stress-strain curves for some types of higher strength reinforcing bars can be more rounded in shape than the RQHVKRZQLQ)LJXUHWKHVHDUHFRPPRQO\UHIHUUHGWRDVURXQGKRXVHRUFRQWLQXRXVO\\LHOGLQJFXUYHV VHH)LJXUH IRUDJHQHULFVWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYHIRU*UDGHEDUV $IWHUDQLQLWLDOOLQHDUHODVWLFVHJPHQWDJUDGXDOUHGXFWLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete LQVWLIIQHVVRFFXUVEHKDYLRUEHFRPHVQRQOLQHDUEHIRUHUHDFKLQJD\LHOGVWUHQJWKGH¿QHGE\WKHSHUFHQWRIIVHW method, which must be used to determine ZKHUHDVWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYHGRHVQRWKDYHDZHOOGH¿QHG\LHOGSRLQW is reached. >$&, D @7KLVLVIROORZHGE\JUDGXDOVRIWHQLQJXQWLOWKHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK ͳͲͲ ݂௨ ሺȀǤʹሻ ͳͷͲ ͳͲͲ ݂௬ ͷͲ Ͳ ͲǤʹ ͲǤͲͷ ߝ௨ ͲǤͳͲ ሺǤȀǤሻ Figure 2.3 Rounded stress-strain curve for Grade 100 steel reinforcing bars. ,QWKHSHUFHQWRIIVHWPHWKRGDVWUDLQLVORFDWHGRQWKHVWUDLQD[LVDGLVWDQFHRILQLQIURPWKHRULJLQ VHH )LJXUH $OLQHHPDQDWLQJIURPWKLVSRLQWLVWKHQGUDZQSDUDOOHOWRWKHLQLWLDOOLQHDUSRUWLRQRIWKHVWUHVVVWUDLQ FXUYH7KHSRLQWZKHUHWKLVOLQHLQWHUVHFWVWKHVWUHVVVWUDLQFXUYHLVGH¿QHGDV Tensile Property and Uniform Elongation Requirements 3URSHUWLHVRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWFRQIRUPWR$&,7KHDSSOLFDEOH$670VSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGDGGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHDYDLODEOHEDUW\SHVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 2.4 ASTM Specifications and Additional Requirements for Deformed Reinforcing Bars Steel Type ASTM Specification/Additional Requirements Carbon steel ASTM A615/ACI Table Low-alloy steel ASTM A706/ACI Axle steel, rail steel, and bars from rail steel ASTM A996/Bars from rail steel must be Type R Stainless steel ASTM A955 Low-carbon chromium steel ASTM A1035 The additional requirements in ACI Table for ASTM A615 reinforcement are given in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Modified Tensile Strength and Additional Tensile Strength Property Requirements for ASTM A615 Reinforcement Grade 40 Grade 60 Grade 80 Grade 100 Minimum tensile strength (psi) 60,000 80,000 100,000 115,000 Minimum ratio of actual tensile strength to actual yield strength 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 7KHDGGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRU$670$UHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHWKHIROORZLQJ 7HQVLOHSURSHUW\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRU$670$*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHDVVSHFL¿HGLQ$&, Table [see Table 2.6]. Bend test requirements for ASTM A706 Grade 100 reinforcement must be the same as those for ASTM A706 Grade 80 reinforcement. ii. 8QLIRUPHORQJDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDOOJUDGHVRI$670$UHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHDVVSHFL¿HGLQ ACI Table [see Table 2.7] where the uniform elongation is determined as the elongation at the maximum force sustained by the reinforcing bar test piece. iii. For all grades of ASTM A706 reinforcement, the radius at the base of each bar deformation must be at least 1.5 times the height of the deformation. This requirement applies to all deformations, including transverse lugs, longitudinal ribs, grade ribs, grade marks, and intersections between deformations. Conformance must be assessed by measurements taken on newly-machined rolls used to manufacture reinforcing bars instead of measurements taken on reinforcing bar samples. i. Table 2.6 Tensile Property Requirements for ASTM A706 Grade 100 Reinforcement Minimum tensile strength, psi 117,000 Minimum ratio of actual tensile strength to actual yield strength 1.17 Minimum yield strength, psi 100,000 Maximum yield strength, psi 118,000 Minimum fracture elongation in 8 in., percent 10 Table 2.7 Uniform Elongation Requirements for ASTM A706 Reinforcement Bar Size Minimum Uniform Elongation, Percent Grade 60 Grade 80 Grade 100 #3 through #10 9 7 6 #11, #14, #18 6 6 6 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3ODLQEDUVZKLFKDUHRQO\SHUPLWWHGIRUVSLUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWFRQIRUPWR$670$$$RU$ $&, +HDGHGGHIRUPHGEDUVPXVWFRQIRUPWR$670$LQFOXGLQJWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$QQH[$IRU&ODVV+$KHDG GLPHQVLRQV $&, 7KHOLPLWDWLRQWR&ODVV+$KHDGGLPHQVLRQVLVGXHWRWKHODFNRIWHVWGDWDIRUKHDGHG GHIRUPHGEDUVWKDWGRQRWPHHW&ODVV+$GLPHQVLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWV Design Properties Stress-Strain Relationships For deformed reinforcing bars, it is permitted to assume the stress in the reinforcing bars, is proportional to that is, $&, )RUVWUDLQVJUHDWHUWKDQWKDWFRUUHstrain in cases where the strain is below the increase in strength due to strain hardening is neglected for nominal strength calculasponding to tions. Modulus of Elasticity As noted above, the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel, UHJDUGOHVVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWJUDGH $&, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVSVL 3HUPLWWHG9DOXHVRI6SHFL¿HG<LHOG6WUHQJWKDQG5HLQIRUFLQJ%DU7\SHV ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGPD[LPXPYDOXHVRI and permissible bar types for deformed reinIRUFLQJEDUVEDVHGRQXVDJHDQGDSSOLFDWLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH D >VHH7DEOH@6LPLODULQIRUPDWLRQ LVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH E IRUSODLQUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH7DEOH Table 2.8 Nonprestressed Deformed Reinforcing Bars Usage • Flexure • Axial force • Shrinkage and temperature • Lateral support of longitudinal bars • Concrete FRQ¿QHPHQW Special seismic systems Torsion Anchor reinforcement Special moment frames Special structural walls(1) Other Special seismic systems Spirals Other Special seismic systems Shear Maximum Value of f y or f yt Permitted for Design Calculations (psi) Application Special moment frames(6) Special structural walls ASTM Specification $ A$$$ $ A$$$ $ $$$$ $ $$$$ $$$$ Spirals $$$$ Shear friction Stirrups, ties, hoops Longitudinal and transverse $$$$ $$$$ $ $$$$ Special seismic systems $ Other $$$$ (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 2.8 Nonprestressed Deformed Reinforcing Bars (cont.) Usage Application Maximum Value of f y or f yt Permitted for Design Calculations (psi) Regions designed using the strut-andtie method Longitudinal ties Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ASTM Specification $$$$ All components of special structural walls, including coupling beams and wall piers. ASTM A615 Grade 60 bars are permitted provided the requirements of ACI are satisfied. In slabs and beams that are not part of a special seismic system, reinforcing bars passing through or extending from special structural walls must satisfy ACI Longitudinal reinforcement with fy>80,000 psi is not permitted for intermediate moment frames and ordinary moment frames resisting earthquake demands, The maximum design value of fy or fyt is 80,000 psi for use in design calculations when used for shear reinforcement in diaphragms and foundations for load combinations including earthquake forces where the diaphragms or foundations are part of a building with a special seismic system. Shear reinforcement in this application includes stirrups, ties, hoops, and spirals in special moment frames. Shear reinforcement in this application includes all transverse reinforcement in special structural walls, coupling beams, and wall piers. Diagonal bars in coupling beams must comply with ASTM A706 or Footnote (2). Table 2.9 Nonprestressed Plain Spiral Reinforcing Bars Application Maximum Value of f y or f yt Permitted for Design Calculations (psi) ASTM Specification Spirals in special seismic systems $$$ $ Spirals $$$ $ Shear Spirals $$$ $ Torsion in nonprestressed beams Spirals $$$ $ Usage • Lateral support of longitudinal bars • &RQFUHWHFRQ¿QHPHQW Special Seismic Systems and Anchor Reinforcement $FFRUGLQJWR$&,GHIRUPHGQRQSUHVWUHVVHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHVLVWLQJHDUWKTXDNHLQGXFHGEHQGing moments, axial forces, or both, in special seismic systems and anchor reinforcement in SDCs C, D, E, and F must be in accordance with (a) or (b): a. $ 670$*UDGHRUIRUVSHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVDQG*UDGHDQGIRUVSHFLDOPRPHQW frames. b. $670$*UDGHLI L WKURXJK LY DUHVDWLV¿HG $670$*UDGHDQG*UDGHDUHQRWSHUPLWWHG in special seismic systems because of concern associated with low-cycle fatigue behavior). i. Actual yield strength based on mill tests does not exceed E\PRUHWKDQSVL ii. 5DWLRRIWKHDFWXDOWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKWRWKHDFWXDO\LHOGVWUHQJWKLVDWOHDVW iii. 0LQLPXPIUDFWXUHHORQJDWLRQLQLQPXVWEHDWOHDVWSHUFHQWIRUEDUVL]HVWKURXJKDWOHDVW SHUFHQWIRUEDUVL]HVWKURXJKDQGDWOHDVWSHUFHQWIRUEDUVL]HVDQG iv. 0LQLPXPXQLIRUPHORQJDWLRQPXVWEHDWOHDVWSHUFHQWIRUEDUVL]HVWKURXJKDQGDWOHDVW SHUFHQWIRUEDUVL]HVDQG occurs at the tensile strength is commonly referred to as uniform elongation, which is the largest The strain HORQJDWLRQLQWKHEDUIRUZKLFKWKHWHQVLOHVWUDLQVDUHXQLIRUPWKURXJKRXWWKHOHQJWKRIWKHEDU VHH)LJXUH 7KLV generally occurs right before the onset of necking. This is the maximum strain relied upon at a location where yielding of the reinforcing bar may occur (that is, in an anticipated plastic hinge region in the member). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The strain at the fracture point is the total elongation over a prescribed gauge length extending across the fracture RIDUHLQIRUFLQJEDU$FFRUGLQJWR$670$DUHLQIRUFLQJEDULVPDUNHGZLWKDQLQLWLDOLQJDXJHOHQJWKDQG LVSXOOHGWRIUDFWXUH7KHHQGVRIWKHIUDFWXUHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUDUH¿WWRJHWKHUDQGWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHJDXJH marks is re-measured. The total elongation is calculated as the percent increase in length relative to the original gauge length: (2.4) 2.2.3 Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement +HDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGVWXGDVVHPEOLHVZKLFKDUHW\SLFDOO\XVHGDVVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWDURXQG FROXPQVLQWZRZD\UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHVODEVPXVWFRQIRUPWR$670$ $&, 5HTXLUHGVWXGKHDG FRQ¿JXUDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,)LJXUH5 2.2.4 Durability of Steel Reinforcement Specified Concrete Cover Overview Concrete cover, which is provided to reinforcing bars to protect them from weather and other effects, is measured IURPWKHFRQFUHWHVXUIDFHWRWKHRXWHUPRVWVXUIDFHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW0LQLPXPVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHULV JLYHQLQ$&,WKURXJK $&, $JUHDWHUFRYHUWKDQWKDWSUHVFULEHGLQWKHVHVHFWLRQVPD\ EHUHTXLUHGE\WKHJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGHIRU¿UHSURWHFWLRQ&RQFUHWHÀRRU¿QLVKHVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHSDUWRIWKH UHTXLUHGFRYHUIRUQRQVWUXFWXUDOSXUSRVHV $&, Nonprestressed Cast-in-place Members 0LQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUIRUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGFDVWLQSODFHFRQFUHWHPHPEHUVLVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH $&, VHH7DEOH Table 2.10 Minimum Concrete Cover for Cast-in-place Nonprestressed Concrete Members Concrete Exposure Member Reinforcement Specified Cover (in.) Cast against and permanently in contact with the ground All All Exposed to weather or in contact with the ground WKURXJKEDUV All EDUVDQGVPDOOHU DQGEDUV EDUVDQGVPDOOHU Slabs, joists, and walls Not exposed to weather or in contact with the ground Beams, columns, pedestals, Primary reinforcement, stirrups, and tension ties ties, spirals, and hoops Deep Foundation Members 6SHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHUIRUFDVWLQSODFHGHHSIRXQGDWLRQPHPEHUV IRUH[DPSOHSLHUVDQGFDLVVRQV LVJLYHQLQ $&,7DEOH $&,VHH7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 2.11 Minimum Concrete Cover for Cast-in-place Deep Foundation Members Concrete Exposure Reinforcement Specified Cover (in.) Cast against and permanently in contact with the ground and not enclosed by steel pipe, tube, permanent casing, or stable rock socket All Enclosed by steel pipe, tube, permanent casing, or stable rock socket All %XQGOHG5HLQIRUFLQJ%DUV )RUEXQGOHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVWKHVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHULVHTXDOWRWKHVPDOOHURIWKHHTXLYDOHQWGLDPHWHURIWKH EXQGOHRULQ $&, For bundled bars in members where the concrete is cast against and is permanently in contact with the ground, the VSHFL¿HGFRYHULVLQ Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement 7KHVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHUIRUKHDGVDQGEDVHUDLOVLQKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGDVVHPEOLHVPXVWEHDWOHDVWHTXDOWRWKDW UHTXLUHGIRUWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHPHPEHU $&,VHH$&,)LJXUH5 )RUH[DPSOHWKHPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRWKHKHDGVDQGUDLOVLVLQIRUDKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGDVVHPEO\XVHGDVVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW in a two-way reinforced concrete slab not exposed to the elements and reinforced with longitudinal reinforcement VPDOOHUWKDQEDUV VHH7DEOH Corrosive Environments For members in corrosive environments where it is expected the concrete will be exposed to external sources of chlorides (such as deicing salts, brackish water, seawater, or spray from these sources) or other severe exposure FRQGLWLRQVVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHUVKRXOGEHLQFUHDVHGDERYHWKHPLQLPXPYDOXHVVSHFL¿HGLQ$&,DV GHHPHGQHFHVVDU\ $&, ,QVXFKFDVHVWKHFRQFUHWHVKRXOGEHSURSRUWLRQHGWRVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWV IRUWKHDSSOLFDEOHH[SRVXUHFODVVVSHFL¿HGLQ$&,&KDSWHU $VSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRYHURIQRWOHVVWKDQLQLVUHFRPPHQGHGLQ$&,5IRUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQZDOOV DQGVODEVLQFRUURVLYHHQYLURQPHQWV)RURWKHUPHPEHUVDLQFRQFUHWHFRYHULVUHFRPPHQGHG Nonprestressed Coated Reinforcement Coated reinforcing bars are used in applications where corrosion resistance is required (such as parking structures or other buildings and structures where the members are exposed to the elements). Nonprestressed coated reinforcing EDUVPXVWFRQIRUPWR$&,7DEOH $&, =LQFFRDWHG KRWGLSSHGJDOYDQL]HG $670$ (SR[\FRDWHG$670$RU$ =LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG$670$ 7KHDIRUHPHQWLRQHGFRDWHGEDUW\SHVPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, D E RU F 2.3 Strength Reduction Factors 2.3.1 Overview Strength reduction factors, used in the determination of the design strength of a reinforced concrete member are JLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHU7KHSXUSRVHVRIVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVDUHWKHIROORZLQJ $&,5 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1. To account for the probability of under-strength members due to variations in material strengths and dimensions. The strength of concrete can vary because concrete is a composite material made of constituent materials whose properties vary. The strength of reinforcing steel can also vary but usually to a much lesser degree than concrete. To account for inaccuracies in design equations. $QXPEHURIDVVXPSWLRQVDQGVLPSOL¿FDWLRQVDUHPDGHLQWKHHTXDWLRQVWRGHWHUPLQHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKV$V such, inaccuracies are introduced that must be accounted for when determining the design strength of a reinforced concrete member. 3. 7RUHÀHFWWKHDYDLODEOHGXFWLOLW\DQGUHTXLUHGUHOLDELOLW\RIWKHUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHPHPEHUXQGHUWKHORDGHIfects being considered. Reinforced concrete members that are more ductile, such as beams or slabs, are less sensitive to variations in concrete strength compared to members that are less ductile, such as columns. Spiral reinforcement con¿QHVWKHFRQFUHWHLQDFROXPQEHWWHUWKDQWLHGUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KXVVSLUDOFROXPQVDUHPRUHGXFWLOHDQGKDYH greater toughness than tied columns. 7RUHÀHFWWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHPHPEHULQWKHVWUXFWXUH The failure of a vertical member, such as a column or wall, in a structure is usually considered more detrimenWDOWKDQIDLOXUHRIDKRUL]RQWDOPHPEHUVXFKDVDEHDP 2.3.2 Strength Reduction Factors Based On Action or Structural Element Strength reduction factors based on different types of actions and nonprestressed structural elements are given in $&,7DEOH VHH$&,DQG7DEOHIRUWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVDSSOLFDEOHLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ The strength reduction factor for shear in this table is not applicable to members in special moment frames (including beam-column joints), special structural walls (including diagonally reinforced coupling beams), and the other PHPEHUVQRWHGLQ$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Table 2.12 Strength Reduction Factors, Ҁ Action Strength Reduction Factor, Ҁ Moment, axial force, or combined moment and axial force Shear WRLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Torsion Bearing 2.3.3 Strength Reduction Factors For Moment, Axial Force, Or Combined Moment and Axial Force Strength reduction factors for reinforced concrete members subjected to bending moments, axial forces, or a combiQDWLRQRIERWKDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOHDQG)LJXUH Table 2.13 Strength Reduction Factors, Ҁ, For Moment, Axal Force, Or Combined Moment and Axial Force Strength Reduction Factor, Ҁ Net Tensile Strain, İt Classification Type of Transverse Reinforcement Spirals Conforming to ACI 25.7.3 Other 0.75 0.65 Compression-controlled Transition* Tension-controlled *For sections classified as transition, it is permitted to use corresponding to compression-controlled sections. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͲǤͻͲ ͲǤͷ ͲǤͷ Ǧ ߝ௧ ൌ ߝ௧௬ ۓ ۖ Ǧ ߝ௧ ൌ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͷߝ௧ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͳͷሺߝ௧ െ ߝ௧௬ ሻ ǣ߶ ൌ ͲǤͷ ߝ௧௬ ൏ ߝ௧ ൏ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ۔ ۖ ͲەǤͻͲߝ௧ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ۓ ۖ ͲǤͷߝ௧ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤʹͷሺߝ௧ െ ߝ௧௬ ሻ ǣ߶ ൌ ͲǤͷ ߝ௧௬ ൏ ߝ௧ ൏ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ۔ ۖ ͲەǤͻͲߝ௧ ߝ௧௬ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ܾ ݀௧ ݄ ݀ ܿ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ߝ௦ ܣ௦ ߝ௧ Figure 2.4 Variation of with net tensile strain The nominal strength of a member subjected to bending moments or combined bending moments and axial forces is GHWHUPLQHGDVVXPLQJWKHVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHURIWKHVHFWLRQLVHTXDOWR VHH$&, is the tensile strain calculated in the extreme tension reinforcement at nominal 7KHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQ VWUHQJWK VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHRIDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEHDPZLWKWZROD\HUVRIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKH section under consideration). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete &RPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVDUHGH¿QHGDVVHFWLRQVZKHUH The term is the value of the net tensile VWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHOD\HURIORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWXVHGWRGH¿QHDFRPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQ $&, (2.5) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQHTXDOWR $&, 0HPEHUVVXEMHFWHGWRRQO\ axial compression, like columns, are compression-controlled. In such cases, a brittle compression failure is expected with little or no warning prior to failure. As such, lower strength reduction factors are assigned to compressioncontrolled sections. Additionally, columns typically support areas much greater than beams, which are tensionFRQWUROOHGDQGDVQRWHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIFROXPQIDLOXUHDUHJHQHUDOO\PRUH severe than those attributed to beam failure. 7KLVOLPLWSURYLGHVVXI¿FLHQWGXFWLOLW\IRUPRVWDS$VHFWLRQLVGH¿QHGDVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKHUH SOLFDWLRQVDQGHVVHQWLDOO\SURYLGHVDZDUQLQJWRIDLOXUH WKDWLVH[FHVVLYHFUDFNLQJDQGGHÀHFWLRQDUHH[SHFWHGSULRU to failure). Beams and slabs must be tension-controlled. A linear transition in the strength reduction factor is permitted between the limits for compression-controlled and WHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQV VHH)LJXUH ,WLVSHUPLWWHGWRXVHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR FRPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVIRUVHFWLRQVFODVVL¿HGDVWUDQVLWLRQ $FFRUGLQJWR$&,GHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKVGRQRWUHTXLUHDVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU%HFDXVHODSVSOLFHOHQJWKV are based on development lengths, a strength reduction factor is not required for lap splices as well. An allowance for VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUIRUGHWHUPLQLQJGHYHORSPHQWDQGVSOLFHOHQJWKV 2.3.4 Strength Reduction Factors For Shear In Structures Relying On Special Moment Frames and Special Structural Walls )RUVWUXFWXUHVWKDWXWLOL]HVSHFLDOPRPHQWIUDPHVDQGVSHFLDOVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVWRUHVLVWHDUWKTXDNHHIIHFWV the value of the strength reduction factor, IRUVKHDULVWREHPRGL¿HGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,WKURXJK $&, For any member designed to resist where the nominal shear strength of the member is less than the shear corresponding to the development of the nominal moment strength of the member, IRUVKHDUPXVWEHWDNHQDV $&, 7KHQRPLQDOPRPHQWVWUHQJWKLQVXFKFDVHVLVWREHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHVIURP ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOHWKDWLQFOXGH This provision is applicable to shear-controlled members, such as low-rise structural walls, portions of walls between openings, or diaphragms where nominal shear strength is less than the shear corresponding to the development of nominal moment strength. In most cases, it would be impractical to design the member otherwise. For diaphragms, for shear must not exceed the value of for shear required for the vertical components of the SULPDU\VHLVPLFIRUFHUHVLVWLQJV\VWHP 6)56 >$&,@7KLVSURYLVLRQLVLQWHQGHGWRLQFUHDVHWKHVWUHQJWK for the walls assigned to resist the earthquake of the diaphragm and its connections in buildings where forces. This requirement is also applicable to foundation elements supporting the primary vertical elements of the 6)56 $&, For beam-column joints of special moment frames and diagonally reinforced coupling beams, WR $&, for shear is equal @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 3 DESIGN LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS 3.1 Overview $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHORDGVDQGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVFRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,&KDSWHU3UHVHQWHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUDUHWKHW\SLFDOORDGVDQGUHTXLUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDSSOLFDEOHLQWKHGHVLJQRIUHinforced concrete buildings. Methods are given to determine the Seismic Design Category (SDC) of a building and live load reduction on structural members. Step-by-step procedures on how to determine wind forces on the main wind force resisting system (MWFRS), seismic forces on the seismic-force-resisting system (SFRS), and seismic design forces on diaphragms (including collectors) are also presented. 3.2 Design Loads In the design of reinforced concrete members, the loads that must be included are self-weight, applied loads, and the HIIHFWVIURPZLQGHDUWKTXDNHVUHVWUDLQWRIYROXPHFKDQJHDQGGLIIHUHQWLDOVHWWOHPHQW $&, /RDGVDUHWREH GHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGHRUE\WKHEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDO $&, 7KHORDGHIIHFWVLQFOXGHGLQWKH,%&DQG$6&(6(,DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.1 Summary of Load Effects Section/Chapter No. Notation Load Effect IBC ASCE/SEI 7 Dead loads 3.1 Weight of ice Seismic load effects 1613 Seismic load effects including overstrength 1613 /RDGVGXHWRÀXLGVZLWKZHOOGH¿QHGSUHVVXUHVDQGPD[LPXPKHLJKWV — — Flood loads Loads due to lateral earth pressures, ground water pressure, or pressure of bulk materials 5RRIOLYHORDGVJUHDWHUWKDQOEIWDQGÀRRUOLYHORDG 5RRIOLYHORDGVRIOEIW or less Rain loads 1611 8 Snow loads Cumulative effects of self-straining forces and effects — Loads due to wind pressure ± Wind-on-ice loads 3.3 Seismic Design Category The SDC of a building is determined in accordance with the general building code or determined by the building RI¿FLDO $&, $OOEXLOGLQJVDQGVWUXFWXUHVPXVWEHDVVLJQHGWRDQ6'&LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK,%&RU $6&(6(, $&, )LJXUHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKH6'&EDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQWKHVH and are the VHFWLRQV7KHVHFWLRQ¿JXUHDQGWDEOHQXPEHUVLQWKH¿JXUHDUHIURP$6&(6(,7KHWHUPV GHVLJQSHUFHQWGDPSHGVSHFWUDOUHVSRQVHDFFHOHUDWLRQSDUDPHWHUVDWVKRUWSHULRGVDQGDWDSHULRGRIVHFRQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ZKLFKDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine ܵܵ and ܵ1 from Figures 22-1 through 22-8 ሺ11.4.2ሻ EŽ Determine the Risk Category from Table 1.5-1 EŽ EŽ zĞƐ Is ܵܵ 0.15 and ܵ1 0.04? Structure is permitted to be assigned to SDC A and must only comply with 11.7 Is the Risk Category I, II, or III? Is ܵ1 0.75? zĞƐ zĞƐ Is ܵ1 0.75? EŽ zĞƐ Structure is assigned to SDC E Structure is assigned to SDC F Determineܵ ܵܦand ܵܦ1 E\ EŽ Are all 4 conditions in 11.6 satisfied? 'HWHUPLQHWKH6'&DVWKHPRUHVHYHUHRIWKH WZR6'&VLQ7DEOHVDQGEDVHG RQWKH5LVN&DWHJRU\DQGܵ ܵܦand ܵܦ1 , UHVSHFWLYHO\ zĞƐ 'HWHUPLQHWKH6'&IURP7DEOHEDVHG RQWKH5LVN&DWHJRU\DQGܵ ܵܦ Figure 3.1 Determination of Seismic Design Category (SDC). Structural members in buildings assigned to SDC A must satisfy all the applicable requirements in ACI 318 except IRUWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,&KDSWHUZKLFKDUHQRWDSSOLFDEOH $&, )RUEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&% WKURXJK)WKHSURYLVLRQVRI&KDSWHUPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHDSSOLFDEOHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIRWKHUFKDSWHUV $&, 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,SHUWDLQWRVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVGHVLJQDWHGQRWWREHSDUWRIWKH6)56 in buildings assigned to SDC B through F. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3.4 Live Load Reduction $FFRUGLQJWR$&,OLYHORDGUHGXFWLRQLVSHUPLWWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGH,QWKHDEVHQFHRIDJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGHWKHOLYHORDGUHGXFWLRQSURYLVLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DQGIRUXQLIRUPOLYHORDGV and uniform roof live loads, respectively, may be used. Determine ܮfrom Table 4.3-1 zĞƐ Is ܮ 100 psf? EŽ Live load reduction is not permitted* EŽ Is the member a one-way slab? zĞƐ ܶ ܣ 1.5ሺslab spanሻ2 EŽ Is the structure a passenger vehicle garage? zĞƐ Live load reduction is not permitted* Is the area classified as an assembly occupancy? EŽ zĞƐ Live load reduction is not permitted EŽ Is ܶ ܣ ܮܮܭ൏ 400 sq ft? zĞƐ Live load reduction is not permitted ܮൌ ܮቆ0.25 15 ඥܶܣ ܮܮܭ ቇ ሾASCE/SEI Eq. ሺ4.7-1ሻሿ 0.50 ܮfor members supporting one floor * Live loads for members supporting two or more floors are permitted to be reduced by a maximum of 20 percent, but the reduced live load must not be less than L determined in accordance with ASCE/SEI 4.7.2. 0.40 ܮfor members supporting two or more floors Figure 3.2 Determination of live load reduction in accordance with ASCE/SEI 4.7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reduced uniform live load, LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(,FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHÀRZFKDUWLQ)LJXUH is the live load element ,QWKLV¿JXUH LVWKHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGOLYHORDGLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH is the tributary area in square IDFWRULQ$6&(6(,7DEOH VHH$6&(6(,)LJXUH&DQG7DEOH DQG FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHÀRZFKDUWLQ)LJXUHZKHUH and are feet. Similarly, reduced roof live load, and the factor respectively. For pitched roofs, is equal to reduction factors based on the tributary area, WKHQXPEHURILQFKHVRIULVHSHUIRRWDQGIRUDUFKHVRUGRPHVLWLVWKHULVHWRVSDQUDWLRPXOWLSOLHGE\ Table 3.2 Live Load Element Factor, KLL KLL Element Interior columns Exterior columns without cantilever slabs Edge columns with cantilever slabs 3 Corner columns with cantilever slabs Edge beams without cantilever slabs Interior beams $OORWKHUPHPEHUVQRWLGHQWL¿HGLQFOXGLQJ • Edge beams with cantilever slabs • Cantilever beams • One-way slabs • Two-way slabs • Members without provisions for continuous shear transfer normal to their span 1 3.5 Load Factors and Combinations The load combinations needed to determine the required strength, of a structural member are given in ACI Table VHH7DEOH 7KHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ,%&DUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHLQ7DEOHZLWKWKHIROORZLQJ exceptions: 1. The variable LQ,%&(TXDWLRQV DQG DUHQRWLQ$&,(TXDWLRQV F G DQG H ,QVWHDGWKHORDGIDFWRURQWKHOLYHORDG LQWKH$&,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLVHTXDOWRZLWKWKHH[ception that the load factor on LVSHUPLWWHGWRHTXDOIRUDOORFFXSDQFLHVH[FHSWIRUSDUNLQJJDUDJHVDUHDV occupied as places of public assembly, and areas where LVJUHDWHUWKDQOEIW $&, 7KLVH[FHStion makes these load combinations the same in the IBC and ACI 318. The variable LQ,%&(TXDWLRQ LVQRWLQ$&,(TXDWLRQ H ,QVWHDGDORDGIDFWRURILVDSSOLHG to $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVHFRQGH[FHSWLRQLQ$6&(6(,$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQ>ZKLFKLVWKH or the sloped roof snow VDPHDV$&,(TXDWLRQ H @ PXVWEHWDNHQDVHLWKHUWKHÀDWURRIVQRZORDG 7KLVPHDQVWKHEDODQFHGVQRZORDGGH¿QHGLQ$6&(6(,IRUÀDWURRIVDQGLQ$6&(6(,IRU load, VORSHGURRIVFDQEHXVHGLQ$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQ1RWHWKDW LQ$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDQG LVGH¿QHGLQWKHVDPHZD\ VHHH[FHSWLRQLQ$6&(6(, 'ULIWORDGVDQGXQEDODQFHGVQRZORDGVDUH FRYHUHGE\$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ Figure 3.3 Determination of roof live load reduction in accordance with ASCE/SEI 4.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.3 ACI and ASCE/SEI Strength Design Load Combinations ACI Equation Number ASCE/SEI 7 Load Combination D 1 E F 3 G H 6 I J $FFRUGLQJWR$&, Load Combination must include the applicable effects from the following: • &RQFHQWUDWHGOLYHORDGV $6&(6(,7DEOH • 9HKLFXODUORDGV $6&(6(, • &UDQHORDGV $6&(6(, • /RDGVRQKDQGUDLOVJXDUGUDLOVDQGYHKLFXODUEDUULHUV\VWHPV $6&(6(, • ,PSDFWHIIHFWV $6&(6(, • Vibration effects is provided at service-level loads, Where wind load, must be used in place of G DQG I DQG Seismic load effect, must be used in place of in ACI Equations LQ$&,(TXDWLRQ F >$&,@ LVGH¿QHGLQ$6&(6(,DVIROORZV • )RUXVHLQ$&,(TXDWLRQ H RUORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$6&(6(, (3.1) • )RUXVHLQ$&,(TXDWLRQ J RUORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$6&(6(, (3.2) where LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVIRUEXLOGLQJV assigned to SDC B or C) 6HLVPLFORDGFRPELQDWLRQVEDVHGRQ6'&XVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(,DQGDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.4 Seismic Load Combinations SDC ACI Equation Number ASCE/SEI 7 Load Combination H 6 J H 6 J H 6 J B C D, E, and F Seismic load effect, Load Combination LVGH¿QHGLQ$6&(6(,DVIROORZV • )RUXVHLQ$&,(TXDWLRQ H RUORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$6&(6(, (3.3) • )RUXVHLQ$&,(TXDWLRQ J RUORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$6&(6(, (3.4) where Seismic load combinations based on SDC where seismic load effects including overstrength are required are given LQ7DEOH Table 3.5 Seismic Load Combinations Where Seismic Load Effects Including Overstrength are Required SDC B C, D, E, and F ACI Equation Number ASCE/SEI 7 Load Combination H 6 J H 6 J Load Combination The following load effects must be considered, where applicable, in combination with other load effects: • Cumulative service effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage, and differential settlement, ZLWK$&, • (IIHFWVRIVHUYLFHODWHUDOORDGVGXHWRÀXLGV LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, • Effects of service load due to lateral earth pressure, • (IIHFWVGXHWRÀRRGORDGVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, • (IIHFWVGXHWRDWPRVSKHULFLFHORDGVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, /RDGFRPELQDWLRQVZKHUHÀRRGORDGV in accordance and atmospheric ice loads must be considered are given in Table 3.6. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.6 Strength Design Load Combination for Flood Loads and Atmospheric Ice Loads Load Effect Flood load, ASCE/SEI load combination V Zones or Coastal A Zones Noncoastal A Zones * Load Combination Atmospheric ice load * Definitions of V Zones and Coastal A Zones are given in ASCE/SEI 5.2. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVPXVWEHLQYHVWLJDWHGZLWKRQHRUPRUHRIWKHYDULDEOHORDGVVHWHTXDO WR]HUR,WLVSRVVLEOHWKDWWKHPRVWFULWLFDOORDGHIIHFWVRQDPHPEHURFFXUZKHQRQHRUPRUHYDULDEOHORDGVDUHQRW present. /RDGFRPELQDWLRQVIRUH[WUDRUGLQDU\HYHQWVDQGIRUJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\ORDGVDUHJLYHQLQ$6&(6(,DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ 3.6 Determination of Wind Forces 7KHÀRZFKDUWLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVDWDKHLJKW above ground OHYHORQWKH0:)56RIDQHQFORVHGRUSDUWLDOO\HQFORVHGULJLGRUÀH[LEOHUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJZLWKRXWD SDUDSHWDQGZLWKDQHVVHQWLDOO\ÀDWURRIXVLQJ3DUWLQ&KDSWHURI$6&(6(,7KHVHFWLRQ¿JXUHWDEOHDQG HTXDWLRQQXPEHUVLQ)LJXUHDUHIURP$6&(6(,+RUL]RQWDOLQWHUQDOSUHVVXUHVFDQFHORXWZKHQGHWHUPLQLQJ total wind pressures on the MWFRS of a building. )RUEXLOGLQJVWUXFWXUHVLWLVFXVWRPDU\WRFDOFXODWHZLQGSUHVVXUHVDWWKHURRIDQGÀRRUOHYHOVDQGWRDVVXPHWKDWWKH SUHVVXUHVDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHWULEXWDU\DUHDDWWKDWOHYHO7KXVWKHWRWDOZLQGIRUFHDWDURRIRUÀRRU level is determined by multiplying the total wind pressure at that level (windward plus leeward pressure) by the tributary area, which is equal to the tributary story height times the width of the windward face of the building (see )LJXUH ,QOLHXRIXVLQJWKH¿JXUHVLQ$6&(6(,&KDSWHUWKHEDVLFZLQGVSHHG FDQEHREWDLQHGIURP5HIHUHQFHRU 3.7 Determination of Seismic Forces 3.7.1 Seismic Forces on the SFRS 7KHÀRZFKDUWLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHVHLVPLFIRUFHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH6)56 LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH(TXLYDOHQW/DWHUDO)RUFH (/) 3URFHGXUHRI$6&(6(,LWLVDSSOLFDEOHWRVLWHVZKHUHD VLWHUHVSRQVHDQDO\VLVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(,QHHGQRWEHSHUIRUPHGDQGWRVWUXFWXUHVZLWKRXWVHLVPLF LVRODWLRQRUGDPSLQJV\VWHPV7KHVHFWLRQ¿JXUHWDEOHDQGHTXDWLRQQXPEHUVLQ)LJXUHDUHIURP$6&(6(, 7KHW\SHRI6)56SHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGLVGHVLJQDWHGE\WKHJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGHRUE\WKHEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDOLQDUHDV ZLWKRXWDOHJDOO\DGRSWHGEXLOGLQJFRGH $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine the Risk Category of the building in accordance with Table 1.5-1 Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the applicable Risk Category from Figs. 26.5-1A through 26.5-1D or from Figs. 26.5-2A through 26.5-2D Determine the wind directionality factor, Kd, from Table 26.6-1 ሺ26.6ሻ Determine the exposure category ሺ26.7ሻ EŽ Are all 5 conditions of 26.8.1 met? zĞƐ Determine ground elevation factor, Ke, from Table 26.9-1 ሺ26.9ሻ Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficients, Kz and Kh, from Table 26.10-1 ሺ26.10.1ሻ Determine pressure coefficients, Cp, for the windward and leeward walls from Fig. 27.3-1 A Figure 3.4 Determination of total wind pressure on the MWFRS of a building in accordance with Part 1 in Chapter 27 of ASCE/SEI 7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A Determine whether the building is rigid or flexible in accordance with 26.11.2 EŽ Is the building rigid? Determine Gf from 26.11.5 zĞƐ G ൌ 0.85 Determine G from 26.11.4 Figure 3.4 (cont.) Determination of total wind pressure on the MWFRS of a building in accordance with Part 1 in Chapter 27 of ASCE/SEI 7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܮ ݄ ݄௭ାଵ ܤ ݖ ݖ ݄௭ିଵ ௭ ݖൌ ሺ௭ ሻ ൬ ݄௭ାଵ ݄௭ିଵ ൰ ܤ ʹ Figure 3.5 Determination of the total wind force at a level of the MWFRS. 3.7.2 Seismic Forces on Diaphragms, Chords, and Collectors Floor and roof diaphragms must be designed to resist the effects due to out-of-plane gravity loads and in-plane latHUDOIRUFHVXVLQJWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&, $&, )RUEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&%WKURXJK)GLDSKUDJPVDUHWREHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHODUJHURIWKHIRUFHVLQ DQG EHORZ $6&(6(, determined from the structural analysis (see Figure 3.6). 1. Design seismic force, GHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(TXDWLRQ Diaphragm design force, where weight tributary to the diaphragm at level portion of the seismic base shear, induced at level (see Figure 3.6) weight tributary to level Minimum and maximum values of DUHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(TXDWLRQV DQG UHVSHFtively, which are independent of the design base shear, Minimum Maximum @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete zĞƐ EŽ Determine the Site Class in accordance with 11.4.3 and Chapter 20 Structure is permitted to be assigned to SDC A and must only comply with 11.7 Determine the SDC from Figure 3.1 of this publication Determine the response modification coefficient, R, from Table 12.2-1 for the appropriate structural system based on the SDC Determine the importance factor, Ie, from Table 1.5-2 based on the Risk Category A Figure 3.6 Determination of seismic forces on a SFRS in accordance with the ELF Procedure in ASCE/SEI 12.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A Determine approximate fundamental period of the building, Ta, in accordance and set T ൌ Ta Determine fundamental period of the building, T, in accordance 12.8.2 Determine TL from Figs. 22-14 through 22-17 zĞƐ EŽ B EŽ EŽ zĞƐ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ C * Value of CS is permitted to be calculated using a value of 1.0 for SDS, but not less than 0.7SDS, provided all criteria of are met Figure 3.6 (cont.) Determination of seismic forces on a SFRS in accordance with the ELF Procedure in ASCE/SEI 12.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete B EŽ EŽ zĞƐ zĞƐ EŽ C Figure 3.6 (cont.) Determination of seismic forces on a SFRS in accordance with the ELF Procedure in ASCE/SEI 12.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-14 zĞƐ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete C Determine the effective seismic weight, W, in accordance with 12.7.2 Determine base shear, V, by Eq. ሺ12.8-1ሻ: V ൌ CsW EŽ EŽ zĞƐ zĞƐ Exponent related to structure period k ൌ 2 ሺ12.8.3ሻ Exponent related to structure period k ൌ 2 ሺ12.8.3ሻ Exponent related to structure period k ൌ 1 ሺ12.8.3ሻ Exponent related to structure period k ൌ 0.75 0.5T ሺ12.8.3ሻ Figure 3.6 (cont.) Determination of seismic forces on a SFRS in accordance with the ELF Procedure in ASCE/SEI 12.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In addition to GLDSKUDJPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUDSSOLFDEOHWUDQVIHUIRUFHV VHH$6&(6(, Collectors must be provided where required to transmit forces between diaphragms and the vertical elements of the /)56 $&, )RUEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&&WKURXJK)FROOHFWRUVDQGWKHLUFRQQHFWLRQVWRWKHYHUWLFDO HOHPHQWVRIWKH6)56PXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWWKHHIIHFWVIURPWKHPD[LPXPRIWKHIROORZLQJIRUFHV $6&(6(, 1. )RUFHVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVLQFOXGLQJRYHUVWUHQJWKRI$6&(6(,ZLWKVHLVPLF IRUFHVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKH(/)3URFHGXUHRI$6&(6(,RUWKHPRGDOUHVSRQVHVSHFWUXPDQDO\VLVSURFHGXUHRI$6&(6(, where ,Q$&,(TXDWLRQV H DQG J RU$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDQGXVH is determined using )RUFHVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVLQFOXGLQJRYHUVWUHQJWKRI$6&(6(,ZLWKVHLVPLF IRUFHVGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(TXDWLRQ IRUGLDSKUDJPV where ,Q$&,(TXDWLRQV H DQG J RU$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDQGXVH is determined using 3. )RUFHVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVRI$6&(6(,ZLWKVHLVPLFIRUFHVGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&( 6(,(TXDWLRQ ZKLFKLVWKHORZHUOLPLWGLDSKUDJPIRUFH where is ,Q$&,(TXDWLRQV H DQG J RU$6&(6(,ORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDQGXVH determined using Diaphragms and collectors in buildings assigned to SDC D, E, and F are designed in accordance with ACI Chapter $&, 3.8 Examples 3.8.1 Example 3.1 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #1 Determine the wind forces on the MWFRS in the north-south and east-west directions (see Figure 1.1). Assume the RYHUDOOEXLOGLQJGLPHQVLRQVDUHIWLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDQGIWLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 2 – Determine the basic wind speed ASCE/SEI Figure 26.5-1B For the given location of this Risk Category II building, Step 3 – Determine the wind directionality factor ZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGIURP5HIRU ASCE/SEI Table 26.6-1 For the MWFRS of a building, Step 4 – Determine the exposure category ASCE/SEI 26.7 The exposure category is given as C in the design data. Step 5 – Determine the topographic factor ASCE/SEI 26.8 The building is not located on a hill or escarpment, so @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 6 – Determine the ground elevation factor The ground elevation factor, ASCE/SEI Table 26.9-1 LVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQDOOFDVHV VHH1RWHLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Step 7 – Determine the velocity pressure exposure coefficients ASCE/SEI Table 26.10-1 7KHYHORFLW\SUHVVXUHH[SRVXUHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ1RWH LQ$6&(6(,7DEOH For Exposure C, Values of and and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.7 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #1 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz Step 8 – Determine the velocity pressures Values of ASCE/SEI Eq. (26.10-1) are given in Table 3.8. Table 3.8 Velocity Pressures, qz, Building #1 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz qz (lb/ft2) Step 9 – Determine the external pressure coefficients ASCE/SEI Figure 27.3-1 For wind in the north-south direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For wind in the east-west direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: Step 10 – Determine whether the building is rigid or not ASCE/SEI 26.11.2 &KHFNLIWKHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(, 1. Building height Building height (building length in each direction is constant over the height, which means is equal to the building length parallel to the wind direction) 7KHUHIRUHWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(,PD\EHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHDSSUR[LPDWHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\ )RUFRQFUHWHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHEXLOGLQJV>$6&(6(,(T @ Therefore, the building is rigid in both directions. Step 11 – Determine the gust-effect factor For rigid buildings, ASCE/SEI 26.11.1 LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDV Step 12 – Determine the design wind pressures ASCE/SEI Eq. (27.3-1) For wind in the north-south direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS For wind in the east-west direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS Total design wind pressures in the north-south and east-west directions are given in Table 3.9. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.9 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #1 Height Above Ground Level, (ft) North-South East-West 7KHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVDUHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPZLQGSUHVVXUHSUHVFULEHGLQ$6&(6(,ZKLFK LVHTXDOWROEIW for walls. Step 13 – Determine the total design wind forces Total design wind forces are obtained at each level by multiplying the total design wind pressures in Table 3.9 by WKHWULEXWDU\DUHDIRUHDFKOHYHO VHH7DEOH Table 3.10 Total Design Wind Forces, Building 1 North-South East-West Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) 1,933.8 Ȉ 3.8.2 Example 3.2 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHZLQGIRUFHVRQWKH0:)56LQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH RYHUDOOEXLOGLQJGLPHQVLRQVDUHIWLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDQGIWLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For an essential facility, the Risk Category is IV. Step 2 – Determine the basic wind speed ASCE/SEI Figure 26.5-1D For the given location of this Risk Category IV building, Step 3 – Determine the wind directionality factor ZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGIURP5HIRU ASCE/SEI Table 26.6-1 For the MWFRS of a building, Step 4 – Determine the exposure category ASCE/SEI 26.7 The exposure category is given as B in the design data. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 5 – Determine the topographic factor ASCE/SEI 26.8 The building is not located on a hill or escarpment, so ASCE/SEI Table 26.9-1 Step 6 – Determine the ground elevation factor The ground elevation factor, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQDOOFDVHV VHH1RWHLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Step 7 – Determine the velocity pressure exposure coefficients ASCE/SEI Table 26.10-1 7KHYHORFLW\SUHVVXUHH[SRVXUHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ1RWH LQ$6&(6(,7DEOH For Exposure B, Values of and and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH are given in Table 3.11. Table 3.11 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #2 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz Step 8 – Determine the velocity pressures Values of ASCE/SEI Eq. (26.10-1) DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.12 Velocity Pressures, qz, Building #2 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz qz (lb/ft2) 36.6 31.1 Step 9 – Determine the external pressure coefficients ASCE/SEI Figure 27.3-1 For wind in the north-south direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: For wind in the east-west direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: Step 10 – Determine whether the building is rigid or not ASCE/SEI 26.11.2 &KHFNLIWKHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(, 1. Building height Building height over the height, which means (building length in each direction is constant is equal to the building length parallel to the wind direction) 7KHUHIRUHWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(,PD\EHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHDSSUR[LPDWHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\ )RUDFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJZLWKD0:)56RWKHUWKDQPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHV>$6&(6(,(T @ 7KHUHIRUHWKHEXLOGLQJLVÀH[LEOHLQERWKGLUHFWLRQV ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGWKHEXLOGLQJLVDOVRÀH[LEOHXVLQJ$6&(6(,(T ZKLFKLVDSSOLFDEOHIRUFRQFUHWH shear wall buildings. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUFRPSDULVRQSXUSRVHVWKHIXQGDPHQWDOIUHTXHQFLHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQVDUHHTXDOWR +]DQG+]UHVSHFWLYHO\IURPDG\QDPLFDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHZKLFKVLJQL¿HVWKHEXLOGLQJLVÀH[LEOHLQWKH is used in subsenorth-south direction and rigid in the east-west direction. The approximate natural frequency, quent calculations. Step 11 – Determine the gust-effect factor )RUÀH[LEOHEXLOGLQJV Calculations for ASCE/SEI 26.11.5 LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(T in both the north-south and east-west directions are given in Table 3.13. Table 3.13 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #2 Item ASCE/SEI Reference (T 7DEOH 7DEOH 7DEOH 7DEOH (T (T (T Damping ratio for concrete buildings & 7DEOH 7DEOH (T (T (T (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.13 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #2 (cont.) Item ASCE/SEI Reference (T D (T D (T D (T (T Step 12 – Determine the design wind pressures ASCE/SEI Eq. (27.3-1) For wind in the north-south direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS For wind in the east-west direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS 7RWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.14 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #2 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) North-South East-West 7KHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVDUHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPZLQGSUHVVXUHSUHVFULEHGLQ$6&(6(,ZKLFK LVHTXDOWROEIW for walls. Step 13 – Determine the total design wind forces 7RWDOGHVLJQZLQGIRUFHVDUHREWDLQHGDWHDFKOHYHOE\PXOWLSO\LQJWKHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVLQ7DEOHE\ WKHWULEXWDU\DUHDIRUHDFKOHYHO VHH7DEOH Table 3.15 Total Design Wind Forces, Building 2 North-South East-West Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) 91.1 88.3 86.3 88.9 Ȉ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-24 963.8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3.8.3 Example 3.3 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #3 Determine the wind forces on the MWFRS in the north-south and east-west directions (see Figure 1.3). Assume the RYHUDOOEXLOGLQJGLPHQVLRQVDUHIWLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDQGIWLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Residential Group R occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 2 – Determine the basic wind speed ASCE/SEI Figure 26.5-1B For the given location of this Risk Category II building, ZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGIURP5HIRU Step 3 – Determine the wind directionality factor ASCE/SEI Table 26.6-1 For the MWFRS of a building, Step 4 – Determine the exposure category ASCE/SEI 26.7 The exposure category is given as B in the design data. Step 5 – Determine the topographic factor ASCE/SEI 26.8 The building is not located on a hill or escarpment, so Step 6 – Determine the ground elevation factor The ground elevation factor, ASCE/SEI Table 26.9-1 LVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQDOOFDVHV VHH1RWHLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Step 7 – Determine the velocity pressure exposure coefficients ASCE/SEI Table 26.10-1 7KHYHORFLW\SUHVVXUHH[SRVXUHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ1RWH LQ$6&(6(,7DEOH For Exposure B, Values of and and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH are given in Table 3.16. Table 3.16 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #3 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz 1.11 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.16 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #3 (cont.) Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz Step 8 – Determine the velocity pressures Values of ASCE/SEI Eq. (26.10-1) DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.17 Velocity Pressures, qz, Building #3 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz qz (lb/ft2) 1.11 19.9 11.9 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 9 – Determine the external pressure coefficients ASCE/SEI Figure 27.3-1 For wind in the north-south direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: For wind in the east-west direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: Step 10 – Determine whether the building is rigid or not ASCE/SEI 26.11.2 &KHFNLIWKHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(, 1. Building height Building height (building length in each direction is constant over the height, which means is equal to the building length parallel to the wind direction) 7KHUHIRUHWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(,PD\EHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHDSSUR[LPDWHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\ )RUDFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJZLWKD0:)56RWKHUWKDQPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHV>$6&(6(,(T @ 7KHUHIRUHWKHEXLOGLQJLVÀH[LEOHLQERWKGLUHFWLRQV ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGWKHEXLOGLQJLVDOVRÀH[LEOHXVLQJ$6&(6(,(T ZKLFKLVDSSOLFDEOHIRUFRQFUHWH shear wall buildings. )RUFRPSDULVRQSXUSRVHVWKHIXQGDPHQWDOIUHTXHQFLHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQVDUHHTXDOWR +]DQG+]UHVSHFWLYHO\IURPDG\QDPLFDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHZKLFKDOVRVLJQL¿HVWKHEXLOGLQJLVÀH[LEOH is used in subsequent calculations. in both directions. The approximate natural frequency, Step 11 – Determine the gust-effect factor )RUÀH[LEOHEXLOGLQJV Calculations for ASCE/SEI 26.11.5 LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(T in both the north-south and east-west directions are given in Table 3.18. Table 3.18 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #3 Item ASCE/SEI Reference (T 7DEOH (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.18 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #3 (cont.) Item ASCE/SEI Reference 7DEOH 7DEOH 7DEOH (T (T (T Damping ratio for concrete buildings & 7DEOH 7DEOH (T (T (T (T D (T D (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.18 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #3 (cont.) Item ASCE/SEI Reference (T D (T (T Step 12 – Determine the design wind pressures, pz ASCE/SEI Eq. (27.3-1) For wind in the north-south direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS For wind in the east-west direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS Total design wind pressures in the north-south and east-west directions are given in Table 3.19. Table 3.19 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #3 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) North-South East-West (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.19 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #3 (cont.) Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) North-South East-West 19.6 7KHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVDUHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPZLQGSUHVVXUHSUHVFULEHGLQ$6&(6(,ZKLFK LVHTXDOWROEIW for walls. Step 13 – Determine the total design wind forces Total design wind forces are obtained at each level by multiplying the total design wind pressures in Table 3.19 by WKHWULEXWDU\DUHDIRUHDFKOHYHO VHH7DEOH Table 3.20 Total Design Wind Forces, Building #3 North-South East-West Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) 13.9 18.8 Ȉ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3.8.4 Example 3.4 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #4 'HWHUPLQHWKHZLQGIRUFHVRQWKH0:)56LQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH RYHUDOOEXLOGLQJGLPHQVLRQVDUHIWLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDQGIWLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 2 – Determine the basic wind speed ASCE/SEI Figure 26.5-1B For the given location of this Risk Category II building, ZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGIURP5HIRU Step 3 – Determine the wind directionality factor ASCE/SEI Table 26.6-1 For the MWFRS of a building, Step 4 – Determine the exposure category ASCE/SEI 26.7 The exposure category is given as B in the design data. Step 5 – Determine the topographic factor ASCE/SEI 26.8 The building is not located on a hill or escarpment, so Step 6 – Determine the ground elevation factor The ground elevation factor, ASCE/SEI Table 26.9-1 LVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQDOOFDVHV VHH1RWHLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Step 7 – Determine the velocity pressure exposure coefficients ASCE/SEI Table 26.10-1 7KHYHORFLW\SUHVVXUHH[SRVXUHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ1RWH LQ$6&(6(,7DEOH For Exposure B, Values of and and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.21 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #4 Height A Height Above Ground Level, z (ft)und Kz 1.39 1.38 1.36 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.21 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, Kz, Building #4 (cont.) Height A Height Above Ground Level, z (ft)und Kz 1.33 1.18 1.16 Step 8 – Determine the velocity pressures Values of ASCE/SEI Eq. (26.10-1) DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.22 Velocity Pressures, qz, Building #4 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Kz qz (lb/ft2) 1.39 1.38 1.36 1.33 1.18 1.16 19.9 18.3 16.3 Step 9 – Determine the external pressure coefficients ASCE/SEI Figure 27.3-1 For wind in the north-south direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For wind in the east-west direction: Windward wall: Leeward wall: Step 10 – Determine whether the building is rigid or not ASCE/SEI 26.11.2 &KHFNLIWKHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(, Building height 7KHUHIRUHWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$6&(6(,PD\QRWEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHDSSUR[LPDWHQDWXUDOIUHTXHQF\ )URPDG\QDPLFDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHWKHEXLOGLQJLVIRXQGWREHÀH[LEOHLQERWKGLUHFWLRQV in the east-west direction). north-south direction and Step 11 – Determine the gust-effect factor )RUÀH[LEOHEXLOGLQJV Calculations for in the ASCE/SEI 26.11.5 LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,(T LQERWKWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.23 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #4 Item ASCE/SEI Reference 26.11.5 Eq. (26.11-11) Table 26.11-1 26.11.4 Table 26.11-1 Table 26.11-1 Table 26.11-1 Eq. (26.11-7) Eq. (26.11-9) Eq. (26.11-8) Damping ratio C26.11 for concrete buildings Table 26.11-1 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-34 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.23 Determination of Gust-Effect Factor, Gf , Building #4 (cont.) Item ASCE/SEI Reference Table 26.11-1 Eq. (26.11-16) Eq. (26.11-14) Eq. (26.11-13) 26.11.5 Eq. (26.11-15a) 26.11.5 Eq. (26.11-15a) 26.11.5 Eq. (26.11-15a) Eq. (26.11-12) Eq. (26.11-10) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 12 – Determine the design wind pressures, pz ASCE/SEI Eq. (27.3-1) For wind in the north-south direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS For wind in the east-west direction: • Windward wall: • Leeward wall: • Total pressure on MWFRS 7RWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQGHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.24 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #4 Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) North-South East-West 330.0 33.6 33.2 319.0 33.4 33.0 308.0 33.2 32.8 297.0 33.0 32.5 286.0 32.7 32.3 275.0 32.5 32.1 264.0 32.3 31.9 253.0 32.0 31.6 242.0 31.8 31.4 231.0 31.5 31.1 220.0 31.2 30.9 209.0 30.9 30.7 198.0 30.6 30.4 187.0 30.3 30.1 176.0 30.0 29.8 165.0 29.7 29.5 154.0 29.4 29.2 143.0 29.0 28.8 132.0 28.6 28.5 121.0 28.2 28.1 110.0 27.7 27.6 99.0 27.3 27.2 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.24 Total Design Wind Pressures, p (lb/ft2), Building #4 (cont.) Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) North-South East-West 88.0 26.7 26.7 77.0 26.2 26.2 66.0 25.5 25.6 55.0 24.9 25.0 44.0 24.0 24.2 33.0 23.1 23.4 22.0 21.9 22.2 11.0 20.8 21.2 7KHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVDUHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPZLQGSUHVVXUHSUHVFULEHGLQ$6&(6(,ZKLFK LVHTXDOWROEIW for walls. Step 13 – Determine the total design wind forces 7RWDOGHVLJQZLQGIRUFHVDUHREWDLQHGDWHDFKOHYHOE\PXOWLSO\LQJWKHWRWDOGHVLJQZLQGSUHVVXUHVLQ7DEOHE\ WKHWULEXWDU\DUHDIRUHDFKOHYHO VHH7DEOH Table 3.25 Total Design Wind Forces, Building #4 North-South East-West Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) 39.8 38.8 36.9 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.25 Total Design Wind Forces, Building #4 (cont.) North-South East-West Height Above Ground Level, z (ft) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) Tributary Area (sq ft) Wind Force (kips) 36.1 33.9 Ȉ 3.8.5 Example 3.5 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #1 Determine the SDC for (a) Site Class C, (b) Site Class D (default), and (c) Site Class E (see Figure 1.1). 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Part (a): Site Class C Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 In lieu of determining the mapped acceleration parameters and IURP$6&(6(,)LJXUHVDQGUHand for the latitude and longitude of the site. VSHFWLYHO\XVH5HIRU Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 , the building is not permitted to be automatically assigned to Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F Because the Risk Category is II and ASCE/SEI 11.6 the SDC is not E or F. Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters For Site Class C and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-38 ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 and 11.4.5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH For Site Class C and Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG Determine the approximate fundamental period, $6&(6(, For concrete moment-resisting frames in both directions: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-7) Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is A. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is A. Therefore, the SDC is A for this building. Part (b): Site Class D (default) Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters From Step 1 in Part (a): ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 and Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 the building is not permitted to be automatically assigned to Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F Because the Risk Category is II and ASCE/SEI 11.6 the SDC is not E or F. Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters For Site Class D (default) and ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 and 11.4.5 IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-39 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH For Site Class D (default) and Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG Determine the approximate fundamental period, $6&(6(, From Step 6 in Part (a), Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is A. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is B. Therefore, the SDC is B for this building. Part (c): Site Class E Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters From Step 1 in Part (a): ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 and Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 the building is not permitted to be automatically assigned to Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F Because the Risk Category is II and ASCE/SEI 11.6 the SDC is not E or F. Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters For Site Class E and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH For Site Class E and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-40 ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 and 11.4.5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG $6&(6(, Determine the approximate fundamental period, From Step 6 in Part (a), Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is B. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is C. Therefore, the SDC is C for this building. 3.8.6 Example 3.6 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKH6'&IRU6LWH&ODVV' VWLIIVRLOGHWHUPLQHG >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 In lieu of determining the mapped acceleration parameters and IURP$6&(6(,)LJXUHVDQGUHand for the latitude and longitude of the site. VSHFWLYHO\XVH5HIRU Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 the building is not permitted to be automatically assigned to Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For this essential facility, the Risk Category is IV. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F Because the Risk Category is IV and ASCE/SEI 11.6 the SDC is not E or F. Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 and 11.4.5 IURPOLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH For Site Class D (stiff soil) and For Site Class D (stiff soil) and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-41 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG Determine the approximate fundamental period, $6&(6(, For all other structural systems in both directions: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-7) Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category IV, the SDC is C. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category IV, the SDC is C. Therefore, the SDC is C for this building. 3.8.7 Example 3.7 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #3 'HWHUPLQHWKH6'&IRU6LWH&ODVV' VWLIIVRLOGHWHUPLQHG >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 In lieu of determining the mapped acceleration parameters and IURP$6&(6(,)LJXUHVDQGUHand for the latitude and longitude of the site. VSHFWLYHO\XVH5HIRU Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because to SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 the building is not permitted to be automatically be assigned Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Residential Group R occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F Because the Risk Category is II and ASCE/SEI 11.6 the SDC is not E or F. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-42 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.4, 11.4.5, and 11.4.8 Because the Site Class is D and DJURXQGPRWLRQKD]DUGDQDO\VLVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, PD\EHUHTXLUHG$VVXPHWKHVHFRQGH[FHSWLRQLQ$6&(6(,LVDSSOLFDEOHWKXVVXFKDQDQDO\VLVQHHG not be performed. For Site Class D (stiff soil) and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOH For Site Class D (stiff soil) and IURPOLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG $6&(6(, Determine the approximate fundamental period, For all other structural systems in both directions: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-7) Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is D. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is D. Therefore, the SDC is D for this building. 3.8.8 Example 3.8 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #4 'HWHUPLQHWKH6'&IRU6LWH&ODVV' GHIDXOW >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 In lieu of determining the mapped acceleration parameters and IURP$6&(6(,)LJXUHVDQGUHand for the latitude and longitude of the site. VSHFWLYHO\XVH5HIRU Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A Because to SDC A. and ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 the building is not permitted to be automatically be assigned @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-43 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Determine the Risk Category ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-1 For the Business Group B occupancy, the Risk Category is II. Step 4 – Determine if the SDC is E or F ASCE/SEI 11.6 Because the Risk Category is II and the SDC is not E or F. Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters ASCE/SEI 11.4.4, 11.4.5, and 11.4.8 Because the Site Class is D and QHHGQRWEHSHUIRUPHG DJURXQGPRWLRQKD]DUGDQDO\VLVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, For Site Class D (default) and IURP7DEOH$6&(6(,E\OLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQ For Site Class D (default) and IURP$6&(6(,7DEOHE\OLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQ Step 6 – Check if the SDC can be determined by ASCE/SEI Table 11.6-1 alone ASCE/SEI 11.6 &KHFNLIDOOIRXUFRQGLWLRQVLQ$6&(6(,DUHVDWLV¿HG Determine the approximate fundamental period, $6&(6(, For all other structural systems in both directions: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-7) Because VDWLV¿HG WKH6'&FDQQRWEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$6&(6(,7DEOHDORQH WKDWLVFRQGLWLRQLVQRW Step 7 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI Tables 11.6-1 and 11.6-2 )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is D. )URP$6&(6(,7DEOHZLWK and Risk Category II, the SDC is D. Therefore, the SDC is D for this building. 3.8.9 Example 3.9 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #1 (Framing Option A) 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHVRQWKH6)56IRU6LWH&ODVV' GHIDXOW >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters )URP6WHSLQ3DUW E RI([DPSOH and @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-44 ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 )URP6WHSLQ3DUW E RI([DPSOHWKHEXLOGLQJLVQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DVVLJQHGWR6'&$ Step 3 – Determine the Site Class ASCE/SEI 11.4.3 From the design data, the Site Class is given as D (default). Step 4 – Determine the acceleration parameters adjusted for site class effects )URP6WHSRI([DPSOH and Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters )URP6WHSRI([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 ASCE/SEI 11.4.5 and Step 6 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI 11.6 )URP6WHSRI([DPSOHWKH6'&LV% Step 7 – Determine the response modification coefficient ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1 Because the building is assigned to SDC B, ordinary reinforced concrete moment frames may be used in both direcWLRQVZLWKQROLPLWDWLRQV 6)56& For this SFRS, Step 8 – Determine the importance factor ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-2 For Risk Category II buildings, Step 9 – Determine the approximate period ASCE/SEI )URP6WHSRI([DPSOH Step 10 – Determine the long-period transition period )URP$6&(6(,)LJXUH WKLVSHULRGFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGIURP5HIRU Step 11 – Determine the seismic response coefficient Because ASCE/SEI Figures 22-14 through 22-17 ASCE/SEI is determined as follows: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-3) need not exceed the following: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-2) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-45 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Minimum ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-5) Therefore, Step 12 – Determine the effective seismic weight ASCE/SEI 12.7.2 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWIRUWKLVEXLOGLQJLQFOXGHVWKHGHDGORDGRIWKHVWUXFWXUH DVVXPLQJDLQWKLFNVODE DQGLQE\LQFROXPQV WKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGVRQWKHURRIDQGÀRRUVWKHOEIW partition weight RQWKHÀRRUVDQGWKHZHLJKWRIWKHFODGGLQJ 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWVSHUÀRRUDQGWKHWRWDOHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKW are given in Table 3. Table 3.26 Seismic Forces and Story Shears, Building #1 Level Story Weight, wx (kips) Height, hx (ft) wx hxk Lateral Force, Fx (kips) Story Shear, Vx (kips) R 3 Ȉ W Step 13 – Determine the seismic base shear ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-1) Step 14 – Determine the exponent related to the structure period Step 15 – Determine the seismic forces at each level Values of DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH )RUH[DPSOHDWOHYHO @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-46 ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.8-11) and (12.8-12) Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3.8.10 Example 3.10 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHVRQWKH6)56IRU6LWH&ODVV' VWLIIVRLOGHWHUPLQHG >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters From Step 1 in Example 3.6, ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 and Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKHEXLOGLQJLVQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DVVLJQHGWR6'&$ Step 3 – Determine the Site Class ASCE/SEI 11.4.3 From the design data, the Site Class is given as D (stiff soil). Step 4 – Determine the acceleration parameters adjusted for site class effects )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 and Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.5 and Step 6 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI 11.6 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKH6'&LV& Step 7 – Determine the response modification coefficient ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1 Because the building is assigned to SDC C, a building frame system with ordinary reinforced concrete shear (strucWXUDO ZDOOVPD\EHXVHGLQERWKGLUHFWLRQVZLWKQROLPLWDWLRQV 6)56% For this SFRS, Step 8 – Determine the importance factor ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-2 For Risk Category IV buildings, Step 9 – Determine the approximate period ASCE/SEI From Step 6 in Example 3.6, Step 10 – Determine the long-period transition period )URP$6&(6(,)LJXUH ASCE/SEI Figures 22-14 through 22-17 WKLVSHULRGFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGIURP5HIRU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-47 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 11 – Determine the seismic response coefficient Because ASCE/SEI is determined as follows: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-3) need not exceed the following: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-2) Minimum ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-5) Therefore, Step 12 – Determine the effective seismic weight ASCE/SEI 12.7.2 The effective seismic weight for this building includes the dead load of the structure (assuming a ZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQE\LQLQWHULRUEHDPVLQE\LQHGJHEHDPVLQE\LQDQG LQE\LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKLQE\LQDQGLQE\LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHV WKURXJKLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKDQGLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJK WKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGVRQWKHURRIDQGÀRRUVWKHOEIWSDUWLWLRQZHLJKWRQWKHÀRRUVDQGWKHZHLJKWRIWKHFODGGLQJ 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWVSHUÀRRUDQGWKHWRWDOHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKW are given in Table 3. Table 3.27 Seismic Forces and Story Shears, Building #2 Level Story Weight, wx (kips) Height, hx (ft) wx hxk Lateral Force, Fx (kips) Story Shear, Vx (kips) R 11 9 8 6 99.8 1,369.8 3 Ȉ W @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-48 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 13 – Determine the seismic base shear ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-1) Step 14 – Determine the exponent related to the structure period Step 15 – Determine the seismic forces at each level Values of ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.8-11) and (12.8-12) are given in Table 3. )RUH[DPSOHDWOHYHO 3.8.11 Example 3.11 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #3 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHVRQWKH6)56IRU6LWH&ODVV' VWLIIVRLOGHWHUPLQHG >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 and Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKHEXLOGLQJLVQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DVVLJQHGWR6'&$ Step 3 – Determine the Site Class ASCE/SEI 11.4.3 From the design data, the Site Class is given as D (stiff soil). Step 4 – Determine the acceleration parameters adjusted for site class effects )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH and Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 ASCE/SEI 11.4.5 and Step 6 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI 11.6 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKH6'&LV' @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-49 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 7 – Determine the response modification coefficient ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1 7KHKHLJKWRIWKLVEXLOGLQJLVHTXDOWRIW%HFDXVHWKHEXLOGLQJLVDVVLJQHGWR6'&'DEXLOGLQJIUDPHV\VWHP ZLWKVSHFLDOUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHVKHDU VWUXFWXUDO ZDOOVPD\EHXVHGLQERWKGLUHFWLRQVZLWKDKHLJKWOLPLWRI IW 6)56% For this SFRS, Step 8 – Determine the importance factor ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-2 For Risk Category II buildings, Step 9 – Determine the approximate period ASCE/SEI )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH From a dynamic analysis of the structure, the periods in the north-south and east-west directions are determined to EHVDQGVUHVSHFWLYHO\$FFRUGLQJWR$6&(6(,WKHIXQGDPHQWDOSHULRG must not exceed the IURP$6&(6(,7DEOHDQGWKHDSSUR[LSURGXFWRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWIRUXSSHUOLPLWRQFDOFXODWHGSHULRG mate fundamental period, In the north-south direction: In the east-west direction: where Therefore, IURP$6&(6(,7DEOHIRU is permitted to be used to determine the base shear, Step 10 – Determine the long-period transition period )URP$6&(6(,)LJXUH ASCE/SEI Figures 22-14 through 22-17 WKLVSHULRGFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGIURP5HIRU Step 11 – Determine the seismic response coefficient Because in both directions. ASCE/SEI is determined as follows: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-3) need not exceed the following: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-2) Minimum ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-5) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-50 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,WZDVDVVXPHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOHWKDWDJURXQGPRWLRQKD]DUGDQDO\VLVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, ZDVQRWUHTXLUHGEHFDXVHWKHVHFRQGH[FHSWLRQLQ$6&(6(,LVDSSOLFDEOH7KHUHIRUHGHWHUPLQH based on that exception: Thus, PXVWEHWDNHQDVWLPHVWKHYDOXHFRPSXWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(,(T Step 12 – Determine the effective seismic weight ASCE/SEI 12.7.2 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWIRUWKLVEXLOGLQJLQFOXGHVWKHGHDGORDGRIWKHVWUXFWXUH DVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE LQE\LQDQGLQE\LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKLQE\LQDQGLQE\ LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKDQGLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKDQGLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHV WKURXJK WKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGVRQWKHURRIDQGÀRRUVDQGWKHZHLJKWRIWKHFODGGLQJ 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWVSHUÀRRUDQGWKHWRWDOHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.28 Seismic Forces and Story Shears, Building #3 Level Story Weight, wx (kips) Height, hx (ft) wx hxk Lateral Force, Fx (kips) Story Shear, Vx (kips) R 16 398.3 168.3 13 11 118.1 9 8 6 3 Ȉ W = 13,319 Step 13 – Determine the seismic base shear ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-1) Step 14 – Determine the exponent related to the structure period ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-51 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 15 – Determine the seismic forces at each level Values of ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.8-11) and (12.8-12) DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH )RUH[DPSOHDWOHYHO 3.8.12 Example 3.12 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #4 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHVRQWKH6)56IRU6LWH&ODVV' GHIDXOW >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the mapped acceleration parameters From Step 1 in Example 3.8, ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 and Step 2 – Determine if the building is permitted to be automatically assigned to SDC A ASCE/SEI 11.4.2 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKHEXLOGLQJLVQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DVVLJQHGWR6'&$ Step 3 – Determine the Site Class ASCE/SEI 11.4.3 From the design data, the Site Class is given as D (default). Step 4 – Determine the acceleration parameters adjusted for site class effects )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH and Step 5 – Determine the design acceleration parameters )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH ASCE/SEI 11.4.4 ASCE/SEI 11.4.5 and Step 6 – Determine the SDC ASCE/SEI 11.6 )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOHWKH6'&LV' Step 7 – Determine the response modification coefficient ASCE/SEI Table 12.2-1 Because the building is assigned to SDC D, a dual system with special reinforced concrete shear (structural) walls DQGVSHFLDOPRPHQWIUDPHVRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFDSDEOHRIUHVLVWLQJDWOHDVWSHUFHQWRIWKHSUHVFULEHGVHLVPLF forces may be used with no limits in both directions (SFRS D3). For this SFRS, A building frame system with special reinforced concrete shear (structural) walls is not permitted because the buildLQJKHLJKWZKLFKLVHTXDOWRIWH[FHHGVWKHKHLJKWOLPLWRIIWIRUWKLVV\VWHPLQ6'&' @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-52 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 8 – Determine the importance factor ASCE/SEI Table 1.5-2 For Risk Category II buildings, Step 9 – Determine the approximate period ASCE/SEI From Step 6 in Example 3.8, From a dynamic analysis of the structure, the periods in the north-south and east-west directions are determined to EHVDQGVUHVSHFWLYHO\$FFRUGLQJWR$6&(6(,WKHIXQGDPHQWDOSHULRG must not exceed the IURP$6&(6(,7DEOHDQGWKHDSSUR[LSURGXFWRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWIRUXSSHUOLPLWRQFDOFXODWHGSHULRG mate fundamental period, In the north-south direction: In the east-west direction: where Therefore, directions. IURP$6&(6(,7DEOHE\OLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQIRU is permitted to be used to determine the base shear, in both the north-south and east-west ,QRUGHUWRXVHWKH(/)3URFHGXUHVWUXFWXUHVH[FHHGLQJIWLQKHLJKWZLWKQRVWUXFWXUDOLUUHJXODULWLHVPXVWVDWLVI\WKHIROORZLQJ $6&(6(,7DEOH Therefore, use in both directions. Step 10 – Determine the long-period transition period )URP$6&(6(,)LJXUH WKLVSHULRGFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGIURP5HIRU Step 11 – Determine the seismic response coefficient Because ASCE/SEI Figures 22-14 through 22-17 ASCE/SEI is determined as follows: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-3) need not exceed the following: ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-2) Minimum ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-5) Thus, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-53 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 12 – Determine the effective seismic weight ASCE/SEI 12.7.2 The effective seismic weight for this building includes the dead load of the structure (assuming wide-module roof LQE\LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKLQE\LQ DQGÀRRUV\VWHPVZLWK FROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKLQE\LQFROXPQVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKEHDPV LQFOXGLQJFROOHFWRU EHDPV DUHDVZLGHDVWKHFROXPQVZLWKDGHSWKRILQFRXSOLQJEHDPVDUHZLGHDVWKHZDOOVZLWKDGHSWKRI LQLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKLQWKLFNZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJKDQGLQWKLFN ZDOOVLQVWRULHVWKURXJK WKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGVRQWKHURRIDQGÀRRUVWKHZHLJKWRIWKHSDUWLWLRQVDQG the weight of the cladding. 7KHHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWVSHUÀRRUDQGWKHWRWDOHIIHFWLYHVHLVPLFZHLJKWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.29 Seismic Forces and Story Shears, Building #4 Level Story Weight, wx (kips) Height, hx (ft) wx hxk Lateral Force, Fx (kips) Story Shear, Vx (kips) R 196.1 163.1 19 98.3 18 16 13 11 9 8 16.9 6 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-54 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.29 Seismic Forces and Story Shears, Building #4 (cont.) Level Story Weight, wx (kips) Height, hx (ft) wx hxk Lateral Force, Fx (kips) Story Shear, Vx (kips) 3 Ȉ W Step 13 – Determine the seismic base shear ASCE/SEI Eq. (12.8-1) Step 14 – Determine the exponent related to the structure period Step 15 – Determine the seismic forces at each level Values of ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.8-11) and (12.8-12) DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH For example, at the roof level: 3.8.13 Example 3.13 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #1 (Framing Option A) 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFGLDSKUDJPGHVLJQIRUFHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, IRU6LWH&ODVV' GHIDXOW >VHH)LJXUH@ 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the seismic forces on the SFRS ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 Seismic forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOH VHH7DEOH DQGDUH JLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.30 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #1 (kips) wpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi Fpx (kips) Design Force (kips)** Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) R Ȉwi ȈFi (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-55 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.30 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #1 (cont.) (kips) wpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi Fpx (kips) Design Force (kips)** Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) 3 Ȉwi ȈFi * Max. ** Max. of Step 2 – Determine the seismic diaphragm forces ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.10-1), (12.10-2), and (12.10-3) Diaphragm forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH9DOXHVRIWKHVWRU\ZHLJKW and the seismic lateral force, DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHRI([DPSOH7KHZHLJKWWULEXWDU\WRWKHGLDSKUDJPDWOHYHO is set equal to ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP7DEOHWKDWWKHPD[LPXP the three top levels of the building. For example, at the roof level: governs at Also, minimum Step 3 – Determine the seismic diaphragm design forces Seismic diaphragm design forces are the larger of JLYHQLQ7DEOH and ASCE/SEI The design forces over the height of the building are 3.8.14 Example 3.14 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFGLDSKUDJPGHVLJQIRUFHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, VHH)LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the seismic forces on the SFRS ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 Seismic forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOH VHH7DEOH DQG are given in Table 3.31. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-56 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.31 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #2 wpx (kips) Fpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi (kips) Design Force (kips)** 9 8 6 99.8 1,369.8 331.8 331.8 331.8 331.8 331.8 331.8 3 331.8 331.8 Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) R 11 Ȉwi ȈFi * Min. ** Max. of Step 2 – Determine the seismic diaphragm forces ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.10-1), (12.10-2), and (12.10-3) Diaphragm forces over the height of the building are given in Table 3.31. Values of the story weight, and the are given in Table 3.RI([DPSOH7KHZHLJKWWULEXWDU\WRWKHGLDSKUDJPDWOHYHO seismic lateral force, is set equal to It is evident from Table 3.31 that the minimum DOOOHYHOVRIWKHEXLOGLQJ)RUH[DPSOHDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO governs at Also, maximum Step 3 – Determine the seismic diaphragm design forces Seismic diaphragm design forces are the larger of given in Table 3.31. and ASCE/SEI The design forces over the height of the building are @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-57 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3.8.15 Example 3.15 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #3 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFGLDSKUDJPGHVLJQIRUFHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, VHH)LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the seismic forces on the SFRS ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 Seismic forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOH VHH7DEOH DQG DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.32 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #3 (kips) wpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi Fpx (kips) Design Force (kips)** 398.3 168.3 13 3,936 11 118.1 168.3 168.3 9 8 6 3 13,319 Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) R 16 Ȉwi ȈFi * Min. ** Max. of Step 2 – Determine the seismic diaphragm forces ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.10-1), (12.10-2), and (12.10-3) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-58 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Diaphragm forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH9DOXHVRIWKHVWRU\ZHLJKW and the are given in Table 3.RI([DPSOH7KHZHLJKWWULEXWDU\WRWKHGLDSKUDJPDWOHYHO seismic lateral force, is set equal to ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP7DEOHWKDWWKHPLQLPXP OHYHOVWKURXJKRIWKHEXLOGLQJ)RUH[DPSOHDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO governs at Also, maximum Step 3 – Determine the seismic diaphragm design forces Seismic diaphragm design forces are the larger of JLYHQLQ7DEOH and ASCE/SEI The design forces over the height of the building are 3.8.16 Example 3.16 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #4 'HWHUPLQHWKHVHLVPLFGLDSKUDJPGHVLJQIRUFHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&(6(, VHH)LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the seismic forces on the SFRS ASCE/SEI 12.8.3 Seismic forces RYHUWKHKHLJKWRIWKHEXLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOHLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKDQG HDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQV VHH7DEOH DQGDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 3.33 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #4 (kips) wpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi Fpx (kips) Design Force (kips)** 196.1 163.1 368.6 368.6 Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) R Ȉwi ȈFi (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-59 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 3.33 Seismic Diaphragm Design Forces, Building #4 (cont.) wpx (kips) Fpx (kips) ȈFi Ȉwi (kips) Design Force (kips)** 98.3 16 13 11 9 8 16.9 6 3 Level Story Weight, wi (kips) Lateral Force, Fi (kips) (kips) 19 18 Ȉwi ȈFi * Min. ** Max. of Step 2 – Determine the seismic diaphragm forces ASCE/SEI Eqs. (12.10-1), (12.10-2), and (12.10-3) Diaphragm forces over the height of the building are given in Table 3.33. Values of the story weight, and the seismic lateral force, DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHRI([DPSOH7KHZHLJKWWULEXWDU\WRWKHGLDSKUDJPDWOHYHO is set equal to It is evident from Table 3.33 that the minimum DOOOHYHOVRIWKHEXLOGLQJ)RUH[DPSOHDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-60 governs at Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Also, maximum Step 3 – Determine the seismic diaphragm design forces Seismic diaphragm design forces are the larger of given in Table 3.33. and ASCE/SEI The design forces over the height of the building are @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-61 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 3-62 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 4 ONE-WAY SLABS 4.1 Overview One-way slabs are elements in one-way construction where the members are designed to support loads through EHQGLQJLQDVLQJOHGLUHFWLRQ:KHUHWKHUDWLRRIWKHORQJWRWKHVKRUWVLGHRIDVODESDQHOLVJUHDWHUWKDQORDG WUDQVIHULVSUHGRPLQDWHO\E\EHQGLQJLQWKHVKRUWGLUHFWLRQDQGWKHSDQHOLVGH¿QHGDVDRQHZD\VODE VHH)LJXUH 7KHPDLQÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDRQHZD\VODEV\VWHPUXQVSDUDOOHOWRWKHGLUHFWLRQRIORDGWUDQVIHU 2 3 κଵ E Beam ሺtyp. ሻ κଶ One-way slab κଶ Τκଵ 2 A A D Section A-A Figure 4.1 A one-way slab system. The design and detailing of solid, cast-in-place one-way slabs with nonprestressed reinforcement are covered in this FKDSWHU3URYLVLRQVIRURQHZD\VODEVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHU 4.2 Minimum Slab Thickness 2QHZD\VODEVPXVWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWWKLFNQHVVVRWKDWDOODSSOLFDEOHVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG,QOLHXRIFDOFXODWLQJGHÀHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGVXEVHTXHQWO\FKHFNLQJWKDWWKHGHÀHFWLRQV GRQRWH[FHHGWKHOLPLWVLQ$&, $&, WKHPLQLPXPRYHUDOOVODEWKLFNQHVV for solid, nonprestressed VODEVQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRSDUWLWLRQVRURWKHUW\SHVRIFRQVWUXFWLRQOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHOLPLWVLQ$&,7DEOHWKHVHOLPLWVDUHDSSOLFDEOHWRRQHZD\VODEVZLWKUHLQIRUFHPHQWWKDWKDVDVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWK HTXDOWRSVLDQGQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, 0RGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVIRUVODEVZLWKUHLQIRUFHPHQWRWKHUWKDQSVLDQGOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHDUHJLYHQLQ$&, DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 0LQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVHVEDVHGRQYDULRXVVXSSRUWFRQGLWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH,QWKHH[SUHVVLRQVIRUPLQLis the span length of the one-way slab in inches; for cantilevers, is the clear projection of the cantilever mum in inches. Also, and DUHWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVIRUUHLQIRUFHPHQWJUDGHDQGOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHVSHFtively. Table 4.1 Minimum Thickness of Solid, Nonprestressed One-way Slabs Lightweight Concrete(1) Normalweight Concrete Support Condition ƒy = 60 ksi ƒy other than 60 ksi(2) ƒy = 60 ksi(3) ƒy other than 60 ksi(2),(3) Simply supported One end continuous Both ends continuous Cantilever (1) Applicable where equilibrium density, (2) (3) is in the range of 90 to 115 lb/ft3 For the usual case of continuous construction, the thickness of the slab, should be the same for all spans and it should be determined on the basis of the span yielding the largest minimum depth; this results in economical IRUPZRUN VHH5HIHUHQFH )RUWKHRQHZD\VODEV\VWHPLQ)LJXUHZLWKQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHDQG*UDGH UHLQIRUFHPHQWWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVWREHXVHGIRUDOOWKHVSDQVLVHTXDOWRLQZKLFKLVURXQGHGXSWR LQ6ODEWKLFNQHVVLVW\SLFDOO\VSHFL¿HGLQZKROHLQFKLQFUHPHQWVDOWKRXJKKDOILQFKLQFUHPHQWVDUHFRPPRQO\XVHG in wide-module joist construction. ͷᇱ ǦͲᇳ κΤͳͲ ൌ ǤͲᇳ ͳͷᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͳͺᇱ ǦͲᇳ κΤʹͶ ൌ Ǥͷᇳ κΤʹͺ ൌ Ǥᇳ ͳͶᇱ Ǧᇳ κΤʹͶ ൌ Ǥ͵ᇳ Figure 4.2 Calculation of minimum slab thickness for a one-way slab system. Fire-resistance requirements of the general building code must also be considered when specifying a slab thickQHVV $&, 7KLVLVHVSHFLDOO\LPSRUWDQWIRURQHZD\VODEVWKDWDUHSDUWRIDMRLVWV\VWHPZKHUHWKHMRLVWVDUH spaced relatively closely together, which means the required slab thickness for serviceability is relatively small. In FHUWDLQVLWXDWLRQVWKHUHTXLUHGVODEWKLFNQHVVEDVHGRQ¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRXQGLQ,%&7DEOH LV JUHDWHUWKDQWKDWUHTXLUHGE\$&,IRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\ $&, 4.3 Required Strength 4.3.1 Analysis Methods 7KHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&,&KDSWHULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUDUHWR EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK VHH$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ )RUWKHFDVHRIJUDYLW\ORDGVWKH VLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGIRUDQDO\VLVRIFRQWLQXRXVEHDPVDQGRQHZD\VODEVLQ$&,LVSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGSURYLGHG WKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG>$&, D @ 1. Members are prismatic Gravity loads are uniformly distributed @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3. The service live load, is less than or equal to 3 times the service dead load, There are at least two spans 7KHORQJHURIWZRDGMDFHQWVSDQVGRHVQRWH[FHHGWKHVKRUWHUVSDQE\PRUHWKDQSHUFHQW and factored shear forces, LQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHThe approximate factored bending moments, is the factored uniformly distributed gravity load on the one-way slab. O\DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUH Uniformly distributed gravity load, ݓ௨ , with ܮ 3ܦ Two or more spans Integral with support Prismatic members Simple support Positive moment Spandrel support Column support Negative moment ** Shear * For two-span condition, first interior negative moment ൌ ݓ௨ κଶ /9 κ,௩ ൌ ሺκ,ଵ κ,ଶ ሻ/2 ** Applicable to slabs with spans equal to or less than 10 ft and beams where the ratio of the sum of column stiffness to beam stiffness is greater than 8 at each end of the span. A Interior face of exterior support B Exterior face of first interior support C Other faces of interior supports Figure 4.3 Simplified analysis method for continuous beams and one-way slabs. 4.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure and Shear ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQG and are permitted to be calculated at the faces of the supports IRURQHZD\VODEVEXLOWLQWHJUDOO\ZLWKWKHVXSSRUWV VHH)LJXUH )RUÀH[XUDOGHVLJQWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVRFcur at the faces of the supports where negative moments are maximum and in the span where positive moments are maximum. One-way slabs are permitted to be designed for the shear force at a critical section located a distance IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWZKHUHWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG VHH)LJXUH • Support reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into the end region of the slab • Loads are applied at or near the top surface of the slab • No concentrated load occurs between the face of the support and the critical section @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݓ௨ ܸ௨ ̷ ǡܲ௨ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ݀ ݀ Figure 4.4 Critical section for shear in a one-way slab satisfying the conditions of ACI The critical section for shear must be taken at the face of the support where one or more of the three conditions in $&,DUHQRWPHW)RUH[DPSOHWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQPXVWEHDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWIRUWKHIUDPLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLQ)LJXUHEHFDXVHWKHVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHULVLQWHQVLRQ ǡܶ௨ ݓ௨ ܸ௨ ̷ Figure 4.5 Critical section for shear in a one-way slab supported by a member in tension. 0RPHQWUHGLVWULEXWLRQLVQRWSHUPLWWHGZKHQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRG $&, :KHUHRQHRUPRUHRIWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,LVQRWVDWLV¿HGRQHRIWKHRWKHUIRXUPHWKRGVRIDQDO\VLV and at the critical sections. JLYHQLQ$&,PXVWEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH 4.4 Design Strength 4.4.1 General 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWDQ\VHFWLRQLQDRQHZD\VODEIRUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOH $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (4.1) (4.2) Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,1RQSUHVWUHVVHGRQHZD\VODEVPXVW EHGHVLJQHGDVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOH $&, WKXVWKHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQ must be greater than or equal the extreme layer of the longitudinal tension reinforcement at nominal strength, and $&,7DEOH 7KHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHOD\HURIORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQ to is equal to $&, 7KHPRGXreinforcement corresponding to compression-controlled sections, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVSVLUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHJUDGHRIWKH lus of elasticity of the reinforcement, $&,7DEOH UHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, )RUVKHDU Methods to determine the nominal strengths and DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 4.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK of a rectangular section with one layer of tension reinforcement is determined in DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGLVEDVHGRQPRPHQWHTXLOLEULXPRIDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQ VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH (4.3) ߝ௧ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾܽ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ܿ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ݄ ܣ௦ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ܽ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ ܾ Figure 4.6 Strain and stress distributions at a positive moment section in a one-way slab. In this equation, LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHVWUDLQDQGVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQVLQ)LJXUH are at a positive moment section and are equally applicable at negative moment sections. )RURQHZD\VODEVWKHDYHUDJHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWHQUsing an approximate SURYLGHVVXI¿FLHQWDFFXUDF\ sion reinforcement, can be approximated as ZKHQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHUHTXLUHGDPRXQWRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQW\SLFDORQHZD\VODEV\VWHPV The depth of the equivalent stress block, is determined from force equilibrium, that is, it is determined by setequal to the tension force in the reinforcement, ting the resultant compressive force in the concrete, and solving for VHH)LJXUH (4.4) ,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWDXQLIRUPVWUHVVHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK is distributed over where LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV $&, the depth @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHPD[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVDVVXPHGWREH $&, DQGWKHWHUP SUHVVLRQIDFHRIWKHPHPEHUZKLFKLVW\SLFDOO\WDNHQDVLQIRUDRQHZD\VODE is the width of the com- is the factor relating the depth of the equivalent rectangular compression block, The term LVGH¿QHGLQ$&,7DEOHDVIROORZV $&, neutral axis, to the depth of the • For • For • For 4.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength The nominal one-way shear strength, DWDVHFWLRQLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, (4.5) In this equation, is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete and is the nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement. Shear reinforcement is typically not used in one-way slabs because of the issues associated with cost, fabrication, and placement of such reinforcement in a relatively thin slab; where additional shear strength is required, the slab thickness is often increased. For nonprestressed members, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,7DEOH $&, (TXDWLRQ F LQ$&,7DEOH LVDSSOLFDEOHZKHUHQRVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVXVHGLQDVHFWLRQ7KLVHTXDWLRQUHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJIRU LVHTXDOWR]HUR the case where the axial force, (4.6) In this equation, is the width of the web of the section; for one-way slabs, must not be taken greater than $FFRUGLQJWR$&, 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU accounts for the phenomenon indicated in test results that the shear strength attributed to concrete in members without shear reinforcement does not increase in direct proportion with member GHSWK7KLVIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (4.7) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDW LVOHVVWKDQIRUPHPEHUVZLWK IRUVODEVZLWKDQRYHUDOOWKLFNQHVVOHVVWKDQDERXWLQ means that For one-way slabs, this The term LVWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYH to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength, and is determined based on either (1) the equilibrium RIWKHFRQFUHWHPL[RU WKHFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKHDJJUHJDWHLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ VHH$&,DQG density, $&, 9DOXHVRI based on DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH D @DQGYDOXHVRI based on FRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH E @1RWHWKDW is permitted to be taken as IRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, DQGLVHTXDOWRIRUQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, Table 4.2 Values of Ȝ Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 4.3 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete Composition of Aggregates )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& All-lightweight )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Sand-lightweight Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and ASTM C33 Ȝ WR(1) WR 1. Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. 2. Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. The term LQ(TXDWLRQ LVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW at the section divided by $FFRUGLQJWR$&,5 PD\EHWDNHQDVWKHVXPRIWKHDUHDVRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW ORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWKDZD\IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU)RUPHPEHUV with one layer of tension reinforcement, like one-way slabs, LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKDWVHFtion. used to calculate DUHOLPLWHGWRSVLH[FHSWDVDOORZHGLQ$&,ZKLFKLVQRWDSSOLFDEOH Values of WRRQHZD\VODEV $&, 7KLVOLPLWDWLRQRQ is primarily due to the fact that there is a lack of test data and SUDFWLFDOH[SHULHQFHZLWKFRQFUHWHKDYLQJFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVJUHDWHUWKDQSVL)RUHFRQRP\ for oneZD\VODEVXVXDOO\GRHVQRWH[FHHGSVL 5HIHUHQFH In situations where increased, although increasing WKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHVODEDQGRUWKHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVKRXOGEH is less effective than increasing (or, equivalently, ). 7RPLQLPL]HWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGLDJRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQIDLOXUHLQWKHFRQFUHWHDQGWROLPLWWKHH[WHQWRIFUDFNLQJWKH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIDVHFWLRQPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRVDWLVI\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (4.8) 4.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 4.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW , at a critical section of a one-way slab is determined based on the reand , for tension-controlled sections. Required can be determined TXLUHGDQGGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKV E\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQZKLFKLVEDVHGRQ(TXDWLRQV DQG (4.9) 7KHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKFRHI¿FLHQWRIUHVLVWDQFH LVGH¿QHGDVIROORZV (4.10) where for tension-controlled sections. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete It is important to check that FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVDWOHDVWHTXDOWRWKHUHTXLUHGPLQLPXPDUHDRI , which is equal to where the gross area of the slab, is equal to (ACI ÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW It is also important to verify the section is tension-controlled. The following relationship is obtained from the linear for tension-controlled sections (see strain distribution where is the depth of the neutral axis when $&,DQG)LJXUH (4.11) Substituting LQWR(TXDWLRQ ZLWK HTXDOWRWKDWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQFDQEH corresponding to tension-controlled sections for one-way XVHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW slabs with (4.12) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW duces to the following for these material properties: and for (TXDWLRQ UH(4.13) If FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVJUHDWHUWKDQ the latter of which is essentially the maximum amount of and must be inÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWSHUPLWWHGDWDQ\VHFWLRQWKHVHFWLRQLVQRWWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHG creased accordingly to attain a tension-controlled section. 4.5.2 Minimum Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement A minimum amount of shrinkage and temperature reinforcement must be provided in a one-way slab perpendicular WRWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHPLQLPXPDUHDRIVXFKUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, is equal to The maximum center-to-center spacing of the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement is equal to the lesser of DQGLQ $&, DQGWKHVHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRGHYHORS in tension at all sections where UHTXLUHG $&, 4.6 Reinforcement Detailing 4.6.1 Concrete Cover 5HLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHSODFHGLQRQHZD\VODEVZLWKDPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRSURWHFWWKHPIURPZHDWKHU¿UH DQGRWKHUHIIHFWV0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, :KHQJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGH PLQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVIRU¿UHSURWHFWLRQDUHJUHDWHUWKDQ$&,$&,UHTXLUHVWKHJUHDWHUFRQFUHWHFRYHUWKLFNQHVVWRJRYHUQ,%&7DEOH SURYLGHVPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVIRU¿UHUDWLQJVUDQJLQJIURPKUWRKU)RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQRQHZD\VODEVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKH JURXQGDQGDPD[LPXPKU¿UHUDWLQJWKHPLQLPXPFRYHULVHTXDOWRLQIRUDQGVPDOOHUEDUV $&,7DEOH )RURQHZD\VODEVZLWKRXWWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQFUHWHFRYHULVPHDVXUHGIURPWKHVXUIDFHRIWKH FRQFUHWHWRWKHRXWPRVWOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH 4.6.2 Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars 0LQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJRISDUDOOHOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQDVLQJOHKRUL]RQWDOOD\HULVJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 7KHVHOLPLWVKDYHEHHQHVWDEOLVKHGSULPDULO\VRWKDWFRQFUHWHFDQÀRZUHDGLO\LQWRWKHVSDFHVEHWZHHQDGMRLQLQJ bars. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 4.7 Concrete cover for one-way slabs. ሺǤሻ ݀ ۓ ۖ ͳǤ ݀ ۔ ۖ ەሺͶȀ͵ሻ݀ Figure 4.8 Minimum clear spacing requirements for reinforcing bars. 7KHVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHIRUDRQHZD\VODEZKHUH VL]HLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ is the nominal maximum aggregate 4.6.3 Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars 0D[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 7KHLQWHQWRIWKHVH UHTXLUHPHQWVLVWRFRQWUROÀH[XUDOFUDFNLQJ,QJHQHUDODODUJHUQXPEHURI¿QHUFUDFNVLVSUHIHUDEOHWRDIHZZLGH cracks mainly for reasons of durability and appearance. The maximum center-to-center bar spacing, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH $&, The following equation is applicable to deformed reinforcing bars: (4.14) In this equation, LVWKHOHDVWGLVWDQFHIURPWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRWKHWHQVLRQIDFHRIWKHVHFtion and LVWKHFDOFXODWHGVWUHVVLQWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFORVHWWRWKHWHQVLRQIDFHDWVHUYLFHORDGV LQSVL In lieu of calculating using the unfactored bending moment at that section, is permitted to be taken as and maximum center-to-center $&, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW IURP(TXDWLRQ bar spacing $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHPD[LPXPVSDFLQJRIGHIRUPHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDRQHZD\VODELVHTXDO and 18 in. For typical one-way slab thicknesses, the maximum spacing based on crack control to the lesser of requirements usually governs. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4.6.4 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement 7KHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUÀH[XUHPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ DQGWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV JLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQUHVSHFWLYHO\ In one-way slabs, LVW\SLFDOO\FDOFXODWHGSHUIRRWZLGWKRIVODE$EDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJVKRXOGEHVHOHFWHGVRWKDW is equal to or slightly greater than the required considering minimum reinforcement requirethe provided PHQWVDQGPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPEDUVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRIDFLOLWDWH VHOHFWLRQRIEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUÀH[XUHLQDRQHZD\VODE Table 4.4 Area of Reinforcement (in.2) Based on Center-to-Center Spacing of the Bars Spacing (in.) Bar Size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4.6.5 Development of Flexural Reinforcement Development of Deformed Bars in Tension 'HYHORSPHQWOHQJWKVRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHOis RSPHQWRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWK GHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,RUDORQJZLWKWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ$&,7KH UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHEDVHGRQWKRVHLQ$&,VRWKHODWWHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFRYHUHG¿UVW Method 1 – ACI The development length in tension of a deformed reinforcing bar, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D (4.15) 7KHWHUPVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHDVIROORZV $&,7DEOH 0RGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUIRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH crete: 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHORZHUWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQ- (4.16) 5HLQIRUFHPHQWJUDGHIDFWRU development length: This factor accounts for the effect of reinforcement yield strength on the required (4.17) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete *UDGHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVW\SLFDOO\XVHGLQRQHZD\VODEVVR . 5HLQIRUFHPHQWFRDWLQJIDFWRU This factor accounts for the reduced bond strength between the concrete and HSR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV (4.18) 5HLQIRUFHPHQWVL]HIDFWRU 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHPRUHIDYRUDEOHSHUIRUPDQFHRIVPDOOHUGLDPHWHUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV (4.19) &DVWLQJSRVLWLRQIDFWRU 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHDGYHUVHHIIHFWVWKDWFDQRFFXUWRWKHWRSUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDPHPber due to vertical migration of water and mortar, which collect on the underside of the bars during placement of the concrete: (4.20) 7KLVIDFWRULVXVXDOO\IRURQHZD\VODEV$OVRDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIRRWQRWHLQ$&,7DEOHWKHSURGXFW QHHGQRWH[FHHG Spacing or cover dimension, 7KLVWHUPLVGH¿QHGDVIROORZV VHH)LJXUH (4.21) ܿଵ For one-way slabs, the distance from the center of the bar to the nearest concrete surface typically governs. ܿଶ ݏ ۓ ۖ ܿଵ ܿ ൌ ܿଶ ۔ ۖ ݏەΤʹ Figure 4.9 Spacing or cover dimension, cb. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7UDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGH[ 7KHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGH[UHSUHVHQWVWKHHIIHFWRIFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWDFURVVWKHSRWHQWLDOVSOLWWLQJSODQHVODUJHUDPRXQWVRIFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHGXFHWKHSRWHQWLDOIRU splitting failure, thereby reducing the overall required development length. This index is determined by ACI EquaWLRQ E (4.22) where total cross-sectional area of all transverse reinforcement within a spacing potential plane of splitting through the reinforcement being developed that crosses the center-to-center spacing of the transverse reinforcement number of bars being developed across the plane of splitting It is permitted to conservatively use LIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVSUHVHQWRUUHTXLUHG $&, )RU . Also, for reinforcing bars one-way slabs, where it is typical that transverse reinforcement is not used, VSDFHGFORVHUWKDQLQRQFHQWHUWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGVXFKWKDW with $&, 7KHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP PXVWEHWDNHQOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRLQ(TXDWLRQ >$&,@7HVWV KDYHVKRZQWKDWZKHQWKLVWHUPLVOHVVWKDQVSOLWWLQJIDLOXUHVDUHOLNHO\WRRFFXU$SXOORXWIDLOXUHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVPRUHOLNHO\ZKHQWKLVWHUPLVJUHDWHUWKDQVRDQLQFUHDVHLQWKHDQFKRUDJHFDSDFLW\GXHWRDQ LQFUHDVHLQFRYHURUDPRXQWRIFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWOLNHO\ used in calculating PXVWEHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRSVL $&, 7KLVUHTXLUHPHQWLVDSValues of SOLFDEOHWRDOOWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHYHORSPHQWSURYLVLRQVLQ$&, The tension development length LVSHUPLWWHGWREHUHGXFHGLQFDVHVZKHUHWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJUHDWHU WKDQWKDWUHTXLUHGIURPDQDO\VLVH[FHSWIRUWKHVL[FDVHVLQ$&, $&, :KHUHSHUPLWWHGWKH reduction factor applied to LVHTXDOWRWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGLYLGHGE\WKHSURYLGHGDUHDRI reinforcement. for deformed bars in one-way slabs based on normalweight concrete with , uncoated Values of , , and DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH&DOFXODWHGYDOXHVRI *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW are rounded up to the next whole number. Values of for one-way slabs with coated bars can be obtained by multiplying the tabulated values by the appropriate value of LQ(TXDWLRQ 6LPLODUO\YDOXHVRI for oneZD\VODEVPDGHRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHFDQEHREWDLQHGE\GLYLGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVE\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK (TXDWLRQ Table 4.5 Tension Development Length, ℓd, for Deformed Bars in One-way Slabs in Accordance with ACI* Bar Size ℓd (in.) * Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Method 2 – ACI 7KHPHWKRGJLYHQLQ$&,WRGHWHUPLQH LVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGSUH. Two sets of spacing and cover cases are given in ACI Table VHOHFWHGYDOXHVRIWKHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP and )RURQHZD\VODEVLWLVFRPPRQIRUWKHFOHDUVSDFLQJRIWKHEDUVEHLQJGHYHORSHGWREHDWOHDVW 7KHUHIRUHWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQIURP$&,7DEOHIRUWKHFDVHRIDQG the clear cover to be at least for reinforcing bars in one-way slabs: smaller longitudinal bars can be used to determine (4.23) Values of for deformed bars in one-way slabs based on normalweight concrete with , uncoated DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH&DOFXODWHGYDOXHVRI are rounded up to the next *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQG for one-way slabs with coated bars can be obtained by multiplying the tabulated values whole number. Values of by the appropriate value of LQ(TXDWLRQ 6LPLODUO\YDOXHVRI for one-way slabs made of lightweight DJJUHJDWHFRQFUHWHFDQEHREWDLQHGE\GLYLGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVE\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(TXDWLRQ Table 4.6 Tension Development Length, ℓd, for Deformed Bars in One-way Slabs in Accordance with ACI* Bar Size ℓd (in.) 19 * Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Development of Standard Hooks in Tension +RRNVDUHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVWRSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDODQFKRUDJHZKHUHGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKFDQǤ ͻͲǦ QRWEHDWWDLQHGZLWKVWUDLJKWEDUV6WDQGDUGKRRNVDUHGH¿QHGLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH ͓ͻǡ͓ͳͲǡ κௗ ݀ κ௫௧ ൌ ͳʹ݀ ܦ ͻͲǦ ͻͲǦ ͓ͳͶǡ͓ͳ κௗ ݀ ܦ Ǥ ࡰ ͓͵െ͓ͺ ݀ ͓ͻǡ͓ͳͲǡ͓ͳͳ ͺ݀ Ǥ ͳͲ݀ ͓ͳͶǡ͓ͳͺ ͓͵ κ௫௧ ൌ Ͷ݀ ʹΦ̶ ͳͺͲǦ Figure 4.10 Standard hooks in accordance with ACI 25.3.1. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The development length of a deformed reinforcing bar in tension with a standard hook, LVJLYHQLQ$&, (4.24) 7KLVGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLVPHDVXUHGIURPWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQWRWKHRXWVLGHIDFHRIWKHKRRN VHH)LJXUH 7KH PRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOH Table 4.7 Modification Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension Modification Factor Lightweight, Epoxy, &RQ¿QLQJ reinforcement, Location, Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG reinforcement 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK or Other 1.6 )RUDQGVPDOOHUGLDPHWHUKRRNHGEDUV WHUPLnating inside a column core with side cover normal RU ZLWKVLGH to the plane of the hook cover normal to the plane of the hook Other Concrete strength, The term LVWKHWRWDOFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIWLHVRUVWLUUXSVFRQ¿QLQJKRRNHGEDUVDQG is the total cross-sectional area of hooked bars being developed at the same critical section. For one-way slabs, it is typical for (that is, ties or stirrups are not present). The term is the center-to-center spacing of the hooked bars, which have a nominal diameter 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DSSO\WRKRRNVDWGLVFRQWLQXRXVHQGVRIPHPEHUV WKDWLVDWHQGVRIVLPSO\ supported members, at the free ends of cantilevers, and at exterior joints where members do not extend beyond the MRLQW ZKHUHERWKVLGHFRYHUDQGWRS RUERWWRP FRYHUWRWKHKRRNLVOHVVWKDQLQ7KHVHSURYLVLRQVDUHW\SLFDOO\ applicable at beam-column joints, and thus, do not apply to one-way slabs in continuous construction where con¿QHPHQWLVSURYLGHGE\WKHVODERQERWKVLGHVSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHSODQHRIWKHKRRN for hooked deformed bars in one-way slabs based on normalweight concrete with Values of and side cover normal to the plane XQFRDWHG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFHQWHUWRFHQWHUKRRNHGEDUVSDFLQJ DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH&DOFXODWHGYDOXHVRI are rounded up to the next whole number. of the hook @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 4.8 Tension Development Length, ℓdh, for Hooked Deformed Bars in One-way Slabs* Bar Size ℓdh (in.) 6 6 8 * Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Side cover normal to the plane of the hook Development of Headed Deformed Bars in Tension 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIKHDGHGGHIRUPHGEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,([DPSOHVRIKHDGHG UHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH Figure 4.11 Headed reinforcing bars. +HDGHGGHIRUPHGEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGRQO\ZKHQWKHFRQGLWLRQVRI$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG (a) %DUPXVWFRQIRUPWR$&, (b) %DUVL]HPXVWEHRUVPDOOHU must be at least where is the area of the bar (c) Net bearing area of head, (d) Concrete must be normalweight where is the nominal diameter of the bar (e) Clear cover to the bar must be greater than or equal to (f) Center-to-center spacing between bars must be greater than or equal to The development length of a headed deformed reinforcing bar in tension, LVJLYHQLQ$&, (4.25) This development length is measured from the critical section to the bearing face of the head (see ACI Figure 5D 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 4.9 Modification Factors for Development of Headed Bars in Tension Modification Factor Condition Epoxy, Parallel tie reinforcement, Value of Factor (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQG epoxy dual-coated reinforcement 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK or Other 1.6 For headed bars (1) terminating inside a column core with side cover to bar RU ZLWKVLGHFRYHUWREDU Location, Other Concrete strength, The term is the total cross-sectional area of ties or stirrups acting as parallel tie reinforcement for headed bars is the area of nonprestressed reinforcement in a tie or stirrup. For anchorages other than in beam-column and PXVWQRWEHFRQVLGHUHG $&, 7KHWHUP is the centerjoints (which is applicable to one-way slabs), to-center spacing of the headed bars, which have a nominal diameter 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DQGDUHQRWDSSOLFDEOHWRRQHZD\VODEV Values of for headed deformed bars in one-way slabs based on normalweight concrete with , and side cover to the bar XQFRDWHG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFHQWHUWRFHQWHUKHDGHGEDUVSDFLQJ are rounded up to the next whole number. JLYHQLQ7DEOH&DOFXODWHGYDOXHVRI are Table 4.10 Tension Development Length, ℓdt, for Headed Deformed Bars in One-way Slabs* Bar Size ℓdt (in.) #3 6 #4 6 #5 6 #6 8 * Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Side cover normal to the bar Development of Mechanically Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension It is permitted to use any mechanical attachment or device capable of developing of the deformed bars provided LWLVDSSURYHGE\WKHEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDOLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHXVHRIPHFKDQLFDOGHYLFHV WKDWGRQRWPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,RUDUHQRWGHYHORSHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,PD\EHXVHG provided test results are available that demonstrate the ability of the head and bar system to develop or anchor the required force in the bar. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Development of Positive and Negative Flexural Reinforcement Flexural reinforcement must be properly developed or anchored in a reinforced concrete one-way slab for the slab WRSHUIRUPDVLQWHQGHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHVWUHQJWKGHVLJQPHWKRG&ULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUGHYHORSPHQWRIÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWRFFXUDWWKHIROORZLQJ $&, 1. Points of maximum stress (that is, sections of maximum bending moment) Points along the span where adjacent reinforcement is terminated because it is no longer required to UHVLVWÀH[XUH In continuous one-way slabs subjected to uniform gravity loads, the maximum positive and negative bending moPHQWVW\SLFDOO\RFFXUQHDUPLGVSDQDQGDWWKHIDFHVRIWKHVXSSRUWVUHVSHFWLYHO\3RVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWEHGHYHORSHGRUDQFKRUHGRQERWKVLGHVRIWKHVHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV $&, 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHPHWKRGVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRI this publication. )RUWKHRQHZD\VODEV\VWHPLQ)LJXUHWKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGDUHDRIQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHPD[LPXP at critical section A is equal to and the total number of reinforcing negative factored bending moment, bars at this location is equal to ZKHUHDOOWKHEDUVDUHWKHVDPHVL]H6LPLODUO\WKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGDUHDRISRVLWLYH at critical section C is equal to and reinforcement for the maximum positive factored bending moment, the total number of reinforcing bars at this location is equal to Requirements for the development of these two sets of reinforcing bars are discussed next. ݊ ൌ ݊ଵ ݊ଶ ݊ଵ ݊Τ3 ିܣ ௦ ሺ݊ barsሻ ିܣ ௦ଵ ሺ݊ଵ barsሻ ܣା ௦ ሺ barsሻ ܣା ௦ଶ ሺଶ barsሻ ିܣ ௦ଶ ሺ݊ଶ barsሻ ൌ ଵ ଶ ଵ Τ4 6" A B C D ܣା ௦ଵ ሺଵ barsሻ ݀ or 12݀ ݀ or 12݀ ݊ଶ bars κௗ κௗ ݔ ݊ଵ bars ݔ κௗ ሺܯ௨ା ሻ ݀, 12݀ , or κ /16 ଶ bars ሺܯ௨ା ሻ ݔா E Point of inflection ሺܯ௨ି ሻ ሺܯ௨ି ሻ Figure 4.12 Development of flexural reinforcement in a one-way slab. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Negative Flexural Reinforcement Assume a portion of LVFXWRIIDWVHFWLRQ%ZKHUHLWLVQRORQJHUUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK7KLVPDNHV and the number of section B a critical section. At this location, the cutoff reinforcement has an area equal to The area of the remaining portion of reinforcing bars is equal to and reinforcing bars is equal to This reinforcement must be able to resist the the corresponding number of reinforcing bars is equal to at section B. negative factored bending moment bars must be adequately developed to the right of this section. This is Because section B is a critical section, achieved by extending the bars a minimum distance of SDVWVHFWLRQ%DVVKRZQLQ)LJXUHZKHUH is the GHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLQWHQVLRQRIDGHIRUPHGEDUZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, $FFRUGLQJWR$&,DWOHDVWRQHWKLUGRIWKHWRWDOQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHGDWDVXSSRUWPXVWKDYH , and SDVWWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQZKHUH is the clear an embedment length equal to the larger of , span length measured face-to-face of supports (which in this case are beams). Therefore, to satisfy this requirement, ZKLFKDFFRXQWVIRUSRVVLEOHVKLIWLQJRIWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWGLDJUDPDWWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQGXHWRWKHDSSUR[L. The minimum length of bars to the right mate bending moment diagram customarily used in design, RIFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ$LVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ $&,DQG (4.26) In these equations, is the distance from section A to the theoretical cutoff point at section B and GLVWDQFHIURPVHFWLRQ%WRWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQDWVHFWLRQ( is the Because section A is a critical section, the bars cutoff at section B must be developed a distance equal to at least EH\RQGWKDWVHFWLRQ$GGLWLRQDOO\$&,VWLSXODWHVWKDWWKHVHEDUVPXVWH[WHQGEH\RQGWKHSRLQWZKHUHWKH\DUH The minimum length of bars to the right no longer required a distance equal to at least the greater of and of critical section A is equal to the following: (4.27) 5HLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHWHUPLQDWHGLQDWHQVLRQ]RQHXQOHVVRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUH VDWLV¿HG $&, where is the design shear strength of the section at that point (see Sec1. At the cutoff point, WLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVFRQWLQXLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHVDWOHDVWGRXEOHWKHDUHDUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUHDWWKH cutoff point and 7KHWKLUGFRQGLWLRQLQ$&,ZKLFKLVUHODWHGWRVWLUUXSDUHDLQWKHVHFWLRQLVW\SLFDOO\QRWDSSOLFDEOHWRRQH way slabs. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The development of the negative reinforcing bars to the left of section A depends on its location within the framing V\VWHP$WLQWHULRUMRLQWVOLNHWKHRQHGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUHGHYHORSPHQWLVDFKLHYHGE\FRQWLQXLQJWKHQHJDtive reinforcing bars into the span to the left of the beam. In an end span where the slab terminates at edge beams, a standard hook is provided at the ends of the negative reinforcing bars. Positive Flexural Reinforcement is cut off at section D. This makes section D a critical section. At this location, the reinAssume a portion of and the number of reinforcing bars is equal to The area of the remaining forcement has an area equal to and the corresponding number of reinforcing bars is equal to portion of reinforcing bars is equal to This reinforcement must be able to resist the negative factored bending moment at section D. The bars cut off at section D must be developed to a distance greater than or equal to beyond the critical section C. Like in the case of the negative reinforcement, these bars must extend beyond the point they are no longer $&, 7KHPLQLPXPOHQJWKRI bars to the left required by a distance equal to the greater of and of critical section C is equal to the following: (4.28) In this equation, is the distance between critical section C and the theoretical cutoff point located at section D. 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,SHUWDLQLQJWRUHLQIRUFHPHQWWHUPLQDWHGLQDWHQVLRQ]RQHDUHDOVRDSSOLFDEOHLQWKLV case. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,DWOHDVWRQHIRXUWKRIWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWH[WHQGDWOHDVWLQLQWRWKHVXSAlthough not common in typical reinforced concrete construction, at least one-third of the port. Thus, maximum positive reinforcement must extend along the slab bottom into simple supports. 7KHGLDPHWHURIWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVOLPLWHGDWSRLQWVRILQÀHFWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,WKLV requirement helps to ensure the bars are developed in a length short enough such that the moment capacity is greater than the applied moment over the entire length of the slab: (4.29) In this equation, LVWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHVODEVHFWLRQDVVXPLQJDOOWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKDWVHFis the factored shear force at the section, and is the embedment length of the reinforcetion is stressed to Additional information on this topic PHQWEH\RQGWKHLQÀHFWLRQSRLQWZKLFKLVOLPLWHGWRWKHJUHDWHURI and FDQEHIRXQGLQ$&,5IRUEHDPV 7KHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DOVRKDYHDQLPSDFWRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKV VHH6HFWLRQRI this publication). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4.6.6 Splices of Reinforcement Overview 6SOLFHVRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQRQHZD\VODEVPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHSULmary reasons for splicing reinforcement are based on (1) restrictions related to transporting the reinforcing bars to WKHFRQVWUXFWLRQVLWHDQG OLPLWDWLRQVUHODWHGWRKDQGOLQJDQGSODFLQJWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKH¿HOG /DSVSOLFHVPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDQGZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQW\SHVRIVSOLFHVIRUÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGHDFK type of splice is examined next. Lap Splices /DSVSOLFHVDUHIUHTXHQWO\VSHFL¿HGDQGDUHXVXDOO\WKHPRVWHFRQRPLFDOW\SHRIVSOLFH7KHUHDUHEDVLFDOO\WZR types of lap splices: contact and noncontact. In a contact lap splice, the bars are generally in contact over a speci¿HGOHQJWKDQGDUHWLHGWRJHWKHU>VHH)LJXUH D @,QDQRQFRQWDFWODSVSOLFHWKHEDUVDUHQRWLQFRQWDFWDQGWKH FHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIWKHEDUVEHLQJVSOLFHGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWKHOLPLWVLQGLFDWHGLQ)LJXUH E VHH$&, &RQWDFWODSVSOLFHVDUHXVXDOO\SUHIHUUHGEHFDXVHWKHEDUVDUHWLHGWRJHWKHUDQGDUHOHVVOLNHO\WRGLVSODFH during construction. The minimum clear spacing between a contact lap splice and adjacent splices or bars is the VDPHDVWKDWIRULQGLYLGXDOEDUV $&,VHH)LJXUH (a) lap length/5, 6" (b) Figure 4.13 Lap splices (a) Contact lap splice (b) Noncontact lap splice. Lap splices should be provided at locations away from maximum stress (that is, away from sections of maximum bending moment) and should be staggered wherever possible. Reinforcing bars provided for negative bending moments (top bars) should be spliced near the midspan of a member, and reinforcing bars provided for positive bending moments (bottom bars) should be spliced over the supports. depends on the tension development length of the bars, the area of The required tension lap splice length, reinforcement provided over the length of the splice, and the percentage of reinforcement spliced at any one locaWLRQ/DSVSOLFHVDUHFODVVL¿HGDV&ODVV$RU&ODVV%%HFDXVHH[SHULPHQWDOGDWDRQODSVSOLFHVZLWKDQG EDUVDUHVSDUVHWKHXVHRIWHQVLRQODSVSOLFHVIRUWKHVHEDUVDUHSURKLELWHGH[FHSWDVSHUPLWWHGLQ$&,IRU FRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHV $&, The length of a tension lap splice is given as a multiple of $&, (4.30) (4.31) When determining to be used in determining WKHLQPLQLPXPOHQJWKVSHFL¿HGLQ$&, E DQGWKH H[FHVVUHLQIRUFHPHQWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRURI$&,DUHQRWDSSOLFDEOH $&, $OVRIRUUHLQIRUFLQJ spaced closer than 6 in. on center, transverse reinforcement must be provided such that bars with $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHGHIDXOWVSOLFHFODVVL¿FDWLRQIRUDWHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLV&ODVV%$&ODVV$VSOLFHLVSHUPLWWHGZKHUHERWKRIWKH IROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG $&,7DEOH over the entire splice length where and are the area of reinforcement provided at the splice location and the area of reinforcement required by analysis at the splice location, respectively • /HVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVVSOLFHGZLWKLQWKHUHTXLUHGODSVSOLFHOHQJWK • :KHUHEDUVRIGLIIHUHQWVL]HDUHODSVSOLFHGLQWHQVLRQ WKHVPDOOHUEDU $&, is equal to the greater of of the larger bar and of Mechanical Splices Mechanical splices are, in general, a complete assembly of a coupler, a coupling sleeve, or an end-bearing sleeve, including any additional material or components, required to accomplish the splicing of the reinforcing bars. Such RIWKHEDU $&, 7KLVLVWRHQVXUHWKDW\LHOGsplices must develop in tension or compression at least ing occurs in the reinforcing bar adjacent to the mechanical splice prior to the failure of the splice. ,OOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHWKUHHRIWKHPRUHSRSXODUW\SHVRIPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHV7KHFROGVZDJHGFRXSOLQJ VOHHYHLQ)LJXUH D XVHVDK\GUDXOLFVZDJLQJSUHVVZLWKVSHFLDOGLHVWRGHIRUPWKHVOHHYHDURXQGWKHHQGVRI the spliced bars to produce positive mechanical interlock with the reinforcing bars. The shear screw coupling sleeve LQ)LJXUH E FRQVLVWVRIDFRXSOLQJVOHHYHZLWKVKHDUKHDGVFUHZVZKLFKDUHGHVLJQHGWRVKHDURIIDWDVSHFL¿HGWRUTXH7KHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHLQVHUWHGWRPHHWDWWKHFHQWHURIWKHFRXSOLQJVOHHYHDQGWKHQWKHVFUHZVDUH tightened. The tightening process embeds the pointed screws into the bars. The non-upset straight thread coupler LQ)LJXUH F FRQVLVWVRIDFRXSOHUZLWKLQWHUQDOVWUDLJKWWKUHDGVDWHDFKHQGWKDWMRLQVWKHWZRUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV with matching external threads. Additional information on these and other mechanical splices can be found in Reference 9. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.14 Mechanical splices (a) Cold-swaged coupling sleeve (b) Shear screw coupling sleeve (c) Non-upset straight thread coupler. Mechanical splices can be advantageous in a number of situations, including the following: • Where long lap splices are needed • Where lap splices cause reinforcement congestion • :KHUHVSDFLQJRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVLQVXI¿FLHQWWRSHUPLWODSVSOLFHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Welded Splices $&,SHUPLWVWKHXVHRIZHOGHGVSOLFHVZKLFKPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,/LNHPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDIXOOZHOGHGVSOLFHZKLFKLVJHQHUDOO\LQWHQGHGIRUDQGODUJHUEDUVPXVWEHDEOHWRGHYHORSDWOHDVW of the bar. 4.6.7 Structural Integrity Reinforcement 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQFDVWLQSODFHRQHZD\VODEVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHSXUpose of this reinforcement is to improve the redundancy and ductility in the structure so that in the event of damage WRDPDMRUVXSSRUWLQJHOHPHQWRUDQDEQRUPDOORDGLQJHYHQWWKHUHVXOWLQJGDPDJHPD\EHORFDOL]HGDQGWKHVWUXFture will have a higher probability of maintaining overall stability. 7KUHHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, 1. Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement must consist of at least one-quarter of the maximum positive moment reinforcement and it must be continuous. Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement at noncontinuous supports must be anchored to develop at the face of the support. 3. Where splices are needed in the continuous structural integrity reinforcement, the reinforcement must be VSOLFHGQHDUWKHVXSSRUWV0HFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,RU&ODVV%WHQVLRQ ODSVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,PXVWEHSURYLGHG 4.6.8 Recommended Flexural Reinforcement Details 5HFRPPHQGHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRURQHZD\VODEVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVFRYHUHGDERYHLQFOXGLQJWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHEDUOHQJWKVJLYHQLQWKH¿JXUH are based on a one-way slab subjected to uniformly distributed gravity loads; these lengths can be used for one-way VODEVWKDWKDYHEHHQGHVLJQHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDtion). For one-way slabs subjected to the effects from other types of loads, required bar lengths must be determined by calculations. ͳ ʹ Ͷ ͵ ʹ ͵ ሺǤሻ ܣା௦ ȀͶ ̶ ሺǤሻ ܣା௦ ܣା௦ ͲǤͳʹͷκଵ κଵ ͲǤͳʹͷκଶ ܣା௦ ͷ κଶ ͲǤͳʹͷκଷ κଷ ǣ ሺͳሻ κଵ ΤͶ ሺʹሻ ሺκଵ Τ͵ ǡ κଶ Τ͵ሻ ሺ͵ሻ ሺκଶ Τ͵ ǡ κଷ Τ͵ሻ ሺͶሻ ሺǤሻ ሺͷሻ Figure 4.15 Recommended flexural reinforcement details for one-way slabs. 4.7 Design Procedure 7KHGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIRQHZD\VODEV,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUH DUHWKHVHFWLRQQXPEHUVWDEOHQXPEHUVDQG¿JXUHQXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKDWWRSLFLQWKLVFKDSWHU can be found. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1 EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ 1 A Figure 4.16 Design procedure for one-way slabs. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A EŽ zĞƐ 1 zĞƐ EŽ 1 Detail the flexural reinforcement in accordance with Sects. 4.6.5 – 4.6.8 Figure 4.16 (cont.) Design procedure for one-way slabs. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 4.8 Examples 4.8.1 Example 4.1 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, Building #2, Normalweight Concrete 'HWHUPLQHWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHRQHZD\VODEWKDWLVSDUWRIWKHZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDO ÀRRUDVVXPLQJWKHMRLVWVDUHVSDFHGIWRQFHQWHUDQGWKHULEZLGWKLVHTXDOWRLQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements ACI Because all span lengths are equal, the governing minimum slab thickness is based on a support condition of one end continuous: Table 4.1 7U\DLQWKLFNVODE Step 2 – Check shear strength requirements ACI • Step 2a – Determine the maximum factored distributed load For a one-foot design strip: Maximum LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(T E Table 3.3 • 6WHSE±'HWHUPLQHLIWKHVLPSOL¿HGDQDO\VLVPHWKRGFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVKHDUIRUFH (1) Members are prismatic Gravity loads are uniformly distributed (3) All spans are equal in length ACI 6.5.1 7KHUHIRUHWKHVLPSOL¿HGDQDO\VLVPHWKRGFDQEHXVHG • Step 2c – Determine the maximum factored shear force Maximum RFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUEHDP ACI 6.5.4 Figure 4.3 where is conservatively taken as the clear distance between the bottom instead of the top of the tapered ribs VHH)LJXUH Although the critical section for shear is permitted to be taken a distance FDVHLWLVFRQVHUYDWLYHO\WDNHQDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW $&, from the face of the support in this @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • Step 2d – Check the shear strength requirements ACI Eq. (4.6) Assuming Eq. (4.7) for normalweight concrete ACI $VVXPLQJPLQLPXPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW For shear, ACI Table 21.2.1 Also, it is evident that Eq. (4.8) 7KHUHIRUHDLQWKLFNVODEVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV 1RWH7KHLQWKLFNVODEPXVWDOVREHFKHFNHGIRU¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHG¿UHUHVLVtance rating prescribed in the governing building code. 4.8.2 Example 4.2 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, Building #2, Lightweight Concrete 'HWHUPLQHLIDLQWKLFNVODEWKDWLVSDUWRIWKHZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQ%XLOGLQJLVDGHTXDWHDWWKHURRI HTXDOWRSFI DQG*UDGH level assuming lightweight concrete with an equilibrium density, UHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements ACI Because all span lengths are equal, minimum thickness based on a support condition of one end continuous governs: Table 4.1 7KHUHIRUHDLQWKLFNVODEVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Check shear strength requirements ACI • Step 2a – Determine the maximum factored distributed load For a one-foot design strip: Maximum LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(T F Table 3.3 • 6WHSE±'HWHUPLQHLIWKHVLPSOL¿HGDQDO\VLVPHWKRGFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVKHDUIRUFH ACI 6.5.1 (1) Members are prismatic Gravity loads are uniformly distributed (3) All spans are equal in length 7KHUHIRUHWKHVLPSOL¿HGDQDO\VLVPHWKRGFDQEHXVHG • Step 2c – Determine the maximum factored shear force Maximum RFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUEHDP ACI 6.5.4 Figure 4.3 where is conservatively taken as the clear distance between the bottom instead of the top of the tapered ribs VHH)LJXUH Although the critical section for shear is permitted to be taken a distance FDVHLWLVFRQVHUYDWLYHO\WDNHQDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW $&, • Step 2d – Check the shear strength requirements from the face of the support in this ACI Eq. (4.6) Assuming Eq. (4.7) Table 4.2 $VVXPLQJPLQLPXPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For shear, ACI Table 21.2.1 Also, it is evident that Eq. (4.8) 7KHUHIRUHWKHLQWKLFNVODEVDWLV¿HVVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV 1RWH7KHLQWKLFNVODEPXVWDOVREHFKHFNHGIRU¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHG¿UHUHVLVtance rating prescribed in the governing building code. 4.8.3 Example 4.3 – Determination of Required Reinforcement: One-way Slab System, Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHLQWKLFNVODEWKDWLVSDUWRIWKHZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQ%XLOGDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH LQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUDVVXPLQJQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK )LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the factored bending moments along the span ACI 6.5 ,WZDVGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSERI([DPSOHWKDWWKHVLPSOL¿HGDQDO\VLVPHWKRGFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHIDFWRUHG bending moments and shear forces. %HFDXVHWKHVODEVKDYHVSDQVOHVVWKDQIWWKHQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV IDFHRIVXSSRUWV LVFDOFXODWHGLQ6WHSDRI([DPSOH are equal to the following where Figure 4.3 Similarly, the maximum positive bending moment occurs near midspan in an end span; this moment is used for all spans: Step 2 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement ACI Eq. (4.10) Eq. (4.9) For tension-controlled sections, A summary of the required ACI Table 21.2.2 LVJLYHQLQ7DEOHZKHUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 4.11 Summary of Required Flexural Reinforcement for the One-way Slab in Example 4.3 Location Mu (ft-kips/ft) Rn (psi) As (in.2) Face of support Midspan 0LQLPXPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW Because ACI at all critical sections, use Check if the sections are tension-controlled. )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQG Eq. (4.13) Because the sections are tension-controlled. Step 3 – Select the reinforcing bars Sect. 4.6.4 7U\EDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUIRUWKHQHJDWLYHDQGSRVLWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW Provided required Table 4.4 Check spacing requirements. The minimum center-to-center spacing of the bars, PD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]H LVHTXDOWRWKHJUHDWHURIWKHIROORZLQJDVVXPLQJDLQ Figure 4.8 The maximum center-to-center spacing of the bars, is equal to the minimum of LQDQGWKHPLQLPXPRIWKHIROORZLQJDVVXPLQJDLQFRQFUHWHFRYHUDQG Eq. (4.14) 7KHLQVSDFLQJRIWKHEDUVLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPVSDFLQJRILQDQGLVHTXDOWRWKHPD[LPXP VSDFLQJRILQ 8VHEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUIRUWKHQHJDWLYHDQGSRVLWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Determine the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement ACI Minimum shrinkage and temperature reinforcement is equal to the following: ACI The maximum center-to-center spacing of the bars, is equal to the following: ACI 8VHEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUIRUWKHVKULQNDJHDQGWHPSHUDWXUHUHLQIRUFHPHQW SURYLGHG 7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVSODFHGSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH required 4.8.4 Example 4.4 – Determination of Lap Splice Lengths: One-way Slab System, Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGODSVSOLFHOHQJWKIRUWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHLQWKLFNVODEWKDWLVSDUWRIWKH and ZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUDVVXPLQJQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the tension development length ACI Eq. (4.15) For normalweight concrete, Eq. (4.16) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Eq. (4.17) For uncoated reinforcing bars, Eq. (4.18) )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV Eq. (4.19) )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Eq. (4.20) Eq. (4.21) There is no transverse reinforcement in this one-way slab, so @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-30 Eq. (4.22) Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, PDWFKHVWKHYDOXHLQ7DEOH The calculated value of Step 2 – Determine the required lap splice length ACI $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DWOHDVWRQHTXDUWHURIWKHPD[LPXPSRVLWLYH moment reinforcement must be used as structural integrity reinforcement and it must be continuous. Also, where splices are needed, Class B tension lap splices must be provided for this reinforcement near the supports (joists). Class B lap splice, Eq. (4.31) 8VHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKIRUWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKLVRQHZD\VODE 4.8.5 Example 4.5 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: One-way Slab System, Building #2 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHLQWKLFNVODEWKDWLVSDUWRIWKHZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUDVVXPLQJQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG ͶΦᇳ 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVRQHZD\VODEV\VWHPDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKLFKDUHEDVHGRQWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ JLYHQLQ)LJXUHWKHGHWDLOVLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGEHFDXVHWKHRQHZD\VODELQWKLVH[DPSOHLVVXEMHFWHGWR uniformly distributed gravity loads. ͓͵̷ͳʹᇳ ሺǤ ሻ Ͷᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͳᇱ Ǧʹᇳ ͳᇱ ǦͲᇳ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇳ ሺǤሻ ᇳ Ͷᇱ Ǧͷᇳ ᇳ Ͷᇱ Ǧͷᇳ ᇳ Figure 4.17 Reinforcement details for the one-way slab in Example 4.5. Continuous positive reinforcement is provided because the span lengths are relatively small; this automatically satis¿HVRQHRIWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, VHH)LJXUH $OVRGHJUHHKRRNV are provided at the ends of the positive reinforcement in the end span at the noncontinuous supports (joists), which DOVRVDWLV¿HVRQHRIWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWV$OORWKHUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHV\VWHPLVQRW shown for clarity. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 4-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 5 TWO-WAY SLABS 5.1 Overview Two-way slabs are elements in two-way construction where the slabs are designed to support loads through bending LQWZRGLUHFWLRQV:KHUHWKHUDWLRRIWKHORQJWRWKHVKRUWVLGHRIDVODESDQHOLVRUOHVVORDGWUDQVIHULVE\EHQGLQJ SUHGRPLQDWHO\LQWZRGLUHFWLRQVDQGWKHSDQHOLVGH¿QHGDVDWZRZD\VODE7KHPDLQÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQD two-way slab system is parallel to the two orthogonal directions of load transfer. 'HVFULSWLRQVRIFRPPRQWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHHDOVR)LJXUH Table 5.1 Two-way Slab Systems System Description Flat plate A two-way concrete slab supported directly on columns. Flat slab A two-way concrete slab supported directly on columns where the slab is thickened around the columns; the thickened portions of the slab are called drop panels. Two-way beam-supported slab A two-way concrete slab with column-line beams on all four sides of a panel. 7ZRZD\MRLVW ZDIÀHVODE Evenly spaced concrete joists spanning in both directions and a reinforced concrete slab cast integrally with the joists; solid slab sections are provided around the columns mainly to provide two-way shear resistance. Flat plate voided concrete slab A two-way concrete slab of uniform thickness containing regularly-spaced, KROORZSODVWLFEDOOVPDGHRIKLJKGHQVLW\UHF\FOHGSRO\HWK\OHQH +'3( inside the concrete. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 5.1 Two-way slab systems. (a) Flat plate. (b) Flat slab. (c) Two-way beam-supported slab. (d) Two-way joist. (e) Flat plate voided concrete slab. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The design and detailing of solid, cast-in-place two-way slabs with nonprestressed reinforcement in buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) A and B are covered in this chapter. Two-way slabs that are part of the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) in buildings assigned to SDC C are covered in Chapter 13 of this publication. Provisions for two-way slabs are given in ACI Chapter 8. 5.2 Minimum Slab Thickness 5.2.1 Overview 7ZRZD\VODEVPXVWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWWKLFNQHVVVRDOODSSOLFDEOHVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG'HÀHFWLRQVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHFDOFXODWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGVXEVHTXHQWO\FKHFNHGDJDLQVWWKH OLPLWVLQ$&, $&, )RUVODEVZLWKRXWLQWHULRUEHDPVVSDQQLQJEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVZKHUH in WKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWKDVDVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWK JUHDWHUWKDQSVLWKHPRGXOXVRIUXSWXUH instead of VHH$&,DQG )RUHFRQRP\*UDGHUHLQIRUFHFDOFXODWLQJGHÀHFWLRQVLV PHQWLVFRPPRQO\XVHGLQWZRZD\VODEV 5HIHUHQFH ,QOLHXRISHUIRUPLQJGHÀHFWLRQFRPSXWDWLRQVPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVV can be obtained using the provisions in $&,IRUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGVODEVZLWKRXWLQWHULRUEHDPVRULQ$&,IRUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGVODEVZLWKEHDPV spanning between supports on all sides. Methods to determine minimum slab thicknesses for the two-way systems LOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHJLYHQEHORZ 7KHWKLFNQHVVRIDFRQFUHWHÀRRU¿QLVKLVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQFOXGHGLQ ZKHUHLWLVSODFHGPRQROLWKLFDOO\ZLWKWKHÀRRU VODERUZKHUHWKHÀRRU¿QLVKLVGHVLJQHGWREHFRPSRVLWHZLWKWKHÀRRUVODELQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, Where single- or multiple-leg stirrups are used as part of the two-way shear resistance at critical sections in a twoZD\VODEWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG,QSDUWLFXODUWKH GLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQW must be at least equal to the greater of the following: (5.1) In this equation, is the nominal diameter of the stirrups. For two-way slabs, an average can be approximated which means the minimum WRVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHHTXDOWRWKH as This requirement essentially ensures the slab is thick enough so the stirrups JUHDWHURILQDQG considering the minimum inside bend diameters at the corners of the FDQGHYHORSWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWK VWLUUXSV VHH$&, 5.2.2 Flat Plates 0LQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUÀDWSODWHVLVSHUPLWWHGWREHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&,IRUH[WHULRU DQGLQWHULRUSDQHOVZLWKRXWGURSSDQHOV VHH$&,7DEOHDQG7DEOH $VQRWHGSUHYLRXVO\*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVRIWHQXVHGLQÀDWSODWHV\VWHPV Table 5.2 Minimum Thickness of Flat Plates Exterior Panels fy (psi) Interior Panels Without Edge Beams With Edge Beams* * Slabs with beams between columns along exterior edges. Exterior panels are considered to be without edge beams where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-2 . Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In the expressions for minimum is the clear span length in the long direction of the panel measured face-toIDFHRIVXSSRUWVLQLQFKHV0LQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVHVGHWHUPLQHGE\7DEOHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR LQ>$&, D @ LQWKHIRRWQRWHRI7DEOHLVGH¿QHGDVWKHUDWLRRIWKHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIWKHEHDPVHFWLRQWRWKH The term ÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIDZLGWKRIVODEERXQGHGODWHUDOO\E\FHQWHUOLQHVRIDGMDFHQWSDQHOVLIDQ\RQHDFKVLGHRIWKH beam: (5.2) In this equation, and are the moduli of elasticity of the beam and slab concrete, respectively, which can be FDOFXODWHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D ZKHUHWKHGHQVLW\ XQLWZHLJKW RIQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHRUWKHHTXLOLELVEHWZHHQDQGOEIW3LQFOXVLYH>$&, D @ rium density of lightweight concrete, (5.3) FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ E >$&, For normalweight concrete E @ (5.4) ,Q(TXDWLRQV DQG construction, and have the units of pounds per square inch. For the typical case of monolithic ,QOLHXRIXVLQJ(TXDWLRQV RU LWLVSHUPLWWHGWRVSHFLI\ FRUGDQFHZLWK$&, based upon testing of concrete mixtures in ac- The terms and LQ(TXDWLRQ DUHWKHPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDRIWKHJURVVVHFWLRQVRIWKHEHDPDQGVODEDERXW the centroidal axes, respectively. ݄ κଶ ǡܫ௦ ǡܫ ݄ ݕ ܾ௪ ܾ ൌ ܾ௪ ݄ ܾ௪ Ͷ݄ Figure 5.2 Effective beam and slab sections for computation of stiffness ratio, Įf , for edge beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A portion of the slab on the sides of a beam is permitted to be included when determining the section properties of WKHVHFWLRQ $&, 7KHHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK permitted to be included in the determination of is the OHVVHURIWKHIROORZLQJIRUDQHGJHEHDP VHH)LJXUH (5.5) 7KHWHUPVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHGH¿QHGLQ)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHZKHUHWKHEHDPSURMHFWVEHORZWKHVODE,QJHQeral, LVWKHJUHDWHURIWKHEHDPSURMHFWLRQDERYHRUEHORZWKHVODE VHH$&,)LJXUH5 7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH and for an edge beam [Note: These equations are also valid for interior beams where LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ @7KHWHUP is the distance from the bottom of equal to that deterthe combined beam section [which is the beam plus the slab section with an effective width, PLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ RU @WRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHVHFWLRQ TX OEIW Figure 5.3 Preliminary slab thickness for flat plate systems. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.3 Equations for Ib and Is for Edge and Interior Beams yb Ib Is )RUÀDWSODWHV\VWHPVZLWKHGJHEHDPVDSUHOLPLQDU\VODEWKLFNQHVVLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ7DEOH because the slab thickness, is not known at this stage; this assumption is checked after assuming has been calculated based on that slab thickness. 7KHWKLFNQHVVRIDÀDWSODWHLVXVXDOO\FRQWUROOHGE\WKHVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ7DEOHIRUVSDQOHQJWKVLQ WKHUDQJHRIWRIWDQGOLYHORDGVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWROEIW. Otherwise, two-way shear requirements typically govern the thickness. Shear stresses at edge and corner columns are particularly critical because of relatively large bending moments transferred from the slab to the columns at these locations. Because two-way shear requirePHQWVDUHUHODWHGWRÀH[XUDOUHTXLUHPHQWVDFORVHGIRUPVROXWLRQIRUVODEWKLFNQHVVWKDWVDWLV¿HVERWKVHWVRIUHTXLUHPHQWVFDQQRWEHREWDLQHGXQOHVVVRPHVLPSOLI\LQJDVVXPSWLRQVDUHPDGH)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH DSUHOLPLQDU\VODEWKLFNQHVVIRUÀDWSODWHVFRQVLGHULQJWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHVVHV7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKH¿JXUHLVEDVHG on the following assumptions: • 6TXDUHHGJHFROXPQVRIVL]H bending perpendicular to the edge with a three-sided critical section • Column supports a tributary area • Concrete is normalweight with ,QWKH¿JXUH is the total factored uniformly distributed load on the slab, which must include the factored selfZHLJKWRIWKHVODEWKLVZHLJKWFDQEHHVWLPDWHGXVLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVEDVHGRQWKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ7DEOH$ preliminary slab thickness, LVREWDLQHGE\DGGLQJLQWRWKHYDOXHRI DFTXLUHGIURP)LJXUHIRUDJLYHQ and area ratio For the usual case of continuous construction, it is typical for to be the same for all spans and for it to be determined on the basis of the span yielding the largest minimum depth; this results in economical formwork (see ReferHQFH )RUÀDWSODWHVZLWKHGJHEHDPVPLQLPXPGHSWKUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLV publication. Fire-resistance requirements of the general building code must also be considered when specifying a slab thickness $&, )LUHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHXVXDOO\VDWLV¿HGE\SURYLGLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVWKDWVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGRUVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV :KHUHLWLVQRWYLDEOHWRLQFUHDVHWKHVODEWKLFNQHVVDQGRUWKHFROXPQVL]HWRVDWLVI\WZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWV shear reinforcement or shear caps may be used. Information on common types of shear reinforcement is given in 6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 5.2.3 Flat Slabs 0LQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUÀDWVODEVLVSHUPLWWHGWREHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&,IRUH[WHULRUDQGLQWHULRU SDQHOVZLWKGURSSDQHOV VHH$&,7DEOHDQG7DEOH 7KHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ7DEOHFDQQRWEHXVHGXQOHVV WKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHGURSSDQHOVFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,ZKLFKDUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUH and are the adjoining center-to-center span lengths (Note: The dimensional limitations of the ,QWKH¿JXUH GURSSDQHOPXVWDOVREHVDWLV¿HGLQWKHGLUHFWLRQSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKDWVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUH )RUHFRQRP\*UDGH UHLQIRUFHPHQWLVRIWHQXVHGLQÀDWVODEV\VWHPV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.4 Minimum Thickness of Flat Slabs Exterior Panels fy (psi) Interior Panels Without Edge Beams With Edge Beams* * Slabs with beams between columns along exterior edges. Exterior panels are considered to be without edge beams where ݄ ͳǤʹͷ݄ . κ Ȁ κ Ȁ Figure 5.4 Dimensional requirements for drop panels. /LNHLQWKHFDVHIRUÀDWSODWHV is the clear span length in the long direction of the panel measured face-to-face RIVXSSRUWVLQLQFKHV0LQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVHVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ7DEOHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRU HTXDOWRLQ>$&, E @ 7RDFKLHYHHFRQRPLFDOIRUPZRUNVWDQGDUGOXPEHUGLPHQVLRQVVKRXOGEHXVHGWRIRUPGURSSDQHOV 5HIHUHQFHV DQG 'URSSDQHOKHLJKWV WKDWLVWKHGHSWKVRIWKHSURMHFWLRQVEHORZWKHVODE EDVHGRQDFWXDOOXPEHUGLPHQVLRQV DQGLQWKLFNIRUPZRUNVKHDWKLQJDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH)RUPZRUNFRVWVXQQHFHVVDULO\LQFUHDVHLIGURSSDQHO KHLJKWVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHLQ7DEOHDUHVSHFL¿HG Nominal [ [ 6x 8x ݄ Table 5.5 Drop Panel Height for Formwork Economy Drop panel height Actual lumber dimension ¾ԣ formwork sheathing ሺtyp.ሻ Lumber Size Lumber Size Actual Nominal Actual [ òƎ [ òƎ [ òƎ [ óƎ Drop Panel Height óƎ óƎ óƎ Ǝ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-6 Drop Panel Height Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For the usual case of continuous construction, it is typical for to be the same for all spans and for it to be determined on the basis of the span yielding the largest minimum depth; this results in economical formwork (see ReferHQFH )RUÀDWVODEVZLWKHGJHEHDPVPLQLPXPGHSWKUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLV publication. Fire-resistance requirements of the general building code must also be considered when specifying a slab thickness $&, )LUHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHXVXDOO\VDWLV¿HGE\SURYLGLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVWKDWVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGRUVKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWV 5.2.4 Two-way Beam-Supported Slabs 0LQLPXPWKLFNQHVVUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVODEVLQWZRZD\EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEV\VWHPVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQG is the average value of for all beams on the DUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOH 7KHWHUP HGJHVRIDSDQHO7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHFRPELQHGEHDP of the slab is determined section and the slab for edge and interior beams. For edge beams, the effective width, E\(TXDWLRQ DQGIRULQWHULRUEHDPV LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH for the case of an interior beam projecting below the slab): (5.6) In general, LVWKHJUHDWHURIWKHEHDPSURMHFWLRQDERYHRUEHORZWKHVODE VHH$&,)LJXUH5 Table 5.6 Minimum Thickness of Two-way Slabs with Beams Spanning Between Supports on All Sides Įfm Minimum Thickness, h κଶ ݄ ǡܫ௦ ǡܫ ݄ ݕ ACI applies VHH7DEOHVDQG ܾ௪ ܾ ൌ ܾ௪ ʹ݄ ܾ௪ ͺ݄ Figure 5.5 Effective beam and slab sections for computation of stiffness ratio, Įf , for interior beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,QWKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ7DEOH is the clear span in the long direction measured face-to-face of beams in inches and is the ratio of the long-to-short dimensions of the clear spans in a panel. Also, has the units of pounds per square inch. the minimum In edge panels with edge beams where the stiffness ratio 7DEOHPXVWEHLQFUHDVHGE\DWOHDVWSHUFHQW $&, determined by the equations in For the usual case of continuous construction, it is typical for to be the same for all spans and for it to be determined on the basis of the span yielding the largest minimum depth; this results in economical formwork (see ReferHQFH )RUWZRZD\EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEVPLQLPXPGHSWKUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRI this publication. Fire-resistance requirements of the general building code must also be considered when specifying a slab thickness $&, )LUHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHXVXDOO\VDWLV¿HGE\SURYLGLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVWKDWVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHability requirements. 5.2.5 Two-way Joists ǡ ݄ ǡ ݄ General requirements for nonprestressed two-way joist systems are given in ACI 8.8. This type of system is formed E\DQGLQZLGHGRPHVUHVXOWLQJLQDQGIWPRGXOHVUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH)LJXUH 6ODEWKLFNness, LVW\SLFDOO\FRQWUROOHGE\¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGWKHMRLVW ULE ZLGWK is set by the dome width, WKDWLVVSHFL¿HG7KHRQO\GHSWKWREHGHWHUPLQHGWRVDWLVI\VHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLVWKHGRPHGHSWK 6WDQGDUGIRUPGLPHQVLRQVIRUWZRZD\MRLVWFRQVWUXFWLRQDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH ǡ ܾ ͳʹ ͳ ǡ ܾௗ Figure 5.6 Cross-section of a two-way joist system. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.7 Standard Form Dimensions for Two-way Joist Construction Dome Width, bd (in.) Dome Depth, hr (in.) Joist Width, br (in.) 6 8 )RUGHVLJQSXUSRVHVDWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPLVFRQVLGHUHGWREHDÀDWVODEZLWKWKHVROLGKHDGVDWWKHFROXPQVDFWLQJ as drop panels. The cross-section of the two-way joist system is transformed into an equivalent section of uniform thickness, with the same width as the actual section, which is equal to VHH)LJXUH 7KHHTXLYDOHQW is determined by setting the moment of inertia of the equivalent section equal to the uniform slab thickness, gross moment of inertia of the actual two-way joist section, (5.7) Solving for (5.8) ݄ Equations to determine IRUDWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHFDVHZKHUHWKHVLGHIDFHVRIWKH GRPHVDUHVORSHG VHH)LJXUH ݄ ͳʹ ܾ Τʹ ݕ ͳ ܾௗ Figure 5.7 Determination of the gross moment of inertia, Ig for a two-way joist system. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.8 Equations to Determine Ig for Two-way Joist Systems yb Ig (TXLYDOHQWVODEWKLFNQHVVHVIRUDWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPZLWKDIWPRGXOHDLQZLGHMRLVWDQGDLQWKLFNVODE DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.9 Equivalent Slab Thickness, te, for a Two-way Joist System with a 3-ft Module Dome Depth, hd (in.) Equivalent Slab Thickness, te (in.) 8 8.8 13.1 16 To satisfy serviceability requirements, an overall depth must be provided such that the corresponding equivalent thickness, ZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ >RUZKHUHDSSOLFDEOHE\7DEOH@LVJUHDWHUWKDQ RUHTXDOWRWKHPLQLPXPUHTXLUHGRYHUDOOGHSWKGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHH[SUHVVLRQLQ7DEOHXVLQJWKHORQFor economy in formwork, the largest required overall depth from all the spans should be gest clear span length, XVHGZKHUHYHUSRVVLEOH 5HIHUHQFH 7ZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPVQRWVDWLVI\LQJWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRI$&,WKURXJKPXVWEHGHVLJQHGDVVODEVDQG beams (ACI 5.2.6 Flat Plate Voided Concrete Slabs (PSLULFDOVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUÀDWSODWHYRLGHGFRQFUHWHVODEVV\VWHPVDUHQRWVSHFL¿FDOO\SURYLGHGLQ$&, %HFDXVHÀDWSODWHYRLGHGFRQFUHWHVODEV\VWHPVDUHYHU\VLPLODUWRWZRZD\VODEDQGWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPVWKH IRUVODEVZLWK*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH7DEOH overall thickness can be initially estimated by ,QOLHXRIXVLQJDQHVWLPDWHGRYHUDOOVODEWKLFNQHVVLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGGHÀHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQVEHSHUIRUPHGLQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,,QDGGLWLRQWRIDFWRUVDFFRXQWLQJIRUFRQFUHWHFUDFNLQJWKHDQDO\VLVPXVWLQFOXGHWKH stiffness reduction factor, which accounts for the presence of the voids in the slab; such factors can be found in the PDQXIDFWXUHUV¶OLWHUDWXUH RQDYHUDJHWKLVIDFWRULVHTXDOWRDERXW &DOFXODWHGGHÀHFWLRQVPXVWEHOHVVWKDQRU HTXDOWRWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHGHÀHFWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH $&, The largest required slab thickness from all the panels should be used wherever possible for overall economy. AdGLWLRQDOO\WKHVDPHVL]HYRLGIRUPHUVVKRXOGEHXVHGDVRIWHQDVSUDFWLFDOWKURXJKRXWWKHSURMHFWWRIDFLOLWDWHSODFHPHQWLQWKH¿HOG 'HVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUÀDWSODWHYRLGHGFRQFUHWHVODEV\VWHPVFDQEHIRXQGLQ5HIHUHQFH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.3 Required Strength 5.3.1 Analysis Methods 7KHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&,&KDSWHULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUPXVW EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK VHH$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 7KHIROORZLQJDQDO\VLVPHWKRGV DUHUHOHYDQWWRWZRZD\VODEV $&,DQG (1) /LQHDUHODVWLF¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLV $&, /LQHDUHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLV $&, (3) Inelastic analysis (ACI 6.8) Finite element analysis (ACI 6.9) 'LUHFWGHVLJQPHWKRG ''0 >$&, D @ (6) (TXLYDOHQWIUDPHPHWKRG ()0 >$&, E @ For purposes of analysis, two-way slab panels, which are bounded by columns, beams, or wall centerlines on all VLGHV $&, DUHSHUPLWWHGWREHGLYLGHGLQWRFROXPQVVWULSVDQGPLGGOHVWULSVWKHGH¿QLWLRQVRIZKLFKDUH JLYHQLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHZLGWKVRIWKHVHVWULSVGHSHQGRQWKHVSDQOHQJWKV and is the length of the span in the direction moments are being determined, measured center-to-center of supwhere is the length of the span in the direction perpendicular to measured center-to-center of supports ports, and VHH)LJXUH $Q\FROXPQOLQHEHDPVSUHVHQWDUHWREHLQFOXGHGLQWKHFROXPQVWULS $&, ሺκଶ ሻ κଵ ሺκଶ ሻ ݔଵ ݅ݎݐݏ݈݂݈݁݀݀݅݉ܽܪ ݔଶ ݔଶ ݊݉ݑ݈ܥ ݅ݎݐݏ ۷ܖܑܛ܍܌ܚܗܑܚ܍ܜܖ ܿଶ Τʹ ݅ݎݐݏ݊݉ݑ݈ܥ ۳܍܌ ܘܑܚܜܛ ܘܑܚܜܛܖܑܛ܍܌ ݔଵ ൌ κଵ ΤͶ ሺκଶ ሻ ȀͶ ݔଶ ൌ κଵ ΤͶ ሺκଶ ሻ ȀͶ Figure 5.8 Design strips, column strips, and middle strips in a two-way slab system. For slabs that are part of the LFRS, the results from a gravity load analysis are permitted to be combined with those IURPDODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLVXVLQJWKHDSSOLFDEOHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH $&, 7KH''0DQGWKH()0DUHQRWLQFOXGHGLQ$&,3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHVHPHWKRGVDUHJLYHQLQWKHWKURXJK HGLWLRQVRI$&,7KH''0LVFRYHUHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKDWVHFWLRQ LVSULPDULO\IURP$&,LQ$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure Factored bending moments, are permitted to be calculated at the faces of the supports for two-way slabs built LQWHJUDOO\ZLWKWKHVXSSRUWV $&, )RUÀH[XUDOGHVLJQWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHGHVLJQVWULSVRFFXUDWWKH faces of the supports where negative moments are maximum and in the span where positive moments are maximum. Studies of moment transfer between slabs and columns have shown that the factored slab moment resisted by the GXHWRJUDYLW\ODWHUDODQGRURWKHUORDGHIIHFWVLVWUDQVIHUUHGE\DFRPELQDWLRQRIÀH[XUH column at a joint, DQGHFFHQWULFLW\RIVKHDU5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUWUDQVIHUE\ÀH[XUHDQGWUDQVIHUE\HFFHQWULFLW\RIVKHDUDUHJLYHQLQ$&, DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 7KHIUDFWLRQRIWKHIDFWRUHGVODEPRPHQWUHVLVWHGE\WKHFROXPQWUDQVIHUUHGE\ÀH[XUHLVHTXDOWR factor LVFDOFXODWHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ where the (5.9) In this equation, and are the dimensions of the critical section for two-way shear measured parallel and perpendicular to the direction of analysis, respectively. The critical section for two-way shear is located so its perimis a minimum where the perimeter need not approach closer than to (1) edges or corners of columns, eter, FRQFHQWUDWHGORDGVRUUHDFWLRQDUHDVRU FKDQJHVLQVODEWKLFNQHVVVXFKDVHGJHVRIFROXPQFDSLWDOVGURSSDQHOV RUVKHDUFDSV $&, )RUVTXDUHRUUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQVFRQFHQWUDWHGORDGVRUUHDFWLRQDUHDVWKHFULWLFDO VHFWLRQLVSHUPLWWHGWREHGH¿QHGXVLQJVWUDLJKWVLGHV $&, )RUFLUFXODURUSRO\JRQVKDSHGFROXPQV WKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQLVSHUPLWWHGWREHGH¿QHGE\DVTXDUHFROXPQWKDWKDVWKHVDPHDUHDDVWKHDFWXDOFROXPQ $&, 3URSHUWLHVRIFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ to be used to resist $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK two-way slab systems without drop panels or shear caps: is equal to the following for (5.10) ܿଶ ܿଵ ݀ ΤʹሺǤሻ ܾଵ ܾଶ ܾ௦ ൌ ܿଶ ͵݄ ߛ ܯ௦ ݄ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ݀ Τʹ ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ݀ ܾ ൌ ʹܾଵ ܾଶ Figure 5.9 Effective slab width for transfer of moment at an edge column in a flat plate system. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For two-way systems with drop panels or shear caps, is equal to the following: (5.11) In these equations, is the dimension of the column in the direction perpendicular to the direction of analysis, is the thickness of the slab, and is the thickness of the drop panel or shear cap projection below the slab. For columns with capitals, the width of the capital is to be used in these equations instead of 7KHHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKVIRUDQHGJHFROXPQLQDÀDWSODWHV\VWHPDQGIRUDQLQWHULRUFROXPQLQDÀDWSODWHV\VWHP ZLWKDVKHDUFDSDUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ κ ܿଵ κ ܿଶ ܿଶ ͵ሺ݄ ݄ଵ ሻ κ ͵݄ ݄ଵ ݄ ܾ௦ ൌ ൝ ሺκ െ ܿଶ ͿȀʹ Figure 5.10 Effective slab width for transfer of moment at an interior column in a flat plate system with a shear cap. The factor LVSHUPLWWHGWREHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHEDVHGRQWKHOLPLWDWLRQVJLYHQLQWKDW in the table are the nomiWDEOHIRUGLIIHUHQWFROXPQORFDWLRQV $&,VHH7DEOH 7KHWHUPV and QDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKSURYLGHGE\WKHFRQFUHWH $&, DQGWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUVWUHVVRQWKHVODEFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRU two-way action, from the controlling load combination, without moment transfer, respectively. Information on how WRFDOFXODWHWKHVHVWUHVVHVLVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.10 Maximum Modified Values of Ȗf for Nonprestressed Two-way Slabs vuv İt within bslab Maximum Modified Ȗf Column Location Span Direction Corner column Either direction Perpendicular to the edge Edge column Parallel to the edge Interior column Either direction ,QRUGHUWREHDEOHWRXVHWKHPD[LPXPPRGL¿HGYDOXHVRI LQ7DEOHWKHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPH IRUWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ must be layer of longitudinal tension reinforcement at nominal strength, is the minimum strain corresponding greater than or equal to the strains indicated in the table. The strain is the value of the net tensile strain in the extreme layer of longito a tension-controlled section where WXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWXVHGWRGH¿QHDFRPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQ VHH$&,7DEOH results in a decrease in which is the factor used to determine the fraction of the factored slab Increasing >VHH$&,(TXDWLRQ @,W moment resisted by the column transferred by eccentricity of shear: results in a decrease in the moment and a corresponding decrease in factored is evident that a decrease in shear stresses, which may be advantageous in certain situations. KDVEHHQGHWHUPLQHGWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKLQ can be determined using Once (TXDWLRQV DQG LQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ)OH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPD\QHHGWREHFRQFHQWUDWHG to resist $&, 7KLVFDQEHDFKLHYHGE\SURYLGLQJDSRUWLRQRIWKHQHJDWLYHFROXPQ within or by adding more reinforcement within strip reinforcement at a closer spacing within A reversal of moment can occur at slab-column joints that are part of the LFRS. In such cases, both top and bot$&,5UHFRPPHQGVDUDWLRRIWRSWRERWWRP WRPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHFRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQ UHLQIRUFHPHQWRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\LQVXFKFDVHV 5.3.3 Critical Sections for Shear One-way Shear Factored shear forces, are permitted to be calculated at the faces of the supports for two-way slabs built inteJUDOO\ZLWKWKHVXSSRUWV $&, Two-way slabs are permitted to be designed for the factored shear force at a critical section located a distance IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWZKHUHWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG VHH)LJXUH (1) Support reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into the end region of the slab Loads are applied at or near the top surface of the slab (3) No concentrated load occurs between the face of the support and the critical section The critical section for one-way shear must be taken at the face of the support where one or more of the three condiWLRQVLQ$&,DUHQRWPHW Two-way Shear The critical section for two-way shear is located so its perimeter, is a minimum where the perimeter need not apWR HGJHVRUFRUQHUVRIFROXPQVFRQFHQWUDWHGORDGVRUUHDFWLRQDUHDVRU FKDQJHVLQ proach closer than VODEWKLFNQHVVVXFKDVHGJHVRIFROXPQFDSLWDOVGURSSDQHOVRUVKHDUFDSV $&,DQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κଵ ܿଶ κଶ ܿଵ ݀ Figure 5.11 Critical section for one-way shear in a two-way slab that satisfies the conditions of ACI κଵ ܿଵ ݀ ܿଶ ܿଶ ݀ κଶ ܿଵ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ Figure 5.12 Critical section for two-way shear in a flat plate. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,DFULWLFDOVHFWLRQZLWKVWUDLJKWVLGHVLVSHUPLWWHGIRUVTXDUHRUUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQV concentrated loads, or reaction areas. The locations of the critical sections for two-way shear at an interior column LQÀDWSODWHDQGÀDWVODEV\VWHPVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\)RUÀDWVODEVVKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWV from the face of the column and from the face of the drop panel beneed to be checked at a distance and are the average distances from the extreme comcause shear failure can occur at either location where SUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWGH¿QHGLQ)LJXUH A shear cap is a projection below the slab similar to a drop panel; unlike a drop panel, it is used exclusively to inFUHDVHWKHVODEVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHVODE$FFRUGLQJWR$&,VKHDUFDSVPXVWH[WHQGKRUL]RQWDOO\IURPWKHIDFH RIWKHFROXPQDGLVWDQFHHTXDOWRDWOHDVWWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHSURMHFWLRQEHORZWKHVODE VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVH of an interior column). Like slabs with drop panels, shear requirements must be checked at two locations. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺκȀ͵ሻ ݀ଵ κȀ͵ ܿଶ ܿଶ ݀ଶ κȀ͵ ሺκȀ͵ሻ ݀ଵ ܿଵ ݀ଶ ܿଵ ݀ଶ ݀ଵ Figure 5.13 Critical sections for two-way shear in a flat slab. ܿଵ ʹܾ ݀ଵ ܿଵ ݀ଶ ܿଶ ܿଶ ݀ଶ ܿଶ ʹܾ ݀ଵ ܿଵ ݀ଵ ݄ଵ ݄ ݀ଶ ܾ ݄ଵ Figure 5.14 Critical sections for two-way shear at a shear cap. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܦ ݀ ܦ ݀ Figure 5.15 Critical section for two-way shear at a column capital. ሺκȀ͵ሻ ݀ଵ κȀ͵ ܦ ݀ଶ κȀ͵ ሺκȀ͵ሻ ݀ଵ ܦ ݀ଶ ݀ଵ Figure 5.16 Critical sections for two-way shear at a column capital and drop panel. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUDQLQWHULRUFROXPQZLWKDFLUFXODUFDSLWDOLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUH%HFDXVHWKHFDSLWDOLV part of the column and not part of the slab, shear requirements need only be checked at the critical section located IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHFDSLWDO,QFDVHVZKHUHDFROXPQFDSLWDODQGGURSSDQHODUHERWKXWLOL]HGWKH a distance from the face of the capital and at the shear strength must be checked at the critical section located a distance IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHGURSSDQHO VHH)LJXUH critical section located a distance &ULWLFDOVKHDUSHULPHWHUVDUHQRWDVFOHDUO\GH¿QHGLQFDVHVZKHUHWKHVODEHGJHVFDQWLOHYHUEH\RQGWKHIDFH V RIDQ HGJHFROXPQ7KHIROORZLQJJHQHUDOJXLGHOLQHVFDQEHXVHGEDVHGRQWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,ZKLFKUHTXLUHV be a minimum. the perimeter of the critical section, &RQVLGHUWKHHGJHFROXPQLQ)LJXUH7KHFULWLFDOVKHDUSHULPHWHUIRUWKLVFROXPQLVHLWKHUWKUHHVLGHGRUIRXUVLGed depending on the length of the cantilever (overhang), The following equation can be used to obtain minimum (5.12) Similar equations can be derived for corner columns. ܿଵ ܿଶ ܿଶ ݀ ܿଵ ݀ ܿଵ ܿଶ ܿଵ ݀Ȁʹ ܿଶ ݀ ݔ ܿଶ Ȁʹ ݀ ݔ ܿଶ Ȁʹ ݀ Ǧ Ǧ Figure 5.17 Critical section perimeters for edge columns with slab cantilevers. ܿଵ ݀ ܿଵ ൌ ξߨ ܦΤʹ ܦ ݀Ȁʹ ݀Ȁʹ ܿଵ ܿଵ ݀ Figure 5.18 Critical section for two-way shear in slabs with circular columns. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUFLUFXODURUUHJXODUSRO\JRQVKDSHGFROXPQVWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUWZRZD\VKHDUDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHGH¿QHG DVVXPLQJDVTXDUHFROXPQWKDWKDVWKHVDPHDUHDDVWKHFLUFXODURUSRO\JRQVKDSHGFROXPQ $&, )RUD WKHVL]HRIWKHVTXDUHFROXPQ is equal to the following: circular column of diameter (5.13) The dimensions of the critical section in this case are VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHRIDQLQWHULRU FROXPQ 1RWHWKDWWKLVSURYLVLRQVSHFL¿FDOO\UHIHUVWRFLUFXODUFROXPQVDQGQRWFLUFXODUFROXPQFDSLWDOVWKHFULWLFDO VHFWLRQIRUWKHODWWHULVFLUFXODUDVVKRZQLQ)LJXUHVDQG ሺǤሻ ݀ Τʹ ݀ Τʹ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ݏ ݀ Τʹ ሺǤ ሻ ሺǤሻ ʹ݀ ݀Ȁʹ ݀Ȁʹ ݀ Τʹ ݀ Τʹ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ݏ ݀ Τʹ ሺǤ ሻ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ݏ ݀ Τʹ ሺǤ ሻ ሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ ʹ݀ ʹ݀ Figure 5.19 Critical sections for two-way shear in slabs reinforced with stirrups. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺǤሻ ݀ Τʹ ݀Ȁʹ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ݏ ሺǤሻ ʹ݀ ݏቊ ͵݀ ΤͶݒ௨ ߶ඥ݂ᇱ ݀ Τʹ ݒ௨ ߶ඥ݂ᇱ ሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ ݀ Τʹ ݀ Τʹ ݀Ȁʹ ݏ ݀Ȁʹ ݏ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ݀ȀʹሺǤሻ ʹ݀ ʹ݀ Figure 5.20 Critical sections for two-way shear in slabs reinforced with headed shear stud reinforcement. &ULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUWZRZD\VKHDULQVODEVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKVWLUUXSVRUKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHGH¿QHG from the edges or corners LQ$&, $&, ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQORFDWHGDGLVWDQFH beyond the of the columns, concentrated loads, or reaction areas, a critical section with a perimeter located RXWHUPRVWSHULSKHUDOOLQHRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWDOVREHFRQVLGHUHG,QRUGHUWRPLQLPL]H the shape of this critical section must be a polygon. The locations of the critical sections at interior, edge, and corner columns for VODEVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKVWLUUXSVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH>DOVRVHH$&,)LJXUHV5 D F @6LPLODUO\WKHORFDWLRQVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUVODEVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH DOVR VHH$&,)LJXUH5 is the fraction of the factored slab moment resisted by $VGLVFXVVHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ >$&,(TXDWLRQ @DQGWKHIDFWRU is the column transferred by eccentricity of shear where FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ ZKLFKGHSHQGVRQWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDU7KHPRPHQW LVDSSOLHGWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ $&, DQGSURGXFHVIDFWRUHGVKHDUVWUHVVHVDVVXPHGWRYDU\ OLQHDUO\DERXWWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܾଵ ݒ௨| ܿଵ ݒ௨| Critical section ܾଶ A ܿଶ D C ܿ ܿ B ܿ ܿ Centroid Interior Column ܾଵ ܿଵ ܿ ݒ௨| ݒ௨| ܾଶ ܿଶ C Critical section A D B ܿ ܿ ܿ Centroid Edge Column Figure 5.21 Assumed distribution of shear stresses due to direct factored shear and eccentricity of shear. The assumed distributions of shear stresses due to the combination of direct factored shear, and eccentricity of on the faces of the critical section for an interior column and an edge column bending perpendicular shear, WRWKHHGJHDUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUH The total factored shear stresses on faces AB and CD of the critical section can be determined by the following equations: (5.14) where area of concrete section resisting shear transfer perimeter of critical section for two-way shear distance from centroid of critical section to face AB distance from centroid of critical section to face CD property of critical section analogous to the polar moment of inertia Section Properties of Critical Sections Section properties of the critical section for two-way shear for rectangular columns, which are applicable to critical IURPWKHIDFHVRIWKHFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHFULWLFDOVKHDUSHULPHWHUVIRU sections located a distance WKHHGJHDQGFRUQHUFROXPQVDUHEDVHGRQWKHFROXPQVEHLQJÀXVKZLWKWKHVODEHGJHV WKDWLVQRVODEFDQWLOHYHUV $SSHQGL['LQ5HIHUHQFHFRQWDLQVWDEXODWHGYDOXHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVIRUFRPPRQVODEWKLFNQHVVHV DQGVTXDUHFROXPQVL]HVIRUHDFKRIWKHIRXUFDVHVLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.11 Section Properties of the Critical Section for Rectangular Columns ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ሺ݀ Τʹሻ ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ݀ ܿଶ ܿଶ ܦ ܿ ܿ ܿ ܣ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܦ ܿଵ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ݀ ܿ ܥ ܿଵ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ݀ ܥ ܣ ܤ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܤ Case 1 Section Property 2 Case 1: Interior rectangular column Case 2: Edge rectangular column bending parallel to the edge Table 5.11 Section Properties of the Critical Section for Rectangular Columns (cont.) ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ሺ݀ Τʹሻ ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ݀ ܿଶ ܿ ܣ ܤ ܿ ܦ ܿ ܤ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ Case Section Property 3 4 Case 3: Edge rectangular column bending perpendicular to the edge Case 4: Corner rectangular column bending perpendicular to the edge @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-22 ܥ ܿଵ ܣ ܿ ܦ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ݀Ȁʹሻ ܥ ܿଵ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ݀Ȁʹሻ ܿଶ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6HFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRISRO\JRQVKDSHGFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVOLNHWKRVHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHVDQGIRUWZRZD\ VODEVZLWKFORVHGVWLUUXSVDQGKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHVSHFWLYHO\DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.12 Section Properties of Polygon-Shaped Critical Sections κଶ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܥ ܦ ܿ κଷ ܿ ܿ ܿଵ Τʹܿଵ Τʹ ܣ ܥ ܿଵ Ȁʹ ܾଶ κଵ ܾଵ κଶ ܿଵ Ȁʹ ܿଶ ܿଶ ܦ ܤ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܿ κଷ κଵ ܣ ܤ ܾଶ ܾଵ Case Section Property 1 2 Case 1: Interior critical section with a rectangular column Case 2: Edge critical section with a rectangular column bending parallel to the edge (table continued on next page) 7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHDUHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHIROORZLQJJHQHUDOHTXDWLRQVZKLFKDUHVXLWDEOHIRUFULWLFDO sections with irregular geometries, such as polygon-shaped critical sections or critical sections affected by slab RSHQLQJV 5HIHUHQFH (5.15) (5.16) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.12 Section Properties of Polygon-Shaped Critical Sections (cont.) ܾଵ ܿ ܿ ܿଵ ܾଶ ܦ κଵ ܿ ܿଵ ܿ ܥ κଵ ܿଵ ܿଶ ܾଵ ܾଵ ൫ξʹΤʹ൯ܿଵ ݕ κଷ Ȁ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ κଷ ݔ ݔͶͷι ݕ κଶ ሺܾଶ ሻ ܿ ܿ ξʹሺܾଵ െ ܿଵ െ ܿ ሻ ܤ ܣ κଵ κଶ ሺܾଵ ሻ Case Section Property 3 4 Case 3: Edge critical section with a rectangular column bending perpendicular to the edge Case 4: Corner critical section with a square column bending perpendicular to the edge The summation occurs over the number of straight segments in the critical section where each segment has a length are the coordinates of the ends of each straight segment along the and equal to The terms axes, respectively, with respect to the centroid of the critical section. The section properties LQ7DEOHDUH FRQFHSWXDOO\GLIIHUHQWWKDQWKRVHLQ7DEOHGHWHUPLQLQJ for irregular critical sections using the methodology to determine IRUUHJXODUO\VKDSHGFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLVYHU\GLI¿FXOW7KHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQV DQG IRUDQ\VKDSHGFULWLFDOVHFWLRQDUHFRQVHUYDWLYH WKDWLVWKH\DUHVPDOOHUWKDQWKRVHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPHWKRGRORJ\XVHGIRUWKHUHJXODUO\VKDSHGFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQ7DEOH &DOFXODWLRQVIRUSRO\JRQ shaped critical sections for two-way slabs with closed stirrups and headed shear stud reinforcement are given in ([DPSOHVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ Information on how to determine the critical section properties for rectangular corner columns is given in Reference $OVRLQFOXGHGLVDPHWKRGWRFDOFXODWHWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVDERXWWKHSULQFLSDOD[HVRIWKHVHFWLRQ7KH SULQFLSDOD[HVIRUWKHVTXDUHFROXPQLQ7DEOHDUHGHQRWHGE\DVXEVFULSW³p”. For square columns, the principal D[HVRFFXUDORQJWKHGLDJRQDORIWKHFROXPQDQGDWDQDQJOHRULHQWHGGHJUHHIURPWKHGLDJRQDO @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,QOLHXRIXVLQJDQHTXLYDOHQWVTXDUHFROXPQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,VHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHFULWLFDO VHFWLRQIRUWZRZD\VKHDUIRUFLUFXODUFROXPQVFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOH)RUHGJHDQG corner circular columns, the critical section consists of a partial circular section plus two straight tangential segments perpendicular to and extending to the edge(s) of the slab. It is assumed the column is set back a distance equal from the edge(s), which provides conservative section properties for columns with larger setbacks. Similar to section properties can be derived for circular columns at the edge(s) of the slab. Table 5.13 Section Properties of the Critical Section for Circular Columns ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ݀Ȁʹ ݀Ȁʹ ܿ ܦ ݀ ܦ ܦ ݀ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܿ ܦ ܿ ܿ Case Section Property 1 2 Case 1: Interior circular column Case 2: Edge circular column bending parallel to the edge (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.13 Section Properties of the Critical Section for Circular Columns (cont.) ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ߛ௩ ܯ௦ ܦ ݀ ܦ ܦ ݀ ܿ ܿ ݀Ȁʹ ܿ ܿ ݀Ȁʹ ܦ Case Section Property 3 4 Case 3: Edge circular column bending perpendicular to the edge Case 4: Corner circular column bending perpendicular to the edge 5.3.4 Direct Design Method Overview 7KH'LUHFW'HVLJQ0HWKRG ''0 LVDQDSSUR[LPDWHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGLQFOXGHGLQWKHWKURXJKHGLWLRQVRI $&,7KHLQIRUPDWLRQJLYHQEHORZLVSULPDULO\IURP6HFWLRQRI$&,$FFRUGLQJWR$&, D WKLVPHWKRGLVSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGWRDQDO\]HWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPVIRUJUDYLW\ORDGV The DDM method gives reasonably conservative values of bending moments at the critical sections for two-way VODEVVXEMHFWHGWRJUDYLW\ORDGVPHHWLQJWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHPHWKRGZKLFKDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ)LJXUH 7KHIXQGDPHQWDOFRQFHSWRIWKH''0LVWKDWWKHVODELVDQDO\]HGE\GLYLGLQJLWLQWRGHVLJQVWULSV VHH)LJXUH $QDO\VLVRIWKHVODEV\VWHPLVSHUIRUPHGLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQLQGHSHQGHQWO\DQGSHUFHQWRIWKHWRWDOJUDYLW\ORDG must be carried in each direction. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κଵ ʹκଵ Ȁ͵ κଵ κଶ ܮΤ ܦ ʹ κଶ ȀͳͲ ሺʹǣͳሻ Figure 5.22 Limitations of the Direct Design Method. Determination of Factored Bending Moments in a Design Strip The three fundamental steps in the DDM used to determine factored bending moments in a design strip are as follows: in each span. • Step 1: Determine the total factored static moment, in a span is determined by the following equation: The total factored static moment, (5.17) where total factored uniformly distributed gravity load on the slab clear span in the direction of analysis measured from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets, VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHGH¿QLWLRQRIFOHDU or walls, which must be taken greater than or equal to nonrectangular span for rectangular and nonrectangular columns; for the purpose of determining columns are converted to square columns of the same cross-sectional area) length of the span in the direction perpendicular to )LJXUH measured center-to-center of supports (see is different on each side of the design strip, an average of these transverse span lengths must be used Where LQ(TXDWLRQ ,QWKHFDVHRIVSDQVDGMDFHQWDQGSDUDOOHOWRDVODEHGJH WREHXVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ LV equal to the distance from the edge of the slab to the centerline of the panel. is determined for each clear span length; however, For varying span lengths in the direction of analysis, can be calculated based on the longest clear span and that value can conservatively be used for all spans in that design strip. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ ݄ ݄ ݄ ͲǤͻ͵݄ ݄ ͲǤͺͻ݄ ݄ κ ͲǤͷκଵ κଵ Figure 5.23 Definition of clear span length, ℓn • 6WHS'LVWULEXWH into negative and positive bending moments in each span. into positive and negative bending moments at the critical sections within &RHI¿FLHQWVDUHXVHGWRGLVWULEXWH each span (that is, near or at midspan and the faces of the supports, respectively). $VXPPDU\RIWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDQHQGVSDQDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHW\SLFDOFDVHRI monolithic construction. A fully restrained exterior edge corresponds to a slab integrally constructed with a UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOOWKDWKDVDÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVPXFKJUHDWHUWKDQWKDWRIWKHVODE WKDWLVDUHODWLYHO\VPDOO amount of rotation occurs at the slab-wall connection). Table 5.14 Bending Moment Coefficients for an End Span Flat Plate and Flat Slab Two-way beam-supported slab Without Edge Beams With Edge Beams Exterior Edge Fully Restrained Exterior negative Positive Interior negative Location )RULQWHULRUVSDQVWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHHTXDOWRDQGDWWKHQHJDWLYHDQGSRVLWLYHORFDWLRQVLQWKHVSDQ respectively. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The total factored bending moments in the design strips at the critical locations are obtained by multiplying E\WKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLQ7DEOHIRUDQHQGVSDQDQGE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHFRHI¿FLHQWVQRWHGDERYHIRULQWHULRU VSDQV)RUH[DPSOHWKHWRWDOIDFWRUHGGHVLJQVWULSEHQGLQJPRPHQWDWWKHH[WHULRUVXSSRUWRIDÀDWSODWHRUÀDW slab without edge beams is equal to • Step 3: Distribute the total negative and positive bending moments in the design strip to the column strips and middle strips. 2QFHWKHWRWDOIDFWRUHGGHVLJQSRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVKDYHEHHQGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSWKHVH moments are distributed to the column strips and middle strips using percentages based on studies of linearly elastic slabs with different beam stiffnesses. The percentages depend on the aspect ratio of the panel and the presence of column-line beams in one or both directions. Distribution to Column Strips (TXDWLRQVWRGHWHUPLQHWKHSHUFHQWDJHVDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQFROXPQVWULSVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.15 Percentages of Factored Bending Moments in Column Strips Location Percentage* Exterior support Positive Interior support *Where where In these equations, LVWKHUDWLRRIWKHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIWKHEHDPVHFWLRQWRWKHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIDZLGWKRI slab bounded laterally by centerlines of adjacent panels for the beams in the direction of analysis, and is calculated E\(TXDWLRQ The term LVWKHUDWLRRIWKHWRUVLRQDOVWLIIQHVVRIDQHGJHEHDPVHFWLRQWRWKHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIDVODEZLGWK equal to the span length of the beam, measured center-to center of supports: (5.18) In this equation, and are the moduli of elasticity of the beam and slab concrete, respectively, which are typically equal for monolithic construction; is the moment of inertia of the slab section using the full width of the and is the cross-sectional constant determined by dividing the slab tributary to the beam, that is, beam section into its component rectangles, each having a smaller dimension and a larger dimension and by summing the contribution of each rectangle: (5.19) 7KHVXEGLYLVLRQLVWREHGRQHLQVXFKDZD\DVWRPD[LPL]H Equations for the calculation of for an edge and LVWREHXVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ 1RWHWKDWWKH VSDQGUHO EHDPDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHODUJHURI HIIHFWLYHZLGWKRIVODESHUPLWWHGWREHLQFOXGHGLQWKHHGJHEHDPLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݕଵ ݔଶ ݕଶ ܥ ൌ ൬1 െ 0.63 ݔଵ ݔଵଷ ݕଵ ݔଶ ݔଶଷ ݕଶ ൰ ൬1 െ 0.63 ൰ ݕଵ 3 ݕଶ 3 ܥ ൌ ൬1 െ 0.63 ݔଵ ݔଵଷ ݕଵ ݔଶ ݔଶଷ ݕଶ ൰ ൬1 െ 0.63 ൰ ݕଵ 3 ݕଶ 3 ݔଵ Case A ݔଵ ݔଶ ݕଶ ݕଵ Case B Figure 5.24 Calculation of cross-sectional constant Values of . IRUFRPPRQVODEWKLFNQHVVHVDQGHGJHEHDPVL]HVDUHJLYHQLQ$SSHQGL[&RI5HIHUHQFH In cases where FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVJUHDWHUWKDQ PXVWEHWDNHQDVZKHQGHWHUPLQLQJWKH SHUFHQWDJHRIWKHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWDWWKHH[WHULRUVXSSRUWE\WKHHTXDWLRQLQ7DEOH and without edge beams the percentages to use for For slabs without beams between supports GLVWULEXWLRQRIWRWDOQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVWRFROXPQVWULSVDUHDQGIRUH[WHULRUDQGLQWHULRUVXSSRUWVUHVSHFWLYHly. It is evident that all the exterior negative factored moment is assigned to the column strip unless an edge beam LVSURYLGHGZLWKDUHODWLYHO\ODUJHWRUVLRQDOVWLIIQHVVFRPSDUHGWRWKHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIWKHVODE6LPLODUO\WKH GLVWULEXWLRQRIWRWDOSRVLWLYHPRPHQWWRFROXPQVWULSVLVSHUFHQW which Walls along column lines in the direction of analysis can be regarded as stiff beams with PXVWEHXVHGLQWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOH,IDQH[WHULRUVXSSRUWLVDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH means wall perpendicular to the direction of analysis and monolithic with the slab, it can be assumed the wall provides VLJQL¿FDQWWRUVLRQDOUHVLVWDQFHWKDWLV FDQEHWDNHQDV $QH[FHSWLRQWRWKHSHUFHQWDJHVLQ7DEOHRFFXUVZKHUHFROXPQVRUZDOOVKDYHDUHODWLYHO\ODUJHZLGWKSHUSHQdicular to the direction of analysis. In particular, where the transverse width of a column or wall extends a distance the negative factored bending moments are to JUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRSHUFHQWWKHZLGWKRIWKHGHVLJQVWULS be uniformly distributed across Distribution to Column-line Beams For relatively stiff column-line beams LWLVDVVXPHGWKHEHDPVDWWUDFWDVLJQL¿FDQWSRUWLRQRIWKH EHQGLQJPRPHQWVDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULS,QVXFKFDVHVWKHEHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVW percent of the factored column strip moments based on the applicable percentages determined by the equations in 7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Where WKHSHUFHQWDJHUHVLVWHGE\WKHEHDPFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\OLQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQEHWZHHQ and respectively. DQG]HURSHUFHQWZKLFKFRUUHVSRQGWR In addition to the factored bending moments from the column strip, column-line beams must also be designed to resist the effects from any loads applied directly to the beam. Loads located on the slab outside of the beam width must be distributed accordingly between the slab and beam. Distribution to Middle Strips The portions of the total factored design negative and positive bending moments that are not assigned to the column strip are assigned to the half middle strips in the design strip. A middle strip adjacent and parallel to a panel edge and supported by a wall must be designed for two times the factored bending moment assigned to the half middle VWULSFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH¿UVWURZRILQWHULRUVXSSRUWV 'HVLJQPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUWRWDOPRPHQWVFROXPQVWULSPRPHQWVDQGPLGGOHVWULSPRPHQWVDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQ ÀDWSODWHVRUÀDWVODEVZLWKRXWHGJHEHDPV ÀDWSODWHVRUÀDWVODEVZLWKHGJHEHDPV ÀDWSODWHVRU ÀDWVODEVZLWKDQHQGVSDQLQWHJUDOZLWKDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOODQG WZRZD\EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEVDUHJLYHQ LQ7DEOHVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHVHFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHDSSOLFDEOHSHUFHQWDJHV discussed previously. Table 5.16 Design Moment Coefficients for Flat Plates or Flat Slabs Without Edge Beams ༃ ༄ ༅ ༆ ᬉ End Span Slab Moments Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Total Moment Column Strip Middle Strip @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.17 Design Moment Coefficients for Flat Plates or Flat Slabs With Edge Beams* ༃ ༄ ༅ ༆ ᬉ End Span Slab Moments Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Total Moment Column Strip M o Middle Strip *Applicable to edge beams with For edge beams with exterior negative column strip moment is equal to Table 5.18 Design Moment Coefficients for Flat Plates or Flat Slabs With End Span Integral with a Reinforced Concrete Wall ༃ ༄ ༅ ༆ ᬉ End Span Slab Moments Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Total Moment Column Strip Middle Strip @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.19 Design Moment Coefficients for Two-Way Beam-Supported Slabs ༃ ༄ ༅ ༆ ᬉ End Span Span Ratio, ℓ2 / ℓ1 Slab and Beam Moments Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Total Moment Column Strip Beam* Slab Middle Strip Column Strip Beam* Slab Middle Strip Column Strip Beam* Slab Middle Strip *Applicable to (1) edge beams with and (2) column-line beams with Determination of Factored Moments in Columns and Walls Columns and walls supporting a two-way slab system must be designed to resist the appropriate negative factored bending moments transferred from the slab. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the following equation can be used transferred at an interior support due to factored gravity loads for the case of two to determine the moment, DGMRLQLQJVSDQVZLWKRQHVSDQORQJHUWKDQWKHRWKHU VHH)LJXUH (5.20) In this equation, and are the uniformly distributed factored dead and live loads, respectively, on the longer is the uniformly distributed factored dead load on the shorter span; and are the longer and shorter span; and are the span lengths perpendicular to and respectively. clear span lengths, respectively; and, Where and (TXDWLRQ UHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJ (5.21) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ଶ ሺܿଶ ሻ ሺܿଵ ሻ ሺܯ௨ ሻ ݍ௨ 0.5ݍ௨ ᇱ ݍ௨ ܯ௦ ݄ଵ Joint A ሺܿଶ ሻ ሺܯ௨ ሻ ሺܿଵ ሻ κᇱ ൏ κ κ κଵᇱ ൏ κଵ κଵ Joint A ᇱ ܯ௦ ൌ 0.07ሾሺݍ௨ 0.5ݍ௨ ሻκଶ κଶ െ ݍ௨ κᇱଶ ሺκᇱ ሻଶ ሿ ሺܿଶ ሻ ሺܿଵ ሻଷ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ 12݄ଶ ሺܿଶ ሻ ሺܿଵ ሻଷ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ 12݄ଵ ሺ݇ሻ ሺܯ௨ ሻ ൌ ܯ ሺ݇ሻ ሺ݇ሻ ௦ ሺ݇ሻ ሺܯ௨ ሻ ൌ ܯ ሺ݇ሻ ሺ݇ሻ ௦ Figure 5.25 Determination of factored moments at interior supporting members. The moment GHWHUPLQHGE\HLWKHU(TXDWLRQ RU LVGLVWULEXWHGWRWKHLQWHULRUVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHUV above and below the slab in direct proportion to the members’ stiffnesses, which, in general, can be determined by dividing the cross-sectional moment of inertia of the member in the direction of analysis by the length of the PHPEHU WKLVLVEDVHGRQWKHDVVXPSWLRQWKHSUHGRPLQDQWFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHWRWDOGLVSODFHPHQWLVGXHWRÀH[XUH VHH)LJXUH :KHUHWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHUVDERYHDQGEHORZWKHVODEDUH is transferred on the basis of the inverse of the member lengths (that is, the longer member resists a the same, than the shorter member). lesser amount of At an exterior support, the total negative bending moment from the slab is transferred directly to the support. Like interior supports, this moment is transferred to the members above and below the slab in direct proportion to their stiffnesses. For two-way shear design at edge columns, the factored gravity bending moment to be transferred bemust be when the DDM is used to tween the slab and edge column bending perpendicular to the edge, determine design strip bending moments. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-34 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determination of Factored Shear in Slabs with Beams ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHDSSOLFDEOHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQ7DEOHEHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWDSSOLFDEOHWULEXWDU\ factored shear forces due to the factored loads. The tributary areas for beams in a two-way beam-supported system DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHWKHJUD\WULEXWDU\DUHDDSSOLHVWRWKHLQWHULRUEHDPWKDWVSDQVEHWZHHQFROXPQV$DQG% EHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHVFDXVHGE\WKH Where IDFWRUHGORDGVRQWKHWULEXWDU\DUHDWKLVPHDQVWKHVKHDUIRUFHVLQWKHVODEDURXQGWKHFROXPQDUHHTXDOWR]HUR A Tributary area 45 deg ሺtyp.ሻ B Figure 5.26 Tributary area for calculation of factored shear forces on an interior beam in a two-way beam-supported slab. Where the shear forces resisted by the beam can be obtained by linear interpolation assuming the (as noted above) and carries no load at In EHDPFDUULHVSHUFHQWRIWKHORDGZKHUH FDVHVZKHUHWKHEHDPFDUULHVOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIWKHORDGWKHVKHDUIRUFHVQRWUHVLVWHGE\WKHEHDPVPXVWEH resisted by the slab around the column. These shear forces and the applicable moments determined by the expresVLRQVLQ7DEOHFDXVHVKHDUVWUHVVHVLQWKHVODEZKLFKDUHFDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ In addition to the shear forces noted above, column-line beams must also be designed to resist the factored shear forces due to any factored loads applied directly to the beam. 5.3.5 Lateral Loads Effects from lateral loads on two-way systems can be determined using the analysis methods in ACI Chapter 6. Regardless of the analysis method, the effects of axial loads, cracking, and effects of load duration must be taken LQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQVRGULIWFDXVHGE\ODWHUDOORDGVLVQRWXQGHUHVWLPDWHG:KHUHDOLQHDUHODVWLF¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVLQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,LVSHUIRUPHGXVLQJIDFWRUHGORDGVWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVLQ$&,DQGDUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete permitted to be used in lieu of performing a more rigorous analysis. In cases where service-level loads are applied to WKHVWUXFWXUHWKHPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDJLYHQLQ$&,DUHDSSOLFDEOH6LPLODUO\ZKHUHDOLQHDUHODVWLFVHFRQG RUGHUDQDO\VLVLVSHUIRUPHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,XVLQJIDFWRUHGORDGVLWLVSHUPLWWHGWRXVHWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVFDOFXODWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, ZKHUHVHUYLFHOHYHOORDGVDUHXVHGWKHSURYLVLRQV RI$&,DUHDSSOLFDEOH In two-way slab systems with column-line beams, the beams usually resist most or all of the lateral load effects because they are typically much stiffer than the slab. )RUÀDWSODWHV\VWHPVWKDWDUHSDUWRIWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHUHVLVWLQJV\VWHP 6)56 WKHPRPHQWRILQHUWLDIRUWKHVODE members must be determined by a model in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests and analysis; WKHPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDRIWKHRWKHUIUDPHPHPEHUVPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQG $&, Several models satisfying this requirement are referenced in ACI R6. To account for cracking, the slab moment of inertia is typically reduced between one-half and one-quarter of the uncracked moment of inertia. When determining drifts or second-order effects in columns, a lower-bound slab stiffness should be used in the analysis. In structures where slab-column frames interact with shear walls, a range of slab stiffnesses should be inYHVWLJDWHGLQRUGHUWRDVVHVVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKHLQWHUDFWLRQ1RWHWKDWÀDWSODWHVDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHSDUWRIWKH SFRS in buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) D, E, or F (see ACI Chapter 18). 5.4 Design Strength 5.4.1 General 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGLQDWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPIRUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQ LQ$&,7DEOH $&, (5.22) (5.23) (5.24) (5.25) Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,1RQSUHVWUHVVHGWZRZD\VODEVPXVWEH GHVLJQHGDVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOH $&, WKXVWKHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKH must be greater than or equal to extreme layer of the longitudinal tension reinforcement at nominal strength, and $&,7DEOH 7KHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHOD\HURIGHIRUPHGORQJLWXGLQDO is equal to $&, tension reinforcement corresponding to compression-controlled sections, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVSVLUHJDUGOHVVRI where the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcement, $&,7DEOH WKHJUDGHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, )RUVKHDU 'HWHUPLQDWLRQRIQRPLQDOÀH[XUDODQGVKHDUVWUHQJWKVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 5.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK of a rectangular section with one layer of tension reinforcement is determined in DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGLVEDVHGRQPRPHQWHTXLOLEULXPRIDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQ VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH (5.26) In this equation, LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHVWUDLQDQGVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQVLQ)LJXUH are at a positive moment section and are equally applicable at negative moment sections. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾܽ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ܿ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ݄ ܣ௦ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ܽ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ ߝ௧ ܾ Figure 5.27 Strain and stress distributions at a positive moment section in a two-way slab. )RUWZRZD\VODEVWKHDYHUDJHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDO )RUÀDWVODEVVDWLVI\LQJWKHGLPHQVLRQDOUHtension reinforcement, can be approximated as TXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,IRUWKHGURSSDQHOVWKH XVHGLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHQHJDWLYHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKDWWKHFULWLFDO LVFDOFXODWHGEDVHGRQWKHOLPLWDWLRQLQ$&,WKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHGURSSDQHOEHORZWKHVODE section, must be less than or equal to one-fourth the distance from the edge of the drop panel to the face of the column or VHH)LJXUHIRUWKH column capital. This requirement essentially limits the value of used in determining case of an interior column with no capital). ݀ ݄ ͳǤʹͷ݄ ܾௗ κ Ȁ κ Ȁ ݀ ൌ ͳǤʹͷ݄ െ ݀ െ ݄ ൫ܾௗ ΤͶ൯ െ ݀ െ Figure 5.28 Determination of d for slabs with drop panels. The depth of the equivalent stress block, is determined from force equilibrium, that is, it is determined by setequal to the tension force in the reinforcement, ting the resultant compressive force in the concrete, and solving for VHH)LJXUH (5.27) ,WLVDVVXPHGDXQLIRUPVWUHVVHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK is distributed over the , where LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV $&, 7KH depth PD[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVDVVXPHGWREH $&, DQGWKHWHUP is the width of the compression face of the member, which is typically the width of the column strip or middle strip. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The term is the factor relating the depth of the equivalent rectangular compression block, LVGH¿QHGLQ$&,7DEOHDVIROORZV $&, neutral axis, to the depth of the • For • For • For 5.4.3 Nominal One-way Shear Strength The nominal one-way shear strength, DWDVHFWLRQLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, (5.28) In this equation, is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete and is the nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement. For nonprestressed members, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,7DEOH $&, $VVXPLQJVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWXVHGLQWZRZD\VODEVIRURQHZD\VKHDU(TXDWLRQ F LQ$&,7DEOHLV LVHTXDOWR]HUR applicable. This equation reduces to the following where the axial force, (5.29) In this equation, LVWKHZLGWKRIWKHSODQHH[WHQGLQJDFURVVWKHHQWLUHVODEZLGWK $&,VHH)LJXUH $FFRUGLQJWR$&, must not be taken greater than where 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU accounts for the phenomenon indicated in test results that the shear strength attributed to concrete in members without shear reinforcement does not increase in direct proportion with member GHSWKWKLVIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (5.30) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDW LVOHVVWKDQIRUPHPEHUVZLWK ZD\VODEVZLWKDQRYHUDOOGHSWKOHVVWKDQDERXWLQ This means for two- The term LVWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYH to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength; it is determined based on either (1) the equilibrium RIWKHFRQFUHWHPL[RU WKHFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKHDJJUHJDWHLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ VHH$&,DQG density, $&, 9DOXHVRI based on DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>VHH$&,7DEOH D @DQGYDOXHVRI based on FRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>VHH$&,7DEOH E @1RWHWKDW is permitted to be taken DVIRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, DQGLVHTXDOWRIRUQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, Table 5.20 Values of Ȝ Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-38 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.21 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete All-lightweight /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG Sand-lightweight Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Composition of Aggregates )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG& &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG$670& Ȝ WR(1) WR (1) /LQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQIURPWRLVSHUPLWWHGEDVHGRQWKHDEVROXWHYROXPHRIQRUPDOZHLJKW¿QHDJJUHJDWHDVDIUDFWLRQRIWKHWRWDODEVROXWHYROXPH RI¿QHDJJUHJDWH (2) /LQHDULQWHUSRODWLRQIURPWRLVSHUPLWWHGEDVHGRQWKHDEVROXWHYROXPHRIQRUPDOZHLJKWFRDUVHDJJUHJDWHDVDIUDFWLRQRIWKHWRWDODEVROXWH volume of aggregate. The term LQ(TXDWLRQ LVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW at the section divided by $FFRUGLQJWR$&,5 PD\EHWDNHQDVWKHVXPRIWKHDUHDVRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW ORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWKDZD\IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU)RUPHPEHUV with one layer of tension reinforcement, like two-way slabs, LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKDW section, which has a width equal to Values of used to calculate DUHOLPLWHGWRSVLH[FHSWDVDOORZHGLQ$&, $&, 7KLV is primarily due to a lack of test data and practical experience with concrete having compressive limitation on VWUHQJWKVJUHDWHUWKDQSVL)RUHFRQRP\LWLVW\SLFDOIRU LQWZRZD\VODEVWREHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR SVL 5HIHUHQFH One-way shear rarely governs in a two-way slab system, so shear reinforcement for one-way shear is not required; thus, 7RPLQLPL]HWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGLDJRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQIDLOXUHLQWKHFRQFUHWHDQGWROLPLWWKHH[WHQWRIFUDFNLQJWKH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIDVHFWLRQPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRVDWLVI\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (5.31) 5.4.4 Nominal Two-way Shear Strength Overview For two-way shear, LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 3URYLVLRQVWRGHWHUPLQHQRPLQDO two-way shear strengths for slabs without and with shear reinforcement are given below. Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs without Shear Reinforcement )RUWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPVZLWKRXWVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW(TXDWLRQ PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV The stress corresponding to the nominal two-way shear GH¿QHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQZKHUH LVWKHOHDVWRIWKHYDOXHVFDOFXODWHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH strength provided by the concrete, $&, (5.32) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-39 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ >$&,@DQG LVWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQ IDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYHWRQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHRIWKH VDPHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK VHH7DEOHVDQG The term is the ratio of the long to short dimensions of a rectangular column, concentrated load, or reaction area. The constant LVHTXDOWRIRULQWHULRUFROXPQVIRUHGJHFROXPQVDQGIRUFRUQHUFROXPQV5HIHUHQFHWR references the these types of columns does not suggest the actual location of a column in a building; instead, number of critical sections available to resist shear around a column. For example, LVHTXDOWRIRUWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQLQ)LJXUHDGMDFHQWWRDUHODWLYHO\ODUJHRSHQLQJLQWKLVFDVHRQO\VLGHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQDUH available to resist the shear stress. Additional information on the effects of openings in two-way slab systems is JLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Ƚ௦ ൌ ͵Ͳ Figure 5.29 Effect of an opening on the critical section of an interior column. Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs with Shear Reinforcement For two-way slab systems with shear reinforcement (stirrups or headed shear stud reinforcement), is determined LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,(TXDWLRQVWRGHWHUPLQH at the various critical section locations are given in Table VHH$&,7DEOH Table 5.22 Nominal Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs with Shear Reinforcement Shear Reinforcement Critical Sections Stirrups $&,DQG )LJXUH +HDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, )LJXUH $&, )LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-40 vc Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVZKHUHRQHRI WKHIROORZLQJWZRFRQGLWLRQVLVVDWLV¿HG $&, 1. 6WLUUXSVGHVLJQHGDQGGHWDLOHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DUHSURYLGHGZKHUH 6PRRWKKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKDVWXGVKDIWOHQJWKOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRLQGHVLJQHGDQG GHWLOHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DUHSURYLGHGZKHUH In these equations, is the total area of stirrup legs or headed shear stud reinforcement on one peripheral line geometrically similar to the perimeter of the column section within the spacing Information on shear reinforcement in two-way slabs is given below. Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Single- or Multiple-leg Stirrups Two-way shear strength of two-way slabs can be increased by shear reinforcement consisting of properly anchored VLQJOHRUPXOWLSOHOHJVWLUUXSV VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH 6WLUUXSVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGSURYLGHG of where is the diameter of the stirrups (ACI the two-way slab is greater than or equal to the larger of 6 in. or VHH)LJXUH ηͳ2db κext ζ2 d db (typ.) κext κext κext (a) (b) 6d For #3–#5 stirrups, κext = greater of ൜ b 3" (c) Figure 5.30 Stirrup shear reinforcement for use in two-way slabs. (a) Single-leg stirrup. (b) Multiple-leg stirrup. (c) Closed stirrups. ݀ ԣ ݀ ൝ ͳ݀ ʹ݀ ݀ Τʹ ݏ ݀ Τʹ Figure 5.31 Cover, spacing, and depth requirements for closed stirrups. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-41 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The nominal shear strength, LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, (5.33) In this equation, is the area of all stirrup legs on one peripheral line geometrically similar to the perimeter of the FROXPQVHFWLRQ)RUH[DPSOHDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUHVWLUUXSVDUHSURYLGHGSDUDOOHOWRHDFK column face. Along one peripheral line of stirrups, there are two vertical stirrup legs on each face, so for four faces, where is equal to the area of one stirrup leg. The term is the spacing of the peripheral lines of stirrups in the direction perpendicular to the column face. The ORFDWLRQDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHVWLUUXSVPXVWFRQIRUPZLWK$&,7DEOH VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH 0HWKods to determine DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement +HDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQIRUPLQJWR$&,FDQEHXVHGDORQHRULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKVWLUUXSVGURS SDQHOVVKHDUFDSVRUFROXPQFDSLWDOVWRLQFUHDVHWKHQRPLQDOWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWZRZD\VODEV $&, $W\SLFDOKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGDUUDQJHPHQWLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH/DUJHKHDGHGVWXGVDUHZHOGHGWRÀDWUDLOVDQG WKHDVVHPEO\LVSRVLWLRQHGRQFKDLUVDURXQGWKHFROXPQVDQGVXEVHTXHQWO\QDLOHGWRWKHIRUPZRUN7KHVL]HDQG spacing of the studs and the length of the base rail depend on the shear requirements. Figure 5.32 Headed shear stud reinforcement. /LNHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVVXI¿FLHQWFRYHUPXVWEHSURYLGHGWRSURWHFWWKHDVVHPEO\IURPZHDWKHU¿UHDQGRWKHUHIIHFWV VHH)LJXUH 0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ$&, WKHPLQLPXPFRYHUWRWKHKHDGVDQGEDVHUDLOVLVWKHVDPHDVWKDWUHTXLUHGIRUWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDWZR ZD\VODEZKLFKLVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHIRUFDVWLQSODFHQRQSUHVWUHVVHGPHPEHUV)RUWZRZD\VODEVQRW H[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQGWKHPLQLPXPFRYHULVLQIRUDQGVPDOOHUEDUV7KHRYHUDOOKHLJKWRIWKHKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGDVVHPEO\PXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-42 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺሻ ݀ Τʹ ͵݀ ΤͶݒ௨ ߶ඥ݂ᇱ ݏቐ ݀ Τʹ ݒ௨ ߶ඥ݂ᇱ Figure 5.33 Cover and spacing requirements for headed shear stud reinforcement. The nominal shear strength, LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,$&,(TXDWLRQ LVXVHG WKLVHTXDWLRQLVWKHVDPHDV$&,(TXDWLRQ IRUVWLUUXSV>VHH(TXDWLRQ @7KHPDLQ to determine is the cross-sectional area of all headed shear studs on one difference is that for the case of headed shear studs, SHULSKHUDOOLQHJHRPHWULFDOO\VLPLODUWRWKHSHULPHWHURIWKHFROXPQVHFWLRQ)RUWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQLQ)LJXUH where is the area of one headed shear stud. The term is the spacing of the peripheral lines of headed shear studs in the direction perpendicular to the column IDFH7KHORFDWLRQDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVPXVWFRQIRUPZLWK$&,7DEOH VHH$&, DQG)LJXUHVDQG 0HWKRGVWRGHWHUPLQH DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ $&,(TXDWLRQ PXVWDOVREHVDWLV¿HGZKHUHKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVSURYLGHG $&, (5.34) Summary of Nominal Two-way Shear Strength Requirements 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQRPLQDOWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWK for two-way slab for systems without and with shear reinforcement. Included in this table are the maximum permitted values of two-way slabs with shear reinforcement, which are equal to the values of LQ$&,7DEOHGLYLGHGE\WKH strength reduction factor, $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-43 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.23 Nominal Two-way Shear Strength Requirements for Two-way Slabs Shear Reinforcement Critical Sections None $&, )LJXUHV± Nominal Strengths $&, )LJXUH Stirrups $&, )LJXUH +HDGHG6KHDU6WXG Reinforcement $&, )LJXUH $&, )LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-44 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.4.5 Openings in Two-way Slab Systems Openings for mechanical ductwork, electrical and plumbing risers, stairs, elevators, and other elements are comPRQO\UHTXLUHGLQWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPV7KHHIIHFWVRIVXFKRSHQLQJVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQ $&, $FFRUGLQJWR$&,RSHQLQJVRIDQ\VL]HDUHSHUPLWWHGLQDWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPSURYLGHGDQDQDO\VLVRIWKH V\VWHPZLWKWKHRSHQLQJVLVSHUIRUPHGWKDWVKRZVDOOVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG)RUWZR ZD\VODEV\VWHPVZLWKRXWEHDPVVXFKDQDQDO\VLVQHHGQRWEHSHUIRUPHGZKHQWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,DUH VDWLV¿HGWKH¿UVWWKUHHRIWKHVHSURYLVLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH)LJXUH Table 5.24 Requirements for Openings in Two-way Slab Systems in Accordance with ACI Location Maximum Opening Size Additional Requirements 2SHQLQJVRIDQ\VL]HDUHSHUPLWWHG Total quantity of reinforcement in the panel must be at least that required for the panel without the opening Area common to intersecting columns strips One-eighth the width of the column strip in either span A quantity of reinforcement at least equal to that interrupted by an opening must be added to the sides of the opening Area common to one column strip and one middle strip Not more than one-fourth of the reinforcement in either strip must be interrupted by openings A quantity of reinforcement at least equal to that interrupted by an opening must be added to the sides of the opening Area common to intersecting middle strips κଶ CS κଵ MS CS κଵ MS CS κଶ CS MS CS MS CS Any size opening permitted ሾACIሺaሻሿ Maximum opening width ൌ ሺCS widthሻ/8 ሾACIሺbሻሿ See ACIሺcሻ Figure 5.34 Permitted openings in two-way slab systems without beams in accordance with ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-45 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The closer an opening is to a column, the greater effect it has on the critical shear perimeter available to resist shear from the periphery of a column, concentrated load, forces. In particular, where an opening is located closer than RUUHDFWLRQDUHDWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG>$&, G @7KHSHULPHWHURIWKHFULWLFDO section must be reduced by a length equal to the projection of the opening formed by two straight lines that extend from the centroid of the column, concentrated load, or reaction area and are tangent to the boundaries of the opening. The ineffective portions of DUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHIRUDFROXPQLQDÀDWSODWHV\VWHPZLWKRSHQLQJVIRU systems without and with shear reinforcement. ൏ Ͷ݄ ሺǤ ሻ ܾ ܾ ሺሻ ሺሻ Figure 5.35 Effect of openings on critical shear perimeter in two-way slabs. (a) Without shear reinforcement. (b) With shear reinforcement. The section properties of the remaining effective segments of the critical section can be determined using Equations DQG LQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ7KHVKHDUVWUHVVHVGXHWRWKHGLUHFWVKHDUIRUFHDQGWKHSRUWLRQ RIWKHPRPHQWWUDQVIHUUHGWRWKHFROXPQE\HFFHQWULFLW\RIVKHDUDUHFDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ XVLQJWKHUHGXFHG section properties of the critical section. The maximum shear stresses must be less than or equal to applicable design LQ7DEOH two-way shear strengths, 5.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 5.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW at a critical section in a column strip or middle strip in a two-way and for tension-controlled VODEV\VWHPLVGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHGDQGGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKV VHFWLRQV8VLQJ(TXDWLRQV DQG WKHUHTXLUHG can be determined by the following equation: (5.35) 7KHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKFRHI¿FLHQWRIUHVLVWDQFH LVGH¿QHGDVIROORZV (5.36) and for tension-controlled sections. Factored bending moments, LQ(TXDWLRQ FDQEHREWDLQHGDW WKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSVDQGPLGGOHVWULSVXVLQJWKH''0ZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH VHH7DEOHVWKURXJK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-46 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDQ\FULWLFDOVHFWLRQLQDWZRZD\VODEPXVWQRWEHOHVVWKDQ is equal to the thickness of the slab, times the width of the column strip or middle strip where the gross area (ACI FDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ ZKHUH 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVODEZLGWK LQ(TXDWLRQ LVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ >VHH(TXDWLRQ @,QWKLVFDVH is equal to the folORZLQJ VHH$&,DQG6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ (5.37) In this equation, for shear and is the factored shear stress on the slab critical section for two-way action from the controlling load combination without moment transfer: (5.38) It is also important to verify the section is tension-controlled. The following relationship is obtained from the linear for tension-controlled sections (see strain distribution where is the depth of the neutral axis when )LJXUH (5.39) Substituting LQWR(TXDWLRQ ZLWK IURP(TXDWLRQ WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQFDQEHXVHGWRFDOcorresponding to tension-controlled sections for two-way slabs with FXODWHWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW (5.40) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW SURSHUWLHV(TXDWLRQ UHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJ and for For these material (5.41) In these equations, is the width of the column strip or middle strip. If FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVJUHDWHU the section is not tension-controlled , and must be increased accordingly to attain a tensionthan FRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQ$VLPLODUFKHFNPXVWEHSHUIRUPHGIRUWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKLQ 5.5.2 Required Shear Reinforcement :KHUHUHTXLUHGWKHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWZRZD\VODEVFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-47 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Stirrups 3ULRUWRGHWHUPLQLQJWKHUHTXLUHGVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHVWLUUXSVLWVKRXOGEHYHUL¿HGWKDWWKHPD[LPXPVKHDU in accordance with ACI Table stress, DWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQGH¿QHGE\$&,LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR DQGRU must be increased accordingly to satisfy this requirement. :KHUH The total number of stirrup legs, provided on one peripheral line geometrically similar to the perimeter of the FROXPQGHSHQGRQWKHQXPEHURIVLGHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPLQJDVWLUUXSEDUVL]HZLWKDQ the following equation can be used to determine the required spacing, VHH7DEOH area equal to (5.42) Stirrups can be terminated where the design strength of the concrete can resist the factored shear stress without the VHH)LJXUHDQG7DEOH contribution of the stirrups; this occurs where Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement 3ULRUWRGHWHUPLQLQJWKHUHTXLUHGVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLWVKRXOGEHYHUL¿HG in that the maximum shear stress, DWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQGH¿QHGE\$&,LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR DQGRU must be increased accordingly to satisfy this DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOH:KHUH requirement. provided on one peripheral line geometrically similar to the perimeter of The number of headed shear studs, WKHFROXPQGHSHQGRQ WKHQXPEHURIVLGHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQDQG WKHVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWSDUDOOHOWRWKH the FROXPQIDFHLQ$&,7DEOH VHH)LJXUH $VVXPLQJDKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGZLWKDQDUHDHTXDOWR following equation can be used to determine the required spacing, VHH7DEOH (5.43) +HDGHGVKHDUVWXGVFDQEHWHUPLQDWHGZKHUHWKHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKRIWKHFRQFUHWHFDQUHVLVWWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUVWUHVV VHH)LJXUHDQG7DEOH without the contribution of the headed shear studs; this occurs where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-48 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VQRWHGSUHYLRXVO\$&,UHTXLUHVKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGVWXGDVVHPEOLHVFRQIRUPWR$670 is equal to $ 5HIHUHQFH $FFRUGLQJWRWKDWGRFXPHQWWKHPLQLPXP\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHVWXGPDWHULDO SVL$OVRWKHDUHDRIDKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVKRXOGEHREWDLQHGIURPPDQXIDFWXUHUV¶OLWHUDWXUH 5.6 Reinforcement Detailing 5.6.1 Concrete Cover Reinforcing bars, stirrups, and headed shear stud assemblies are placed in two-way slabs with a minimum concrete FRYHUWRSURWHFWWKHPIURPZHDWKHU¿UHDQGRWKHUHIIHFWV0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWZRZD\VODEVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQGWKHPLQLPXPFRYHULVHTXDOWRLQIRUDQGVPDOOHUEDUV $&,7DEOH &RQFUHWHFRYHULVPHDVXUHGIURP the surface of the concrete to the following: • 2XWHUPRVWOD\HURIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWZRZD\VODEVZLWKRXWVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW )LJXUH • Outermost surface of the stirrup bars for two-way slabs with shear reinforcement consisting of stirrups (Figure • Underside of the base rail and outermost surface of the head for two-way slabs with shear reinforcement conVLVWLQJRIKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGV )LJXUH ሺǤሻ ݀ ۓ ۖ ͳǤ ݀ ۔ ۖ ەሺͶȀ͵ሻ݀ Figure 5.36 Minimum clear cover and spacing requirements for reinforcing bars in two-way slabs. 5.6.2 Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars 0LQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJRISDUDOOHOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQDVLQJOHKRUL]RQWDOOD\HULVJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 7KHVHOLPLWVKDYHEHHQHVWDEOLVKHGSULPDULO\VRFRQFUHWHFDQÀRZUHDGLO\LQWRWKHVSDFHVEHWZHHQDGMRLQLQJEDUV 7KHVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ)LJXUHIRUDWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPZKHUH PD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]HLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ is the nominal 5.6.3 Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars ([FHSWIRUWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPVPD[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVHTXDOWRWKH and 18 in. at critical sections and DQGLQDWRWKHUVHFWLRQV $&, ,QDGGLWLRQWRFRQWUROlesser of ling crack widths, this requirement takes into consideration the effect that could be caused by loads concentrated on small areas of the slab. 5.6.4 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement 7KHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUÀH[XUHPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ DQGWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV JLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQUHVSHFWLYHO\ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-49 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In two-way slabs, LVFDOFXODWHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSVDQGPLGGOHVWULSV$EDUVL]HDQG is equal to or slightly greater than the required considering spacing should be selected so that the provided PLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPEDUVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGLQWKHGHVLJQVWULSV(FRQRP\LVJHQHUDOO\DFKLHYHGE\XVLQJWKHODUJHVWVL]H UHLQIRUFLQJEDUVVDWLVI\LQJVWUHQJWKDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGWRUHSHDWEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJDVRIWHQ as possible. may need ,QRUGHUWRVDWLVI\(TXDWLRQ WKHSURYLGHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROXPQVWULSZLWKLQ WREHLQFUHDVHGWKLVLVW\SLFDOO\DFKLHYHGE\DGGLQJUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVRIWKHVDPHVL]HDVWKRVHLQWKHFROXPQVWULS considering the requirements for bar spacing. Where additional reinforcing bars are required, the bars should be and a special detail must be provided that clearly illustrates the extent and location of uniformly spaced within the reinforcing bars. 5.6.5 Corner Restraint in Slabs At exterior corners of slabs supported by stiff elements such as walls and edge beams with corner reinIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGWKDWVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGEHFDXVHWKH stiff elements restrain the slab and cause additional bending moments at these locations. Corner reinforcement must be provided in both the top and bottom of the slab, and the reinforcement in each layer equal to the largest positive bending moment per in each direction must be designed for a factored moment, unit width in the slab panel. The top and bottom reinforcement must be placed parallel and perpendicular to the GLDJRQDOUHVSHFWLYHO\IRUDGLVWDQFHRIDWOHDVWRQH¿IWKRIWKHORQJHURIWKHWZRVSDQOHQJWKVLQWKHFRUQHUSDQHO >VHH)LJXUH D @,QOLHXRIWKHGLDJRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWOD\RXWUHLQIRUFHPHQWSODFHGSDUDOOHOWRWKHHGJHVLV SHUPLWWHG VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH E @WKLVOD\RXWLVSUHIHUUHGFRPSDUHGWRWKHGLDJRQDOOD\RXWEHFDXVH WKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHVLPSOHUWRSODFHLQWKH¿HOG,QHLWKHURSWLRQWKHPD[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIWKH corner reinforcement is equal to κ κ κ /5 κ Top bars Top and bottom bars in both directions κ Bottom bars κ /5 κ /5 κ /5 ሺbሻ ሺaሻ Notes 1.Applies to walls and edge beams where one or both edge beams has ߙ 1.0 Ϯ͘κ κ 3.Maximum ݏൌ 2݄ Figure 5.37 Required reinforcement at corners of slabs supported by stiff edge members. (a) Reinforcement parallel and perpendicular to the diagonal. (b) Reinforcement parallel to the slab edges. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-50 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.6.6 Termination of Flexural Reinforcement 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUWHUPLQDWLRQORFDWLRQVRISRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWSHUSHQGLFXODUWRDGLVFRQWLQXRXVHGJHLQFROXPQDQGPLGGOHVWULSVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,)RUVODEVVXSSRUWHGGLUHFWO\RQHGJH VSDQGUHO EHDPVFROXPQVDQGZDOOVWKHSRVLWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWH[WHQGLQWRWKHVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHUDWOHDVW LQIURPLWVIDFH VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH 6WUDLJKWKRRNHGRUKHDGHGEDUVPD\EHXVHGLQVXFKFDVHV +RRNHGRUKHDGHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW must be developed in tension at the face of the supporting member with development lengths determined in accorGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, ,QIRUPDWLRQRQKRZWRGHWHUPLQHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKVIRUKRRNHGEDUV DQGIRUKHDGHGEDUVFDQEHIRXQGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKDWVHFWLRQIRURQHZD\ slabs is also applicable to two-way slabs. κௗ ͻͲǦ ሺሻ ǡǡ ሺǡ ǡሻ ԣ Figure 5.38 Termination of flexural reinforcement in a two-way slab supported by an edge (spandrel) beam, column, or wall. Anchorage of reinforcement is permitted within a slab where the slab is not supported by a spandrel beam or a wall DWDGLVFRQWLQXRXVHGJHRUZKHUHDVODEFDQWLOHYHUVEH\RQGWKHVXSSRUW $&, )RUWZRZD\VODEV\VWHPVZLWKRXWEHDPVWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWKDYHWKHPLQLPXPH[WHQVLRQVJLYHQLQ $&,)LJXUH $&,VHH)LJXUH WKHVHH[WHQVLRQVDUHDSSOLFDEOHWRV\VWHPVVXSSRUWLQJRQO\ for the negative reinforcing bars, which governs gravity loads. The purpose of the minimum extension length of LVOHVVWKDQDERXWLVWRKHOSLQWHUFHSWSRWHQWLDOSXQFKLQJVKHDUFUDFNVWKDWFDQIRUPLQUHODWLYHO\ where WKLFNWZRZD\VODEV IRUH[DPSOHLQWUDQVIHUVODEVDQGSRGLXPVODEVVHH$&,)LJXUH5 ,QRWKHUZRUGV PD\QRWEHVXI¿FLHQWWRLQWHUFHSWSRWHQWLDOSXQFKLQJVKHDU the prescribed minimum extension length of cracks in such cases. Where a two-way slab resists the effects from combined gravity and lateral forces, the bar lengths must be based on DQDO\VLVEXWPXVWQRWEHOHVVWKDQWKRVHJLYHQLQ$&,)LJXUH3UHFLVHORFDWLRQVRILQÀHFWLRQSRLQWVFDQQRW be explicitly found using approximate methods, such as the DDM Method, because they depend on the ratio of the panel dimensions, the ratio of live to dead load, and the continuity conditions at the edges of the panels. Also, other WKDQSHUIRUPLQJDPRUHUH¿QHGDQDO\VLVWKHUHLVQRH[SOLFLWZD\RIGHWHUPLQLQJWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRIDSSOLHGFRPELQHGORDGVWRWKHFROXPQDQGPLGGOHVWULSV$FRQVHUYDWLYHDSSURDFKLQVXFKFDVHVLVWRPDNHDWOHDVWSHUFHQW of the negative reinforcing bars in the column strip continuous; this is consistent with the requirement pertaining to WZRZD\VODEVLQLQWHUPHGLDWHPRPHQWIUDPHV VHH$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-51 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κଵ κଶ κଵ κଶ κଶ κଷ κଷ κଷ κଷ κଶ ିܣ௦ଵ Τ2 ିܣ௦ଶ Τ2 ିܣ௦ଷ Τ2 ିܣ௦ଷ ିܣ௦ଶ ିܣ௦ଵ 2 bars conforming to ACI Splices permitted in this region ሺtyp.ሻ 6ԣ κଵ κଶ κଷ Column Strip κଵ κଶ max ሺܣା௦ଵ Τ2͕ܣା௦ଶ Τ2ሻ ܣା௦ଵ 6ԣ κଵ κଷ κଶ κଷ ܣା௦ଶ κଵ κଶ 6ԣ κଶ κଶ κଷ κଷ Middle Strip Notes: greater of 0.30κଵ and 5݀ for two-way slabs without drop panels 1. κଵ ቐ greater of 0.33κଵ and 5݀ for two-way slabs with drop panels greater of 0.30κଵ , 0.30κଶ , and 5݀ for two-way slabs without drop panels 2. κଶ ቐ greater of 0.33κଵ , 0.33κଶ , and 5݀ for two-way slabs with drop panels greater of 0.30κଶ , 0.30κଷ , and 5݀ for two-way slabs without drop panels 3. κଷ ቐ greater of 0.33κଶ , 0.33κଷ , and 5݀ for two-way slabs with drop panels 4. κଵ 0.20κଵ 5. κଶ greater of 0.20κଵ and 0.20κଶ 6. κଷ greater of 0.20κଶ and 0.20κଷ 7. κଵ 0.22κଵ 8. κଶ greater of 0.22κଵ and 0.22κଶ 9. κଷ greater of 0.22κଶ and 0.22κଷ 10. κଵ 0.15κଵ 11. κଶ 0.15κଶ 12.κଷ 0.15κଷ Figure 5.39 Minimum bar lengths for two-way slabs without beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-52 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.6.7 Splices of Reinforcement 6SOLFHVRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWZRZD\VODEVPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHSULmary reasons for splicing reinforcement are based on (1) restrictions related to transporting the reinforcing bars to WKHFRQVWUXFWLRQVLWHDQG OLPLWDWLRQVUHODWHGWRKDQGOLQJDQGSODFLQJWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKH¿HOG /DSVSOLFHVPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDQGZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQW\SHVRIVSOLFHVIRUÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KH LQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUVSOLFHVRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQRQHZD\VODEVLVDOVRDSplicable to two-way slabs. 5.6.8 Structural Integrity Reinforcement 6WUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFDVWLQSODFHWZRZD\VODEVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHSXUpose of this reinforcement is to improve the redundancy and ductility in the structure so in the event of damage to DPDMRUVXSSRUWLQJHOHPHQWRUDQDEQRUPDOORDGLQJHYHQWWKHUHVXOWLQJGDPDJHPD\EHORFDOL]HGDQGWKHVWUXFWXUH will have a higher probability of maintaining overall stability. 7ZRUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH (1) $OOWKHERWWRPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROXPQVWULSVLQERWKGLUHFWLRQVPXVWEHFRQWLQXRXVRUVSOLFHGXVLQJPHFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,RU&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFH ZLWK$&,6SOLFHVPXVWEHORFDWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,)LJXUH At least two of the bottom reinforcing bars in the column strips in both directions must pass within the region bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement of the column and must be anchored at exterior supports using hooks or headed bars. 5.6.9 Shear Reinforcement Details 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUVWLUUXSVDQGKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH6HFWLRQ RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHVHGHWDLOVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHVDQGIRUVWLUUXSVDQGLQ)LJXUHVDQG IRUKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGV 5.7 Design Procedure 7KHJHQHUDOGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIWZRZD\VODEVDVVXPLQJWKH DDM is used to determine the factored bending moments at the critical sections in the column and middle strips. ,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHVHFWLRQDQGHTXDWLRQQXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKDWWRSLFFDQEHIRXQGLQ this chapter. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-53 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1 EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ 1 A Figure 5.40 Design procedure for two-way slabs. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-54 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A EŽ zĞƐ 1 Detail the reinforcement in accordance with Sect. 5.6 Figure 5.40 Design procedure for two-way slabs (cont.). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-55 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.8 Examples 5.8.1 Example 5.1 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A) 'HWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWDW\SLFDOÀRRU DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW ZLWKLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements The longest clear span length, ACI measured face-to-face of columns is equal to the following: Figure 5.23 For exterior panels without edge beams: Table 5.2 For interior panels: 7U\DLQVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUDOOSDQHOV7KLVWKLFNQHVVLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPWKLFNQHVVRILQSUHVFULEHG in ACI Step 2 – Determine a preliminary slab thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements 8VH)LJXUHWRGHWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\ based on gravity load effects. Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) For the edge columns along column lines A or E, tributary area, is equal to the following: )RUWKHHGJHFROXPQVDORQJFROXPQOLQHVRUWULEXWDU\DUHD is equal to the following: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-56 Sect. 5.2.2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine the area ratio based on the largest tributary area: Figure 5.3 Therefore, 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDLQVODEWKLFNQHVVLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK $¿QDOVODEWKLFNQHVVLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQFHWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFKHFNHGDWDOOFROXPQV VHH6HFW Because the columns and portions of the slab form the LFRS, the total two-way shear stress is due to the combination of gravity and lateral load effects. Comments.7RLOOXVWUDWHWKHLPSDFWFROXPQVL]HKDVRQWKHUHTXLUHGVODEWKLFNQHVVGHWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VODE WKLFNQHVVDVVXPLQJLQVTXDUHHGJHFROXPQVLQVWHDGRIWKHLQVTXDUHFROXPQVXVHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH For exterior panels without edge beams: Figure 5.3 Therefore, ,QWKLVFDVHSUHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDLQVODEWKLFNQHVVLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDU strength. 5.8.2 Example 5.2 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System with Edge Beams, Building #1 (Framing Option B) 'HWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DWDW\SLFDOÀRRU ZLWKLQE\LQHGJHEHDPVDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements The longest clear span length, ACI measured face-to-face of columns is equal to the following: Figure 5.23 For exterior panels with edge beams: Table 5.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-57 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $FFRUGLQJWRWKHIRRWQRWHLQ7DEOHWKLVPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVLVEDVHGRQWKHDVVXPSWLRQ HGJHEHDPV&KHFNWKLVDVVXPSWLRQIRUWKHLQE\LQHGJHEHDPVDVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE for the Determine the effective slab width, Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 Determine the section properties of the beam: Table 5.3 Determine the moment inertia of the slab using the largest the smallest because this results in the maximum and hence, Therefore, assuming the same concrete mixture is used in the slab and beams Eq. (5.2) Thus, the assumption that is correct. For interior panels: Table 5.2 7U\DQLQVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUDOOSDQHOV7KLVWKLFNQHVVLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPWKLFNQHVVRILQSUHscribed in ACI Step 2 – Determine a preliminary slab thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements Sects. 5.3.3, 5.4.4 Because of the edge beams, two-way shear is not critical at the edge and corner columns. Check two-way shear requirements at an interior column assuming the lateral load effects are resisted by the exterior frames, that is, the interior columns are subjected to gravity load effects only. The two-way shear stress due to gravity load moment transfer at an interior column is not considered at this stage. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-58 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Section properties of the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Figure 5.12 Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) Assuming no shear reinforcement is used, the governing design two-way shear strength is equal to the following for a square, interior column: Eq. (5.32) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDVODEWKLFNQHVVHTXDOWRLQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK $¿QDOVODEWKLFNQHVVLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQFHWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFKHFNHGDWDOOFROXPQVLQFOXGLQJWKH VKHDUVWUHVVGXHWRWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHVODE VHH6HFW 5.8.3 Example 5.3 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System, Building #1 (Framing Option C) Determine the minimum slab thickness for the two-way beam-supported slab system in Figure 1.1 (Framing Option & DWDW\SLFDOÀRRUZLWKLQE\LQEHDPVDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements The longest clear span length, ACI measured face-to-face of beams is equal to the following: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-59 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The minimum slab thickness is determined on the basis of the stiffness ratio Because the slab thickness is not and cannot be determined. In lieu of assuming a slab thickness, a minimum slab thickknown at this stage, this assumption will be checked after the slab thickness has been calculated. ness is determined assuming Table 5.6 7U\DLQVODEWKLFNQHVVDQGFDOFXODWH for the beams and for the panels. • (GJHEHDPVRQFROXPQOLQHVDQG Determine the effective slab width, Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 Determine the section properties of the beam: Table 5.3 Determine the moment inertia of the slab, Therefore, Eq. (5.2) • Edge beams on column lines A and E %HFDXVHWKHEHDPVL]HRQFROXPQOLQHVDQGLVWKHVDPHDVWKDWRQFROXPQOLQHV$DQG( Therefore, Eq. (5.2) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-60 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • ,QWHULRUEHDPVRQFROXPQOLQHVWKURXJK Determine the effective slab width, Eq. (5.6), Figure 5.5 Determine the section properties of the beam: Table 5.3 Determine the moment inertia of the slab, Therefore, Eq. (5.2) • Interior beams along column lines B through D %HFDXVHWKHEHDPVL]HRQFROXPQOLQHVWKURXJKLVWKHVDPHDVWKDWRQFROXPQOLQHV%WKURXJK' Therefore, Eq. (5.2) Determine for each type of panel: • Corner panel: • Edge panel on column line A or E: • (GJHSDQHORQFROXPQOLQHRU • Interior panel: Because for all panels, the initial assumption is correct. 7U\DLQVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUDOOSDQHOV7KLVWKLFNQHVVLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPWKLFNQHVVRILQSUHVFULEHG LQ$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-61 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine a preliminary slab thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements Sects. 5.3.3, 5.4.4 Because of the column-line beams, two-way shear in the slab is not critical at any of the columns. :KHUHWKH''0LVXVHGFROXPQOLQHEHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHGXH 7KLVFULWHULRQLVVDWLV¿HGIRUDOOWKHEHDPVLQWKLVH[DPSOHZKLFKPHDQVWKH to gravity loads where IDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHVLQWKHVODEDURXQGWKHFROXPQVDUHHTXDOWR]HUR7KHEHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHFRPbined effects due to gravity and lateral loads. 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDVODEWKLFNQHVVHTXDOWRLQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK 5.8.4 Example 5.4 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams, Building #1 (Framing Option D) 'HWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUWKHÀDWVODEV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ' DWDW\SLFDOÀRRU ZLWKVWDQGDUGGURSSDQHOVLQE\LQHGJHEHDPVDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW crete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements ACI Check the provided drop panel dimensions: • At interior columns: Figure 5.4 • At edge and corner columns: 7KXVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, E DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHSODQGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHGURSSDQHOV2QFHDVODEWKLFNness is determined, the projection of the drop panel below the slab must be equal to at least one-fourth of the slab WKLFNQHVVLQRUGHUWRVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&, D The longest clear span length, measured face-to-face of columns is equal to the following: Figure 5.23 For exterior panels with edge beams: Table 5.4 $FFRUGLQJWRWKHIRRWQRWHLQ7DEOHWKLVPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVLVEDVHGRQWKHDVVXPSWLRQ HGJHEHDPV&KHFNWKLVDVVXPSWLRQIRUWKHLQE\LQHGJHEHDPVDVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE for the Determine the effective slab width, Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-62 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine the section properties of the beam: Table 5.3 Determine the moment inertia of the slab using the largest the smallest because this results in the maximum and hence, Therefore, assuming the same concrete mixture is used in the slab and beams Eq. (5.2) Thus, the assumption that is correct. For interior panels: Table 5.4 7U\DQLQVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUDOOSDQHOV7KLVWKLFNQHVVLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPWKLFNQHVVRILQSUHscribed in ACI Step 2 – Determine a preliminary slab thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements Sects. 5.3.3, 5.4.4 Because of the edge beams, two-way shear is not critical at the edge and corner columns. Check two-way shear requirements at an interior column assuming the lateral load effects are resisted by the exterior frames, that is, the interior columns are subjected to gravity load effects only. The two-way shear stress due to gravity load moment transfer at an interior column is not considered at this stage. • Check the shear stress at the critical section located a distance equal to from the face of the column. Figure 5.4 )RUIRUPZRUNHFRQRP\VHOHFWDLQGURSSDQHOKHLJKW Table 5.5 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-63 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Figure 5.13 Section properties of the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) Assuming no shear reinforcement is used, the governing design two-way shear strength is equal to the following for a square, interior column: Eq. (5.32) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 • Check the shear stress at the critical section located a distance equal to from the face of the drop panel. Figure 5.13 Section properties of the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Figure 5.13 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-64 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDVODEWKLFNQHVVHTXDOWRLQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK $¿QDOVODEWKLFNQHVVLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQFHWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFKHFNHGDWDOOFROXPQVLQFOXGLQJWKH VKHDUVWUHVVIURPWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHVODE VHH6HFW 5.8.5 Example 5.5 – Determination of Minimum Thickness: Two-way Joist System, Building #1 (Framing Option E) Determine the minimum overall thickness for the two-way joist system in Figure 1.1 (Framing Option E) at a typiFDOÀRRUDVVXPLQJDIWPRGXOHDLQWKLFNVODEDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the minimum overall thickness based on serviceability requirements ACI 7ZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPVDUHFRQVLGHUHGDVÀDWVODEVIRUSXUSRVHVRIGHVLJQ Sect. 5.2.5 The longest clear span length, measured face-to-face of columns is equal to the following: Figure 5.23 For exterior panels without edge beams: Table 5.4 $LQGRPHGHSWKSOXVDLQVODESURYLGHVDQHTXLYDOHQWWKLFNQHVV Table 5.9 The equivalent thickness is determined as follows: Table 5.8, Figure 5.7 where and Eq. (5.8) 7U\DLQGRPHSOXVDLQVODEIRUDOOSDQHOV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-65 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine a preliminary overall thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements Check the shear stress at the critical section located a distance equal to Maximum Sects. 5.3.3, 5.4.4 from the face of an interior column. ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Section properties of the critical section at an interior column: Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) Assuming no shear reinforcement is used, the governing design two-way shear strength is equal to the following for a square, interior column: Eq. (5.32) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDQRYHUDOOWKLFNQHVVRILQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK $¿QDORYHUDOOWKLFNQHVVLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQFHWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWDOOFROXPQV%His cause the two-way joist system is also part of the LFRS and is subjected to lateral load effects, the maximum larger than that calculated above for gravity loads only. 5.8.6 Example 5.6 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, Building #3 'HWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUHDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWK LQE\LQLQWHULRUDQGFRUQHUFROXPQVDQGLQE\LQHGJHFROXPQV$VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-66 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the minimum slab thickness based on serviceability requirements The longest clear span length, ACI is equal to the following for an exterior panel: Figure 5.23 For exterior panels without edge beams: Table 5.2 For interior panels: 7U\DQLQVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUDOOSDQHOV7KLVWKLFNQHVVLVVOLJKWO\OHVVWKDQWKDWUHTXLUHGE\$&,DQGLV JUHDWHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPWKLFNQHVVRILQSUHVFULEHGLQ$&, D Step 2 – Determine a preliminary slab thickness based on two-way shear strength requirements Sects. 5.3.3, 5.4.4 &KHFNWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDWDLQE\LQHGJHFROXPQEHQGLQJSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHHGJHIRUJUDYLW\ loads only (the shear walls in the building resist lateral load effects). Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) 7KHPD[LPXPFRPELQHGVKHDUVWUHVVRFFXUVDWHGJHFROXPQV%&%DQG&EHQGLQJSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKH edge. Section properties of the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 3 Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-67 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Assuming the DDM can be used, the required at this location is equal to Sect. 5.3.4 Eq. (5.17) ACI Eq. ( Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where 3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQVLQGLFDWHDVODEWKLFNQHVVHTXDOWRLQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK $¿QDOVODEWKLFNQHVVLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQFHWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFKHFNHGDWDOOFROXPQV VHH6HFW 5.8.7 Example 5.7 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDW SODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODEDQGLQE\LQ FROXPQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHEXLOGLQJEHLQJDVVLJQHGWR6'&$>VHH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW ([DPSOH3DUW D @$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-68 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ A E ᇳ D ᇱ 23 -6 ሺtyp.ሻ Design strip A N A C A B A 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS 11ᇱ -9ᇳ CS 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS Figure 5.41 Design strips for the flat plate system in Example 5.7. Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Sect. 5.3.4 Check the following limitations: Figure 5.22 • 7KHUHPXVWEHRUPRUHFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ«7KHUHDUHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQWKHQRUWK south and east-west directions, respectively. • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • &ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« DVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE • )RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPV «7KHUHDUHQREHDPVLQWKLVÀRRUV\VWHPVRWKLV in the two perpendicular directions: limitation is not applicable. %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-69 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 %HFDXVHWKHÀDWSODWHLVSDUWRIWKH/)56VHUYLFHGHDGDQGOLYHORDGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGZKLFKZLOO be combined with those due to the effects from lateral forces using the appropriate load combinations: Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: These total factored static moments are the same for all spans of the interior design strip in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips Table 5.16 'HVLJQPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDÀDWSODWHV\VWHPZLWKRXWHGJHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH$VXPPDU\RIWKH service dead and live load bending moments in the column strip and middle strip in an end span and interior span is JLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.25 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Service Dead and Live Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.7 End Span Design Strip Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Column strip Middle strip Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces ACI 6.6 'HVLJQZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ 7DEOH $WKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOPRGHORIWKHEXLOGLQJZDVFRQVWUXFWHGXVLQJ5HIHUHQFHDQGDOLQHDU¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVZDV SHUIRUPHGXVLQJWKHQRUWKVRXWKZLQGORDGVLQ7DEOHDSSOLHGWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHEXLOGLQJIDFHDWWKHURRIDQG ÀRRUOHYHOV VHH)LJXUH ,QWKHPRGHOWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-70 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete AA BA CA DA EA 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ 27.4 kips 4 @ 11ᇱ -6ᇳ ൌ 46ᇱ -0ᇳ R 53.4 kips 5 51.6 kips 4 49.2 kips 3 14ᇱ -0ᇳ 51.3 kips 2 Figure 5.42 Total wind loads applied to Building #1. The following reduced moments of inertia are used to account for cracked sections: ACI Table • Columns: • Slabs: $¿QLWHHOHPHQWDQDO\VLVZDVSHUIRUPHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHH[WHQWRYHUZKLFKWKHVODEUHVLVWVWKHHIIHFWVIURPWKH wind loads assuming all the frames in the north-south direction are part of the LFRS. From the analysis, it was determined the majority of the wind load effects at an interior design strip are resisted by slab strips centered on the columns with widths approximately equal to the column strip width; thus, all the wind load effects are assigned to the column strips in the direction of analysis in this example. 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSGXHWRZLQGORDGVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUHQGDQGLQWHULRUVSDQVDW WKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO7KH³SOXVPLQXV´VLJQSUHFHGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVVLJQL¿HVWKHZLQGORDGVFDQDFWLQERWK the north direction and the south direction (that is, sidesway to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) when looking at the east elevation of the building). Table 5.26 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Wind Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.7 End Span Design Strip Column strip Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative — — Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW D the building is assigned to SDC A for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces need not be considered. ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH less than those due to wind forces, and, thus, need not be considered in this example. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-71 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 7 – Determine the combined factored bending moments due to gravity and wind forces ACI Table 5.3.1 7KHGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIURPWKHJRYHUQLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHJUDYLW\ORDGPRPHQWVIURPWKH''0DUHFRPELQHGZLWKWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWIURPWKHODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLV $&, ,WLVHYLdent at all locations that the maximum moments are equal to those from the combination of the gravity load effects. Table 5.27 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.7 End Span Load Combination Location 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative SSR 83.8 SSL 83.8 SSR SSL Column strip Middle strip Column strip Middle strip Column strip Interior Span Middle strip Step 8 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations where is the width of the column strip or middle strip and Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHSURYLGHGDUHDVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUH greater than or equal to the minimum required in accordance with ACI and the number of bars are selected VRWKHSURYLGHGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVOHVVWKDQWKHPD[LPXPUHTXLUHGLQ$&,,WLVHYLGHQWWKH provided areas of reinforcement at all critical sections in the column strip and middle strip are less than the area of FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T WKHUHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW IRUHDOOWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKLFKVDWLV¿HV$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-72 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.28 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.7 b (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* Mu (ft-kips) Location Exterior Negative Column strip Positive First Interior Negative Exterior Negative End Span Middle strip Positive First Interior Negative Column strip Positive Negative Interior Span Middle strip Positive Negative * Min. As for the column strip Min. As for the middle strip Max. spacing For For For the column strip: For the middle strip: Step 9 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements ACI • Edge columns Determine the required reinforcement based on Sect. 5.3.4 This moment is greater than 86.9 ft-kips, which is the moment due to the load combination Table 5.27 Eq.(5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-73 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH The moment must be transferred over the effective slab width Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV3URYLGHWKHEDUVE\FRQFHQWUDWLQJRIWKH FROXPQVWULSEDUVZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRYHUWKHFROXPQ VHH7DEOH )RUV\PPHWU\DGGEDUVDQG check the bar spacing: )RUZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWK )RUZLWKLQWKH 7KHUHIRUHSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOEDUVZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKWRVDWLVI\PD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV$WRWDO RIEDUVDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSZLWKRIWKHEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHG ZLWKLQDZLGWKRILQ Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 3 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-74 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Eq. (5.37) Provided within Table 5.26 Therefore, Eq. (5.38) Provided within 7KHUHIRUHQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGWRVDWLVI\WKHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHWRSEDUVDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ͳͳ̵Ǧͻԣ Ͷ̵ǦͶԣ ʹ̵ǦͲԣ ͵Ǧ͓ͷ Ǧ͓ͷ ͵Ǧ͓ͷ Figure 5.43 Reinforcement details for the top reinforcing bars at the edge columns in the flat plate system in Example 5.7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-75 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • Interior columns Determine the required reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the interior columns. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to gravity load effects and combined gravity and wind load effects can be determined from the following equations where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal. For gravity loads only: Eq. (5.21) )RUJUDYLW\DQGZLQGORDGVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV due to gravity load effects due to wind load effects Table 5.26 Total For gravity and wind loads at the interior column: due to gravity load effects due to wind load effects Total Use at all interior columns. Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether The moment FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-76 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV:LWKDXQLIRUPEDUVSDFLQJLQWKHFROXPQVWULSRIWKH EDUVDUHZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGWRVDWLVI\PRPHQWWUDQVIHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDWWKHVHORFDWLRQV6LPLODUO\RIWKHEDUVDUH ZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGWR satisfy moment transfer requirements at this location. Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 Eq. (5.37) $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVSURYLGHG At the interior column, provided within within Based on this load combination, additional reinforcement must be provided within PXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, to satisfy the mini- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-77 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV Table 5.26 At the interior column, Therefore, maximum shear stress is equal to the following: Eq. (5.38) Eq. (5.37) The required from this load combination is less than the required combination, so required from the load To satisfy minimum reinforcement requirements within EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKH DWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV in. effective slab width width of the column strip. For ZLWKWKHUHPDLQLQJEDUVWREHSODFHGZLWKLQWKH V\PPHWU\DGGEDUWRWKHLQZLGWK7KXVEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDW WKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVZLWKEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK7KHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVFDVHDUHVKRZQLQ)LJXUH ͳͳԢǦͻԣ ͶԢǦͶԣ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ Figure 5.44 Reinforcement details for the top reinforcing bars at the first interior columns in the flat plate system in Example 5.7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-78 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6LPLODUO\EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQ7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRIWKHFROXPQVWULS Step 10 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHWRSUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHFDQQRWEHXVHGLQWKHFROXPQVWULSEHFDXVHRIWKHHIIHFWVGXH WRZLQGORDGV7RDFFRXQWIRUWKHZLQGORDGHIIHFWVSHUFHQWRIWKHWRSEDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXVRYHUWKHVSDQV,QWKLVFDVHWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWRIWRSUHLQIRUFHPHQWRFFXUVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWV EDUV VREDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXV 7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGWKHEDUVLQWKHPLGGOHVWULSFDQEHWHUPLQDWHGDWWKHORFDWLRQVLGHQWL¿HG LQ)LJXUHWKLV¿JXUHDOVRLQFOXGHVWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-79 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͶǦ͓ͷ ͺǦ͓ͷ ͳʹǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ʹᇱ Ǧʹᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͶǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ͶǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͶǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.45 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the north-south direction. for the flat plate system in Example 5.7. 5.8.8 Example 5.8 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System With Edge Beams, Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDWSODWH V\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDQLQWKLFNVODELQE\LQHGJH EHDPVDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW crete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-80 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ A E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D Design strip A N A C A B A 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS 11ᇱ -9ᇳ CS 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS Figure 5.46 Design strips for the flat plate system in Example 5.8. Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Sect. 5.3.4 Check the following limitations: Figure 5.22 • 7KHUHPXVWEHRUPRUHFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ«7KHUHDUHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQWKHQRUWK south and east-west directions, respectively. • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • &ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« DVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE • )RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPV «7KHUHDUHRQO\SHULPHWHUEHDPVLQWKLVÀRRU in the two perpendicular directions: system, so this limitation is not applicable. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-81 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 7KHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 RQO\WKHFROXPQVDQGHGJHEHDPVIRUPWKH/)56 WKHUHIRUHLWPXVW resist the effects from gravity loads only. Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Total factored static moment Eq. (5.17) The total factored static moment is the same for all spans of the interior design strip in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips Table 5.17 'HVLJQPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDÀDWSODWHV\VWHPZLWKHGJHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHWDEXODWHGH[WHULRU where is determined QHJDWLYHFROXPQVWULSPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHDSSOLFDEOHLQFDVHVZKHUHWKHWHUP by the following equation: Eq. (5.18) Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 Cross-sectional constant is determined by the following equation: Eq. (5.19) Calculations for DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUHLWLVIRXQGWKDW Therefore, with the slab and beam cast monolithically with the same concrete mixture (that is, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-82 ): 8.5ᇳ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 24.0ᇳ 15.5ᇳ 24.0 24.0ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 3 28.0 ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 8.5ᇳ Case A 8.5ଷ ൈ 15.5 8.5 ൰ൈ ൌ 61,428 in.ସ 3 15.5 15.5ᇳ 15.5ᇳ ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ 15.5 15.5ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 28.0 3 ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 Case B 8.5 8.5ଷ ൈ 43.5 ൰ൈ ൌ 30,444 in.ସ 43.5 3 Figure 5.47 Calculations for cross-sectional constant C. Because , the exterior negative column strip bending moment is equal to the following: Table 5.17 A summary of the design bending moments in the column strip and middle strip in an end span and in an interior VSDQLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.29 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.8 End Span Design Strip Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Column strip Middle strip Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces 'HVLJQZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ 7DEOH Because it has been assumed all the wind load effects are resisted by the perimeter moment-resisting frames, the VODEVUHVLVWRQO\JUDYLW\ORDGHIIHFWVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-83 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW D the building is assigned to SDC A for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces need not be considered. ,WLVDOVRDVVXPHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH resisted by the perimeter moment-resisting frames, and, thus, need not be applied to the slabs. Step 7 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations where is the width of the column strip or middle strip and Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHSURYLGHGDUHDVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUH greater than or equal to the minimum required in accordance with ACI and the number of bars are selected VRWKDWWKHSURYLGHGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVOHVVWKDQWKHPD[LPXPUHTXLUHGLQ$&,,WLVHYLGHQW the provided areas of reinforcement at all critical sections in the column strip and middle strip are less than the area FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T RIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW WKHUHIRUHDOOWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKLFKVDWLV¿HV$&, Table 5.30 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.8 Mu (ft-kips) Location Column strip End Span Middle strip Interior Span Column strip Middle strip Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative b (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* 3.33 * Min. As for the column strip Min. As for the middle strip Max. spacing For For For the column strip: For the middle strip: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-84 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 8 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements ACI • Edge columns The factored slab moments resisted by the edge columns need not be checked in this example because of the beams at the perimeter of the slab. These edge beams must be designed for shear forces and torsional moments transferred from the slab. • Interior columns Determine the required reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the interior columns. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects can be determined from the following equation where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal: Eq. (5.21) Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width The moment Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV:LWKDXQLIRUPVSDFLQJRIEDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSRI WKHEDUVDUHZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQforcement is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at these locations. Similar calculations show that QRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQZKHUHEDUVDUHSURYLGHGLQWKHFROXPQVWULS Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-85 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 Eq. (5.37) $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVSURYLGHG At the interior column, provided within within Therefore, additional reinforcement must be provided within PHQWVRI$&, to satisfy the minimum reinforcement require- EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHITo satisfy minimum reinforcement requirements within DWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVZLWKWKH fective slab width width of the column strip. For symmetry, UHPDLQLQJEDUVWREHSODFHGZLWKLQWKH DGGEDUWRWKHLQZLGWK7KXVEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRU FROXPQVZLWKEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK7KHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOIRUWKLV FDVHLVVLPLODUWRWKDWVKRZQLQ)LJXUH 6LPLODUO\EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQ7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRIWKHFROXPQVWULS)RUV\PPHWU\DGGEDUWRWKH LQZLGWK7KXVEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQZLWKEDUV FRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK Step 9 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGEHFDXVHWKHVODELVVXEMHFWHGWRWKHHIIHFWVIURPXQLformly distributed gravity loads only. A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-86 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH)RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKH OHQJWKVRIWKHQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDUHVHWHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKH VHH)LJXUH 7KHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, clear span length, which is greater than DUHLQFOXGHG ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͳͻǦ͓ͷ ʹᇱ Ǧʹᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.48 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the north-south direction for the flat plate system in Example 5.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-87 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.8.9 Example 5.9 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System, Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHWZRZD\ EHDPVXSSRUWHGVODEV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODE LQE\LQEHDPVDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&$OVRDVVXPHQRUDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW malweight concrete with 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ A E 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D Design strip A N A C A B A 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS 11ᇱ -9ᇳ CS 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS Figure 5.49 Design strips for the two-way beam-supported slab system in Example 5.9. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-88 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Check the following limitations: Sect. 5.3.4 Figure 5.22 • 7KHUHPXVWEHRUPRUHFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ«7KHUHDUHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQWKHQRUWK south and east-west directions, respectively. • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • &ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« DVVXPLQJDLQWKLFNVODE • )RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPVLQ …Check the relative stiffnesses for interior, edge, and the two perpendicular directions: DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOH corner panels where Interior panel: North-south interior beam: East-west interior beam: Edge panel (north or south face): North-south interior beam: East-west edge beam: Edge panel (east or west face): North-south edge beam: East-west interior beam: Corner panel: North-south edge beam: East-west edge beam: %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-89 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 The slab in this system is not part of the LFRS (only the columns and beams form the LFRS); therefore, the slab must resist the effects from gravity loads only. Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Total factored static moment Eq. (5.17) The total factored static moment is the same for all spans of an interior design strip in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips 7RWDOGHVLJQPRPHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ7DEOHDQGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLQ6WHSRI6HFW$VXPPDU\RI WKHWRWDOGHVLJQVWULSPRPHQWVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.31 Total Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System in Example 5.9 End Span Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Determine the percentages for factored bending moments in the column strip: Table 5.15 • Exterior support: Interior beams in north-south direction: Example 5.3 Eq. (5.18) Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-90 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Cross-sectional constant is determined by the following equation: Eq. (5.19) DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUHLWLVIRXQGWKDW 7.0ᇳ Calculations for 24.0ᇳ 17.0ᇳ 24.0 24.0ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 28.0 3 ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 7.0ᇳ Case A 7.0 7.0ଷ ൈ 17.0 ൰ൈ ൌ 60,791 in.ସ 17.0 3 17.0ᇳ 17.0ᇳ ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 Case B 17.0 17.0ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 28.0 3 7.0 7.0ଷ ൈ 45.0 ൰ൈ ൌ 32,956 in.ସ 45.0 3 Figure 5.50 Calculations for cross-sectional constant C. With the slab and beam cast monolithically with the same concrete mixture (that is, ): Therefore, • Positive: • Interior support: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-91 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine percentages for factored bending moments in the middle strip: • Exterior support: • Positive: • Interior support: Determine percentages for factored bending moments in the column-line beams: WKHEHDPVPXVWUHVLVWRIWKHWRWDOFROXPQVWULSPRPHQWV Because • Exterior support: • Positive: • Interior support: A summary of the design bending moments in the column strip and middle strip in an end span and interior span is JLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.32 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System in Example 5.9 End Span Design Strip Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Total Total Column Beam strip Slab Middle strip The following illustrates the calculation of the design bending moments at the exterior negative support: The bending moments at the other critical sections can be obtained in a similar fashion. Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces ACI 6.6 'HVLJQZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ 7DEOH Because it has been assumed all the wind load effects are resisted by the moment-resisting frames along all the colXPQOLQHVWKHVODEVUHVLVWRQO\JUDYLW\ORDGHIIHFWVZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW D the building is assigned to SDC A for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces need not be considered. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-92 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,WLVDOVRDVVXPHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH resisted by the moment-resisting frames, and, thus, need not be applied to the slabs. Step 7 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations: Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) where is the width of the column strip or middle strip and $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHVODE7KHSURYLGHGDUHDVRIUHLQforcement are greater than or equal to the minimum required in accordance with ACI and the number of bars DUHVHOHFWHGVRWKDWWKHSURYLGHGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVOHVVWKDQWKHPD[LPXPUHTXLUHGLQ$&, It is evident the provided areas of reinforcement at all critical sections in the column strip and middle strip are less corresponding to tension-controlled sections, which is determined by WKDQWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW (T WKHUHIRUHDOOWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKLFKVDWLV¿HV$&, Table 5.33 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System in Example 5.9 b (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* First Interior Negative Exterior Negative Mu (ft-kips) Location Exterior Negative Column strip End Span Middle strip Positive Positive First Interior Negative Column strip Interior Span Middle strip Positive Negative Positive Negative * Min. As for the column strip Min. As for the middle strip Max. spacing For For For the column strip: For the middle strip: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-93 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 8 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements ACI The factored slab moments resisted by the columns need not be checked in this example because of the column-line beams. These beams must be designed for shear forces and torsional moments transferred from the slab. Step 9 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGEHFDXVHWKHVODELVVXEMHFWHGWRWKHHIIHFWVIURPXQLformly distributed gravity loads only. A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH)RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKH OHQJWKVRIWKHQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDUHVHWHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHFOHDU 7KHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DUHLQFOXGHG span length, which is greater than @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-94 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͳǦ͓Ͷ ͳͳǦ͓Ͷ ͳͳǦ͓Ͷ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓Ͷ ͻǦ͓Ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͳʹǦ͓Ͷ ͳʹǦ͓Ͷ ͳʹǦ͓Ͷ Ǧ͓Ͷ Ǧ͓Ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ Ǧ͓Ͷ ԣ Ǧ͓Ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Ǧ͓Ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Ǧ Figure 5.51 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the north-south direction for the two-way beam-supported slab system in Example 5.9. 5.8.10 Example 5.10 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams, Building #1 (Framing Option D), SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDWVODE V\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ' DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDQLQWKLFNVODELQE\LQHGJH EHDPVLQE\LQFROXPQVDQGDLQGURSSDQHOSURMHFWLRQEHORZWKHVODE VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Site Class is C. Also assume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-95 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ 8ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ E A 8ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ ᇳ D ᇱ 23 -6 ሺtyp.ሻ Design strip A N C A 5ᇱ -3ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ A B A 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS 11ᇱ -9ᇳ CS 6ᇱ -7½ᇳ ½MS Figure 5.52 Design strips for the flat slab system in Example 5.10. Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Sect. 5.3.4 Check the following limitations: Figure 5.22 • 7KHUHPXVWEHRUPRUHFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ«7KHUHDUHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQWKHQRUWK south and east-west directions, respectively. • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • & ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7 KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« DVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE • ) RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPV «7KHUHDUHRQO\SHULPHWHUEHDPVLQWKLVÀRRU in the two perpendicular directions: system, so this limitation is not applicable. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-96 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 7KHÀDWVODEV\VWHPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 RQO\WKHFROXPQVDQGHGJHEHDPVIRUPWKH/)56 WKHUHIRUHWKHÀDW slab must resist the effects from gravity loads only. Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Total factored static moment Eq. (5.17) The total factored static moment is the same for all spans of the interior design strip in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips Table 5.17 'HVLJQPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDÀDWVODEV\VWHPZLWKHGJHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHWDEXODWHGH[WHULRU where is determined QHJDWLYHFROXPQVWULSPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVDUHDSSOLFDEOHLQFDVHVZKHUHWKHWHUP by the following equation: Eq. (5.18) Eq. (5.5), Figure 5.2 Cross-sectional constant is determined by the following equation: Eq. (5.19) Calculations for DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUHLWLVIRXQGWKDW Therefore, with the slab and beam cast monolithically with the same concrete (that is, ): @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-97 8.0ᇳ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 24.0ᇳ 16.0ᇳ 24.0 24.0ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 3 28.0 ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 8.0ᇳ Case A 8.0 8.0ଷ ൈ 16.0 ൰ൈ ൌ 61,222 in.ସ 16.0 3 16.0ᇳ 16.0ᇳ ܥ ൌ ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 28.0ᇳ 16.0 16.0ଷ ൈ 28.0 ൰ൈ 28.0 3 ቈ൬1 െ 0.63 Case B 8.0 8.0ଷ ൈ 44.0 ൰ൈ ൌ 31,116 in.ସ 44.0 3 Figure 5.53 Calculations for cross-sectional constant C. Because , the exterior negative column strip bending moment is equal to the following: Table 5.17 A summary of the design bending moments in the column strip and middle strip in an end span and interior span is given in Table 5.34. Table 5.34 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Slab System in Example 5.10 End Span Design Strip 1 Exterior Negative Interior Span 2 3 4 5 Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Column strip Middle strip Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces ACI 6.6 Design wind forces in the north-south direction on Building #1 are determined in Example 3.1 and are given in Table 3.10. Because it has been assumed all the wind load effects are resisted by the perimeter moment-resisting frames, the slabs resist only gravity load effects, which are given in Table 5.34. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-98 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW D the building is assigned to SDC A for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces need not be considered. ,WLVDOVRDVVXPHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH resisted by the perimeter moment-resisting frames, and, thus, need not be applied to the slabs. Step 7 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations: Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) where is the width of the column strip or middle. ,WLVVKRZQLQ([DPSOHWKDWWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHGURSSDQHOVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,7KHUHIRUHDW negative critical sections in the column strip: Figure 5.28 where At all other critical sections, $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHSURYLGHGDUHDVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUH greater than or equal to then the minimum required in accordance with ACI and the number of bars are VHOHFWHGVRWKDWWKHSURYLGHGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVOHVVWKDQWKHPD[LPXPUHTXLUHGLQ$&,,WLV evident the provided areas of reinforcement at all critical sections in the column strip and middle strip are less than corresponding to tension-controlled sections, which is determined by Eq. WKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW WKHUHIRUHDOOWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKLFKVDWLV¿HV$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-99 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.35 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Slab System in Example 5.10 Mu (ft-kips) Location Exterior Negative Column strip Positive First Interior Negative Exterior Negative End Span Middle strip Positive First Interior Negative Interior Span Column strip Middle strip Positive Negative Positive Negative b (in.) d (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* * Min. As for the column strip at negative critical sections Min. As for the column strip at positive critical sections Min. As for the middle strip Max. spacing For For For the column strip at negative critical sections: For the column strip at positve critical sections: For the middle strip: Step 8 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements ACI • Edge columns The factored slab moments resisted by the edge columns need not be checked in this example because of the beams at the perimeter of the slab. These edges beams must be designed for shear forces and torsional moments transferred from the slab. • Interior columns Determine the required reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the interior columns. transferred to an interior column due to the In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, gravity load effects can be determined from the following equation where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal: Eq. (5.21) Eq. (5.9) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-100 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete where Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width The moment Eq. (5.11) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV:LWKWKHEDUVXQLIRUPO\VSDFHGLQWKHFROXPQVWULSRI WKHEDUVDUHZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHment is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at these locations. Similar calculations show that no additional reinforcement is required at the interior column. Check within ACI Determine the governing factored two-way shear stress, at the interior columns. Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-101 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Thus, Eq. (5.37) $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVSURYLGHG At the interior column, provided within within Additional reinforcement must be provided in to satisfy the minimum reinforcement requirements of ACI EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHITo satisfy minimum reinforcement requirements within DWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVZLWKWKH fective slab width width of the column strip. For symmetry, UHPDLQLQJEDUVWREHSODFHGZLWKLQWKH DGGEDUWRWKHLQZLGWK7KXVEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRU FROXPQVZLWKEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK7KHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOIRUWKLV FDVHLVVLPLODUWRWKDWVKRZQLQ)LJXUH 6LPLODUO\EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQ7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRIWKHFROXPQVWULS Step 9 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGEHFDXVHWKHVODELVVXEMHFWHGWRWKHHIIHFWVIURPXQLformly distributed gravity loads only. A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-102 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH)RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKH OHQJWKVRIWKHQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDUHVHWHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKH VHH)LJXUH 7KHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, clear span length, which is greater than DUHLQFOXGHG ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͶǦ͓ͷ ͳǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ʹᇱ Ǧʹᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓ͷ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͳͲǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.54 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the north-south direction for the flat slab system in Example 5.10. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-103 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.8.11 Example 5.11 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Joist System, Building #1 (Framing Option E), SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHWZRZD\ MRLVWV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ( DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDIWPRGXOHDLQWKLFNVODED LQGRPHDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 1A 2A 3A ᇱ 4A ᇳ A 50 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ A 18ᇱ -6ᇳ N A ᇱ 31 -4 ᇳ B 7ᇱ -10ᇳ ½MS 15ᇱ -6ᇳ ᇱ 31 -4 ᇳ C 15ᇱ -8ᇳ CS A Design strip ᇱ 31 -4 ᇳ 7ᇱ -10ᇳ ½MS D A Figure 5.55 Design strips for the two-way joist system in Example 5.11. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Sect. 5.3.4 Check the following limitations: Figure 5.22 • There must be 3 or more continuous spans in each direction…There are 3 continuous spans in the north-south and east-west directions. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-104 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • &ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« • )RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPV «7KHUHDUHQREHDPVLQWKLVÀRRUV\VWHPVRWKLV in the two perpendicular directions: limitation is not applicable. %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 Because the two-way joist system is part of the LFRS, service dead and live load bending moments are determined, which will be combined with those due to the effects from lateral forces: Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: These total factored static moments are the same for all spans of the interior design strip in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips Table 5.16 $VQRWHGLQ6HFWDWZRZD\MRLVWV\VWHPLVFRQVLGHUHGWREHDÀDWVODEIRUSXUSRVHVRIGHVLJQ'HVLJQPRPHQW FRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDÀDWVODEV\VWHPZLWKRXWHGJHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH$VXPPDU\RIWKHVHUYLFHGHDGDQGOLYH ORDGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSLQDQHQGVSDQDQGLQWHULRUVSDQLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-105 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.36 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Service Dead and Live Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Joist System in Example 5.11 End Span 1 Design Strip Exterior Negative Interior Span 2 3 4 5 Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Column strip Middle strip Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces ACI 6.6 'HVLJQZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH $WKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOPRGHORIWKHEXLOGLQJZDVFRQVWUXFWHGXVLQJ5HIHUHQFHDQGDOLQHDU¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVZDV SHUIRUPHGXVLQJWKHHDVWZHVWZLQGORDGVLQ7DEOHDSSOLHGWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHEXLOGLQJIDFHDWWKHURRIDQG ÀRRUOHYHOV VHH)LJXUH ,QWKHPRGHOWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH ͳA ʹA ͷͲᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͵A ͷͲᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͶA ͷͲᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͳͷǤ Ͷ̷ͳͳᇱ Ǧᇳ ൌ Ͷᇱ ǦͲᇳ ͵ͲǤͷ ͷ ʹͻǤͶ Ͷ ʹǤͺ ͵ ʹͺǤͺ ͳͶᇱ ǦͲᇳ ʹ Figure 5.56 Total wind loads applied to Building #1. The following reduced moments of inertia are used to account for cracked sections: ACI Table • Columns: • Two-way joists: $¿QLWHHOHPHQWDQDO\VLVZDVSHUIRUPHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHH[WHQWRYHUZKLFKWKHVODEV\VWHPUHVLVWVWKHHIIHFWVIURP the wind loads. From the analysis, it was determined the majority of the wind load effects at an interior design strip are resisted by slab strips centered on the columns with widths approximately equal to the column strip width; thus, all the wind load effects are assigned to the column strips in the direction of analysis in this example. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-106 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSGXHWRZLQGORDGVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHHQGDQGLQWHULRUVSDQV 7KH³SOXVPLQXV´VLJQSUHFHGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVVLJQL¿HVWKHZLQGORDGVFDQDFWLQERWKWKHHDVWGLUHFWLRQDQG the west direction (that is, sidesway to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) when looking at the south elevation of the building). Table 5.37 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Wind Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Joist System in Example 5.11 End Span 1 Design Strip Exterior Negative Interior Span 2 3 4 5 Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative ņ Column strip ņ Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW D the building is assigned to SDC A for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces need not be considered. ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH less than those due to wind forces, and, thus, need not be considered in this example. Step 7 – Determine the combined factored bending moments due to gravity and wind forces ACI Table 5.3.1 7KHGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIURPWKHJRYHUQLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHJUDYLW\ORDGPRPHQWVIURPWKH''0DUHFRPELQHGZLWKWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWIURPWKHODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLV $&, ,WLVHYLdent that at all locations, the maximum moments are equal to those from the combination of the gravity load effects. Table 5.38 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Joist System in Example 5.11 End Span Load Combination Location 1 Exterior Negative First Interior Negative 4 5 Positive Interior Negative SSR SSL SSR SSL Middle strip Middle strip Column strip Positive 3 Column strip Column strip 2 Interior Span Middle strip @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-107 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 8 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations: Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) ,QWKLVH[DPSOHWKHUHDUHULEVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGULEVLQWKHPLGGOHVWULS ULEVDUHLQHDFKRIWKHKDOI middle strips). • &ROXPQVWULSÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW is resisted by the solid area of concrete At the negative critical sections, the total negative factored moment is determined using and (the width around the column, and RIWKHVROLGKHDGSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLVLVLQZKLFKLVLQOHVVWKDQWKHZLGWKRIWKH FROXPQVVWULSWKHLQZLGWKLVXVHGWRFDOFXODWH ). At the positive critical sections, the total positive factored moment is determined for each rib using the 6 ribs, and is shared equally between and • 0LGGOHVWULSÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW At the negative critical sections, the total negative factored moment and mined using LVUHVLVWHGE\ULEVDQG At the positive critical sections, the total positive factored moment is determined per rib using and is deter- LVVKDUHGHTXDOO\EHWZHHQWKHULEV and 7KHPLQLPXPUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWQHJDWLYHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQDQGPLGGOHVWULSVLV equal to the following: ACI $WDOORWKHUFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVWKHPLQLPXPUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHUHTXLUHments for beams: ACI $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHZKLFKLVDSSOLFDEOHIRUERWKWKHHQG and interior spans. It can be determined all sections are tension-controlled. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-108 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.39 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Two-way Joist System in Example 5.11 b (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* Exterior Negative Positive ULE First Interior Negative Positive ULE First Interior Negative Mu (ft-kips) Location Column strip Exterior Negative Middle strip * Min. As for negative moment in the column strip Min. As for negative moment in the middle strip minimum number of bars Min. As for all other critical sections ; Step 9 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements • Edge columns Determine the required reinforcement based on ACI Sect. 5.3.4 7KLVPRPHQWLVJUHDWHUWKDQIWNLSVZKLFKLVWKHPRPHQWGXHWRWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQ Table 5.38 Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether The moment FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-109 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV3URYLGHWKHEDUVE\FRQFHQWUDWLQJRIWKH FROXPQVWULSEDUVZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRYHUWKHFROXPQ VHH7DEOH )RUV\PPHWU\DGGEDUDQG check bar spacing: )RUZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWK )RUZLWKLQWKH Check , within ACI Table 5.11, Case 3 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) Table 5.20 Eq. (5.37) Provided within quired based on this load combination. , so no additional reinforcement is re- Table 5.37 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-110 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, Eq. (5.38) Provided within No additional reinforcement is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at the edge columns. • Interior columns Determine the required reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the interior columns. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects and gravity and wind load effects can be determined from the following equations where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal. For gravity loads only: Eq. (5.21) For gravity and wind loads: due to gravity load effects due to wind load effects Table 5.37 Total Therefore, use at the interior columns. Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether The moment can be increased to the values in A&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-111 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV:LWKWKHEDUVXQLIRUPO\VSDFHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULS RIWKHEDUVDUHZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQVVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHment is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at this location. Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 Eq. (5.37) Table 5.37 Therefore, the maximum shear stress is equal to the following: Eq. (5.38) Eq. (5.37) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-112 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Thus, the Provided load combination governs with respect to minimum reinforcement requirements. within Thus, no additional reinforcement is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at the interior columns. Step 10 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHWRSUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKHLQWKLFNVODEVKRZQLQ)LJXUHFDQQRWEHXVHGLQWKHFROXPQ VWULSEHFDXVHRIWKHHIIHFWVGXHWRZLQGORDGV7RDFFRXQWIRUWKHZLQGORDGHIIHFWVSHUFHQWRIWKHWRSEDUVLQWKH column strips are made continuous over the spans. In this case, the maximum amount of top reinforcement occurs at WKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW EDUV VREDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXV The remaining bars in the column strip and the top bars in the middle strip can be terminated at the locations identi¿HGLQ)LJXUH According to ACI, at least one bottom bar in each rib must be continuous and must be anchored to develop at the faces of the supports for structural integrity. The other bottom bars can be cutoff in the column strips and PLGGOHVWULSVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHOHQJWKVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-113 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ʹᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͷᇱ Ǧͻᇱᇱ ʹᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͷᇱ Ǧͻᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧʹᇱᇱ ͺǦ͓ ͳͺǦ͓ Ǧ͓ Ǧ͓ ʹǦ͓ͺȀ ͻᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͺᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ԣ Ͷᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͲᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͲᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳǦ͓ͷ ʹͳǦ͓ͷ ᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓ͺȀ ͻᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ԣ ͺᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Ͷᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ Figure 5.57 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the east-west direction for the two-way joist system in Example 5.11. 5.8.12 Example 5.12 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDW SODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODEDQGLQE\LQ and FROXPQV VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-114 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the widths of the column strip and middle strip ACI, Figure 5.8 Step 2 – Check if the Direct Design Method can be used to determine gravity load bending moments Sect. 5.3.4 Check the following limitations: Figure 5.22 • 7KHUHPXVWEHRUPRUHFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ«7KHUHDUHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVLQWKHQRUWK south and east-west directions, respectively. • Successive panel lengths measured center-to-center of supports in each direction must not differ by more than one-third the longer span…All the panel lengths are equal in each direction. • Panels must be rectangular with the ratio of longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of VXSSRUWVQRWWRH[FHHG« • &ROXPQRIIVHWPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRIWKHVSDQLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHRIIVHWIURPHLWKHUD[LVEHWZHHQ centerlines of successive columns…None of the columns are offset. • All loads must be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire panel…This method will be used RQO\IRUJUDYLW\ORDGVZKLFKDUHXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHÀRRUV\VWHP • 7KHXQIDFWRUHGOLYHORDGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWLPHVWKHXQIDFWRUHGGHDGORDG« DVVXPLQJDQLQWKLFNVODE • )RUDSDQHOZLWKEHDPVEHWZHHQVXSSRUWVRQDOOVLGHVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHEHDPV «7KHUHDUHQREHDPVLQWKLVÀRRUV\VWHPVRWKLV in the two perpendicular directions: limitation is not applicable. %HFDXVHDOOWKHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGWKH''0FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHFROXPQDQG middle strips. Step 3 – Determine the total factored static moment in each span Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 %HFDXVHWKHÀDWSODWHLVSDUWRIWKH/)56VHUYLFHGHDGDQGOLYHORDGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGZKLFKZLOO be combined with those due to the effects from lateral forces: Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: These total factored static moments are the same for all spans of the interior design strip in the direction of analysis. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-115 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Distribute the total factored static moment to the column strips and middle strips Table 5.16 'HVLJQPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVIRUDÀDWSODWHV\VWHPZLWKRXWHGJHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH$VXPPDU\RIWKH service dead and live load bending moments in the column strip and middle strip in an end span and interior span is JLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 5.40 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Service Dead and Live Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.12 End Span Design Strip 1 Exterior Negative Interior Span 2 3 4 5 Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative Column strip Middle strip Step 5 – Determine the bending moments due to wind forces ACI 6.6 'HVLJQZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ 7DEOH $WKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOPRGHORIWKHEXLOGLQJZDVFRQVWUXFWHGXVLQJ5HIHUHQFHDQGDOLQHDU¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVZDV SHUIRUPHGXVLQJWKHQRUWKVRXWKZLQGORDGVLQ7DEOHDSSOLHGWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHEXLOGLQJIDFHDWWKHURRIDQG ÀRRUOHYHOV VHH)LJXUH ,QWKHPRGHOWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH The following reduced moments of inertia are used to account for cracked sections: ACI Table • Columns: • Slabs: $¿QLWHHOHPHQWDQDO\VLVZDVSHUIRUPHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHH[WHQWRYHUZKLFKWKHVODEUHVLVWVWKHHIIHFWVIURPWKH wind loads. From the analysis, it was determined the majority of the wind load effects at an interior design strip are resisted by slab strips centered on the columns with widths approximately equal to the column strip width; thus, all the wind load effects are assigned to the column strips in the direction of analysis in this example. The bending moments in the column strip due to wind loads in an end span and interior span are given in Table 7KH³SOXVPLQXV´VLJQSUHFHGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVVLJQL¿HVWKHZLQGORDGVFDQDFWLQERWKWKHQRUWKGLUHFtion and the south direction (that is, sidesway to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) when looking at the east elevation of the building). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-116 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.41 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Wind Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.12 End Span Design Strip 1 Exterior Negative Interior Span 2 3 4 5 Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative ņ Column strip ņ Step 6 – Determine the bending moments due to seismic forces $VQRWHGLQWKHH[DPSOHVWDWHPHQWLWLVDVVXPHGWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'IRUWKLVEXLOGLQJ)URP([DPSOH3DUW E the building is assigned to SDC B for this case. Therefore, effects due to seismic forces must be considered. 'HVLJQVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQRQ%XLOGLQJDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ 7DEOH 7KHWKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOPRGHOGHVFULEHGLQ6WHSZDVXVHGWRSHUIRUPWKHOLQHDU¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVXVLQJWKH QRUWKVRXWKVHLVPLFORDGVLQ7DEOHZKLFKDUHDSSOLHGWRWKHFHQWHURIPDVVDWHDFKOHYHO ULJLGGLDSKUDJPVDUH assigned at each level). Like in the case of wind loads, the majority of the seismic load effects at an interior design strip are resisted by slab strips centered on the columns with widths approximately equal to the column strip width; thus, all the seismic load effects are assigned to the column strips in the direction of analysis in this example. The bending moments in the column strip due to seismic loads in an end span and interior span are given in Table 7KH³SOXVPLQXV´VLJQSUHFHGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVVLJQL¿HVWKHVHLVPLFORDGVFDQDFWLQERWKWKHQRUWK direction and the south direction (that is, sidesway to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) when looking at the east elevation of the building). Table 5.42 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Seismic Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.12 End Span Design Strip Column strip Interior Span 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative ņ ņ ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGWKHODWHUDOIRUFHVEDVHGRQWKHJHQHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$6&(6(,DUH less than those due to wind and seismic forces, and, thus, need not be considered in this example. &RPSDULQJ7DEOHVDQGLWLVHYLGHQWWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVDUHODUJHUWKDQWKRVH GXHWRZLQGORDGHIIHFWV%HFDXVHERWKW\SHVRIHIIHFWVDUHDVVLJQHGDORDGIDFWRUHTXDOWRLQWKHGHVLJQORDG combinations, only the bending moments due to the seismic load effects are considered in the remainder of this example. Step 7 – Determine the combined factored bending moments due to gravity and seismic forces ACI Table 5.3.1 7KHGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIURPWKHJRYHUQLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHVHLVPLFORDG FRPELQDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRU6'&%7KHJUDYLW\ORDGPRPHQWVIURPWKH''0DUHFRPELQHGZLWKWKH EHQGLQJPRPHQWIURPWKHODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLV VHH$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-117 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.43 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.12 End Span Load Combination Location 1 2 3 4 5 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative SSR 83.8 SSL 83.8 Column strip Middle strip Column strip Interior Span Middle strip SSR Column strip SSL Middle strip Step 8 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSXVLQJ the following equations where is the width of the column strip or middle strip and Eq. (5.35) Eq. (5.36) $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHSURYLGHGDUHDVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUH greater than or equal to the minimum required in accordance with ACI and the number of bars are selected VRWKDWWKHSURYLGHGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVOHVVWKDQWKHPD[LPXPUHTXLUHGLQ$&,,WLVHYLGHQW the provided areas of reinforcement at all critical sections in the column strip and middle strip are less than the area FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T RIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW WKHUHIRUHDOOWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZKLFKVDWLV¿HV$&,1RWHWKDWWKHERWWRPEDUV LQWKHHQGVSDQUHTXLUHGIRUWKHIDFWRUHGSRVLWLYHPRPHQWDUHDOVRDGHTXDWHWRUHVLVWWKHIWNLSSRVLWLYHPRPHQW DWWKHIDFHRIWKHH[WHULRUVXSSRUWGXHWRPRPHQWUHYHUVDO VHH7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-118 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.44 Required Flexural Reinforcement at the Second-Floor Level for the Flat Plate System in Example 5.12 b (in.) As (in.2)* Reinforcement* 3.11 Mu (ft-kips) Location Exterior Negative Column strip Positive First Interior Negative Exterior Negative End Span Middle strip Positive First Interior Negative Column strip Positive Negative Interior Span Middle strip Positive Negative * Min. As for the column strip Min. As for the middle strip Max. spacing For For For the column strip: For the middle strip: Step 9 – Check that the flexural reinforcement is adequate for moment transfer requirements ACI • Edge columns Determine the reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the edge columns: Table 5.44 Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-119 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The moment must be transferred over the effective slab width Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV3URYLGHWKHEDUVE\FRQFHQWUDWLQJRIWKH FROXPQVWULSEDUVZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRYHUWKHFROXPQ VHH7DEOH )RUV\PPHWU\DGGEDUDQG check the bar spacing: )RUZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWK )RUZLWKLQWKH 7KHUHIRUHSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOEDUVZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKWRVDWLVI\PD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV$WRWDO RIEDUVDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSZLWKRIWKHEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHG ZLWKLQDZLGWKRILQ Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 3 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) where Eq. (5.30) Table 5.20 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-120 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Eq. (5.37) Provided within Based on this load combination, no additional reinforcement must be provided to satisfy the minimum reinIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, Table 5.42 Therefore, Eq. (5.38) Provided within 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHWRSEDUVDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHVKRZQLQ)LJXUH • Interior columns Determine the required reinforcement based on the largest transfer moment at the interior columns. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects and gravity and seismic load effects can be determined from the following equations where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal. For gravity loads only: Eq. (5.21) )RUJUDYLW\DQGVHLVPLFORDGVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV due to gravity load effects due to seismic load effects Table 5.42 Total For gravity and seismic loads at the interior column: due to gravity load effects @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-121 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete due to seismic load effects Total Therefore, use at all interior columns. Eq. (5.9) where Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH must be transferred over the effective slab width The moment Eq. (5.10) Determine the required Eq. (5.36) Eq. (5.35) 7KLVUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVWHHOLVHTXLYDOHQWWREDUV:LWKXQLIRUPEDUVSDFLQJLQWKHFROXPQVWULSRIWKH EDUVDUHZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVVRQRDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at these locations. Similarly, no additional reinforcement is required to satisfy moment transfer requirements at the interior column. Check within ACI Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: Therefore, Eq. (5.38) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-122 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 Eq. (5.37) $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVSURYLGHG At the interior column, provided within within Based on this load combination, additional reinforcement is required to satisfy the minimum reinforcement UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV Table 5.42 At the interior column, Therefore, the maximum shear stress is equal to the following: Eq. (5.38) Eq. (5.37) The required from this load combination is less than the required combination, so required from the load To satisfy minimum reinforcement requirements within EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQ DWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVZLWK effective slab width width of the column strip. For symWKHUHPDLQLQJEDUVWREHSODFHGZLWKLQWKH PHWU\DGGEDUWRWKHLQZLGWK7KXVEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDWWKH ¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVZLWKEDUVFRQFHQWUDWHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK7KHUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOIRUWKLVFDVHLVVLPLODUWRWKDWVKRZQLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-123 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6LPLODUO\EDUVPXVWEHSODFHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQ7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWKRIWKHFROXPQVWULS Step 10 – Determine the reinforcement details ACI 8.7 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHWRSUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHFDQQRWEHXVHGLQWKHFROXPQVWULSEHFDXVHRIWKHHIIHFWVGXH WRVHLVPLFORDGV7RDFFRXQWIRUWKHVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVSHUFHQWRIWKHWRSEDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSVDUHPDGH FRQWLQXRXVRYHUWKHVSDQV,QWKLVFDVHWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWRIWRSUHLQIRUFHPHQWRFFXUVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWV EDUV VREDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXV 7KHUHPDLQLQJEDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGWKHEDUVLQWKHPLGGOHVWULSFDQEHWHUPLQDWHGDWWKHORFDWLRQVLGHQWL¿HG LQ)LJXUHWKLV¿JXUHDOVRLQFOXGHVWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, A Class B tension lap splice is provided over the supports for the bottom bars in the column strip. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGPLGGOHVWULSDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKLFKDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHLQ )LJXUHIRU6'&$ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-124 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͳͶǦ͓ͷ ͺǦ͓ͷ ͳʹǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ʹᇱ Ǧʹᇱᇱ ʹǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͻǦ͓ͷ ͷǦ͓ͷ ͶǦ͓ͷ ԣ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͷǦ͓ͷ ԣ ͶǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͳᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ͶǦ͓ͷ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͵ᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.58 Reinforcement details for an interior design strip in the north-south direction for the flat plate system in Example 5.12. Comments. Throughout this example, increasing WRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHZDVQRWFRQVLGHUHG$VDQ exercise, determine if FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHPD[LPXPPRGL¿HGYDOXHRILQ7DEOHIRUWKHHGJHFROumns bending perpendicular to the edge for a typical interior design strip in the north-south direction. From Step 9, maximum for an edge column, which corresponds to the load combination Assuming there is no shear reinforcement in the slab, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T )RUDVTXDUHHGJHFROXPQ EHQGLQJSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHHGJHWKH¿UVWRIWKHWKUHHHTXDWLRQVJRYHUQV Therefore, Determine within EDUVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKLQ ): @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-125 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Thus, FDQEHWDNHQDVDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVLQWKLVH[DPSOH If DQGEDUVDUHUHTXLUHGZLWKLQWKHLQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWK 3URYLGLQJWKLVDGGLWLRQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVUHVXOWV FRPSDUHGWREDUVZLWK LQWKHVKHDUVWUHVVFDXVHGE\HFFHQWULFLW\RIVKHDURQWKHVHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVHTXDOWR]HUREHFDXVH this shear stress is usually relatively large because DWWKHHGJHFROXPQVLQÀDWSODWHV\Vand, thus, WHPVZLWKRXWHGJHEHDPVLVUHODWLYHO\ODUJH VHH([DPSOH 5.8.13 Example 5.13 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B Check the shear strength requirements at the columns in an interior design strip in the north-south direction for the ÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODEDQGLQE\ DQG*UDGH LQFROXPQV$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. Edge Columns Step 1 – Check one-way shear strength requirements The critical section is located a distance ACI 8.4.3 from the face of the column. Because the panel is rectangular, one-way shear strength requirements must be checked at critical sections A and B governs in this case. VHH)LJXUH $OVRWKHJUDYLW\ORDGFRPELQDWLRQ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 25ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ A B 11ᇱ -9ᇱᇱ ݀ ൌ 8.25ᇱᇱ ݀ ൌ 8.25ᇱᇱ Figure 5.59 Critical sections for one-way shear at an edge column in Example 5.13. Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-126 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Maximum factored shear force on critical section A: Maximum factored shear force on critical section B: Design shear strength: Eq. (5.29) Eq. (5.30) Table 5.20 )URP([DPSOHWKHWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHGHVLJQVWULSDWWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHHGJHFROXPQFRQVLVWVRI EDUV EDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGEDUVLQWKHPLGGOHVWULS LQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Thus, 2QHZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHDOVRVDWLV¿HGDWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ% FDOFXODWLRQVQRWVKRZQKHUH Step 2 – Check two-way shear strength requirements The critical section is located a distance ACI 8.4.4 from the face of the column. )DFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH For the gravity load combination where the DDM is used to determine design bending moments, Dead load: Eq. (5.17) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-127 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ͳͳᇱ Ǧͻᇱᇱ ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ݀ ൌ ʹͶǤͲ ͺǤʹͷ ൌ ͵ʹǤʹͷᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ݀Ȁʹሻ ൌ ʹͶǤͲ ሺͺǤʹͷȀʹሻ ൌ ʹͺǤͳ͵ᇱᇱ Figure 5.60 Critical section for two-way shear at an edge column in Example 5.13. Live load: Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-128 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.42 Total factored shear force: For other than gravity load combinations, is equal to that from the actual load combination: Table 5.44 Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) 6KHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWWKHH[WHULRUFROXPQV First interior columns Step 1 – Check one-way shear strength requirements The critical section is located a distance ACI 8.4.3 from the face of the column. Because the panel is rectangular, one-way shear strength requirements must be checked at critical sections A and B governs in this case. VHH)LJXUH $OVRWKHJUDYLW\ORDGFRPELQDWLRQ Maximum ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Maximum factored shear force on critical section A: Maximum factored shear force on critical section B: Design shear strength: Eq. (5.29) Eq. (5.30) Table 5.20 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-129 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 23ᇱ -6ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 25ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ A B ݀ ൌ 8.25ᇱᇱ ݀ ൌ 8.25ᇱᇱ Figure 5.61 Critical sections for one-way shear at the first interior column in Example 5.13. )URP([DPSOHWKHWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHGHVLJQVWULSDWWKHORFDWLRQRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQFRQVLVWV RIEDUV EDUVLQWKHFROXPQVWULSDQGEDUVLQWKHPLGGOHVWULS LQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQ VHH )LJXUH Thus, $VVXPLQJWKHWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHGHVLJQVWULSDWWKHORFDWLRQRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQFRQVLVWVRI bars in the east-west direction: Step 2 – Check two-way shear strength requirements The critical section is located a distance from the face of the column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-130 ACI 8.4.4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )DFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH ʹ͵ᇱ Ǧᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ʹͷᇱ ǦͲᇱᇱ ܾଶ ൌ ܿଶ ݀ ൌ ʹͶǤͲ ͺǤʹͷ ൌ ͵ʹǤʹͷᇱᇱ ܾଵ ൌ ܿଵ ݀ ൌ ʹͶǤͲ ͺǤʹͷ ൌ ͵ʹǤʹͷᇱᇱ Figure 5.62 Critical section for two-way shear at the first interior column in Example 5.13. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects can be determined from the following equation where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal: Eq. (5.21) Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-131 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where Table 5.42 Total factored shear force: From gravity load effects: Eq. (5.21) From seismic load effects: Total Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) 6KHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-132 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5.8.14 Example 5.14 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B, Shear Cap Check the two-way shear strength requirements at an edge column in an interior design strip in the north-south diUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDQLQWKLFNVODE DVKHDUFDSZLWKDLQSURMHFWLRQEHORZWKHVODEDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVR assume normalweight concrete with Step 1 – Check two-way shear stress at the critical section around the column Given Assume ACI 8.4.4 Figure 5.14 at the three faces of the column. from the face of the column (see ʹͲᇱᇱ ʹͷᇱᇱ ʹǤʹͷᇱᇱ ʹͻǤͳ͵ᇱᇱ The critical section is located a distance )LJXUH ʹͲᇱᇱ ͵Ͳᇱᇱ ͵ʹǤͷᇱᇱ ͵ͺǤʹͷᇱᇱ Figure 5.63 Critical sections for two-way shear at the edge column in Example 5.14. Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-133 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For the gravity load combination where the DDM is used to determine design bending moments, Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-134 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VVXPHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Total factored shear force: For other than gravity load combinations, is equal to that from the actual load combination. For an edge column subjected to gravity loads effects: Table 5.16 From seismic load effects, Table 5.42 Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) Step 2 – Check two-way shear stress at the critical section around the shear cap ACI 8.4.4 Figure 5.63 Factored shear force at the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-135 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where Table 5.42 Total factored shear force: Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) 7ZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWWKHHGJHFROXPQV 5.8.15 Example 5.15 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B, Slab Opening Check two-way shear strength requirements at an edge column in an interior design strip in the north-south direction IRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODEDQG LQE\LQFROXPQVJLYHQWKHLQGLDPHWHUVODERSHQLQJLQ)LJXUH$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVRDVVXPH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with Step 1 – Check if the size of the opening is permitted ACI The 8-in.-diameter opening occurs within two intersecting column strips. Without performing an analysis of the V\VWHPZLWKWKHRSHQLQJWKHPD[LPXPRSHQLQJVL]HSHUPLWWHGLQVXFKFDVHVLVRQHHLJKWKWKHZLGWKRIWKHJRYHUQing column strip: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-136 ͳʹᇱᇱ ͳʹᇱᇱ ͺᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ ʹͶᇱᇱ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 5.64 Slab opening in Example 5.15. Figure 5.8 This opening is permitted at the indicated location because the 8-in. diameter is less than Step 2 – Check if portions of the critical section are ineffective A portion of umn: is considered ineffective where an opening is located closer than ACI from the periphery of the col- %HFDXVHWKHRSHQLQJLVORFDWHGLQIURPWKHIDFHRIWKHRSHQLQJZKLFKLVOHVVWKDQLQDSRUWLRQRI enclosed by straight lines projecting from the centroid of the column and tangent to the boundaries of the opening must be considered ineffective. VHH)LJXUH %DVHGRQ The length of the critical section adjacent to the opening is WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,WKHLQHIIHFWLYHOHQJWKRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPVLPLODUWULDQJOHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-137 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹͺǤͳ͵ᇱᇱ ༃ ܿ ൌ ͻǤ ᇱᇱ ༃ ܽ ܽ Ͷᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ ʹͶᇱᇱ ͵ʹǤʹͷᇱᇱ ༄ ༄ ͺǤʹͷΤʹ ൌ ͶǤͳ͵ԣ ൌ ǤͲǤ ܽ ൌ ሺ͵ʹǤʹͷ െ ǤͲሻΤʹ ൌ ͳ͵Ǥͳ͵Ǥ Figure 5.65 Ineffective portion of bo for the edge column in Example 5.15. Step 3 – Check two-way shear strength requirements ACI 8.4.4 ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Factored shear force at the critical section: For the gravity load combination where the DDM is used to determine design bending moments, Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-138 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Section properties of the critical section are determined based on the straight segments of the effective portions RIWKHVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Eq. (5.15) Segment 1: Segment 2: Eq. (5.16) Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-139 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.42 Total factored shear force: For other than gravity load combinations, is equal to that from the actual load combination: Table 5.44 Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) 6KHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGDWWKHH[WHULRUFROXPQVEHFDXVH nation for the gravity load combi- Comments.&RPSDULQJWKHUHVXOWVIURPWKLVH[DPSOHWRWKRVHLQ([DPSOHZKHUHWKHUHLVQRRSHQLQJDGMDFHQW WRWKHHGJHFROXPQLWLVHYLGHQWWKHLQGLDPHWHURSHQLQJKDVDVLJQL¿FDQWLPSDFWRQWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWK The section properties of the critical section are determined in this example using the conservative method outlined LQ6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ'HWHUPLQHWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVEDVHGRQWKHDFWXDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQZLWKWKHLQLQHIIHFWLYHVHJPHQW Figure 5.65 For the two faces For the two faces Therefore, Total factored shear stress due to gravity loads: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-140 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,WLVHYLGHQWVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGXVLQJWKHDFWXDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ 1RWHWKDWVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGLI If the concrete compressive strength cannot be increased, it may be possible to satisfy two-way shear strength requirements by investigating whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWR WKHUHE\GHFUHDVLQJ WR]HUR LQDFFRUGDQFH ZLWK$&,,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQWKH&RPPHQWVVHFWLRQDWWKHHQGRI([DPSOHWKDW FDQEHWDNHQDV SURYLGHGWKHDPRXQWRIQHJDWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQLVLQFUHDVHGDFFRUGLQJO\7KHUHIRUHDVthe maximum two-way shear stress for the gravity load suming ZLWKWKHRSHQLQJZKLFKPHDQVWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG combination ,WLVXQOLNHO\DQRSHQLQJRIWKLVVL]HZLOOKDYHDPDMRULPSDFWRQÀH[XUDORUVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV,QUHJDUGWR detailing requirements, a quantity of reinforcement at least equal to that interrupted by the opening must be added RQWKHVLGHVRIWKHRSHQLQJ>$&, E @ 5.8.16 Example 5.16 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams, Building #1 (Framing Option D), SDC A, Circular Columns Check two-way shear strength requirements at an interior column in an interior design strip in the north-south direcWLRQDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOIRUWKHÀDWVODEV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ' ZLWKDQLQWKLFNVODED GURSSDQHOZLWKDLQSURMHFWLRQEHORZWKHVODEDQGLQFLUFXODUFROXPQV$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV&$OVR Interior design strips are not part of the LFRS. assume normalweight concrete with Step 1 – Check two-way shear stress at the critical section around the column Maximum ACI 8.4.4 ACI Eq. (5.3.1b) Figure 5.13 Determine the section properties of the critical section assuming a square column of equivalent area (see Figure ACI Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-141 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͳͲͺǤͷᇱᇱ ͳͲʹᇱᇱ ʹǤᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ ͳǤᇱᇱ ʹǤᇱᇱ ͳͲʹᇱᇱ ͳͲͺǤͷᇱᇱ ͳǤᇱᇱ Figure 5.66 Critical sections for the interior column in Example 5.15. In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects can be determined from the following equation where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal: Eq. (5.21) where Determining whether Figure 5.23 FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Table 5.11, Case 1 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-142 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where Step 2 – Check two-way shear stress at the critical section around the drop panel ACI 8.4.4 Figure 5.13 Section properties of the critical section: Table 5.11, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: The transfer moment stress. is negligible at this location and is not included in the calculation of the maximum shear Maximum shear stress, Eq. (5.14) 7ZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQV Comments. Instead of calculating the section properties of the critical section using an equivalent square column, calculate the section properties based on the circular section and check two-way shear requirements. Table 5.13, Case 1 Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-143 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) 7ZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVFDQEHVDWLV¿HGE\LQFUHDVLQJWKHGURSSDQHOSURMHFWLRQEHORZWKHVODEWRLQ 5.8.17 Example 5.17 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B, Stirrups &KHFNWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDWWKHHGJHDQG¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQVLQDQLQWHULRUGHVLJQVWULSLQWKH QRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKD LQWKLFNVODEDQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW3URYLGHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHIRUPRIFORVHGVWLUUXSVLI with needed. Edge columns Step 1 – Check two-way shear strength requirements ACI 8.4.4 Factored shear force at the critical section: For the gravity load combination where the DDM is used to determine design bending moments, Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-144 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where $VVXPHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Total factored shear force: For other than gravity load combinations, is equal to that from the actual load combination: Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-145 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Eq. (5.32) 7ZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVEDVHGRQERWKORDGFRPELQDWLRQV Step 2 – Determine the size and spacing of closed stirrups ACI 8.7.6 • Step 2a – Check if stirrups can be utilized in the slab ACI $VVXPLQJVWLUUXSV Thus, stirrups are permitted to be used to increase the design two-way shear strength. • Step 2b – Check the maximum shear strength permitted with stirrups ACI Table From Step 1, maximum • Step 2c – Determine the design shear strength of the concrete with stirrups ACI Table Table 5.23 where Eq. (5.30) and Table 5.20 Note: LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVIRUWZRZD\VODEVZLWKVWLUUXSVWKDWVDWLVI\WKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&, D • Step 2d – Determine the required area and spacing of the stirrups Maximum stirrup spacing ACI Figure 5.19 Try Total required area of stirrups, for the three-sided, rectangular critical section located a distance WKHIDFHRIWKHFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH from Table 5.23 8VHVWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-146 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ͷ̷Ͷᇱᇱ ൌ ʹͲᇱᇱ ʹͶǤͳ͵ᇱᇱ ᬅ ʹͺǤʹͷᇱᇱ ᬇ ͵ͻǤᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ܿ ൌ ͳͺǤͻᇱᇱ ʹͺᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ͓Ͷ ሺǤ ሻ ͳᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ ʹͺᇱᇱ ᬆ ͳᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.67 Closed stirrup shear reinforcement at the edge columns in Example 5.17. • Step 2e – Determine the distance from the faces of the column where the stirrups can be terminated Stirrups can be terminated where the design strength of the concrete can resist the factored shear stress without stirrups. At the critical section located a distance from the outermost peripheral line of stirrups: Table 5.23 Assume 6 stirrups are provided parallel to each face of the column and check if the maximum factored shear from the centerline of the outermost peripheral line of stress at the critical section located a distance of . stirrups is less than or equal to 6HFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHSRO\JRQDOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Table 5.12, Case 3 Eq. (5.15) Segment 1: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-147 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Segment 2: Segment 3: Eq. (5.16) The transfer moment tively taken as LVHVVHQWLDOO\]HURDWWKLVFULWLFDOVHFWLRQEXWIRUFDOFXODWLRQSXUSRVHVLVFRQVHUYD- ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) 7KHUHIRUHWKHFORVHGVWLUUXSVSURYLGHGRQHDFKIDFHRIWKHFROXPQDUHDGHTXDWH First interior columns Check two-way shear strength requirements ACI 8.4.4 Factored shear force at the critical section: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-148 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In lieu of a more exact analysis, the factored slab moment, transferred to an interior column due to the gravity load effects can be determined from the following equation where the spans in the direction of analysis and perpendicular to the direction of analysis are equal: Eq. (5.21) Table 5.11, Case 1 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where Table 5.42 Total factored shear force: From gravity load effects: Eq. (5.21) From seismic load effects: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-149 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Total Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) 6KHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HGDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQV 5.8.18 Example 5.18 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC B, Headed Shear Studs Check two-way shear strength requirements at the edge columns in an interior design strip in the north-south direcWLRQIRUWKHÀDWSODWHV\VWHPLQ)LJXUH )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ$ DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZLWKDLQWKLFNVODE DQGLQE\LQFROXPQV$VVXPHWKH6LWH&ODVVLV'$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK Provide shear reinforcement in the form of headed shear studs if needed with Step 1 – Check two-way shear strength requirements ACI 8.4.4 Table 5.11, Case 3 Factored shear force at the critical section: For the gravity load combination where the DDM is used to determine design bending moments, : Figure 5.8 Figure 5.23 Dead load: Eq. (5.17) Live load: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-150 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 5.11, Case 3 Determining whether FDQEHLQFUHDVHGWRWKHYDOXHVLQ$&,7DEOHLVQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) Eq. (5.32) where $VVXPHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRVHLVPLFORDGHIIHFWVDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Total factored shear force: For other than gravity load combinations, is equal to that from the actual load combination: Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-151 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Eq. (5.32) 7ZRZD\VKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGDWWKHHGJHFROXPQVEDVHGRQERWKORDGFRPELQDWLRQV Step 2 – Determine the size and spacing of headed shear stud reinforcement • Step 2a – Check the maximum shear strength permitted with headed shear studs ACI 8.7.7 ACI Table From Step 1, maximum • Step 2b – Determine the design shear strength of the concrete with headed shear studs ACI Table where Eq. (5.30) Table 5.20 and and Note: LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDVIRUWZRZD\VODEVZLWKVPRRWKKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGUHLQIRUFHPHQWWKDW VDWLV¿HVWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&, E WKLVSURYLVLRQLVVDWLV¿HGLQWKLVH[DPSOH VHH6WHSFEHORZ • Step 2c – Determine the required size and spacing of the headed shear studs ACI 22.6.8 Figure 5.20 Provide three lines of headed shear studs on each face of the column: Assuming ½-in.-diameter studs , the required spacing is the following: Table 5.23 In this equation, is the cross-sectional area of all the headed studs on one peripheral line parallel to the peULPHWHURIWKHFROXPQVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Because Figure 5.20 $VVXPLQJDLQVSDFLQJFKHFNWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, ACI Eq. ( 8VHòLQGLDPHWHUKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-152 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͺͶᇱᇱ Ͷ̷ᇱᇱ ൌ ʹͶᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ᬅ ͳȀʹǦǤǤ ሺǤሻ ʹͺǤʹͷᇱᇱ ᬇ Ͷ͵Ǥᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ܿ ൌ ʹͲǤͶᇱᇱ ͵ͲǤͺᇱᇱ ͵ʹᇱᇱ Ͷᇱᇱ ʹͳǤʹᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ ʹͶǤͳ͵ᇱᇱ ʹͲᇱᇱ ͵ʹᇱᇱ ᬆ ʹʹǤͲᇱᇱ Figure 5.68 Headed shear stud reinforcement at the edge columns in Example 5.18. • Step 2d – Determine the distance from the faces of the column where the headed shear studs can be terminated +HDGHGVKHDUVWXGVFDQEHWHUPLQDWHGZKHUHWKHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKRIWKHFRQFUHWHFDQUHVLVWWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDU stress without the headed shear studs. At the critical section located a distance from the outermost peripheral line of headed shear studs: Table 5.23 $VVXPHKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVDUHSURYLGHGLQHDFKOLQHSDUDOOHOWRHDFKIDFHRIWKHFROXPQDQGFKHFNLIWKHPD[from the centerline of the outermost imum factored shear stress at the critical section located a distance of . peripheral line of headed studs is less than or equal to 6HFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHSRO\JRQDOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Table 5.12, Case 3 Eq. (5.15) Segment 1: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-153 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Segment 2: Segment 3: Eq. (5.16) The transfer moment taken as LVHVVHQWLDOO\]HURDWWKLVFULWLFDOVHFWLRQEXWIRUFDOFXODWLRQSXUSRVHVLVFRQVHUYDWLYHO\ ACI Eq. ( Total factored shear stress: Eq. (5.14) 7KHUHIRUHWKHòLQGLDPHWHUKHDGHGVKHDUVWXGVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUZLWKOLQHVRIKHDGHGVWXGVRQHDFK face of the column are adequate. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 5-154 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 6 BEAMS 6.1 Overview %HDPVDUHPHPEHUVVXEMHFWHGSULPDULO\WRÀH[XUHDQGVKHDUZLWKRUZLWKRXWD[LDOIRUFHRUWRUVLRQ2QHRIWKHSULPDU\IXQFWLRQVRIDEHDPLVWRWUDQVIHUURRIDQGÀRRUORDGVWRVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHUV FROXPQVZDOOVRURWKHUEHDPV WKHODWWHURIZKLFKDUHRIWHQUHIHUUHGWRDVJLUGHUV 7KHPDLQÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDEHDPUXQVSDUDOOHOWRWKH direction of load transfer. The design and detailing of cast-in-place beams with nonprestressed reinforcement are covered in this chapter for where is the gross cross-sectional area of members subjected to a factored axial force, , less than the beam (see ACI Provisions for beams are given in ACI Chapter 9, which are applicable to members in buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) A and B. Nonprestressed one-way joist systems consist of a monolithic combination of regularly spaced ribs with a clear VSDFLQJEHWZHHQWKHULEVRIQRPRUHWKDQLQDQGDRQHZD\VODEPHHWLQJWKHGLPHQVLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, WKURXJK7KHULEVDQGVXSSRUWLQJEHDPVDUHGHVLJQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7KLVV\VWHPZDV once popular but is generally not used anymore. Wide-module joist systems, which are also referred to as skip joist V\VWHPVDUHIRUPHGE\LQRULQZLGHSDQIRUPVDQGKDYHHVVHQWLDOO\WDNHQWKHSODFHRIVWDQGDUGRQHZD\ joist systems. The evenly spaced joists (or, ribs) support the loads from a one-way slab cast integrally with the joists DQGEHDPV RUJLUGHUV >VHH)LJXUH@%HFDXVHWKLVV\VWHPGRHVQRWPHHWWKHFOHDUVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVEHWZHHQ ULEVLQ$&,IRUVWDQGDUGRQHZD\MRLVWV\VWHPVWKHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHFRQFUHWH , is not permitWHGWREHLQFUHDVHGE\WLPHVWKHYDOXHSUHVFULEHGLQ$&, $&, WKXVWKHMRLVWVDQGEHDPVLQWKH wide-module system must be designed in accordance with the provisions in ACI Chapter 9 excluding the requirements in ACI 9.8. Figure 6.1 A wide-module joist system. 'HHSEHDPVZKLFKDUHGH¿QHGLQ$&,DUHQRWFRYHUHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU7KHVHPHPEHUVDUHFRPPRQO\ GHVLJQHGXVLQJWKHVWUXWDQGWLHPHWKRGJLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHU $&, 1XPHURXVUHIHUHQFHVDUHDYDLODEOH WKDWLOOXVWUDWHWKHGHVLJQRIGHHSEHDPVE\WKLVPHWKRGLQFOXGLQJ5HIHUHQFH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.2 Sizing the Cross-Section 6.2.1 Determining the Beam Depth %HDPVPXVWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWGHSWKVRDOODSSOLFDEOHVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG,QOLHXRI FDOFXODWLQJGHÀHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGVXEVHTXHQWO\FKHFNLQJWKHGHÀHFWLRQVGRQRWH[FHHGWKH OLPLWVLQ$&, $&, WKHPLQLPXPRYHUDOOGHSWK , for nonprestressed beams not supporting or atWDFKHGWRSDUWLWLRQVRURWKHUW\SHVRIFRQVWUXFWLRQOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQVFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ WKHH[SUHVVLRQVLQ$&,7DEOHZKLFKDUHDSSOLFDEOHIRUUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKDVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWK , HTXDOWRSVLDQGQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, 0RGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVIRUEHDPVZLWKUHLQIRUFHPHQW RWKHUWKDQSVLDQGPDGHRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ Minimum beam depths based on various support conditions are given in Table 6.1. In the expressions for minimum , is the span length of the beam in inches; for cantilevers, is the clear projection of the cantilever in inches. Also, and DUHWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVIRUUHLQIRUFHPHQWJUDGHDQGOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHVSHFWLYHO\ Table 6.1 Minimum Depth of Nonprestressed Beams Normalweight Concrete Support Condition ƒy = 60 ksi ƒy other than 60 ksi(2) Lightweight Concrete(1) ƒy = 60 ksi(3) ƒy other than 60 ksi(2),(3) Simply supported One end continuous Both ends continuous Cantilever (1) (2) (3) Applicable where equilibrium density, is in the range of 90 to 115 lb/ft3 For the usual case of continuous construction, the depth of the beams, , must be the same for all spans and it should be determined on the basis of the span yielding the largest minimum depth; this results in economical formZRUN VHH5HIHUHQFH 7KHPLQLPXP for an end span condition governs in the case of equal end and interior times the end span, the minimum for the spans. In cases where the interior span is greater than interior span condition governs. %HDPGHSWKLVW\SLFDOO\VSHFL¿HGLQZKROHLQFKLQFUHPHQWVDOWKRXJKKDOILQFKLQFUHPHQWVDUHFRPPRQO\XVHGLQ wide-module joist construction (see below). As noted in Section 6.1, standard pan forms are used in constructing wide-module joist systems. The pan depths FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHVWDQGDUGSDQZLGWKVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH$LQWKLFNVODELVW\SLFDOO\VSHFL¿HGLQVXFK systems because structural requirements are minimal. Therefore, the overall depth of the system (slab thickness plus pan depth) must be greater than or equal to the applicable minimum depth given in Table 6.1 to satisfy serviceability requirements. To achieve economical formwork, the depths of the beams must be the same depth as the joists: The formwork associated with beams deeper than the joists is more complex to build and additional shoring is required to support the beam formwork, which results in unnecessary increases in construction time and cost. For economy, the joists typically span in the long direction, which means their depth usually controls the overall depth of the wide-module system. Fire-resistance requirements of the general building code must also be considered when specifying a beam depth DQGVODEWKLFNQHVV $&, ,QPRVWFDVHVWKHUHTXLUHGEHDPGHSWKEDVHGRQ¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVLV smaller than that required by ACI 9.3.1 for serviceability. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺǤሻ ͷ͵ ሺǤሻ ͳǡʹͲǡʹͶ ͳͶǡͳǡʹͲǡʹͶ Figure 6.2 Standard form dimensions for wide-module joist systems. 7KHGHSWKRIDQ\EHDPFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHGHÀHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,)RUEHDPVVXSSRUWLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV VXFKDVJODVVSDUWLWLRQZDOOV GHÀHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQVVKRXOG EHSHUIRUPHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKDWVHFWLRQ0D[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHGHÀHFWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHIRU PHPEHUVVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQVDQGIRUPHPEHUVWKDWDUHQRW0HWKRGVRQKRZWRFDOFXODWHLPPHGLDWHDQGWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVIRUEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ 6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ7KLVLQIRUPDWLRQLVDOVRDSSOLFDEOHWRFDOFXODWLRQRIGHÀHFWLRQVIRURQHZD\VODEV 6.2.2 Determining the Beam Width The width of a beam, FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWLVE\VDWLVI\LQJWKHIRO$WWKLVVWDJHRIWKHGHVLJQWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW lowing strength design equation: LVW\SLFDOO\QRWNQRZQ+RZHYHUDUDQJHIRU can be determined based on required minimum and maximum DUHDVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHPLQLPXPDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVVSHFL¿HGLQ$&,$OVREHDPVVXEMHFWHG to relatively small or no axial loads must be designed as tension-controlled sections (ACI, which essentially VHWVDQXSSHUOLPLWRQWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHGLQDVHFWLRQ7KHSURYLGHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW PXVWEHZLWKLQWKLVUDQJH)RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGDVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK , equal to SVLPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXP are equal to the following: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Using an initial estimate of IRUWKHDUHDRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW ZKLFKLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\HTXDOWRWKH can be obtained by setting and solving for average of the minimum and maximum values), For beams with and In this equation, has the units of in.-kips and : have the units of inches. The above equation can be rewritten in the following form where units of inches: has the units of ft-kips and have the (6.1) The largest factored bending moment along the spans should be used in Equation (6.1) to determine For where is the depth of beams with one layer of longitudinal tension reinforcement, can be taken as WKHEHDPGHWHUPLQHGIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\ VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ DQGLQLVWKHVXPRIWKHFRQFUHWH FRYHULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOHIRUEHDPVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQG . To LQ WKHGLDPHWHURIDVWLUUXS LQ DQGRQHKDOIWKHGLDPHWHURIDORQJLWXGLQDOEDU achieve economical formwork, the same VKRXOGEHXVHGIRUDOOEHDPVDORQJWKHVSDQ$OVRWKHVDPHEHDPVL]H should be used as often as possible throughout the structure. Providing a beam width greater than or equal to that determined by Equation (6.1) results in cross-sectional dimensions satsifying both strength and serviceability requirements. The following equation can be used to determine pressive strength, and reinforcement ratio for a beam with any grade of reinforcing steel, concrete com: (6.2) where has the units of ft-kips; and have the units of psi; and and have the units of inches. The and $&, DQGOHVV reinforcement ratio must be greater than or equal to the greater of (ACI where the term LVGH¿QHGLQ$&,7DEOHDVIROORZV $&, than or equal to • For • For • For @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (TXDWLRQV RU FDQDOVREHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGZLGWKRIWKHMRLVWVLQDZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHP -RLVWZLGWKFDQEHWDLORUHGWRVDWLVI\YLUWXDOO\DQ\UHTXLUHPHQW,QXVXDOVLWXDWLRQVWKHWKLQQHVWSUDFWLFDOZLGWKLV W\SLFDOO\DGHTXDWHIRUVWUXFWXUDOUHTXLUHPHQWV*HQHUDOO\DLQZLGHMRLVWLVXVHGZLWKDLQSDQDQGDLQ ZLGHMRLVWLVXVHGZLWKDLQSDQUHVXOWLQJLQIWDQGIWPRGXOHVUHVSHFWLYHO\&ROXPQOLQHMRLVWVFDQEHPDGH part of the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) and any practical width (not necessarily the same as the adjoining joists) can be provided to resist combined gravity and lateral load effects. 6.2.3 General Guidelines for Sizing Beams for Economy 7KHIROORZLQJJHQHUDOJXLGHOLQHVIRUVL]LQJEHDPVVKRXOGEHIROORZHGIRUHFRQRP\ VHH5HIHUHQFH • Use whole-inch increments for beam dimensions, except for the depth of beams in wide-module joist systems where half-inch beam depths are used for formwork economy where applicable. • 8VHEHDPZLGWKVLQPXOWLSOHVRIRULQ • 8VHFRQVWDQWEHDPVL]HIURPVSDQWRVSDQDQGYDU\WKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDVUHTXLUHG • Use wide, shallower beams rather than narrow, deeper beams. • 8VHEHDPZLGWKVDWOHDVWLQZLGHUWKDQWKHVXSSRUWLQJFROXPQZLGWKVZKHUHYHUSRVVLEOH • Use uniform width and depth of beams throughout the building, wherever possible. 6.3 Required Strength 6.3.1 Analysis Methods Overview 7KHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&,&KDSWHULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUDUHWR EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK VHH$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ Bending Moments and Shear Forces )LYHPHWKRGVRIDQDO\VLVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,WRGHWHUPLQHWKHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHVDWWKH FULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQDEHDP VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUWKHORFDWLRQVRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUÀH[XUH and shear). )RUWKHFDVHRIJUDYLW\ORDGVWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGIRUDQDO\VLVRIFRQWLQXRXVEHDPVDQGRQHZD\VODEVLQ$&, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHVSURYLGHGWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUH VDWLV¿HG>$&, D @ (1) Members are prismatic Gravity loads are uniformly distributed (3) The service live load, , is less than or equal to 3 times the service dead load, There are at least two spans 7KHORQJHURIWZRDGMDFHQWVSDQVGRHVQRWH[FHHGWKHVKRUWHUVSDQE\SHUFHQW , and factored shear forces, LQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ The approximate factored bending moments, is the factored uniformly distributed gravity load on the conDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQZKHUH tinuous beams. 0RPHQWUHGLVWULEXWLRQLVQRWSHUPLWWHGZKHQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRG $&, :KHUHRQHRUPRUHRIWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,LVQRWVDWLV¿HGRQHRIWKHRWKHUIRXUPHWKRGVRIDQDO\VLVJLYHQLQ and at the critical sections. $&,PXVWEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Torsional Moments Factored torsional moments, , can be obtained using the analysis methods in ACI Chapter 6. It is permitted to WDNHWKHWRUVLRQDOORDGLQJIURPDVODEDVXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGDORQJWKHVSDQRIDEHDP $&, Once LVGHWHUPLQHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFtion for torsion), the next step is to determine if torsional effects on a beam need to be considered or not. Torsional where is the threshold torsional moeffects on a reinforced concrete beam need not be considered if PHQW $&, )RUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGPHPEHUVZLWKVROLGFURVVVHFWLRQV LVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH D (6.3) 7KH¿UVWRIWKHVHHTXDWLRQVLVDSSOLFDEOHWRPHPEHUVQRWVXEMHFWHGWRDQD[LDOIRUFH7KHVHFRQGHTXDWLRQLVDSSOLFD(in pounds), which is taken as positive for compresble where the member is subjected to a factored axial force , and negative for tension forces. sion forces acting on the gross area of the beam, The term LVWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUUHÀHFWLQJWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYH to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength, and is determined based on either (1) the equilibrium density, RIWKHFRQFUHWHPL[RU WKHFRPSRVLWLRQRIWKHDJJUHJDWHLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ VHH$&,DQG $&, 9DOXHVRI based on DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH D @DQGYDOXHVRI based on FRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&,7DEOH E @1RWHWKDW is permitted to be taken as IRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, DQGLVHTXDOWRIRUQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH $&, Table 6.2 Values of Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc Table 6.3 Values of Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete Composition of Aggregates Ȝ All-lightweight )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG& &RDUVH$670& WR(1) Sand-lightweight Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG$670& WR(2) (1) Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. (2) Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The term is the area enclosed by the outside perimeter of the concrete cross-section, and is the outside perimeter of the concrete cross-section. For beams cast monolithically with a slab, a portion of the slab may be able to FRQWULEXWHWRWRUVLRQDOUHVLVWDQFH7KHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJHZLGWK permitted to be used in the calculation of LVJLYHQLQ$&, and (6.4) is the greater of the projection of the beam above or below the slab (see Figure 6.3). ܾ௪ ʹܾ ൌ ܾ௪ ʹ݄ ܾ௪ ͺ݄ ݄ Ͷ݄ ݄ଵ Ͷ݄ ܾ௪ ݄ ݄ଵ ݄ଶ ݄ ݄ଵ ݄ ݄ଶ ݄ ݄ Ͷ݄ ܾ௪ ܾ ൌ ܾ௪ ݄ଵ ܾ௪ Ͷ݄ ݄ଶ where ܾ௪ ܾ ൌ ݄ Ͷ݄ ܾ ൌ ݄ଵ Ͷ݄ ܣ ൌ ܾ௪ ݄ ሺܾ௪ ʹܾ ሻ݄ ൌ ʹሺ݄ ݄ ܾ௪ ʹܾ ሻ ܣ ൌ ܾ௪ ሺ݄ଵ ݄ ݄ଶ ሻ ݄ܾ ൌ ʹሺ݄ଵ ݄ ݄ଶ ܾ௪ ܾ ሻ ۷ܚܗܑܚ܍ܜܖ۰ܕ܉܍ ۳܍܌۰ܕ܉܍ Figure 6.3 Torsional section properties Acp and pcp for interior and edge beams cast monolithically with the slab. Torsional section properties and for an interior beam and an upturned edge beam cast monolithically with the slab are also given in Figure 6.3. Note that the torsional section properties for the edge beam are applicable for and LQFOXGLQJDYDOXHRI]HUR corresponds to the case where the bottom of the slab is any value of FRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHFDVHZKHUHWKHWRSRIWKHVODELVÀXVKZLWKWKHWRS ÀXVKZLWKWKHERWWRPRIWKHEHDPDQG of the beam). calculated 7KHFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJH V PXVWEHQHJOHFWHGLQFDVHVZKHUHWKHSDUDPHWHU FDOFXODWHGIRUWKHVDPHVROLGEHDPLJQRULQJWKHÀDQJHV>$&, IRUDVROLGEHDPZLWKÀDQJHVLVOHVVWKDQ for the beam with E @)RUKROORZVHFWLRQVWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJH V PXVWEHQHJOHFWHGZKHUH is the area of the concrete only and does ÀDQJHVLVOHVVWKDQWKDWIRUWKHVDPHEHDPLJQRULQJWKHÀDQJHVZKHUH not include the area of the void. For nonprestressed members with hollow cross-sections, LVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH E (6.5) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Once it has been established that torsional effects must be considered (that is, where ), the next step is to determine whether IURPDQDO\VLVFDQEHUHGXFHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&, $&, 7KHEHDPVXSSRUWLQJWKHFDQWLOHYHUVODELQ$&,)LJXUH5DLVXQDEOHWRUHGLVWULEXWHWKHHIIHFWVGXHWRWKHWRUsional moment (it is not part of an indeterminate structure where redistribution of the applied torsional moment can from analysis. This type of torsion is referred to as occur); thus, it must be designed for the torsional moment equilibrium torsion because LVUHTXLUHGWRPDLQWDLQHTXLOLEULXP $&, 7KHVSDQGUHOEHDPLQ$&,)LJXUH5ELVSDUWRIDQLQGHWHUPLQDWHVWUXFWXUHZKHUHUHGLVWULEXWLRQRIWRUVLRQDO moments can occur. This type of torsion is referred to as compatibility torsion. In this case, the beam can be deequal to the design cracking torsional moment, , which is less than that obsigned for a torsional moment is determined by the equations in ACI WDLQHGIURPDQDO\VLV $&, )RUERWKVROLGDQGKROORZVHFWLRQV 7DEOH $&, (6.6) 7KH¿UVWRIWKHVHHTXDWLRQVLVDSSOLFDEOHWRPHPEHUVQRWVXEMHFWHGWRDQD[LDOIRUFH7KHVHFRQGHTXDWLRQLVDSSOL(in pounds), which is taken as positive for comcable where the member is subjected to a factored axial force , and negative for tension forces. Note that for pression forces acting on the gross area of the beam, members with solid cross-sections. Adjoining members must be designed for the redistributed bending moments and shear forces due to application RIWKHFRPSDWLELOLW\WRUVLRQDOPRPHQW $&, 7KHEHDPVIUDPLQJLQWRWKHVSDQGUHOEHDPLQ$&,)LJXUH 5EPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUDFRQFHQWUDWHGPRPHQWDWWKHLUHQGVHTXDOWRWKHFRPSDWLELOLW\WRUVLRQDOPRPHQW ; that moment is redistributed to the positive and interior negative critical sections of the beam and are algebraically combined with the bending moments corresponding to gravity and any other applicable loads. Typically, the negative moment at the exterior support of the beam framing into the spandrel beam is reduced compared to that prior to redistribution and the positive and negative moments at the other critical sections are increased. from analysis is less than In cases where torsional effects must be considered and designed to resist the factored torsional moment from analysis. , the section should be 6.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure, Shear, and Torsion ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQG , , and are permitted to be calculated at the faces of WKHVXSSRUWVIRUEHDPVEXLOWLQWHJUDOO\ZLWKWKHVXSSRUWV)RUÀH[XUDOGHVLJQWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVRFFXUDWWKHIDFHV of the supports where negative moments are maximum and in the span where positive moments are maximum. Beams are permitted to be designed for the shear force at a critical section located a distance VXSSRUWZKHUHWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG VHH)LJXUH from the face of the (1) Support reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into the end region of the beam Loads are applied at or near the top surface of the beam (3) No concentrated load occurs between the face of the support and the critical section The critical section for shear must be taken at the face of the support where one or more of the three conditions in $&,DUHQRWPHW)RUH[DPSOHWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQPXVWEHDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWIRUWKHIUDPLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLQ)LJXUHEHFDXVHWKHVXSSRUWLQJPHPEHULVLQWHQVLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ǡܲ௨ ݓ௨ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ܸ௨ ̷ ݀ ݀ Figure 6.4 Critical section for shear in a beam satisfying the conditions of ACI ǡܶ௨ ݓ௨ ܸ௨ ̷ Figure 6.5 Critical section for shear in a beam supported by a member in tension. Beams are permitted to be designed for the torsional moment at a critical section located a distance from the face RIWKHVXSSRUWSURYLGHGQRFRQFHQWUDWHGWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWVRFFXUZLWKLQWKDWGLVWDQFH $&, RWKHUZLVHWKH critical section must be taken at the face of the support. The edge beam in Figure 6.6 is subjected to a uniformly , from the beam framdistributed torsional moment, , from the slab and a concentrated torsional moment, ing into it. The critical section for torsion can be taken a distance from the face of the column in this case because occurs at a distance greater than from the face of the column. As such, the edge beam can be designed for ). the torsional moment at the location of the critical section (that is, at 6.3.3 Redistribution of Moments in Continuous Flexural Members %HQGLQJPRPHQWVFDOFXODWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DWVXSSRUWVRIFRQWLQXRXVÀH[XUDOPHPEHUVDUHSHUPLWWHG WREHLQFUHDVHGRUGHFUHDVHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,H[FHSWZKHUHWKHPRPHQWVKDYHEHHQFRPSXWHGXVLQJWKHDSSUR[LPDWHFRHI¿FLHQWVLQ$&,,WLVFXVWRPDU\WRUHGXFHWKHQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVDWWKHVXSSRUWVZKLFK results in an increase of the positive moments in the span. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݀ ܶ௨ ̷ ܶ௨ ̷݀ ܶ௨ǡ ݐ௨ ݀ Figure 6.6 Critical section for torsion in a beam where a concentrated torsional moment occurs at a distance greater than d from the face of the support. 7KHPD[LPXPSHUFHQWDJHRIUHGLVWULEXWLRQSHUPLWWHGLVWKHOHVVHURIWLPHVWKHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKHUHLQRUSHUFHQW forcement, Moment redistribution is dependent on adequate ductility in plastic hinge regions, which develop at points of maximum moment and which cause a shift in the elastic bending moment diagram. Thus, redistribution of negative moments is only permitted where LVJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRDWWKHVHFWLRQLQZKLFKWKHPRPHQWLVUHGXFHG $GMXVWPHQWVRIWKHQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVDWWKHVXSSRUWVDUHPDGHIRUHDFKORDGLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQFRQVLGHULQJSDWWHUQ live loading. It is important to ensure that static equilibrium is maintained at all joints before and after moment redistribution. Thus, a decrease in the negative moments at the supports warrants an increase in the positive moment in the span under consideration. are equal to where Adjusted negative bending moments at the faces of the supports, is the lesser of DQGDQG is the factored negative moment at the face of the support from analysis. The adjusted positive moments are obtained based on equilibrium considering the adjusted negative bending moments at the faces of the supports. 6.4 Design Strength 6.4.1 General )RUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWDQ\ VHFWLRQLQDEHDP $&, (6.7) (6.8) (6.9) (6.10) Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,1RQSUHVWUHVVHGEHDPVZLWK PXVWEHGHVLJQHGDVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOH $&, thus, the net tensile strain in the extreme layer of the longitudinal tension reinforcement at nominal strength, , @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete must be greater than or equal to and $&,7DEOH 7KHQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPH , is equal to layer of longitudinal tension reinforcement corresponding to compression-controlled sections, $&, 7KHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQDV $&,7DEOH SVLUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHJUDGHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, )RUVKHDUDQGWRUVLRQ Methods to determine the nominal strengths tively. , , and DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGUHVSHF- 6.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only Single Layer of Tension Reinforcement. 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK , of a rectangular section with one LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGLVEDVHGRQ layer of tension reinforcement and with PRPHQWHTXLOLEULXPRIDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQ VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH (6.11) ܾ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾܽ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ܿ ܽ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ݄ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ܣ௦ ߝ௧ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ Figure 6.7 Strain and stress distributions at a positive moment section in a beam. In this equation, LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHVWUDLQDQGVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQVLQ)LJXUHDUHDW a positive moment section and are equally applicable at negative moment sections. The depth of the equivalent stress block, , is determined from force equilibrium, that is, it is determined by set, equal to the tension force in the reinforcement, ting the resultant compressive force in the concrete, , and solving for VHH)LJXUH (6.12) ,WLVDVVXPHGDXQLIRUPVWUHVVHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK , is distributed over the , where LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV $&, 7KH depth XOWLPDWHVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVDVVXPHGWREH $&, DQGWKHWHUP is the width of the compression face of the member. Multiple Layers of Tension Reinforcement. Under certain conditions, the required tension reinforcement cannot ¿WZLWKLQDVLQJOHOD\HU)RUH[DPSOHLQEHDPVZLWKDZLGWKUHVWULFWLRQGXHWRDUFKLWHFWXUDOFRQVWUDLQWVLWPD\QRWEH SRVVLEOHWRVHOHFWDSUDFWLFDOEDUVL]HZKLOHVDWLVI\LQJWKHPLQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVEHWZHHQWKHEDUVLQ $&,,QVXFKFDVHVWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDUHSURYLGHGLQPRUHWKDQRQHOD\HU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK , for sections with multiple layers of reinforcement is determined in the same way as that for sections with a single layer of reinforcement. The main difference is that for beams with two or more layers, the reinforcement in the inner layer(s) may not yield. Therefore, it is important to check whether all the reinis then determined accordingly based on this check. forcement in the section yields or not; &RQVLGHUWKHUHFWDQJXODUEHDPLQ)LJXUHZLWKWZROD\HUVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW$VVXPHDOOWKHEDUVDUHWKHVDPHVL]H occurs at a distance from the and are located below the neutral axis. Also assume the yield strain and : H[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU7KHIROORZLQJUHODWLRQVKLSLVHVWDEOLVKHGEHWZHHQ (6.13) ܾ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾܽ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ݀௧ ݀௧௬ ܿ ܽ ݀ ݄ ߝ௧௬ ܣ௦ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ߝ௦ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ ߝ௧ Figure 6.8 A reinforced concrete beam with multiple layers of tension reinforcement. Solving for results in the following: (6.14) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW(TXDWLRQ UHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJ (6.15) Reinforcement located a distance equal to or greater than IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU\LHOGVDQG is calculated by Equation (6.11) assuming all the reinforcement is concentrated at , which is the distance from the H[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIDOOWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH :KHUHWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQRQH or more layers does not yield, it are separated from the reinforcement in the layer(s) that yield, and the actual stress is used to calculate . in those bars Rectangular Sections with Tension and Compression Reinforcement 5HLQIRUFHPHQWLVW\SLFDOO\DGGHGWRWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHRIDEHDPVHFWLRQIRUWKHIROORZLQJUHDVRQV WR , where the dimensions of the beam are limited (due to architectural LQFUHDVHWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK is greater than that correspondconstraints, for example) and the area of tensile reinforcement required to resist LQJWRDWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQDQG WRKHOSUHGXFHORQJWHUPGHÀHFWLRQVRIWKHEHDP VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLV SXEOLFDWLRQIRUDGLVFXVVLRQRQORQJWHUPGHÀHFWLRQV %HDPVZLWKERWKWHQVLRQDQGFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUH commonly referred to as doubly reinforced beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 5HLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHFRQWULEXWHVWR , though the contribution is usually relatively small. Additionally, is larger when compression reinforcement is used in a section, which results in more ductile behavior. Transverse reinforcement in the form of stirrups are typically required in beams to resist factored shear forces. Stirrups must be anchored at both the top and bottom of the section to longitudinal reinforcement to properly develop WKHPLQWHQVLRQ VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 7KXVUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHPXVWEH provided wherever stirrups are required. As noted above, the contribution of the compression reinforcement to LVXVXDOO\UHODWLYHO\VPDOODQGWKXVLVRIWHQQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQ+RZHYHULIFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLV . needed to make the section tension-controlled, the following information can be used to determine Nominal Flexural Strength When the Compression Reinforcement Yields. Strain and stress distributions in a doubly reinforced section are given in Figure 6.9 where the total area of compression reinforcement, , is located from the a distance IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU$VVXPLQJWKH\LHOGVWUDLQ , occurs at a distance H[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWKHIROORZLQJUHODWLRQVKLSLVHVWDEOLVKHGEHWZHHQ and : ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ݀௬ᇱ ܿ ߝ௦ᇱ ߝ௧௬ ܥ௦ᇱ ൌ ܣᇱ௦ ݂௦ᇱ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾܽ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ݄ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ܣᇱ௦ ܽ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ܾ ݀ᇱ (6.16) ܣ௦ ߝ௧ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ Figure 6.9 Strain and stress distributions in a doubly reinforced concrete beam. Solving for results in the following: (6.17) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW(TXDWLRQ UHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJ (6.18) Compression reinforcement located a distance equal to or less than IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU\LHOGV , and the depth of the equivalent stress block, , can be obtained by satisfying force equilibrium (that is, by and solving for ): setting (6.19) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLQWKLVFDVHFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ (6.20) Nominal Flexural Strength When the Compression Reinforcement Does Not Yield. When the compression rein, the depth of the stress block, , cannot be determined by Equation (6.19) because forcement does not yield is unknown. A relationship between and can be obtained from strain compatibility: the magnitude of (6.21) LQWR(TXDWLRQ DQGVROYLQJIRU Substituting results in the following: (6.22) From force equilibrium, can be obtained from the following equation: (6.23) where ing equations. and Note that and have the units of kips per square inch in the preced- 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ (6.24) where and the terms and DUHGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQV DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with Tension Reinforcement Effective Flange Width. In typical reinforced concrete construction, the beams and slabs are cast together with reinforcement extending between the members, which results in a monolithic structure. Therefore, the beams do not act alone but rather work with a portion of the slab to resist the effects from the applied loads. ,QJHQHUDOWKHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK , of a beam (that is, the portion of the slab that works with the beam) , slab thickness , and clear span length of the depends on the clear distance between adjoining beam webs . Dimensional limits for for nonprestressed beams supporting monolithic slabs on both sides of the beam beam web (interior beams or T-beams) and on one side of the beam web (edge beams or inverted L-beams) are JLYHQLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH Nominal Flexural Strength – Flange in Tension. 7KHÀDQJHRID7EHDPRUDQLQYHUWHG/EHDPLVLQWHQVLRQDW locations of negative moment in a continuous system (that is, at the faces of the supports). The strain and stress distributions for a T-beam in this case are illustrated in Figure 6.11. An inverted L-beam has similar distributions. 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLQWKLVFDVHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ IRUDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQZLWKDVLQJOH If needed, the contribution of the positive reinforcement in the web (not shown layer of reinforcement using FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ(TXDWLRQ RU in Figure 6.11) can be included and @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܾ௪ଵ ݄ ܾଶ ܾଵ ܾ௪ଶ ݏ௪ଵ ݄ ܾଵ ൌ ܾ௪ଵ ݏ௪ଵ Τʹ ۔ ۖ ەκଵ Τͳʹ ۓ ۖ ܾ௪ଷ ݏ௪ଶ ͳ݄ ܾଶ ൌ ܾ௪ଶ ሺݏ௪ଵ Τʹሻ ሺݏ௪ଶ Τʹሻ ۔ ۖ ەκଶ ΤͶ ۓ ۖ Figure 6.10 Effective flange widths for T-beams and inverted L-beams. ܾ ݄ ߝ௧ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ ܽ ܿ ܾ ൌ ܾ௪ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ܣ௦ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ܽ ͲǤͲͲ͵Ͳ ܽ ܾ ൌ ܾ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ Figure 6.11 Strain and stress distributions in a T-beam with the flange in tension. ͲǤͲͲ͵Ͳ ݀ െ ሺܽȀʹሻ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ݄ ܿ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܾ ܽ ܣ௦ ߝ௧ ܾ௪ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ Figure 6.12 Strain and stress distributions in a T-beam with the flange in compression and DK. Nominal Flexural Strength – Flange in Compression. At locations of positive moment in a continuous system, DSRUWLRQRIWKHÀDQJHRUWKHHQWLUHÀDQJHRID7EHDPRULQYHUWHG/EHDPLVLQFRPSUHVVLRQ7KHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRI depends on whether the depth of the equivalent stress block, LVOHVVWKDQRUJUHDWHUWKDQWKHÀDQJHWKLFNQHVV 'HSWKRI6WUHVV%ORFN/HVV7KDQRU(TXDOWRWKH)ODQJH7KLFNQHVV . The depth of the equivalent stress block, LVLQLWLDOO\GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ IRUVHFWLRQVZLWKRQHOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWRUE\(TXDWLRQ IRU WKHFRPSUHVVLYH]RQHLVUHFWDQJXODUZLWKDZLGWKHTXDOWR doubly reinforced sections. If it is found that for sections with one layer of reinforcement. SimiVHH)LJXUH (TXDWLRQ FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH ODUO\(TXDWLRQ RU FDQEHXVHGLIFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVLQFOXGHG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 'HSWKRI6WUHVV%ORFN*UHDWHU7KDQWKH)ODQJH7KLFNQHVV . Where GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ RU IDOOVZLWKLQWKHZHEWKHFRPSUHVVLYH]RQHLV7RU/VKDSHGDVRSSRVHGWRUHFWDQJXODU VHH)LJXUHIRUD 7EHDP 7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHVHFWLRQLQWKLVFDVHFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ (6.25) where and ܾ ൌ ܾ ܥ ݆݀ ݀ ൌ ݀௧ ܿ ݄ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ͲǤͲͲ͵Ͳ ܣ௦ ܶ ൌ ܣ௦ ݂௬ ߝ௧ ܾ௪ Figure 6.13 Strain and stress distribution in a T-beam with the flange in compression and a>h. 6.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength Overview The nominal one-way shear strength, DWDVHFWLRQLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, (6.26) where is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete and reinforcement. is the nominal shear strength provided by shear Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete For nonprestressed members, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHHTXDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOH $&, 7KH HTXDWLRQVLQWKDWWDEOHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHDORQJZLWKWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLWWHG VSHFL¿HGLQ$&, Table 6.4 Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete, Vc Area of Shear Reinforcement, Av* *Minimum area of shear reinforcement, ** Vc** , is determined by ACI Table @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The minimum area of shear reinforcement in a beam, LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW , is often greater than or equal to at the critical section. 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU WKDWUHÀHFWVWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYHWR QRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHRIWKHVDPHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHEDVHGRQHTXLOLEULXPGHQVLW\DQGLQ Table 6.3 based on composition of aggregates in the concrete mix. 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU , accounts for the phenomenon indicated in test results that the shear strength attributed to concrete in members without shear reinforcement does not increase in direct proportion with member GHSWK7KLVIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (6.27) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDW LVOHVVWKDQIRUPHPEHUVZLWK EHDPVZLWKDQRYHUDOOGHSWKOHVVWKDQDERXWLQ$VQRWHGDERYHEHFDXVH , this factor is usually not applicable when determining for beams. This means for is often greater than or equal to LVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW , at the section divided by where is the width The term RIWKHZHERIWKHEHDP$FFRUGLQJWR$&,5 may be taken as the sum of the areas of the longitudinal ÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWKDZD\IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU)RUPHPEHUVZLWKRQHOD\HURIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQW LVWKHWRWDODUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKDW section. $FFRUGLQJWRWKH¿UVW1RWHLQ$&,7DEOHWKHD[LDOIRUFH , which has the units of pounds, is to be taken , and is to be taken as negative for tenas positive for compression forces acting on the gross area of the beam, sion forces. used to calculate DUHOLPLWHGWRSVL $&, H[FHSWDVDOORZHGLQ$&, ZKLFK Values of WREHJUHDWHUWKDQSVLSURYLGHGWKHPLQLPXPVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ$&,RUWKH permits values of PLQLPXPWUDQVYHUVHWRUVLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ$&,LIDSSOLFDEOHLVSURYLGHGLQWKHVHFWLRQ 7KLVOLPLWDWLRQ is primarily due to the fact that there is a lack of test data and practical experience with concrete having comon SUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVJUHDWHUWKDQSVL)RUHFRQRP\ IRUEHDPVVKRXOGQRWH[FHHGSVL 5HIHUHQFH 7RPLQLPL]HWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGLDJRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQIDLOXUHLQWKHFRQFUHWHDQGWROLPLWWKHH[WHQWRIFUDFNLQJWKH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIDVHFWLRQPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRVDWLVI\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (6.28) In typical situations, beams are subjected to shear forces acting along one axis only, so the requirements in ACI DQGIRULQWHUDFWLRQRIVKHDUIRUFHVDORQJRUWKRJRQDOD[HVDUHXVXDOO\QRWDSSOLFDEOH Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement The nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, LVWREHGHWHUPLQHGE\$&, $&, The following types of shear reinforcement are permitted in nonprestressed members: (1) 6WLUUXSVWLHVRUKRRSVSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOD[LVRIWKHPHPEHU>$&, D @ Welded wire reinforcement with wires located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the member [ACI E @ (3) 6SLUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW>$&, F @ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,QFOLQHGVWLUUXSVPDNLQJDQDQJOHRIDWOHDVWGHJUHHVZLWKWKHORQJLWXGLQDOD[LVRIWKHPHPEHUDQGFURVVLQJ WKHSODQHRIWKHSRWHQWLDOVKHDUFUDFN $&, /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWEHQWDQDQJOHRIGHJUHHVRUPRUHZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOD[LVRIWKH PHPEHU $&, 6WLUUXSVRULHQWHGSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHD[LVRIWKHPHPEHUDQGDQFKRUHGWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW are the most commonly used type of shear reinforcement for beams in buildings assigned to SDC A or B. In buildings assigned to SDC C and above, spirals or hoops in accordance with the provisions in Chapter 18 of ACI 318 PXVWEHSURYLGHG VHH&KDSWHUVDQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ,QFOLQHGVWLUUXSVDQGEHQWORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDUHHVsentially not used any longer and, thus, are not covered here. 7KHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKSURYLGHGE\VWLUUXSVLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (6.29) In this equation, is the total area of shear reinforcement within the center-to-center spacing, , of the stirrups. )RUWKHWZROHJJHGVWLUUXSVGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUH ZKLFKDUHFRPPRQO\UHIHUUHGWR8VWLUUXSVEHFDXVHRIWKHLU where is the area of the stirrup bar. In general, is equal to times the number of stirrup shape), OHJVSURYLGHG $&, ܣ ܣ௩ ൌ ʹܣ ݏ Figure 6.14 Two-legged U-stirrup configuration. Locating stirrups solely around the perimeter of a wide beam is not fully effective. Thus, stirrup legs are required in the interior of a wide beam. The maximum stirrup spacing across the width of a member is given in ACI Table WKLVUHTXLUHPHQWHVVHQWLDOO\WUDQVODWHVWRDPLQLPXPQXPEHURIVWLUUXSOHJVQHHGHGDFURVVWKHZLGWKRI DEHDP,QVXFKFDVHVVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWXVXDOO\FRQVLVWVRIVHWVRI8VWLUUXSV)RUWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLOOXVWUDWHG LQ)LJXUHDVLQJOHRSHQVWLUUXSH[WHQGVWKHIXOOQHWZLGWKRIWKHEHDP WKHQHWZLGWKLVHTXDOWRWKHIXOOEHDP ZLGWKPLQXVWKHWRWDOVLGHFRYHU $VWLUUXSFDSFRQVLVWLQJRIDKRUL]RQWDOEDUZLWKDGHJUHHKRRNDWRQHHQGDQG DGHJUHHKRRNDWWKHRWKHUHQGLVSURYLGHGDWWKHWRSRIWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZKLFKDOVRH[WHQGVWKHIXOOQHWZLGWKRI the beam. Providing a full-width stirrup helps in maintaining the required concrete cover and facilitates installation RIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHEHDP7ZRVHWVRILGHQWLFDO8VWLUUXSVZLWKGHJUHHKRRNVDWHDFKHQG . DUHSODFHGV\PPHWULFDOO\ZLWKLQWKHLQWHULRURIWKHEHDP,QWKLVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ In relatively narrow beams, a continuous bent bar, which forms a series of single-leg stirrups along the length of WKHPHPEHUFDQEHXVHGDVVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWZKHUHUHTXLUHG $&,5VHH)LJXUH $&, F SHUPLWVDQGEDUVWREHXVHGDVVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQVWDQGDUGMRLVWFRQVWUXFWLRQ ZKLFKLVGH¿QHGLQ$&, 9.8) where the bar is anchored by a standard hook, which is not necessarily engaging any of the longitudinal rein- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 6.15 Multiple-leg stirrup configuration for wide beams. ܣ ݏ Figure 6.16 Single-leg stirrup configuration for joists and narrow beams. IRUFHPHQW$OWKRXJKWKLVW\SHRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVSHUPLWWHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUVWDQGDUGMRLVWFRQVWUXFWLRQLWLV assumed that it can be used in joists that are part of a wide-module joist system or for any narrow beam where U. VWLUUXSVFDQQRWEHXVHG,QWKLVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ 6.4.4 Nominal Torsional Strength Where torsional effects must be considered , nominal torsional strength is determined in accordance ZLWK$&, $&, )RUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGPHPEHUV LVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ $&, (6.30) The term LVWKHJURVVDUHDRIWKHEHDPFURVVVHFWLRQHQFORVHGE\WKHWRUVLRQDOVKHDUÀRZSDWKDIWHUFUDFNLQJ,Q is permitted to be approximated as where is the area enclosed by lieu of determining it by analysis, WKHFHQWHUOLQHRIWKHRXWPRVWFORVHGWUDQVYHUVHWRUVLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVHFWLRQ VHH$&,DQG$&, where and are the distances )LJXUH5 )RUWKHLQWHULRUDQGHGJHEHDPVLQ)LJXUH between the centerlines of the outmost closed stirrups in the section. Closed stirrups must be used because cracking due to torsional moments can occur on all faces of a beam. The perimeter of the centerline of the outermost closed transverse torsional reinforcement, LVDOVRJLYHQLQ)LJXUHIRUVROLGVHFWLRQV1RWHWKDWWKHGH¿QLWLRQVRI and LQ)LJXUHDUHWKHVDPHIRUKROORZVHFWLRQV The term is the area of one leg of the outermost closed stirrups, which have a center-to-center spacing of along the length of the member. Regardless of the total number of stirrup legs, only the outermost legs resist torsional effects; this is consistent with the thin-walled tube methodology that forms the basis of the torsional provisions in $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݔଵ ݕଵ ݄ ݕଵ ݄ ݄ ݄ ݔଵ ݀௦ ܿ ݀௦ ܿ ܾ௪ ܾ௪ ݀௦ ൌ ܿ ൌ ۷ܚܗܑܚ܍ܜܖ۰ܕ܉܍ ۳܍܌۰ܕ܉܍ ݔଵ ൌ ܾ௪ െ ʹܿ െ ݀௦ ݕଵ ൌ ݄ ݄ െ ʹܿ െ ݀௦ ܣ ൌ ݔଵ ݕଵ ൌ ʹሺݔଵ ݕଵ ሻ Figure 6.17 Torsional section properties Aoh and ph. The total area of longitudinal reinforcement required to resist the effects of torsion, , must be uniformly distribXWHGDURXQGWKHSHULPHWHURIWKHEHDPDQGLVFRPELQHGZLWKWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUH VHH Section 6.5.4 of this publication). The angle is related to the orientation of the compression diagonals that are part of the space truss assumed to UHVLVWWKHHIIHFWVIURPWRUVLRQDIWHUFUDFNLQJ WKHWUDQVYHUVHDQGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHWKHRWKHUSDUWVRIWKH WUXVVVHH)LJXUH $&, D SHUPLWV to be taken as 45 degrees for nonprestressed members instead of determining it from analysis. ߠ ݕଵ ݔଵ Figure 6.18 Space truss analogy for a reinforced concrete beam subjected to torsional loading. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In order to help reduce unsightly cracking and to prevent crushing of the inclined concrete compression struts due to shear and torsion, the cross-sectional dimensions of solid and hollow sections are limited by ACI Equations D DQG E UHVSHFWLYHO\ $&, (6.31) (6.32) The terms on the left-hand side of these equations are the stresses due to shear and torsion, respectively. In solid sections, shear stresses act over the full width of the section, while those due to torsion are resisted by a WKLQZDOOHGWXEH>VHH$&,)LJXUH5 E @7KXVWKHVWUHVVHVFDQQRWEHGLUHFWO\DGGHGWRJHWKHU(TXDWLRQ represents an elliptical interaction between shear and torsional stresses. For hollow sections, the shear and torsional stresses are directly additive on one side wall of the section [see ACI )LJXUH5 D @7KLVOLQHDULQWHUDFWLRQRIVWUHVVHVLVHYLGHQWLQ(TXDWLRQ )RUKROORZVHFWLRQVZKHUHWKH ZDOOWKLFNQHVVYDULHVDURXQGWKHSHULPHWHURIWKHVHFWLRQ(TXDWLRQ PXVWEHHYDOXDWHGZKHUHWKHVXPPDWLRQ RIWKHVKHDUDQGWRUVLRQDOVWUHVVHVRQWKHOHIWKDQGVLGHRIWKHHTXDWLRQLVDPD[LPXP $&, $OVRZKHUH , the torsional stress LQ(TXDWLRQ PXVW the wall thickness of a hollow section is less than where is the thickness of the wall of the hollow section at the location where stresses are be taken as EHLQJHYDOXDWHG $&, 7KHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHFURVVVHFWLRQPXVWEHLQFUHDVHGZKHUH(TXDWLRQ RU LVQRWVDWLV¿HG,QFUHDVLQJ the cross-sectional dimensions of a section typically has a greater impact than increasing . Solid sections with an aspect ratio (where is the width of that part of the cross-section containing the closed stirrups provided to resist torsion) are permitted to be designed by a procedure other than that given in ACI 318 provided the procedure has demonstrated that the results are in substantial agreement with results from compreKHQVLYHWHVWV $&, ,QVXFKFDVHVWKHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DQGWKHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DQGQHHGQRWEHVDWLV¿HG2QHVXFKGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLVUHIHUHQFHGLQ$&, 5 6.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement 6.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only Single Layer of Tension Reinforcement. 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW , at a critical section of a EHDPZLWKDVLQJOHOD\HURIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHGDQGGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKV and IRUWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQV8VLQJ(TXDWLRQV DQG WKHUHTXLUHG can be determined by the following equation: (6.33) 7KHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKFRHI¿FLHQWRIUHVLVWDQFH LVGH¿QHGDVIROORZV (6.34) where for tension-controlled sections. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete It is important to check that calculated by Equation (6.33) is at least equal to the following minimum area of $&, ÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW (6.35) )RUSVLFRQFUHWHDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW LWHGWRDPD[LPXPRISVL governs. The value of LQ(TXDWLRQ LVOLP- 0LQLPXPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ QHHGQRWEHVDWLV¿HGDWDQ\VHFWLRQZKHUHDWOHDVW is provided where LVFDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ an area of reinforcement equal to It is also important to verify the section is tension-controlled. The following relationship is obtained from the linear for tension-controlled sections (see strain distribution where is the depth of the neutral axis when $&,DQG)LJXUH (6.36) Substituting LQWR(TXDWLRQ ZLWK from Equation (6.36), the following equation can be used to , corresponding to tension-controlled sections for beams with FDOFXODWHWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW : (6.37) )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW SURSHUWLHV(TXDWLRQ UHGXFHVWRWKHIROORZLQJ and for For these material (6.38) If calculated by Equation (6.33) is greater than ZKLFKLVHVVHQWLDOO\WKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWRIÀH[XUDOUHLQ, and the dimensions of the beam forcement permitted at any section, the section is not tension-controlled PXVWEHPRGL¿HGDFFRUGLQJO\WRDWWDLQDWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQ is determined in the same way as for sections with Multiple Layers of Tension Reinforcement. The required one layer of tension reinforcement using and (see Figure 6.8). For beams with two layers of tension reinforceusing +RZHYHULWLVSHUPLWWHGWRXVH instead of the smaller ment, it is conservative to determine this may be advantageous in cases where the section is at or very close to the tension-controlled strain limit, The reinforcement ratio tion ( based on ; see Figure 6.8): is equal to the following considering force equilibrium on the sec(6.39) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Similarly, the reinforcement ratio to the following: corresponding to a tension-controlled section based on is equal (6.40) The following relationship between and LVREWDLQHGIURP(TXDWLRQV DQG (6.41) The preceding discussion assumes the inner layer of reinforcement yields, which is advantageous for design purposIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU\LHOGVZKHUH es. Reinforcement located a distance equal to or greater than LVFDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ RUE\(TXDWLRQ IRU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLV publication). Unless reinforcement is provided on the sides of a beam, it is common for all layers of reinforcement to yield in normally proportioned beams. Rectangular Sections with Tension and Compression Reinforcement For rectangular sections where it has been determined that the section is not tension-controlled (that is, ), compression reinforcement may be added to the section so that it becomes tension-controlled (see 6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQDQG)LJXUH which means the section is designed at the A common design method in this situation is to set , correWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGQHWWHQVLOHVWUDLQOLPLW7KHQH[WVWHSLVWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK using Equation (6.11): sponding to (6.42) where )RUDVHFWLRQZLWKDVLQJOHOD\HURIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRWREHXVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ LV the following: (6.43) where LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ In situations where compression reinforcement is required, it is common for two layers of tension reinforcement to EHQHHGHG,QWKLVFDVHWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRWREHXVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ LVWKHIROORZLQJ>VHH(TXDWLRQ @ (6.44) 7KHUHTXLUHGQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKUHVLVWHGE\WKHFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQW and : UHTXLUHGQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK , is the difference between the (6.45) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In general, the stress in the compression reinforcement, , can be determined by the following equation: (6.46) where . Compression reinforcement located a distance equal to or less than IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU\LHOGVZKHUH LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ RU >VHH6HFWLRQ RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ@ The required area of compression reinforcement, , is determined from strength design: (6.47) Finally, the total required area of tension reinforcement, , is the summation of the area of reinforcement correassuming : sponding to the tension-controlled strain limit and (6.48) where LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ RU IRUDVLQJOHOD\HURUWZROD\HUVRIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHVSHFLVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ tively, and T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with Tension Reinforcement Nominal Flexural Strength – Flange in Tension. 7KHÀDQJHRID7EHDPRUDQLQYHUWHG/EHDPLVLQWHQVLRQDW ORFDWLRQVRIQHJDWLYHPRPHQWLQDFRQWLQXRXVV\VWHP VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 2QFHWKHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK LVGHWHUPLQHG VHH)LJXUH WKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW is calculated using Equation (6.33) for a rectangular section with a single layer of reinforcement (see Figure 6.11). If and are determined needed, the contribution of compression reinforcement in the web can be included where E\(TXDWLRQV DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ 7KHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DUHDOVRDSSOLFDEOH>VHH(TXDWLRQ @ Nominal Flexural Strength – Flange in Compression. $WORFDWLRQVRISRVLWLYHPRPHQWDSRUWLRQRIWKHÀDQJHRU WKHHQWLUHÀDQJHRID7EHDPRULQYHUWHG/EHDPLVLQFRPSUHVVLRQ$VVXPLQJWKHVHFWLRQLVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGZLWK ), FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH rectangular section behavior (that is, (6.49) where and If GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR , the initial assumption that the section behaves as a can be determined by Equation (6.33). rectangular section is correct and If it is found that WKHLQLWLDODVVXPSWLRQRIUHFWDQJXODUEHKDYLRULVQRWFRUUHFWDQGWKHFRPSUHVVLYH]RQHLV , and the T- or L-shaped (see Figure 6.13). In such cases, the next step is to determine the area of reinforcement, FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJH V design strength, (6.50) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (6.51) The moment strength of the beam web, section: , is determined by subtracting the design strength from at the (6.52) The area of flexural reinforcement, and , required to resist is determined by Equations (6.34) and (6.33) where The total required area of flexural reinforcement is the sum of the areas corresponding to the contributions from the overhanging flange(s) and the web: (6.53) Once is determined by Equation (6.53), the assumption that the section is tension-controlled needs to be where is determined by Equation (6.37) or (6.38) with checked, that is, it must be verified that If the section is not tension-controlled, compression reinforcement may be added to the section to make it tension-controlled or the dimensions of the beam must be modified. The minimum reinforcement requirements in ACI are also applicable [see Equation (6.35)]. 6.5.2 Required Shear Reinforcement The required area and spacing of shear reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of a member is determined by Equation (6.8), which can be rewritten as follows: (6.54) The nominal shear strength provided by the concrete, , is obtained from Table 6.4 and the nominal shear strength provided by the shear reinforcement (stirrups), , is calculated by Equation (6.29). 𝑑𝑑 A summary of the shear requirements in ACI 9.6.3, 9.7.6, and 22.5 is given in Table 6.5 assuming the effects from any torsional moments, if present, need not be considered. Note that these requirements are not applicable to the beam types in ACI Table, which are cases where the minimum shear reinforcement requirements of ACI Also, “Along the length” in Table 6.5 refers to the maximum spacing of need not be satisfied if legs of shear reinforcement along the length of the member and “Across the width” refers to the maximum spacing of legs of shear reinforcement across the width of the member (see Figure 6.19). 𝑠𝑠��� � 𝑑𝑑 ⎧lesser of � � for 𝑉𝑉� � �𝑉𝑉� � �4�𝑓𝑓�� 𝑏𝑏� 𝑑𝑑 24 ⎪ ⎨ 𝑑𝑑/2 ⎪lesser of � for 𝑉𝑉� � �𝑉𝑉� � �4�𝑓𝑓�� 𝑏𝑏� 𝑑𝑑 ⎩ 12″ 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭 𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝑠𝑠��� � 𝑑𝑑 2 ⎧lesser of � � for 𝑉𝑉� � �𝑉𝑉� � �4�𝑓𝑓�� 𝑏𝑏� 𝑑𝑑 24 ⎪ ⎨ ⎪lesser of �𝑑𝑑/4 for 𝑉𝑉� � �𝑉𝑉� � �4�𝑓𝑓�� 𝑏𝑏� 𝑑𝑑 ⎩ 12″ 𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭 𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥 Figure 6.19 Maximum spacing requirements for legs of shear reinforcement. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.5 Shear Reinforcement Requirements for Beams* Case 1 Required Shear Strength, Vu Stirrup spacing, s Required Shear Reinforcement, Av Required Maximum None ņ ņ • Along the length: • Across the width: • For ±$ORQJWKHOHQJWK ±$FURVVWKHZLGWK 3 • For ±$ORQJWKHOHQJWK ±$FURVVWKHZLGWK *Minimum reinforcement requirements in this table are applicable in all cases except for those in ACI Table 3ULRUWRFDOFXODWLQJWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRFKHFNWKDW(TXDWLRQ LVVDWLV¿HG $&, 7KHVL]HRIWKHVHFWLRQPXVWEHLQFUHDVHGZKHUH )RUHFRQRP\VWLUUXSVL]HDQGVSDFLQJ DORQJWKHOHQJWKDQGDFURVVWKHZLGWKRIWKHPHPEHU DUHHVWDEOLVKHGDWWKH FULWLFDOVHFWLRQ¿UVW$WVHFWLRQVDZD\IURPWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQWKHVSDFLQJFDQEHLQFUHDVHGEXWWKHVWLUUXSEDUVL]H and number of legs should be the same as those at the critical section. Stirrup spacing should be changed as few times as possible over the required length; it is good practice to provide no more than 3 different stirrup spacings ZKHUHUHTXLUHG DOWKRXJKGLIIHUHQWVSDFLQJVDUHSUHIHUUHGLISRVVLEOHRUSUDFWLFDO ZLWKWKH¿UVWVWLUUXSORFDWHGQR PRUHWKDQLQIURPWKHIDFHRIVXSSRUW/DUJHUVWLUUXSEDUVDWZLGHUVSDFLQJDUHXVXDOO\PRUHFRVWHIIHFWLYHWKDQ smaller bars at closer spacing; the latter require disproportionally higher costs for fabrication and placement. 7KHVHJPHQWVDORQJWKHVSDQZKHUHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVDQGLVQRWUHTXLUHGEDVHGRQWKHWKUHHFDVHVLQ7DEOH DUHLGHQWL¿HGLQ)LJXUHIRUDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEHDPVXEMHFWHGWRDIDFWRUHGXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGJUDYLW\ . In this case, two stirrup spacings are provided along the length of the member assuming the three requireload, PHQWVLQ$&,SHUWDLQLQJWRWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDUDUHVDWLV¿HG WKHVSDFLQJ corre, sponds to the factored shear force at the critical section located a distance from the face of the support corresponds to that based on minimum shear reinforcement DQG WKHVSDFLQJ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݓ௨ ݀ ܸ௨ ̷ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ʹԣ ݏൌ ൜ ݏൌ ݀ ݏ ߶ܣ௩ ݂௬௧ ݀ ൜ ሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ െ ߶ܸ ݏ௫ ݏ ݏ௫ κ Ȁʹ ܣ௩ ݂௬௧ ΤͲǤͷ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ǣ ݏ ൌ ቐ ܣ௩ ݂௬௧ ΤͷͲܾ௪ ݀Ȁʹ ሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ െ ߶ܸ ߶Ͷ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ʹͶԣ ݀ȀͶ ቄ ሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ െ ߶ܸ ߶Ͷ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ͳʹԣ ሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ െ ߶ܸ ቄ ݏ௫ ൌ ൞ ݀ ሺ߶ܸ ሻ ߶ܸ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ܸ௨ ̷ ሺ߶ܸ௦ ሻ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ͵ ʹ ͳ ݔ௦ ൌ ሾሺܸ௨ ̷ ሻ െ ߶ܸ ሿΤݓ௨ ݔ௦ ൌ ൣሺܸ௨ ̷ ሻ െ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀൧Τݓ௨ ࢂ࢛ ͳ ܸ௨ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ʹ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ൏ ܸ௨ ߶ܸ ͲǤͷ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݏൗ݂௬௧ ܣ௩ǡ ൌ ቐ ͷͲܾ௪ ݏΤ݂௬௧ ͵ ሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ ߶ܸ ܣ௩ ൌ ሾሺܸ௨ ̷݀ሻ െ ߶ܸ ሿݏ ܣ௩ǡ ߶݂௬௧ ݀ Figure 6.20 Segments along the span of a reinforced concrete beam where shear reinforcement is and is not required. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7RIDFLOLWDWHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKHUHTXLUHGVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWYDOXHVRI are given where LVWDNHQDVDQG ZKLFK LQ7DEOHXVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHIRUVWLUUXSVSDFLQJV provides a practical range for 7KHVHYDOXHVDUHEDVHGRQ*UDGHVWLUUXSVZLWKOHJVDQGDUHLQGHSHQGHQWRI PHPEHUVL]HDQGFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK)RUVWLUUXSFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVZLWKPRUHWKDQOHJVWKHWDEXODWHG YDOXHVFDQEHLQFUHDVHGDFFRUGLQJO\ IRUH[DPSOHIRUDVWLUUXSFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWKOHJVWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJYDOXH LVHTXDOWRWZRWLPHVWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXH $VWLUUXSVL]HDQGVSDFLQJLVVHOHFWHGIURP7DEOHWKDW of equal to or slightly greater than that required from analysis. For example, assume provides a value of )URP7DEOH8VWLUUXSV OHJV VSDFHGDW provides from analysis the required where LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKH longitudinal tension reinforcement in the beam. Table 6.6 Values of Vu –ҀVc for Grade 60 Stirrups* Stirrup spacing, s #3 U-stirrups #4 U-stirrups #5 U-stirrups 19.8 39.6 111.6 *Tabulated values are for 2 legs of vertical shear reinforcement. Multiply the tabulated values by total number of stirrup legs provided across the width of the member. for stirrup arrangements with other than 2 legs where is the The distance from the face of the support where minimum shear reinforcement can be used is determined by setting . The following equation is apthe factored shear force, , equal to the design shear strength of the concrete, SOLFDEOHIRUWKHEHDPLQ)LJXUH (6.55) where is the distance from the face of the support to the section where minimum shear reinforcement can be results in the following: XVHG WKDWLVWKHGLVWDQFHWRWKHRQVHWRI&DVH 6ROYLQJIRU (6.56) Similarly, the distance, from the face of the support to the section where shear reinforcement is no longer required (that is, the distance to the onset of Case 1) can be determined from the following equation: (6.57) In general, the following equation can be used to determine the distance, , from the face of the support to the sec, WLRQZKHUHWKHVWLUUXSFRQ¿JXUDWLRQFDQEHVSDFHGDW along the span for a given area of shear reinforcement, where is greater than that determined at the critical section: (6.58) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete It is important to ensure the value of XVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRWKHJRYHUQLQJ and can be used is YDOXHVJLYHQLQ7DEOH)RUH[DPSOHWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWZKHUH determined as follows: (6.59) 6.5.3 Required Torsion Reinforcement Transverse Reinforcement The required area and spacing of transverse torsional reinforcement perpendicular to the axis of a member are calculated by Equation (6.9) where LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKH¿UVWRIWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ(TXDWLRQ (6.60) As noted previously, is the area of one leg of the outermost closed stirrups, which have a center-to-center spacing of along the length of the member. Regardless of the total number of stirrup legs across the width of the beam, only the outermost legs resist torsional effects. The maximum spacing of transverse torsional reinforcement is equal to the lesser of DQGLQ $&, The minimum area of transverse reinforcement for the combined effects of shear and torsion is covered in Section RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Longitudinal Reinforcement The longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion, , is also calculated by Equation (6.9) where PLQHGXVLQJERWKRIWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ(TXDWLRQ is deter- (6.61) In this equation, LVFDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement, LVJLYHQLQ$&, (6.62) It is permitted to reduce LQWKHÀH[XUDOFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHVRIDEHDPE\DQDUHDHTXDOWR where is the factored bending moment occurring at the section simultaneously with $&, 7KHUHGXFHGDUHDRI GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ longitudinal reinforcement must not be taken less than 6.5.4 Reinforcement Requirements for Combined Flexure, Shear, and Torsion The amounts of transverse and longitudinal reinforcement required to resist the combined effects from bending moPHQWVVKHDUIRUFHVDQGWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWVDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The total required area of transverse reinforcement per stirrup leg is equal to the required area of transverse reLQIRUFHPHQWIRUVKHDU>(TXDWLRQ @SOXVWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWRUVLRQ>(TXDWLRQ @:KHUHWRUVLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGWKHPLQLPXPDPRXQWRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWSHUOHJLV GHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ $&, (6.63) Longitudinal torsional reinforcement, LVDGGHGWRWKDWUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUH If torsional reinforcement is remust be distributed around the perimeter of the beam, so an area of steel equal to is added to each quired, IDFHRIWKHEHDP $&, 7KXVDWWKHWRSDQGERWWRPIDFHVWKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVHTXDOWR and , respectively. Similarly, at least must be provided on the side faces or must be added to any other longitudinal reinforcement on the side faces. $SSHQGL[%LQ5HIHUHQFHFRQWDLQVWDEOHVWRIDFLOLWDWHWRUVLRQGHVLJQIRUHGJH VSDQGUHO EHDPV7RUVLRQDOVHFWLRQ SURSHUWLHVDUHJLYHQIRUFRPPRQVODEWKLFNQHVVHVDQGHGJHEHDPVL]HV$OVRLQFOXGHGDUHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJYDOXHV for threshold torsion, cracking torsion, and required transverse and longitudinal reinforcement. No calculations are UHTXLUHGWRREWDLQDQ\RIWKHVHLWHPVIRUDJLYHQEHDPVL]HDQGVODEWKLFNQHVV 6.6 Reinforcement Detailing 6.6.1 Concrete Cover 5HLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHSODFHGLQEHDPVZLWKDPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRSURWHFWWKHPIURPZHDWKHU¿UHDQGRWKHU HIIHFWV0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, )RUEHDPVZLWKWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHment that enclose the longitudinal reinforcing bars, concrete cover is measured from the surface of the concrete to WKHRXWHUHGJHRIWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH 7KHPLQLPXPFRYHUWRWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVHTXDOWRLQIRUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQEHDPVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQG $&, 7DEOH Figure 6.21 Concrete cover for beams. Cover requirements for beams subjected to fatigue in structures designed to be watertight (such as tanks) or in structures subjected to very aggressive exposures (such as concrete exposed to moisture or external sources of chlorides) DUHJLYHQLQ$&, 6.6.2 Flexural Reinforcement Spacing Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars 0LQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJRISDUDOOHOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQDVLQJOHKRUL]RQWDOOD\HULVJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 7KHVHOLPLWVKDYHEHHQHVWDEOLVKHGSULPDULO\VRFRQFUHWHFDQÀRZUHDGLO\LQWRWKHVSDFHVEHWZHHQDGMRLQLQJUHLQforcing bars. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 0LQLPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUH LVWKHQRPLQDOPD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]HLQWKH is the diameter of the stirrup; is the inside bend radius concrete mixture; is the clear cover to the stirrup; IRUDQGVWLUUXSVDQG IRUDQGVWLUUXSVVHH$&,7DEOH of the stirrup (which is equal to DQG is the overall diameter of the longitudinal reinforcing bars (the overall diameter of a reinforcing bar LQFOXGHVWKHGHIRUPDWLRQVRQWKHEDUVHH7DEOH 7KHPLQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJEHWZHHQSDUDOOHOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV SODFHGLQRUPRUHKRUL]RQWDOOD\HUVLVLQ $&,VHH)LJXUH ,QVXFKFDVHVORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHment in the upper layers must be placed directly above reinforcement in the bottom layer. ͳԣ ܿ௦ ݀௦ ݎ ݀ ݀ ͳԣ ൌ ݀ ሺͶΤ͵ሻ݀ Figure 6.22 Minimum clear spacing requirements for reinforcing bars. Nominal Diameter A A Overall Diameter Section A–A Table 6.7 Overall Reinforcing Bar Diameter Bar Size Approximate Diameter to Deformations (in.) (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.7 Overall Reinforcing Bar Diameter (cont.) Bar Size Approximate Diameter to Deformations (in.) 1 WKDWFDQ¿WLQD The following equation can be used to determine the maximum number of reinforcing bars, VLQJOHOD\HUEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPVSDFLQJOLPLWVLQ$&, (6.64) ,QWKLVHTXDWLRQ³FOHDUVSDFH´UHIHUVWRWKHJUHDWHURIWKHWKUHHPLQLPXPFOHDUVSDFHVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KH GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ LVURXQGHGGRZQWRWKHQH[WZKROHQXPEHU value of 7KHPD[LPXPQXPEHURIEDUVWKDWFDQ¿WLQDVLQJOHOD\HUEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHEDVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJ • 2YHUDOOEDUGLDPHWHULVXVHGIRUWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW 7DEOH • Clear cover to the stirrup • 1RPLQDOPD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]H • VWLUUXSVXVHGIRUDQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGVWLUUXSVXVHGIRUDQGODUJHUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV Table 6.8 Maximum Number of Reinforcing Bars Permitted in a Single Layer* Beam Width (in.) Bar Size 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 36 42 48 6 8 11 16 8 9 11 13 19 6 8 9 11 3 6 8 9 11 18 3 6 8 9 11 16 19 3 6 8 8 9 3 6 8 9 11 13 3 3 6 8 11 13 *Overall bar diameter is used for the longitudinal reinforcement (Table 6.7) Clear cover to the stirrup Nominal maximum aggregate size #3 stirrups are used for #4, #5, and #6 longitudinal bars and #4 stirrups are used for #7 and larger longitudinal bars @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars for Crack Control 0D[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLVJLYHQLQ$&, $&, 7KHLQWHQWRIWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVLVWRFRQWUROÀH[XUDOFUDFNLQJ,QJHQHUDODODUJHUQXPEHURI¿QHUFUDFNVDUHSUHIHUDEOHWRDIHZZLGH cracks mainly for reasons of durability and appearance. The maximum center-to-center bar spacing, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH $&, The following equation is applicable to deformed reinforcing bars: (6.65) In this equation, LVWKHOHDVWGLVWDQFHIURPWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRWKHWHQVLRQIDFHRIWKH The term VHFWLRQ)RUH[DPSOHIRUDEHDPZLWKDLQFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRVWLUUXSV LVWKHFDOFXODWHGVWUHVVLQWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFORVHWWRWKHWHQVLRQIDFHDWVHUYLFHORDGV WKDWLV is equal to the unfactored bending moment at the section divided by the product of the area of reinforcement and the internal $&, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHmoment arm). In lieu of calculating , it is permitted to be taken as Assuming , the maximum center-to-center bar spacing ment, IURP(TXDWLRQ 1RWHWKDW LVLQGHSHQGHQWRIWKHVL]HRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKHVHFWLRQ The following equation can be used to determine the minimum number of reinforcing bars, VLQJOHOD\HUWRVDWLVI\WKHFUDFNFRQWUROUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, , required in a (6.66) In this equation, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ 7KHFDOFXODWHGYDOXHRI number. is rounded up to the next whole 7KHPLQLPXPQXPEHURIEDUVWKDWFDQ¿WLQDVLQJOHOD\HUEDVHGRQWKHFUDFNFRQWUROUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUH given in Table 6.9 based on the following: • *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWK • Overall bar diameter is used for the longitudinal reinforcement 7DEOH • /HDVWGLVWDQFHIURPWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRWKHWHQVLRQIDFHRIWKHVHFWLRQ Table 6.9 Minimum Number of Reinforcing Bars Required in a Single Layer* Beam Width (in.) 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 36 42 48 3 3 3 3 3 6 *Grade 60 reinforcement with Overall bar diameter is used for the longitudinal reinforcement (Table 6.7) Least distance from the surface of the flexural reinforcement to the tension face of the section Distribution of Tension Reinforcement in Flanges of T-Beams 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHFRQWURORIFUDFNLQJLQWKHÀDQJHVRI7EHDPVLQWHQVLRQ WKDWLVDWQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJUHJLRQV DUH JLYHQLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH 7KHEHDPÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHÀDQJH VODE , must be uniformly @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete GLVWULEXWHGRYHUDZLGWKHTXDOWRWKHOHVVHURIWKHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK GH¿QHGLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH where LVWKHOHQJWKRIWKHFOHDUVSDQRIWKHEHDPPHDVXUHGIDFHWRIDFHRIVXSSRUWV VHH)LJXUH and ܾ ݄ κ /10 ܣ௦ Additional ܣ௦ Additional ܣ௦ Additional ܣ௦ ሺtotalሻ 0.0018ൣܾ െ ሺκ Τ10ሻ൧݄ Other reinforcement not shown for clarity Figure 6.23 Distribution of tension reinforcement in the flange of a T-beam. $GGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWVDWLVI\LQJ$&, VKULQNDJHDQGWHPSHUDWXUHUHLQIRUFHPHQW PXVWEHSURYLGHGLQ WKHRXWHUSRUWLRQVRIWKHÀDQJHZKHUH Crack Control Reinforcement in Deep Flexural Members For beams with an overall depth, , greater than 36 in., longitudinal skin reinforcement must be uniformly distribfrom the tension face to help control the width of uted on both faces of the beam for a distance equal to at least WKHFUDFNVWKDWFDQIRUPRQWKHVHIDFHV $&, 7KHPD[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIWKHVNLQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVHTXDOWRWKDWUHTXLUHGIRUFUDFNFRQWUROLQ$&,ZKHUH is the clear cover from the side face to the edge of the skin reinforcement. ሺǤ ሻ ݏ ݄ ͵ԣ 7KHH[WHQWRIWKHVNLQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ$&,)LJXUH5DWSRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJUHJLRQV DORQJWKHVSDQRIWKHEHDP7KHDUHDRIVNLQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWVSHFL¿HGLQ$&,KRZHYHUDFFRUGLQJWR $&,5WREDUVDUHW\SLFDOO\SURYLGHG$QDOWHUQDWHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUHZKHUHLWLV assumed skin reinforcement is provided over the entire span. ܿ ͶͲǡͲͲͲ ൰ െ ʹǤͷܿ ͳۓͷ ൬ ݂௦ ۖ ݏ ۔ ͶͲǡͲͲͲ ۖ ͳʹ ൬ ൰ ݂௦ ە Figure 6.24 Skin reinforcement for deep flexural members. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-34 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete It is permitted to include the skin reinforcement when calculating the nominal moment strength of the beam, provided a strain compatibility analysis of the section is performed. , 6.6.3 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement 7KHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUÀH[XUHPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLV publication. Selecting the number of reinforcing bars in a single layer within the limits of Table 6.8 and Table 6.9 provides autoPDWLFFRQIRUPLW\ZLWKWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\JLYHQ the assumptions noted in those tables. ,QJHQHUDORYHUDOOFRVWVDYLQJVLVXVXDOO\DFKLHYHGE\VSHFLI\LQJWKHODUJHVWSUDFWLFDOORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVL]HVWKDWVDWLVI\ERWKVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV8VLQJWKHVDPHEDUVL]HVDQGOHQJWKVZKHUHYHUSRVVLEOHDOVRKDV a positive impact on cost savings. 6.6.4 Development of Flexural Reinforcement Overview 'HYHORSPHQWRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQEHDPVIRUÀH[XUHPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHFDOFXODWHGWHQVLOHRUFRPSUHVVLYHIRUFHLQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWHDFKVHFWLRQLQDEHDPPXVW be developed on each side of that section by embedment length, hooks, headed deformed bars, mechanical devices, RUDQ\FRPELQDWLRQWKHUHRI $&,$&, ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKHIROORZLQJSURYLVLRQVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGZKHQGHWHUPLQLQJ development lengths: • +RRNHGDQGKHDGHGSRUWLRQVRIDUHLQIRUFLQJEDUPXVWQRWEHXVHGWRGHYHORSWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDULQFRPSUHVVLRQ • Development lengths do not require a strength reduction factor, • Values of XVHGWRFDOFXODWHGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKVDUHOLPLWHGWRSVL ,QIRUPDWLRQRQKRZWRGHWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKVIRUÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDEHDPLVJLYHQ below. Development of Deformed Bars in Tension 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHWHQVLRQGHvelopment length, LVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,RULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ$&,7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHEDVHGRQWKRVHLQ$&,VRWKHODWWHU UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFRYHUHG¿UVW Method 1 – ACI The development length in tension of a deformed reinforcing bar, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D (6.67) 7KHWHUPVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHDVIROORZV VHH$&,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • 0 RGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUIRUOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH concrete: 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHORZHUWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIOLJKWZHLJKW (6.68) • 5 HLQIRUFHPHQWJUDGHIDFWRU . This factor accounts for the effect of reinforcement yield strength on the required development length: (6.69) • 5 HLQIRUFHPHQWFRDWLQJIDFWRU . This factor accounts for the reduced bond strength between the concrete DQGHSR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV (6.70) • 5 HLQIRUFHPHQWVL]HIDFWRU reinforcing bars: 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHPRUHIDYRUDEOHSHUIRUPDQFHRIVPDOOHUGLDPHWHU (6.71) • & DVWLQJSRVLWLRQIDFWRU 7KLVIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHDGYHUVHHIIHFWVWKDWFDQRFFXUWRWKHWRSKRUL]RQWDO reinforcement in a member due to vertical migration of water and mortar, which collect on the underside of the bars during placement of the concrete: (6.72) $FFRUGLQJWRWKHIRRWQRWHLQ$&,7DEOH • Spacing or cover dimension, QHHGQRWH[FHHG 7KLVWHUPLVGH¿QHGDVIROORZV VHH)LJXUH (6.73) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿଵ ݀ ܿଶ ݏ ۓ ۖ ܿଵ ܿ ൌ ܿଶ ۔ ۖ ݏەΤʹ Figure 6.25 Spacing or cover dimension, cb. • 7UDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGH[ 7KHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGH[UHSUHVHQWVWKHUROHRIFRQ¿QLQJ UHLQIRUFHPHQWDFURVVWKHSRWHQWLDOVSOLWWLQJSODQHVODUJHUDPRXQWVRIFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHGXFHVWKH potential for splitting failure, thereby reducing the overall required development length. This index is GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ E (6.74) where total cross-sectional area of all transverse reinforcement within a spacing tial plane of splitting through the reinforcement being developed that crosses the poten- center-to-center spacing of the transverse reinforcement number of bars being developed along the plane of splitting if transverse reinforcement is present or required. For reinforcing bars It is permitted to conservatively use VSDFHGFORVHUWKDQLQRQFHQWHUWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGDORQJWKHGHwith $&,DQG velopment or lap splice length such that PXVWEHWDNHQOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRLQ(TXDWLRQ >$&,@,WKDV 7KHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP EHHQVKRZQWKDWZKHQWKLVWHUPLVOHVVWKDQVSOLWWLQJIDLOXUHVDUHOLNHO\WRRFFXU$SXOORXWIDLOXUHRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVPRUHOLNHO\ZKHQWKLVWHUPLVJUHDWHUWKDQVRDQLQFUHDVHLQWKHDQFKRUDJHFDSDFLW\GXHWRDQ LQFUHDVHLQFRYHURUDPRXQWRIFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWOLNHO\ The tension development length GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D LVSHUPLWWHGWREHUHGXFHGLQFDVHV ZKHUHWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKDWUHTXLUHGIURPDQDO\VLVH[FHSWIRUWKHVL[FDVHVLQ$&, $&, 7KHUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUDSSOLHGWR LVHTXDOWRWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW GLYLGHGE\WKHSURYLGHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHUHGXFHGGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKPXVWQRWEHWDNHQOHVVWKDQLQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Values of IRUGHIRUPHGEDUVLQEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHEDVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJDVVXPSWLRQV • Normalweight concrete with • 8QFRDWHG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW • • Concrete cover controls the determination of • • VWLUUXSVDUHXVHGIRUDQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGVWLUUXSVDUHXVHGIRUDQd larger longitudinal bars Calculated values of are rounded up to the next whole number. Values of for beams with coated bars can be obtained by multiplying the tabulated values by the appropriate value of LQ(TXDWLRQ 6LPLODUO\YDOXHVRI IRUEHDPVPDGHRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHFDQEHREWDLQHGE\GLYLGLQJWKHWDEXODWHGYDOXHVE\LQDFFRUGDQFH with Equation (6.68). Table 6.10 Tension Development Length, ℓd , for Deformed Bars in Beams in Accordance with ACI* ℓd (in.) Bar Size Top Other 19 33 68 18 36 *Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Concrete cover controls the determination of #3 stirrups used for #4, #5, and #6 longitudinal bars and #4 stirrups used for #7 and larger longitudinal bars Tabulated values for Reference 9. EDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,IRUDYDULHW\RIRWKHUFRQGLWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ Method 2 – ACI 7KHPHWKRGLQ$&,WRGHWHUPLQH LVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGSUHVHOHFWHG 7KHWZRVSDFLQJDQGFRYHUFDVHVLQ$&,7DEOHDUHJLYHQLQ YDOXHVRIWKHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP Table 6.11. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-38 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.11 Tension Development Length, ℓd , for Deformed Bars in Beams in Accordance with ACI Spacing and Cover Case 1 #6 and Smaller Bars #7 and Larger Bars Condition 1 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced Clear cover 3. Stirrups or ties throughout not less than the required minimum &RQGLWLRQ 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced Clear cover &DVH Other conditions In order to determine XVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ&DVHWKHVSDFLQJFRYHUDQGFRQ¿QHPHQWRIWKHEDUVEHLQJ GHYHORSHGPXVWPHHWDOOWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVXQGHU&RQGLWLRQRU&RQGLWLRQ VHH)LJXUH ,WLVSUHVXPHGWKDW WKHVHFRQGLWLRQVRFFXUIUHTXHQWO\LQSUDFWLFH:KHQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIHLWKHU&RQGLWLRQRU&RQGLWLRQDUHPHWLW WKDWYDOXHLVVXEVWLWXWHGLQWR(TXDWLRQ ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHHTXDWLRQVLQWKH is assumed ¿UVWURZRI7DEOHIRU&DVH ܣ௩ ݀ ݀ ݀ ݀ ݀ ʹ݀ ͳ ʹ Figure 6.26 Spacing, cover, and confinement conditions of ACI &DVHLVDSSOLFDEOHZKHUHWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQHLWKHU&RQGLWLRQRU&RQGLWLRQLQ&DVHDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGLQWKLV case, it is assumed Tension development lengths, , must be the greater of the values deterPLQHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHDQGLQ Tabulated values for tions. EDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFHIRUDYDULHW\RIFRQGL- Development of Standard Hooks in Tension +RRNVDUHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVWRSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDODQFKRUDJHZKHUHGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKFDQnot be attained with straight bars. Standard hook geometry for development of deformed bars in tension is given in $&,7DEOH $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-39 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The development length of a deformed reinforcing bar in tension with a standard hook, , is given in ACI (6.75) 7KLVGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLVPHDVXUHGIURPWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQWRWKHRXWVLGHIDFHRIWKHKRRN VHH)LJXUH 7KH PRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOH Table 6.12 Modification Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension Modification Factor Lightweight, Epoxy, &RQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQW Location, Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG reinforcement 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK or Other 1.6 )RUDQGVPDOOHUKRRNHGEDUV terminating inside a column core with side cover normal to the plane of the hook or with side cover normal to the plane of the hook Other Concrete strength, The term LVWKHWRWDOFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIWLHVRUVWLUUXSVFRQ¿QLQJWKHKRRNHGEDUVDQG is the total crosssectional area of the hooked bars being developed at the same critical section. The term is the center-to-center are given in ACI spacing of the hooked bars, which have a nominal diameter . Detailing requirements for VHH$&,)LJXUHV5DDQG5EIRUFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWSODFHGSDUDOOHODQGSHUSHQGLFXODU to hooked bars being developed, respectively). 7KHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DSSO\WRKRRNHGEDUVDWGLVFRQWLQXRXVHQGVRIPHPEHUV WKDWLVDWHQGV of simply-supported members, at the free ends of cantilevers, and at exterior joints where members do not extend EH\RQGWKHMRLQW ZKHUHERWKVLGHFRYHUDQGWRS RUERWWRP FRYHUWRWKHKRRNLVOHVVWKDQLQ for hooked deformed bars in beams based on normalweight concrete with , uncoated Values of , and side cover normal to the plane of the *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFHQWHUWRFHQWHUKRRNHGEDUVSDFLQJ are given in Table 6.13. Calculated values of are rounded up to the next whole number. hook @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-40 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.13 Tension Development Length, ℓdh , for Hooked Deformed Bars in Beams* Bar Size ℓdh (in.) #4 6 #5 8 #6 10 #7 13 #8 15 #9 18 #10 22 #11 25 *Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Center-to-center hooked bar spacing Side cover normal to the plane of the hook Development of Headed Deformed Bars in Tension 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIKHDGHGGHIRUPHGEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,([DPSOHVRIKHDGHG UHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH +HDGHGGHIRUPHGEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGRQO\ZKHQWKHFRQGLWLRQVRI$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG (a) %DUPXVWFRQIRUPWR$&, (b) %DUVL]HPXVWEHRUVPDOOHU , must be at least where is the area of the bar (c) Net bearing area of head, (d) Concrete must be normalweight where is the nominal diameter of the bar (e) Clear cover to the bar must be greater than or equal to (f) Center-to-center spacing of the bars must be greater than or equal to The development length of a headed deformed reinforcing bar in tension, LVJLYHQLQ$&, (6.76) This development length is measured from the critical section to the bearing face of the head (see ACI Figures 5DDQG5E 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH$&,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-41 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.14 Modification Factors for Development of Headed Bars in Tension Modification Factor Condition Epoxy, Parallel tie reinforcement, Location, Value of Factor (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG reinforcement 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK or Other 1.6 For headed bars (1) terminating inside a column core RU ZLWKVLGHFRYHUWR with side cover to bar bar Other Concrete strength, The term DFFRXQWVIRUFRQ¿QLQJHIIHFWVSURYLGHGE\WUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWRULHQWHGSDUDOOHOWRWKHGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKRIKHDGHGEDUV&RQ¿QHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUKHDGHGQHJDWLYHPRPHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDEHDP WHUPLQDWHGLQDMRLQWDUHJLYHQLQ$&,$WEHDPFROXPQMRLQWVWKHWRWDOFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIWUDQVYHUVH must be located within of the centerline of the headed bar toward the middle of the joint reinforcement, is greater than or where LVWKHQRPLQDOGLDPHWHURIWKHKHDGHGEDU>VHH$&,)LJXUH5 D @:KHUH or where the center-to center spacing of the headed bars is greater than or equal to The equal to is the total cross-sectional area of the headed bars being developed. term For other than beam-column joints, must not be considered and $&, provided Values of for headed deformed bars in beams based on normalweight concrete with , and side cover to the bar *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFHQWHUWRFHQWHUKHDGHGEDUVSDFLQJ are rounded up to the next whole number. 7DEOH&DOFXODWHGYDOXHVRI Table 6.15 Tension Development Length, ℓd t , for Headed Deformed Bars in Beams* Bar Size ℓdt (in.) #4 6 #5 6 #6 8 #7 9 #8 11 #9 14 #10 16 #11 19 *Normalweight concrete with Uncoated Grade 60 reinforcement Side cover normal to the bar @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-42 , uncoated are given in Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Development of Mechanically Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension Any mechanical attachment or device capable of developing of the deformed bars is permitted to be used providHGLWLVDSSURYHGE\WKHEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDOLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHXVHRIPHFKDQLFDOGHYLFHV WKDWGRQRWPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,RUWKDWDUHQRWGHYHORSHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,PD\EH used provided test results are available that demonstrate the ability of the head and bar system to develop or anchor the required force in the bar. Development of Positive and Negative Flexural Reinforcement Flexural reinforcement must be properly developed or anchored in a reinforced concrete beam so that the beam SHUIRUPVDVLQWHQGHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHVWUHQJWKGHVLJQPHWKRG&ULWLFDOVHFWLRQVIRUGHYHORSPHQWRIÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWRFFXUDWWKHIROORZLQJ $&, (1) Points of maximum stress (that is, sections of maximum bending moment) Points along the span where adjacent reinforcement is terminated because it is no longer required WRUHVLVWÀH[XUH In continuous beams subjected to uniform gravity loads, the maximum positive and negative bending moments W\SLFDOO\RFFXUQHDUPLGVSDQDQGDWWKHIDFHVRIWKHVXSSRUWVUHVSHFWLYHO\3RVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJ EDUVPXVWEHGHYHORSHGRUDQFKRUHGRQERWKVLGHVRIWKHVHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV $&, 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWDFULWLFDOVHFWLRQFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHPHWKRGVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ݊ ൌ ݊ଵ ݊ଶ ݊ଵ ݊Τ3 ିܣ ௦ ሺ݊ barsሻ ିܣ ௦ଵ ሺ݊ଵ barsሻ ܣା ௦ ሺ barsሻ ܣା ௦ଶ ሺଶ barsሻ ିܣ ௦ଶ ሺ݊ଶ barsሻ ൌ ଵ ଶ ଵ Τ4 A 6" B D C ܣା ௦ଵ ሺଵ barsሻ ݀ or 12݀ ݀ or 12݀ ݊ଶ bars ݔ κௗ κௗ ݔ ݊ଵ bars κௗ ሺܯ௨ା ሻ ݀, 12݀ , or κ /16 ଶ bars ሺܯ௨ା ሻ ݔா E Point of inflection ሺܯ௨ି ሻ ሺܯ௨ି ሻ Figure 6.27 Development of flexural reinforcement in a beam. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-43 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUWKHFRQWLQXRXVEHDPLQ)LJXUHWKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGDUHDRIQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHPD[LPXPQHJDWLYH , at critical section A is equal to , and the total number of reinforcing bars at factored bending moment, this location is equal to . Similarly, the total required area of positive reinforcement for the maximum positive fac, at critical section C is equal to , and the total number of reinforcing bars at this tored bending moment, location is equal to . Requirements for the development of these two sets of reinforcing bars are discussed next. Negative Flexural Reinforcement Assume a portion of LVFXWRIIDWVHFWLRQ%ZKHUHLWLVQRORQJHUUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK7KLVPDNHVVHFand the number of reinforcing tion B a critical section. At this location, the reinforcement has an area equal to and the correbars is equal to . The area of the remaining portion of reinforcing bars is equal to . This reinforcement must be able to resist the negative sponding number of reinforcing bars is equal to at section B. factored bending moment Because section B is a critical section, bars must be adequately developed to the right of this section. This is achieved by extending the bars a minimum distance of SDVWVHFWLRQ%DVVKRZQLQ)LJXUHZKHUH is the GHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLQWHQVLRQRIDGHIRUPHGEDUZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, $FFRUGLQJWR$&,DWOHDVWRQHWKLUGRIWKHWRWDOQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHGDWDVXSSRUWPXVWKDYHDQ , and SDVWWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQZKHUH is the clear span embedment length equal to the greater of , length measured face-to-face of supports (which in this case are columns). Therefore, to satisfy this requirement, ZKLFKDFFRXQWVIRUSRVVLEOHVKLIWLQJRIWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWGLDJUDPDWWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQGXHWRWKHDSSUR[L. The minimum length of bars to the right mate bending moment diagram customarily used in design, RIFULWLFDOVHFWLRQ$LVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ $&,DQG (6.77) In these equations, is the distance from section A to the theoretical cutoff point at section B and GLVWDQFHIURPVHFWLRQ%WRWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQDWVHFWLRQ( is the Because section A is a critical section, the bars cutoff at section B must be developed a distance equal to at least EH\RQGWKDWVHFWLRQ$GGLWLRQDOO\$&,VWLSXODWHVWKHVHEDUVPXVWH[WHQGEH\RQGWKHSRLQWZKHUHWKH\DUHQR (except at supports of simply-supported spans longer required a distance equal to at least the greater of and bars to the right of critical section A is equal to the foland at free ends of cantilevers). The minimum length of lowing: (6.78) )OH[XUDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWSHUPLWWHGWREHWHUPLQDWHGLQDWHQVLRQ]RQHXQOHVVRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG $&, (1) At the cutoff point, WLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ where is the design shear strength of the section at that point (see Sec- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-44 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVFRQWLQXLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHVDWOHDVWGRXEOHWKHDUHDUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUHDWWKH . cutoff point and (3) Stirrup or hoop area in excess of that required for shear and torsion is provided along each terminated bar from the cutoff point. The excess area of the stirrups or hoops must be greater over a distance equal to where the center-to-center spacing must be less than or equal to and than or equal to The development of the negative reinforcing bars to the left of section A depends on its location within the framing V\VWHP$WLQWHULRUMRLQWVOLNHWKHRQHGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUHGHYHORSPHQWLVDFKLHYHGE\FRQWLQXLQJWKHQHJDWLYH reinforcing bars into the span to the left of the column. In an end span where the beam terminates at an edge column, a standard hook is provided at the ends of the negative reinforcing bars. Positive Flexural Reinforcement is cut off at section D. This makes section D a critical section. At this location, the reinAssume a portion of and the number of reinforcing bars is equal to . The area of the remaining forcement has an area equal to and the corresponding number of reinforcing bars is equal to portion of reinforcing bars is equal to . This reinforcement must be able to resist the negative factored bending moment at section D. beyond the critical secThe bars cut off at section D must be developed to a distance greater than or equal to tion C. Like in the case of the negative reinforcement, these bars must extend beyond the point they are no longer $&, 7KHPLQLPXPOHQJWKRI bars to the left required by a distance equal to the greater of and of critical section C is equal to the following: (6.79) In this equation, is the distance between critical section C and the theoretical cutoff point located at section D. 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,SHUWDLQLQJWRUHLQIRUFHPHQWWHUPLQDWHGLQDWHQVLRQ]RQHDUHDOVRDSSOLFDEOHLQWKLV case. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,DWOHDVWRQHIRXUWKRIWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWH[WHQGDWOHDVWLQLQWRWKHVXS. Note that if a beam is part of the LFRS, this SRUW H[FHSWDWVLPSOHVXSSRUWVVHH$&, 7KXV reinforcement must be anchored to develop at the support. 7KHGLDPHWHURIWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVOLPLWHGDWSRLQWVRILQÀHFWLRQ DQGDWVLPSOHVXSSRUWV LQDFFRUGDQFH ZLWK$&,WKLVUHTXLUHPHQWKHOSVWRHQVXUHWKHEDUVDUHGHYHORSHGLQDOHQJWKVKRUWHQRXJKVXFKWKDWWKH PRPHQWFDSDFLW\LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHDSSOLHGPRPHQWRYHUWKHHQWLUHOHQJWKRIWKHEHDP VHH$&,)LJXUH5 (6.80) In this equation, LVWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHEHDPVHFWLRQDVVXPLQJDOOWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKDWVHFis the factored shear force at the section, and is the embedment length of the reinforcetion is stressed to , . Additional information on this topic can be PHQWEH\RQGWKHLQÀHFWLRQSRLQWZKLFKLVWKHJUHDWHURI and IRXQGLQ$&,5 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-45 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.6.5 Splices of Deformed Reinforcement Overview 6SOLFHVRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQEHDPVPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, 7KHSULPDU\ reasons for splicing reinforcement are based on (1) restrictions related to transporting the reinforcing bars to the FRQVWUXFWLRQVLWHDQG OLPLWDWLRQVUHODWHGWRKDQGOLQJDQGSODFLQJWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKH¿HOG /DSVSOLFHVPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDQGZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQW\SHVRIVSOLFHVIRUÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW Lap Splices Lap splices are usually the most economical type of splice. There are basically two types of lap splices: contact and QRQFRQWDFW,QDFRQWDFWODSVSOLFHWKHEDUVDUHJHQHUDOO\LQFRQWDFWRYHUDVSHFL¿HGOHQJWKDQGDUHWLHGWRJHWKHU >VHH)LJXUH D @,QDQRQFRQWDFWODSVSOLFHWKHEDUVDUHQRWLQFRQWDFWDQGWKHFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRIWKH EDUVEHLQJVSOLFHGPXVWQRWH[FHHGWKHOLPLWVLQGLFDWHGLQ)LJXUH E VHH$&, &RQWDFWODSVSOLFHVDUH usually preferred because the bars are tied together and are less likely to displace during construction. The minimum clear spacing between a contact lap splice and adjacent splices or bars is the same as that for individual bars (ACI VHH)LJXUH Lap splices must be provided at locations away from maximum stress (that is, maximum bending moment) and should be staggered wherever possible. Reinforcing bars provided for negative bending moments (top bars) are spliced near the midspan of a member, and reinforcing bars provided for positive bending moments (bottom bars) are spliced over the supports. , depends on the tension development length of the bars, , the area of The required tension lap splice length, reinforcement provided over the length of the splice, and the percentage of reinforcement spliced at any one locaWLRQ%HFDXVHH[SHULPHQWDOGDWDRQODSVSOLFHVZLWKDQGEDUVDUHVSDUVHWKHXVHRIWHQVLRQODSVSOLFHVIRU WKHVHEDUVDUHSURKLELWHGH[FHSWDVSHUPLWWHGLQ$&, $&, /DSVSOLFHVDUHFODVVL¿HGDV&ODVV$RU&ODVV%7KHOHQJWKRIDODSVSOLFHLVJLYHQDVDPXOWLSOHRI (ACI (6.81) (6.82) When determining to be used in determining WKHLQPLQLPXPOHQJWKVSHFL¿HGLQ$&, E DQG WKHH[FHVVUHLQIRUFHPHQWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRURI$&,DUHQRWDSSOLFDEOH $&, $OVRIRUUHLQIRUFspaced closer than 6 in. on center, transverse reinforcement must be provided along ing bars with $&, the splice length such that 7KHGHIDXOWVSOLFHFODVVL¿FDWLRQIRUDODSVSOLFHLV&ODVV%,IERWKRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGD&ODVV$ VSOLFHLVSHUPLWWHG VHH$&,7DEOH over the entire splice length where and are the area of reinforcement provided at the splice location and the area of reinforcement required by analysis at the splice location, respectively • /HVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVVSOLFHGZLWKLQWKHUHTXLUHGODSVSOLFHOHQJWK • :KHUHEDUVRIGLIIHUHQWVL]HDUHODSVSOLFHGLQWHQVLRQ RIWKHVPDOOHUEDU $&, is equal to the greater of (1) RIWKHODUJHUEDUDQG Mechanical Splices Mechanical splices are, in general, a complete assembly of a coupler, a coupling sleeve, or an end-bearing sleeve, including any additional material or components, required to accomplish the splicing of the reinforcing bars. Acof the bar. This FRUGLQJWR$&,PHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVPXVWGHYHORSLQWHQVLRQRUFRPSUHVVLRQDWOHDVW is to ensure yielding occurs in the reinforcing bar adjacent to the mechanical splice prior to the failure of the splice. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-46 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,OOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHWKUHHRIWKHPRUHSRSXODUW\SHVRIPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHV7KHFROGVZDJHGFRXSOLQJVOHHYH LQ)LJXUH D XVHVDK\GUDXOLFVZDJLQJSUHVVZLWKVSHFLDOGLHVWRGHIRUPWKHVOHHYHDURXQGWKHHQGVRIWKHVSOLFHG bars to produce positive mechanical interlock with the reinforcing bars. The shear screw coupling sleeve in Figure E FRQVLVWVRIDFRXSOLQJVOHHYHZLWKVKHDUKHDGVFUHZVZKLFKDUHGHVLJQHGWRVKHDURIIDWDVSHFL¿HGWRUTXH The reinforcing bars are inserted to meet at the center of the coupling sleeve and then the screws are tightened. The WLJKWHQLQJSURFHVVHPEHGVWKHSRLQWHGVFUHZVLQWRWKHEDUV7KHQRQXSVHWVWUDLJKWWKUHDGFRXSOHULQ)LJXUH F consists of a coupler with internal straight threads at each end that joins the two reinforcing bars with matching external threads. Additional information on these and other mechanical splices can be found in Reference 8. Mechanical splices can be advantageous in a number of situations, including the following: • When long lap splices are needed • When lap splices cause reinforcement congestion • :KHUHVSDFLQJRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVLQVXI¿FLHQWWRSHUPLWODSVSOLFHV Mechanical splices need not be staggered unless the splices are in tension tie members (that is, members having an D[LDOWHQVLOHIRUFHVXI¿FLHQWWRFUHDWHWHQVLRQRYHUWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDOHYHORIVWUHVVLQWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWVXFKWKDW every bar should be fully effective, and limited concrete cover on all sides) where the minimum stagger between VSOLFHVLQDGMDFHQWEDUVPXVWEHDWOHDVWLQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, Welded Splices 7KHXVHRIZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGSURYLGHGWKH\FRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, $&, /LNHPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDIXOOZHOGHGVSOLFHZKLFKLVJHQHUDOO\LQWHQGHGIRUDQGODUJHUEDUVPXVWEH of the bar. able to develop at least Welded splices need not be staggered unless the splices are in tension tie members. 6.6.6 Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement Where it has been determined the effects of torsion must be considered (see Section 6.3.1 of this publication), the GHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWRUVLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW$VXPPDU\RI WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH,QWKH¿JXUH is the center-to-center spacing of the required combined transverse reinforcement. The longitudinal torsional reinforcement is combined with that UHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUH VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ͳʹԣ ͲǤͲͶʹݏ ݀ ൝ ͵ΤͺǤ ܾ௧ Figure 6.28 Details for longitudinal torsional reinforcement. beyond the point is reLongitudinal torsional reinforcement must be provided for a distance equal to at least TXLUHG $&, 7KHWHUP is the width of that part of the cross-section that contains the closed stirrups resistLQJWRUVLRQ VHH)LJXUH 7KLVGLVWDQFHLVODUJHUWKDQWKDWXVHGIRUVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGÀH[XUHUHLQIRUFHPHQW because torsional diagonal cracks develop in a helical form around a member. Also, the longitudinal reinforcement @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-47 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete must be fully developed for tension at both ends of the member; proper anchorage is especially important at the HQGVZKHUHWKHODUJHVWWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWVXVXDOO\RFFXU $&, 6.6.7 Transverse Reinforcement Overview 7KHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHGIRUVKHDURUIRU shear and torsion. Where shear and torsion must be considered, the most restrictive detailing requirements of ACI DSSO\ $&,DQG Shear Reinforcement Shear reinforcement must be properly anchored and developed to be fully effective. Requirements for the developPHQWRIVWLUUXSVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQGDUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUH ݄ത ݄/2 Standard hook in accordance with ACI 25.3.2 ሺtyp. ሻ ݄/2 ܾ௪ ݄ത 0.014݀ ݂௬௧ ߣඥ݂ᇱ for #6, #7, and #8 stirrups with ݂௬௧ 40,000 psi Figure 6.29 Anchorage details for U-stirrups. In general, the stirrups must extend as close to the compression and tension surfaces of the member as cover and other constraints permit and must extend at least a distance IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU $&, Each bend in the continuous portion of a single- or multiple-leg U-stirrup and each bend in a closed stirrup must HQFORVHDORQJLWXGLQDOEDU $&, 0LQLPXPLQVLGHEHQGGLDPHWHUVDQGVWDQGDUGKRRNJHRPHWU\IRUVWLUUXSV WLHVDQGKRRSVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH 7KHEHDPGHSWKWKDWPXVWEHSURYLGHGWRVDWLVI\WKHPLQLPXPHPEHGPHQWOHQJWKIRUDQGVWLUUXSEDUV LVJLYHQLQ7DEOH>$&, E @7KHEHDPGHSWKVLQWKHWDEOHDUHEDVHGRQQRUPDOwith *UDGHVWLUUXSEDUVDQGDLQFRYHUWRWKHVWLUUXSKRRN%HDPVZLWK weight concrete with No RYHUDOOGHSWKVOHVVWKDQWKRVHLQ7DEOHDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWRXVHDQGVWLUUXSVZLWK PLQLPXPGHSWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQIRUEHDPVZLWK VWLUUXSEDUVDQGVPDOOHURIDQ\JUDGHDQG DQGVWLUUXSVZLWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-48 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.16 Minimum Beam Depth to Anchor #6, #7, and #8 Stirrups* Stirrup Bar Minimum Beam Depth, h (in.) #6 23 #7 27 #8 30 *Normalweight concrete with Grade 60 stirrup bars 1.5-in. cover to the stirrup hooks %HDPVPXVWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWZLGWK , to allow for bend radii at corners of stirrups. Minimum beam widths correVSRQGLQJWRVWLUUXSEDUVL]HDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 6.17 Minimum Beam Width for Stirrup Development Stirrup Bar Minimum Beam Width, bw (in.) #3 10 #4 12 #5 14 #6 18 #7 20 #8 22 Closed stirrups consisting of pairs of U-stirrups are permitted to be used except for torsion or integrity reinforcebut not PHQW $&, 7KHOHJVRIWKHVWLUUXSVPXVWEHODSVSOLFHGZLWKDVSOLFHOHQJWKHTXDOWRDWOHDVW OHVVWKDQLQZKHUHWKHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWK LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHH)LJXUH ,QFDVHVZKHUHWKHUHTXLUHGODSOHQJWKFDQQRW¿WZLWKLQDPHPEHUWKDWKDVDGHSWKRIDWOHDVWLQSDLUVRI 8VWLUUXSVFDQVWLOOEHXVHGSURYLGHGWKHIRUFHLQHDFKOHJLVHTXDOWRRUOHVVWKDQOE)RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWRQO\DVWLUUXSVDWLV¿HVWKLVUHTXLUHPHQW Figure 6.30 A closed stirrup formed by pairs of U-stirrups. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-49 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Torsion Reinforcement 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUVWLUUXSVVXEMHFWHGWRWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,$VQRWHGSUHYLRXVO\FORVHG stirrups must be used in such cases because cracking can occur on all faces of a beam. The corners of a beam are susceptible to spalling due to the inclined compressive stresses occurring due to torsion. Where spalling is not UHVWUDLQHGE\DQDGMDFHQWVODEERWKHQGVRIDVWLUUXSPXVWWHUPLQDWHZLWKGHJUHHVWDQGDUGKRRNVDURXQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHVHFWLRQ>$&, D @6SDOOLQJLVHVVHQWLDOO\SUHYHQWHGZKHUHDVODELVSUHVHQWRQRQHRUERWK VLGHVRIDEHDPZHEVRGHJUHHVWDQGDUGKRRNVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DUHSHUPLWWHGLQVXFKFDVHV>$&, E @'HWDLOVIRUWUDQVYHUVHWRUVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWZKHUHVSDOOLQJLVXQUHVWUDLQHGDQGUHVWUDLQHGDUHJLYHQLQ Figure 6.31. ͳ͵ͷǦሺǤሻ ͻͲǦ Ǧ Ǧ ሺሻ ሺሻ Figure 6.31 Details for transverse torsion reinforcement. (a) Spalling is unrestrained. (b) Spalling is restrained. 7ZRSLHFHFORVHGVWLUUXSVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHG $&, 7KHFORVHGVWLUUXSLQ)LJXUH D FRQVLVWVRI D8VWLUUXSZLWKGHJUHHKRRNVDWERWKHQGVDQGDFURVVWLHZLWKGHJUHHKRRNVDWERWKHQGV7KHGHJUHH hooks are required on both ends of both pieces of reinforcement because spalling is unrestrained. Similarly, Figure E FRQVLVWVRID8VWLUUXSZLWKGHJUHHKRRNVDWERWKHQGVDQGDFURVVWLHZLWKDGHJUHHKRRNRQRQHHQG DQGDGHJUHHKRRNRQWKHRWKHUHQG7KHGHJUHHKRRNRIWKHFURVVWLHLVORFDWHGRQWKHVLGHDGMDFHQWWRWKHVODE which provides restraint against spalling. Using two-piece closed stirrups are preferred because closed, one-piece VWLUUXSVPDNHLWGLI¿FXOWWRSODFHWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHEHDPZKHUHWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVEXLOWLQ place (as opposed to preassembled cages). Like longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion, transverse torsional reinforcement must extend a distance of at EH\RQGWKHSRLQWLWLVUHTXLUHGE\DQDO\VLV $&, least 6.6.8 Structural Integrity Reinforcement 6WUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFDVWLQSODFHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLV reinforcement is to improve the redundancy and ductility in the structure so that in the event of damage to a major VXSSRUWLQJHOHPHQWRUDQDEQRUPDOORDGLQJHYHQWWKHUHVXOWLQJGDPDJHPD\EHORFDOL]HGDQGWKHVWUXFWXUHZLOOKDYH a higher probability of maintaining overall stability. A summary of the structural integrity reinforcement requirements is given in Table 6.18. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-50 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.18 Structural Integrity Reinforcement Requirements for Beams Requirement ACI Section No. Perimeter Beams 1. At least one-quarter of the maximum positive moment reinforcement, but not OHVVWKDQEDUVPXVWEHFRQWLQXRXV At least one-sixth of the negative moment reinforcement at a support, but not OHVVWKDQEDUVPXVWEHFRQWLQXRXVDQG 3. Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement must be enclosed by closed VWLUUXSVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,RUE\KRRSVDORQJWKHFOHDUVSDQRI the beam. Other Than Perimeter Beams 1. At least one-quarter of the maximum positive moment reinforcement, but not OHVVWKDQEDUVPXVWEHFRQWLQXRXVRU Longitudinal reinforcement must be enclosed by closed stirrups in accordance ZLWK$&,RUE\KRRSVDORQJWKHFOHDUVSDQRIWKHEHDP Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement must pass through the region bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement in the column. Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement at noncontinuous supports must be anchored to develop at the face of the support. Splices for longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement must occur at or near a support for positive moment reinforcement and at or near midspan for negative moment reinforcement. Splices for longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement must be mechanical or welded splices LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,RU&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, 6.6.9 Flexural Reinforcement Requirements for SDC B For beams in buildings assigned to SDC B that are part of an ordinary moment frame resisting seismic load effects, WKHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG7ZRFRQWLQXRXVÀH[XUDOEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGDWERWK WKHWRSDQGERWWRPIDFHVRIWKHEHDP7KHFRQWLQXRXVERWWRPEDUVPXVWKDYHDQDUHDHTXDOWRDWOHDVWSHUFHQWWKH maximum area of the bottom bars along the span and must be anchored to develop in tension at the face of the support. These provisions are intended to improve continuity and improve lateral force resistance and structural integrity. 6.6.10 Recommended Flexural Reinforcement Details 5HFRPPHQGHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUEHDPVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVFRYHUHGLQWKHSUHYLRXVVHFWLRQVRIWKLVFKDSWHULQFOXGLQJWKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHEDU OHQJWKVJLYHQLQWKH¿JXUHDUHEDVHGRQDEHDPVXEMHFWHGWRXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGJUDYLW\ORDGVZKHUHWKHVKDSHRI WKHPRPHQWGLDJUDPLVNQRZQWKHVHOHQJWKVFDQEHXVHGIRUEHDPVGHVLJQHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ )RUEHDPVVXEMHFWHGWRWKHHIIHFWVIURPRWKHUW\SHVRIORDGV required bar lengths must be determined by calculations. Also, for beams that are part of an ordinary moment frame LQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&%WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWDOVREHVDWLV¿HG 6.7 Deflections 6.7.1 Overview 7ZRPHWKRGVFDQEHXVHGIRUFRQWUROOLQJEHDPGHÀHFWLRQV SURYLGLQJDEHDPGHSWKJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRWKH PLQLPXPEHDPGHSWKSUHVFULEHGLQ$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ DQG SURYLGLQJDEHDPGHSWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-51 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κଵ Τ3 greater of ൝ κଶ Τ3 greater of ൝ κଶ Τ3 κଷ Τ3 κଵ Τ4 Note 1 ሺtyp.ሻ ܣା௦ଵ /4 Note 2 Note 2 ሺsim.ሻ ܣା௦ଵ ܣା௦ଶ 0.125κଵ 6ԣ 0.125κଶ 0.125κଷ κଶ κଵ ܣା௦ଷ κଷ Beams Other Than Perimeter Beams κଵ Τ3 greater of ൝ κଶ Τ3 greater of ൝ κଶ Τ3 κଷ Τ3 κଵ Τ4 ିܣ௦ଵ Note 1 ሺtyp.ሻ ܣା௦ଵ /4 6ԣ ିܣ௦ଶ Note 3 ିܣ௦ଷ Note 3 ሺsim.ሻ Note 2 Note 2 ሺsim.ሻ ܣା௦ଵ ܣା௦ଶ Note 4 ሺtyp.ሻ 0.125κଵ 0.125κଶ κଵ κଶ ܣା௦ଷ 0.125κଷ κଷ Perimeter Beams Notes 1. Reinforcement to be anchored to develop ݂௬ at the face of the support. Standard hooks are shown in this figure. ା 2. At least the larger of ሺܣା ௦ଵ /4 ሻ or ሺܣ௦ଶ /4ሻ, but not less than 2 bars, must be continuous or spliced with Class B tension lap splices or mechanical or welded splices. ି 3. At least the larger of ሺିܣ ௦ଵ /6ሻ or ሺܣ௦ଶ /6ሻ, but not less than 2 bars, must be continuous or spliced with Class B tension lap splices or mechanical or welded splices. 4. Closed stirrups in accordance with ACI Section or hoops must be provided along the clear span. 5. Where the requirements in Note 2 are not satisfied for beams other than perimeter beams, closed stirrups in accordance with ACI Section or hoops along the clear span must be provided. Figure 6.32 Recommended flexural reinforcement details for beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-52 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete EDVHGRQFDOFXODWHGGHÀHFWLRQVDQGGHÀHFWLRQOLPLWDWLRQV $&, ,PPHGLDWHDQGWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQV FDQEHFDOFXODWHGIRUDQ\UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEHDPLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,UHJDUGOHVVRIZKHWKHUWKHPLQLPXP GHSWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGRUQRW+RZHYHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,PXVWEHXVHGZKHUHPHPEHUVDUHVXSSRUWLQJHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\UHODWLYHO\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV &DOFXODWHGGHÀHFWLRQVPXVWEHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRWKHOLPLWLQJGHÀHFWLRQVLQ$&,LQRUGHUWRVDWLVI\VHUYLFHability requirements. 3URFHGXUHVIRUGHWHUPLQLQJGHÀHFWLRQVRIEHDPVDUHJLYHQEHORZ WKHVHSURFHGXUHVFDQDOVREHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH GHÀHFWLRQVRIRQHZD\VODEV $OWKRXJKQXPHURXVPHWKRGVDUHDYDLODEOHWRGHWHUPLQHGHÀHFWLRQVLWLVLPSRUWDQWWR QRWHWKDWWKHVHPHWKRGVFDQRQO\HVWLPDWHGHÀHFWLRQVZLWKLQDQDFFXUDF\UDQJHRIWRSHUFHQW7KLVLVSULPDULO\ due to the variability in the constituent materials of concrete and to tolerances in construction. This range of accuUDF\VKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGFDUHIXOO\ZKHQFDOFXODWLQJGHÀHFWLRQVIRUGHÀHFWLRQVHQVLWLYHPHPEHUV 6.7.2 Immediate Deflections Uncracked Sections For beams loaded such that maximum bending moment at service loads, is less than or equal to the VHFWLRQLVDVVXPHGWREHXQFUDFNHGDQGWKHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPFDQEHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJDQ\HODVWLF method of analysis. In such cases, the gross moment of inertia, , of the section (neglecting the longitudinal reinIRUFHPHQW FDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHÀHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQV The cracking moment, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (6.83) where is the distance from the centroidal axis of the gross section, neglecting longitudinal reinforcement, to the tension face of the member and the modulus of rupture, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (6.84) 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU LVGHWHUPLQHGE\7DEOHRU7DEOHLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHFUDFNLQJPRPHQWLVPXOWLSOLHGE\WRDFFRXQWIRU UHVWUDLQWWKDWFDQUHGXFHWKHHIIHFWLYHFUDFNLQJPRPHQW DQG UHGXFHGWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWHGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQWKDWFDQOHDGWRFUDFNLQJZKLFKFRXOGVXEVHTXHQWO\ KDYHDQLPSDFWRQVHUYLFHGHÀHFWLRQV Cracked Sections 2QFHDVHFWLRQFUDFNVWKHJURVVPRPHQWRILQHUWLDFDQQRORQJHUEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV , must be used. In general, is determined by transforming the longituInstead, the cracked moment of inertia, dinal reinforcing steel into an equivalent area of concrete (see Figure 6.33); the transformation is attained by mulwhere is the modulus of elasticity of tiplying the area of reinforcement, , by the modular ratio WKHUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO $&, DQG LVWKHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIWKHFRQFUHWH $&, 7KHFRQFUHWH IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHULVFUDFNHGDQGLV below the neutral axis, which is located a distance equal to ignored in the analysis. Taking moments of areas about the neutral axis results in the following equation: (6.85) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-53 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݇݀ ܾ ݄ ݀ N. A. ܣ௦ ݊ܣ௦ ܾ ݊ ൌ ܧ௦ /ܧ Figure 6.33 Cracked transformed section of a rectangular beam with tension reinforcement. ܾ ݄ ݀ ݇݀ ܾ ݇݀ ൌ ݀ᇱ ݊ܣ௦ ܾሺ݇݀ሻଷ ݊ܣ௦ ሺ݀ െ ݇݀ሻଶ 3 ᇱ N.A. ݀ ܣᇱ௦ ܫ ൌ ܾ ݇݀ ܾ ݄ N.A. ܣ௦ ඥ2ܽଵ ݀ 1 െ 1 ܽଵ ܣ௦ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ ݊ܣ௦ ට2ܽଵ ݀ ቀ1 ܽଶ ݀ ቁ ሺ1 ܽଶ ሻଶ െ ሺ1 ܽଶ ሻ ݀ ݇݀ ൌ ܽଵ ܾሺ݇݀ሻଷ ܫ ൌ ݊ܣ௦ ሺ݀ െ ݇݀ሻଶ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ ሺ݇݀ െ ݀ ᇱ ሻଶ 3 Notes: ݊ ൌ ܧ௦ /ܧ Notes: ܫ ൌ ܾ݄ଷ /12 ܽଵ ൌ ܾ/݊ܣ௦ Notes: ܽଶ ൌ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ /݊ܣ௦ Figure 6.34 Cracked section properties for rectangular reinforced concrete beams. (TXDWLRQ FDQEHVROYHGIRU : (6.86) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-54 ݄ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܾ ܾ ݕ௧ ݄ ݀ ݇݀ ݇݀ ൌ N.A. ݊ܣ௦ ܣ௦ ܫ ൌ ݀ᇱ ݄ ܾ ݇݀ ൌ ݇݀ ܾ ݀ ܣᇱ௦ ݕ௧ ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ଷ ܾ௪ ሺ݇݀ሻଷ ݄ ଶ ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ ൬݇݀ െ ൰ ݊ܣ௦ ሺ݀ െ ݇݀ሻଶ 12 3 2 ܾ௪ ݄ ඥܽଷ ሺ2݀ ݄ܽସ ሻ ሺ1 ܽସ ሻଶ െ ሺ1 ܽସ ሻ ܽଷ N.A. ܣ௦ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ ݊ܣ௦ ඥܽଷ ሺ2݀ ݄ܽସ 2ܽଶ ݀ ᇱ ሻ ሺ1 ܽଶ ܽସ ሻଶ െ ሺ1 ܽ2 ܽ4 ሻ ܽଷ ܫ ൌ ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ଷ ܾ௪ ሺ݇݀ሻଷ ݄ ଶ ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ ൬݇݀ െ ൰ 12 3 2 ܾ௪ ݊ܣ௦ ሺ݀ െ ݇݀ሻଶ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ ሺ݇݀ െ ݀ ᇱ ሻଶ Notes: Notes: ݊ ൌ ܧ௦ Τܧ ݕ௧ ൌ ൣሺܾ െ ܾ௪ ሻሺ݄ 0.5݄ሻ݄ 0.5ܾ௪ ሺ݄ ݄ሻଶ ൧/ሾ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ ܾ௪ ሺ݄ ݄ሻሿ ଷ ଶ ଷ ଶ ܫNotes: ൌ ሾሺܾ െ ܾ௪ ሻ݄ Τ12ሿ ൫ܾ െ ܾ௪ ൯݄ሺ݄ 0.5݄ െ ݕ௧ ሻ ሾܾ௪ ሺ݄ ݄ሻ Τ12ሿ ܾ௪ ሺ݄ ݄ሻሾݕ௧ െ 0.5ሺ݄ ݄ሻሿ ܽଶ ൌ ሺ݊ െ 1ሻܣᇱ௦ /݊ܣ௦ ܽଷ ൌ ܾ௪ /݊ܣ௦ ܽସ ൌ ݄ሺܾ െ ܾ௪ ሻ/݊ܣ௦ Figure 6.35 Cracked section properties for flanged reinforced concrete beams. Thus, is equal to the following: (6.87) where is determined by Equation (6.86). Similar equations can be derived for rectangular sections with tension and compression reinforcement and for ÀDQJHGVHFWLRQV&UDFNHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVIRUUHFWDQJXODUDQGÀDQJHGUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEHDPVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHDQG)LJXUHUHVSHFWLYHO\ Effective Moment of Inertia It is evident from the preceding discussion that two different moments of inertia would be required for calculating ). To eliminate the need for two moments of inertia, the effective moment LPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV WKDWLV and of inertia, FDQEHXVHGLQOLHXRIDPRUHFRPSUHKHQVLYHDQDO\VLV VHH$&,7DEOH (6.88) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-55 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In this equation, lated. LVWKHPD[LPXPPRPHQWLQWKHEHDPGXHWRVHUYLFHORDGVDWWKHVWDJHGHÀHFWLRQVDUHFDOFX- )RUFRQWLQXRXVEHDPVLWLVSHUPLWWHGWRFDOFXODWHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQVXVLQJ as the average of the values calcuODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ DWWKHFULWLFDOSRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQV $&, ,WLVDOVRSHUPLWWHGWR FDOFXODWHGHÀHFWLRQVXVLQJ at midspan for prismatic beams with simple and continuous spans, and at the support IRUFDQWLOHYHUV $&, Approximate Immediate Deflections 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQZKLFKLVLQ$&,&RPPHQWDU\6HFWLRQFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHLPPHGLDWH GHÀHFWLRQ , at the tips of cantilevers and at the midspan of simply supported and continuous members: (6.89) In this equation, is the support bending moment at service loads for cantilevers and the midspan bending moPHQWDWVHUYLFHORDGVIRUVLPSO\VXSSRUWHGDQGFRQWLQXRXVEHDPV9DOXHVRIWKHGHÀHFWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW , are given in Table 6.19 for beams subjected to uniformly distributed service loads, , and different span conditions. Table 6.19 Deflection Coefficient, K Span Condition K Cantilever Simple Continuous 6.7.3 Time-Dependent Deflections ,QRQHZD\ÀH[XUDOPHPEHUVFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJHGXHWRVXVWDLQHGORDGVFDXVHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVWKDWFDQ EHWRWLPHVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV1RWDFFRXQWLQJIRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVFDQUHVXOWLQD VLJQL¿FDQWXQGHUHVWLPDWLRQRIWRWDOGHÀHFWLRQ 7LPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVDUHGHWHUPLQHGE\PXOWLSO\LQJWKHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQ ZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ the factor , due to sustained loads by (6.90) In this equation, LVWKHWLPHGHSHQGHQWIDFWRUIRUVXVWDLQHGORDGVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH is the reinforcement ratio for any compression reinforcement in the section. The term and DFFRXQWVIRUWKHHIIHFWRIFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQUHGXFLQJWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQV,WLVSHUPLWWHGWRFDOculate DWPLGVSDQIRUVLPSOHDQGFRQWLQXRXVVSDQVDQGDWWKHVXSSRUWIRUFDQWLOHYHUV $&, Table 6.20 Time-Dependent Factor for Sustained Loads, ȟ Sustained Load Duration (Months) ȟ 3 6 RUPRUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-56 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Only the dead load and a portion of the sustained live load (if applicable) need to be included in the determination ZKHQFDOFXODWLQJWKHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJH : of (6.91) 6.7.4 Maximum Permissible Calculated Deflections 'HÀHFWLRQVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHPHWKRGVLQ6HFWLRQVDQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQPXVWEHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR WKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHGHÀHFWLRQVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 6.21 Maximum Permissible Calculated Deflections Member Flat roofs Deflection to be Considered Condition Not supporting or attached to nonstructural HOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV Floors Roof or ÀRRUV ,PPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRWKH maximum of Deflection Limitation (1) ,PPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQGXHWR Supporting or attached to nonstructural elements OLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV Supporting or attached to nonstructural elements QRWOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV 7KHSDUWRIWKHWRWDOGHÀHFWLRQ occurring after attachment of nonstructural elements(2) (3) (4) (1) This limit is not intended to safeguard against ponding. Ponding must be checked by deflection calculations, including (1) additional deflections due to ponded water and (2) consideration of time-dependent effects of sustained load, camber, construction tolerances, and reliability of provisions for drainage. (2) The time-dependent deflection is to be determined in accordance with ACI 24.2.4; this deflection is permitted to be reduced by the amount of deflection calculated to occur before attachment of nonstructural elements. This amount must be calculated based on accepted engineering data relating time-dependent characteristics of members similar to those being considered. (3) This limit is permitted to be exceeded if measures are taken to prevent damage to supported or attached elements. (4) This limit must not exceed the tolerance provided for the nonstructural elements. 7KHOLPLWDWLRQVJLYHQLQ7DEOHUHODWHRQO\WRVXSSRUWHGRUDWWDFKHGQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWV:KHUHVWUXFWXUDO PHPEHUVDUHOLNHO\WREHDIIHFWHGE\GHÀHFWLRQRUGHIRUPDWLRQRIWKHPHPEHUVWRZKLFKWKH\DUHDWWDFKHGLQVXFKD ZD\DVWRDGYHUVHO\DIIHFWWKHVWUHQJWKRIWKHVWUXFWXUHWKHVHGHÀHFWLRQVDQGWKHUHVXOWLQJIRUFHVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHG H[SOLFLWO\LQWKHDQDO\VLVDQGGHVLJQRIWKHVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVDVUHTXLUHGE\$&, 6.8 Design Procedure The design procedure in Figure 6.36 can be used in the design and detailing of rectangular beam sections with one OD\HURIORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQW,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHVHFWLRQQXPEHUVWDEOHQXPEHUVDQG¿JXUH QXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKDWWRSLFFDQEHIRXQGLQWKLVFKDSWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-57 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1 EŽ zĞƐ A Figure 6.36 Design procedure for beams. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-58 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A EŽ zĞƐ 1 B Figure 6.36 Design procedure for beams. (cont.) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-59 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete B EŽ zĞƐ Torsion effects can be neglected. EŽ zĞƐ C EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ D Modify section dimensions. 1 Figure 6.36 Design procedure for beams. (cont.) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-60 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete C zĞƐ EŽ No shear reinforcement is required at the section. EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ zĞƐ EŽ Modify section dimensions. 1 Detail the flexural and shear reinforcement in accordance with Sect. 6.6 Figure 6.36 Design procedure for beams. (cont.) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-61 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete D Detail the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement in accordance with Sect. 6.6 Figure 6.36 Design procedure for beams. (cont.) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-62 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.9 Examples 6.9.1 Example 6.1 – Determination of Beam Size: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHVL]HRIDW\SLFDOEHDPDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHO DVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQVODELQE\LQFROXPQV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the beam depth based on serviceability requirements ACI Assume the beam is not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large GHÀHFWLRQV7KXVGHÀHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,QHHGQRWEHFDOFXODWHG Because the length is the same for all spans, minimum beam depth is based on the support condition of one end continuous: Table 6.1 For formwork economy, determine minimum depth for the beams in the east-west direction because the span lengths are longer than those in the north-south direction: 8VHDLQGHHSEHDPZKLFKLVDGHTXDWHIRUWKHEHDPVLQERWKGLUHFWLRQV VHH([DPSOHIRUWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKHPLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVZKLFKGHSHQGVRQWKHEHDPVL]HV Step 2 – Determine the beam width based on strength requirements Sect. 6.2.2 Assuming , the required *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW and can be determined by the following equation with Eq. (6.1) The largest along the spans is used to determine . The factored bending moments in the beam due to the weight of the slab and the superimposed dead and live loads DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOHIRUWKLVEHDPVXSSRUWHGWZRZD\VODEXVLQJWKH'LUHFW'HVLJQ0HWKRG VHH )URP7DEOHWKH 7DEOH 7KHVHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHEDVHGRQ$&,(T E LQWKHEHDPRFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQDQGLVHTXDOWRIWNLSV largest &RQVHUYDWLYHO\HVWLPDWHWKHIDFWRUHGGHDGORDGRIWKHEHDPZHEDVNLSIW 7KHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKLVEHDPDQGWKHPD[LPXPIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWGXHWRWKHZHLJKWRIWKHEHDPVWHPDOVRRFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQ Figure 4.3 Total @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-63 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Approximate Therefore, 8QOHVVWKHZLGWKLVUHVWULFWHGIRUDUFKLWHFWXUDOUHDVRQVDLQZLGHEHDPLVLPSUDFWLFDOWRXVH$Q\IXQFWLRQDO EHDPZLGWKZLGHUWKDQLQVDWLV¿HVVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV8VHDLQZLGHEHDPZKLFKLVLQZLGHUWKDQ WKHLQFROXPQLWIUDPHVLQWR VHH6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQRQJXLGHOLQHVIRUVL]LQJEHDPVIRUHFRQRP\ Check the assumption regarding the weight of the beam web: 8VHDLQE\LQEHDP 6.9.2 Example 6.2 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Single Layer of Tension Reinforcement 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHLQE\LQEHDPDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the factored bending moments along the span The factored bending moments in the beam due to the weight of the slab, the superimposed dead load, and the live ORDGRQWKHVODEDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOHIRUWKLVEHDPVXSSRUWHGWZRZD\VODE VHH7DEOH 7KHVHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHEDVHGRQ$&,(T E *LYHQDLQWKLFNVODEWKHIDFWRUHGGHDGORDGRIWKHEHDPZHELVHTXDOWRNLSIW VHH([DPSOH 7KHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKLVEHDP7KHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJ PRPHQWVGXHWRWKHGHDGORDGRIWKHEHDPZHEDUHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ)LJXUHDQGDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHZKHUH for all spans. Table 6.22 Factored Bending Moments due to Dead Load of Beam Web (ft-kips) End Span Exterior Negative Positive Interior Span First Interior Negative Positive Interior Negative 7RWDOGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 6.23 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) for the Beam in Example 6.2 End Span Exterior Negative Positive Interior Span First Interior Negative @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-64 Positive Interior Negative Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the effective flange width, bf , of the beam ACI 7KHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK , of the beam is equal to the following: Figure 6.10 Step 3 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement at the critical sections $WQHJDWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQWHQVLRQ UHTXLUHG single layer of tension reinforcement: is determined by the following assuming a Eq. (6.34) Eq. (6.33) where Figure 6.11 $WSRVLWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQFRPSUHVVLRQ GHWHUPLQHWKHGHSWKRIWKHHTXLYDOHQWVWUHVVEORFN , LQ7DEOH ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHODUJHVW ): assuming rectangular section behavior using the largest positive Eq. (6.49) where Because with WKHVHFWLRQEHKDYHVDVDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQDQG(TV DQG FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH DWSRVLWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQV VHH)LJXUH $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH,WLVHYLGHQWWKDWPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUH. quired at all sections. Also, all sections are tension-controlled because @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-65 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.24 Required Flexural Reinforcement for the Beam in Example 6.2 Location Mu (ft-kips) Rn (psi) As (in2)* 161 Exterior negative End span Positive First interior negative Interior span *Min. Positive Negative [Eq. (6.35)] Max. [Eq. (6.38)] Step 4 – Select the flexural reinforcement Sect. 6.6.3 6HOHFWWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDVLQJOHOD\HUEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ $&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ • Negative reinforcement Because and distribute the required within Figure 6.23 )RUWKHLQZLGHEHDP Minimum number of reinforcing bars Table 6.9 7U\EDUV ). 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIEDUVLQDLQZLGHVHFWLRQ Table 6.8 The reinforcement provided in the slab is at least equal to the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement preVFULEHGLQ$&, VHH7DEOHLQ([DPSOH WKLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&, IRUDGGLWLRQDOORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHRXWHUSRUWLRQVRIWKHÀDQJHZKHUH • Positive reinforcement 6WUHQJWKDQGVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDWWKHSRVLWLYHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HGXVLQJEDUVZKHUHWKHZLGWK RIWKHEHDPLVHTXDOWRLQ 8VHEDUVDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV 6.9.3 Example 6.3 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHEHDPDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DW DW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-66 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the factored shear forces along the span ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSRI([DPSOHWKDW for the interior beams in the north-south direction. 7KHUHIRUHWKHVHEHDPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKHVKHDUIRUFHVLQWKLVVODEV\VWHP VHH6HFW of this publication). The tributary area that must be used to determine IRUWKHEHDPLQWKLVH[DPSOHLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKLFKLV WKHVDPHIRUDOOEHDPVDORQJDQ\LQWHULRUFROXPQOLQHLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQ VHH6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ͵A ͶA ͷA ʹͷᇱ ǦͲԣ ʹͷᇱ ǦͲԣ A ʹ͵ᇱ Ǧԣ Ͷͷ A ͳͳᇱ Ǧͻԣ ͳͳᇱ Ǧͻԣ Figure 6.37 Tributary area for shear forces on the beam in Example 6.3. Determine the factored dead and live loads on the beam: For simplicity, the uniformly distributed dead load of the beam web is transformed into a triangular distributed load. The shear force at the face of the support due to the uniformly distributed dead load is equal to 7KHWULDQJXODUGLVWULEXWHGORDGWKDWSURGXFHVDVKHDUIRUFHRINLSVDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWLVHTXDO to Table 3.3 7KHPD[LPXPVKHDUIRUFHRFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWLQDQHQGVSDQDQGLVREWDLQHGIURPHTXLOLEULXPFRQVLGHULQJWKHNLSVIWWULDQJXODUORDGDQGWKHIWNLSDQGIWNLSQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVDWWKHH[WHULRU VXSSRUWDQGWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH)LJXUHDQG7DEOH ,WLVDVVXPHGIRUVLP@Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-67 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷԣ ǤͶȀ ͻǦ͓͵ሺ͵ሻ̷ͳͲԣǤ Ǥ ʹԣ ሺǤሻ ʹᇱ ǦͲԣ ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷԣ κ Τʹ ൌ ͳͲǤͷԢ ۳ܖ܉ܘ܁܌ܖ ܸ௨ ̷ ൌ ͵ͻǤͺ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ൌ ͵ͺǤͻ ܸ௨ ൌ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ൌ ʹͺǤ ݔ௦ ൌ ǤͳԢ Figure 6.38 Partial shear diagram for the beam in Example 6.3. SOLFLW\WKDWWKHWULDQJXODUORDGLVHTXDOWR]HURDWWKHIDFHVRIWKHVXSSRUWVLQVWHDGRIDWWKHFHQWHUVRIWKHFROXPQV this assumption has a negligible impact on the results. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-68 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGVRWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDUFDQEHWDNHQDGLVWDQFH from the face of the support: Step 2 – Determine the required shear reinforcement Assuming at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided, : with the axial force can be determined from the following equation Table 6.4 where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 Because , provide minimum shear reinforcement: Table 6.5 For : along the length of the beam. Maximum spacing Assuming , Figure 6.19 is equal to the following: Across the width of the beam, maximum spacing Figure 6.19 $VVXPLQJ8VWLUUXSV RXWHUOHJV ZLWKLQFRYHU Therefore, 3 stirrup legs must be provided to satisfy maximum spacing requirements across the width of the beam. 8VHVWLUUXSVZLWKOHJVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Stirrups are no longer required at the section where The length from the face of the sup, can be obtained from the following equation (see Figure 6.38): port where stirrups are no longer required, 8VHVWLUUXSV OHJV VSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDWERWKHQGVRIWKHEHDPZLWKWKH¿UVWVWLUUXSORFDWHGLQIURP the face of the column. 6.9.4 Example 6.4 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHEHDPDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DW DW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-69 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the flexural reinforcement details ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWEDUVDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKHQHJDWLYHDQGSRVLWLYHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHEHDP 7KLVQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVVDWLV¿HVWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH ), the negative reinforce%H\RQGWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQLQWKHPRPHQWGLDJUDP WKDWLVDWWKHVHFWLRQZKHUH PHQWLVQRORQJHUUHTXLUHGIRUVWUHQJWK7KHPD[LPXPOHQJWKWRWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQRFFXUVLQWKHHQGVSDQ VHH Figure 6.39): A ǤͶȀ ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷԣ ͷǦ͓ ۓ ۖ ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷᇳ ͳʹ݀ ൌ Ǥͷᇳ ۔ ۖ ەκ Τͳ ൌ ͳǤͳԣ ͷǦ͓ ͶǤ͵ͷ ሺʹͳǤͷΤͳʹሻ ൌ ǤͳԢ ᇱ ǦͲԣ κ Τʹ ൌ ͳͲǤͷԢ ʹᇱ ǦͲԣ ۳ܖ܉ܘ܁܌ܖ ܯ௨ ൌ ͳͷǤͲǦ ݔ ൌ ͶǤ͵ͷԢ Figure 6.39 Location of the point of inflection for the beam in Example 6.4 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-70 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWKDYHDQHPEHGPHQWOHQJWKEH\RQGWKHSRLQWRILQÀHFWLRQHTXDOWRWKHJUHDWHURI the following: ACI 7KHUHIRUHWKHWRSEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHFXWRIIDGLVWDQFHHTXDOWR from the face of WKHVXSSRUW+RZHYHUIURP([DPSOHVWLUUXSV OHJV VSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUPXVWEHSURYLGHGDWERWK HQGVRIWKHEHDPZLWKWKH¿UVWVWLUUXSORFDWHGLQIURPWKHIDFHRIWKHFROXPQ7KLVPHDQVWKHODVWVWLUUXSLVORFDWHG IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW7KHUHIRUHSURYLGHDIWLQHPEHGPHQWOHQJWKIRUWKH WRSEDUV7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWWHUPLQDWHGLQDWHQVLRQ]RQH VHH)LJXUH DQGFDQEHFRQVHUYDWLYHO\XVHGDW all support locations. )RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKHERWWRPEDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXVLQVWHDGRIFXWWLQJRIIDSRUWLRQRIWKHPWKHODWWHURI ZKLFKLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH$FFRUGLQJWR1RWHLQWKDW¿JXUHD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHGRYHUWKH supports. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-71 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the shear reinforcement details ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWVWLUUXSVZLWKOHJVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDUHDGHTXDWHIRUVKHDU strength requirements. This arrangement consists of (1) a U-stirrup extending across the effective width of the beam ZLWKGHJUHHKRRNVDWHDFKHQGDQG DFURVVWLHZLWKGHJUHHDQGGHgree hooks at the ends tied to the top and bottom longitudinal reinforcement. 7KHPLQLPXPEHDPZLGWKUHTXLUHGIRUGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHVWLUUXSVLVLQLQ Table 6.17 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHEHDPDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHGHWDLOVVDWLVI\WKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWV LQ$&,IRUEHDPVRWKHUWKDQSHULPHWHUEHDPVDQGFDQEHXVHGIRUDOOEHDPVDORQJWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQOLQHVLQ the north-south direction that are not part of the LFRS. 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 7ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ A 5-#6 A 5-#6 2ᇱᇱ 9-#3 stirrups @ 10ᇱᇱ ሺtyp. ሻ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 7ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 7ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 5-#6 5-#6 21ᇱ -6ᇱᇱ 7ᇱᇱ 5-#6 1Ԣ-5ᇱᇱ Other beams and reinforcement not shown for clarity #3 stirrups @ 10ԣ 5-#6 2ᇱ -4ᇱᇱ ۯ ܖܗܑܜ܋܍܁--ۯ Figure 6.40 Reinforcement details for the beam in Examples 6.1 through 6.4. 6.9.5 Example 6.5 – Determination of Deflections: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHLPPHGLDWHDQGWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVIRUWKHEHDPLQWKHHQGVSDQDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ %XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHEHDPLVQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV DQG*UDGH DQGSHUFHQWRIWKHOLYHORDGLVVXVWDLQHG$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-72 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the service loads and bending moments The Direct Design Method can be used to determine the bending moments in the beam due to the weight of the slab, WKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGDQGWKHOLYHORDG VHH6WHSVDQGRI([DPSOH 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLQWKHEHDPLQWKHHQGVSDQDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Exterior negative: Positive: First interior negative: 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRWKHZHLJKWRIWKHEHDPVWHPFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGLQ$&, VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH Exterior negative: Positive: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-73 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete First interior negative: 7KHVXVWDLQHGSRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHWKHIROORZLQJZKHUHSHUFHQWRIWKHOLYHORDGLVVXVtained: At the exterior support: $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Step 2 – Determine the material properties of the concrete and reinforcing steel Eq.(6.84) where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 ACI Eq. ( ACI Modular ratio Step 3 – Determine the gross and cracked moments of inertia (IIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKRIWKHEHDP Step 2, Example 6.2 ܾ ൌ ͻʹǤͷᇱᇱ ݕ௧ ൌ ͳͷǤͶᇱᇱ ݄ ൌ ͳᇱᇱ ݄ ൌ ᇱᇱ • Positive moment section 7KHJURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPDWWKHSRVLWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH ܾ௪ ൌ ʹͺᇱᇱ Figure 6.41 Gross section of the beam at a positive moment section. The gross section properties of the beam are the following: Figure 6.35 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-74 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )URP([DPSOHERWWRPEDUVDUHUHTXLUHG . $VVXPLQJDUHFWDQJXODUFRPSUHVVLRQDUHDWKHFUDFNHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVDUHWKHIROORZLQJ VHH)LJXUH ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷ ᇱᇱ ܾ ൌ ͻʹǤͷᇱᇱ ݇݀ ൌ ʹǤᇱᇱ Figure 6.34 ݊ܣ௦ Figure 6.42 Cracked transformed section of the beam at a positive moment section. Therefore, the assumption of a rectangular section is correct. Figure 6.34 • Negative moment section 7KHQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPLVWKHE\LQEHDPZHE)URP([DPSOHWRSEDUV . DUHUHTXLUHGDWWKHH[WHULRUDQG¿UVWLQWHULRUVHFWLRQV Figure 6.34 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-75 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Determine the effective moment of inertia The effective moment of inertia, , is determined by Eq. (6.88) for dead, sustained, and dead plus live load cases. • Positive moment section Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, Eq. (6.88) • Negative moment section At the exterior support: Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Therefore, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-76 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, Therefore, • Average effective moment of inertia Dead load: ACI Sustained load: Dead plus live load: Step 5 – Determine the immediate deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection for live loads Assume the loads due to the dead load of the slab, the superimposed dead load, and the live load are uniformly distributed over the span instead of the actual triangular load distribution. The following equation can be used to GHWHUPLQHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV Eq. (6.89) For continuous members: Table 6.19 where and is the service load moment at midspan. Also assume • Dead load • Sustained load @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-77 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • Dead plus live load • Live load )RUDÀRRUPHPEHUQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV WKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHLPPHGLDWHOLYHORDGGHÀHFWLRQLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Table 6.21 Step 6 – Determine the time-dependent deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection $VVXPLQJDPRQWKGXUDWLRQRIORDGLQJZLWK : Eq. (6.90), Table 6.20 7KHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJHLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Eq. (6.91) Table 6.21 7KHLQE\LQEHDPLVDGHTXDWHIRUGHÀHFWLRQ 6.9.6 Example 6.6 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Multiple Layers of Tension Reinforcement 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHEHDPLQDQH[WHULRUVSDQDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVSDUWRIWKH/)56DQGWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHEHDP DUHOLPLWHGWRLQE\LQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHOLYHORDGDWWKLVÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWROEIW and the DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHFROXPQVDUHLQE\LQ$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK ment. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored bending moments, Mu along the span ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,WKDWDLQWKLFNVODELVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\ EDVHGRQWKHLQE\LQEHDPV$OVRWKH'LUHFW'HVLJQ0HWKRGFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWV LQWKHFROXPQDQGPLGGOHVWULSVRIWKHVODE VHH6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-78 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $FFRUGLQJWRWKH'LUHFW'HVLJQ0HWKRGWKHEHDPVLQWKLVH[DPSOHPXVWUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKHFROXPQVWULSEHQGing moments due to the weight of the slab, the superimposed dead load, and the live load. 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGXHWRZHLJKWRIWKHEHDPVWHPFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGLQ$&, A summary of the service bending moments due to the dead and live loads at the critical sections of the beam in the HQGVSDQLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 6.25 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Service Dead and Live Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Beam in the End Span in Example 6.6 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative 7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQWKHEHDPGXHWRZLQGORDGVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KH³SOXVPLQXV´VLJQSUHFHGLQJWKH WDEXODWHGYDOXHVVLJQL¿HVWKHZLQGORDGVFDQDFWLQERWKWKHQRUWKGLUHFWLRQDQGWKHVRXWKGLUHFWLRQ WKDWLVVLGHVZD\ to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) when looking at the east elevation of the building). Table 6.26 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Wind Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Beam in the End Span in Example 6.6 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative ņ 7KHGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIURPWKHJRYHUQLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 6.27 Design Bending Moments (ft-kips) at the Second-Floor Level for the Beam in the End Span in Example 6.6 Load Combination Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative SSR SSL SSR SSL @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-79 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the effective flange width, bf , of the beam ACI 7KHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK , is equal to the following: Figure 6.10 Step 3 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement at the critical sections $WQHJDWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQWHQVLRQ UHTXLUHG is determined by the following where for beams with one layer of tension reinforcement: Eq. (6.34) Eq. (6.33) where Figure 6.11 $WSRVLWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQFRPSUHVVLRQ GHWHUPLQHWKHGHSWKRIWKHHTXLYDOHQWVWUHVVEORFN , LQ7DEOH ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHODUJHVW ): assuming rectangular section behavior using the largest positive Eq. (6.49) where and tension reinforcement are provided because the beam is relatively narrow). Because ZKHUHLWLVDVVXPHGOD\HUVRI the section behaves as a rectangular section. Determine if the reinforcing steel in the inner layer located IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU\LHOGVDVVXPLQJ DLQFOHDUFRYHUWRVWLUUXSVORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGDLQFOHDUVSDFLQJEHWZHHQWKHOD\HUVRIORQJLWXGLnal reinforcement: Therefore, the reinforcing steel in the inner layer yields and FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ(TV DQG ZLWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-80 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH,WLVHYLGHQWWKDWDOOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHG because Table 6.28 Required Flexural Reinforcement for the Beam in Example 6.6 Location Mu (ft-kips) Rn (psi) As (in2)* 89 Exterior negative Positive First interior negative *Min. [Eq. (6.35)] Max. [Eq. (6.38)] Step 4 – Select the flexural reinforcement Sect. 6.6.3 6HOHFWWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQG respectively. • Negative reinforcement Because , distribute the required negative within . Figure 6.23 Exterior negative: :LWKLQFRYHUVWLUUXSV*UDGHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDQG and the maximum center-to-center bar spacing is equal to the following: Eq. (6.65) 8VHEDUV Table 6.7 The reinforcement provided in the slab is at least equal to the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in ACI VHH7DEOHLQ([DPSOH WKLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&,IRUDGGLWLRQDOORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHRXWHUSRUWLRQVRIWKHÀDQJHZKHUH First interior negative: 8VHEDUV Table 6.7 • Positive reinforcement 0LQLPXPQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVUHTXLUHGZLWKLQDLQZLGWK Table 6.9 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIEDUVLQDLQZLGHVHFWLRQ Table 6.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-81 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 8VHEDUVLQOD\HUVZLWKEDUVSHUOD\HU 7KHEDUVDUHDOVRDGHTXDWHIRUWKHIWNLSSRVLWLYHPRPHQWDWWKHH[WHULRUVXSSRUWIRU665 VHH7DEOH Comments.,QVWHDGRIXVLQJEDUVLQOD\HUVIRUWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQWEDUVLQDVLQJOHOD\HUFDQEH ZKLFKVDWLV¿HVPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHSULPDU\ used purpose of this example is to illustrate the design procedure with multiple layers of tension reinforcement. 6.9.7 Example 6.7 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUWKHEHDPLQDQH[WHULRUVSDQDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVSDUWRIWKH/)56DQGWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHEHDP DUHOLPLWHGWRLQE\LQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHOLYHORDGDWWKLVÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWROEIW. Also asDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW sume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWSee Example 6.6. Step 1 – Determine the factored shear forces along the span It can be determined that for the interior beams in the north-south direction. Therefore, these beams PXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKHVKHDUIRUFHVLQWKLVVODEV\VWHP VHH6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ )RUWKHEHDPLQWKLVH[DPSOHWKHWULEXWDU\DUHDLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUHWKLVWULEXWDU\DUHDLVWKHVDPHIRUDOOEHDPV along any interior column line in the north-south direction. In addition to the shear forces due to the gravity loads, the beam must resist the shear forces due to the wind loads. Determine the factored dead and live loads on the beam: For simplicity, the uniformly distributed dead load of the beam web is transformed into a triangular distributed load. The shear force at the face of the support due to the uniformly distributed dead load is equal to 7KHWULDQJXODUGLVWULEXWHGORDGWKDWSURGXFHVDVKHDUIRUFHRINLSVDWWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUWLVHTXDO to 7KHPD[LPXPVKHDUIRUFHRFFXUVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWLQDQHQGVSDQIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQ VHH)LJXUHDQG7DEOH ,WLVDVVXPHGIRUVLPSOLFLW\WKDWWKHWULDQJXODUORDGLVHTXDOWR ]HURDWWKHIDFHVRIWKHVXSSRUWVLQVWHDGRIDWWKHFHQWHUVRIWKHFROXPQVWKLVDVVXPSWLRQKDVQHJOLJLEOHLPSDFWRQ the results. Table 3.3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-82 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷԣ ͻǤͻȀ ͳͷǦ͓ͶǦ̷ͻᇳ Ǥ ǤሺǤሻ ʹԣ ʹᇱ ǦͲԣ ݀ ൌ ʹͳǤͷԣ κ Τʹ ൌ ͳͲǤͷԢ ۳ܖ܉ܘ܁܌ܖ ܸ௨ ̷ ൌ ͳǤͶ ܸ௨ ̷݀ ൌ ͷͻǤͻ ܸ௨ ൌ ߶ߣ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ൌ ͳʹǤʹ ݔ௦ ൌ ͳͲǤ͵Ԣ Figure 6.43 Partial shear diagram for the beam in Example 6.7. 7KHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGVRWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDUFDQEHWDNHQDGLVWDQFH IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW VHH)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-83 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the required shear reinforcement Assuming at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided, with the axial force can be determined from the following equation Table 6.4 where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 For Maximum spacing 8VWLUUXSVVSDFHGDW along the length of the beam. provides Figure 6.19 Table 6.6 Table 6.5 Across the width of the beam, maximum spacing Figure 6.19 )RU8VWLUUXSVZLWKLQFRYHU 8VH8VWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Stirrups are no longer required at the section where The length from the face of the supFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH port where stirrups are no longer required, )RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJXVH8VWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDWERWKHQGVRIWKHEHDPZLWKWKH¿UVWVWLUUXS ORFDWHGLQIURPWKHIDFHRIWKHFROXPQ Comments. This shear reinforcement arrangement can be used for all beams in all spans along the column lines in the north-south direction for the frames that are part of the LFRS. ,QVWHDGRIXVLQJ7DEOHWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWXVH&DVHLQ7DEOH$VVXPLQJ8VWLUUXSVWKHUHTXLUHGVSDFLQJLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ $LQVWLUUXSVSDFLQJLVXVHGDWHDFKHQGLQOLHXRIVSHFLI\LQJDXQLIRUPVWLUUXSVSDFLQJDFURVVWKHHQWLUHOHQJWKRI WKHEHDPEHFDXVHWKHODWWHUUHVXOWVLQDVSDFLQJWKDWLVQRWFRQYHQLHQWWRPHDVXUHLQWKH¿HOG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-84 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.9.8 Example 6.8 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHEHDPLQDQH[WHULRUVSDQDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ )UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVSDUWRIWKH/)56DQGWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHEHDP DUHOLPLWHGWRLQE\LQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHOLYHORDGDWWKLVÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWROEIW. Also asDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW sume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the flexural reinforcement details It is determined in Example 6.6 that the following reinforcement is required at the critical sections: • ([WHULRUQHJDWLYHEDUVZLWKLQLQ • 3RVLWLYHEDUV OD\HUV • )LUVWLQWHULRUQHJDWLYHEDUVZLWKLQLQ 7KHSURYLGHGQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVVDWLV¿HVWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH The top reinforcing bars are made continuous over the entire length of the end span because stirrups are required over the entire length and the beam is subjected to wind loads. $&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHGQHDUPLGVSDQ$FFRUGLQJWR$&,ZKHUHEDUVRIGLIIHUHQWVL]HDUH of lap spliced in tension, the required lap splice length is based on the greater of the tension development length of the smaller bar. the larger bar and the tension lap splice length 7KHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKRIWKHEDUVLVGHWHUPLQHGDVIROORZV ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUPRUHWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHQHJDWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-85 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, 6LPLODUO\IRUWKHEDUV ACI Table 7KHUHIRUHWKHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKRIWKHEDUVJRYHUQ 8VHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKIRUWKHWRSUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWKHHQGVSDQ )RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKHERWWRPEDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXVLQVWHDGRIFXWWLQJRIIDSRUWLRQRIWKHPWKHODWHURI ZKLFKLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH$FFRUGLQJWR1RWHLQWKDW¿JXUHD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHGRYHUWKH supports. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-86 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the shear reinforcement details ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDW8VWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDUHDGHTXDWHIRUVKHDUVWUHQJWK with requirements. The U-stirrups extends over the effective width of the beam GHJUHHKRRNVDWHDFKHQGDQGDUHWLHGWRWKHWRSDQGERWWRPORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW Minimum IRUVWLUUXSGHYHORSPHQW which is equal to the provided Table 6.17 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHEHDPDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHGHWDLOVVDWLVI\WKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWV LQ$&,IRUEHDPVRWKHUWKDQSHULPHWHUEHDPVDQGFDQEHXVHGIRUDOOEHDPVDORQJWKHLQWHULRUFROXPQOLQHVLQ the north-south direction that are part of the LFRS. 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 4-#5 3ᇱ -2ᇱᇱ A 4-#7 4-#8 A 30-#4 U-stirrups @ 9ᇱᇱ 2ᇱᇱ 21ᇱ -6ᇱᇱ Other beams and reinforcement not shown for clarity 7ᇱᇱ 4-#8 1Ԣ-5ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -2ᇱᇱ #4 U-stirrups @ 9ԣ 4-#7 1ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ ۯ ܖܗܑܜ܋܍܁--ۯ Figure 6.44 Reinforcement details for the beam in Examples 6.6 through 6.8. 6.9.9 Example 6.9 – Determination of Deflections: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Includes Compression Reinforcement 'HWHUPLQHWKHLPPHGLDWHDQGWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVIRUWKHEHDPDORQJFROXPQOLQHLQ%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVSDUWRIWKH/)56DQGWKHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHEHDPDUH OLPLWHGWRLQE\LQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHOLYHORDGDWWKLVÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWROEIW, the beam is QRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQVDQGSHUFHQWRIWKH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW live load is sustained. Also assume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-87 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the service loads and bending moments 7KHVHUYLFHGHDGDQGOLYHORDGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHEHDPLQWKHHQGVSDQ VHH6WHSRI ([DPSOH DQGDUHUHSHDWHGLQ7DEOHIRUFRQYHQLHQFH Table 6.29 Bending Moments (ft-kips) due to Service Dead and Live Loads at the Second-Floor Level for the Beam in the End Span in Example 6.9 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative 7KHVXVWDLQHGSRVLWLYHDQGQHJDWLYHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHWKHIROORZLQJZKHUHSHUFHQWRIWKHOLYHORDGLVVXVtained: At the exterior support: $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Step 2 – Determine the material properties of the concrete and reinforcing steel Eq. (6.84) where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 ACI Eq. ( ACI Modular ratio Step 3 – Determine the gross and cracked moments of inertia (IIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKRIWKHEHDP Step 2, Example 6.6 ݕ௧ ൌ ͳǤʹᇱᇱ ܾ ൌ Ǥͷᇱᇱ ݄ ൌ ͳᇱᇱ ݄ ൌ ᇱᇱ • Positive moment section 7KHJURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPDWWKHSRVLWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH ܾ௪ ൌ ͳʹᇱᇱ Figure 6.45 Gross section of the beam at a positive moment section. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-88 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The gross section properties of the beam are the following: Figure 6.35 )URP([DPSOHERWWRPEDUVDUHUHTXLUHG . $VVXPLQJDUHFWDQJXODUFRPSUHVVLRQDUHDWKHFUDFNHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVDUHWKHIROORZLQJ VHH)LJXUH ݊ܣ௦ ݀ ൌ ʹͲǤᇱᇱ ܾ ൌ Ǥͷᇱᇱ ݇݀ ൌ ͵ǤͲᇱᇱ Figure 6.34 Figure 6.46 Cracked transformed section of the beam at a positive moment section. Therefore, the assumption of a rectangular section is correct. Figure 6.34 • Negative moment section 7KHQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPLVWKHE\LQEHDPZHE)URP([DPSOHWRS DQGEDUVDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW bars are required at the exterior support @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-89 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 6.34 At the exterior support: $WWKH¿UVWH[WHULRUVXSSRUW Step 4 – Determine the effective moment of inertia The effective moment of inertia, , is determined by Eq. (6.88) for dead, sustained, and dead plus live load cases. • Positive moment section Therefore, Eq. (6.88) Therefore, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-90 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, • Negative moment section At the exterior support: Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Therefore, Therefore, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-91 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, • Average effective moment of inertia Dead load: ACI Sustained load: Dead plus live load: Step 5 – Determine the immediate deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection for live loads Assume the loads due to the dead load of the slab, the superimposed dead load, and the live load are uniformly distributed over the span instead of the actual triangular load distribution. The following equation can be used to GHWHUPLQHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV Eq. (6.89) For continuous members: Table 6.19 where and is the service load moment at midspan. Also assume • Dead load • Sustained load • Dead plus live load • Live load @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-92 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUDÀRRUPHPEHUQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV WKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHLPPHGLDWHOLYHORDGGHÀHFWLRQLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Table 6.21 Step 6 – Determine the time-dependent deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection $VVXPLQJDPRQWKGXUDWLRQRIORDGLQJZLWK : Eq. (6.90), Table 6.20 7KHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJHLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Eq. (6.91) Table 6.21 7KHLQE\LQEHDPLVQRWDGHTXDWHIRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQV Step 7 – Recalculate the deflections using compression reinforcement 5HFDOFXODWHWKHGHÀHFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHFRQWULEXWLRQRIFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVHFWLRQ)RUSXUSRVHVRI DQDO\VLVDVVXPHWKHWRSEDUVH[WHQGDFURVVWKHHQWLUHOHQJWKRIWKHEHDP • Step 7a – Determine the cracked moments of inertia Positive moment section Assuming a rectangular compression area, the cracked section properties are the following: Figure 6.34 Therefore, the assumption of a rectangular section is correct. Figure 6.34 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-93 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Negative moment section $WWKHH[WHULRUDQG¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWV Figure 6.34 Figure 6.34 • Step 7b – Determine the effective moment of inertia Positive moment section Eq. (6.88) Negative moment sections At the exterior support: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-94 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Average effective moment of inertia Dead load: ACI Sustained load: Dead plus live load: • 6WHSF±'HWHUPLQHWKHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQVDQGFKHFNWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHGHÀHFWLRQ for live loads Dead load: Sustained load: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-95 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Dead plus live load: Live load: )RUDÀRRUPHPEHUQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQVWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHLPPHGLDWHOLYHORDGGHÀHFWLRQLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Table 6.21 • 6WHSG±'HWHUPLQHWKHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVDQGFKHFNWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHGHÀHFWLRQ $VVXPLQJDPRQWKGXUDWLRQRIORDGLQJ ACI Eq. (6.90), Table 6.20 7KHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJHLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Eq. (6.91) Table 6.21 7KHLQE\LQEHDPLVQRWDGHTXDWHIRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQV Comments.7KHGHÀHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQVDUHGHWHUPLQHGDVVXPLQJDXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGORDGHTXDOWRWKHPD[Lmum value of the actual triangular load, which is conservative. As such, it is safe to conclude this beam is adequate IRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVZKHQWKHFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKHFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVLQFOXGHG 6.9.10 Example 6.10 – Determination of Joist Size: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHVL]HRIDW\SLFDOMRLVWLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHOZKHUHWKHMRLVWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 DQG*UDGH VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHDLQWKLFNVODE$OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the joist depth based on serviceability requirements ACI Assume the joist (beam) is not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV7KXVGHÀHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,QHHGQRWEHFDOFXODWHG The minimum joist depth is based on the end spans (longest spans) with a support condition of one end continuous: Table 6.1 8VHDLQGHHSSDQIRUPZKLFKUHVXOWVLQDQRYHUDOOGHSWKHTXDOWR @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-96 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the joist width :KHUHLQZLGHSDQIRUPVDUHXVHGDLQZLGHMRLVWULELVW\SLFDOO\VSHFL¿HGUHVXOWLQJLQDIWFHQWHUWR FHQWHUVSDFLQJRIWKHULEV VHH)LJXUH 7KHLQZLGWKRFFXUVDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHULEDQGWKHZLGWKW\SLFDOO\ LQFUHDVHVDWDWRVORSHWRWKHXQGHUVLGHRIWKHVODE 7KHDGHTXDF\RIWKHLQZLGHMRLVWULELVFKHFNHGIRUPRPHQWVWUHQJWKLQ([DPSOH 8VHDLQE\LQMRLVW 6.9.11 Example 6.11 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Joist in Building #2, Joist Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDW\SLFDOMRLVWLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKH MRLVWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHLQE\LQHGJHFROXPQVLQE\LQFRUQHUFROXPQVLQZLGHLQWHULRUEHDPVLQZLGHHGJHEHDPVQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the factored bending moments along the span &KHFNLIWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKLVV\VWHP • Members are prismatic • Loads are uniformly distributed • • 7KHUHDUHVSDQVZKLFKLVJUHDWHUWKDQVSDQV • 7KHUHIRUHWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDU forces. Table 3.3 7KHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Figure 4.3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-97 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.30 Factored Bending Moments for a Typical Joist in Example 6.11 (ft-kips) End Span Exterior Negative Positive Interior Span First Interior Negative Positive Step 2 – Determine the effective flange width of the joist Interior Negative ACI 7KHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK , is equal to the following: Figure 6.10 Step 3 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement at the critical sections $WQHJDWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQWHQVLRQ UHTXLUHG single layer of tension reinforcement: is determined by the following assuming a Eq. (6.34) Eq. (6.33) where Figure 6.11 $WSRVLWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQFRPSUHVVLRQ GHWHUPLQHWKHGHSWKRIWKHHTXLYDOHQWVWUHVVEORFN , LQ7DEOH ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHODUJHVW ): assuming rectangular section behavior using the largest positive Eq. (6.49) where Because with WKHVHFWLRQEHKDYHVDVDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQDQG(TV DQG FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH VHH)LJXUH A summary of the required reinforcement is given in Table 6.31. All sections are tension-controlled because @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-98 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.31 Required Flexural Reinforcement for the Joist in Example 6.11 Location Mu (ft-kips) Exterior negative Positive End span First interior negative Interior span Positive Negative *Min. Rn (psi) As (in2)* 1.89 [Eq. (6.35)] Max. [Eq. (6.38)] Step 4 – Select the flexural reinforcement 6HOHFWWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDVLQJOHOD\HUEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ $&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ • Negative reinforcement Because , distribute the required within Figure 6.23 Exterior negative: :LWKLQFRYHU*UDGHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDQG spacing is equal to the following: the maximum center-to-center bar Eq. (6.65) 5HTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWK 8VH#LQRQFHQWHU 7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWDOVRVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&,IRUDGGLWLRQDOORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKH RXWHUSRUWLRQVRIWKHÀDQJHZKHUH First interior negative: 5HTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKLQWKHLQZLGWK 8VH#LQRQFHQWHU 7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWDOVRVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&,IRUDGGLWLRQDOORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKH RXWHUSRUWLRQVRIWKHÀDQJHZKHUH • Positive reinforcement 8VHEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-99 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VVXPLQJDLQPD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]H Figure 6.22 Check minimum clear space: Table 6.7 Comments. The reactions at the ends of the joists in the end spans cause torsional moments on the edge beams. No DGMXVWPHQWRIPRPHQWVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,KDVEHHQFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH6HH([DPSOHIRU the design of the joists considering redistribution of torsional moments. 6.9.12 Example 6.12 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDW\SLFDOMRLVWLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKH DQG*UDGH MRLVWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the factored shear forces along the span 7KHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVKHDUIRUFHVIRUWKLVV\VWHP VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH 7KHPD[LPXPVKHDUIRUFHRFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW 7KHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGVRWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDUFDQEHWDNHQDGLVWDQFH IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHWUDQVYHUVHEHDP VHH)LJXUH Step 2 – Determine the required shear reinforcement Assuming at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided, with the axial force can be determined from the following equation Table 6.4 where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-100 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For Maximum spacing along the length of the joist. Because of the narrow width of the joist, provide single-leg stirrups. $VLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVSDFHGDW provides Figure 6.19 Figure 6.16 Table 6.6 Table 6.5 8VHVLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Stirrups are no longer required at the section where The length from the face of the sup, can be obtained from the following equation: port where stirrups are no longer required, Eq. (6.58) 8VHVLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDWERWKHQGVRIWKHMRLVWZLWKWKH¿UVWVWLUUXSORFDWHGLQ from the face of the transverse beam. , which is the minimum width of the sloping Comments. The shear calculations were performed using ZHE$QDYHUDJHRIWKHWRSDQGERWWRPULEZLGWKVFDQEHXVHGLQWKHFDOFXODWLRQVEXWEHFDXVHWKHVORSHLVWR little is gained by doing so. The reactions at the ends of the joists in the end spans cause torsional moments on the edge beams. No adjustment RIVKHDUIRUFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,KDYHEHHQFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH6HH([DPSOHIRUWKH design of the joists considering redistribution of torsional moments. 6.9.13 Example 6.13 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUDW\SLFDOMRLVWLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDOÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKH DQG*UDGH MRLVWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the flexural reinforcement details It is determined in Example 6.11 that the following reinforcement is required at the critical sections: • ([WHULRUQHJDWLYH#LQRQFHQWHU • 3RVLWLYHEDUV • )LUVWLQWHULRUQHJDWLYH#LQRQFHQWHU 7KHSURYLGHGQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVVDWLV¿HVWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-101 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\)LJXUHIRUEHDPVRWKHUWKDQSHULPHWHUEHDPVEHFDXVH the joist is subjected to uniformly distributed gravity loads. )RUVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJWKHERWWRPEDUVDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXVLQVWHDGRIFXWWLQJRIIDSRUWLRQRIWKHPWKHODWWHURI ZKLFKLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH$FFRUGLQJWR1RWHLQWKDW¿JXUHD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHGRYHUWKH supports. The required lap splice length is determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK )OH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH Step 2 – Determine the shear reinforcement details ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWVLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDUHDGHTXDWHIRUVKHDU VWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVZKLFKLVEHQWLQWRWKHSUR¿OHVKRZQLQ)LJXUH,WLVDWWDFKHGWRRQHRIWKHERWWRPEDUVRI the joist and has a standard hook at the top. 6KHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHMRLVWLQWKHHQGVSDQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH 7KHGHWDLOVVDWLVI\WKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,IRUEHDPVRWKHUWKDQSHULPHWHUEHDPVDQGFDQ be used for all joists. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-102 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 10Ԣ-0ԣ 13Ԣ-4ԣ A #5 @ 8ԣ 2Ԣ-4½ԣ #4 @ 10ԣ Standard hook ሺtyp.ሻ 2ԣ 2-#8 5Ԣ-2ԣ A 19-#4 stirrups @ 12ԣ ሺtyp.ሻ 2Ԣ-6ԣ 2Ԣ-8ԣ 39Ԣ-10ԣ 4½ԣ Other reinforcement not shown for clarity #5 @ 8ԣ 2Ԣ-0ԣ #4 single-leg stirrup 2-#8 7ԣ Section A-A Figure 6.47 Flexural reinforcement details for the joist in Example 6.13. ʹͺǤͷԣ ሺǤሻ ʹԣሺǤሻ ʹͲǦ͓ͶǦ̷ͳʹԣǤ Ǥ ሺǤሻ ʹԢǦԣ ͵ͻԢǦͳͲԣ ʹƍǦͺԣ Figure 6.48 Shear reinforcement details for the joist in Example 6.13. 6.9.14 Example 6.14 – Determination of Deflections: Joist in Building #2, Typical Floor, Joist is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHLPPHGLDWHDQGWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVIRUDW\SLFDOMRLVWLQDQHQGVSDQLQ%XLOGLQJDWDW\SLFDO ÀRRUOHYHODVVXPLQJWKHMRLVWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHWKHMRLVWLVQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHG WRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQVDQGSHUFHQWRIWKHOLYHORDGLVVXVWDLQHG$OVR DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW assume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-103 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the service loads and bending moments 7KHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIRUWKLVV\VWHP VHH6WHSLQ ([DPSOH $VXPPDU\RIWKHVHUYLFHGHDGDQGOLYHORDGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 6.32 Service Dead and Live Load Bending Moments (ft-kips) for the Joist in an End Span in Example 6.14 Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative The sustained positive and negative bending moments are the following: At the exterior support: $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Step 2 – Determine the material properties of the concrete and reinforcing steel Eq. (6.84) where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 ACI Eq. ( ACI Modular ratio Step 3 – Determine the gross and cracked moments of inertia (IIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKRIWKHMRLVW Step 2, Example 6.11 • Positive moment section 7KHJURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHMRLVWDWWKHSRVLWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-104 ܾ ൌ Ͳԣ ݕ௧ ൌ ʹͲǤͺԣ ݄ ൌ ʹͶԣ ݄ ൌ ͶΦԣ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܾ௪ ൌ ԣ Figure 6.49 Gross section of the joist at a positive moment section. The gross section properties of the joist are the following (not including the sloped portions of the web): Figure 6.35 )URP([DPSOHERWWRPEDUVDUHUHTXLUHG $VVXPLQJDUHFWDQJXODUFRPSUHVVLRQDUHDWKHFUDFNHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVDUHWKHIROORZLQJ VHH)LJXUH Figure 6.34 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-105 ݀ ൌ ʹǤͲԣ ܾ ൌ Ͳԣ ݇݀ ൌ ͵Ǥͳᇱᇱ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݊ܣ௦ Figure 6.50 Cracked transformed section of the joist at a positive moment section. Therefore, the assumption of a rectangular section is correct. Figure 6.34 • Negative moment section 7KHQHJDWLYHPRPHQWVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPLVWKHLQE\LQMRLVWZHE)URP([DPSOHWRSEDUVDW DQGWRSEDUVDWLQ LQRQFHQWHUDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKHH[WHULRUVXSSRUW RQFHQWHUDUHUHTXLUHGDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Figure 6.34 At the exterior support: $WWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-106 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Determine the effective moment of inertia The effective moment of inertia, , is determined by Eq. (6.88) for dead, sustained, and dead plus live load cases. • Positive moment section Therefore, Eq. (6.88) Therefore, Therefore, Eq. (6.88) • Negative moment section At the exterior support: Therefore, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-107 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, Therefore, AtWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, • Average effective moment of inertia Dead load: ACI Sustained load: Dead plus live load: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-108 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 5 – Determine the immediate deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection for live loads 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHLPPHGLDWHGHÀHFWLRQV Eq. (6.89) For continuous members: Table 6.19 where and Therefore, • Dead load • Sustained load • Dead plus live load • Live load )RUDÀRRUPHPEHUQRWVXSSRUWLQJRUDWWDFKHGWRQRQVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWVOLNHO\WREHGDPDJHGE\ODUJHGHÀHFWLRQV WKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHLPPHGLDWHOLYHORDGGHÀHFWLRQLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Table 6.21 Step 6 – Determine the time-dependent deflections and check the maximum permissible deflection $VVXPLQJDPRQWKGXUDWLRQRIORDGLQJZLWK : Eq. (6.90), Table 6.20 7KHWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRFUHHSDQGVKULQNDJHLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ Eq. (6.91) Table 6.21 7KHMRLVWLVQRWDGHTXDWHIRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQV Comments.,WLVDVVXPHGLQWKLVH[DPSOHWKDWWKHFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKHFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLV]HUR WKDWLV ,WFDQEHVKRZQWKHMRLVWLVDGHTXDWHIRUWLPHGHSHQGHQWGHÀHFWLRQVZKHQWKHFRPSUHVVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLV included in the analysis. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-109 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.9.15 Example 6.15 – Determination of Beam Size: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHVL]HRIDQHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZKHUHWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 MRLVWVLQE\LQFRUQHUFROXPQVDQGLQE\LQHGJHFROVHH)LJXUH $VVXPH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW umns. Also assume normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the beam depth based on serviceability requirements ACI Assume the beam is not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large GHÀHFWLRQV7KXVGHÀHFWLRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,QHHGQRWEHFDOFXODWHG The minimum beam depth is based on the end spans with a support condition of one end continuous: Table 6.1 %HFDXVHWKHEHDPVDUHSDUWRIDZLGHPRGXOHMRLVWV\VWHPZKHUHWKHRYHUDOOGHSWKRIWKHMRLVWVDUHLQWKH GHSWKRIWKHEHDPVLVWDNHQDVLQIRUIRUPZRUNHFRQRP\ Step 2 – Determine the beam width Assuming an initial estimate of determined by the following equation: with DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWWKHUHTXLUHG is Eq. (6.1) The largest along the spans is used to determine &RQVHUYDWLYHO\HVWLPDWHWKHIDFWRUHGGHDGORDGRIWKHEHDPZHEDVNLSIW Table 3.3 7KHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKLVEHDP VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH 6.16). Exterior spans: Interior spans: Maximum RFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUFROXPQLQDQHQGVSDQ Figure 4.3 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-110 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Approximate Therefore, )RUIRUPZRUNHFRQRP\XVHDLQZLGHEHDPZKLFKLVLQZLGHUWKDQWKHLQFRUQHUFROXPQLWIUDPHV LQWR VHH6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQRQJXLGHOLQHVIRUVL]LQJEHDPVIRUHFRQRP\ 8VHDLQE\LQEHDP 6.9.16 Example 6.16 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDQHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZKHUHWKH DQG*UDGH EHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the factored bending moments along the span &KHFNLIWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKLVV\VWHP • Members are prismatic • Loads are uniformly distributed • • 7KHUHDUHVSDQVZKLFKLVJUHDWHUWKDQVSDQV • All spans have the same length 7KHUHIRUHWKHVLPSOL¿HGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVLQ$&,FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDU forces. Exterior spans: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-111 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Interior spans: The factored bending moments are given in Table 6.33. Figure 4.3 Table 6.33 Factored Bending Moments for an Edge Beam in Example 6.16 (ft-kips) End Span Exterior Negative Positive Interior Span First Interior Negative Positive Step 2 – Determine the effective flange width of the beam Interior Negative ACI )RUDQHGJHEHDPWKHHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK , is equal to the following: Figure 6.10 Step 3 – Determine the required flexural reinforcement at the critical sections $WQHJDWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQWHQVLRQ UHTXLUHG single layer of tension reinforcement: is determined by the following assuming a Eq. (6.34) Eq. (6.33) where Figure 6.11 $WSRVLWLYHPRPHQWFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV ÀDQJHLQFRPSUHVVLRQ GHWHUPLQHWKHGHSWKRIWKHHTXLYDOHQWVWUHVVEORFN , in Table 6.33 (which results in the largest ): assuming rectangular section behavior using the largest positive Eq. (6.33) where Because with WKHVHFWLRQEHKDYHVDVDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQDQG(TV DQG FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH VHH)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-112 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH$OOVHFWLRQVDUHWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGEHFDXVH Table 6.34 Required Flexural Reinforcement for the Edge Beam in Example 6.16 Location Mu (ft-kips) Exterior negative End span Positive First interior negative Positive Interior span *Min. 363.3 Negative Rn (psi) As (in2)* 3.68 [Eq. (6.35)] Max. [Eq. (6.38)] ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWWRUVLRQDOHIIHFWVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUWKLVHGJHEHDP7KXVWKHÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ7DEOHPXVWEHFRPELQHGZLWKWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWRUVLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ ([DPSOH7KHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ([DPSOH 6.9.17 Example 6.17 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDQHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZKHUHWKH DQG*UDGH EHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the factored shear forces along the span 7KHPD[LPXPVKHDUIRUFHRFFXUVDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWLQDQHQGVSDQIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH 7KHFRQGLWLRQVLQ$&,DUHVDWLV¿HGVRWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQIRUVKHDUFDQEHWDNHQDGLVWDQFH IURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW VHH)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-113 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the required transverse reinforcement for shear Assuming at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided, force is determined from the following with the axial Table 6.4 where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 For Maximum spacing along the length of the beam. Figure 6.19 It is determined in Example 6.18 that torsional effects must be considered for this edge beam. Thus, the shear reinforcement calculated in this example must be combined with the transverse torsional reinforcement, which is deWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOH7KHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHWRWDOUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ([DPSOH 6.19. 6.9.18 Example 6.18 – Determination of Torsion Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Second-Floor Level, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWRUVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDQHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOZKHUHWKH DQG*UDGH EHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the factored torsional moments along the span The wide-module joist system framing into the edge beam produces a uniform torsional load along the length of the beam. The torsional load is caused by the shear forces and bending moments transferred from the joists to the beam VHH)LJXUH 7KHGHDGORDGRIWKHMRLVWVDQGWKHVXSHULPSRVHGGHDGORDGDQGOLYHORDGRQWKHMRLVWVPXVWEH considered: The factored shear and bending moments at the end of the joists per foot width of joists are determined using Figure The total uniform torsional load on the edge beam is equal to the sum of the torsional loads due to @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-114 and Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͳ ͳͶԣ ͶǤͷԣ ͳͶԣ Ǥͳ Τ ࢚࢛ ݐ௨ ൌ Ǥͳ ൈ ൬ ͳͷԣ ͳ͵ԣ ʹͶԣ ʹͲǤʹ ǦΤ ͳͷǤͲ ൰൨ ʹͲǤʹ ൌ ʹǤͺ ǦΤ ͳʹ ʹԣ Figure 6.51 Reactions on the edge beam in Example 6.18. $VVXPLQJWKHHQGVRIWKHHGJHEHDPDUH¿[HGDJDLQVWURWDWLRQE\WKHFROXPQVWKHIDFWRUHGWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWDWWKH face of each end of the beam due to is equal the following: where the longest clear span is used to calculate ACI Step 2 – Determine if torsional effects must be considered Torsion can be neglected where the factored torsional moment from analysis is less than the threshold torsion: Eq. (6.3) 'HWHUPLQHWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJHZLGWK , permitted to be used in the calculation of and : Eq. (6.4) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-115 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7RUVLRQDOVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVLQFOXGLQJWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJH Figure 6.3 7RUVLRQDOVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVZLWKRXWWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJH Because ÀDQJHXVH IRUWKHEHDPZLWKWKHRYHUKDQJLQJÀDQJHLVOHVVWKDQWKDWIRUWKHEHDPZLWKRXWWKHRYHUKDQJLQJ >$&, E @ Therefore, torsional effects must be considered. Because the edge beam is part of indeterminate system in which redistribution of internal forces can occur following torsional cracking, the maximum factored torsional moment at the critical section need not exceed the cracking torsional moment: ACI This redistribution is equivalent to reducing the factored distributed torsional loading on the edge beam to the following: Step 3 – Adjust the bending moments and shear forces in the joists in the end spans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¿UVWLQWHULRUEHDP The design bending moments in the joists per foot width of joist after adjustment are obtained at the critical sections by algebraically combining the bending moments prior to adjustment with those due to redistribution (see Figure @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-116 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͳ ʹ ͳ ͳʹǤͻΤͷ ൌ ͵ͶǤ ͳԣ ʹǤͺ ͳͲͲǤͻΤͷ ൌ ʹͲǤʹ ʹͲͳǤ͵Τͷ ൌ ͶͲǤ͵ ͳͻᇱ ǦͳΦԣ ͵ͻᇱ ǦͳͲԣ ͳԣ ͳԣ ʹǤͺ െ ͺǤͷ ൌ ͳͻǤ͵ ͳͺǤͷ Ǥ͵ ͺǤͺ ͳͻǤ͵Τʹ ൌ ͻǤ ͵ͶǤ Ǥ͵ ൌ ͶͲǤͻ ʹͲǤʹ െ ͳͺǤͷ ൌ ͳǤ ͶͲǤ͵ ͺǤͺ ൌ ͶͻǤͳ Figure 6.52 Bending moments in a joist in an end span (ft-kips/ft). 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWEDVHGRQWKHGHVLJQEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQ)LJXUHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH WKHQXPEHUVLQSDUHQWKHVHVXQGHUWKH FROXPQDUHWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDVRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWSULRUWR DGMXVWPHQWRIWKHWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWV VHH([DPSOH $VH[SHFWHGWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHFUHDVHVDWWKH H[WHULRUQHJDWLYHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQDQGLQFUHDVHVDWWKHRWKHUWZRFULWLFDOVHFWLRQV7KHQXPEHUDQGVL]HRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHDOVRJLYHQLQ7DEOHDORQJZLWKWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVVHOHFWHGLQ([DPSOHZKLFKDUHJLYHQLQ SDUHQWKHVHV$WWKHH[WHULRUQHJDWLYHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQEDUVDUHXVHGWRVDWLVI\VSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-117 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 6.35 Required Flexural Reinforcement for the Joist in the End Span in Example 6.18 Rn (psi) As (in2)* Reinforcement Exterior negative #Ǝ #Ǝ Positive First interior negative #Ǝ #Ǝ Location *Min. Mu (ft-kips) [Eq. (6.35)] Max. Eq. [(6.38)] 7KHPD[LPXPGHVLJQVKHDUIRUFHDIWHUUHGLVWULEXWLRQRFFXUVDWWKHIDFHRIWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUW Assuming at least minimum shear reinforcement is provided, with the axial force can be determined from the following equation Table 6.4 where for normalweight concrete. Table 6.2 For Maximum spacing along the length of the joist. Because of the narrow width of the joist, provide single-leg stirrups. $VLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVSDFHGDW provides Figure 6.19 Figure 6.16 Table 6.6 Table 6.5 8VHVLQJOHOHJVWLUUXSVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU determined prior to redistribution. which is the same shear reinforcement @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-118 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Check the adequacy of the cross-sectional dimensions of the beam $VVXPLQJLQFOHDUFRYHUWRFORVHGVWLUUXSV Figure 6.17 )URP6WHS )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH at the critical section. at the critical section. )URP6WHSLQ([DPSOH Eq. (6.31) Therefore, the cross-sectional dimensions are adequate. Step 5 – Determine the required transverse reinforcement for torsion Eq. (6.60) Step 6 – Determine the required longitudinal reinforcement for torsion Eq. (6.61) Eq. (6.62) Use The transverse and longitudinal for torsion are combined with the transverse reinforcement required for shear and WKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUH VHH([DPSOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-119 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6.9.19 Example 6.19 – Design for Combined Flexure, Shear, and Torsion: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HVLJQWKHHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOIRUWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVGXHWRÀH[XUHVKHDUDQG WRUVLRQDVVXPLQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the total transverse reinforcement 7KHWRWDOUHTXLUHGDUHDRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWSHUVWLUUXSOHJLVHTXDOWRWKDWUHTXLUHGIRUVKHDU ([DPSOH plus that required for torsion (Example 6.18): )RUFORVHGVWLUUXSVWKHUHTXLUHGVSDFLQJDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQLVHTXDOWRWKHIROORZLQJ ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDW Therefore, the maximum spacing of the transverse reinforcement is equal to the following: Determine the location where the maximum stirrup spacing can be used. 7U\DVHFWLRQORFDWHGIWIURPWKHIDFHRIWKHVXSSRUW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-120 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHUHIRUHWKHFORVHGVWLUUXSVFDQEHVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDWDGLVWDQFHHTXDOWRDSSUR[LPDWHO\IWIURP the face of the column. The distance from the face of the support where transverse reinforcement is no longer required for shear is deterPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Eq. (6.57) ͳ κ Τʹ ൌ ʹǤͷΤʹ ൌ ͳ͵ǤͷԢ ͳǤͲԣ ݔ௦ȁ௦ ൌ ͳͳǤͳԢ ݀ ൌ ʹǤͲԣ ܚ܉܍ܐ܁ሺܛܘܑܓሻ ܸ௨ ൌ ߶ߣඥ݂ᇱ ܾ௪ ݀ ൌ ͵ǤͲ ͳͲǤͶ ͳʹ͵Ǥ͵ ݔ௧ȁ௧௦ ൌ ͳͷǤԢ ሺܾ௧ ݀ሻ ൌ ͶǤԢ ݔ௦ȁ௧௦ ൌ ͳͲǤͻԢ ܖܗܑܛܚܗ܂ሺܜǦǦܛܘܑܓሻ ܶ௨ ൌ ߶ܶ௧ ൌ ʹͶǤ ͻͺǤͺ Figure 6.53 Shear and torsion diagrams in an end span for the edge beam in Example 6.19. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-121 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Similarly, the distance from the face of the support where transverse reinforcement is no longer required for torsion LVGHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH The transverse reinforcement for torsion must extend a distance past the location it is no longer required: ACI Therefore, torsion requirements govern over the entire length of the beam. Because closed stirrups are required Step 2 – Determine the total longitudinal reinforcement 7KHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH This reinforcement must be distributed around the perimeter of the From Step 6 in Example 6.18, EHDPZLWKDPD[LPXPVSDFLQJRILQDQGPXVWEHFRPELQHGZLWKWKDWUHTXLUHGIRUÀH[XUH7KXVDVVLJQ to each face. 8VHEDUVRQHDFKVLGHIDFHRIWKHEHDP $VVXPLQJWRSDQGERWWRPORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKFORVHGVWLUUXSVDQGLQFOHDUFRYHU Figure 6.28 &KHFNWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI$&, Figure 6.28 where the largest spacing of the transverse reinforcement, is used to check this requirement. The remaining longitudinal reinforcement for torsion is distributed equally between the top and bottom of the section: • Exterior negative: 8VHEDUV • Positive: 8VHEDUV • First interior negative: 8VHEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-122 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The provided number of bars at all locations also satisfy maximum and minimum spacing requirements (see Table 6.8 and Table 6.9, respectively). 6.9.20 Example 6.20 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHHGJHEHDPLQ%XLOGLQJDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHODVVXPand LQJWKHEHDPLVQRWSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the flexural reinforcement details It is determined in Example 6.19 that the following reinforcement is required at the critical sections in the end span: • ([WHULRUQHJDWLYHEDUV • 3RVLWLYHEDUV • )LUVWLQWHULRUQHJDWLYHEDUV $OVREDUVDUHUHTXLUHGRQHDFKVLGHIDFH 7KHSURYLGHGQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDWDOOFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVVDWLV¿HVWKHPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH6WHSLQ([DPSOH It is determined in Example 6.19 that the transverse torsion reinforcement must be provided over the entire span of the beam. Consequently, the longitudinal torsional reinforcement must also be provided over the entire span (ACI 7KHOHQJWKVRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQ)LJXUHDUHQRWDSSOLFDEOHLQWKLVH[DPSOHEHFDXVHRIWRUVLRQ $OVRWKHWRSEDUVUHTXLUHGDWWKH¿UVWLQWHULRUVXSSRUWDUHPDGHFRQWLQXRXVRYHUWKHHQWLUHVSDQ $&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHGRYHUWKHVXSSRUWVIRUWKHERWWRPEDUV7KHUHTXLUHGODSVSOLFHOHQJWKLV determined as follows: ACI Eq. ( 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHDVIROORZV ACI Table For normalweight concrete, )RU*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW For uncoated reinforcing bars, )RUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV )RUOHVVWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHFDVWEHORZWKHSRVLWLYHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Set ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-123 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, ACI Table 3URYLGHDIWLQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK Step 2 – Determine the transverse reinforcement details ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWFORVHGVWLUUXSVPXVWEHSURYLGHGRYHUWKHHQWLUHVSDQRIWKHEHDP $VVXPLQJRQO\RXWHUVWLUUXSOHJVDUHSURYLGHGFKHFNWKHVSDFLQJDFURVVWKHZLGWKRIWKHEHDP Figure 6.19 7KHUHIRUHSURYLGHDFURVVWLHWRVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVSDFLQJRIWKHVWLUUXSVDFURVVWKHZLGWKRIWKHEHDP Based on the calculations in Example 6.19, provide the following closed stirrup arrangements over the length of the beam: • FORVHGVWLUUXSVZLWKFURVVWLHVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUZLWKWKH¿UVWFORVHGVWLUUXSORFDWHGLQ from the face of the column • FORVHGVWLUUXSVZLWKFURVVWLHVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUZLWKLQWKHFHQWHUSRUWLRQRIWKHEHDP 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKHEHDPLQWKHHQGVSDQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHGHWDLOVVDWLVI\WKHVWUXFWXUDOLQWHJULW\UHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,IRUSHULPHWHUEHDPVDQGFDQEHXVHGIRUDOOHGJHEHDPV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-124 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 2ᇱ -8ᇱᇱ 2ᇱ -4ᇱᇱ 6-#9 5-#9 16-#4 stirrups @ 5ԣ A 4ᇱ -0ᇱᇱ 2-#5 15-#4 stirrups @ 11ԣ ᇱ 16-#4 stirrups @ 5ԣ 2ᇱᇱ ᇱᇱ 27 -6 4.5ᇱᇱ Other reinforcement not shown for clarity 6-#9 2-#5 2Ԣ-0ᇱᇱ 2ᇱᇱ A #4 stirrups 5-#9 ᇱ ᇱᇱ 2 -6 ۯ ܖܗܑܜ܋܍܁--ۯ Figure 6.54 Reinforcement details for the edge beam in Examples 6.15 through 6.20. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-125 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 6-126 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 7 COLUMNS 7.1 Overview 7KHSULPDU\IXQFWLRQRIDFROXPQLVWRVXSSRUWD[LDOIRUFHVIURPÀRRUDQGURRIJUDYLW\ORDGVDQGWRWUDQVIHUWKRVH forces to a structural element below (such as a transfer beam or a foundation system). Columns not part of the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) of the building resist primarily axial compression forces due to gravity loads; bending moments and shear forces from gravity loads must also be resisted, but these reactions are usually relatively small, especially for interior columns. Columns in moment frames designated to part of the LFRS must be designed IRUWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVRIÀH[XUHDQGD[LDOIRUFHVDQGWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJVKHDUIRUFHV6OHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVPD\ need to be considered in the design of a column regardless of whether the column is part of the LFRS or not. The design and detailing of cast-in-place concrete columns with nonprestressed reinforcement (longitudinal and WUDQVYHUVH DUHFRYHUHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU3URYLVLRQVIRUFROXPQVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHUZKLFKDUHDSSOLFDEOHWR members in buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) A and B. 7.2 Dimensional Limits 1RPLQLPXPVL]HVDUHH[SOLFLWO\UHTXLUHGLQ$&,IRUFROXPQVLQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR6'&$WKURXJK&+RZever, there are some practical constructability issues that need to be considered, which have a direct impact on the FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQV,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVFDQ¿WZLWKLQWKHFURVVVHFWLRQFRQVLGHULQJWKHPLQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DQGWKHPLQLPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,7KH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVDQGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVL]HVPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRPLQLPL]HUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQJHVWLRQ especially at beam-column or slab-column joints. It is also important to verify that the requirements for transverse UHLQIRUFHPHQW WLHVRUVSLUDOV DUHVDWLV¿HG7KHUHIRUHLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRXVHDWOHDVWDLQFROXPQGLPHQVLRQ IRUUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQVDQGDWOHDVWDLQGLDPHWHUIRUFLUFXODUFROXPQV For columns that have cross-sectional dimensions larger than required to resist the factored loads (like those in the XSSHUÀRRUVRIDEXLOGLQJ LWLVSHUPLWWHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHPLQLPXPORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLREDVHGRQWKH UHTXLUHGFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDUDWKHUWKDQWKHSURYLGHGFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHD $&, 7KHSURYLGHGDUHDRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQVXFKFDVHVPXVWQRWEHOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIWKHDFWXDOFURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIWKHFROumn. This requirement is not applicable to columns that are part of a special moment frame or that must be designed LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, FROXPQVQRWSDUWRIWKHVHLVPLFIRUFHUHVLVWLQJV\VWHP Where columns are built integrally with concrete walls, the cross-sectional area to be used in the design of the colwhere and are the cross-sectional dimensions (in inches) umn must not exceed an area equal to RIWKHFROXPQFRUHPHDVXUHGWRWKHRXWVLGHHGJHVRIWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&,VHH)LJXUH ,QFDVHVZKHUH$&,RUKDYHEHHQDSSOLHGWKHDFWXDOFURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHFROXPQ must be used in the structural analysis of the building and in the design of any members that interact with the colXPQ $&, 7.3 Required Strength 7.3.1 Analysis Methods Overview 7KHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&,&KDSWHULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUDUHWR EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK VHH$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ Axial forces, bending moments, shear forces, and torsional moments on a reinforced concrete column, including the HIIHFWVRIVOHQGHUQHVVZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH $&, FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܾଵ ͵ԣ ܾଶ ܾଶ ͵ԣ ܾଵ Figure 7.1 Reinforced concrete column built integrally with a concrete wall. Linear Elastic First-Order Analysis ,QDOLQHDUHODVWLF¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVUHDFWLRQVLQWKHVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVDUHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHXQGHIRUPHG JHRPHWU\RIWKHVWUXFWXUHVOHQGHUQHVV VHFRQGRUGHU HIIHFWVZKLFKFDQKDYHDVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFHRQWKHGHsign strength of columns, are not explicitly accounted for in the analysis. Where applicable, slenderness effects in FROXPQVPD\EHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPDJQL¿HGPRPHQWPHWKRGLQ$&,XVLQJWKHUHVXOWVIURPWKH¿UVWRUGHU DQDO\VLV VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Linear Elastic Second-Order Analysis In a linear elastic second-order analysis, it is assumed the structure remains elastic and second-order effects are LQKHUHQWO\DFFRXQWHGIRULQWKHDQDO\VLV WKDWLVHTXDWLRQVRIHTXLOLEULXPDUHVDWLV¿HGXVLQJWKHGHIRUPHGVKDSHRI the structure). The effects of cracking along the length of the members and creep must be considered in the analysis VHH$&, :KHUHDSSOLFDEOHVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVRQFROXPQVPD\EHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGIRUQRQVZD\IUDPHVLQ$&,XVLQJWKHUHVXOWVIURPWKHVHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLV $&, The method for nonsway frames is applicable because a second-order analysis inherently accounts for the relative displacements of the ends of the members. Inelastic Analysis In an inelastic analysis, nonlinear stress-strain response of the materials in the structure and compatibility of deforPDWLRQVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHG $&, (TXLOLEULXPPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGLQWKHXQGHIRUPHGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZKHUH DQLQHODVWLF¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVLVXVHGRULQWKHGHIRUPHGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZKHUHDQLQHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLV is used. It must be demonstrated that the results from an inelastic analysis are in substantial agreement with results IURPWHVWV $&, /LNHLQWKHFDVHRIDOLQHDUHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLVVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVRQFROXPQV DUHSHUPLWWHGWREHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGIRUQRQVZD\IUDPHVLQ$&,XVLQJWKH results from the inelastic analysis (ACI Finite Element Analysis $¿QLWHHOHPHQWDQDO\VLVFRQIRUPLQJWRWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,FDQEHXVHGWRDQDO\]HHVVHQWLDOO\DQ\UHLQIRUFHG concrete structure provided an appropriate model is constructed (ACI 6.9). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQSURFHGXUHWHQGVWRJLYHPRUHFRQVHUYDWLYHUHVXOWVWKDQWKRVHREWDLQHGIURPDPRUHUHat the ends of the ¿QHGDQDO\VLV5HJDUGOHVVRIWKHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGWKHPD[LPXPIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWV of any structural PHPEHUVRIDIUDPHPXVWEHOLPLWHGWRHQVXUHWKHVWUXFWXUHLVVWDEOH$FFRUGLQJWR$&, PHPEHUREWDLQHGIURPDQDQDO\VLVLQFOXGLQJVHFRQGRUGHUHIIHFWVGXHWRVOHQGHUQHVVPXVWQRWH[FHHGSHUFHQWRI WKHPRPHQWREWDLQHGIURPD¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLV Section Properties :KHQSHUIRUPLQJD¿UVWRUGHURUDQHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLVWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVLQ$&, may be used in lieu of a more sophisticated analysis to account for member cracking and other effects. The reduced moments of inertia in ACI Table and the alternative moments of inertia in ACI Table for YDULRXVVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHDQG7DEOHUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ 7DEOHDUHEDVHGRQDQDQDO\VLVZKHUHVWUHQJWKOHYHO IDFWRUHG ORDGVDUHXVHG)RUDQDQDO\VLVEDVHGRQVHUYLFH OHYHOORDGVLWLVSHUPLWWHGWRXVHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDHTXDOWRWLPHVWKHYDOXHVLQ7DEOHSURYLGHGWKH moments of inertia do not exceed the gross moments of inertia $&, Table 7.1 Moments of Inertia to Use in a Linear Elastic First-Order or Second-Order Analysis Using StrengthLevel Loads Member Moment of Inertia Columns :DOOVņXQFUDFNHG :DOOVņFUDFNHG Beams )ODWSODWHVDQGÀDWVODEV Table 7.2 Alternative Moments of Inertia to Use in a Linear Elastic First-Order or Second-Order Analysis Using Strength-Level or Service-Level Loads Member Moment of Inertia* Columns and walls %HDPVÀDWSODWHVDQGÀDWVODEV *For a service-level load analysis, use service-level axial force and moment effects in the equation for columns and walls. 7KHPRUHUH¿QHGHTXDWLRQVIRUUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHLQFOXGHWKH IDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFH RQDFROXPQIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQXQGHUFRQVLGHUDWLRQ QRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWKDW and factored moment, These ]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ DQG DUHDRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW equations are applicable for strength-level and service-level loading, even though they are presented in terms of factored load effects. For service-level analysis, the factored load effects are replaced by the corresponding servicelevel load effects. Regardless of the equations used to determine moment of inertias, the gross area of the section, the analysis. Also, the cross-sectional area for calculation of shear deformations is is to be used in @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,QOLHXRIWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,LWLVSHUPLWWHGWRDVVXPHLQD¿UVWRUGHUIDFWRUHGODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLVWKDW DOOWKHPHPEHUVLQDVWUXFWXUHKDYHDUHGXFHGPRPHQWRILQHUWLDHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHJURVVPRPHQWRILQHUWLD $&, $PRUHGHWDLOHGDQDO\VLVFRQVLGHULQJWKHHIIHFWLYHVWLIIQHVVRIDOOPHPEHUVLVDOVRSHUPLWWHG 7.3.2 Factored Axial Force and Moment Axial forces and bending moments at the ends of a column are obtained from an analysis of the structure. When designing a reinforced concrete column, it is not always obvious which load combination for combined factored and bending moment governs. Therefore, each applicable factored load combination must be axial force FRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQ $&, 7.3.3 Slenderness Effects Overview &ROXPQVFDQJHQHUDOO\EHFODVVL¿HGDV³VKRUWFROXPQV´DQG³VOHQGHUFROXPQV´7KHWHUP³VKRUWFROXPQ´LVRIWHQ used to indicate a column with a strength equal to that computed for its cross-section. In such cases, strength can be represented by an interaction diagram, which is constructed based on the geometric and material properties of the VHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUHDQG6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ,IDFROXPQGRHVQRWGHÀHFWODWHUDOO\DQ\FRPELQDtion of axial force and bending moment falling outside of the interaction curve is assumed to cause failure. This is commonly referred to as a material failure. For purposes of design, a column has adequate strength when all the IDFWRUHGFRPELQDWLRQVRID[LDOIRUFHDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWREWDLQHGIURPDQHODVWLF¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVRIWKHIUDPH fall within or on the design strength interaction curve. ܲ݁ ܲȟ Axial Force, P Short column Slender column, material failure Slender column, instability failure Bending Moment, M Figure 7.2 Impact of slenderness effects on design strength of columns. $³VOHQGHUFROXPQ´LVGH¿QHGDVDFROXPQZKRVHVWUHQJWKLVUHGXFHGE\VHFRQGRUGHUGHIRUPDWLRQVGXHWRKRUL]RQWDOGLVSODFHPHQWV6HFRQGDU\HIIHFWVFDXVHGE\KRUL]RQWDOGHÀHFWLRQDUHFRPPRQO\UHIHUUHGWRDV3GHOWDHIIHFWV&RQVLGHUWKHLGHDOL]HGFROXPQLQ)LJXUHZKLFKLVSDUWRIDIUDPH7KHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDWWKHHQGVRI where is the axial force on the column and is the corresponding eccentricity. the column are equal to %HFDXVHRIWKHDSSOLHGORDGLQJWKHFROXPQGLVSODFHVKRUL]RQWDOO\E\DQDPRXQWHTXDOWR 7KLVGHÀHFWLRQFDXVHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete an additional (or secondary) moment, which is equal to Thus, the total moment in the column is equal to the SOXVWKHPRPHQWFDXVHGE\WKHKRUL]RQWDOGHÀHFWLRQRIWKHPHPEHU moment caused by the applied loading 7KLVWRWDOPRPHQWDQGLWVHIIHFWRQFROXPQVWUHQJWKLVGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUH GHQRWHGDV³6OHQGHUFROXPQ PDWHULDOIDLOXUH´LQWKH¿JXUH ܲ ܲ ܯൌ ܲ݁ ܯൌ ܲ݁ ȟ ܯൌ ܲሺ݁ ȟሻ ܲ ܯൌ ܲ݁ ܲ Figure 7.3 P-delta effects in a column. ,QWKHFDVHRIYHU\VOHQGHUFROXPQVLWLVSRVVLEOHIRUWKHGHÀHFWLRQ WRLQFUHDVHLQGH¿QLWHO\ZLWKDQLQFUHDVHLQ the axial force 7KLVW\SHRIIDLOXUHLVNQRZQDV³LQVWDELOLW\IDLOXUH´ZKLFKJHQHUDOO\RFFXUVDWDQD[LDOIRUFHOHVV WKDQWKDWFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRPDWHULDOIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH Slenderness effects can be neglected in columns with slenderness ratios less than or equal to the limiting values in $&,,QIRUPDWLRQRQKRZWRGHWHUPLQHVOHQGHUQHVVUDWLRVDQGKRZWRGHVLJQIRUWKHHIIHFWVRIVOHQGHUQHVVDUH covered below. Columns in Nonsway and Sway Frames 6ZD\LQEXLOGLQJVGXHWRODWHUDORURWKHUIRUFHVFDQKDYHDVXEVWDQWLDOLQÀXHQFHRQVHFRQGRUGHUHIIHFWVLQFROXPQV It is common for secondary effects to increase with increasing sway. Distinguishing between columns in nonsway frames and those in sway frames can usually be done by comparing the total lateral stiffness of the columns in a VWRU\WRWKDWRIWKHEUDFLQJHOHPHQWV0RPHQWIUDPHEXLOGLQJVDUHW\SLFDOO\ODWHUDOO\ÀH[LEOHDQGWKHFROXPQVDUH more susceptible to secondary effects than those in a frame with structural walls. Methods to determine whether a column is in a nonsway frame (braced against sidesway) or in a sway frame (not EUDFHGDJDLQVWVLGHVZD\ DUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQG7KHFRQGLWLRQVIRUFROXPQVLQDQRQVZD\IUDPHDUH JLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.3 Conditions for Columns in a Nonsway Frame (Braced Against Sidesway) ACI Section No. Condition Bracing elements (for example, moment frames or walls) resisting lateral movement of a story have a total stiffness times the gross lateral stiffness of the columns in that story in the direction of analysis. Increase in column end moments due to second-order effects end moments. SHUFHQWRIWKH¿UVWRUGHU :KHUHIDFWRUHGORDGVDUHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQRIDIUDPHVWDELOLW\LQGH[ IRUDVWRU\VDWLV¿HVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ where total factored vertical load in the story ¿UVWRUGHUUHODWLYHODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHWRSDQGERWWRPRIWKHVWRU\ IDFWRUHGKRUL]RQWDOVWRU\VKHDULQDVWRU\ length of the columns measured center-to-center of the joints in the frame :KHUHVHUYLFHORDGVDUHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQRIDIUDPHVWDELOLW\LQGH[ IRUDVWRU\VDWLV¿HVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ where total service dead and live axial loads in the story ¿UVWRUGHUVHUYLFHOHYHOUHODWLYHODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHWRSDQG bottom of the story service-level story shear in the equation is the moment in a story due to the axial loads being The numerator GXHWRWKHKRUL]RQWDOVWRU\VKHDU VHH)LJXUH 7KHVXPRIWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOORDGV displaced an amount must correspond to the lateral loading case for which this sum is the greatest. The denominator in the story, in the equation for is the overall moment in a story due to ȭܲ௨ ȟ κ ܸ௨௦ Figure 7.4 Definition of stability index, :KHUHWKHFRQGLWLRQVLQ7DEOHDUHQRWPHWWKHFROXPQVDUHFRQVLGHUHGWREHLQDVZD\IUDPH WKDWLVLQDIUDPH not braced against sidesway). In general, a frame may contain both nonsway and sway columns and stories. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Consideration of Slenderness Effects Whether slenderness effects need to be considered or not for nonsway and sway frames depends on the slenderness 7KHWHUPVLQWKHVOHQGHUQHVVUDWLRDUHGH¿QHGLQ7DEOH VHH$&, ratio of the column, Table 7.4 Slenderness Ratio, kℓu / r Nonsway Frames Sway Frames Unsupported length, LVWKHFOHDUGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQÀRRUVODEVEHDPVRU other members capable of providing lateral support in the direction of analysis. Radius of gyration, is permitted to be calculated by the following: for rectangular columns where is the dimension of the column in the direction of analysis for circular columns where is the diameter of the column is determined based on the stiffness ratio, at the ends of the column. This ratio is The effective length factor, GHWHUPLQHGE\GLYLGLQJWKHVXPRIWKHVWLIIQHVVHVRIWKHFROXPQVDWDMRLQWE\WKHVXPRIWKHVWLIIQHVVHVRIWKHÀH[ural members framing into that joint in the direction of analysis: (7.1) In this equation, LVWKHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIWKHFRQFUHWHZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, LVWKHPRPHQWRILQHUWLDRIWKHFROXPQRUÀH[XUDOPHPEHU is the length of the columns measured center-tocenter of the joints in the frame; and LVWKHOHQJWKRIWKHÀH[XUDOPHPEHUVPHDVXUHGFHQWHUWRFHQWHURIWKHMRLQWV The stiffness ratio LVGHWHUPLQHGDWERWKWKHWRSDQGERWWRPRIDFROXPQ7KHFKDUWLQ$&,)LJXUH5 D IRU QRQVZD\IUDPHVDQGLQ$&,)LJXUH5 E IRUVZD\IUDPHVFDQEHXVHGWRJUDSKLFDOO\REWDLQ by drawing a at the top of the column to the stiffness ratio at the bottom of the column. The line from the stiffness ratio The charts in ACI Figure value of is obtained from the chart at the location where the line crosses the 5DUHEDVHGRQWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOH Table 7.5 Equations for Stiffness Ratio, Ȍ Nonsway frames Sway frames The unsupported length of a column, LVWKHFOHDUGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQÀRRUVODEVEHDPVRURWKHUHOHPHQWVFDSDEOH RISURYLGLQJODWHUDOVXSSRUWLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV)RUH[DPSOHWKHEHDPLQ)LJXUHSURYLGHVODWHUDOVXSSRUW which to the top of the column in the direction parallel to the x-axis, and the unsupported length is equal to @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݕ ሺκ௨ ሻଵ ሺκ௨ ሻଶ ݔ Figure 7.5 Unsupported column length with beams and slabs. is the distance from the bottom of the beam to the top of the slab at the bottom of the column. This beam does not is the distance from provide lateral support to the column parallel to the y-direction, so the unsupported length the bottom of the slab at the top of the column to the top of the slab at the bottom of the column. 7KHXQVXSSRUWHGFROXPQOHQJWKIRUFROXPQVZLWKFDSLWDOVRUKDXQFKHVLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHRID is measured from the top of the slab at the bottom of the column to the lower excolumn capital. In this case, tremity of the capital. 6OHQGHUQHVVOLPLWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, D IRUFROXPQVQRWEUDFHGDJDLQVWVLGHVZD\DQGLQ$&, E IRU FROXPQVEUDFHGDJDLQVWVLGHVZD\6OHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHQHJOHFWHGZKHQWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOH DUHVDWLV¿HG Table 7.6 Limits for Slenderness Effects Column Bracing Condition Slenderness Ratios Where Slenderness is Permitted to Be Neglected Not braced against sidesway (sway) Braced against sidesway (nonsway) *Ratio is negative if a column is bent in single curvature and is positive if a column is bent in double curvature. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-8 κ௨ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 7.6 Unsupported length of a column with a capital. Because columns braced against sidesway are more stable when bent in double curvature, the limiting slenderness ratio is larger than that for columns bent in single curvature. 7KHOLPLWLQJYDOXHVRIWKHVOHQGHUQHVVUDWLRVLQ7DEOHDUHEDVHGRQDSHUFHQWLQFUHDVHLQPRPHQWVGXHWRVOHQderness effects, which is considered to be acceptable. Minimum column dimensions so that slenderness effects need not be considered as a function of the unsupported DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHPLQLPXPGLPHQVLRQVIRUFROXPQVEUDFHGDJDLQVWVLGHVZD\DUHEDVHG column length, for columns bent in double curvature where For columns not braced against sidesway, on Tabulated minimum column dimensions are rounded up to the minimum column dimensions are based on the next whole even numbers. Table 7.7 Minimum Column Dimensions to Neglect Slenderness Unsupported Column Length, ℓu (ft) 8 9 Minimum Column Dimension (in.) Column Bracing Condition Rectangular (c1 ) Circular Braced against sidesway 8 Not braced against sidesway Braced against sidesway 8 Not braced against sidesway Braced against sidesway Not braced against sidesway Braced against sidesway Not braced against sidesway @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Minimum column dimensions to neglect slenderness for columns braced against sidesway are small; the dimensions DUHDWPRVWHTXDOWRWKHPLQLPXPSUDFWLFDOGLPHQVLRQVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ7KHUHIRUHVOHQGHUness effects typically do not need to be considered for columns braced against sidesway in buildings with typical VWRU\KHLJKWV,QWDOOHUEXLOGLQJVVKHDUZDOOVRUDFRPELQDWLRQRIVKHDUZDOOVDQGPRPHQWIUDPHVDUHRIWHQXWLOL]HG which essentially brace the columns against sidesway. Columns not braced against sidesway most often occur in low-rise buildings without walls where the lateral displacements are usually relatively small. Thus, second-order effects are typically negligible even if column dimenVLRQVDUHVPDOOHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPGLPHQVLRQVLQ7DEOH Slenderness effects usually need to be considered where the cross-sectional dimensions of a column are limited due WRDUFKLWHFWXUDORURWKHUFRQVWUDLQWVDQGRUWKHXQVXSSRUWHGOHQJWKRIWKHFROXPQLVUHODWLYHO\ORQJ Moment Magnification Method Overview 7KHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGLQ$&,LVDQDSSUR[LPDWHPHWKRGWKDWDFFRXQWVIRUVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVE\ PDJQLI\LQJWKHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDWWKHHQGVRIDFROXPQREWDLQHGIURPD¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLV,QJHQHUDODVOHQGHU FROXPQPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVIURPIDFWRUHGD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDQGPDJQL¿HGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVZKLFKDUHREWDLQHGE\PXOWLSO\LQJWKH¿UVWRUGHUIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVE\DPRPHQWPDJQL¿HU that is a function of the factored axial force and the critical buckling load of the column. The column is adequate ZKHUHDOOWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIRUFRPELQHGD[LDOIRUFHDQGPDJQL¿HGEHQGLQJPRPHQWIDOOZLWKLQRURQ the design strength interaction diagram, which is obtained from a strain compatibility analysis of the section. Nonsway Frames 3URYLVLRQVIRUVOHQGHUFROXPQVLQQRQVZD\IUDPHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,&ROXPQVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUFRPELDQGIDFWRUHGPDJQL¿HGPRPHQWV where is determined by ACI Equation nations of factored axial forces, (7.2) In this equation, LVWKHODUJHURI WKHWZRIDFWRUHGFROXPQHQGPRPHQWVIURPD¿UVWRUGHUDQDO\VLVDQG where is the dimension of the column in the direction of analysis minimum moment $&, 7KHPDJQL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (7.3) The moment factor, relates the actual moment diagram to an equivalent uniform moment diagram. It is asVXPHGLQWKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿HUPHWKRGWKDWWKHPD[LPXPPRPHQWLVDWRUQHDUWKHPLGKHLJKWRIWKHFROXPQ,IWKH (that maximum moment occurs at one end of the column, design is based on an equivalent uniform moment is assumed to act at both ends of the column). This leads to the same maximum moment at or near midis, KHLJKWRIWKHFROXPQZKHQPDJQL¿HG depends on whether transverse loads are applied between the supports of the column or not (see The value of 7DEOH ,Q$&,(TXDWLRQ D IRUWKHFDVHRIFROXPQVZLWKRXWWUDQVYHUVHORDGVDSSOLHGEHWZHHQVXSSRUWV is the ratio of the smaller to the larger factored end moment; this ratio is negative if the column is bent in VLQJOHFXUYDWXUHDQGSRVLWLYHLIWKHFROXPQLVEHQWLQGRXEOHFXUYDWXUH VHH)LJXUH )RUFROXPQVZLWKWUDQVYHUVH loads applied between supports, it is possible for the maximum moment to occur at a section away from the end of LQWKLVFDVH>$&,(TXDWLRQ E @ the member; thus, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.8 Values of Cm Cm Column Transverse Load Condition Transverse loads not applied between supports Transverse loads applied between supports ܲ ܲ ܯଵ ܯଵ െͳ ܯଵ Τܯଶ Ͳ Ͳ ܯଵ Τܯଶ ͳ ͳǤͲ ܥ ͲǤ ͲǤ ܥ ͲǤʹ ܯଶ ܯଶ ܲ ܲ Figure 7.7 Values of for columns without transverse loads applied between supports. , the factored column end moments and from analysis are to be used in ACI In cases where (TXDWLRQ D WRGHWHUPLQH $&, $OWHUQDWLYHO\ LVSHUPLWWHGWREHWDNHQHTXDOWR The critical buckling load, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (7.4) 7KHHIIHFWLYHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVRIDFROXPQ LVSHUPLWWHGWREHFDOFXODWHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D E RU F >$&,VHH7DEOH@7KHQXPHUDWRUVLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQVUHSUHVHQWWKHVKRUW term column stiffness. Creep effects due to sustained loads are accounted for by dividing the short-term stiffness by where is the ratio of the maximum factored sustained axial load to the maximum factored axial load associated with the same load combination. This factor is typically equal to the factored axial dead load divided by the total factored axial load on a column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.9 Effective Flexural Stiffness, (EI)eff (EI)eff ACI Equation No. D E F * (see Table 7.2) $&,(TXDWLRQ D LVDVLPSOL¿HGYHUVLRQRI$&,(TXDWLRQ E DQGGRHVQRWGLUHFWO\DFFRXQWIRU , which is the moment of longitudinal reinforcement in the column like the latter equation does through the term inertia of the longitudinal reinforcement about the centroidal axis of the cross-section in the direction of analysis. 7KXVWKLVHTXDWLRQLVQRWDVDFFXUDWHDV$&,(TXDWLRQ E HVSHFLDOO\LQFROXPQVZLWKJUHDWHUDPRXQWVRI longitudinal reinforcement. and large axial load ratios $&,(TXDWLRQ E ZDVRULJLQDOO\GHULYHGIRUVPDOOHFFHQWULFLW\UDWLRV and represents the lower limit of the practical range of stiffness values, especially for columns with larger DPRXQWVRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW$&,(TXDWLRQ F XVXDOO\\LHOGVPRUHDFFXUDWHYDOXHVRIWKHHIIHFWLYHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVWKDQWKRVHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHRWKHUWZRHTXDWLRQVZKHUH in this equation is the moment of inertia for columns and walls in ACI Table 7KHIDFWRULQWKHGHQRPLQDWRURI(TXDWLRQ LVDVWLIIQHVVUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVLPLODUWRWKHRQHGHULYHGIRUWKH UHGXFHGPRPHQWRILQHUWLDZKLFKLVHTXDOWR$GGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKLVVWLIIQHVVIDFWRULVJLYHQLQ$&,5 Sway Frames 3URYLVLRQVIRUVOHQGHUFROXPQVLQVZD\IUDPHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,&ROXPQVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUFRPELQDand factored total moments and at the ends of the column, which are the tions of factored axial forces summation of the following: and due to loads causing no appreciable sidesway (like gravity 1. 8 QPDJQL¿HGIDFWRUHGPRPHQWV loads), and and due to loads causing appreciable sidesway (like wind and 0DJQL¿HGIDFWRUHGPRPHQWV HDUWKTXDNHORDGV >VHH$&,(TXDWLRQV D DQG E @ Therefore, (7.5) (7.6) The moments DUHGHWHUPLQHGIURPD¿UVWRUGHUHODVWLFDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHXVLQJUHGXFHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHPHPEHUVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,7DEOH D >VHH7DEOH@ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU for sway frames, is determined by either a linear elastic second-order elastic DQDO\VLV VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ RUE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D RU E >$&,@ (7.7) (7.8) (TXDWLRQ LVWKHVROXWLRQRIDQLQ¿QLWHVHULHVUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHLWHUDWLYH3GHOWDDQDO\VLVDQGFORVHO\SUHGLFWVWKH (TXDWLRQ RUDOLQHDUHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHU magnitude of second-order moments in a sway frame where HODVWLFDQDO\VLVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,PXVWEHXVHGLQFDVHVZKHUH FDOFXODWHGE\(TXDWLRQ H[FHHGV 7KHVWDELOLW\LQGH[ LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >VHH7DEOH@DQGLVEDVHGRQGHÀHFWLRQV REWDLQHGIURPD¿UVWRUGHUHODVWLFDQDO\VLVXVLQJUHGXFHGVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKHPHPEHUV (TXDWLRQ ZDVSDUWRIWKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿HUPHWKRGWKDWDSSHDUHGLQSUHYLRXVHGLWLRQVRI$&,7KHIDFare summed over the entire story, and the critical buckling loads, are summed over the tored axial loads, used in the sway-resisting columns in that story. Like in the case of nonsway frames, the effective stiffness which is the ratio of the maximum calculation of LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,)RUVZD\IUDPHVWKHWHUP factored sustained story shear to the maximum factored story shear, is used in the denominator of the equations of instead of Note that LVQRUPDOO\HTXDOWR]HUREHFDXVHZLQGDQGVHLVPLFORDGVDUHQRWVXVWDLQHG loads. An example of a sustained lateral load is lateral earth pressure. 7KHPDJQL¿HGPRPHQWVDWWKHHQGVRIDFROXPQPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIWKHEHDPVIUDPLQJLQWRWKH FROXPQV $&, %HDPVWLIIQHVVSOD\VDNH\UROHLQWKHVWDELOLW\RIFROXPQVDQGWKLVSURYLVLRQHQVXUHVWKH EHDPVZLOOKDYHDGHTXDWHVWUHQJWKWRUHVLVWWKHPDJQL¿HGFROXPQPRPHQWV It is possible for the maximum moment in a slender column in a sway frame to occur at a section away from its HQGV,WLVSHUPLWWHGWRPDJQLI\VXFKPRPHQWVXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVIRUQRQVZD\IUDPHVLQ$&,ZKHUH and GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQV DQG >$&,@ calculated using the total moments is 7.3.4 Required Shear Strength for Columns in Buildings Assigned to Seismic Design Category B For certain columns in buildings assigned to SDC B that are part of an ordinary moment frame resisting seismic ORDGHIIHFWVWKHVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGLQDGGLWLRQWRDOORWKHUDSSOLFDEOH LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR¿YHWLPHVWKHSODQ requirements. In cases where the unsupported length of a column, in the direction of analysis, the design shear strength of the column must be taken as dimension of the column, the lesser of the following: associated with the development of nominal moment strengths, of the column at each • The shear force, UHVWUDLQHGHQGRIWKHXQVXSSRUWHGOHQJWKGXHWRUHYHUVHFXUYDWXUHEHQGLQJ VHH)LJXUH ,QWKH¿JXUH DUHWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKVDWWKHWRSDQGERWWRPRIWKHFROXPQUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHVHÀH[XUDO and consistent with the direction of analysis resulting strengths must be calculated for the factored axial force, LQWKHKLJKHVWÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK6LGHVZD\WRWKHULJKWDQGVLGHVZD\WRWKHOHIWPXVWERWKEHFRQVLGHUHG • 7KHPD[LPXPVKHDUIRUFHREWDLQHGIURPWKHGHVLJQORDGFRPELQDWLRQVRI$&,&KDSWHULQFOXGLQJWKHHDUWKwith substituted for in the load combinations. The term is the overstrength factor quake effect, IRURUGLQDU\PRPHQWIUDPHVRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZKLFKLVHTXDOWR VHH$6&(6(,7DEOH The provisions for the design shear strength are intended to provide additional capacity to resist shear in relatively squat columns, which are vulnerable to shear failure under earthquake loading. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܯ௧ ܿଵ ܸ௨ ܸ௨ ൌ ܯ௧ ܯ κ௨ κ௨ ͷܿଵ ܸ௨ ܯ Figure 7.8 Design shear strength of reinforced concrete columns in buildings assigned to SDC B. 7.4 Design Strength 7.4.1 General )RUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWDQ\ VHFWLRQLQDFROXPQ $&, (7.9) (7.10) (7.11) (7.12) Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,$VXPPDU\RIWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ IDFWRUVSHUWLQHQWWRWKHGHVLJQRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHVWUDLQXVHGWRGH¿QHD LVHTXDOWRWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW divided by the compression-controlled section, ZKLFKFDQEHWDNHQDVSVLIRUDQ\JUDGHRIUHLQIRUFHmodulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel, PHQW $&, Table 7.10 Strength Reduction Factors, Ҁ Strength Reduction Factor, Ҁ Net Tensile Strain, İt Classification Compression-controlled Type of Transverse Reinforcement Spirals Conforming to ACI 25.7.3 Other Transition* Tension-controlled *Sections classified as transition are permitted to use corresponding to compression-controlled sections. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUFROXPQVVXEMHFWHGSULPDULO\WRXQLD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHV(TXDWLRQ LVDSSOLFDEOH)RUFROXPQVVXEMHFWHG WRFRPELQHGPRPHQWDQGD[LDOIRUFHV(TXDWLRQV DQG PXVWERWKEHVDWLV¿HGIRUDOODSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHG ORDGFRPELQDWLRQV7KHVKHDUDQGWRUVLRQDOVWUHQJWKHTXDWLRQV>(TXDWLRQV DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\@PXVWEH VDWLV¿HGIRUDQ\FROXPQ combined Methods to determine the nominal strengths DQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQUHVSHFWLYHO\ and DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQV 7.4.2 Nominal Axial Strength Nominal Axial Compressive Strength The nominal axial compressive strength, of a nonslender, reinforced concrete column is determined in accorGDQFHZLWK$&,)RUQRQSUHVWUHVVHGFROXPQVZLWKWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQVLVWLQJRI WLHVFRQIRUPLQJWR$&,DQG VSLUDOVFRQIRUPLQJWR$&, VHH)LJXUH must be less than or equal to which is determined using the equations in ACI Table the maximum nominal axial compressive strength, DQGWKHQRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWKDW]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (a) tied column (b) spiral column Figure 7.9 Reinforced concrete columns. (a) With tied transverse reinforcement. (b) With spiral transverse reinforcement. • For columns with ties: (7.13) • For columns with spirals: (7.14) These equations account for any accidental eccentricities that may exist in a column that were not accounted for in DQDO\VLV,QWKHFDVHRIWLHGFROXPQVWKHHFFHQWULFLW\LVDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQWRIWKHFROXPQGHSWKZKLOHIRU VSLUDOFROXPQVWKHHFFHQWULFLW\LVDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQW WKHYDOXHRIWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW is limited When calculating WRSVLHYHQWKRXJK for the longitudinal reinforcement used in the column may be larger than that (ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Nominal Axial Tensile Strength The nominal axial tensile strength of a nonprestressed, reinforced concrete column, must be less than or equal ZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ to the maximum nominal axial tensile strength, (7.15) It is evident that the entire tensile force must be resisted by the longitudinal reinforcement in a column. 7.4.3 Nominal Strength of Columns Subjected to Moment and Axial Forces Overview The nominal strength of a reinforced concrete column subjected to both moment and axial force is determined using HTXLOLEULXPVWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\DQGWKHGHVLJQDVVXPSWLRQVLQ$&,ZKLFKDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEOH Table 7.11 Design Assumptions for Concrete and Nonprestressed Reinforcement Material Assumptions 1. 0D[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHULVDVVXPHGHTXDOWR 7HQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWHLVQHJOHFWHGLQÀH[XUDODQGD[LDOVWUHQJWKFDOFXODWLRQV 3. The relationship between concrete compressive stress and strain is to be represented by DUHFWDQJXODUWUDSH]RLGDOSDUDEROLFRURWKHUVKDSHWKDWUHVXOWVLQSUHGLFWLRQRIVWUHQJWK in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests. 7KHHTXLYDOHQWUHFWDQJXODUFRQFUHWHVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, WKURXJKVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI$&,IRUWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ concrete compressive stress and strain. Concrete is to be assumed uniformly distributed over an equivalent A concrete stress of FRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHERXQGHGE\WKHHGJHVRIWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDQGDOLQHSDUDOOHOWRWKH neutral axis located a distance IURPWKH¿EHURIPD[LPXPFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQZKHUH 7KHGLVWDQFHIURPWKH¿EHURIPD[LPXPFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV is to be measured perpendicular to the neutral axis. Values of DUHDVIROORZV $&,7DEOH • • • Nonprestressed reinforcement 1. Deformed reinforcement used to resist tensile or compressive forces must conform to $&, The stress-strain relationship and the modulus of elasticity of the deformed reinforcement DUHWREHLGHDOL]HGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQG Rectangular Sections 7KHJHQHUDOSULQFLSOHVDQGDVVXPSWLRQVRIWKHVWUHQJWKGHVLJQPHWKRGLQ7DEOHDUHDSSOLHGWRWKHUHFWDQJXODU UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQLQ)LJXUH)RUSXUSRVHVRIGLVFXVVLRQLWLVDVVXPHGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW LQOD\HULVORFDWHGFORVHVWWRWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHURIWKHVHFWLRQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͲǤͲͲ͵ ߝ௦ଵ ݀ଷ ݄ ݀ଶ ܿ ܣ௦ଵ ܣ௦ଶ ܣ௦ଷ ߝ௦ଶ ߝ௦ଷ ൌ ߝ௧ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ݀ଵ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܨ௦ଵ ܥ ܨ௦ଶ ܨ௦ଷ ܾ Figure 7.10 Rectangular reinforced concrete column subjected to moment and axial compression. The nominal axial strength, DQGWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK RIWKHFROXPQLQ)LJXUHFDQEHREXVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ)LJXUHZKHUH is the net tensile strain in the extreme layer tained for a given strain, of tension reinforcement at nominal strength, excluding strains due to creep, shrinkage, and temperature. Circular Sections 7KHJHQHUDOSULQFLSOHVDQGDVVXPSWLRQVRIWKHVWUHQJWKGHVLJQPHWKRGLQ7DEOHDUHDSSOLHGWRWKHFLUFXODU UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQLQ)LJXUH)RUSXUSRVHVRIGLVFXVVLRQLWLVDVVXPHGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW LQOD\HULVORFDWHGFORVHVWWRWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHURIWKHVHFWLRQ)RUFLUFXODUVHFWLRQVWKHVKDSHRIWKH FRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHLVUHODWHGWRDVHJPHQWRIDFLUFOH VHH)LJXUH DQGWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK The nominal axial strength, XVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ)LJXUH tained for a given strain, RIWKHFROXPQLQ)LJXUHFDQEHRE- Interaction Diagrams An interaction diagram for a reinforced concrete column is a collection of and values determined for a series of strain distributions using the methods above for rectangular and circular sections. Nominal strengths for a given strain distribution represent a single point on the interaction diagram. Such diagrams are useful in establishing the adequacy of a column subjected to a combination of axial forces and bending moments. Nominal and design strength interaction diagrams for a tied, rectangular reinforced concrete column with a symmetULFDOGLVWULEXWLRQRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KHSRUWLRQVRIWKHGLDJUDPVFRUUHVSRQGLQJ WRFRPSUHVVLYHFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQVDQGVHFWLRQVLQWKHWUDQVLWLRQ]RQHDUHLGHQWL¿HGLQ WKH¿JXUH The design strength for combined moment and axial forces must be greater than or equal to the corresponding UHTXLUHGVWUHQJWKVWRVDWLVI\VWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV>VHH(TXDWLRQV DQG @'HVLJQVWUHQJWKYDOXHVDUHREWDLQHGE\PXOWLSO\LQJWKHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKYDOXHVZLWKWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUVLQ$&, VHH6HFWLRQ of this publication). Factored axial force-bending moment combinations falling on or within the boundaries of the design strength interaction diagram can be safely carried by the column. This column is adequate for the combination denoted by Point 1 LQ)LJXUHEXWLWLVQRWDGHTXDWHIRUWKHFRPELQDWLRQGHQRWHGE\3RLQW Interaction diagrams about the major axis and the minor axis of a rectangular column can be different; this must be taken into consideration when designing the column. For circular reinforced concrete columns with 6 longitudinal EDUVRUOHVVWKHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKGHSHQGVRQWKHEDUDUUDQJHPHQWDQGWKHFROXPQPXVWEHFKHFNHGXVLQJWKH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿൌ ͲǤͲͲ͵݀ݐ ߝ ݐ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͷ ߚͳ ൌ ͲǤͺͷ െ ͲǤͲͷሺ݂ܿԢ െ ͶǡͲͲͲሻ ͲǤͺͷ ͳǡͲͲͲ ܽ ൌ ߚͳ ܿ ݄ ܥൌ ͲǤͺͷ݂ܿԢ ܾܽ ݅ ൌ ͳ ߝ ݅ݏൌ ͲǤͲͲ͵ሺܿ െ ݀݅ ሻ ܿ ݂ ݅ݏൌ ݅ݏߝ ݏܧ Figure 7.11 Combined flexural and axial strength of a rectangular reinforced concrete column. DUUDQJHPHQWWKDWJLYHVPLQLPXPGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK8WLOL]LQJRUPRUHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVHVVHQWLDOO\HOLPLQDWHVWKHQHHGWRGHWHUPLQHGLIIHUHQWGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKVEDVHGRQEDUDUUDQJHPHQW 5HIHUHQFHFRQWDLQVGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKHIROORZLQJ • 7LHGUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQVUDQJLQJLQVL]HIURPWRLQLQFOXVLYH • 7LHGDQGVSLUDOFLUFXODUFROXPQVUDQJLQJLQGLDPHWHUIURPWRLQLQFOXVLYH • *UDGHDQG*UDGHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW • &RQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVIURPSVLWRSVLLQFOXVLYHDQG • /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRVIURPSHUFHQWWROHVVWKDQSHUFHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ȁ݂ ݅ݏȁ ݂ ݕǫ EŽ zĞƐ ݂ ݅ݏൌ േ݂ ݕ ݂ ݅ݏൌ ݅ݏߝ ݏܧ ݀݅ ܽǫ EŽ ݅ݏܨൌ ሺ݂ ݅ݏെ ͲǤͺͷ݂ܿԢ ሻ ݅ݏܣ zĞƐ ݅ݏܨൌ ݂ ݅ݏܣ ݅ݏ ݅ ൌ ݅ ͳ ݅ ݊ǫ EŽ zĞƐ ݊ ܲ݊ ൌ ܥ ݅ݏܨ ݅ൌͳ ݊ ݊ܯൌ ͲǤͷܥሺ݄ െ ܽሻ ݅ݏܨሺͲǤͷ݄ െ ݀݅ ሻ ݅ൌͳ Figure 7.11 (cont.) Combined flexural and axial strength of a rectangular reinforced concrete column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿ ܣ௦ଷ ߝ௦ଶ ݀ହ ݄ ݀ସ ݀ଷ ܣ௦ଶ ݀ଶ ܣ௦ଵ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ߝ௦ଵ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ݀ଵ ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ܨ௦ଷ ߝ௦ଷ ߝ௦ସ ܣ௦ସ ܣ௦ହ ܨ௦ଵ ܥ ܨ௦ଶ ܨ௦ସ ܨ௦ହ ߝ௦ହ ൌ ߝ௧ Figure 7.12 Circular reinforced concrete column subjected to moment and axial compression. ݕത ݄Ȁʹ ܽ ܣൌ ݄ଶ ሺߠ െ ߠሻΤͺ ߠȀʹ ߠȀʹ ʹܽ ൰ ݄ ݄Ȁʹ ߠ ൌ ʹ ିଵ ൬ͳ െ ݕത ൌ ʹ݄ ଷ ሺߠ Τʹሻ ͵ሺߠ െ ߠሻ Figure 7.13 Section properties of the compression zone for a circular reinforced concrete column. Biaxial Loading Overview Biaxial bending of columns occurs where loading causes bending simultaneously about both principal axes. This is often encountered in corner columns. The strength of an axially loaded column subjected to bending moments DERXWERWKSULQFLSDOD[HVFDQEHUHSUHVHQWHGE\DELD[LDOVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQVXUIDFH VHH)LJXUH 7KLVVXUIDFH is formed by a series of uniaxial interaction diagrams drawn radially from the vertical axis. Intermediate interaction diagrams between the angle HTXDOWR]HURGHJUHHV XQLD[LDOEHQGLQJDERXWWKHxD[LV DQGGHJUHHV XQLD[LDO bending about the yD[LV DUHREWDLQHGE\YDU\LQJWKHDQJOHRIWKHQHXWUDOD[LVIRUDVVXPHGVWUDLQFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV A biaxial strength interaction surface is constructed by performing a series of involved and time-consuming strain compatibility analyses. For example, the strains and forces for a rectangular column subjected to an axial compresand biaxial bending DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH'HVLJQLQJDFROXPQIRU sion force WKLVORDGLQJFRQGLWLRQFDQEHDYHU\OHQJWK\SURFHVVZLWKRXWWKHXVHRIDFRPSXWHUSURJUDP+RZHYHUFRQVHUYDWLYH results for columns subjected to biaxial bending can be obtained using some approximate methods. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿൌ ͲǤͲͲ͵݀ݐ ߝ ݐ ͲǤͲͲ͵ ͲǤͷ ߚͳ ൌ ͲǤͺͷ െ ͲǤͲͷሺ݂ܿԢ െ ͶǡͲͲͲሻ ͲǤͺͷ ͳǡͲͲͲ ܽ ൌ ߚͳ ܿ ݄ ߠ ൌ ʹ െͳ ൬ͳ െ ݕത ൌ ܥൌ ʹܽ ൰ ݄ ʹ݄͵ ሺߠΤʹሻ ͵ሺߠ െ ߠሻ ͲǤͺͷ݂ܿԢ ݄ʹ ሺߠ െ ߠሻ ͺ ݅ ൌ ͳ ߝ ݅ݏൌ ͲǤͲͲ͵ሺܿ െ ݀݅ ሻ ܿ ݂ ݅ݏൌ ݅ݏߝ ݏܧ Figure 7.14 Combined flexural and axial strength of a circular reinforced concrete column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ȁ݂ ݅ݏȁ ݂ ݕǫ EŽ zĞƐ ݂ ݅ݏൌ േ݂ ݕ ݂ ݅ݏൌ ݅ݏߝ ݏܧ ݀݅ ܽǫ EŽ ݅ݏܨൌ ሺ݂ ݅ݏെ ͲǤͺͷ݂ܿԢ ሻ ݅ݏܣ zĞƐ ݅ݏܨൌ ݂ ݅ݏܣ ݅ݏ ݅ ൌ ݅ ͳ ݅ ݊ǫ EŽ zĞƐ ݊ ܲ݊ ൌ ܥ ݅ݏܨ ݅ൌͳ ݊ ݊ܯൌ ݕܥത ݅ݏܨሺͲǤͷ݄ െ ݀݅ ሻ ݅ൌͳ Figure 7.14 (cont.) Combined flexural and axial strength of a circular reinforced concrete column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܲ ܔ܉ܑܠۯ۴܍܋ܚܗ ܲǡ௫ ൌ ͲǤͺͲܲ ܲ ǡ ܯ ߶ܲ ༄ ܲ௨ ǡ ܯ௨ ߶ܲǡ௫ ߶ܲ ǡ ߶ܯ Ǧ ༃ ܲ௨ ǡ ܯ௨ Ǧ ۰ܜܖ܍ܕܗۻܖܑ܌ܖ܍ Figure 7.15 Nominal and design strength interaction diagrams. ܲ ܲ ܲ ܯ௬ ܯ௫ ܲ ܯ ܯ௬ ߠ ߠ ܯ௫ Figure 7.16 Biaxial strength interaction surface. $SSUR[LPDWH0HWKRGIRU&ROXPQVZLWK(TXDO%HQGLQJ0RPHQW&DSDFLWLHV$ERXW%RWK3ULQFLSDO$[HV For circular columns or for square columns with the same longitudinal reinforcement on each face, the uniaxial is the same as that about the y-axis, $KRUL]RQWDOVOLFHWKURXJKWKH bending capacity about the x-axis, LVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH biaxial interaction surface of a square column at an axial compression force where the dash-dot line represents the nominal moment strengths and the solid line represents the design moment @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݕ ༃ ݁௬ ༄ ܲ௨ ݁௫ ݄ ݔ ༆ ༅ ܾ ܯ௨௫ ൌ ܲ௨ ݁௬ ܯ௨௬ ൌ ܲ௨ ݁௫ Figure 7.17 Rectangular column subjected to biaxial bending. ݕ ܯ௬ ܯ ߶ܯ௬ ߶ܯ Approx. ߶ܯ 1 ൫ܯ௨௫ , ܯ௨௬ ൯ ߶ܯ௫ ݔ ܯ௫ ߶ܯ௫ ൌ ߶ܯ௬ Figure 7.18 Biaxial capacity approximation for circular columns and square columns with the same longitudinal reinforcement on each face. strengths. The moments and computer software or design aid. can be determined using the methods described above or by any other This line 7KHVWUDLJKWGDVKHGOLQHLQ)LJXUHFRQQHFWVWKHXQLD[LDOGHVLJQPRPHQWVWUHQJWKV always lies inside the actual biaxial capacity curve, so it can be used as a conservative (but not overly conservative) representation of the actual capacity diagram. Therefore, a circular column or a square column with the same longiis adequate for any combinatudinal reinforcement on each face subjected to a factored axial compression force and that lies within the approximate biaxial capacity surface (an example of an adequate bending tion of PRPHQWFRPELQDWLRQLVUHSUHVHQWHGE\SRLQWLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The approximate capacity surface can be represented by the following equation: (7.16) (TXDWLRQ FDQEHUHZULWWHQDVIROORZV Because (7.17) Therefore, for a given a column is adequate where Reciprocal Load Method The Reciprocal Load Method provides a simple and conservative estimate of the strength of a column under biaxial corresponding to eccentricities about both prinORDGLQJFRQGLWLRQV 5HIHUHQFH 7KHQRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWK cipal axes of a column is calculated by the following equation: (7.18) where nominal axial strength when the column is subjected to the uniaxial moment nominal axial strength when the column is subjected to the uniaxial moment QRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWKDW]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ Determination of the items needed to calculate is relatively straightforward. The nominal axial strengths can be obtained from uniaxial nominal strength strain compatibility analyses, and is determined by ACI and (TXDWLRQ is obtained by multiplying GHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ ZLWKWKHDSSURSULThe design axial strength ate strength reduction factor based on the strain in the reinforcing bars farthest from the compression face of the is greater than or equal to the factored axial column. The column is adequate where the design axial strength force 7KH5HFLSURFDO/RDG0HWKRGSURGXFHVUHDVRQDEO\DFFXUDWHUHVXOWVZKHQÀH[XUHGRHVQRWJRYHUQWKHGHVLJQRID and are greater than the axial strength corresponding to balanced failure. In cases column, that is, when ZKHUHÀH[XUHJRYHUQVDQRWKHUPHWKRGOLNHWKH/RDG&RQWRXU0HWKRGGLVFXVVHGEHORZVKRXOGEHXWLOL]HG Load Contour Method )RUFROXPQVZLWKXQHTXDOEHQGLQJPRPHQWFDSDFLWLHVDERXWWKHSULQFLSDOD[HVDQGZKHUHÀH[XUHJRYHUQVWKHGHVLJQ (that is, where axial forces are relatively small), the Load Contour Method can be used to determine biaxial strength 5HIHUHQFH 7KHORDGFRQWRXU WKDWLVWKHKRUL]RQWDOVOLFHWKURXJKWKHELD[LDOLQWHUDFWLRQVXUIDFH FRUUHVSRQGLQJWR can be approximated by the following nondimensional interaction equation: a nominal axial compression force, (7.19) In this equation, the column, and ly. The exponents and are the nominal biaxial moments that occur simultaneously on and are the nominal uniaxial moment strengths about the x-axis and y-axis, respectiveand are a function of the amount, distribution, and location of the longitudinal reinforcement @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete in the column; the dimensions of the column; and the strength and elastic properties of the concrete and reinforcing Interaction curves for variVWHHO,WLVGHPRQVWUDWHGLQ5HIHUHQFHWKDWLWLVUHDVRQDEO\DFFXUDWHWRDVVXPH DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH,QFOXGHGLVWKHVWUDLJKWOLQHFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR which results in the ous following interaction equation: (7.20) This equation always yields conservative results because it underestimates the capacity of the column. The coland the applied bending moments, and umn is adequate for the applied axial force, that lie within the approximate biaxial capacity surface, that is, where the following equation is VDWLV¿HG (7.21) The PCA Load Contour Method is an extension of the Load Contour Method and information on this method can be found in Reference 18. Slenderness effects must also be considered in the design of columns subjected to biaxial loading, where applicable. A review of several methods to evaluate slenderness effects in columns subjected to axial compression forces and biaxial bending is given in Reference 19. ϭ͘Ϭ ࡹ࢟ Ȁࡹ࢟ Ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘ϲ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘Ϭ Ϭ͘Ϭ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϭ͘ϲ Ϭ͘ϴ ϭ͘Ϭ ࡹ࢞ Τࡹ࢞ Figure 7.19 Interaction curves for the Load Contour Method. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.4.4 Nominal Shear Strength Overview The nominal one-way shear strength, DWDVHFWLRQLQDFROXPQLVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, $&, (7.22) where is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete and reinforcement. is the nominal shear strength provided by shear Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete For nonprestressed members, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHHTXDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOH $&, 7KH HTXDWLRQVLQWKDWWDEOHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHDORQJZLWKWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLWWHGQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWK VSHFL¿HGLQ$&, Table 7.12 Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete, Vc Vc** Area of Shear Reinforcement, Av* *Minimum area of shear reinforcement, ** (ACI , is determined by ACI The minimum area of shear reinforcement in a column, (TXDWLRQ EHORZ@ LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,>VHH 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU UHÀHFWVWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYHWRQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHRIWKHVDPHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHEDVHGRQHTXLOLEULXPGHQVLW\DQGLQ7DEOH EDVHGRQFRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ VHH$&, Table 7.13 Values of Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.14 Values of Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete All-lightweight /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG Sand-lightweight Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Composition of Aggregates )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG& &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and ASTM C33 Ȝ WR(1) WR (1) Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. (2) Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU , accounts for the phenomenon indicated in test results that the shear strength attributed to concrete in members without shear reinforcement does not increase in direct proportion with member GHSWK7KLVIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (7.23) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDW LVOHVVWKDQIRUPHPEHUVZLWK The term LVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW , at the section divided by where is the width of a rectangular column perpendicular to the direction of analysis or the diameter of a circular column [ACI E @7KHHIIHFWLYHGHSWK can be obtained from a strain compatibility analysis for each applicable load combination; in the case of circular columns, it is permitted to take DVSHUFHQWRIWKHGLDPHWHURIWKHFROXPQ >$&, D @$FFRUGLQJWR$&,5 may be taken as the sum of the areas of the longitudinal reinIRUFHPHQWORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWKDZD\IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKH¿UVW1RWHLQ$&,7DEOHWKHD[LDOIRUFH , which has the units of pounds, is to be taken , and is to be taken as negative for tenas positive for compression forces acting on the gross area of the column, sion forces. used to calculate DUHOLPLWHGWRSVL $&,WKHH[FHSWLRQLQ$&,LVQRWDSValues of is primarily due to the fact that there is a lack of test data and practical plicable to columns). This limitation on H[SHULHQFHZLWKFRQFUHWHKDYLQJFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVJUHDWHUWKDQSVL In rare occasions where axial tension acts on a column, FDQEHWDNHQDV]HUR 7RPLQLPL]HWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGLDJRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQIDLOXUHLQWKHFRQFUHWHDQGWROLPLWWKHH[WHQWRIFUDFNLQJWKH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIDVHFWLRQPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRVDWLVI\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (7.24) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement 7KHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (7.25) where s is the center-to-center spacing of ties or the spiral pitch. For columns with rectilinear ties and crossties, is equal to the area of all the ties and crossties within the spacing LQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV $&, ,Q is equal to two times the area of the tie or spiral within the spacing (ACI the case of circular ties or spirals, A minimum area of shear reinforcement, must be provided at sections where $&, (7.26) )RUFROXPQVVXEMHFWHGWRUHODWLYHO\VPDOOIDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHVWKHFRQFUHWHDORQHPD\EHVXI¿FLHQWWRVDWLVI\VKHDU is typically calculated using strength requirements. When more than just the concrete shear strength is needed, WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,DQGIRUWUDQVYHUVHEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJ,IVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV DUHQRWVDWLV¿HGEDVHGRQWKRVHUHTXLUHPHQWVWKHDPRXQWDQGRUVSDFLQJRIWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEH adjusted appropriately, or the compressive strength of the concrete can be increased, although the latter is generally QRWWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYHZD\WRLQFUHDVHVKHDUVWUHQJWK,QFDVHVZKHUHWKHVKHDUGHPDQGLVYHU\ODUJHWKHVL]HRIWKH column may need to be increased. Biaxial Shear Strength Reinforced concrete columns may be subjected to the effects from biaxial shear forces (this commonly occurs in corner columns). For symmetrically reinforced circular columns, the nominal one-way shear strength is the same along any axis of the member, and shear strength can be evaluated based on the requirements outlined above using the resultant of the shear forces acting on the section. For rectangular sections, it is not practical to determine the nominal shear strength based on the direction of the UHVXOWDQWVKHDUIRUFH$VDQDOWHUQDWLYHWKHELD[LDOVKHDUIRUFHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG and are calculated in the orthogonal x and y directions of Required shear stresses and are the factored shear forces in the x and y directions, respectively, is the crossthe section where sectional dimension of the column perpendicular to the direction of analysis, and is the distance from the extreme FRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV VHH)LJXUH and in the x and y directions are determined by dividing the nominal shear strength, Nominal shear stresses FDOFXODWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(TXDWLRQ E\WKHDSSOLFDEOH and in each direction. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,LQWHUDFWLRQRIRUWKRJRQDOVKHDUIRUFHVQHHGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGZKHUHRQH RUERWK RI WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVLVVDWLV¿HG (7.27) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿଶ ݀௬ ܿଵ ܸ௨ǡ௫ ݒ௨ǡ௫ ൌ ܸ௨ǡ௫ ܿଶ ݀௫ ݀௫ ܸ௨ǡ௬ ݒ௨ǡ௬ ൌ ܸ௨ǡ௬ ܿଵ ݀௬ Figure 7.20 Determination of biaxial shear stresses on a rectangular reinforced concrete column. (7.28) In cases where and WLRQ PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG , then interaction effects must be considered and ACI Equa- (7.29) :KHUH(TXDWLRQ LVQRWVDWLV¿HGWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHFROXPQWKHDPRXQWRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHment, or both must be increased accordingly. The compressive strength of the concrete can also be increased but doing so does has a smaller impact than increasing the other items. 7.4.5 Nominal Torsional Strength Columns in building structures are rarely subjected to torsional moments. In cases where such effects must be conVLGHUHGWKHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG $&, 7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFRYHUHGLQ6HFWLRQV DQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUEHDPV 7.5 Reinforcement Limits 7.5.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement For columns supporting only gravity loads or that are part of an ordinary or intermediate moment frame, the miniDUHJLYHQLQ$&,ZKLFKPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG mum and maximum areas of longitudinal reinforcement, regardless of the type of transverse reinforcement used in the column: • • where is the gross cross-sectional area of the column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The 1 percent lower limit is meant to provide resistance to any bending moments not accounted for in the analysis, such as those caused by construction tolerances or misalignments. It is also meant to help reduce creep and shrinkage LQWKHFRQFUHWHXQGHUVXVWDLQHGFRPSUHVVLRQVWUHVVHV7KHXSSHUOLPLWVKHOSPLQLPL]HFRQJHVWLRQDQGWKHGHYHORSLVJHQHUDOO\PRUHHI¿FLHQW PHQWRIKLJKHUVKHDUVWUHVVHVDOWKRXJKDWRSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLR DQGFRVWHIIHFWLYH VHH5HIHUHQFH $WORFDWLRQVZKHUHODSVSOLFHVDUHXVHGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRPD\ EHHTXDOWRWZRWLPHVWKDWDWVHFWLRQVDZD\IURPWKHODSVSOLFHDQGWKDWUDWLRPXVWEHOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR $VQRWHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQDFROXPQLVSHUPLWWHGWREHGHVLJQHGRIVXI¿FLHQWVL]HWRFDUU\WKH required factored loads and additional concrete is permitted to be added to the section without having to increase WKHPLQLPXPORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRVDWLVI\WKHSHUFHQWOLPLWLQ$&, $&, ,WLVDVVXPHG WKHDGGLWLRQDOFRQFUHWHGRHVQRWFDUU\DQ\ORDGKRZHYHUWKHDFWXDOFROXPQVL]HPXVWEHLQFOXGHGLQWKHVWUXFWXUDO analysis to correctly account for its actual stiffness. The columns in the upper stories of a building where the factored loads are usually relatively small can typically be designed using a reinforcement ratio less than 1 percent based on this provision. 7.5.2 Shear Reinforcement 0LQLPXPVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFROXPQVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQG(TXDWLRQ )RUFROXPQV is equal to the area of all the ties and crossties within the spacing in the with rectilinear ties and crossties, is equal to two times the area of the GLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV $&, ,QWKHFDVHRIFLUFXODUWLHVRUVSLUDOV tie or spiral within the spacing $&, 7.6 Sizing the Cross-Section 7.6.1 Axial Compression For columns subjected primarily to axial compression forces, the cross-sectional dimension of a column can be equal to the design axial load strength, obtained by setting the total factored axial compression force, JLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHIRUFROXPQVZLWKWLHVFRQIRUPLQJWR$&,DQGZLWKVSLUDOVFRQIRUPLQJWR$&, >VHH(TXDWLRQV DQG LQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ@ • For tied columns: (7.30) • For spiral columns: (7.31) where $SUHOLPLQDU\FROXPQVL]HFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPWKHVHHTXDWLRQVIRUDJLYHQ assuming a value of QRWHGSUHYLRXVO\VKRXOGEHLQWKHUDQJHRIWRSHUFHQWWRDFKLHYHRYHUDOOHFRQRP\ which as 7KHFKDUWVLQ$SSHQGL[%RI5HIHUHQFHFDQEHXVHGWRTXLFNO\GHWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HRIDQRQVOHQGHUWLHG with the following: square column for a given factored axial compression force • *UDGHRU*UDGHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW • &RQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVIURPSVLWRSVLDQG • /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRVIURPWRSHUFHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The required gross column area, LVDOVRSURYLGHGLQWKHFKDUWVZKLFKFDQEHXVHGWRREWDLQSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HVIRU UHFWDQJXODURUFLUFXODUWLHGFROXPQV$PRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRULVJLYHQLQWKHDSSHQGL[WRDFTXLUHSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HVIRU spiral columns. 7KHXVHRIKLJKVWUHQJWKORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQKDYHDQLPSDFWRQWKHUHTXLUHGVL]HRIDFROXPQDOWKRXJK WKHLPSDFWLVJHQHUDOO\QRWVLJQL¿FDQWEHFDXVHWKHFRQFUHWHLVUHVLVWLQJPRVWRIWKHFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFH+RZHYHU when high-strength longitudinal reinforcement is combined with high-strength concrete, less congestion in the structure and more usable space in the building may be possible. 7.6.2 Combined Moment and Axial Force Columns that are part of the LFRS in a moment frame resisting the effects from lateral forces are typically subjected to combined moment and axial forces. Because of the inherent complexity of this situation, a preliminary column VL]HLVRIWHQGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVIURPJUDYLW\ORDGVRQO\DQGWKHQDGMXVWHGODWHULIUHquired, to account for the effects due to the bending moments. $VQRWHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ$SSHQGL[&LQ5HIHUHQFHFDQEHXVHGWRIDFLOLWDWHVHOHFWLRQRID SUHOLPLQDU\FROXPQVL]HIRUFROXPQVVXEMHFWHGWRFRPELQHGPRPHQWDQGD[LDOIRUFHV 7.6.3 Slenderness Effects Minimum column dimensions so that slenderness effects need not be considered as a function of the unsupported DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ column length, 7.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement 7.7.1 Required Longitudinal Reinforcement Axial Compression For nonslender reinforced concrete columns subjected to primarily uniaxial compression forces, the required area FDQEHREWDLQHGE\XVLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOHIRU of longitudinal reinforcement, and are known, the following equation can be used to determine the tied and spiral columns. Where longitudinal reinforcement ratio (7.32) In this equation, the strength reduction, LVHTXDOWRIRUWLHGFROXPQVDQGIRUVSLUDOFROXPQVDQGWKH term LVHTXDOWRIRUWLHGFROXPQVDQGIRUVSLUDOFROXPQV$VQRWHGSUHYLRXVO\RYHUDOOHFRQRP\LVW\SLFDOO\DFKLHYHGE\XVLQJDORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLREHWZHHQDSSUR[LPDWHO\DQG The charts in Appendix B of Reference 16 can be used to determine for nonslender, tied and spiral columns. Combined Moment and Axial Force The required longitudinal reinforcement can be acquired from an interaction diagram for columns subjected to combined moment and axial force. The design strength interaction diagrams in Appendix C of Reference 16 can be used to quickly obtain the longituGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUDZLGHUDQJHRIUHFWDQJXODUDQGFLUFXODUFROXPQVL]HVORQJLWXGLQDOEDUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVDQG material properties. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.7.2 Required Shear Reinforcement For a given the spacing of the transverse reinforcement in a column, HTXDWLRQZKLFKLVEDVHGRQ(TXDWLRQ can be determined by the following (7.33) 0D[LPXPVSDFLQJRIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQFROXPQVLVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGLVVXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEOH Table 7.15 Maximum Spacing of Shear Reinforcement in Columns Vs (lb) For a given Maximum Spacing, s (in.) can be determined from the following equation: (7.34) For columns with rectilinear ties and crossties, is equal to the area of all the ties and crossties within the spacing LQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV $&, ,QWKHFDVHRIFLUFXODUWLHVRUVSLUDOV is equal to two times the area of the tie or spiral within the spacing $&, 7.8 Reinforcement Detailing 7.8.1 Concrete Cover 5HLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHSODFHGLQFROXPQVZLWKDPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRSURWHFWWKHPIURPZHDWKHU¿UHDQGRWKHU HIIHFWV0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, )RUFROXPQVZLWKWLHVDQGVSLUDOV concrete cover is measured from the surface of the concrete to the outer edge of the transverse reinforcement (see )LJXUHIRUDUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQZLWKWLHVDQGFURVVWLHV 7KHPLQLPXPFRYHUWRWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW LVHTXDOWRLQIRUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQFROXPQVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQG $&,7DEOH Figure 7.21 Concrete cover for columns. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.8.2 Minimum Number of Longitudinal Bars 7KHPLQLPXPQXPEHURIORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVWKDWPXVWEHSURYLGHGLQDFROXPQLVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGLVEDVHG RQWKHW\SHRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH7DEOH Table 7.16 Minimum Number of Longitudinal Bars in a Reinforced Concrete Column Type of Transverse Reinforcement Minimum Number of Longitudinal Bars Triangular ties 3 Rectangular or circular ties Spirals 6 7.8.3 Spacing of Longitudinal Bars 0LQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJEHWZHHQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQDFROXPQPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, $&, 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVLVWRHQVXUHFRQFUHWHFDQHDVLO\ÀRZEHWZHHQWKHORQJLWXGLQDO bars. The minimum clear spacing, between longitudinal bars at any section in a column, including at locations ZKHUHODSVSOLFHVDUHXVHGLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ VHH$&,DQG)LJXUH (7.35) In this equation, is the diameter of the longitudinal bars in the column and coarse aggregate in the concrete mix. LVWKHQRPLQDOPD[LPXPVL]HRI ݏ GE ۓ ۖ ͳǤͷǤ ݏ ൌ ͳǤͷ݀ ۔ ۖ ەሺͶΤ͵ሻ݀ Figure 7.22 Minimum clear spacing requirements for longitudinal bars in columns. Minimum face dimensions of rectangular, tied columns with bearing splices, normal lap splices, and tangential lap VSOLFHVEDVHGRQWKHPLQLPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH)LJXUHIRU WKHVSOLFHW\SHV 7KHIDFHGLPHQVLRQVDUHURXQGHGXSWRWKHQHDUHVWLQFKDQGDUHEDVHGRQD LQFOHDUFRYHU WRWLHVIRUWKURXJKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGWLHVIRUDQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQG DPD[LPXPDJJUHJDWHVL]HRILQ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-34 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ǡܾ ǡܾ ܿ ǡܾ ܿ ܿ ݀௧ ݏ ݀௧ ݀ ݀௧ ݏ ݀ ݏ (a) (b) ݀ (c) Figure 7.23 Column splices for columns with longitudinal bars arranged in a rectangular pattern. (a) Bearing. (b) Normal lap. (c) Tangential lap. Table 7.17 Minimum Face Dimensions (Inches) of Rectangular, Tied Columns Number of Bars Per Face Splice Type Bearing Normal Lap Tangential Lap Bar Size 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 11 13 18 9 16 18 19 8 13 18 8 11 19 31 9 18 31 9 13 16 31 38 19 36 18 8 16 18 8 11 13 9 11 13 16 18 9 19 13 18 33 36 11 18 33 36 13 38 16 38 61 8 13 16 19 8 11 8 18 31 9 16 19 33 9 13 33 19 11 16 31 36 18 36 38 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHPLQLPXPIDFHGLPHQVLRQVIRUDQ\UHFWDQJXODUWLHGFROXPQ 7KHLWHPVLQ7DEOHIRUQRUPDOODSVSOLFHVDUHGH¿QHGLQ)LJXUH Table 7.18 Equations to Determine Minimum Face Dimensions (Inches) of Rectangular, Tied Columns Minimum Face Dimension, b* Splice Type Bearing where Normal Lap Tangential Lap ݏҧ ܽത ܿ ݀௧ ݀ Ȁʹ ܽത ߠ ܾത ݏ ݀ ሺǤ ሻ ܽത ൌ ݀ Ȁξʹ ߠ ൌ ሾܾതȀሺݏ ݀ ሻሿ ܾത ൌ ሺͳ െ ͳȀξʹሻ݀ ݏҧ ൌ ሺݏ ݀ ሻ ߠ ܽത ͳǤͷǤ ݏ ൌ ͳǤͷ݀ ۔ ۖ ەሺͶΤ͵ሻ ݀ ۓ ۖ Figure 7.24 Items for normal lap splices. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݀ ሺǤሻ ݀ ሺǤሻ ܿ ܿ ݀௧ ݀௦ ݀௧ ݀௦ ݏҧ ݏ ݏҧ ݏ ߠ ߠ ߠ ߠ ݄Ȁʹ ݄Ȁʹ ͳ ͵Ͳ ߠൌ ൬ ൰ ʹ ݊ ݀ ሺǤ ሻ ߠൌ ܿ ͳ ͵Ͳ ൬ ൰ ʹ ݊ ܿ ݏҧ ൌ ݏ ݀ ݏҧ ൌ ݏ ݀ (a) (b) ݀ ሺǤሻ ܿ ݀௦ ݏҧ ݏ ߠ ߠ ݄Ȁʹ ߠ ൌ ʹ ݀ ൨ ܿ ݊ െ ʹሺܿ ݀௧ ሻ െ ݀ ݏҧ ൌ ݏ ݀ (c) Figure 7.25 Column splices for columns with longitudinal bars arranged in a circular pattern. (a) Bearing. (b) Normal lap. (c) Tangential lap. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The maximum number of longitudinal bars in a column where the bars are arranged in a circle with bearing splices, QRUPDOODSVSOLFHVDQGWDQJHQWLDOODSVSOLFHVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHVSOLFHW\SHVZKHUH is the spiral diameter). In addition to satisfying the minimum clear spacing requirements is the tie diameter and RI$&,WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPDUHDRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ$&, DUHDOVRVDWLV¿HGDWVHFWLRQVDZD\IURPODSVSOLFHORFDWLRQVZKHUHDOOWKHEDUVDUHVSOLFHG+RZHYHULQPDQ\FDVHV HLWKHUWKHSURYLGHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRLVPXFKODUJHUWKDQWKHUHFRPPHQGHGPD[LPXPYDOXHRISHUFHQWRUWKHUH is an inordinately large number of smaller longitudinal bars. The number of bars have been rounded down to the QHDUHVWZKROHQXPEHUDQGDUHEDVHGRQDLQFOHDUFRYHUWRWLHVRUVSLUDOV Table 7.19 Maximum Number of Longitudinal Bars in Columns with Longitudinal Bars Arranged in a Circle Bar Size Splice Type Bearing Normal Lap h (in.) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #14 #18 9 9 8 6 ņ 13 11 11 9 8 ņ 16 16 13 11 9 18 19 18 16 11 8 19 18 16 6 18 16 11 18 16 13 9 31 18 16 11 33 31 13 38 33 19 38 36 36 38 16 38 36 38 18 36 19 38 61 36 31 8 6 6 ņ ņ ņ ņ 11 9 8 ņ ņ 16 13 11 9 6 ņ 18 16 13 11 9 8 6 ņ 19 16 13 11 18 16 13 9 18 13 8 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-38 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.19 Maximum Number of Longitudinal Bars in Columns with Longitudinal Bars Arranged in a Circle (cont.) Bar Size Splice Type Normal Lap (cont.) Tangential Lap h (in.) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #14 #18 19 13 9 33 19 38 33 31 16 11 38 36 33 18 36 38 36 31 19 13 38 38 36 31 16 38 33 31 18 33 19 39 8 6 6 ņ ņ 9 8 6 6 ņ 16 11 9 8 6 ņ 18 13 11 8 6 13 11 9 19 18 16 13 11 8 18 13 11 9 6 18 16 13 18 16 11 8 19 9 31 18 16 13 33 18 36 19 16 11 38 38 31 36 33 31 18 13 38 33 19 39 36 38 16 *Indicates the tabulated value is not applicable to columns where a minimum of 6 longitudinal bars are required. **Indicates the longitudinal reinforcement ratio is less than 1 percent. A dash (ņ) indicates the maximum number of longitudinal bars is less than 4. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-39 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHPD[LPXPQXPEHURIORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVIRUDQ\FROXPQ where the longitudinal reinforcement is arranged in a circle. Table 7.20 Equations to Determine the Maximum Number of Longitudinal Bars in a Column with Longitudinal Bars Arranged in a Circle Maximum Number of Longitudinal Bars, n* Splice Type Bearing Normal Lap Lap Splice Length Tangential Lap Offset Bent Longitudinal Bar (typ.) max. 6 1 Figure 7.26 Offset bent longitudinal reinforcement in a column. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-40 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.8.4 Offset Bent Longitudinal Reinforcement Offset bent longitudinal reinforcement is typically provided at locations where the longitudinal bars are spliced in a FROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHVORSHRIWKHLQFOLQHGSRUWLRQRIDQRIIVHWEHQWEDUUHODWLYH to the longitudinal axis of the column must not exceed 1 to 6, and the portions of the bar above and below the offset must be parallel to the axis of the column. In cases where the face of a column is offset by 3 in. or more, offset bent longitudinal reinforcement is not permitted $&, ,QVWHDGWKHRIIVHWORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVRQHDFKIDFHPXVWEHODSVSOLFHGZLWKVHSDUDWHGRZHO EDUV6KRZQLQ)LJXUHLVWKHFDVHZKHUHVHSDUDWHGRZHOEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGDWDORFDWLRQZKHUHDFKDQJHLQ column cross-section occurs. ͵ԣ Figure 7.27 Separate dowel bars at offset column faces. 7.8.5 Splices of Longitudinal Reinforcement Overview 6SOLFHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQFROXPQVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,IRUODSVSOLFHVPHFKDQLFDO splices, butt-welded splices, and end-bearing splices. Splice lengths must be provided that satisfy the factored load combinations on a column. Where the stress in all the longitudinal bars due to factored loads is compressive, all the splice types listed above may be used. All but end-bearing splices are permitted when the longitudinal bar stress is WHQVLOH5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUVSOLFHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, Lap Splices Lap splices, which are the most popular and usually the most economical type of splices used in columns, are permitted to occur immediately above the top of the slab for columns that are not part of special moment frames (see )LJXUH 7KLVLVWKHSUHIHUUHGORFDWLRQIRUHDVHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQ7KHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVIURPWKHFROXPQEHORZ extend above the slab a distance greater than or equal to the required lap splice length, and the longitudinal bars in WKHFROXPQDERYHDUHWLHGWRWKHVHEDUVDIWHUWKHÀRRUEHORZKDVEHHQFRQVWUXFWHG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-41 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete /DSVSOLFHVDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGIRUEDUVODUJHUWKDQEDUVH[FHSWLQWKHFDVHRIFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHVZKHUH RUEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHVSOLFHGWRRUVPDOOHUEDUV $&,DQG The type of lap splice that must be used (compressive or tensile) depends on the stress in the longitudinal bars due WRWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV VHH)LJXUH 5HTXLUHGODSVSOLFHOHQJWKVIRUWKHWKUHH]RQHVLQGLFDWHGLQ )LJXUHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH ܔ܉ܑܠۯ۴܍܋ܚܗ ݂௦ ൌ Ͳ ݂௦ ൌ ͲǤͷ݂௬ ͳ܍ܖܗ܈ ͳ ʹ ʹ܍ܖܗ܈ ͵܍ܖܗ܈ ͵ ۰ܜܖ܍ܕܗۻܖܑ܌ܖ܍ Figure 7.28 Splice requirements for reinforced concrete columns. ݄ଶ ݄ଵ ͵ܣ௧ ͲǤͲͲͳͷ݄ଶ ݏ ܣ௧ ൌ ʹܣ௧ ͲǤͲͲͳͷ݄ଵ ݏ Figure 7.29 Application of ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-42 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.21 Required Lap Splices Lengths Zone Stress in Longitudinal Bars 1 All longitudinal bars are in compression 3 Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face is tensile and Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face is tensile and Minimum Lap Splice Length Class A tension lap splice Notes ACI Section No. ± ± ± Class B tension lap splice length Class B tension lap splice length Notes: 1. For tied columns where ties throughout the lap splice length have an effective area in both directions, is permitted to be multiplied by 0.83. Tie legs perpendicular to are considered in calculating the effective tie area [ACI; see Figure 7.29]. For spiral columns where spirals satisfying ACI 25.7.3 are provided throughout the lap splice length, is permitted to be multiplied by 0.75 [ACI]. must be increased by one-third [ACI]. 2. For 3. Compression lap splices must not be used for bars larger than #11 except as permitted in ACI [ACI]. 4. Compression lap splices of #14 and #18 bars to #11 or smaller bars are permitted in accordance with ACI (see Note 5) [ACI]. 5. Where bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, is the longer of (a) of the larger bar calculated by ACI of the smaller bar calculated by ACI [ACI]. (see below) and (b) where (see Table 7.22) 6. 7. Reduction of development length in accordance with ACI is not permitted in calculating lap splice lengths (ACI 8. Requirements for Class A and Class B tension lap splices are given in ACI Table (see Table 7.23). is determined in accordance with ACI 9. Tension development length is the greater of (a) of the larger bar and (b) of the smaller bar 10. Where bars of different size are lap spliced together, (ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-43 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.22 Modification Factors for Deformed Bars in Compression Modification Factor Condition Value of Factor Lightweight, Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete &RQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQW Longitudinal reinforcement enclosed in the following: 1. A spiral $ FLUFXODUFRQWLQXRXVO\ZRXQGWLHZLWK and a pitch WLHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,VSDFHG on center + RRSVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,VSDFHG on center Other Table 7.23 Requirements for Class A and Class B Tension Lap Splices Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face *Tension development length Splice Details Splice Type There are percent of the longitudinal bars spliced at any section and the lap splices on adjacent bars are staggered by at least VHH)LJXUH Class A Other Class B All cases Class B Tension Lap Splice Length, ℓst* is determined in accordance with ACI 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHWHQVLRQGHYHOopment length, LVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,RULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ$&,7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHEDVHGRQWKRVHLQ$&,VRWKHODWWHU UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFRYHUHG¿UVW Method 1 – ACI The development length in tension of a deformed reinforcing bar, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D (7.36) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-44 Stagger distance κௗ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Class A lap splice length Clear space to determine κௗ ݊,௦ௗ 0.5݊,௧௧ Figure 7.30 Class A Tension Lap Splice 7KHIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHVHIDFWRUVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHDORQJZLWK must be taken less than or equal GH¿QLWLRQVIRUWKHRWKHUWHUPVLQ(TXDWLRQ 7KHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP WRLQ(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ Table 7.24 Factors for Development of Deformed Bars in Tension Factor Lightweight, Reinforcement grade, Epoxy, 6L]H Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete *UDGHRU*UDGH *UDGH *UDGH 1.3 (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG or clear reinforcement with clear cover spacing (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHG reinforcement for all other conditions 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQforcement DQGODUJHUEDUV DQGVPDOOHUEDUV (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-45 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.24 Factors for Development of Deformed Bars in Tension (cont.) Factor Casting position, Condition Value of Factor 0RUHWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWHSODFHG EHORZKRUL]RQWDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW 1.3 Other All Lesser of: 1. The distance from the center of a longitudinal bar to the nearest concrete surface. 2 QHKDOIWKHFHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRI the longitudinal bars being developed (see )LJXUH Spacing or cover dimension, Transverse reinforcement index, where: total cross-sectional area of all 1. transverse reinforcement within a spacing that crosses the potential plane of splitting through the longitudinal reinforcement being developed center-to-center spacing of the trans verse reinforcement number of bars being developed 3. along the plane of splitting All *The product need not exceed 1.7. **It is permitted to conservatively use if transverse reinforcement is present or required. For reinforcing bars with center, transverse reinforcement must be provided along the development length such that (ACI spaced closer than 6.0 in. on Method 2 – ACI 7KHPHWKRGJLYHQLQ$&,WRGHWHUPLQH LVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGSUHTwo sets of spacing and cover cases are given in ACI Table VHOHFWHGYDOXHVRIWKHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP VHH7DEOH 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQVIDFWRUVLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQVDUHREWDLQHGIURP$&,7DEOH VHH 7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-46 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿଵ ݀ ܿଶ ݏ ܿଵ ۓ ۖ ܿ ൌ ܿଶ ۔ ۖ ݏەȀʹ Figure 7.31 Spacing or cover dimension, cb. Table 7.25 Tension Development Length, ℓd, for Deformed Bars in Accordance with ACI Spacing and Cover #6 and Smaller Bars #7 and Larger Bars Condition 1 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced &OHDUFRYHU 3. Stirrups or ties throughout not less than the required minimum Case 1 &RQGLWLRQ 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced &OHDUFRYHU &DVH Other conditions @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-47 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete End-Bearing Splices End-bearing splices, which are also referred to as compression-only mechanical splices, are permitted to be used to splice the longitudinal bars in a column where the force in all the bars is compressive for all load combinations (ACI &RPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDUHWUDQVPLWWHGIURPRQHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUWRDQRWKHUE\EHDULQJRIVTXDUHFXWHQGV KHOGLQFRQFHQWULFFRQWDFWE\DVXLWDEOHSURSULHWDU\GHYLFH7ROHUDQFHVIRUWKHEDUHQGVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, End-bearing splices are permitted to be used only in columns where closed ties, closed stirrups, spirals, or hoops are SURYLGHG $&, 7KLVHQVXUHVPLQLPXPVKHDUUHVLVWDQFHLVSURYLGHGLQWKHPHPEHU $FFRUGLQJWR$&,HQGEHDULQJVSOLFHVPXVWKDYHDWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIDWOHDVWSHUFHQWRI of the continuing longitudinal reinforcement area on each face of a column. This is typically achieved by either staggering the location of the end-bearing splices or adding additional longitudinal reinforcement through the splice locations. Additional information and various types of end-bearing splices can be found in Reference 9. Mechanical and Welded Splices 0HFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHSHUPLWWHGLQFROXPQVDQGPXVWPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,7KHVHW\SHV of splices may be used in both tension and compression. A variety of proprietary mechanical devices are available that can be used to splice longitudinal reinforcing bars in DFROXPQ VHH5HIHUHQFH 7KHVHW\SHVRIVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQO\VSHFL¿HGDWORFDWLRQVZKHUHLQRUGLQDWHO\ORQJODS splices would be required or where lap splices would cause congestion. Mechanical splices must be able to develop LQWHQVLRQRUFRPSUHVVLRQDWOHDVWSHUFHQWRIWKH\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV of the longitudinal bars. These types of splices are primarily Welded splices must also be able to develop LQWHQGHGIRUEDUVDQGODUJHU:HOGLQJRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, 0HFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVLQFROXPQVQHHGQRWEHVWDJJHUHG $&, 7.8.6 Transverse Reinforcement Overview The main purposes of transverse reinforcement in columns are to provide lateral support of the longitudinal reinIRUFHPHQWDQGWRSURYLGHVKHDUUHVLVWDQFHZKHUHUHTXLUHG7KHPD[LPXPVSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,IRU WLHVDQGLQ$&,IRUVSLUDOVDUHPHDQWWRDFKLHYHWKHVHSXUSRVHV$OVRLQFOXGHGLQWKHVHVHFWLRQVDUHPLQLPXP VSDFLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVZKLFKKHOSWRHQVXUHFRQFUHWHFDQHDVLO\ÀRZEHWZHHQWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV 7KHW\SHVRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWW\SLFDOO\XVHGLQFROXPQVDUH WLHV UHFWLOLQHDURUFLUFXODU VSLUDOVRU KRRSV5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWLHVDQGVSLUDOVDUHFRYHUHGEHORZ Tie Reinforcement 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUFROXPQVZLWKWLHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQG7LHVFRQVLVWRIDFORVHGORRS RIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV>VHH)LJXUH D IRUUHFWLOLQHDUWLHV@0LQLPXPLQVLGHEHQGGLDPHWHUVDQGVWDQGDUG KRRNJHRPHWU\IRUWLHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH,QIRUPDWLRQIRUGHJUHHKRRNVLVLQFOXGHGLQWKDWWDEOHEXW VXFKKRRNVDUHQRWUHFRPPHQGHGPDLQO\GXHWRWKHGLI¿FXOWLHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKSODFLQJWKHPLQWKH¿HOG 7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUPLQLPXPDQGPD[LPXPWLHVSDFLQJ $&, DQGPLQLPXPWLHEDUVL]HEDVHGRQWKH VL]HRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHFROXPQ $&, DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7DEXODWHGYDOXHVRIWKHPD[LPXPFHQWHUWRFHQWHUWLHVSDFLQJDUHDOVRSURYLGHGLQ)LJXUHIRUYDULRXVFROXPQORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVL]HVWKH smallest cross-sectional dimension of the column must be compared to the appropriate tabulated value and the lesser of the two is to be used for the tie spacing. 7KHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&,SHUWDLQWRUHFWLOLQHDUWLHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVDQGWKHPD[LPXPFOHDUVSDFLQJSHUPLWWHG between laterally supported longitudinal bars in a column. Corner bars and every other longitudinal bar in the sec@Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-48 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܿଵ ܿଶ ܿଵ ൏ ܿଶ ݀ሺ௨ሻ ݀ሺ௧ሻ ͳ݀ሺ௨ሻ ݏ Ͷͺ݀ሺ௧ሻ ۔ ۖ ܿ ەଵ ሺͶΤ͵ሻ݀ ݀ሺ௧ሻ ۓ ۖ ݏȀʹ ͓͵ Ǥ Ǥ࢙ሺǤሻȗ ͓ͷ ͳͲ ͓ ͳʹ ͓ ͳͶ ͓ͺ ͳ ͓ͻ ͳͺ ͓ͳͲ ͳͺ ͓Ͷ ͓ͳͳ ʹʹ ͓ͳͶ ʹͶ ͓ͳͺ ʹͶ ȗǤ ݏ ܿଵ Figure 7.32 Tie requirements for reinforced concrete columns. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-49 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete WLRQPXVWKDYHODWHUDOVXSSRUWSURYLGHGE\WKHFRUQHURIDWLHWKDWKDVDKRRNRIQRWPRUHWKDQGHJUHHVZKHUH the clear spacing between the longitudinal bars on each side is less than or equal to 6 in. This is illustrated in FigXUH D IRUWKHFDVHRIDVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQZLWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV%HFDXVHWKHFOHDUVSDFLQJEHWZHHQWKH EDUVLVOHVVWKDQLQFURVVWLHVZLWKGHJUHHDQGGHJUHHKRRNVRQHDFKHQGDUHSURYLGHGDURXQGHYHU\RWKHU ORQJLWXGLQDOEDU7KHFOHDUVSDFHEHWZHHQORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLVJUHDWHUWKDQLQIRUWKHFROXPQLQ)LJXUH E ,Q WKLVFDVHFURVVWLHVDUHUHTXLUHGDURXQGHYHU\ORQJLWXGLQDOEDULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, E >VHH$&,)LJXUH 5D@ ԣሺǤሻ ԣሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ ሺሻ ሺǤሻ ሺሻ Figure 7.33 Lateral support requirements for longitudinal bars in tied columns. $GGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUODWHUDOVXSSRUWRIORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVZLWKWLHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH Circular ties may be used in cases where the longitudinal bars are located around the perimeter of a circle, like in FLUFXODURUVTXDUHFROXPQV $&, $QFKRUDJHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFLUFXODUWLHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, VHH $&,)LJXUH5 Spiral Reinforcement 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUFROXPQVZLWKVSLUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ$&,DQG6WDQGDUGVSLUDOVL]HV DUHWRDQGWKHFOHDUVSDFLQJEHWZHHQFRQVHFXWLYHWXUQVRQDVSLUDOPXVWQRWH[FHHGLQRUEHOHVVWKDQWKH used in the concrete mix. JUHDWHURILQRU WLPHVWKHGLDPHWHURIWKHODUJHVWDJJUHJDWHVL]H The minimum volumetric spiral reinforcement ratio, LVJLYHQE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (7.37) In this equation, is the area of the column core enclosed by the spiral, which is equal to where WKHGLDPHWHURIWKHFROXPQFRUHPHDVXUHGWRWKHRXWVLGHHGJHVRIWKHVSLUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-50 is Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݏΤ2 ሺACIሻ Offset bent bars ሺACI 10.7.4ሻ Additional ties within 6ԣ of bend ሺACIሻ Lap splice Tie spacing ݏሺACI; see Figure 7.32ሻ ݏΤ2 ሺACIሻ Tie spacing ݏሺACI; see Figure 7.32ሻ ݏΤ2 ሺACIሻ 3ᇳ ሺACIሻ Additional ties within 6ԣ of bend ሺACIሻ Beams on all four sides of column Tie spacing ݏሺACI; see Figure 7.32ሻ Figure 7.34 Tie and splice details for reinforced concrete columns. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-51 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ǡݏ ܦ ሺǤ ሻ ݄ Figure 7.35 Spiral reinforcement. The volumetric spiral reinforcement ratio, is equal to the following: (7.38) where is the area of the spiral reinforcing bar and monly referred to as the spiral pitch). An equation for is the center-to-center spacing of the spirals (which is com- can be obtained by substituting Equation (7.38) into Equation (7.37): (7.39) The limitations in ACI must also be considered when determining Recommended standard spirals for circular columns with various reinforcement yield strengths and concrete compressive strengths are given in Table 7.26. Table 7.26 Recommended Standard Spirals for Circular Columns fyt (psi) Iүc (psi) Column Size (in.) Spiral Size and Pitch 12 – 24 #3 @Ǝ 26 – 48 #3 @Ǝ 12 – 16 #4 @Ǝ 18 – 48 #4 @Ǝ 10,000 20 – 48 #5 @Ǝ 14,000 36 – 48 #5 @Ǝ 4,000 60,000 7,000 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-52 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.26 Recommended Standard Spirals for Circular Columns (cont.) fyt (psi) Iүc (psi) Column Size (in.) Spiral Size and Pitch ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ ± #Ǝ 6SLUDOVPXVWEHDQFKRUHGDWHDFKHQGE\SURYLGLQJRQHDQGRQHKDOIH[WUDWXUQVRIWKHVSLUDOEDU $&,VHH $&,)LJXUH5 5HTXLUHPHQWVIRUVSLUDOVSOLFHVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,0HFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, Lap splice lengths must DUHSHUPLWWHGDVDUHODSVSOLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,IRU EHWKHJUHDWHURILQRUWKHODSOHQJWKGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,7DEOHZKLFKLVHTXDOWRDPXOWLSOHRIWKHGLDPHWHURIWKHVSLUDOEDU/DSVSOLFHOHQJWKVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHIRUXQFRDWHGEDUVZLWKRXWKRRNVDQGIRU coated bars with and without hooks and are based on HTXDOWRSVLUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHDFWXDO\LHOGVWUHQJWK RIWKHEDU>VHH$&, E @ • 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHGJDOYDQL]HGGHIRUPHGEDUVZLWKRXWKRRNV/DSOHQJWK • (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGGHIRUPHGEDUVZLWKRXWKRRNV/DSOHQJWK • (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGGHIRUPHGEDUVZLWKDVWDQGDUGKRRNFRQIRUPLQJWR$&, Lap length Requirements for lateral support of longitudinal bars using spirals at the top and bottom of a story are given in ACI DQGDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ)LJXUH 7.9 Connections to Foundations 7.9.1 Overview 9HUWLFDODQGKRUL]RQWDOIRUFHVPXVWEHWUDQVIHUUHGDWWKHLQWHUIDFHEHWZHHQDFROXPQDQGDIRXQGDWLRQ $&, Vertical compression forces are transferred by bearing on the concrete or by a combination of bearing and interface reinforcement. Tension forces must be transferred entirely by reinforcement, which may consist of extended longituGLQDOEDUVGRZHOVDQFKRUEROWVRUPHFKDQLFDOFRQQHFWRUV+RUL]RQWDOIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGXVLQJWKHVKHDUIULFWLRQ SURYLVLRQVRI$&,RURWKHUDSSURSULDWHPHWKRGV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-53 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ ʹ݄ Figure 7.36 Lateral support of longitudinal bars using spirals. 7.9.2 Vertical Transfer Compression :KHUHYHUWLFDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGWRDIRXQGDWLRQEHDULQJVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVW EHVDWLV¿HGIRUERWKWKHFROXPQDQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ $&, )RUEHDULQJRQDFROXPQWKHIDFWRUHGEHDULQJ must be less than or equal to the design bearing strength, where the nominal bearing strength, force, LVJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH (7.40) In this equation, LVHTXDOWRIRUEHDULQJ $&,7DEOH DQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-54 is the gross area of the column. Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUEHDULQJRQDIRXQGDWLRQZLGHURQDOOVLGHVWKDQWKHORDGHGDUHDWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG (7.41) The term is the area of the lower base of the largest frustrum of a pyramid, cone, or tapered wedge contained and having side slopes of 1 vertical to wholly within the foundation and having for its upper base the loaded area KRUL]RQWDO$UHDV and DUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHRIDFROXPQVXSSRUWHGE\DVSUHDGIRRWLQJ ʹ ͳ ܮ ܿଶ ܾ ܿଵ ܤ Ͷͷ ל ܣଵ ൌ ܿଵ ܿଶ ʹ ݄ ͳ ܣଶ ൌ ܾܮ ܮ Figure 7.37 Determination of areas for bearing strength. Where the excess compression stress from the column must be transferred by reinforcement to the founis determined by the following equation: dation. The required area of interface reinforcement, (7.42) In this equation, is the gross area of the column. The minimum amount of interface reinforcement, $&, be provided even where must Dowel bars emanating from the foundation are the type of interface reinforcement commonly used because of ease of construction. The dowel bars are set in the foundation prior to casting the foundation concrete and are subsequently spliced to the column longitudinal bars. Dowels should be positioned so as not to interfere with the longitudinal bars or the tie hooks in the column. ,OOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHGRZHOEDUVDFURVVWKHLQWHUIDFHEHWZHHQDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQDQGVSUHDGIRRWing where all the longitudinal bars in the column are in compression for all factored load combinations (Zone 1 in deter)LJXUH 7KHGRZHOEDUVPXVWH[WHQGLQWRWKHIRRWLQJDWOHDVWDFRPSUHVVLRQGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWK PLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ ,WLVQRWUHTXLUHGWRSURYLGHGRZHO bars for all the longitudinal bars in such cases. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-55 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κௗ ǡሺ݀ ሻௗ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻ ሺǤሻ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ Figure 7.38 Dowel bars at the interface of a reinforced concrete column and footing where all the longitudinal bars in the column are in compression. Standard hooks are typically provided at the ends of the dowel bars, which are tied to the reinforcing bars in the footing; this detail is far more economical than terminating the dowel bars above the footing reinforcing bars. The hooked portion of the dowels cannot be considered effective for developing the dowels bars in compression (ACI 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHDGHTXDWHO\GHYHORSHGLQWRWKH footing: (7.43) In this equation, LVWKHUDGLXVRIWKHGRZHOEDUEHQG VHH$&,7DEOHZKLFKFRQWDLQVPLQLPXPLQVLGHEHQG GLDPHWHUVIRUEDUVZLWKVWDQGDUGGHJUHHKRRNV :KHUH(TXDWLRQ LVQRWVDWLV¿HGHLWKHUDJUHDWHUQXPEHURI smaller dowel bars can be used (if possible) or the depth of the footing must be increased. The information above pertaining to the development of dowel bars in spread footings is also applicable to the development of dowel bars in pile caps. For columns supported on drilled piers or caissons, the dowel bars in the drilled pier or caisson usually do not have hooks at the ends. The dowel bars must also be fully developed in the column; this is typically achieved by lap splicing the dowel bars WRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH :KHUHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHWKHVDPHVL]HDVWKHFROXPQEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-56 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete WKHPLQLPXPFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKLVXVHG VHH7DEOH :KHUHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHGLIIHUHQWLQVL]HWKDQ WKHFROXPQEDUVWKHFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKPXVWVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,/DSVSOLFHVRI DQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQFRPSUHVVLRQIRUDOOIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVZLWKDQGVPDOOHUGRZHOEDUVDUH SHUPLWWHGSURYLGHGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG $&, Tension Tension forces transferred from a column to a foundation must be resisted entirely by reinforcement across the inWHUIDFH $&, E DQG DQGGRZHOEDUVPXVWEHSURYLGHGIRUDOOWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHFROXPQ ,QVXFKFDVHVIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIDOOZLWKLQ=RQHVRURIWKHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDP VHH )LJXUH 7HQVLOHDQFKRUDJHRIWKHGRZHOEDUVLQWRDIRRWLQJRUSLOHFDSLVW\SLFDOO\DFFRPSOLVKHGE\SURYLGLQJGHJUHH determined in acstandard hooks at the ends of the dowel bars with the development length of the hooked bar, FRUGDQFHZLWK$&, VHH)LJXUH ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻௗ κௗ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻ ሺǤሻ Figure 7.39 Dowel bars at the interface of a reinforced concrete column and footing where the longitudinal bars in the column are in compression and tension. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-57 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (7.44) 7KLVGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLVPHDVXUHGIURPWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQWRWKHRXWVLGHIDFHRIWKHKRRN VHH)LJXUHRIWKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 7.27 Modification Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension Modification Factor Lightweight, Epoxy, &RQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQW Location, Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGUHLQIRUFHPHQW 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK or Other )RUDQGVPDOOHUKRRNHGEDUV 1. terminating inside a column core with side cover normal to the plane of the hook or ZLWKVLGHFRYHUQRUPDOWRWKHSODQHRIWKHKRRN Other Concrete strength, 1.6 7KHFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDFWRU LVW\SLFDOO\HTXDOWRIRUKRRNHGGRZHOEDUVLQIRRWLQJVEHFDXVHFRQ¿Qing reinforcement is usually not provided in such cases. 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGWRHQVXUHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHDGHTXDWHO\GHYHORSHGLQWRWKHIRRWLQJ FRQVLGering the hooked portion of the dowel bars can be developed in tension): (7.45) :KHUH(TXDWLRQ LVQRWVDWLV¿HGWKHGHSWKRIWKHIRRWLQJXVXDOO\PXVWEHLQFUHDVHG For development of the dowel bars into the column, a tension lap splice or a mechanical connection in accordance ZLWK$&,RUUHVSHFWLYHO\PXVWEHSURYLGHGEHWZHHQWKHGRZHOEDUVDQGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV,QWKH FDVHRIODSVSOLFHVD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHG VHH7DEOHDQG)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-58 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.9.3 Horizontal Transfer 7KHVKHDUIULFWLRQPHWKRGRI$&,LVSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWK at the FRQWDFWVXUIDFHEHWZHHQWKHFROXPQDQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ $&, 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW across the interface between the column and the foundation is determined by the following equation, which is apSOLFDEOHWRVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHLQWHUIDFH $&, (7.46) In this equation, is the factored shear force due to the lateral force effects at the interface, the strength reduction factor LVHTXDOWRDQG LVWKHFRHI¿FLHQWRIIULFWLRQZKLFKLVREWDLQHGIURP$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 7.28 Coefficient of Friction, μ Contact Surface Condition μ Concrete placed monolithically Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and not intentionally roughened 8SSHUOLPLWVRQVKHDUIULFWLRQVWUHQJWKDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH 7KHWHUP is the area of For example, where a column is supported by a footing, is equal to the gross area of the concrete resisting column. Where the concrete strengths of the column and the foundation are different, the smaller of the two must be XVHGLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQV $&, Table 7.29 Maximum Vn Across the Assumed Shear Plane Contact Surface Condition Maximum Vn = Vu / Ҁ* Normalweight concrete placed monolithically or placed against hardened concrete intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Other cases * area of concrete resisting The required amount of shear friction reinforcement, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ EDVHG where is a permanent net compression force transmitted across the ason a net force equal to VXPHGVKHDUSODQH $&, $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHGWRUHVLVWDQHW factored tension force across the assumed shear plane is to be added to the area of reinforcement required for shear friction that crosses the assumed shear plane. For columns transmitting a bending moment across the shear plane, WKHÀH[XUDOFRPSUHVVLRQDQGWHQVLRQIRUFHVDUHLQHTXLOLEULXPDQGGRQRWFKDQJHWKHUHVXOWDQWFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFH acting across the shear plane or the shear-friction resistance. Thus, it is not necessary to provide additional UHLQIRUFHPHQWWRUHVLVWWKHÀH[XUDOWHQVLRQVWUHVVHVXQOHVVWKHUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWH[FHHGVWKH DPRXQWRIVKHDUWUDQVIHUUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHGLQWKHÀH[XUDOWHQVLRQ]RQH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-59 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete EŽ zĞƐ EŽ zĞƐ A Figure 7.40 Design procedure for columns. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-60 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete A Provide dowel bars to satisfy the requirements in ACI 16.3 for connections to foundations ሺSect. 7.9ሻ Figure 7.40 Design procedure for columns (cont.). Full tension anchorage of the shear-friction reinforcement must be provided into the foundation and into the column. The lengths of these bars are determined in the same way as those for vertical transfer where tension forces are present. The area of the dowel bars is usually determined initially based on the requirements for vertical transfer. That area is FRPSDUHGZLWKWKHDUHDUHTXLUHGIRUKRUL]RQWDOWUDQVIHUDQGWKHODUJHURIWKHWZRLVSURYLGHGDWWKHLQWHUIDFH 7.10 Design Procedure 7KHGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQVVXEMHFWHGWRD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDQGXQLD[LDOEHQGLQJ,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHVHFWLRQQXPEHUVWDEOHQXPEHUV DQG¿JXUHQXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVFKDSWHUFDQEHIRXQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-61 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.11 Examples 7.11.1 Example 7.1 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%DVVXPLQJDUHFWDQJXODUWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces Table 3.3 Roof: Floors: This column is not part of the LFRS, and the bending moments due to gravity load effects are negligible. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.30 Summary of Axial Forces for Column C3 Load Case Axial Force (kips) Dead Roof live 11.8 Live Load Combination $&,(T D $&,(T E 661.6 $&,(T F Step 2 – Determine the gross area of the column Assuming a 1 percent reinforcement ratio for the longitudinal reinforcement a tied column is the following using the largest LQ7DEOH the required gross area of Eq. (7.30) With a 1 percent reinforcement ratio, an 18-in. square column is adequate @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-62 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUDSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRWKHUHTXLUHG column. is equal to ZKLFKFRUUHVSRQGVWRDLQVTXDUH An 18-in. square column is selected. Comments.,WLVVKRZQLQ([DPSOHWKDWDQLQWKLFNVODELVDGHTXDWHIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\DQGVKHDUVWUHQJWK UHTXLUHPHQWVEDVHGRQLQVTXDUHFROXPQV7KHUHTXLUHGVODEWKLFNQHVVEDVHGRQLQFROXPQVLVHTXDOWR ,WFDQEHVKRZQWKDWWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGZLWK LQFROXPQVDQGDQLQWKLFNVODE7KHLQFROXPQVFDQEHXVHGKRZHYHULIVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVODE is provided. 7.11.2 Example 7.2 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ %DVVXPLQJDQLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement Based on an 18-in. square tied column, the required reinforcement ratio, is equal to the following: Eq. (7.32) 6HOHFWEDUV Step 2 – Check the minimum number of longitudinal bars and the minimum face dimension of the column For rectangular, tied columns: Minimum number of longitudinal bars with rectangular ties Minimum face dimension IRUEDUVSHUIDFHDQGQRUPDOODSVSOLFHV Table 7.16 Table 7.17 8VHEDUV 7.11.3 Example 7.3 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DVVXPLQJDQLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the required tie bar size ACI %HFDXVHWKHVKHDUIRUFHGXHWRWKHIDFWRUHGJUDYLW\ORDGVLVQHJOLJLEOHWKHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVL]HLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ $&, )RUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVXVHWLHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-63 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the required tie bar spacing ACI Because the shear force due to the factored gravity loads is negligible, the required tie bar spacing is determined usLQJ$&, 8VHWLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUWKLVPDWFKHVWKHYDOXHLQ)LJXUH 7.11.4 Example 7.4 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGRZHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% spread footing (see Figure 1.1). Also assuming an 18-in. square tied column supported by a and DVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Check the bearing loads on the column and footing ACI • Bearing strength of the column: Eq. (7.40) • Bearing strength of the footing: Eq. (7.41) Footing thickness +RUL]RQWDOSURMHFWLRQIRUDVORSH Figure 7.37 Projected length Therefore, Step 2 – Determine the required interface reinforcement ACI Because the design bearing strengths are adequate for the column and footing, provide minimum area of reinforcement across the interface: 3URYLGHGRZHOEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-64 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Check the development of the dowel bars in the footing Determine the compression development length, RIWKHGRZHOEDUV Table 7.21, Note 5 Table 7.22 Table 7.13 Therefore, $VVXPLQJWZROD\HUVRIEDUVLQWKHIRRWLQJZLWKDFOHDUFRYHURILQGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPIRRWLQJWKLFNQHVV for the development of the dowel bars: Eq. (7.43) Because the minimum LVOHVVWKDQWKHSURYLGHGIRRWLQJWKLFNQHVVRILQWKHKRRNHGGRZHOEDUV can be fully developed in the footing for compression. Step 4 – Determine the development length of the dowel bars in the column The dowel bars are lap spliced to the longitudinal reinforcement in the column. Because the dowel bars are smaller must be greater than or equal to the in diameter than the longitudinal bars, the compression lap splice length, larger of the following: 1. Development length in compression, RIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-65 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Compression lap splice length, RIWKHGRZHOEDUV Table 7.21 3URYLGHDODSVSOLFHOHQJWKRIIWLQ 1HJOLJLEOHKRUL]RQDOIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHFROXPQWRWKHIRRWLQJVRKRUL]RQWDOIRUFHWUDQVIHULVQRWLQYHVWLJDWHG 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ͳԢǦԣ ͳԢǦԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ͓͵̷ͳԢǦԣǤ Ǥ ͓ͻሺǤሻ ͳͳԢǦԣ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ʹԢǦͲԣ ʹԢǦͲԣ ͶǦ͓ Figure 7.41 Reinforcement details for column C3 in Examples 7.1 through 7.4. 7.11.5 Example 7.5 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%DVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQLVFLUFXODUZLWKWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQVLVWLQJRIWLHV VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODE DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-66 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces Table 3.3 Roof: Floors: This column is not part of the LFRS, and the bending moments due to gravity load effects are negligible. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVJLYHQLQ7DEOHLQ([DPSOH Step 2 – Determine the gross area of the column Assuming a 1 percent reinforcement ratio for the longitudinal reinforcement a tied column is the following using the largest LQ7DEOH the required gross area of Eq. (7.30) :LWKDSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRDLQFLUFXODUFROXPQLVDGHTXDWH )RUDSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRWKHUHTXLUHG LQFLUFXODUFROXPQ is equal to which corresponds approximately to a $LQFLUFXODUFROXPQLVVHOHFWHG 7.11.6 Example 7.6 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ %DVVXPLQJDLQFLUFXODUWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement %DVHGRQDLQFLUFXODUWLHGFROXPQWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLR is equal to the following: Eq. (7.32) 6HOHFWEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-67 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Check the minimum and maximum number of longitudinal bars For circular, tied columns: Minimum number of longitudinal bars with circular ties Table 7.16 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIEDUV Table 7.19 IRUDLQFLUFXODUFROXPQDQGQRUPDOODSVSOLFHV 8VHEDUV Comments.,WFDQEHVKRZQWKDWWKHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHFLUFXODUWLHVDQGWKHQXPEHUDQGVL]HRIWKHGRZHOEDUV IRUWKHLQFLUFXODUWLHGFROXPQDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHVDQGIRUWKHLQVTXDUH WLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH ͳԢǦͺԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ͓͵̷ͳԢǦԣǤ Ǥ ͓ͻሺǤሻ ͳͳԢǦԣ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ʹԢǦͲԣ ʹԢǦͲԣ ͶǦ͓ Figure 7.42 Reinforcement details for column C3 in Examples 7.5 and 7.6. 7.11.7 Example 7.7 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%DVVXPLQJDFLUFXODU and VSLUDOFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-68 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces Table 3.3 Roof: Floors: This column is not part of the LFRS, and the bending moments due to gravity load effects are negligible. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVJLYHQLQ7DEOHLQ([DPSOH Step 2 – Determine the gross area of the column Assuming a 1 percent reinforcement ratio for the longitudinal reinforcement a spiral column is the following using the largest LQ7DEOH the required gross area of Eq. (7.31) With a 1 percent reinforcement ratio, a 19-in. circular column is adequate )RUDSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRWKHUHTXLUHG 18-in. circular column. is equal to which corresponds approximately to an An 18-in. circular column is selected. 7.11.8 Example 7.8 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ %DVVXPLQJDQLQFLUFXODUVSLUDOFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQDQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW crete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement Based on an 18-in. circular spiral column, the required reinforcement ratio, is equal to the following: Eq. (7.32) 6HOHFWEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-69 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Check the minimum and maximum number of longitudinal bars For circular, spiral columns: Minimum number of longitudinal bars with spirals Table 7.16 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIEDUV Table 7.19 for an 18-in. circular column and normal lap splices 8VHEDUV 7.11.9 Example 7.9 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DVVXPLQJDQLQFLUFXODUVSLUDOFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the required spiral bar size ACI %HFDXVHWKHVKHDUIRUFHGXHWRWKHIDFWRUHGJUDYLW\ORDGVLVQHJOLJLEOHWKHUHTXLUHGVSLUDOEDUVL]HLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&, 6SLUDOEDUVPXVWKDYHDGLDPHWHURIDWOHDVWLQVRXVHDVSLUDO Step 2 – Determine the required spiral bar spacing ACI, Because the shear force due to the factored gravity loads is negligible, the required spiral bar spacing is determined XVLQJ$&, Eq. (7.39) 8VHDVSLUDODWDLQSLWFKWKLVPDWFKHVWKHYDOXHLQ7DEOH 7.11.10 Example 7.10 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGRZHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%DVspread footing (see Figure 1.1). Also suming an 18-in. circular spiral column supported by a and DVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-70 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Check the bearing loads on the column and footing ACI • Bearing strength of the column: Eq. (7.40) Therefore, transfer the excess compression force by interface reinforcement: Eq. (7.42) • Bearing strength of the footing: Eq. (7.41) Footing thickness +RUL]RQWDOSURMHFWLRQIRUDVORSH Projected diameter of cone Therefore, Step 2 – Determine the required interface reinforcement ACI It is determined in Step 1 that the required area of interface reinforcement is 3URYLGHGRZHOEDUV Step 3 – Check the development of the dowel bars in the footing Determine the compression development length, RIWKHGRZHOEDUV Table 7.21, Note 5 (the dowel bars are not enclosed by any transverse reinforcement in the footing) Table 7.22 Table 7.13 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-71 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VVXPLQJWZROD\HUVRIEDUVLQWKHIRRWLQJZLWKDFOHDUFRYHURILQGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPIRRWLQJWKLFNQHVV IRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHGRZHOEDUV Eq. (7.43) Because the minimum LVOHVVWKDQWKHSURYLGHGIRRWLQJWKLFNQHVVRILQWKHKRRNHGGRZHOEDUV can be fully developed in the footing for compression. Step 4 – Determine the development length of the dowel bars in the column 7KHGRZHOEDUVDUHODSVSOLFHGWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROXPQ%HFDXVHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUH must be greater than or equal to the WKHVDPHVL]HDVWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVWKHFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWK following: Table 7.21 ͳԢǦԣ Ǧ͓ ͓͵̷ʹԣ ͓ͻሺǤሻ ͳͳԢǦԣ Figure 7.43 Reinforcement details for column C3 in Examples 7.7 through 7.10. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-72 ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ʹԢǦͲԣ ͳԢǦԣ Ǧ͓ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For spiral columns, LVSHUPLWWHGWREHPXOWLSOLHGE\ ACI Provide a lap splice length of 1 ft-6 in. 1HJOLJLEOHKRUL]RQDOIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHFROXPQWRWKHIRRWLQJVRKRUL]RQWDOIRUFHWUDQVIHULVQRWLQYHVWLgated. 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH 7.11.11 Example 7.11 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column, Grade 60 Longitudinal Reinforcement ͳͺԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ͳͷǤͷԣ ʹǤͶͶԣ 'HWHUPLQHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKHLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQLQ([DPSOHV WKURXJK7KHFROXPQLVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGDFOHDUFRYHURILQLVSURYLGHGWRWLHV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK ͳͺԣ Figure 7.44 Reinforced concrete column in Example 7.11. Nominal and design axial forces and bending moments are determined at the following points: A. Pure axial compression B. Balanced point C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face E. Pure bending Calculations are provided for pure axial compression and the balanced point; a summary of the results is given for all the other points. In the calculations, it is assumed compression is positive. A. Pure axial compression The nominal axial compressive strength for a tied column is determined by the following: Eq. (7.13) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-73 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The section is compression-controlled, so Table 7.10 B. Balanced point Step 1 – Determine the neutral axis depth Table 7.11 %DODQFHGIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQRFFXUVZKHQWKHPD[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVHTXDOWRDQGWKHVWUDLQ (Note: ACI in the reinforcement farthest from the compression face is IRU*UDGHGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWEXWWKDWYDOXHLVQRWXVHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH 7KH SHUPLWV neutral axis depth, is determined by the following equation: Figure 7.10 Step 2 – Determine the depth of the equivalent stress block Table 7.11 Step 3 – Determine the resultant compression force Step 4 – Determine the strain in the reinforcement Layer 1: /D\HU Step 5 – Determine the stress in the reinforcement Layer 1: /D\HU Step 6 – Determine the force in the reinforcement Layer 1 /D\HU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-74 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 7 – Determine the nominal and design axial strengths Step 8 – Determine the nominal and design flexural strengths C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.31 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0 dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0.5fy 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-75 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.32 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0.5fy dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) E. Pure bending There is no closed-form solution to determine the depth of the neutral axis for the case of pure bending. From trialand-error, it is found that 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH 1,400 1,200 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 1,000 ݂௦ ൌ 0 800 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.45 Nominal and design strength interaction diagrams for the column in Example 7.11. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-76 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.33 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Pure Bending dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) 7KHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH 7.11.12 Example 7.12 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column, Grade 100 Longitudinal Reinforcement 'HWHUPLQHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKHLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQLQ([DPSOHV WKURXJK7KHFROXPQLVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGDFOHDUFRYHURILQLVSURYLGHGWRWLHV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK Nominal and design axial forces and bending moments are determined at the following points: A. Pure axial compression B. Balanced point C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face E. Pure bending Calculations are provided for pure axial compression and the balanced point; a summary of the results is given for all the other points. In the calculations, it is assumed compression is positive. A. Pure axial compression The nominal axial compressive strength for a tied column is determined by the following: Eq. (7.13) Note that is used in the equation for LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWLQ$&,ZKLFK limits WRNVLIRUPHPEHUVVXEMHFWHGWRSXUHD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQ The section is compression-controlled, so Table 7.10 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-77 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete B. Balanced point Step 1 – Determine the neutral axis depth Table 7.11 %DODQFHGIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQRFFXUVZKHQWKHPD[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVHTXDOWRDQGWKHVWUDLQLQ The neutral the reinforcement farthest from the compression face is axis depth, is determined by the following equation: Figure 7.10 Step 2 – Determine the depth of the equivalent stress block Table 7.11 Step 3 – Determine the resultant compression force Step 4 – Determine the strain in the reinforcement Layer 1: /D\HU Step 5 – Determine the stress in the reinforcement Layer 1: /D\HU Step 6 – Determine the force in the reinforcement Layer 1 /D\HU Step 7 – Determine the nominal and design axial strengths @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-78 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 8 – Determine the nominal and design flexural strengths C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.34 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0 dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0.5fy 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-79 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.35 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0.5fy dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) E. Pure bending There is no closed-form solution to determine the depth of the neutral axis for the case of pure bending. From trialand-error, it is found that 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH 1,600 Point A 1,400 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 1,200 ݂௦ ൌ 0 1,000 800 600 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.46 Nominal and design strength interaction diagrams for the column in Example 7.12. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-80 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.36 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Pure Bending dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) 7KHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH3RLQW$RQWKHQRPLwhich corresponds nal strength interaction diagram represents the maximum nominal axial force WRWKHNVLOLPLWIRUSXUHD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQLQ$&,$KRUL]RQWDOOLQHFRQQHFWVWKDWSRLQWWRWKHSRLQW and where 7.11.13 Example 7.13 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column, Grade 60 Longitudinal Reinforcement ʹǤͶͶԣ 'HWHUPLQHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKHLQFLUFXODUWLHGFROXPQLQ([DPSOHV DQG7KHFROXPQLVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVDQGDFOHDUFRYHURILQLVSURYLGHGWRWLHV VHH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW )LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK ͳͲǤͲͲԣ ͳǤͷԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ʹͲԣ Figure 7.47 Reinforced concrete column in Example 7.13. Nominal and design axial forces and bending moments are determined at the following points: A. Pure axial compression B. Balanced point C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from compression face E. Pure bending @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-81 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Calculations are provided for pure axial compression and the balanced point; a summary of the results is given for all the other points. In the calculations, it is assumed compression is positive. A. Pure axial compression The nominal axial compressive strength for a tied column is determined by the following: Eq. (7.13) where The section is compression-controlled, so Table 7.10 B. Balanced point Step 1 – Determine the neutral axis depth Table 7.11 %DODQFHGIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQRFFXUVZKHQWKHPD[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHLVHTXDOWRDQGWKHVWUDLQ (Note: ACI in the reinforcement farthest from the compression face is IRU*UDGHGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWEXWWKDWYDOXHLVQRWXVHGLQWKLVH[DPSOH 7KH SHUPLWV neutral axis depth, is determined by the following equation: Figure 7.12 Step 2 – Determine the depth of the equivalent stress block Table 7.11 Step 3 – Determine the section properties of the compression zone Figure 7.13 Step 4 – Determine the resultant compression force Step 5 – Determine the strain in the reinforcement @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-82 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Layer 1: /D\HU Layer 3: Step 6 – Determine the stress in the reinforcement Layer 1: /D\HU Layer 3: Step 7 – Determine the force in the reinforcement Layer 1 /D\HU Layer 3 Step 8 – Determine the nominal and design axial strengths Step 9 – Determine the nominal and design flexural strengths C. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-83 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Figure 7.13 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.37 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0 dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) D. Stress in reinforcement farthest from the compression face = 0.5fy Figure 7.13 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-84 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.38 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Stress in Reinforcement Farthest from Compression Face = 0.5fy dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) E. Pure bending There is no closed-form solution to determine the depth of the neutral axis for the case of pure bending. From trialand-error, it is found that Figure 7.13 7KHVWUDLQVVWUHVVHVDQGIRUFHVDWHDFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.39 Summary of Reinforcement Strains, Stresses, and Forces for Pure Bending dsi (in.) İsi fsi (ksi) Fsi (kips) 36.6 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-85 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHQRPLQDODQGGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH 1,400 1,200 ݂௦ ൌ 0 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 1,000 800 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 600 400 200 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.48 Nominal and design strength interaction diagrams for the column in Example 7.13. 7.11.14 Example 7.14 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VL]HIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&IRUZLQGIRUFHVLQ WKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDVVXPLQJDUHFWDQJXODUWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODE DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW E\LQEHDPVQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces and bending moments Roof: Floors: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-86 Table 3.3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete This column is part of the LFRS and the bending moments due to gravity load effects are small compared to the bending moments due to wind load effects in the north-south direction, so the former are not considered. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\IURPDQDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKW 665 DQGVLGHVZD\WRWKHOHIW 66/ Table 7.40 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for Column C1 Bending Moment (ft-kips) Load Case Axial Force (kips) Top Bottom Dead Roof live Live Wind Load Combination $&,(T D $&,(T E 63.9 63.9 $&,(T F SSR SSL SSR SSL SSR SSL $&,(T G $&,(T I Step 2 – Determine the gross area of the column $SUHOLPLQDU\FROXPQVL]HLVLQLWLDOO\GHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHRQO\ $VVXPLQJDSHUFHQWUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRIRUWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW a tied column is the following using the largest LQ7DEOH the required gross area of Eq. (7.30) $LQVTXDUHFROXPQKDVDJURVVDUHD +RZHYHUDLQVTXDUHFROXPQLVVHOHFWHGIRUWKHIROORZLQJUHDVRQV WKHFROXPQLVVXEMHFWHGWREHQGLQJPRPHQWVWKDWKDYHQRWEHHQDFFRXQWHGIRULQWKHLQLWLDOGHVLJQ LWKDVQRWEHHQGHWHUPLQHGZKHWKHUWKHFROXPQLV part of a nonsway or sway frame and whether slenderness effects need to be considered or not and (3) preliminary DQDO\VLVLQGLFDWHVWKDWDWOHDVWLQVTXDUHFROXPQVDUHQHHGHGWRSURYLGHVXI¿FLHQWRYHUDOOODWHUDOVWLIIQHVVIRUWKH EXLOGLQJ7KHFROXPQVL]HFDQEHDGMXVWHGDFFRUGLQJO\RQFHPRUHFDOFXODWLRQVDUHSHUIRUPHG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-87 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.11.15 Example 7.15 – Determination of Nonsway or Sway Frame: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHZKHWKHUWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&LVDQRQVZD\RUVZD\IUDPHDVVXPLQJDOOWKH FROXPQVDUHLQVTXDUH VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPVQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHIRUDVXPPDU\RIWKHORDGVDWWKHYDULRXVOHYHOV Step 1 – Determine the total loads in the first story • Roof: • 7\SLFDOÀRRU The total factored load must correspond to the lateral loading case for which it is a maximum. In this example, ACI (T G SURGXFHVWKHODUJHVWORDG Step 2 – Determine the stability index for the first story An elastic analysis of the structure was performed with the building subjected to the north-south wind forces in 7DEOHDVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHZHUHXVHGIRU the columns, beams, and slabs. The following results were obtained from the analysis: The stability index, is determined from the following equation: Table 7.3 Because WKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVDQRQVZD\IUDPH VHH$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-88 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.11.16 Example 7.16 – Check if Slenderness Effects Must be Considered: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame &KHFNLIVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ &DVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQLVLQVTXDUH VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVQRQVZD\LQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQ7KHUHIRUH VOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVFDQEHQHJOHFWHGZKHQWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQLVVDWLV¿HG Table 7.6 For all load combinations including wind, Table 7.40 The column is bent in double curvature for all load combinations; therefore, slenderness can be neglected where the IROORZLQJLVVDWLV¿HG Assuming the effective length factor, 7DEOH LVHTXDOWRWKH ZKLFKLVWKHPD[LPXPYDOXHIRUQRQVZD\IUDPHVVHH Therefore, slenderness effects need not be considered. 7.11.17 Example 7.17 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ &DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement Eq. (7.32) %DVHGRQDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQWKHUHTXLUHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLR is equal to the following for the largest IDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHLQ7DEOHZKLFKRFFXUVZLWKRXWDQ\DSSUHFLDEOHEHQGLQJPRPHQWV Therefore, use the minimum required @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-89 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6HOHFWEDUV Step 2 – Check if the selected longitudinal reinforcement is adequate for all load combinations 7KHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPIRUWKLVFROXPQUHLQIRUFHGZLWKEDUVLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH$OVR VKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHDUHORDGFRPELQDWLRQSRLQWVIRUWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQ7DEOH 900 800 ݂௦ ൌ 0 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 700 600 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 500 300 200 400 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.49 Design strength interaction diagram for column C1. ,WLVHYLGHQWIURPWKH¿JXUHWKDWWKHFROXPQLVDGHTXDWHIRUDOOIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV Step 3 – Check the minimum number of longitudinal bars and the minimum face dimension of the column For rectangular, tied columns: Minimum number of longitudinal bars with rectangular ties Minimum face dimension IRUEDUVSHUIDFHDQGQRUPDOODSVSOLFHV Table 7.16 Table 7.17 8VHEDUV Comments.,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUHWKDWWKHLQFROXPQZLWKEDUVSRVVHVVHVVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUH VWUHQJWKWKDQUHTXLUHGEDVHGRQWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV+RZHYHUDVQRWHGLQ([DPSOHLQFROXPQV are needed primarily for lateral stiffness of the moment frames. Furthermore, the column is also part of the LFRS in the east-west direction and must also be designed for combined gravity and wind load effects for wind in that direcWLRQ'HFUHDVLQJWKHDPRXQWRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWEHORZSHUFHQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,LVQRW done in this example. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-90 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.11.18 Example 7.18 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ &DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Determine the required tie bar size ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVL]HLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&, )RUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVXVHWLHV Step 2 – Determine the required tie bar spacing ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVSDFLQJLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&,WKHWLHEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJZLOOWKHQEHFKHFNHGWR determine if they are adequate for shear strength requirements. 7U\WLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Step 3 – Check the adequacy of the tie bar size and spacing for shear ACI 22.5 Maximum factored shear force, LVREWDLQHGIURP$&,(TV G DQG I EDVHGRQWKHIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJ PRPHQWGXHWRWKHZLQGORDGHIIHFWVDQGLVHTXDOWRNLSV VHH7DEOHDQG)LJXUH Check if the design shear strength of the concrete, LVSURYLGHGRUQRW VHH7DEOH alone is adequate, which is determined based on whether Eq. (7.26) The minimum area of shear reinforcement is greater than SURYLGHGE\WKHWLHVVSDFHG 18 in. on center. Because LVUHODWLYHO\VPDOOLWLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRLQFUHDVHWKHWLHEDUVL]HDQGRUGHFUHDVHWKH is determined based on spacing, so Table 7.12 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-91 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܲ௨ ܯ௨ǡ௧ ൌ ʹͲǤͶǦ κ௨ ൌ ͳͶǤͲ െ ሾʹͶǤͲȀሺʹ ൈ ͳʹሻሿ ൌ ͳ͵ǤͲ ܸ௨ ܸ௨ ൌ ʹͲǤͶ ͵Ǥͻ ൌ Ǥͷ ͳ͵ǤͲ ܸ௨ ܯ௨ǡ௧௧ ൌ ͵ǤͻǦ ܲ௨ Figure 7.50 Factored shear force for column C1. Eq. (7.23) Table 7.13 WKHUHDUHEDUVORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWK IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU Use minimum FRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T I EHFDXVHWKLVUHVXOWVLQPLQLPXP ACI Also, so minimum shear reinforcement is not required. 7KHUHIRUHXVHWLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-92 ACI Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7.11.19 Example 7.19 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGRZHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&DVspread footing (see Figure 1.1). Also assume VXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQVXSSRUWHGE\D DQG*UDGH DLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Check the bearing stresses on the column and footing ACI Bearing strength of the column. is determined for pure compression using the factored axial force determined by ACI Factored bearing stress, (TV E DQGIRUFRPSUHVVLRQSOXVEHQGLQJXVLQJWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\ $&,(TV G DQG I >VHH7DEOH@ • $&,(T E • $&,(T G • $&,(T I Design bearing strength: Tension forces cannot be transferred through bearing at the interface, so dowel bars will be provided that match the VL]HRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHFROXPQ7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWHQVXUHVWKDWERWKWKHFRPSUHVVLRQDQGWHQVLRQIRUFHV are adequately transferred from the column into the footing. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-93 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Bearing strength of the footing. There is no need to check the bearing strength of the footing because interface reinforcement must be provided due WRWKHQHWWHQVLRQVWUHVVIURPWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(T I Step 2 – Determine the required interface reinforcement ACI 7U\GRZHOEDUV7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWPDWFKHVWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROXPQDQGHQVXUHVWKDWERWK the compression and tension forces are adequately transferred through the interface. Check minimum area of reinforcement across the interface: Step 3 – Check the development of the dowel bars in the footing ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUHWKDWWKHVWUHVVLQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDUWKHVWIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ IDFHLVWHQVLOHIRURQHRIWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQV WKDWLVWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQIDOOVZLWKLQ=RQHRIWKHLQWHUDFWLRQ GLDJUDPVHH)LJXUH 7KHUHIRUHWKHGRZHOEDUVPXVWEHGHYHORSHGIRUWHQVLRQLQWRWKHIRRWLQJ DQGLQWRWKH column). $VWDQGDUGGHJUHHKRRNZLOOEHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIWKHGRZHOEDUV'HWHUPLQHWKHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQW RIWKHGRZHOEDUVWHUPLQDWLQJLQDKRRN length, Eq. (7.44) Table 7.27 $VVXPLQJWZROD\HUVRIÀH[XUDOEDUVLQWKHIRRWLQJZLWKDFOHDUFRYHURILQGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPIRRWLQJ thickness for the development of the dowel bars: Eq. (7.45) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-94 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The minimum LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHSURYLGHGIRRWLQJWKLFNQHVVRILQ7KXVLQFUHDVHWKHIRRWLQJ WKLFNQHVVWRLQWRDFFRPPRGDWHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHGRZHOEDUV Step 4 – Determine the development length of the dowel bars in the column The dowel bars must be lap spliced to the longitudinal reinforcement in the column using a tension lap splice. Because all the dowel bars are spliced at the same location, a Class B tension lap splice is required (ACI Table Development length in tension, RIWKHEDUV Eq. (7.36) Table 7.24 Set ACI Therefore, 3URYLGHDODSVSOLFHOHQJWKRIIWLQ Step 5 – Check horizontal force transfer ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDW LVWUDQVIHUUHGKRUL]RQWDOO\EHWZHHQWKHFROXPQDQGIRRWLQJ7KH required area of shear-friction reinforcement is determined as follows assuming the surface between the column and footing has not been intentionally roughened: Eq. (7.46), Table 7.28 7KHGRZHOEDUVSURYLGHV across the interface, which is greater than the required amount of @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-95 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Check the upper shear limit: Table 7.29 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ͳԢǦͺԣ ͳԢǦͺԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ͶԢǦʹԣ ͶǦ͓ͻ ͓ͻሺǤሻ ͺԢǦԣ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ͵ԢǦͲԣ ͓͵̷ͳԢǦԣǤ Ǥ Figure 7.51 Reinforcement details for column C1 in Examples 7.14 through 7.19. 7.11.20 Example 7.20 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Biaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ(LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ &DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-96 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement This corner column is subjected to axial forces and biaxial bending, so there is no direct way of determining the required area of longitudinal reinforcement. Therefore, initially try the minimum required 6HOHFWEDUV Step 2 – Check if the selected longitudinal reinforcement is adequate for all load combinations An elastic analysis of the structure was performed with the building subjected to the north-south and east-west wind IRUFHVLQ7DEOHDVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH7KHFULWLFDOZLQGORDGLQJIRUDFRUQHUFROXPQRFFXUVZKHQSHUFHQWRIWKHZLQGIRUFHVLQERWKGLUHFWLRQVDUHDSSOLHGVLPXOWDQHRXVO\WRWKHVWUXFWXUH /RDG&DVH LQ$6&(6(,)LJ 7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHZHUHXVHGIRUWKHFROXPQVEHDPVDQGVODEV in the analysis. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIRUFROXPQ(LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUVLGHsway to the right (SSR) and sidesway to the left (SSL) in both principal directions. Table 7.41 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for Column E1 Bending Moment (ft-kips) Axial Force (kips) Load Case North-South Top East-West Bottom Top ņ ņ Dead Roof live Live 38.3 6.8 11.9 $&,(T D 38.8 $&,(T E ņ Bottom ņ Wind Load Combination $&,(T F $&,(T G $&,(T I SSR SSL SSR SSL SSR SSL 9.1 ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWWKH¿UVWVWRU\RIWKLVEXLOGLQJLVQRQVZD\,WFDQDOVREHGHWHUPLQHGWKDWVOHQderness effects need not be considered. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-97 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete :LWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVWKLVFROXPQKDVWKHVDPHEHQGLQJPRPHQWFDSDFLW\DERXWERWKSULQFLSDOD[HV7KXV WKHDSSUR[LPDWHPHWKRGGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHDGHTXDF\RIWKHFROXPQIRUHDFKORDG FRPELQDWLRQLQ7DEOH To illustrate the design procedure, the column will be checked for the factored axial force and bending moments REWDLQHGIURP$&,(T G IRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKW WKHXQLD[LDOGHVLJQPRPHQWVWUHQJWKVDUHWKHIROORZLQJ VHH)LJXUH At an axial force 900 800 Axial Force ሺkipsሻ 700 600 500 400 300 ܲ௨ ൌ 204.3 kips 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ 250 300 350 ߶ܯ ேௌ ൌ ߶ܯ ாௐ ൌ 274.0 ft-kips Figure 7.52 Uniaxial design strength interaction diagram for column E1. The approximate biaxial strength diagram corresponding to LVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH,WLVHYLGHQW IURPWKH¿JXUHWKDWWKHFROXPQLVDGHTXDWHIRUWKHDSSOLHGIDFWRUHGELD[LDOPRPHQWV It can be determined in a similar fashion that the column is adequate for all the other load combinations. 8VHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV Comments. )RUFRPSDULVRQSXUSRVHV5HIHUHQFHZDVXVHGWRFKHFNWKHDGHTXDF\RIWKLVFROXPQ$VH[SHFWHG the column was found to be adequate. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-98 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺ߶ܯ ሻாௐ ൌ ʹͶǤͲǦ ܲ௨ ൌ ʹͲͶǤ͵ ሺܯ௨ ሻேௌ ൌ ʹͳǤǦ ሺܯ௨ ሻாௐ ൌ ͶͺǤǦ н н ሺܯ௨ ሻேௌ ൌ ͶͶǤʹǦ ሺܯ௨ ሻாௐ ൌ ͵ͶǤͺǦ ሺ߶ܯ ሻேௌ ൌ ʹͶǤͲǦ Figure 7.53 Approximate biaxial strength diagram for column E1. 7.11.21 Example 7.21 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Biaxial Bending and Axial Forces 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ(LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ& DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the required tie bar size ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVL]HLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&, )RUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVXVHWLHV Step 2 – Determine the required tie bar spacing ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVSDFLQJLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&,WKHWLHEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJZLOOWKHQEHFKHFNHGWR determine if they are adequate for shear strength requirements. 7U\WLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-99 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Check the adequacy of the tie bar size and spacing for shear ACI 22.5 Maximum factored shear force, is obtained from ACI Eq. (5.3.1d) based on the factored bending moments at the top and bottom of the column (see Table 7.41): • North-south wind and SSL: • East-west wind and SSR: Check if the design shear strength of the concrete, is provided or not (see Table 7.12). alone is adequate, which is determined based on whether Eq. (7.26) The minimum area of shear reinforcement is greater than Av = 0.15 in.2 provided by the #3 ties spaced 18 in. on cenis relatively small in both directions, it is not necessary to increase the tie bar size and/or decrease ter. Because is determined based on the spacing, so Table 7.12 Eq. (7.23) where Table 7.13 (there are 2-#9 bars located more than two-thirds of the overall member depth from the extreme compression fiber). • North-south wind: Use axial force which corresponds to ACI Eq. (5.3.1d) and sidesway to the left. ACI 7-100 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • East-west wind: Use axial force ZKLFKFRUUHVSRQGVWR$&,(T G DQGVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKW ACI Check if interaction of shear forces acting along both the north-south and east-west directions must be considered VHH$&, %HFDXVHWKHUDWLRVDUHOHVVWKDQLQWHUDFWLRQRIVKHDUIRUFHVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHQHJOHFWHG 7KHUHIRUHXVHWLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU 7.11.22 Example 7.22 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ &DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQPXVWEHXVHGIRUWKLVFROXPQRQO\GXHWRDUFKLWHFWXUDOUHDVRQV VHH)LJXUH and $OVRDVVXPHDLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPVQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK *UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces Table 3.3 Roof: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-101 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Floors: This column is part of the LFRS for wind in the north-south direction and the bending moments due to gravity load effects are negligible. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIRUFROXPQ&LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\IURPDQDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKW 665 DQGVLGHVZD\WRWKHOHIW 66/ Table 7.42 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for Column C1 Bending Moment (ft-kips) Load Case Axial Force (kips) Top Bottom Dead Roof live Live Wind Load Combination $&,(T D $&,(T E SSR SSL SSR SSL SSR SSL $&,(T F $&,(T G $&,(T I 6.3 6.3 Step 2 – Check if slenderness effects must be considered ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVQRQVZD\ ZKLFKLVVWLOOYDOLGHYHQWKRXJKWKHVL]H of this one column has been reduced). Therefore, slenderness effects can be neglected when the following equation LVVDWLV¿HG Table 7.6 For all load combinations including wind, Table 7.42 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-102 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The column is bent in double curvature for all load combinations; therefore, slenderness can be neglected where the IROORZLQJLVVDWLV¿HG Assuming the effective length factor, 7DEOH LVHTXDOWRWKH ZKLFKLVWKHPD[LPXPYDOXHIRUQRQVZD\IUDPHVVHH Therefore, slenderness effects must be considered. Step 3 – Determine the magnified moments 0DJQL¿HGPRPHQWV tion: ACI for each load combination are determined for this nonsway frame by the following equaEq. (7.2) $VXPPDU\RIWKHPDJQL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUV LVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUHDFKORDGFRPELQDWLRQZLWKQRQ]HURYDOXHV ,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWWKHFROXPQLVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV DQGWLHV7KH of results for sidesway to the right and sidesway to the left are equal because the gravity bending moments are equal to ]HUR Table 7.43 Magnified Moments for Column C1 (EI)eff M2,min Mc (ft-kips) (ft-kips) 16.8 16.8 ȕdns (kip-in2) Pc (kips) Cm į ACI Eq. F ACI Eq. G ACI Eq. I Load Combination ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP7DEOHWKDW in all load combinations, which means the structural system is stable and is greater than in all load QHHGQRWEHUHYLVHG $&, $OVRWKHPLQLPXPPRPHQW FRPELQDWLRQV VHH7DEOH 6DPSOHFDOFXODWLRQVIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T G DUHDVIROORZV ACI Eq. ( @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-103 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (IIHFWLYHÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVV used in this example: FDQEHFDOFXODWHGE\DQ\RIWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOH$&,(T E LV The moment of inertia of the reinforcement about the centroidal axis of the column, is determined by multiplying the area of the reinforcing bars by the square of the distance from the centroid of the reinforcing bars to the centroid of the column (the moment of inertia of a reinforcing bar about its centroidal axis is negligible): Eq. (7.4) For the column bent in double curvature: Table 7.8 400 350 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 300 ݂௦ ൌ 0 250 200 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 150 100 50 0 0 25 50 75 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.54 Design strength interaction diagram for column C1. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-104 100 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Eq. (7.3) Step 4 – Check the adequacy of the assumed longitudinal reinforcement 7KHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPIRUFROXPQ&LVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH$OVRVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKH load combination points for the factored axial forces LQ7DEOHDQGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJIDFWRUHGEHQGLQJPRLQ7DEOHZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH%HFDXVHDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIDOOZLWKLQWKHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQ ments diagram, the column is adequate. 8VHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV 7.11.23 Example 7.23 – Determination of Nonsway or Sway Frame: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A 'HWHUPLQHZKHWKHUWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%LVDQRQVZD\RUVZD\IUDPHDVVXPLQJDOOWKH FROXPQVDUHLQVTXDUH VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPVQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the total loads in the first story Roof: 7\SLFDOÀRRU The total factored load must correspond to the lateral loading case for which it is a maximum. In this example, ACI (T G SURGXFHVWKHODUJHVWORDG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-105 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 2 – Determine the stability index for the first story An elastic analysis of the structure was performed with the building subjected to the north-south wind forces in 7DEOHDVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHZHUHXVHGIRU the columns, beams, and slabs. The following results were obtained from the analysis: The stability index, is determined from the following equation: Table 7.3 Because WKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVDVZD\IUDPH VHH$&, 7.11.24 Example 7.24 – Check if Slenderness Effects Must be Considered: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame &KHFNLIVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUFROXPQ'LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DVVXPLQJWKHFROXPQLVLQVTXDUH VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDWWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVDVZD\IUDPH7KHUHIRUHVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVFDQ EHQHJOHFWHGZKHQWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQLVVDWLV¿HG Table 7.6 The effective length factor, LVGHWHUPLQHGIURP$&,)LJ5IRUVZD\IUDPHV,QWKHDQDO\VLVWKHFROXPQVDUH At the top of the column, is determined using the DVVXPHGWREH¿[HGDWWKHEDVHVRVWLIIQHVVUDWLR UDWLRRIWKHVWLIIQHVVRIWKHFROXPQVWRWKHVWLIIQHVVRIWKHEHDPV7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHDUH used in calculating the stiffnesses. ACI Eq. ( &ROXPQEHORZWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO &ROXPQDERYHWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHO @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-106 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, Eq. (7.1) )URPWKHDOLJQPHQWFKDUWLQ$&,)LJ5IRUVZD\IUDPHVZLWK HTXDOWR and is approximately Therefore, slenderness effects must be considered. 7.11.25 Example 7.25 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ'LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ %DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Determine the factored axial forces and bending moments Roof: Floors: This column is part of the LFRS. $VXPPDU\RIWKHD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVIRUFROXPQ'LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\IURPDQDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKW 665 DQGVLGHVZD\WRWKHOHIW 66/ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-107 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.44 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for Column D1 Bending Moment (ft-kips) Load Case Axial Force (kips) Top Bottom Dead Roof live Live $&,(T D 3.9 $&,(T E 316.9 ņ ņ Wind Load Combination $&,(T F SSR SSL SSR SSL SSR SSL $&,(T G $&,(T I Step 2 – Determine the total moments including slenderness effects The total moments, ACI at the end of the column are determined by the following equation: Eq. (7.6) These moments are used because they are greater than the PRPHQWVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T In this example, the nonsway moments are due to gravity load effects and the sway moments ZLQGORDGHIIHFWV7KHVHPRPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQV are due to Table 7.45 Summary of Nonsway and Sway Moments (ft-kips) for Column D1 M1 Load Combination M2 M1ns M2ns M1s M2s $&,(T D 3.9 3.9 ņ ņ $&,(T E ņ ņ ņ ņ 116.1 $&,(T F SSR SSL (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-108 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.45 Summary of Nonsway and Sway Moments (ft-kips) for Column D1 (cont.) M1 Load Combination M2 M1ns SSL SSL M2s 69.1 69.1 SSR $&,(T I M1s SSR $&,(T G M2ns 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQLVXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU for sway frames: Eq. (7.7) The stability index, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(T IRUHDFKORDGFRPELQDWLRQWKDWLQFOXGHV $VXPPDU\RIWKHVOHQGHUQHVVFDOFXODWLRQVIRUFROXPQ'LVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 7.46 Summary of Slenderness Calculations for Column D1 Ȉ3u ǻo Vus (kips) (in.) (kips) $&,(T D ņ ņ $&,(T E ņ Q įs ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ ņ SSR 1.11 SSL 1.11 SSR SSL SSR SSL Load Combination $&,(T F $&,(T G $&,(T I M2 (ft-kips) 6DPSOHFDOFXODWLRQVIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,(T G IRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKWDUHDVIROORZV Example 7.23, Step 1 Example 7.23, Step 2 Example 7.23, Step 2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-109 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ,WFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,WKDWPD[LPXPPRPHQWVRFFXUDWWKHHQGVRIWKH columns. Step 3 – Determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement A 1 percent reinforcement ratio is initially selected for this column. Therefore, 1,400 1,200 ݂௦ ൌ 0 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 1,000 800 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 7.55 Design strength interaction diagram for column D1. 7U\EDUV 7KHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPIRUFROXPQ'UHLQIRUFHGZLWKEDUVLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH$OVR VKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQSRLQWVIRUIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHV LQ7DEOHDQGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQ7DEOH7KHFROXPQLVDGHTXDWHEHFDXVHDOOWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQSRLQWVIDOO ing total bending moments within the design strength interaction diagram. 8VHEDUV 7.11.26 Example 7.26 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ'LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ %DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-110 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the required tie bar size ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVL]HLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&, )RUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVXVHWLHV Step 2 – Determine the required tie bar spacing ACI 7KHUHTXLUHGWLHEDUVSDFLQJLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&,WKHWLHEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJZLOOWKHQEHFKHFNHGWR determine if they are adequate for shear strength requirements. 7U\WLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Step 3 – Check the adequacy of the tie bar size and spacing for shear ACI 22.5 Maximum factored shear force, LVREWDLQHGIURP$&,(T G IRUVLGHVZD\WRWKHULJKWDQGPXVWLQFOXGHWKH HIIHFWVIURPVOHQGHUQHVV VHH7DEOHVDQG Check if the design shear strength of the concrete, LVSURYLGHGRUQRW VHH7DEOH alone is adequate, which is determined based on whether Eq. (7.26) The minimum area of shear reinforcement is greater than LQRQFHQWHU'HWHUPLQH based on SURYLGHGE\WKHWLHVVSDFHG Table 7.12 Eq. (7.23) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-111 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 7.13 WKHUHDUHEDUVORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWK IURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU Use ZKLFKFRUUHVSRQGVWR$&,(T G ACI Also, VRPLQLPXPVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWQHHGQRWEHSURYLGHG $&, 7KHUHIRUHXVHWLHVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU 7.11.27 Example 7.27 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGRZHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFROXPQ'LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ% DVVXPLQJDLQVTXDUHWLHGFROXPQVXSSRUWHGE\DPDWIRXQGDWLRQZLWKDWKLFNQHVVRIIWLQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVWKURXJK Step 1 – Check the bearing stresses on the column and mat foundation ACI Bearing strength of the column. Factored bearing stress, is determined for compression plus bending using the factored axial forces and bending PRPHQWVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TV E DQG G >VHH7DEOHVDQG@ • $&,(T E @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-112 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • $&,(T G Design bearing strength: Tension forces cannot be transferred through bearing at the interface, so dowel bars will be provided that match the VL]HRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHFROXPQ7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWHQVXUHVWKDWERWKWKHFRPSUHVVLRQDQGWHQVLRQIRUFHV are adequately transferred from the column into the footing. Bearing strength of the mat foundation. There is no need to check the bearing strength of the mat foundation because interface reinforcement must be proYLGHGGXHWRWKHQHWWHQVLRQVWUHVVIURPWKHIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(T G Step 2 – Determine the required interface reinforcement ACI 7U\GRZHOEDUV7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWPDWFKHVWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROXPQDQGHQVXUHVWKDW both the compression and tension forces are adequately transferred through the interface. Check minimum area of reinforcement across the interface: Step 3 – Check the development of the dowel bars in the footing ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUHWKDWWKHVWUHVVLQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDUWKHVWIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQIDFHLVWHQVLOHIRUDQXPEHURIORDGFRPELQDWLRQV WKDWLVWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIDOOZLWKLQ=RQHVDQGRIWKH LQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVHH)LJXUH 7KHUHIRUHWKHGRZHOEDUVPXVWEHGHYHORSHGIRUWHQVLRQLQWRWKHIRRWLQJ DQG into the column). $VWDQGDUGGHJUHHKRRNZLOOEHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIWKHGRZHOEDUV'HWHUPLQHWKHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQW RIWKHGRZHOEDUVWHUPLQDWLQJLQDKRRN length, Eq. (7.44) Table 7.27 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-113 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $VVXPLQJWZROD\HUVRIEDUVLQWKHPDWIRXQGDWLRQZLWKDFOHDUFRYHURILQGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPPDW thickness for the development of the dowel bars: Eq. (7.45) The minimum LVOHVVWKDQWKHSURYLGHGPDWWKLFNQHVVRILQ7KHUHIRUHWKHGRZHOEDUVFDQEH adequately developed in the mat. Step 4 – Determine the development length of the dowel bars in the column The dowel bars must be lap spliced to the longitudinal reinforcement in the column using a tension lap splice. Because all the dowel bars are spliced at the same location, a Class B tension lap splice is required (ACI Table Development length in tension, RIWKHEDUV Eq. (7.36) Table 7.24 Set ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-114 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, 3URYLGHDODSVSOLFHOHQJWKRIIWLQ Step 5 – Check horizontal force transfer ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ([DPSOHWKDW LVWUDQVIHUUHGKRUL]RQWDOO\EHWZHHQWKHFROXPQDQGPDWIRXQdation. The required area of shear-friction reinforcement is determined as follows assuming the surface between the column and the mat has not been intentionally roughened: Eq. (7.46), Table 7.28 7KHGRZHOEDUVSURYLGHV across the interface, which is greater than the required amount of Check the upper shear limit: Table 7.29 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVFROXPQDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-115 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ʹԢǦͲԣ ʹԢǦͲԣ ͶǦ͓ͳͳ ͷԢǦͻԣ ͶǦ͓ͳͳ ͓ͳͲሺǤሻ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ͶԢǦͲԣ ͓Ͷ̷ͳԢǦͳͲԣǤ Ǥ Figure 7.56 Reinforcement details for column D1 in Examples 7.23 through 7.27. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 7-116 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 8 WALLS 8.1 Overview $ZDOOLVGH¿QHGDVDYHUWLFDOVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWZLWKDKRUL]RQWDOOHQJWKWRWKLFNQHVVUDWLRJUHDWHUWKDQZKLFK LVGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWD[LDOIRUFHVODWHUDOIRUFHVRUERWK $&, 6WUXFWXUDOZDOOVDUHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWWKHHIIHFWV IURPYHUWLFDOIRUFHVDQGODWHUDOIRUFHVLQWKHSODQHRIWKHZDOO WKDWLVLQWKHGLUHFWLRQSDUDOOHOWRWKHKRUL]RQWDO length of the wall) and are commonly referred to as shear walls. $FFRUGLQJWR5HIHUHQFHDORDGEHDULQJ RUEHDULQJ FRQFUHWHZDOOLVDZDOOVXSSRUWLQJPRUHWKDQSRXQGVSHU linear foot of vertical load in addition to its own weight. A nonload-bearing (or, nonbearing) wall is any wall that is not a load-bearing wall; such walls support essentially their own weight and possibly out-of-plane loads like those from wind. $[LDOIRUFHVEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHVDUHUHVLVWHGE\RQHOD\HURUWZROD\HUVRIYHUWLFDODQGKRUL]RQWDO reinforcement in a wall. The design and detailing of cast-in-place concrete walls with nonprestressed reinforcement are covered in this chapter. Provisions for walls are given in ACI Chapter 11 and are applicable to walls in buildings assigned to Seismic 'HVLJQ&DWHJRU\ 6'& $%DQG&&DQWLOHYHUUHWDLQLQJZDOOVDUHQRWFRYHUHGKHUHVHH5HIHUHQFHIRUFRPSUHKHQVLYHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKHVHW\SHVRIZDOOV6SHFL¿FGHVLJQUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRUFDVWLQ place walls constructed with insulating concrete forms are given in the references in ACI R11.1.6. 8.2 Design Limits 8.2.1 Minimum Wall Thickness Minimum thicknesses of bearing walls, nonbearing walls, and exterior basement and foundation walls are given in ACI (see Figure 8.1 for bearing and nonbearing walls). These minimum thicknesses need not be applied to EHDULQJZDOOVDQGH[WHULRUEDVHPHQWDQGIRXQGDWLRQZDOOVGHVLJQHGE\WKHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&,RUDQDO\]HGE\ the alternative analysis method in ACI 11.8. 8.2.2 Intersecting Elements For cast-in-place concrete walls where the factored axial force, exceeds the portion of the wall within of the wall WKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHÀRRUV\VWHPPXVWKDYHDVSHFL¿HGFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIDWOHDVW $&, 7KHIDFWRUUHÀHFWVWKHUHGXFHGFRQ¿QHPHQWLQÀRRUZDOOMRLQWVFRPSDUHGZLWKÀRRUFROXPQ joints for members subjected to gravity loads. 8.3 Required Strength 8.3.1 Analysis Methods 7KHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&,&KDSWHULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUDUHWR EHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK VHH$&,DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ $[LDOIRUFHVEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHVFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\DQ\RIWKHDQDO\VLVPHWKRGVLQ$&, :KHQSHUIRUPLQJD¿UVWRUGHURUDQHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLVWKHVHFWLRQSURSHUWLHVLQ$&, may be used in lieu of a more sophisticated analysis to account for member cracking and other effects. The reduced moments of inertia in ACI Table and the alternative moments of inertia in ACI Table for YDULRXVVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOHDQG7DEOHUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ Table 8.1 are based on an analysis where strength-level (factored) loads are used. For an analysis based on serviceOHYHOORDGVLWLVSHUPLWWHGWRXVHUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDHTXDOWRWLPHVWKHYDOXHVLQ7DEOHSURYLGHGWKH moments of inertia do not exceed the gross moments of inertia $&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ κ௨ κ௨ ݄ κ௪ κ௪ ݄ greater of ۓlesser of ൝ ۔ ە4ᇳ κ௪ Τ25 κ௨ Τ25 ݄ greater of ۰ כܔܔ܉ܟ ܖܑܚ܉܍ ۓlesser of ൝ ۔ ە4ᇳ κ௪ Τ30 κ௨ Τ30 ܔܔ܉ܟ ܖܑܚ܉܍܊ܖܗۼ *Applicable to walls designed by ACI 11.5.3 only Figure 8.1 Minimum thicknesses for bearing and nonbearing walls. Table 8.1 Moments of Inertia to Use in a Linear Elastic First-Order or Second-Order Analysis Using Strength-Level Loads Member Moment of Inertia Columns Walls — uncracked Walls — cracked Beams )ODWSODWHVDQGÀDWVODEV Table 8.2 Alternative Moments of Inertia to Use in a Linear Elastic First-Order or Second-Order Analysis Using Strength-Level or Service-Level Loads Member Moment of Inertia* Columns and walls %HDPVÀDWSODWHVDQGÀDWVODEV *For a service-level load analysis, use service-level axial force and moment effects in the equation for columns and walls. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHPRUHUH¿QHGHTXDWLRQVIRUUHGXFHGPRPHQWVRILQHUWLDLQ7DEOHLQFOXGHWKH IDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFH RQDZDOOIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQXQGHUFRQVLGHUDWLRQ QRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWKDW and factored moment, ]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ DQG DUHDRIORQJLWXGLQDO YHUWLFDO UHLQIRUFHPHQW These equations are applicable for strength-level and service-level loading, even though they are presented in terms of factored load effects. For service-level analysis, the factored load effects are replaced by the corresponding service-level load effects. Regardless of the equations used to determine moments of inertia, the gross area of the section, the analysis. Also, the cross-sectional area for calculation of shear deformations in a wall is is to be used in ,QOLHXRIWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,LWLVSHUPLWWHGWRDVVXPHLQD¿UVWRUGHUIDFWRUHGODWHUDOORDGDQDO\VLVWKDW DOOWKHPHPEHUVLQDVWUXFWXUHKDYHDUHGXFHGPRPHQWRILQHUWLDHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHJURVVPRPHQWRILQHUWLD $&, $PRUHGHWDLOHGDQDO\VLVFRQVLGHULQJWKHHIIHFWLYHVWLIIQHVVRIDOOPHPEHUVLVDOVRSHUPLWWHG 8.3.2 Factored Axial Force, Moment, and Shear :DOOVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUIDFWRUHGD[LDOIRUFHVEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHVGXHWRLQSODQHDQGRURXW of-plane forces, including the effects of slenderness where appropriate, for each applicable load combination (ACI DQG ,QSODQHDQGRXWRISODQHIRUFHVDQGWKHLUHIIHFWVRQDEHDULQJZDOODUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ )LJXUHDQG)LJXUHUHVSHFWLYHO\ Axial force, ܲ௨ In-plane forces In-plane shear force, ܸ௨ In-plane bending moment, ܯ௨ Figure 8.2 In-plane forces on a bearing wall. 8.3.3 Slenderness Effects Overview Like columns, walls must be designed for the effects of slenderness where applicable. Determining whether slenderness effects need to be considered or not depends on whether the frame is nonsway or sway. According to ACI DIUDPHLVFRQVLGHUHGWREHQRQVZD\ZKHUHWKHVWDELOLW\LQGH[ LVOHVVWKDQZKHUH is determined E\$&,(TXDWLRQ (8.1) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Axial force, ܲ௨ Axial force, ܲ௨ Eccentricity, ݁ Out-of-plane forces Out-of-plane shear force, ܸ௨ Out-of-plane bending moment, ܯ௨ Out-of-plane bending moment, ܯ௨ Figure 8.3 Out-of-plane forces on a bearing wall. where Ȉ3u = total factored vertical load in the story ǻo ¿UVWRUGHUUHODWLYHODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHWRSDQGERWWRPRIWKHVWRU\ Vus IDFWRUHGKRUL]RQWDOVWRU\VKHDULQDVWRU\ ℓc = length of the walls measured center-to-center of the joints in the frame More often than not, the frame in the direction of analysis can be considered nonsway where structural walls are used to resist the lateral forces in that direction. Whether slenderness effects need to be considered or not for nonsway and sway frames depends on the slenderness LQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV7KHWHUPVLQWKHVOHQGHUQHVVUDWLRDUHGH¿QHGLQ7DEOH VHH ratio of the wall, $&, Table 8.3 Slenderness Ratio, kℓu / r Nonsway Frames Sway Frames Unsupported length, LVWKHFOHDUGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQÀRRUVODEVEHDPVRURWKHU members capable of providing lateral support in the direction of analysis. Radius of gyration, is permitted to be calculated by the following: 1. for rectangular walls where is the dimension of the wall in the direction of analysis (that is, either for slenderness about the minor axis or for slenderness about the major axis) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6OHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHQHJOHFWHGZKHQWKHHTXDWLRQVLQ7DEOHDUHVDWLV¿HG $&, Table 8.4 Limits for Slenderness Effects Wall Bracing Condition Slenderness Ratios Where Slenderness is Permitted to Be Neglected Not braced against sidesway (sway) Braced against sidesway (nonsway) *Ratio is negative if a wall is bent in single curvature and is positive if a wall is bent in double curvature. ,WLVPRUHOLNHO\WKHRXWRISODQHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVLQDZDOOZRXOGQHHGWREHPDJQL¿HGWKDQWKHLQSODQHEHQGLQJ moments: In the direction parallel to the length of the wall, slenderness effects can usually be neglected because the radius of gyration of the wall, in that direction is relatively large, which results in a slenderness ratio less than WKHOLPLWVLQ7DEOH,QWKHGLUHFWLRQSDUDOOHOWRWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHZDOOWKHVOHQGHUQHVVUDWLRLVPRUHOLNHO\WREH greater than the prescribed slenderness limits, which means factored bending moments about the minor axis of the ZDOOZRXOGQHHGWREHPDJQL¿HG 7KHIROORZLQJPHWKRGVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGWRDFFRXQWIRUVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWV $&, 0RPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRG $&, /LQHDUHODVWLFVHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLV $&, Inelastic analysis (ACI 6.8) Alternative method for out-of-plane slender wall analysis (ACI 11.8) 7KHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGDQGWKHDOWHUQDWLYHPHWKRGDUHFRYHUHGEHORZ,QIRUPDWLRQRQWKHOLQHDUHODVWLF VHFRQGRUGHUDQDO\VLVDQGWKHLQHODVWLFDQDO\VLVLVJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Moment Magnification Method 'HWDLOVRIWKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ:KHQGHWHUPLQLQJWKH E\$&,(TXDWLRQ WKHHIIHFWLYHVWLIIQHVV determined by ACI Equation critical buckling load, F LVXVHGIRUZDOOV (8.2) LVWKHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIWKHFRQFUHWHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, is the In this equation, is the ratio of PRPHQWRILQHUWLDRIWKHZDOOGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHHTXDWLRQIRUFROXPQVDQGZDOOVLQ7DEOHDQG the maximum factored sustained axial load to the maximum factored axial load associated with the same load combination, which is typically equal to the factored axial dead load divided by the total factored axial load on a wall. As noted previously, frames are typically nonsway when structural walls are part of the frame; in such cases, the GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ ZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH ZDOOLVWREHGHVLJQHGXVLQJWKHPDJQL¿HGPRPHQWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Slender Wall Analysis Limitations The design procedure given in ACI 11.8 can be used for the out-of-plane design of slender, reinforced concrete ZDOOVSURYLGHGWKHIROORZLQJOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG $&, 1. The cross-section of the wall is constant over the entire height. The wall is tension-controlled for out-of-plane moment effects. is greater than or equal to the cracking moment, 3. 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHZDOO and VHH$&, where The factored axial force, at the mid-height section of the wall is less than or equal to 7KHFDOFXODWHGRXWRISODQHGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRVHUYLFHORDGV including P-delta effects, is less than or equal where is the length of the wall measured center-to-center of the joints. to :KHQRQHRUPRUHRIWKHVH¿YHOLPLWDWLRQVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGWKLVPHWKRGFDQQRWEHXVHG)RUH[DPSOHZDOOVZLWK relatively large window and door openings are not considered to have a constant cross-section over their full height, VRWKHDOWHUQDWLYHPHWKRGLVQRWDSSOLFDEOHEHFDXVHWKH¿UVWOLPLWDWLRQLVQRWVDWLV¿HG Modeling 7KHIROORZLQJPRGHOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGZKHQXVLQJWKHDOWHUQDWLYHPHWKRG $&, 1. 7 KHZDOOPXVWEHDQDO\]HGDVDVLPSO\VXSSRUWHGD[LDOO\ORDGHGPHPEHUVXEMHFWHGWRDXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHG ODWHUDOORDGZLWKWKHPD[LPXPPRPHQWDQGGHÀHFWLRQRFFXUULQJDWWKHPLGKHLJKWRIWKHZDOO VHH)LJXUH applied to the wall above any section are assumed to be distributed over a Concentrated gravity loads, ZLGWKHTXDOWRWKHEHDULQJZLGWKSOXVDZLGWKRQHDFKVLGHWKDWLQFUHDVHVDWDVORSHRIYHUWLFDOWRKRUL]RQWDO EXWQRWH[WHQGLQJEH\RQGWKHVSDFLQJRIWKHFRQFHQWUDWHGORDGVRUWKHHGJHVRIWKHZDOOSDQHO VHH)LJXUH ܲ௨ ȟ௨ κ Ȁʹ ݓ௨ Figure 8.4 Wall analysis in accordance with ACI 11.8. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܵ κ Ȁʹ ܵ ʹ ʹ ͳ ͳ ܤ ሺǤ ሻ κ Ȁʹ ܧ ݓଵ ݓଶ ݓଶ ݓଵ ൌ ܤ ሺκ ΤͶሻ ܧ ܵ ݓଶ ൌ ܤ ሺκ Τʹሻ ܵ Figure 8.5 Distribution of concentrated loads in the alternative design method for walls. Factored Moment 7KHIROORZLQJVWUHQJWKHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWWKHPLGKHLJKWRIDZDOO (8.3) Two methods to determine which includes the effects due to slenderness, are given in ACI 11.8.3: (1) by iteraWLYHFDOFXODWLRQDQG E\GLUHFWFDOFXODWLRQ Iterative Calculation Method In the iterative calculation method, the factored moment, FRQVLVWVRIWZRSDUWV>$&,(TXDWLRQ D @ (8.4) The moment LVWKHPD[LPXPIDFWRUHGPRPHQWDWWKHPLGKHLJKWRIWKHZDOOGXHWR D ODWHUDOORDGVDQGRU E applied at an eccentricity from the centroid of the wall. Note that does not include vertical factored loads, 3GHOWDHIIHFWV7KHGHÀHFWLRQ LVWKHWRWDOGHÀHFWLRQDWWKHPLGKHLJKWRIWKHZDOOGXHWRWKHIDFWRUHGORDGV7KLV GHÀHFWLRQLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ E (8.5) In this equation, is the length of the wall, measured center-to-center of joints, and is the moment of inertia of the cracked wall section transformed to concrete, which is determined by ACI Equation ( (8.6) In this equation, is the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel, is the modulus of elasticity of the conis the area of vertical reinforcement in the wall, LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWR crete, LVWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LVDQG is the length of the centroid of must be taken greater than or equal to 6 in this equation. the wall. The ratio In the strength design method, the neutral axis depth, is related to the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress In general, is the force in the tension reinforcement divided by the equivalent comblock, by @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete pressive stress dinal reinforcement, times the width of the section. In the alternative design method, an effective area of longituis used in the determination of and , and is calculated by the following equation: (8.7) This effective area of longitudinal reinforcement is used in the determination of LQ(TXDWLRQ @ >VHHWKH¿UVWWHUPLQSDUHQWKHVHV Therefore, the depth of the equivalent stress block for bending about the minor axis of the wall can be determined by the following equation: (8.8) $OVRWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LVLVWKHIROORZLQJ (8.9) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDWWKHGHÀHFWLRQ is a function of +RZHYHU is a function of ZKLFKLVDSSDUHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ 7KLVFOHDUO\LOOXVWUDWHVWKHLWHUDWLYHQDWXUHLQKHUHQWWRWKLVPHWKRG7KXV and then performing several calculation iterations until convergence can be determined by assuming a value of occurs. Direct Calculation Method In the direct calculation method, is determined by ACI Equation ( (8.10) Regardless of which method is used to determine is determined by the following equation: (8.11) 2XWRI3ODQH'HÀHFWLRQ ,QDGGLWLRQWRVDWLVI\LQJVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVWKHIROORZLQJGHÀHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG ZKLFKLVWKH¿IWKOLPLWDWLRQLQ$&, 7KHPD[LPXPGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRVHUYLFHORDGV which includes second-order effects, depends on the magnitude >$&,(TXDWLRQ @ of the service load moment, (8.12) The terms respectively. and DUHWKH¿UVWRUGHUVHUYLFHOHYHOEHQGLQJPRPHQWDQGD[LDOORDGDWWKHPLGKHLJKWRIWKHZDOO exceeds two-thirds of the cracking moment, 2XWRISODQHGHÀHFWLRQVLQFUHDVHUDSLGO\ZKHQ GHWHUPLQHGE\RQHRIWKHIROORZLQJWZRHTXDWLRQVLQ$&,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-8 Thus, is Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (8.13) (8.14) In these equations, and WKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK E @ DUHWKHPLGKHLJKWGHÀHFWLRQVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHFUDFNLQJPRPHQW and UHVSHFWLYHO\DQGDUHGHWHUPLQHGDVIROORZV>VHH$&,(TXDWLRQV D DQG (8.15) (8.16) Because is a function of >VHH(TXDWLRQ RU @DQG is a function of >VHH(TXDWLRQ @ A value of is obtained by iteration, that is, an initial value of is asthere is no closed-form solution for sumed and calculations are performed until convergence occurs. 6HUYLFHOHYHOORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDUHQRWJLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHUEXWDUHGLVFXVVHGLQ$SSHQGL[&&RI5HIHUHQFH 3. For structures subjected to wind, the following service-level load combination is recommended for calculating VHUYLFHOHYHOODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQVRIZDOOVDQGIUDPHV (8.17) where are the effects due to wind forces obtained from serviceability wind speeds, which are given in Figures &&&&&&DQG&&IRU\HDU\HDU\HDUDQG\HDUPHDQUHFXUUHQFHLQWHUYDOVUHVSHFWLYHO\8VLQJZLQGVSHHGVEDVHGRQPRUHWKDQD\HDUPHDQUHFXUUHQFHLQWHUYDOLQFKHFNLQJODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQVLV excessively conservative. For slender walls subjected to strength-level earthquake effects, HYDOXDWHVHUYLFHOHYHOODWHUDOGHÀHFWLRQV the following load combination can be used to (8.18) 8.4 Design Strength 8.4.1 General )RUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDWDQ\ VHFWLRQLQDZDOO $&, (8.19) (8.20) (8.21) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,$VXPPDU\RIWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ IDFWRUVSHUWLQHQWWRWKHGHVLJQRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOOVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWRWKHU LVHTXDOWRWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWK WKDQVSLUDOV7KHVWUDLQXVHGWRGH¿QHDFRPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQ divided by the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel, which can be taken as of the reinforcement, SVLIRUDQ\JUDGHRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW $&, Table 8.5 Strength Reduction Factors, Ҁ Net Tensile Strain, İt Classification Strength Reduction Factor, Ҁ* Compression-controlled Transition** Tension-controlled * Applicable to transverse reinforcement other than spirals. **Sections classified as transition are permitted to use corresponding to compression-controlled sections. For bearing walls subjected primarily to uniaxial compression forces, Equation (8.19) is applicable. For bearing ZDOOVVXEMHFWHGWRFRPELQHGD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQW LQSODQHRURXWRISODQH (TXDWLRQV DQG PXVWERWKEHVDWLV¿HGIRUDOODSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV $&, $OWHUQDWLYHO\EHDULQJZDOOV VXEMHFWHGWRD[LDOIRUFHVDQGRXWRISODQHEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHGHVLJQHGXVLQJWKHVLPSOL¿HGGHVLJQ PHWKRGLQ$&,SURYLGHGWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKDWPHWKRGDUHVDWLV¿HG VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ )RUQRQEHDULQJZDOOV(TXDWLRQ PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGZKHUH VWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, $&, LVGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHÀH[XUDO (TXDWLRQ PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUERWKLQSODQHDQGRXWRISODQHVKHDUIRUFHVRQDZDOO Methods to determine the nominal strengths DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ combined and DUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQV 8.4.2 Nominal Axial Strength Nominal Axial Compressive Strength The nominal axial compressive strength, of a nonslender, reinforced concrete wall is determined in accordance must be less than or equal to the maximum nominal ZLWK$&,7KHQRPLQDOD[LDOFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK ZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJ$&,7DEOHDQGWKHQRPLQDOD[LDOVWUHQJWKDW axial compressive strength, ]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ GHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ (8.22) When calculating WKHYDOXHRIWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW is limited to SVLHYHQWKRXJK for the longitudinal (vertical) reinforcement used in the wall may be larger than that (ACI Nominal Axial Tensile Strength The nominal axial tensile strength of a nonprestressed, reinforced concrete wall, must be less than or equal to ZKLFKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ the maximum nominal axial tensile strength, (8.23) It is evident that the entire tensile force must be resisted by the longitudinal reinforcement in a wall. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 8.4.3 Nominal Strength of Walls Subjected to Moment and Axial Forces Overview The nominal strength of a reinforced concrete wall subjected to both moment and axial force is determined using HTXLOLEULXPVWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\DQGWKHGHVLJQDVVXPSWLRQVLQ$&,ZKLFKDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEOH Table 8.6 Design Assumptions for Concrete and Nonprestressed Reinforcement Material Assumptions 1. 0D[LPXPVWUDLQLQWKHH[WUHPHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHULVDVVXPHGHTXDOWR 7HQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWHLVQHJOHFWHGLQÀH[XUDODQGD[LDOVWUHQJWKFDOFXODWLRQV 3. The relationship between concrete compressive stress and strain is to be represented by a UHFWDQJXODUWUDSH]RLGDOSDUDEROLFRURWKHUVKDSHWKDWUHVXOWVLQSUHGLFWLRQRIVWUHQJWKLQ substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests. 7KHHTXLYDOHQWUHFWDQJXODUFRQFUHWHVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, WKURXJKVDWLV¿HVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI$&,IRUWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ concrete compressive stress and strain. Concrete is to be assumed uniformly distributed over an equivalent A concrete stress of FRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHERXQGHGE\WKHHGJHVRIWKHFURVVVHFWLRQDQGDOLQHSDUDOOHOWRWKH neutral axis located a distance IURPWKH¿EHURIPD[LPXPFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQZKHUH . 7KHGLVWDQFHIURPWKH¿EHURIPD[LPXPFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV is to be measured perpendicular to the neutral axis. Values of are as follows: • • • Nonprestressed reinforcement 1. Deformed reinforcement used to resist tensile or compressive forces must conform to $&, The stress-strain relationship and the modulus of elasticity of the deformed reinforcePHQWDUHWREHLGHDOL]HGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQG Rectangular Sections The general principles and assumptions of the strength design method in Table 8.6 are applied to the rectangular reinforced concrete wall given in Figure 8.6. For purposes of discussion, it is assumed the longitudinal reinforcement LQOD\HULVORFDWHGFORVHVWWRWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHURIWKHVHFWLRQ 7KHHTXDWLRQVLQ)LJXUHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUUHFWDQJXODUFROXPQVHFWLRQVFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKH DQGWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK of the rectangular wall in Figure 8.6 for a given nominal axial strength, which is the net tensile strain in the extreme layer of tension reinforcement at nominal strength, excluding strain, strains due to creep, shrinkage, and temperature. I-, T-, and L-Shaped Sections )RUZDOOVZLWKÀDQJHVZKHUHWKHÀDQJHVDUHLQFRPSUHVVLRQWKHQRPLQDOD[LDODQGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKVGHSHQGRQ whether the depth of the equivalent stress block, LVOHVVWKDQRUJUHDWHUWKDQWKHÀDQJHWKLFNQHVV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͲǤͺͷ݂ᇱ ݀ଵ ݄ ܨ௦ଵ ܥ ߝ௦ଶ ܨ௦ଶ ߝ௦ଷ ܨ௦ଷ ݀ ݀ହ ݀ସ ݀ଷ ܿ ݀ଶ ߝ௦ଵ ܽ ൌ ߚଵ ܿ ͲǤͲͲ͵ κ௪ ݀ ߝ௦ସ ߝ௦ହ ߝ௦ ߝ௦ ൌ ߝ௧ ܨ௦ସ ܨ௦ହ ܨ௦ ܨ௦ Figure 8.6 Reinforced concrete wall subjected to moment and axial compression. Where LVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRWKHÀDQJHWKLFNQHVV IRUDUHFWDQJXODUZDOOVHFWLRQ and can be determined using the equations in Figure are determined based on a T- or L-shaped compression Where LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHÀDQJHWKLFNQHVV and ]RQH&RQVLGHUWKH,VKDSHGZDOOVHFWLRQLQ)LJXUHZKHUHWKHHTXLYDOHQWVWUHVVEORFNIDOOVLQWKHZHE7KHUHVXOcan be determined by the following equation: tant compression force, ݐ (8.24) κ௪ ܽ ܾ ݄ Figure 8.7 An I-shaped wall where the equivalent stress block falls in the web. The strains, stresses, and forces in the longitudinal reinforcement and are determined using the expressions in )LJXUH7KHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ (8.25) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ZKHUHWKHGLVWDQFHIURPWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHZDOOWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQH ing: is equal to the follow- (8.26) 6LPLODUH[SUHVVLRQVFDQEHGHULYHGIRU/VKDSHGFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQHV ,WLVDVVXPHGLQWKHDERYHGLVFXVVLRQWKDWWKHHQWLUHZLGWKRIWKHÀDQJHLVHIIHFWLYHLQUHVLVWLQJWKHFRPELQHGD[LDO IRUFHDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQW$OWKRXJKQRWVSHFL¿FDOO\UHTXLUHGLQ$&,&KDSWHULWPD\EHZDUUDQWHGWRXVHD ÀDQJHZLGWKOHVVWKDQWKHDFWXDOÀDQJHZLGWKLQWKHDQDO\VLV$PHWKRGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHSRUWLRQRIWKHÀDQJHFRQVLGHUHGWREHHIIHFWLYHIRUZDOOVVXEMHFWHGWRHDUWKTXDNHHIIHFWVLVJLYHQLQ$&,WKDWHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWK FDQEHXVHGIRUDQ\ZDOOZLWKÀDQJHVLQOLHXRISHUIRUPLQJDPRUHUH¿QHGDQDO\VLV$QRWKHURSWLRQLVWRFRPSOHWHO\ and thickness GLVUHJDUGWKHÀDQJHVDQGWRGHVLJQWKHZDOODVDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQRIOHQJWK Simplified Design Method 7KHVLPSOL¿HGGHVLJQPHWKRGLQ$&,FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQRPLQDOD[LDOFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK RIDZDOOZKHUHWKHIROORZLQJWZROLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG 1. The wall has a solid, rectangular cross-section. The resultant of all applicable factored loads falls within the middle third of the wall thickness. acting at an eccentricity, The second limitation is illustrated in Figure 8.8 for the case of a factored axial force, less than or equal to In general, the total eccentricity caused by all applicable factored load effects, including those from lateral loads, must be less than or equal to ܲ௨ ݁ ݄Ȁ ݄ ݄Ȁ Figure 8.8 Eccentricity limitation in the simplified design method. $&,(TXDWLRQ FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH ZKHQERWKOLPLWDWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG (8.27) In this equation, 7DEOH is the gross area of the wall and LVWKHHIIHFWLYHOHQJWKIDFWRUJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.7 Effective Length Factor for Walls Designed by the Simplified Design Method k Boundary Conditions Walls braced top and bottom against lateral translation Restrained against rotation at one or both ends (top, bottom, or both) Unrestrained against rotation at both ends Walls not braced against lateral translation A value of HTXDOWRLPSOLHVWKHHQGRIWKHZDOOLVDWWDFKHGWRDPHPEHUZLWKDÀH[XUDOVWLIIQHVVDWOHDVWHTXDO to that of the wall in the direction of analysis. A value of HTXDOWRZRXOGEHDSSOLFDEOHIRUH[DPSOHWRIUHHVWDQGLQJ FDQWLOHYHU ZDOOVRUWRZDOOVFRQQHFWHGWRGLDSKUDJPVWKDWXQGHUJRVLJQL¿FDQWGHÀHFWLRQVZKHQVXEMHFWHG to lateral loads. (TXDWLRQ WDNHVLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQERWKHFFHQWULFLW\DQGVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWV,QRUGHUWRVDWLVI\VWUHQJWKUHmust be greater than or equal to the factored axial force, where quirements, the design strength, for compression-controlled sections. ,WLVLQKHUHQWO\DVVXPHGLQWKHVLPSOL¿HGGHVLJQPHWKRGWKDWWKHZDOOVDUHGHVLJQHGFRQVLGHULQJ as a concentric axial compression force. As such, it is best suited for relatively short walls subjected to vertical loads. Because the the application of this method becomes very limited when lateral loads need to eccentricity must not exceed be considered. 8.4.4 Nominal Shear Strength In-Plane Shear For walls subjected to in-plane shear forces, the nominal shear strength, ZLWK$&,DQG $&, , at a section is determined in accordance (8.28) The term is the nominal shear strength of the concrete and WUDQVYHUVH KRUL]RQWDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHZDOO is the nominal shear strength of the 7KHFRHI¿FLHQW GH¿QHVWKHUHODWLYHFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKHFRQFUHWHVWUHQJWKWRWKHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKDQGLV determined by the following: (8.29) For walls where a net tension force is determined for the entire wall section, >$&,@ is calculated by ACI Equation (8.30) The axial tension force, is negative and has the units of pounds. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU UHÀHFWVWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYHWRQRUPDOweight concrete of the same compressive strength is given in Table 8.8 based on equilibrium density and in Table EDVHGRQFRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[WXUH VHH$&, Table 8.8 Values of Ȝ Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc Table 8.9 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete All-lightweight /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG Sand-lightweight Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Composition of Aggregates )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and C33 &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and ASTM C33 Ȝ WR(1) WR (1) Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. (2) Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. The term LVWKHUDWLRRIWKHGLVWULEXWHGWUDQVYHUVH KRUL]RQWDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWWRWKHJURVVDUHDRIWKHFRQFUHWHDUHD perpendicular to that reinforcement. is the gross area of the cross-section of the wall resisting the shear force. For a rectangular wall with The area Illustrated in Figure 8.9 is the area WREHXVHGLQ(TXDWLRQ ZKHUHWKHHQGVRIWKH no openings, ZDOODUHHQODUJHGRUIUDPHLQWRFROXPQV WKLVLVRIWHQUHIHUUHGWRDVD³EDUEHOO´ZDOOEHFDXVHRILWVVKDSH For walls with one or more openings, the area of the opening(s) must not be included in (see Figure 8.9). For walls with WKHVWUXWDQGWLHPHWKRGLQ$&,&KDSWHUPD\EHXVHGWRGHVLJQIRULQSODQHVKHDU IRUFHVLQVWHDGRIWKHPHWKRGGHVFULEHGDERYH $&, Out-of-Plane Shear For walls subjected to out-of-plane shear forces, the nominal shear strength, is determined by the one-way shear VWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&, $&, %HFDXVHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVJHQHUDOO\QRWSURYLGHGWRVDWLVI\ where the nominal shear strength of the concrete, is deterone-way out-of-plane shear requirements, PLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQIURP$&,7DEOHZKHUH (8.31) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ κ௪ ܣ௩ ൌ ݄κ௪ κ௪ ݄ κ ܣ௩ ൌ ݄ሺκ௪ െ κ ሻ Figure 8.9 Determination of Acv 7KHVL]HHIIHFWPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU , accounts for the phenomenon indicated in test results that the shear strength attributed to concrete in members without shear reinforcement does not increase in direct proportion with member GHSWK7KLVIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (8.32) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDW LVOHVVWKDQIRUPHPEHUVZLWK The term LVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW , at the section divided by where is commonly WDNHQDVRQHIRRW VHH)LJXUH $FFRUGLQJWR$&,5 may be taken as the sum of the areas of the lonJLWXGLQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWORFDWHGPRUHWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHRYHUDOOPHPEHUGHSWKDZD\IURPWKHH[WUHPH FRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU)RUW\SLFDOZDOOVHFWLRQV is the area of longitudinal tension reinforcement within the one-foot GHVLJQVWULS VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHFDVHRIDZDOOZLWKWZROD\HUVRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW $FFRUGLQJWRWKH¿UVW1RWHLQ$&,7DEOHWKHD[LDOIRUFH , which has the units of pounds, is to be taken , and is to be taken as negative for tension as positive for compression forces acting on the gross area of the wall, $&, forces. Also, Values of used to calculate DUHOLPLWHGWRSVL WKHH[FHSWLRQLQ$&,LVQRWDSSOLFDEOHWRZDOOV VHH$&, 7KLVOLPLWDWLRQRQ is primarily due to the fact that there is a lack of test data and practical H[SHULHQFHZLWKFRQFUHWHKDYLQJFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVJUHDWHUWKDQSVL 7RPLQLPL]HWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIGLDJRQDOFRPSUHVVLRQIDLOXUHLQWKHFRQFUHWHDQGWROLPLWWKHH[WHQWRIFUDFNLQJWKH FURVVVHFWLRQDOGLPHQVLRQVRIDVHFWLRQPXVWEHVHOHFWHGWRVDWLVI\$&,(TXDWLRQ >$&,@ (8.33) :KHUHRXWRISODQHVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHQRWVDWLV¿HGWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHZDOOPXVWW\SLFDOO\EHLQcreased. Increasing the compressive strength of the concrete is usually not as effective as increasing @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-16 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ ͳʹԣ κ௪ ܸ௨ ܣ௦ ݀ ߩ௪ ൌ ܣ௦ ͳʹ݀ Figure 8.10 Out-of-plane shear force. 8.5 Reinforcement Limits %RWKORQJLWXGLQDO YHUWLFDO DQGWUDQVYHUVH KRUL]RQWDO UHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGLQDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH wall. Minimum longitudinal and transverse reinforcement requirements are given in ACI Table 11.6.1 and are sumand The longitudinal PDUL]HGLQ7DEOHIRUGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVZLWK corresponds to the vertical bars in the wall and is equal to the area of the vertical reinforcreinforcement ratio, ing bars divided by the gross area of the wall perpendicular to those bars, that is, the thickness of the wall times FRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHKRUL]RQWDOEDUVLQWKH the length of the wall. Similarly, the transverse reinforcement ratio, ZDOODQGLVHTXDOWRWKHDUHDRIWKHKRUL]RQWDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVGLYLGHGE\WKHJURVVDUHDRIWKHZDOOSHUSHQGLFXODUWR those bars, that is, the thickness of the wall times the height of the wall. For regularly spaced reinforcing bars, the reinforcement ratios can be determined on the basis of the applicable bar spacing instead of on the overall length or height of the wall. Table 8.10 Minimum Reinforcement for Walls in Accordance with ACI Table 11.6.1 Bar Size Minimum longitudinal, ȡℓ Minimum transverse, ȡt WKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWV Where along with the minimum reinforcement requirements of ACI 11.6.1, are given in Figure 8.11. 8.6 Determining the Wall Thickness Because structural walls in buildings are typically located around elevator and stair openings, the length of a wall LVRIWHQGLFWDWHGE\DUFKLWHFWXUDOUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHWKLFNQHVVRIDZDOOLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHVSHFL¿HGOHQJWK DQGPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHVQHHGVWREHGHWHUPLQHGVRWKDWVWUHQJWK D[LDOIRUFHÀH[XUHDQGVKHDU DQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ۓ ۖ 18ᇳ ۔ ۖ ەκ௪ Τ3כ ݏ lesser of 3݄ ߩκ ߩ௧ 3݄ ۓ ۖ ݏ lesser of 18ᇳ ۔ ۖ ەκ௪ Τ5כ * Applicable where shear reinforcement is required for in-plane shear strength All other reinforcement not shown for clarity κ௪ Longitudinal reinforcement, ࣋र Longitudinal reinforcement, ܸ௨ 0.5߶ߙ ߣඥ݂ᇱ ܣ௩ #5 bars #5 bars 0.0012 0.0015 Transverse reinforcement, ࢚࣋ Transverse reinforcement, ܸ௨ 0.5߶ߙ ߣඥ݂ᇱ ܣ௩ 0.0025 0.5ሺ2.5 െ ݄௪ Τκ௪ ሻሺߩ௧ െ 0.0025ሻ 0.0025ככ ܸ௨ 0.5߶ߙ ߣඥ݂ᇱ ܣ௩ #5 bars #5 bars 0.0020 0.0025 ܸ௨ 0.5߶ߙ ߣඥ݂ᇱ ܣ௩ 0.0025 **ߩκ need not exceed ߩ௧ required by ACI Figure 8.11 Minimum reinforcement requirements for cast-in-place reinforced concrete walls. )RUZDOOVZKHUHVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVJRYHUQ(TXDWLRQ FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHDPLQLPXP on a maximum in-plane shear force, based (8.34) where @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete )RUZDOOVVDWLVI\LQJWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHVLPSOL¿HGGHVLJQPHWKRGLQ$&,WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQFDQEH used to determine minimum >VHH(TXDWLRQ @ (8.35) where for compression-controlled sections. 5HODWLYHO\WDOODQGRUVOHQGHUZDOOVFDQEHJRYHUQHGE\DFRPELQDWLRQRID[LDOIRUFHDQGLQSODQHEHQGLQJPRPHQWV $ZDOOWKLFNQHVVDQGORQJLWXGLQDOZDOOUHLQIRUFHPHQW VL]HDQGVSDFLQJ PXVWEHVHOHFWHGVRWKDWDQLQWHUDFWLRQGLDgram can be constructed. Because there is no closed-form solution for multiple factored load cases, iterations must and PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUDOO EHSHUIRUPHGXQWLODOOGHVLJQVWUHQJWKFULWHULDDUHVDWLV¿HGWKDWLV factored load combinations. 8.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement 8.7.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement $VQRWHGLQ6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQWKHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDZDOOPXVWEH VHOHFWHGVRWKDWDOOGHVLJQVWUHQJWKFULWHULDDUHVDWLV¿HGIRUFRPELQHGÀH[XUHDQGD[LDOIRUFH1RFORVHGIRUPVROXfor a given set of factored load combinations; it is usually determined by tion exists to determine the required SHUIRUPLQJDQXPEHURILWHUDWLRQVZKHUHDWOHDVWWKHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWSUHVFULEHGLQ$&,DQG DUHXVHGLQWKH¿UVWLWHUDWLRQ Minimum longitudinal reinforcement per foot length of wall as a function of wall thickness for cases where is given in Table 8.11 IRUEDUVDQGVPDOOHUVHH7DEOH DQG)LJXUH $OVRLQFOXGHGLQWKHWDEOHLVVXJJHVWHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVL]HDQGVSDFLQJ7ZROD\HUVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGZKHUHWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHZDOOLVJUHDWHUWKDQLQH[FHSWIRUVLQJOHVWRU\EDVHPHQW ZDOOVDQGFDQWLOHYHUUHWDLQLQJZDOOV $&, (DFKOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQWVKRXOGEHSODFHGQHDUHDFKIDFH — Table 8.11 Minimum Required Longitudinal Reinforcement for Walls where Vuťc Ȝ¥ f'c Acv Wall Thickness, h (in.) As (in.2/ft) Suggested Reinforcement 6 #Ǝ 8 #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ 16* #Ǝ 18* #Ǝ *Two layers of reinforcement are required. It is common for the walls in a low-rise building to have minimum longitudinal reinforcement over the entire height of the wall. WKHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG0LQLPXP Where assumlongitudinal reinforcement per foot length of wall as a function of wall thickness where LVJLYHQLQ7DEOH see Figure 8.11). ing @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete — Table 8.12 Minimum Required Longitudinal Reinforcement for Walls where Vu!ťc Ȝ¥ f'c Acv Wall Thickness, h (in.) As (in.2/ft) Suggested Reinforcement 6 #Ǝ 8 #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ 16* #Ǝ 18* #Ǝ *Two layers of reinforcement are required. 8.7.2 Transverse Reinforcement The required amount of transverse reinforcement, depends on the maximum factored in-plane shear force, ZKLFKDFWVRQWKHZDOO(TXDWLRQ FDQEHVROYHGIRU (8.36) Where minimum determined by ACI 11.6.1 must be provided. Minimum transverse reinis given in Table 8.13 forcement per foot length of wall as a function of wall thickness where IRUEDUVDQGVPDOOHUVHH7DEOHDQG)LJXUH — Table 8.13 Minimum Required Transverse Reinforcement for Walls where Vuťc Ȝ¥ f'c Acv Wall Thickness, h (in.) As (in.2/ft) Suggested Reinforcement 6 #Ǝ 8 #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ 16* #Ǝ 18* #Ǝ *Two layers of reinforcement are required. Where WKHPLQLPXPUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVWEHVDWLV¿HG0LQLPXP is given transverse reinforcement per foot length of wall as a function of wall thickness where see Figure 8.11). LQ7DEOH WKDWLV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete — Table 8.14 Minimum Required Transverse Reinforcement for Walls where Vu!ťc Ȝ¥ f'c Acv Wall Thickness, h (in.) As (in.2/ft) Suggested Reinforcement 6 #Ǝ 8 #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ #Ǝ 16* #Ǝ 18* #Ǝ *Two layers of reinforcement are required. 8.8 Reinforcement Detailing 8.8.1 Concrete Cover 5HLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHSODFHGLQZDOOVZLWKDPLQLPXPFRQFUHWHFRYHUWRSURWHFWWKHPIURPZHDWKHU¿UHDQGRWKHU HIIHFWV0LQLPXPFRYHUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQ$&, $&, &RQFUHWHFRYHUIRUZDOOVLVPHDsured from the surface of the concrete to the outer edge of the layer of reinforcement closest to the wall surface (see )LJXUHIRUDZDOOZKHUHWKHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVFORVHVWWRWKHFRQFUHWHVXUIDFH 7KHPLQLPXPFRYHULV HTXDOWRLQIRUDQGVPDOOHUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQZDOOVQRWH[SRVHGWRZHDWKHURULQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHJURXQG $&,7DEOH )RUDQGEDUVWKHPLQLPXPFRYHULVHTXDOLQ ݄ Figure 8.12 Concrete cover for walls. 8.8.2 Splices of Reinforcement Overview Splice lengths for longitudinal and transverse reinforcement in walls must be in accordance with the provisions in $&, $&, /DSVSOLFHVDQGPHFKDQLFDOVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQO\XVHGLQZDOOV)RUWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV compression or tension splice lengths must be provided that satisfy the factored load combinations resisted by the wall. Tension lap and mechanical splices are used for the transverse reinforcement. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Lap Splices Lap splices are the most popular and usually the most economical type of splices used in walls. The longitudinal reinforcement in a wall is permitted to be lap spliced immediately above the top of the slab (see Figure 8.13). This is the preferred location for ease of construction: The longitudinal bars from the wall below extend above the slab a distance that is greater than or equal to the required lap splice length, and the longitudinal bars in the wall above are WLHGWRWKHVHEDUVDIWHUWKHÀRRUEHORZKDVEHHQFRQVWUXFWHG Ȁ Figure 8.13 Location of lap splices for longitudinal bars in a wall. /DSVSOLFHVDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGIRUEDUVODUJHUWKDQEDUVH[FHSWLQWKHFDVHRIFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHVZKHUH RUEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHVSOLFHGWRRUVPDOOHUEDUV $&,DQG The type of lap splice that must be used (compressive or tensile) depends on the stress in the longitudinal bars due WRWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV VHH)LJXUHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQZKLFKLVDOVRDSSOLFDEOHWRZDOOV 5HTXLUHG ODSVSOLFHOHQJWKVIRUWKHWKUHH]RQHVLQGLFDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.15 Required Lap Splices Lengths Zone Stress in Longitudinal Bars 1 All longitudinal bars are in compression 3 Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face is tensile and Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face is tensile and Notes ACI Section No. ± Class B tension lap splice length ± Class B tension lap splice length ± Minimum Lap Splice Length Class A tension lap splice Notes: 1. For must be increased by (4/3) [ACI]. 2. Compression lap splices must not be used for bars larger than #11 except as permitted in ACI [ACI]. 3. Compression lap splices of #14 and #18 bars to #11 or smaller bars are permitted in accordance with ACI (see Note 4) [ACI]. 4. Where bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, is the longer of (a) of the larger bar and (b) of the smaller bar where is calculated by ACI [ACI]: where 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (see Table 8.16) Reduction of development length in accordance with ACI is not permitted in calculating lap splice lengths (ACI Requirements for Class A and Class B tension lap splices are given in ACI Table (see Table 8.17). Tension development length is determined in accordance with ACI Where bars of different size are lap spliced together, is the greater of (a) of the larger bar and (b) of the smaller bar (ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.16 Modification Factors for Deformed Bars in Compression Modification Factor Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete Longitudinal reinforcement enclosed in the following: 1. A spiral A circular continuously wound tie with and a pitch 3. WLHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,VSDFHG on center on center +RRSVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,VSDFHG Other Lightweight, &RQ¿QLQJ reinforcement, Table 8.17 Requirements for Class A and Class B Tension Lap Splices Stress in the longitudinal bars on the tension face Splice Details Splice Type There are percent of the longitudinal bars spliced at any section and the lap splices on adjacent bars are staggered by at least Class A Other Class B All cases Class B *Tension development length Tension Lap Splice Length, ℓst* is determined in accordance with ACI 3URYLVLRQVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIGHIRUPHGUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWHQVLRQDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHWHQVLRQGHYHOopment length, LVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,RULQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ$&,7KHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHEDVHGRQWKRVHLQ$&,VRWKHODWWHU UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHFRYHUHG¿UVW Method 1 – ACI The development length in tension of a deformed reinforcing bar, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ D (8.37) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHVHIDFWRUVFDQEHIRXQGLQ7DEOHDORQJZLWK GH¿QLWLRQVIRUWKHRWKHUWHUPVLQ(TXDWLRQ :KHQFDOFXODWLQJ E\(TXDWLRQ WKHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP PXVWEHWDNHQOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR>$&,@ Table 8.18 Factors for Development of Deformed Bars in Tension Factor Lightweight, Reinforcement grade, Epoxy, 6L]H Casting position, Spacing or cover dimension, Transverse reinforcement index, Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete *UDGHRU*UDGH *UDGH *UDGH 1.3 (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDO coated reinforcement with clear cover or clear spacing (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDO coated reinforcement for all other conditions 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG reinforcement DQGODUJHUEDUV DQGVPDOOHUEDUV 0RUHWKDQLQRIIUHVKFRQFUHWH SODFHGEHORZKRUL]RQWDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW 1.3 Other All Lesser of: 1. The distance from the center of a longitudinal bar to the nearest concrete surface. One-half the center-to-center spacing of the lonJLWXGLQDOEDUVEHLQJGHYHORSHG VHH)LJXUH for the case of the longitudinal bars in a wall being developed). where: total cross-sectional area of all transverse 1. reinforcement within a spacing that crosses the potential plane of splitting through the longitudinal reinforcement being developed center-to-center spacing of the transverse reinforcement number of bars being developed along the 3. plane of splitting All *The product need not exceed 1.7. **It is permitted to conservatively use if transverse (confining) reinforcement is present or required. For reinforcing bars with than 6.0 in. on center, transverse reinforcement must be provided along the development length such that (ACI spaced closer @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ ݏ ܿͳ ൌ ܾ݀ǡ ݏ݊ܽݎݐ ൫ܾ݀ǡ݈ ݃݊Τʹ൯ ܿͳ ܾܿ ൌ ൝ ݏΤʹ Figure 8.14 Spacing or cover dimension, cb. Method 2 – ACI 7KHPHWKRGJLYHQLQ$&,WRGHWHUPLQH LVEDVHGRQWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVJLYHQLQ$&,DQGSUHTwo sets of spacing and cover cases are given in ACI Table VHOHFWHGYDOXHVRIWKHFRQ¿QLQJWHUP VHH7DEOH 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQVIDFWRUVLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQVDUHREWDLQHGIURP$&,7DEOH VHH Table 8.18). Table 8.19 Tension Development Length, ℓd, for Deformed Bars in Accordance with ACI Spacing and Cover Case 1 #6 and Smaller Bars #7 and Larger Bars Condition 1 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced Clear cover 3. Stirrups or ties throughout not less than minimum required &RQGLWLRQ 1. Clear spacing of bars being developed or lap spliced Clear cover &DVH Other conditions Mechanical and Welded Splices 0HFKDQLFDORUZHOGHGVSOLFHVDUHSHUPLWWHGLQZDOOVDQGPXVWPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,7KHVHW\SHVRI splices may be used in both tension and compression. A variety of proprietary mechanical devices are available that can be used to splice longitudinal reinforcing bars in DZDOO VHH5HIHUHQFH 7KHVHW\SHVRIVSOLFHVDUHFRPPRQO\VSHFL¿HGDWORFDWLRQVZKHUHLQRUGLQDWHO\ORQJODS splices would be required or where lap splices would cause congestion. Mechanical splices must be able to develop LQWHQVLRQRUFRPSUHVVLRQDWOHDVWSHUFHQWRIWKH\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Welded splices must also be able to develop of the longitudinal bars. These types of splices are primarily LQWHQGHGIRUEDUVDQGODUJHU:HOGLQJRIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVPXVWFRQIRUPWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, 8.8.3 Spacing of Longitudinal Reinforcement 0D[LPXPVSDFLQJRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQZDOOVLVJLYHQLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH (8.38) The limit in Equation (8.38) is applicable where shear reinforcement is required for in-plane strength. 8.8.4 Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement 0D[LPXPVSDFLQJRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQZDOOVLVJLYHQLQ$&, VHH)LJXUH (8.39) The limit in Equation (8.39) is applicable where shear reinforcement is required for in-plane strength. 8.8.5 Lateral Support of Longitudinal Reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement in a wall must be laterally supported with transverse ties where the following two condiWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG $&, 1. The longitudinal reinforcement is required to resist compression (that is, the longitudinal reinforcement is required as compression reinforcement). is greater than where is the gross cross-sectional area The area of longitudinal reinforcement, of the wall. ݄ ͓͵ ͓ͳͲǤ ൝ ͓Ͷ ͓ͳͳǤ Figure 8.15 Transverse ties in a wall in accordance with ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHVL]HDQGH[WHQWRIWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWJLYHQLQ$&,6LPLODUWRFROXPQVLWLV UHFRPPHQGHGWRVSHFLI\WUDQVYHUVHWLHVIRUDQGVPDOOHUORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHZDOODQGWUDQVYHUVHWLHVIRU larger longitudinal bars. The transverse ties must engage all longitudinal bars subjected to compression considering all DSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQV,QRUGHUWRGHYHORSWUDQVYHUVHWLHVLQWHQVLRQDPLQLPXPLQZDOOWKLFNQHVVLVUHTXLUHG6LPLODUO\DPLQLPXPLQWKLFNZDOOLVUHTXLUHGLQRUGHUWRGHYHORSWUDQVYHUVHWLHVLQWHQVLRQ $QH[DPSOHRIDZDOOZKHUHFURVVWLHVDUHSURYLGHGDVWKHUHTXLUHGWUDQVYHUVHWLHVLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH7KLVLVWKH SUHIHUUHGW\SHRIWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUZDOOVZLWKOD\HUVRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRPSDUHGWRUHFWDQgular ties that enclose four of the longitudinal bars in a wall. κௗ ͳ κௗ ʹ ͵ ͵ ͳǤ ʹǦ͓ͷൈͶԢǦͲԣ Ǥ ʹǤ Ǧ ʹǦ͓ͷ Ǥ ͵Ǥ Ǧ ʹǦ͓ͷǤ Figure 8.16 Recommended reinforcement details around a door opening in a reinforced concrete wall with two layers of reinforcement. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 8.8.6 Reinforcement Around Openings )RUZDOOVZLWKZLQGRZGRRUDQGVLPLODUO\VL]HGRSHQLQJVWKHIROORZLQJDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHG DURXQGWKHSHULPHWHURIWKHRSHQLQJV $&, • $PLQLPXPRIEDULQZDOOVZLWKRQHOD\HURIUHLQIRUFHPHQW • $PLQLPXPRIEDUVLQZDOOVZLWKWZROD\HUVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW The additional reinforcement must be anchored to develop in tension at the corners of the openings. These bars, which are commonly referred to as trim bars, essentially replace the reinforcement interrupted by the opening. More than the minimum amounts of trim bars may need to be provided based on an analysis of the wall with the opening(s). A recommended detail for the reinforcement around a typical door opening is given in Figure 8.16 for a ZDOOZLWKOD\HUVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW$VLPLODUGHWDLOIRUZLQGRZDQGRWKHUZDOORSHQLQJVLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH κௗ ͳ κௗ ʹ ͵ ͵ ͳǤ ʹǦ͓ͷൈͶԢǦͲԣ Ǥ ʹǤ Ǧ ʹǦ͓ͷ Ǥ ͵Ǥ Ǧ ʹǦ͓ͷǤ Figure 8.17 Recommended reinforcement details around an opening in a reinforced concrete wall with two layers of reinforcement. of the longitudinal and transverse The preferred reference point for measuring the tension development length, WULPEDUVLVWKHFRUQHURIWKHRSHQLQJEHFDXVHLWLVD¿[HGSRLQW VHH)LJXUHRU)LJXUH 0HDVXULQJ from a longitudinal or transverse trim bar can be done, but the development length may end up being too short if the perpendicular trim bars adjacent to the opening are not at their intended locations. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For openings occurring close to the top of a wall or where openings are stacked on top of each other, the typical straight diagonal bar detail may not be possible. In order to properly develop the bars, either a standard hook needs to be provided at one end of the bar or the bar can be bent, as shown in Figure 8.18 for the case of stacked openings. κௗ Figure 8.18 Diagonal bar development at stacked wall openings. 8.9 Connections to Foundations 8.9.1 Overview 9HUWLFDODQGKRUL]RQWDOIRUFHVPXVWEHWUDQVIHUUHGDWWKHLQWHUIDFHEHWZHHQDZDOODQGDIRXQGDWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFH ZLWK$&, $&, 9HUWLFDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGE\EHDULQJRQWKHFRQFUHWHRUE\DFRPELnation of bearing and interface reinforcement. Tension forces must be transferred entirely by reinforcement, which PD\FRQVLVWRIH[WHQGHGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVGRZHOVDQFKRUEROWVRUPHFKDQLFDOFRQQHFWRUV+RUL]RQWDOIRUFHVDUH WUDQVIHUUHGXVLQJWKHVKHDUIULFWLRQSURYLVLRQVRI$&,RURWKHUDSSURSULDWHPHWKRGV 8.9.2 Vertical Transfer Compression :KHUHYHUWLFDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDUHWUDQVIHUUHGWRDIRXQGDWLRQEHDULQJVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,PXVW EHVDWLV¿HGIRUERWKWKHZDOODQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ $&, )RUEHDULQJRQDZDOOWKHIDFWRUHGEHDULQJIRUFH must be less than or equal to the design bearing strength, where the nominal bearing strength, is given LQ$&,7DEOH (8.40) In this equation, LVHTXDOWRIRUEHDULQJ $&,7DEOH DQG is the gross area of the wall. )RUEHDULQJRQDIRXQGDWLRQZLGHURQDOOVLGHVWKDQWKHORDGHGDUHDWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HG (8.41) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete The term is the area of the lower base of the largest frustrum of a pyramid, cone, or tapered wedge contained and having side slopes of 1 vertical to wholly within the foundation and having for its upper base the loaded area are depicted in Figure 8.19 for the case of a wall supported by a reinforced concrete KRUL]RQWDO$UHDV and foundation. ʹ ݄ ͳ ܮ κ௪ ܤ ܾ ܤ Ͷͷ ל ܣଵ ൌ ݄κ௪ ʹ ͳ ܣଶ ൌ ܾܮ ܮ Figure 8.19 Determination of areas for bearing strength. the excess compression stress from the wall must be transferred by reinforcement to the foundaWhere is determined by the following equation: tion. The required area of interface reinforcement, (8.42) In this equation, LVWKHPLQLPXPORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRVDWLVI\LQJ$&, $&,VHH must be provided even where 7DEOH 7KHPLQLPXPDPRXQWRILQWHUIDFHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Dowel bars emanating from the foundation are the type of interface reinforcement commonly used due to ease of FRQVWUXFWLRQ7KHGRZHOEDUVZKLFKDUHW\SLFDOO\RIWKHVDPHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ the wall, are set in the foundation prior to placing the foundation concrete and are subsequently spliced to the longitudinal bars. ,OOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHDUHGRZHOEDUVDFURVVWKHLQWHUIDFHEHWZHHQDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOODQGIRXQGDWLRQ where all the longitudinal bars in the wall are in compression for all factored load combinations. The dowel bars determined in accordance with ACI must extend into the foundation at least a compression development length, VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ 6WDQGDUGKRRNVDUHW\SLFDOO\SURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIWKHGRZHOEDUVZKLFKDUHWLHGWRWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV LQWKHIRXQGDWLRQWKLVGHWDLOLVIDUPRUHHFRQRPLFDOWKDQWHUPLQDWLQJWKHGRZHOEDUVDERYHWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJ bars. The hooked portion of the dowels cannot be considered effective for developing the dowels bars in compresVLRQ $&, 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHDGHTXDWHO\GHYHOoped into the foundation: (8.43) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ κௗ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻ ሺǤሻ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻௗ Figure 8.20 Dowel bars at the interface of a reinforced concrete wall and foundation where all the longitudinal bars in the wall are in compression. In this equation, LVWKHUDGLXVRIWKHGRZHOEDUEHQG VHH$&,7DEOHZKLFKFRQWDLQVPLQLPXPLQVLGHEHQG GLDPHWHUVIRUEDUVZLWKVWDQGDUGGHJUHHKRRNV :KHUH(TXDWLRQ LVQRWVDWLV¿HGRQHW\SLFDOZD\WRHQVXUH adequate development is to increase the thickness of the foundation, The dowel bars must also be fully developed in the wall; this is typically achieved by lap splicing the dowel bars to WKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHZDOO VHH)LJXUH :KHUHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHWKHVDPHVL]HDVWKHZDOOORQJLWXGLQDO EDUVWKHPLQLPXPFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKLVXVHG VHH7DEOH :KHUHWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHODUJHULQGLDPHWHUWKDQWKHZDOOORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVWKHFRPSUHVVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKPXVWVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&, /DSVSOLFHVRIDQGORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQFRPSUHVVLRQIRUDOOIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVZLWKDQGVPDOOHU GRZHOEDUVDUHSHUPLWWHGSURYLGHGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,DUHVDWLV¿HG $&, Tension Tension forces transferred from a wall to a foundation must be resisted entirely by reinforcement across the interIDFH>$&, E DQG@ 7HQVLOHDQFKRUDJHRIWKHGRZHOEDUVLQWRDIRXQGDWLRQLVW\SLFDOO\DFFRPSOLVKHGE\SURYLGLQJGHJUHHVWDQGDUG determined in accordance hooks at the ends of the dowel bars with the development length of the hooked bar, ZLWK$&, VHH)LJXUH (8.44) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ݄ κௗ ǡሺ݀ ሻௗ ͵ԣ ሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ ǡሺ݀ ሻ ሺǤሻ Figure 8.21 Dowel bars at the interface of a reinforced concrete wall and foundation where the longitudinal bars in the wall are in compression and tension. 7KLVGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKLVPHDVXUHGIURPWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQWRWKHRXWVLGHIDFHRIWKHKRRN VHH)LJXUHRIWKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVLQ(TXDWLRQ DUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 8.20 Modification Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension Modification Factor Lightweight, Epoxy, &RQ¿QLQJ reinforcement, Condition Value of Factor Lightweight concrete Normalweight concrete (SR[\FRDWHGRU]LQFDQGHSR[\GXDOFRDWHGUHLQIRUFHPHQW 8QFRDWHGRU]LQFFRDWHG JDOYDQL]HG UHLQIRUFHPHQW )RUDQGVPDOOHUEDUVZLWK Other or 1.6 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.20 Modification Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension (cont.) Modification Factor Location, Condition Value of Factor )RUDQGVPDOOHUKRRNHGEDUV 1. terminating inside a column core with side cover normal to the plane of the hook or with side cover normal to the plane of the hook Other Concrete strength, 7KHFRQ¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDFWRU is typically equal to 1.6 for hooked dowel bars in foundations because con¿QLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVXVXDOO\QRWSURYLGHGLQVXFKFDVHV 7KHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHDGHTXDWHO\GHYHORSHGLQWRWKHIRXQGDWLRQ (considering that the hooked portion of the dowel bars can be developed in tension): (8.45) :KHUH(TXDWLRQ LVQRWVDWLV¿HGWKHGHSWKRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQXVXDOO\PXVWEHLQFUHDVHG For development of the dowel bars into the wall, a tension lap splice or a mechanical connection in accordance with $&,RUUHVSHFWLYHO\PXVWEHSURYLGHGEHWZHHQWKHGRZHOEDUVDQGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV,QWKHFDVH RIODSVSOLFHVD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHG VHH7DEOHDQG)LJXUH 8.9.3 Horizontal Transfer 7KHVKHDUIULFWLRQPHWKRGRI$&,LVSHUPLWWHGWREHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWK at the across FRQWDFWVXUIDFHEHWZHHQWKHZDOODQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ $&, 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQW the interface is determined by the following equation, which is applicable to shear-friction reinforcement perpenGLFXODUWRWKHLQWHUIDFH $&, (8.46) In this equation, is the factored shear force due to the lateral force effects at the interface (in-plane or out-ofplane), the strength reduction factor LVHTXDOWRDQG LVWKHFRHI¿FLHQWRIIULFWLRQZKLFKLVREWDLQHGIURP $&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH Table 8.21 Coefficient of Friction, μ Contact Surface Condition Concrete placed monolithically Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and not intentionally roughened @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-34 μ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 8SSHUOLPLWVRQVKHDUIULFWLRQVWUHQJWKDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH 7KHWHUP is the area of which is equal to the gross cross-sectional area of the wall. Where the concrete strengths of concrete resisting WKHZDOODQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQDUHGLIIHUHQWWKHVPDOOHURIWKHWZRPXVWEHXVHGLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQV $&, Table 8.22 Maximum Vn Across the Assumed Shear Plane Contact Surface Condition Maximum Vn = Vu / Ҁ* Normalweight concrete placed monolithically or placed against hardened concrete intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Other cases * area of concrete resisting Full tension anchorage of the shear-friction reinforcement must be provided into the foundation and into the wall. The lengths of these bars are determined in the same way as those for vertical transfer where tension forces are present. The area of the dowel bars is usually determined initially based on the requirements for vertical transfer. That area is FRPSDUHGZLWKWKHDUHDUHTXLUHGIRUKRUL]RQWDOWUDQVIHUDQGWKHODUJHURIWKHWZRLVSURYLGHGDWWKHLQWHUIDFH 8.10 Design Procedure 7KHGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOOVVXEMHFWHG WRD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVDQGXQLD[LDOEHQGLQJ LQSODQHRURXWRISODQH ,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHVHFWLRQ QXPEHUVWDEOHQXPEHUVDQGHTXDWLRQQXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVFKDSWHUFDQEHIRXQG 8.11 Examples 8.11.1 Example 8.1 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Interior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS, Simplified Design Method Design a solid, interior reinforced concrete wall that is not part of the seismic force-resisting system (SFRS) in the ¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJVXEMHFWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJD[LDOIRUFHVZKLFKDUHDVVXPHGWRDFWDWDLQHFFHQWULFLW\ and Assume normalZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHFHQWURLGRIWKHZDOO VHH)LJXUH DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW weight concrete with Step 1 – Determine the factored axial force Table 3.3 The following load combination governs: Step 2 – Determine a trial wall thickness $VVXPHWKH6LPSOL¿HG'HVLJQ0HWKRGFDQEHXVHG7KLVDVVXPSWLRQLVYHUL¿HGLQ6WHSEHORZ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Provide dowel bars to satisfy the requirements in ACI 16.3 for connections to foundations ሺSect. 8.9ሻ Figure 8.22 Design procedure for walls. A minimum wall thickness can be determined by the following equation: Eq. (8.35) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܲ ǡ ܲ κ ൌ ͳͺǤͲᇱ ͳᇳ Figure 8.23 Interior bearing wall of Example 8.1. Assuming the wall is braced at the top and bottom against lateral translation and unrestrained against rotation at both ends: Table 8.7 Therefore, For a bearing wall, the minimum thickness is equal to the following: Figure 8.1 Try Step 3 – Determine if the Simplified Design Method can be used ACI 11.5.3 &KHFNWKHOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKH6LPSOL¿HG'HVLJQ0HWKRG 1. The wall is solid and rectangular. Eccentricity Figure 8.8 7KHUHIRUHWKH6LPSOL¿HG'HVLJQ0HWKRGFDQEHXVHG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Determine the design strength of the wall Eq. (8.27) Step 5 – Determine the minimum reinforcement in the wall $VVXPHEDUVDUHXVHGIRUWKHORQJLWXGLQDODQGWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW Minimum longitudinal reinforcement Table 8.10 3URYLGHDVLQJOHOD\HURIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Minimum transverse reinforcement 3URYLGHDVLQJOHOD\HURIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Maximum spacing Figure 8.11 8.11.2 Example 8.2 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Exterior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS, Moment Magnification Method, Out-of-Plane Forces 'HVLJQDVROLGH[WHULRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOOWKDWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJVXEMHFWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJIRUFHV VHH)LJXUH (it can be determined that the effects due to out-of-plane seismic effects in accordance with $6&(6(,DUHOHVVWKDQWKDWGXHWRZLQGORDGHIIHFWV DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LV Assume normalweight concrete with nonsway. Also, the gravity loads are assumed to act concentrically on the wall. Step 1 – Determine a trial wall thickness There is no closed-form solution to determine for a wall subjected to these types of loads. A trial wall thickness of 8 in. is selected. The adequacy of this wall thickness will be checked in the following steps. Step 2 – Determine the factored load combinations Table 3.3 Weight of the wall at mid-height Total dead load The gravity loads do not cause any bending moments in the wall because they act through the centroid of the wall. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-38 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete κ௨ ൌ ͳͺǤͲ െ ሾʹͺǤͷȀሺʹ ൈ ͳʹሻሿ ൌ ͳǤͺᇱ ܲ ǡ ܲ ݓௐ Figure 8.24 Exterior bearing wall of Example 8.2. Assuming the wall is pinned at the top and bottom, the bending moment at the mid-height of the wall due to the uniformly distributed wind load is equal to the following: $VXPPDU\RIWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 8.23 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for the Wall in Example 8.2 Load Case Axial Force (kips/ft) Bending Moment (in.-kips/ft) Dead Live Wind Load Combination $&,(T D $&,(T E $&,(T G $&,(T I @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-39 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Determine if slenderness effects need to be considered %HFDXVHWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVDQRQVZD\IUDPHVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVQHHGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGZKHUH$&,(TV E DQG F DUHVDWLV¿HG VHH7DEOHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ Therefore, slenderness effects must be considered in the design of this wall. Step 4 – Determine the magnified moments in the wall using the moment magnification method ACI 6.6.4 7KHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGLVFRYHUHGLQGHWDLOLQ6HFWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ )RUQRQVZD\IUDPHVIDFWRUHGPDJQL¿HGPRPHQWV DUHGHWHUPLQHGE\(T where LVWKHIDFWRUHGPLGKHLJKWEHQGLQJPRPHQWLQWKHZDOODQGWKHPDJQL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU (T Because there are transverse loads between the supports, The critical buckling load, LVGHWHUPLQHGE\(T The effective stiffness, is determined by the following equation: is determined by ACI Eq. (8.2) Table 8.2 It is evident that the area of longitudinal reinforcement in the wall, is needed to calculate purposes, the minimum amount of longitudinal reinforcement is assumed: @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-40 For calculation Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7U\DVLQJOHOD\HURIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU checked in the following steps. The adequacy of this reinforcement will be &DOFXODWLRQVDUHSURYLGHGIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T G LQ7DEOH For a 1-foot design strip: ACI Eq. ( ACI Eq. ( Eq. (8.2) Therefore, Determine the minimum factored bending moment, 6LPLODUFDOFXODWLRQVFDQEHSHUIRUPHGIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T I $VXPPDU\RIWKHUHVXOWVIURPWKHPRPHQWPDJQL¿FDWLRQPHWKRGIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVWKDWLQFOXGHZLQGORDG HIIHFWVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-41 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.24 Summary of Results from the Moment Magnification Method for the Wall in Example 8.2 Load Combination ȕdns I (EI)eff x 10 3 Pc (in.4) (kip-in.2) (kips) Pu Mu (kips) (in.-kips) į Step 5 – Check the adequacy of the section for combined flexure and axial forces Mc (in.-kips) ACI 22.4 The lower portion of the design strength interaction diagram for a 1-foot-wide section of the wall reinforced with EDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHULVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH%HFDXVHDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIDOOZLWKLQWKHGHVLJQ strength interaction diagram, the wall is adequate. 80 70 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Bending Moment ሺin.-kipsሻ Figure 8.25 Design strength interaction diagram for the wall in Example 8.2. Step 6 – Check the out-of-plane shear strength requirements The required shear strength, is determined based on the design wind force: The design shear strength, is equal to the design shear strength of the concrete, ACI 22.5 Eq. (8.31) Eq. (8.32) for normalweight concrete Table 8.8 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-42 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, The axial force smaller value of FRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T I LVXVHGLQGHWHUPLQLQJ because it results in a than that determined using FRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T G The wall is adequate for out-of-plane shear. 8.11.3 Example 8.3 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Exterior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS, Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Forces 'HVLJQDVROLGH[WHULRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOOWKDWLVQRWSDUWRIWKH6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJVXEMHFWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJIRUFHV VHH)LJXUH (it can be determined that the effects due to out-of-plane seismic effects in accordance with $6&(6(,DUHOHVVWKDQWKDWGXHWRZLQGORDGHIIHFWV ܲ ǡ ܲ κ௨ ൌ ͳͺǤͲ െ ሾʹͺǤͷȀሺʹ ൈ ͳʹሻሿ ൌ ͳǤͺᇱ ݁ ൌ ʹǤͲԣ ݓௐ Figure 8.26 Exterior bearing wall in Example 8.3. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-43 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Assume normalweight concrete with DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW$OVRDVVXPHDQHFFHQWULFLW\RI in. between the dead and live load axial forces and the centroid of the wall. Step 1 – Determine a trial wall thickness There is no closed-form solution to determine for a wall subjected to these types of loads. A trial wall thickness of 8 in. is selected. The adequacy of this wall thickness will be checked in the following steps. Step 2 – Determine the factored load combinations at the mid-height of the wall Weight of the wall from top to mid-height Service dead load moment mid-height) (only the axial dead load causes a bending moment at Service live load moment Wind load moment $VXPPDU\RIWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH Table 8.25 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for the Wall in Example 8.3 Load Case Axial Force (kips/ft) Bending Moment (in.-kips/ft) Dead Live Wind Load Combination $&,(T D 3.9 $&,(T E $&,(T G 3.8 $&,(T I @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-44 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Determine the factored load combinations at the mid-height of the wall, including slenderness effects 8VLQJWKHGLUHFWFDOFXODWLRQPHWKRGRIWKHDOWHUQDWLYHPHWKRG>$&, E @WKHWRWDOIDFWRUHGPRPHQW which includes slenderness effects, is determined by the following equation: Eq. (8.10) where DUHWKHIDFWRUHGPRPHQWVLQWKHZDOODWPLGKHLJKW VHH7DEOH A summary of the factored axial forces and bending moments, which include slenderness effects, is given in Table Table 8.26 Summary of Factored Axial Forces and Bending Moments, Including Slenderness Effects, for the Wall in Example 8.3 Load Combination Pu Mua Ase,w c Icr Mu (kips) (in.-kips) (in.2) (in.) (in.4) (in.-kips) 3.9 31.6 3.8 &DOFXODWLRQVDUHSURYLGHGIRUWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T G Maximum longitudinal bar spacing Figure 8.11 $VVXPHWKHZDOOLVUHLQIRUFHGZLWKRQHOD\HURIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Eq. (8.7) Eq. (8.9) ACI Check if the section is tension-controlled: ACI Table 21.2.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-45 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, the section is tension-controlled. It can be determined that this wall section is tension-controlled for all ORDGFRPELQDWLRQV7KLVVDWLV¿HVWKHVHFRQGOLPLWDWLRQLQ$&, ACI Eq. ( ACI Eq. (8.6) Therefore, Similar calculations can be performed for the other load combinations. Step 4 – Determine the cracking moment ACI Eq. ( ACI Eq. ( Step 5 – Determine the design flexural strength of the wall and check the adequacy of the wall 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHZDOOLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQ Eq. (8.11) ,WLVGHWHUPLQHGLQ6WHSWKDWWKHZDOOVHFWLRQLVWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGIRUDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQVVR 7DEOH (see so the wall is adequate 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH)RUDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQV IRUDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQVZKLFKVDWLV¿HVWKHWKLUGOLPLWDWLRQLQ$&, IRUÀH[XUH$OVR @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-46 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.27 Summary of Design Flexural Strengths for the Wall in Example 8.3 Load Combination Ase,w c a ҀMn Mu (in.2) (in.) (in.2) (in.-kips) (in.-kips) 68.9 66.9 63.1 Step 6 – Check the maximum axial force at the mid-height of the wall section According to the fourth limitation in ACI, at the mid-height of the wall must be less than or equal to ,WLVHYLGHQWWKDWWKLVOLPLWDWLRQLVVDWLV¿HGIRUDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQV VHH7DEOH Step 7 – Determine the maximum service-level at the mid-height of the wall section Because there is no closed-form solution for for the initial iteration: The maximum service-level bending moment, assume Also assume the following value of at the mid-height section of the wall is equal to the following: Eq. (8.17) where the strength-level bending moment due to wind loads is divided by 1.6 to convert it to a service-level bending moment. 7KHGHÀHFWLRQ is determined by the following equation: Eq. (8.15) Therefore, Determine from the following equation: Eq. (8.12) Because it has been assumed that determine from the following equation: Eq. (8.13) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-47 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete This value of is the same as the value initially assumed for so no additional iterations are required. Check the initial assumption: &KHFNWKDWWKH¿IWKOLPLWDWLRQRI$&,LVVDWLV¿HG Step 8 – Check the out-of-plane shear strength requirements ACI 22.5 The required shear strength, LVGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHORDGFRPELQDWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWR$&,(T G The design shear strength, is equal to the design shear strength of the concrete, Eq. (8.31) Eq. (8.32) for normalweight concrete Table 8.8 Therefore, The wall is adequate for out-of-plane shear. 8.11.4 Example 8.4 – Determination of Trial Wall Thickness of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS Determine a trial wall thickness for the interior reinforced concrete wall along column line F that is part of the 6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJFRQVLGHULQJVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPH and Grade 60 reinforcement. normalweight concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Solution 7KLVLQWHULRUZDOOLVVXEMHFWHGWRD[LDOIRUFHVEHQGLQJPRPHQWVDQGVKHDUIRUFHV,WLVHYLGHQWIURP7DEOHVDQG RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQWKDWZLQGORDGHIIHFWVDUHOHVVWKDQWKRVHIURPVHLVPLFHIIHFWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-48 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete There is no closed-form solution to determine h for a wall subjected to these combined load effects. However, a trial wall thickness can be obtained based on shear strength requirements: Eq. (8.34) )URP7DEOHWKHEDVHVKHDUGXHWRVHLVPLFHIIHFWVLVHTXDOWRNLSV7KHZDOOVDORQJFROXPQOLQHV%DQG )HDFKUHVLVWSHUFHQWRIWKLVEDVHVKHDUVRWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFH LQHDFKZDOOLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVHTXDOWR NLSV Eq. (8.29) for normalweight concrete $VVXPLQJ Table 8.8 VHH)LJXUH $WULDOZDOOWKLFNQHVVRILQLVVHOHFWHGFRQVLGHULQJWKHD[LDOIRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVWKDWWKLVZDOOLVVXEMHFWHGWR VHH([DPSOH 8.11.5 Example 8.5 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall for Combined Flexure and Axal Forces: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS 'HVLJQWKHLQWHULRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOODORQJFROXPQOLQH)WKDWLVSDUWRIWKH6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJIRUFRPELQHGÀH[XUHDQGD[LDOIRUFHVFRQVLGHULQJVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH and Grade $VVXPHDLQWKLFNZDOO VHH([DPSOH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK 60 reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the factored load combinations Table 3.3 $WKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOHODVWLFDQDO\VLVRIWKHVWUXFWXUHZDVSHUIRUPHGXVLQJ5HIZLWKWKHZDOOVVXEMHFWHGWRWKH HDVWZHVWVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQ7DEOHDVVXPLQJWKHZDOOVDUH¿[HGDWWKHEDVH ZLQGORDGHIIHFWVDUHOHVVWKDQWKRVH IURPVHLVPLFHIIHFWVDQGDUHQRWFRQVLGHUHGLQWKLVH[DPSOHVHH7DEOH 5LJLGGLDSKUDJPVZHUHDVVLJQHGDW ZDVDVVLJQHGWRWKHZDOOVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, each level of the building and a moment of inertia equal to 7DEOH D DVVXPLQJWKHZDOOVDUHFUDFNHG7KHDQDO\VLVVKRZHGWKDWWKHODWHUDOORDGHIIHFWVDUHHVVHQWLDOO\ UHVLVWHGE\WKHIWZDOOZHEVLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLVVRQRHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKVDUHFRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQ that is, all the lateral load effects are assigned to the webs. $VXPPDU\RIWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHZDOODORQJFROXPQOLQH) Table 8.28 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for the Wall in Example 8.4 Load Case Axial Force (kips) Bending Moment (ft-kips) Dead 0 Roof live ņ Live 0 Seismic 0 (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-49 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 8.28 Summary of Axial Forces and Bending Moments for the Wall in Example 8.4 (cont.) Load Case Axial Force (kips) Bending Moment (ft-kips) $&,(T D $&,(T E $&,(T F $&,(T H $&,(T J Load Combination Further explanation is needed on how the load factors in the load combinations that include (T H WKHHIIHFWVRIJUDYLW\DQGVHLVPLFJURXQGPRWLRQDUHDGGLWLYHVR $6&(6(, FDQEHWDNHQDVIRUVWUXFWXUHVDVVLJQHGWR6'&&WKHUHIRUH Therefore, the load combination becomes the following: are obtained. In ACI According to ,Q$&,(T J WKHHIIHFWVRIJUDYLW\DQGVHLVPLFJURXQGPRWLRQFRXQWHUDFWVR and the load combination becomes the following: Step 2 – Determine if the first story is nonsway or sway The stability index, LVXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHZKHWKHUWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVQRQVZD\RUVZD\ 7KHIROORZLQJUHVXOWVDUHREWDLQHGIURPWKHDQDO\VLVLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\ Total Total The total factored load must correspond to the lateral loading case for which it is a maximum. In this example, ACI (T H SURGXFHVWKHODUJHVWORDG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-50 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, 7KHUHIRUHWKHIUDPHLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVDQRQVZD\IUDPH Step 3 – Determine if slenderness effects must be considered %HFDXVHWKH¿UVWVWRU\IUDPHLVDQRQVZD\IUDPHVOHQGHUQHVVHIIHFWVQHHGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGZKHUHWKHIROORZLQJ HTXDWLRQLVVDWLV¿HG Table 8.4 7KHPRPHQWDWWKHWRSRIWKHZDOOLQWKH¿UVWVWRU\LVHTXDOWRIWNLSVDQGWKHZDOOLVEHQWLQVLQJOHFXUYDture. Therefore, Therefore, Thus, slenderness effects need not be considered in the design of this wall in the direction of analysis. Step 4 – Determine if the wall is adequate for combined flexure and axial forces An estimate of the longitudinal reinforcement in the wall is needed in order to determine if the section is adequate RUQRWIRUWKHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ7DEOH The minimum amount of longitudinal reinforcement depends on the magnitude of (see Figure 8.11). with respect to the limit From the analysis, Eq. (8.29) Preliminary analysis indicates that minimum transverse reinforcement can be used (that is, 8.11 and Example 8.6). see Figure Therefore, Minimum Figure 8.11 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-51 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Check the adequacy of the wall using minimum longitudinal reinforcement: Maximum longitudinal bar spacing Figure 8.11 7U\OD\HUVRIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU 7KHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPIRUWKLVZDOOUHLQIRUFHGZLWKOD\HUVRIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU LVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH,WZDVFRQVWUXFWHGEDVHGRQHTXLOLEULXPVWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\DQGWKHGHVLJQDVVXPSWLRQVLQ $&, VHH6HFWLRQDQG)LJXUHRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQRQKRZWRFRQVWUXFWLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPVIRUUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQV 7KHORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIURP7DEOHDUHDOVRJLYHQLQWKH¿JXUH%HFDXVHDOOORDGFRPELQDWLRQ points fall within the design strength interaction diagram, the wall is adequate. 15,000 ݂௦ ൌ 0 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 12,000 ݂௦ ൌ 0.5݂௬ 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 0 15,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 75,000 90,000 105,000 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 8.27 Design strength interaction diagram for the wall in Example 8.5 8.11.6 Example 8.6 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall for Shear Forces: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS 'HVLJQWKHLQWHULRUUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHZDOODORQJFROXPQOLQH)WKDWLVSDUWRIWKH6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJIRUVKHDUIRUFHVFRQVLGHULQJVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQ VHH)LJXUH $VVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-52 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 1 – Determine the transverse reinforcement An estimate of the transverse reinforcement in the wall is needed in order to determine if the section is adequate or not for the factored shear force The minimum amount of transverse reinforcement depends on the magnitude of (see Figure 8.11). with respect to the limit Eq. (8.29) Therefore, minimum Figure 8.11 Maximum transverse bar spacing Figure 8.11 7U\OD\HUVRIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Step 2 – Check the adequacy of the section Eq. (8.28) 7KHUHIRUHWKHVHFWLRQLVDGHTXDWHIRUVKHDUXVLQJWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWFRQVLVWLQJRIOD\HUVRIEDUVVSDFHG at 18 in. on center. 8.11.7 Example 8.7 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation of a Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS Determine the required dowel reinforcement for the interior reinforced concrete wall along column line F that is SDUWRIWKH6)56LQWKH¿UVWVWRU\RI%XLOGLQJFRQVLGHULQJVHLVPLFIRUFHVLQWKHHDVWZHVWGLUHFWLRQDVVXPLQJ WKHZDOOLVVXSSRUWHGE\DIWWKLFNPDWIRXQGDWLRQ VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK and IRUWKHZDOODQGIRXQGDWLRQUHVSHFWLYHO\DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOHVDQG Step 1 – Check the bearing stresses on the wall and mat foundation ACI Bearing strength of the wall. Factored bearing stress, is determined for compression and for compression and bending using the factored axial IRUFHVDQGEHQGLQJPRPHQWVGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TV E DQG$&,(T H UHVSHFWLYHO\ VHH7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-53 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete • $&,(T E • $&,(T H Tension forces cannot be transferred through bearing at the interface, so dowel bars will be provided that match the VL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHZDOO7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWHQVXUHVWKDWERWKWKHFRPSUHVVLRQDQGWHQsion forces are adequately transferred from the wall into the mat foundation. Bearing strength of the mat foundation. There is no need to check the bearing strength of the mat foundation because dowel bars will be provided that match WKHVL]HDQGVSDFLQJRIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHZDOO Step 2 – Determine the required interface reinforcement ACI )URP([DPSOHWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHZDOOLVOD\HUVRIEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHUDWWKLV VSDFLQJURZVRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHSURYLGHGLQWKHZDOO Check minimum area of reinforcement across the interface: ACI 7KHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRRILVXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPDUHDRILQWHUIDFHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,EHFDXVHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV *UDGH DUHXVHGLQWKHZDOO VHH$&,7DEOH Step 3 – Check horizontal force transfer )URP([DPSOHWKHIDFWRUHGVKHDUIRUFHDWWKHEDVHRIWKHZDOOLVHTXDOWRNLSV7KLVIRUFHLVWUDQVIHUUHG KRUL]RQWDOO\EHWZHHQWKHZDOODQGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGDV follows assuming the surface between the wall and the foundation has not been intentionally roughened: Eq. (8.46) 7KLVDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVODUJHUWKDQWKHDUHDRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWSURYLGHGE\WKHGRZHOEDUVWKDWPDWFKWKHVL]H and spacing of the longitudinal reinforcement in the wall, which is equal to 7KHUHIRUHWU\GRZHOEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-54 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Check the upper shear limit: Table 8.22 8VHGRZHOEDUVVSDFHGDWLQRQFHQWHU Step 4 – Check the development of the dowel bars in the mat foundation ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUHWKDWWKHVWUHVVLQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDUWKHVWIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ face is tensile for the load combinations that include seismic effects. Therefore, the dowel bars must be developed for tension into the mat (and into the wall). $VWDQGDUGGHJUHHKRRNZLOOEHSURYLGHGDWWKHHQGVRIWKHGRZHOEDUV'HWHUPLQHWKHWHQVLRQGHYHORSPHQW RIWKHGRZHOEDUVWHUPLQDWLQJLQDKRRN length, Eq. (8.44) Table 8.20 $VVXPLQJWZROD\HUVRIEDUVLQWKHPDWIRXQGDWLRQZLWKDFOHDUFRYHURILQGHWHUPLQHWKHPLQLPXPPDW WKLFNQHVVIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHGRZHOEDUV Eq. (8.45) The minimum LVOHVVWKDQWKHSURYLGHGPDWWKLFNQHVVRILQ Step 5 – Determine the development length of the dowel bars in the wall 7KHGRZHOEDUVPXVWEHODSVSOLFHGWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUVLQWKHZDOOXVLQJDWHQVLRQODSVSOLFH:KHUHEDUV RIGLIIHUHQWVL]HDUHODSVSOLFHGWRJHWKHUWKHUHTXLUHGWHQVLRQODSVSOLFHOHQJWKLVWKHJUHDWHURI D of the larger RIWKHVPDOOHUEDU VHH1RWHLQ7DEOH %HFDXVHDOOWKHGRZHOEDUVDUHVSOLFHGDWWKHVDPHORFDbar and (b) WLRQD&ODVV%WHQVLRQODSVSOLFHLVUHTXLUHG $&,7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-55 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Development length in tension, RIWKHGRZHOEDUV Eq. (8.37) Table 8.18 Figure 8.14 Set ACI Therefore, Tension lap splice length, RIWKHORQJLWXGLQDOEDUV Eq. (8.37) Table 8.18 Figure 8.14 Set ACI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-56 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Therefore, 3URYLGHDODSVSOLFHOHQJWKRIIWLQ 5HLQIRUFHPHQWGHWDLOVIRUWKLVZDOODUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ͳᇱ ǦͲԣ ͓ͷ̷ͳᇱ Ǧԣ ͵ԢǦͲԣ ͵ԣ ʹԢǦʹԣ ͓ ͓ͳͳ Figure 8.28 Reinforcement details for the wall in Examples 8.4 through 8.7. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-57 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 8-58 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Chapter 9 DIAPHRAGMS 9.1 Overview 5HLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHGLDSKUDJPVDUHURRIDQGÀRRUV\VWHPVZLWKLQDVWUXFWXUHWKDWUHVLVWDQGWUDQVIHUJUDYLW\DQG ODWHUDOIRUFHV7\SLFDOGLDSKUDJPDFWLRQVLQDUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEXLOGLQJDUHGHSLFWHGLQ$&,)LJXUH5 Diaphragms must support and transfer gravity loads to columns, walls, and other supporting elements in a building. The weight of the structure, superimposed dead loads, and live loads are common out-of-plane gravity loads applied to the surface of a diaphragm. Roof diaphragms must also be able to support effects due to rain, snow, and wind, to name a few. Lateral forces from wind, earthquakes, and soil pressure are common types of forces transferred from a diaphragm to the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) in a building. The load path from the application of the force on the diaphragm to the vertical elements of the LFRS depends on several factors, including the type of applied force and the ULJLGLW\ RUÀH[LELOLW\ RIWKHGLDSKUDJP7KHLQSODQHIRUFHVJHQHUDWHLQSODQHVKHDUIRUFHVEHQGLQJPRPHQWDQG axial forces in a diaphragm. The connections between the diaphragm and the vertical elements of the LFRS are very important; these connections must be properly designed and detailed otherwise there is no mechanism for proper load transfer to the LFRS. Collectors, which are part of a diaphragm and are sometimes referred to as drag struts, are required where the LFRS does not extend the full depth of a diaphragm or where there is a discontinuity in the LFRS. These elements are parallel to the applied force and their main functions are to collect and transfer diaphragm shear forces to the vertical elements of the LFRS, distribute forces within the diaphragm, or both. In general, diaphragms must be designed and detailed for the combined effects due to in-plane and out-of-plane load effects. Reinforcement is provided to resist the effects from in-plane and out-of-plane axial forces, bending moments, and shear forces. The design and detailing of cast-in-place diaphragms with nonprestressed reinforcement are covered in this chapter. 3URYLVLRQVIRUGLDSKUDJPVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,&KDSWHUZKLFKDUHDSSOLFDEOHWRGLDSKUDJPVLQEXLOGLQJVDVVLJQHGWR Seismic Design Category (SDC) A, B, and C. 9.2 Minimum Diaphragm Thickness 'LDSKUDJPVPXVWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWWKLFNQHVVVRWKDWDOODSSOLFDEOHVWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG $&, 7KHIROORZLQJORDGHIIHFWVPXVWEHLQYHVWLJDWHGIRUVWUHQJWK RXWRISODQHPRPHQWVDQG VKHDUVGXHWRJUDYLW\IRUFHVRUFRPELQDWLRQVRIJUDYLW\DQGODWHUDOIRUFHVDQG LQSODQHPRPHQWVLQSODQHVKHDU forces, and axial forces due to wind, seismic, and other applicable lateral forces. For buildings assigned to SDC A, B, or C, the minimum diaphragm thickness must be the largest of the following $&, (1) 7KLFNQHVVEDVHGRQWKHVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVRI$&,IRURQHZD\VODEVRU$&,IRU two-way slabs. Thickness based on out-of-plane strength requirements. (3) Thickness based on in-plane strength requirements. 6HUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRURQHZD\VODEVDQGWZRZD\VODEVDUHFRYHUHGLQ6HFWLRQVDQGRIWKLVSXEOLFDtion, respectively. Methods are given in those sections that can be used to determine minimum slab thicknesses that VDWLVI\GHÀHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV 2XWRISODQHÀH[XUDOUHTXLUHPHQWVUDUHO\KDYHDQLPSDFWRQWKHUHTXLUHGVODEWKLFNQHVVRIRQHZD\DQGWZRZD\ VODEV\VWHPV5HDVRQDEOHDPRXQWVRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQXVXDOO\EHSURYLGHGDWWKHFULWLFDOVHFWLRQVXVLQJD @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-1 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete slab thickness determined based on serviceability requirements. Two-way shear requirements may have an impact RQWKHWKLFNQHVVRIÀDWSODWHV\VWHPV)LJXUHLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHDSUHOLPLQDU\VODE WKLFNQHVVIRUÀDWSODWHVFRQVLGHULQJWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHVVHV$PRUHUH¿QHGDQDO\VLVQHHGVWREHSHUIRUPHGWRHQVXUH WKDWWZRZD\VKHDUUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHVDWLV¿HG,QOLHXRILQFUHDVLQJWKHVODEWKLFNQHVVRUFROXPQVL]HWZRZD\VKHDU UHTXLUHPHQWVFDQEHVDWLV¿HGE\SURYLGLQJVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ A slab thickness based on serviceability requirements is usually adequate to satisfy in-plane strength requirements. In-plane moments are resisted by chord reinforcement placed perpendicular to the direction of the lateral force. In PRVWFDVHVWKLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVVXI¿FLHQWIRUVHUYLFHDELOLW\RURWKHUVWUHQJWK UHTXLUHPHQWVWKHUHLVXVXDOO\QRQHHGWRLQFUHDVHWKHWKLFNQHVVRIDVODEEDVHGRQLQSODQHÀH[XUDOUHTXLUHPHQWV It is common for the design shear strength of the concrete alone to satisfy in-plane shear strength requirements of a diaphragm. Fire-resistance requirements of the governing building code must also be considered when selecting a minimum VODEWKLFNQHVV)RUORFDOMXULVGLFWLRQVWKDWKDYHDGRSWHGWKH,%&PLQLPXPVODEWKLFNQHVVIRUYDULRXV¿UHUHVLVWDQFH UDWLQJVEDVHGRQFRQFUHWHW\SHLVJLYHQLQ,%&7DEOH,WLVFRPPRQIRU¿UHUHVLVWDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVWREH VDWLV¿HGXVLQJDVODEWKLFNQHVVWKDWVDWLV¿HVVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWVVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVRUERWK 9.3 Required Strength 9.3.1 General 7KHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUDUHWREHXVHGWRFDOFXODWHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWKRIGLDSKUDJPVFROOHFWRUVDQGWKHLUFRQQHFWLRQV VHH$&, $FFRUGLQJWR$&,PHPEHUVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKH simultaneous effects from out-of-plane and in-plane loading. For example, collectors are commonly designed for ÀH[XUHDQGVKHDUIRUFHVGXHWRJUDYLW\ORDGVLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQDQGWHQVLRQIRUFHVGXHWRLQ plane forces in the diaphragm. 9.3.2 Diaphragm Design Forces Overview ,QJHQHUDOGLDSKUDJPVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGWRUHVLVWWKHHIIHFWVIURPWKHIROORZLQJIRUFHV VHH$&,DQG$&, )LJXUH5 (a) Diaphragm in-plane forces due to lateral loads acting on the building (b) Diaphragm transfer forces (c) Connection forces between the diaphragm and vertical framing or nonstructural elements (d) Forces resulting from bracing vertical or sloped building elements (e) Diaphragm out-of-plane forces due to gravity and other loads applied to the surface of the diaphragm In-Plane Forces due to Lateral Loads 0HWKRGVWRGHWHUPLQHLQSODQHZLQGIRUFHVDQGVHLVPLFIRUFHVRQGLDSKUDJPVDUHJLYHQLQ6HFWLRQVDQGRI at level in a building is equal to the total this publication. In the case of wind loads, the resultant wind force, at that level (which is sum of the windward pressure, and the leeward pressure, ) times the wind pressure, times the tributary story height, (see Figure 9.1). This force is applied at the centroid of width of the building, the face of the building in the direction of analysis. is applied at the center of mass (CM) of the diaphragm at level because it is an The seismic design force, LQHUWLDOIRUFH VHH)LJXUH )RUULJLGGLDSKUDJPV VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQIRUFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIGLDphragms), the diaphragm translates and rotates about the center of rigidity (CR). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-2 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܮ ܤ ௫ ܤΤʹ ܹ௫ ൌ ௫ ݄ܤ௫ Figure 9.1 Resultant wind force acting on a diaphragm. ݁௫ ܮ ݁௬ ܨ௫ ܤ Figure 9.2 Seismic force acting on a rigid diaphragm. For buildings with one or more basement levels, lateral forces are generated by soil pressure bearing against the basement walls (see Figure 9.3). The magnitude of the soil pressure is usually obtained from a geotechnical investigation. In cases where the results of such an investigation are not available, the lateral soil loads in IBC Table FDQEHXVHG VLPLODUGHVLJQODWHUDOORDGVDUHSURYLGHGLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUH 9.3 that a portion of the soil pressure is transferred to the foundation system and a portion is transferred to the reinforced concrete slab, which acts as a diaphragm. The diaphragm must be designed for the in-plane effects due to the soil pressure (plus any other applicable in-plane load effects) and must transfer the forces to the basement walls parallel to the direction of the soil pressure. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-3 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ǡܪ Figure 9.3 Distribution of at-rest soil pressure on a basement wall. $FFRUGLQJWR,%&DQG$6&(6(,EDVHPHQWZDOOVDQGUHWDLQLQJZDOOVVXSSRUWLQJPRUHWKDQIW RIEDFN¿OOKHLJKWPXVWEHVXEMHFWHGWRG\QDPLFVHLVPLFODWHUDOHDUWKSUHVVXUHVGXHWRGHVLJQHDUWKTXDNHJURXQG PRWLRQVIRUVWUXFWXUHVDVVLJQHGWR6'&'(RU)+RZHYHUQRSURYLVLRQVRUJXLGHOLQHVDUHSURYLGHGRQKRZWR GHWHUPLQHWKHVHG\QDPLFSUHVVXUHV$PHWKRGWRGHWHUPLQHVXFKIRUFHVLVJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH In-Plane Forces due to Transfer Forces $W\SLFDOFDVHZKHUHDGLDSKUDJPLVVXEMHFWHGWRWUDQVIHUIRUFHVLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUH,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHHIIHFWV IURPZLQGVHLVPLFDQGRWKHUDSSOLFDEOHLQSODQHORDGV ZKLFKDUHFROOHFWLYHO\ODEHOOHGDV³'LDSKUDJPIRUFH´LQWKH ¿JXUH WKHSRGLXPVODEPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHHIIHFWVGXHWRWKHIRUFHVWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHVKHDUZDOOVDERYH The podium slab, in turn, transfers all the in-plane forces to the basement walls parallel to the direction of analysis. ሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ Figure 9.4 Transfer forces to a podium slab. Connection Forces Between the Diaphragm and Vertical Framing or Nonstructural Elements Nonstructural components, such as cladding, is commonly attached to reinforced concrete slabs over the height of a building. These components transfer wind pressures, inertial forces from earthquake shaking, or both, to the diaphragm through the connections between the two. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-4 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Ƭ Figure 9.5 Wind forces from a nonstructural element transferred to a diaphragm. ,OOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHLVDJHQHULFWLHEDFNFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQDSUHFDVWFRQFUHWHZDOOSDQHODQGDUHLQIRUFHGFRQcrete slab, which is representative of the many types of connections between cladding and diaphragms. Component and cladding (C&C) wind pressure normal to the surface of the panel is transferred from the precast concrete wall panel to the diaphragm via the connector assembly. The diaphragm must be designed for this force in combination with all other applicable forces. A similar force transfer to a diaphragm occurs for nonstructural wall panels subjected to out-of-plane seismic forces. Forces Resulting from Bracing Vertical or Sloped Building Elements Diaphragms must be designed for forces resulting from bracing vertical structural elements in a building. For example, in the case of a building frame system, it is assumed that all the lateral forces are resisted by the shear walls. :KHQDQDO\]HGVHSDUDWHO\VKHDUZDOOVDQGIUDPHVKDYHGLIIHUHQWGLVSODFHPHQWSUR¿OHVRYHUWKHKHLJKWRIDEXLOGLQJ when subjected to lateral forces (see Figure 9.6). In an actual building, the diaphragms connect the columns and shear walls together, which means these elements must displace the same amount at each level. Thus, the resulting transfer forces caused by displacement compatibility between the columns that are not part of the LFRS and the shear walls must be resisted by the diaphragms. Diaphragms must also be designed to resist forces from any sloped structural members in a building. An inclined FROXPQVXFKDVWKHRQHLOOXVWUDWHGLQ$&,)LJXUH5WUDQVIHUVWKHKRUL]RQWDOFRPSRQHQWVRIWKHVXSSRUWHG gravity and lateral forces, where applicable, into the reinforced concrete slab (diaphragm) in cases where there are no other local structural elements to counteract these forces. Out-of-Plane Forces One of the main functions of a diaphragm is to support and transfer gravity loads to the supporting structural members in a building. The weight of the structure, superimposed dead loads, and live loads are typical out-of-plane JUDYLW\ORDGVDSSOLHGWRWKHVXUIDFHRIDGLDSKUDJP'HDGDQGOLYHORDGVDUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$6&( 6(,&KDSWHUVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 6QRZDQGUDLQORDGVFDQRFFXURQURRIGLDSKUDJPVWRQDPHDIHZ $6&(6(,&KDSWHUVDQG :LQGXSOLIWORDGV are also applicable, as are vertical accelerations due to seismic effects. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-5 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ሺǤሻ Figure 9.6 Diaphragm force transfer due to displacement compatibility. Collector Design Forces Where vertical elements of the LFRS do not extend the full depth of a diaphragm, collectors are needed to transfer IRUFHVEHWZHHQWKHGLDSKUDJPDQGWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH/)56 VHH$6&(6(,)LJXUH 'HSHQGLQJRQ several factors, a collector can be part of the slab or can be a beam. ,QJHQHUDOFROOHFWRUVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVGXHWRJUDYLW\ORDGV ÀH[XUHDQGVKHDU DQGODWHUDO loads (axial tension and compression forces caused by in-plane shear transfer in the diaphragm due to wind forces, seismic forces, or both). The in-plane diaphragm forces are determined using the methods presented in Section 9.3.3 RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ2QFHWKHIRUFHVDUHGHWHUPLQHGWKHGLDSKUDJPLVPRGHOHGDQGDQDO\]HGXVLQJWKHPHWKRGVLQ $&,DQGWKHD[LDOIRUFHVLQDFROOHFWRUFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQWKHVHOHFWHGPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLV6HFWLRQ RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQFRYHUVWKHDQDO\VLVSURFHGXUHVLQ$&,7KHVHSURFHGXUHVFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH collector axial forces in diaphragms subjected to wind and seismic forces in buildings assigned to SDC A, B, or C. 9.3.3 Diaphragm Modeling and Analysis Overview *HQHUDOPRGHOLQJDQGDQDO\VLVUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUGLDSKUDJPVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7KHSURYLVLRQVLQ$&, WKURXJKDUHWREHXVHGZKHUHWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKHJHQHUDOEXLOGLQJFRGHVXFKDVWKH,%&RU $6&(6(,DUHQRWDSSOLFDEOH Some of the general analysis requirements in ACI Chapter 6 are applicable to diaphragms. For example, the provisions for elastic analysis in ACI 6.6.1 through 6.6.3 can be applied because diaphragms are designed to remain essentially elastic when subjected to in-plane wind and seismic forces. In-plane stiffness modeling and analysis methods for diaphragms are covered below. In-Plane Stiffness Modeling It is permitted to use any set of reasonable and consistent assumptions for in-plane diaphragm stiffness (ACI 'LVWULEXWLRQRIIRUFHVLQWKHGLDSKUDJPDQGGLVSODFHPHQWVDQGIRUFHVLQWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH/)56 are contingent on the in-plane stiffness of the diaphragm. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-6 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $GLDSKUDJPLVFRQVLGHUHGWREHULJLGZKHUHWKHLQSODQHGHÀHFWLRQGXHWRODWHUDOIRUFHVLVUHODWLYHO\VPDOOFRPSDUHG to that of the vertical elements of the LFRS. For purposes of analysis, rigid diaphragms displace and rotate as a rigid body when subjected to lateral forces, and the vertical elements of the LFRS move together accordingly (displacement compatibility). Also, lateral forces are distributed to the vertical elements of the LFRS in proportion to their relative rigidities (stiffnesses) and their location with respect to the center of rigidity (CR), which is the stiffness centroid within a diaphragm. ,QFRQWUDVWWKHLQSODQHGHÀHFWLRQRIDÀH[LEOHGLDSKUDJPLVUHODWLYHO\ODUJHFRPSDUHGWRWKDWRIWKHYHUWLFDOHOHments of the LFRS, and the distribution of lateral forces to the vertical elements of the LFRS is independent of their relative rigidities. In such cases, lateral forces are distributed based on the tributary mass of the diaphragm to the vertical elements of the LFRS. For diaphragms of uniform material and weight, lateral forces can be distributed by tributary areas. Flexible diaphragms do not undergo rigid body rotation like rigid diaphragms. $GLDSKUDJPLVFODVVL¿HGDVVHPLULJLGZKHUHWKHLQSODQHGHÀHFWLRQRIWKHGLDSKUDJPDQGWKHGHÀHFWLRQRIWKHYHUWLcal elements of the LFRS are of the same order of magnitude. $FDVWLQSODFHUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHGLDSKUDJPLVSHUPLWWHGWREHFODVVL¿HGDVULJLGZKHUHWKHIROORZLQJFULWHULDDUH VDWLV¿HG • :KHQVXEMHFWHGWRODWHUDOZLQGIRUFHV $6&(6(, 6SDQWRGHSWKUDWLR • :KHQVXEMHFWHGWRODWHUDOVHLVPLFIRUFHV $6&(6(, and (a) Span-to depth ratio (b) 6WUXFWXUHKDVQRQHRIWKHKRUL]RQWDOLUUHJXODULWLHVLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH ݄ When determining the span-to-depth ratio, the span is equal to the distance between lines of lateral resistance (such DVZDOOVDQGIUDPHV LQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV VHH)LJXUH 7KHRYHUDOOGHSWKRIWKHGLDSKUDJPLQWKHGLUHFWLRQ of analysis is used to determine the span-to-depth ratio. κଵ κଶ κଵ ൌ ݄ κଶ ൌ ݄ Figure 9.7 Definition of span-to-depth ratio for a diaphragm. 7KHUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHGLDSKUDJPLOOXVWUDWHGLQ$&,)LJXUH5DPD\QRWEHFRQVLGHUHGULJLGLQWKHGLUHFwhere is the distance between the tion of the lateral force because of its relatively large span-to-depth ratio, walls at each end, which have been designated to be part of the LFRS (the interior moment frames are not part of the LFRS), and is the depth of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis. Similarly, ramps in parking structures PD\QRWEHFODVVL¿HGDVULJLGEHFDXVHRIUHODWLYHO\ORQJVSDQWRGHSWKUDWLRVZKLFKDUHFRPPRQLQVXFKVWUXFWXUHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-7 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $FFRUGLQJWR$6&(6(,DGLDSKUDJPLVSHUPLWWHGWREHLGHDOL]HGDVÀH[LEOHZKHUH LVWKHPD[LPXPLQSODQHGHÀHFWLRQRIWKHGLDSKUDJPDQG is >$6&(6(,(TXDWLRQ @7KHWHUP the average drift of adjoining vertical elements of the LFRS over the story below the diaphragm under consideration ZKHQVXEMHFWHGWRWKHLQSODQHIRUFH$ULJLGGLDSKUDJPLVGH¿QHGLQ,%&EDVHGRQGHÀHFWLRQVDQGGULIWV as well: A diaphragm is rigid for the purpose of distribution of story shear and torsional moment when the lateral is less than or equal to two times the average story drift, deformation of the diaphragm, )RUGLDSKUDJPVWKDWFDQQRWEHLGHDOL]HGDVHLWKHUULJLGRUÀH[LEOHWKHLQSODQHVWLIIQHVVRIWKHGLDSKUDJPPXVWEH explicitly accounted for in the analysis. A three-dimensional analysis considering the stiffnesses of the diaphragms and the elements of the LFRS usually provides the most accurate distribution of forces in such cases. 7RDFFRXQWIRUFUDFNLQJLQUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHGLDSKUDJPVDVWLIIQHVVPRGL¿HUVKRXOGEHDSSOLHGWRWKHJURVV in-plane stiffness of the diaphragm. In the case of wind forces, the structure is typically assumed to respond in the HODVWLFUDQJHVRXVLQJSHUFHQWRIWKHJURVVLQSODQHPRPHQWRILQHUWLDRIWKHGLDSKUDJPZRXOGEHDSSURSULDWH VHH$&, )RUVHLVPLFIRUFHVLWKDVEHHQVKRZQWKDWVWLIIQHVVPRGL¿HUVW\SLFDOO\IDOOLQWKHUDQJHRI WR Analysis Methods Once the diaphragm forces have been determined and the type of diaphragm has been established based on in-plane VWLIIQHVV ULJLGVHPLULJLGRUÀH[LEOH WKHGLDSKUDJPDQGDQ\FROOHFWRUVPXVWEHDQDO\]HGIRUWKHHIIHFWVGXHWRLQ plane forces in combination with out-of-plane forces. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,LQSODQHGHVLJQPRPHQWVVKHDUIRUFHVDQGD[LDOIRUFHVLQGLDSKUDJPVPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJDQ\PHWKRGWKDWVDWLV¿HVHTXLOLEULXPDQGWKHGHVLJQERXQGDU\FRQGLWLRQV0HWKRGVRIDQDO\VLVEDVHG on the following models are permitted to be used: • $ULJLGGLDSKUDJPPRGHOZKHUHGLDSKUDJPVFDQEHLGHDOL]HGDVULJLG • $ÀH[LEOHGLDSKUDJPPRGHOZKHUHGLDSKUDJPVFDQEHLGHDOL]HGDVÀH[LEOH • A bounding analysis in which the design values are the envelope of values obtained by assuming upper bound and lower bound in-plane stiffnesses for the diaphragm in two or more separate analyses. • $¿QLWHHOHPHQWPRGHOFRQVLGHULQJGLDSKUDJPÀH[LELOLW\ • $VWUXWDQGWLHPRGHOLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&, The applicability of these models and other pertinent information are given in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 Diaphragm Models Model Applicability Notes Rigid diaphragm • For lateral wind forces, reinforced concrete slabs ZLWKDVSDQWRGHSWKUDWLRRIRUOHVV • For lateral seismic forces, when the following two FRQGLWLRQVDUHVDWLV¿HG UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH VODEVZLWKDVSDQWRGHSWKUDWLRRIRUOHVVDQG VWUXFWXUHSRVVHVVHVQRQHRIWKHKRUL]RQWDOLUUHJXODULWLHVLQ$6&(6(,7DEOH Beam models are commonly used to determine diaphragm internal forces in buildings without major irregularities DQGRUWUDQVIHUIRUFHV Flexible diaphragm $GLDSKUDJPLVSHUPLWWHGWREHLGHDOL]HGDVÀH[LEOH ZKHUHWKHUDWLRRIWKHPD[LPXPLQSODQHGHÀHFWLRQ and the average story drift, of the diaphragm, LVJUHDWHUWKDQ Beam models are commonly used to determine diaphragm internal forces in buildings without major irregularities DQGRUWUDQVIHUIRUFHV (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-8 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.1 Diaphragm Models (cont.) Model Applicability Notes Suitable for semirigid diaphragms Diaphragm internal forces are taken as the envelope of values from the following two analyses: (1) rigid diaphragm on ÀH[LEOHVXSSRUWVDQG ÀH[LEOHGLDphragm on rigid supports Finite element Suitable for any diaphragm This model is especially useful for irregularly shaped diaphragms and diaSKUDJPVZLWKODUJHWUDQVIHUIRUFHVDQG or openings Strut-and-tie Suitable for any diaphragm Model should include consideration of force reversals that may occur under design load combinations Bounding analysis %HDPPRGHOVDUHZLGHO\XVHGWRGHWHUPLQHLQWHUQDOIRUFHVLQULJLGDQGÀH[LEOHGLDSKUDJPVLQEXLOGLQJVZLWKRXW PDMRULUUHJXODULWLHVDQGRUWUDQVIHUIRUFHV'LDSKUDJPVDUHWUHDWHGDVEHDPVWKDWVSDQEHWZHHQWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWV RIWKH/)56ZKLFKDUHLGHDOL]HGDVHLWKHUULJLGRUÀH[LEOH VSULQJ VXSSRUWV%HDPPRGHOVIRUULJLGGLDSKUDJPVDUH covered in detail below. Equivalent Beam Model with Rigid Supports This model is often used for low-rise buildings with regular geometries where two or more lines of lateral forceresisting systems are provided in a given direction that have approximately the same relative rigidity. Diaphragm Forces Illustrated in Figure 9.8 is a reinforced concrete diaphragm and a LFRS consisting of structural (shear) walls (it is assumed that the perimeter frames are not part of the LFRS). In the direction of analysis, the diaphragm is modeled The walls, which have the same in-plane stiffness, as a beam whose depth is equal to the full diaphragm depth, are assumed to be rigid supports in the direction of analysis. This method can also be used where walls are at the perimeter of the building or where more than two walls are in the direction of analysis (which means the equivalent beam is continuous). Because the walls do not extend the full depth of the diaphragm, collectors are needed to collect the shear from the diaphragm and to transfer it to the walls. in Figure 9.8 is uniformly distributed over the width of the diaphragm. The reacThe equivalent in-plane load, are the diaphragm forces transferred to the vertical elements of the LFRS, and WLRQVLQZDOOVDQG and are obtained from statics. It is permitted to assume that the diaphragm resists in-plane moment and axial force in DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,DQGZKLFKLQFOXGHVWKHDVVXPSWLRQWKDWVWUDLQVYDU\OLQHDUO\RYHUWKHGHSWKRIWKH diaphragm. Shear and moment diagrams for the diaphragm are also given in Figure 9.8. ,QWKLVPRGHOURRIDQGÀRRUV\VWHPVDFWDVWKHZHERIWKHHTXLYDOHQWEHDPZKLFKUHVLVWVWKHGHVLJQVKHDUIRUFHV must be uniform over the depth )RUZDOO )RUGLDSKUDJPVDQDO\]HGE\WKLVPHWKRGWKHVKHDUÀRZ )RUZDOOWKHPD[LPXPXQLIRUPVKHDUÀRZLVHTXDOWR which must be less than RUHTXDOWRWKHGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHGLDSKUDJP6KHDUÀRZLVWUDQVIHUUHGIURPWKHGLDSKUDJPWRWKHYHUWLFDO elements of the LFRS by shear friction. 7KHGLDSKUDJPERXQGDULHVSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHODWHUDOIRUFHDFWDVWKHÀDQJHVRIWKHHTXLYDOHQWEHDP FRPPRQO\ referred to as chords) and resist the tension and compression forces induced in the diaphragm due to bending. These @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-9 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ܤ ࢀ࢛ ᬇ ሺǤሻ ሺǤሻ ܴଵ ܴଶ ǡ ሺݒ௨ ሻଶ ൌ ܴଶ Τܮ ܮ ᬅ ᬆ ሺǤሻ ࢛ ܴଵ ᬈ ݓ௨ ܴଶ ݓ௨ ܴଶ ܸ௨ ܸ௨ǡ௫ ܯ௨ ܯ௨ǡ௫ Figure 9.8 Equivalent beam model with rigid supports. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-10 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete forces can be determined by dividing the maximum bending moment in the diaphragm by the distance between the forces (that is, the moment arm): (9.1) In this equation, LVWKHSHUSHQGLFXODUGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHFKRUGIRUFHVZKLFKLVFRPPRQO\WDNHQDVSHUFHQW ). Reinforcement must be provided of the total diaphragm depth in the direction of analysis (in this case, in the chords to resist the tension forces generated by this bending moment. Because wind and seismic forces can act in any direction, chord reinforcement is required at both boundaries of the diaphragm perpendicular to the direction of analysis. Collector Forces A reinforced concrete beam or a portion of a reinforced concrete slab in line with the LFRS can be used as a collector. In cases where the beam or slab has the same width as the vertical element of the LFRS it frames in to (for example, the width of the collector is equal to the thickness of the structural wall), all the collected forces are WUDQVIHUUHGGLUHFWO\LQWRWKHPHPEHURIWKH/)56DWLWVHQGV7KLVLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHIRUZDOOZKLFKLV part of the LFRS of the building in Figure 9.8. The uniform factored shear force in the diaphragm at this location, is equal to the reaction in the wall, divided by the depth of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis, The net factored Similarly, the uniform factored shear force in the wall along its length is equal to shear force at any point is equal to the difference between the unit factored shear forces in the wall and diaphragm at that point. ܴଶ ܮ ܴଶ ܮ κଷ Collector ሺtyp.ሻ ܴଶ κଶ ൫ݒ௨,ௐ ൯ଶ ൌ ܴଶ /κଶ ൬ ܴଶ ൰κ ܮଷ ܮ κଶ ᬆ ሺݒ௨ ሻଶ ൌ ܴଶ /ܮ ܴଶ ܴଶ െ κଶ ܮ κଵ ܴଶ ൬ ൰ κଵ ܮ ܴଶ ܮ Unit Shear Forces Net Shear Forces Collector Axial Forces Figure 9.9 Unit shear forces, net shear forces, and collector forces in a diaphragm. The axial forces in the collectors are determined by summing the areas in the net shear force diagram. At the edges RIWKHGLDSKUDJPWKHD[LDOIRUFHLQWKHFROOHFWRUVLVHTXDOWR]HUR 1RWH,QFDVHVZKHUHZLQGDQGRUVHLVPLFIRUFHV IURPSHULPHWHUHOHPHQWVVXFKDVFODGGLQJPXVWEHFROOHFWHGWKHIRUFHVDWWKHHQGVRIDFROOHFWRUPD\QRWEH]HUR The axial force increases linearly as shear is transferred from the diaphragm to the collectors. At the end of the wall from the edge of the diaphragm, the axial tension force in the collector is equal to located a distance at a distance from the edge of the At the other end of the wall, the axial compression force is equal to diaphragm. Because wind and seismic forces can act in any direction, the axial forces in the collectors change from compression to tension and from tension to compression, so a collector must be designed for the most critical effects. Similar force diagrams can be obtained for wall 1. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-11 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Where a collector is assumed to be wider than the member of the LFRS element it frames in to, a part of the collector force is transferred directly into the member of the LFRS at its ends and a part is transferred through shearIULFWLRQDORQJWKHOHQJWKRIWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWRIWKH/)56 VHH$&,)LJXUH5IRUWKHFDVHRIDZDOOORFDWHG at the edge of a diaphragm). Wider collectors are usually required in buildings where it is not practical or possible (from a design or constructability perspective) to provide collector elements concentric with the vertical elements of the LFRS. An example of where wider collectors may be necessary is in a building with relatively thin walls where only a narrow strip of slab is available to resist relatively large collector forces. adjacent to the shear wall or frame is used to resist the collector forces. Requirements An effective slab width, DUHQRWFRYHUHGLQWKHFRGHVHFWLRQVRI$&,RULQ$6&(6(,5HIHUHQFHUHFRPPHQGVXVLQJ for equal to the width of the vertical element of the LFRS plus a width on either side of the vertical element equal to RQHKDOIWKHFRQWDFWOHQJWKEHWZHHQWKHGLDSKUDJPDQGWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQW VHH)LJXUHIRUWKHHIIHFWLYHFROOHF$&,5UHFRPPHQGVDQHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKHTXDOWREDVLWRUZLGWKIRUZDOOLQ)LJXUHZKHUH FDOO\WKHVDPHDVWKDWLQ5HIHUHQFH ܾ ݁ ܾ ൌ ݐ ሺκଶ Τʹሻ κଷ ܶ௩ ݐΤʹ ܶௗ ݐ ᬆ ܴଶ Ȁκଶ ܮ κଶ ሺܶ௩ ܥ௩ ሻΤκଶ κଵ ܴଶ Ȁܮ ܥ௩ ܥௗ Figure 9.10 Effective slab width for collectors wider than the vertical elements of the LFRS. $OVRLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHLVWKHIRUFHWUDQVIHUWRZDOO7KHWHQVLRQDQGFRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVWUDQVIHUUHGGLUHFWO\ respectively. The tension force, is resisted by reinforcement in LQWRWKHHQGVRIZDOODUHGHVLJQDWHG and is resisted by the concrete. The remainthe wall parallel to the direction of analysis and the compression force, and respectively, are transferred through shear along which is the ing tension and compression forces this reinforceOHQJWKRIZDOO6KHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGWRUHVLVWWKHWRWDOVKHDUIRUFH PHQWLVSODFHGSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHZDOO VHH$&,)LJXUH5 act at an eccentricity with respect to the centerline of wall ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP)LJXUHWKDWWKHIRUFHV and ,ILWLVDVVXPHGWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHFROOHFWRULVXQLIRUPO\GLVWULEXWHGLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLVZLWKLQ and the in-plane bending OLNHWKDWVKRZQLQ$&,)LJXUH5 WKHQWKHHFFHQWULFLW\ can be taken as moment resulting from this eccentricity and the portion of the collector force not transferred directly into the end of WKHZDOOPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGLQGHVLJQ VHH6HFWLRQRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ In general, the section of the collector concentric with the vertical element of the LFRS should be designed for a reasonable portion of the total collector force considering overall design and construction limitations. Reinforcing bar congestion at the ends of a shear wall, for example, is a practical limitation to consider when selecting the portion of the total tension force transferred directly into the end of a wall. In some cases, the total collector force will need to be resisted entirely by the shear in the slab adjacent to the vertical element of the LFRS. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-12 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Corrected Equivalent Beam Method with Spring Supports This model is best suited for buildings with rigid diaphragms and lateral force-resisting systems with different stiffnesses. Effects of torsion are automatically accounted for in this method. Diaphragm Forces and Center of Rigidity 7KH¿UVWVWHSLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHLQWHUQDOLQSODQHIRUFHVLQDGLDSKUDJPEDVHGRQWKHFRUUHFWHGHTXLYDOHQWEHDP model is to obtain the diaphragm forces transferred to the vertical elements of the LFRS. In multistory buildings, a three-dimensional model of the building is usually constructed with the appropriate lateral forces applied at each level over the height of the building. The forces in the vertical elements of the LFRS are obtained from an analysis of the structure using this model. In low-rise buildings with rigid diaphragms, the stiffnesses of the elements of the /)56FDQEHREWDLQHGXVLQJDSSUR[LPDWHDQDO\VHVZKLFKGRQRWUHVXOWLQDVLJQL¿FDQWORVVRIDFFXUDF\0HWKRGVWR GHWHUPLQHDSSUR[LPDWHLQSODQHVWLIIQHVVHVIRUZDOOVDQGIUDPHVDUHJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH2WKHUZLVHVWLIIQHVVHV FDQEHREWDLQHGIURPDPRUHUH¿QHGDQDO\VLV :KHQXWLOL]LQJDQDSSUR[LPDWHPHWKRGRIDQDO\VLVWRGHWHUPLQHWKHIRUFHVLQWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH/)56 WKHORFDWLRQRIWKHFHQWHURIULJLGLW\ &5 QHHGVWREHGHWHUPLQHG7KH&5LVWKHSRLQWRQDÀRRUURRIOHYHOZKHUH the equivalent story stiffness is assumed to be located. For buildings with rigid diaphragms, application of a lateral force through the CR produces only rigid body displacement of the story. Displacement and rotation occur where the lateral force is applied at any other point. The following equations can be used to locate the CR in the x-direction and y-direction from a selected origin (see Figure 9.11 where the origin is selected at the centroid of the column located at the bottom left of the framing system): (9.2) (9.3) where in-plane lateral stiffness of lateral-force-resisting element i in the y-direction in-plane lateral stiffness of lateral-force-resisting element i in the x-direction distance in the x-direction from the origin to the centroid of lateral-force-resisting element i distance in the y-direction from the origin to the centroid of lateral-force-resisting element i All the elements of the LFRS parallel to the y- and xGLUHFWLRQVRIDQDO\VHVDUHLQFOXGHGLQ(TXDWLRQV DQG respectively; it is commonly assumed that out-of-plane resistance of a lateral-force-resisting element is negligible compared to its in-plane resistance. Thus, when determining the location of the CR in the x-direction by Equation RQO\WKHVWLIIQHVVHVRIZDOOVDQGDUHFRQVLGHUHG1RWHWKDWDSRUWLRQRIZDOO WKDWLVDQHIIHFWLYHÀDQJH width) may be included when determining the stiffness of wall 1. Similarly, when determining the location of the CR in the yGLUHFWLRQE\(TXDWLRQ RQO\WKHVWLIIQHVVRIZDOO LQFOXGLQJDQHIIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKRIZDOOLI GHVLUHG DQGZDOODUHFRQVLGHUHG which is Once the location of the CR has been determined, the following equation can be used to determine resisted by element i considering both direct and torsional shear forces: the portion of the total story shear, (9.4) where perpendicular distance from the centroid of element i to the CR parallel to the x-axis @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-13 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ᬈ ݕସ ݕ ᬆ ݕଷ ᬅ ᬇ ݔଵ ݔ ݔଶ Figure 9.11 Location of center of rigidity (CR). perpendicular distance from the centroid of element i to the CR parallel to the y-axis perpendicular distance between and the CR Similarly, the following equation can be used to determine which is the portion of the total story shear, resisted by element i considering both direct and torsional shear forces: (9.5) where perpendicular distance between and the CR. 7KH¿UVWDQGVHFRQGWHUPVLQWKHVHHTXDWLRQVUHSUHVHQWWKHGLUHFWVKHDUIRUFHVDQGWKHWRUVLRQDOVKHDUIRUFHVWUDQVferred to the vertical elements of the LFRS, respectively. Once the diaphragm forces transferred to the vertical elements of the LFRS have been obtained using either an DSSUR[LPDWHRUPRUHUH¿QHGDQDO\VLVDVRXWOLQHGDERYHWKHVHFRQGVWHSLVWRGHWHUPLQHDQHTXLYDOHQWLQSODQH distributed load on the diaphragm that is in equilibrium with these forces (reactions). The distributed load is usuat each end of DOO\WUDSH]RLGDOZKLFKDFFRXQWVIRUDQ\WRUVLRQDOPRPHQWV VHH)LJXUH 7KHORDGV and the equivalent beam can be obtained by using the equations for force equilibrium and moment equilibrium and then and solving these two equations for the two unknowns )RUWKHULJLGGLDSKUDJPLQ)LJXUHWKHIRUFHDQGPRPHQWHTXDWLRQVRIHTXLOLEULXPLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV are the following where moments are summed about the left edge of the diaphragm: (9.6) (9.7) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-14 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ᬉ ܮ ᬈ ᬅ ᬇ ᬆ ᬊ ᬋ ܾଶ ܾଵ ܾଷ ܸ௬ ܴଵ ܴଶ ܴଷ ݓଵ ݓଶ ܸ௨ǡ௫ ܯ௨ǡ௫ Figure 9.12 Equivalent distributed load, shear diagram, and moment diagram for a rigid diaphragm. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-15 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHUHVXOWDQWIRUFHRIWKHWUDSH]RLGDOGLVWULEXWHGORDGLVHTXDOWRWKHDSSOLHGODWHUDOIRUFHDWWKDWOHYHOREWDLQHGIURP DQDO\VLVZKLFKLVUHÀHFWHGLQ(TXDWLRQ 7KHPRPHQWFDXVHGE\WKHIRUFHVLQWKHHOHPHQWVRIWKH/)56LQWKH GLUHFWLRQSHUSHQGLFXODUWRWKHLQSODQHIRUFHLVRIWHQLJQRUHGLQRYHUDOOKRUL]RQWDOIRUFHGLVWULEXWLRQLWFDQEHLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWRWKHWUDSH]RLGDOORDGLIGHVLUHG and KDYHEHHQGHWHUPLQHGWKH¿QDOVWHSLVWRFRQVWUXFWVKHDUDQGPRPHQWGLDJUDPVIRUWKHGLDSKUDJP Once VHH)LJXUH 7KHVKHDUGLDJUDPLVXVHGLQ FKHFNLQJWKHGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHGLDSKUDJP GHVLJQing the connections of the diaphragm to the vertical elements of the LFRS, and (3) determining the axial compression and tension forces in the collectors, if any. As noted previously, the moment diagram is used in determining the tension and compression forces in the chords, the former of which is needed to calculate the required area of chord reinforcement near the edges of the diaphragm. Diaphragms with Openings $FFRUGLQJWR$&,WKHHIIHFWVRIVODERSHQLQJVDQGVODEYRLGVPXVWEHFRQVLGHUHGLQWKHDQDO\VLVDQGGHVLJQ of diaphragms. The corrected equivalent beam method can also be used for diaphragms with relatively large openings. For purposes of analysis, the diaphragm segments (commonly referred to as subdiaphragms) above and below the opening can be LGHDOL]HGDVEHDPV¿[HGDWHDFKHQG,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWWKHFROOHFWRUHOHPHQWRQRQHVLGHRIWKHRSHQLQJFROOHFWVWKH uniform diaphragm shear on that side and transfers it to the subdiaphragms above and below the opening in proportion to their relative stiffness or mass. The collector on the other side of the opening then collects the shear from the subdiaphragms and transfers it to the portion of the diaphragm on that side of the opening. Thus, the loading on a subdiaphragm is based on the total applied force at that level and the relative stiffness or mass of the subdiaphragm. Secondary chord forces occur in each subdiaphragm due to local bending caused by this loading. ᬆ ᬇ κଶ ᬅ ܣଵ κ ܮ κଵ 7KHGLDSKUDJPGHSLFWHGLQ)LJXUHLVWKHVDPHDVWKHRQHLQ)LJXUHEXWZLWKDUHODWLYHO\ODUJHRSHQLQJLQLW and ZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPWKHRYHUDOOWUDSH]RLThe forces at each edge of the opening are designated dal force distribution. ܣଶ ܾଶ ܾଵ ܴଵ ܾଷ ܴଶ ܴଷ ܾ ݓଵ ݓ ݓோ Figure 9.13 Diaphragm with a relatively large opening. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-16 ݓଶ Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete When a diaphragm is subjected to wind forces, the forces on the subdiaphragms above and below the opening can be approximately determined using the in-plane stiffness ratios of these subdiaphragms. The mass of the subdiaphragms is used to determine the forces when a diaphragm is subjected to seismic forces. The stiffness and mass raand DUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHPDVVUDWLRVLQ7DEOHIRUXVH tios for the top and bottom subdiaphragms, and where it is assumed that the diaphragm with seismic forces are based on the areas of the subdiaphragms, has the same thickness and material properties everywhere. ܴ௧ǡ ܾ ܴ௧ǡோ ି ܯ௨ǡ௧ǡ ି ܯ௨ǡ௧ǡோ ݓ௧ǡ ൌ ݂௧ ݓ ݓ௧ǡோ ൌ ݂௧ ݓோ ା ܯ௨ǡ௧ ି ܯ௨ǡ௧ǡ ି ܯ௨ǡ௧ǡோ ሺሻ ܴǡ ܾ ܴǡோ ି ܯ௨ǡǡ ି ܯ௨ǡǡோ ݓǡ ൌ ݂௧ ݓ ݓǡோ ൌ ݂௧ ݓோ ା ܯ௨ǡ ି ܯ௨ǡǡ ሺሻ ି ܯ௨ǡǡோ Figure 9.14 Free-body diagrams and moment diagrams for the subdiaphragms in Figure 9.13. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-17 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.2 Stiffness and Mass Ratios for Diaphragms with Openings In-Plane Force ftop fbot Wind Seismic )UHHERG\GLDJUDPVRIWKHWRSDQGERWWRPVXEGLDSKUDJPVDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHDVQRWHGSUHYLRXVO\WKHHQGVRI WKHVHHOHPHQWVDUHDVVXPHGWREH¿[HG7KHPRPHQWGLDJUDPVLQWKH¿JXUHFDQEHREWDLQHGIURPVWDWLFVZKHUHWKH and GHWHUPLQHGIURP7DEOHDUHXVHGWRREWDLQWKHIRUFHVDWHDFKHQGRIWKHVXEGLDSKUDJP appropriate and compression chord forces are determined using Equation The secondary tension is the maximum positive moment in each subdiaphragm. (9.1) where The larger of the following two tension chord forces is used to determine the required area of chord reinforcement is the bending moment in the diaphragm at the center of the opening (see at the edges of the diaphragm where )LJXUH (9.8) ࢀ࢛ǡࢋ ᬆ ᬇ ࢀ࢛ǡ ࢛ǡ κଶ ᬅ ࢛ǡ κ ܮ κଵ ࢀ࢛ǡ ܾଵ ࢛ǡࢋ ܾଶ ܾଷ ܯ௨ǡ௫ ܯ௨ Figure 9.15 Determination of chord forces in a diaphragm with an opening. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-18 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Secondary chord forces also develop at the corners of the opening due to the negative moments at these locations. along the bottom edge of the opening (that is, at the )RUWKHGLDSKUDJPLQ)LJXUHWKHWHQVLRQFKRUGIRUFH and Reinforcing bars top of the bottom subdiaphragm) is equal to the larger of must be provided along the entire top and bottom faces of the opening to resist the larger of the tension forces due to lateral forces acting in either direction. 9.4 Design Strength 9.4.1 General )RUHDFKDSSOLFDEOHIDFWRUHGORDGFRPELQDWLRQLQ$&,7DEOHWKHDSSOLFDEOHGHVLJQVWUHQJWKV of diaphragms and connections must be greater than or equal to the applicable required strengths, $&, $V noted previously, interaction between load effects must be considered in design. Strength reduction factors, DUHGHWHUPLQHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,$VXPPDU\RIWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ factors pertinent to the design of diaphragms and collectors subject to moment, axial force, or combined moment DQGD[LDOIRUFHLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUPHPEHUVZLWKRXWVSLUDOWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHVWUDLQXVHGWRGH¿QH LVHTXDOWRWKHVSHFL¿HG\LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW divided by the a compression-controlled section, ZKLFKFDQEHWDNHQDVSVLIRUDQ\JUDGHRIUHLQIRUFHmodulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel, PHQW $&, Table 9.3 Strength Reduction Factors, Net Tensile Strain, İt Classification Strength Reduction Factor, Ҁ* Compression-controlled Transition** Tension-controlled *Applicable to transverse reinforcement other than spirals. **Sections classified as transition are permitted to use corresponding to compression-controlled sections. For diaphragms and collectors subjected to shear forces, $&,7DEOH The design strength of a diaphragm depends on the type of model used to determine the internal force distribution (see Section 9.3.3 of this publication for permitted analysis models). Design strength requirements based on the PRGHOW\SHDUHJLYHQLQ$&, VHH7DEOH Table 9.4 Design Strength Requirements for Diaphragms Model Design Strength Requirements Beam $&,WKURXJK Strut-and-tie $&, Finite element $&,&KDSWHU Alternative $&, G @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-19 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 9.4.2 Nominal Moment and Axial Force Strength A diaphragm modeled as a beam is permitted to be designed for in-plane moment and axial force using the assumpWLRQVLQ$&, ÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK DQG D[LDOVWUHQJWKRUFRPELQHGÀH[XUDODQGD[LDOVWUHQJWK ZKLFKDUH WKHVDPHDVVXPSWLRQVXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHEHDPVFROXPQVDQGZDOOV $&, 7KLV includes the assumption that strains vary linearly over the depth of the diaphragm when it is subjected to in-plane forces. $FFRUGLQJWR$&,QRQSUHVWUHVVHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGPHFKDQLFDOFRQQHFWRUVXVHGWRUHVLVWWHQVLRQFKRUG IRUFHVLQDGLDSKUDJPDUHSHUPLWWHGWREHORFDWHGZLWKLQ]RQHVH[WHQGLQJIURPWKHWHQVLRQHGJHRIWKHGLDSKUDJPD GLVWDQFHHTXDOWRSHUFHQWRIWKHGHSWKRIWKHGLDSKUDJPLQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV VHH$&,)LJXUH5 ,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWE\SODFLQJWKHFKRUGUHLQIRUFHPHQWZLWKLQWKHVH]RQHVDQHVVHQWLDOO\XQLIRUPVKHDUÀRZRYHUWKH depth of the diaphragm occurs, just like the case where the chord reinforcing bars are concentrated along the edges of the diaphragm. Where the depth of the diaphragm changes along its span, it is permitted to develop chord reinIRUFHPHQWLQWRDGMDFHQWVHFWLRQVHYHQZKHUHWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIDOOVRXWVLGHWKHSHUFHQWGHSWKOLPLWRIWKHDGMDcent section. 9.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength Nominal Shear Strength of Diaphragms Nominal shear strength, for cast-in-place reinforced concrete diaphragms is determined by ACI Equation (9.9) where gross area of the diaphragm (diaphragm thickness times width in the direction of analysis) PRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUDFFRXQWLQJIRUWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWH ratio of distributed slab transverse reinforcement to gross concrete area 7KHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRU WKDWUHÀHFWVWKHUHGXFHGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRIOLJKWZHLJKWFRQFUHWHUHODWLYHWR QRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHRIWKHVDPHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKLVJLYHQLQ7DEOHEDVHGRQHTXLOLEULXPGHQVLW\DQGLQ 7DEOHEDVHGRQFRPSRVLWLRQRIDJJUHJDWHVLQWKHFRQFUHWHPL[ VHH$&, Table 9.5 Values of Ȝ Based on Equilibrium Density, wc Ȝ Equilibrium Density, wc Table 9.6 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates Concrete Composition of Aggregates Ȝ All-lightweight )LQH$670& &RDUVH$670& /LJKWZHLJKW¿QHEOHQG )LQH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670&DQG& &RDUVH$670& WR(1) (table continued on next page) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-20 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.6 Values of Ȝ Based on Composition of Aggregates (cont.) Concrete Composition of Aggregates Ȝ Sand-lightweight Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH$670& Sand-lightweight, coarse blend Fine: ASTM C33 &RDUVH&RPELQDWLRQRI$670& and ASTM C33 WR (1) Linear interpolation from 0.75 to 0.85 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight fine aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of fine aggregate. (2) Linear interpolation from 0.85 to 1.0 is permitted based on the absolute volume of normalweight coarse aggregate as a fraction of the total absolute volume of aggregate. The transverse reinforcement ratio, is determined using the slab reinforcement parallel to the in-plane shear by Equation (9.9), it is conservative to check the design shear strength requirements asforce. When calculating LQWKLVHTXDWLRQLVOLPLWHGWRSVL $&, suming LVHTXDOWR]HUR$OVR The factored shear force, must not exceed the maximum design shear strength determined by ACI Equation (9.10) Shear Transfer 6KHDUWUDQVIHUEHWZHHQGLDSKUDJPVFROOHFWRUVDQGYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH/)56PXVWEHVDWLV¿HGXVLQJWKHVKHDU IULFWLRQSURYLVLRQVRI$&,RUE\PHFKDQLFDOFRQQHFWRUVRUGRZHOV $&, ,QFDVWLQSODFHFRQVWUXFWLRQ VKHDUWUDQVIHUUHTXLUHPHQWVPXVWW\SLFDOO\EHVDWLV¿HGDWFRQVWUXFWLRQMRLQWVEHWZHHQWKHHOHPHQWV Where shear-friction provisions are used, the nominal shear strength across the assumed shear plane is determined E\$&,(TXDWLRQ (9.11) In this equation, LVWKHFRHI¿FLHQWRIIULFWLRQZKLFKLVREWDLQHGIURP$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH DQG is the area of shear-friction reinforcement crossing the shear plane with the reinforcing bars oriented perpendicular to that plane. Table 9.7 Coefficient of Friction, μ Contact Surface Condition ȝ Concrete placed monolithically Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Concrete placed against hardened concrete that is clean, free of laitance, and not intentionally roughened 8SSHUOLPLWVRQVKHDUIULFWLRQVWUHQJWKDUHJLYHQLQ$&,7DEOH VHH7DEOH 7KHWHUP is the area of which is equal to the gross cross-sectional area of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis. concrete resisting @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-21 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.8 Maximum Vn Across the Assumed Shear Plane Contact Surface Condition Maximum Vn = Vu / Ҁ* Normalweight concrete placed monolithically or placed against hardened concrete intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately ¼ in. Other cases * area of concrete resisting 9.4.4 Collectors Collectors are to be designed as tension members, compression members, or both in accordance with the design proYLVLRQVIRUD[LDOVWUHQJWKRUFRPELQHGÀH[XUDODQGD[LDOVWUHQJWKLQ$&, $&, ,QFDVHVZKHUHFROOHFWRUVDUHVXEMHFWHGWRUHODWLYHO\VLJQL¿FDQWHIIHFWVIURPJUDYLW\IRUFHVLQDGGLWLRQWRWKRVHIURPWHQVLRQDQGFRPSUHVsion axial forces due to in-plane lateral forces, design strength interaction diagrams are often constructed to check the adequacy of a collector for all applicable load combinations, just like for columns. Unlike typical columns, both the axial compression and tension parts of the interaction diagram are generally needed for the design of collectors. ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVQRWHGDERYHWKHVKHDUVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVLQ$&,IRURQHZD\VODEV DQGLQ$&,IRUWZRZD\VODEVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGZKHUHDSRUWLRQRIDVODELVXVHGDVDFROOHFWRU:KHUHEHDPV DUHXWLOL]HGDVFROOHFWRUVWKHVWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVKHDURUIRUFRPELQHGVKHDUDQGWRUVLRQLQ$&,DQG PXVWDOVREHVDWLV¿HG 9.5 Reinforcement Limits The area of reinforcement in diaphragms must be at least equal to the area corresponding to shrinkage and tem $&, WKLVLVDOVRWKHPLQLPXPDUHD SHUDWXUHUHLQIRUFHPHQWJLYHQLQ$&,ZKLFKLVHTXDOWR RIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRURQHZD\VODEV VHH$&,DQG )RUWZRZD\VODEVWKHPLQLPXPÀH[XUDO H[FHSWLQWKHHIIHFWLYHVODEZLGWKVSHFL¿HGLQ$&,ZKHUHWKHPLQLreinforcement is also equal to DQGWKHDUHDGHWHUPLQHGE\$&,(TXDWLRQ LQ mum area of reinforcement is equal to the larger of FDVHVZKHUHWKHIDFWRUHGWZRZD\VKHDUVWUHVVH[FHHGVWKHYDOXHJLYHQLQ$&, Reinforcement required to resist in-plane forces in diaphragms must be in addition to the reinforcement required to UHVLVWRWKHUORDGHIIHFWVVXFKDVWKRVHIURPJUDYLW\ $&, 6KULQNDJHDQGWHPSHUDWXUHUHLQIRUFHPHQWKRZever, is permitted to also resist diaphragm in-plane forces. 9.6 Determination of Required Reinforcement 9.6.1 Chord Reinforcement The maximum tension chord force, which is determined by Equation (9.1), must be resisted by reinforcement must be less perpendicular to the direction of the applied in-plane force. At any location within the diaphragm, than or equal to the design tension strength of the chord reinforcement: (9.12) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-22 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete In this equation, for reinforcing bars in tension and (TXDWLRQ FDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQH For a given is the required area of chord reinforcement. (9.13) For diaphragms with openings, the maximum tension chord force is determined by Equation (9.8) and that force DWWKHHGJHVRIWKHGLDSKUDJP VHH)LJXUH 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHD is used in Equation (9.13) to determine of chord reinforcement along the edges of the opening perpendicular to the direction of analysis can also be deterand VHH)LJXUHDQG6HFWLRQ mined by Equation (9.13) using the subdiaphragm tension chord forces 9.3.3 of this publication). Because wind and seismic forces can act in any direction, chord reinforcement is required along all edges of diaphragms and openings. For diaphragms in buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category (SDC) A, B, or C, diaphragm chords subjected to FRPSUHVVLRQIRUFHVQHHGQRWEHGHVLJQHGDQGGHWDLOHGDVFROXPQV $&,5 +RZHYHULQFDVHVZKHUHGLDphragm boundaries (edges of a diaphragm or edges of an opening in a diaphragm) are subjected to relatively large compression forces compared to the axial compression strength of the boundary element, transverse reinforcement, VXFKDVKRRSVVKRXOGEHXVHGWRFRQ¿QHWKHFRQFUHWH6XFKWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVXVXDOO\IHDVLEOHZKHUHWKHUHDUH beams along the diaphragm boundaries; without beams, the hoops must be developed in the slab, which is not always possible, especially for relatively thin slabs. In such cases, a thicker slab may be required if beams are not an option. 9.6.2 Diaphragm Shear Reinforcement 7KHIROORZLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGIRUGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIGLDSKUDJPV VHH$&,DQG6HFWLRQ RIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQ (9.14) Required shear strength, due to in-plane forces is determined using one of the models in Section 9.3.3 of this publication. For diaphragms modeled as beams with chord reinforcement concentrated near it edges, the factored is uniformly distributed over the depth of the diaphragm (see Figure 9.8). VKHDUÀRZ The shear reinforcement ratio, is equal to the area of the uniformly distributed slab reinforcement oriented parallel to the shear force divided by the gross area of the slab perpendicular to that reinforcement. Equation (9.9) can be solved for the required (9.15) ,WLVHYLGHQWIURP(TXDWLRQ WKDWVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVQRWUHTXLUHGZKHUH Providing a slab thickness adequate for serviceability or, where applicable, for two-way shear is usually adequate for in-plane shear strength as well. :KHUHLQSODQHVKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVUHTXLUHGLWLVXVXDOO\FRPELQHGZLWKWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVODELQ WKHGLUHFWLRQRIDQDO\VLV ZKHUHWZROD\HUVRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHSURYLGHGLQDVODEWKHFRPELQDWLRQXVXDOO\ occurs with the bottom reinforcement). Thus, the total area of reinforcement in such cases is equal to the area of VKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQWGHWHUPLQHGE\(TXDWLRQ SOXVWKHDUHDRIÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW&RPELQLQJWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKLVIDVKLRQJHQHUDOO\UHVXOWVLQVLPSOHUGHWDLOLQJDQGPRUHHI¿FLHQWSODFHPHQWRIWKHUHLQIRUFLQJEDUV LQWKH¿HOG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-23 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 9.6.3 Shear Transfer Reinforcement Shear transfer reinforcement must be provided between diaphragms, collectors, and vertical elements of the LFRS. In cast-in-place construction, shear transfer reinforcement is provided mainly at construction joints between the elewhich depends on the overall layout of the elements, ments. The required area of shear-friction reinforcement, the magnitude of the factored shear force at the location of interest, the width of the collector with respect to the width of the vertical element of the LFRS it frames into, and the construction sequence, can be determined by Equation (9.11): (9.16) In this equation, is the factored shear force at the interface of interest, is the length of the interface of interest, has the and LVGHWHUPLQHGE\7DEOHFRQVLGHULQJWKHFRQWDFWVXUIDFHFRQGLWLRQDWWKHLQWHUIDFH1RWHWKDW units of square inches per unit length in Equation (9.16). Shear transfer reinforcement is typically required at the interface between the diaphragm and the vertical elements of the LFRS and at the interface between the diaphragm and the collectors (if any). The equations in Table 9.9, which are based on Equation (9.16), can be used to determine the required area of shear-friction reinforcement at these locations. Table 9.9 Required Shear Transfer Reinforcement in Diaphragms Case Shear Transfer Interface 1 Between the diaphragm and the vertical elements of the LFRS Between the diaphragm and the collectors Required Avf In Case 1, is equal to the reaction in the vertical element of the LFRS where there are no collectors or where a collector is required and the collector has the same width as the vertical element of the LFRS it frames in (see Section 9.3.3 of this publication). to. Where a collector is wider than the vertical element, is the length of the vertical element of the LFRS in the direction of analysis (for example, the length Also, of the structural wall or the total length of the moment-resisting frames minus the length of any openings in the diaor dependphragm adjacent to these elements). For buildings assigned to SDC A, B, or C, is equal to LQJRQWKHFRQWDFWVXUIDFHFRQGLWLRQSURYLGHGDWWKHLQWHUIDFH VHH7DEOH for concrete ,Q&DVH is the overall depth of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis and is equal to placed monolithically because the collector is either part of the slab or, where beams are used as collectors, the beams and slab are placed at the same time (that is, there is no cold joint between these two elements). 7KHFRQVWUXFWLRQPHWKRGKDVDQLPSDFWRQWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIVKHDUWUDQVIHUUHLQIRUFHPHQW7KH¿UVWW\SHRI FRQVWUXFWLRQPHWKRGLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ)LJXUHZKHUHVWUXFWXUDOZDOOVDUHXWLOL]HGDVWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH /)56,QWKLVPHWKRGWKHZDOOEHORZLVFRQVWUXFWHG¿UVWWRWKHXQGHUVLGHRIWKHVODEWKHVODEDQGWKHQWKHZDOO above are subsequently constructed in that order. Cold joints typically occur at the top and bottom surfaces of the The shear-friction reinforcement in Figure 9.16 consists of dowel slab (diaphragm) along the length of the wall, is calculated by the bars connecting the slab to the wall below. In this case, the required area of the dowel bars, equation in Table 9.9 for Case 1: 7KHVHFRQGW\SHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQPHWKRGLVVKRZQLQ)LJXUH,QWKLVFDVHWKHZDOOLVFRQVWUXFWHGDKHDGRIWKH slab (for example, where slip forms are used to construct the wall). A cold joint occurs at the face of the wall and shear transfer reinforcement must be provided at that joint. Proprietary form saver systems are commonly used in WKLVW\SHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQPDLQO\IRUHFRQRPLFUHDVRQV7KHVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ)LJXUHFRQVLVWVRI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-24 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ǣ ܣ௩ ܸ௨ଵ Τκ௪ ߶ߤ݂௬ κ ሺǤ ሻ Figure 9.16 Shear transfer between a diaphragm and a structural wall utilizing dowel bars – Construction Method 1. Ȃ ͻͲǦ ǣ ܣ௩ ܸ௨ଵ Τκ௪ ߶ߤ݂௬ Figure 9.17 Shear transfer between a diaphragm and a structural wall utilizing dowel bars – Construction Method 2. dowel bars, each of which requires its own form saver. The required area of the dowel bars, equation in Table 9.9 for Case 1: is calculated by the 0HWKRGVXWLOL]LQJVKULQNDJHDQGWHPSHUDWXUHUHLQIRUFHPHQWRUWKHERWWRPUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQDVODEDVVKHDUIULFWLRQ UHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH 7KHDERYHGLVFXVVLRQLVHTXDOO\YDOLGIRUPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVWKDWDUHXWLOL]HGDVSDUWRIWKH/)56LQVWHDGRI or in combination with, structural walls. 9.6.4 Reinforcement Due to Eccentricity of Collector Forces For collectors wider than the width of the vertical elements of the LFRS that they frame in to, an in-plane bending and which act moment is generated in a diaphragm adjacent to the vertical elements due in part to the forces DWDQHFFHQWULFLW\IURPWKHFHQWHUOLQHRIWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWV VHH)LJXUH $PHWKRGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHG UHLQIRUFHPHQWWRUHVLVWWKLVEHQGLQJPRPHQWLVJLYHQEHORZZKLFKLVEDVHGRQWKHPHWKRGJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH Illustrated in Figure 9.18 is a portion of a diaphragm with a structural wall that is part of the LFRS located at its edge and a collector wider than the thickness of the wall. The internal forces acting on the free-body diagram of the @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-25 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete GLDSKUDJPDGMDFHQWWRWKHZDOODUHLQGLFDWHGLQWKH¿JXUHEDVHGRQVRPHVLPSOLI\LQJFRQVHUYDWLYHDVVXPSWLRQV7KH due to these internal forces can be approximated by the following equation: eccentric bending moment, (9.17) ݁ ݐΤʹ ܶௗ ܶ௩ ܸ௦ κ௪ ݐ ܸ௨ ܯ ܸ௦ ܥௗ ܥ௩ ܾ Figure 9.18 Internal forces in a diaphragm where the collector is wider than the vertical element of the LFRS. In this equation, is the shear strength of the diaphragm based on only the reinforcing bars in the slab (that is, ). The nominal strength of the concrete, is not included because tension forces are present, which makes The area of tension reinforcement, required to resist can be determined by the following equation: (9.18) where for reinforcing bars in tension. This reinforcement is placed perpendicular to the face of the wall at both ends and must be developed into the slab and into the wall (see Figure 9.19). κ௪ ܣ௦ሺ ሻ ሺǤሻ Figure 9.19 Required tension reinforcement where the collector is wider than the vertical element of the LFRS. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-26 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 9.6.5 Collector Reinforcement Overview In general, collectors must be designed as tension members, compression members, or both in accordance with WKHSURYLVLRQVRI$&,IRUPHPEHUVVXEMHFWHGWRD[LDOVWUHQJWKRUFRPELQHGÀH[XUDODQGD[LDOVWUHQJWK $&, 7KHW\SHVDQGDPRXQWRIUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGWKHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGGHSHQGPRVWO\RQ WKHW\SHRIFROOHFWRU WKDWLVDFROOHFWRUWKDWLVDSRUWLRQRIWKHVODERULVDEHDP DQG WKHZLGWKRIWKHFROOHFWRU with respect to the width of the vertical element of the LFRS that it frames in to. Slabs :KHUHVODEVDUHXWLOL]HGDVFROOHFWRUVWKHIROORZLQJHTXDWLRQFDQEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIORQJLWXin a collector to resist the factored axal tension force, dinal reinforcement, (9.19) where IRUUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVLQWHQVLRQ7KLVUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVSURYLGHGLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHment in the slab required for gravity loads. A typical detail where the collector is the same width as the vertical elePHQWRIWKH/)56LVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH ǡܣ௦ሺ ሻ Figure 9.20 Longitudinal reinforcement in a collector that has the same width as the vertical element of the LFRS. For the case of axial compression forces, WKHVHFWLRQDW]HURHFFHQWULFLW\ must be less than or equal to the design axial compression strength of (9.20) In this equation, IRUFRPSUHVVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQV $&,7DEOH is equal to the thickness of is the area of longitudinal reinforcement in The design strength the slab times the width of the collector, and requirements for axial compression rarely govern. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-27 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete For slabs wider than the vertical element of the LFRS, the total area of longitudinal tension reinforcement, required to resist can also be determined by Equation (9.19). The axial tension force and the corin the width of the vertical element of the LFRS is selected responding required area of tension reinforcement, FRQVLGHULQJGHVLJQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQOLPLWDWLRQV2QFHWKHVL]HDQGQXPEHURIUHLQIRUFLQJEDUVDUHFKRVHQEDVHGRQ the area of reinforcement, required in the effective slab width outside the width of the vertical elements minus the area of longitudinal reinforcement provided in the width of the vertical elements of is equal to are usually uniformly distributed over the effective width of the LFRS. The reinforcing bars corresponding to WKHFROOHFWRU VHH)LJXUH ܾ ܣ௦ሺௗሻ ܣ௦ሺ௩ሻ ܣ௦ሺ ሻ ൌ ܣ௦ሺௗሻ ܣ௦ሺ௩ሻ Figure 9.21 Longitudinal reinforcement in a collector wider than the vertical element of the LFRS. )RUFROOHFWRUVZLGHUWKDQWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWRIWKH/)56WKHGHVLJQD[LDOVWUHQJWKGH¿QHGLQ(TXDWLRQ PXVW and using the appropriate and for each segment. be checked for Beams %HDPVGHVLJQDWHGDVFROOHFWRUHOHPHQWVPXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVIURPÀH[XUHVKHDUWRUVLRQD[LDO compression forces, and axial tension forces due to gravity and lateral loads. Applicable design and detailing proviVLRQVLQ$&,&KDSWHUPXVWEHVDWLV¿HGDORQJZLWKWKHDSSOLFDEOHGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHGHWHUPLQHGIRUWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWVGXHWRÀH[XUHWRUVLRQDQGD[LDOFRPSUHVsion and tension forces, and transverse reinforcement must be determined for combined effects due to shear and torsion, where applicable. Generally, a design strength interaction diagram is constructed, which includes both the axial compression and tension portions, to determine whether the collector is adequate for all the combined factored ÀH[XUHDQGD[LDOORDGHIIHFWV7KHLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGDERYHIRUVODEVZLGHUWKDQWKHYHUWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIWKH LFRS is also applicable to beams. 9.7 Reinforcement Detailing Requirements for concrete cover, development lengths, splices, bar spacing, and reinforcement detailing for diaSKUDJPVDQGFROOHFWRUVDUHJLYHQLQ$&,$VXPPDU\RIWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVLVJLYHQLQ7DEOH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-28 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.10 Reinforcement Detailing Requirements for Diaphragms and Collectors Requirement ACI Section No. Concrete cover Development lengths Splices Spacing Reinforcement detailing Minimum Maximum One-way slabs Two-way slabs At critical sections in diaphragms and collectors, tension and compression forces in the reinforcement must be DGHTXDWHO\GHYHORSHGRQHDFKVLGHRIWKRVHVHFWLRQV $&, 7HQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWPXVWH[WHQGEH\RQGWKH determined in point at which it is no longer required a distance equal to at least the tension development length, DFFRUGDQFHZLWK$&,H[FHSWDWGLDSKUDJPHGJHVDQGDWH[SDQVLRQMRLQWV $&, Longitudinal reinforcement in collectors must extend into the vertical elements of the LFRS a length equal to at OHDVWWKHJUHDWHURIWKHWZROHQJWKVJLYHQLQ$&,7KLVUHTXLUHPHQWLVLOOXVWUDWHGLQ$&,)LJXUH5 $GGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQGHWDLOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUGLDSKUDJPVDQGFROOHFWRUVLVJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH 9.8 Design Procedure 7KHGHVLJQSURFHGXUHLQ)LJXUHFDQEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQDQGGHWDLOLQJRIUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHGLDSKUDJPV ,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKHVHFWLRQQXPEHUVDQGHTXDWLRQQXPEHUVZKHUHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKDWWRSLFLQWKLV FKDSWHUFDQEHIRXQG&RPSUHKHQVLYHÀRZFKDUWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKHDFKRIWKHVWHSVLQ)LJXUHDUHJLYHQLQ5HIHUHQFH 9.9 Examples 9.9.1 Example 9.1 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Not Required 'HWHUPLQHWKHGLDSKUDJPIRUFHVLQWKHVODEDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHORI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%IRUZLQG IRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDVVXPLQJDOOWKHIUDPHVDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGDUHSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH )LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPVDQGE\LQFROXPQV 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the diaphragm design in-plane forces )URP7DEOHLQ([DPSOHWKHZLQGIRUFHLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWR kips. This force is applied at the centroid of the building face at this level. Step 2 – Determine the classification of the diaphragm Sect. 9.3.3 For forces in the north-south direction, the span-to-depth ratio is equal to %HFDXVHWKHVSDQWRGHSWKUDWLRLVOHVVWKDQWKHGLDSKUDJPFDQEHFODVVL¿HGDVULJLG ASCE/SEI 26.2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-29 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Determine the diaphragm thickness ሺSect. 9.2ሻ Determine the diaphragm design forces ሺSect. 9.3.2ሻ Determine the classification of the diaphragm, select the diaphragm model, and determine the diaphragm internal forces ሺSect. 9.3.3ሻ Determine the combined load effects ሺACI Table 5.3.1ሻ Determine the chord reinforcement ሾEq. ሺ9.13ሻሿ Determine the diaphragm shear reinforcement ሾEq. ሺ9.15ሻሿ Determine the shear transfer reinforcement ሾEq. ሺ9.16ሻሿ Determine the reinforcement due to eccentricity of collector forces ሺwhere applicableሻ ሾEq. ሺ9.18ሻሿ Determine the collector reinforcement ሺSect. 9.6.5ሻ Figure 9.22 Design procedure for diaphragms. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-30 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 3 – Select the diaphragm model Table 9.1 Because this building has no irregularities and is not subjected to any transfer forces, and because the frames along FROXPQOLQHVDQGKDYHWKHVDPHODWHUDOVWLIIQHVV WKDWLVWKHVL]HVRIWKHEHDPVDQGFROXPQVDUHWKHVDPHLQERWK frames), an equivalent beam model with rigid supports is selected to determine the internal forces for this diaphragm. 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ E A ܥ௨ ൌ 10.8 kips ᇱ 23 -6 ሺtyp.ሻ ᇳ D 25.7 ൌ 0.27 kips/ft 94.0 ሺݒ௨ ሻ ൌ 25.7 ൌ 0.27 kips/ft 94.0 N A ሺݒ௨ ሻଵ ൌ A C B 961.9 ൌ 10.8 kips 0.95 ൈ 94.0 A ܶ௨ ൌ A ݓௌ ൌ 0.342 kipsΤft 150.0Ԣ ሺܴଵ ሻ௬ ൌ 25.7 kips ሺܴ ሻ௬ ൌ 25.7 kips 25.7 ܚ܉܍ܐ܁ሺܛܘܑܓሻ 961.9 25.7 ܜܖ܍ܕܗۻሺܜ-ܛܘܑܓሻ Figure 9.23 Equivalent beam model for the diaphragm in Example 9.1 for wind in the south direction. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-31 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Step 4 – Determine the diaphragm internal forces Sect. 9.3.3 7KHHTXLYDOHQWEHDPPRGHOIRUWKHGLDSKUDJPDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUHIRUZLQGLQWKH VRXWKGLUHFWLRQ%HFDXVHWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVRQFROXPQOLQHVDQGDUHLGHQWLFDOWKH&5LVORFDWHG from either end of the diaphragm, which coincides with the location where the wind force is applied at this level. Thus, there is no inherent torsional moment, which means the diaphragm is subjected to an equivalent uniformly distributed wind load equal to • 5HDFWLRQVLQHDFKRIWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQG 7KHVKHDUDQGPRPHQWGLDJUDPVDUHDOVRJLYHQLQ)LJXUH • Chord forces at the edges of the diaphragm perpendicular to the direction of analysis Eq. (9.1) • Maximum unit shear forces in the diaphragm Collectors are not required because the moment-resisting frames extend the entire depth of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis. 9.9.2 Example 9.2 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Not Required 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGLDSKUDJPUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVODEDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHORI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%IRUZLQGIRUFHVLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDVVXPLQJDOOWKHIUDPHVDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGDUHSDUWRIWKH DQG*UDGH /)56 VHH)LJXUH $OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWHZLWK reinforcement. 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the chord reinforcement From Example 9.1, Eq. (9.13) $WFROXPQOLQHV$DQG(SURYLGHEDUORFDWHGMXVWRXWVLGHRIWKHFURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPVLQWKHPRPHQW IUDPHV VHH)LJXUH Step 2 – Determine the diaphragm shear reinforcement 7KHODUJHVWIDFWRUHGXQLWVKHDUIRUFHVRFFXUDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGDQGDUHHTXDOWRNLSVIW VHH([DPSOH 9.1). @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-32 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ͺΦԣ ͳǦ͓Ͷ ʹԢǦͲԣ ʹԢǦͶԣ Figure 9.24 Location of chord reinforcement in the diaphragm in Example 9.2 for wind forces in the north-south direction. Check shear strength requirements assuming Eq. (9.14) Therefore, no shear reinforcement is required to satisfy shear strength requirements. Step 3 – Determine the shear transfer reinforcement Only shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the moment-resisting frames is required: Eq. (9.16) A value of for monolithic concrete is used because the concrete for the slab and beams in the momentUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVDUHSODFHGDWWKHVDPHWLPH VHH7DEOH %HFDXVHWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVYHU\VPDOOLWLVVDIHWRDVVXPHWKDWWKHERWWRPÀH[XUDO reinforcement in the slab can be used as the shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the momentUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-33 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 9.9.3 Example 9.3 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS 'HWHUPLQHWKHGLDSKUDJPIRUFHVLQWKHVODEDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHORI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ%IRUZLQG forces in the north-south direction assuming only the frames between column lines B and D along column lines 1 DQGDUHSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH ,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWWKHZLGWKRIWKHFROOHFWRUV EHDPV DUHHTXDOWRWKH ZLGWKVRIWKHEHDPVLQWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHV$OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEE\LQEHDPVDQG E\LQFROXPQV 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW Step 1 – Determine the diaphragm design in-plane forces )URP7DEOHLQ([DPSOHWKHZLQGIRUFHLQWKHQRUWKVRXWKGLUHFWLRQDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOLVHTXDOWR kips. This force is applied at the centroid of the building face at this level. Step 2 – Determine the classification of the diaphragm Sect. 9.3.3 For forces in the north-south direction, the span-to-depth ratio is equal to %HFDXVHWKHVSDQWRGHSWKUDWLRLVOHVVWKDQWKHGLDSKUDJPFDQEHFODVVL¿HGDVULJLG Step 3 – Select the diaphragm model ASCE/SEI 26.2 Table 9.1 Because this building has no irregularities and is not subjected to any transfer forces, and because the frames EHWZHHQFROXPQOLQHV%DQG'DORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGKDYHWKHVDPHODWHUDOVWLIIQHVV WKDWLVWKHVL]HVRIWKH beams and columns are the same in both frames), an equivalent beam model with rigid supports is selected to determine the internal forces for this diaphragm. Step 4 – Determine the diaphragm internal forces Sect. 9.3.3 7KHHTXLYDOHQWEHDPPRGHOIRUWKHGLDSKUDJPDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHOLVJLYHQLQ)LJXUHIRUZLQGLQWKHVRXWK GLUHFWLRQ%HFDXVHWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVEHWZHHQFROXPQOLQHV%DQG'DORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGDUH from either end of the diaphragm, which coincides with the location identical, the CR is located where the wind force is applied at this level. Thus, there is no inherent torsional moment, which means the diaphragm is subjected to an equivalent uniformly distributed wind load equal to • 5HDFWLRQVLQHDFKRIWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVEHWZHHQFROXPQOLQHV%DQG'DORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQG 7KHVKHDUDQGPRPHQWGLDJUDPVDUHDOVRJLYHQLQ)LJXUH • Chord forces at the edges of the diaphragm perpendicular to the direction of analysis Eq. (9.1) • Maximum unit shear forces in the moment-resisting frames between column lines B and D • Maximum unit shear force in the diaphragm @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-34 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A ᇱ 6A 7A ᇳ A 25 -0 ሺtyp.ሻ E ܥ௨ ൌ 10.8 kips Collector A Collector 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D ሺݒ௨ ሻଵ ൌ 25.7 ൌ 0.27 kips/ft 94.0 ሺݒ௨ ሻ ൌ ሺݒ௨,ி ሻଵ ൌ 25.7 ൌ 0.55 kips/ft 47.0 ሺݒ௨,ி ሻ ൌ 25.7 ൌ 0.27 kips/ft 94.0 A N C A 25.7 ൌ 0.55 kips/ft 47.0 B Collector Collector 961.9 ൌ 10.8 kips 0.95 ൈ 94.0 A ܶ௨ ൌ A ݓௌ ൌ 0.342 kipsΤft 150.0Ԣ ሺܴ ሻ௬ ൌ 25.7 kips ሺܴଵ ሻ௬ ൌ 25.7 kips 25.7 ܚ܉܍ܐ܁ሺܛܘܑܓሻ 961.9 25.7 ܜܖ܍ܕܗۻሺܜ-ܛܘܑܓሻ Figure 9.25 Equivalent beam model for the diaphragm in Example 9.3 for wind in the south direction. • Collector forces Collectors are required because the moment-resisting frames do not extend the entire depth of the diaphragm in the direction of analysis. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-35 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 7KHXQLWVKHDUIRUFHVQHWVKHDUIRUFHVDQGFROOHFWRUIRUFHVDORQJFROXPQOLQHDUHJLYHQLQ)LJXUHZKHUH the collectors are the beams between column lines A and B and between column lines D and E. Note that in FigXUHWKHIRUFHVDUHVKRZQZLWKPRUHVLJQL¿FDQW¿JXUHVDIWHUWKHGHFLPDOSODFHWKDQDUHXVHGLQWKHDERYH calculations. The main reason for this is to demonstrate that the maximum axial force in the collector is equal to the same value regardless of which end of the net shear force diagram is used to calculate it. Using a smaller QXPEHURIVLJQL¿FDQW¿JXUHVUHVXOWVLQWZRVOLJKWO\GLIIHUHQWYDOXHVRIWKHPD[LPXPFROOHFWRUIRUFHZKLFKLV due to due roundoff only. 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A A 25ᇱ -0ᇳ 0.273 kips/ftሺtyp.ሻ 6A 7A 0.273 kips/ft E ܥ௨ ൌ 10.8 kips Collector Collector A 0.546 kips/ft 0.273 kips/ft 23ᇱ -6ᇳ ሺtyp.ሻ D ሺݒ௨ ሻଵ ൌ 25.65 ൌ 0.273 kips/ft 94.0 ሺݒ௨ ሻ ൌ 25.8 ൌ 0.27 kips/ft 96.0 ሺݒ௨,ி ሻଵ ൌ 25.65 ൌ 0.546 kips/ft 47.0 ሺݒ௨,ி ሻ ൌ A N 6.4 kips C A 25.8 ൌ 0.53 kips/ft 49.0 B 6.4 kips Collector A Collector A 0.273 kips/ft ܚ܉܍ܐ܁ ܜܑܖ܃۴ܛ܍܋ܚܗ ܚ܉܍ܐ܁ ܜ܍ۼ۴ܛ܍܋ܚܗ ۱ ܚܗܜ܋܍ܔܔܗ۴ܛ܍܋ܚܗ 0 34 k Τf forces in the diaphragm in Example 9.3. Figure 9.26 Unit shear forces, net shear forces, and collector 9.9.4 Example 9.4 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS 'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHGGLDSKUDJPUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQWKHVODEDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHORI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2Stion B for wind forces in the north-south direction assuming only the frames between column lines B and D along FROXPQOLQHVDQGDUHSDUWRIWKH/)56 VHH)LJXUH ,WLVDVVXPHGWKDWWKHZLGWKRIWKHFROOHFWRUV EHDPV DUH HTXDOWRWKHZLGWKVRIWKHEHDPVLQWKHPRPHQWUHVLVWLQJIUDPHV$OVRDVVXPHDQLQWKLFNVODEQRUPDOZHLJKW DQG*UDGHUHLQIRUFHPHQW concrete with 'HVLJQGDWDDUHJLYHQLQ6HFW6HH([DPSOH Step 1 – Determine the chord reinforcement From Example 9.3, Eq. (9.13) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-36 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete $WFROXPQOLQHV$DQG(SURYLGHEDUORFDWHGMXVWRXWVLGHRIWKHFURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHEHDPVLQWKHPRPHQW IUDPHV VHH)LJXUH Step 2 – Determine the diaphragm shear reinforcement 7KHODUJHVWIDFWRUHGXQLWVKHDUIRUFHVRFFXUDORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQGDQGDUHHTXDOWRNLSVIW VHH([DPSOH Check shear strength requirements assuming Eq. (9.14) Therefore, no shear reinforcement is required to satisfy shear strength requirements. Step 3 – Determine the shear transfer reinforcement Shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the moment-resisting frames between column lines B and D: Eq. (9.16) A value of for monolithic concrete is used because the concrete for the slab and beams in the momentUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVDUHSODFHGDWWKHVDPHWLPH VHH7DEOH %HFDXVHWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVYHU\VPDOOLWLVVDIHWRDVVXPHWKDWWKHERWWRPÀH[XUDO reinforcement in the slab can be used as the shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the momentUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVEHWZHHQFROXPQOLQHV%DQG'DORQJFROXPQOLQHVDQG Shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the collectors: Eq. (9.16) A value of for monolithic concrete is used because the concrete for the slab and beams in the momentUHVLVWLQJIUDPHVDUHSODFHGDWWKHVDPHWLPH VHH7DEOH %HFDXVHWKHUHTXLUHGDUHDRIVKHDUIULFWLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLVYHU\VPDOOLWLVVDIHWRDVVXPHWKDWWKHERWWRPÀH[XUDO reinforcement in the slab can be used as the shear transfer reinforcement between the diaphragm and the collectors. Step 4 – Determine the collector reinforcement The collector beams must be designed for the combined effects due to gravity loads and the axial force due to wind ORDGVZKLFKLVREWDLQHGIURP)LJXUH A summary of the axial forces, bending moments, and shear forces for a typical collector beam is given in Table 9.11. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-37 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Table 9.11 Summary of Axial Forces, Bending Moments, and Shear Forces for a Typical Collector Beam in Example 9.4 Axial Force (kips) Load Case Dead Live Bending Moment (ft-kips) Exterior Negative Positive First Interior Negative Shear (kips) 63.8 ņ Wind ņ ņ ņ Load Combination $&,(T D 89.3 36.3 $&,(T E $&,(T G $&,(T I The collector beams are also subjected to a uniform torsional load from the slab. Because the torsional moments can be redistributed, the beam can be designed for the compatibility torsional moment (see Sect. 6.3.1 of this publication). The longitudinal reinforcement in the beam is determined based on the factored axial forces, bending moments, DQGWRUVLRQDOPRPHQWV FDOFXODWLRQVQRWJLYHQKHUHVHH&KDSWHURIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQDQG)LJXUH 7KHGHVLJQ VWUHQJWKLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDP LQFOXGLQJWKHWHQVLRQSRUWLRQ LVJLYHQLQ)LJXUH,QFOXGHGLQWKH¿JXUHDUHWKH factored load combinations in Table 9.11. It is evident that the longitudinal reinforcement is adequate because all the factored load combination points fall within the diagram. ͺΦԣ ʹԢǦͲԣ ͶǦ͓ͺ ʹǦ͓ͷሺǤሻ ͓ͷ̷ͺԣ ͶǦ͓ͺ ʹԢǦͶԣ Figure 9.27 Required reinforcement for the collector beam in Example 9.4. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 9-38 Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1,500 1,250 Axial Force ሺkipsሻሻ 1,000 750 500 250 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -250 -500 Bending Moment ሺft-kipsሻ Figure 9.28 Design strength interaction diagram for the collector beam in Example 9.4. 9.9.5 Example 9.5 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A, Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS 'HWHUPLQHWKHGLDSKUDJPIRUFHVLQWKHVODEDWWKHVHFRQGÀRRUOHYHORI%XLOGLQJ)UDPLQJ2SWLRQ&IRUZLQG forces in the north-south direction assuming the lateral forces are resisted by the following momen