PROGRAM TRACE TABLE for <Trace_VariablesAndExpressions> Line # Program Statement numStudents percentFull 4 System.out.println("Hello world!"); 6 int numStudents = 22: 22 8 double percentFull = numStudents / 34.0; 22 0.64705882 35294118 10 System.out.println("The classroom is this percent full:"); 22 0.64705882 35294118 11 System.out.println(percentFull); 22 0.64705882 35294118 15 System.out.println("Making changes"); 22 0.64705882 35294118 16 numStudents = 28; 28 0.64705882 35294118 22 percentFull = numStudents / 30.0 * 100; 28 93.3333333 3333333 28 System.out.println("The new classroom is " + percentFull + "% full (output version #1)"); 28 93.3333333 3333333 36 System.out.print("The new classroom is "); 28 93.3333333 3333333 37 System.out.print(percentFull); 28 93.3333333 3333333 38 System.out.println("% full (output version #2)"); 28 93.3333333 3333333 OUTPUT: Line # Program Output (please list this exactly as it appears on the screen) (NOT what is listed in the program source code) 4 Hello World! 10 The classroom is this percent full: 11 0.6470588235294118 15 Making changes 28 The new classroom is 93.33333333333333% full (output version #1) 36, 37, 38 The new classroom is 93.33333333333333% full (output version #2) Directions: ● Fill in the name of the program at the top of the page ● The program execution starts on the first line inside the public static void main (String[ ] args). ○ Anything before that is left out of the trace (those are used by the compiler). ● Make sure that you include the line numbers in your trace so it’s clear in what order the program is running. ● PROGRAM TRACE TABLE Columns ○ Put one variable per column; feel free to adjust the size of the font and/or the column width to make the columns fit ○ Copy the variable's name from the source code and paste it into the column's first row (sometimes called the 'column header') so that the column's name is exactly identical to the variable's name. ■ It's fine if the name of the variable spills over onto the next line ● PROGRAM TRACE TABLE Rows ○ On a row before a variable is defined, you MUST put a dash (-) in its column to indicate that the variable isn’t in existence yet. ○ On a row where a variable(s) changes, you MUST format the value in its column very distinctly (highlight in color, change font and/or size) to make it easy for your instructor to see what's changed (if anything) on each line. ■ If you are using Google docs, click on the button called Normal Text and change it to Header 1 to achieve this! ● Output from the program should be listed in the OUTPUT table. ○ Make sure to fill this in as you trace through the program (don't fill it in before the trace– the whole point is to practice tracing what the program is doing without having to run it so don't just copy the output from theIDE you are using. Don't fill it in after the trace – the whole point is to accurately simulate what the computer will do with your program) ○ At the same time you are not expected to predict things like round off errors, nor are you expected to do the long division by hand (feel free to use a calculator). ● Tips: ● Delete any extra columns or rows at the end of the trace ● Resize any of the rows & columns for better readability by dragging the borders of the column or row.