Uploaded by Sebastian Borghi

Online English Tutor Service Offer Letter

Company number 12339154
Registered office address:
19 Leyden Street, E1 7LE London, England
MUTESCU, Maria Adriana
Dear Sir,
I hereby offer my services as an online English language tutor for your company, using various
media/online platforms to conduct audio/video conference lessons, in ongoing courses called “Virtual
Class Learn”, for students in Individual or Group Classes.
For ongoing courses the agreed price for my services is € 12,00 per 60-minute slot. I agree to prepare
lessons as part of a structured program (using Digital materials provided by the school as well as my
own), and to write up a short summary of each lesson on the British School EduCentre © platform. I
will also provide a final report (and progress reports as required) for each course, and I will take into
account any feedback from my students.
In case of lesson cancellations by the student(s), the School will inform me by email (or via Whatsapp)
no later than 17h00 on the previous working day (local time for the students), in which case I will make
up the lesson either at the end of the course or at another time agreed upon by all parties.
I will invoice monthly, to be paid within 30 days of reception.
Personal data:
Full Name: Sebastian Borghi
04 1993
born in (Country) on…..
Resident in (Country /City/Address): UK, London, 398 Commercial road, E1 0LB
Tax reference number (if applicable)
Email address: borghi.seb@gmail.com
Bank details (Wise):
Bank name: Transfer Wise
Account holder: Sebastian Borghi
IBAN: BE78 9670 2099 3186
Wise address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium
Kind regards,
Date: 10/10/24