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Capitalism's Unsustainability: A Critical Analysis

Why Capitalism’s Fundamental DNA Is Unsustainable!!!!!! (Read in 2
Money used to be about you and me. Throughout human history money in one form or
another has helped societies to evolve through trade and innovation. In the last few hundred
years, money has gone from being a tool to being a center the very purpose of our collective life
and this has happened as we adopted capitalism as the global economic model. The number one
rule of capitalism is that make more capital. The logic behind this rule is that capital makes all
other things possible with capital which is just money and property in various forms. You can get
food, housing, health care, a college education. Sounds good!! Right??
The problem is the way we make a lot of our capital is to extract value from the natural
world and each other. We call this extraction “value creation” and it works like this.
You cut down a tree, make a chair and sell the chair in the market and collect a value in
the form of money. So, you get the money and your customer gets a chair but what does nature
do? Now, multiply that tree to a lost wood, a lost rainforest and an oil field many times over and
explains in part why we have climate change we are turning so many natural resources into
money. Our methods treat the people doing the hardest most dangerous were as disposable
units of production. In the interest of making ever-increasing amounts of money. We are
undermining the foundations of life. Most of the money made is going to a tiny number of people.
Eight men now control as much wealth as the poorest of the world’s population combined. In
other words, the majority of us are expected to spend our lives working to create money we will
never see. We live in a financial lies world in which the power to create money is held by privately
owned multinational banks in which the needs of the earth that sustains us, it treated as barriers
to the infinite growth of our stocks of capital in which the economic rules push more and more
money upwards away from the majority.
So, money is no longer you and me. If you think we should treat money as a tool not a
god, you believe that the logic of the future should instead be about you and me and everybody.
If you believe the most sacred value should be afforded not to money but to life, then, the
chances are you don’t agree with capitalism.
And my friend! You are not alone! Evidence from the world suggests that there now
millions if not billions of us feeling the same way. We can build new systems to this dying. We
can replace the future. We can change the rules.
From Films For Action