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OGAA-001 Agile Architecture Study Guide

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The Open Group Certified Open Agile Architecture Practitioner
Test and
OGAA-001 Practice Test
OGAA-001 is The Open Group Open Agile Architecture Practitioner– Certification
offered by the Open Group. Since you want to comprehend the OGAA-001 Question
Bank, I am assuming you are already in the manner of preparation for your OGAA001 Certification Exam. To prepare for the actual exam, all you need is to study the
content of this exam questions. You can recognize the weak area with our premium
OGAA-001 practice exams and help you to provide more focus on each syllabus
topic covered. This method will help you to increase your confidence to pass the
Open Group Open Agile Architecture certification with a better score.
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
OGAA-001 Exam Details
Exam Name
The Open Group Open Agile Architecture Practitioner
Exam Code
Exam Fee
USD $360
Exam Duration
60 Minutes
Number of
Passing Score
Multiple Choice Questions
Schedule Exam
Pearson VUE
Open Group O-AA Exam Sample Questions and
Practice Exam
The Open Group Certified Open Agile Architecture
Practitioner Practice Test
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
OGAA-001 Exam Syllabus
Unit 1 - The Characteristics of Agile
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand the
characteristics of
The Candidate is able to …
- Describe the key characteristics of an Agile enterprise
- Briefly describe management systems in an Agile organization
- Describe what a “squad” is
- Describe the role of “squads” in decomposing an organization
Unit 2 - The Role of Architecture When Deploying Agile at Scale
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand how Big
Architecture Design
needs to change to
be fit-for-purpose in
a Digital and Agile
The Candidate is able to …
- Explain the impact of emergence
- Briefly describe Intentional Architecture
- Briefly describe the concepts Concurrent, Continuous, and
- Briefly describe how “Agile” Tailored Architecture Development
is done
Unit 3 - Insights into Business Agility
The purpose of this The Candidate is able to …
- Explain how Business and Organizational Agility are related
Learning Unit is to
- Briefly describe Tenet 2: Frame Strategy Around “Hard-tohelp the Candidate
understand why and Reverse” Choices
- Briefly describe:
how strategy
formulation and
 Tenet 3. Anticipate Unintended Consequences
implementation must
evolve in a Digital
 Bending the Law of Unintended Consequences
and Agile
- Briefly describe Tenet 5: Mix Stability and Dynamism
- Briefly explain Succeeding Strategy Deployment
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
Unit 4 - Intentional Architecture and Continuous Product
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
The Candidate is able to …
understand that not
- Explain the Car Sharing Platform Example
all Continuous
- Contrast Intentional Architecture with Continuous Product
- Identify when Intentional Architecture is Recommended
iterations require
Product Architecture
Unit 5 - Characteristics of an Agile Organization
The Candidate is able to …
- Briefly describe the Socio-Technical systems’ principles.
- Briefly describe Autonomy and SelfOrganization
- Briefly explain the Team Taxonomy concepts:
The purpose of this
 Stream-Aligned Teams
Learning Unit is to
 Platform Teams
help the Candidate
 Competency Teams
understand the key
characteristics of an - Describe what a Product is in the context of the O-AA Standard
Agile organizational - Briefly describe Product Teams and roles:
 Product Manager versus Product Owner
Lean Chief Engineer
- Explain the shift to an Agile organization using the Capital
Management example
Unit 6 - Open Agile Architecture Building Blocks
The purpose of this The Candidate is able to …
Learning Unit is to
- Describe the O-AA Development Building Blocks:
help the Candidate
understand the
 Strategy
structure of the Open
 Corporate Brand Identity, Culture
Agile Architecture
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
building blocks and
when and how to
apply them in a
concurrent manner.
What the Enterprise “Is”
What the Enterprise “Does”
- Explain Building Blocks Logic
- Describe Enterprise Decomposition
- Describe Segmentation Approach
- Explain Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE)
Unit 7 - Axioms for Agile Architecture
The Candidate is able to …
- Describe the Axioms for the Practice of Agile Architecture:
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand the O-AA
axioms for Agile
Architecture, a set of
guidelines or
restrictions that
Agile architects are
recommended to
Axiom 1. Customer Experience Focus
Axiom 2. Outside-In Thinking
Axiom 3. Rapid Feedback Loops
Axiom 4. Touchpoint Orchestration
Axiom 5. Value Stream Alignment
Axiom 6. Autonomous CrossFunctional Teams
Axiom 7. Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability
Axiom 8. Loosely-Coupled Systems
Axiom 9. Modular Data Platform
Axiom 10. Simple Common Operating Principles
Axiom 11. Partitioning Over Layering
Axiom 12. Organization Mirroring Architecture
Axiom 13. Organizational Leveling
Axiom 14. Bias for Change
Axiom 15. Project to Product Shift
Axiom 16. Secure by Design
Unit 8 - Mental Model Changes
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
The Candidate is able to …
- List the Solution Architecture points of attention
- Describe Architecturally Significant Decisions
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
understand how
- Explain understanding and Guiding the Architecture and in
architects need to
change the way they
 Constraints
operate to remain
relevant in a Digital
 Fitness Functions
and Agile
 Guardrails
- Explain how to develop an Architectural Roadmap
- Explain progressive Transformation (Experience)
- Describe the DevOps Culture and in particular the concept of
Team Taxonomy
- Describe the DevOps Behavior and Practices
- Describe Governance in the Face of Agile
- Briefly describe the DevOps Principles
- Briefly describe the Mental Model Shifts
Unit 9 - Towards the Digital Enterprise
The Candidate is able to …
- Describe the Experience Design Approach
- Describe Customer Research and in particular:
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand how to
design products that
deliver the
customers expect.
Market Research
- Explain how to combine Product Discovery with Customer
Research through:
Experience Mapping
Goods Features
Service Features
Features Outcomes and Benefits
Digital Products
Quality Properties
- Explain the Ride-Hailing Company
- Describe the Journey Mapping and in particular:
Moments of Truth
The Human Side
The Role of Automation
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
- Describe Value Stream Mapping
Unit 10 - Lean Value Stream Mapping Case Study
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
The Candidate is able to …
understand how to
- Explain Lean Value Stream Mapping through the client onapply Value Stream
boarding case study
Mapping (VSM) to
improve or redesign
Value Streams.
Unit 11 - Agile Architectures
The Candidate is able to …
- Explain Operations Architecture Decisions in particular through
the AR example
- Explain Software Architecture
- Describe Event-Driven Architecture and its benefits
- Explain Hexagonal Architecture and its benefits:
The purpose of this
 Domain, Application, and Infrastructure Code
Learning Unit is to
 Inside and Outside Ports and Adapters
help the Candidate
 Inbound Ports and Adapters
 Outbound Ports and Adapters
Architecture and
- Describe Non-Functional Software Requirements:
Architecture and
 Security
their relationship to
 Reliability
each other.
- Describe Software Cross-Cutting Concerns
Unit 12 - Security in the Agile Architecture
The purpose of this
The Candidate is able to …
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand the
characteristics of an
Agile Security
including the role of
the Agile Security
- Explain the concept of Minimum Security Architecture (MSA)
- Describe the role of Agile Security Architects and what they do
- Explain the Governance of an Agile Security Architecture
- Describe the Desired Characteristics of Architecting Security:
Rely on Layers of Controls
Employ Application Security Development Practices
- Describe the Agile Security Architecture practices
Unit 13 - Open Agile Architecture Certification
The purpose of this
Learning Unit is to
help the Candidate
understand the Open
The Candidate is able to …
Agile Architecture
- Explain the Open Agile Architecture Program
Program. (Note that
this is a nonexaminable Learning
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
OGAA-001 Questions and Answers Set
01. In the context of the O-AA Standard, how is a “Product” typically
a) A tangible deliverable with fixed specifications
b) A set of unrelated features bundled together
c) An evolving entity designed to deliver continuous value
d) A project managed with strict timelines
Answer: c
02. Why is the Car Sharing Platform a relevant case study for Intentional
a) It demonstrates the failure of Agile architecture principles.
b) It highlights the importance of cross-functional team collaboration and
c) It focuses exclusively on product development without architectural input.
d) It emphasizes the drawbacks of Continuous Product Development.
Answer: b
03. Which of the following is a key consideration for maintaining Security
as a Non-Functional Requirement?
a) Adding security features post-deployment
b) Incorporating security measures throughout the development lifecycle
c) Limiting security testing to a single phase
d) Delegating security entirely to the operations team
Answer: b
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
04. What is a primary benefit of combining Product Discovery with
Customer Research?
a) It reduces the time spent on understanding customer needs
b) It aligns product development with validated customer insights
c) It eliminates the need for iterative testing
d) It prioritizes product features over user outcomes
Answer: b
05. What does Axiom 8: Loosely-Coupled Systems promote in an Agile
a) A rigidly interconnected architecture
b) Modular components that can operate independently
c) Dependence on a centralized database for all operations
d) Complete elimination of dependencies between systems
Answer: b
06. In the context of Agile, what is the primary goal of Intentional
a) To create a rigid structure that limits flexibility
b) To delay architectural decisions until after product development
c) To eliminate architectural planning to increase innovation
d) To guide development with a deliberate yet adaptable framework
Answer: d
07. How does governance of Agile Security Architecture differ from
traditional security governance?
a) It relies on predefined policies and static controls.
b) It separates security governance from development processes.
c) It limits team involvement in security decisions.
d) It emphasizes adaptive, iterative, and collaborative approaches to security.
Answer: d
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
08. Which type of team focuses on delivering a continuous flow of value
directly to customers?
a) Competency Teams
b) Platform Teams
c) Stream-Aligned Teams
d) Support Teams
Answer: c
09. How are Business Agility and Organizational Agility related?
a) They are independent and do not influence each other.
b) Business Agility depends entirely on Organizational Agility.
c) They are interconnected, with Organizational Agility enabling Business Agility.
d) Organizational Agility is a subset of Business Agility.
Answer: c
10. Why is achieving O-AA Certification beneficial for an individual
a) It demonstrates expertise in designing and implementing Agile-friendly
b) It guarantees employment in Agile organizations.
c) It eliminates the need for continuous learning in the architecture domain.
d) It focuses only on theoretical knowledge without practical application.
Answer: a
Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam
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Open Group Open Agile Architecture Certification Practice Exam