E-BOOK GYM x CALISTHENICS SAÏAN MUREAU 2023 INTRODUCTION After reading this E-BOOK, you will understand : The importance of weightlifting in your calisthenics workouts How to intelligently incorporate weightlifting How to build a training plan aligned with your goals How to progress optimally Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 01 SUMMARY 01 CALISTHENICS 01. Theory 02. Structure of a calisthenics workout 02 GYM, a complementary tool 01. Why Integrate weightlifting into Your Calisthenics Training? 02. The Perfect Session Based on Your Goals 03 Optimal Programming 01. How to Optimize Progress in Calisthenics and WeightLifting ? 02. Planning for Your Week 03. The Perfect Programming Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 02 01 CALISTHENICS 01. THEORY In this program, we will focus on two main categories of calisthenics, namely: Static (Strength skills, including push, pull, and balance) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 03 Set & Reps / Street Lifting (Bodyweight muscle exercises) In this E-BOOK, I will use specific terms. To make it understandable for you from the first read, here’s a list of words you should learn for the upcoming content. Feel free to revisit this page as you read if you encounter unfamiliar words. Dead stop A brief one-second pause between repetitions Proprioception Your ability to perceive your body’s position in space Combos Sequence of several static skills without stopping Supination & Pronation Supination = Palms facing up Pronation = Palms facing down Amplitude The range of motion (ROM) of a movement PR (Personal Record) Your maximum performance Biset Performing two exercises without rest on a similar muscle group Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 04 Superset Performing two exercises without rest on different muscle groups, ideally opposing ones Progressive overload Gradually increasing weights before the actual training set Regressive A method involving one or more successive reductions in weight after reaching the desired number of repetitions Example: If I do 8 reps at 100kg in bench press and can’t do the 9th rep, instead of stopping, I continue by decreasing the weight. I will switch to 80kg and do 10/12 reps, then go down to 60kg, and so on. Tempo 1 On all sets. 4 seconds negative phase and 4 seconds isometric contraction phase. Example Cable crossover: Descend for 4 seconds, go up in 1 second, maximum contraction of pecs at the top for 4 seconds. Tempo 2 On all sets. 5 seconds negative phase, stay at the bottom for 2 seconds, go up in 1 second, and go straight back Deload A period during which you force yourself to reduce the intensity of your workouts with the aim of recovering the nervous system Eccentric phase The part of the movement where you release Concentric phase The active part of the movement where you lift or force Example in Bench Press: When the bar is against the chest and you push it upwards, it’s the « Concentric » part; when you slow down the descent, it’s the «Eccentric» part. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 05 02. STRUCTURE OF A CALISTHENICS WORKOUT Rules Your calisthenics training will be unique to you; you must build it based on your current energy (see the chapter «How to Optimize Progress in Weight Training and Calisthenics»), your current level, and your preferences : If you want to train push movements like the planche, pull movements like the front lever, or both at the same time. However, try to keep a similar training structure to the one I will present to you. If you want to combine weight training exercises with calisthenics, I advise you to separate your sessions into two distinct categories : PUSH & PULL Calisthenics Training Structure 1H30 - 2H A) Warm-up, 5 steps : We can characterize the warm-up into five distinct parts : 01 Cardiovascular 04 Stretching 02 Joint 05 Warm-up sets 03 Muscle Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 06 B) Work your max level : 3-4 sets of your current max based on your level between 3 and 5 minutes of rest between sets. C) Combos : Perform combos* aiming to increase your volume on elements that you enjoy. EXAMPLE PUSH COMBO Straddle MAX L-Sit Bent-arm press HPU Negative tuck hold EXAMPLE PULL COMBO Front lever hold 3 sec Press Negative straddle Straddle Pull-up Hold These are just examples; adapt them based on your level and the skills you want to work on. D) Bonus : Work on your proprioception* / elastic form. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 07 PUSH PULL The push session will include pushing skills and their variations / grips. The pull session will include pulling skills and their variations / grips. Inside, we find : Inside, we find: Planches (Press, push up) Front lever (Touch, Pull up, press, hold…) Maltese (Press, push up, elevations) Victorian Handstand Push up / 90° Push up Dragon flag OAP / OAF / HOA One arm pull ups / Muscle ups Hefestos If you wish, you can perform a PUSH + PULL session. In this case, I recommend alternating between a push series and a pull series. EXAMPLE PUSH + PULL COMBO A front lever combo A front lever combo Saïan MUREAU 4-5 min of rest Planche combo 4-5 min of rest Etc... Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 08 02 GYM, A COMPLEMENTARY TOOL 01. WHY INTEGRATE WEIGHTLIFTING INTO YOUR CALISTHENICS TRAINING ? Weightlifting, if used intelligently, offers numerous benefits : • Strengthens tendons and joints, significantly reducing the risk of injury. • Promotes muscle hypertrophy for improved aesthetics. • Increases overall strength, which can be translated into certain calisthenics skills. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 09 The decision to incorporate weightlifting into your routine depends on your goals. However, it’s crucial to view weightlifting not as a constraint but as a tool facilitating your progress. 02.THE PERFECT SESSION BASED ON YOUR GOALS In this section, we’ll explore the ideal weightlifting session to complement your calisthenics training. Keep in mind that the primary goal remains improvement in calisthenics, so regardless of your secondary objective, the calisthenics session should maintain the same structure (refer to page 06 « Calisthenics Training Structure »). The secondary objective could be one of the following : MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY (page 11) STRENGTH GAIN (page 20) REINFORCEMENT (page 24) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 10 1/3 HYPERTROPHY SESSION : PUSH Part 1 : Calisthenics (See calisthenics chapter) 1H30 - 2H After the first part, you’ll likely be tired, with less strength compared to a regular weightlifting session. For hypertrophy, focus on compound exercises initially and then isolate muscles less engaged in calisthenics. Part 2 : Muscle Hypertrophy 45 MIN - 1H EXAMPLE PUSH SESSION Exercise 01 Dips (Weighted or not ) 4 sets (last one drop set) 8- 12 reps Tempo 2* 2 MIN rest 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest Exercise 02 Incline Dumbbell Press Alternative: Bench press Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 11 Exercise 03 Cable Crossover 3 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps Tempo 1* 1 MIN 30 rest 3 sets 8 - 12 reps 1 MIN 30 rest 3 sets 8 - 12 reps 1 MIN 30 rest Exercise 04 & 05 Front Raises + Lateral Raises (Biset) Exercise 06 & 07 HSPU + Push-ups (Superset) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 12 Execution Tips : Dips : (Lower pecs and triceps) Place your hands parallel, lean your torso forward during descent, control the movement until a 90° angle with your elbows (or slightly more), maintain the position, then ascend, locking the elbows. Keep elbows inward and engage your core. Incline Dumbbell Press : (Upper pecs) Retract your scapula* during the movement. Control the descent, don’t fully extend your arms to maintain tension, and contract the pecs at the top. Cable Crossover : (Upper pecs) Retract the scapula and arch the chest, perform a converging movement as if you want your hands to meet at the top of your chest. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 13 Front and Lateral Raises : (Anterior and lateral deltoids) Stand with a slight forward incline, maintain a slight elbow flex, raise dumbbells in front (Front Raises) and to the sides (Lateral Raises). Don’t necessarily go too heavy on this movement to feel your shoulders working well and avoid engaging secondary muscles like the trapezius, for instance. Handstand Push ups : (Shoulders/triceps) Balance on hands (use a wall if needed), take a shoulder-width grip, descend until your nose touches the ground, then ascend, locking the elbows. Ensure to engage your entire body, from head to toe, and avoid arching your back during the movement. Classic Push-ups (Pecs, triceps) Perform push-ups, control the descent by retracting the elbows and scapula. Once your chest touches the ground, ascend, locking the elbows. Engage your core to form a nice line from the start of the movement to the end. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 14 2/3 HYPERTROPHY SESSION : PULL Part 1 : Calisthenics (See calisthenics chapter) 1H30 - 2H After the first part, you will normally be quite tired, you will have less strength than if you did a classic weight training session. Part 2 : Muscle Hypertrophy 45 MIN - 1H EXAMPLE PULL SESSION Exercise 01 Wide-Grip Shoulder/Width Pull-ups (Weighted or not) 4 sets (last one drop set*) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest Exercise 02 Deadlift Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 15 Exercise 03 Lat Pulldown 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest 3 sets 8 - 12 reps 1 MIN 30 rest 3 sets 8 - 12 reps 1 MIN 30 rest Exercise 04 & 05 Horizontal Row + (10 Supine Grip Pull-ups) (Superset) Exercise 06 Hammer Curl Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 16 Execution Tips : Wide-Grip Shoulder/Width Pull-ups: (Back, biceps, forearms) Elevate the scapula and pull until your chin surpasses the bar, control the descent, and ensure a full lockout. Engage your core throughout, and refrain from using your legs for assistance. You can use a resistance band if it’s challenging or a weighted belt if it’s too easy. Deadlift : (Back) Choose between traditional and sumo based on your preferences and body structure. You can switch your grip on the bar for a better grip (one hand in supination, the other in pronation). Keep your back straight, even if it means slightly arching. Sumo: Reverse grip or not, relatively close on the bar with legs spread. Traditional: Reverse grip or not, shoulder-width apart with straight and close legs. Lat Pulldown : (Back, forearms) Retract the scapula, arch your chest to better engage the lats, slightly arch the lower back, and contract at the bottom. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 17 Horizontal Row : (Back, forearms) Retract the scapula, arch your chest to better engage the lats, pull the bar towards your belly, maintain the contraction, then return to the initial position. Hammer Curl : (Biceps brachialis, brachialis, forearms) Neutral grip, keep the elbows close to the torso, lift one dumbbell using only the biceps’ force, contract at the top, and control the descent. Perform the same movement with the other arm (always start with your weaker arm and stop the set when you no longer have strength in it, to avoid muscle imbalances). Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 18 3/3 HYPERTROPHY SESSION : PUSH + PULL Part 1 : Calisthenics (See calisthenics chapter) Part 2 : Muscle Hypertrophy 1H30 - 2H 45 MIN - 1H For hypertrophy, adopt the same strategy as for calisthenics : alternate between a pull and a push exercise. EXAMPLE PUSH + PULL SESSION Exercise 01 Dips (Weighted or not) 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest Exercise 02 Pull-ups (Weighted or not) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 19 Exercise 03 Bench Press 4 sets (last one drop set) 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest 4 sets 8 - 12 reps 2 MIN rest 3 sets 8 - 12 reps 1 MIN 30 rest Exercise 04 Lat Pulldown Exercise 05 & 06 EZ Bar Curl + Lateral Raises (Superset) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 20 STRENGTH GAIN SESSION Part 1 : Calisthenics (See calisthenics chapter) Part 2 : Strength gain 1H30 - 2H 45 MIN - 1H In this section, we will go through the exercises to prioritize in order to enhance your performance in pushing and pulling skills, along with the method you should use to maximize their benefits. Exercise 01 Van Gelder with dumbells An excellent exercise for improving pushing strength, applicable to Maltese, Van Gelder on rings, supinated planche, iron cross, and so on.. Lie on your back, arms extended in supinated grip*. Perform scapular protraction* during the movement, aiming to replicate a Van Gelder (planche to back lever to planche) on rings but with dumbbells. Do not bend your arms at any point, control the descent, and perform a pause at parallel and another at the top once the dumbbells are fully raised. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 20 Exercise 02 Weighted Dips (refer to page 13 for execution) Improvement of strength in planche push-ups. Exercise 03 Seated Front Raises IN SUPINATION with Dumbbells Enhancement of overall strength in planche (hold & press). Sit against a bench, arms extended, in supinated grip and shoulder-width apart.Lift the dumbbells while looking straight ahead, pause at the top, and descend, controlling the movement. (You can go all the way up to simulate a press.) Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 21 Exercise 04 Caruso with dumbbells/Cable Crossover An effective exercise for enhancing pulling strength, applicable to front lever, ring Victorian, SAT, and so on.. Reverse of Van Gelder with dumbells Lie on your stomach, arms extended in pronated grip*. Perform scapular retraction* during the movement, aiming to replicate a Caruso (Victorian to front lever to Victorian) on rings but with dumbbells. Do not bend your arms at any point, control the movement to the side, and descend once in the «victorian» position. Exercise 05 Weighted Pull-ups (refer to page 17 for execution) Slight improvement in strength for front pull-ups. Exercise 06 EZ Bar Curl (refer to page 20 for execution) Improved comfort in supination, More ease in general. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 22 Training Method : When aiming for strength, your rest time and number of repetitions should be adjusted. Always aim for a MINIMUM of 3 SETS with 3 to 6 repetitions, focusing on lifting heavy. If you can do more than 6 repetitions, then you’re not lifting heavy enough. For rest, between 3 and 5 minutes will be sufficient to recover from the strain on the nervous system. Similar to the hypertrophy session, if you want to combine a PUSH + PULL workout, I recommend alternating between a pushing exercise and a pulling exercise to optimize results. Unlike the hypertrophy session, there is not necessarily a specific order for the exercises. I recommend choosing exercises based on your preferences and personal goals. Choose between 3 & 5 exercises. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 23 REINFORCEMENT SESSION Part 1 : Calisthenics (See calisthenics chapter) Part 2 : Reinforcement 1H30 - 2H 30 - 45 MIN In this section, we will go through the exercises to prioritize for preventing injuries or strengthening specific areas crucial for the proper functioning of your body in calisthenics, whether it’s in pulling or pushing movements. Exercise 01 Pronation and Supination Bar Flexions This exercise, in addition to strengthening your forearms and wrists, will significantly increase your grip strength, which is crucial for various purposes such as achieving a false grip (bending the wrist), avoiding limitations in wrist flexibility during a handstand, or gripping bars more firmly, leading to a better hold and, consequently, an enhancement of your strength. Kneeling in front of a bench, place your forearms on it, so that your hands are on the other side. Take the bar in a supinated grip* and lower your hand as far as possible. From this starting position, lift the weight as high as possible. Keep your forearm close to the bench from start to finish. Work slowly and contract well during the ascent to achieve maximum range of motion*. Repeat the same movement in a pronated grip*. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 24 Exercise 02 Zanetti with dumbells An incredible exercise for biceps/elbow tendon reinforcement (can also be used for strength gain like van gelder). If you plan to train/improve your Maltese/planche supination, I highly recommend incorporating this exercise into your reinforcement routine to prevent injuries like biceps tear. Lie on your back, arms extended in supinated grip*. Perform scapular protraction* during the movement, aiming to replicate a Zanetti (planche to maltese) on rings but with dumbbells. Do not bend your arms at any point, control the descent to the side. Once parallel, raise the dumbbells until they almost touch each other. Exercise 03 Dumbbell/Barbell Curls (refer to page 18 & 20 for execution) One of my favorite exercises as it can be used for hypertrophy, strength gain, or reinforcement. Like exercise 2, curls are a good way to strengthen bicep tendons. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 25 Exercise 04 Rotator Cuff with Cable/Elastic Band Protects your rotator cuff and helps position shoulder muscles correctly. Stand beside the cable machine, elbow at 90° and close to the body. Work concentric and eccentrically. Maintain an upright posture throughout and use only your rotator cuff to perform the movement. You can also perform this exercise with a thin elastic band. Variation, facing the elastic band (same process). Exercise 05 SET & REPS (Pull-ups, Dips, HPU) (refer to page 13-14 & 17 for execution) Strengthens your entire body with basic exercises. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 26 Training Method : When you aim for strength training, your rest time and the number of repetitions should be adjusted. Therefore, always aim for a MINIMUM OF 4 SETS between 12 and 20 repetitions, using a weight that allows you to be comfortable without risking injury. If you can do more than 20 repetitions, then you should slightly increase the weight. For rest, 60 to 90 seconds will be sufficient for this type of exercise. As with other sessions, if you want to mix PUSH + PULL, I recommend alternating between a push exercise and a pull exercise to optimize results. Unlike hypertrophy sessions, there isn’t necessarily a specific order for the exercises. I advise you to choose exercises based on your goals and personal preferences. Between 3 and 5 exercises will be sufficient. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 27 03 OPTIMAL PROGRAMMING 01. HOW TO OPTIMIZE PROGRESS IN CALISTHENICS AND WEIGHTLIFTING ? FEELING ADAPTATION RESULTS Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 28 To understand how to organize your training sessions, it is essential to define: « What makes us progress in Calisthenics ? » You have probably already trained on a day when you felt sore, thinking you would have a bad session and yet achieving personal records (PRs). This is perfectly normal, as the nervous system plays an essential role in your performances in planche. Without an effective nervous system, performance is impossible. The goal, therefore, is to learn to listen to your body and adapt your training based on your current feelings. I recommend doing a minimum of 5 calisthenics workouts per week in order to have the necessary volume/intensity for a good progression, but you can also go up to 6 workouts a week if your body allows it. However, it should be understood that the nervous system cannot be effective 7 days a week. Therefore, if you feel that you have been stuck for some time or even regressing, do not hesitate to voluntarily reduce the intensity of your workouts or even to take a complete «deload» week. If nothing changes, then there is a high probability that a circuit or your nervous system is lagging in recovery and is considered «fried.» If so, I would ask you to take several consecutive rest days (2/3 being generally sufficient). Weightlifting, on the other hand, functions a bit differently; the nervous system is much less solicited compared to the muscle fibers of our body, which are put to the test. So, these are two diametrically opposed ways of training that can nevertheless complement each other when distributed intelligently. In our perspective, weightlifting must remain a «tool,» allowing you to get closer to your main goal. Therefore, we never seek to prioritize these sessions but rather ensure that they do not encroach on our calisthenics training. Therefore, to create your program, I recommend always starting by scheduling your various calisthenics workouts for the week and then complementing them with your weightlifting sessions. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 29 02. PLANNING FOR YOUR WEEK HYPERTROPHY Version x 4-5 x3 x 1-2 Objective : 4 - 5x Calisthenics Workouts 3x Hypertrophy Trainings 1 - 2 Rest days PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Focus Calisthenics Calisthenics + Hypertrophy Rest Focus Calisthenics Friday Saturday Sunday Rest Calisthenics + Hypertrophy Calisthenics + Hypertrophy (Session 2) (Session 1) (Session 1) I recommend planning two distinct hypertrophy sessions that you will alternate throughout the week, aiming to work all muscle groups and vary the exercises. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 30 STRENGHT Version x5 x3 x 1-2 Objective : 5x Calisthenics Workouts 3x Complementary Strength Workouts 1 - 2 Rest days PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Calisthenics + Strength workout Rest Calisthenics + Strength workout (less intense session) Friday Saturday Sunday Rest Calisthenics + Strength workout Focus Calisthenics Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook Focus Calisthenics 31 REINFORCEMENT Version x 5-6 x 5-6 x 1-2 Objective : 4 - 5x Calisthenics Workouts 5 - 6x Reinforcement Workouts 1 - 2 Rest days PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE Monday Calisthenics + Light Reinforcement (1 - 2 exercises at low intensity) Friday Calisthenics + Intensive Reinforcement Saïan MUREAU Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Calisthenics + Intensive Reinforcement Rest Calisthenics + Light Reinforcement Saturday Sunday Rest Calisthenics + Intensive Reinforcement Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 32 03. THE PERFECT PROGRAMMING It’s possible that you may want to pursue multiple goals at the same time. For me, I’m currently aiming to gain hypertrophy and strengthen specific areas (like the biceps and wrists) So, I have a personalized program where I mix different sessions throughout the week to work on both objectives simultaneously. The ‘Perfect Programming’ does not exist, or at least it is unique to each individual. So, it’s up to you to create the one that suits you best based on your goals. My current program : x5 x5 x2 Objective : 5x Calisthenics Workouts 2 Reinforcement Workouts 2 Rest days Monday Calisthenics + Light Reinforcement (1 - 2 exercises low intensity) Friday Calisthenics + Hypertrophy (Session 2) Saïan MUREAU 3 Hypertrophy Workouts Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Calisthenics + Hypertrophy Rest Calisthenics + Intensive Reinforcement Saturday Sunday Rest Calisthenics + Hypertrophy (Session 1) (Session 1) Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 33 Thanks Conception & layout design : @obaapt Illustrations : @sketch.place This program and its content are the property of Saïan MUREAU. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited, except for printing or downloading for personal use. Saïan MUREAU Gym x Calisthenic Ebook 34