TASK SHEET NO. 1.1-4 Title : Develop a Module of Instruction Peformance Objective: Given one competency of the qualifiaction asssinged to you, you should be able to develop a Module of Instruction based on the Training Regualtion Supplies and Materials: Equipment: TR , CBC PC, printer Steps/Procedures: 1. Based on your qualification, select one core competency. 2. Use the suggested format to prepare the Module of Instruction 3. Use the evaluation Instument to evaluate your oen output. 4. Submit it your output in the submission bin provided in the LMS. Assessment Methods: Portfolio Assessment, Performance Criteria Checklist Performance Criteria Checklist No.1.1-4 CRITERIA 1. Are the module title stated in an action statement and related to the unit of competency in the TR/CBC? 2. Does the module description clearly define the knowledge and skills requirements and the coverage of the module? 3. Is the module strcture corrsponding to a single unit of competency? 4. Are all Learning Outcomes covered? 5. Are the assessment criteria on each learning outcome sufficent to ensure the achievement of knowledge, skills and attitude of the learner and consistent to the TR? 6. Are the contents sufficient to address the Assessment Criteria of each LO? 7. Does the contents address the required knowledge of the unit of competency? 8. Are the resources consistent and sufficient as per TR requirements? 9. Are there varied teaching strategies to provide opportunities for active learners participation? 10. Are the teaching strategies sufficient to supprt mastery of the three domains (skills, knowledge and attitudes)? 11. Are the assessment strategies(methods) appropriate for the activities? 12. Are the assessment strategies(methods) consistent and is based on the TR? YES NO