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Social Psychology Flashcards

Card 1: Stereotypes
Front: What are stereotypes, and how do they function?
Back: Stereotypes are oversimplified beliefs about groups of people. They help process social
information quickly but can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and perpetuation of harmful beliefs.
Card 2: Attributions
Front: What is the difference between internal and external attributions?
Back: Internal attributions focus on personal traits (e.g., laziness), while external attributions
consider situational factors (e.g., traffic).
Card 3: Actor-Observer Bias
Front: What is the actor-observer bias?
Back: The tendency to make external attributions for our behavior but internal attributions for
others' behavior.
Card 4: Fundamental Attribution Error
Front: What is the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)?
Back: Overestimating personal traits and underestimating situational factors when judging
others' behavior.
Card 5: Cognitive Dissonance
Front: How do people reduce cognitive dissonance?
Back: By changing beliefs, acquiring new information, or minimizing the importance of
conflicting beliefs.
Card 6: Milgram's Obedience Experiment
Front: What did Milgram’s study on obedience demonstrate?
Back: It showed how authority pressure could lead individuals to perform actions against their
Card 7: Conformity (Asch’s Study)
Front: What did Asch’s study reveal about conformity?
Back: People often conform to group pressure, even when they know the group is wrong.