08 8362 7758 HOME ABOU T T ILING SERVIC ES 3 G ALLERY inf o@eastadelaidetilingco.com.au BLOG S 3 C ONT AC T 08 8362 7758 U COMMERCIAL TILING ADELAIDE Why Choose East Adelaide Tiling Co.? Highly Experienced – 40+ years Heritage Specialist High Quality Materials Clean, Fast & On Budget Experienced Commercial Tiling Experts in Adelaide East Adelaide Tiling Co. is a reput able t iling company t hat offers high-qualit y commercial t iling in Adelaide. Our company has a rich hist ory of providing reliable, proficient and superior services for resident ial and commercial client s. Our managing direct or and general manager have ext ensive experience in t he building indust ry and have a passion for art and hist ory. Therefore, t hey encourage t he whole t eam t o provide impeccable services for bat hroom renovat ions and herit age t iling. Throughout t he years, we have t rained numerous apprent ices and have st rong relat ionships wit h t radespeople in ot her sect ors. We have a t eam comprising 16+ people who will enable us t o complet e t asks efficient ly and at a guarant eed high st andard. Cont act us t oday if you’d like t o repair or inst all a new floor in your office or workplace. Our Commercial Tiling Process in Adelaide Client s come t o us when t hey need commercial t iling in Adelaide because we st rive t o provide a hassle-free process, regardless of t he size of t he job. The t eam at East Adelaide Tiling Co. will assist you in all st ages, from design and mat erial select ion t o t he complet ion of t he project . Once you cont act us, we will organise a proper t ime t o cat ch up and inspect t he work. We will t hen get you t he quot e and select t he appropriat e ret ailers and t iles for your space. There will be some fine-t uning of your quot e depending on your select ion. Once you approve it , we will schedule t he work, depending on your preference. It is just as import ant t o us as it is import ant t o you t hat we complet e t he work on t ime and at t he highest st andard. Our t eam will also leave your space neat at t he end of every working day. Selecting the Best Tiling for Your Adelaide Commercial Space If you are considering commercial t iling in Adelaide for t he first t ime, get t ing around t hings can be t ricky. Engaging an expert (such as an experienced int erior designer) can save you t ime and money. It will also ensure t hat you have suit able t iles t hat mat ch your office or workspace aest het ics. When shopping, you’ll come across different t iling designs. Our expert s will help you choose durable ones, a colour t hat suit s your space, t iles wit h t he right t ext ure and pat t erns and t he right t ile size. On t op of t hat , since we have exist ing relat ionships wit h reput able t radespeople, we can assure you t hat we will get t he best t iling mat erials at t he most compet it ive prices. That way, we will be able t o bring life t o your floor and help you save some money. Speak to our friendly staff today if you’d like to install some quality and durable commercial tiling in Adelaide. Our team at East Adelaide Tiling Co. would love to hear from you and help you get your renovations started! Call us at 08 8362 7758. CONT ACT US Q U ICKLINKS SER V I C ES CO NT ACT About Bathroom Renovations 08 8362 7758 Gallery Heritage T iling Send us an Email T estimonials Home Owners 40 Nelson St, Stepney SA Book Now T iling Repair & Maintenance 5069 High Density Residential © 2 0 2 4 EA S T A D ELA I D E T I LI NG CO. | A LL R I GHT S R ES ER V ED | WEB S I T E D EV ELOP MENT B Y C R E A T I V E S E R U M