08 8362 7758 HOME ABOU T T ILING SERVIC ES 3 G ALLERY inf o@eastadelaidetilingco.com.au BLOG S 3 C ONT AC T 08 8362 7758 U BATHROOM TILES ADELAIDE Why Choose East Adelaide Tiling Co.? Highly Experienced – 40+ years Heritage Specialist High Quality Materials Clean, Fast & On Budget Get Unique Bathroom Tiles in Adelaide from Us Since 1974, our company has been workinng wit h bathroom tiles in Adelaide. We specialise in providing complet e bat hroom renovat ions, herit age t iling, new homes and ext ensions, and t iling repairs and maint enance. Therefore, whet her it ’s an inst allat ion or a repair, our experienced t eam will ensure t hat you have a space you’ll admire for years. Our company is a family run business owned by t wo brot hers who have a background in building and have a passion for art and hist ory. Bot h have also t rained numerous apprent ices and have st rong relat ionships wit h t radespeople from different sect ors. Hence, you can be sure t hat we will complet e t asks efficient ly at a guarant eed high st andard. Talk t o us t oday t o know more about our services. Why Clients Love Our Bathroom Tiles in Adelaide Over t he years, we have had many client s come back t o us when t hey needed qualit y workmanship for t he t iles in t heir bathroom in Adelaide. When you cont act us, you can be sure t hat we’ll work wit h you unt il your project ’s complet ion. We assure you t hat we always operat e at 100% and will never leave a job unfinished. Apart from t hat , our experienced t rades will ensure t hat t hey develop a fixed quot e before st art ing t he project . We will also t ry t o complet e t he project wit hin t he given t imeline and leave your space as clean as we found it . If you are a DIY ent husiast , our t eam is happy t o discuss t he project wit h you t o find t he right product s for your desired out come. We will also keep in consist ent communicat ion wit h you during inst allat ion or repair t o t rack t he project ’s progress. Bathroom Tiles Ideas You Should Consider in Adelaide Choosing t he best bathroom tiles when you have a renovat ion or a new build in Adelaide depends on many fact ors, including t he design you want t o achieve. You need t o ensure t hat t he t iles you choose are unique, easy t o care for, durable and come at t he right price. If you’d like some ideas on how you can make t he int erior look sophist icat ed, here are some t hings you should consider: Choose a bright colour such as whit e t iles t o bright en and widen t he room visually. Whit e also helps in creat ing reflect ions You can also use cont rast ing colours. For inst ance, black and whit e help t o creat e a monochromat ic int erior. The combinat ion of t hese t wo colours is t imeless Enhance t he look in your home by using bat hroom t ext iles, lamps, mirrors, hangers, and pict ures t o add colour t o your bat hroom If you’d like to know more about our bathroom tiles services in Adelaide, contact us today at 08 8362 7758. We love transforming a space and making a client’s bathroom dreams come true. CONT ACT US Q U ICKLINKS SER V I C ES CO NT ACT About Bathroom Renovations 08 8362 7758 Gallery Heritage T iling Send us an Email T estimonials Home Owners 40 Nelson St, Stepney SA Book Now T iling Repair & Maintenance 5069 High Density Residential © 2 0 2 4 EA S T A D ELA I D E T I LI NG CO. | A LL R I GHT S R ES ER V ED | WEB S I T E D EV ELOP MENT B Y C R E A T I V E S E R U M