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Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Presentation

RME 3102: Introduction
Mechatronics Components
Industrial Sensors
Resistive Sensors
Inductive Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
Optical Sensors
Magnetic Sensors
Applications of PLC
PLC Basic Components
PLC Programming & Operation
Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Applications of micro-controllers
Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq, Ph.D., CEA, FBSME, FIEB
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
RME 3102: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering
Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering,
University of Dhaka
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RME 3102: Introduction
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Mechatronics Components
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Mechatronics Components
Mechatronics Constituents
The portmanteau Mechatronics was first coined by Mr. Tetsuro
Mori, a senior engineer of the Japanese company Yaskawa, in 1969.
Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision
mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems thinking in
the design of products and manufacturing processes 1 .
Mechatronics is a methodology2 used for the optimal design of
electromechanical products.
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
a methodology is a collection of practises, procedures, and rules used by those
who work in a particular branch of knowledge.
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RME 3102: Introduction
Mechatronics Components
Mechatronics Components
Mechatronics Key Elements
Simulation and Modelling
Modelling is the process of representing the behaviour of a real
system by a collection of mathematical equations and logic.
Models are broadly categorised as:
Static – no energy transfer.
Dynamic – considers energy flow, causes motion, heat transfer and
other phenomenon that changes with time.
A mechatronic system is not an electromechanical system but is more
than a control system.
Simulation is the process of solving the model and is performed on
Simulation process has the three basic steps:
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Mechatronics Components
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Mechatronics Components
Feedback Control Application
Automatic Control
Increased productivity and lower product cost.
Better and more uniform product quality.
Greater safety for operating personnel.
Basic Components:
The process
The measurement system
The error-detecting mechanism
The controller
The final control element.
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RME 3102: Introduction
Mechatronics Components
Mechatronics Components
Integrated Design Issues in Mechatronics
Mechatronics approach is intended to cause the developers, from
the outset, to consider all elements of the product life-cycle from
conception through disposal, including quality, cost, schedule, and
user requirements.
Important life cycle factors are:
In mechatronics, optimisation is primarily used to establish the
optimal system configuration. It solves the problem of distributing
limiting resources throughout a system such that the pre-specified
aspects of its behaviour is satisfied.
In general, resources are referred to as design variables, aspects of
system behaviour as objectives, and system governing
relationships (equations and logic) as constrains.
Delivery - time, cost and medium
Reliability - failure rate, materials and tolerances
Maintainability - modular design
Serviceability - on board diagnostics, prognostics and modular
Upgradability - future compatibility with current design
Disposability - recycling and disposal of hazardous material.
Example - for a box-shaped luggage to maximise volume:
Design variables: L (length), W (width), H (height)
Objective: Maximise V = V(L,W,H)
Constraints: System relationship V = LHW
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Industrial Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
3 Basic Phenomenon in Effect in Sensor Operation
Change (or the absolute value) in the measured physical variable
(i.e. pressure, temperature, displacement) is translated into
change in sensor property (resistance, capacitance, magnetic
coupling). This is called the transduction.
Change in the sensor property is translated into low-power-level
electrical signal in the form of electrical voltage or current.
Low-level-power sensor signal is conditioned and transmitted for
processing i.e. display or for use in control systems.
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Applications of various kinds of sensors on construction equipment.
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Industrial Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Input-Output Model of Sensors
Non-linear Variation of Input-Output Relationship
Dynamic response of a sensor can be represented by its frequency
response or by its bandwidth specification
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Industrial Sensors
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Resistive Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Resistive Sensors
Resistive Sensors
Change is measured physical variable (e.g. pressure, load, torque,
position etc.) results in resistance of resistive sensors.
Typical linear and rotary potentiometers
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Industrial Sensors
Resistive Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Resistive Sensors
In strain gauge,
= ǫG
= k2 G
Vout = k1
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Industrial Sensors
Pressure gauge using diaphragm and strain gauge
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Resistive Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Inductive Sensors
Inductive Sensors
vL (t) = −L
= −N
Flux linkage, λ = N φ = Li : amount of
flux linking the N turns of coils, φ is the
flux passing through the coil.
Various load cells using strain gauges for force and torque measurements
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Self inductance, L measures the voltage
induced by the magnetic field generated
by a current flowing in the circuit.
Electromagnetic induction is the creating of an emf in a conductor
which is moving in a magnetic field, or is placed in a changing
magnetic field. Faraday’s Law of Induction states that an emf is
induced on a circuit due to changing magnetic flux and the induced
voltage opposes the change in the magnetic flux (Lenz’s Law).
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Industrial Sensors
Inductive Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Inductive Sensors
LVDT: Linear Variable Differential Transformer
iRp + Lp
= Vex
v2 = M2
v1 = M1
vout = v1 − v2 = (M1 − M2 )
M1 & M2 : mutual inductances
Ferromagnetic core determines the magnetic coupling between
primary and secondary coils.
If core ⇑ more coupling between with top coil → vout > 0. At
null position: M1 = M2 7→ vout = 0. In LVDT, M1 − M2 is
linearly related to the core displacement.
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LVDT voltage & phase as a function of core position
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Capacitive Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Capacitive Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
Physical variable to be measured can be used to change in the
capacitance by changing: (1) d, (2) A or (3) ǫ.
Capacitance may be measured with bridge circuits. High-output
impedance requires careful construction of output circuitry.
Output impedance, Z of a capacitor is given by: ⇒ Z = 2πfC
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Industrial Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
∆P → t → C → Eo
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Industrial Sensors
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Capacitive Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Capacitive Sensors
Piezoelectric transducers
Piezoelectric transducers involve a class of materials which, when
mechanically deformed, produce an electric charge. The effect is
reversible and applied usefully in both directions.
V = gtP =
Capacitive water level sensor & typical capacitance as a function of
water level
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= Output voltage [V]
= Voltage sensitivity [V/N]
= Piezoelectric constant [C/N]
= Applied force [N]
= Applied pressure [Pa]
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Industrial Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Optical Sensors
Photoemissive & Photoelectric Transducers
Photoemissive transducers consist of a cathode-anode combination
enclosed in a glass or quartz envelope, which is either evacuated or
filled with an inert gas.
In the proper circuit (usually a d.c. source from 100 - 200 V), light
impingement on the cathode frees electrons to flow, thereby
providing a small current given by: ⇒ I = S Φ
= photoelectric currents
Φ = illumination on cathode
S = sensitivity.
Photoelectric-tube response in different wavelength depends on:
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Photo-emissivity of the cathode material (0.2 − 0.8µm).
Transmissivity of the glass-tube envelope.
- Most glasses do not transmit light below about
- Quartz transmits down to 0.2µm.
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Optical Sensors
RME 3102: Introduction
Industrial Sensors
Photo-conductive/Photo-resistive Transducers
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Optical Sensors
Phototransistor Sensors
Photo-conductive cells are elements whose conductivity is a
function of the incident electromagnetic radiation. Commercially
important materials are cadmium sulphide, germanium, and
The essential elements of a photo-conductive cell are the ceramic
substrate, a layer of photo-conductive material, metallic electrodes
and a moisture-resistant enclosure.
Lead-sulphide cell is widely used for detection of thermal radiation
in the wavelength band of 1 − 3µm. By cooling the detector higher
wavelength (= 4 − 5µm) can be achieved.
The spectral response of CdS cell closely matches that of human
eye, and the cell is often used in applications where human vision
is a factor.
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RME 3102: Introduction
Industrial Sensors
Optical Sensors
Industrial Sensors
Optical Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Magnetic Sensors
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Industrial Sensors
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Magnetic Sensors
Hall Effect Sensor
= Hall-effect voltage
= magnetic flux-density
= thickness constant
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= constant
= current
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RME 3102: Introduction
Applications of PLC
Applications of PLC
PLC Features
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial grade computer
that is capable of being programmed to perform control functions.
PLC has eliminated much of the hard-wiring associated with
conventional relay control circuits.
Rugged design,
Industry standard I/O interfaces,
Industry standard programming languages,
Robust timing, counting and switching operations,
Field programmable,
Reduces hard wiring and wiring cost,
Monitoring, error checking and diagnostics capability,
Competitive in both cost and space requirements.
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Applications of PLC
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Applications of PLC
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PLC Basic Components
Basic Components
PLC is a microcomputer tailored specifically for certain control tasks.
Hardware: consists of the actual device technology.
Firmware: is the software part, known as executive software, that
is permanently installed and supplied by the the PLC
manufacturer. Executive software determines
- what functions are available to the user’s program,
- how the program is solved,
- how the I/O is serviced,
- what the PLC does during power up and down and fault conditions.
Software: is the user program. User programs are usually stored in
the RAM.
Advantages of PLCs in motion control.
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Applications of PLC
PLC Basic Components
Applications of PLC
Key Components of a PLC
PLC Basic Components
PLC hardware does not differ significantly from computers. What
makes the PLC special is the executive software. It is the internal
program, provided by the manufacturer,which executes the user’s
The executive software determines
- what functions are available to the user’s program,
- how the program is solved,
- how the I/O is serviced,
- what the PLC does during power up and down and fault conditions.
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PLC Basic Components
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PLC Basic Components
Multitasking Capability
Some PLCs are capable of executing multiple tasks with a single
processor. User program assigns I/O for each task separately.
Multitasking may take several forms:
Time driven - it is possible to configure the processor to run each
task on periodic time intervals. Hence, the time-critical job, such
as the portion of that controls high-speed motions or machine
fault detection, to run faster than the non-critical portions, such
as servicing indicator lights.
Event driven or Interrupt driven - user defines a particular event,
such as an input changing state or an output turning off, that
causes each tasks to run.
Discrete input and output devices.
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PLC control of a motor.
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Applications of PLC
PLC Basic Components
Applications of PLC
PLC Basic Components
Input/Output (I/O) Systems
I/O system acts as the eyes, ears and hands of PLCs.
Discrete I/O - signal is discrete, such as ON/OFF,
OPEN/CLOSE, energized/de-energized etc.
Data I/O - complex system needs data, requires ADC/DAC.
Input Module functions:
Reliable signal detection
Voltage adjustment of control voltage to logic voltage
Protection of sensitive electronics from external voltages
Screening of signals.
Output Modules functions:
Voltage adjustment of logic voltages to control voltage
Protection of sensitive electronics from spurious voltages from the
Power amplification for actuation of control elements
Short-circuit and overload protection of output modules
Typical combination I/O module.
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Applications of PLC
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PLC Basic Components
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Applications of PLC
I/O Systems . . .
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PLC Programming & Operation
PLC Programming
Discrete I/O Inputs - push-buttons, selector switches, joy sticks,
relay contacts, pressure switches, level switches, starter contacts,
temperature switches, flow switches, limit switches, photo-electric
switches, and proximity switches.
Discrete I/O Outputs - light, relays, solenoids, starters, alarms,
valves, heating elements, and motors.
Standard IEC 61131 languages associated with PLC programming.
Data I/O Inputs - potentiometers, temperature transducers, level
transducers, pressure transducers, humidity transducers, encoders,
bar code readers, wind speed transducers.
Data I/O Outputs - analog meters, digital meters, stepper motors
(signals), variable voltage outputs, and variable current outputs.
Comparison of ladder diagram and instruction list programming.
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Applications of PLC
PLC Programming & Operation
Applications of PLC
PLC Programming & Operation
Programming Devices
Programming a PLC involves 3 categories:
Handheld Programmers - are small inexpensive devices. These
typically have membrane keys for entering data and LCD displays
to show one line of a ladder program.
Dedicated Terminals - are designed for one particular brand of
PLC. These provides troubleshooting operation while the PLC is
Hand-held programming
Micro-Computers / PCs - are widely used to program and
simulate the program. Tested programs are downloaded to the
PLC using serial communications.
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Applications of PLC
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PLC Programming & Operation
Computer used as the programming
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Applications of PLC
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PLC Programming & Operation
PLC Operation Review
2 switches (SW-0 & SW-1) are connected via terminal IN-0 and IN-1 of
input module. 2 terminals of output module (OUT-0 & OUT-1) drive 2
indicator lamps (Lamp-0 & Lamp-1)
The ladder diagram (LD) has two rungs. The top rung will light Lamp-0
& if both SW-0 and SW-1 are closed. The bottom rung will light Lamp-1
if either SW-0 or OUT-0 are closed.
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Applications of PLC
PLC Programming & Operation
Applications of PLC
PLC Programming & Operation
PLC program scan cycle.
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PLC Programming & Operation
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Applications of PLC
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Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Example: Furnace Control
A small electric furnace has 2 heating elements, energized 3 min apart.
A temperature sensor shuts down the furnace if it is overheated.
Scan process applied to a single rung program.
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START-button energizes HEATER relay & relay is sealed by H-1 contacts. It
powers heating element (ELEMENT-1), via relay contacts H-2, and energizes
TMDY delay relay. After 3 min, time-delay relay activates second heating
element via TMDY-1 contacts. If STOP button is pushed or OVER-TEMP
sensor contacts open, seal is broken, and HEATER relay de-energizes to shut
down heating elements.
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Applications of PLC
Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Applications of PLC
Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Example: A Mixing Process
A mixer motor is to be used to stir the liquid in a vat when
temperature and pressure reach pre-set values. Direct manual
operation of the motor is provided by means of a separate push-button.
Configured input module
Configured output module
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Examples of Basic PLC Operations
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Applications of PLC
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Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Example: Batch Process using Timer
A batch process – filling a container with a liquid, mixing the liquid,
and draining the container – is automated with a PLC. Steps:
a valve opens and lets the liquid into the container until it is full.
liquid in the container is mixed for 3 minutes.
a drain valve opens and drains the tank.
Process control PLC ladder logic program with typical addressing scheme
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Applications of PLC
Examples of Basic PLC Operations
Applications of micro-controllers
Example: 2-point Controller in Oven at 100o C
Advantages of Microprocessor Based Control
Low-level signal from sensors, once converted to digital, can be
transmitted long distances virtually error-free.
A microprocessor can handle complex calculations and control
Changing the control strategy is easy by loading in a new
program; no hardware changes are required.
Microprocessor based controllers can be easily connected to
computer networks within an organization. This allows the
designers to enter program changes and read current status from
their desk terminals.
long-term memory is available to keep track of parameters in
slow-moving systems.
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Applications of micro-controllers
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Applications of micro-controllers
Simplified Computer/Microcomputer
Computers have 3 basic sections:
CPU - to recognize and carry out program instructions. The
instructions are known as opcode or machine code.It is truly the
brain of the computer.
I/O Interfaces - to handle communications between computer and
the outside world.
Memory - to hold the program instruction and data.
Types of processes performed by (CPU):
read/write data from/to memory or from/to an I/O device
Digital signals move from one section to another along the path
called buses.
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perform internal manipulation of data within the processor.
The internal storage of the processor is known as its registers.
A single IC CPU is known as microprocessor (MPU).
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read instruction from memory
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Applications of micro-controllers
Applications of micro-controllers
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
CPU contains logic to step through a program.
Programs are composed of many very simple individual
operations, called instructions, that specify in exact detail how the
CPU will carry out an algorithm/program.
Each unique instruction is represented as a binary value called an
opcode. CPU advances through opcodes on each clock cycle.
When an opcode is fetched from memory, it is decoded, after
which appropriate actions are carried out.
Program Counter (PC) register maintains the address of the next
instruction to be fetched from program memory.
After executing each instruction, PC is incremented, and a new
instruction is fetched from the address indicated by PC. When
branch instructions are encountered Stack Pointer (SP) register is
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Microprocessors require memory resources to store programs and data.
Memory can be classified two broad categories: Volitile - loses its
contents when power is turned off & Non-volatile - can retain its
contents even if power is turned off.
1 Read Only Memory (ROM)
Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)
Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM)
Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
Other Forms of Memory
Cache Memory
Flash Memory
Video Memory (VRAM)
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Applications of micro-controllers
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Applications of micro-controllers
Micro-controller is the integration of a micro-processor with
memory and I/O devices, and other peripherals such as timers, on
a single chip.
General micro-controller has pins for external connections for
inputs and outputs; power, clock and control signals. Pins for
inputs and outputs are grouped in to I/O ports. Usually such
ports have eight lines in order to be able to transfer one byte data.
Fewer chips are required since most functions are already present
on the processor chip.
Lower cost and smaller size result from a simpler design.
Lower power requirements.
Few external connections are required because most are made
on-chip, and the most of the chip connections can be used for I/O.
Overall reliability are higher since there are fewer components and
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RME 3102: Introduction
Applications of micro-controllers
Applications of micro-controllers
Microcontroller Hardware
PIC16F84: A Popular RISC Microcontroller
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Applications of micro-controllers
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Applications of micro-controllers
development Set-up for Micro-Controller Based
Examples of Microcontroller Based System
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Applications of micro-controllers
Micro-Controller Applications
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