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Tayseer Hassoon - Humanitarian Psychiatrist Resume

Tayseer Hassoon
MD Humanitarian Psychiatrist
Damascus, Syria
Dr. Tayseer Hassoon a distinguished psychiatrist in
Syria, a consultant and trainer in the eld of mental
health in Syria, and a lecturer at the University of
Damascus, Faculty of Clinical Psychology. Head of a
department at Ibn Sina Hospital for Psychiatric
Diseases, then at the Addiction Center in Damascus, and
Scienti c supervisor of multidisciplinary clinics With
Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) within a joint project
with UNICEF and (UNHCR).
15 January, 1964
MHPSS Consultant and Supervisor
MD license
Faculty of Medicine, Tishreen University.
07/2017 - Present,
Damascus -Syria
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is a UN agency that
supports the relief and human development of Palestinian refugees.
01/1982 - 06/2000,
Designing mental health programs and integrating them into primary
health care
Training doctors, nurses and medical sta working in UNRWA clinics
on the most important psychosocial interventions that enhance the
mental health of refugees within primary health care, speci cally
MHGap programme.
Technical supervision supporting doctors and nurses
Providing specialized services to refugees who need specialized
Training approximately 500 doctors and psychological support nurses
Contact : Dr. Kenan Fanos - K.FANOUS@unrwa.org
MHPSS Trainer and Consultant
Middle East Revive and rive
08/2023 - Present,
MERATH implements relief and development projects for thousands of displaced and
vulnerable families in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq
As part of earthquake response, providing about 30 local church with
ongoing psychosocial support trainings
Training them to learn to take care of their own emotional well-being
Equip them with basic counselling skills to help the people they serve.
Syrian Board in psychiatry.
01/2001 - 09/2006,
Damascus - Syria
Executive Professional Masters in Psychosocial
Support and Dialogue
IOM and Lebanese University and Italian Cooperation
for Development
10/2013 - 06/2014,
Beirut- Lebonon
Master Trainer in Mental Health and Psychosocial
01/2010 - 12/2010,
Damascus -Syria
TOT certi cate in Mental and Psychosocial Support Training
(01/2010 - 06/2010)
Ministry of Health Syria
Diploma in Child Psychiatry (06/2008 - 02/2010)
Syrian MOH with cooperation with WHO, Ibn Sina Hospital, 2008 & 2010
Training course in MH -GAP (WHO) (03/2014 - 03/2014)
Training for a group of psychiatrists in Syria to train Ministry of Health doctors in Syria on
MHGap program
Training course in Supervision with WHO (06/2014)
Training to provide supportive technical supervision
Crisis and critical incident stress management within UNDSS
CISMU \ Jordan (2014)
Training Program for Mental Health Professionals of the Middle East and North Africa
Region (MENA)
Narrative Exposure
erapy (2018)
Training on Narrative Exposure erapy by the International Medical Corps in partnership
with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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Individual Consultant
07/2018 - 06/2023,
Damascus -Syria
United Nations Population Fund, formerly UNFPA Activities, is a UN agency aimed at
improving reproductive and maternal health worldwide.
Mental Health, Human Rights & Recovery (2019)
As part of the QualityRights Initiative, WHO has developed a comprehensive package of
training and guidance materials. e ultimate goal of WHO’s QualityRights is to change
mindsets and practices in a sustainable way and empower all stakeholders to promote rights
and recovery in order to improve the lives of people with psychosocial, intellectual or
cognitive disabilities everywhere
Training course in cognitive behavioral therapy (2005)
Training about 600 PSS service providers in UNFPA partner centers
throughout Syria.
Ministry of Health Syria
Provide training on Basic counseling, MHPSS interventions, working
with families and family counseling
Ministry of Health Syria
Training course in evidence-based medicine (2008)
Preparing two guides : PSS in times of crises, and working with
Contact : Ameera Ahmad - amahmad@unfpa.org
National trainer and clinical supervisor
01/2014 - 06/2020,
WHO is the United Nations agency that connects nations, partners and people to promote
health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.
Training about 5,000 doctors working with the Ministry of Health
and with local NGOs within Syria on MHGap program.
Technical supporting supervision for doctors within their workplace
Translating and reviewing various WHO publications such as MHGap
Second Edition, Suicide Report 2014 (proof reading) ,School Mental
Health program, SH+
Contact : Eyad Yanes - yanese@who.int
UN Stress Counselor
03/2014 - Present,
Damascus- Syria
UNDSS is a department of the United Nations providing safety and security services for
UN agencies as part of the UN Safety Management System.
Self-Help Booklet for Men facing crisis and displacement
Dr.Tayseer Hassoon
17 Oct 2015
IOM, Number of Pages 60
e booklet “Self-Help for Men facing crisis and displacement”, is a new
IOM publication developed as an activity of our psychosocial support
program in the Syrian Arab Republic and Lebanon, in Arabic and English.
e Mental Health Manual
Dr. Andria Spyridou Mr. Karim Dakroub Dr. Laurie Lopez Charles Ms.
Marie Adele Salem Dr. Mazen Hedar Ms. Ola Ataya Dr. Tayseer Hassoun
Mr. Wissam Kotai
July 4, 2017
ABAAB,Funded by the European Union
is Training Pack has been devised by ABAAD with support from the
European Union. Many professionals from Syria, the wider region and
across the globe have contributed to this project.
Providing individual sessions related to stress management for sta
working in United Nations agencies a er critical incidents
throughout Syria
Providing group sessions and training on managing psychological
stress a er critical incidents for workers in United Nations agencies
Contact : Abdalla Mansour Amer - mansouramer@un.org
Lecturer - University of Health Sciences (Clinical
Damascus University
01/2023 - Present,
Damascus University is the largest and oldest university in Syria, it was one of the most
reputable universities in the Arab World before the war
Teaching psychological diagnosis to clinical psychology students
Providing information in a creative way and based on the most
important and latest research related to neuroscience
Psychosocial Support in Crisis
Dr. Tayseer Hassoon , Sherin Khalil
Supporting fronline workers durin and a er
Earthquake that struck Syria
02/2023 - 06/2023,
Aleepo and Lattakia
Mental health education lectures.
local NGOs
10/2013 - 11/2013,
Training courses about substance related disorders
medical sta MoH
07/2014 - 07/2014,
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Member in Scienti c Council and Syrian Board
Committee for Psychiatric Specialty.
Syrian Commission for Medical Specialities - Syrian
Psychosocial support and psychological rst aid
training courses .
conducted by UN agencies for NGOs
01/2010 - 03/2010,
07/2007 - Present,
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that specializes in the study, diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment of mental disorders and problems
Developing curricula for doctors who specialize in psychiatry and who
work in Ministry of Health hospitals
Qualifying doctors by following up and testing them during the years
of specialization.
Graduating doctors and participating in the question bank
Trainer of Trainers TOT
with di erent INGOs ( IMC, PUI, DRC,UNFPA,
DSM-IV-TR Mini (2004)
My Mother, Myself; A candid exploration of the mother-daughter
relationship, probes private emotions, pains, joys, and secrets and
charts the stages of a woman's life. (2000)
By Nancy Friday is book is a scientific attempt that transcends cultural domains to
critique the upbringing of daughters. It reveals the intricacies of the flaws that perpetuate
women's subjugation in society despite all aspects of progress.
Sex and the Origins of Death. (2000)
10/2011 - 05/2023,
Damascus- Syria
INGOs were responsible for the humanitarian intervention provided in Syria, in
partnership with ministries and local NGOs working in Syria.
By William R. Clark e book explores the idea that has captivated the human mind and
consciousness like no other—the concept of death. Philosophical, mythical, and artistic
approaches have all failed to provide satisfactory answers to the nature and essence of death.
Culture, Context and the Mental Health and Psychosocial
Wellbeing of Syrians UNHCR
Training 25 trainees to be trainers in PSS with UNRWA
Training 25 trainees to be trainers in PSS with International Medical
Corps and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, funded by UNFPA.
Training 60 trainees in the Ministry of Education to be trainers on the
PSS guide for children, funded by PUI.
Training 67 trainees to be trainers in case management and
psychological rst aid, funded by UNHCR and PUI.
Training 30 trainees to be trainers on the mental health manual for
school children with World Health Organization‫ز‬
Training 28 trainees to be trainers in group counseling with the
Consultant Psychiatrist
International Medical Corps
04/2013 - 06/2016,
Damascus- Syria
International Medical Corps provides emergency relief to those struck by conflict, disaster
and disease no matter where they are.
Providing specialized psychiatric services to bene ciaries
Technical supervision of case managers
Training medical sta in International Medical Corps clinics
Technical Advisor
Syrian Arab Red Crescent in cooperation with
01/2008 - 09/2014,
SARC is an independent humanitarian organization of public utility, and it’s permanent
and continuous.
UNHCR, 2015 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Case Postale 2500 1211
Geneva 2, Switzerland www.unhcr.org
Self-Help Plus (SH+) in Stress Management WHO
Self-Help Plus (SH+) is WHO’s 5-session stress management course for large groups of up to
30 people. It is delivered by supervised, non-specialist facilitators who complete a short
training course and use pre-recorded audio and an illustrated guide (Doing What Matters in
Times of Stress) to teach stress management skills. e course is suitable for adults who
experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances. It has been shown
to reduce psychological distress and prevent the onset of mental disorders. e format of SH+
makes it well-suited for use alongside other mental health interventions, as a first step in a
stepped care programme, or as a community intervention delivered alongside broader
community programming.
Symptoms in the Mind
Not published SYMPTOMS IN THE MIND has, since its first publication in 1988, become
established as the leading introductory textbook on clinical psychopatholo . is new
edition has been fully updated to include advances in neuropsycholo and cognitive
neuroscience and changes can be found in the chapters on memory disturbance, disorders of
time, patholo of perception, disorders of speech and language, affect and emotional
disorders, and disorders of volition and execution. In some cases, novel classifications of the
abnormalities under consideration have been provided together with additional pathological
phenomena - including palinopsia, akinetopsia, zeitraffer phenomenon, exosomesthesia many of which have been rediscovered or imported from neurolo . e popular and
distinctive features are the use of figures, tables and illustrative case examples which have
been further enhanced with additional case examples from the classical literature,
Who is Where, When,doing What (4Ws) in Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support Mapping for Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support Services in Syria WHO (2014)
e present report is the result of the MHPSS 4Ws mapping realized in Syria in 2014. is
report includes 25 agencies and was done between May and August 2014. e purpose of the
report is to better understand Who is doing What, Where and until When. e report is also
the opportunity to look back at the activities and especially some of the outputs and better
learn from actions, in order to further increase the efficiency of activities in the same context
for future operations.
Technical supervision of Multidisciplinary teams in Damascus,
individually and collectively
Native or Bilingual Proficiency
Professional Working Proficiency
Elementary Proficiency
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