This paper presents a genera/review o f the design o f air separation plants from the initial specifications to the final details. References to key sources for data and for design criteria are presented in lieu of lengthy discussions. The effect o f the product quantities and purities on the selection o f the process cycle are discussed and genera/design guidelines and specific examples of various types of air separation plants are given. Process cycles for large tonnange plants, unattended nitrogen generators, small oxygen generators for sewage plants, and for all-liquid plants are described. Unit operations used in these cycles and materials o f construction are reviewed briefly. Air separation plant design D.J. Hersh and J.M. Abrardo Air separation is a mature technology. The liquefaction of air to produce oxygen was the first engineering application of cryogenics and was initially used around the beginning of this century. Today, three-quarters of a century later, it is useful to conduct a review of air separation plant design. This paper summarizes the considerations for process selection, sources of design data, unit operations and materials of construction for air plant design. Also presented and discussed are some 'state of the art' process cycles. Considerations for selection of basic process cycle Air separation technology is used for the production of oxygen, nitrogen, and the rare gases that are present in air. Cryogenic separation is the industry's 'workhorse', but there are a limited number of alternative methods for separation which can be competitive in certain circumstances. Product requirements determine the selection of the process. These include the specific product compositions and purities of the products, their physical state, that is gas or liquid, their delivery pressures, and the production rates. The cost of power exerts a major influence on the process selection. Oxygen has been produced commercially by several methods - dissociation of water, selective adsorption, chemical reactions, and cryogenic separation. Dissociation of water is a power intensive process ~3 and at the present time is not economical on a large scale. Chemical reaction processes based on peroxide formation and decomposition, the Brin process, have become obsolete. Knoblauch et al s4 report that oxygen from 45 to 90% purity can be produced by adsorption on molecular sieve coke. Energy consumption is claimed to be comparable with, or better than, cryogenic separation for small plants (50 nm 3 h-1 ). Adsorption processes using zeolite molecular sieves have been built for producing oxygen at concentrations of P0 to 95%, but these units are economical only for small product rates. ~3 Cryogenic separation plants are presently being constructed to produce oxygen at rates from 160 nm3h -1 to 53 000 nmah -~ . Oxygen product purities normally range from 90% to 99.6%, although plants can be designed for higher or lower purities. The authors are with Air Products and Chemicals, Inc, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105, USA. Received 18 April 1977. CRYOGENICS. JULY 1977 Nitrogen produced by adsorption processes is normally limited to 99% purity, s4 As is the case for adsorption processes for oxygen, large scale production of nitrogen by adsorption is uneconomical. Cryogenic separation for nitrogen yields product purities with less than 2 ppm oxygen, on a regular commercial basis. The rare gases, argon, neon, krypton, and xenon, are produced only by cryogenic separations since no other economical methods have been developed. Normally, these gases are by-products of large plants which produce oxygen and nitrogen since they are present in air in low concentrations. When liquid products are required from the separation of air, additional refrigeration must be supplied. In gaseous oxygen plants, up to about 8% of the oxygen product capacity can be produced as liquid, by increasing the expander flows. The expander flow of nitrogen-rich gas bypasses the low pressure column, where the final oxygen separation is performed; thus increased liquid production reduces the total recovery of oxygen. In nitrogen generators, the waste gas is expanded at a low pressure ratio but with large flows so that normally 8 to 10% liquid can be produced. If larger percenta ~;s of liquid product are required, liquefiers ,re added to the air separation units. Today, these are usua,y r~ ~dium pressure units consiting of nitrogen compressol~, heat exchangers, and expanders which produce large amounts of refrigeration economically. High pressure cycles (air compressed to 17.2 MN m -z) with multi-level expansion were used to produce liquid but are uneconomical today for large plants because of their higher equipment and maintenance costs, even though they require slightly less power per unit of liquid production. Normally, gaseous products are required at pressures above atmospheric and may be produced at the required pressure or may be further compressed, depending on the use pressure In order to produce oxygen at elevated pressures directly from the low pressure distillation column, higher than normal discharge pressures are required for the main air compressor. The additional compression of the large air flow is usually uneconomical when compared with compressing the smaller oxygen flow. Nitrogen can be produced directly from the cold box at high pressure column 383 Liquid nitrogen product f Check valves Superheater h Main exchanger Inlet filter 1~ Guard absorb Gaseous oxygen product LOW ~ ressure I olumn~ ..... I Reboiler Heal ~ ~ j n d e n s e r puml i / I J JJ L// /// Hydrocarbon I absorber / / Product nitru.jen, waste nitrogen subcooler J "--'~_ \ i Afterc:;ler Aftercooler separator Expander Air H20 compressor Liquid oxygen product Fig. 1 Oxygengenerator pressures, equivalent to the main air compressor discharge pressure, without incurring additional power costs, if only nitrogen is being produced. Pressures up to about 1.0 MN m -2 can be attained in this manner, with higher pressures requiring booster compressors. Oxygen plants can also produce nitrogen at various purities at rates from one half to equal that of the oxygen capacity depending on plant size, with little additional cost. Higher nitrogen production rates require additional trays in the nitrogen-rich section of the low pressure distillation column. Dry gas product rates which add up to more than 50 percent of the air flow are limited by the water and carbon dioxide clean-up in the reversing exchangers or regenerators. High air pressures can be used to allow an increase in the total dry gas production. A molecular sieve clean-up system for water and carbon dioxide enables about 80% of the air to be recovered as dry gas product. The basic cycle must be optimized to obtain the most economic method for producing the desired products. Balancing capital costs against power costs determines whether more heat exchangers (higher capital) should be installed to reduce the pressure drops and thus decrease the power costs. Recoveries of products can also be optimized by the distillation column design, air flows, and main air compressor discharge pressures. Hvizdos ss provides an analytical method of carrying out this optimization procedure. 384 Basic design data Basic thermodynamic data are necessary to determine the material and energy requirement of the process. Transport properties and mass and energy transfer relationships must be known to design the various pieces of process equipment. Fortunately, for air and its major components, extensive tables of data and correlations for these data have been prepared and are available in the literature. For vapour-liquid equilibria, data for the Ar-N2 1 , N2-O2 7 , and Ar-O22'3'4's binary mixtures are available and have been reviewed. Latimer 6 presented equations and graphs for the vapour-liquid equilibria of the N2-Ar-O2 system, based on published binary and ternary data tempered with actual air separation plant performance data. Vapour-liquid equilibria properties of the N2-02-Ar system along thirteen isotherms at pressure levels from 0.1 to 2.6 MN m -2 have been reported by Wilson, Silverberg, and Zellner. 7 This reference contains both binary and ternary data and presents 1962 data points. Extensive tables of thermodynamic properties and transport properties for air systems s have been prepared and tables have also been prepared for oxygen, 9 nitrogen,lO and argon. 11 Reference 12 provides a source for additional references on the solid phases of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon and thermophysical data for the more exotic rare gases such as krypton and xenon. CRYOGENICS. JULY 1977 As an alternative to the use of tables of equilibrium data and thermodynamic data, computer-based systems for the prediction of these properties have been developed, using correlations reported in the literature. 6'7 Computer-based systems are useful tools for rapidly evaluating a number of alternate process designs. Sources of heat transfer data are available in the literature 13'14'15 for conventional heat transfer. Cryogenic processing requires the use of specialized compact heat exchangers of the plate and fin matrix type, and of finned tube exchangers. Kays and London ~6 and Kern and Kraus ~7 discuss heat transfer in these types of exchangers and more detailed heat transfer design factors can be obtained from various manufacturers. Mass transfer rates for the various unit operations are discussed by Treybal. la Specific plants and e q u i p m e n t design considerations The experienced process designer usually determines the most efficient process to achieve specific product requirements, based on his knowledge of the effect of various parameters on process cycle selection. He uses basic design data to determine the mass and energy requirements for the cycle. The following examples illustrate the development of process cycles for specified products. replace storage tank boil-off and to provide back-up oxygen for peak demand periods and downtime. Standard size plants produce from 450 nm3h -~ to 4000 nmah -~ of oxygen at a pressure of 0.12 MN m -2 , while larger plants have also been designed. The required air feed pressure ranges from 0.55 to 0.65 M Nm -2 depending on product purity and cold box piping design. A more detailed discussion of the low pressure oxygen cycle is presented by McAuley. 5a Nitrogen generators High purity nitrogen for a variety of uses such as for inert atmospheres or for pressuring reservoirs (secondary and tertiary oil recovery) is produced by cryogenic generators. Nitrogen generators can be designed for high or low recovery, depending on the quantity of nitrogen required and power versus capital costs. (See Figs 2 and 3 respectively for process flowsheets.) Standard size low recovery-single column generators produce from 530 nm3h -1 to about 4500 nm3h -~ of high purity nitrogen at pressures between 0.55 to as high as 0.9 M Nm -2. Required air feed pressure ranges from about 0.6 to 1.0 M Nm -2 . High recovery-double column generators produce large volumes of nitrogen (greater than about 6600 nm3h -1 ) at purities of 2 ppm oxygen. Product pressure is about 0.55 MN m -2 with air feed pressures up to 1.0 M Nm -2 . Both types of plants are capable of producing liquid nitrogen for back-up purposes. Oxygen generators Low pressure oxygen generators are widely used in municipal sewage treatment facilities to provide oxygen to the activated sludge aeration basins. These plants produce gaseous oxygen product of 90 to 98% purity (see Fig. 1 for process flowsheet). A typical purity is 95%. Liquid oxygen is also produced to Tonnage air plants Large tonnage air plants produce oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and, if desired, neon, krypton, and xenon. Fig. 4 contains a simplified process flowsheet for a tonnage plant without krypton, xenon, or neon recovery. Reference 51 shows Liquid nitrogen product Check valves -J~r-- ~ i ~--- Low ,, /pressure I - - -- J /i / f/ L.column "~J "-1.. Main exchanger ,n,. r;-""~-1 nitrogen product t ~ Guard // "ligh )ressure • :olumn J Hydrocarbon absorber // Productnitrogen/ T subc~ler waste nitrogen = Aft~ler v separator Air H20 compressor CRYOGENICS Reboiler I,r'-,. 4-- --condenser J t Expander Fig2. Higrecovery-doubl h column enitrogen generator . JULY 1977 385 Safety purge Check valve / ~ eboiler-condenser I I Li¢uefier ¢o, )ler Liquid =- nitrogen product Main exchanger ! Gaseous nitrogen < product i pressure I ;'°m\l I l Hydrocarbon absorber L Switch Air compressor "t [ I Inlet filter Vent Expander Aftercooler / H20 Aftercooler ~tj separator y Fig. 3 Low recovery-single column nitrogen generator several flowsheets for krypton recovery while reference 20 contains flowsheets for neon and xenon recovery. Oxygen and nitrogen production rates and purities are very flexible with the oxygen production normally setting the required air flow. Portions of the products can be taken off as liquids up to the expander limitations; additional liquid can be produced by adding liquefiers. Argon recovery is maximized to produce the valuable product and to increase the oxygen recovery. Crude argon is produced in the air plant and then purified in a combination deoxo-cryogenic process, sl A typical switching air separation plant producing 26 500 nmSh -t of oxygen at 99.6 percent purity can produce up to 33 000 nmSh -1 of 2 ppm nitrogen and 800 nmSh -~ of crude argon (96-98% argon, remainder oxygen). All products are at low pressure. The required air pressure to the cold box depends on optimization of capital versus power costs and normally ranges from about 0.6 to 0.8 MN m -2 , Liquid plants Liquid plants are essentially small tonnage air separation units producing all their products as liquid with the aid of one or more liquefiers. These liquefiers are completely integrated with the air plant as shown in Fig. 5. The preceeding process cycles can be conveniently divided into the basic operations of (1) front end clean-up, (2) distillation, (3) heat exchange, (4) refrigeration, and (5) compression. Front end clean-up. Carbon dioxide and water vapour, which freeze in the cryogenic processing areas must be removed from the incoming air. There are a number of ways for removing these impurities such as partial condensation, adsoprtion, and freeze-out on heat exchange surfaces. If the process cycle is such that the air is compressed to pressures of 13 to 17 M Nm -2, most of the water can be removed by cooling, with supplemental chilling, to 277 K. The remaining water can then be adsorbed on absorbent beds 19 usually 386 alumina or molecular sieve. Alternatively, the water can be frozen-out on heat exchange surfaces such as in stone-filled regenerators 2° or switching heat exchangers. 21 Carbon dioxide can be removed in the warm processing area by scrubbing with caustic soda or by simultaneous adsoprtion of the water and carbon dioxide on molecular sieves. Heat exchange surfaces such as in regenerators and in switching exchangers can be used to freeze-out the carbon dioxide. The removal of the water and carbon dioxide by freeze-out in regenerators or switching exchangers, is the preferred method for clean-up, followed by adsorption on molecular sieves. The choice of the processing method depends on a number of factors including the following: 1. Quantities of pure product. 2. Relative energy consumption. 3. Relative costs. 4. Space requirements. And some less quantifiable considerations such as: 1. Sensitivity to misoperation. 2. Corrosion resistance. 3. Equipment life. 4. Ease of repair. Each user's capabilities and experiences dictates his approach to selection of the best scheme for clean-up. The literature provides some guideline for the selection of the various alternatives.22,2~ If regenerators or switching exchangers are used, attention must be paid to the amount of reversing stream flow and to the temperature difference between the high pressure air and the low pressure reversing streams. Lobo and Skaperdas 24 describe the operation of a reversing heat exchanger and present methods of calculating the maximum tolerable temperature differences. Springmann 22'2s provides similar information covering a wider range of operation of reversing CRYOGENICS. JULY 1977 exchangers and also discusses the maximum allowable temperature differences in regenerators. The effects of entrainment on distillation columns in cryogenic service have been discussed by Chatterjee. 39 Distillation: Cryogenic distillation uses the same basic separation concepts used in distillation processes in the chemical industry. Many excellent texts are available. 3a-3s'a'ls Latimer ~9 provides a general review of cryogenic distillation After the required products, purities, and rates are specified, the number of theoretical stages required for the separation of air can be calculated using the accurate thermodynamic data which are available for air. Procedures for determining the tray efficiencies and hence the actual tray counts have been documented by Jeromin et al, 4° Sherwood and Jenny, 36 and Colbum. a7 The tray design must provide good vapour-liquid contact for good tray efficiencies. Tray hydraulics and design have been described by Fair, 41 Pavlov, 42 and Azbel. 43 There are special design considerations in air separation distillation columns due to the requirements for a large number of theoretical stages (as many as 150 stages for separations including argon) and the need to keep refrigeration losses to the ambient at a minimum. Tray spacing is usually between 100 and 150 mm although some plants have been built with larger tray spacings. Vapour-liquid disengagement between stages becomes a major factor at these spacings since entrainment reduces the efficiency and pushes the hydraulic capacity towards the flood point. The expected operating range of the distillation columns is also an important aspect of these designs. If a large range of product rates is required, the column must be designed to provide the required separation as efficiently as possible. Sieve trays with small diameter holes can be expected to operate with reasonable efficiencies at turndown to 60% of the design capacity. Operation at lower turndown rates can be obtained if bubble cap trays are used. It is important to design the plant for the smallest operating range required since with large turndown capability of the column, pressure drops at high loadings are larger in order to avoid weeping at the lower operating rates. Recent developments toward improving vapour-liquid contact and tray efficiencies have been reported by Winter and Utti, 46 Haselden,'~ and Smith and Delnicki. a~ Conventional type sieve or bubble-cap trays are the usual means for obtaining the separation. Haselden47 reports that 'overflow packing' has distinct advantages under certain conditions and the use of dephlegmators (wetted-wall columns) is also described in the literature, '~ but these special separating devices are not in commercial use. Heat exchange: Ambient temperature heat transfer is a vital part of air separation plant design and is well documented and described in a number of references.13'14'1s Fig. 4 Tonnage air separation plant Crude llquld argon Liquid nitrogen II Crud. argon ~ r F/ I I . Ic°"*nse r L ..... U" I I , To liquefier Check valves 4 rl I ~eeous ,!! ii - G(meous nitrogen oxygen HP LP Inlet filter TT Switch valve Air-Aftercooler compressor [ CRYOGENICS. JULY 1977 separator "Pr!~ure"7 .col0mn.~J J TSuperheoter Main exchanger J 7,,- ~rbon L. I I I Reboiler . J j condenser J/, rber /, I // !J // High ,' Subcooler ,/ Vent -J ~ Expander L Liquid oxygen 387 Discussions on heat transfer will be limited to the cryogenic area. Two major over-riding considerations influence the design of cryogenic heat exchange equipment. First, because of the lower operating temperatures, temperature differences between the streams exchanging heat must be minimized in order to achieve high thermodynamic process efficiency. Second, inefficiencies due to the transfer of external heat into the cryogenic exchanger must be minimized. These requirements have led to 'compact' heat exchangers containing a large amount of heat transfer surface per unit of heat exchanger volume. Exchangers manufactured today contain as much as 125 m 2 of heat transfer surface per cubic foot of exchanger volume. Many varieties of compact heat exchanger surfaces are available. 16 Regenerators, which have a mass of material, usually quartz pebbles, to alternately store heat and refrigeration, are designed also for high heat transfer surface per unit volume. rs Cold expander Most of the heat exchange requirements are for cooling the incoming air and for warming the products and/or waste gases. In many plants, the removal of carbon dioxide and water by alternate freezing and vaporization is also an important aspect of the heat transfer requirements. Methods suitable for 'hand' calculations of regenerators and plate-andfm heat exchangers are available for determining surface area cle rotor HP g~ nitro Fig, 5 All-liquid air separation plant Crude liquid argon Liquid nitrogen : Crude argon ~ . condenser-" To liquefier I L.--~ Check valves_j ! .It , exchanger .a,. I I Gaseous oxygen Gaseous nitrogen HP LP ~J !!' ..!e - - v-- Low "pressure Superheater Hydrocarbon absorber .colu~mn-.. j Reboiler condenser H it IJ m ) ¢ ~ / r ! / / / I I filter JL _j-- Crude argon column i "High/ ,.pressure.. column -- Guard--~ nbsorber ~, Subcooler ¢ 1 Switch valve Vent ,I v Liquid oxygen 388 CRYOGENICS. J U L Y 1977 requirements. 16'~7'2° Equations representing more rigorous approaches which are suitable for computer solution are available for both types of exchangers. 2s'26 Major design considerations, include effects of longitudinal conduction, mass flow rates, and mechanical considerations and mass balances for clean-up considerations. 22-24'27'2s Although the temperature differences and mass flows are important for clean-up calculations, the heat capacities of the freezing and vaporizing water and carbon dioxide are usually ignored, except in the most detailed calculations. Calculations are usually made for steady state operation although designers recognize that 'switching' plants are always operating under transient conditions. The reboiler-condenser of the double column system is a critically important area requiring careful heat transfer calculations. Larger reboiler-condensers are usually fabricated as a thermosyphon reboiler, with boiling oxygen and condensing nitrogen. The heat exchanger can be of the shell and tube, 29 or plate-and-fin types or enhanced surface configurations. 3°'al Data for heat transfer and pressure drop in vertical tube and plate-and-fin type exchangers have been reported. 32 An important aspect of the reboiler design is the necessity for designing and operating to avoid 'dry' boiling of oxygen, usually by total submergence of the reboiler or by high liquid levels, in order to operate safely. The design must simultaneously avoid excessive pressures on the boiling oxygen in order to obtain efficient operation. Any condensing surface of the pure nitrogen, and associated piping must be designed to prevent flooding. The heat transfer associated with the subcooling of liquids and the superheating of gases is usually carried out most effectively in the plate-and-fin type exchanger in larger plants. Smaller plants use other, more conventional types of extended surface heat exchange. In addition to heat transfer and pressure drop, elevation is a major design consideration since many of the fluids in the cold part of the plant are liquids close to their boiling points or vapours close to their condensation temperatures. Proper elevations must be maintained to avoid undesirable conditions of flashing and slugging flow. Refrigeration: Refrigeration required to maintain the plant heat balance and to produce liquid products is normally supplied by reciprocating expansion engines or turboexpanders. Some refrigeration is provided by JouleThompson expansion, and in some plants supplementary refrigeration with freon is provided with conventional vapour-recompression refrigerators, at temperatures from 233 K to 277 K. Reciprocating expanders or turbo-expanders usually have isentropic efficiencies between 70 and 82%. The expanders are usually loaded with blowers or generators to remove the work of expansion. Generator loaded expanders can produce useable electric power for other equipment in the plant; however, they are usually only economic in larger plants which require large amounts of refrigeration. Blower loaded expanders are used in some cycles to provide supplementary compression to a process stream. In small plants, the expansion work may be wasted. More detailed discussions of expanders can be found in references 49, 50, and 20. Reference 51 contains working drawings of various expanders. C R Y O G E N I C S . J U L Y 1977 Some high pressure cycles use a combination of JouleThompson refrigeration and supplementary refrigeration by heat exchange with a low temperature refrigerant. Several liquid plants have been built which use refrigeration available from LNG. Conventional commercial refrigerators are used to precool the air feed to about 275 K in front end molecular sieve clean-up systems, to reduce water loadings. Compression: Gas compression is described in great detail in the literature, such as in reference 52. In air separation, compression equipment is used to compress the air to the high pressure column pressure, to boost product streams to their use pressures, and to provide Joule-Thompson refrigeration. The main air compressor is usually sized to supply the minimum air to obtain the required quantities of products. The pressure of this air is normally dictated by the pressure drop from the low pressure column through the waste circuits, the pressure drop in the low pressure column, the pressure required to condense nitrogen in the reboilercondenser against low pressure boiling oxygen, the pressure drops in the high pressure column, and finally the pressure drop through the heat exchanger and piping to the main air compressor. Cycles which produce high pressure products, or require air at higher pressures for clean-up or for additional refrigeration, impose additional pressure requirements on the main air compressor. The operating range of compressors should match the turndown capabilities of the distillation section. Occasionally, multiple compressors such as two 60% machines, are used where operation over a wide range of plant capacities is required. Oxygen compressors must be designed specifically to meet safety requirements. It is imperative that the system be maintained in a rigorously clean manner and to have only oxygen compatible materials in direct contact with the oxygen. Seal designs are critical. It is advisable to provide personnel protection barriers around compressors since mechanical failures can lead to fires. Existing centrifugal oxygen compressors operate at discharge pressures up to about 7 MN m -2 . Reciprocating compressors are usually used for higher pressure. An alternative method for obtaining oxygen at high pressure, without gaseous compression equipment, is the use of liquid vaporization cycles in which liquid oxygen is pumped to high pressure and then vaporized in a heat exchanger. Materials of construction Selection of the proper materials of construction for the cryogenic section of an air plant is important in order that a safe, economical design can be achieved. Under normal operating conditions, parts of the air separation plant will be operating at temperatures around 90 K. All metals become stronger at these temperatures, but some become more brittle. The problem of brittle fracture is of prime importance in selecting the proper material of construction. Typical material used in air separation plants are copper, alurninium alloys, austenitic stainless steel, and 9% nickel steel. After eliminating metals and alloys subject to brittle failure, the choice is determined by economic considerations. Stress values and relative economics are presented in reference 56. When air separation plants are placed on stream from warm conditions, residual moisture must be removed from the 389 system in order to avoid subsequent freeze-up problems. This could be accomplished easily by forcing air or nitrogen through the plant at a temperature of about 395 K. However, code requirements for many aluminium alloys limit the maximum working temperature to 338 K, and this is the normal air temperature used for defrost. The piping and supports of the cryogenic system must be designed to operate over a range of temperatures from 340 to 90 K. Expansion joints, expansion loops, and bellows are used to provide the necessary flexibility to operate over the 250 K thermal expansion range. 'Transition' fittings are available which enable aluminium to steel connexions to be made by welding and brazing, provided proper design is used to eliminate misalignments and other stress raisers. Flange joints are avoided, if possible. Copper tubing, which is used for smaller flow requirements, is usually silver-brazed. The materials of construction in the oxygen rich part of the air plant are critical since all industrial metals will b u m in pure oxygen. However, some metals and alloys, principally non-ferrous copper containing alloys, are less susceptible to ignition. Ignition energy can be generated as a result of impact of particles, or rupture of materials. Data on various ignition parameters are available for both metals and nonmetals. 57 All these parameters must be considered when selecting a material for oxygen service. References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 390 Fastovskii, V.G., Petrovskii, Y.V. Zhur Fiz Khim 30 No 1 (1956) 76 Bu~bo,F., lshkin, 1. Phy Zeit Der Sol J 16 (1936) 271 Din, F. Proc IIR (1953) Fastovskii, V.G., Petrovskii, Y.V. Zhur Fiz Khim 29, No 7 (1955) 1311 Sagenkahn, M.L., Fink, H.L. ORSD No 4493, Contract ORMAR-685, Penn State College (December 1944) Latimer, R.E.AIChEJ3 (1957) 75 Wilson,G.M., Silverbetg, P.M., Zellner, M.G. International Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Plenium Press, New York, 1965) 192 Table of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Air, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Steam, (Pergamon Press, 1960) (Originally NBS CIR #564, 1960) McCarty,R,D., Weber, L.S. 'Thermophysical properties of oxygen from the freezing line to 600°R for pressures to 5000 psia', NBS TN 384, (1971) Jacobsen, R.T. et al 'Thermophysical properties of nitrogen from the fusion line to 350°R for pressures to 150,000 psia', NBS TN 648 (1973) Gosman, A.L. et al 'Thermodyanic properties of argon from the triple point to 300 K at pressures to 1000 atm,' NSRDS-NBS 27 (1969) Data Book and Buyers Guide/75, Cryogenics and Industrial Gases 10 (May/June, 1975) 45 Rohsenow, W.M., Hartnett, J.P. Handbook of Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill, 1973) McAdams,W.H. Heat Transmission (McGraw-Hill,1942) Kern, D.Q. Process Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill,1950) Keys,W.M., London, A.L. Compact Heat Exchangers (McGraw-Hill, 1958) Kern, D.Q., Kraus, A.D. Extended Surface Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill, 1972) Treybal, R.E. Mass Transfer Operations (McGraw-Hill, 1968) Latimer, R.E. Chemical Engineering Progress 63 No 2 (1967) 35 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Barton, R. Cryogenic Systems (McGraw-Hill,1966) Dodge,B.F., Trumplek, P.IL Trans Am Inst Chem Engrs 43, No 2 (1947) Springmann, H. Chemic lngenieur Technik 46 (1974), 881 Springmann, H. 'Large air separation units plants', Presentation at November 1974 ASME Meeting Lobo, W.E., Skaperda, G.T. Chemical Eng Prog 43 No 2 (1947) 69 Modest,M.F., Tien, C.L. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 17 (1974) 37 Kao, S. TransASME: JHeat Transf87 (1965) 202 Sze, M.C., Cimler, E. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 5, Paper E-3,235 Eimore, G.T.L., Wilson, K. 'Improvements to the operating reliability of reversing heat exchangers', paper presented at Reliability and Safety of Air Separation Plants, November 1973 Dubs, M.A.Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 1 (1960) 307 Shaner, R.L., Sweeney, W.E. Paper 76-WA/PID-2 presented at ASME Winter Meeting, December 1976 Gottzmann, C.F., O'Neill, P.S., Minton, P.E. CEP 69, No 7, 69 HarwellIndustrial Research, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service (HTSF), DRI and DR25 Foust, et ai Principles of Unit Operations (John-Wiley& Sons, Inc, 1960) McCabeand Smith Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (McGraw-Hill, 1956) Robinson, C.S., Gilliland, E.R. Elements of Fractional Distillation (McGraw-Hill, 1950) Sherwood, T.K., Jenny, F.J. Ind & Eng Chem 21 (1935) 265 Colburn, A.P. Ind & Eng Chem 28 No 5 (1936) 526 King,CJ. Separation Processes (McGraw-Hill1971) Chatterje¢, N., Presentation to the AIChE Conference, March 1973, New Orleans leromin, L. 'Efficiency calculation method for sieve plate columns of air separation plants', published in proceedings of the Symposium on Distillation-1969, Institution of Chemical Engineers, London (1969) Fair, J.R. 'Tray hydraulics: perforated trays', published as Chapter 15 of Smith, B.D. (ed), Design of Equil Stage Processes (McGraw-Hill, 1963) Pavlov,V.P. International Chem Eng 4 (1964) 680 Azbel, D.S. International Chern Eng 3 (1963) 319 Haselden,G.G. 'Scope of improving fractionation equipment', The Chemical Engineer (July/August 1975) Smith, V.C., Delnicki, W.V. CEP 71 No 8 (1975) 68 Winter, G.R., Uitti, K.D. CEP (September 1976) Haselden,G.G. Trans Inst Chem Engrs 36 No 3 (1958) Kent, E.R., Pigford, R.L. AIChE J 2 No 3 (1956) 363 Bali,, O.E. 'A study on design criteria and matching of turbomachines: similarity relations and design criteria of turbines', Trans of the A SME Journal of Eng for Power, Paper No 60-WA-230 (1959) Dossat,R.J. Principles of Refrigeration (John Wiley, 1961) Usynkin, 1.P. Plant and Machinery for the Separation of Air by Low Temperature Methods (Pergamon Press) Gibbs, C.W. New Compressed Air and Gas Data (IngersollRand Co, 1969) Springmann, H. Hydrocarbon Proc (1977) 97 Knoblaueh, K. et al Erdoel und Kohle - Erdgas 28 No 9 (1975) Hvizdos~L. CEP6ONo 11 (1964) 64 Campbell, R.W. Chemical Engineering (1967) 188 Schmidt, H. and Forney, D. NASA SP3090 ASRDI Oxygen Technology Survey, Vol 9, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio McAuley,WJ. 'Production and supply logistics of cryogenically produced oxygen', published in Applications of Oxygen to Water and Wastewater Systems - Water Resource Symposium No 6 (Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, 1973) CRYOGENICS . JULY 1977