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Why Ethiopian Opal is a Must-Have for Gemstone Enthusiasts

The Unique Beauty of Ethiopian Opals: What Sets Them Apart
In the great and scintillating world of gems, one gem is unique for the simple reason that it is not just
beautiful but has an aura that is divine, heavenly, and magical in a word, it is pearls.
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Ethiopian opals – those opals that exhibit a play of colors and eye-popping patterns – are nestled
comfortably among valuables.
These gems are not just beautiful, they are history bearers, they are carriers of the Earth’s early
epoch, as well as harbingers of a brighter tomorrow.
A Geological Marvel
Trials of Ethiopian opal stone: the raw material originates from the highlands of Ethiopia, a country
bristling with a traditional past. Although known relatively not a long time ago, in the last century, their
gems are famous for their wonderful, bright colors.
Different from the host rock in Australia by far the most famous opals in the world, Australian opals are
set in volcanic rock, not sedimentary rock. These geological differences allow them to have different
looks as well as styles of formation, or internal structure.
Ethiopian opals are primarily sourced from two regions: the Shewa province, which is famous for an
almost transparent, sometimes having a brownish tint opal, and Wollo province, which produces the
most valuable and the brightest and at the same time the most varied opals.
These Ethiopian opal stone varieties are formed through volcanic processes and reward a high level of
water content to a level of up to 10%, and thus are referred to as hydrophane gems. This means that
one can swell when wet and its color may change; all these being in addition to Ethiopian Fire Opal’s
mesmerizing beauty.
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The Dance of Colors
● The play-of-color is always considered the most fascinating aspect of Ethiopian opals due to the
inside flashes of other colors within the stone. This optical effect is a result of diffraction that
occurs with the light when it transverses the small spherical silica that is contained in the
Ethiopian Fire Opal.
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● Ethiopian opals show powerful color change, even red and orange, and blue and green,
sometimes in the same piece of opal. Every Australian opal is different and has its kind of play
of colors and the structure of the stone.
● Some have generic flashes of colors on them while others may have pinfire-like designs on them.
That beautiful show of colors reminds everyone of a Moonstone.
● The spectrum and saturation of these colors are unique and indeed the intensity of these colors
means that every opal is a piece of nature’s work.
● Such inconsistency is perhaps a plus since Ethiopian opals guarantee that each ornament will be
unique since they are creations of the earth.
Mystical and Metaphysical Properties
In addition to the prized aesthetics, Australian opals are sold based on their mystical powers. There is a
general perception that such gems harness great powers that would help to boost creativity, passion, and
even spirituality.
Thus, the reflection by the Ethiopian opal stone of numerous colors is associated with the richness and
variety of human emotions and serves to facilitate the understanding of one’s feelings and tempering of
It was in these early days that Ethiopian Fire Opals were thought to be lucky stones – stones that could
turn the fortunes of a person around and have him out of misfortune.
The Ethiopian opals due to their scintillating fiery red appearance are believed to carry a strong bond
with the Earth and its elements thus providing its wearer with a sense of stability while at the same
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time enhancing one’s spirit.
Ethiopian opals are thus preferred especially if a person needs strength in their lives as well as at the
same time require elevation of their spirits. If you want to know more about different kinds of opals,
check out: Fire Opal vs Ethiopian Opals: Difference and Benefits.
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Craftsmanship and Jewelry
● Ethiopian opals are special in that they are some of the most beautiful opals in the world and
are sought by jewelers.
● Their quiet brightness and exotic designs provide vast opportunities to experiment with
● These opals are out of this world when set in gold or silver adding that extra bit of beauty to
anything that can be worn.
● That is why they can easily fit into various styles, from traditional and sophisticated to high-tech
and experimental. Such fit is also seen in the amazing Amethysts.
● A major drawback and occasional joy of dealing with Australian opals is that they are
● Casting jewelers need to be conscious of the cutting and setting procedures since these can
easily swell when they come into contact with water, or, in some cases can become more
● But at the same time, this characteristic unveils new design possibilities that are based on
cultural differences.
● For instance, some designers decide to put water or moisture into the design and produce
jewelry that transforms its look in time or with changes in the environment.
Main source of blog : The Unique Beauty of Ethiopian Opals: What Sets Them Apart
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Now deep in the 21st century, Ethiopian opals are finally catching up as ornamental stones and
symbolically. To them, they are a representation of a more informed globalized society, the stories of
the ecosystems and its inhabitants.
These opals, therefore, are pearls that hold in them the time of the creation of the world, the
masterpiece of nature, and even the light of the future. Thus, one can define the major difference
between Australian opals not only based on their physical properties but also in terms of the history
behind them.
It is not only stones for jewels; they are reinstating the soul of the earth and its fiery spirits in sparkle
and light. To own an Ethiopian opal is to possess an opportunity to have a piece of the earth’s heart to
look at, be amazed at and gentlemen, marvel at.
To hold its beauty in one’s hand is a joy and a precious breathing reminder of the enchantments of life
presented in the natural world.
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