Uploaded by Kyle McCormick

Platform Notes

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Linkby founded to help brands regardless of size secure coverage across the most premium
publishers in the world we’re a bit different, as we’re not quite CPA, or traditional PR requiring massive upfront fees
(flat-fee), the problem is that with typical flat-fee spends,
a- very expensive, b- don’t know when content is going live, and c- a lack of control dmeasurability
All you need to do is create a free account- we have no sign-up, membership, or retainersonly pay for clicks driven to your desired landing page!
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We’re a global company- can secure you coverage in USA, UK, AUS, SGP, Malaysia- plans
to expand to EU later this year!
1 account on Linkby= ability to create campaigns for multiple markets
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● Massive portfolio of publishers that you can work with
● Over 300+ titles globally
● I can follow up with a full publisher list post-call
● Includes dedicated, listicle, newsletter, review style content
● Premium player in the space, as a brand, you can pick and choose you want to work
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● 2,000 advertisers have joined us in the past 4 years
● Don’t need to be samsung or spotify in order to secure coverage w/ Linkby
● No outbidding or competitiveness on Linkby
● Wide range of global brands and small brands looking to build up their consumer
● I’ll send over a more catered case study post-call
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● These are ex’s of the type of content we’ve facilitated in the last three months
● We can also secure this beautiful content for you
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● Once you have an account (takes seconds to sign up), click create campaign
● Linkby is a self-serve platform - we can be as hands on or off as you want us to be
● Can be a brand awareness campaign, sale, collaboration with celebrity, really
anytime you want coverage
● Campaign name: for your internal use only (for your reference only)
● Brand: your brand name
● Link to promote: Where you want traffic driven to - can be homepage or a particular
product or LP
UTM: multiple tagging options, we recommend turning this on - which means you can
see performance related to the clicks and conversions that the publisher drove you in
Google Analytics Affiliate platforms: integrated with the major affiliate networks, Awin, Rakuten, SAS,
Impact, etc.. you are absolutely able to apply your 3rd party tracking with your Linkby
activities partner on 0% CPA
Deeplinking: Tool to allow publisher to drive traffic to multiple products within the
same article - no impact on the user journey (conversion optimized)
Listicle: Select listicle if open to receiving listicle or wrap-up, gift guide, style content,
another way to incentivize publisher beyond cost (opens the door for coverage)
Once you submit campaign, the publisher will then be notified and decide whether
they’d like to accept or reject the campaign based on the information you provide this is the perfect time to get the publisher excited about who you are
Headline: snappy headline, feel free to make clickbaity, can feature a sale or discount
code as well- strong CTA is highly encouraged
Detailed description: this is your chance to stand out/ tell your brand story- good time
to mention any sales, discount codes, again, publisher can decide to reject or accept
your campaign based off of the description, don’t need to be a pro writer to effectively
do this, ill share an example a few slides down and dive deeper into that
Creative freedom so make sure to highlight anything you really want to be included
Images: should include a variety of product and lifestyle images, variety gives the
publisher a nice array to choose from
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● Campaign timeframe: the period in which the content must be published by the
publisher- end date is the last day you’re paying for clicks, we typically find that the
publishers don’t take the content down- which is great for SEO/ brand awareness
play recommend as long as possible, however, there is flexibility when it comes to
topical holidays and flash-eqsue sales
Start date: earliest that the content can go live
Pubs are at full discretion to publish content within the campaign timeframe window
Post end-date, CPC tracking ends
Charging model: We do have a $1 minimum CPC in the US- you are in full control of
your CPC, we recommend going as high as you can, we also find that brands that
are in the $2 range are accepted by ~90% of publishers they submit to, again, no
upfront fees, membership fees, retainers
Can get extremely premium content at that $2 range
You’re only paying for clicks from the article to the landing/ product page - sale/
conversion optimized
Campaign budget: publishers do have required budgets, which is not uploading
funds, however they do have a minimum budget allocation that you’re willing to
spend up to- $2,500, $5,000, and $10k publishers
The campaign budget is directly correlative to how many publishers you can work
with at once..
If you select 5 publishers at $5k mark, the publisher that picks your campaign up first
gets the allocated budget
Since Linkby is performance based, the campaign budget is not necessarily what you
end up paying, depends on the publishers ability to fulfill that budget
Placement: Can filter/ toggle by categories of pubs youre interested in - popular
publishers that you want to feature on - we do recommend submitting to multiple
publishers to increase the odds of pick up – we’re always here to help for
recommendations on publishers
Smart budget allocation: new and exciting feature, we recommend you opt in for, if
you have any budget that is unused, it will automatically go to the top performing
publisher on your campaign - youre seeing lots of clicks for
This ensures that you deliver your budget in full
Ensures youre maximizing budget to the right titles
● Submit!
● Pubs then get notified you’re interested in working with them
● Can see via emails who has accepted your story
● Notified once content goes live (with story URL)
● Start seeing clicks and performance metrics roll in applied via tracking platform
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● We’ve done 150 pieces of content for Augustinus Bader in just 3 years
● Don’t need to be professional writer in order to submit a campaign brief
● What makes this brief great: Has a ton of key information about the brand- gives
everything they need in order to write the content
● Tremendous imagery