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Shake Business Analysis: Market, Competition, Distribution

A: Market profile
The target market of our shake is those who want to reduce thirst due to the heat of the weather that
can be enjoyed by children and adults. The target is also those who go to the worship place of Diocesan
Shrine and Parish of St. Augustine near our store.
B: Competitive Analysis
1: Selling Price
The company has its price based on how difficult life is, we sell the product at a lower price than our
competitors, it is important that we earn a little as long as we help other people, we also make sure that
despite the low price of our product is of good quality and it is safe to drink.
2. Competitions
Classic shakescape : the shake is delicious and refreshing because it is based on cow's milk that contains
protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that helps to inflammatory issues, good for healthy
bone development in all ages and boosts immune and the flavor comes from the biscuits that remind us
of being young and our childhood with an affordable price.
Machi mango : the shake is refreshing because they use ripe mangoes, sweeteners and milk that make it
delicious and also because of the taste of their product, many people have franchised their business
located in different streets in our country.
Zagu : the company is one of the first to sell shakes in our country so this is one of their strengths, the
flavors are very common so they have many customers, the price is much higher from other shakes and
you can buy this product inside the supermarket and also in some streets of the country
Classic shakescape : the product is newly release to the industry so that our staff is lack of experience
and marketing expertise
Machi mango : with the number of their stores in the country, it is usually difficult for them to find fresh
ingredients so they use preserved ingredients and flavorings.
Zagu : the price of their product is more expensive compared to other businesses so the number of their
customers is decreasing and the flavor of their product is very common now so they are looking for new
Opportunities : since our product is a new release, it is new to people's ears, here they become
interested in what it really tastes like, so many people want to try and taste our product and by the use
of modern technology we can post it to the social media as an advertisement to take more customers
Machi mango: the business could sell more product since they have a lot of store in the country.
Zagu : it was easy for them to sell because they were one of the first shakes sold in the country so people
already know their brand
Classic shakescape : price war with compepitors (shakeescape and machi mango have similar price) the
competitors introduced to the market
Machi mango : shakescape have a lot of flavor options than the competitors, the competitors are more
famous to the shakescape.
Zagu : the shakescape is more affordable to the competitors and have a unique flavors.
3. Channel of Product Distribution
the distribution of our product using the delivery van that will bring the ingredients to the stall where
our kind and polite staff will serve the product to the customers with a delicious and presentable look