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Special Education & Development Theories

Application of the Theory to Special Education needs of learners
Geographical isolation - people from remote places like island
Chronic illness - ongoing medical education or limit activity
Displacement - change of position of object or person due to war/distaster
Urban settlement - official agreement between two sides who were involved in a conflict, makes
everything worse than before
Disasters - natural calamities or war
Child abuse and child labor - sexual abuse, maltreatment
Stages of Language Acquisition by Robert Sternberg
1. Cooing (pre-tallk) 0-6 months
2. Babbling 6-8 months
3. One-word utterances (holophrase) ex: up-pakarga
4. Two-word utterances (combination) ex: kick ball
5. Telegraphic speech (more complex and incomplete) ex: want ice cream
6. Basic adult sentence ex: I want ice cream.
Language Acquisition Device (Chomsky)
• mental capacity which an infant acquire and produce language
• "Nativist Theory of Language" humans are born with the instinct or innate facility for acquiring
Thus, children learn language step by step:
Controller drilling
Reinforcement - can either be positive or negative
Attachment Theory (John Bowbly)
1. Pre-attachement - 6 weeks baby, baby shows NO attachment to specific caregiver
2. Indiscriminate - 6 weeks to 7 months, show PREFERENCE for primary and secondary caregivers
3. Discriminate - 8+ month, show STRONG attachment to one specific caregiver
4. Multiple - 10+ month, growing bonds with other
Emotional Quotient (EQ) by Daniel Goldman
Self-awareness - knowing your mood and how it affects other
Self-regulation - controlling one's emotions
Motivation - utilize emotional factors to achieve goal
Empathy - sensing emotions of other
Social skills - managing relationships, inspiring other