Uploaded by Joseph McVelia

Tics in VR: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography for Investigation on
Mitigating the effects of Tics in VR
Joseph Mcvelia
Tic Disorders
Knight, T., Steeves, T., Day, L., Lowerison, M., Jette, N., and Pringsheim, T. Prevalence of tic disorders: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Pediatric neurology 47, 2 (Aug 2012), 77–90
Evaluates the prevalence of tic disorders in 35 studies from 1985-2011. Shows tic disorders are more common in: children than adults, boys than girls, and in special education populations.
Chouinard, S. Adult onset tic disorders. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 68, 6 ( Jun 2000), 738–743
Gathers information on patients who’s tic disorders first present in adulthood, to shed
light on the nature of an under-recognised condition that is more common than generally reported.
Kim, S., Kim, M.-S., Kim, J., and Hong, S.-B. Incidence trend and epidemiology of tic disorders among youths and adults in korea from
2003 to 2020: A national population-based study. Psychiatry research
331 ( Jan 2024), 115634–115634
Shows an increase in incident cases of tic disorders between 2003 and 2020, contains
lots of data on tic disorder frequency, however data taken only in Korea so unsure of
how it applies globally.
Gilles de la Tourette’s Syndrome
Alsobrook, J. P., and Pauls, D. L. A factor analysis of tic symptoms
in gilles de la tourette’s syndrome. The American journal of psychiatry
159, 2 (Feb 2002), 291–296
Classifies the names and frequencies of tic symptoms. Fits them into clusters for cluster
analysis. Addresses recurrence risk among relatives of TS subjects based on symptom
Maxwell-Scott, M., O’Keeffe, F., and Fiona. Coping with tourette’s
syndrome: a meta-ethnography of individual and family perspectives. Psychology & health (May 2024), 1–23
A systematic review of how children, adults, and families cope with GTS. Addresses
social identity, control of visible symptoms, and challenging the narrative around GTS.
Jankovic, J., and Stone, L. Dystonic tics in patients with tourette’s
syndrome. Movement disorders 6, 3 ( Jan 1991), 248–252
Dystonic tics are relatively slow and sustained movements producing briefly maintained abnormal postures. Addresses frequency of dystonic tics in general and the frequency of different types of dystonic tics.
Jung, J., Jackson, S. R., Nam, K., Hollis, C., and Jackson, G. M. Enhanced saccadic control in young people with tourette syndrome despite slowed pro-saccades. Journal of neuropsychology 9, 2 (Apr 2014),
Investigates eye movements in GTS subjects, showing that GTS subjects without comorbid ADHD have more saccadic accuracy with a longer latency to initiate and complete the saccades.
Shaikh, A. G., Finkelstein, S. R., Schuchard, R., Ross, G., and Juncos,
J. L. Fixational eye movements in tourette syndrome. Neurological
Sciences 38, 11 (Aug 2017), 1977–1984
Investigates fixational eye movements such as microsaccades and ocular drifts to conclude that fixational eye movements could be used as objective biological markers of
and ZEE, D. S. Oculomotor abnormalities in boys with tourette syndrome with and without adhd. Journal of the American Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 40, 12 (Dec 2001), 1464–1472
Assesses saccadic eye movements in boys with GTS, with and without comorbid ADHD,
showing that GTS is associated with a delay in initiation of motor response.
Scharf, J. M., Miller, L. L., Gauvin, C. A., Alabiso, J., Mathews, C. A.,
and Ben-Shlomo, Y. Population prevalence of tourette syndrome: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Movement disorders 30, 2 (Dec
2014), 221–228
Refines the population prevalence estimates of GTS in children andinvestigates potential sources of heterogeneity.
Martino, D., Cavanna, A. E., Robertson, M. M., and Orth, M. Prevalence and phenomenology of eye tics in gilles de la tourette syndrome.
Journal of neurology 259, 10 (Mar 2012), 2137–2140
Analyses eye tics over a large GTS subject group, showing its high prevalence and
breaking down the prevalence of different classifications of eye tics
Tulen, J. H. M., Azzolini, M., de, A., Groeneveld, W. H., Passchier, J.,
and van. Quantitative study of spontaneous eye blinks and eye tics
in gilles de la tourette’s syndrome. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery
and psychiatry 67, 6 (Dec 1999), 800–802
Studies spontaneous eye bling rate and frequency of eye tics in GTS subjects during
rest, conversation, and video watching and compares these values to a control group.
Kovacich, S. Tourette syndrome and the eye. Optometry 79, 8 (Aug
2008), 432–435
Set of case reports on subjects presenting with eye related tics and GTS.
Eriguchi, Y., Aoki, N., Kano, Y., and Kasai, K. Rotational plane-wise
analysis of angular movement of neck motor tics in tourette’s syndrome. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry
108 ( Jun 2021), 110092–110092
Presents data related to head angular velocity and acceleration during tics, showing
significantly higher velocities/accelerations during tics in the pitch plane.
Eriguchi, Y., Gu, X., Aoki, N., Nonaka, M., Goto, R., Kuwabara, H.,
Kano, Y., and Kasai, K. A 2-year longitudinal follow-up of quantitative assessment neck tics in tourette’s syndrome. PloS one 16, 12 (Dec
2021), e0261560–e0261560
Follow up for study above, collecting data after 2 year period and demonstrating that
intensity and frequency of tics did not change over time. (contains head velocity and
acceleration data)
Automatic Tic Monitoring
Bernabei, M., Preatoni, E., Mendez, M., Piccini, L., Porta, M., and Andreoni, G. A novel automatic method for monitoring tourette motor
tics through a wearable device. Movement disorders 25, 12 (Sep 2010),
Proposes automatic method for detecting and quantifying motor tics using a wearable
three-axial accelerometer device.
Bernabei, M., Andreoni, G., Mendez, M. O., Piccini, L., Aletti, F., Sassi,
M., Servello, D., Porta, M., and Preatoni, E. Automatic detection of
tic activity in the tourette syndrome. PubMed (Aug 2010)
Goes into detail on an algorithm for tic detection using accelerometer data, gives best
values for constants to use within functions to give most reliable detection outputs.
Tulen, J. H. M., Groeneveld, W. H., Judith, Sander, and Ben. Ambulatory accelerometry to quantify involuntary movements and tics in
the syndrome of gilles de la tourette. Behavior research methods, instruments & computers/Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers 33, 3 (Aug 2001), 357–363
Evaluates head motility levels in 3 orthogonal planes using accelerometry during rest,
conversation, and passive video watching.
Cernera, S., Pramanik, L., Boogaart, Z., Cagle, J. N., Gomez, J., Moore,
K., Loong, K., Okun, M. S., Gunduz, A., and Deeb, W. The human tic
detector: An automatic approach to tic characterization using wearable sensors. Clinical neurophysiology 134 (Feb 2022), 102–110
Creates an automatic tic detection and classification algorithm using electromyogram
and acceleration data from tic and voluntary movement.
Ganos, C., Martino, D., Espay, A. J., Lang, A. E., Bhatia, K. P., and Edwards, M. J. Tics and functional tic-like movements. Neurology 93,
17 (Oct 2019), 750–758
Discusses the potential for telling the difference between tics and functional tic-like
Data Filtering
Jin, F., Sattar, F., and Goh, T. An acoustical respiratory phase segmentation algorithm using genetic approach. Medical & biological
engineering & computing 47, 9 ( Jul 2009), 941–953
An example of NEO used on audio signals.
Mukhopadhyay, S., and Ray, G. C. A new interpretation of nonlinear
energy operator and its efficacy in spike detection. IEEE Transactions
on Biomedical Engineering 45, 2 ( Jan 1998), 180–187
Detailed explanation of NEO and its statistical interpretation, along with how to threshold data in spike detection. Also a comparison of the NEO algorithm to other spike
detection algorithms.
Maragos, P., Kaiser, J., and Quatieri, T. On amplitude and frequency
demodulation using energy operators. IEEE transactions on signal
processing 41, 4 (Apr 1993), 1532–1550
Comparison and explanation of the uses and functionality of NEO on discrete (digital)
and continuous (real) signals.
Ataman, E., Aatre, V., and Wong, K. A fast method for real-time median filtering. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 28, 4 (Aug 1980), 415–421
Detailed explanation of a method for real time median filtering of signals and images.
Casiez, G., Roussel, N., and Vogel, D. 1 € filter. HAL (Le Centre pour
la Communication Scientifique Directe) (May 2012)
Very good filter for VR noise filtering