LESSON 1:CONCEPT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP FIRST QUARTER ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENTREPRENEURSHIP refers to the creation and growth of business or of businesses to profit from it. step to develop more products that can solve bigger concerns in the future. it is an art and a skill. WORD ENTREPRENEUR derived from the French word entreprende which means to carry out. it is an individual who organizes, oversees, and ventures into business. it is also the owner or the manager of a business CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ENTREPRENEUR Courageous Problem Solver Hard Working Confidence Given value in own money Initiative and Optimism Innovative IMPORTANCE OF AN ENTREPRENEUR provide employment. introduces new products delivering something new in technology, industry, and product market. discover innovative ways that improve skills. leading to continue the factors of production. TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Size a.) Microenterprise small business that employs less than 10 employees. EXAMPLES OF MICROENTERPRISE STREET VENDORS CARPENTERS SHOEMAKERS TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Size b.) Cottage Enterprise home-based business (usually family business) with 6 to nine employees. EXAMPLES OF COTTAGE ENTERPRISE ONLINE TUTORING COMPUTER REPAIRS CLEANING SERVICES TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Size c.) Small Scale Enterprise business that employs few employees. private owned operated by sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporations. EXAMPLES OF SMALL SCALE ENTERPRISE HOUSE PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY VIDEOGRAPHY TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Size d.) Medium Scale Enterprise business enterprise which employs 100 employees or more. EXAMPLES OF MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISE RESTAURANT MANUFACTURING CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Size e.) Large Scale Enterprise business enterprise which employs 200 employees or more. EXAMPLES OF LARGE SCALE ENTERPRISE Global Auto Parts & Accessories Global Commercial Real State Global Commercial Banks TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Ownership a.) Single or Sole Proprietorship business which is owned and operated by single individual. TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Ownership b.) Partnership business which is owned and operated by two or more people who call themselves as partner. TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Ownership c.) Corporation business which has five owners (known as stockholders). TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Ownership d.) Cooperative business type with at least five members all of whom have equal voting rights regardless of the level of their involvement or investment.