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Project Management Case Study Assignment Instructions

PM CSI Assessment 2
Written assignment Case Study Report of 3,500 words (excluding references and
appendices) covering LOs 1-4. The report is in two parts. Submission date for all groups
will be on Friday 20th September 2024. Weighting 80%.
Part 1 – Critically evaluate current and future trends for successful project management
based on the four themes of this module. The FOUR themes of this module are Commercial
Sustainability, MegaProject Risk, Cutting-Edge PM and High-Performance Project Teams.
Part 2 – Detailed evaluation of ONE of the two Case Studies (Majerhat Bridge OR TRUMPF
Se). Undertake a literature review of the key topics, critically analyse the case, review tools
/ theories and processes, and identify how the project issues and learning can be used in
other projects.
If you choose to evaluate the ‘Majerhat’ case study, then the main aims and objectives of your
critical analysis in section 4 should be to:
A. Critically analyse the key risks facing the project due to its complex stakeholder
environment and how it affects the way risks are managed. Include how the tendering
process and organisational issues create risks.
B. Critically evaluate the risk environment and risk management strategies, tools and
techniques that could be deployed in similar projects. Refer to project processes, NAT
and HROs.
C. Assess how stakeholders should be engaged to mitigate risks to a programme, what
issues might be encountered, and explain your reasoning.
If you choose to evaluate the ‘TRUMPF Se’ case study, then the main aims and objectives of
your critical analysis in section 4 should be to:
A. Critically analyse how cutting-edge tools can provide economies of scale in RPA projects.
Include cost/benefit and business case aspects for projects.
B. Critically evaluate the issues of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), the 7 rights of
logistics and supply chain issues for change projects.
C. Identify how RPA can be successfully utilised in other change projects, what issues might
be encountered, and explain your reasoning.
Suggested structure for the 3,500-word report:
1. Introduction. (200 words)
2. Critically evaluate current and future trends for successful project management
based on the four themes of this module. The FOUR themes of this module are
Commercial Sustainability, MegaProject Risk, Cutting-Edge PM and HighPerformance Project Teams. (500 words) – see “Part 1” above
3. Literature review of relevant material for the selected case study, and the related
topic issues. (1300 words)
4. Critical analysis of the chosen case study, demonstrating knowledge of good practice
through PM frameworks/ models/ tools/ processes. (1100 words)
5. Conclusion with recommendations for practical action, transfer to other projects and
future research (400 words)
6. References
7. Appendices (including ‘statement of originality’)
In addition, the report should have a Title page, contents page, lists of figures and
tables, and a reference list (these are not included in the word count). Please note
that an Executive Summary is not required for this report. You may replace generic
headings with specific headings of your own to ensure good readability.
Important Points: 3,500 words excluding title, contents pages etc and reference list.
The word count should be stated on the title page.
Please use your student number at the start of the file name (‘UP123456 PMCSI’, for
example), and it should also be shown on the title page of the report. Do not include
your name to ensure anonymous marking.
Use an easy-to-read font such as Arial 12point, with 1.5 line spacing and ‘normal’
margins of 2.54cm. Figures and Tables should illustrate your work and be fully labelled
and referenced.
The report should be written in third person.
Referencing requirements: Students must reference all sources using the APA 7th
Edition. Guidance on this method of referencing can be found at
www.referencing.port.ac.uk. Reference should be made to the primary source,
except when the primary source can no longer be obtained. Poor citation of sources
will result in a loss of marks.
To avoid plagiarism which is an automatic fail, you must ensure that it is your own
work and all the sources you use within your work are fully cited. Do also ensure
when quoting directly from sources that you use indentation or quotation marks (as
appropriate) and cite the page number. Complete the Statement of Originality on the
Moodle site and provide it in the Appendix of your submission.
All assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism and using ghost writers
/assignment contract writers, other students’ work or other sources. If an assignment
is found to be in breach of academic regulations - it will not be marked and will be
referred for further scrutiny by the BAL Assessment Offences team who will conduct
an investigation.
All your sources should be listed in a reference list in accordance with APA 7th
edition. Students who fail to include a reference list will be penalised.
How to submit your work
This is by electronic submission through Moodle (Turnitin) where you will upload the
assignment in the Dropbox set up for this purpose on the module site by 23:55 pm,
otherwise the system will time you out. When you upload your work remember to
press the “submit” button which will then automatically generate an electronic receipt
as proof of the date and time of submission.
When submitting your assignment, please include your student number as the file
name, for example:”123456_report”. This is important to do as the work is marked
Please include your student number in the “footer or header” of your
document. We've had problems in previous years when the student ID could
not be found anywhere in the assignment, so we had no idea who to assign the
mark to.
If you have any technical problems when submitting your work, send an email to
sue.mcclory@port.ac.uk and also copy submissions@port.ac.uk with the
assignment attached, explaining the issue, your student number and a screenshot
of the error. This must be done immediately (before the deadline).
General IT issues should be reported in the usual way via Information Services
(see: myport.ac.uk). The telephone number is +44 023 9284 7777. Or you can
email: servicedesk@port.ac.uk.
Learning Outcomes
1. To develop a critical understanding of contemporary issues and themes in Project
2. Demonstrate the ability to search, retrieve and creatively combine evidence and
information from literature at the forefront of Project Management in both
methodology and practice.
3. Develop innovative ideas and formulate meaningful conclusions regarding the issues
of the chosen case.
4. Develop a clear plan for recommended practical action and future research
regarding the specific case and the contemporary theme.
Marking Criteria and weighting
Evaluation of Issues 15%
Presentation, Synthesis and Use of Information 15%
Evaluation of Information 15%
International / Global Issues 10%
Originality in proposing Solutions 10%
Communication to an Expert Audience (content, structure and presentation) 10%
Creative use of PM knowledge & processes 15%
Referencing is accurate and used extensively 10%