YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Animal Husbandry Page | 1 The term husbandry derives from the word “husband” which means ‘one who takes care’. When it incorporates the study of proper utilization of economically important domestic animals, it is called Livestock Management. Some Important Points: First livestock census in India was conducted as Dairy Cattle Census in 1919. ❖ Total livestock population in India- 512.05 million. ❖ Share of world livestock population in India - 15% ❖ Livestock Census takes place at every five years (Quinquennial) ❖ In India about 300 million bovines, 65.07 million sheep, 135.2 million goats and about 10.3 million pigs as per 19th Livestock Census in the country ❖ In India cattle has 37%, buffalo: 21%, Goat: 26% and sheep has 13% out of total animal population. ❖ Poultry meat contribute 47%, buffalo: 20% and goat: 14%. ❖ Livestock sector employs 8 per cent of total Indian Workforce ❖ Percentage of livestock owned by marginal, small and semi-medium farmers: 87.7 per cent ❖ Percentage of area used for all types of livestock farming: 1.69 per cent ❖ Cannibalism is seen in poultry due to: Sodium chloride deficiency ❖ Cracked feet in poultry is caused by: Deficiency of biotin ❖ Degnala and Alkali diseases are caused due to toxicity of: Selenium ❖ Highest sheep population is in Andhra Pradesh. ❖ 18.5 per cent of total world milk is produced in India ❖ When separate hatcher is used temperature is maintained at about 98°F and relative humidity at 70 to 80 per cent to obtain good hatch. ❖ Deworming: Deworming starts at first week and then after every month for first six months. ❖ Brooder space of 7 to 10 sq inch (45-65 cm2) is recommended per chick and 1·80 m hover can hold 500 chicks. ❖ Floor space of 0·05 m2 should be provided per chick to start with, which should be increased by 0·05 m2 after every 4 weeks until the pullets are about 20 weeks of age. For broilers at least 0·1 m2 of floor space for female chicks and 0·15 m2 for male chicks should be provided till 8 weeks of age. ❖ The shed shall be 15m (l) x 4m (w) x 3 m (h) and can accommodate not more than 60 ewes or does. ❖ The dimension is of 4m (l) ×2.5m (w) ×3m (h) and can accommodate about 3 rams/ bucks. ❖ The partition between each shed should not exceed one meter. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO ❖ Lactation Period: is the period of milk production between birth of a young one and the next pregnancy and it usually lasts about 300 days. ❖ The state which is second in milk production is: Rajasthan ❖ Fat globule in the milk are in the form of: Emulsion Page | 2 ❖ Protein present in the milk in the form of: Colloidal ❖ Lactose and Minerals are present in milk in the form of: Solution ❖ Gir, Red, Sindhi, Sahiwal and Tharparker are some high-yielding varieties of cows. ❖ Friesian, Jersey, Swiss are high-yielding exotic varieties of cows. ❖ Bikaneri, Kashmiri, Gaddi are some important breed of sheep. ❖ Aseel, Ghagus, Chittagong and Basra are some good varieties of Indian Poultry. ❖ ILS 82 and B 77 are improved varieties of Indian poultry. ❖ Best crop for silage making is: Maize ❖ Temperature of artificial vagina: 42 °C ❖ The carbohydrate or sugar constituent of the milk: Lactose ❖ In India wool production is maximum in: Rajasthan ❖ Milk leaves the udder at body temperature of about 38°C. ❖ When the milk leaves the udder, bacteria grow well at the ambient temperature (20-40°C) ❖ Critical temperature for bacterial growth is 10°C. ❖ Total number of slaughter houses in India: 3600 ❖ Share of Uttar Pradesh in Total Milk Production in India: 16.8% ❖ Share of Tamil Nadu in Total Egg Production in India: 18.9% ❖ Share of Uttar Pradesh in Total Meat Production in India: 18.23% ❖ Share of Rajasthan in Total Wool Production in India: 32.9% ❖ Highest growth rate in milk production: Andhra Pradesh (12.6%) ❖ Highest growth rate in egg production: Himachal Pradesh (18.2%) ❖ Highest growth rate in meat production: Daman & Diu (65.4%) (Among states: Maharashtra (25.2%) ❖ Highest growth rate in wool production: Arunachal Pradesh (63.17%) ❖ Browsing is related to goat while grazing is related to sheep. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Salient Features of 19th Livestock Census Page | 3 The total livestock population consisting of Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, pig, Horses & Ponies, Mules, Donkeys, Camels, Mithun and Yak in the country is 512.05 million numbers in 2012. The total livestock population has decreased by about 3.33% over the previous census. ➢ Livestock population has increased substantially in Gujarat (15.36%), Uttar Pradesh (14.01%), Assam (10.77%), Punjab (9.57%), Bihar (8.56%), Sikkim (7.96%), Meghalaya (7.41%), and Chhattisgarh (4.34%). ➢ The number of milch animals (in-milk and dry), cows and buffaloes, has increased from 111.09 million to 118.59 million, an increase of 6.75%. ➢ The number of animals in milk, cows and buffaloes, has increased from 77.04 million to 80.52 million showing a growth of 4.51%. ➢ The Female Cattle (Cows) Population has increased by 6.52% over the previous census (2007) and the total number of female cattle in 2012 is 122.9 million numbers. ➢ The Female Buffalo population has increased by 7.99% over the previous census and the total number of female buffalo is 92.5 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The exotic/crossbred milch cattle increased from 14.4 million to 19.42 million, an increase of 34.78%. ➢ Indigenous milch cattle increased from 48.04 million to 48.12 million, an increase of 0.17%. ➢ The milch buffaloes increased from 48.64 million to 51.05 million with an increase of 4.95% over previous census. ➢ The total sheep in the country is 65.06 million numbers in 2012, declined by about 9.07% over census 2007. ➢ The Goat population has declined by 3.82% over the previous census and the total Goat in the country is 135.17 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The total pigs in the country have decreased by 7.54% over the previous census and the total pigs in the country are 10.29 million numbers in 2012. ➢ Horses & Ponies population has increased by 2.08% over the previous census and the total Horses & Ponies in the country is 0.62 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The total Mules in the country have increased by 43.34% over the previous census and the total Mules in the country are 0.19 million numbers in 2012. ➢ Camel population has decreased by 22.48% over the previous census and the total Camels in the country is 0.4 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The total Donkey population in the country have decreased by 27.22% over the previous census and the total donkeys in the country are 0.32 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The total poultry population in the country has increased by 12.39% over the previous census and the total poultry in the country is 729.2 million numbers in 2012. ➢ The total Mithun and Yak in the country has registered a growth rates of 12.98% and -7.64% respectively over the previous census and the Mithuns and Yaks in the country is 0.29 million and 0.07 million in numbers respectively. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Page | 4 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO ALL INDIA LIVESTOCK CENSUS (in thousands) CATEGORY 2007 1) Cattle 2012 % Change 6,844 26,216 33,060 5,971 33,760 39,732 -12.75 28.78 20.18 76,779 89,236 1,66,015 1,99,075 61,949 89,224 1,51,172 1,90,904 -19.32 -0.01 -8.94 -4.10 19,597 85,745 1,05,342 16,103 92,599 1,08,702 -17.83 7.99 3.19 1,144 2,586 3,730 1,207 2,574 3,781 5.51 -0.46 1.37 16,730 51,098 67,828 71,558 13,916 47,372 61,288 65,069 -16.82 -7.29 -9.64 -9.07 40,793 99,744 1,40,537 37,617 97,556 1,35,173 -7.79 -2.19 -3.82 Exotic/Crossbred • • Male Female Total Exotic/Crossbred Indigenous • Male • Female Total Indigenous Total Cattle 2) Buffalo • • Male Female Total Buffalo 3) Sheep Exotic/Crossbred • Male • Female Total Exotic/Crossbred Indigenous • Male • Female Total Indigenous Total Sheep 4) Goat • Male • Female Total Goat India’s rank in the world: India’s Rank Sector 1st Total Livestock Population, Milk Production, Total Bovine Population ,Cattle Population, Buffalo Population, Carabeef Production, Goat Milk Production 2nd Agri Coaching Goat Population, Bristle Production (a pig industry by-product), Fish Production Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Page | 5 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO 3rd Sheep Production, Egg Production 4th Chicken Production 5th Poultry Meat Production, Poultry Production 8th Duck Production 9th Camel Population, Wool Production Leading States in India for Livestock Production: Feature State Highest milk producing state Uttar Pradesh (25,198 L) State with highest per capita availability of milk Punjab (1075 g) State with highest per capita availability of eggs Andhra Pradesh (312 eggs) Highest meat production Uttar Pradesh Highest goat meat production West Bengal Highest poultry and sheep meat production Andhra Pradesh Highest wool production Rajasthan Highest indigenous milch cows Madhya Pradesh Highest Cross-bred or exotic cows Tamil Nadu Highest number of poultry birds Andhra Pradesh Highest number of livestock Uttar Pradesh Highest cattle population Madhya Pradesh Highest buffalo population Uttar Pradesh Highest sheep population Andhra Pradesh Highest goat population Rajasthan Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Highest pig population Assam Highest camel population Rajasthan Page | Growth Rates of Livestock Products: 6 Product Growth Rate Meat 5.21 per cent Broiler production 11 per cent Egg production 6.28 per cent Milk production 5.3 per cent Wool production -0.08 per cent Average Yield Rate for Milk in India: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exotic Cows Crossbred Cows Indigenous Cows Non Descript Cows Indigenous Buffalo Non-Descript Buffalo Goat 11.21 (kg/ day) 7.33 (kg/ day) 3.41(kg/ day) 2.16 (kg/ day) 5.76 (kg/ day) 3.80 (kg/ day) 0.45 (kg/ day) Terminology used in Animal Husbandry Detail Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Pig Horse Species Bovine Bovine Ovine Caprine Swine or sus Equine Group Herd Herd Flock Flock/band Drove/Herd/ Pack Ram/Tup Buck Stock Boar Stallion Eve Doe Sow Mare Buckling/ Boarling Colt Adult Male Bull Adult Female Young Male Cow Bull calf Agri Coaching Buffalo Bull She Buffalo Buffalo bull Ram lamb/ calf Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Young Female Page | 7 Heifer calf Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Buffalo Heifer calf New-born Calf Buffalo calf Castrated Male Bullock/Steer Buffalo bullock Tup lamb Male Kid Eve Lamb/ Goalting Gilt Filly Gimmer Lamb Lamb Kid Piglet/Pigling Foal Wether/Wedder Wether Hog/Stag/ Gelding/ Geld Spayed SterilisedSpayed Female Female with Calf at foot its offspring Parturition Calving Spayed Spayed Spayed Barrow Spayed Calf at foot Suckling Suckling Suckling Foal at foot Calving Lambing Kidding Farrowing Foaling Mating Serving Tupping Serving Coupling Covering Serving Body temperature, pulse rate and respiration of different animals Kind of animal Temperature 0 Buffalo Dairy cow Goat Sheep Pig Chicken Camel C 38.3 38.5 39.8 39.1 39.1 41.7 36.3 0 F 101 101.4 103.8 102.4 102.4 107.2 97.4 Rate per minute Pulse 44-50 50-60 70-90 70-90 70-80 128-140 32-50 Respiration 15-20 20-25 12-30 12-30 10-16 12-28 5-12 Gestation period, Oestrous cycle, Heat period of various animals Animal Gestation period Oestrous cycle Heat period Cow Age of Puberty (In months) 24- 30 285 21 Days 18 hours Buffalo 28-30 310 21 Days 24 hours Sheep 9-14 145-150 15-18 Days 1-3 Days Goat 8-10 150-152 20 Days 2-3 Days Camel 36-48 391 10 Days 3-5 Days Swine 8-10 114 21 Days 1-5Days Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Oestrus cycle: Page | 8 ❖ Proestrum (2 days): Period of building up growth of graffian Follicle which helps for the nourishment of ovum fluid contains hormone called “oestrogen”. It causes changes in uterus, blood supply. ❖ Oestrum (1 day): During which the female is ready to receive male. ❖ Metoestrum (4 days): Implantation of the embryo takes place. C.L. takes place. Prevents the growth of graffian follicle thereby arrests oestrus cycle.(RRB SO 18) ❖ Diestrum (14 days): Further development of uterus takes place. If the animal has not conceived involution of uterus take place. Animal Products Statistics: Commodity Total Production (per year) Per Capita Availability ICMR Recommendations Milk 165.4 MT 355 grams/day 280 grams/day Meat 7.4 MT 2.96 kg/year 11 kg/year Eggs 88.1 billion 69 eggs/year 182 eggs/year Species Wise Milk Contribution to Total Milk Production in India: Species Percentage of Total Milk Buffalo indigenous 35 per cent Buffalo non-descript 14 per cent Cow indigenous 11 per cent Cow non-descript 9 per cent Cow cross-bred 26 per cent Cow exotic 1 per cent Goat 3 per cent Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Animal Breeding: When breeding is between animals of the same breed it is called inbreeding, while crosses between different breeds are called outbreeding. Inbreeding : Page | 9 • • • • Mating of closely related animals in the same breed such as brother – sister mating, parents off spring mating. When the mates have common ancestors -within 4 generations this results in inbreeding. Advantage : A pure line of a particular breed can be maintained Disadvantage : Loss of vigour, size, production fertility problems Out breeding : • Mating of unrelated animals in the same breed but with no common ancestor for a minimum of 4-6 generations. • After 5-6 generations the off springs will have 96.9 & 98.3% of the hereditary characters of “Pure Breed” • So grading is a process by which a few “Pure Breed” sires can rather quickly transform local variety of animals into a Group resembling the pure breed • However, continued inbreeding, especially close inbreeding, and usually reduces fertility and even productivity. This is called inbreeding depression. Close Breeding: Mating of full sister to full brother, Sire to his daughter or dam to her son. Line Breeding:Mating of half-brother and half-sister, Cousin, Increase homozygosity and decrease heterozygosity. Out-crossing: • This is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of their pedigree up to 4-6 generations. • The offspring of such a mating is known as an out-cross. It is the best breeding method for animals that are below average in productivity in milk production, growth rate in beef cattle, etc. • A single outcross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression. Cross-breeding: • In this method, superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed. Crossbreeding allows the desirable qualities of two different breeds to be combined. • The progeny hybrid animals may themselves be used for commercial production. Alternatively, they may be subjected to some form of inbreeding and selection to develop new stable breeds that may be superior to the existing breeds. • Many new animal breeds have been developed by this approach. • Hisardale is a new breed of sheep developed in Punjab by crossing Marino rams.And Bikaneri ewes. Triple cross: In this method three breeds are crossed in a rotational manner it is also called rotational crossing. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Back Cross: mating of a cross breed back to one of the pure parent. Page | 10 Interspecific hybridization: In this method, male and female animals of two different related species are mated. In some cases, the progeny may combine desirable features of both the parents, and may be of considerable economic value, e.g., the mule Nutrient content of animal and poultry manure Nutrients Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulphur Nutrient content of manure (mg g dry weight-1) Cattle 25-40 4-10 7-25 5-8 5-8 3-4 Sheep 20-45 4-11 20-29 8-19 3-6 2-3 Pig 20-45 6-12 15-48 3-20 2-3 3-5 Horse 17-30 3-7 15-18 7-29 3-5 1-3 Poultry 28-62 9-29 8-29 17-69 3-8 4-7 Indian Cow breed Breed name Native of Place Features Dairy breed Sahiwal Montgomery (Pakistan) Highest and sweetest milk producing cow breed in India. Due to loose skin known as Lola' or multani, Highest lactose in milk. In Rajasthan found Ajmer & Bhilwara districts. Ears are long and pendulated and fore head is long and bony. Red brown in color and intelligent facial expression, Red Sindhi averages over 1700 kg of milk after suckling their calves but under optimum conditions there have been milk yields of over 3400 kg per lactation. Gir Kathiawar (Gujarat) Sindhi or red sindhi Karachi (Pakistan) Malvi Malwa (MP) In Rajasthan found in Jhalawar district and in M.P. found in Mansour and Bhopal districts. Nagori Nagaur and Jodhpur (Raj•) Superior among drought breeds. Color is white or grey Amritmahal Mysore (Karnataka) Narrow face long horns, grey colored body. Draught breed Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Breed name Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Native of Place Features Dual purpose breeds Hariana Hissar/Rohtak (Haryana) Best dual purpose breed Horns are short & stumpy Highest body weight in Indian cows, powerful body, famous for `swaichal. Kankrej Kutchh (Gujarat) Rathi Alwar (Rajasthan) Tharparkar Sindh (Pakistan) Ongole Guntur (Andhra Pradesh/KR) Pure white in colour Mewati Mewat, Haryana Also known as Kosi, dual purpose breed with good milking and draft prowess, bulls are known for their strength and endurance Page | 11 Found in Bikaner & Ganganagar districts of Raj In Rajasthan found Jaisalmer & Jodhpur dist. Also known as white sindhi. Breed- Denotes and established group of animals / birds having the similar general body shape, colour, structure and characters which produced offspring with same characters. I. Cattle ➢ Indigenous. a. Milch - Sindhi, Sahiwal, Gir and Deoni b. Dual - Hariyana, Ongole, Tharparkar, Kankrej c. Draught - Kangayam, Umblacherry, Amritmahal, Hallikar ➢ Exotic - Milch – Jersey, Holstein Friesian Average composition of Milk of Different breeds of cow Cow Breeds Water Fat Protein Lactose T.S. S.N.F. Sindhi 86.07 4.90 3.42 4.91 13.93 9.03 Sahiwal 86.42 4.55 3.33 5.04 13.58 9.04 Gir 86.45 4.72 3.32 4.85 13.55 8.83 Tharparker 86.58 4.55 3.36 4.83 13.42 8.87 Haryana 86.54 4.92 3.21 4.58 13.46 8.54 Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Average composition of milk of some important milch breeds of cows (per cent): Breed Page | Jersey 12 Friesian Crossbred Red Sindhi Total solids 14.91 12.26 13.13 13.66 Fat 5.37 3.40 4.50 4.90 Protein 3.73 3.13 3.37 3.42 SNF 9.54 8.86 8.63 8.76 Lactose 4.93 4.86 4.92 4.81 Ash 0.70 0.67 0.67 0.70 Some Indian Breeds and their Milk Yield Breed Milk yield (litres) Per lactation period Gir 1200-2200 Red Sindhi 700- 2200 Sahiwal 1100- 3100 Kankrej 1400 Tharparkar 700-2200 Mewati 1100 Ongole 700 Hariana 500 Hallikar 227-1134 litres Kangayam 665 litres Murrah 20-22 litre/day Exotic cow breed: Breed name Native of Place Features Jersey English Channel Highest fat percentage in exotic breed (5.05%) Holestein friesian Holand Heaviest exotic breed, heaviest milk producing cow in the world (5000-6000 liter per year) Guernsey Guernsey in France Milk golden colour due beta carotene, high butterfat content of 5% and a high protein content of 3.7%, Produce milk 6000 kg per lactation. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Scotland do not produce as much milk or butter fat (only 4%), also known as Dunlop cattle or Cunningham cattle Red Dane Denmark yield of Red Dane cattle varies from 3000 to 4000 kg with a fat content of 4 per cent Brown Swiss Switzerland Average milk yield is 5000 kg per lactation with 4% fat, Page | 13 Ayrshire Important Points: ❖ The Karan Swiss is the excellent crossbred cattle obtained by crossing this breed with Sahiwal cattle at NDRI, Karnal. ❖ Karan Fries: Holestein Friesian x Tharparkar Developed by NDRI. ❖ Sunandini is a cross breed of cattle developed in India by crossing nondescript cattle with Brown Swiss, Jersey cattle and Holstein Friesian cattle, Developed by Kerala. Housing Space Requirements for Crossbred cattle: Age-group Manger Space (mtr.) Open Space ( 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.4 0.4-0.5 Standing or covered area ( 0.8-1.0 1.2-1.6 1.6-1.8 4-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years Cows 0.8-1.0 1.8-2.0 11.0-12.0 Pregnant cows 1.0-1.2 8.5-10.0 15.0-20.0 Bulls* 1.0-1.2 9.0-11.0 20.0-22.0 3.0-4.0 5.0-6.0 6.0-8.0 Average composition of Milk of Different breeds of cow Cow Breeds Water Fat Protein Lactose T.S. S.N.F. H.F. 87.74 3.40 3.22 4.87 12.26 8.86 Jersey 86.05 5.05 3.92 4.93 13.95 9.58 Brown Swiss 86.59 4.01 3.61 5.04 13.41 9.40 Ayrshire 87.10 4 3.58 4.67 12.90 9.80 Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Average composition of milk of different mammals (in per cent) Species Cow Buffalo Page | Goat 14 Sheep Camel Water 86.61 82.76 87.00 80.71 87.61 Fat 4.14 7.38 4.25 7.90 5.38 Protein solids 3.58 3.60 3.52 5.23 2.98 Total 13.19 17.24 13.00 19.29 12.39 SNF 9.25 9.86 7.75 11.39 7.01 Lactose 4.96 5.48 4.27 4.81 3.26 Ash 0.71 0.78 0.86 0.90 0.70 Buffalo Breed name Native of Place Features Murrah Punjab,Delhi,Rohtak Best in milk production, fat 7%. Jet black colored body coat, short tightly curled horns. Skin is soft. smooth with scanty hairs. Highest Fat % (13 %), Copper colored body coat. wedges shaped body. Bhadawari Agra (UP) Zaffrabadi Kathiawar (Gujarat) Heavy and loose body known As mini elephant, very Prominent forehead and heavy horns Nili Ravi White eyes known as 'Wall eyes' Mehsana Surati (Montgomery & Firozpur) Pakistan Baroda (Gujarat) Baroda (Gujarat) Godavari Toda Andhra Pradesh TN Developed from Murrah & Surti. Sickle shape horn is characteristic feature Native of tribes of Nilgiri (TN), large sized animals Floor space requirements Type of animal Bulls Cows Buffaloes Pregnant Cow Agri Coaching Floor space requirement (m2) Covered area Open area 12.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 Maximum no of animals / pan 12/24.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 Height of the shed ( cm) 1 50 50 1 175 cm. in medium and heavy rain fall and 220 cm. in dry areas. Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Young – calves Old – calves 1.0 2.0 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO 2.0 4.0 30 30 Recommended floor space requirement for different age group of calves: Page | 15 Age of Calves (months) Floor space requirement covered area(m2) 0-3 1.0 Floor space requirement open area(m2) 2 Number of calves per pen 3-6 1.5 3 16 6-12 2.0 4 12 24 Systems of housingTypes of Housing – Single row • Less than 15 animals. Double row • More than 15 animals. • Tail to tail system-28 animals. • Head to head system-36 animals. ➢ Feed should be available to cows at least for 20 hours / day. ➢ Feed at least 60% of ration during night in the hot weather (Summer) ➢ Cow- reduce feed intake by about 3.3% for every 2.2 C rise in temperature over 24 C ➢ Forage dry matter consumption should be near 2% of the body weight. ➢ The fodder obtained from 1acre of land is sufficient to maintain 40 heads of goat with its followers. ➢ If weaning at birth is followed care should be taken to see that adequate colostrum is fed for the first 34 days. If weaning is practiced 4 days after calving, then further ration has to be fed as per the schedule described. ➢ Both the buds/horns are destroyed at the early age within 3 to 10 days. ➢ Body weight: Well fed cross bred calves on an average should gain 400 grams/day or 2.5-3 kg/week ➢ Dehorning or disbudding: Disbudding is carried out either by the use of hot iron, caustic sticks and electrical dehorning cone. Both the buds are destroyed at the early age (within 3 to 10 days). ➢ Cross bred heifers show signs of heat as early as 10 months of age but none of them are mated until attain the body weight of 225/275 body weight or a minimum of 14 months age. Age at first calving 25-28 months. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Care and management of Work Bullocks- Page | 16 Body weight 300 Kg. 400 Kg. 500 kg Normal work 2 Kg. 2.5 Kg. 3 kg Heavy work 2.5Kg. 3 Kg. 3.5 kg METHOD OF HARVESTING THE TREE FODDER➢ Coppices: It is one of the most widely used harvesting method in which individual trees are cut at base usually between 15-75 cm above ground level. ➢ Pollarding: In this system all the branches including top of the tree are removed at a height of 1-3 m above ground level. ➢ Lopping: In this system most of the branches are removed. CUTTING INTERVALS➢ In Humid climate- leaf production (6-10 weeks) and leaf + fuel wood(10-14 weeks) ➢ Fast growing trees- Up to 1.5 m for leaves and 2.5 for leaf + wood. ➢ Most of the long and medium rotation trees tolerate annual lopping (30-50%). Reproductive and Productive Parameters (Traits) in Indian Cattle and Buffaloes: Sr.No Name of the breed i) Cattle a) Indian breeds 1 Dangi 2 Gir 3 Gaolao 4 Hallikar 5 Hariana 6 Kangayam 7 Kankrej 8 Rathi 9 Red Sindhi 10 Sahiwal 11 Tharparkar 12 Non-descript Buffaloes 1 Bhadawari 2 Murrah Agri Coaching Age at first calving (months) Calving interval (months) Lactation yield (kg.) Lactation length (days) Dry period (days) Milk yield kg/day during lactation 54 48 46 46 58 44 48 40 42 40 50 60 17 16 16 20 13 16 17 19 14 14 14 19 600 1,350 600 600 1,200 600 1,800 1,815 1,620 1,620 1,620 405 300 270 300 300 240 240 360 330 270 270 270 270 210 210 180 300 150 240 150 240 150 150 150 300 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 1,080 1,800 270 300 180 180 4.0 6.0 50 42 15 16 Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Reproductive and Productive Parameters (Traits) in Indian Cattle and Buffaloes: Sr.No Name of the breed Page | 17 Cattle a) Indian breeds 1 Dangi 2 Gir 3 Gaolao 4 Hallikar 5 Hariana 6 Kangayam 7 Kankrej 8 Rathi 9 Red Sindhi 10 Sahiwal 11 Tharparkar 12 Non-descript Buffaloes 1 Bhadawari 2 Murrah 3 Nili-Ravi 4 Surti 5 Mehsani 6 Jaffarabadi 7 Nagpuri 8 Non-descript Age at first calving (months) Calving interval (months) Lactation yield (kg.) Lactation length (days) Dry period (days) Milk yield kg/day during lactation 54 48 46 46 58 44 48 40 42 40 50 60 17 16 16 20 13 16 17 19 14 14 14 19 600 1,350 600 600 1,200 600 1,800 1,815 1,620 1,620 1,620 405 300 270 300 300 240 240 360 330 270 270 270 270 210 210 180 300 150 240 150 240 150 150 150 300 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 50 42 54 44 50 50 50 50 15 16 16 16 14 14 14 16 1,080 1,800 1,950 1,765 1,620 1,620 1,350 540 180 180 180 150 150 150 150 210 4.0 6.0 6.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 270 300 300 330 270 270 270 270 Economic Traits: Particulars Birth weight Local 20Kg Age at maturity Age at 1st calving Lactation yield Lactation period Dry period Inter calving period 33 Months 42 months 12000 Kg. 180-210 Days 90-120 days 18 months Agri Coaching Exotic Jersey – 25-30kg. Friesian – 30-35kg. 15 months 24 months 3000-6000Kg. 305 days 60 days 12-13 months Cross breed 18-24 months 30 months 2100-2400 240 – 270 days 75 days 13-14 months Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO METHODS OF MANUAL MILKING: 1. FISTING: It is the best method of hand milking though most of the milkmen follow knuckling method. 2. KNUCKLING METHOD: This practice should be avoided as it is injurious to the teat. 3. STRIPPING: This method is followed where the length of the teat is small; it is normally practiced towards the end of milking in order to evacuate the milk completely Page | 18 Common Diseases of Farm Animals and their Control 1) Diseases caused by virus: S.No. Disease Species affected Causal agent A filterable virus 1 Pox diseases (Chechak) Cow pox, biffalo pox, Sheep pox, Goat pox, Swine pox 2 Rinderpest (Mata) Cattle and bufflow A filterable specially exotic virus 3 FMD All Cloven footed animals (Mainly Cattle) A small filterable virus Transmission Symptoms Control Via broken skin by contact with material contaminated with discharge from lesions; direct contact with infected animals Contact with contaminated material Fever, Occular and nasal mucous discharge, respiratory distress, pox lesion in un hairy parts such as lips, thigh udder etc Yearly vaccination (Optional) High fever, blood stained shotting diarrhea, High mortality Salivation, sores on feet vaccination Contact with contaminated material or animal Vaccination and sanitary 2) Diseases caused by bacteria: S.No . 1 Disease Anthrax (Gorhi, Goli, Gilt) Agri Coaching Species affected All farm animal and men Causal agent Transmission Symptoms Control Bacillus Anthracis History of sudden deaths in herd, high temperature, rapid breathing, swellings over body -especially around neck Annual vaccination before rainy season Water and food contaminated with blood and excretions or by wound infection Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh S.No . 2 Disease 3 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Species affected Cattle, buffaloes, less frequently Sheep Causal agent Transmission Symptoms Control Clostridium Chauvoei Water and food contaminated with blood and excretions or by wound infection Annual vaccination Before rainy season Mastitis (Than phuka Cattle and buffaloes, mulch goats sometimes sheep and swine Streptococci, Staphylococc i, Corynebacteriumpyogene s, Mycobacteriu m Tuberculosis Bacteria from dirty floors, milkers' hands, cow's body etc enter into udder through injuries on udder and teats Lameness, high temperature — blackemphacaema tous swellings over shoulders and thighs, death in three days Uneasiness in cow when milked; udder swollen, hot and painful in acute cases; milk whey-like with milk clots or even blood clots, temperature of animal rises. 4 Haemorrhagic septicaemia or Shipping fever (Golghotu) Cattle, buffaloes sheep and swine Pasteurella boviseptica in cattle and P. Bubaliseptica in buffalos Ingestion through contaminated food, water and pastures; organisms usually present in the respiratory tract 5 Tuberculosis (Kashava rog) All Animals Mycobacter ium tuberculoris Infection occurs either directly or indirectly from infected animals, their secretions or excretions bacteria enter system by Ingestion or inhalation Usually lungs and lymph glands affected, often infected animal show no outward symptoms; loss in weight; swelling of joints; chronic cough and laboured breathing; fever; depression; Periodical Tuberculin test and removal of reactors from herd; sanitation; provision of proper ventilation in animal houses; B . C .G vaccination. Black quarter or Black leg (Sujaa) Page | 19 Agri Coaching proper dryhand milking, washing or wiping of udder and teats with mild antiseptic before and after milking, clean barns and sheds, prevent over-crowding in cow sheds, Sudden attack; Segregation, high fever, early avoidance of death; painful, hot infected swellings on pasture, feed throat, neck and and water dewlap, may sources; preinvolve fore-legs monsoon and shoulders; vaccination; swollen tongue; adequate laboured breathing sanitation Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Nonspecific disorder Page | 20 S.No. Disease Species affected Causal agent Transmission Symptoms Control 1 Milk fever Cattle buffalo specially high yielder Metabolic disorder due to fall in blood calcium Occurs at early stage of lactation Loss of appetite, constipation, general depression animal lies postrate with it head and resting on the chest wall and nose pointing toward the flank, temperature subnormal, animal May developed nervesness and dead if unattended for 6-14 hours Feed mineral supplemt to digh yielders during late pregnancy and early lactation to prevent further secrtaion of milk, stop milking. Vaccination schedule Disease FMD BG HS Anthrax Age 3rd month 6th Month 6th Month 6th Month cellosis 4-8th month of Heifer Interval Every six month Every year Every Year Every Year ( Affected area only) -- Month Jan-Feb, June-July Aug-Sep Sep-Oct April - May Mar - April DISEASES OF LIVESTOCK A) Viral:1) FMD➢ Incubation period 2 – 5 days , Temperature 40 degree ➢ Control : Vaccination – once in 4months or varies with type of vaccine Hoechst 3ml .oil adjuvant: IVPM – 20 ml for calves / 40ml for adults. 2) Rinderpest : ➢ Most destructive of the virus disease ➢ Incubation period of the disease 3-7 days, Temperature 40-41 C ➢ Symptom: Loss of Appetite : Lachrymation : dryness of muzzle, arching of back Shooting diarrhea, Ulcers in the mouth 7-9 days. ➢ Death – 10th day after onset of symptom. ➢ Control: Vaccination 1.TCRV 2. GTV – Immunity – 3 years 1 ml s/c – Neck. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO B) Bacterial:1. ANTHRAX : ➢ Forms:- i. Peracute ii. Acute iii. Chronic and iv. Cutaneous form. ➢ Treatment:1) Penicillin - 5 ml units twice daily. Page | 2) Streptomycin – 8-10 g daily in 2 doses – cattle. 21 3) Oxytetracycline (5 mg/kg ) 2) Black quarter:➢ Young stock mostly affected 6months-2years, disease out break which the onset of rainy season. ➢ Prevention : vaccination – before onset of rainy season – 5ml polyvalent s/c (clostridium sp.). 3) Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS):➢ Symptoms:- : i. Acute form : Septicemia ii. Sub acute form : edematous swelling iii. Chronic form : with pulmonary infection ➢ Acute High temperature 106 F rapid and Difficult breathing, discharge from nostrils. C) Metabolic:1. Milk fever:- cause :Serum calcium levels fall in cows after calving 2. Ketosis:➢ disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism in high producing dairy cattle– hypo glycaemia and appearance of ketone bodies. ➢ usually appear in good milkers from 7 days to six weeks after calving. 3. Bloat (TYMPANY):- is a disease of ruminants in which rumen and reticulum is over distended with the gases of fermentation. D) Zoonotic diseases:- Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, and Rabies Sheep Sheep is the second largest species reared by mankind and it provides wool, meat, milk and hide. Their droppings form good manure. Important breeds of sheep in India are as follows: Reproductive and Productive Parameters (Traits) in Indian Cattle and Buffaloes: Breed name Native of Place Features Gaddi J&K Fine quality wool. Rampur-bushier Bhakarwal J&K J&K Lohi Pakistan Loei is obtained from Bhakarwal Largest Sheep Bikaneri/Pugal Rajasthan Best Carpet wool Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Breed name Native of Place Features Malpura Tonk, Rajasthan Suitable for meat Shekhawati region Known as 'Merino' of Rajasthan Marwari Jaisalmeri Deccani Punjab and Rajasthan Rajasthan Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Black face Desert bredd Good for mutton, fit for weaving kambal Nellore Andhra Pradesh Tallest breed Mandya Shahbadi Karnataka Muzzafarnagar UP White in colour Best wool producing breed in India Hisardale Hisar Marino x Bikaner Page | Chokla 22 Another important facts: Sheep developed from CSWRI: a. Avikalin= Ramboullet × Malpura b. Avivastra= Ramboullet x Chokla ❖ Exotic breed of sheep: ➢ Marino: From spain, Fine wool breed, 80% wool comes from marino and its crosses ➢ Rambouillet: Native of spain, Dual purpose breed ➢ Wool potential: a) a)Exotic breeds- 3.5-5 k b) Indian breeds- 1-2 kg Breeds: There are 44 describe breeds of sheep ➢ Northern temperate region - Eg. – Gaddi, Kasmir Merino, Gurez ➢ North west Arid region - Eg. Chokla, Nali, Hissardale, Bharath merino ➢ Southern - Nellore, Mandya, Mecheri, Kilakarisal, Vembur, Coimbatore, Nilgiri, Ramnad Trichy Black, Madras red. ➢ Eastern - Balangir, Shahdadi. ➢ Exotic breeds - Merino, Rambouillet, Dorset, Corriedale. White, Nutrition: ➢ Water requirement adult sheep 2 – 4 liters Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Page | 23 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Energy : Adult – Non pregnant sheep – 93 K cal. ME / kg.W 0.75 Lactating - 102 K cal. ME / kg. W 0.75 Protein – DCP requirement – 1 g for every 1kg live weight (adult non pregnant) Increases by 50% during pregnancy and 100% during lactation. Space requirement – 1 m2 space per head. shed measuring 18m x 6 m can accommodate 120 sheep. Systems of rearing-Housing management- Type design- Floor diagram-Space requirement for adult and young stock. SPACE ALLOWANCE: ➢ Adult Male: 20- 25 sq.ft. ➢ Female: 15-20 sq.ft. ➢ Young: 10 sq.ft. Intensive system: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Breedable male shed :2.5 m x 2.0 m Segregation / Isolation shed / sick animal shed :10’ x 5’ Leeward side Generally flock shed 50- 60 does Kid shed -20-30 nos. Goat Breed name Jamunapri Barbari Native of Place Originated in barbera (somalia) Dual purposes breed, Pendulated curved long ears', 'roman nose'or parrot mouth Appearance and in India found in Etawa (UP) thick long hairs on hind legs are major characters. Somalia (Africa) Used for milking , Suitable for stall feeding (Known as city goat). Usually give birth two kids (twins) in one parturition Beetul Gurdaspur, Punjab Black Bengal Western Bengal Marwari Marwar (Raj) Agri Coaching Features Resembles as `Jamunapari'. Good dairy type breed, presence of beard in male Excellent for meat, Skin color is black, meat is tender Disease resistant breed, good for meat, color is jet black Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Sirohi Sirohi, Rajasthan Dual purpose breed, ears are flattened, drooping & leaf like Jhakrana Alwar Dairy breed large sized, beetle like in appearance. Page | 24 Exotic breed of Goat: Breed name Native of Place Features Angora Turkey Hair used a wool, Called Mohair Alpine Anglo Nubian Europe England Sanen Switzerland Milk Breed It is cross between jamunapri and Nubian, Known as jersy cow, It is most dual purpose exotic breed of goat Beard present in male as well as female, Also known as queen of milk Toggenberg Switzerland Chocolate colored, Hornless breed, Skin is soft, Milk breed ❖ Pashmina used in winter clothes is obtained from animal goats. ❖ Morroco: Fine leather prepared from skin Breeds: 23 well defined breeds goats in India ➢ For meat and skin – Black Bengal, Kanni adu ➢ Meats, skin and milk – Barvari, Malabari (Tellicherry), Sirohi, Surti ➢ Meat, hair and skin – Gaddi, Kutchi, Marwari ➢ Milk, meat and skin – Beetal, Jamunabari Recommended floor space requirements for sheep and goats in Indian conditions: Age groups Up to 3 months 3 months to 6 months 6 months to 12 months Adult animal Male, Pregnant or lactating ewe/ doe Agri Coaching Covered space(sq.m) 0.2-0.25 0.5-0.75 0.75-1.0 1.5 1.5-2.0 Open space (sq.m) 0.4-0.5 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 3.0 3.0- 4.0 Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO COMMON AILMENTS OF SHEEP AND GOAT 1) Enterotoxaemia – Ecto and Endo parasites. 2) Blue Tongue: Viral Disease ➢ Transmitted by Culicoides midges Page | 25 3) Sheep pox: Viral Disease – pox virus ➢ Treatment: No specific treatment – Nursing is important. Tissue culture vaccines may be administered. 4) Enterotoxaemia: Bacterial Disease – ➢ Clostridium perfringens ➢ Treatment: Sulphadimidine 33 1/3% 1/r + antibiotic therapy- tetra cycline, streptomycin + Penicillin. INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS- ROLE OF LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY, MANURE MANAGEMENT METHODS, DUCK/FISH/RICE CULTURE. Lowland farming system ➢ Cropping + poultry + duck + pigeon + fishery + mushroom in all possible combinations ➢ Recycling reduces the cost of output ➢ one hectare 0.90 ha for crop + 0.10 for fish pond ➢ 1000 polyculture fingerlings ➢ 50 babcock layers or 100 pigeons feed requirement for 1000 fingerlings ➢ Pigeon open grazing ^ profitable Other Combinations ➢ Crop + piggery + fish+ mushroom crop + goat + fish ➢ Goat Unit 11.0 t more manure apart from feed requirement ➢ Employment for the farmers ➢ crop residue sand waste of horticulture for producing 5 kg of edible mushroom /day ➢ vermicomposting OTHER INTEGRATION ➢ Rabbit farming ➢ One unit 10 females and one male – 200 kindling – weight around 1000 kgs meat ➢ coconut border planting on irrigation channels with 4 m interval – 50 trees – 5000 nuts per annum ➢ Nutrient enriched by growing sun hemp ➢ Vermicompost from plant good organic source Dairy Product Recombined Milk: It should contain minimum milk fat of 3% and minimum milk SNF of 8.5%. S. No. 1 2 Agri Coaching Type Toned Milk (TM) Double Toned milk (DTM) Fat Minimum 3.0 Minimum 1.5 SNF Minimum 8.5 Minimum 9.0 Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO 3 4 5 Minimum 4.5 Not more than 0.5 Minimum 6.0 Standardized milk Skimmed milk (SM) Full cream milk (FCM) Minimum 8.5 Minimum 8.7 Minimum 9.0 ❖ When milk is offered for sale without any indication of the class, the standards prescribed for buffalo milk Page | shall apply. 26 Processing of milk-Cooling-Pasteurization Treatments Pasteurization Thermization Sterilization Ultra-pasteurization UHT Process LTLT HTST(milk) HTST(cream) - Temperature (oC) 63 72 >80 57-68 115-121 115-130 135-150 Time(seconds) 1800 15-20 15 15 180-780 2-4 1-6 ❖ Thermization: The milk is heated to 63-65oC for 15 seconds and rapidly chilled to 4oC ❖ Microwave heating: Microwaves form part of the electromagnetic spectrum (frequency range 915 and 2450 MHz). Evaporated milk ➢ This is the milk from which about 50-60% of the water has bee-n evaporated. Raw milk is clarified and concentrated in a vacuum at a temperature of 74-77°C. ➢ It is fortified with vitamin D, homogenized, filled into cans sterilized in cans at a temperature of 118°C for 15 minutes and cooled. ➢ This heat treatment gives evaporated milk a light -brown colour owing to sugar protein interaction and its characteristic flavour. Sterilized milk ➢ Standardized cow's or buffalo milk is sterilized in bottles by heating continuously to a temperature of 115°C for 15 minutes to ensure destruction of all microorganism and preservation at room temperature for not less than 85 days from the date of manufacture. ➢ It shall be sold only in the container in which milk was sterilized. Ice cream ➢ It is a frozen dairy product consisting of whole milk, skim milk, cream, butter, condensed milk products or dried milk products. ➢ Milk fat and milk solids non-fat constitutes about 60% of the total solids of the ice cream. Fermented milk products: Butter ➢ The fat content of butter is generally about 80%. ➢ The non-fat components of butter consist of moisture, milk solids not fat and salt if added. ➢ Most of the butter produced in our country is converted to ghee. Khoa: Khoa is a partially dehydrated whole milk product. Composition Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Characteristics Moisture Fat Protein Lactose Ash Iron (ppm) Page | 27 Cow 25.6 25.7 19.2 25.5 3.8 103 Buffalo 19.2 37.1 17.8 22.1 3.6 101 PANEER: Paneer refers to the indigenous variety of rennet-coagulated, small-sized, soft cheese. Composition Characteristics Moisture Fat Total solids Cow (%) 71.2 13.5 28.8 Buffalo (%) 71.1 13.1 28.9 PROCESSING: Pasteurization of milk: Temperature 63°C 72°C Time 30 minutes 15 seconds 138°C-145°C 2.0 (1-5) seconds Pasteurization Type Batch Pasteurization (LTLT) High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization (HTST) Ultra-high temperature (UHT) Sterilization ❖ Canned sterilization: This is a wet treatment of canned milk products in an autoclave/specialized treatment chambers. Heat to between 115°C to 121°C for 10 to 20 minutes. ❖ Sterilization: Sterilization of milk is aimed at killing all microorganisms. Temperature and time: either 115°C for 15 min or at least 130°C for a period of one second ❖ Homogenization: Homogenization implies mechanical treatment to break fat globules into smaller size of 2 µm or less and uniformly disperse them in milk. The average size of milk fat globule in milk is 2-12 µm. Homogenization is done at 65 degree C temperature for 30 minutes. Nutrient Carbohydrate Protein Fat Conversion of Milk into curd Bacterial fermentation Streptococcus lactis Bacillus subtilis Pseudomonas fragi Lactobacillus thermophillus Important Points: ➢ Rosalic acid test: Add 4 drops of freshly prepared alcoholic solution of 1% Rosalic acid to the above mixture and mix gently ➢ Pink colour:- presence of either sodium hydroxide potassium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide ➢ Rose red colour:-presence of sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO ➢ Brownish colour:-absence of any of these neutralizers. Detection of urea in milk: ➢ Take 2ml of milk and add 2ml of p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde reagent ➢ Development of distinct yellow colour denotes the presence of urea. Page | Detection of buffalo milk in cow milk: 28 ➢ The presence of buffalo milk in cow milk can be detected by Hansa test. ➢ The art of milking performed within 5-8 minutes. Poultry The term poultry is applied to bird to several species fowls/chicken, layers (Gallus domestica), ducks, turkeys, geese, emo etc. that have been domesticated to reproduce and grow in captivity and rendered product of economic value such as egg, meat, manure etc. Term and Important points related to Poultry: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Organized poultry sector in India: 70 per cent Poultry Capital of India: Andhra Pradesh Contribution of poultry sector to meat production in India: 45 per cent Crowding: Overcrowding increases mortality, stress, as well as production cost. Feeding: Always ensure adequate fresh feed. Birds that are without feed for six hours will record a drop in production and a 12 hour starvation will result in moult of wing feathers. Lighting: The duration of light should be 16 hours per day, but not beyond 17 hours. No advantage is obtained by exceeding this limit. The amount of light given to the flock in one day should never be less than that given the day before. A decreasing day length can prematurely cause hens to go out to production. One 40 watt electric bulb is sufficient for 200 sq.ft. area. Debeaking: Debeaking, is the partial removal of the beak of poultry, especially layer hens. Poor debeaking can adversely affect egg production. Debeaking is done at 2nd week to prevent cannibalism and feed wastage Culling: Unsuitable and uneconomic birds should be timely culled. Common terms used in Poultry: Species Young Adult Male Female Chicken Chick Cock Hen Duck Duckling Drake Duck Turkey Poult Tom Hen Swan Cygnet Swan Swan Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Incubation period, Chromosome numbers and age at sexual maturity of different Species of poultry: Page | 29 S.No Species Incubation period (days) Chromosome number Age at sexual maturity (weeks) 1. Chicken 21 39/78 18-20 2. Duck 28 40/80 28-30 3. Turkey 28 40/80 28-30 4. Ostrich 42 40/80 52 Nutrient content in Chicken and Egg Particulars Chicken Egg Water 66 % 65 % Protein 21 % 12 % Fat 9% 11 % Mineral 3.5 % 12 % Egg Science and Technology: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Chicken egg has 58% of white portion, 30% of yolk and 8-11% of shell. Egg average weight: 50-60 gm. Egg contains yolk – 30% White or albumen – 58% Inner & outer shell membranes & shell – 12% Egg weight (g) of chicken is 57 gram and turkey weight is 85 gram. Nutrient composition: on egg weight ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ 12% Protein 11% Fat 12% minerals and 65 % water Colories: 148 cal/100 gm. Grading of eggs: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ By wt.: Extra large 60 gms/egg Large 53-59 g. Medium 45-52 g. Small 38-44 g. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Agmark grading: ➢ A- grade: Clean, unbroken shell, aircell 4mm depth, clear, firm white well centered yolk free from defects. ➢ B-grade: Clean, moderately tainted shell, aircell 8 mm depth, slightly off centered and shape visible. ➢ No grade: Eggs classified as loss or no grade is edible. Page | 30 Physical composition of egg of various species: Bird Egg weight (g) Chicken 57 Turkey 85 Yolk (%) Albumen (%) Shell (%) 30 60 10 32 56 12 Incubation: Providing temperature and humidity for normal development of embryo in egg. It may be artificial or natural. A machine which provide all these is called incubator. Incubation period in chicken is 21 days. Incubation Requirement: Temperature 37.2-37.7 degree C Humidity 60-70% Ventilation To provide 21% oxygen in the air Hatching: Process of breaking out of an egg shell after completion of incubation Specific conditions for hatching: Temperature Humidity Turning Ventilation Agri Coaching 1-18 days 19-21 days 60% up to 18 days Once every 4 hours up to 18 days 37.5 – 37.8oC 36.9 –37.5oC 70% thereafter - 1-18 days 19-21 days 8 changes/hour 12 changes/hour Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO SYSTEMS OF HOUSING- POULTRY System of poultry rearing : In the annals of Poultry Development, one can see a gradual development in respect of the allotment of space, feeding, nutrition and in management etc . Free range system: Deforested land was used management etc.200 birds/acre allotted. In an ordinary land 100 Page | birds/Acre was allotted. 31 Semi Intensive systems ➢ Birds are provided with a pen and run. Pen is an enclosed house and run is an enclosed grass area with fence. ➢ As few as 6 to as many as 200 can be kept in are acre of land in this system. ➢ 3 to 4 sq.ft / bird in the pen. ➢ Floor level should be at least 10 inch from the ground level The concept of deep litter system: ➢ When moisture is absorbed there will be controlled microbial activity and odour will also be minimum. ➢ Vit. B12 and B2 are available ➢ depth 4 inches at beginning. 6-8 inches later ➢ Add Lime at 5-10 Kg/100 sq.ft. to keep it dry. ➢ Litter to be racked up once a week Qualities of good liter material: .Moisture level should be less than 15% Cage system : Battery cages. Very popular, called as Californian cage system. Types of cages: Minimum area is required / bird. 1. Single: 1 /sq.ft. 2. Multiple: 0.75 sq.ft. 3. Colony: 0.5 sq.ft. Kinds of poultry houses 1. Layer House 2. Broiler House Temperature Humidity Comfort Zone Optimum Acceptable Preferable Layer 10 -24 o C 13 -20 o C 50 -75% 60% Broiler 21 -25 o C 24 o C 50 -75% 60% ALTERNATIVE HOUSING SYSTEMS ➢ Traditional free range or extensive: Socking density should be not greater than 1000 birds / ha. of available ground (1 hen / 10 m2 ) ➢ Semi-intensive –Modified free Range : For these systems , as for free range with exception that the maximum outdoor stocking density should not be greater than 4000 hens / ha. of land available (1 hen / 2.5 m2) ➢ Modified cages : At least 450 cm2 of cage area/bird and 10 cm / bird of trough space with an adequate water supply is essential. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF LAYERS ➢ Layer Management: From the point of lay to one year it is called laying period. ➢ When first egg laid – Pullet – pullet egg. Page | 32 Floor space Feeder space Water space Nest space Litter Depth 2 sq.ft. 4 sq.ft. 2 sq.ft. 1 box for 5 birds 6 box for 5 birds ➢ A 40 watts bulb at a height of 7 feet with 100 feet distance from another, will provide the required intensity of light for 100 sq.ft. area. Care and management of broilers.: ➢ Broiler is defined as the tender meated chicken of either sex which grow from 35-40 g of initial weight to 2kg or more in 6 weeks of age by consuming around 4 kg of feed. week floor space feeder space water space 0-4 ½ sq.ft. 3 sq.ft. 2 sq.ft. 4-8 1 sq.ft 6 sq.ft. 4 sq.ft Floor space, feeding space and watering space for chicks Age weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Floor space Sq.ft./Chick 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 Feeding space inches/chick 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 Watering space inches/chick 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 Water Consumption: Age of birds 0-2 weeks 10-15 weeks Laying hens Water amount per 100 birds 4.5 to 6.5 liter per day 18-22.5 liter per day 27-36 liter per day Specification of different Poultry species: Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Class Shank Skin colour Earlobe colour Purpose Page | Size 33 Shell colour Examples American Clean Yellow Red Dual Medium Brown 1) Rhode Island Red 2) Plymouth rock 3)New Hampshire 4)Wyandotte Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Asiatic Feathered Yellow Red Meat Massive Brown 1) Brahma 2) Cochin 3) Langshan English Clean White Red Dual Medium Brown 1) Cornish 2) Australorp 3) Dorking 4) Orpington 5) Sussex Mediterrane an Clean Yellow or white White Egg Small White 1) Leghorn 2) Minorca 3) Ancona 4) Andalusian Chicken may also classified based on their utility as: Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Breed name Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Native of Place Features Rod island red Rod island in new england Dual purpose breed, produce 100 egg per year, rectangular bird Whitre leg horn Italy Highest egg production breed in the world, Average 2oo eggs Red cronish Ply mouth rock Aseel Kadaknath England America UP Madhya Pradesh Famous in America for meat Produce best quality meat Famous for fighting sports Black colored meat Page | 34 1) Egg type - Eg. White Leghorn, Minorca, Ancona 2) Meat type - Eg. Cornish, Plymouth rock, Brahma 3) Dual purpose - Eg. Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire 4) Game bird - Eg. Aseel 5) Fancy variety - Eg. Silky, frizzled, bantams 6) Desi type - Eg. Kadaknath, Naked neck, chittagong. Native breeds of egg type chicken in India: Breed Body weight (20 weeks) Age at sexual maturity (days) Annual egg production (No.) Aseel Frizzle Kadaknath Naked neck 1220 1005 920 1005 196 185 180 201 92 110 105 99 Temperature requirement of chicks during different ages Age in weeks Temperature under hover, at 5 cm above floor ( °C) 0-1 0-2 2-3 3-4 5-5 35 32 29 26 23 ➢ Hover: A canopy used on brooders to direct the heat downwards to the chickens. Average growth rate for egg type chickens: Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Page | 35 Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Age in weeks Average weight of bird (gms.) 4 8 12 16 20 24 30 40 60 80 275 590 850 1100 1300 1550 1600 1700 1700 1700 Poultry Disease Parasitic (external) (internal) Protozoan Bacterial Viral Fungal Lice, mites, tick and fleas Round worms, tapeworm and hexamitiasis Coccidiosis in chicken, leucocytozoonosis Pullorum, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, fowl cholera,Diarrhea Ranikhet disease, Marek's disease, fowl pox, infectious bronchitis, infection bursitis, avian encephalomycytis, Marek disease, leukosis, chronic respiratory disease, Hepatitis etc. Aspergillosis, Moniliasis Nutritional Disease Rickets Curled toe paralysis Crazy chick Perosis Vitamin — D Deficiency Vitamin B2 Deficiency Vitamin - E deficiency Parakeratosis Skin Disease Zn deficiency Piglet anemia Osteomalacia Iron deficiency P Deficiency Mn deficiency Eye disease- B2 deficiency CLASSIFICATION OF POULTRY DISEASES Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO VACCINATION 1. Routes of administration Administration through Drinking Water: Vaccine is reconstituted in cold drinking water along with skim milk powder at the rate of 4 gram per litre of water and used immediately. Eg RDV Lasota Vaccine. 2. Intra ocular -Intra nasal instillation. Page | 36 ➢ The vaccine is reconstituted in normal Saline solution. One drop of diluted vaccine is applied to the nostrils or eye. Ex : RDVF . 3. Spray Vaccine ➢ Spray or mist spraying is done in chick boxes in the hatcheries. Small drops of equal size is sprayed and the boxes are allowed for 10 to 15 minutes for drying. 4. Wing Web puncture method ➢ Fowl pox vaccine is reconstituted in 50% glycerol saline and taken in forked needle and vaccination is done by puncturing through wing web. 5. Feather Follicle Method ➢ Pigeon pox vaccine is reconstituted with 50% glycerol saline. After plucking of the feather follicles in the internal thigh region, with the help of a glass rod, the vaccine is smeared and rubbed . ➢ After 5 days the birds have to be examined for "Takes" . Takes are cellular reaction taking place in the nervous system. 6. Subcutaneous injection ➢ Ranikhet K vaccine is reconstituted with normal saline and 0.5ml is given between two layers of skin in the wing web region . ➢ The vaccine should be protected in ice box during vaccination and should be used within 1hr. SR NO Age Name of the vaccine 1. 1st day Marek's Disease vaccine 2. 7th day Ranikhet Disease F Strain/Lasota. RD killed. 3. 14 to 16 days (II week) Infectious Bursal disease(live) IBD(killed) 4. 21 to 24 th day (III week) Infectious Bronchitis 5. 30 to 35 days Ranikhet disease-Lasota strain 6. 42 to 45 day Infectious Bursal disease (live) 7. 56 to 70 days (8-10 th week) Ranikhet disease "K" (Mesogenic) 8. 84 to 91 days (12 - 13th week) Fowl Pox vaccine 9. 91 to 98 days (13 to 14th week) Infectious Bronchitis Vaccin Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO 10. 126 to 133 days Ranikhet disease K" (Mesogenic) 11. After peak production , every 8 Weeks Ranikhet Disease Vaccine "Lasota" Page | Debeaking ➢ It is important to remove only one third of the upper beak taking care to avoiding tongue. 37 ➢ It is usually practiced at the age of 10-14 days and repeated at the age of 14-16 weeks. ➢ Debeaking should never be done with penknife. Deworming ➢ Birds show the following symptoms when they are infested with worms. Dullness, Paralysis, Enteritis, Anemia and Drop in egg production. ➢ Deworming is practiced at intervals of 45days in layer birds and also before RDVK vaccination. ➢ Deworming is done against tape worms only on absolute necessity. DELICING ➢ Is the process of removing of external parasites like ticks, mites and fleas which suck the blood from the bird . VIRAL DISEASES A) RANIKHET DISEASE ➢ New Castle Disease Virus- Para myxo viridae Very important disease affecting poultry rainy season in India has been found to be more favourable for the occurrence and spread of the disease. In native fowls this disease occurs in summer. PERACUTE- without symptoms and sudden death ➢ In a typical outbreak depression is observed, characterised by prostration, closed wyes, drooping wings and loss of appetite. ➢ Sometimes in neural form there may be twiching of neck, incoordination or even paralysis. ➢ Sometimes-soft shelled or shell less eggs may be laid. Respiratory distress may be observed. Prevention and control: ➢ Chicks should be vaccinated with F strain or lasota strain on the first day or within 5 days after hatch and with a booster dose at 8-10 weeks. ➢ RDVK strain is usually administered at 8 weeks of age. ➢ In layer flocks, booster dose of Ranikhet vaccine is given every 2 months. B) INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE ➢ Gumboro disease -Highly contagious, IBD virus. ➢ Bursa is affected- Usually chicks of 2-6 weeks old affected. ➢ Symptoms- whitish diarrohoea, vent pasting, unsteady gait, tremors. ➢ Prevention – Vaccination at 2nd &3rd weeks of age. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO BACTERIAL DISEASES Page | 38 A) Coli Bacillosis➢ Escherchia coli infection ➢ Aggravated by other stress factors Symptoms- Dirrohoea, sweling of joints, comb, and wattle. ➢ moratility – vey high ➢ Prevention- Proper sanitationand management, avoiding stress addition of antibacterials and anti biotics in feed and water. B) Infectious coryza➢ Haemophilus gallinarum ➢ Symptoms- all ages – affected, Acute respiratory infection, high morbidityand low mortality, odema of face ,wattle and comb, discharge from nostrils ➢ Prevention and control- Better hygiene, antibiotics – Sulpha in feed, Tylosin, tetetracycline Salmonellosis C) Paratyphoid, Pullorumvisceral organs –affected S.pullorum- pullorum disease , S. gallinarum-typhoid/bacillary white dirrhoea , S .typhimurium- paratyphoid Nutritional Deficiencies and control: ➢ Vitamin: Vit A: Xeropthalmia- Gout, - retarded growth, discharge from eyes and nose. – Cod liver, fish liver oil, vit A supplementation ➢ Vit D3: Rickettsia, - leg weakness, swollen hock joints, rubbery beak, thin shelled eggs.- Cod liver, fish liver oil, vit D3 supplementation ➢ Vit E: Encephalomalacia- crazy chick disease, paralysis of leg, retraction of head, convulsions, deathvegetable oils, synthetic Vit E. ➢ Vit B1: Thiamine – poly neuritis , paralysis of wing and neck.- yeast products, synthetic vit B1 ➢ Vit B2- Riboflavin – curled toe paralysis- tendency to walk on hocks, dermatitis on corners of mouth, vent and foot pads , fish products, Vit B2, rice bran. ➢ Vit B12- Cyanacobalamine- retarded growth, increased mortality, drop in production and hatchabilityfish meal, meat meal, synthetic B ➢ Zinc, magnesium deficiency – bone formation affected. ➢ Calcium, Phosphorous: def. of vit D, deficiency during laying- imbalance in Calcium and Phosphorous- poor egg shell formation, curved beak, bone deformities.- supplementation with ca and p. ➢ External And internal parasites: Lice, ticks and mites- deticking, delicing round worm, tape worm infestation – deworming regularly. Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Page | 39 Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa YouTube: Agri Coaching Chandigarh Classes for: AFO,BHU, NABARD, UPSC, ADO Page | 40 Agri Coaching Deepak Wadhwa