Planetary Gearbox What is it? A planetary gear set is used to transfer power and multiple torque variations to the drive axle in a small package. It consists of three parts: a. Sun gear, b. Planet gears c. Ring gear d. Planet carrier How does it Work? The planetary gear set works on varying 3 members: Ring Carrier Sun gear Depending on which member is held we shall get a torque reduction(speed increases) or speed reduction(torque increases) Out of the three members: o 1 member->Input o 2 member->Held(Not Allowed to move) o 3 member->Output Planetary Gear Operation Table: Sun Gear Carrier Ring Gear Speed Torque Direction INPUT OUTPUT HELD MAX REDUCTION INCREASES SAME OUTPUT INPUT HELD MAX INCREASE REDUCTION SAME INPUT HELD OUTPUT REDUCTION INCREASE REVERSE OUTPUT HELD INPUT INCREASE REDUCTION REVERSE HELD OUTPUT INPUT MINIMUM REDUCTION INCREASE SAME HELD INPUT OUTPUT MINIMUM INCREASE REDUCTION SAME Note: When NO member is held together, there is NO output i.e. Neutral Condition When any 2 members are HELD together, the speed and direction is SAME as INPUT i.e. Direct drive(1:1) Thank You