SYLLABUS MASTER OF ENGIEERING (STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING) M.E. First/Second Semester Exam. 2020 M.E. Third/Fourth Semester Exam. 2021 JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY JODHPUR Contents GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS 1 MEMBERS OF TEACHING STAFF 4 TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME 5 COURSE CONTENTS 8 MASTER OF ENGINEERING GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS 1. The Course of Study for M.E. degree in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining and Electronics and Communication Engineering shall extend over a period of not less than Four Semesters spread over Twenty four months. On satisfactory completion of the course and after passing the final examination including the dissertation, a candidate shall be awarded M.E. Degree in the respective branch. 2. No candidate shall be admitted to the course of study for the degree of M.E. in any of the above branches unless he produced satisfactory evidence to the effect that he has obtained at least 55 % in B.E. degree from the University or / from any other University or Institute recognized as equivalent thereto. 3. (a) Teachers, Research Fellows/Scholars or Engineers employed in this University possessing at least 55 % in class bachelor’s degree in Engineering from this University or Institute recognized as equivalent thereto, may be admitted to the M.E. Course as part-time students. 3. (b) Serving engineers in the departments/industries/self-employed engineering/teachers in Polytechnic/engineers employed in research laboratories and other organizations in Jodhpur and having a bachelor’s degree with 55% marks in Engineering from this University or institute as recognized thereto, may be admitted to the M.E. Course as part-time students. 4. The course of study for a part-time student will extend over a period of not less than six semester spread over 3 years. He shall be required to attend regular lecture classes, complete the prescribed course work including the practical and sessionals and submit a dissertation. 5. There shall be an examination at the end of each semester. At the end of First Semester – First Semester Examinations for M.E. Degree. At the end of Second Semester – Second Semester Examination for M.E. Degree. At the end of Third Semester – Seminar Examination for M.E. Degree. At the end of Fourth Semester – Dissertation Examination for M.E. Degree. 6. The examination shall be conducted by means of written papers, practicals including sessionals, vivavoce and dissertation 7. A candidate who has undergone regular course of study for the first semester shall be eligible to appear at the First Semester Examination for the M.E. Degree. 8. A candidate appearing at the First Semester Examination for the M.E. Degree shall be required to show competent knowledge of the subject mentioned in the teaching and examination scheme for the respective branch of study. 9. A candidate who has passed the First Semester Examination and has undergone a regular course of study for the Second Semester shall be eligible for appearing at the Second Semester Examination for the M.E. Degree. 10. A candidate appearing at the second semester examination for the M.E. Degree shall be required to show competent knowledge of the subject mentioned in the teaching and examination scheme of respective branch of study. 11. The attendance requirement for the candidate shall be as per University Ordinance. 12. Each candidate shall submit for examination a dissertation embodying the research work carried out by him during the course of study. 13. (a) A candidate who fails in the course work in any course shall not be permitted to take examination in the theory paper of that course. He should join as a regular student in the course when it is offered next by the Department. In case, the course in discontinued in the Department, the student can take up, subject to approval of the Head of the Department, another course in lieu of the course discontinued. 1 13. (b) If a candidate passes in course work but fails in the corresponding theory paper, he shall reappear and pass in the subjects in which he as failed at the next regular examination of the semester. The course work marks obtained by him in the previous semester shall be carried over to the semester in which he reappears. 13. (c) If a regular candidate fails in three or more units and a part-time students fails in two or more units in any semester, he shall not be permitted to continue his studies in the next semester. He shall be required to join as a regular student whenever these courses are offered next by the Department. In case, any of these courses is discontinued in the department the student can take up, subject to the approval of Head of the Department, another course in lieu of the course discontinued. Rule No. 13 (c) is clarified as follows: ‘Whenever a full time student fails in 3 or more units/courses prescribed for that semester, he/she will have to repeat all the papers in that semester as a regular student and consequently re-appear in all the units/course in that semester as a regular student”. For part-time students, the rule is clarified as follows: “Whenever a part-time student fails in 2 or more units/course prescribed for that semester, he/she will have to repeat all the papers in that semester as a regular student and consequently re-appear in all the units/courses in that semester as a regular student.” (Approved by the Academic Council held on 8-9-94) 14. A candidate who fails in the elective subject may be permitted by the Head of the Department to change the elective subject. He shall be required to undergo a regular course of study for the new elective subject. 15. A candidate may be permitted by the Head of the Department to change his specialization. He shall undergo the regular course prescribed for specialization. 16. (a) In no case will a candidate, who has not passed finally after six years from the date of enrolment, be allowed to continue the course. 16. (b) Provided that the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Head of the Department may waive this limit of six years in the case of candidates who could not complete their M.E. Course in one stretch. The reasons for granting exemption shall be recorded in writing. Such extension shall not exceed one year. 17. The subject for the dissertation shall be approved by the Head of Department. 18. Three copies of dissertation printed or type-written shall be submitted to the Registrar along with the certificate from the supervisor that the work has been undertaken and completed, the dissertation has been written under his guidance and meets the requirement of the course. A certificate should also be appended that the dissertation has not formed the basis of award of any previous degree of diploma etc. of this or any other University. 19. The dissertation shall be referred to two examiners, one External and one Internal. They shall examine the dissertation. The candidate shall also be required to appear for the Viva-voce examination conducted by a Board of Examiners consisting of the External Examiner, the Internal Examiner and the Head of the Department or his nominee who shall be the Chairman of the Board. 20. The dissertation examination shall be held only after the candidate has passed in all the theory papers, course work and Seminar. 21. (a) The number of part-time students to be admitted to a particular branch of study shall be decided by the Head of the Department concerned. 21. (a) The programme of instruction for a part-time student shall be drawn up by the Head of Department so as suit the requirements of the students concerned. 2 22. (a) For a pass, candidate should obtain 35 per cent marks in each theory paper, 50 per cent marks in each course work, 50 per cent marks in Seminar and the Dissertation should be “accepted”. 22. (b) In case the dissertation is found “unacceptable” the candidate shall be required to repeat the dissertation work. 23. The division shall be awarded to the M.E. student as follows” (a). Honors – 75 per cent marks or above (b). First Division - 65 per cent marks or above (c). Second Division- 50 per cent marks or above 24. A candidate may be permitted to offer additional units, subject in excess of the minimum requirements for the M.E. Degree. The result of these additional units/subject shall be separately mentioned in the mark sheet and it will not be counted for the awarded of the division. 25. Candidates who have passed the Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) shall be eligible for admission to the M.E. Course provided they pass a written and oral qualifying examination to be conducted by the department concerned. On admission, a candidate may be required to offer and pass additional courses to make up the deficiency, if any, and when this is done, his normal teaching load of Master of Engineering will be correspondingly reduced. The admission of candidates under this category would be restricted to maximum two for each course out of which not more than one may be on a regular basis. The candidate’s M.E. result will be announced only when he/she clears the deficiency papers. 26. Only those candidates will be eligible for U.G.C./A.I.C.T.E. scholarship who have qualified through the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers.) 27. For Civil Engineering Department: Graduate in Agricultural Engineering shall be eligible for admission to M.E. Civil (Geotechnical Engineering & Water Resources Engineering). On admission a candidate may be required to appear in additional B.E. course in civil Engineering to make-up the deficiency, if any. The candidate’s M.E. result will be announced only when he clears the deficiency papers. 3 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Professor and Head 1. Dr. Ajay Sharma B.E., M.E., Ph.D. Associate Professors 1. Dr. Suresh Singh Sankhla B.E., M.E.(Hons.), Ph.D. 2. Dr. Peeyush Chowdhary B.E. (Hons.), M.Tech., Ph.D. 3. Dr. Shailesh Choudhary B.E., M.E., Ph.D. 4. Dr. (Mrs.) Archana Bohra Gupta B.E. (Hons.), M.E.(Hons.), Ph.D. 4 DEPARTMENT OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING M.E. CIVIL: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME Unit Teaching Hrs. L T/P Hrs Exam Marks Course work Marks FIRST SEMESTER SE 101 SE 102 SE 103 SE 104 SE 105 Engineering Mathematics 1 3 2 3 100 50 Advanced Engineering Mechanics 1 3 2 3 100 50 Advanced Structural Analysis 1 3 2 3 100 50 Experimental Stress Analysis 1 3 2 3 100 50 Theory of Elasticity 1 3 2 3 100 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 5 15 10 500 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND SEMESTER SE 106 SE 107 Advanced Steel Structures 1 3 2 3 100 50 Advanced Concrete Structures 1 3 2 3 100 50 Elective – I 1 3 2 3 100 50 Elective – II 1 3 2 3 100 50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Total 4 12 8 400 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIRD SEMESTER Seminar - - - - - 150 FOURTH SEMESTER Dissertation - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 9 27 18 900 600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 LIST OF ELECTIVE SUBJECTS M.E. CIVIL: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Unit Teaching L T/P Hrs Theory Exam Marks Course work Marks 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 100 100 50 50 1 3 2 3 100 50 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 3 2 3 100 50 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SE 121 SE 122 SE 123 SE 124 SE 125 SE 126 SE 127 SE 128 SE 129 SE 130 SE 131 SE 132 SE 133 SE 134 SE 135 Advanced Theory Structures Energy Method in Structural Analysis Optimisation in Structural Analysis Composite Structures Concrete Technology and Construction Management Theory of Plates and Shells Finite Element Methods in Structural Analysis Dynamics of Structures Design of Industrial Structures Prestressed Concrete Structures Design of Bridge Sub-Structures Design of Concrete Bridges Design of Steel Bridges Computer Aided Design of Structures Design of Masonry Structures 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR M.E. CIVIL: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1. A regular student shall take the units as shown in the Examination Scheme. 2. A part-time student shall take not more than 3 units and not less than 2 units in any semester, except when the number of units to be completed is less than 2 towards the fulfillment of degrees requirements (A/C) dated 14-10-70. 2. Course work shall comprise tutorial assignment practicals class tests, home assignments and camp, if any. 3. The marks for the course work shall be awarded by the teacher concerned. 4. For electives, the teaching hours and examination hours shall be as specified for the particular elective. Only that subject can be offered as an elective for which the facilities as available in Department. 5. The marks for the seminar will be awarded by the Head of the Department. 6. Requirements for M.E. Degree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description Total No. Maximum Of Units Marks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theory Papers Course Work Seminar Dissertation 9 - 900 450 150 Accepted / Not Accepted --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For a pass, a candidate should obtain 35% in each theory paper, 50% in each course work, 50% in Seminar, and the Dissertation should be accepted. 7 COURSE CONTENTS COMPULSORY PAPERS Approved in M.E. Committee of Courses and Studies (Civil) Structural Engineering held on 6 th December, 2017 SE 101 : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Complex Analysis: Analytic function, Harmonic function, Milne – Thomson method for construction of analytic function, complex integration, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, complex transformation, Taylor’s and Laurentz’ series expansion of complex variable functions, Cauchy’s residue theorem and its application to contour integration. Differential Equations: Partial differential equations of second order, Monge’s method. Tensor Analysis: Covarient and contravariant tensor, algebra of tensors, relative tensor, Reciprocal tensor, Metric and fundamental tensor, Christoffel symbols. Statistical Methods: Correlation and regression analysis, sampling and test of significance (Z – test and 2 test) SE 102 : ADVANCED ENGINEERING MECHANICS Beans on Continuous Elastic Foundation: Bending of thin-walled section beam; Shear Centre. Newmark’s numerical procedures for determining shears moments, slopes and deflections for beam columns. Bucking of axially and eccentrically loaded columns: inelastic buckling of columns: Von Karman’s, Engesser and Shanley’s theories, Buckling of column in torsion and flexure. Lateral buckling of beams of symmetrical section; Stability of plates under inplane loading, Rectilinear plates with freely supported edges. Use of stability functions in solving rigid-jointed plane frames. Chandler’s tables. DI Alembert’s Principle; Hamilton’s Principle; Lagrange’s equation; Natural modes of vibration; Rayleigh-Ritz method application to a beam with non-uniform mass distribution. SE 103 : ADVANCED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS An introduction to the Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis. Stiffness Analysis : Degrees of Freedom, plane and three dimensional structures. Statical and kinematic indeterminacy. Formation of a stiffness matrix for a member under axial loading, flexure and combined axial loading and flexure, Combined direct load, flexure and torsion. Evaluations of elements of stiffness matrix. The principle of virtual work. Strain Energy and complementary energy. Stationary potential energy theory and applications to frames and beams. Automatic formulation of logical steps enabling computer solution by either stiffness of flexibility method. The advantage of the stiffness formulation. 8 SE 104 : EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS Strain Measuring Devices: Mechanical Extensometers, Begg’s Deformeter Principles of Structural Similitude Moire Fringe Techniques Photo Elastic Methods Brittle Coating Methods Electric Resistance Strain Gages : Basic techniques Wheat Stone Bridge. Temperature compensation Strain Rossettes and Strain Gages Transducer application of strain gages Motion measurements, Static and Dynamic Strain measurements. Vibration Theory and Vibration isolation of instruments. The design of vibration and measuring instruments. Theory of pickups. Displacement pickups. Accelerometers, Amplitude modulation. Oscilloscopes, Pen-Recorders, Amplifiers. Tape recorders, Free and Forced Vibration. Tests on shake tables. SE 105 : THEORY OF ELASTICITY Stress tensor, Direction cosines, Transformation of stress components, Normal and shear stresses. Principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr’s circle, Stress invariants, Octahedral stresses. Strain tensor, Strain and rotation matrix, Transformation, Principal strains invariants, Compatibility equations. Stress-strain relations, Genera ised Hooke’s law, Modulii of elasticity for isotropic and orthotropic materials. Elastic strain energy, Reciprocal theorem, Castigliano’s theorems. Plane stress and plane strain problems. Airy’s stress function Biharmonic equation in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Thick walled tubes under pressure and under rotation, Solution of the following problems (i) Bending of a cantilever loaded at the end (ii) Infinite plate under uniform tension with a small circular hole. Solution of torsion problems for circular, elliptical and equilateral triangle sections. Bending of plates, analysis of a simply supported and uniformly loaded circular plate. Equations of bending f plates. 9 SE 106 : ADVANCED STEEL STRUCTURES Design of riveted and welded connections of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid types Analysis of frames with semi-rigid connections. Design of industrial bents. Stress Skined construction, Rigid frame design. Structural use of light gauge sections. Design of aluminium structures, special considerations. Three dimensional frame-works, their analysis and design. Design office methods or analysis of multi-storey frames: Cantilever, portal and continuous portal methods. Effective lengths of framed columns. Structural systems for tall buildings: Frame Shear wall, core wall, combination of Frame – Shear wall / Core wall, Tubes systems e.g. tube in – tube, bundled tubes, braced tubes etc. Note: Use of I.S. : 800, I.S. : 875, I.S.:801, I.S.:811, I.S.:3908, I.S.:3921 and I.S.I:5384 and I.S.I.: Hand book No. 1 is permitted in the Examination. SE 107 : ADVANCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES Limit state design of R.C. columns carrying axial load along with uniaxial and biaxial bending moments. Moment-curvature relationship for reinforced concrete sections. Tall Building frames: Approximate Analysis for vertical and lateral loads. Torsion in tall building, concept of shear walls. Redistri8bution of moments in multi span beams and frames Yield-line analysis of R.C. Slabs. Slabs with free, simply supported, continuous and fixed edges. Uniformly distributed and point loads. Silos and bunkers : Jensen and Airy’s theories. Circular, square and rectangular bins. Chimneys: Wind and temperature effects Folded plate roofs : Various method of analysis. Simplified analysis for cylindrical, conoidal and hyperbolic paraboloid shells. Introduction to Non Destructive Testing Techniques. Note: Use of IS 456, ISI Handbook SP 16 and R.C. Designers Handbook by Reynolds and Steedman is permitted in the examination. 10 ELECTIVE PAPERS SE 121 : ADVANCED THEORY OF STRUCTURES Suspension Bridges Deflection Theory (linearized not non-linear), solution by Fourier series. The analogy methods. Secondary Stresses in plane frames and trusses; stresses due to lack of fit and change of temperature. Analysis of continuous trusses and continuous bents. Analysis of continuous parabolic arches Stiffness and carryover factors. Distribution of deformation (Kloucek’s method): Knotted cantilever and multi-storey frames. SE 122: ENERGY METHODS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Variational methods in continuum mechanics. Generalized expressions for strain energy density; Potential energy of elastic system, complementary energy, Castigliano’s theorems. Principle of stationary potential energy Hamilton’s principle. Application to plane redundant frame works plane problems. Vibration of elastic system with one degree and two degrees of freedom, beams. SE 123: OPTIMIZATION IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Introduction to Optimization, Classical optimization Techniques, Single variable optimization, Multivariable Optimization with No Constraints/Equality Constraints/Inequality Constraints. Linear Programming, Simplex Method. Non-Linear Programming. One – Dimensional Minimization Methods. Constrained/unconstrained Optimization Techniques. Gradient methods for Non-Linear programming, Geometric Programming. Linear and Non-Linear Programming Applications in Structural Design Optimal Control Theory for Multistage decision problems and Trusses Minimum Volume Design of Structures using structural theorems Dynamic Programming. Optimum Structural Design using Dynamic Programming. SE 124: COMPOSITE STRUCTURES General theory, Newmark and Viest’s method of analysis, Steel RSJ with concrete deck-design of Types of shear connections efficiency of shear connections of composite girders reported in journals commentary. Design specifications and critical review. 11 SE 125: CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Different types of cement and their properties. Additives in cement Pozzuolanas and their effect. Air entraining agents and their effects. Shrinkage and Creep due to slow loading. Light weight Concrete and its structural properties. High density containment for containment vessels. Design of cement concrete mixes using ordinary Portland cement. Introduction top use of polymers in concrete. Introduction to fibre reinforcement: Properties of steel, fibre concrete in hardended state. Hot weather concreting. Cold weather concreting. Design and construction of timber formwork for footing, column, beam and slab floor, flat slab and rectangular tanks. Steel formwork for silos, chimneys, domes, arches and Intze tanks. Moving formwork. Field Administration: Site control Handling and storage of materials, coordinating supplies and security steps. Management functions and problems. Scheduling for project : Use of PERT and CPM techniques. SE 126: THEORY OF PLATES AND SHELLS Basic assumptions, Development of fundamental equation of equilibrium and compatibility, Rectangular and circular plates with various boundary conditions. Strain energy of plates under bending. Standard solution due to M. Levy. The Rayleigh-Ritz procedure for plate under discrete and continuous transverse loading. Derivation of Von Karman’s equations. Large deflection of plates. Deformation of shells: Membrane theory. Derivation of membrane stresses and displacement in rotational shells under uniform loads. Bending stresses in cylindrical shells. Geckler’s solution for bending stresses in rotational shells (spherical dome) Derivation of Pucher’s equation for membrane stresses in shells of any type. General case of deformation of Cylindrical shells the use of stress strain function Donnel and Schorer equations, use of tables. Doubley curved shell, basic geometrical criteria Membrane theory for hyperbolic paraboloid and conoids. Circular cylindrical tank, edge conditions. 12 SE 127: FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Finite elements of an elastic continuum: Displacement approach Direct formulation of finite element characteristics, energy integral, Co and C1 continuity. Convergence criteria, Patch Test. Conforming and Non-conforming elements. Plane stress and plane strain problems: Constant strain triangle. Steps in the analysis of problems using finite elements. Introduction to axi-symmetric stress analysis. Three dimensional stress analysis: Tetrahedral and right prismatic elements. Element shape functions: Some general families for one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional elements, Pascal triangle, Serendipity family and Lagrange family, Triangular element family, Area coordinates. Curved elements: Isoparametric, super parametric and sub-parametric elements, Constant derivative criterion for isoparametric elements, Transformation in natural coordinate. Numerical Integration; Newton-Coates quadrature, Gauss quadrature. Derivation of stiffness matrix of a rectangular 12 degree of freedom (Non-conforming) plate bonding element and 16 degree of freedom (conforming) plate bending element. Introduction to parallelogramic, quadrilateral and triangular plate elements. Static condensation. SE 128: DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURES Vibrations of single degree of freedom systems (damped and undamped): Damping (Viscous damping) and its effects. Logarithmic decrement; Vibration Isolation, Machine vibration pulse excitation; Green’s function. Vibrations of undamped two degrees of freedom systems, shock absorbers. Multiple degrees of freedom system, Holzer method influence coefficient method. Response spectrum theory. Vibration of shear and bending type of structures. Introduction to the design of water towers, gravity and earth dams and other structures for lateral forces, dynamic characteristics of soils. Foundations design for vibratory forces. Seismic Zoning map of India, Magnitude, Intensity, Epicentre, scale of earthquakes, Seismic loading. Importance of seismic data collection. Choice of Earthquake parameters for design of structures. Note: Use of IS 1893-2002 shall be allowed in exam. SE 129: DESIGN OF INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES Design of multiple bay portals in steel, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. Portals with runways. Stressed skin design in steel for industrial bents. Hyperbolic paraboloidal shell roofs. Cylindrical and conoidal shells in reinforced concrete, design of. Note : In the open book examinations of six hours, the notes of the candidates and prescribed books only would be allowed. The candidates shall have no contact with any body during the examination hours. 13 SE 130: PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES Methods of prestressing : Materials used in prestressed concrete; losses in prestress. End block stresses; Design of end block. Design of member in flexure. Concordant and transformed profiles: Secondary movement, analysis and design of continuous beams. Moment-rotation characteristic of beams. Partial prestressing, Establishment of continuity in prestressed structures: Stretching in stages; Applicability to bridge beams Torsion in prestressed concrete beams. Introduction of the application of prestressing to Arches, Dams, Cylindrical tanks and Portal frames. Analysis and design of Composite T-beams. SE 131: DESIGN OF BRIDGE SUB-STRUCTURE Types of piers abutments and wings. Well foundations open and pneumatic, Cap slab, design of cutting edge, design of Pile groups as per foundations. Safety devices, fendering. Earthquake effect on bridge foundations. Structure-foundation. Interaction in bridges, Case histories of bridge foundation failures. SE 132: DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGES Type of bridges, general considerations for selection of site, bridge type. Aesthetic consideration, economic span. Skew slab bridges, frame bridges, skew frame bridges. Balanced Cantilever bridge, box and semi box girders. Design of articulation. Prestressed concrete bridge simple supported and continuous, end block, cable profile. Arch bridges open and filled spandrel, bow string girder. Bridge bearings Neoprene, its use. SE 133: DESIGN OF STEEL BRIDGES Secondary stresses in steel lattice bridge girders. Example of N Girder to be worked out using moment distribution method (for ordinary ties and struts and not for beams columns). Design of modern deep plate girder bridges with high tensile steel. Orthotropic deck of steel and steel concrete composite construction. Guyon and Massonnet method for torsionless grillages as detailed by Morice and Rowe. More recent modifications of the method by Cusens and Pama for inclusion of torsional rigidity of longitudinal girders. Eriction stresses during launching of girders. The example of the Ganga Bridge at Mokameh to be discussed from the paper by S.R. Sparkes in the Proceedings of the I.C.E. London in 1958. 14 SE 134: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES Introduction : Computer organization, operating systems, presentation and communication skills. Programming Languages (C++, FORTRAN 77/95) Data Analysis – Basic Statistics, Graph theory, Numerical methods, Matrix Algebra Structural Analysis Programming techniques for Matrix and Finite Element Methods using skeletal and planar elements. Structural Design An overview of commercial CAD softwares, General features and basic applications of STADD Pro/Core Note: Sessional Part to comprise of the following in Computer Lab: i. Programmes for exposure to C++ language ii. Programmes for exposure to FORTRAN 77 or 95 Language iii. Programmes for Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation iv. Interpolation v. Numerical Integration\ vi. Matrix operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Inversion vii. Formulation of Element Stiffness matrix for skeletal and planar elements viii. Study of techniques for efficient use of computer memory, time and limitations for environment ix. Design of Structural Elements using STAAD Pro/Core. SE 135: DESIGN OF MASONRY STRUCTURES Introduction to Masonry Construction: Elements, Materials, Structural Systems and construction. Type of Masonry: Reinforced/Unreinforced, Brick, Stone, Block, Non engineered, Earthen, Low strength, confined masonry. Advantages and Disadvantages of structural masonry. Connectors: Wall ties, anchors and fasteners. Design considerations: Stability, Effective dimensions, Slenderness ratio, Eccentricity, Openings. Basis of Design for Gravity and Lateral Loading. Analysis and design for gravity, lateral (In plane & out of plane) loading. Behaviour, Analysis and Design: Structural walls, Masonry moment resisting wall-frames, shear wall, Masonry In-Filled frames. Introduction to Earthquake Resistant Design of Masonry Structures: Capacity design and ductility considerations. Durability problems, repair and Retrofitting Techniques. Introduction to IS Codes relevant to Masonry. Note: Use of IS 1905 – 1987, IS 13828 – 1993, SP 20 – 1991 and IS 1893 (Pt. – I) – 2002 is permitted in the exam. 15