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Social Training Module: USL Student Guide

First Semester
SY 2021-2022
SOCT 1013 – Social Training
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Social Sciences Program Chair
Recommended by:
Academic Dean
Approved by:
Vice President for Academics
General Education
School Year 2021-2022
SOCT 1013 (Social Training)
WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022! You are enrolled in the Correspondence Learning Modality. I am
Mr. Jef-Jef Anagaran, your instructor in Social Training.
For queries, please feel free to contact me through the following:
 Facebook Account: JefJef Anagaran
 E-mail: jefjef.anagaran@yahoo.com
 Mobile Number: 09666499000
 Telephone Number: (078) 304-1463
GET INVOLVED. USL expects you to do the following:
(For Modular)
 Let your parents pick up your module on the first day of the week.
 Send back your accomplished lessons and learning tasks as your parent will pick up the next.
 Contact me through messenger for any query as regards your lessons or procedures in school.
 Comply with all requirements (written outputs, projects, performance tasks, examinations and the like)
(For LMS)
 Learning materials like handouts, PowerPoint presentation, scanned books, photos or videos, and
worksheets will be uploaded in the NEO LMS. You are expected to read the lessons before
working on the activities or quizzes.
 You are expected to interact by asking questions or sharing
insights through the Discussion Forum. That is also my way of
following up on your progress and of helping you with your
 In each lesson, you will be given a worksheet or activity
to complete. It is important that you read well the materials
given before working on any activity.
 Synchronous quiz will be given every week. Low MB usage
will be utilized to ensure easy access. Failure to submit on time
requires you to provide written explanation. Allowing you to take
another exam is within the discretion of your instructor. You will
be notified of the schedule for quizzes.
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 Lessons will be uploaded every Monday, and submission will be every Thursday of the week.
 For submission purposes, please upload ALL outputs in the LMS or send them to my e-mail.
 Turn in learning tasks on time to avoid backlogs.
 Remember to log in your LMS regularly as that will be the basis of your attendance.
 Be guided by the grading system.
In the first two weeks of the course, you expect to do a lot of reading of the USL College Student Handbook since our
course aims at forming young Louisians to act, speak and behave as well-mannered individuals. Varied assessments
or activities will be given. At the outset, I am strictly warning you against plagiarism especially for essay type activities.
Plagscan is used to verify authenticity of your work. Any plagiarized material will be automatically given zero. (this
includes copy paste from internet and from your classmates)
Academic Intellectual Property Rights: Materials posted over NEO-LMS are properties of USL and the Facilitators.
Students are not allowed to share it to any third-party individuals who are not part of the class without any permission
from the owners.
I hope you find this flexible approach helpful. Continue to learn amidst this pandemic. Stay safe while learning.
Included in this first week module are the following:
1. USL Vision-Mission and Core Values, Program Outcomes and Course Learning
2. Weekly Study and Assessment Guide
3. Worksheets to be submitted to your teacher
This Week’s Timetable: (August 17-28, 2021)
For this week, the following shall be your guide for the different lessons and tasks
that you need to accomplish. Be patient and read them carefully before proceeding
to the tasks expected of you. Have a fruitful learning experience.
August 17
August 19-20
August 23-24
August 26
August 28
Orientation and Setting of expectations
The University’s Vision-Mission statement;
Core Values
1. Duties and Responsibilities
2. On Campus Attendance
3. Administrative Actions and Proceedings
4. The Committee on Student Discipline
Appeal or Review Committee
Categories of Disciplinary Actions
Activity 2: Infographic Making
Read the General Introduction part
Accomplish activity (see Activity Sheet 1)
Read Lessons (included in this module are the
first four sections of the Chapter VIII of the USL
College Student Handbook 2019)
Read lessons
Accomplish Activity (see attached Activity
Analysis and Evaluation of Policies in the Answer Activity (see attached Activity Sheet)
Student Handbook
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SOCT 1013 (Social Training)
SY 2020-2021
Lesson 1: Who is a Louisian?
1. Student Duties and Responsibilities
2. On Campus Attendance
3. Administrative Actions and Procedure
4. The Committee on Student Discipline
5. The Appeal or Review Committee
6. Categories of Corrective Actions
7. Offenses
7.1 Minor Offenses
7.2 Major Offenses
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
familiarize the University’s Vision-Mission statement and Core Values;
commit oneself in complying to all student’s duties and responsibilities;
list reasons why schools need to implement student policies;
respect the University as a CICM Catholic educational institution by conforming to its teachings and practices;
familiarize administrative penalties for serious offense and violation of disciplinary rules and regulations;
craft framework in promoting Louisian’s identity and code of discipline through infographic making;
enumerate various ways on how to develop institutional citizenship; and
review and evaluate the existing student policies of the University.
This introductory lesson focuses on familiarizing yourself with the University’s existing policies as well as
provides you opportunities to discover what USL offers in forming you not only to become universally-adept individual
but also mature Christian and responsible member of the Church and the society. Certainly, this course helps the
University in articulating its quest for knowledge and human development as you will be given steps on how to uphold
a proper disposition and professional climate outside and within the campus.
Before we finally proceed to the first topic of the course, may I first present to you the University’s VisionMission statement, the USL Core Values and the overview of the course.
The University of Saint Louis has been at the forefront of human development as it tirelessly espouses the
Christian values and teachings of Jesus to its students for more than five decades. USL still remains unscathed as it
withstands educational challenges. Truly, our roadmap has paved USL’s way in achieving from what and where the
University it is now.
This module herein contains the USL’s Vision and Mission. Also attached is the description of the course.
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The University of Saint Louis upholds the philosophy that education is meant for building of self and persons
for the Church and the Society: WISDOM BUILDS. To these ends, the following are University of Saint Louis’ CORE
VALUES integral in the formation of every member of the Louisian community.
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After reading the general introduction of this module, I want you to show your academic milestones from
being a senior high school student to entering into another challenging journey as a first year student of University of
Saint Louis.
As you enjoy your academic years in the University, you need to fulfill your duties and responsibilities as
students. Below listed are the things that you have to observe.
Every student shall have the duty to:
1. uphold the Vision-Mission, policies, rules and regulations of the University of Saint Louis;
2. uphold the constitution and rules emanating from the Student Supreme Council (SSC);
3. exert his/her utmost efforts to develop his/her potentials for service in order that he/she may become an
asset to his/her school, family and society;
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4. uphold the academic integrity of the school and endeavor to achieve academic excellence and abide by
the rules and regulations governing his academic responsibilities and moral integrity;
5. honor and respect the school and obey the rules and regulations in order to promote and maintain the
peace and tranquility by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow students, the
faculty and administrators and other school personnel; and exercise his/her rights and responsibilities in
the knowledge that he/she is answerable for any infringement or violations of the public welfare and the
right of others, especially in the exercise of the rights of expression and publication.
a. USL considers regular attendance and punctuality in all classes as one of the most important obligations of
the students. It assumes that every student has come to USL for purpose of using all the opportunities and
facilities offered him by the University. Regular attendance; therefore, in all classes is obligatory.
b. The Office of the Prefect of Men and Prefect of Women regularly keeps parents of students informed through
letters and individual conferences. This is a special service aimed towards the proper guidance of the
students’ life in the University.
c. A student is required to attend class regularly from the first day of the scholastic term as noted in the school
calendar. Classes missed by late enrollee or due to late enrolment shall be considered as absences.
d. A student who incurs absences of more than 20% of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods
during the term (semester or summer) shall be given a mark “dropped” and given no credit for the course or
subject (MORPHE 2008, Art. 221, se. 101). However, a consideration may be granted by the Dean of the
Student Affairs in coordination with the Academic Dean for meritorious case.
e. The maximum number of absences are the following:
In 5-unit subjects – 17 hours
In 4-unit subjects – 13 hours
In 3-unit subjects – 9 hours
In 2-unit subjects – 6 hours
In 1-unit subjects – 3 hours
 A student who has been absent for 3 class periods shall not be allowed to re-enter the class without
an admission slip duly signed by the Prefect of the Men/Women. These absences need not be
 After another two hours of absences, the instructor submits again the class card to the office of the
Prefect of Men/Women. Parents or guardians of the students will be informed in writing after the fifth
absence of the student.
 After accumulating 10 hours of absences, the class card is again submitted to the office of the Prefect
of the Men/Women, and if necessary, confers with the Academic Dean concerned to deliberate if the
student deserves another chance or not.
f. A student is held responsible for lectures and assignments missed due to absences.
g. A student who misses a quiz due to an unexcused absence will not be given credit
for that quiz.
h. A student who leaves the class without permission after the prayer or returns only
near the end of the period is considered absent. A student who leaves without asking
permission is marked absent.
a. Students are marked "late" if they arrive after the opening prayer but within the first
15 minutes of the class period. A student who is not present in the class within the first
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15 minutes of the period is considered absent. However, he/she will still be allowed to attend the rest of the
b. In case the instructor does not arrive within the first 15 minutes of the period, a student of the class should
inform the Dean of the College concerned and wait for the Dean's permission before the class is dismissed.
c. The attendance of students during convocations and special assemblies is required. Absence from such
activity will be recorded as absence from the class period which otherwise would have been held.
a. Student’s absences may be excused or unexcused.
b. All absences whether excused or unexcused shall be recorded in the student’s class card.
c. A student with excused absences shall be given an opportunity to complete alternative learning tasks in lieu
of missed activities.
d. The following are valid reasons for excused absences:
For automatic excusal of absences
-Sickness of the student
-Death of a member of the student’s immediate family
-Official business (OB) which refers to activities of student organizations sponsored by an academic unit or
the Student Affairs Office where the student is an organizer and/or direct participant: seminars, competitions,
departmental days, etc.
-Subpoena for court appearance
-Force Majeure
For case to case excusal of absences
-Serious sickness of a member of the student’s immediate family
-Religious holidays and/or church activities where student’s direct involvement is required not beyond two
(2) days
-Processing of entrance requirements for military/police academy not beyond three (3) days
-Processing of embassy requirements not beyond two (2) days
e. Other excuse reasons not articulated here in shall consider the student’s absence unexcused and thereby,
no opportunity for alternative learning tasks shall be given as a replacement of the missed activities.
f. A student shall NOT be given a mark of “dropped” due to absences considered OB as such are not counted
in the maximum allowable hours prior dropping. Refer to College Student Handbook, p. 108 for the maximum
number of absences.
g. Excusal due to official business (OB); subpoena for court appearance; processing of embassy requirements
not beyond two (2) days; processing of entrance requirements for military/ police academy not beyond three
(3) days; and religious holidays and/or church activities where student’s direct involvement is required not
beyond two (2) days shall be communicated a week prior non-attendance to class.
h. Excusal due to other reasons shall be secured and presented to the subject teacher/s upon reporting to
school/ class.
i. A document to validate reasons for absences shall be attached in the class excusal slip.
-For sickness, a medical certificate signed by the University Physician or the University Nurse and/or Personal
-For death of the member of the immediate family, a death certificate
-For organizational and departmental activities, approved conduct of the activity
-For religious holidays/ activities, a letter from the parish priest, pastor and/or religious leader
-For court appearance, a photocopy of the subpoena
-For force majeure, a certification from the Barangay Captain and/or letter of parents
-For processing of entrance requirements for military, a letter from the agency
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-For processing of embassy requirements, a definite schedule of appearance
Procedures on Student’s Class Excusal
1. Secure three (3) copies of the class excusal slip from the Office of Student Affairs & Services (OSAS).
2. Fill out the class excusal slips.
3. Submit slip duly noted by the Academic Dean to the Dean of Student Affairs & Services for approval.
4. Furnish copy of the approved class excusal to the concerned instructor.
It must be properly worn by the students within the campus during the semester and short term.
The College, Junior High School, Senior High School and Elementary gates are the four main entrances to
the main school campus. The gymnasium gate is opened only for gymnasium activities. The Chapel gate
should not be used as a short cut to the High School department. The gate leading to the Pope John Paul II
Building is used for students with classes in the said building.
These are aids both to classroom efficiency and self-discipline. Students do themselves and others disservice
when they have no concern for the care and maintenance of the University facilities and equipment.
Students' requests, inquiries or complaints should be reported to the Office of Student Affairs and Services
(OSAS) through the Incident Report Form for Students. The OSAS forwards the report/s to the concerned
offices. Anonymous reports are, as a rule, not entertained.
Louisian students ought to be ladies and gentlemen; therefore, they should:
a. refrain from offensive, vulgar, indecent words unbecoming in an academic community;
b. avoid unnecessary noise, boisterous conversation, whistling;
c. keep the campus clean and tidy: no loitering, carving, marking walls, vandalism;
d. dress and groom properly in a way befitting ladies and gentlemen; and
e. conducts herself/himself with sense of dignity and integrity.
Students are required to wear their prescribed uniforms properly. On days where the wearing of the uniform
is dispensed with, the students are expected to practice good grooming and decency. In no case should
students use offensive dress, logos, designs or texts on their shirts. The uniform is to be used only for school
functions; it must not be worn in places or for activities which cannot be identified with the school.
a. LADIES: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays – dark blue skirt, long sleeves with black, heeled,
closed shoes
b. GENTLEMEN: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays - dark blue slacks, white polo with
embroidered logo, black shoes and black socks
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c. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, students may wear any attire that is in adherence with University’s
Dress Code Policy. The use of USL/Departmental and Organizational shirts during the said days is
Special Uniform Exemption Pass may be obtained at OSAS by concerned students involved in fieldwork activities.
The following are not allowed:
For Male students:
1. Long hair, beard, moustache &goatee and skin head
2. Hairline designed and long-comb over
3. Putting on makeup
4. Wearing of earrings
5. Wearing of slippers and sandals
For Female students:
1. Wearing of slippers
2. Tight fitting pants/ leggings
3. Tight fitting blouses, see-through blouses, “bakuna” dresses/blouses
4. Half pants and shorts
5. Above navel blouses
6. Mini skirts and dresses with plunging necklines, backless, sleeveless, spaghetti straps,
7. Double earrings/multiple earrings
For both Male and Female Students:
1. Altering the natural color (dark brown & black) of the hair ( subject to revision)
2. Cross-dressing
3. Tattered/busted denims
4. Excessive jewelry and accessories (chains, arm bands, big silver or other metal necklaces,
dangling earrings, oversize bracelets, etc.)
5. Using anklets
6. Shirts with indecent, obscene prints or subliminal messages
7. Visible tattoos
Vacant periods should not be wasted by loitering, but put to good use to study, review, research, and
use library facilities. Loitering in hallways and corridors during classes is strictly prohibited.
Educated behavior demands attention not to litter on the grounds, but to dispose waste materials in the
appropriate trash bins and waste baskets.
They are taken in the canteen and therefore are out of place in the classroom, library and corridors.
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Classrooms are for approved purposes primarily for teaching and learning activities. Class party, singing
birthday songs and the like are discouraged in consideration of official time and to prevent undue disturbance
of other classes.
Smoking in any place of the campus is forbidden.
Only vehicles of the school, CICM priests and visitors are allowed to use the path leading to the CICM
District House.
It is allowable on a “first-come, first-served” basis due to a very limited space.
Compulsory selling of tickets and the practice of exacting contributions from students for whatever
purpose, are prohibited. A permission to solicit contributions must be obtained in writing from the University
President otherwise it will be considered as against regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.
The University maintains a policy that no employee may directly or indirectly involved in the sale of books
or other instructional materials. A faculty may recommend textbooks or instructional materials and upon
endorsement of Academic Dean and approval of the Office of the University President, purchase and sale
shall be coursed through the Accounting Office.
Special Note: All fund-raising activities approved by Members of Administration for purposes of improving facilities
and services to students, with due consultation and information to all sectors of the Louisian Community may be
made compulsory.
As a general policy, students who cheat during term examinations get a failing mark of 70% for the term.
During quizzes, they get a zero on that particular quiz.
Effective classroom discipline is a means to improve the academic and educational environment of the
1. The official class period is the academic forum to which each USL student is rightfully
entitled in all justice, by the fees he/she pays to the University.
Class periods are spent only in activities relevant to the subject matter.
2. Students should not bring non-bonafide students to the campus and certainly not to attend
a class period.
3. Class hours cannot be utilized for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities or any other
organizational meeting or function.
4. The school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual, entity or institution shall have
special parental authority and responsibility over the students while under their supervision,
instruction or custody.
5. Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside
the premises of the school, entity or institution (Art. 2018, Chapter 2, Family Code).
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The Louisian realizes that legitimate recreations and social setting hold a place in his/her life. He/she
also realizes that his/her privilege brings about responsibilities, so:
1. Full responsibility for such off-campus activities shall be assumed by the organizers. They
shall inform school authority of the proposed activity and submit a waiver signed by their
2. Instructions given by the organizers must be observed;
3. Regulations required by the place visited likewise must be observed; and
4. Adherence to the provisions of CMO_No.17_s. 2012 on policies and guidelines on
educational tours and field trips of college and graduate students.
The University, in pursuit of the promotion for student well-being, adheres to the principles of restorative justice and
shall apply when applicable in the disciplinary process.
Pursuant to the provision of the Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education (MORPHE 2008, Section 105),
the following minimum standards of due process shall be complied with:
1. The student must be informed in writing of the nature and cause of any accusation against him, and required
to answer the accusation in writing. If the student is a minor, the parents or guardian shall be furnished with
a copy of show cause letter;
2. If the student denies the accusation or alleges some fact or matter in justification or mitigation of the offense,
the University shall convene the Committee on Student Discipline to hear and receive evidence;
3. In all stages of the proceedings, the student shall have the right to assistance of a counsel of his/her own
4. The student shall have the right to listen to and examine evidences presented to him/her, to ask clarificatory
questions through the Committee on Student Discipline and to present evidence in his/her behalf;
5. As a matter of proceedings in the University, the Committee on Student Discipline submits recommendation
to the Office of the University President for approval.
6. The student shall be informed in writing of the decision promulgated in his/her case.
7. Disciplinary intervention/s imposed shall be commensurate with the nature and gravity of the offense.
It receives and reviews evidence of any reported violation of the University’s Code of Student Discipline. Its
objectives are geared towards resolving problems in a fair and just way for the peace and harmony among all.
1. COMPOSITION: The Committee on Student Discipline is composed of the following:
1.1. Prefects of Men and Women
1.2. A faculty of the College/School/Department where the student belongs
1.3. CICM-Liaison Officer/Chaplain
1.4. A student representative from the Supreme Student Council; and
1.5. The Dean of Student Affairs & Services as the moderator
2.1. The Prefects of Men and Women, the CICM Liaison Officer/Chaplain, shall sit as permanent members.
2.2. The faculty member and the student representative sit as non-permanent members.
2.3. The Prefect of Men will act as the Chairperson if the respondent is male and the Prefect of Women if the
respondent is female.
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It is composed of three (3) members to be recommended by the Dean of Student Affairs & Services for approval of the
University President.
According to the Manual of Regulations for Private Higher Education of 2008 (MORPHE), the administrative penalties
that may be imposed upon a student in conflict with school policies, for commission of any serious offense or violation of
institutional disciplinary rules and regulations are provided and categorized as follows:
It is a disciplinary intervention that allows the institution to deprive or deny the student in conflict with school policies
from attending classes for a specified period. The Committee on Student Discipline proposes the number of days the student
may be suspended, and will recommend a productive output during suspension. He/she shall also undergo counseling session
at the College Guidance & Counseling Center and/or at the Office of the CICM-Liaison Officer or Chaplain.
It is a disciplinary intervention that allows the institution to deny admission or enrollment of a student in conflict with
school policies for the semester/short term immediately following the semester when the resolution or decision finding the
student guilty of the offense charged and imposing the disciplinary intervention of non-readmission was promulgated. Unlike the
disciplinary intervention of exclusion, the student is allowed to complete the current semester/short term when the resolution for
non-readmission was promulgated.
It is a disciplinary intervention that allows the Institution to exclude or drop the name of the student in conflict with
school policies from the roll of students immediately upon resolution for the exclusion was promulgated. This disciplinary
intervention maybe imposed for acts or offenses such as dishonesty, hazing, carrying deadly weapons, immorality, selling and/or
possession of prohibited drugs, drug dependency, drunkenness, hooliganism, vandalism and other offenses analogous to the
foregoing. Transfer credentials of the student in conflict with school policies shall be issued upon the promulgation, subject to
the other provisions of the Manual.
It is a disciplinary intervention wherein the institution declares a student in conflict with school policies disqualified for
admission to any public or private higher education in the Philippines. In any case, the disciplinary intervention of expulsion
cannot be imposed without the approval of the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This disciplinary
intervention maybe imposed for acts or offenses involving moral turpitude or constituting gross misconduct, which are considered
criminal pursuant to existing laws.
The University may also impose the following disciplinary interventions as provided by the College Student Handbook:
5.1. Invalidation of quiz, examination, term paper or any other class work
5.2. warning and reprimand
5.3 Demerit for an award
5.4.Cancellation of school offered scholarship (For these disciplinary interventions either a formal or an
informal hearing may be given to the student).
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It is an intervention whereby the student involved in a premarital relationship is not allowed by the institution
to be admitted for one (1) semester/ short term. The CLAb is to prepare the student for their parenting
responsibility and to prevent offending the moral sensitivity of the community. The student under CLAb may
opt to enroll in the University after the completion of the leave of absence.
It is a disciplinary intervention whereby the student in conflict with school policies will pay for damages or
any material lost to the institution or members of the University.
It is a disciplinary intervention whereby the student in conflict with school policies who is graduating during
the semester/ short term where disciplinary intervention imposed promulgated is greater than suspension is
deprived of attending graduation ceremonies and Parents’ Night. However, the student in conflict with school
policies is still allowed to graduate.
It is a disciplinary intervention whereby the student in conflict with school policies is provided with an
opportunity to see first-hand the indirect consequence/s of his/her actions; thus, letting him/her realize
his/her accountabilities.
A student suspended for a particular violation may also serve for a required compliance. Required
compliance means satisfying University requirements, work assignments, behavioral contract, counseling
sessions, or other discretionary assignments as determined by the Committee on Student Discipline.
This section of the Chapter VIII explains the difference between minor and major offenses. It also presents the classification of
the two offenses as well as the disciplinary interventions. You read them well so that you will be guided of the following offenses
and their corresponding interventions.
The offenses which are deemed contrary to student code of discipline and deviation from the Louisian Core Values are
stated together with their respective disciplinary intervention for the guidance of all students of the University. Offenses are
classified as minor and major.
A violation can be classified as a minor offense if it falls under the following classification.
1.1. Definition: Violations that may come under this classification are those:
1.1.1 That do not involve serious injury or harm
1.1.2 Lacking evidence of malice or premeditation
1.1.3 With little or no severe negative implications for the University or its members
1.1.4 Which are uncontested by the accused
1.1.5 Resolved by one of the following means:
-Dispute resolution as mediated by the SAO, and upon agreement of all parties
-Adherence to terms of a behavioral contract
1.1.6 Violations deemed “minor” are recorded in a student’s name but do not prevent them from
receiving a clean Certificate of Good Moral Character. Repeated minor violations; however, may
constitute basis for the filing of a major offense against the student, or serve as an aggravating factor
in the evaluation and processing of subsequent misbehavior.
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1.2. Specific Minor Offenses: Below are minor offenses. These minor offenses are NOT limited to the
As a Louisian, you need to be good-looking person by strictly following the University’s dress code. By doing so, you are not
only developing a sense of discipline but also promoting your distinct identity.
- Not showing of I.D. card to person in authority
- Improper use of I.D.
- Non-wearing of I.D. inside the campus
- Using ID lanyard of other schools/ universities
- Wearing printed/PE shirts as inner shirt
- Rolling up of the uniform sleeves
- Using of detachable USL logo
- Non-wearing of prescribed uniform
- Wearing inappropriate attire within the campus
- Using of backpack for female students when in the prescribed uniform
- Cross-dressing for both male and female students
- Using of skinny/ tight-fitting slacks for male students when in the prescribed uniform
The University believes that better physical appearance make better impressions. USL trains its students to always observe
proper grooming. All students are encouraged to groom themselves towards becoming well-presented and better-looking
- Wearing of earring/s by male students and more than one pair of earrings for female students;
excessive use of jewelries and other accessories; body piercing and tattooing
- Altering the natural color of hair for both male and female students (Students found with colored
hair will be required to color the hair back to its normal/natural color.)
- Shaving of all hair or sporting long hair for male students
- Sporting male haircut/style for female students
- Using of fashion contact lenses while in prescribed uniform
- Wearing of excessive makeup for female students and makeup for male students
By the time you will be allowed to enter your classes, please be reminded that the University has set of guidelines for politeness
and good manners. I do hope that you will always show proper manners and etiquette at all times.
- Entering other classes without permission
- Eating in classrooms, laboratories, grotto, EMC, Gym, Libraries, and Chapel
- Disturbing one's class or that of another
- Breaking into a school function without the permission of those concerned
- Public display of physical intimacy
- Use of classroom or school facilities without any permission from the school authority
- Loitering along the corridors during classes
2. Disciplinary Interventions: Below are disciplinary interventions for minor offenses:
Classification of Minor Offense
Disciplinary Intervention
1. Uniform/ID-Related
2. Grooming-Related
3. Decorum-Related
Academic Service with Counseling
Behavioral Contract
2.1. 24-hour Case Resolution of Minor Offenses:
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2.1.1 The Office of Student Affairs & Services confiscates the I.D. card of z the student and give
advice so the student will not repeat the offense. His/her commission of the minor offense will now
form part of the student records in terms of discipline.
2.1.2 For failure to claim his/her I.D. card within 24 hours:
- In case the validity of the slip expires, the guard-on-duty accompanies the student to the OSAS
for assessment of the compliance of the student. If complied, I.D. card will be returned but warning
will be issued considering that the student has disregarded the 24-hour notice and failed to comply
- As part of classroom management, teachers are advised to check on the I.D card of students.
Should the students have no ID and no slip at hand, student must be immediately referred to the
- As a general rule, a warning will be issued to the student upon expiration of the 24-hour. This can
escalate to a major offense since it is disregarding already orders from disciplining authority.
2.1.3 For consecutive or non-consecutive commission of up to five (5) times of different nature or of
the same nature of minor offenses, this will automatically be considered as a major offense (Chapter
VIII.G.2.24) which is sanctioned by suspension to non-readmission.
2.1 Definition: Violations that may come under this classification are those:
2.1.1 That warrants a more severe penalty of suspension up to dismissal/expulsion.
2.1.2 With serious negative implications for the University or its members
2.1.3 Resolved by one of the following means:
- Dispute resolution as mediated by the OSAS, and upon agreement of all parties
- Conference and case deliberation with both parties involved
- Desistance of the complaint
2.1.4 Violations deemed “major” are recorded in a student’s name and shall still be issued of a
Certificate of Good Moral Character with any of the following remarks:
- Recommended with reservation
- Not recommended
3.1. Disciplinary Interventions: Any of the following disciplinary interventions may be applied for major offense:
3.1.1 Compulsory Leave of Absence (CLAb)
3.1.2 Suspension
- 1-3 school days
- 4-7 school days
- 8-14 school days
3.1.3 Administrative Non-readmission Exclusion/Dismissal
3.1.4 Expulsion
Note: See attached Specific Major Offenses and Corresponding Disciplinary Interventions
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Higher education institutions, like USL, play a vital role in upholding the culture of diversity and institutional citizenship
among its students as they are given opportunities to exercise their rights but strictly adhere to the University’s teachings and
beliefs as well as partake in different academic and co-curricular
activities of the University.
This first lesson of this course has given you a brief orientation
of the University’s existing policies. I hope that you will do you
responsibilities as a student and help in promoting your Louisian identity.
Founder of Citizen University, Eric Liu, throws light on active
citizenship at a 2015 TEDx event in Christchurch, New Zealand. In
TEDx’s YouTube video, he defined power as "the ability to make others
do as you would have them do."
According to him, imagination is "the ability to see things as they are not.” Liu underscored that power and imagination
are useless without the presence of the third essential element of pro-social citizenship, that is, character. Watch the full video
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr4qtTcU4n8
As a new member of the Louisian community, you have to engage yourself to the University and take part in the
promotion of good Louisian identity as well as cultivate a sense of belongingness in the school.
USL College Student Handbook 2019
Learning Materials
1. Answer Sheets (teacher-made)
2. PowerPoint presentation (teacher-made)
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SOCT 1013 – Social Training | 19
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