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Risks of Anal Sex: Health Concerns & Religious Views

the risks associated with anal sex was leading to women being harmed by the
practice and letting down a generation of women who are not aware of the
potential problem
within popular culture it has moved from the world of pornography to
mainstream media
However, women who engage in anal sex are at greater risk from it than men.
“Increased rates of faecal incontinence and anal sphincter injury have been
reported in women who have anal intercourse,” the report said
Women are at a higher risk of incontinence than men because of their
different anatomy and the effects of hormones, pregnancy and childbirth on
the pelvic floor.
Women have less robust anal sphincters and lower anal canal pressures than
men, and damage caused by anal penetration is therefore more consequential.
The pain and bleeding women report after anal sex is indicative of trauma, and
risks may be increased if anal sex is coerced
Your anus provides a protective barrier to your intestines. While the
tissue on the outside of your anus tends to be rigid, the tissue on the
inside is thin and delicate making it easier to tear or bleed. This
means there’s a higher chance of transferring an infection or virus to
your partner if a tear occurs.
here are also many blood vessels supplying blood to the entire area.
When pressure occurs inside of your anus, this can cause those blood
vessels to swell, resulting in hemorrhoids. If left untreated, this can
cause more pain and potential bleeding.
There could be bleeding after anal sex which could be due to hemorrhoid (a swollen
vein or group of veins in the region of the anus) or tear, or something more serious
such as a perforation (hole) in the colon. This is a dangerous problem that requires
immediate medical attention. Treatment involves a hospital stay, surgery, and
antibiotics to prevent infection.
if both of the persons involved in the act do not have sexually transmitted disease
before the act, the quantum of bacteria in the anus are capable of infecting the man,
and that is easily caught through the penile penetration.
e situation could be worse if the man and the woman engage in vaginal sex after anal
this could lead to vaginal and urinary tract infection
anal sex could also lead to cancer, due to the changes in the nature of the tissues in the
anus. She said, “On the long run, once the nature of the tissues changes, which is
known as metaplasia, the mucosa, which is a membrane that lines various cavities in
the anus and some other parts of the body and surrounds internal organs, also becomes
infected over time. It becomes inflamed. And so these continuous abnormal changes
of the mucosa would lead to anal cancer on the long run.”
Fissures or piles: The anal tissues are non-stretchable and thereby an insertion of the
penis into your partner’s anus can lead to tearing of the anus which might make your
partner prone to anal fissures or piles. Besides, anal sex can cause severe pain while
excretion the morning after, as there can be a significant weakening of the anal muscles.
Increases the chances of anal cancer: If you and your partner frequently engage in anal
sex, your partner’s chances of getting anal cancer increases as the act can initiate the
transmission of the Human Papillomavirus (the virus responsible for anal cancer).
Bacterial infection: Anus is a place designed to hold and facilitate the passing of faeces.
This makes it a fertile breeding ground and holding area for bacteria. Through insertion,
there is a high chance that you can be infected through your partner’s bacteria. Also if
vaginal intercourse occurs immediately after anal intercourse, your partner can also get
affected by the bacteria that transfer from the anus to the vagina. It can cause UTIs or
urinary tract infections at the least and more serious infections as well.
Sexually transmitted diseases: Contrary to popular opinions, having unprotected anal
sex can actually increase the chance of getting HIV and other deadly STDs (sexually
transmitted diseases). As the anal tissues are extremely fragile, the risk of the
transmission of sexually transmitted infections in the bloodstream remains quite high for
both the partners involved. Even if you’re using a condom whilst engaging in the act, the
chances of getting STD’s looms large as condoms are more prone to breakages during
anal sex.
Allah says “so go to your tilth when or how you will” which means that all variations
of intercourse are permitted, so long as it is in the place of tilth, i.e., the vagina, not
the back passage. So it is permissible for a man to have intercourse with his wife
from behind or from in front or lying on their sides so long as it is in the place of tilth
and not the back passage.
1 – That it was a mistake on the part of some of those who narrated it from Ibn
‘Umar, and they understood from it that it was permissible to have intercourse
in the back passage, when in fact he was narrating that it is permissible to
have intercourse with one's wife in her vagina from behind, based on what is
mentioned in sahih reports from him that he regarded it as haram to have
intercourse with one’s wife in her back passage. And al-Nasai narrated in alSunan al-Kubra (5/315) with a sahih isnad that Ibn ‘Umar was asked about that
and he said: Would a Muslim do that?!
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Tahdhib al-Sunan
“It is narrated in a sahih report that he interpreted the verse as referring to
intercourse in the vagina coming from the back, which is what was narrated
from Nafi’. Those who thought that Nafi’ approved of intercourse in the back
passage are gravely mistaken; rather what he meant was having intercourse
from the back in the vagina. Thus they were confused when they thought that
when he said “from the back” he meant the back passage; but what he meant
by that was coming from the back but putting it in the place of intercourse,
namely the vagina. Those people were confused when they understood the
words of Nafi’ “from the back” as meaning “in the back (passage)”.”
In spite of the fact that many wives of sound nature refuse this, there are some
husbands who threaten their wives with divorce if they do not obey them (in
this matter), and some even deceive their wives, who are too shy to ask
scholars about it, into thinking that it is permissible. The Prophet SAWS
(Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) said that a man may approach his
wife in any way he likes, from the front or the back, so long as intercourse
takes place in the place from through which a child is born. There is no doubt
that the rectum is the place from which waste matter is expelled, not the place
from which a child is born.
ust as Islam guides that it is a sin for a woman to refuse the invitation of her
husband for sexual intercourse, the absolute majority of the scholars and jurists in
Islam are of the opinion that if a husband were to refuse the invitation of his wife
without an absolutely valid and genuine reason, it would be a sin in the Sight of the
The wife in Islam is well within her rights to invite her husband, and initiate the
first moves to enjoy conjugal relations with her husband, if she wishes to do so;
and it is the duty of the husband to respond positively to the invitation of his
wife. If the husband refuses the invitation of his wife without an absolutely valid
reason, he would indeed take a sin upon himself for denying a lawful right of his
Ibn Hazm (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Both slave women and free
women are enjoined not to refuse the master or husband if he calls them for
intercourse, so long as the woman who is called is not menstruating or sick
and likely to be harmed by intercourse, or observing an obligatory fast. If she
refuses with no excuse then she is cursed. End quote from al-Muhalla (10/40).
The husband has the right to enjoy his wife at any time, so long as that does not
keep her from performing obligatory duties or harm her; he does not have the right to
enjoy her in that case, because that is not part of living with them honourably. But if it
does not distract her from that or cause her harm, then he has the right to
enjoyment. End quote from Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (5/189).
Strive to create love and affection between you and your wife; pay attention to
her situation and understand her feelings; avoid that which will harm her or
hurt her.
This is not correct. Rather the angels do not curse the wife who refuses to
share her husband’s bed unless she has no valid excuse. If she has an excuse
– such as being sick, or menstruating, or bleeding following childbirth (nifaas),
or observing an obligatory fast, then she is not cursed, rather her husband
who calls her to bed is sinning if he insists on calling her, or forces her when
he knows of her situation.