Uploaded by David Mpunwa

Perspectives on United Africa and Good Governance

Professor David Rewayi Mpunwa
 .To determine perspectives on united Africa and good
 To determine the perspectives of people on Integrating
 To unpack some challenges faced by Africans in the
 To chart the way forward for United Africa
 Swahili Proverb: “Unity is strength, division is
weakness.” When people come together, they can
achieve great things1.
 Bondei Proverb: “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.”
This proverb underscores the idea that unity makes a
group stronger and more resilient.
 African Proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child.” This
well-known saying highlights the interconnectedness of
community members in nurturing and supporting the
younger generation2.
 Banyoro Proverb: “A united community is like a
mountain; a divided society is a valley.” Solidarity and
unity are vital within a community.
Demographic variables
 Male – 60 percent
 Female -39 percent
1% was LGBT
 Masters holders – 35%
 Bachelors holders -33 %
 Phd – 10 percent
Name proposal
 The majority proposed United Africa
 22 percent proposed United States of Africa
 9 Percent proposed Mother Africa, United Countries
in Africa and Federal states of Africa
What currency should be used
 The popular one is African dollar 70 percent
Name of currency
 The majority picked African dollar.
 We can start to have an African dollar in circulation
Integration of Africa
 96 percent indicated we need to integrated
 4 percent stated no need
 African lets unite
Why should Africa Unite –Listen to
 You have same colonial legacy
 Due to Pan Africanism
 Resource Abundance
 Trade and Investment
 Global representation
 Shared identity
 Solidarity
 Effective leadership
Where should the central bank
 The majority stated South Africa 13% , followed by 9%
Namibia and Rwanda
Borderless state
 97 percent agree on borderless states
 3 percent were undecided
 The cyberspace is proving to become our borderless
Why bordeless state CHATGBT3
 Economic integration and Prosperity
 Free trade agreement
 Regional Value Chain
 Trade and Economic Growth
 Challenge would be the need to fight smuggling and
Symbols on the currencies
 36% The African legends should be on the currencies -
The Legends of Africa encompass a rich tapestry of
kings, queens, chiefs, and other leaders from across
the African continent: Nkwame Nkuruma,Julius
Nyerere , Nelson Mandela
 37% The minerals should be on the currencies .oil and
gas , gold, diamond, coltane, copper,
Digital transformation of Africa
 82 percent consent on the digitization of Africa
 -Cashless society
 Self service infrastructure
 Electronic learning
 Working from home
 Electronic buying and selling
 E-governance and AI governance
 Cyber security
Africa 2020-2030/Vision 2050
 Foundation Pillars:
 Digital Content & Applications
 Digital ID
 Emerging Technologies
 Cyber security, Privacy & Personal Data Protection
 Research & Development
 Digital Industry
 Digital Trade & Financial Services
 Digital Governance
 Digital Education
 Digital Health
 Digital Agriculture
 Enabling Environment, Policy, and Regulation
 Digital Infrastructure
 Digital Skills & Human Capacity
 Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Africans should implement digital
 We need digital economies in Africa
 We need expansion of smart cities in Africa
 We need adoption of Artificial Intelligence and
massive education on AI advantages
 We need education on AI governance and cybersecurity in Africa
 Agriculture should be the epicenter and sustainability
of our services and products
Why should we digitize
 Promote Africa’s integration.
 Generate inclusive economic growth.
 Stimulate job creation.
 Bridge digital divides.
 Eradicate poverty
Bad governance and corruption in
 83 % percent indicated we should be able to fight
corruption in Africa if we Unite
 We have self –centered leaders
 Megalomaniacs, Megalopoche, egoist, egocentric leaders
 Those who oil their bellies only with corruption in states
we have deep fake anti-corruption bodies in Africa keeping
up appearances.
 With good policies implementation we should be able to
remove them in offices
 Life style Audits might help when implemented properly
especially in the public offices.
 If you want to not go very far go alone be Xenophobic
but if you want Africa go far very far let us run
 Kwame Nkuruma Ghanian Leaders said – Africa
should unite or perish
 Adopt the name United Africa
 The African currency should be called African dollar
 The language should be Swahili for communication
across Africa
 Cental bank should be in South Africa, Namibia and
Rwanda should be supporting conduits
 Africa should intensify its digital strategy without
 The symbols should have legends of Africa such as
Nkwame Nkuramah, Julius Nyerere , Nelson Mandela
minerals such as oil, gas ,gold and diamond
 Africa should intensify its digital strategy and intratrade should also be intensified
 We should continue to train our leaders on emotional