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ETHN 3 Final Study Guide-1

ETHN 3 Final Study Guide
Week 1:Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking Definition: What does critical thinking involve?
Week 2: Ethnic Studies Origin, Chicana/o/x Labels, Identity, Race, Ethnicity
Agents of Change Film: the time frame, the purpose, and the two leading colleges
discussed in the film.
Where was the first College of Ethnic Studies located?
Xicano & Xicana
Critique of Aztlan
Week 3: Race, Ethnicity, Racism, Equity, Equality, Intersectionality
Definitions of Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, Culture
Definitions of Prejudice, Equity, Equality, Racism, Discrimination
Oppression: Institutional, Internalized, Interpersonal
Week 4: Mesoamerica, Chicana/o/x Indigeneity, Mexico History
Maya, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec, Zapotec, When and where they originated
Treaty of Tordesillas
When and where did the Spanish arrive in Mexico? The leader of the Spanish expedition
Spanish Caste system
Mexican War of Independence
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Porfirio Diaz
Mexican Revolution
Nuevo Mexicanos, Tejanos, Californios have in common?
Week 5: Chicana/o/x History
Leading causes of the Mexican-American War, when was the war
President who annexed Texas
How much did the US pay Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Battle of San Jacinto 1836
Aztlan: Aztec mythology and Chicanx significance
Plessy v. Ferguson outcome
How were Mexican Mexican-Americans affected during the Great Depression?
Bracero Program, what was it? When did it start? When did it end?
What were the Zoot Suit Riots? When and Where did they take place?
Perez V. Sharp Court Case
Week 6: Chicana/o/x Politics and El Movimiento
Founders of Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO)
La Raza Unida Party
Brown Berets, their motto, when and where did they form, what movements were they
involved in, what were their goals
MEChA history, goals
Plan de Santa Barbara
National Chicano Moratorium March goals, location, year, how many were in attendance
Ruben Salazar and his death
East LA Walkouts: When did they start? What was their purpose/demand? Who were
the leaders? What did the students yell when walking out? Who infiltrated the
movement? How many were arrested? How many years did they serve?
What does UMAS stand for?
Week 7: Court Cases
Mendez v. Westminster case
Equal Educational Opportunity Act, 1974
Sleepy Lagoon Trial, year, connection to Suit Zoots 1942
Hernandez v. Texas
Miranda v. Arizona
Serna v. Portales 1974
Madrigal v. Quilligan 1978
Plyer v. Doe
DACA, President who introduced it, year, what two primary benefits does DACA
Week 8: Bracero Program, Farm Workers Movement, Labor Rights
Bracero Program, the year it started and ended, purpose, why did some farm workers
oppose the program?
United Farm Workers Union's main goals
What tactics did the Farm Worker’s Movement use?
Delano Grape Strike, purpose, year,
Famous Farm Worker’s saying/slogan
The two organizations that came together to form the UFW
Three leaders of the Farm Worker’s Movement
Union that had a conflict with the UFW
Dolores Huerta’s primary role
“De Colores” song significance to the farm workers
El Teatro Campesino, founder, purpose
Week 9: Chicana/o/x Experience & Undocumented People
Colorism definition: how does it affect the Chicanx community?
Sexism definition
Gender Norms definition
Toxic masculinity
What is machismo?
Common Barriers for first-generation College Students
What significant barrier do Mexican-American individuals face concerning their identity?
Monthly Visa Bulletin purpose
Who are the immediate relatives of Green Card applicants?
Week 10: Chicana/Xicanisma Movement
Goal of the Chicana Movement
How is the Chicana Movement intersectional?
How did Malinche contribute to the Chicana Movement?
Chicana leaders Maria Moreno, Gloria Arellanes, Gloria Anzaldua, Cherrie Moraga,
Maylei Blackwell, Anna Nieto Gomez, Ester Hernandez, Judy Baca, Judithe Hernandez,
Martha P, Cotera
Chicanas de Aztlan, Las Adelitas de Aztlan, Hijas de Cuauhtémoc
Two resolutions from the 1971 La Conferencia de Mujeres por la Raza
Week 11: Spring Break
Week 12: Chicana/o/x LGBTQ
Who are the authors of This Bridge Called My Back?
Topics covered in the Lecture videos on the LGBTQ community
Themes in Carla Trujillo’s article
Who wrote “La Güera,” and what is it about?
Gaytino Made in America
Alicia Gaspar de Alba novels
The number of indigenous languages that refer to non-binary gender identities
Two-Spirit People
Week 13: Art, Film, Pop Culture
Knowledge of famous Chicanx art pieces from the lecture, names of art pieces, artists,
and significant themes of the art pieces
What is the purpose of Chicano murals?
Los Four, ASCO, Royal Chicano Airforce
Chaz Bojorquez
Pachucas, Cholas
Low riders, when and where did they originate
Week 14: Chicana/o/x Literature
The main themes of “To live in the borderlands means you” and the author
The main themes of “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” and the author
The main themes of “I am Joaquin” and the author
The main themes of “A Chicano Poem” and the author
The main themes of “Alicia Who Sees Mice” and the author
The main themes of “Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark” and the author
The main themes of “23” and the author
What is the film “Latinos Beyond the Reel” about?
Week 15: Poverty, Gangs, School to Prison Pipeline, Mass Incarceration
What is the cycle of poverty?
Definition of gang
Multiple Marginality Model
Street Socialization
The first documented gang in the world and the US, when and where
When did Chicano gangs form in Los Angeles?
Zero Tolerance Policies, why did they originate, when, and how does it contribute to the
school-to-prison pipeline?
School to Prison Pipeline
Film 13th, topics, why was it named 13th, what famous people are featured in the film,
how are slavery and imprisonment similar
Week 16: Current Barriers, Financial Literacy, Community Cultural Wealth
Current barriers that affect the Chicanx communities
Environmental justice
Financial Literacy/Generational Wealth
What practical steps are discussed in the lecture to start building generational wealth?
Community Cultural Wealth definition
The six cultural capitals
Pierre Bourdieu’s definition of cultural capital
Critical Race Theory definition
Week 17: Raza Wellbeing
Barriers to mental health for people of color
Short Answer Questions:
One will be on the final exam. “Answer in one to two paragraphs. For full credit, use examples
from the lecture and course material.”
1. Name some similarities and differences in the Chicano movement from the 60s to the
present. What is the legacy of the Chicana/Chicano movement, and where do you see it
going in the future?
2. Examine the representation of people in film, television, and other forms of
entertainment. How can the lack of representation impact individuals from
underrepresented communities?
3. How does the cycle of poverty and the school-to-prison pipeline contribute to the
prevalence of gangs and crime in underserved communities?
4. What does "Opinions are not the same as informed knowledge" mean? Why is that
statement important? How is that statement relevant to an Ethnic Studies class?