Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Engineering Structures journal homepage: Experimental and numerical vibration analysis of plates with curvilinear sub-stiffeners Luca Praticòa, Joel Galosb, , Enrico Cestinoa, Giacomo Frullaa, Pier Marzoccab ⁎ a b Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy Department of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation, School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Vibration Finite element Modal analysis Laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) Curvilinear stiffener Curvilinear stiffened panels are being developed for aerospace structures and other applications. This paper presents an experimental and numerical study into the vibration response of three curvilinear stiffened square plates clamped at the edges. The experimental modal analysis was performed using laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) and an impact hammer test. Two of the three plates was constructed with curvilinear stiffener geometry, while the third was a straight stiffened plate with the stiffeners oriented at an angle to the edge of the plate. Even though the natural frequencies of the plates are similar, the different stiffening patterns was sufficient in providing unique directional properties and therefore distinct mode shapes. The numerical modal analysis of the plates was performed using finite element analysis (FEA). A comparison of the experimental and numerical results was carried out in terms of natural frequencies and mode shapes, using relative differences and modal assurance criterion (MAC), respectively. The experimental and numerical results were in good agreement for all the three plates. The difference between experimental and numerical natural frequencies was typically less than 5% and the diagonal MAC values typically ranged from 0.8 to 1. This is in line with previously published results in the literature. The reasons for differences between the experimental and numerical results, and the practical significance of the findings, are also discussed. 1. Introduction Innovative manufacturing technologies now allow for the broadening of the design space to new possibilities in structural tailoring. Many of these possibilities were not viable from a manufacturing point of view up to a few years ago. The advent of these technologies facilitated the shift to a cost-oriented monolithic design philosophy of the flight vehicle. Baron et al. [1,2], demonstrated that the need for exploiting the constitutive mechanical characteristics of composite structures lead to the avoidance of the traditional design and manufacturing approach, which involves assembling large numbers of mechanically fastened parts. Larger integrated components can be tailored to maximize both producibility and performance efficiency, while helping to ensure airframe affordability by reducing machining and assembly costs. Such kind of integrated components are commonly referred to as unitized structures. The main advantages of unitized structures compared to classically assembled ones are described by Chan et al. [3]. Curvilinear stiffening members, which are an example of unitized structures, were first hypothesized by Renton et al. [4]. Love [5] have ⁎ shown that for curved beams of arbitrary shape, both axial and torsional deformations are coupled with bending. Often the aim of using curvilinear stiffening elements is the bending-torsion coupling. This may be exploited for controlling both natural frequencies and mode shapes [6]. The study of curvilinear stiffening elements in aeronautical unitized structures was pioneered by Kapania et al. [7] as an enhancement in the design space of stiffened panels. In [7] it is observed that, in an optimization framework with buckling constraint, curvilinear-stiffened plates may lead to valid design solutions. Dang et al. [8] performed an optimization on damaged unitized structures, demonstrating the effectiveness of curvilinear-stiffened panels in terms of load carrying capacity. Tamijani and Kapania [9,10] investigated both vibration and buckling behavior of curvilinear-stiffened plates with mesh-free methods. In a separate study, Tamijani et al. [11] provided experimental validation of the numerical model. More recently, coupling effects induced by rectilinear/curvilinear stiffened structures have been investigated in the framework of aeroelastic optimization in order to postpone critical conditions in high aspect ratio wings [12–19]. Corresponding author. E-mail address: (J. Galos). Received 5 August 2019; Received in revised form 17 November 2019; Accepted 17 November 2019 0141-0296/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Please cite this article as: Luca Praticò, et al., Engineering Structures, Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Structural tailoring of metallic panels through curvilinear stiffeners was further investigated by Bhatia et al. [20]. They performed an optimization framework for stiffener placement, which avoids the multiminima solution of global gradient-based optimization methods and saves CPU resources. Kobayashi et al. [21] have shown how curvilinear internal structures result from a topology optimization using a cellulardivision approach. These types of structures have been shown to be beneficial for multidisciplinary optimization of air vehicles [22]. Kolonay et al. [23] applied the cellular-division optimization approach to aircraft lifting surfaces with success. Several types of passive aeroelastic tailoring, such as curvilinear ribs, spars and stringers, functionally graded metals and tow steered composites, are examined in Jutte’s work [24]. Despite the possibilities offered by composite materials, their production cost is often relatively high in early prototyping phases, if compared to the available manufacturing processes for metal components. Additive manufacturing was considered to produce the test pieces in the present study, but eventually discarded since it was difficult to ensure material isotropy and homogeneity. This is mainly due to the directionality inherent to this manufacturing process [25,26]. On the other hand, CNC machining has proven to be economically feasible also in the preliminary characterization stages. Low-cost high-performance Aluminum alloy panels, with a non-uniform stiffening pattern, are considered viable tailored components for future aerospace vehicles [27,28]. Bushnell and Rankin [29] demonstrated that including small stiffening elements between the conventional primary stiffeners could lead to an increased buckling resistance. Such small stiffening elements are referred to as sub-stiffeners when the stiffeners’ height is of the same order of magnitude of the skin’s thickness. Murphy and Quinn [30] presented a concept for highly loaded panels with curved sub-stiffeners. In addition to enhanced buckling resistance performance, substiffened panels were also proven to have enhanced damage tolerance capabilities, when compared to simply stiffened ones [31–33]. Quinn et al. [34] inspected the introduction of sub-stiffeners to increase structural efficiency of integrally machined Aluminum alloy stiffened panels, obtaining a plate buckling performance gain of 89% over an equivalent mass at a sub-component level. Although the dynamics of curvilinear stiffened panel have been studied experimentally and numerically [10,11], the study of the dynamic behavior of substiffened plates has been greatly neglected, with no study published to-date on the vibration of curvilinear sub stiffeners clamped-on-all-edges. The aim of this paper is to investigate the dynamic behavior of curvilinear sub-stiffened panels through experimental and a numerical modal analysis. This yields a complete description of the vibration response and a reliable numerical model for the test pieces examined here, therefore paving the way for future studies on the potential for dynamic tailoring of unitized structures. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the research methodology is presented with particular attention to the geometry and material of the test pieces here examined. Details about the carried out experimental and numerical modal analyses are here provided. The results are reported and commented in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4, the conclusions are drawn and a brief summary of the outcomes is given. Fig. 1. Plate 1 – geometry and dimensions in mm. (x ) = 1 + 2 1 b x (1) where b is the plate length along the x-axis, x represents the abscissa coordinate and (x ) is the local orientation of the stiffener with respect to the abscissa coordinate. This law was proposed by Gürdal in [35], for the study of variable stiffness composite panels. Eq. (1) allows the calculation of the stiffeners path using two parameters, 1 and 2 , the local orientations of the stiffener at its extremities measured with respect to the x-axis, respectively. The stiffening pattern is achieved by simple translation of the initial coordinate of the stiffener along the yaxis. It is worth noting that the stiffener curvature and the distance between the stiffeners varies along the stiffener path and is different for each plate. Three stiffening patterns were chosen to produce two different curvilinear cases (plate 1 and plate 2) and a third linearly stiffened case (plate 3) as a basis for comparison. The choice of these patterns was selectively made in order to study how the directional properties can change for different stiffener curvature values. The mean and maximum sub-stiffener radius of curvature are reported in Table 1 for each test piece. Note that the optimization of the sub-stiffeners design is beyond the scope of the present study. The global geometry of the specimens was selected to be representative of a real-scale aeronautical component. All three test plates were manufactured from 5083-O Aluminum (Table 2). This is a generalpurpose Aluminum-magnesium alloy. The measured weight of the test pieces is reported in Table 3. The design of the frame arises from the need of providing a reliable fixed boundary condition for the plate/stiffeners edges and constraining the plates during the manufacturing process to meet the precision requirements. 2. Research methodology 2.1. Materials and test plates This study relates to square symmetrically substiffened plates clamped on all four edges. The test pieces include sub-stiffened plates surrounded by thick frames fabricated from a single-piece Aluminum plate through CNC machining. The geometrical features of the three plates are shown in Figs. 1–3. The stiffener path follows the law: 2 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Table 1 Sub-stiffeners’ radii of curvature. Plate no. Mean Radius of Curvature [mm] Maximum Radius of Curvature [mm] 1 2 3 1451.5 867.4 – 1613.5 889.5 – Table 2 Al 5083-O mechanical and physical properties. Property Value Young’s Modulus, E (GPa) Poisson’s ratio, Mass density, (kg/m3) 72.0 0.33 2,660 Table 3 Plate mass. Plate no. Mass [Kg] 1 2 3 2.681 2.617 2.653 support allows bolting the plates on top of it and its tabs permit the support-plate assembly to be fixed on the test table. Steel was chosen as a material for the piece to be significantly stiffer compared to the plates. The volume was adjusted in the design phase to provide a weight of at least three times the one of the plates. The side tabs were welded to the main body. Fig. 4 shows the steel frames geometry and dimensions. The total weight of the frame is measured to be 6.8 kg. The plates were bolted on top of the support with sixteen M10 bolts. To establish equal constraints on each edge of the plate, a torque wrench was used for the measurement of the fastening torque. Fig. 2. Plate 2 – geometry and dimensions in mm. 2.2. Experimental modal analysis Two kind of tests were performed. The first was a hammer test using an impact hammer and accelerometers. The second test was performed using laser Doppler vibrometry for vibration measurement. 2.2.1. Hammer test The experimental setup used for the hammer test is shown in Fig. 5. The experimental parameters used for the acquisitions with the hammer test technique are listed in Table 4. A steel hammer tip was used to obtain the widest frequency span possible, ensuring the excitation of the largest number of modes for each test piece. The acquisition time was chosen to capture the full response of the plates. Due to the stochastic nature of this kind of test, a high number of averages-permeasurement is necessary. Averaging allows for random signal components canceling and overall noise reduction. The hammer test was performed using LMS TestLab software and a LMS SCADAS frontend [36]. Fig. 5 shows the hammer and the sensors are connected to the SCADAS frontend. This permits the optimal signal conditioning and the storage of data in the form of frequency response functions (FRFs). The SCADAS is then connected to a laptop with the LMS TestLab software, for data collection and analysis. The modal model and mode shape derivation was carried out in LMS TestLab using the PolyMax and Maximum Likelihood Modal Model (MLMM) algorithms. Twenty-five equally spaced measurement points were distributed on the plate’s skin as shown in Fig. 6. Identical measurement point locations were used for all three plates. Each plate was constrained by bolting it on top of the steel support presented in the previous section. Fig. 3. Plate 3 – geometry and dimensions in mm. To ensure the fixing of the plate itself during the modal testing phase, while allowing for the transverse vibration, a steel support was designed and manufactured to match the plate geometry. The steel 3 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Fig. 4. Steel support - geometry and dimensions in mm. Subsequently the steel frame was fixed to the test table. Each test was carried out roving the twelve available PCB Piezotronics accelerometers [37] to cover all the measurement’s locations. The excitation of each test piece was provided by means of a hammer strike towards the bottom left corner of each plate, as shown in Fig. 6. This provides a nonsymmetrical excitation that triggers the largest number of modes possible, avoiding structural nodes. Since the energy at the spectrum’s highest frequencies are too low for a proper excitation delivery, the analyzed bandwidth was limited from 0 to 1.7 kHz. Hence, the following analysis pertains to the first four bending modes of each plate. The accelerometers were attached to each test piece with Petro Mounting Wax. To avoid measurement distortions from the unequal mass distribution due to the accelerometer mass, small iron weights with mass approximately equal to a single accelerometer, were attached in all the free measurement locations. The excitation is enforced through a periodic chirp signal. This type of signal permits the setting of a continuous sweep from a minimum to a maximum frequency, providing the excitation of every frequency inbetween. The experimental parameters used for the acquisitions with the LDV test technique are listed in Table 4. The span was set to 2 kHz to be sufficiently wide to capture the first four bending modes of vibration. Being the excitation signal periodic and controlled in amplitude, a low number of averages was considered sufficient. The acquisition time matches the sweep duration of the chirp signal. All the test pieces were placed at a distance of 0.7 m from the scanning laser head. The sensitivity was set to 2 mm/s/V and a 20 kHz low pass filter was used to remove high frequency noise from the signal. The experimental setup for LDV test is shown in Fig. 7. The input signal is controlled from the PSV Software and generated inside the control box. Once amplified, the signal is sent to the electrodynamic shaker. The connection between the shaker and the test piece is rigid. The shaker head is attached with hot glue in the same location where the excitation was applied during the hammer test. Through the load cell, the force applied to the test piece is measured 2.2.2. Laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) The LDV test was performed using an electrodynamic shaker and a Polytec PSV-400 scanning laser head with OFV-5000 control box [38]. 4 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Fig. 5. Schematic of hammer test experimental setup. 2.3. Numerical modal analysis Table 4 Experimental parameters used in experimental testing. Property Hammer test Parameters LDV test Parameters Span (Hz) Spectral lines Frequency resolution (Hz) Acquisition time (s) Averages per measurement 3200 8192 0.39 2.56 10 2000 6400 0.3125 3.2 3 The numerical modal analysis was performed using the Finite Element (FE) method. All simulations were preformed using MSC Patran/Nastran® software package. Nastran® SOL103 was used for the natural frequencies and mode shapes retrieval. 2.3.1. Finite element models description The FE models mirror the geometry features of the three test pieces. The same CAD files used for CNC manufacturing were imported in MSC Patran® and meshed through its auto-mesh algorithm. Standard CTETRA solid elements with four vertex nodes and six midsize nodes were used [39]. The material properties assigned to each element are the ones reported in Table 2. To validate the numerical model, a comparison with results available from the literature was performed. In particular, the plate with curvilinear stiffeners presented in [11] was taken as a benchmark. The plate was meshed with the previously described method while retaining the original geometry, material and boundary conditions. A convergence test was carried out refining the mesh size. The results in terms of natural frequencies are reported in Table 5. Following the same mesh-refinement criteria, a convergence test was performed using both free-free and fixed boundary conditions and the results are reported in Table 6. The comparison with the results reported in [11] demonstrates that the present formulation is in good agreement with both Meshfree and Ritz Method and it can therefore be considered validated. Furthermore, it was shown that an acceptable convergence has been achieved through mesh refinement. An average and the measurement signal is sent back to the control box. The vibration of the test piece is measured from the scanning laser head and sent to the control box as well. Both input and output signals are measured in the time domain. Once they reach the control box, the FFT of both is computed and the resulting FRF sent to the PC for data visualization. LDV measurements are difficult on polished Aluminum surfaces due to poor return light. Black tape was attached to each plate’s top surface to provide the maximum amount of light to be scattered back into the instrument. About 400 measurement points, equally distributed on the surface of the test piece were used in LDV testing. LDV provides a contactless measurement of vibrations, avoiding mass loading problems. The boundary conditions implemented in the present test were identical to those used in the hammer test, with the plate and steel support frame assembly fixed vertically. This allowed the positioning of the shaker behind the plate, thus leaving the front surface of the plate free for the laser measurement. Fig. 6. Accelerometer measurement grids for (a) plate 1, (b) plate 2 and (c) plate 3, used in the hammer test. The hammer impact location is indicated in blue (point 21) and the measurement points are indicated in red. Note that the impact location corresponds with a measurement location. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 5 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Fig. 7. Schematic of LDV experimental setup. element size of 4 mm was chosen for all three models. The number of nodes and degrees of freedom for the three models is reported in Table 7. Table 6 Convergence study – Plate 1′s first natural frequency [Hz]. * denotes rigid body modes excluded. Plate 1 – free-free* 2.3.2. Boundary conditions Given the experimental boundary conditions, the test plate frame areas between the bolted joints are technically free to move in the transverse direction, but they are not free to move towards the steel support. Modelling limitations make the definition of a directional boundary condition difficult, especially because of the linearity inherent to Nastran® SOL103. Moreover, it is unclear to which extent the bolts fix the plate to the steel support or vibrate with it. Finally, linearity constraints inherent to the numerical modal analysis algorithm allow just for the exploitation of glued contacts (no friction modelled), hence limiting the modelling possibilities. Because of the above listed modelling limitations, the modelled boundary conditions were chosen as follows. No steel support and bolts were modelled, reducing the analysis to a single component i.e. the test plate. Since the test plate holes are not threaded, the only ensured contact area between the washer/bolt and the plates is the one on the circular edges of the support frame holes. Hence, the boundary conditions of the numerical model are enforced by constraining all six degrees of freedom on the circular edges of the frame’s holes. Average element size [mm] Natural Frequency [Hz] 8 204.07 6 203.56 4 202.53 Plate 1 – fixed Average element size [mm] Natural Frequency [Hz] 8 572.20 6 570.73 4 566.66 Table 7 Characteristics of the FE models of the curvilinear stiffened plates. Plate no. No. of nodes No. of DOFs 1 2 3 212,599 204,999 298,753 1,275,594 1,229,994 1,792,518 rel. diff . % = | num ( exp | num + exp 2 ) ·100 (2) where indicates the natural circular frequency, the subscript num indicates the FE results and the subscript exp indicates the experimental results. MAC is an indicator ranging from zero to one, used to determine the similarity of two mode shapes. It is the normalized dot product of two complex modal vectors at each common node: 2.3.3. Correlation method The correlation between the experimental and numerical results is enforced on a double basis: the comparison of natural frequencies and mode shapes is made using relative differences and Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC), respectively. The relative difference for the natural frequencies yields to: Table 5 Numerical procedure validation – Natural frequencies [Hz] for a curvilinear-stiffened plate as reported in [11]. Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 Meshfree (Tamijiani et al. [11]) 13.34 29.80 79.96 108.85 111.05 194.43 Ritz Method (Tamijiani et al. [11]) Experimental (Tamijiani et al. [11]) 13.18 29.68 80.34 109.81 111.17 192.50 8.98 26.91 70.81 103.34 – 178.15 6 FEA Average Element size [mm]. 8 6 4 13.06 29.52 79.88 108.35 109.73 194.73 13.06 29.51 79.88 108.35 109.69 194.67 12.97 29.41 79.50 108.04 109.32 194.13 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Table 8 Natural frequencies and mode shapes of the first four bending modes of the curvilinear stiffened plates. MACij = shapes retrieved in experimental and numerical tests found using Eq. (3) are reported in Figs. 10–12. Table 8 shows that the natural frequencies of the three plates are very similar. This is reasonable considering that, as indicated in Figs. 1–3, the test pieces have the same dimensions, are made of the same material and have similar weights. However, it can be noticed that the obtained mode shapes are significantly different. This is attributed to the different stiffening patterns used in each plate. The waves of each mode shape are oriented accordingly to the stiffener local orientation along the width of the plate. This is especially evident in higher order mode shapes. Plates 1 and 3 have similar sub-stiffeners orientation and their mode shapes follow the stiffening pattern orientation. This is valid for the first four modes but becomes more evident in higher order modes. As shown in Table 2, additional finite element modelling was performed to assess how the curvature of the sub-stiffeners affects the free vibration characteristics of the plates. The results show that mode shapes are similar (i) T (j ) |2 | num exp (i) T (i ) )( (j) T ( num num exp (j ) exp ) (3) where (i) and (j) are i-th and j-th mode eigenvectors respectively, the subscript num indicates the FE results and the subscript exp indicates the experimental results. 3. Results and discussion Experimental and numerical modal analysis results are shown in Tables 8 and 9. The FRFs measured during the experimental tests, the ones retrieved through numerical finite element modelling and the ones synthetized in PolyMax as modal models for the impact test are shown in Fig. 8. The relative differences of the natural frequencies of the plates for the experimental setups and the numerical model, found using Eq. (2), are reported in Fig. 9. The MAC matrices comparing the mode 7 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Table 9 Higher order mode shapes of plates 1 and 3 determined numerically. Fig. 9. Comparison of the relative differences in natural frequencies found via experimental and numerical techniques for (a) plate 1, (b) plate 2 and (c) plate 3. Additional tests were carried out at a later stage to measure the plate frame vibrations. Some accelerometers were placed on the fixed frame and an additional hammer test was performed hitting the plates in the same location as in the previous tests. It was observed that some of the measured modes are induced by the experimental boundary conditions. The frame-induced modes were identified by superimposing the FRFs measured on the middle plate and on the plate frame for each test piece. The overlapping peaks are considered being due to the contribution of the frame only. Considering that the experimental boundary conditions effect is not modelled in the FE model, the modes of the support frame are excluded in the modal model retrieval without Fig. 8. Experimental and numerical FRFs for (a) plate 1, (b) plate 2 and (c) plate 3. up to Mode 8. After Mode 8, the local effect of the sub-stiffener curvature becomes dominant, differentiating the shapes of Plate 1 and Plate 3. An exception lies in symmetrical modes (e.g. Mode 11 through 13), involving larger contributions from the middle plate rather than from the sub-stiffeners. 8 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Fig. 10. MAC matrices for the comparison of mode shapes for plate 1. (a) Comparison of hammer and LDV tests, (c) hammer test and FE, and (c) LDV test and FE. loss of accuracy in the analysis. Fig. 8 shows how the synthetized modal model were retrieved without considering the frame-induced modes. In Fig. 9 the natural frequencies retrieved from the two experimental setups present a relative difference less than 10% and typically around the 5%. This trend agrees with previously published results in the literature [11]. Mode one and four are generally well approximated by the FE model. Slight discrepancy in modes two and three is due to the choice of the excitation point location during the experiments. This choice is the result of a trade-off analysis carried out in order to best excite the largest number of modes, specifically avoiding structural nodes. Moreover, modes that are non-symmetrical with respect to the horizontal and vertical axes of the test plate, are generally more affected by the boundary conditions. This is reasonable because the fixing on all four sides of the test plate is exactly what permits the exploitation of the directional properties conferred by the stiffening patterns and differentiates the currently examined plates from common non-stiffened isotropic ones. As reported from Figs. 10–12, understandable differences appear in mode shapes retrieved from the two experimental setups. This is mainly due to some physical differences in between the two, including: different sensors used, different excitation methods, and possible mass loading effect. Nevertheless, the MAC matrices indicate good agreement in between the retrieved mode shapes. The diagonal elements of MAC matrices mostly range from 0.8 to 1 when comparing both the experimental setups with the numerical FE model. Out-of-diagonal elements appear to be mostly lower than 0.05 with few exceptions, never exceeding 0.1. The partial lack of accuracy in the correlation can be justified making the following observations. The clamped boundary conditions modelled are just an approximation of the ones employed in the experimental phase. The difference in stiffness in between the experimental fixture and the modelled one may be largely accountable for the discrepancies observed. FE analyses carried out in the present work linearize the behavior of the examined components. Non-linearities due to friction and contacts with the experimental boundary conditions are not modelled. No damping is modelled in the present FEA. Different mode shapes may affect differently the boundary conditions’ influence on the dynamic behavior of the component, for example providing enhanced strain in highly constrained areas. The interaction of the experimental boundary conditions with the test object may lead to the appearance of modes that are not due to the dynamics of the components. This may be particularly true for components/boundary conditions combinations that develop compounded directional properties. The trade-off in choosing the excitation point is key for the triggering of bending modes. Some modes Fig. 11. MAC matrices for the comparison of mode shapes for plate 2. (a) Comparison of hammer and LDV tests, (c) hammer test and FE, and (c) LDV test and FE. 9 Engineering Structures xxx (xxxx) xxxx L. Praticò, et al. Fig. 12. MAC matrices for the comparison of mode shapes for plate 3. (a) Comparison of hammer and LDV tests, (c) hammer test and FE, and (c) LDV test and FE. may always be less excited than others, thus leading to a less accurate measurement. Different type of test induces not only different boundary conditions, but also different structural modifications inherent in the measurement technique (i.e. stinger or accelerometers attachment against impulse excitation and contactless measurement). The components examined in the present study might be used in the aeronautical field in order to tailor the dynamic, buckling and damage tolerance properties of highly stressed areas of the wing box. Moreover, they might be employed as core layer for newly designed sandwich panels. Particularly, in the case of structures with relatively complex geometries such as the present ones, non-linearities due to damping and geometrical properties may arise, making the outcome of experimental tests different from FE predictions at times. Enhancing the reliability of the numerical model through correlation with experimental results, opens the possibility for use in more complex load cases and paves the way for future enquiries. CRediT authorship contribution statement 4. Conclusions Declaration of Conflicting Interests The present study concerns an experimental and numerical study of the vibration response of two curvilinear stiffened and one straight stiffened square plates clamped at the edges. The three plates are made of Aluminum 5083-O and manufactured by CNC machining in the spirit of unitized components. Since the height of the stiffeners is within the same order of magnitude of the skin’s thickness, the present plates can be labelled as sub stiffened. Experimental modal analysis was performed using laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) and an impact hammer test. The different stiffening patterns adopted are demonstrated to be sufficient in providing unique directional properties and distinct mode shapes for each of the plates here analyzed. Such components allow for easy tailoring of directional properties to meet design specifications in highly loaded panels and might find application in particularly stressed areas of the wing box. Moreover, they might be employed as core layer in purposely-designed sandwich panels. The development of a reliable numerical model allows for further studies of more complex load cases. The comparison of experimental results with the FE outcomes was carried out in terms of natural frequencies and mode shapes, using relative differences and a modal assurance criterion (MAC). The difference margin between experimental and numerical natural frequencies is typically underneath the 5% threshold with few exceptions. An isolated case of maximum relative difference amounting to 9% is retrieved for plate 1 third mode. Diagonal MAC values are mostly ranging from 0.8 to 1, with few exceptions. Hence, the results here presented validate the examined numerical model for the forecast of the dynamic behavior of the three test pieces. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Luca Praticò: Data curation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing original draft. Joel Galos: Methodology, Visualization. Enrico Cestino: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Giacomo Frulla: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Pier Marzocca: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support of Julian Bradler and Huw James at RMIT University Bundoora Campus in the experimental setup preparation. The authors are also grateful for the assistance of Albert Maberley and Paul Spithill at RMIT Advanced Manufacturing Precinct in specimen manufacturing. Special thanks go to Dr. Francesco Danzi for his support during the configuration’s choice and the preliminary stages of the present study. Appendix A. Supplementary material Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// References [1] Baron W, Leger K. Composites affordability initiative, Phase I: Concept Design. Long Beach, CA; 1998. [2] Baron W, Benson Tolle T, Arnold D, Renieri G, Bersuch L. Affordable composite structures. Noor AK, editor. Progress in astronautics and aeronautics, Vol. 188. Reston, Virginia: AIAA; 2000. p. 27–89. [3] Chan K, Harter J, Grandt AF, Honeycutt K. Enhanced crack growth methodology and analyses for unitized structures. 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