Uploaded by norrelyn gedaro


Clarity of Explanation (15 points)
Is the step-by-step process clearly explained?
Are the instructions easy to follow and understand?
Is there clarity in both verbal and visual explanations?
Demonstration of Skills (20 points)
Does the presenter demonstrate effective communication
skills in both phone and writing scenarios?
Are appropriate examples provided to illustrate each step?
Are nonverbal cues (if applicable) effectively utilized in
phone communication?
Organization and Structure (10 points)
Is there a clear structure to the presentation, with a
logical progression of steps?
Are transitions between steps smooth?
Is the content well-organized and easy to follow?
Relevance and Applicability (20 points)
Are the communication skills discussed relevant and
applicable to real-world situations?
Are potential challenges or pitfalls addressed, along with
strategies to overcome them?
Are tips provided for adapting communication style
to different contexts?
Creativity and Innovation (10 points)
Does the presentation offer unique insights or approaches to
improving communication skills?
Are innovative methods or tools suggested for enhancing
communication effectiveness?
Does the presenter demonstrate creativity in presenting the material?
Accuracy and Credibility (15 points)
Are the techniques and strategies presented accurate
and supported by credible sources?
Is there evidence of research or expertise in the subject matter?
Are any claims or recommendations backed up
with evidence or examples?
Overall Presentation Quality (10 points)
Is the video presentation well-produced and technically sound?
Are audio and video quality clear and consistent?
Is the duration appropriate, neither too rushed nor overly lengthy?
TOTAL 100 %