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Study Notes: Adobe Presenter, HTML, Internet & Networks

Note Collection for Final Exam
Chapter – 5
1. What is Adobe Presenter?
Adobe Presenter is eLearning software developed by Adobe Systems which is available on the
Microsoft Windows Platform as a Microsoft PowerPoint plug-in, and it is mainly targeted towards
learning professionals and trainers.
2. How to import a video?
You can import a video onto a slide in Presenter or record a video of you narrating your
3. How to record a video?
Click the Record button in the Video group on the Adobe Presenter tab to record a video of you
narrating your presentation.
4. What are the Interactions?
You can add other interactive features to your presentation by adding an Interaction.
Chapter – 6
5. What is HTML?
HTML is a computer language invented to allow website creation. The website can then be
viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet.
6. What does HTML stand for?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
7. How does HTML work?
HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file called as tags. The tags is then
saved as html file, and viewed through a browser; like Internet Explorer.
8. What are essential HTML tags?
They are:
 <html></html>
 <head></head>
 <title></title>
 <body></body>
Chapter – 7
9. What is Internet and Networks?
Internet is a collection of computers connected by network cables or through satellite links.
Internet is a network of networks. It is also known as Super Network. There are millions of
computing devices that are connected to this network either permanently or for a short
10. Describe one advantage of Internet? / What is an advantage of internet?
It also provides entertainment through various modes like online television, online games, songs,
videos, social networking apps.
11. Describe one disadvantage of Internet? / What is a disadvantage of internet?
Spamming corresponds to the unwanted e-mails in bulk. These e-mails serve no purpose and
lead to block of entire system.
1) Adobe presenter provides the option to add quizzes and track performance by integrating with
learning management systems.
2) You can record a narration for your slides by clicking on Record in the Audio group.
3) Quiz Manager can be started by clicking on Manage button.
4) Audio files can be synchronised by clicking Sync in the Audio group of the Adobe Presenter
5) Adobe Presenter presentation published in swf format.
6) Extension of html file is .html.
7) Predefined command in html is known as tag.
8) HTML is a web programming language.
9) All HTML programs must have <HTML> tag at the beginning of program.
10) The header contains information about the document that will not appear on the actual page.
11) The title tag must appear between the head tags.
12) The body tags contain all the information and other visible content on the page.
13) A container tag has an opening and a closing end.
14) An empty tag doesn’t have a closing end.
15) <BR> is an empty tag.
16) Internet is also known as Super Network.
17) Network within a building is known as LAN.
18) Internet is a WAN type of network.
19) Internet connectivity is provided by ISP.
20) Blog website is used for sharing information, ideas and views.
21) Directory website is a source to access all websites at all levels and from all sectors.
22) Google is a popular search engine.
23) Incoming email list can be viewed through inbox.
24) Facebook is a social media website.
25) A network which is designed for a town or city is known as MAN.
PowerPoint shortcut keys
Open a presentation ............ Ctrl + O
Create a new presentation... Ctrl + N
Save a presentation ............. Ctrl + S
Print a presentation.............. Ctrl + P
Insert a new slide ................. Ctrl + M
Toggle the Notes pane......... Ctrl + Shift + H
Close a presentation ............ Ctrl + W
Exit PowerPoint....................
Ctrl + Q Help..................................... F1
Begin slide show.................. F5
Resume slide show .............. Shift + F5
End slide show..................... Esc
Go to next slide.................... Page Down
Go to previous slide ............. Page Up
Go to first slide..................... Home
Go to last slide..................... End
Jump to slide ....................... [Slide #] + Enter
Toggle screen black............. B
Toggle screen white............. W
Pause show ......................... S
Change arrow to pen ........... Ctrl + P
Change pen to arrow ........... Ctrl + A