Team QuestGazers Project Ideas AI HACKATHON Table of CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 Introduction Mission Statement describe the concept Goal of the Project 05 Business Strategy 06 07 Sharing Individual Ideas Concept Confirmation INTRODUCTION Greetings from my presentation session. I am Daniel, the leader of the Team QuestGazers. Today we will discuss about our Ai Hackathon project and share the individual ideas together. Mission STATEMENT Just Plain and Simple: Develop the best product with the idea of most business appealing project to First place of the Hackathon. ***All the team members need to work hard to achieve our common goal*** Project CONCEPT Objective 1 Can detect object (obstacle) in real time Objective 2 Real time object detection Program with distance calculation and Voice alerts Can Calculate the distance between the user and object Objective 3 Alert features with Voice assistance PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The main purpose of this program is to help visually impaired individuals by providing them with real-time information about their surroundings. Business STRATEGY Blind People 20% Mild Visual Impairment People 35% Market TRENDS Severe Visual Impaired People 45% according to 2020, there is roughly 45 million of people are blind. While 295 million of people suffer severe visual impairment and 258 million people experience mild vision impairment. Project Analysis & INDIVIDUAL IDEAS PROJECT CONFIRMATION . Team QuestGazers