WTO AGREEMENTS Vu Thi Thuy Linh - 2212150107 - TMAE301 About WTO The WTO (World Trade Organization), established in 1995, is an international organization which enacts the rules governing trade between countries of goods, services, agricultural and industrial goods, and intellectual property. Its aim is to reduce the obstacles to free trade in order to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers to carry out their activities. WTO Agreements Agreement on Agriculture AOA Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures AILP Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement TBTA AoA Agreement on Agriculture APPLICATION Market Access Domestic Support Export Subsidies COMMITMENT Members are required to convert non-tariff barriers to trade into tariffs. This process aims to simplify trade regulations and make them more transparent Members are required to reduce export subsidies, which distort international trade AILP Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures APPLICATION The rules for import licensing procedures must be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner Applicants must be allowed at least 21 working days to submit applications COMMITMENT Members must ensure their laws and regulations conform to the Agreement by the date the WTO Agreement enters into force for them Members must notify the WTO Committee on Import Licensing of any changes to their licensing laws, regualations, and administration. TBTA Technical Barrier to Trade Agreement Application Technical Regulations Technical Standards Conformity Assessment Procedures Commitment All WTO members are committed to ensure that their technical regulations do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade WTO members are required to report on their technical regulations and any changes that may affect trade to the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers. THANKS for listening LET’S WORK Together 0837 355 379 @chum3001 linhzoox.ftu@gmail.com