Flo-=6;T* I Z2 i ! a THEN[tl!ODYl\lA[tl|IOS HIPOLITO B. STA. MARIA COIVTENTS Preface vii Chapter 1 Basic Principles, Concepts and Defrnitions I Mass, Werght, Specilc Volume and Density; Spe- - Weight, Pressule, cific Conservation of Mass. 2 Conservation of Energy Zg Potential E_1ergy, Kiletic Energy, Internal Energy, $eat, Work, Flow Work, Enthalpy, General EnergT Equation. 3 , The Ideal Gas 87 Constant, Specific Heats of an tddal Gas. 4 Processes of Ideal Gas 5f Isometric Process, Isobaric process, Isothermal Process, Isentropic Process, polytropic do""sr. 5 Gas Cycles 81 Camot Cycle, Three-process Cycle. 6 Internal Combustion Engines gg Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Dual Combustion Cycle. 7 Gas Compressors ll5 Single-Stage Con pression, Twestage Compression, Three-Stage Compression. 8 Brayton Cycle 16l PREEACE The purpose of this text is to present a simple yet rigorous approach to the fundamentals of thermodynamics. The author expects to help the engineering students in such a way that learning would be easy and effective, and praetical enough for workshop practice and understanding. Chapters 1 and 2 present the development of the first la'ar of thermodynamics, and energy analysis of ope:r systems Jhapters 3 and 4 give a presentatign of equation of state and ;he process involvingideal gases. The second law of thermody- namics andits applications to different thermodynamic cycles are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. Chapter ? deals with gas compressors andits operation. Chapter 8 develops the Brayton eycle which can be omitted if sufficient time is not available. The author is grateful for the comments and suggestions received from his colleagues at the University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Engineering. The Author vll Basic Ppq"iples, Concepts 1 I and Definitions Thermodynamics is that branch of the physical sciences that treats of various phenomena of energ-Jr and the related properties ofmatter, especially of the laws of transformation of heat into other forrns of energy and vice versa. Systems of Units Newton's law states that 'the aceeleration of a particular body is directly proportional to the resultantforce acting on and inversely proportional to its mass.o hE, F= D8, "- m k it k =+F k is a proportionality constant Systenns of units where k is unity but not dimensionless: cgs system: I dyne forcre accelerates 1 g mass at 1 cm,/s2 mks system: 1 newton force accelerates I kg mass at I m./sz fps system: 1 lb force accelerates 1 slug mass at l Nsz l--t;]*ldyne I t -* i*l newton [T,,'*-l-'r,0" /777r/7mrV /7furm,h n77v77v?rrvr 1 cm./s2 _+ 1m/s2 1&,/sz t=r,4'cm-cyne.s" o=t#;p Systems of units where k is not unity: k=rw 47 If the same word is used for both mass and force in a given system, k is neither unity nor dimensionless. 1 Ib force acceierates a I lb mass at 32.L74 fVs2 1 g force accelerates a I g mass at 980.66 cm/s2 L kg force accelerates a 1 kg mass at 9.8066 m/s2 f-.,.-f* ,0, l- t ,. l-. t u , [-t u*. f-, nr' d7mzm'V /72zv7m77 /7V7v77v77v7 r=f,a 1 poundal = (1 lb_) (1 fVs2) F is force in poundals # tr mass in pounds a is acceleration in ftls2 32.L74 fVsz----+ 980.66 cm"/s2 -------> 9.8066 mlsz --'-+ k= [T** l* /7V7V7mV ',0, rz.tllthP k = e80.66-*F k = e.80668# Relation between kilogram force (kgr) and Newton (N) k=1k# k = e.8066 Therefore, t k# = e.8066 H# L fVs2 --------+ m l( .U =r-8. ks .m Ets" 1 pound = (1 slug) (1 fvsz); 1 slug = 1 lb" s2 -lr- F is force in pounds is -ass in slugs S K a is acceleration in fl;/s2 1kg"= 9.8066 N Relation between pound psss (lb-) and slug k=1# Therefore, k= 32.r74ffi t*5& = 82.r74ffi L slug = 32.L74Lb A unit of force is one that produces unit acceleration in a body of unit mass. I poundal :.._l E The mass of a body is the absolute quantity of matter in it. The weight o,f a body means the force of gravity F, on the lrody. mFF" k =t=gwhere g = acceleration produced by force F* a = acceleration produced by another force F Acceleration I I Mass and lVeight I fvs2 --) AL or near the surface of the earth, k and g are numerically ,.r1rr:rl, so are m and F- 1( Problcms: lb .ft --'l- J ls-PI,l S'= 0.4e tu.ll+se.o#-l = 222.26 =l K l.Whatistheweightofa66-kg-manatstandardcondi- s Bo.b+ tion? Solution ^"J t*tfufl I = 9.8066 m/s2 m=66k9- 'L F"ok Fto.lF' mo=-?-= Bosg_.- F "f*J g,,, = 1435.49 g- ? = (o ro,r"er fz.rt- U|nu-r rtrJ = 1459.41 g," 2. The weight of an object is 50 lb. What is its mass at standard condition? Total mass = mr + m2 + na + m4 + m5 = 500 + 843.91 +222.26 + 1435.49 + 1459.41 = 446t.07 g^ Solution r rb!rf- FK * =d-= Fo (b) Total mass = 446L.0J g^ g= 32.L74ftlsz F, = 5o lbr 453.6 lb.rrl fztz+14s'j 32.L74 ft So lb_ (t') Total mass - = g.EB lb- ils 9'83 ]!-o' 32.174;ifis = 0.306 slug P 3.Fivemassesinaregionwheretheaceelerationdueto grr"itv i. 30. 5 fVs2 are as follo**t m, is- 500 g of masq rq, y^eighs [oo eim, weighs 15 poundals; mo weight-g.lli mu is 0'10 slug ;i *]',r. trnuf iu theiotal mass expressed (a) in grams, 16) in pounds, and (c) in slugs. 4. Note that the gravity acceleration at equatorial sea level rr s = 32.088 fpsz and that its variation is - 0.003 fps2 per 1000 (a) l't, :rscent. Find the height in miles above this point for which llr:, gravity acceleration becomes 30.504 fps2, (b) the weight of ,r lsivcn man is decreased by \Vo. (c) What is the weight of a 180 I I r,,, rn an atop the 29,131-ft, Mt. Everest in Tibet, relative to por r r L'? Solu,tion g = (30.5 fVsz) (12 in/ft) (2.54 cm/in) = 929'64 cmls2 ,\til tr tion (;r ) change in acceleration = 30.504 (a) mz = F't [roo4frro.uuM = e2e.64 4 this + = 843.91 g; - 32.088 = * 1.584 fps2 p:; = 528,000 ft or 100 miles llcight, h = - I lP* fps' 0.003 - -T0008 +T (b) F = 0.9b Fg -t Specifrc Volume, Density and Specifrc Weight Let Fg = weight of the man at sea level .a FF= -ag 0.95 F" F" a =g The density p of any substance is its mass (not weight) per unit volume. ____q I h I rl=D rv a = 0.959 = (0.95) (32.088) = 30.484 fps2 -L 'Fg The specific volume v is the volume of a unit mass. g = 32.088 fps2 " -- t., lt (30.484 - 32'088) fps'z= _ o.oosTS;r b34,6z0 ft or tOt.B miles -Tmorr (c) ,vF g= a 8 Since the specific weight is to the local acceleration of gravity as the density is to the standard acceleration,Tlg= pk, conversion is easily made; 29.1.31 ft Tk orY ='fr os P='g r_.6 F8 g = 32.088 fps2 m = 1801b- a = 32.088 fps' - o =T-= V1 mp The specificweightTof any substance is the force of gravity on unit volume. F ma ---- -1 rIto 1"1 {}l fTdriil [0'003 At or near the surface of the earth, k and g are numerically cqual, so are p and y fpsz] = 32'001 fpsz tlso lb-l pz.oor&l #=179.03 32.174F"1T" Problems r _^ ^^ ,, lbr 1. What is the specific weight of,water at standard condi. tion? Stilution g = 9.8066 m/sz *_pg I- - kg_ P = 1000 n5. [*,SE**d E- e.8066ffi# kgF = looo mo ry Pressure 2. Two Iiquids of different densities (p, = 1500 kg/m3,Pzi^ 500 kg/m3) are poured together into a 100-L tank, frlling it' If the resulting density of the mixture is 800 kg/mt, frnd the respective quantities of liquids used. Also, find the weight of the mixture; Iocal g = 9.675 mps2. The standard reference atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg or 29.92 in. Hg at 32"F, or 1"4.696 psia, or 1 atm. Measuring Pressure Solution 1. By using manometers mass of mixture, mm = pmvm = (800 kg/m3) (0'100 m3) = 80 kg I (a) Absolute pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure. mt+m2=mm po PrVt+PrV,=D- q = 80 V, + V, = 0'100 1500 Vr + 500 p = absolute pressure Po = atmospheric pressure D 'lt p" = gage pressure, the pres' sure due to the liquid I I (r) Q) column h solving equations (1) and (2) simultaneously p = Po+Pg Vt = 0'03 mg (b) Absolute pressure is less than atmospheric pressure Ve = 0'07 m3 m, = P,Vr = (1500 kg/m3) (0.03 m3) = 45kg P=Po-P, mr= prY2= (500 kglm3) (0.07 m3) = 35 kg The gage reading is called vacuum pressum or the vacuum. weight of mixture, re-=x"=@ e.8066*# =?8.esksr I ll"y using pressure gages A Jrrt:ssure gage is a device for rilr,,1||llr rt ng gage pressure, 'l'lrin picture shows the rrr,vr.rn(.1)t, in one type ofpres!, I r r . l::ll{(', k nown as the single- I r r lrr. p1i r13.. 'l'hc f'luid enters the lnlrr, llrrrrrrglr t,lrc thrcnded , ',,rur.r'lrorr. A$ t.hc prOssur:e Fig. 1 Pressure Gage I ry_ increases, the tube with an elliptical section tends to straighten, the end that is nearest the linkage toward the right. The linkage causes the sector to rotate. The sector engages a small pinion gear. The index hand moves with the pinion gear. The whole mechanism is of course enclosed in a case, and a gpaduated dial, from which the pressure is read, and is placed under the index hand. Solution ["*S pr=*#= FuuS ', kg-'4 ' N.sz (30 m) = b48,680 N/mz or b43.6g pps(gage) (p=po+p") +Pt Atmospheric Pressure ,=O,P=Po) A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. -P, V (p=p"-pr) Absolutet Pressure (p=0,Pr=P") Gage Pressure po I P=Po+Pg --T--- Pr=*-A-=:6l _ F" 1V yAh- P.=Y\ ps P, = Tb, =ry'=* Problem A 30-m vertical column of fluid (density 1878 kg/ms) is located where g = 9.65 mps2. Find the pressure at the base of the column. IO Where ho = the height of column of liquid supportedby atmospheric pressure { l)roblems 1. A vertical column of water will be supported to what lrcight by standard atmospheric pressure. Absolute Pressure Solution P=Th At standard condition yh"-* h = ho * hr, the height of column of liquid supported -by absolute pressure p. \* = 62'4lblfts Po = 14'7 Psi ;-l T ..-rr lu.z *l lt++'#l ,t'= p,, - L----:n!-!_--!t"! = 33.9 ft t; If the liquid used in the barometer is mercury, the atmospheric pressure beconoes, P" = THshs = (sp S)H, (T*) (h") 62.4Y -'- ft3 trg.ol Thespecificgravity(*pg')ofasubstanceistheratioofthe spccifrc weight of the substance to that of water' Fz.+ H rL'" i',1 1728H ^{ sps=T po = 0.491 h" l4 2, The pressure of a boiler is 9.5 kg/cm2. The}arometric pressure of the atmosphere is 768mm of Hg. Find the absolute p".*r,r"* in the boiler. (ME Board Problem - Oct' 1987) where ho = column of mercury in inches then, ps = 0.491 n- Solution Pg = 9'5 kg/cm3 h and, p =0.491 hP-= ho = 768 mm Hg ln." At standard condition l)roblems T* = 1000 kdmt l. A pressure gage regrsters 40 psig in a region where the l,irrometer is 14.5 psia. Find the absolute pressure in psia, and 'rr kPa. po = (ynr) (h") = (sp gr) nr(T*) (h") (13.6) Fooo S to.?68 m) c!* 10.000 'm' _ 1.04 kg cm-E Srilution p = 14.5 + 40 = 54.5 psia = po * p, = 1.04 + 9.5 = 10.54# t-t k-+'r newton [ , "[-ft, ,0, /Tnvrnh a = I m./sz l2 /vTTvvmmiV a=1fUs2 1T-t- lkgn = 1+ Solution E KgJ P. = 0.06853 slug (a)p = Po * Ps = 14.7 + 80 = 94.7 Psia Pr= = FS][tr'fl =8.28$ ao Ps]L = S.A4atmospheres t7 Psla r,. I':t. | --:af,m F,lbf h = 9.92 in. Hg abs a = 3.28 Nsz t = ff = (0.06863 slug) [.za {l= o.zzas tb, lrg = 2o in. P = 0.491 h h"= Z9.tilt". llth' -1f- $.. p = (0.491) (9.92) = 4.87 psia J 1 newton = 0.2248Ib" p8 = 4.7 psi vacuum 1.1b" = 4.4484 newtons (1rb) rl4 ln' = ps = (4.7 esi) F**H lrr.ut;] ln- P = 10 psia r o"_l l:8e5;-s! =32,407 Ps(gage) 114= osgs\ mo (rl) h =15in. h = 29.92 + 15 = 44.92 in. Hg abs = 375,780 Pa or 375.78 kPa 2. Given the barometric pressure of L4.7 psia (2g.g2 in. Hg abs), make these conversions: (a) 80 psig to psia and to atmosphere, (b) 20 in. Hg vacuum to in. Hg abg and to psia, (c) 10 psia to psi vacuum and to Pa, (d) 15 in. Hg gage to psia, to torrs, and to pa. (1 atmosphere = 760 torrs) t4 P, = 0'491 h, =[r"H F"!F*'H = 50,780 Pa(gage) 15 .lF I'empcraturc It follows that, 1. Derive th. r.l:rtion between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Centigrndo. (FlE Board euestion) 1Fo=1Po and 100"c T212.F T lc.-1K" tl *uu *r". 1 ,r"" I0". t.F -32 .= _ t"C-0 212 - n 2. Show that the specific heat ofa substance in Btu/(lb) (F") is numerically equal to caV(g)(C"). Solution lbb: o I t"C + 32 toF = r Btu (lb) (r") o toC = 5( t.F I - 32) , Absolute temperature is the temperature measured from absolute zero. Absolute zero temperature is the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. Absolute temperature will be denoted by T, thus TbR = t.F + 460, degtees Rankine TK=t"C+z71,Kelvin Degrees Fahrenheit ("F) and degrees Centigrade ("C) indicate temperature reading (t). Fahrenheit degrees iFJ) and Centigrade degress (C") indicate tempertu"" or differ"h"ogu ence (At). 180 Fb = 100 C" 1p"-5g" 9 1 C. =!-1l," o Btu - cal -Ir-IEXD =IG'(E . Conservation of Mass 'l'lr. law of conservation of mass ,tr ttr.ltltl.e. 'l'lr,r. rluantity states rhat mass is inde- of fluid passing through a given section is ,'r\ r'n t)y fne lOfmUla V=Au -: VAu =Aup III = i__ v v- Wltcrc V = volume flow rate A = cross sectional area ofthe stream l) :, ilvcrage Speed rir ,., m:rss llow rutc 16 t7 F7--- \t I I 4=ff =Erf,El a,E4zftz I Applying the law of consewation of mass' =' *T- - - \- =-n; T 2. A 10-ft diameter by 15-ft height vertical tank is receiv- ArDrpr = \rtrPz ing water (p = 62.1 lb/cu ft) at the rate of 300 gpm and is discharging through a 6-in ID line with a constant speed of 5 I I I Problems 1. Two gaseous stre?ms enter a combining tube and leave section: single mi*trrr". These data apply at the entrance as a -fot 6rr" gur, A'r= 75 in,z, o, = 590 fps,-vt] 10 ft3llb For the other gas, A, = 59^i1''.:T, = 16'67 }b/s - :j:rlil"ffJrr;,'frh'iisfilTil;1lo' I P" = 0.12lb/ftg At exit, u.. j 350 fPs, v, = 7 ftaAb' Find (a) the speed u, at section 2, i- 'd ft) the flow anii area at the exit section' Solution \ I rs, f___ _ _]= t__ I l=:-:_-_*--l tiu' -l-, I F'--=- -:-1J e""" =-f, (10)2 = 78.54 ftz tu'",=il'i,=ffi =4oorps r\lirrur lr,,w rate enreri", = (b) . Aru, -[.'9!d=2604+ mr = --vr = --------r6Tt3- ib rh, = rh, + rh, = 26.04+ 16'6? = 42'?1+ 18 = [rr fi [ffi] r r\t,r'* tuwrateleavins=Aup= z4so.\ ? Bd'F.uo*J F + = ru* S* Mass change = (3658 - 2490.6) (15) = 17,511 lb volume ch^nge = 17'51-l:-!b 62.1# Decrcased in height = ffi# = 282 ft' = 3'59 ft Water level after 15 min. = 7.5 - 3'59 = 3'91 ft (decreased) Review Problems 1. What is the mass in grams and the weight in dynes and in gram-force of 12 oz of salt? Local gis 9.65 m/s2 1 lb- = 16 oz. Ans. 340.2 g-;328,300 dynes; 334.8 g, 2. A mass of 0"10 slug in space is subjected to an external vertical force of4 lb. Ifthe local gravity acceleration is g = 30.5 fps2 andiffriction effects are neglected, determine the acceleration of the mass if the external vertical force is acting (a) upward and (b) downward Ans. (a) 9.5 fps2; (b) 70.5 fps'? 3. The mass of a given airplane at sea level (g = 32.1 fps2) is 10 tons. Find its mass in lb, slugs, and kg and its (gravital.ional) weight in lb when it is travelling at a 50,000-ft elevation. 'l'he acceleration of gravity g decreases by 3.33 x 10-6 fpsz for r,rrch foot of elevation. Ans. 20,0001b-; 627.62 slugs; 19,850lbr 4. A lunar excursion module (LEM) weights 150[r kg, on r.rrrth where g = 9.75 mps2. What will be its weight on the rrrrrface of the moon where B. = 1.70 mpsz. On the surface of the ,noon, what will be the force in kg, and in newtons required to ',,'ttlerate the module at 10 mps2? Ans. 261.5 kg; 1538.5 kgr; 15,087 N ,l-r. The mass of a fluid systenis 0.311 slug, its density is 30 ll,/l'1,:r and g is 31.90 fpsz. Find (a) the specific volume, (b) the (c) the total volume. "1,,'r'ific weight, and Ans. (a) 0.0333 ft3Ab; (b) 29.75 lb/ft3; (c) 0.3335 ft3 {;. A cylindrical drum (2-ft diameter, 3-ft height) is filled *'rllr :r tluid whose density is 40lb/ft3. Determine (a) the total ,,,lrrrno of fluid, (b) its total mass in pounds and slugs, (c) its ,'1r'r'rlit: volume, and(d) its specific weight where g = 31.90 fps2. Ans. (a) 9.43 ft'; (b) 377.21b; 11.72 slugs; (c) 0.025 ft3l lb; (d) 39.661b/ft3. 'i A wuathcrman carried an aneroid barometer from the ! r "t, ir l llrxrr to tris ofl'icc atop the Sears Towcr in Chicago. On 20 2l the ground level, the barometer read 30.150 in. F,Ig absolute; topside it read 28.607 in. Hg absolute. Assume that the average atmosphdric air density was 0.075 lb/ft3 and estimate the height of the building. Ans. 1455 ft 8. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 0.66 m Hg.What is the absolute pressure in the condenser in kPa when the atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa? Ans. 13.28 kPa 9. Convert the following readings of pressure to kPa absolute, assuming that the barometer reads 760 mm ltrg: (a) 90 cm Hg gage; (b) 40 cm Hgvacuum; (c) 100 psiS; (d) 8 in. Hg vpcuum, and (e) 76 in. Hg gage. Ans. (a) 221..24 kPa; (b) 48 kPa; (c) ?90.83 kPa; (d) 74.219 kPa; (e) 358.591 kPa 10. A fluid moves in a steady flow manner between two sections in a flow line. At section 1:A, =10 fLz,Dr= 100 fpm, v, = 4 ft3/lb. At section 2: Ar- 2ft2, pz = 0.201b/f13. Calculate (a) the mass flow'rate and (b) the speed at section 2. Ans. (a) 15,000lb/h; (b) 10.42 fps Consenration of Energy Gravitational Potential Energy (P) The gravitational potential energ:y of a body is its energy due to its position or elevation. p=Fsz=ry AP = P, - P, = ff@r- zr) AP = change in potential energy Datum.plane 11. If a pump discharges 75 gpm of water whose specifrc weiglit is 61.5 lb/ft3 (g = 31.95 fpsz), frnd (a) the mass flow rate in lb/min, and (b) and total time required to fill a vertical cylinder tank 10 ft, in diameter and 12 ft high. Ans. (a) 621.2lblmin, (b) 93.97 min Kinetic EnergT (K) The energy or stored capacity for performing work pos' Hrls$ed by a moving body, by virtue of its momentum is called kinetic energy. K=# nK=4-K,=fttoi-ui) AK = change in kinetic energy 22 23 qT Internal EnergY (U' u) Flow lVork (Wr) Internal energy is energy stored within a body or substance by virtue of the r"ti.rity an-cl configuration of its molecules and ol thu vibration of the atoms within the molecules' Flow work or flow energry is work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into or out of uy*L-. u = speci{ic internal energy (unit mass) Au = tlz - ul " 13orr nrll lr'_ lVr=Fi=pAL ;1=Area of Sur.face Wr=PV fJ = mu = total internal energy (m mass) AU = Uz - Ur Work (W) l"ig. 3 FIow Worh" work is the product of the displacement of the body and the component of the force in the direction of the displacement. w,r.k is energy in transition; that is, it exists only when a force is "moving through a distance." Work of a Nonflow SYstem Cylinder ---. The work done as the piston moves from e to f is Final Position of Piston dW=F,d*=(pA)dL-pdv Piston At ea = .zl I '"**F which is the area under the curve e-f on the pV plane. Therefore, the total work done as the pistonmoves from lto2is AW, = change in llow work Ideat (e) lleal is energ'y in transit (on the move) from one booy or '::1"11.1'ry1 to another solely because of a temperature difference I'r'l wr:err the bodies or nV Fig. 2 which is the area under the curve 1-e-f-2. woRK ot EXPANSIoN. The area und.er the curue of the prrcess on the pV plnne rcpresents the work d'one during a nonflow reuersible process. Work done by the system is positive (outflow of energy) Work dnne on the system is negatiue (inflow of energy) 24 systems" u{-_. ,{,.-. t) is poslfiue when heat is added to the body or system. (l is negatiue when heat is rejected by the body or system. Classificati.on of Systems r I t A r'lrr.se d' system is one in which ' w =Jlndv AW,=Wr,-Wrr=pr%-FrV, mass does not cross its l,or r ntlaries. ' r .\ r | ( system is one in which mass 'r,t'n crosses its bounda- Cnnservation of Energy |1,, l.riv ol r:orrservation of energy states Lhat energy ls :. r.ti, I r r'rtlr.tl ttttt't/t,St,nlyeCli l,, f u:,1 l;rw ol'l.lrr:r'modynarnics states that one fornt oI :::i:':. , !tttt \. ltt. (..,ttIt('t.l((1. i.n.l.O U.nOthCf. SteadY Flow EnergY Equation of steady flow system' Characteristics - i. There is neither accumulation nor diminution of mass within the sYstem' 2. There is neitier accumulation nor diminution of energy within the sYstem 3. The state of"the working substance at any point'in the system remains constant' Problems t. During a steady flow process, the pressure of the working substance drops from 200 to 20 psia, the speed incneases from 200 to 1000 fps, the internal energy ofthe opeh system de. creases 25 Btu/lb, and the specific volume increases ftom I to 8 ftsnb. No heat is transferred. Sketch an energy diagram. Determine the work per lb. Is it done on or by the substance? Determine the work in hp for 10lb per *io. (t hp = 42.4Btu/ min). Solution peia p, = 20 psia o, = 200 fps rlr = 1000 fps vc=8 ffnb n vr=lfts/lb pr = 200 Kl Fig. 4 Energy Diagram of a Steady Flow System Energy Entering System = Energy Leaving System P, + K, + Wr, + U, + Q = Pa* t-l Wl"+ U" + W d=l"P+ak+l-wr+aU+W (SteadY Flow Energy Equation) W,, II, 2 Au=-25Btu/lb Q=0 Energy Diagtam ,F, + K, + W' + U, + A,=Pr+ 4 + W* + U, + W llrrnis I lb2 lr"3 ] EnthalPY (H, h) fluids Enthalpy is a composite property applicable to all and is defined bY h=u+pv and H=mh=U+PV The steady flow energy equation becomes +K'+H'+Q-l;..?J*ril* ffL fi, ,lf = Offiimi=le.e?r+b W,, l',v, llr V.l -* 26 = o.8o E*'ii,lE-Hl = sz,o2 Bfi (20) (r44) (8) = 2e.6rff 778 27 -T'r-(a) Basis f lb'?n' Kr+Wrr=Iq+W,r+Au+W 0.8 + 3?.02 = 19.9? + 29.61 -25 + w = 13.24 K,=S= ,Cffio,, =3'20ff! W (1100)2 = Z+.t7 BJu ,q =*= (z',) (32.174) (778) ff,0t, rb- t- w: lr s24ffi["*il L- Wr, = PrVr = = 3,12 hp (200) (144) (2.65) 779 --'-- #E = 98.lC lb_ 42.4(mi#)hp) wrz= PzYz=A+#@=s+'z+ff turbine bt 200 2. Steam is supplied to afully loaded 100-hp ftsAb and u'.=^19'0 fp*' priu *itft = 116'bT nl"/lb,"t, ::'1U "r at r prl" *ilrt * J ozs Btunb, Y,=-29! ft3Ab and is Exhaust -= turbin is L0 rioo fps. tne heat loss from the steam in the "glJu. il;;ipor""tiur enersy change and determine (a) the K, + Wr, + ur + Q- IL + Wo + u, + W ;t.20+ 98.10 + 1163.3 + (-10) =24.L7 + 54.42 + 925 + W Fl{ w= 251ff *o"t p"" tU steam and (b) the steam flnw rate in lb/h' Solution L163.3 Btunb v, = 2'65 ftsnb p, = 200 psia u, = p, - l Psia u" = 925 Btunb vr= 294 fts/l.b u, = 400 fPs u, = 1100 fps Q = -10 Btu/lb (b) Steam flow = (roo hp) r 251 Btu --- Eru-l P544lrr) trro) E; r = 1014 + :t. An air compressor (an open system ) receives 272kgper rr r r l of air at 99.29 kPa and a specific volume of 0.026 m3/kg. The nr r" llrws steady through the compressor and is discharged at W=t00hp frrllf l-r kPa and 0.0051 mslkg"The initial internal enerry of the ,r r rrr | 594 Jlkg; at discharge, the internal energy is 6241ilkg. 'l'lrr.<'rxrling water circulated around the cylindercanffis away .l:ul:t .f/kg of air. Thc change in kinetic energ"y is 896 J&g rr{ n.nso. Sketch an enerry diagram. Compute the work. /r+Kr+ Wr, + Ur + Q=/r+ Iq + Wo + U, + W 2B 29 Solution P, = 99.29 kPa v, = 0.026 m3/kg u, = L594 J/kg Q = -4383 Jlkg h = 272 kg/min Pz = 689.5 kPa vz = 0.0051 m3/hg uz= 6241J/kg AK = 896 J&g r4 wo u2 Solution fr = 2270 k'elmin = 0.1524 m Pr = 82,740Pa p 1000 kg/mg q == 0.1016 m 275,800 Pa Pz r dr C 1 EnergY Diagrom y'r*Kr+ W., + U, + Q=/r+ 4 + Wo + U, + W Basis 1kB- Area at entrance, A, = t (0.1524F = 0.01824 mz Area at exit, Ao =ftO.rOro)2, = 0.00810? mg IIPe ,![I F W,, :p lvr = €9.29'm1.l ).026 'l; 2.583 kJ&e ol = KS b-l l= mil kl\i r ,Ia- = 3.51.6lnl/kg t0.00 005 ,0il wn =pPzv 68e. I 'o mz 'zYz= m L t_ F t- lI 2270k9^ 'J - U* Pr-l= # H1r,r,if at entrance, Dr = ;1 u2-+ w +Q= AK+'wlzf2z* uz vflr \w. t*1 -1 +G ilgxrcd at exit, D, = q4--4. 383 = 0.896i+333.516 ;16-+ 6.2, 6.24 1+W 2.582 + 1. 594 ' [oootrl P'0t824 { m m 2270160 (1ooo) (o.oo81o7) =2.074m1s = 4.667 mls llnHis 1 kg- \{ = - 10.g6H t- kr-l l- _ ke_l w - j_- to.se6gJ K, =;ik= Vzztry) 4. A centifugal pump operating under steady flow condi' E I II tions delive rs 2,270 t glmin of water from an initial pressure of 82,740Patoa final p"essore of 2?5,800 Pa. The diameter of the inlet pipe to the pump is .15.24 cm and the diameter of the ilischaree prpe is 10.16 cm. What is the work? 30 Fffi N.m = 2.151q; (4.667Y K =D? = (zxit= to.gg T.'" -DEks- \[I = - 2954* i Q.orni]' w -l. t21o*' ,, ., =E =;;El)'vr 82.24+,.rts = oL''* kgm 3l Basis 1kg, Pr=?= fs.eooof'(B [-,'"ffiE*H .4_ 5. Aturbine operates under steadyflow conditions, recei iag steqm at the following state: pnessure 1200 kPa, tue 188"C, enthalpy 2785kJ/kg, speed 33.3 m/s and elevati 3 m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following pressure 20 kPa, enthalpy 25L2 klkg, speed 100 m/s elevation 0 m. Heat is lost to the surioundings at the rate of 0. hVs. If, the rate of steam flow throughthe turbine is 0.42 what is the power output of the turbine in kW? zr=3m zz= 0m ks 2 P = 0.55a4 K s q=;i =1#f =,hIs.o00E a- -o.zey ;F- = {).6eo5H Pr+Kr+hr+Q=%+4+ L+W Pr+Kr+hr+Q=4+\+W 0,0!fg4 + 0.5544 + 2785+ ({.690b) = b.000 + 2bt2 + W W = ZG?.gg *_ k; roT.eEl 19.42fl W = 112.52 kW E IKg 4=2512H ur=33'3fl u, = 100* ' 4 w=, l:^- ^ hrl I- Solution h. = 2?85 fm_l Kl= m- L33.3g:l kI W = -4b8.1ffn = 0.0294 .TT.F 'E-E Kr+Wrr=Iq+\{Io+W 2.L5L + 82.74 = 10.89.+ 275.8 + W m) ' l&I Q = -O.29 s 32 fi = 0:4# 88 T Review Problems 1. Assuming that there are no heat effects and no fric' tionaleffects,nnatnekineticenerg]andspeedofaS220.lb starr wfth the steady flow ;;d**; iiiar, 778 ft,from rest.which are inelevant' deleting energy terms a;;til, fPs l . - ? ,:"?l:.. Ans. 224 The discharge conditions are 0.62 ms/kg,-100 kpa, and 270 m/s. The total heat loss between the inlet and discharge ie g kJlkg of fluid. In flowing through this apparatus, does the specific internal energy increase or decrease, and by how rnuch? ' 2. A reciproc"ti"e di"pressor draws in 500 cubic feet per it mir'rte of air whose density is 0.0?9 lb/cu ft and discharges *iiit au"sity of 0.304lUcu ft' At the suction' p, = LS.psia; at " in the specific-internal ait"ftt"g", Pz = 80 psia' The increase the air by enerm/ is gAS Btudb anrl the heat transferred from in ri et"nU. Determine the work on lhe air Btu/min u"a irittp. Neglect change in kinetic energy' Ans. 56.25 hP ; ;ft In a steady flow apparatus, L3b lc.I of work is done by -6.. each kgof fluid. The specific volume of the fluid, p""*s.r"*, und speed at the inlet are 0.37 mslkg, G00 kpa, and 16 m/s. The inlet is 32 m above the floor, and the discharge pipe is at floor level. Ans. -20.01 kJ/kg 7. Steam enters a turbine stage with an enthalpy of 862g k.l/hg at 70 m/s and leaves the same stage with an entharpy of :ltl46 kr&g and a velocity of L2a n/s. calculate the work done l,y the steam. Ans. 776.8 kJ&e (ME Board Problem - Oct. 1996) 3. Steem enters a turbine with an,enthalpy of 1292B,h,1|b an enrhalpy of 1098 Btu/tb. The transferred hp for a heat is 13 Btu/lb. what is the work in Btrlmin and in flow of 2 lb/sec? Ans. 512.3 hP *dl;;;;;h 4. A thermodynamic steady flow system receives^4'56 n"ii where n1 1JBQ0 T?.Y'= 0'0ll-8:-]1 p"" Li" "i"aod ,r, = 17.16 k nte' The fluid leaves the sys i.-= tii J", ui u t"""aary wheie Pz = 551'6 kPa, v, = 0'193 m3/kg' o, = DurFs pasiage through tbe sv %. ="sz.eo uttfite inu nnid receives 3,000 J/s of heat. Determine the work' Ans. -486 kJ/min ;;ffi 5. Air flows steadily at the rate of 0'5 kg/s through qn compressor, entering at 7 mls speed, 100 kPa pressure 0.95 m3/kg specific volume, and leaving at 5 m/s, 700 kPa, 0.1"9 m34rg. The internal energy of the air leaving is 90 greater t[an that of the air entering. Cooling water in io*p""rror jackets absorbs heat from the air at the rate of kW. Compute the work in kW. Ans. -122 kW l it4 lfl-r 3 The rdeal Gas An ideal,gas is ideal ronly in the sense that it conforns rc llrc simple perfect gas laws. Boyle's Law lf' the temperature of a given quantity of gas is held ,,rr'l,irnt, the volume of the gas varies inversely with the rrl*rolute pressure during a change of state. l or V=9 V* pp pV=C or prV, =prYz Charles'Law r I r lf' thc pressure on a particular quantity of gas is held ,,,*irt;rrrl., t,hon, with any change of state, the volume will vary rlirr.r tly :rrr lhc absolute temperature. V,."1 or V=CT v (: L-IL ' or q=q 'r' r,:r ll tlrr.volurnc of a particular quantity of gas is held will vary ,f i* e' | !r' 1ri lli,' lrllsll utC te mpe ratUfe. , r,1 1e | ;1 1, l . | | rr. r r, wi th nny change of state, the pressure ,tt -7 P-T or or fr=c used, the pressure was 200 psia and the temperature was 85oF, P=CT (a) What proportion of the acetylene was used? (b) What volume would the used acetylene occufiy at L4.7 psia and fl0'F? R for acetylene is 59.35 ft.lb/lb."R. t=+, Equation of State or Characteristic Equation of a Perfect Gas Combining Boyle's and Charles' Iawg, +=ry Pr = 250 Psia Pz = 200 Psia Tz =85oF+460=5451R volume of dr,r* = pV = mRT ml= PrV, = pv =RT (unit mass) m T R English units ffiffi V T ft3 lb_ oR m3 kg K R = 0.6545 cu ft (25cD $44) (0.6545) RT, = absolute pressure = volume = specific volume = maSS = absolute temperature = specific gas constant or simply gas constant }F frr = rlrBss of acetylene initialiy in the drum oz = ltrass of acetylene left in the drum Tr =90oF+460=550'R =c,aconstant pV V v (a) Let Be = rllass of acetylene used T =mR where p Solution (59.35) (550) = 0.7218Ib o-E= (200,)=911)!9.6j45) lb "'""-- -(54b) = 0.b828 mz = ifq'= ms - ml mz= 0.72L8 - 0.5828 = 0.1390Ib Acetylene used = (bgsb) #i = 3+# = 0'1e26 or re'26vo tlr) p, = 14.7 psia 'f.=80oF+460=540oR i SI units E N ;t Problems 1. A drum 6 in. in diameter and 40 in. long acetylene at250 psia and 90"F. After some ofthe acetylene I -t 3rl Vr= m EltTr Pa (b=e.Bit t5+01 \roils$l ' (r4.7) = 2.'0b fr3 (L44\ :l 'l'lrc volume of a 6 x 12-ft tank is 339.3 cu ft. It contains sir rrl '.1(X) psig and 85"F. How many l-cu ft drums can bc fillcd l' rru 1rrr1.f :rnd 80'F if it is assumed that the air temperasturtt irr llrr' lrrrrh remains at 85"F? The drurns have been silting €*,iurrl rrr l.hu atmosphere which is at 14.7 psia anrl [t0"1" ;t 1) r Solution Solution Let Dr = IIlBss of air initially in the tank Dz = rnoss of air lelt in the tank Ds = mas$ of air initially in the dmm ha = rnsss of air in the drum after filling 20,000 kg l I Pz = 50 + 14.7 = 64.7 psia EH" = mass of Helium v = volume of the balloon + ms (2L4.7)(r44) (33J.3) P,Vr _*-(SmtGaSI = 360.9Ib. RT, = IDo = R"S RT, -= -z (64;3),(l*t)=(?gie'3) (53.34) (545t- mass of air that can be used = 860.9 p.v. (r44) (1) 'GBiJAIGadf 'ff (t4.7) = Itor the air R = 287.08 = 108.? lb - 10g.? = 252.2Ib. p-V 101.32bV 'nu=ili" = tffirl =l'2oolvkg f','t lltt'heliUm = o'0735 lb mass of air put in each drum = 0.323b "p= E__ P, = 101,325 Pa &r" = 2,077.67 2# - 0.0?gb = 0.25Ib = 1009 3. It is planned to lift and move logs from almost inaccessible forest qery by means of balloons. Helium at atmospheric pressure (101-.325 kPa) and temperature 21.1oC is to be used in the balloons. What 6inims6 balloon diameter (assumo spherical shape) will be required for a gross lifting force of 20 metric tons? #R P11" = 101,325Pa "'o= Sf =ttf#[]l*}$i =o'3235rb Numberof drums filled J T,=21.t +273=294.iK For the drums 40 = "mass of air displaced by the balloon EH. For the tank m3 = mr Po = 50 + 14.7 = 64.7 psia Tn=80+460=540R Tr=8S+460=545oR [l= I€t I psia p, = 14.? psia 545.R T, = 80 + aOO = b40R Pr = 200 + 14.7 = 214.7 Tr = 85 + 460 = T""=21.1 +278=Zg4.lK ,,, _ rrrrl,,= Pn.v = _101,325 V ffiT"" qOngZffim =0.1658Vkg fr,=DH,+20,000 V =0.1658V +,20,000 V = l9,BB7 mJ .l rf = 19,337 .l 1.200f 1 r = 16.6b m d - 2(16.65) = 3B.B m 4l G{ 4. TVo vessels A and B of different sizes are connected by a pipe with a valve. Vessel A contains L42L of air at2,767.92 solving equations L and 2 simultaneously kPa, 93.33oC. Vessel B, of unknown volume, contains air at 68.95 kPa,4.44"C. The valve is opened and, when the prcperties have been determined, it is found that p- = 1378.96 kPa, t- = 43.33'C. What is the volume of vessel B? Vs = 110.4 liters Specifrc Heat specific heat of a substance is defined as the quantity _ _The of heat required to change the temperature of unit mase through one degree. In dimensional form, Solution For vessel A c__* Po= 2,767.92 kPa In differential quantities, Yn= L4?liters TA = 93'33 + 273= 366'33 K c^ or dQ=mcdT e= ;ffif For vessel B nrr<l for a particular masg m, Ps = 68'95 kPa a=* !'.ar I TB =4.44+273=277.44K (The specific heat equation) For the mixture ll llrr: mean or instantaneous value of specific heat is used, P- = 1378.96 kPa Q = mc T- = 43.33 + 273 = 316.33 K (constant specific heat) III,,,=IIIO*IIIU p-v* * bY! RT_ RTn RTu (13?8.e6)V ^ (2767.s2) (yLD , 68.e5 VB p^V^ 4.36 V- = 1072.9 + 0.25 Vu V-=142+Vn = mc (T, - T,) !'u, l- (1) I'orrnltnt Volume Specifrc Heat (c,) ^uI Volume ( lorrstant I Q"=aU I Qu = mcu (T2 I (2) - Tr) , ---l a, 42 4:l -y'r Relation Between cn and c, Constant Pressure Specifrc Heat (co) Qn mco (T, -Tr) Qn AU+W=AU+ Fromh =u+pvandpv=RT dh = d11+ RdT al pdv -l\ codT = c"dT+RdT co -c,+R = AU+p(%-Vr) = Ur-ur+pz%-prV, Q, = I{-H'=AH Qn g c" =Eh -B ^'p -k-l Ratio of Specific lleats lfroblems 1. For a certain ideal gas R = 2b.8 {t.lb b..R and k - f.09 (r) What are the values of co and c,? (b) What mass of this gag worrld occupy a volume of l5 cu ft dt ZS psia and gO"F? (c) lfgO lll.rr are transferred to this gas at constant volume in (b), what nrr. the resulting temperatur,e and pressure? c k=d:>r Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas Joule's law states that "the change of internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of only the temperature change." There. fore, AU is given by the formula, Htilution AIJ = rtrc" (T2 _ Tr) ""',, = whether the volume remains constant or not. ., t Eiil ll,r V tIt 44 lScuft, p=75psia T=80+460=b40o3 pV _ (75) (1114) (rb) -6ffi -= ffi= =11'631b r whether the pressure remains constant or not. oro.aotffi = AH = ECo (Tz - T1) a = su.4z**" ,. -% = T3# 0.868#" Enthalpy of an Ideal Gas The change of enthalpy of an ideal gas is given by formula, * = #ig r I tf 'ilr n,c" (T, _ Tr) I t.63 (0.3685) (T, _ 540) 4{t E T where:dQ = heat transferred at the temperature T AS = total change ofentropy Tz = 547"R Pz = Pr (Tuftr) = 75 (5471540) = ?6 Psia 2. For a certain gas R =320 Jll<g. K and c, = 0.84 kJlkg. K" (a) Find co and k. (b) If 5 kg of this gas u4dergo a reversible non flow oonstant pressure process from V, = 1.133 m3 and Pr = 690 kPa to a etate where tc = 555"C, find AU and AH. as--fu as = -lftl ; mc hr _& T1 (constant specific heat) Solutlon (a) cp = c" + R = 0.84 + 0.32 = 1.16 kI IFF 'l'emperature-Entropy Coordinates dQ = TdS k= &+1= f# + t ='t.3st cY a2 Q = jTds (b)r- I pr[. (6901909[!.133) = 488.6 K = = 'r mR (5) (320) 'The area under the curve ofthe process on the TS plane represents the quantity of heat transfered during the AU = rnc, (T, - T1) = 5 (0.84) (828 - 488.6) = 1425.51r.I process." AH = trrcn (Ts - T1) = 5(1.16) (828 - 488.6) = 1968.5 k I I lt lrr.r Enerry Relations Entnopy (S, s) Entropy is that property of a substance which constant if no heat enters or leaves the substance, while it work or alters its volume, but which increases or dimini should a small amount of heat enter or leave. The change of entropy of a substance receiving (or deli ing) heatis defined by dS= 46 F -2 or As =JF I 12 -)VdP=W+AK I (Reversiblesteadyflow,AP= 0) "The area behind the curve ofthe process on the pV planes represents the work ofa steady flow process when AK * 0, or it represents AK when W' = 0." 47 -{ Any process that can be made to go in the reverse direction by aninfinitesimal change in the conditions is called a nrersible process. Any process that is not reversible is irreversible. Review Problems 1. An automobile tire is inflated to g2 psig pressurs at 60"F. Alter being driven the temperature rise to zb"F. Determine the final gage pressure assuming the volume remaina constant. Ans. 84.29 psig (EE Board problem) 2. If 100 fts ofatJnospheric air at zero Fahrenheit tenperalrlrj"" compressed to a volume of 1 fts at a temperaiuoe or ?00oF, what will be the pressure of the air in psi? Ans. 2109 psia (EE Board problem) 3. A 10-ft3 tank co-ntains gas at a pressure of b00 psia, l.rnperature of 8b"F and a weight of 2b pounds. A part oithe gas w^s discharged and the temperature ind p""**" .t to 70"F and 300 psia, respectively. Heat was applied "og"d and the I.rnperature was back to 8b"F. Find the nnd weight. volume, nrrrl pressure of the gas. Ans. 1b.48 lb; 10 fts;808.b psia (EE Board problem) 4. Four hundred cubic centimeters of a gas at ?40 mm Hg alr"lut'e and 18oc undergoes a proc€ss uotit ttre pr?ssune lp.rmes 760 mm Hg absolute andihe temperature 0"c. what tr l,hc final volume of the gas? Ans. 36b cc (EE Board problem) fi. A motorist equips his automobile tires with a relief-tlpe uo that_the pressure inside the tire never will exceed 240 wilh pressru€ a of 200 kpa (gage) 1tlp e.rrrl rr uemperature of 2B"c in the tires. During the long drive, lf*r l.mperature of the air in the tires reaches-g8"c. nich tire xrrrlrrins 0.11 kg of air. Determine (a) the mass of air escaping eer lr l.ire, (b) lhe pressure of the tire when tfre tempe""t""" relrrr.rrH ::]u,:(sage). ll'^ He starts to 28"C. ArrH (a) 0.006,1kS; ft) 192.48 kpa (gage) {i A 6-m3 tank contains helium at 400 K and is F,nr rrl,mospheric pressure to a pressure of 240evacuated mm Hg remaining in the tank; f kf rrrrrHs of helium pumped out, (c) tfre tempei*ui" of tfr" l€*r'rrrr^g helium falls to 10"C. What is the pi*u*rr"" in kpa? te, urrrn. I)etermine (a) mass of helium 48 49 Ans. (a) 0.01925 ke; ft) 0.7L23 ks; (c) 1.886 kPa 7 . An automobile tire contains 3730 cu in. of air at 32 psig and 80"F. (a) What mass of air is in the tire? ft) In operation, the air temperature increases to 145''c .If the tire is inflexible, what is the resulting percentage increase in gage pressure? (c) What mass of the 145"F air must be bled off to reduce the pressure back to its original value? Ans. (a) 0.5041 Ib; (b) 17'53Vo; (c) 0'0542lb 4 Processes of Ideal Gases - 8. A spherical balloon is 40 f,t in diameter and surrou by zrir at 60"F and29.92in Hg abs. (a) If the balloon is filled hydrogen at a temperature of 70"F and atmospheric pressure' what iotal load can it lift? (b) If it contains helium instead of hydrogen, other conditions remaining the same, what load can itlift? (c) Helium is nearly twice as heavy as hydrogen. Does it have half the lifting force? R for hydrogen is 766.54 and for helium is 386.04 ft.lb/lb."R. Ans. (a) 2381 lb; (b) 2209 lb 9. A reservoir contains 2.83 cu m of carbon monoxide 6895 kPa and 23.6"C. An evacuated tank is filled from I reservoir to a pressure of 3497 kPa and a temperature Lz.4}C,while tfe pressure in the reservoir decreases to 62 kPa and the temperature to 18.3"C. What is the volume of tank? R for CO is 296'.92 J/kg.K". Constant Volume process An isometric process is a reversible constant volume proc.gs- A constant volume process may be reversible or irreiersrlrle. 2T I T_ I I Pz I 'l Hl Ans. 0.451 m3 F-_sz 10. A gas initially at 15 psia and 2 cu ft undergoes a to 90 psia and 0.60 cu ft, during which the enthalpy in by 15.5 Btu; c" =2.44Btunb. R". Determine (a) AU, (b) cn, (c) R. Ans. (a) 11.06 Btu; (b) 3.42 Btunb.R'; (c) 762.4ft.lVlb. 11. For a certain gas, R = 0.277 kJ/kg.Kandk= 1' (a) What are the value of co and c,? ft) What mass of gas would occupy a volurire 6t O.+ZS cu m at517.l'l kPa 26.7'C? (c) If 31.65 kJ are transferred to this gas at volume in (b), what are the resulting temperature and sure? Ans. (a) A.7214 and 0.994 kJ/kg.R"; (b> 2'M7 Fig. 5. Isometric Process (;r) Relation between p and T. Tt Pz It Pr ;fr- =- (b) Nonflow work. ,'2 W.=JpdV=0 (c) 43.27"C, 545.75 kPa 50 5l (c) The For reversible nonflow, Wn = 0' For irreversible nonflow, Wo + 0' W = nonflow work !d = steadY flow work change of internal energy' 6{J = rtr'c" (T2 - Tr) (d) The heat transfened' Q = Itrc' l': oblemg (Tz - Tr) l.TencuftofairatS00psiaand400.Fiscooledtol40"F (b) the *t <.onstant rroto*". Wnat are (a) the( final pressure, heat' (e) The change of enthalPY' 6tl = "oittatpy, Hululion (0 The change of entroPY' lS = mc"h (g) Reversible tralsferred the change of internal energy' d) the' ana (0 ihe change of entropy? i,,, ,.r," .frurrg" of w o rh, (c) mco (T2 - T1) ll ft I I steady flow constant volume' ta) ( =16+AK+AWr+W"+AP 2 v W"=-(AWr+AK+AP) Pr Tr T2 i0 cu ft 300 psia 400+ 460= 860'R 140+460=600"R t z-- += Ag#q = 2oe psia W"=-AWr=V(Pr-Pr) (AP=0'AK-0) /2 &)- -llVdP=W"+lK -V(Pz-Pr)=W"+AK v(Pr-Pr)=W"+AK llr) W=0 Ir "' = S'= I l##li6?#) =g'4?tb ,\lI= mC"(Tr-Tr) . (s.4L7) (0.1?14) (600 - 860) v(Pr-P')=w" 166 = 0) (h) Ireversible nonflow constant V V -420 Btu volume process' r,tr (,f mc" (T, - Tr) = -420 Btu Q=AU+W" 53 Tr=60+273= 333K (e) AH = mcn (T, - Tr) (a) ,p _ T,p, = (9.417) (0.24) (600 - 860) = -588 Btu (0 os = -...1o ' '2 Pr = gPS652 = 999 K DOI.O (b)"vv - R 377 =1b0g-J== - 7.25-1kg.K" k-l = $lr AU= mc, (T, - Tr) = (1.36) (1.508) (999 - 333) = 1366 kJ = (e.4tz) (0.1?14) t" 333 = -0.581H W"=Q-AU=105.5-1366 2. There are 1.36 kg of gas, for which R= 377 J/kg'k a k = 1.25, that undergo a nonflow constant volume process pr = 551.6 kPa and t, = 6OC to p, = 1655 kPa. During the proc tlie gas is internally stirred and there are also added 105'5 of heat. Determine (a) tr, (b) the workinput and (c) the = -1260.5 kJ (") (1.36) (1.508) l" ls = mculn l" i=g Tr = q99 =2.2ffiY ofentropy. :t. A group of 50 persons attended a secret meeting irr rr Solution 2 // / k = 1.25 R = 377 Jlke.k m = 1.36 kg Q = 105.5 kJ Pr = 551.6 kPa Pz = L655 kPa ,,u,rrr which is 12 meters wide by 10 meters long and a ce ilirrll ill ,l rneters. The room is completely sealed off and insulrtl'r'rl l,lirr.lr Jrerson gives off 150 kcal per hour of heat and occultit'r, rr vnl11111o of 0.2 cubiC meter. The room has an initial presstrrc ol' lo t tt hPa and temperature of 16"c. calculate the roortt lcrrr ll)f't4 ) 1u r ;rlrrre after l0 minutes. (ME Board Problem - April lit,l rr lion z rl ll/Pr ll/ ll/r, I l',' L z = 101"3 kPa = 16 + 27:f . ',tt{lf l( Vg lrlr t-r4 c, = 0.1?14 #. = 0.1714# = W= (-1 hp) (h) =r(-lhp) (0.74G kWhp) (h) (8600 n/lr 0.r7r4ffi = -2685.6 k I Q = (50 persons) (150 kcaVperson.hour) = 7500 kcal/h a = AU+W volume of room = (L2) (10) (3) = 360 m3 AU = Q - W = -850 - (-2685.6) = 1835.6 kI volume of air, V = 360 - (0.2) (50) = 350 m3 AU = mc" (AT) -4 =(0.28708) . = RT, ,(191,31(l5ol (289) mass of air, m AT = -AU. = = 427.34kg a = Ll-ruooealt-l9 h llliO hl I = rzsok.ul DC" 1250 = (427.34> (0.1714) (T, - 289) T, = 306'1 K 5. A closed constant-vorum,e system receives r0.5 lr.I of k.mperature is 400 K. Gn Board problem _ April 2T I t the tank loses 850 kJ/h of heat. Calculate the rise in ture of the tank after I hour, assuming that the process at constant volume and that c" for water is 4.187 kJ/(kg) ( lt = 2b9.90 J(ks) (K) I p, = _344 kPa Tr = 278 K V-0.06ms Tz=400X ,/ 1 vs Solution p,v (0.06) ke q _= id:t500n?s) = 0'2857 c. ,\lr I / Vs Irreversible Constant Volume Process a = (-850 kJ/h) (1 h) = -€50 kJ 56 :1 = 0.6SgS kJ(kc) (K) I 4. A l-hp stirring motor is applied to a tank contai 22.7 kg of water. The stirring action is applied for I hour l f lg, l"ggg) Solution tz = 33.1"C I rffi5.6 kJ (22.7 kS) @.t87 kJ/kg.C") = 19.3 C" lrrrddle work. The system.coSt-ains o*yg"r, at B44kpa, 2?g K, rr.d occupies 0.0G cu m. Find the t eat (gain or loss) #e nnat a = mc,T2-Tr) -l 'l r (344) _ mc" (T, - Tr) Q.2857) (0.6595) (400 - 278) 22.99 kJ AU+W 22.99 + (*r0.5) t2.49 kJ fr7 (g) Steady flow isobaric. Isobaric Process - (a)Q=AP+AK+AH+W' An isobaric process is an internally reversible prccess of substance during which the pressure remains constant. W =-(AK+Ap) W" = -aK (AP = 3; N\ \s\:i\ .2 (b) - JVdp = W + aK I 0=W"+AK W" = -aK Fig.6. Isohric Process (a) Relation between V and T. Tz Vz Tr=vi (b) Nonflow work. W" t2 {,ndV = F(V2 - Vr) l'roblems . l. A certain gas, with c, = 0.b29 Btu/lb.R" and R = 96.2 ft.lV lh."R, expands from b cu ft and g0"F to 15 cu ft while the trrcsgutre remains constant at lb.b psia. Compute (a) T", (b) AH, (r') AU and (d) AS. (e) For an internally reversible'nonflow f r'ocess, what is the work? Solution (c) The change of internal energ:y. T l (d) The heat transferred. __>_2 AH = rlc, (T, - Tr) 58 p = 15.5 psia V, = 5cuft % = l5cuft T, = 80+460=540"R vc (e) The change ofenthalpy. aS = mcohfr / ,/ Q = mcn (T, -Tr) (f) The change ofentropy. 2 / AIJ = rDC" (T2 - Tr) ,^)'r', =1:,= g+lP =r620R . 'r'\,, = ffi i##ffif) =o.2r48rb 51) = mce(Tz _ Tr) = (0.2148) (0.529) (1620_ 540) = 122.7 Btu (c' c" co-R= = 0.b29-W=0.40ss#S (n\ 2. A perfect eas a value of R = 319 .2 Jlkg.lfurrrtt \1s lt *" iaggJ-fi;ik; of this gas ar c''r.rlrrrrl ,fiTre):f: jli.i?Ttlmrnlm{:m1t,'i,i,t?,,,,, r.2G. If 120 kJ Solution AU= mc, (T2 _ Tr) = 1.26 = 2.27 kg = 319.2 J&g.K a = f20 kW Tr = 32.2 + ZZg BO5.Z K k = (0.214s) (0.40$;(1620 _ b4o) = 94 Btu (d) os = mcorn ftI = (0.2148) (0.52e) h = m R ffi (a) co Btu =* -(1.2gxo.a1e2)= t.b46e a = mco (T, - T,) 0.1249 oR f{_ kg.Ku r20 = (2.27) (r.b469) (T, _ g05.2) (e) \= p(% - v,) = Ta = s39.4 K (r5.5) (144) (15 - 5) 778 (b) aH= mco (T2 _ 28.7 Btu (c) cv = Tr) = l20 kI h=ffit$ =r.22??#h AU- mc, (T, - Tr) (2.27) (r.2277)(33e.4 _ = (d) W 305.2) 95.3 kJ = p(%- V,)' = plg,_ -ITl =mR(Tr*T,) ^LP, --tri] = (2.22) (0.8192) (Js9.4 _ g0s.z) = Z4.Zg kJ -Fr Isothermal process G) Steady flow isothermal. isothermal process is an internally reversible constant temperature process of a substance. (a)Q = Ap+AK+AH+W w"=e-Ap-AK W"=Q (AP-0,4K=0) .2 ft) - JVdp = W + aK 'i!:{t From pV = C, pdV + F-o'-{ Vdp -_ 0, dp -,!'uoo=-l;,i I Fig. Z. Isothermal process = - pdv -v- #l j /2 = oou I P'\1n (a) Retation between p and V. PrVr = Pz% W"=W" ft) Nonflow work. (AK = 6; f2 )2 r {v w" = Jpav=l$Y= Cln5= n,v,rr vr ' *v, (c) The change of internal energy. ^s=+-mRrn$j .t''ir drops fr.om g0 p.i" tol the pressurc orr gsic. For "rilJ"lr",, lfru ipaV and the work of a the-_ JVdp;ndllie *o"k of a steady llow f 'r , !, '.,,:, rluring which AK = 0, ("i e, iai aU oS. il;fi,;liii *= -nrrn& n I l)uring an isothermal process at ggoF, *r,,r.11;i[lls process, Q= N + W" = p,Vrln (e) The change of enthalpy. Y r (f) The change of entropy. 'r'olrlcms i,,,i1ll1v1y process, (b)_d:,tennile fal (d) The heat transfenred. AH=9 f rr tt, AU=9 62 -w Pz Tl r t pV,=[ ,'ul I \l \\.2 T 1*--__r.__2 m pl I -L V Pr 88+460=54fi,,lt 8tb 80 psia + 14.7 = 1.9.? 1lsi1 r.t (a) lndv = p,V,tnV' = mRT r" Vr v2 *Pz Q = Prvrlo q = tltt#ftQ t" f# = 42L.2Btu V, In vl = "r- Uft = W,= jOaV=42l.2Btu' % = €-1.80 q jvap = p,V,ln .f, = 42L.2Btu (c) a = ryt *W"= 421.28tu (b) (d) = 0.1653 v, = (0.1653) (0.30r) = 0.0498 m3/s P,t, - (b86) (0. --To:oa#l) =3542kPa AU=0 AH=0 (e) m= m#oO =-r.80 (b) Since AP = 6 and AK (t)ns= 3=W=0.2686# += # = 0, W" = lV" = e = -B1Z kJ/s =-1.ob8kJ/r(.s AH=0 2. During a reversible process there are abstracted 317 kJ/s from 1.134 kg/s of a certain gas while the temperature remains constant at 26.7'C. For this gas, cD = 2.232 and c" 1.713 kJ/kg.K. The initial pressure is 586 kPa. For nonflow and steady flow (AP = 0, AK = 0) process, determine ( Vr,% and pr, (b) the work and Q, (c) AS and AH. i,',, r r' l.hird the inlet pressure and the inlet pressure is zoz Solution 111'plrplible. (EE Board Problem :l Air flows steadily through an engine at constant tem_ rrl,'re,4_09 K.Find the workperkilogram ifthe exitpressure u'r r kpa. Arrarrrro that the kinetic and potential energy variation is - April lggS) tlnlttlitttt a=. -317 kJ/s fi= 1.134 ks/s Pr= ,n 586 kPa 26.7 +273=299.7 \ Pr p, =$ (a) R - cp c, = 2.232 - 1.713 = 0.5L9 kl/kg.K 64 = 400K = 282.08 kJ(ke) (K) Pr = 2O7 kPa T R '\2 vs \i. = _*xTl= pr tT \ l)V=C (1.134) (0:5_U)) (299.7) = 0.301 m3/s 586 V R't'I -_.(9,?87_q8) gog) l), 207 = 0.5547 m,t/kg (;5 W = prvrl" (c) Relation between T and p. t=nrvr1nfl k-1 12 [p,l r- (20?) (0.5547) ln 3 = = 126.1 kJ q = LP-'l 2. Nonflow work. Fromp\A=C,p-C1r-r IsentroPic Process adiabatic process' An isentropic process is a reversible A reversible adiabatic is one Adiabatic simply *"t"t-"theat' W" = ,2 rz ,2 CV+dV= C lpdv=J { V-ndV t'Itl Integrating and simplifing, of constant entroPY' wn pvn=9 l-k l-k 'fhe change of internal energy. .pv=Q tJl AIJ = ncu (T2 - Tr) \ I 'l'he heat transferred. Q=0 'l'hc change of enthalpy. Fig. 8. IsentroPic Process 1. AI{ = mcp (Tz * Tl) Relation among P, V, and T' 'l'lrr: change of entropy. (a) Relation between P and V' ns=0 P'VI=PrVb=C I iI r.rrrly flow isentropic. (b) Relation between T and V' From p,VT = pr$u,td T,= lvt- T, (i(; q =+' ,,,r(c,.AP+AK+AH+W" we have wo,,_-AP_AK_AH k'l W. -AH I LqJ r \l' O, Al( = 0) 67 T- E (lr) _ p,V, (800) (t44)(100) .2 (b)- lVdp=W"+AK t' m= 1-L LetC=pIVorV=Cpk '.2.1 - t'lVap =!C pk dp k (P'v' - P'v') l-k = r. f'nav i Problems 1. From a state defined by 300 psia, 100 cu ft and 240" helium undergoes andisentropic process to 0.3 psig. Find (a)V and tr, (b) AU and AH, (c)JpdV, (d) -5vdp, (e) Q and AS. Wha is the work (f) if the process is nonflow, (g) if the process i steady flow with AK = 10 Btu? =l5'eelb AII = ms, (f, * Tr) = (1b.99) (1.241) (211.8 _70{)= _9698 AL.I = mc, (T, Integrating and simPlifYing, - t'fiao' - ftfr=-6f6ffi tt')6av tstu - Tr) = (15.99) (0.74b) (211.S - 200) = _5822 Btu = &!;f,J' =ffi = b822 Btu rrlt *!Vdp = kjpdV = (1.606) (b822)= 9698 Btu lr,)a=0 As-- 0 rlr a = AU+W" W"= -AU= 1-5822) =b822 Btu Irir JVdp = W" + AK 1Xj9g=W"+10 Solution W" = 9636 31rt Pr = 300 Psia Pz= 0.3 +'l'4.7 = 15 psia V, = 100 cu ft. T, = 240+46A=700'R '.', An adiabatic expansion of air occurs through h a nor,zlt, "rrr ll28 kPa and ?1oc to 1Bg kpa. The initial kinetlc energy i" ..'11lr1lible. For an isentropic expansion, compute the spcr:if i. section. .r,lrnnr), temperature and speed at the exit titi rr lion s I (a) \ = v, H$t= 1oo[,!9f 1'666 I = 608.4 rtg 1.666-1 k-1 l?r -'l-k- T lr2 -2--T^'Lpil I r.-_T r.666 = 7001__{q_l = 211.8'R \ pVk= 6 \ \z 828 kPa 7L + 273 = i|44 l( 138 kPa Lsool t"= -248'7"F 68 (il) k-r r.4_l -k tnl T"=T, - ll2l 'Lpil = -.-1.4 344lHgl = 206 K 18281 ;,,\ it>\ 't.h^I tz= -67oC ", = #, _ (0.287q8X344) = 0.1193 m'/ks ., // i, 22Q.., 'Zzt 75yty:; 'iivr2i lI - ve = vr - = 0.429m'/ks [g'l. = 0.1198 lHgl'n LprJ 11381 Ah = cp (T, * Tr) = 1.0062 (20G - 344) = Fig. 9. Polytropic Process -188.9 kJ/kg A =&*aK+Ah+/" Itelation among p, V, and T AK--Ah=136,900J/kg (a) Relation between p and AK=4-^r=* D2r= (2k)(AK) = zf 1Jz V. P,vi = Prvi r ffil (b) Relation between T and 1rg,966S ) = 277,800 m V. To /-vJ "-t = 527.1m/s T =1q1. t, t li.elation between T and p. *.1 L Polytropic Process r-lP. l:-€- I t_^ t--l 'r', -lp. Ra - A polytropic procebs is an internaliy reversible during which pV" = C and prVl = prVl = p,I" rn Le r- I I I Nonflow work It, where n is any constant. I (paV = PrY, - P,V, - mR " ,'l-n 'l'hc change of internal AIJ = mcu (T, - T1) 70 (T, - T,) energy 4. The heat transferred (b)- Juao=W"rAK a = AU+W- I ,2 - ,fvao = {&t:!& = -n JPdv T_n-. = mc" (T2 - T,) + mR-(T, - Tr) 1-n Ic -nc +Rl (r2-r,) = *Lffj [c - nTl = - lffl polytropic process, (r'?-rr) = ,n." f-!- I}_l "-j (T, _ T,) Lr - a = mc. (T, - Tr) l'-t -;l cn = cu lfrl , the polytropic specific heat D. I'rohlems The change of enthalpy AH = mcp (T2 - Tr) The c.hange of entropy t0Ib of an ideal gas, whose 3X"^1u: and It l.^ 40 ft.lbnb.R cop = o.-zs __:_ etju.&1;;;;;;il _vwrv.r!, luau6,cs suate Irom l#;;zu lrlr;r and 40'F to 120 psla ra and 340"F. Determine (a) dY, (? - n, (f;4g urr4 il{t (g) rf the pi"*,, i ,iuuav ;ll,l l,'rv !ilil,-(11'9:l"ljf <luring which AK= 0, whaf is w"i]wuut i. axirw"s J;it1 \Vlr;rI is the work fo, u f "o"n*-p."i"rrZ Se ilution l', ilO psia m = 10lb ffn 120 psia l" ,10 + 460 R=40** = 500"R l'" it4o + 460 = g00"R cp = o.2b # n_l AS=mc ln It "T, l), =T' Tr l), 7. Steady flow polytropic (a)Q=AP+AK+AH+\ w"=Q_AP_AK_AH w = Q_AH (AP=0,aK=g; n-l liio J_ _ g00 :ro b00 I - tr I ln6=ln1.6 tl l 0.4700 rr =-1.7918 rr- n = l.Bbo 72 '/3', (b) c, - cp R = 0.25 - #= 0.1986 m (h) W" = JpdV = -433.3 Btu AIJ = DCu (T2 - Tr) = (10) (0.1986) (800 - 5oo) = 595.8 Btu \, AH = mcp (T2 - T1) = (10) (0.25) (800 - 500) = 750 Btu (c) k = q5= 0.1e86 ^9'^4 =r.25s 2. Compress 4 kg/s of COrgas polytropically (pVr.z = C) {ro3 pr = 103.4 !lu,-t, = 60oC to-tr- zzT.C.Assumingideal gas tction, frld pr, ry, e;lS (a)g.as ionflow, (b) as a stleady flow where AP l)rocesg = 0, AK = Solution Pr = 103.4 kPa AS ?= (10) (0'0541) r"ffi= 0'2543+# = -c" lt d, (d)Q = mc"(Tr-Tr) = (10) (0'0541) (800 - 500) L62.3 Btu (e)Jnav- eE+*L)-ffi = -433.3 Btu (0 -JVap = nJRdV = (1'356) (-433'3) = -587'6 Btu Tr = 60 +273 = 333 K fi=4\gs T, =227 +Z7B = b00K trr ) Nonflow *#, o, = o, [+..| rl L = (10s.4)F$$] = r184.e kpa Lgo'-l w = ,hR %u __,4),0,1T16):900 - 33o KJ = -631.13 ;-s c =c ll-d " "Ll-ul =ro.osorffi;] (g) W" = -fVdP = -58?.6 Btu AK 74 = -JVap = -587"6 Btu = -0.2887 []* IT, TIIF' 7. If 10 kg/min of air are compressedisothermally from p, =, 96 kPa *{Vr.= 7.G5 ms/min to p, = 620 kpa, find tie worh, :he change ofentropy and the heat for (a) nonflow process .b) a steady flow proce-s-s_with or = lb m/s and u, ='60 (a) -tBZ0 kJ/min, _b. gbo kJK.min;iU)_f Ans. and Js. 386.9kJ min 5 Gas Cycles 8. One pound of an ideal gas undergoes an isentropic pf9c9s9^fr9m gb.B psig and a volume of 0.6 {tr to a final volume of 3.6 ft3. If c^ = 0.1,^2{3nd c, - 0.098 Btunb.R, ----'--' what a.eia) \ '!-asw *rv (b) pr, (c) AH'and (d) W. Ans. (a) -2€.r"F; (b) 10.09 psia; (c) _21.96 (d) 16.48 Btu t' 9. A certain ideal gas whose R = 22g.6 J/kg.K and c- = 1.01 HAg.X expands isentropically from lbt? kFa, ie8"t t" gO kPa. For454 glsof this gas determine, (a)W", fljV'i.iAU (s) AH. Ans. (a) 21.9 kJ/s;(b) 0.0649b m'/s; (d) 80.18 kJ/s - 10. A polytropic process ofair from lbO psia, 800.F, and 1 occurs to p, = 20 psia in accordance with pVt.g - C. Determir t, ft) lU, AH and AS, (c) JpaV and JVap. 1 9) -%,Compute the heat from the polytropic splcific heat and cl by the equation Q = AU + fpdV. (e) Fina tne nonflow work (f) the steady flow work for AK 0. = Ans. (a) 17.4"F, 4.71t ft3; (b) -2b.8f Btu, -86.14 0.0141Btu/"R; (c) 34.4f Btu,44.78 Btu; (d) g Btu; (e) 34.41Btu; (0 44.?B Btu *d - Fleat engine or thermal engine is a closed system (no mass only heai *itr, rts surrounding and that operates in cyclls. ""a -"rr. Illements of a thermodinemic heat engine with a fluid as I lrr. working substance: . I a working substance, matter that receives heat, rejects lu,rrl, and does work; 2. a source of heat (also called a hot body, a heat reservoir, ,r'.;ust source), from which the working zubstancei*.*iuuc .r'osses its boundaries) that exchanges lrlrr [; 3. a heat sink (also called a receiver, a cold body, just or rrrrk), to which the working substance can reject rr""i; *a 4 ' an engine, wherein the working substa'nce *""r. lr. lurve work done on it. "rr"h" A thermodynamic cycle occurs when the working fluid of a rv'l.t'm experiencer, u.ly.*,ber of processes that Jventuaily nrlrrrn the fluid to its initial state. Cycle lVork and Thermal Effrciency 11. The work required to compress a gas reversibly accon ing to p[r'ao = C is 67,790 J, if there is no flow. Detennine A 3"d Q if the gas is (a) air, (b) methane.For methane, k 1 R = 518.45 J/kg.K, c, = 1.6lg7, co= Z.lB77 kJ/kg.K'- Ans.(aiso.gi KI, -ro.esokl;ruiog.bo kJ, = - 4.zgkJ (1. QA = heat added Qn = heat rejected W- net work ftl Available energy is that part of the heat that was converted into mechanical work. Unavailable energy is the remainder of the heat that had be rejected into the receiver (sink). The Second Law of Thermodynamics AII energy receiued as heat by a heat-engine cycle cannot conuerted into mechanical work. Work of a Cycle (a)W=IQ W=Qo+(-Qn) (Algebraic sum) W=Qo- Q* (Arithmetic difference) (b) The net work of a cycle is the algebraic sum ofthe done by the individual processes. W= LW Operation of the Carnot Engine A cylinder C contains m mass of a substance. The cylindor head, the only place where heat may enter or leave the subgtance (system) is placed in contact with the sounoe of heat or hot body which has a constant temperature Tr. Heat flows from the hot body into the substance in the cylinCler isothermally, l)rocess l-2, and the piston moves from tr' to 2'. Next, the t:ylinder is removed from the-hot body and the insulator I ie placed over the head of the cylinder, so that no heat may be l,ransfemed in or out. As a result, any further process is ndiabatic. The isentrppic change 2-3 now occurs and the piston moves from 2' to 3'. When the piston reaches the end of the sl.roke 3', the insulator I is removed and the cylinder head is placed in contact with the receiver or sink, which remains at a ronstant temperature T". Heat then flows from the substance t,rr the sink, and the isothermal compression B-4 occrut while tlrc piston moves from 3'to 4'. Finally, the insulator I is again lllnced over the head and the isentropic cor.npression 4-1 ret,urns the substance toits initial condition, as the piston moves ftom 4'to 1'. W=Wr-r+Wr"r+W'n+.. The Carnot Cycle The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle concei There are otherideal cycles as effrcient as the Carnot cycle; but none more so, such a perfect cycle forms a standard ofcomparison for actual engines and actual cycles and also for other less effisient ideal cycles, permitting as to judge how much room there might be for improvement. H' m Fig. 11. The Carnot Cycle 82 n Vm Fig. 12 Canrot Cycle Anulysis of the Carnot Cycle (ln = Tl (S2 - Sr), area l-2-n-m-1 (1,, = T3 (S4 - Ss), area B-4-m-n-B 83 -TB (Ss - S. ) = w- Qn - *Tr (S2 - Sr) Q* = Tr (Sz - Sr) - Ts (S2 - Sr) (Tl - Ts) (S2 - S1), arca L'2-3'4'l e= o"= - r;s;;r \[ = A^ - a- = mRTrtnt mRTrh g= e = ---Erl The thermalefficiencye is definedas the fractionoftheheat cycle that is converted into work ; supplied to a thermodynamic Work from the TS Plane g= +-v (Tr - Ts) mR ln w a; t fvl ,V,L mRT. k Tt-Tt -T, Work from the pV plane. W = IW = Wr_, + Wr-, + Wr-n + Wr-, = mRTrfn f w = p,v,l" V.-V3 Qn = mRTrln 1; = -mRTrln t w- (Tt - Tr) mRl" W (Tr - T3) (Sz - Sr) Tr-T, Q^ Q* = -mRTrt" i t. &+: :J,+ p,v,rnf,.&tJ{. From process 2-3, T3 l-v, l*-' T =Lv'J Mean Effective Pressure (p_ or mep) P-=W VD From process 4-1, T, -l-v,J.-' 11 -lfJ but Tn = Ts and Tr =T2 - | = therefore,l V"-k-r LqI then, & % =vr v, 84 Vp = displacement volume, the volume swept by the piston rr one stroke. Mean effective pressure is the average constant pressure l,ir:rt, acting through one stroke, will do on the piston the net work of a single cycle. Ratio of Expansion, Ratio of Compr.ession I,)xpansion ratio vglute,3t end of expansiql -., the = volumeattheffiili ft5 Point 1: Isothermal exPansion "atio IsentroPic exPansion = ,:- t naRT. (2) (53.34) (960) vr = -E- VL ratro = 1; Point 2: Overall exPansion 'utio = h Compression ratio = % = of EH*# lsothermal comPression ratio = Isentropic compression ratio' # Pg= p, rr. = Y^- 1; --* [:t:^ = 11ee.7''b-d L.aJ l-sso-l = 24.57 psia mRT" (2) (53.34) (530) = 15.72 f13 =-(24,s7) ( lll*4) %= -Ti V Point 4: ratio rn is the compression ratio Problems 1. A Carnot power cvcle operates on 2 lb {l*j::?*ii? 'ffi b;:. "ttffi n""q;l"^:l Ho"n # ri*i, :l: *,".':t'H :f ;bd n* ilu^* 11:, : 11 :'-' i;1'":ff31 l'ffi:S J'";n#J'#*ff;;il; ?qif vorume at the end rD rvu ]'"'b' - - ffilT.f#H; ?xpallsrv[ lX"-lff proce ' isothermal process, nS durine an -.";^- rlt G) lP isothermal compression, $"t"q: - ^r ^-aanoinn rlrrrine iil'6::?.i' 6Ji";fi:ie and (h) :, g*: or"*pansion, ffil,3 iutio $""#"ffi:T ft;;rr :** h[fi; lll,?*,$*;1il* , the mean effective Pressure' [q = (1b.?2)F-ffi = v4= v, (a) \ = 7.849 ftg (b) = mRln ^s,-, t= 2.84e rtg Q.%19 h*ffi = o"oeoz{fi (c) Qo = Tr (AS) = (960) (0.0952) = 91.43 Btu (d) QR - -T, (AS) = {530) (0.0952) = - 50.46 Btu (e) W = Qn - Qn = 91.4g -50.46 = 40.97 Btu Solution m= 2lb Pr= Tr= 400 psia Pz= 199.7 Psia Tr= ft(; +=ti$ffit#,=8.b61 na Point 3: v Overall comPression tutio = \t The isentropic compression most commonlY used' = -I4OOXI4;JI= = L.778 ft,3 960'R 530'R (o o'4481 ot " l[=4s a^ fl'43- = = (8)I*oth""-al 44'8Lvo expansion ratio = * =ffi =, 87 ,-E!vv a EF osoo{r 6lIOti€rO i./ f; HJ_l-d cl oi fi o, |r) tl <l OJ ilillllttl ddt' dE * rn c\r oO a co Io -@ eqq ct? Frl il"ql lF-l a ca -q o? o tl (a tl o tl ilo I FIE 3lv allt? <{ lv st3 lolol '€lC'l' -l o rt € 19 RIE tl l-lvfl s o E c .H E{ <r oq "olQ ll a g MI to9 q r.E F{ sa rr:< Fa ll l<t --r ^lFr g{l!o colY FIA \Itr rril\ f.ll 'liil d :l\ c-lFi ('JI .d. >"b 3l-l +t9{ el\ rt lAd lv .E IV I II I II I I illlll drlF t: Eg -o b0d €E gh 5 t>,'E ( Blti' 6I.i laBl; lHrl ronoJ t-O<r C- CQ rO o O/? | lF{ M X'a FB .X 6 tl sv.:v vll Fl€ -* ,-() ll .ol a *{ c,a $E 9ii .ab E;O tssd Er .5x a_ Rd <EE o 9.X B3 ..EE o ts ,fa rb u) $ I cld II rlatA,I lJlrl fl I I- il" NlOIr le."le''*. ^:t{ coA r + lt tl E q 0r rtE €€ bo rl€lv IO) N d lr: lxrl IOA Ef 1l cO I|IpI, g c..i E IcE lrrll lr ,RlAl 15 t ,l^lrO ll r; rRlR t'll 'II -t,' lOrt F'lro rO # {.r ' @la tll I tl il'r*; AIA vtyJ I tl >1+ dltr rlq qolH (ol ,_ I 116l @l , t=---r 6It= I l*l ro -lu '. lro -lH lj Hla -l ; !i{ -l-,: .d :; )!c sE (0 h ;HE 3 3 TB. ' fl a [E! E Ei gt fi;JE I E'E:E ?€:3+ B*EE, H-ti-L$* EiiE} g H if * e iAE*q Fil" dF" ,r "" r {g iH €H,FEd 'EHd i' "o o'' T d le o G o of;E-EAES8 Qe = (m) (c") (T3 = 37.63 Btu Tr) = (0'1382) (-0'6808) (540 - 939'9) cp = c, + R = 0.7442+ 0.2969 = 1.0411 KI EAIF c_ 1.0411 ro={=yiffi,=1'3ee en= mRr.rn{=,Wt"*h Point 1: n v. '' -= -IT, - & = -27.82FJttt '!{ = Qo - Q* = 37.63 -27.82 = 9'81 Btu (2.5) (q396e) (e50) = 0.8522 m3 827.4 Point 2: o -A sz _o.osrdlg As.ir:fl=-bao Qn = mco (T, - Tr) = -132.2 = (2.5) (1.0411) (T, - 9b0) (9.8!X179)- = B.lb psi w p-=ql172= ffi-v'LvEe' Tz = 899'2 X gas with- R = 2963 Jfte) 2. T\vo and a half kg of an ideal kPa and a (K) and c" =6i++i r'"lltr'?Xrc11i a-ryJt:y"" 9f 127 't heat at constant pres' temperatrfe b6Fc *J*t 132.2 kJ of C to a point to nJis = "f sure. The e""1;it""-"d;a*a "tto"ails back to its bring-tle wil p"ot"tt where a constant volume 100 Hz' for poier in kW original ttateS;t"rttil; er;q' *d the e: %= u,F,] = (0.8b22)ffi21 = 0.8066 mg Point 3: r, = r, H]"'' = rsro.rlffi"u-' = 880.e K Solution Qo = mco (T, - Tr) + mcv (Tr - T3) v Pr= rF 11 - Q*= 827.41,Pa 677 +273= 950K - 132.2 kJ Qn = (2.5X-{.4435X886.9 - S99.2) + (2.5>(a.7442)(950- 886.9) Qn = 131 IGI '![ = Qo-Q*=131 -L32.2=-L.2kJ w- if r#iFosgfl =-12okw 1) | Review Problems l.ThbworkingsubstanceforaCarnotcycleis8lbofair. is.9 cu ft The volume at the feginning of isothermal expansion the during tn" pressure is 360 psia. The ratio of expansion *a is uaaiuo" of heat is 2 and the temperature of the cold body (h) (g) (0 the P-,, ;0"F, Fi;J (a) Qe, o) QR, (c) vr, (d) pr, (e) vn, pn, (i) the and process' isenlropic u*purrsion duffng the 6 fnternal Combustion Engines ratio of overall ratio of comPression. Ans. @) gia.a, Btu; (b) -209.1 Btu; (c) 63.57 99.ft; (d) 25.(/-p*iu; t"> ef.Zg cu ft; (f) 51.28 psia; (g) 13'59 psia; (8) 7.06 (h) 3"53; in 2. Gaseous nitrogen actuates a Carnot power -cycle cycle, whict the respective iolumes at the four corners of the Vri rt"*frtg ;tlnetUegittning of the isothermal expansion' arg cvcle L 3 r57'7 zza.r+!, *1 Yr : ib. iit i; v, = 1 4.bI L, v Jhc "Z Determine (a) the work and (b) the it"it. t<.1 of receives zi.r Internal combustion-engine'is a heat engine deriving its power from the energy liberated by the exploJion oi" *l*trr" of some hydrocarbon, in gur*o.r, or vaporized form, with atmospheric air. Spark.Ignition (SI) or Gasoline Engine mean effective Pressure. Ans. (a) 14.05 kJ; (b) &'91kPa Erh06l the thermal efficiency of the carnct cycle in 3. show -of thatisentropic compression ratio rk is glven the terms bvg=l- . 1. L-l rk 4. Two and one'halfpounds of air actuate a cyclecomposed urith n = of the following pro"u*t"*t polytropic compressiol Y' known The 3-1' 1.5; constant pressure 2-3-; constant volume Btu' Determine (a) au1,a *", p, = i0 p.iu, t, = 160'F, Q* = -1682 plane' in Btu; iul th;;;;k'of the cvcle'using the pV i^ (e) efficiency, and (J) ""a . -: -. '-' Q^,' (ai tne thermal (a) itzo'R,4485'R; (b) 384'4'Btu; (c) 2067 Btu; t- p-' - Arrr. Infoh ttrcb Comprarrlcn Strol. Ittr.u!t lkol. Fig. lB. Four-stroke Cycle Gasoline Engine A cycla beginr wilh the intoke slroke or fhe pirlon move3 down the cylinder ond drows in o fuet.oir mixlure' Next, the pisron compresse3 rhe mitture whire rnoving up ri,. iyiiJ"r.-iiri.'i"o or n. comprersion ttroke. fhe spork prug ignites rhe mixrure. Br:rning gq!es puth ,he pirton down for fho piston rhen,o"1, ,p the cytinde-gJ", prrhrg rhe'burneJ ori!"rins i".ilTrili?ii;lte for", *,o (d) 18.60%; (e) 106.8 Psi 1'0et 5. Athree-process cycle of anideal gas'.forwhi*.htr= compresisentropic an *aI." = 0.804 lr,yl*e.K', tl-tTlt"FibyIiPa. A cbnstant volume t sion 1-2 from rog.a"kpa, 27 "C 1060g. 1 3:l 11ll n= L'Zcomplete the cvcle' p"".*t Z-S and a (a) Qa, ft) W' Circulation ir rtiuiv raL of o.go5 kg/s, compute " (c) e, and (d) p-. Ans. (a) 41.4 k'ys; &) - 10 kJ/s; @\ 24'157o; (d) 19'81 kPa 92 The four-stmkg cycre is one wherein four strokes of the piston, two revolutions, are required to complet" u.y.l".' *-ftti*t 9:i Otto Cycle The Otto cYcle is the ideal prototype'of spark-ignition engines. ,V wnere "* =vr., the isentrcpic compression ratio Derivation of the form ,la for e Process l"-2: 5_ Tr- t-rl-l LVol ' T, = Tr"oo-t (2) Process B-4: FiS. 14. Air-standard Otto CYcle & I-v;l*'' =F T= Air.standardcyglemeansthatairaloneistheworking medium. L-l (3) Substituting equations (2 ) and (3) Tn-T, '-E4rffi a - , e = 1_n+ -t Analysis of the Otto CYcle = mc" (T, - Tr) (Tn- Tr) Qn = mc, (T, - Tn) = -mc" \{ = Qn - Q* ' BC" (Ts - Tr) - BC' (T4 - Tr) Qe e=fr=ffi r-#+F 'rr e = 1-+ rl 94 tI T, = Tn"* 1-2: isentroPic comPression 2'3: constant volume addition of heat 3-4: isentmPic exPansion 4-1: constant volume rejection of heat e= Lr*J rz (1) IVorh from the pVplane W = IW = Pr%'- 9rV, * O,? - O, -% Clearance volume, per cent'clearance "*=f=q;r=Hg6 _l+c ".*c in equation (t) lrr where s = p€r cent clearance % = clearance volume Vn = dsplacement volume (a) Point t: v, = s"- = 1.oar $ Point 2: Ideal standard of comparison *rt fV p, = prLfrJ Cold-air standard, k = 1.4 Hot-air standard, k < 1.4 The thermal elficiency of the theoretical Otto cycle is Tr=Tt 1. Increased by increase in r* 2. Increased by increase in k 3. Independent of the heat added = P, (r*)h = (13) (5.5;r.e = 119.2 psia l.l el = \ (r*)h-r = (590) (b.b;r.s-r = ggB.9.R tz = 523.9,F The average family car has a compression ratio of about 9:1. The economical life of the average car is 8 years or 80,000 miles of motoring. Problems 1. An Otto cycle operates on 0.1 lb/s of air from 13 psia and 13trF at the beginning of compression. The temperasture at the end of combustion is 5000oR; compression ratio is 5.5; hotair standard, k = 1..3. (a) Find V' p2, t s, ps, V3, tn, and pr. (b-) Compute Qn, Qj,'W, e, and the corresponding hp. Solution m= ^k k= Pr= Tr= Ts= 96 (0.1x€-.94)l_5eo) 0.1 lb/s o.o 1.3 13 psia 130 + 460 = 5000"R li l'6=81 v-z-t = 5.8 = o.Bob6 &i = s Point B: %=%=0.3056ts Point 4: l-ti : r'r r. = 4Li-J =(boo)m"' tr = 2538"tr' o, = t [+J= (2ee8)H= 66.r psia = 2998"R R =(h)c= \u'f cv = L11 Qo = rhc" (T, Btu 53.34 =0.22t= v'o'c'o (zzgfitm c'= l6.R" -=*+ =ffi=o'o43e6lce - Tr) = (0.1) (0.2285) (5000 - 983.9) Qn = sr.zz ntrt s Qp = rhcu (T, - Tn) = (0.1) (0.2285) (590 - 2998) Qn = -55'03 Btu "* ry =f= tdi%to =,, (a) Point 2: v, 0.0! ' =T= # s W = Qo - Q* = 91.77 - 55.03 ; 36.75 E*=m =o'8444*k ' "' T, = Tr"*t't = (805) {ll;t't-t o =W =3!'75=0.4005 ot4A.O1Vo tl Pz = (36.?5 BtuX60+) W'= 'smrn n'*t#ftnr = o'003455 m3 Pr{ = (101.8) (tt; = 6g9 K t'e = 2blg lipa Point 3: =52hp Q^ = mc" (T, - Tr) 2. The conditions at the beginning of compression in an Otto engine operating on hot-air standard with k ='1.34, are 101.3 kPa,0.038 m3 and lz'C.The clearanceisL0%oand 12.6hI are added per cycle. Determine (a) V' T*P* T3, Ps, Tn atd p.' (b) W, (c) e, and (d) p-. 12.6 = (0.04396) (O.UU)(TB - 689) Tg = 1028 X Ps = Solution r,ltJ= (2518) t8rfl = BZbzkpa Point 4: t =t{W"'=r&l'],r*r{*J P, = 101.3 kPa V, = 0'038 mg Ti=32"C +273 =306 n, =n,ffi:r,91]ruzuaftl' 1.t4.1 =455K = 16l kPa (b) Qn = mc" (T1- T1) = (0'04396) (0'8444) (305 - 455) Q* = -5'57 kJ W = Qn * Qn = L2'6-5'5? = ?'03 kJ , \ e=q= - W - 7.99-= 0.558 or 55.87o (c) 12S- (d) p. 12.6 =#" = #T,= o55s - oso3455 (b) (") = 364.7 kPa Fig. 16. Air-standard Diesel CYcle 1-2: isentropic comPression 2-3: constant-pressure addition of heat 3-4: isentropic expansion 4-1: constant-volume rejection of heat or Diesel Engine Compression-Ignition Analysis of the Diesel CYcle Qn = mcn (Ts - T2) Q* I -." (T, - Tn) - -DC, Tn - ln|!l. Sl.ok. ComF.trlon ComF'trlon Sftok' ?ow'r Stlol' Fig. 15. Four-stroke Cycle A cycle begins with the Crh!urt Sitol' Diesel Engine intake stroke when the piston moves iil;t;*:: j*:t:-::f".1fit:11 and draws'"t1':-:ini'".-""ussion downanddraws"ilffi down stroke' the tem'' when o' is :H3:j!rye?tio"' Htr 1l ll: n*J,ffi"; *iift ttt" hot air and it -i*"t iniected into the "tU"a"1 'U'" rra$tru Prvuuvv- -" exhaust burns explosrvery' burnsexplosivelv'e;'";;;;'"'*:Jg1*;if ror the Power strt,k". During the::f,1f'l do*o gases ffi;"tfit"oo burned forces the ;;Jt; #"; piston the *t*k", ""d Tr) W = Qe - QR = mcn (T, -T, ) -DC" (T1 - Tr) "=frW . e = 1- T.-T Fd:fJ (4) €=1where "* =F the comPression ratio out of the cYlinder' "" = +, the cutoffratio l0l Point 3 is called the cutoffPoint. Derivation of the fornula for e efficiency ofthe Diesel cycle differs from that of.th* ( )r,r.r, -The cycle by the bracketed factor".o'1 . This factor i*iit*,,vu trFT greater than 1, because r" is always greater than l. Thus, lirr rr particularcompression ratio rn, the otto cycle is more efficiont. However, since the Diesel eigirr" compresses air only, thr, compression ratio is higher than in an otto engine. An actual Diesel engine with a compression ratio of lb is mo"e efficierrt than an actual otto engine with a compression ratio of 9. Process 1-2: '- *k-l T"=Lv^,l lv, q k-l T, = Tr"* I (5) Relation among rLr r.r and r" (expansion ratio) Process 2-3: t- e ft={; =f" rk- Ts = Trrrk'tr. (6) L% -L -% t =[+][q ' \=f"f" Process 3-4: Problems t=F;-'=m-'=*' Tn=Trrnk-l Tr = Trr"k H (7) 1' A Diesel cycie operates with a compression ratio of l3.b and" with a outoffoccuring at 6vo of the stroke. state 1 is defined ta psia and 14OF. Foithe hot-air standard with t< !f = f .ga ana for an initial I cu ft, comp-ute (a) tz, p2,,.Uz,tsn po, ,rrl-tn, {b) %, Q*, (c) w, (d) g uttd p-. (e) For aratlof"ciic,riauon irrooo.r-, compute the horsepower. Solution Substituting equations (5), (6), and (7) in equation (4)' T.t"ni.-e=1-m\f-'r--ffii) '.,'4^ L rn = 13.5 = 1.84 p, = 14 Psia Tr=140+460=600'R y, =lcuft . 1 f-t"*-rl e=r-,r-rlq:11l r02 Io;l i c, R =FIf 53.34 = (078) (1.34 1) - =OrOtUffi (b) QA = DCo (T3 - Tr) = (0.063) (0.2702) (2545 - iaga) Qe = 18.57 Btu cn = kc" = (1 .34) (0'2016) = 0'2702 ffi" Qn = mc" (T, - T.) = (0.063) (0.2016) (600 -72i:l1r) Qn = 8.52 Btu (14) (144]jp p,V, _ = (b&lr+,1 (buu) = o.68o rb * = alf (a) Point 2: (c) W= QA- Qn = 18.57 -8.52= 10.05 Btu (d) e = W = f0.05 = 0.54L2 or 54.L2Eo v,=1fS = 0'0741 ft3 V, 1 =#x T, = Tr#-1 = (600) (13.5)1 31-t = 1454oR tz = 994oF a^ 18.57 P- = (10.05) (778) = 58.64 psi (l -.0:,0741) (144) (e) pz = prrr.k = (14) (13.5I'34 = 457.9 psia Point 3: % = V, + 0:06VD = % + 0.06 % = 0.0741 + (0.06) .. (Vl -V2) (1 - 0.0?41) = 0.1'297 ftc 0.L297 - r\il = G454) i,^g?A = 2545"R r, = Trl_C ft''l nin-l [""ir*f fo* w_ 42.4 lltu '= 287 hp min.hp 2. There are supplied 317 kJ/cycle to an ideal Diesel engine operating on227 g air: p, = 9?.91 kPa, t, = 48.9oC. At the end ofcompression, pz = 3930 kPa. Deteruineia) ro, (b) c, (c) r", (d) W, (e) e, and (f) p-. Solution m = 0.227 kg. P, = 97.91 kPa Tr = 48.9 + 273 = 321.g K Pz = 3930 kPa Qo= gf7 kJ/cycle \------( \\ t, = 2085'F 4 \ Point 4: rn = I r, l_sf'' = (2545) lli2gfl '''n-' = 12?1"R LvrI L1J tr = 811oF r (45't.e) oo., IgJZgZl'''n = 29.7 psia o. = n,lt'J = [-T.] r-v-r l)oint 1: v --r 'l- mRT. ll .:l * (0.227) (0.28708) (32r.e) = 0.2143 mg 97.9r 10s ryPoint 2: (d) QB - &c, (T, 1 Qn = -136.9 1.1 u, = urffl = (0-2143) ffi 0.0153 m3 IJil Hfl1f = sz4lK Point 3: Qn = mco (Ts - T2) 3r7 = Q.227) (1.0062) (T3 - 924.4) T, = 2312I( Im| v, = vr,if i= (().olb3) lW1= o.oB8B mg L-2) P24A kI W = Qo - QR = 317 (e) e = Tr=T, lo;l+'=(821.e) - Tr) = (0.227)(0.2186) (B zt.g -tt6t ) - fg6.g = lg0.l kJ P= lao.t = 0.b6g1 or 56.glvo QA 317 1fl P- =g= l0o.l _= 9ob kpa vD =.w vr_%=o-zr+s:00rog DuaI Combustion Engine In modern compression ignition engines constant during the.combristio" p"o"ess the pressure is not manners illustrated in the ng"*.-ili;*J but varies in the il ffi* ol" * combustion can be conside*dt";il;ach a constant-vorume process, and the late burning, u *;rilunt-pressure process. Point 4: ,,=*b{'=(rrrr) B*?H" = 1161k (a) -V--o.oi^re -' "'* =vr=0.2143_14 1+c (b) f,=-*c 1+c 1r I4t =- c c = 0.0769 or 7.69Vo -c v^ 0.0383- t2.50 (c) f = -!iL =--:-::= v, 0.0153 106 Fig. tZ. Air_Standard Dual Cycle l-2: isentropic compression 2-B: constant_volume addition of heat 3-4: constant-pressure addition of heat 4-b: isentroplc expansion 5-1: constant-volume rejection of heat Analysis of Dual Combustion Cycle Qo = mc, (T, - Tr) + mcp (T. _ fr) Procesg B-4: Q* = me, (T1 - T6) = -mc" (Tr - Tr) W = Qe - Qn = mc" (\ g='W= mc" (T, - Tr) + mc, (T, - Tr) - mc, ('t'o - T,) e=l- \/v t ^g tg Tn = Trrr mc, (T, - Tr) + mco (Ta - T, ) \QA tn 4a il= f,="" - Tr) + mco (T1 - Ts) - DC" (T6 - Tr) t'lr;{" , (lt) (8). Tu = Trr*'t-l ror. where =S, the pressure ratio during the consant volume ""o P, ' poii"" of co-U"stio" Tu= Tpor"r v rr =titr, the compression ratio ,2 or. (r2) too"otuting equatirins (9), (10), (11), \r r.' =#, the cutoffratio Y3 Th'b thernal,efficiency of this cycle lies between that of the ideal Otto qnd the ideal Diesel. Derivation of the formula for e Proccss 1-2: €=l- l-T o=l- *L and (12) in equation Problems . *tllpg d:op-p."*rsion in an ideal dual L. At the combustion cvcle, the w.orki"ng n"ia-ir i ru The compre*io.l il"- p"*rru* at the end of ""a 99:F.. tlre constant volume addrtion or n*ullrito added 100 Btu th;,;il;;ilpor*,ro expansion. Find (a) ro, (b) r", (c) the percentage cfearence, (d) e, and 1e) p_. T" -lv,l -k-1 q=LrJ / :.ilI i uA* T" = Trr*I'r Process 2-3: "irri"i-iijT#" ;;i""#;;#; "* t=#=" T, = Trrrk-t rn (10) r0g *' Point 5: Solution m = llbair p., = 14.1 psia T, = 80+460=540oR pa = 470 psia rk= 9 t, = t l+ln.'= (rnru) L_'I-J E&1" = 1082"R +!y = L.54 P=g= Pz 305.6 (a) r^ Qr-n = 100 Btu L.Zr v, !g!tg 1.576 = " =t= (b) r (c)r.-1+c *c Point 1: u,=-3l'-=%#ffi#=la186rt3 9=1+c c = 0.125 or ]'Z.EVo Point 2: v. 14.186 %=t=-t-= (d) QA = 1.576ft3 = (1) (0.1?14) (1999 - lB00) + 100 = 219.8 Btu rir-'l k-l Tr= T, l+ I = (540) (9) ''n-' = 1300R L'rJ Qn = (mXc"XT, - Tu) = (1X0.1714X840- 1082) l-v,l* W 219.8-e2q o'5773 0r ^=Q;= 57 '73Vo --fts-=:: = l, = n,l_if = (14.1) (9) 1'4 = 305.6 psia w = P*=V,-% Tr=T, [pJ ffi (126.e) (778\ =54.3?psi 2. An ideal dual c'ombustion cycre operates on 4b4 g of air. At the beginning ofcomp_ression, the airis at g6.b3 p",?g.g"c. t Itet ro - 1.5,,r..= 1.!-0, an{ r* 11. Determine (a) the percentage = LF;J Point 4: Qr-n = (m) (co) = -92.9 Btu " Point 3: ('lea.rance, (b) p, V, and T at each corner of the cycle, tc) e-n, (d) s, an6 (e) p-. (T. - Tr) 100 = (1) (0.24) (T4 Solution - 1999) I' Tn = 24J.6"R v. = v,R] = o.b?o) il0 Q-, + Qr.n = (m) (e") (T, - Tr) + 1oo f+f = 1.905 ftg 'f-\. t,\: ,-/i 4 A' '/ -"" ,2' m = 0.454kgof air P, = 96.53 kPa T, = 43.3 + 273 = 816.3 K rp = l'5 r" = 1'60 rr = ll ill W = Qr - Q* = 474-L95.7 = 278'3 kJ (a)-rk--1+c w 278.3 = 0.5871 or 58.7lVo c "=6o= 474 1+c 11 =-; 278.3 w (e,p_=Vr5,= = 716.8 kPa o.427L 0.03883 g = 0'10 or IUVo - mRT, (0.454) (0.28?08) (316'3) = e.427r ms (b)Vr=-p;=re vt- o.42t]m3 *, vr -=T;-= --11 = o.oB88B l-v-lr'-r ,, = t,FJ*-'= T, ("n) p, = n, *-'= (316'3) (11)'n-' = 8254K I-vlF = pr(roy = (96.b3) (11) ''n =2770'81.Pa ft'1 ps = (Pz) ("n) = (2??0'8) (t'5) = 4156'2 kPa ,, = r,fog = (82b.4) ffi Vn = (Vr) (r.) = (0'03883) = K '288.1 (t'60) = 0'06213 m3' l-ri-l rn = t'L+l= (1238'1) (1"6) = Le81 K - I-vln', = (1e81) Bm''n-' = e16.2 K ,, = r.LirJ pu = l-m-l (e6.53) e1g.? =27s .6 kpa p,l+l= 'L' d 316'3 (c) Qe - (m) (c") (T, - Tr) * (m) (cn) (T4 (0.454X0.?186X1238'1 - 825'4) + = - T3) (0'454X1'0062X1981-1238' l) = 474kJ (d) QR = (m)(c"XT, -Tu) = (0'454X0'?186X316'3 - 916'2) = 195'? I t:l -l Review Problems hot'air standard 1. An ideal Otto engine, operating on5'the At the beginning of with k = 1.34, h^t ;;;;;;tfi ratiJof psia and cu ft' the pressure is 13'?5 ;;;;t;;;irt" uor"-"is 6 Ouring the constant'volume heatthe temperature i. fOO"f' (d) uaJJp"t cvcle' ritta (u) c' (b) T" (c) p" e' t"g, il;'Bl" ^t" and (e) p-. Ans, (a) 257o; (b) 5209"R; (c) 639'4 psia; (d) 42'14Vo; (e) 161.2 Psi operates 2. An ideal Otto cycle engine 'lrrtlnll%o clearance The i"Lx" !tut". is 100'58 kPa' 37'7oC' on 0.227 kg/s of is 110 kJ/s' For hot-air energy released d;l;;;*bustion (a) p' V' and T at each corner' standard with k = isi,-"o-pute (b) W, (c) e, and (d) P-' t"1t':f: *'r., o kPa; ;6. + x, zazo.t r<P a, 5s2,1K 19 1'71 kPa 301'1 (b) 52'7 kJis; (c) 47 '9LVo;(d) is from 14'7 psia' 3. In an ideal Diesel engine compression Btu/cvcle are added as heat' 80"F, 1.43 cu ft to 5d0;tt* i"hi" tu and find (a) T" V2' T3' Make computatio,', f* cold-air standard and (d) the hp for 300 cvcles/ v3, Ta, and pn, ft) mrn. ft3' 2113:l' 0'1&6 ft3' 890'I Ans. (a) t4?9"R,0'1152 gt"; (e) 60'637o' 39'9 psi; (d) 68' "ii a";.*Ai;.idig i.pili 7 ""s Compressors 029?qm'hl:9:* Operation of Compressor Discharge Di5charge Valve Intake Valye Compressbn w;i;;""Jp-' zi.ipui^;(Ujg'Z l rtruenlionol Diogrom without Clearance. Fig. 18. v Conuenttonal Diagram witn Clearance. hp eycle with the overall value 4. For an ideal Dieselgi'g and p,"' kPa' 1.33.' r,- = 15, r. =2.l,Pr= ^Anr. 35-89 kPa, 602 kPa of k = find P2 5. State 1 for a dual combustion engine is pJ = 1 atm t, Joo.g;Cfrn = 18; a! th9 "i*{*::"Y?L::t:*",?fr ;t;J,"o;;J;ilp*til" i' zogr kPa'-r" = 1'5' tsase on l kg/ with k = 1-31,.deiermine 1")!l-^P:1 ;ilil;i-;r standard (b) p, andr at each corner point on the ;;;;i;;.""ce, v, (c) W, (d) e, and (e) P-' ilJ.*-a);.EEq";&) 0.e443 m, Q'!szjo^3i *9q ;;4.; n, i ilio.zK, 0.0?869 Ti' ?^19e;3.* (e) 900 f.p"pZO.g K; (c) 803.5 kJ; (d) 57'a3%; 114 Fig. t9 Figure 18 shows a conventional indicator card for a compressor without clearance. As the piston starts the stroke 4-r, the inlet valve opens and gas is drawn into the cylinder arong [he line 4.'1. A-t point 1, th; piston starts ttr" ui"nr.", u,l va ves being closed, and the gas is compressed"e1,r* along the curve t-2. Atz,the discharge valve opens und th";;pGfigas is <lclivered to the receiver. The events of the d"iagr"m with clearance are l'lrose with no clearance, except that the same as since trre piston J* ,rot lirrce.all the gas from the cylirrdu" at the pr"rrrrr"-o., tfr* rcmsifilg gas must re-expand to the intake p"urr".*, irL*r, it 4, before intake starts again. without clearance, th* ioi r-o Il5 r^, p,V,, Preferred Compression Curves (lob) (6) "'=f;4= (ozmtGoo = 5.722 kg/min The work necessary to drive the compresor decreases as the value of n decreases. Polytropic compression and values of n less than k are brought about by circulating cooling water. (a) Isentropic compression f- r-r w- E# I rp,t- -l Llp;j T I Comparison of work for Isothermal and for Isentropic = Compression. (1.67) (105) (6) 1-1.67 t.67- T_ '630y1 rsz ffi = I 105, - 1652 kJ/min Another solution: Heat Rejected k-l The heat rejected during compression 1-2 is, Qr-, = mrcr, (T, - Tr) T2 l&l* = (300) --,r ^t lP, I-'J = 615.6 K I w = -AH = -fi'c e (T2 - Tr) Problems 1. A rotary compressor receives 6 m3/min. of a gas (R = 410 J/kg.K,c- = 1.03 kJ/kg.K, k = 1.67) at 105 kPa, 27"C and delivers it at 630 LPa. Find the work if compression is (a) isentropic' (b) polytropic with pvt'r = C, and isothermal Solution = - (5.122) (1.03) (615.6 - 300) = - 1665 kJ/min (b) Polytropic compression w =+Fffi.,1* = vf= Tr= Pr= Pz= 6 m3/min. 27 +273 = 300 K 105 kPa 630 kPa I f- (1.a) (rOs) (0) 1-1.4 l1f3gl 1.4-l _.1 " -11 = - 1474 kJ/min Another solution # iogol'n Tr=T, l-p] = 300 _ l.,l-l LEJ 118 "'-t F'ql = 500.5 K il9 off = !#}.r-ffi c- l'oq = 0.6168 ry cv =f = kg.k" L.6z rh' = cn= c [-t -rr-l= 0.6168 I r.oz - r.el = 4.41G8 kI "Lr*l [-T:T-.a J [sF r,=r, = I I \if = -afr* 6=-th'co(Tr-Tr)+ fi'co(Tz-Tr) = -(5.L22) (1.03) (600.5 - 3oo) + (5.L22)(-0.4163) (500.6 - S00) _r.32_r L*J'=(E4o) L#t= =64r.eeR s c"v U-qJ k-l -=(o.lzr4)' fILl co = Ll-tful =-o.oaze ffi AH = drbp (Tz - Tr) = (22.05) (0.24)(641.9 - 540) =-1486kl/min = bB9.B Btu/min a -nqTr-T,) (c) Isothermal compression = (22.05) (- 0.0429) (er.g _ 540) w = p,tf r"[*-l LP?-i =(105)(6)rn n r* = 2*.o'rb/min = * 96.4 Btu/min o* = m'* u'J tffi ffi = - 1129 kJ/min 2. A centrifugal comprcssor handles 300 crr ft per ninute of air at t4.7 psia and 80"F. The air is compressed to 80-psia. The initial speed is 35 fps and the final speed is 1?0 fps. If the compressionis polytropic with n = 1.32, what is the work? Solution 6 =#*ar(+ali+W w = Q-aK-aH = - 96.4 _ tZ.Z_ bBg.B = f;= 300 ctu Pr = 14.7 Psia Pz = 30 Psia Tr=80+460=540R u, = 35 fps u, = 170 Ss - fl47.gBtu/min or _ lb.2g hp Volunetric Effidiency Conventional volumetric effciency = ffi n,=$=kX "VDVD Displacement volume Vo l,he piston in one etroke. is the volume swept by the face of l4r 1 The clearance ratio or per cent cleararrce, c = t, then,D"=1+c-c [+-]t Free Air Free air is air at normal atmospheric conditions irr n particular geographical location. Problens LP'J If the compression process is isentropic, let n = k. r' j twin-cylinder, double-acting compressor with a crear= ance of ,vo handles 20 ms/min. of nitiogen from roo i.i", az"c Uo ggrypression.ana urp""Jio" .r" p"fyt""pil !Z! n = 1.30. Find (a) the work, (b) the hialre5ected, and (c) the bore vo ={ortN .itf, ^H*. and stroke for I"b0 rpm and UD where: D = diameter of piston L = length of stroke N = number of cycle completed per minute N = (n) (1) (number of cylinders), for single'acting compressors N = (n) (2) (number of cylinders), for n = f .gO. Solution PVt's - double-acting compressors = compressor speed, revolution per min., rpm V; = 20 m3/min. " = 100 kPa = 725 Wa Tr = 37+273=Bl0K Pr P2 e=\Vo n = lbO rpm IID = 1.39 A single-acting compressor makes one complete cycle in one revolution. A double-acting compressor makes two complete cycles in one revolution. (a) W =T#[A* -_l Fie. 20. Single-acting Compressor , Pision rinRs 7l ,''"on. Connecting rod nk pin ,-- Crank ! Crankshaft -J/ Crosshead Wrist pin' t L Crosshead guard Y = -5023 mrn (b)n, =1+c*c l-pJ F l!-,J Fig. 21. Double-acting Compressor 722 l2:l I = 1 + o.ob - (o.ob) lzzq-l p-T 3ld 381 mm, respectivery with a percentage cre'r'rrr.o 5?o, rf su'oundins air ar* it r00 kFa zi-.c *hJio 'f fi tt,,, compression and expansion processes are pVr.s ""a _ C. Dutor,r,,,,u (a) Freg air capacity in mtZs. iU) power of the **pr"rro" i" f, W (ME Board hoblem Oct. 19S6) - "'Llo0l = 0.9205 n.' 20 vo=n'.,=o8Do5= = z+.ss 4 Solutian P, = 100 kPa T =293K t, = Vo * V, = Vo + cVu = Vo (1 + c) 25'60 4 = (24.38) (1 + 0'05) = -T C= f%o P=$SSmm L = 381mm +. n=150rpm *,=*=#Hffi=27.''*t It Pr = 97.9 kPa Tr=300K r Fz{lst = 48s.7 K rn (s'o) ,, = - t, I-Cl+ : \!,rvl [ool l_n, | o, = ."ffi $.7442)Fffi#:l 4'4b'# = = (a) n" = 1 + 6r-, = rhrc" (T, - Tr) [#J* = I + 0.0b-(0.0b) vD =-tDpLN =f, {o.essft0.Bsl) (r50) = (27.83) (-0.2456) (489.7 - 310) Y = {ZZsmrn (c) vo ={nrlN =tD',(1.3 D) (r50) (2) (2)- 612.6 c-. = s.osz V;= (n,) (Vo) = (0.9094) (b.6bz) = 5.r+a O'# o. = vr F,]hl = (b r44) m]*=0.e0e4 -' # t+rtffi = 4.els#or 0.082$ 24.38= 612.6 D3 (b)w =T#'tre,J*:,] D = 0.3414 m or 34.14 cm L = (1.30) (34.14) = 44.38 cm ; t ri 2:. A single.acting air compressor operates at- 150 rpm with initial condilion of air at 97.9 kPa and 27"c and discharges the air at 3?9 kPa to a cylindrical tank. The bore and stroke are 355 ll ; = (1.3) (97.9) (b. 1- 1.3 t26 I KJ = - 800.3 mrn or 13.34 kW W= "- and discharges it at a pressure of 85 psia. The air handled is 0.25 cu ft per cycle measured at discharge pressure. If the compression is isentropic, frnd (a) piston displacement per cycle, and (b) air hp of compressor if rpm is 750. (ME Board Problem - March 1978) Solution Pr = ,Pz = _1J = = 96hp 3. A single-acting air compressor with a clearance of 6Vo takes in air at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 85oF, -IF-to,/ '?i#iffifiea- [ia,z/ 'l 4' A single-acting compressor has a volumetic of 87vo and operates at 500ipm. effici'rt,y Il trk"r in air at 100 kpa nrrrl iil esc\argel jr ar 600 kpa. ai, rraodted is o .i * p,,. l[CA! mrn measured at discharge condition. If the comii#io' i, isentropic, find (a) piston d;;pi;;;;;t per stroke in cu m, and (b) mean effective pressure in kpa. (ME Board p"otrem :ep"riliilal Solution 14.7 Psia 85 Psia 0.25 ft,3lcYcle %= T, = 85+460=545oR = 100 kPa 600kPa = fz V2 = 6 ms/min Tr = 3O+273=B0BK Pr (a)r,=r,H* =(545) [q* = 900"R (%### -' #,, = = _J = o.o68z4 ib/cycte ni RT. (0.06374X53.34X545) =o'87i4ftvcYcle v,=ff=ffi D"=L+c-c [r;tt -1+0.06-(0.06) l-ar lfi = 0.8499 LP'-J h47l ra) vi =o,Fno = + " q, o.87 126 = 21.58 m3/min mrn T' _ 24.8mrn =3f;3# = 1'o3o n3lcYcre tbl V; = (0.8754) (750) = 656'6 ft3lmin Lrooj v^ =&=?rs = 24.8 It UOO v" (6) looo l''' (h) w= ,-L 0.M9G stlgkes = stroke mln ++lZ+r+ r-k l\p,/ - I t",,7 _@ffi@Kml*_! (b) Barosetric pressure at 6000 New intake pressure, pr* Y = -sosa.g mln = ll.Zg psia New discharge pressur€, pz* bob3.g n rn=_li{_= vD 24.9 = 208.8 kpa ft = 1r.?g psia or 23.gg in rlg = g0.B + ll.Zg = 102.0g psia New volumetric efliciency, DvN = 1 + o.o6 6. A compressor is to be designed ntith 64o clearane tn handle 500 cfin of air at L4.7 pcia and 70pF, the state at the beginning of compression stroke. The compression is isentropic to 90.3 peig. (a) What displaoement in cfu is neessary? iU) f tU" co*presso"is used at an altitude of 6000 ft and if the initial temperature and dischargp pressure remain the same as given in (a), by what percentage is the capacity of the @mpressor reduced? (c) WUat snouldbe the displacement ofacumpressor at the altitude of 6000 ft to handle the sa-e mass of air as in (a)? -(0.06) r ffiff"o = o.77e| fr: New capacity, Vi* = @.7795)(6tB) = 472.8mln Percentage decreased in cqpacity 5010:j[r?.8 (c) pr = 14.7 psia Vi = 500 cfu = = 4.44Vo R, at 6000 ft = 11.78 psia T, at 6000 ft = 530"R Tr = 530'R Solution q 14.7 psia 90.3 + L4.7 = 105 psia 500 ft3/min Tr 70+460=530"R Pr V, at 6000 ft = capacity to handle the same mass of air as in (a) vD at 6000 ft = displacement volume to handle the same mass of air as in (a) -,=#,= Vl at 6000 ft = q+{H00) = ozs.g 4* 1+c-"[fl* Vo at 6000 ft = ffi= 800.4 g *', lr0ilfr = 0.8156 =I+0.60-(0.0_.1;14.fl y-=Yt==5=ry== -=orgq- 'o- o" 0.91b6 min. l2{, Compressor EfficiencY Adiabatic overall efficiency is ideal work In general, effrciencY = actual work ^{. Mechnnical EffrciencY The mechanical elficiency of a compressor is - indica@ n* If the compressor is driven by a steam or internal combus' tion engine, the meehanical efficiency ofthe compressor system is "-'- indicated work of compressor indicated work of driving engine B. Compression. EfEciencY adiabAtic ideal work ,,oc% .. = Isothermal overdll efficiency is - isotherlpel ideal *"* or% o^, Polyhbpic overall efficiency no, = (n-) (n") is = Sltpolvtmpic ideal worli Adiabatic compression effieiency is adiabatic ideal work -c - indicated work of compressor S- Isothermal compression efficiency is isothermal ideal work -'t -- indicated work of compressor Polytropic compression effrciency is oolvtropic ideal work = indicated work of compressor "p c. Overall Effrciency Overall elficiency is no = (mechanical efficiency) (compression efficiency) 130 Indicated workjs the work done in the cylinder. Brake work or sh"n *o"r.lr tn" i"* delivered at the shaft. Adiabatic compressio" ciencycommonryused.c;p;;i;;;ffi "E"i"i.r r, ,t " compression effrmean adiabatic compressi; "tr;;y;h";;;*,wo.,td "ffi";;; Problems J 1. A twocylinl":f:gl:__actils air compressor is direcily coupled to an electric motor *rrrririg at 1000 rpm. Other data are as follows: Size of each cylinder, lbO mm x 200 mm Clearance f OZ.of Jirpfacement "?\-9, Exponent (n) for both comp.e5ri"" process, 1.6 Airconstant,k= t.{ Air molecular mass, 29 ""J *-expansion Calculate: (a) The volume rate of air delivery in terms of standard air for a delivery pressure of 8 times ambient pressure under ambient conditions of 300 K and 1 bar. (b) Shaft power required if the mechanical efficiency is 81%. (ME Board Problem - April 1984) Solution 2. A 12 x 14_in., dollle-acting air compresor with 6.6*" clearance operates at lS0 ,p*, ari*ing air at l'.'pnin en' dischargin g.it at 62' p; i;thu .91 9,u^ _":"d n"".rion an d ex pH I r, sron processes are polytropic with n = l.Bi. Determini i"l tfru volume of free air irirnarea if atmospheric condi. tions are 82'F and r+.2 psia, ,r,, indicated work of the-.o-p."rror iitit" compression e-fficiency is 87Vo, and (d) the ideal *ort . pJ;i;;e, ?tiil t";;fiffi;i"l Solution pr = lbar=100kPa Pz= g Pr P" = 14.7 psia T = 82"F+460=542"R Pr = 14.5 psia Tr=85oF+460=b4b.R o (a) vo =tryLN ={to.rso)'?(0.200x2x1000) = ?.06e # I tr, = I * . -.pf Lru r (a)n"=1+c-c lP,-LI' = 1 + 0.10 - (0.10X8)t = 0.?332 l&i Vl= rr"Vo = (0.?332X7.069) = 5.183#ot 0.0864 m3 vD =4'-D'?LN = S (b)w=T#R)* -l (1.6) (100) (0.0864) 1-1.6 Shaft power = 27.2L ffi = r.ob5 - o.obb m]* = 0.8e2,4 t H' frq (1b0x2) = 274.e crm Vf = (o,) (V;) = (0.8924) (214.g)= 248.8 cfm (v/ (P,) (r") (542) 9'" - --In"Jnt-= 84!€I(14.s -liz:7t6) = 240'6 cfm [t,*-t] = 33.59 kW = 27.ZlkW (b) \ir = Vn * % = Vo + cVo = Vo(l + c) = (274.9) (1 + 0.0bb) = 290.02 cfm . m, = P,V, 1i1; = Q!.5) O44) (2s0.02) (53.34) (545) = 2o.ss lP mln r, = r, [t]" co = c" = 545EH F=; = (o.tz14) \51 = ?88"R ftfrfl= - o'3025ffi 3. There are compressed g.4g kg/min of oxygen by a g!,0€ x E5. 5 6-cm, double -actin g, motor d"irre' co-p"essor oporetlnf at L00 rpm: These data apply: Fr = 101.9b kpa, t, Z$.ZA inE = p,'310.27kPa. compression and expansion polyt"opic wt& n = 1.31. Determine (a) the con-uentional volumetricefliclency, "t" heat rejected, (c) the work; and (d)the XW inpui by tfd 9ltlt. driving motor for an overall adiabatic elficiency of ittir.Solution = (20.83) (-0.03025) (788 - 545) .,-o'' Btu = - IDO.I ::::' mtn OYt'a *C D'= .br (c) iV,"",, = k4{&fiq* - rl r-K L\pr/ fr'= 4)F_V: 'vo ' -J Pr= Pz= Tr= L = 0.3556 m 8.48 kg/min 101.35 kPa 310.27 kPa 26.7 + 273 = 2gg.7 K (1.4) (14.5) (144) (245.3) t7g) * -r =@lrr+.rt ) BtP (a) v, =fD,tN = - 1185 mln o" -27.97 hP adiabatic ,n.i@ vf=+=W=6.bu# ideal wor! o" - -*:!. (b) 12 = r,l+4- =ryreil{-'] (1.34) (14.5) ]44)(245.3) lTsz-t'*g - =@l\r+si Blu or - 27 -29 hP = - 1157 mln # 0.9227 or gl.z7vo vo W^ "=*2.068 = Indicated work =H#= 32:15 hP (d)w =t0.Bbb6), (0.sbr6i (100) (z) = 2.068 - il Lrrl = eee.7) t!-lq€fl+#= Beg.b K ." =.,p3J = (0.6beb) ] L101.351 H$H = -0.1808 kJ(ks) (K) D"=l+c-c F;r+ l-F;l 135 0.9227=1+c-cl work input by the driving motor I-gro.2?l# Ll0L5il- Multistage Compression c = 0.0573 or 5.737o r Multistagingis simply the compression more cylinders in place of a singffitinaerof the gas in two or como"Jrro". l, iu usedin reciprocatingcompressors in order to(l) save power, (2) limit the gas discharge temperaru"q differential per cylinder. 4 ------r - rrt3 V, = Vo (1 + c) = (?.063) (1 + 0.0573) = 7.468 -* mrn ,- p,v, (101.35\ tn aRR\ = 20.41 hW ;;?JiilililJ;;:r""" kg 'l',=ffi=idffiffi=e.717 ;ff rvater Q,-, = rhrcn (T, - Tr) = (9.717) (-0.1808) (390.5 -ZggJ) in water out I-r mln = _159.5 ^1 (c) W= nth'RT, T.n + l(tl -rl IIP cyUnder = (131) (8.48) (0.25ee) (zss.7> [7 srO.ZztttJil - .'l Tl\lolsb/ -:l Y = -846.1 mln o" -14.1 kW (d)w,"*=qPR)*-! [121s.2711fH =(1.3eb) (8.48) (0.25ee) (2ss'7) l!0135i g- = -..309.b mrn or -14.49 kw ' '^oc - adiabatic ideal work brake work ' = 14'49 = 20.41 kW DraKe wofK 0J1 Cards, IiS ?2. Conventional 'rwo-Stage, No pressure Drop v _Fig.,23. Conventional Cards,. Two-Stage, with pressure Diop The figures abov-e-show the bvents ofthe conventional cards of a two-stage machin", *itl ifr* nigh pressure (Hp; srpe.posed on the low pressure (Lp). suition il th; ilp.ji"a*" begins at A and pry"Vai; in. Compression t-2 occurs and the gas is The discharged gas passes through the $yharc.ei interc*te" cooled by circulating water G Ii"*r "*ir-". through the interc*t." i"U"r. ".rd"is Co"uu"tio'Jfi,"it i, t:f7 entering the Pr = P' -- el rrpcvrindeTiu.ir,?,u-g*g;;^iil:;tt*mi*""1i$ assumed that the gas leaving the intercool:l '* Hft *u*kil*t=P**T'*'-**fr r must reexpand F-E fromtheGuuv^'--ot Iearance and Heat Tlansferred in Intercoolor The heat rejected in the intercooler is' c ; each cylinder because pe (LP cvlinder)' iirp tvu'ii"'i"*a cylinder W of the loLPlessure Pressure cYhnoer !\f = = + W of the high Problems of multistage adjust ll:.o*tution to practice Itis common works are donejn the work tbr comcompressor, *o tr'uiipii#;;*y:f ti":*imum cvlinders, p"u"""Jiil"t oru "^"'otf *: :liiiT:H:ftff#Til: " pressine . gi*'u" q;"iG of P, = Pr =.P*' weltave p,= yTF*'- i, i I for minimum intermediate pressure work sane' tlre t?la\work of eachcvlila"iillh" work cvlinder' or the since the workin each #;;;tJtwice for the two-stage -1\ ;1 ='+Pfel* 1-n l9'/ r w= "iffiLft,? _J 2nm'Rr,f-1P,$ A pressure drop "ide in the intercooler could t*o-ri"gr.oilpr"rrion when the intercooler cools the air to the tions : of part (b). ial liow much heat is exchanged in the intercooler? *p'"ttiin efficiency of 78Vo' what (e) For * ""*"ff-is required? driving motor outPut #trf,*{=+[tlt'i I l.Therearecompressedl'1'33m3/minofairfrom26'7"C' are 8Vo' L03.42kPa to 821.36 kPa' All clearance (a) Find the isentropic power and piston displacement for a single stage cornpresslon' required --=ft)-u*ing the,"-, a""t , nnd the minimum ideal work for initial ---6 temPerature. Fi"h trr" di-splacement of each cylinder for the condi- l;,,h toitrat of the HP stage' or where: P, = Qt" = m'cn (T, - T') the intercoolor where m' is the mass of gas passing through byifrgif .ili"der and delivered bv tho i Jro tfr" mass clrawnin HP cylinder). l#,Kkl*-1.#[ft]*-tr #T- = i- ;d l'rtrHFllrlr tllrtll Solution vf= Pr= Pz= rT rl - 11.33 m3/min 103.42 kPa 827.36 kPa 26.7 + 273 = 299.7 K be spread on each oi this ideal value' Pressure droP Pr=P,*--T-- 139 r =IilFR)* _(1.4) (108.42) l ftzgz.szttft;l N-mtz-t-il-J (i,l.BBi lTga.BqtY/ 1-1.4 - = (1.a)11s3.a2) (11.33) 1-1.4 L\ 1o&42l - | - 1416 # mln o" -28.6 kW Tqtal work - (2) (23.6) = -47.2 kW - 3327# ot -55.45 kw (c)n"=L+c--c l-&1 + =1+0.08-(0.08) = 0.9119 LP'l tr"=1+c-c vnrp=#=## =12.42# ' lezz'361.r =1+0.08-(0.08)h1ffi1 *' = n#, =,+ffiffi$?, = 18.62 tr. 11.33 _r^*o *t vo=#= mffi -'"'"Y min ,l-=- -,BT€ - (13.62) (0.2q2q81j299.7) 4.006 T3 = '3 292.52 Pa mln V; r/ vnur (b) 4006 rn3 =;jf = ffig = 4.393;fr p (d) Qrc = th'cn (Ts Pr Pa 103.42 kPa - Tr) (13.62) (1.0062) (299.7403.4) 827,36 kPa (e) Outpur of driving motor : p,=y'[];=@ **=+#F)* # 292.52kPa I = _ 1427 l&I- min =!7:? = 60.5 kW 0.79 lb/min of air from l4.B psia and gb,r to a final pressurer tf I gn psia'. $e lormal barometer is 29. g in. Hg and the tempern t rr ro is 80"F. The pressure drop in the intercooler is B paiand th, temperature of the air at the exit of the intercooler is g0,,1., tho speed is 210 rpm and pVt.er = C during compregeion und expansion. The clearance is E% for both cylinders. Ths temperature of the cooling water increase by iA F". Find (a) the volume offree air, (b) tlie discharge pressure ofthe low pr*rruro t4l cylinder for minimum work, (c) the tempprature at discharge from both low pressure and high pressure cylinders, (d) the mass of cooling water to be circulated about each cylinder and through the.intercooler, (e) the work, and (f) if, for the low pressure cylinder, IJD = 0.68 and if both cylinders have the sam: stroke, what should be the cylinder dimentions? m 90lb/min po (29.8) (0.491) = 14.63 Psia To 80+460=540oR Pr L4.3 psia Tr 90+460=550oR Pr 185 psia Low pressure cylinder = (143t(144) -' ffi|$) = r-* I + 0.0b{0.0b) Fzslt c-clfil = = 0.9178 vn =*= rB98 cfm 0.9173 = ' ru ;€g V, = VD (1 + c) = (1393) (1 + 0.0b) = L46Z cfm ;, =$1f= tra,'f*ggxpzr = 1oB rb/min Heat to water = Heat from air 1Zg2 cfm (rh*) (c,") (At*) tfffi#ffi#P = 12Bo crm (b) p- = ilFm, =J043) (185t= 51.4 psia pz= 5!.4+&= 52.9 psia rh*=----414-l f Btu\ (18F") \6F/ r, = r, r42 [*{* 767 oR = = (bbo) t#.f # Intercooler ,,trR^\ [Bzd #' ''"" =- , t,b:l+ - (550) Lffi] -= ,rr l-p, | =37.5 lb mrn High pressure cylinder .ll" (c) ps = 51.4 -9= +g.gpsia = er.z 678 Btu a* = BZ.E ,n t, [a s] = -675 Btu/min 6'RTr _ (90) (bB.B4) (bb0) Pr dhi Q"z = frrc" (T, - Tr) = (10S) (-0.0302 ) (767 - b50) l" Vi*:--l v" = *-ffi = (0.1?r4)Htf = -{.0302 D" = I + Solution (a) Vr= , (d) c, = '#' = 7G7'u, Q," = rir,co (\ - Tr) = (90) (0.24) (bbo - 767) =+osz Blt mln l4lj mass ofcooling wate" = {y 4L2.3 D2 = 400.5 lb D = 0.986 ft or 11.88 in. = 260.4 min L = 15.01 in. (e) Low pressure cylinder Three-Stage Compression nrh'RT, \i/. "LP -= l-n l7gt+ _ il L\prl ] (1.34) (e0) (53.34) (550) 1-t52.effi =@l\ra.si -jl '1 = - IP cylinder LP cylinder B!t' b2G5 mrn = -L24.2hp Fig. 24. Three-Stage Compression Total work, fr = (2) (-124.2) = *248.4 hp pV=C pV"=C (0 Low pressure cylinder py y^D44 =3.D2LN =!pe (0.68 D) (210) (2) = 224.3 D3 cfm Condltlone for nlnlnum rork 1) wr,p = wrp - PV"=C 2-P, 224.3 D3 = 1398 -PV" = C L = (1.84) (0.68) = L.25 ft or 15.01 in. High pressure cylinde ": p, (49.9) (144) e)TS =T3 =Tl I D = 1.84 ft or 22.08 in. v _ fi'Rr3 _ (eg) !5giq1) (?50) %p Fig. 25. conventiorrut cu"arlThree-stage, No pressure Dr'p ,,1'T,r, il =,,p'or. f&\.'-l = --1*-L\&i Zluf+If+l+- l=-I-n-[\d/ l-n l\Pr/ -l nm'Rro 11 = 36?.4 cfm \r'D --i;n-,- gal = 400'5 cfm Ufr* V^u44 =ID2LN =3D2 (t.zb) (210) (z) = 4Lz.g D2 cfm Pr P" Pn P, =F, = P, I P, = (PrPr) 2 P, = (P,Po) 2 (1) I (2) ft)T3-Tr=BgbK Solving equations (1) and (2) simultaneously, n-l p,=\/ir'p, and p, =t6trJ T /&\ -- =,ruc /3ss'olff/ = 411 K 'z = Trrgf/ "no (ib3;) 1-n [gf#-il l\P'r l 3nm'Rr, Problem Air is compressed from 103.4 kPa and 32"C to 4136 kPa by a three-stage compresor with value of n = 1.32. Determine (a) the work per kg of air and (b) the heat rejected in the intercool- Heat rejected in the first intercooler, Qrc= m'co (\ - Tr) = (1) (1.0062) (305 - 4rr) = -106.2 kI Total heat rejectred = (Z) (_t06.7) = _218.4 kJ ers. Solution p m lke Pr 103.4 kPa 4136 kPa 32"C + 273 = 305 K Po Tr (a) p, = (p,,pu)*= fioa.aX (4136j#= 353.6 kPa ,., _ 3nm'RT, 7&.* vY- l-n -1 l\P,)"-1.J L.IZJ - (3) (1.32) (1) (0.28708) (305) l/353.6\ r'32-11 r It| 1-1.31 _1 l]103.4/ I = - 376.2 kJ t47 IT il Review Problems 5. From a testjf an.air compressor ,t ' i 1. A reciprocating compressor handles 1000 cfm of air measured at intake where P, = 14 psia and t, = 80"F. The discharge pressure is 84 psia. Cdlculate the workifthe process * of compression is (a) isothermal, (b) polytropic with n L.25, and (c) isentropic. Ans. (a) -109.5 hp; (b) -131.7 hp; (c) - 143 hp 6. An air compressor with a clearance of 4Vo compresses ; I I f t cm 3. A double-acting compressor with c = 7Vo draws 40 lb per minute of air atl4.7 psia and 80"F and discharges it at 90 psia. Compression and expansion are polytropic with n = 1.28. Find (a) the work, (b) the heat rejected, and (c) the bore and stroke for 90 rpm and UID = L.25. Ans. (a) 77.68 hp;(b) -1057 Btu/min; (c) 18.96 x23.70 in' 4. A 14 x L2-in., single'cylinder, double-acting air compressor wit}'5.5Vo clearance operates atL25 rpm. The suction pressure and temperature arc14 psia and t00oF, respectively. The discharge pressure is 42 psia. Compression and expansion processes are polytropic, with n - 1.30. Determine (a) the volumetric effrciency, (b) the mass and volume at suction conditions handled each minute, (c) the work, (d) the heat rejected, (e) the indicated air. hp developed if the polytropic compression efficiency is 75Vo, and (f) the compression effrciency. Ans. (a)92.7Vo;(b) 247.8 cfm,L6.72lblmin; (c) -18.93 hp; (d) -175.7 Btu/min; (e) -25.24 hp; (f) 77.42Vo l4 f] o-ut"i,r.,a, capacity, 800 cfm; suction it t+.2 psia; disch;d;;; iio pri,,; indicated work of compressor,'i5S frp; indicated work ol. lhe steam engine, IZ2 hp^aCal..rlute (u) tt u.";p;;i""im.i"n.y and (b) the overall efficiency. Ans. (a) 90,06Vo; (b) Bt.t6qo 14.73 ms/min of airfrom gz kpa, z7ic 2. A twin-cylinder, double-acting, compressor with a clearance of \Vo draws in oxygen at 450 kPa, 17"C and discharges it at 1800 kPa. The mass flow rate is 20 kg/min, compression and expansion are polytropic with a = 1.25. Find (a) the work, (b) the heat transferred, and (c) the bore and stroke for 100 rpm and llD = 1.20. Ans. (a) -40.23 kW;(b) -829 kJ/min/ (c) 2L.71x25'76 driven direcily by a rt"uq engine, the following data and resurts ** I' to 462r<pa.If the overail adiabatic efficiency is 6rvo, d"t"r-i.r" the indicated horsepower of the directly connected driving steam engine. Ans. 91.89 hp 7. Methane is compressed in a two-stage, double_acting compressor which is electricaily driven at rbb rpm. The row pressure cylinder (3_0. E x Bb, b cm) receive, O. S6 pe r-mirrute of air at 96.b3 kpa,4B.B"C, *Jtfr" "" x !20..3 35.5 cm) discharges til" -"th* e at 7t7.06 kpa. The isothermal overall efficiencyi szq,%-.inanu and the kwoutput of the raotor. ; hish;;;iJ.r]ioa"" " Ans. 8O.02Vo,90.g6Vo + i, i'i A tw-ostage compressor with a clearance of *Voreceives ^^ ,9: 80lumin of air at 14 psia and 8E"F and dcrivers ii pri". The comp,ressions 1.g0, and"i1io the inter_ cooler cools the air Td-polyt*pi;;th " Uact to ar"i.. ri"Jfrl the worL, (bj li" rruut transferred in the various processes, i.ith" ;;;il,f#;^.irer"_ gtage m achine, (d) the correspondiog percentage s avin g for the two-stage_machine, and (f) tle water to be circulated _ -asiif through the intercooler if its t"*p"i"l.rre rise is 15 F". Ans. (a)-17_1.0 hp; (b) -Soz.S Bru/min; l.l _igie stu/ min; (d) _196 hp; (e) t2.4EVo; (ft igo lb/mi; 8 The Brayton Cycle Operation of a Simple Gas T\rrbine power plant Combustor To '*'/ Generator lr?: Compressor Turbine fi:-r-:i-::::i::a 1.,:".:':::Sinki.,' r...: r:: i : :r't..i: ... .:l F------ J Open Cycle Q* Closed Cycle Fig. 26 Diagrammatic Layout of Gas Turbine Units Air continuously enters the compressor 1. After compression, it enters the combustors, som'e of it going u"o,rrra tfru outside of the comhrrstion chamber proper and the remainder fulnish]1* oxygen for burning the fieljwhich ir-.orrti*orrrfv injected into the combustioniha-ber. Because of their temrise, the gases expand and enter the ryTlure turbine 3' After expansion through the turbine, the exhaustin state t. ilrt: atmosphere is in some condition 4. In an ordinary powor'r:r.t. arrangement, the work of the turbine W, is g"*i ,,,r,,,,gt, t,., drive the compressor W delive. U.ut ,, *,rrL W,, i,,',t,.iu,,, _and say, a generator or proptlllrlr; W, __ W,, I W,. Arr ,,*..il,,,,l H()r(.(, of power is needed to si lrrt :r liirH l.rrr.l'r'rrrr. rrrril.. Derivation of the formula for e Process 1-2: T =H"=FJT T2 = Fig.27. ,Air-standard Brayton (Joule) cycle . Tr"an.t (2) rok-t = ro Y (3) L-2 isentroPic conPression 2-3: constant-pressure addition of heat 3-4: isentroPicexPansion 4-tr; constant-pressure rejectionofheat Analysis of the BraYton CYcle Qo = mco (Tr - TJ Q* - DCo (Tr - T4) = *nrco (T4 - Tr) L-l t=Fl*= l-p LF Ta = Tn"*tt (4). k S = Q^ - Q* = mco'(Ts - TJ - mco (Tn - T,) Substituttuig equations (2) and (4) in (1). e = W = mc.(Tr-Tr)-mco(Tn-Tr) € =1- q@ e= +,-+ 1_ rg (1) - t2 1 .:= r-r r f 1-#I "J e-1- -11 =1-t- Total compressor work, W"=& -AH "o* W.= -mco(T, rL where rk = v +, the comPression ratio rppr= -P, I ttre pressure ratio Total turbine work, W, ={-AH W, - -mc, (T. - \) W, = mco (T, - T,) W--_ .,]. Net work, W or W" = W, - Point 3: W" Vg = v2 Problems: = e.7z) 4.s4 rtsnb tt.] L f+#fl = Point 4: Bray- an air-standard 1. The intake of the compressor of90oF' The compression and ton cycle is 40,000;;;it;sia turbine inletis 1440"F' ratio, rr = 5 andth-;;;;;'i""3t11" is 15 psia Dgterminl ll: ""' The exit pressure oiiftJi""tine pressure' ;;;;,;#;al efficiencv and the mean effective I t--* v=v l&l =@.94)ll+Z8lt"= .4 ,.LpJ \^rvrlLlbIz4.Tfttnb f-,, -lt -l r L'rJ 124:Ll ^ r.= r, i+l- = (leoo) l#l'o'= eesoR = 40,000 cfm Pr = L5 Psia T1 = 550'R T3 = 1900'R p4 = 15 psia r. = S =5 v2 v1 Compressor work, W = -{o (Tz - Tr) = - (0.24) (L047 - 550) = - 119.8 Btu/lb Turbine work, W, - co (T, - T.) = (0.24)(1900 - 99S) = 216.b Btu/lb K Net work, WB = W, - W" = 2L6.5 - 119.8 = g7.2 Btu/lb n =*,t Point 1: v1 (15x144X40,000) _ = --T5rilx550t 2945lb/min Pz T2 I ll4 f Heat added, Q 2945 vl 13.58 2.72fbs/,b = -= rkD= --=- = 142'8 Psia = Prf**-t = (15X5)" = = Trr*k-r = (550X5)1:a 1= 1047"R = c, (T, - Tr) = (0.24) (1900 -1047) = 2A4.7 Btu/lb 0.4748 or 47.48?o = +Qo= V2204.7 = v, 4o.ooo = 13.58 fta^b --= - IiI Point 2: v2 = 6751 hp = W_Q945) 42.4 p. =g = vD= =-luv, -% (97.2) (778) 6+7 _ zlz) tt,t,n _ = 23.89 psi 2' There are required 2288 kwnet from r,rrr'rrrr* rrrrrl lirr'prrmpi.g of crude oil from thc Nrrth Arrrrrkrrrr '11:rs ,.rr,1*, .i* thc gg"n?l-r compressor scction at '|'irt'(!r'$ kPr, ltzH ti, rrr* lr*ee IFE