DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 18 July 2024 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION Subj: STRUCTURED DIVESTMENT APPROACH Ref: (a) SECNAV memo, The Department of Navy’s Recommitment to Operation CATTLE DRIVE, 17 Mar 2023 (b) DON CIO Cattle Drive Playbook, 07 July 2023 (c) DON CTO memo, INVESTMENT HORIZONS CHARTS, 3 Apr 2024 (d) DON CTO memo, LEVERAGING WORLD CLASS ALIGNMENT METRICS (WAM), 7 Mar 2024 (e) DON CTO memo, STRUCTURED PILOTING APPROACH, 26 Apr 2024 (f) DON CTO memo, STRUCTURED CHALLENGES APPROACH, 24 May 2024 1. Purpose. To share industry best practices and information to drive structured divestments in support of accelerating modernization and transformation of Information Technology (IT) solutions systems/environments. The Navy’s vast number of systems and applications dilutes the focus on warfighter’s needs and therefore, we must “sunset or rationalize unneeded, obsolete, unproductive, unsecure and un-auditable IT” capabilities as directed in reference (a). The structured divestment approach is the execution of the Under Secretary of the Navy’s direction to “aggressively identifying, assessing and ultimately eliminating redundant system” in reference (a) and is the execution of Navy’s Operation Cattle Drive. Per reference (b), “the Cattle Drive process allows for smarter investments that drive modernization across each of the IT mission areas.” 2. Background. a. “The proliferation of IT applications creates unnecessary complexity that hinders our ability to achieve informational advantage” as stated in reference (a). “The objective of Cattle Drive is to accelerate the modernization and transformation of the DON’s IT capabilities by ensuring that decisions made to sunset unneeded, obsolete, unproductive, and/or un-auditable IT systems or applications,” as stated in reference (b). The use of horizon charts as described in reference (c) allows for visualizing redundant and overlapping capabilities. The investment horizon construct provides established criteria that PEOs may use to evaluate candidate capabilities to prioritize divestment, which is the transition from Horizon 1 to Horizon 0 (Retire or Decommissioning) per reference (c). b. “Cattle Drive’s goal is not only to identify “savings” within portfolios, but to divest resources from obsolete or duplicative capabilities and realign those resources into systems, applications, and networks that provide modern, secure, auditable capabilities for our Warfighters” as stated in reference (b). In addition, Cattle Drive is a means to increase the cybersecurity of the DON’s IT networks through elimination of legacy DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 systems that contain inherent cybersecurity vulnerabilities or are no longer supported by the original developers. c. Described below is the process for advancing capabilities across Investment Horizons. i Advancing from Horizon 1 to Horizon 0: Horizon 1 consists of capabilities the PEO funds while they are being utilized and sustained, thus value is being extracted from the technology. The criteria for a capability to advance from Horizon 1 to Horizon 0 include: ● Modern Service Delivery (MSD) compliant technology replaces legacy technology (capability is a candidate for divestment) ● Perform Enterprise Service self-assessment. When the criteria to advance is met, a capability moves to Horizon 0, which consists of divestments, including enterprise-wide technology divestments enabled by the PEO. d. The use of World Class Alignment Metrics (WAMs), per reference (d), directly supports making data-centric decisions and contributes to validating the movement across Investment Horizons to include moving to Horizon 0, retire/decommission. WAMs are the primary input to “a data-driven process to provide better visibility into our IT portfolios, allowing for smarter investments” as demanded in reference (a). e. Structured divestments, which is a critical element of Operation Cattle Drive, are based on the need for accelerated modernization and transformation. Structured piloting and structured challenges approaches are best practices that focus on rapidly injecting new technology or capabilities. By utilizing structure piloting and challenges, organizations can easily ensure the new technologies better aligned to warfighting needs while rationalizing duplicative systems (reference (e) and (f)). 3. Implementation Best Practices. The DON CIO, in coordination with FM&C, will be the lead champion for Cattle Drive across all mission areas. The following actions are best practices: a. Leverage WAMs to enrich data-centric decision making. b. Use Horizon Investment Charts to assess where redundant capabilities and technologies can create Cattle Drive candidates. c. Report divestment analysis results to DON CIO and FM&C via established Cattle Drive governance bodies or DON CTO form posted on DON CTO Teams (Horizon 0 sub-channel). This will support knowledge sharing and identify cross-functional opportunities for resource allocation and reinvestment. d. When possible, redirect divestment savings to technologies compliant with Modern Service Delivery Design Concepts that transition to enterprise services based on WAM data. “Funds that are self-identified which can be realigned from sustaining legacy systems and applications into expediting the delivery of modernized, secure DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 e. f. g. h. capabilities” and are not intended to be harvested for offsetting shortfalls per reference (a). Encourage collaboration with the Science and Technology communities to prioritize research of emerging technologies for replacing outdated legacy technologies. Leverage and incorporate the expertise of relevant DON Deputy CIOs, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet or Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command when executing activities under Cattle Drive. Incorporate the use of Investment Horizons in IT Portfolio Divestment Strategies as a standard practice for tracking the activities of divesting capabilities. Submit divestment results via form posted on the DON CTO Teams channel (Horizon 0 sub-channel posting) to capture divestments not submitted via the established FMB Cattle Drive guidance, PPBE processes, and other established policy. 4. Coordination. The DON CIO POCs for this effort is Ms. Elizabeth (Beth) Caswell, [Chief Digital Innovation Officer (Acting)] and Mr. Justin Fanelli, [Chief Technology Officer (Acting)]. Digitally signed by FANELLI.JUSTIN FANELLI.JUSTIN.M.1244121 272 .M.1244121272 Date: 2024.07.29 16:23:27 -04'00' __________________________ Justin M. Fanelli Department of the Navy Chief Technology Officer (Acting) Distribution: UNSECNAV VCNO ACMC ASN (RD&A) ASN (M&RA) ASN (EI&E) ASN (FM&C) DON CIO DUSN SACPO NCIS CNR CHINFO DALO DASN (RDT&E) DASN (M&B) DASN (E&LM) DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 DASN (IWAR) DASN (P) DASN (UxS) DASN (AIR) DASN (GROUND) DNS DMCS OPNAV OPNAV (N1/N2N6/N3N5/N4/N7/N8/N9) HQMC (DC I/C4) HQMC (DC P&R) HQMC (DC M&RA) DON Deputy CIO (Navy) DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps) FLTCYBERCOM/10THFLT COMNAVAIRSYSCOM COMNAVSEASYSCOM COMNAVWARSYSCOM COMNAVSUPSYSCOM COMNAVRESFORCOM COMNAVSPECWARCOM COMNAVFACENGCOM COMUSFLTFORCOM COMMARFORCOM COMPACFLT COMUSNAVEUR/AF/C6F COMUSNAVCENTCOM COMNAVSO COMNAVSPECWARCOM COMOPTEVFOR PCA PEO (Digital) PEO (MLB) PEO (C4I) PEO (IWS) PEO (A) PEO (T) PEO (U&W) ONR ONI NRL NIA CNIC BUMED BUPERS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 DIRSSP COMNAVDIST COMNAVSAFECEN USNA FLDSUPPACT NAVHISTHERITAGECOM NETC NAVPGSCOL NAVWARCOL MARCORSYSCOM MARFORCYBER MARCORLOGCOM MCICOM TECOM MCRC MCCS MARFOREUR MARFORPAC MCIA MCCDC MCTSSA MARFORRES Copy to: GC IG AUDGEN OSBP NAVIG JAG AGC RD&A COMNAVLEGSVCO