COMPUTER ARCHITECT Assignment 1 a) With the aid of circuit diagrams , describe each of the following semiconductor memory cell: i) ii) SRAM; DRAM. b) Draw a timing waveforms for each of the following: i) SRAM memory read cycle; ii) DRAM memory write cycle. c) Differentiate between partial- and full- memory decoding , stating the merit of each. d) A 256K x8 memory is constructed from 32Kx 4 RAM IC devices. i) Determine the number of RAM chips required; ii) Determine the size of the decoder required; iii) Draw a Schematic-block diagram for the memory implementation. 2 a) Describe each of the following I/O techniques: i) ii) iii) Programmed; Interrupt; Block or DMA. b) State the main characteristics of each of the following computers, stating the Merits and Demerits of each: i) CISC; ii) RISC. 3. a) With the aid of a block- schematic diagram show how the 8086 CPU can be interfaced to Four 32KX 8 SRAM memories whose address ranges from C0000H. Use decoders , buffers and gates to accomplish your design b) Design a block Schematic diagram for an I/O port interface, using a Decoder, for the following 8-bit I/O ports: 10H, 12H, 14H, 16H, and 18H, 1AH, 1CH and 1EH. 1 4) Two computer systems are defined as follows: System 1: An 8086, Two banks of 16KX8 ROM, Two banks of 16KX8 RAM, Octal Keypad, 8LED Display. The ROM address stars from F0000h while RAM Start address is 00000H. The I/O’s occupy the uppermost address of the computer. System 2: An 8086, one 8087, Two banks of 32KX8 ROM, Two banks of 26KX8 RAM, Hexadecimal Keypad, Four(4) LCD Display. The ROM address stars from F0000h while RAM Start address is 80000H. The I/O’s occupy the uppermost address of the computer. a) Draw the memory Map of each system, b) Draw detailed Block Schematic-block diagram of each system. Include Decoders, Clock generators, Buffers , Transceivers etc. Also indicate the status of crucial signals required to configure the system appropriately. 2