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AI Threat to Humanity: Speech on AI Risks & Ethics

Artificial Intelligence is a Threat to Humanity:
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and esteemed audience. My name is Muhammad Junaid,
from The City School International, Dubai.
Of all the history of known human achievements, the progress in Artificial Intelligence stands as
one of a crowning achievement, a testament of our boundless, limitless pursuit of progress. Yet,
as we celebrate the astonishing capabilities of AI, we must also confront and brace reality of its
potential threats to humanity.
Let me share an example. I, personally, am in love with Quantum physics. And I have an
example to elaborate a bit more.
Consider for a moment the profound mechanics of quantum physics—a prestige science that
transcends the boundaries of classical understanding and digs into the very fabric of reality itself.
In the mysterious world of quantum mechanics, particles can exist in a state of superposition,
simultaneously occupying multiple states until observed. This inherent uncertainty challenges
our most fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality, reminding us that the universe is
far more complex and mysterious than we can possibly comprehend.
Now what relevance does quantum physics hold for the discourse on Artificial Intelligence, one
might ask?
For me, the answer lies in the profound parallels between the two realms. Just as quantum
particles exist in a state of superposition, so does AI overlap the line between promise and peril,
offering both unprecedented opportunities and existential risks to humanity. And just as the act of
observation collapses the wave function in quantum mechanics, so too do our choices and
actions shape the trajectory of AI development, determining whether it serves as a force for good
or a harbinger of doom.
There is not doubt that there is an uncertain landscape, and we must confront the multiple
challenges posed by AI with courage, foresight, and unwavering resolve.
The societal impact of AI cannot be overstated:
1. As it reshapes industries.
2. It redefines labour markets.
3. Transforms the very fabric of our social interactions.
There is a bleak promise of efficiency and convenience, but cannot turn your face from:
1. The spectre of widespread unemployment.
2. The economic inequality.
3. The Social unrest.
And then, the favourite one, the Ethical Dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas raised by AI are as complex
as they are profound.
As machines/robots become increasingly autonomous, questions of accountability, transparency,
and moral agency loom large.
1. Who bears responsibility when AI systems error?
2. Who bears responsibility when AI behave in ways unforeseen by their creators?
3. Who bears responsibility when AI doesn’t align with our values and doesn’t respect
fundamental human rights?
These are not abstract concerns but pressing issues that demand urgent attention and deliberation.
After all, this is ‘Artificial’ intelligence. Its named ‘artificial’ for a reason. This intelligence is the
only things that parts us from all other creatures and make us the dominant specie in the world.
Of all the concepts in the world, intelligence should have been the last thing that should have
been prefixed with the word ‘artificial’. The complexity of ethical/moral dilemmas far outweighs
the ‘advantages.
How artificial? Real-life example?
I asked ChatGPT and BARD, tell me if you are a threat for humanity. With a bit of tips and
tricks, it went on and on and on, summary-line, now chat gpt ‘learned’ that it is the biggest threat
to humanity. Sigh!!
This might seem to be a joke, but potential for misuse and unintended errors, AI poses grave
risks to global security and stability that might be ranging from autonomous weapons systems to
cyber warfare.
We stand at an important cross-road—as the choices we make today/now will shape the destiny
of our species for generations to come.
Don’t get me wrong, with all the uncertainty and apprehension, there is hope.
For as much as AI poses risks, it also puts forward, opportunities to address some of most
pressing problems. Advancing scientific discovery, revolutionizing healthcare and education, the
potential for good is immense.
But, realizing this power, requires:
Technical innovation
Govern and Regulate power of AI.
Transparency and accountability should be the core.
Invest to educate general masses to understand what they are up against.
In closing, let us remember that AI is not all that bad. The fundamental concept of replacing
intelligence with that of artificial intelligence might be flawed. But with proper, precise,
calculated navigation of this uncertain terrain, we might be able to tame AI for our good.
Its disruptive, for sure, but if it becomes destructive, no one wins.
Thank you.